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Weapon Transformation

All right-handed weapons in Bloodborne are trick weapons and can have two modes
of attacks, triggered by pressing . Most weapons have very different forms of at
tacks, so equipping and testing each weapon is crucial to find the weapon that b
est suits you.
When you use Beast Blood Pellets you'll enter Beast Mode, which actually results
in adding a Beast Gauge that when raised will increase your attack power, not a
ctually turning you into a beast. Beasthood can not be instead like other stats,
through leveling up, and must be increased through Attire.
Status Ailments
When you encounter an ailment a status bar will appear at the top of the screen,
slowly filling up over time until it is completely full and the ailment takes e
ffect. These ailments can be deadly unless cured, as many do significant damage,
so keeping curative items on your hotkey bar is a very good idea.
Ailment Effect Cure
Slow Poison Gradual HP loss Antidote
Rapid Poison Instant HP loss Antidote
Frenzy Instantly lose 70% of your HP Sedative
Note that while you can cure Slow Poison once it takes effect, Rapid Posion and
Frenzy are instant ailments that must be cured during build-up.
Video Playthrough
Note that I will be doing a whole Video Playthrough of this game, identical to t
he text here, which you can watch here:
At the start of the game you'll need to create your character, choosing their Ge
nder and Appearance. The most important part is the Origin of your character, th
is dictates the starting stats of your characters. You should view the Stats sec
tion of this guide before choosing which Origin you want. Make sure you are comp
letely happy with whatever you select, because there is no turning back once you
create your character.
Iosefka's Clinic
After the disturbing cutscenes, exit through the nearby door and head down the s
tairs to spot a Scourge Beast feeding on a corpse. Although you can kill this en
emy by punching it to death, or avoid it all together, the game intends for you
to die to him so you can access the central hub of the game. That being said, th
is is a good time to test your combat skills and evasion tactics before giving i
n to the monster.
Make sure to review the Basic Combat section of this guide for more information.
Hunter's Dream
Head straight toward the steps and check the Messengers, who offer your the basi
c weapons of the game.
There are three different trick weapons and two guns you can choose from:
Name Notes
Saw Cleaver A short saw that flips out to create longer range while remainin
g one-handed
Hunter Axe A short axe that extends its handle for range, but requires two
Threaded Cane A cane that converts into a whip, allowing for wide attacks whil
e remaining one-handed
Hunter Pistol A fast and accurate shot pistol that is great for countering ene
Hunter Blunderbuss A slow spread shot that doesn't do much damage at range,
but allows you to deal with crowds
Make sure to press Options to equip these items before you continue up the steps
a bit more to receive the Notebook. You can now check all the remaining Messeng
ers in the Hunter's Dream to learn the basics on combat and then use the tombsto
ne at the bottom of the main stairs to return to the 1st Floor Clinic.
1st Floor Sickroom

How to use maps: I will be adding maps above sections of text that will help gui
de you through each section in case the text alone is not enough. Treasures will
be numbered on the map with the item name appearing in the text section below w
ith the number afterwards, such as Blood Vial x4 .
Instead of entering the next room turn around and head back up the stairs, towar
d the room you began in, to find the door closed. The woman, Iosefka, will be un
willing to let you inside, but she will offer a Iosefka's Blood Vial instead. Sh
e will continue to give you one of these as long as you do not currently have on
e already. You can now return down the stairs to the clinic to encounter the Sco
urge Beast again, defeating him to continue.
Scourge Beast - Generally difficult to fight when at full health, but are weak t
o fire. Molotov Cocktails works wonders on them, but if you wish to save your co
nsumables then you should wait for them to use a lunging attack and attack them
from the side or from behind.
Drops: Blood Vial x3, Upgrade Materials based on location, Beast Blood Pellet
The next room contains Blood Vial x2 on the body in the left corner and make su
re to grab the Quicksilver Bullets x10 in the yard before exiting through the g
Central Yharnam
Take the stairway directly ahead for a body with Blood Vial x4 and then backtra
ck and turn left to encounter your first Huntsman hiding behind the second carri
age. The trick is to bait the enemy to strike and then go all out with your atta
cks to take him down in one go.
Huntsman - There are multiple variations of the Huntsmen throughout Central Yhar
nam, most of which just need to be baited into an attack before you strike. Ther
e are a few distinct variations of note: The torch and axe carrying version usua
lly swipes its torch at you when they gets low heath, the shield version that re
quire you to hit them to bait them into an attack, and the rifleman that can sho
ot you from a distance.
