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Geomorphology, 2 (1989) 393-403 393

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Netherlands

An Example of Rapid Gully Initiation and Extension by

Subsurface Erosion: Coastal San Mateo County, California


1Consultant in Hydrology, 1022 "S"st., Sacramento, CA 95819 (U.S.A.)

2Department of Landscape Architecture, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (U.S.A.)
3Northeast Utilities Service Company, P.O. Box 270, Hartford, CT 06141 (U.S.A.)

(Received May 2, 1988; accepted after revision September 15, 1988)


Swanson, M.L., Kondolf, G.M. and Boison, P.J., 1989. An example of rapid gully initiation and extension by subsur-
face erosion: coastal San Mateo County, California. Geomorphology, 2: 393-403.

Gully networks developed on coastal hillslopes in San Mateo County, California, extended nearly 300% from 1941
to 1978, primarily by subsurface erosion. In one drainage, subsurface erosion expanded the gully network by 80 m,
nearly doubling the gully length from 1982 to 1987. Intense gullying is restricted to areas underlain by members of the
Pliocene Purisima Formation, a unit rich in unstable volcanic lithic fragments, which weather to produce expansive
smectite clays. Gully development proceeds through a sequence of lateral eluviation of clays near the base of the A
horizon (piping), development of an open conduit in which erosion proceeds by turbulent, concentrated flow (tun-
neling), and finally, collapse of the tunnel roof, exposing an open gully. Measurements made in one gully system during
a 25-yr storm showed that the subsurface drainage network carried four times as much flow as the surface drainage
net and had average suspended sediment concentrations an order of magnitude higher.

Introduction literature to describe the evacuation of uncon-

solidated material by seepage force under con-
Surface erosion (by overland flow and rill ditions of positive hydraulic head, typically en-
flow) is widely viewed as the primary mecha- countered in dam footings or levees (Terzaghi
nism in gully development (e.g., Ireland, et al., and Peck, 1948). Once an open conduit is
1939; Brice, 1966). However, in numerous formed, expansion proceeds by turbulent con-
studies spanning the past six decades, subsur- centrated flow, termed "tunnel gully erosion".
face erosion has also been recognized as an im- Gibbs ( 1945 ), Buckham and Cockfield (1950),
portant factor in extension of gully networks Parker (1963), and Heede (1971) described the
(as reviewed by Jones, 1981). Our study dem- development of karst-like topography and gul-
onstrates that subsurface erosion can be the lies from collapse of subsurface conduits.
dominant gully-forming mechanism in an area Fletcher et al. (1954) described the necessary
of very rapid gully expansion. conditions for soil piping and noted its wide-
Subsurface erosion proceeds by two pro- spread occurrence. Leopold and Miller (1956)
cesses: true soil piping and tunneling. Soil pip- were perhaps the first to recognize subsurface
ing is a term originally used in the engineering erosion as a mechanism for headward exten-

0169-555X/89/$03.50 1989 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


sion of existing gullies, and Jones (1971) rec-

ognized the role of soil piping in stream channel
i ............ Tpp
Several studies have described the character-
istics of soils prone to piping. Fletcher and Car- SNOOT TNE RULL ~
'~~"~II ~.
roll (1948) and Heede (1971) found that pip- . ~ ' - % . . . . . . .;~o "..'>..
OSA,LREOGUC~ ]~" ~ po.~,o Tpp ~ "\-. .
mg soils tend to be high in exchangeable sodium
percentage (ESP) and expansive smectite or
montmorillonite clays, although Masannat it '~ .o

pESCAOESO ~ Tpt ~ Tpt

(1980) and Fletcher et al. (1954) found some LL NORTH ~ ~
GULLY ~ f~l~ ~
piping-prone soils low in clay content and ESP.
Despite the extensive literature on soil pip- (..)
~".\ I, ~ I%~t,,"~ San G. . . . . . . . . t
.- i

ing, very rapid rates of gully expansion by pip-

~i'~t ~N ~ / ""
<~ f l -:-~-t~--.. .7
\ ~,,o ~ ~-.~;;,~ 0 tome
ing have not been reported to date, nor have G_ ~ .. %li =

