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2011 Senior External Examination

Biology Thursday 27 October 2011

Paper One Question and response book 9 am to 11:40 am

Time allowed Candidate use

Perusal time: 10 minutes Print your candidate number here
Working time: 2 hours 30 minutes
1 1
Examination materials provided
Attach barcode here
Paper One Question and response book

Equipment allowed
QSA-approved equipment Number of books used
non-programmable calculator
one A4 sheet of EBI question topic research notes

Directions Supervisor use only

Do not write in this book during perusal time.
Supervisors initials
Paper One has three parts:
Part A Cell structure and function
Part B Physiology of organisms QSA use only
Part C Organisms and ecosystems
Marker number
Suggested time allocation
Part A: 50 minutes
Part B: 50 minutes
Part C: 50 minutes

Assessment standards are at the end of this book.

After the examination session

The supervisor will collect this book.
Take your research notes when you leave.
Planning space
Part A Cell structure and function

Section 1 Short response

Section 1 has 10 questions that assess either Understanding biology (UB) or Investigating
biology (IB). Attempt all questions.
Respond to the questions in the spaces provided.

Question 1 (UB)
Describe the main difference between a prokaryotic cell and an eukaryotic cell.


Question 2 (UB)
Describe the functional relationship between the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus.



Question 3 (UB)
The diagram below shows a typical plant cell.

Label three features that distinguish it from an animal cell.

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 1

Question 4 (UB)
Increasing the surface area within a cell has several advantages. Use an example to explain the link
between the increase in surface area within a cell to the improved functioning of that cell.






Question 5 (UB)
Explain the differences between a heart muscle cell and an adrenal gland cell. You may use a labelled






2 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Question 6 (UB)
The diagram below shows the stages of mitosis. The stages are not in the correct order.
a. Label each stage.

A. B. C.

D. E. F.

b. Using the letters assigned to each stage in the diagram, list the stages in the correct sequence
beginning with interphase.

Question 7 (UB)
Describe the interrelationships between the processes of respiration and photosynthesis within a cell.







2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 3

The following information relates to Questions 8 and 9.

Currawongs are a type of large native predatory bird. An experiment was carried out to identify
whether currawongs were eating the eggs of smaller birds. Nests with artificial eggs were placed in
trees and observed for two weeks. The predators were identified from markings left behind on the
eggs. The data gathered during the investigation is shown below.

Question 8 (IB)
Organise the data into bar graphs on the axes provided.

Nest predators identified using markings left on artificial eggs

% of markings on
Type of predator 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
artificial eggs
large birds
large birds 64
small birds
small birds 30
cats 3 rats
rats 3 possums
possums 3 parrots

parrots 2

Nest predators identified using direct observation by volunteers

% of witnessed
Type of predator 0 10 20 30 40 50
currawongs 52
magpies 13
other large birds
other large birds 4 mynah birds
mynah birds 10 other small birds
other small birds 17 parrots
parrots 2
cats 3

Predation rate of eggs in areas where currawongs are seen

How often do you

% predation
see currawongs? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
never 18 never
monthly 25 monthly
weekly 32
daily 40

4 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Question 9 (IB)
Following the study, ecologists made the recommendations below to stabilise the number of small
Plant more dense shrubs in gardens to provide the nests of small birds with more protection
from predators.
Reduce the number of berry-producing plants in gardens. These plants attract large birds like
currawongs because they provide them with food.
Do not encourage large birds into gardens by feeding them.

Use data from the study to support these recommendations.

























2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 5

Question 10 (IB)
a. The functioning of enzymes is affected by a number of factors. Formulate and justify a research
question that could be used to investigate the impact of one of these factors.






b. Design an experiment that investigates your research question by:

providing a method
addressing variables and controls
planning replicate treatments
identifying the data to be collected.

















End of Section 1

6 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Blank page

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 7

Section 2 Extended response

Section 2 has one question that assesses Evaluating biological issues (EBI). Write an extended
response below.
Your response must refer to biological principles, concepts and ideas.
Plan your response carefully. If you do a first draft and then a final draft, indicate which draft is to
be assessed.

Question 1 (EBI)
Drugs are used both legally and illegally. Predict the impact that unregulated production of drugs in a
first-world country like Australia could have on cellular processes that would then also affect the
overall health of our population.






















8 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book




























End of Section 2

End of Part A

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 9

Part B Physiology of organisms

Section 1 Short response

Section 1 has nine questions that assess either Understanding biology (UB) or Investigating
biology (IB). Attempt all questions.
Respond to the questions in the spaces provided.

Question 1 (UB)
Describe the role of the sun in transpiration.


Question 2 (UB)
The diagram below shows a partial cross-section of the stem of a vascular plant. Label only the cells
through which translocation occurs.

