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Adolescent Parents Values: The Role Played by

Retrospective Perceptions of The Family-of-

Article in Journal of Child and Family Studies May 2015

DOI: 10.1007/s10826-015-0211-x


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4 authors, including:

Ana Prioste Miguel M. Gonalves

Universidade de Lisboa; Universidade Lusfo University of Minho


Cicero Roberto Pereira

Universidade Federal da Paraba


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Adolescent Parents Values: The Role
Played by Retrospective Perceptions of The

Ana Prioste, Isabel Narciso, Miguel

M.Gonalves & Ccero R.Pereira

Journal of Child and Family Studies

ISSN 1062-1024

J Child Fam Stud

DOI 10.1007/s10826-015-0211-x

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J Child Fam Stud
DOI 10.1007/s10826-015-0211-x


Adolescent Parents Values: The Role Played by Retrospective

Perceptions of The Family-of-Origin
Ana Prioste1 Isabel Narciso2 Miguel M. Goncalves3 Ccero R. Pereira4

Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015

Abstract Family-of-origin is an important system in in- Keywords Collectivist values  Individualist values 
dividuals lives, and its influence is extensive over the life Relational climate  Family-of-origin  Parental practices 
cycle. The aim of this study was to investigate, in a sample Retrospective perceptions
of adolescents parents, whether their retrospective per-
ceptions of parenting and relationship qualities within their
families-of-origin during adolescence predicted their cur- Introduction
rent collectivist and individualist values. Participants in-
cluded 110 Portuguese adults with a mean age of Values represent a set of structuring principles of a per-
46.86 years old. The results of structural equation model- sons life and social organization (Rohan 2000); values
ing supported that retrospective perceptions of parenting have essential roles in the lives of individuals and groups
and relationship qualities in the family-of-origin predicted (Roest et al. 2006; Rokeach 1973; Schwartz 1994). Per-
the adults collectivist values but not their individualist sonal values are influenced by the interrelations of macro
values. This study highlights the importance of retrospec- (e.g., social, political, educational and economic contexts),
tive perceptions of supporting and non-rejecting parenting micro (e.g., family-of-origin, nuclear family) and
for value acquisition. The results also suggest that values chronosystemic variables (e.g., individual and family life
that preserve and protect family connections and col- cycle stages) (Bengtson et al. 2002; Brofenbrenner 1986).
laborations are more likely to be socialized by families. Family-of-origin is a particularly influential system in in-
Implications for practice and for the theories on parenting, dividuals lives that mediates its effects through genetic,
values, family-of-origin influences and family intergen- affective, cultural and mythological inheritances (Hall
erational transmission are discussed. 1981). Several theoretical perspectives, namely, social
learning theory (e.g., Bandura 1977), attachment theory
(e.g., Byng-Hall 2008; Bowlby 1988) and family system
theories (e.g., Bowen 1978; Imber-Black 1993; Minuchin
1984; Palazzoli et al. 1980), converge in the assumption
that certain values and behaviors (e.g., parenting behaviors)
& Ana Prioste are assimilated from ones experiences within the family
(Belsky et al. 2009; Marin et al. 2013). So, considering the
Faculdade de Psicologia da Universidade de Lisboa, Alameda associations between values and parenting (Grusec 2002),
da Universidade, 1649-013 Lisboa, Portugal and between parenting behaviors and childs adjustment
Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, (Campbell and Gilmore 2007), positive parenting seems to
Portugal be a key variable for promotional, preventive and
Escola de Psicologia, Universidade do Minho, Braga, therapeutic interventions with families.
Portugal Beyond the influences of family-of-origin, individuals
Instituto Ciencias Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, also have agentic roles in determining their value orienta-
Portugal tions as they face several challenges, demands and changes

