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The physiology of micturition

Marion Richardson, BD, CertEd,
DipN, RGN, RNT, is senior lecturer
and programme leader, emergency
nursing, University of Hertfordshire

Urine production and excretion are vital for a normal permit the passage of some substances out of the body
Marion Richardson describes healthy life (McLaren, 1996). We depend on but restrict the passage of others, for example, blood
how urine is produced, micturition (urination) to eliminate organic waste cells and large proteins.
stored and excreted from the products, which are produced as a result of cell
body. The physiological metabolism in the body. The urinary system also Filtration As blood flows through the glomerulus
reasons for urinary regulates the concentrations of sodium, potassium, (a capillary network that forms part of the nephron),
incontinence are explored chloride and other ions in the blood as well as much of the fluid and waste products in the blood are
helping to maintain normal blood pH, blood pressure forced out through the walls of the capillaries, filtered,
KEY WORDS and blood volume (Martini, 2002). This article will and then flow into the Bowmans capsule (Fig 2).
Continence concentrate on how urine is produced, stored in the The Bowmans capsule is a double-walled endothelial
Physiology bladder and excreted from the body, and will cup that surrounds the glomerulus. This glomerular
Urine production summarise some of the problems that may cause filtrate (about 125ml per minute) consists of water,
urinary incontinence. The structure of the urinary glucose, waste salts such as sodium and potassium,
tract is shown in Fig 1. and urea. Urea is the most abundant waste product
excreted by the kidneys and is formed from ammonia, a
Formation of urine There are two kidneys which are highly toxic substance. Ammonia is formed in the liver
bean-shaped and are approximately 10cm long, 5.5cm from the breakdown of amino acids.
wide and 3cm thick. Each kidney weighs about 150g
and has a marked indentation medially the hilus Absorption Much of the glomerular filtrate, including
where the renal artery and renal nerves enter and the most of the water, is reabsorbed into the capillaries
renal vein and ureter leave. Between them, the kidneys surrounding the proximal and distal convoluted tubules,
make approximately 30ml or more of urine every hour the loop of Henle and the collecting tubules. All of the
(Marieb, 2003). glucose will be reabsorbed unless blood glucose levels
Approximately 25 per cent of the cardiac output goes are high more than 8.9 millimoles per litre (mmol/l) or
to the kidneys (McLaren, 1996) where organic waste 160 milligrams per decilitre (mg/dl) in which case some
products are removed in the million or so nephrons (Fig glucose will be excreted in the urine.
2) in each kidney. Normal urine production, therefore, Sodium is also reabsorbed but the amount varies,
depends on normal blood flow to the kidneys. The depending on how much the body requires to maintain
nephron is the functional unit of the kidney. Nephrons a constant concentration of sodium ions in the blood.


Inferior vena cava Aorta Distal Bowmans
convoluted capsule
Kidney Glomerulus



Blood Proximal
vessels convoluted
Internal Loop of
sphincter Henle

46 NT 22 July 2003 Vol 99 No 29


Marieb, E.N. (2003) Essentials of
Human Anatomy and Physiology.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Martini, F.H. (ed) (2002)
Fundamentals of Anatomy and
Physiology. Upper Saddle River,
Secretion This is the final stage of urine formation, and Control of bladder emptying The opening, NJ: Prentice Hall.
occurs at the distal and collecting tubules. Substances described as the neck of the bladder, between the McLaren, S.M. (1996) Renal
either diffuse or are actively transported out of the bladder and the urethra, is closed by two rings of muscle Function. In: Hinchliff, S.M.,
Montague, S., Watson, R. (eds)
capillaries and into the collecting tubules to be excreted the internal and external sphincters. The internal
(1996) Physiology for Nursing
in the urine. sphincter contains smooth muscle fibres and the normal Practice. London: Baillire Tindall.
Hydrogen ions, potassium ions, ammonia and some muscle tone of these fibres keeps it contracted; it is Silverthorn, D.U. (2003) Human
drugs are all secreted at this stage and the kidneys play therefore not under voluntary control. The external Physiology: An Integrated
an important role in maintaining the acid-base balance sphincter is formed of a circular band of skeletal muscle Approach. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
within the body. which is supplied by the pudendal nerve and is under
voluntary control. These fibres remain contracted, as a
Final composition of urine The final composition of result of central nervous system stimulation, except
urine is the result of filtration, absorption and secretion during micturition when they relax.
by the nephrons. The kidneys produce, on average, one
and a half litres of urine each day this is mostly The urethra The urethra leaves the bladder at its
composed of water, is straw coloured and has a most inferior point and extends from there to the outside
specific gravity of 1.005 to 1.030. of the body. In women, this exits near the anterior wall of
Urea, uric acid, creatinine, sodium chloride and the vagina and is 35cm long. Because the urethra is
potassium ions are all normal constituents of urine. short and exits so close to the anus, women are
Blood, ketones and glucose are not, and their presence particularly prone to urinary tract infections.
may indicate disease. In men, the urethra extends to the tip of the penis, a
total distance of up to 20cm (Martini, 2002). It has four
The ureters Urine passes from the kidneys to the sections:
bladder through the ureters where it is stored until it is The prostatic urethra, which passes through the
eliminated via the urethra. Urine is moved along the centre of the prostate gland;
ureters to the bladder by peristaltic contraction The membranous urethra, the short middle portion,
and gravity. goes through the muscular pelvic floor;
The ureters are muscular tubes about 30cm long. The bulbar urethra, which is surrounded by corpus
They are firmly attached to the posterior abdominal wall spongiosum. Contraction of these muscle fibres assist
and are retroperitoneal; they do not enter the peritoneal with emptying the urethra at the end of micturition;
cavity. The ureteral openings into the bladder are The penile urethra, which reaches the tip of the penis.
flattened (slit-shaped) rather than round. This is due to
the oblique angle at which the ureters enter the bladder, Micturition At its most basic level, micturition is a
which helps to prevent the back-flow of urine into the simple reflex (Silverthorn, 2003) which is displayed by
ureters when the bladder contracts. infants who are not toilet-trained (Fig 3).
When the volume of urine in the bladder reaches
Storage of urine The bladder is a hollow, muscular about 250ml, stretch receptors in the bladder walls are
sac which sits in the pelvis. In males, the base of the stimulated and excite sensory parasympathetic fibres
bladder lies between the rectum and pubic symphysis which relay information to the sacral area of the spine.
while in females the base is below the uterus and This information is integrated in the spine and relayed
anterior to the vagina. to two different sets of neurones. Parasympathetic
The bladder stores urine and can contain motor neurones are excited and act to contract the
approximately one litre when full. It is held in position by detrusor muscles in the bladder so that bladder
the peritoneum surrounding it (though only its top pressure increases and the internal sphincter opens. At
surface lies within the peritoneum) and by strong the same time, somatic motor neurones supplying the
umbilical ligaments. external sphincter via the pudendal nerve are inhibited,
The bladder is lined by mucosa. This is particularly allowing the external sphincter to open and urine to
thick in the area around the ureter openings and the flow out, assisted by gravity.
junction with the urethra, where the mucosa acts as a
funnel to channel urine into the urethra when the Control of micturition Children and adults have
bladder contracts. During micturition, strong muscles in considerable control over when and where they pass
the bladder walls (the detrusor muscles) compress the urine. They can also increase or decrease the rate of
bladder, pushing its contents into the urethra. flow and even stop and start again, so micturition is