sediment yields from a pipe network been com-

\, tt
pared with those from overland flow for a single -X- Study Sites
p..~ Creek
drainage. If= Fault
Hwy 1
Our attention was drawn to an area in coastal Geologic Contacts
California where a remarkably dense gully net- [ ~ Tmhana Member
~ l ~ c t o Member
work has developed over the past five decades.
We initiated a field study there with four objec- Fig. 1. Location map showing study sites, major streams,
tives: (1) to characterize the geographic occur- and bedrock geology (after Brabb, 1980).
rence of the gullies, especially with respect to
soils and underlying bedrock; (2) to character-
Gully and piping systems near Half Moon
ize their occurrence in time since 1931, when
Bay were described by Keefer (1971) and
the first aerial photographs of the site were
Sprieter (1979), who emphasized the role of
taken; (3) to monitor short-term changes in se-
available sodium in development of these fea-
lected gully systems by detailed, repeat surveys;
tures. Although gullies are common along the
and (4) to observe the hydrologic response of
coast from Half Moon Bay to Pescadero, our
one gully system during runoff events by mon-
study concentrated on the area of most intense
itoring water table fluctuations over a hillslope
guilying, between San Gregorio Creek and Pes-
and by measuring water and sediment dis-
cadero Creek.
charge from overland flow and piping.

Study area Methods

The study area is located on gently rolling

coastal hills on the western flank of the Santa Open gullies and vegetation lineations in the
Cruz Mountains 75 km south of San Francisco study area were mapped from sequential aerial
(Fig. 1). The hills are now predominantly photographs and compared with Brabb's (1980)
grazed grasslands, but most were under dryland geologic map to document the distribution of
cultivation about 40 years ago. The climate is gullies in space and time. Gullies were mapped
Mediterranean, with mild wet winters and dry from aerial photographs taken in 1931, 1941,
summers. Mean annual rainfall is 640 mm, with 1955, 1963, 1977, 1978, and 1982. A Bausch and
90% falling from November to April. Soils dry Lomb Zoom Transfer Stereoscope was used to
to the wilting point each summer. compensate for scale differences and radial dis-

tortion on all photos. Analysis of the aerial pho- sured with a pygmy current meter; elsewhere it
tographs documented not only gully develop- was measured by the direct filling of a bucket.
ment with time, but former land-use patterns Following each discharge measurement, a sus-
as well. Monthly and daily rainfall records for pended sediment sample was collected (and
the Pescadero area (1955 to present) were ex- later analyzed in the laboratory for total sus-
amined, along with the longer record for San pended solids ).
Francisco ( 1875 to present). These records were
inspected for any long-term changes in precip- D i s t r i b u t i o n of g u l l y i n g in space and
itation that could have influenced gully time
Cross section and longitudinal profile survey Intensity of gullying in the study area is
networks were established to monitor changes strongly correlated with bedrock lithology and
on five gully systems (with the following names associated soils. Gulies are common within the
coined by the authors): Pescadero North and outcrop area of the Pliocene Purisima Forma-
South Gullies in the Pescadero Creek drainage, tion (Brabb, 1980) and the Quaternary collu-
and Railbed, Mean Bull, and Shoot-the-Bull vial and alluvial deposits derived from it. The
Gullies in the Pomponio Creek drainage (Fig. Purisima Formation consists of several mem-
I ). Development of tunnel networks and re- bers of shallow marine, volcanic fragment-rich
treat of headcuts were monitored by surveys in sandstones and siltstones, and a siliceous mud-
1982, 1983, and 1987. stone member. Soils developed on different
Detailed hydrologic data were collected in the members of the Purisima Formation display
Mean Bull Gully system in 1982 and 1983. A different styles of erosion, depending on the
nonrecording rain gage was installed near the abundance of unstable volcanic lithic
Pomponio Creek confluence, and 23 piezome- fragments.
zers were installed upslope of the active head- Our study area was located within the out-
cuts. Discharge measurements and suspended crop area of the Tahana member, a siltstone rich
sediment samples were taken at the gully in volcanic lithic fragments. Soils derived from
mouth, at a tunnel outlet in a gully wall, at sites the Tahana are vertisols, with relatively perme-
of concentrated overland flow entering the gully, able A horizons underlain by impermeable B
and in collapsed tunnels upslope of the gully horizons at depths of 0.3-1.0 m. The Tierra fine
headcuts during four runoff events in 1983. sandy loam, developed on the Purisima For-
Piezometers were constructed of 1/2-in di- mation (USDA, 1961 ) is a fine, montmorillon-
ameter PVC pipe. Slots were cut near the pie- itic, thermic Mollic Palexeralf (USDA, 1980).
zometer base and covered with brass screen. The Large desiccation cracks develop annually.
piezometers were installed in 20-cm diameter These cracks, along with root casts and burrow
auger holes with two layers of bentonite sealing holes, permit rapid downward movement of
t he layer of pea gravel surrounding the screen surface water to the top of the claypan B
and slots. Soil descriptions and moisture con- horizon.
tents were noted during augering, thereby es- The volcanic lithic fragments found in the
tablishing soil profiles for the area drained by Tahana weather to produce expansive smectite
Mean Bull Gully. Most piezometer screens were clays, which are rendered dispersive in the
placed at the A/B horizon contact, which was presence of sodium (Sherard and Decker, 1977).
identified by changes in soil grain size, resis- Ocean aerosols provide a ready source of so-
tance to penetration by the soil auger, and an dium at coastal sites (Sprieter, 1979). As a re-
abrupt decrease in moisture content. sult, soils developed on the Tahana member are
Discharge near the gully mouth was mea- highly vulnerable to subsurface erosion by a