Question 3 (UB)
Temperature regulation is part of the bodys homeostatic processes. Explain why incubators are used
in the short-term to help maintain a stable temperature in some premature babies.


10 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Question 4 (UB)
The diagram below outlines a feedback mechanism.


response receptor

effector control centre

Give an example of a feedback mechanism for thermo-regulation in mammals.





Question 5 (UB)
The amount of oxygen blood can carry depends on haemoglobin within red blood cells. When low
blood oxygen is detected by the body, the hormone erythropoietin is secreted. This hormone
stimulates the production of new red blood cells.

Explain why an athlete might consider injecting erythropoietin.




Question 6 (UB)
Draw diagrams below showing plant cells placed in a fresh water solution and a concentrated salt
solution. Label the main features of each diagram.

Plant cell in fresh water solution Plant cell in concentrated salt solution

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 11

Question 7 (UB)
Define phototropism.


Question 8 (IB)
Design an experiment to investigate if the colour of light affects the amount of stem bending in a
tomato plant by:
providing a method
addressing variables and controls
planning replicate treatments
identifying the data to be collected.





















12 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Question 9 (IB)
The table below shows seven turtle species, the types of habitat each occupies and the nitrogenous
wastes produced.

Urine component
Turtle species Habitat Uric acid Ammonia Urea
(g/L) (g/L) (g/L)
Kinosternon subrubrum Almost wholly aquatic 0.7 24.0 22.9
Pelusios derbianus Almost wholly aquatic 4.5 18.5 24.4
Semi-aquatic; feeds on
Emys orbicularis 2.5 14.4 47.1
land in marshes
Damp places; frequently
Kinixys erosa 4.2 6.1 61.0
enters water
Testudo denticulata Damp, swampy ground 6.7 6.0 29.1
Very dry, almost desert
Testudo graeca 51.9 4.1 22.3
Very dry, almost desert
Testudo elegans 56.1 6.2 8.5

Draw a conclusion from the data regarding the relationship between the production of uric acid and/or
ammonia and the type of habitat. Link your conclusion to theoretical concepts.








End of Section 1

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 13

Section 2 Extended response

Section 2 has one question that assesses Evaluating biological issues (EBI). Write an extended
response below.
Your response must refer to biological principles, concepts and ideas.
Plan your response carefully. If you do a first draft and then a final draft, indicate which draft is to
be assessed.

Question 1 (EBI)
Smart Choices Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools is a dietary
guideline policy which became mandatory in Queensland state schools from 1 January 2007. It
applies to all situations where food and drink is supplied in the school environment. Integrate
information to make a justified and responsible decision on whether this program should continue in
the future.





















14 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book





























End of Section 2

End of Part B

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 15

Part C Organisms and ecosystems

Section 1 Short response

Section 1 has eight questions that assess either Understanding biology (UB) or Investigating
biology (IB). Attempt all questions.
Respond to the questions in the spaces provided.

Question 1 (UB)
Explain the difference between structural, behavioural and physiological adaptations. Refer to






Question 2 (UB)
Explain a difference between a community and a population.





Question 3 (UB)
Monocultures are intensive single plant farming areas. The food webs for monocultures are very
simple. Explain why monocultures are not sustainable when stresses such as disease threaten them.





16 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Question 4 (UB)
The table below contains information about four species of birds.

Bird Food preferences Habitat Shelter

Reptiles, insects, crayfish,
1 Open forest Hollow tree trunk
rodents, young birds
2 Insects, berries, small birds Open forest Upper branches of tall trees
3 Small insects Heath land Nest of dried grass in low bushes
Insects, spiders, centipedes,
4 Open forest Nest of sticks in a forked tree branch
frogs, mice, small lizards

Which two species would be in most competition with each other? Explain your reasoning.



Question 5 (UB)
Mangroves are plants which grow in intertidal zones where the environment is affected by the rise and
fall of the tide. Describe the daily variations that would occur in oxygen availability and temperature,
and how these variations are likely to affect the organisms found within a mangrove community.




Question 6 (UB)
Complete the diagram below.

Atmosphere CO2


Volcanoes Plants

Water Earth ......................

Limestone Fossil Fuels

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 17

Question 7 (IB)
The grey teal is a duck commonly found in Australian waters, in abundant numbers. The graphs below
display information about these ducks and the water levels in a lagoon during a 15 month period.

Relative biomass

Breeding season

Clutches* started 15
no no
5 records records

Sexual cycle
8 16
7 oocyte 14

Oocyte diameter (mm)

6 12
5 testis 10
Testis volume (mL)
4 8
3 6
2 4
1 2
0 0

Water level

Water level (m)

*Clutch: A group of eggs laid at the same time.

18 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Interpret the graphs and analyse the data to draw conclusions about why the grey teal is so abundant.