Drops: See the Bestiary
Near the first enemy there is a lever you can pull to lower a nearby ladder, but
don't take it, and instead grab the Blood Vial x2 on the body next to it. Kill
the two Huntsmen playing dead at the end of the road before breaking the boxes
in the corner to grab the Molotov Cocktail x6 and then climb the ladder to reac
h the Central Yharnam lamp. If you talk to the window of the building next to th
e lamp a man named Gilbert will introduce himself, though he won't say much at t
he moment.
There are many NPC's throughout Yharnam that you can talk to, usually indicated
by a burning lantern. Some will blow you off, while others will may offer you it
ems or have mini-quest lines associated with them. I will usually mention when y
ou can talk to them to advance their quest line, so there is no reason to worry
or check back often.
Take the only stairs to a body with Pebble x8 and then continue, watching out f
or the Huntsman on the right behind some boxes. There are two paths to choose: t
he stairs that lead down to the main street and the drop that leads to a bonfire
with another Huntsman. Go ahead and take the drop, dealing with the enemy, and
then grab the Molotov Cocktail x4 behind the well.
As you head down the stairs you'll likely want to convert your weapon with L1, a
llowing you to have more range and chances of hitting multiple enemies, and then
kill the two Huntsmen below. If you head left you'll encounter another group of
Huntsmen, which will sneak up behind you if you don't deal with them now, and a
staircase that simply leads back up to where you dropped down.
Head to the end of the street to pull a lever, opening the shortcut back to the
entrance of Central Yharnam, and then check the small alley nearby. The Executio
ner that resides in this alley can kill you in one hit at your current level, so
I suggest avoiding it.
Executioner - Difficult because he is cautious with his attacks and is also quic
k. The easiest attacks to counter with your gun are the one in which he charges
you and the other is the one in which he jumps toward you. He also has a chance
of dropping the Blood Gems that you can use to fortify your weapons, adding addi
tion attributes like Physical Attack +%, but at the moment this is unnecessary,
since you don't have the capability to add these gems until after beating the 2n
d boss of this area.
Drops: Blood Vial x2, Blood Gemstone, Pungent Blood Cocktail
Head back up the street to find a new staircase hidden behind a carriage, making
sure to kill the slumped over Rifleman so he doesn't come up behind you later,
and then take the next set of stairs to kill the Huntsman that jumps out to ambu
sh you before picking up the Blood Stone Shard . Back down the steps, turn right
to deal with another surprise attack behind the railing of the building's steps
and then continue.
As you approach the next area you'll notice a Huntsman on the same level as you
and many more around a pyre in the center of the street. While it may seem like
you can easily take out the enemy on your level, walking past the steps will agg
ro a few of the Huntsmen in the courtyard. This is fine, provided you know what
is coming, so run forward just enough to draw their attention and then deal with
them at the stairs, where they are forced to huddle up. The remainder of the en
emies will begin to walk back up the street and you can cut them off by running
back and taking the stairs.
Return to the upper level and continue toward the end of the road to grab the Qu
icksilver Bullets x5 off the corpse and kill the nearby Huntsman hanging by a g
ate. There are two Riflemen in this area: one on the top of the carriage on the
opposite side of the street and one standing by the pyre. If you drop off the le
dge you can turn left to quickly kill the first Rifleman and then either back up
or run to the stairs on the left to avoid the other Rifleman shooting at you. W
ith most of the enemies cleared out you can now rush across the street, run up t
he stairs on the opposite side of the street, and take out the other Rifleman. T
here are likely still a few stragglers you'll need to deal with and a Rabid Dog
before you can continue.
Rabid Dog - Fast and have a tendency to jump in for the attack and then jump bac
k to avoid any sort of reprisal. The easiest way to deal with this is to quickly
side-step its attack and then strike.
Drops: None
With the area finally clear you can now get the Blood Vial x2 in front of the l
arge double doors and then head upstairs to check the back corner for a Coldbloo
d Dew (1) . Continue through the opened gate to grab the Blood Stone Shard in t
he corner, behind some barrels, and then grab the Blood Vial x2 in plain sight b
y the steps. Instead of heading down the steps into the fountain plaza, strike t
he stacks of coffins directly across from the stairs to reveal a shortcut.