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J Child Fam Stud

throughout their life spans (e.g., becoming a member of a (Schwartz 1994). Indeed, more positive perceptions of
new family, transitions to work and career development parental practices and family relationships lead to an
and parenthood) (Roest et al. 2009). Thus, past and current elevated likelihood that those perceptions will constitute a
contexts act as a continuum that shapes an individuals source of an individuals values (Yu et al. 2008).
values. To study the relation between values and retrospective
Research on family transmission of values has mainly perceptions of family-of-origin, we adopted: (a) the family
focused on similarities between childrens, parents and system theories (e.g., Byng-Hall 2008; Falcke and Wagner
grandparents values and on the process of the transmission 2005; Imber-Black 1993; Miermont 1994; Palazzoli et al.
of these values (e.g., Grusec and Goodnow 1994; Rohan 1980), suggesting the impact of the values and experiences
and Zanna 1996). Moreover, research has highlighted the that were lived and learned within the family-of-origin on
roles of familial and parental variables on this process current behaviors and values (Belsky et al. 2009; Marin,
(Bengtson et al. 2002; Grusec 2002; Pinquart and Sil- et al. 2013); and (b) the theory of human values developed
bereisen 2004; Prioste et al. 2015; Roest et al. 2009; Yi, by Schwartz (1992), proposing that values serve as moti-
Chang et al. 2004). However, the particular role played by vating factors guiding all socializing aspects of individuals
the retrospective relationship qualities in the family-of-o- life. Thus, the relevance of specific values or type of values
rigin in parents values and its contents has been poorly means more motivation to attain goals underlying those
explored in the literature (Roest et al. 2009). values, i.e., individuals that endorse values that set stan-
Existing models [e.g., value acquisition model (Grusec dards for how to interact with others would be motivated to
and Goodnow 1994) and filter model (Schonpflug and Bilz achieve those standards in their relationships.
2009] and perspectives [e.g., salience (Pinquart and Sil- From a developmental perspective, different stages in
bereisen 2004) and evolutionary (Schonpflug 2001; the individual and family life cycle and respective tasks
Schonpflug and Bilz 2009)] underline the selectivity of the influence values (Trommsdorff 2009). For instance, the
acquisition and transmission process regarding the contents individuals values may be continued or changed by life
of values. Considering that the values content is a core experiences associated to marriage, divorce or remarriage
component in these processes (Schonpflug and Bilz 2009) which means that family configuration (e.g., intact family,
and determinant to order the valuespersonal versus so- monoparental cohabitation, remarried family) must be
cial outcomesproposed by Schwartz et al. (2012), we considered as an influential variable in the study of values
focused on the two higher order motivational values types transmission through generations (e.g., Martin 2012).
measured by the Schwartz Values Surveys (SVS): col- On the other hand, values affect relationships and de-
lectivist and individualist. Collectivist values refer to velopmental tasks over the life span and over the gen-
group-oriented or values focused on social outcomes; and erations. For example, families with adolescent children
individualist values mean self-oriented values or values are focused on caring for their children and their indi-
focused on personal outcomes (Prioste et al. 2015; viduation-socialization development, caring for their own
Schwartz et al. 2012). parents, and balancing individual and family wellbeing
The majority of previous studies on family values had (McGoldrick and Shibusawa 2012). Because of this, the
highlighted the following relationships: (a) the influences generation of parents with adolescent children is com-
of variables such as parental emotional support and par- monly named as sandwich generation (Trommsdorff and
ental rejection on the (in)effectiveness of value acquisition Nauck 2006). Thus, collectivist values, as guiding princi-
(e.g., Grusec and Goodnow 1994; Grusec et al. 2000; ples, might be more relevant to individuals who are in-
Pinquart and Silbereisen 2004; Taris 2000; Taris et al. volved in an intact family with adolescent children and
1998) regardless of the class of values; and (b) the role of sandwiched between their children and parents needs
family relationship quality as a mechanism that filters so- and requests. So, parents report of parenting and rela-
cialized values and selects and reinforces collectivist val- tionship qualities in their family-of-origin simultaneously
ues via relationship pattern modeling (Prioste et al. 2015). influenced their own values and is influenced by their own
Research also points out that positive parenting, i.e., par- values.
ental practices embedded in affect, support and discipline Therefore, we sought to explore the roles of retrospec-
focus, is strongly associated with family relational climate tive perceptions of parenting and relationship qualities with
(Kolak and Volling 2007; Stattin et al. 2011) and family the family-of-origin in the collectivist and individualist
relations (Trommsdorff 2009). Thus, it is possible that the values of parents within adolescent children aiming of
effects of parenting and family relations on adolescent contributing to knowledge about the transmission of values
collectivist values are similar to those in adulthood because within the family-of-origin and to the underlying literature
the motivational principles that collectivist values represent on values and family influences (e.g., Bengtson et al. 2002;
involve the maintenance and promotion of family practices Grusec et al. 2000; Rudy and Grusec 2006; Taris et al.

