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Integrative and Comparative Biology, volume 50, number 4, pp.



Evolutionary Loss of Animal Regeneration: Pattern and Process

Alexandra E. Bely1
Biology Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA
From the symposium Animal Regeneration: Integrating Development, Ecology and Evolution presented at the annual
meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, January 37, 2010, at Seattle, Washington.

Synopsis The ability to regenerate lost or damaged body parts is widespread among animals and provides obvious
potential benefits. It is therefore perplexing that this ability has become greatly restricted or completely lost in many
lineages. Despite growing interest in the cellular and molecular basis of regeneration, our understanding of how and why
regenerative abilities are lost remains rudimentary. In an effort to develop a framework for studying losses of regener-
ation, here I outline an approach for rigorously identifying such losses, review broad patterns of regenerative ability
across animals, describe some of the clearest examples of regeneration loss, discuss some possible scenarios by which
regeneration may be lost, and review recent work in annelids that is providing new insights into loss of regenerative

Introduction approach. It will be necessary to identify unambigu-

The evolutionary loss of regenerative ability repre- ous losses of regeneration through comparative
sents a fundamental and perplexing problem in bi- studies interpreted in a phylogenetic context, to
ology. Although the complex question of how many reveal the ecological correlates and developmental
times regeneration has evolved anew among animals basis of such losses, and to formulate and test
remains to be resolved, it is evident that regenerative specific models for how and why loss of regeneration
ability is widespread. Regeneration provides obvious occurs. Investigating a broad range of animals in this
benefits to an injured individual, yet regenerative way will also be essential in order to assess the extent
abilities appear to have been greatly restricted or to which regeneration loss proceeds in a similar way
completely lost in many animal lineages (Bely and across different groups.
Nyberg 2010). Why should regenerative abilities As a step towards focusing efforts on this fasci-
ever be lost and how do such losses occur? nating phenomenon, here I begin developing a
Although regeneration has long fascinated humans framework for identifying and investigating regener-
(Morgan 1901; Dinsmore 1991), undoubtedly in ation losses in the Metazoa, review available data
part because of our own frustratingly limited regen- bearing on this topic, and suggest important avenues
erative potential, and although the process of regen- for future research. Specifically, I outline how to
eration has now been analyzed in considerable detail identify regeneration losses rigorously; review broad
in a few model organisms (Sanchez et al. 2006; patterns of regenerative ability across animals; de-
Carlson 2007; Brockes and Kumar 2008), our under- scribe some of the clearest examples of regeneration
standing of why and how regenerative abilities are loss; discuss some possible scenarios by which regen-
lost (and possibly gained) through evolution remains eration may be lost; and review recent data in anne-
extremely limited. lids that are providing new insights. Although
Developing a good understanding of the ultimate regeneration can occur at a range of biological
and proximate mechanisms of the loss of regenera- levels of organization (cells, tissues, internal organs,
tion will require a targeted and multidisciplinary structures) (Bely and Nyberg 2010), here I focus

Advanced Access publication August 19, 2010

The Author 2010. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. All rights reserved.
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516 A. E. Bely