high concentration of throughflow in the dis- period 1941-1978 (Fig. 2). These large gullies
persive soils of the A horizon above the im- occasionally serve as trunk streams to increase
permeable claypan of the B horizon (Keefer, hydraulic gradients and drive erosion on gullies
1971 ). The presence of smectite clay soils with and soil pipe/tunnel systems on adjacent slopes.
high exchangeable sodium, annual soil crack- Inspection of daily precipitation records for
ing, sharp contrasts in permeability of soil ho- the nearby Pescadero weather station and the
rizons, and intensive land use, are conditions longer record for San Francisco revealed no
found to be conducive to soil piping by other long-term changes in total precipitation, sea-
authors (Gibbs, 1945; Fletcher and Carroll, sonal distribution, or daily intensity that might
1948; Parker, 1963; Visser, 1969; Heede, 1971 ). explain the recent proliferation of gullies. How-
Erosion of soils overlying the Pomponio ever, the onset of severe gullying in the 1930s
Mudstone Member of the Purisima Formation, was coincident with conversion of much of the
a siliceous mudstone, contrasts to the Tahana study area from low coastal scrubland to agri-
member because its content of volcanic lithic culture for dryland cultivation of flax and grains
fragments is much lower (less than 5% ), and it by 1941. This period of intensive cultivation was
does not produce expansive clays in abundance. short, however, and by 1977, most of the culti-
Soils developed on the Pomponio Mudstone vated land had been converted to grazed
Member are not as vulnerable to subsurface grassland.
erosion, although they appear to be more prone While circumstantial evidence suggests that
to shallow landslide failures. This lithologic the conversion to agriculture triggered gullying
control on gully formation is illustrated by the on slopes underlain by the Tahana Member, we
contrast in gully distribution across the San have yet to find a thoroughly convincing mech-
Gregorio Fault, where the Pomponio Mudstone
Member on the east is faulted against the Ta-
1941 ~ ,, ,978
hana Member on the west. Despite similar hill-
slope gradients and land use histories, gullies .. i,~ ._ f"~'~,
~ . j ~ . . ~o
are ubiquitous on the Tahana member, but rare
on the Pomponio Mudstone member.
The subsurface tunnel networks that we ob-
(D !i r
served drain into large, open gullies through "
'~/o o x"
tunnel outlets elevated on gully walls. This sug-
gests that the lowered base levels produced by
large, master gullies may be a prerequisite for
/ -
extensive piping upslope by providing in- ! ; _ . : I "' "
creased hydraulic gradients to drive the subsur-
face erosion. Similar observations were made
by Buckham and Cockfield (1950), Jones
1971), and Heede (1971).
:'i.?No a.
Sequential aerial photographs show that the
extent of gullying in the study area changed
dramatically over time. From 1931 to 1982, the
number of open gully channels increased from I
1.0 krn
142 to 403 within an area of 25 km 2 (Swanson, N