NT 22 July 2003 Vol 99 No 29 47


FIG 3. MICTURITION REFLEX AND VOLUNTARY CONTROL OF MICTURITION The sound of running water also encourages micturition
Brain (Silverthorn, 2003) but some people cannot urinate in
VOLUNTARY CONTROL the presence of others, no matter how great their need.
Projection fibres from After micturition, less than 10ml of urine remains in the
Cerebral cortex thalamus deliver sensation
voluntary control to cerebral cortex bladder (Martini, 2002) and the cycle begins again.
Potential problems associated with
Nerve impulses relay micturition For normal micturition to occur we need:
Spinal cord sensation to thalamus Intact nerve pathways to the urinary tract;
Normal muscle tone in the detrusors, sphincters and
Sensory input pelvic floor muscles;
from receptors to
Stretch receptors spinal cord Voluntary signal Absence of any obstruction to urine flow in any part of
to inhibit reflex
the urinary tract;
Normal bladder capacity;
Absence of environmental or psychological factors
Bladder which may inhibit micturition (McLaren, 1996).
Internal Nerve impulses stimulate Loss of any of these normal functions may result in
urethral contraction of detrusor
sphincter muscle incontinence or urgency to micturate.
Neurological disorders may include stroke, Alzheimers
Nerve impulses stimulate
External urethral relaxation of internal disease or any condition where nerve pathways to and
sphincter Urethra urethral sphincter muscle from the spine and brain are blocked or injured. The
neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) is involved in the
relaying of nerve signals in micturition. ACh can be
clearly more than just a simple reflex. This control is blocked with the drug atropine, so the detrusor muscle
learnt in infancy and involves other sensory fibres in the will not contract and retention of urine will occur.
bladder wall. These fibres convey information on the Stress incontinence can occur at any age. It occurs
degree of bladder fullness via the spine to the higher when abdominal pressure rises, for example when
centres of the brain, the thalamus and cerebral cortex. sneezing or coughing. The normally acute angle
This causes us to become aware that we need to pass between the bladder and urethra is lost when abdominal
urine and of the urgency of the situation. pressure rises slightly, causing pressure in the bladder
These links between the spine and cerebral cortex are to rise.
not established until about two years of age and it is Laxity and weakness of muscles at the bladder neck,
suggested that toilet-training is therefore not around the urethra and in the pelvic floor will mean that
physiologically possible until that time (Martini, 2002). incontinence occurs with relatively small pressure
The brain is able to override the micturition reflex by changes. Stress incontinence can occur in men
inhibiting the parasympathetic motor nerve fibres to the following prostatectomy, and in women after childbirth
bladder and reinforcing contraction of the external and during the menopause due to decreased oestrogen
sphincter (Martini, 2002). The internal sphincter will not secretions (McLaren, 1996).
open until the external sphincter does. Renal stones, inflammation and an enlarged prostate
The increase in bladder volume increases stretch gland may all obstruct the flow of urine and may result
receptor and nerve activity, making the sensation of in frequency of micturition and retention of urine.
pressure more acute. When it is convenient, the brain Bladder tumours and pregnancy also reduce normal
centres remove the inhibition and permit micturition bladder capacity. Environmental and psychological
under our conscious control. When the bladder contains factors can also affect a patients ability to pass urine.
about 500ml, pressure may force open the internal
sphincter; this in turn forces open the external sphincter Conclusion Micturition requires the coordinated
and urination occurs whether it is convenient or not. activity of sympathetic, parasympathetic and somatic
We can increase the rate of urine flow by contraction nerves. It also requires normal muscle tone and freedom
of the abdominal muscles and by the performance of from physical obstruction and psychological inhibition.
Valsalvas manoeuvre (forced expiration against a Control from our higher brain centres allow us to
closed glottis) (McLaren, 1996). Contraction of the determine the right time and place to allow this important
strong pelvic floor muscles can stop urine in mid-flow. physiological function to occur.

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