specifically on the regeneration of structures (e.g., reproduction), this can also strengthen the case for
limbs, fins, heads, tails), as loss of such structures the absence of regeneration. For example, if ampu-
occurs widely in nature and thus structure-level re- tated animals continue to grow or reproduce during
generation has a clear ecological and evolutionary the trial, even as they fail to regenerate, this demon-
context. strates that individuals have sufficient resources
available for these other processes and that these re-
Identifying losses of regeneration sources can be mobilized under the experimental
How to identify losses of regeneration conditions.
Once thorough experiments on regenerative ability
Identifying lineages that have lost regenerative abili- have been completed, the resulting data should be
ties is an obvious first step in studying regeneration
interpreted in the context of a robust phylogeny to
loss. Although loss of regeneration is thought to have
reconstruct the pattern of evolution of regeneration.
occurred in many groups of animal and the optimal
Although the loss of regeneration is generally as-
approach for recognizing such cases is straightfor-
sumed to be much more likely than the gain of re-
ward in principle, regeneration losses have rarely
generation, non-regenerating species should not
been identified rigorously. Identifying losses of re-
necessarily be assumed to represent losses (Brockes
generation requires both thorough comparative ex-
et al. 2001); gains of regeneration, although poorly
periments on regenerative ability and a robust
documented, are certainly possible. A loss of regen-
phylogenetic framework for interpreting the pattern
eration is most easily identified when non-
of the evolution of regeneration. Comparative exper-
regenerating taxa are nested well within clades that
iments on regenerative ability should be performed
otherwise have the ability to regenerate. When the
on a range of species in the target group and homol-
phylogenetic distribution of the presence/absence of
ogous regions of the body should be removed in
each species to ensure that amputations represent a regeneration makes the polarity of change less obvi-
comparable challenge across the species tested. If ous, additional taxonomic sampling or further work
successful regeneration ensues, the presence of regen- on the developmental basis of regeneration (or fail-
eration is demonstrated unambiguously. However, ure of regeneration) may be necessary in order to
demonstrating the absence of regenerative potential confidently reconstruct the direction of evolutionary
is inherently problematic, since absence of evidence change.
is not evidence for absence. If regeneration does not In practice, the approach outlined above has rarely
occur (or does not occur normally), further studies been followed. Thus, although a number of losses of
should be performed to confirm the inability of the regeneration have been tentatively identified, most
species in question to regenerate successfully under a still await rigorous confirmation. A number of chal-
broad range of biologically relevant conditions. For lenges have hindered the identification of regenera-
example, amputations should be performed on indi- tion losses thus far. First, published information on
viduals at different life-history stages (e.g., young/ regenerative ability remains limited. For many
old, sexually immature/mature), of different nutri- animal groups, even some entire phyla, there is
tional status (e.g., starved/well fed), and under dif- simply no information on regenerative ability
ferent environmental conditions (e.g., different (Fig. 1) (Bely and Nyberg 2010), and if documen-
temperatures) to determine whether the success of tation is available, it is often available for only a tiny
regeneration is merely a function of one of these fraction of the species in a group. Furthermore, only
variables. If such follow-up studies demonstrate a few studies have systematically performed studies
that, rather than completely losing regeneration, a of regenerative ability using comparable amputations
lineage has experienced a great narrowing in the con- across a range of related species (e.g., Scadding 1977,
ditions permissive of regeneration, this may itself be 1981; Vollrath 1990; Wagner and Misof 1992; Bely
of considerable interest for understanding early and Sikes 2010). Instead, most available data on the
stages of regeneration loss (see next section). distribution of regeneration are gleaned from
Controls are especially important in trials of species single-species laboratory studies (typically develop-
suspected of not regenerating. Uncut individuals mental or physiological studies) or field studies re-
should be maintained to gauge the rate of mortality porting naturally regenerating individuals, such that
under the experimental conditions so comparisons amputations and conditions are often inconsistent
can be made with cut animals. If it is possible to across species. Follow-up studies to confirm the ab-
assess during the trial the investment by individuals sence of regeneration under a range of conditions are
into other developmental processes (e.g., growth, rarely conducted.
Regeneration loss in animals 517

model organism Caenorhabditis elegans cannot regen-

erate at the structure level, such as after a trans-
verse body amputation (although this speci es is
capable of axonal regeneration; Yanik et al. 2004).
Indeed, this species, and possibly nematodes in gen-
eral, appear unable to wound-heal or even to survive
body amputation because high internal pressure
causes internal organs to be propelled from the
body following a breach of the body wall. I could
find no published documentation for this inability to
survive body amputation or to regenerate, however,
despite the fact that C. elegans is one of the most
intensively studied animals in biology. The bias
against publishing failure of regeneration has likely
been pervasive, and this should be considered care-
fully whenever information on regenerative ability is
gleaned solely from the published literature. Ignoring
this potential bias may lead to the false impression
that certain groups (e.g., planaria, echinoderms, as-
cidians) are uniformly good regenerators.
Third, reconstructing evolutionary changes in re-
generative ability has been hampered by the lack of
formal mapping onto robust phylogenies in some
groups. Even if good information is available on
the regenerative ability of many species in a group,
without an estimate of their relationships it is simply
not possible to reconstruct evolutionary changes in
regenerative ability. The fact that regenerative ability
appears common in a group does not imply that it is
necessarily ancestral; if the most deeply branching
lineages are all non-regenerating, or the developmen-
tal basis of regeneration differs in fundamental ways
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic distribution of regenerative ability across the among lineages, a gain of regeneration may be a
Metazoa. Regeneration is scored at two levels of organization: more likely reconstruction (e.g., Garza-Garcia et al.
whole-body and structure-level regeneration. Whole-body 2010). One group in which considerable information
regeneration is defined as the ability to regenerate every part of is available but no formal mapping has been per-
the body, although not necessarily simultaneously. Structure-level formed is spiders. Many species can regenerate
regeneration is defined as the ability to regenerate a multicellular
structure of the organism (e.g., a head, tail, limb, or siphon)
their legs and many species cannot (Vollrath 1990).
and excludes regeneration of internal organs or tissues. Black Until these data are mapped onto a robust phyloge-
indicates that regenerative abilities are present in the phylum ny, viewing non-regenerating species as representing
(regardless of whether non-regenerating species are also known losses should be considered tentative at best. A relat-
from the phylum). White indicates that there is at least one ed problem inherent in character mapping is the ne-
substantiated report for the lack of regeneration in the phylum, cessity to make assumptions about the relative
and no evidence for the presence of regeneration. ? indicates probability of gains versus losses. There is extremely
uncertainty in the phylogenetic position of this lineage. Modified
limited knowledge of this for regeneration, leading
from Bely and Nyberg (2010).
different authors to sometimes make opposite con-
clusions about the polarity of change, based on the
Second, even for groups for which a considerable same information (Brockes et al. 2001). Even if rea-
amount of published information is available, there sonable estimates of the probabilities of transition
has undoubtedly been a strong publication bias can be obtained, these are likely to be taxon-specific
against reporting failure of regeneration. The absence and not easily applied more broadly.
of regeneration is often interpreted as inconclusive, Finally, the problem of homology is significant
uninteresting, or simply not worth publishing. As an when different species exhibit high morphological
example, it is widely known that the nematode disparity. Comparing regenerative potential across
518 A. E. Bely