1983). The total length of large open gully

Fig. 2. Comparative distribution of gully channels in the
channels clearly visible on aerial photographs study area in 1941 and 1978 as identified from historical
increased from 10.3 km to 43.6 km during the aerial photographs.

anism to explain how this might have occurred. overturned strips would develop enhanced
Accelerated piping and gully erosion have been permeability.
reported in other areas after a change or loss of (2) Deep-rooted scrub vegetation such as
vegetation (Gibbs, 1945; Parker, 1963; Parker coyote brush (Bacharus piluris) was removed
and Jenne, 1967). To explain increased subsur- during land clearing; subsequent rotting of roots
lace erosion in our study area, we have looked would leave open conduits along which water
for mechanisms that would: (1) increase infil- could flow downward and laterally.
~,ration of water from the surface to the base of (3) The population of burrowing rodents may
~,heA horizon, where it ponds above the claypan have increased over natural levels because of
and flows laterally; (2) lower base level, in- conversion from coastal scrub to grassland or
creasing the hydraulic gradient to drive subsur- extirpation of predators. If so, the density of
face flow; and (3) increase the availability of burrows (conduits for water into the lower A
sodium to disperse clays. Possible mechanisms horizon) would be increased.
include the following: (4) Poor conservation practices may have
(1) Plowing may have increased the width caused an increase in surface erosion, initiating
and penetration depth of annual desiccation new gullies or re-activating old gullies; this
cracks, thereby enhancing the downward would serve to lower local base levels, thereby
movement of water. Plowing may also have in- increasing the hydraulic gradient driving lat-
creased through flow by differentially compact- eral subsurface flow.
ing soils; permeability would be decreased where
tractor tires repeatedly ran while repeatedly

a C

Fig. 3. Sequential aerial photographs (1941-1982) of hillslope near Pomponio Creek. (a) 1941 view, as intensive dryland
thrming began; grazing commenced about 90 years earlier and infrequent dryland farming about 50 years earlier. Note
vegetation lineations {some noted as VL) where soil piping and tunnel development were active. For Figs. 3a, b, and c scale
bar at lower left corner is approximately 30 m long, the Pacific Ocean is at the top of the photo due west and H W Y 1 is
California State Highway 1. (b) 1956 view; note incised gullies and tunnel pits where tunnel roofs have collapsed (some
noted as TP) along former vegetation lineation sites in Fig. 3a. (c) 1982 view; note deepening of gullies from Fig. 3b and the
increase in the number of tunnel pits (TP}.

D e v e l o p m e n t a l s e q u e n c e of g u l l y :a
f o r m a t i o n and e x t e n s i o n