There are some caged Rabid Dogs here that are freebie kills and down the steps o
n the right is another Rabid Dog, as well as some more caged ones. Head toward t
he bridge and turn left to a walkway with another Rabid Dog and then grab the Co
ldblood Dew (3) . You can now cross the bridge and kill the Rabid Dog barking at
the door of a Lonely Old Dear, who is looking for a safe place to go. The stair
s here lead down into the sewers, but before taking on this dangerous area you'l
l want to unlock a shortcut.
Backtrack across the bridge, take the stairs, and turn right to head up another
set of stairs and then take the left staircase to a dead end with a Coldblood De
w (1) . Return down the stairs and u-turn, ignoring the staircase on the right t
hat we'll be using later, and enter a dark house. Make sure to kill the Huntsman
hiding in the dark and then carefully move forward and attack the small lamp, r
evealed to be a Wheelchair Huntsman.
Wheelchair Huntsman - There are a few variations of this enemy, mostly in terms
of their weapon of choice. The first one you encounter has a pistil, but later y
ou will run into ones with gatling guns and flamethrowers. The best thing to do
is to get behind them for a fully charged attack that usually kills them in one
Drops: Quicksilver Bullets x4
With the room clear you can now grab the Pungent Blood Cocktail x2 , read the no
te in the corner, and exit out the other side of the building. Head up the stair
s straight ahead for another Huntsman and then grab the Blood Stone Shard befor
e continuing up the steps to open the gate that leads back to the Central Yharna
m lamp.
Return through the gate and down the stairs, but this time take the stairwell to
the left of house to reach a large courtyard. There are two Huntsman's Minions
in this area, so draw one over at a time to make your life a whole lot easier.
Huntsman's Minion - Either bait them to use a smash attack, allowing you to get
a fully charged attack off by holding R2, or to fire on them when they begin to
charge you for a stagger, followed by a visceral attack.
Drops: Blood Vial x2-4, Shining Coin x2-3
Once the courtyard is clear you can head straight to an elevator, though you won
't be able to access it at this moment and should remember where it is for later
. You can now take the stairs nearby to return to the area with the caged Rabid
Dogs, cross the bridge, and enter the building.

Break the barrels on the right wall to uncover a hidden path into the rafters, w
here you should carefully cut down the hanging corpses, and then grab the Coldbl
ood Dew (1) . If you check the wall directly across from one of the walkways you
should be able to spot an open archway behind some barrels, where you'll find E
ileen the Crow and can obtain the Bold Hunter's Mark x4 and the Shake off Cape g
esture by talking to her multiple times.
You'll need to drop off the rafters in the corner by the stairs, making sure you
attack the Large Huntsman that walks up and down the staircase leading back ups
tairs, and then stick to this side of the room as you continue about halfway up
to check behind the pillars for another Large Huntsman. You can now kill the Rif
leman nearby and cross to the other side, where you'll have to fight another Lar
ge Huntsman with a spear.
Large Huntsman - There are two types of Large Huntsman: the cloaked versions tha
t are rather slow and the spear versions, which are fast and aggressive.
The cloaked version can be dealt with by standing out of range as they walk towa
rd you and using a fully charged attack to hit them, likely interrupting their a
ttack. You can then finish this up with a chain of attacks to quickly kill them.
The spear version is extremely fast and can perform long combos that will kill
you rather easily. It's best defeated by using your gun to stagger it during an
attack for a visceral attack.
Drops: Blood Vial x2, Blood Stone Shard, Twin Blood Stone Shard, Oil Urn
Grab the nearby Coldblood Dew (1) behind the pillars and exit through the archw
ay near the Rifleman's location. Hang a left and carefully cross the bridge to t
ake out the two Riflemen, who will attack you from behind if you don't take them
out, and then deal with the Large Huntsman that rushes over. You can now grab t
he Coldblood Dew (1) at the far end of the area before you continue past the br
idge to defeat the Carrion Crows, cross another bridge, and head along the other
side to some more Carrion Crows guarding Oil Urn x2 .
Carrion Crow - Easy to defeat by going in for a quick attack or two and then bac
king, since once they get you in their attacks you will lose a lot of health wit
h no possibility of regaining it through attacks.
Drops: Pebble x1-2, Beast Blood Pellet, Antidote
Look down at the beams below, spotting one with a Blood Stone Shard , and then d
rop down and head back along the sewer to an opening to the room where you dropp
ed the corpses. Pass all the boats to the end of the room, defeating the two Lab
yrinth Rats, and grab the Madman's Knowledge off the corpse. You can now return
to the previous area and climb up the ladder to your right to reach the floor a
Labyrinth Rat - Like the rats in Dark Souls, these enemies pose little threat un
less they appear in groups. Watch out for when they back up, as this generally i
ndicated they are going to pounce you, and when they rear up on their hind legs
for a smash.