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J Child Fam Stud

1998). Exploration of the roles of retrospective perceptions (dis)similarities in values and relationship patterns. For
on parents actual values seems to be highly relevant be- inclusion in the present study, participants were required to
cause the narratives that are built about the past can be be parents who were involved in intact families. The par-
more influential than the actual reality of the past (Wat- ticipants were recruited over a 2-year period with a non-
zlawick et al. 1975). We expect that positive retrospective probabilistic sampling strategy. Using a snowball process,
perceptions of parenting and relationship quality within the we collected data on 66.4 % of the sample, and with the
family-of-origin (i.e., retrospective perceptions of sup- collaboration of the Portuguese Association of Large
porting and non-rejecting parenting support and positive Families (APFN), we recollected data on another 33.6 % of
family relational climate) will positively predict the col- the sample. The questionnaire packets were delivered
lectivist values but not the individualist values of parents. personally to the participants or were mailed in cases of
Indeed, individualist values might represent a threat to in- large families. In both cases, one researcher, consistently
group/family identities by reinforcing individual needs for all participants, was available by e-mail and telephone
over family cohesion and cooperation (Schonpflug 2001). to assist participants in completing the questionnaires if
Thus, parents perceptions of the qualities of parental questions arose. Participants were informed about the main
practices and family relationships in the family-of-origin objectives of the research via a written document. The
can be separated from their adhesion to individualist values voluntary nature of their participation was also explained
because the motivational principles that these values entail and confidentiality was assured. Informed consent docu-
imply the pursuit of autonomy and independence of action ments had previously been signed by all participants.
and thought (Schwartz et al. 2012). The source of these
motivational principles may be found in the unique man- Measures
ners in which individuals interact and perceive the world
and not in the socialization processes of their families-of- Value assessment. The Personal Values Questionnaire
origin. (SVS, Schwartz 1992; translation and adaptation by
Menezes and Campos 1991 and Prioste et al. 2012) in-
cludes a single list of 63 values that are rated as guiding
Method principles of life on a scale that ranges from (1) Not
important to (6) Fundamentally important. The SVS
Participants assesses eight types that are organized into two classes of
valuesIndividualist and Collectivist. The Collectivist
This sample of 110 (N = 110) parents with adolescent class is composed of Relational, Traditionalism, Social
children was comprised of 52 mothers (47.27 %) and 58 Concern and Spirituality types and refers to the importance
fathers (52.73 %) ranging in age between 33 and 58 years of interdependent values; i.e., this class emphasizes values
(M = 46.86; DP = 4.81). All participants were involved in that focus on how one connects with others. The Indi-
intact marriages and had adolescent children (between 15 vidualist classcomposed of Social Power, Adventure,
and 19 years old). Regarding educational levels, 37.3 % of Personal Balance and Personal Achievement typesac-
the participants had received higher education, 32.7 % had cesses the importance of values that emphasize ones dis-
received between 10 and 12 years of education and 30 % connection from others.
had received between 6 and 9 years of education. The In a previous study (Prioste et al. 2015) of a sample of
majority had no histories of significant psychological or 505 Portuguese adolescent children, the Collectivist and
psychiatric complaints (87.3 %) or serious health problems Individualist classes showed good internal consistencies
(83.6 %). In regard to religion, 53.6 % were non-practicing (a = .90 and a = .86 for the Collectivist and Individualist
religious believers. The participants lived in the following classes, respectively). In the current study, we also found
Portuguese geographic regions: 64.5 % in Lisbon and good internal consistencies for the Collectivist (a = .88)
surrounding areas, 16.4 % in the North, 16.4 % in the and Individualist classes (a = .88).
Center, and 2.7 % in other regions of the country. Quality assessment of memories of paternal and ma-
ternal rearing practices. The participants completed the
Procedures Egna Minnen av Barndoms UppfostranMy memories
(EMBU-M; Perris et al. 1980; adapted for the Portuguese
The participants were selected from a larger sample com- population by Canavarro (1996), which examined the
posed of 238 participants (the larger sample was composed participants retrospective perceptions about their parents
of parents with adolescents who were involved in intact, parenting styles. The EMBU-M includes 23 items that are
single-parent or divorced families) who were participating rated by the participants (separately for their mothers and
in a broader study about intergenerational family fathers) on a four-point Likert scale (1 = no, never;