different animal phyla, for instance, is inherently hydrozoans have representatives capable of regener-
problematic because homologizing body parts is dif- ating a complete individual from just a tiny fragment
ficult at best, and can be downright nonsensical. For of the original, while at the other extreme, groups
example, regeneration of sea star arms is a classic such as nematodes, leeches, and birds appear to be
example of regeneration in deuterostomes, yet it is nearly or entirely unable to regenerate any structure.
not possible to homologize sea star arms in any Are there broad patterns to this variation?
simple way to structures in other deuterostomes, Among animals, all of the outgroup lineages to the
such as hemichordates or chordates. Unlike the protostomes and deuterostomes include powerful re-
first three challenges listed above, which can be ad- generators; sponges, cnidarians, placozoans, cteno-
dressed relatively easily through targeted efforts, the phores, and acoels each have representatives that can
homology problem is not easily overcome. regenerate following a range of amputations, even
Comparisons of regeneration across highly divergent severe ones, and all have representatives with the po-
taxa may need to focus specifically upon gains and tential to regenerate every structure in the body (Fig.
losses of homologous developmental processes, 1). These groups also have few or no known species
rather than upon gains and losses of the ability to incapable of regeneration. Given this information, it
regenerate homologous morphological structures. seems likely that the common ancestor of animals,
It should be noted that the cellular and molecular and early animals in general, were good regenerators.
basis of regeneration can serve as an important Consistent with this conclusion, many simple,
source of evidence supporting or refuting the hy- soft-bodied animals today have high regenerative abil-
pothesis of homology of regeneration across taxa, ities. The alternative scenario, that most or all of these
bearing directly on how gains and losses of regener- animal lineages acquired regenerative abilities indepen-
ation are reconstructed. Obtaining this kind of infor- dently, seems unlikely, although this possibility cannot
mation requires sustained, targeted efforts and a be formally excluded based on available data.
considerable financial investment, and it is thus cur- Within the main bilaterian clade, comprised of the
rently not possible to use this approach across large deuterostomes, ecdysozoans, and lophotrochozoans,
comparative datasets. As the process of regeneration regenerative abilities are, by contrast, highly variable
becomes increasingly well understood in a few model (Fig. 1) (Needham 1952; Vorontsova and Liosner
organisms, however, comparing findings across these 1960; Goss 1969; Bely and Nyberg 2010). While re-
models will become a key source of information for generation of structures occurs in all three of these
inferring how regenerative capabilities have evolved bilaterian clades (e.g., regeneration of siphons of
(e.g., Garza-Garcia et al. 2010). With the advent of ascidians, limbs of arthropods, heads and tails of
molecular technologies that can be applied across a planarians), many taxa in all three clades are capable
wide array of organisms (e.g., RNA interference, of only limited regeneration, or of no regeneration at
next-generation sequencing), it is becoming feasible all (e.g., birds, nematodes, leeches). Assuming the
to branch out from a model system to investigate the ancestral animal could regenerate well, these non-
regenerative process in close relatives. Such studies regenerating bilaterians must represent losses of re-
will undoubtedly provide a rich source of informa- generation at some level, but determining when
tion for evaluating where losses and gains of regen- losses occurred relative to their closest regenerating
eration have occurred across animals. relatives is not necessarily straightforward. This is
because, although this phenomenon remains poorly
documented, regenerative abilities can surely increase
Overview of regenerative abilities across the as well as decrease, and the pattern and timing of
Metazoa gains and losses can therefore be difficult to evaluate.
As discussed above, comparing regenerative ability The distribution of regeneration of tails across major
across phyla is inherently problematic because body groups of vertebrates illustrates this point. The tails
plans are so divergent that it is difficult to compare of fish, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, and birds are
the ability to regenerate specific, homologous body homologous, but the ability to regenerate this body
parts. Even so, evaluating broad patterns in regener- region varies considerably among them. Available ev-
ative ability across the Metazoa is useful background idence suggests that cartilaginous and ray-finned fish
for identifying losses of regeneration. Even a cursory cannot regenerate their tails (the tail fin of some fish
survey of regenerative ability reveals marked varia- can regenerate, but not the bony elements), some
tion among animals (Vorontsova and Liosner 1960; amphibians can, mammals cannot, many lizards
Goss 1969; Bely and Nyberg 2010). At one extreme, can, and birds cannot (Needham 1952; Vorontsova
some groups such as sea stars, planaria, sponges, and and Liosner 1960; Goss 1969). The evolutionary
Regeneration loss in animals 519