Drops: Throwing Knife x1-2
Since you are now above the area where you dropped the corpses you can now drop
down on either side to get the items from the bodies (Blood Stone Shard + Saw S
pear ). You can finally return to the sewer and continue to a large room with so
me Rotted Corpses huddling around an item, but for the moment you want to take t
he long ladder to leave the sewer.

Turn right to kill with four Carrion Crows guarding a Madman's Knowledge on the
nearby corpse and then cross the bridge and deal with another Huntsman's Minion
. The ladder here leads to a locked gate, that you can open with the nearby leve
r to create a shortcut to the fountain plaza, and then talk to the window to mee
t a young girl. This girl, only known as Viola's Daughter, asks you to find her
mother and hands over the Tiny Music Box.
Take the stairs on the right to find the Huntsman's Minion that was knocking on
the large double doors by the pyre and then grab the Torch , which you should eq
uip, and Molotov Cocktail x4 . On the opposite side of the plaza, kill three Car
rion Crows guarding Oil Urn x2 and then return back up the stairs and hang a rig
ht to find a Coldblood Dew (1) by the closed gate.
The next courtyard has three Rabid Dogs and some more Huntsmen, including a Rifl
eman, that can be difficult to deal with if you rush in. I suggest walking to th
e top of the steps and pull over a Rabid Dog with a gunshot before pulling back
to defeat it from a safe spot and then repeat with the other enemies. With the a
rea clear you can then grab the Blood Vial x6 and then take the staircase to a
bridge, turning left to check behind some statues for a Blood Stone Shard .
Head toward the Scourge Beasts on the bridge, but instead of engaging them take
the staircase on your left to access and area overlooking the pyre. Grab the Peb
ble x10 on the corpse hanging over the edge, a Blood Stone Shard behind the nea
rby sandbags, and a Blood Stone Shard from the alley behind some boxes and then
continue to break the boxes to drop into the sewers.

Drop down the ledges to reach the sewers and then make sure you drop down on the
left side, where you'll meet a Large Huntsman walking your way. After dealing w
ith him, cross the bridge to deal with another and then cross the final bridge f
or a final one. With all three enemies on the upper level dead you can now look
down at the beams below to spot a Thick Coldblood (5) and then carefully drop o
n the Labyrinth Rat below.
You're going to want to take out the Labyrinth Rats behind you first, since you
don't want them sneak attacking you, and then head to the exit of the sewer and
look left to spot a Large Huntsman guarding the Hunter Set .
Equip the new armor set and backtrack out of the sewer to the main bridge and qu
ickly run past the Scourge Beasts, taking the left stairs to enter the second fl
oor of the dark house. Make sure to kill the two Hunstmen in the house before yo
u grab the Coldblood Dew (1) and then turn around to find the Scourge Beasts st
uck in the door, allowing you to easily kill them with charged attacks. You can
now return to the area that overlooks the pyre to drop, take the path to the fou
ntain plaza and then head down the ladders near Viola's Daughter to reach the se
wers again.

Drop down and carefully kill the Carrion Crows behind you before you take out al
l the Rotted Corpses guarding the Quicksilver Bullets x10 , like it's some sort
of treasure, and then continue along the sewer to three more Rotted Corpses. Mak
e sure to check the small alcove with another Rotted Corpse, as well as a Blood
Stone Shard , and then take the ladder to the right of the tunnel to reach anoth
er bridge.
Rotted Corpse - While these enemies often appear dead, but are actually just lyi
ng in wait for you to come near. While slow moving they can still lunge or vomit
on you, so be careful. You'll also need a weapon that slashes downward, as atta
cks like the Threaded Cane's charge attack will go right over their head.
Drops: Blood Vial, Bold Hunter's Mark, Sedative
Ignore the bridge and enter the nearby building to activate the elevator, which
leads to the Huntsman's Minions near the dark house and other shortcut to the la
mp, and then return down the ladder. The tunnel next to you has a Maneater Boar
at the end of it, but if you rush past it as it roars you can get behind it for
a charge attack to stagger it and follow that up with a visceral attack. You can
now pick up the Saw Hunter Badge and Coldblood Dew (2) before exiting the tun
nel out the other end and climb another ladder.