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J Child Fam Stud

4 = Yes, most of the time) and assesses the following missing data, and all parameters were estimated using the
three dimensions of parenting style: Emotional Support, maximum likelihood algorithm with AMOS 19. To address
Rejection and Overprotection. In this study, we used only our aims, we specified the following two models: a model
the Emotional Support and Rejection dimensions to eval- with six latent variables in which the adults Collectivist
uate the participants perceptions of the quality of the values were predicted by retrospective perceptions of par-
practices of their parents, since we found unsatisfactory enting and relationship qualities in the family-of-origin
internal consistency for the Overprotection sub-scale (see Fig. 1) and a model in which we specified the retro-
(perceptions of Overprotection by the mother and father, spective perceptions of parenting and relationship qualities
a \ .5). However, we found good internal consistency as predictor variables of the Individualist values of the
values for Emotional Support (perceptions of Emotional adults (see Fig. 2). In both models, retrospective percep-
Support by the mother, a = .82, and a = .82 for the father) tions of parenting and relationship qualities in the family-
and Rejection (perceptions of Rejection by the mother, of-origin (PRQFO) were high-order latent variables mea-
a = .85, and a = .76 for the father). sured by the adults perceptions of parental rejection (PR),
Family Relationship Qualities. The participants com- the adults perceptions of parental emotional support (PES)
pleted the Interpersonal Relationships dimension of Family and the adults perceptions of their family-of-origin rela-
Environment Scale (FES; Moos and Moos 1989; Por- tionships quality (FRQ). PR was measured as the fathers
tuguese adaptation: Matos and Fontaine 1992), which ex- and mothers rejection. PES was measured as fathers and
amines their perceptions about the quality of their family mothers emotional support. FRQ was measured as cohe-
relations. The Interpersonal Relationships dimension in- sion (C) and conflict (CO). Our dependent variables were
cludes 27 items that are measured on three sub-scales specified as second-order latent variables and measured as
(Family Cohesion, Family Expressivity and Family Con- multi-item parcels of the four dimensions of the SVS.
flict) and rated on a scale that ranges from 1 (Totally dis- Specifically, Collectivist Values (CV) were measured as
agree) to 6 (Totally agree). Cohesion includes items such Relational (R), Traditionalism (T), Social Concern (SC)
as We have lots of time and attention to each other. and Spirituality (S), and Individualist Values (IV) were
Conflict comprises items such as In my family we are measured as Social Power (SP), Personal Balance (PB),
angry often. Adventure (A) and Personal Achievement (PA). We used
In a Portuguese validation study of the FES with a multi-item parcels to specify the latent variables to simplify
sample of children and adolescents, Santos and Fontaine the model and reduce the number of paths estimated (see
(1995) found two factors among the complete scale that Little et al. 2002). To guarantee the statistical identification
had good internal consistencies, Centripetal Families of the models, the factor loading of one of the indicators of
(a = .85) and Centrifugal Families (a = .70). Because of each latent variable was constrained at 1.00.
the strong divergence of the factorial structure of the FES
scale between the original version (Moos and Moos 1989)
and the Portuguese validation study of the FES (Santos and Results
Fontaine 1995), we decided to perform an exploratory
factorial analysis on the Interpersonal Relationships di- We started by analyzing the retrospective perceptions of
mension of the FES using the principal-axis factor method parenting and relationship quality in the family-of-origin as a
with obliquin rotation and we have found two factors predictor of adults Collectivist values. The estimated pa-
Cohesion, which involved 14 items (1, 2, 11, 12, 21, 22, 31, rameters (see Fig. 1) showed that retrospective perceptions
32, 42, 51, 61, 71, 81, 82; items 2, 11 and 61 were in- of parenting and relationship quality in the family-of-origin
verted), and Conflict, which involved 9 items (3, 13, 23, 33, were a reliable predictor of the collectivist values of the
41, 43, 52, 53, 83; items 3, 23, 41, 43, 53 and 52 were adults (b = .34, p \ .01). Importantly, this model exhibited
inverted)that explained 45 % of the variance. We de- an acceptable fit to the data (v163 = 262.41, p \ .001,
cided to retain the items with saturation upon .30. We CFI = .90, GFI = .81, AGFI = .76, RMSEA = .07).
found good internal consistency values for Cohesion Regarding the Individualist values, the estimated pa-
(a = .89) and Conflict (a = .85). rameters of model 2 (see Fig. 2) revealed that the retro-
spective perceptions of parenting and relationship quality in
Data Analyses the family-of-origin (b = .12, ns.) were not a predictor of the
individualist values of the adults, despite this model ex-
We tested the proposed model with a set of structural hibiting an having an acceptable fit to the data (v163 =
equation models with latent variables. We used a variance 261.01, p \ .001, CFI = .90, GFI = .81, AGFI = .76,
covariance matrix of the items with pairwise deletion of RMSEA = .07).