pattern of regeneration of tails is clearly not simple column composed of vertebrae (Etheridge 1959;
even within vertebrates, as it must involve multiple Arnold 1984; Bellairs and Bryant 1985; Seligmann
gains and/or multiple losses. In vertebrates, as in et al. 2008).
many other bilaterian groups in which regenerative The distribution of regeneration of fins in fish
ability is variable, confidently reconstructing the pat- provides another likely example of regeneration
tern of the evolution of regeneration will require ad- loss. Fin regeneration occurs in lungfish (an out-
ditional sampling, rigorous phylogenetic mapping, group to the teleosts), salmoniforms and esociforms
and optimally, data on the developmental basis of (which together likely represent the sister group to
regeneration. the spiny-rayed teleosts), and numerous species of
spiny-rayed teleosts (the most diverse group of
Some likely losses of regeneration living teleosts), including the cyprinodontiforms,
atheriniforms, and perciforms (Wagner and Misof
In some animal groups, the case for loss of regener- 1992 and references therein). However, regeneration
ation is quite strong. One of the clearest examples of fins appears to be absent or heteromorphic (pro-
comes from a recent study on annelids indicating ducing a misshapen, abnormal fin) in representatives
that multiple losses of the ability to regenerate the of at least three groups of spiny-rayed teleosts: the
head have occurred within a subfamily of aquatic scorpaeniforms, the cyprinodontiforms, and the per-
clitellates, the Naidinae (Bely and Sikes 2010; see ciforms (Wagner and Misof 1992). In the context of
penultimate section). Comparative experiments on a recent summary of fish phylogeny (Nelson 2006),
regenerative ability were performed on a range of this distribution would suggest that regeneration of
species and, in each, the species-specific number of fins is ancestral for fish and that there have been
head segments was removed, such that amputa- multiple losses of normal fin regeneration.
tions represented a comparable challenge across spe- A number of additional animal groups are known
cies. Mapping results onto a molecular phylogeny to possess a mix of species (sometimes even very
indicated that three losses of the ability to regenerate closely related species) that can and cannot regen-
the head have occurred in this group. erate a specific body region, a pattern suggestive of
Although this study represents the first to explic- loss of regeneration. Such groups include arachnids,
itly map regenerative ability onto a phylogeny as a hexapods, annelids, platyhelminths, nemerteans,
means of reconstructing the pattern of losses, data hemichordates, urochordates, and amphibians,
from several other groups suggest additional likely among others (Needham 1952; Kolmayer and
losses when interpreted in the context of current un- Stephan-Dubois 1960; Vorontsova and Liosner
derstanding of phylogenetic relationships. For exam- 1960; Stephan-Dubois and Bautz 1975; Scadding
ple, in lepidosaur vertebrates (lizards and close 1977, 1981; Vollrath 1990; Tsonis 2000; Brockes
relatives), the ability to regenerate the tail is wide- et al. 2001; Bely 2006). Although it is likely that
spread, having been reported in the tuatara (the many of the non-regenerating taxa represent losses
sister group to the rest of the lepidosaurs), geckos, of regeneration, better sampling and formal phyloge-
skinks, iguanids, some agamids, chameleons, and netic mapping are needed in most cases to provide
lacertids, but it appears to be absent in a few evidence for this.
groups, including snakes, amphisbaenids, and some Finally, although comparisons of regeneration
agamids (Gans 1978; Arnold 1984; Bellairs and among phyla are inherently problematic, owing to
Bryant 1985; Seligmann et al. 2008). Based on a the extreme morphological disparity among groups,
recent phylogeny of the group (Vidal and Hedges a broad, phylum-level view of animal regeneration
2005), this distribution strongly suggests that tail re- nevertheless suggests that an important restriction
generation is ancestral for lepidosaurs and that the in regenerative ability occurred near the base of the
non-regenerating groups likely represent at least Ecdysozoa, the molting clade of bilaterians. While
three independent losses of the ability to regenerate non-bilaterians, acoels, deuterostomes, and lophotro-
the tail. Further support for tail regeneration being chozoans each possess many representatives capable
ancestral (and thus for the lack of tail regeneration of whole-body regeneration (defined as being able
being derived) comes from the regeneration process to regenerate every part of the body), no such abil-
itself. When regeneration of the tail occurs in lepi- ities are known from ecdysozoans (Fig. 1).
dosaurs, it consistently produces a regenerated tail Furthermore, while there is ample evidence that a
that is distinctly different from the original; most broad range of body structures (e.g., heads, tails,
notably, the regenerated tail has a continuous, carti- limbs, siphons) can potentially regenerate in the
laginous rod at its center rather than an articulated other two main bilaterian clades (the deuterostomes
520 A. E. Bely