Detailed study of sequential aerial photo-

graphs from 1931 to 1982 document a charac-
t eristic sequence of gully development from ini-
tial piping to open gullies. Gullies in all stages
of development have been observed in the field.
From field inspections we have observed sub-
surface processes and features that accompany
the characteristic stages of development as
identified on aerial photographs (Figs. 3a, b, and
c). These stages are: (1) lateral eluviation of
clays (soil piping); (2) development of an open
subsurface conduit in which concentrated flow
erodes the boundaries (tunneling); and (3) ex-
pansion of the tunnel to the point that the roof
collapses, exposing an open gully channel.
The first stage of gully formation, the lateral
eluviation of clays in the lower A horizon by soil
piping, can be identified on aerial photographs
and in the field by lineations of grassy vegeta-
tion on the surface (Fig. 3a). Changed nutrient
a n d / o r moisture characteristics in the A hori-
zon support a different community of grass spe- Fig. 4. (a) Viewupslope to headcut of Mean Bull Gullyand
cies than adjacent, uneluviated areas. Typi- tunnel outlet, February 1983, with tunnel collapse visible
upslope in background. White spots on grass in middle
cally, more drought-tolerant species compose foreground are tops of PVC-pipe piezometers. (b) Same
these lineations. Where exposed in shovel pits view as (a) in August 1987. Between 1983 and 1987, the
or gully walls, the zone of eluviation can be rec- tunnel collapsedover virtually the entire distance from the
ognized by laminae of clean, well sorted sand original tunnel outlet to the upslope pipe collapse.
usually a few centimeters above the B horizon
than 20 cm thick, yet can support a person's
In the second stage of development, contin-
weight. Vegetation lineations become more dis-
ued lateral eluviation of clays by soil piping re-
sults in formation of subterranean conduits and tinct at this stage, possibly because plants
tunneling becomes the dominant mechanism of growing on an ever-thinning roof are subjected
growth. Figure 4a shows a tunnel at its outlet to an increasingly harsh desiccation regime.
into Mean Bull Gully in February 1983. This Eventually, the roof collapses, resulting in an
process of erosion by open conduit flow can open gully. Such a collapse is visible in Fig. 4b,
produce rapid expansion of tunnels. For exam- a 1987 view of the same site shown in 1983 in
ple, in the Mean Bull Gully drainage during the Fig. 4a. This third stage does not happen along
winter of 1982-1983, several tunnels expanded the entire length of the tunnel at once, but dis-
their diameters from less than 0.1 m to over 1.0 continuously. Small sinks and holes appearing
m by rapidly cutting a narrow channel in the B are first visible on sequential aerial photo-
horizon claypan. Tunnels one meter in diame- graphs as shown in Fig. 3b. They coalesce into
ter are common; these often have sod roofs less a discontinuous open channel, and, with con-

tinued growth, the channel opens along its en- (Fig. 5 ). In addition, we monitored headcut and
tire length (Fig. 3c). tunnel development by repeated, detailed sur-
veys in 1982, 1983, and 1987. The Mean Bull
H y d r o l o g i c r e s p o n s e to a 2 5 y e a r s t o r m drainage exhibits morphologic features associ-
ated with all stages of gully development in the
During the storm of 26 January 1983, which study area, from lateral eluviation to the ma-
had a recurrence interval of 25 years for a 6-h ture, open gully. On January 26, 1983, rainfall
storm (DWR, 1982), we documented the hy- measured at the site exceeded 60 mm from 1200
drologic response of the Mean Bull Gully drain- to 1800 h. A maximum intensity of 16 mm h-1
age (0.5 km 2) by observing an array of 23 shal- occurred between 1600 and 1700 h.
low piezometers and by measuring flow and Piezometer response varied greatly over short
sampling suspended sediment from tunnels, distances and was apparently dependent on the
overland flow, and near the gully mouth at the position on the hillslope and proximity to tun-
master gully's confluence with Pomponio Creek nels. Figure 6 shows representative changes in

xl7 120

I00 110


90 o

9O 50

~ 3oo





70 i:[*::--~!:OPEN GULLY
"-~.,--'b.- SUBSURFACE TUNNEL 1963



1 1 4
55 0

Fig. 5. Geomorphic features and hydrologic monitoring network of Mean Bull Gully 1982-1987. Upslope of the tunnel outlet,
the entire drainage was subsurface in 1982. In 1983, approximately 40 m of tunnel was exposed by roof collapse. In 1987, an
additional 40 m collapsed, creating a nearly continuous open gully. Tunnel outlet is the same tunnel outlet shown in Fig. 4a.