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Fig. 1 Standardized maximum

likelihood coefficients for the
structural equation model
depicting the relationship
between retrospective
perception of parenting and
relationships quality in family-
of-origin and Collectivist
values. PRQFO retrospective
perception of parenting and
relationships quality in family-
of-origin; PR perception of
rejection; PES perception of
emotional support; FRQ
perception of family relations
quality; C cohesion; CF
conflict; CV collectivist values;
R Relational; T Traditionalism;
SC Social Concern;
S Spirituality. Solid lines
represent significant coefficients
(p \ .05) and dashed lines
represent non-significant

Fig. 2 Standardized maximum

likelihood coefficients for the
structural equation model
depicting the relationship
between retrospective
perception of parenting and
relationships quality in family-
of-origin and Individualist
values. PRQFO retrospective
perception of parenting and
relationships quality in family-
of-origin; PR perception of
rejection; PES perception of
emotional support; FRQ
perception of family relations
quality; C cohesion; CF
conflict; IV individualist values;
SP social power; PB personal
balance; A adventure; PA
personal achievement. Solid
lines represent significant
coefficients (p \ .05) and
dashed lines represent non-
significant coefficients

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Discussion of family and parental influences on values. Despite the

changes in social context and personal roles that occur over
This study investigated whether perceived quality of parental the life cycle, representations of the family-of-origin still
practices would predict collectivist and individualist values influence values in adulthood, which highlights the conti-
of parents with adolescent children. Our findings support our nuity and importance of the role of family in the socialization
hypothesis: positive perceptions of parenting and relation- of children (Bengtson et al. 2002). Moreover, these results
ship quality in the family-of-origin predict collectivist values also have implications for the literature on parenting, given
but not individualist values. The results are consistent with the emphasis of this literature on the extent of the influence of
studies that have emphasized the importance of supportive rearing practices into adulthood. Specifically, our findings
and non-rejecting parenting to value acquisition (Grusec show that positive parenting, i.e., supporting and non-re-
et al. 2000; Pinquart and Silbereisen 2004; Taris 2000). jecting, is important to collectivist values maintenance over
The data also support the perspective of family and social the life cycle.
solidarity (Bengtson et al. 2002), the evolutionary perspective This work highlights the importance of perceptions of
(Schonpflug 2001; Schonpflug and Bilz 2009) and the results family relations on values and shows that retrospective
of previous studies (e.g., Prioste et al. 2015). Together, these perceptions of the family-of-origin alone can be a source of
findings suggest that values that preserve and protect family collectivist values. Thus, our findings provide support for
connections and collaboration are more likely to be socialized the existence of different sources of values that vary with
by families. Values, as a component of family myths the class of value and its underlying motivations.
(Palazzoli et al. 1980) or mythology (Linares 1996), also Our findings can potentially guide family psychologists
contribute to the process of identification with the family that and therapists in the development and the implementation