and lophotrochozoans), the only structure-level re- advantage, then it could be lost as a neutral trait. A
generation known from ecdysozoans is the regenera- straightforward scenario under which regeneration
tion of arthropods appendages (limbs and antennae) might be neutral is if the structure in question is infre-
(Vorontsova and Liosner 1960; Goss 1969). quently lost or damaged in nature. There is ample
Regeneration of appendages occurs in many, al- evidence that even traits recently under strong selection
though by no means all, arthropods, and because can be rapidly lost or modified when selection in
regeneration in arthropods depends on molting, no the wild becomes relaxed (Lahti et al. 2009).
regeneration can occur in individuals after their ter- Sublethal predation is a prevalent cause of regeneration
minal molt. The inferred restriction of regenerative in nature (Lindsay 2010), and thus this is presumably
ability near the base of the Ecdysozoa likely repre- a common selective force maintaining regeneration.
sents the oldest major loss of regeneration repre- A simple change in predator-prey dynamics that
sented among metazoans, and may have been decreases the frequency of sublethal predation in a
related to the evolution of the protective cuticle population could therefore lead to regeneration no
characteristic of this clade. longer being actively maintained. Regeneration could
also be neutral if the functional importance of
The process of loss of regeneration the structure in question is so high that the animal
Very little work has been aimed at understanding the cannot survive without it long enough to regenerate
process of regeneration loss, and we therefore know it, or so low that the structure is not worth replacing
little about why and how this process occurs. For given the costs of replacement (Goss 1969; Reichman
well over a century there has been speculation 1984). Neutral loss of regeneration could also occur
about the factors leading to loss of regeneration if previously tight developmental pleiotropies between
(Morgan 1901; Dinsmore 1991; Goss 1992; Wagner regeneration and another process (e.g., embryogenesis)
and Misof 1992; Bely and Nyberg 2010), but there simply break down, such that redeployment of the
remains a real need to define and evaluate specific latters developmental program is no longer possible
evolutionary and developmental scenarios that could in the adult stage (Galis et al. 2003). This scenario
account for this phenomenon. To begin developing a could explain decreases in regenerative ability that
framework for investigating this process, below I dis- correlate with changes in morphology or changes
cuss some possible scenarios for both why and how in the developmental processes underlying the
regeneration could be lost. It will be important to morphology.
evaluate such scenarios using actual data, ideally by Distinguishing between these possible ultimate ex-
investigating very recent losses in which the signa- planations for loss of regeneration is no small task.
tures of regeneration loss are most likely to still be Doing so will require collecting and integrating func-
detectable. tional, ecological, and developmental data for both
regenerating and non-regenerating species, preferably
Why might regeneration be lost? closely related ones. Only by tackling this problem
with hypothesis testing and actual data, however, can
With regard to the ultimate, or evolutionary, causes
we begin moving away from the pervasive specula-
of regeneration loss, a range of possible explanations
tion that has thus far characterized discussions about
have recently been outlined and discussed (Bely and
the ultimate causes of regeneration loss.
Nyberg 2010). In summary, regeneration could
be lost either because it is selected against in some
way, or because it is a neutral trait. Regarding How might regeneration be lost?
the first, selection could directly disfavor regeneration Uncovering the proximate causes of regeneration loss
because it somehow contributes to lower fitness, as involves deciphering which steps of regeneration
could occur if a partially regenerated structure impairs have become abrogated. Some of the broader ques-
an organisms function more than the total absence tions we should be aiming to address with such data
of the structure (Vollrath 1990). Regeneration could include: Does regeneration fail in different ways in
also be disfavored indirectly, for example if there is different groups of animals? Are certain steps of re-
an energetic trade-off between regeneration and anoth- generation particularly prone to becoming blocked?
er process, such as growth (e.g., Lawrence 2010; Wulff Does loss of regeneration occur all at once or grad-
2010) and investment in the latter becomes favored ually, and, if the latter, what do intermediate stages
at the expense of the former. Adaptive explanations of the process look like?
need not be invoked for loss of regeneration, however. The first step towards addressing these questions is
If regeneration confers no significant selective to determine when and how the regenerative process
Regeneration loss in animals 521

halts or becomes abnormal. Does wound-healing fail? is positioned somewhere other than at a limb joint,
Does a blastema (the mass of undifferentiated cells such that animals leak body fluid and die from the
from which new structures form) not develop? Is the amputation, never properly wound-healing (Vollrath
blastema improperly patterned? Is the regenerated 1990). Thus, available evidence suggests that regenera-
structure missing certain functionally important tion may fail in predictable ways within a taxonomic
elements? Although data are still limited, it is clear group. This could occur if, within a given lineage,
that failure to regenerate can manifest itself in a variety certain steps of the regenerative process are particularly
of ways and, interestingly, that there may be phyloge- prone to becoming blocked.
netic trends in how regeneration tends to fail. For ex- Although loss of regeneration theoretically could
ample, when regeneration of fish fins fails, a structure occur by the evolution of a single mutation that com-
often regenerates but is heteromorphic and misshapen pletely abrogates regeneration, it is also possible that
(Wagner and Misof 1992); with amphibian limbs, a regeneration is lost gradually, with populations at suc-
blastema often forms but is poorly patterned, such cessively more advanced stages of regeneration loss
that no obvious structures are formed (Scadding showing increasingly restricted or poorer regenerative
1977, 1981); with annelids heads or tails, animals abilities. Specific hypotheses for how such gradual
typically wound-heal but fail even to develop a blaste- losses might occur need to be developed. It is already
ma (Bely 2006; Bely and Sikes 2010); and with spider known that speed or success of regeneration can be
legs, wound-healing itself often fails if the amputation sensitive to a variety of factors, such as the