Maneater Boar - While they might appear frightening, but they have a really big
weak spot on their behinds. The best approach is from the back with a fully char
ged attack to stagger it and then fisting it's rear, which is a pretty nasty sig
ht. You MUST stay behind them, as their charge attack will likely kill you.
Drops: Blood Vial x2-4
This leads to the other side of the large bridge you were just at, when you acti
vated the elevator, and you can easily take out the shielded Huntsman and Huntsm
an's Minion. You can now take the nearby stairs and carefully pull over one of t
he Large Huntsman with a gunshot to make your life easier and then grab the Bold
Hunter's Mark x2 nearby.
If you continue up the stairs you'll reach the second boss arena, but DO NOT ENT
ER. Instead, use a Madman's Knowledge and then head across the bridge to the ele
vator and use the lamp.
Hunter's Dream
The Madman's Knowledge offers Insight, indicated by the eye under your current B
lood Echoes, and awakens the Doll that will allow you to exchange your Blood Ech
oes for levels.
While you're here you should also talk to the Messengers on the steps for the Be
ckoning Bell and Silencing Blank, both of which are used in the multiplayer aspe
ct of the game, and then head inside the building to store any items you don't w
ant to use. Don't forget to check the desk to repair your weapons and fortify th
em with Blood Stone Shards to increase their damage.
Central Yharnam Cont.
Return to the Central Yharnam lamp and head upstairs through the dark house to t
he main bridge, dealing with the Scourge Beasts, and this time you're going to h
ead left on the bridge, taking out some Carrion Crows and a Huntsman's Minion to
enter the boss area just beyond.
Giant Bridge
Boss: Cleric Beast
Phase 1 The Cleric Beast isn't too difficult, but his size and height makes gett
ing around him cumbersome if you lock on to him. Attack the boss' left arm while
trying to stay behind this boss, which is hard due to the fact that he likes to
back up against the side of the bridge. Move in and out as needed you can event
ually do enough damage that the boss will fall over and allow you to perform a v
isceral attack. If you manage to damage a limb by focusing on it you can hit it
again for bonus damage, but beware of the res aura that indicates him fixing his
Phase 2 When the Cleric Beast's health is below 70% he will roar to enter Phase
2, becoming more aggressive and much faster. His attacks will become stronger an
d he performs longer combos, but otherwise you can use the same strategy as befo
List of the Cleric Beast's attacks:
Phase 1
Arm Swipes Short Horizontal swipes that does minimal damage
One-Two Slam Medium Punches into the ground with one fist and then the other
for moderate damage
One-Armed Grab Short Rarely used with a slow wind up that does heavy damage
Overhead Slam Combo Medium Three-hit combo that does moderate damage per hi
Lunging Swipe Long Lunges forward followed by a strong horizontal swipe att
Recovery - Envelopes himself in a red aura, recovering damaged limb
Phase 2
Two-Armed Grab Short Stronger version of the One-Armed Grab
Double Slam Combo Medium Stronger version of the Overhead Slam Combo
Slow Overhead Smash Medium Heavy damage ground slam that is delayed to thro
w you off in terms of timing
Jump Attack Long Jumps into the air to perform a heavy damage slam attack
Drop: 4,000 Blood Echoes and the Sword Hunter Badge
Make sure that you grab the Quicksilver Bullets x10 and light the Giant Bridge l
amp before returning to Hunter's Dream to level up, repair your weapons, and upg
rade them if you haven't yet.
Central Yharnam Cont.
Return to the Central Yharnam lamp, take the left stairs to deal with the Huntsm
an's Minions, and ride the elevator to reach the other bridge. As you walk forwa
rd a group of enemies will attack, but what you really need to watch out for is
the flaming boulder that is pushed from the end of the bridge. Avoid the boulder
by hiding in one of the balcony areas of the bridge and then deal with the rema
ining enemies.
Head up the stairs to defeat the Huntsman's Minion and shielded Huntsman, again,
and continue up the stairs and ignore the enemies on the right that will not ag
gro you to enter the Tomb of Oedon.