help to guarantee the continuity of the family identity (Cigoli of specific interventions to work on family mythology
and Scabini 2006). Thus, collectivist values serve as repre- (Linares 1996), illuminating psychological practices to
sentations of the need to maintain the status quo (Pereira et al. promote positive parenting by focusing on the following
2005; Schwartz 1994) and can be stimulated by the family or issues: which values have been transmitted by the family-
perceptions of the family, contrarily to individualist values. of-origin through parenting and family relational climate?;
Individualist values might represent a threat to in-group/- which values are actually being transmitted to children
family cohesion and adaptive dynamics (Schonpflug 2001; through parental practices and family relationships?; how
Schonpflug and Bilz 2009); thus, self-needs tend to be are relational patterns experienced in the family-of-origin
stimulated by other social systems (Prioste et al. 2015). The associated with parental values and roles?
data support the theory of value organization (Schwartz 1992)
in that different motivations, such as self- and social-interests, Limitations and Future Studies
cannot be stimulated by the same source of values.
Furthermore, it is possible that our results are reinforced The exploratory nature of our study, the small sample size
by the familys life cycle stage of the sample. In one hand, and the selection of the sample via a non-probabilistic
adolescent parents may be more oriented to collectivist sampling strategy limit the rigor of the analyses and preclude
values that are more congruent with their family concerns generalization of the results to the Portuguese population.
and needs and the overload of caring requests. On the other Replications with larger samples are necessary to increase
hand, at this stage, the parental roles are focused on the confidence in current findings. Additionally, only a single
regulation of autonomy processes and on the maintenance of measure was used to assess values as guiding principles of
proximity and family harmony and to better support ado- life, and this measure was self-reported; thus, it is unclear
lescent identity construction process (Sabatier and Lan- whether these findings can be generalized to other measures.
negrand-Willems 2005). In this line, parents individualist Because of the specificities of the sample (e.g., married
values may be a major threat in this specific familys life parents with adolescent children), the findings of the study
cycle stage. So, it is also possible that the perception of this cannot be generalized to parents who belong to another
threat influence the construction of the narratives built about family configuration (e.g., monoparental or reconstituted
the past, shaping the perceptions of parenting and relation- families) or to another stage of family life cycle. Finally, this
ship quality experienced within the family-of-origin. study was a cross-sectional, and thus we cannot infer causal
associations between the variables analyzed here.
Implications for Research and Practice Our results should be examined in future work involving
more complex methodological designs and data analysis
The results of the present study contribute to the field of procedures; specifically, longitudinal studies, mixed
intergenerational transmission by acknowledging the influ- methodologies, larger and more diverse samples should be
ence of the family-of-origin, specifically the extensiveness used in future work.

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