Fig. 2 Some hypothetical models for the gradual loss of regenerative abilities in a lineage. Regeneration success could be measured
a number of ways, such as the frequency of successful regeneration, the morphological fidelity of the regenerated structure, or the
functionality of the regenerated structure. Graphs on the left (A1, B1, and C1) show scenarios in which loss of regeneration is sensitive
to a particular factor (developmental stage, energy available in an organism, and environmental conditions); graphs on the right (A2, B2,
and C2) show scenarios in which loss of regeneration is insensitive to these factors. Solid lines denote the ancestral condition; dashed
and dotted lines denote populations progressively farther along on the trajectory to total loss of regeneration. Curves for populations
that have completely lost regenerative abilities would lie along the x-axis.
522 A. E. Bely

developmental age of the stump tissue and the energet- rapidly accumulate. Thus, in all but the most
ic resources of the individual (e.g., Muller et al. 1999; recently evolved cases of regeneration loss, regenera-
Han et al. 2008; Lawrence 2010). In populations that tion is likely to fail for multiple reasons, and pin-
are in the process of losing regenerative abilities, the pointing the first block(s) responsible for the
success of regeneration could be contingent upon such abrogation of regeneration will be challenging at
factors as well, and, if so, identifying the specific factors best. Currently no species are known that show nat-
that are still permissive of regeneration may point to an ural, intraspecific variation in success of regenera-
underlying mechanism for the loss. tion, but if such species can be identified, they will
Figure 2 shows several possible scenarios for be extremely useful for elucidating the earliest steps
how regeneration success could change through time of loss of regeneration at the molecular level.
in a lineage that is gradually losing regenerative
abilities. One possibility is that successful regeneration Annelids as a model for studying loss
becomes increasingly restricted across the life cycle. For of regeneration
example, regeneration could become restricted to ear-
lier ontogenetic stages (Fig. 2A1), perhaps because Annelids exhibit extensive variation in regenerative
younger tissues are comprised of cells with greater ability, making them useful models for understand-
developmental flexibility. Another possibility is that ing regeneration loss. The ability to regenerate a new
the energetic threshold for investment in regeneration tail is widespread across the phylum, having been
gradually increases (Fig. 2B1). Energetic tradeoffs be- lost in only a few taxa (Bely 2006). The ability to
tween regeneration and other process, such as growth, regenerate the head is much more variable, however,
are common (Maginnis 2006; Lawrence 2010), and suggesting numerous losses. Evidence for regenera-
if investment in other processes becomes favored at tion of anterior segments was recently compiled for
the expense of regeneration, the energy threshold for the phylum (Bely 2006). By mapping this informa-
investment into regeneration could increase to the tion onto a molecular phylogeny for the group from
point that investment in regeneration effectively Struck et al. (2007), I show here that annelids inca-
never occurs. Yet another possibility is that the envi- pable of regenerating anterior segments are scattered
ronmental conditions permissive of regeneration could across the phylum (Fig. 3A). There is still consider-
become increasingly narrow (Fig. 2C1). For example, able uncertainty about the deep-level phylogeny of
regeneration might only occur within an increasingly annelids (Rousset et al. 2007; Struck et al. 2007;
narrow range of temperature or salinity. Other models Zrzavy et al. 2009) and greater sampling of regener-
for a gradual loss of regeneration may involve less easily ative ability is clearly needed, but the available data
quantifiable factors. For instance, success in regenera- are consistent with the ability to regenerate anterior
tion may correlate with the degree of pleiotropy segments being ancestral for the phylum and subse-
between regeneration and a core process, such as quently being lost many times. Some groups, most
embryogenesis. If regeneration is being lost because notably the Hirudinida and Nereididae, are large
this pleiotropy is breaking down, the fidelity of regen- clades thought to be comprised entirely of species
erated structures might gradually decrease through that cannot regenerate anterior segments; these taxa
time. Models such as the ones shown in Fig. 2 provide likely represent relatively old losses of the ability to
clear predictions about how success of regeneration regenerate anteriorly. However, seven annelid fami-
might differ in lineages at different stages of regenera- lies (representing over one quarter of the families for
tion loss. To test the validity of such models, the con- which there are relevant data) possess both anteriorly
tingency of regeneration success on internal and regenerating and anteriorly non-regenerating species
external factors should be evaluated in taxa that have (Fig. 3A, split black/white circles), suggesting at least
lost or appear to be losing regenerative abilities, as well this many recent losses. As sampling for regenerative
as in closely related, fully-regenerating taxa which can ability is increased, the number of suggested losses is
serve as a proxy for the ancestral, fully-regenerating likely to increase as well. Groups in which regenera-
population. tion has been lost relatively recently are particularly
The holy grail for understanding how regeneration useful for investigating the mechanisms underlying
has been lost is to identify the actual genetic the loss of regeneration.
change(s) responsible for the original failure of re- To identify recent regeneration losses rigorously,
generation. Although this is an important goal, it is fine-scale sampling and detailed phylogenies must
essential to recognize that once a block to normal be obtained. Such work has recently been carried
regeneration has evolved in a lineage, rendering re- out within the family Naididae (former Tubificidae
generation non-functional, additional blocks may [Erseus et al. 2008]), focusing specifically on the
Regeneration loss in animals 523