lineations. These piezometers showed a fairly

A-.....*.b... GULLY MOUTH uniform and rapid response to rainfall. Some
~'------(~---- TUNNEL OUTLET piezometers displayed free-flowing artesian
TUNNEL OUTLETS conditions, and water was observed spouting 10
.&... B'----'.,,,I-~ MEASURED TOTAL OVER-
cm high from a nearby rodent hole. We inter-
pret this area to be in the early stages of lateral
eluviation, where dispersed throughflow is oc-
curring under sybstantial hydrostatic pressure.
The lower group of piezometers is located in
an area underlain by well developed tunnel net-
1200 2400
t I
works. (Many of these tunnels were later ex-
JANUARY 26 i JANUARY 27 I JANUARY 28 posed by roof collapse in 1985 and 1986.) Pie-
I I , r , i I ] zometer response was highly varied. Some
became artesian, while others did not respond
~ !..o
~ \ ~ :..................
::::: ....... ~11 at all. The former were apparently in untun-
neled areas where positive hydraulic heads de-
~ ,2 "..:: ......
veloped, while the others were near tunnels,
which allowed pore waters to drain rapidly.
: ~5 J~ ......
Most of the runoff measured at the gully
mouth was generated from subsurface flow.
5 -. Overland flow entered the gully only at one of
1200 2400 1200 2400 1200
the two headcuts at the upper end of the master
JANUARY 26 I JANUARY 27 I JANUARY 28 gully; measurements show that this accounted
for about 2.16X 104 l, or 25% of the total runoff

* . ..... . .... " . ..... . .. . . " " " . . . ". ... . . . . - ' I for the period measured. Comparable volumes
of subsurface runoff were observed flowing from
I each of the five primary tunnel outlets located
along the master gully walls. The discharge
Fig. 6. Storm precipitation and flow hydrographs (upper
plot) and subsurface water levels (lower plot) measured in measured from one of these outlets approxi-
piezometers for 6-h storm of 26 January 1983. mately equalled the total contributed by over-
land flow. Assuming that about 5% fell directly
water level from the upper, middle, and lower into the gully or entered from unmeasured
piezometer groups. The upper group of piezo- sources, the combined runoff from tunnel out-
meters (including piezometer 17 on Fig. 6) is lets equalled 8.64 1041 or 70% of the total run-
located in an area with an existing tunnel net- off measured at the gully mouth.
work. Vegetation lineations are distinct and The differences in suspended sediment con-
sinkholes have exposed large tunnels (0.75 m centrations were equally striking (Fig. 7).
in diameter). These piezometers did not dis- Water entering the gully from the tunnel net-
play large rises in head during the storm, indi- work had suspended sediment concentrations
cating that elevated hydraulic heads were not averaging 1.78 104 mg 1-1, an order of mag-
maintained over a wide region, probably be- nitude greater than the overland flow (with av-
cause pore water was rapidly drained into erage concentrations of 1.29 103 mg l- 1). This
nearby tunnels. indicates that well over 90% of the total sedi-
The middle group of piezometers is located ment produced in the Mean Bull Gully basin
in an area lacking well-developed tunnel sys- during the period of measurement came from
tems, as evidenced by only scattered vegetation subsurface erosion.

in the rainy season. Moisture content in the A

horizon increased markedly with depth. In some
holes, the base of the A horizon consisted of sat-
F urated sand and disaggregated mud. Below the
,~ 10"
abrupt A / B contact, the claypan B horizon was
I.- typically hard and dry.
Examination of soil profiles exposed in head-
O cuts and tunnel walls reveal distinctive sand
Z laminae a few centimeters above the A / B con-
~ 10 3
tact. Muddy seepage was observed discharging
from these layers during the rainy season. We
interpret these as zones of concentrated flow
where clay has been leached and transported in
i i i i i i ,I
, i ~,--,,,i
suspension to outlets either on master gully
walls or soil pipe/tunnel walls, leaving a sub-
Fig. 7. Sediment concentrations from a tunnel outlet and surface lag deposit of clean sand. These sand
overland flow measured at Mean Bull Gully for the storm
laminae, with their fresh appearance, cannot be
of 26 J a n u a r y 1983.
explained as primary depositional features be-
E v i d e n c e o f lateral s u b s u r f a c e f l o w f r o m cause they occur within a mature soil profile
soil profiles, M e a n Bull G u l l y where, over time, they likely would have been
disturbed by pedogenic processes and
Auger hole profiles revealed characteristic bioturbation.
profiles of clay concentration and moisture
content with depth that were indicative of sub-
surface flow and erosion. Clay concentration Conclusions
typically decreased downward from the surface
and was distinctly depleted at the base of the A
horizon just above the claypan B horizon (Fig. In our study area in the coastal San Mateo
8). Because the soils were difficult to penetrate County area, subsurface erosion is remarkably
when dry, auger holes were not dug until early rapid, with some gullies doubling in length in