Tomb of Oedon
Boss: Father Gascoigne
Phase 1 & 2 Remember that Tiny Music Box you got from the young daughter seeking
her mother? Well, this is a great time to equip it to your quick item slot beca
use every other time you use it Father Gascoigne will hold his head, opening him
up to a fully charged attack. In between the Music Box's negative effect you'll
need to keep your distance to avoid his Hunter Axe and Blunderbuss. After stunn
ing him three times with the Tiny Music Box, no matter how much damage you achie
ved, Father Gascoigne will transform into a hideous beast. While the Tiny Music
Box will work the first time you use it on him in beast form, it will become use
less after this, so get that last fully charged attack in.
Phase 3 There are a few strategies to deal with the beast form of Father Gascoig
ne: The first strategy is to use the tombstones to avoid his attacks, throwing O
il Urns and then Molotov Cocktails to deal massive damage. The other is to use h
is aggressive attack style against him by using your gun to stagger him and then
get a visceral attack. Since throwing items can easily miss his fast movements
and you may find yourself without any left, I am going to cover the stagger stra
The first thing you'll want to do is run up the stairs and back up a bit so that
you have a clean shot of Father Gascoigne when he attacks. Wait for him to atta
ck, the easiest one to counter is his pounce attack, and then shoot for a stagge
r and follow that up with a visceral attack. If you find yourself in danger or r
unning out of room, run to the back of the area and drop onto the house to heal
and then run back up the stairs (just make sure he drops down before you face aw
ay from the drop). Repeat this pattern until you defeat Father Gascoigne in no t
List of Father Gascoigne's Beast Form attacks:
Phase 3
Claw Combo Short Quick succession of attacks that is hard to counter, bec
ause his head turns away
Downward Slam Short Smashes down with both hands, this attack can countered
Jump Attack Medium Pounces forward with a slash, this attack is the easiest
attack to counter
Aerial Dive Long Jumps into the air - roll INTO him to avoid this
Drop: 1,800 Blood Echoes and the Oedon Tomb Key
NPC Quests, Part 1
Before you grab the Red Jeweled Brooch off the rooftop in Tomb of Oedon you shou
ld decide which path you want to take with Viola's Daughter. You can now open th
e gate at the top of the steps and follow the path to a library with a note and
the Blood Gem Workshop Tool before continuing to Cathedral Ward's chapel.
Speak with the Oedon Chapel Dweller to learn that you can send people to this lo
cation for safety and then light the lamp to return to the 1st Floor Sickroom.
1st Floor Sickroom
Head up the stairs to speak to Iosefka to learn that you can also send people to
her location and then make your way to Central Yharnam on foot or via Hunter's
Central Yharnam
Start by talking to Gilbert at the window of the building next to the lamp for t
he Flamesprayer and then head through the shortcut, through the dark house to th
e caged Rabid Dogs, and speak to the Lonely Old Dear in the house across the bri
dge. You can now choose to send her to either Iosefka's Clinic or the Oedon Chap
el. If you send her to Oedon Chapel you can visit her later for items and if you
send her to Iosefka's Clinic she will be unavailable later, but Iosefka will gi
ve you a reward if you return to the 1st Floor Sickroom door.
When choosing where to send NPCs you can check the NPC Quests section or click o
n the NPC's name for more information about their quest lines.
Make your way back to the lamp and warp to the Tomb of Oedon and re-enter Centra
l Yharnam. Take the stairs down from the Tomb of Oedon, head down the ladder nex
t to the Huntsman's Minion with the boulder, enter the tunnel, and defeat the Ma
neater Boar. Now run through the sewer toward the pool of Rotted Corpses and tak
e both ladders up to eventually reach the house with Viola's Daughter. You must
choose whether to give her the Red Jeweled Brooch that belonged to her mother, a
s this will effect what happens to the girl.
If you choose to give her the brooch you should immediately refresh the area and
take the above mentioned path to the Maneater Boar to kill it for the Red Messe
nger Ribbon. If you choose to keep the brooch, or never picked it up, and can ch
oose to send her to Oedon Chapel or Iosefka's Clinic. If you choose Oedon Chapel
you can also kill the Maneater Boar for the Red Messenger Ribbon. If you send h
er to Isoefka's Clinic you can return to Iosefka for a reward and when you enter
Iosefka's Clinic later an enemy will drop the Formless Oedon Rune, but you will
not meet her Older Sister later.
Cathedral Ward
Return to Cathedral Ward to speak to the Oedon Chapel Dweller for the Triumph ge
sture, provided you sent the Lonely Old Dear to Oedon Chapel, and then make your
way out the back end of the chapel. Be careful as you make your way around the
cart, because there is a Church Servant on the other side who would love to snea
k up behind you.

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