Fig. 3 Phylogenetic distribution of anterior regeneration in the annelids across (A) the entire phylum and (B) the clitellate subfamily
Naidinae. Black circles denote groups in which all taxa investigated have been shown to have the ability to regenerate anterior
segments; white circles denote groups in which all investigated taxa lack the ability to regenerate anterior segments; split black/white
circles denote groups in which some species have been shown to regenerate anterior segments while others have been shown to be
incapable of doing so. Data on regeneration are based on (A) Bely (2006) and (B) Bely and Sikes (2010). Phylogenetic relationships are
based on (A) Struck et al. (2007) and Erseus and Kallersjo (2004) and (B) Bely and Sikes (2010). In (A), all taxa are annelids, and most,
although not all, groups represented are families. In (B), all species shown are naidines with the exception of the outgroups
Monopylephorus, Pristina, Branchiura, Tubifex, and Lumbriculus.

subfamily Naidinae (Bely and Sikes 2010). Naidines regenerate posterior segments. Following up on this
are a group of small freshwater oligochaetes that re- study, Bely and Sikes (2010) sampled more widely
produce asexually by fission, a process thought to within the naidines and found that six of the
have evolved from regeneration (Bely and Wray 18 naidine species investigated are incapable of
2001). Because several naidine species possess excel- regenerating the head segments. Mapping these
lent abilities to regenerate both the anterior and pos- comparative data onto a robust, five-gene molecular
terior ends, and because naidines are all capable of phylogeny of the group indicates that these six
asexual reproduction, it had long been assumed that species represent three independent losses of the
this entire group consisted of excellent regenerators. ability to regenerate the head region, with the
However, Bely (1999) demonstrated that at least genera Paranais, Chaetogaster, and Amphichaeta
one naidine species, Paranais litoralis, could not each representing a loss (Fig. 3B). It should be
regenerate anterior segments, even though it could noted, however, that other phylogenetic studies of
524 A. E. Bely

naidines, based on smaller datasets, indicate the pos- developing tissue), or, for a control, cutting imme-
sibility of fewer losses (Bely and Wray 2004; Envall diately behind the developing head (leaving a stump
et al. 2006; Erseus et al. 2010). One of the species of old adult tissue). Results showed that Pristina
found incapable of regenerating anterior segments, leidyi, a close naidine outgroup capable of regenerat-
Chaetogaster diaphanus, is a common and abundant ing anteriorly from adult tissue, can regenerate ante-
species and one of the naidine subjects of an early, riorly from a stump comprised of young developing
thorough description focusing on fission and, to a tissue. At a first approximation, then, this species
lesser extent, regeneration (Dehorne 1916). That no matches the solid line of Fig. 2A1 and likely repre-
mention of this species inability to regenerate ante- sents the ancestral, fully-regenerating condition.
riorly has surfaced until now likely speaks to the Chaetogaster diaphanus, which cannot regenerate
publication bias against reporting failure to anteriorly in the adult, was found to also lack
regenerate. the ability to regenerate anteriorly from young
The study by Bely and Sikes (2010) also found developing tissue. Thus, this species appears to
that regeneration fails at approximately the same have completely lost the ability to regenerate anteri-
point in the process in the non-anteriorly regenerat- orly, regardless of the developmental age of the
ing naidines, suggesting that some aspects of regen- stump, and would be represented on the graph in
eration loss may be predictable within this group. Fig. 2A1 by a flat line along the x-axis. However,
After anterior amputation, these species wound-heal Paranais litoralis, a naidine incapable of anterior re-
but fail to form a detectable blastema, although in generation from adult tissue, was found still to be
one lineage post-amputation cell proliferation is still capable of anterior regeneration when the stump was
initiated. Interestingly, other non-regenerating anne- comprised of young developing tissue (Fig. 4B, lower
lids similarly fail at this same point: after right), suggesting an intermediate phase of regener-
wound-healing and before formation of the blastema ation loss as represented by the dotted or dashed
(Bely 2006). This suggests that, at least in annelids, lines of Fig. 2A1. Although it is not known whether
regeneration is either preferentially, or most easily, C. diaphanus actually represents an older loss of
blocked about the time of blastema formation. This regeneration than does P. litoralis, the fact that
could occur, for example, if selection is acting to halt C. diaphanus has lower regenerative potential by
regeneration as early as possible (e.g., if optimal several additional criteria (Bely and Sikes 2010) is
allocation of energy favors investment in another consistent with this lineage being farther along
process, such as asexual reproduction), if initiation on the trajectory to regeneration loss than is
of regeneration is the most susceptible phase of P. litoralis.
regeneration (e.g., if this phase represents the largest The study of naidines is the first to provide clear
mutational target), or if initiation of regeneration is evidence for regeneration being lost in an uneven
the least pleiotropic phase of regeneration, such that way across the life cycle. A few other taxa, most
a block at this phase does not impair other critical notably some vertebrates, are known to possess
processes that are being maintained (e.g., wound- higher regenerative abilities during the embryonic
healing, embryogenesis, and growth). Determining or juvenile phases of the life cycle than in the adult
the underlying cause for the repeated evolution of phase (Vorontsova and Liosner 1960; Wallace 1981).
early-acting blocks to regeneration in annelids clearly For example, human children and mouse embryos
warrants further investigation. are capable of regenerating digit tips, even though
The study by Bely and Sikes (2010) provides a rare adults of these species are not (Illingworth 1974;
glimpse at an intermediate phase of the loss of re- Han et al. 2008). However, no extant mammals are
generation. Specifically, the data are consistent with a known to regenerate digit tips as adults, and there is
model in which regeneration becomes gradually re- no evidence that the mammalian ancestor could do
stricted to earlier ontogenetic stages, as diagrammed so either. Thus, interpreting the vertebrate pattern as
in Fig. 2A1. Because naidines (and some of their a phase of regeneration loss is problematic at best.
close relatives) typically reproduce asexually by para- Instead, it may be that actively developing tissue is
tomic fission, in which a new head and tail form in generally more permissive of regeneration, and that
the middle of the body (Fig. 4A), amputations can be this may be manifest in lineages that are losing re-
performed within young developing tissue, yet still generation, gaining regeneration, or experiencing no
within the context of an otherwise fully formed change in regeneration. It should also be noted that
adult (Fig. 4B, right). Such amputations were per- early phases of the life cycle are not necessarily more
formed on three species, specifically bisecting the de- regenerative, as exemplified by groups such as ascid-
veloping head (leaving a stump comprised of young ians which may have extremely high regenerative
Regeneration loss in animals 525