~B A/B
i_ ..... f A/B

5o S I
:.. J
o r
I- lO(
I,- r"
I i" 100


(a) (b) (c)

40 60


Fig. 8. Percent clay distribution for three soil profiles in the study area: Profile (a) taken from tunnel collapse wall in Mean
Bull Gully basin, (b) from gully headcut at Mean Bull Gully, (c) from site near San Gregorio ( U S D A , 1961 ). A/B indicates
the abrupt contact between the permeable A soil horizon and the relatively impermeable underlying B soil horizon.

several years. Subsurface erosion is far more this study, and to Syd Brown for her support
significant here than headcut migration in the and guidance. Howard Wilshire suggested the
initiation and extension of gully channels. From study area, visited the field site, and provided
1982 through 1986, numerous tunnel roof col- helpful suggestions. Luna B. Leopold gave the
lapses have appeared and exposed 80 m of new authors valuable guidance and loaned equip-
open channel in the Mean Bull Gully basin, ment for field work. Wil Graf, Tom Dunne and
while in the same period, headcut migration has M. Gordon Wolman visited the field site and
been but a few centimeters per year. Field mea- provided helpful suggestions. Stan Stevens, map
surements of sediment and water discharge librarian at the University of California at Santa
from the basin during a 25-yr storm showed that Cruz, generously made available an extensive
t~he subsurface net accounted for nearly 70% of collection of aerial photographs. The senior au-
t,he water and over 90% of the sediment thor, who completed the project as a masters
discharge. thesis at the University of California at Santa
Subsurface erosion appears to have been re- Cruz, wishes to thank Gary B. Griggs, Robert
sponsible for prolific gully growth visible on R. Curry, and Robert E. Garrison for their sup-
aerial photographs for the past 57 years. A reg- port and constructive criticism.
ular developmental sequence of gully initiation
and growth (from lateral eluviation of clays to
tunnel collapse), observed in the field at pres-
ent, can also be recognized on historical aerial
photographs. Brabb, E.B., 1980. Preliminary geologic map of the La
Our study demonstrates the importance of Honda and San Gregorio Quadrangles, San Mateo
County, California. U.S. Geol. Surv. Open File Rep. No.
field and historical measurements in distin- 80-245.
guishing the relative importance of surface ver- Brice, J.C., 1966. Erosion and deposition in the loess man-
sus subsurface erosion in gully development. tled Great Plains, Medicine Drainage Basin, Nebraska.
Although the rates of subsurface erosion docu- U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 352-H, 339 pp.
Buckham, A.F. and Cockfield, W.E., 1950. Gullies formed
mented here may be unusually high, similar soil
by sinking of the ground. Am. J. Sci., 248: 137-141.
piping and gully development has been ob- Department of Water Resources, California Resources
served in many different environments. Field Agency, 1982. Rainfall depth-duration-frequency for
measurements of water and sediment discharge California. An update of Dep. Resour. Bull., 195, 39 pp.
are needed at more sites to determine the rela- Fletcher, J.E. and Carroll, P.H., 1948. Some properties of
soils associated with piping in southern Arizona. Proc.
tive importance of surface versus subsurface Soil Sci. Soc. Am., 13: 545-547.
erosion in different settings. Fletcher, J.E., Harris, E., Peterson, H.B. and Chandler,
Recognition of the predominant gully form- V.N., 1954. Piping. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 35(3):
ing mechanism in a particular area is crucial to 258-262.
Gibbs, H.S., 1945. Tunnel-gully erosion in the Wither Hills,
development of erosion control strategies. For Marlborough. N.Z.J. Sci. Technol., A-27: 135-146.
gully systems in which subsurface erosion is Heede, B.R., 1971. Characteristics and processes of soil
dominant, traditional gully treatment meth- piping in gullies. U.S. Dep. Agric., For. Serv., Res. Pap.
ods, aimed at reducing surface erosion, may RM-68, 15 pp.
Ireland, H.A., Sharpe, C.F.S. and Eargle, D.H., 1939. Prin-
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