Fig. 4 Paratomic fission in naidines (A) and the ability to regenerate anteriorly in the naidine Paranais litoralis (B). (A) During paratomic
fission, a new tail (dark gray) and a new head (light gray) are intercalated in the middle of the body of an adult worm, forming a
transiently linked chain of individuals. Worms eventually separate and can reinitiate the process. In P. litoralis (diagrammed here),
the new head made within the fission zone is comprised of three head segments, which are devoid of dorsal chaetae (bristles), and the
asegmental cap of tissue bearing the mouth. (B) P. litoralis cannot regenerate if the amputation leaves a stump consisting entirely of
old segments (white) (diagrams at top left, bottom left, and top right) but can regenerate if the amputation leaves even a small zone
of actively developing tissue (light gray) at the distal end of the stump (diagram at bottom right). Diagrams on the left portray
amputations in adult tissue: removal of all three head segments (top), two head segments (bottom), or even a single segment (not
shown) result in wound-healing but not in regeneration. Diagrams on the right portray amputations adjacent to, or within, the fission
zone: removal of all three head segments forming within the fission zone (top) results in wound-healing but not in regeneration,
while removal of two head segments (bottom) or one head segment (not shown) from the fission zone can result in regeneration
of a complete head. Results are from Bely and Sikes (2010).

abilities as adults yet none demonstrated during the Fig. 2B1. Indeed, when anteriorly amputated,
larval phase (Vorontsova and Liosner 1960). Paranais litoralis is known to accelerate the fission
Why, ultimately, regeneration has been lost in process such that amputated individuals produce de-
several naidines is as of yet unclear. There is ample tached offspring more quickly than do unamputated
evidence that some annelids experience high levels of individuals (Bely 1999). Whether regeneration is ac-
sublethal predation (De Vlas 1979a, 1979b; Clavier tually delayed or inhibited when a fission zone is
1984; Berke et al. 2009; Lindsay 2010), and thus it present should be studied in both anteriorly regen-
is likely that regeneration is selectively favored in erating and anteriorly non-regenerating species to
many annelid species. Sublethal predation has even further investigate this possibility.
been demonstrated in a naidine species (Kaliszewicz
2003; Kaliszewicz et al. 2005). However, there is no Future directions
information on the incidence of sublethal predation Because regenerative ability can be influenced by a
for most naidines, including the six non-anteriorly wide range of factors, developing a good understand-
regenerating species studied. Therefore, the hypothe- ing of the mechanisms responsible for evolutionary
sis that regeneration loss in naidines occurred be- loss of regeneration will require taking a broad, in-
cause of a decrease in the direct selective advantage tegrative approach. Developing animal models that
for anterior regeneration remains to be evaluated. are amenable to a range of investigations will be
The possibility that regeneration may have been particularly important, as this will allow studies of
lost through indirect negative selection should the functional biology, ecology, evolutionary history,
also be evaluated in the future, since there are and developmental genetic basis of regeneration to
likely energetic tradeoffs between the multiple post- be integrated for the purpose of testing alternative
embryonic developmental capabilities of naidines hypotheses about loss of regeneration. While research
(tissue turnover, growth, fission, regeneration). An into regeneration has traditionally been carried out
anteriorly amputated naidine can potentially invest on a few, distantly related model organisms, under-
in several different developmental processes, and if standing the ultimate and proximate causes of regen-
optimal allocation of energy favors investment in fis- eration loss requires a shift in approach; comparative
sion at the cost of regeneration, for example, regen- studies, focused on closely related regenerating and
eration could be indirectly selected against, possibly non-regenerating taxa, are critical for investigating
resulting in regeneration loss as diagrammed in why and how regenerative abilities are lost. Groups
526 A. E. Bely

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