2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 19

Question 8 (IB)
A test was carried out to assess the fertiliser requirements for a 1400-hectare wheat and soybean farm.
Different types of fertiliser were applied to four one-hectare plots of land as shown below.

1 tonne of
1 tonne of urea

1 tonne of
No fertiliser
animal manure

Wheat was then planted and the following yields (tonnes) harvested from each plot were recorded.

Wheat yield (harvest)

Urea 2.0
Superphosphate 1.5
Animal manure 1.5
No fertiliser 1.0

a. What has this test demonstrated?



b. Explain the reasoning in your response to Question 8a.





c. Evaluate the design of the test. Determine if the data is adequate. Suggest ways the test could
be improved.






20 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book







End of Section 1

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 21

Section 2 Extended response

Section 2 has one question that assesses Evaluating biological issues (EBI). Write an extended
response below.
Your response must refer to biological principles, concepts and ideas.
Plan your response carefully. If you do a first draft and then a final draft, indicate which draft is to
be assessed.

Question 1 (EBI)
Intensive horticultural practices are increasing the rates of food production in most countries around
the world. Analyse how this could be impacting global biodiversity.























22 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book


























End of Section 2

End of Part C

End of Paper One

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 23

Additional pages for responses (if required)

Part Section Question




























24 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Part Section Question




























2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 25

Part Section Question




























26 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Planning space

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 27

Planning space

28 2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

Assessment standards from the 2006 senior external syllabus for Biology
Criterion A B C D E
Understanding The candidate communicates The candidate communicates The candidate communicates The candidate communicates The candidate states
biology understanding by: understanding by: understanding by: understanding by stating ideas terminology and ideas relevant
making links between related explaining ideas, concepts, defining and describing ideas, and using terminology relevant to concepts.
ideas, concepts, principles principles and theories and concepts, principles and to concepts and recalling
and theories to reveal describing interrelationships theories, and interrelationships.
meaningful interrelationships between them identifying interrelationships
applying knowledge and applying knowledge and applying knowledge and
understanding to a range of understanding to a range of understanding to a range of
complex and challenging complex tasks. tasks.
Investigating The candidate communicates The candidate communicates The candidate communicates The candidate communicates The candidate communicates
biology investigative processes by: investigative processes by: investigative processes by: investigative processes by: investigative processes by
formulating justified formulating researchable identifying researchable using data to answer providing incomplete
researchable questions questions questions questions methodology, and transcribes
designing an investigation by designing an investigation by designing an investigation by designing an investigation
providing methodology, providing methodology, providing incomplete which provides incomplete
addressing variables and addressing obvious variables methodology with few methodology and mentions
control, planning replicate and control and planning variables and attempts to variables
treatments and identifying replicate treatments include a control attempting to organise data.
data to be collected organising data organising data
organising data to identify interpreting data and drawing using data to draw
trends and interrelationships conclusions relating to the conclusions.
interpreting and critically question(s)
analysing data with links to evaluating the design of the
theoretical concepts to draw investigation and the
conclusions relating to the adequacy of the data

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book

question(s) collected.
evaluating the design of the
investigation and reflecting on
the adequacy of the data
collected and proposing

Criterion A B C D E
Evaluating The candidate communicates The candidate communicates The candidate communicates The candidate communicates The candidate communicates
biological by: by: by: by: by restating supplied
issues critically analysing and analysing and evaluating analysing information and making statements related to information.
evaluating information and information and data from a data from a variety of sources source material
data from a variety of sources variety of sources to to determine validity and bias making unsupported
to determine validity, determine validity, reliability selecting relevant information decisions
reliability and bias and bias and data to make plausible recognising that a given issue
integrating the information integrating the information decisions and predictions has biological implications.
and data to make justified and and data to make logical recognising concepts that
responsible decisions decisions form the basis of present-day
comparing alternatives and recognising alternatives and biological issues in a range of
predictions relevant in past, predictions that are relevant biological contexts.
present and future biological in a range of past and present
contexts. biological contexts.

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book


Ampt P and Keys J 2000, Interpreting Data in Biology, Book 1, Emerald City Books, Glebe, NSW.
Aubusson P, Kennedy E & Hickman P 2004, Biology in Context: The spectrum of life, 2nd edn,
Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, Vic.
Evans K, Ladiges PY & McKenzie J et al 2004, Biology: A contextual approach, Pearson Heinemann,
Port Melbourne, Vic.
Evans K, Ladiges PY & McKenzie J 1994, Biology One, 2nd edn, Heinemann Educational Australia,
Port Melbourne, Vic.
Greenwood T, Pryor K & Allan R 2010, Year 11 Biology 2010, Student Workbook, Biozone Learning
Media Australia, Burleigh, Qld.

Every reasonable effort has been made to contact owners of copyright

material. We would be pleased to hear from any copyright owner who has
been omitted or incorrectly acknowledged.

2011 Biology Paper One Question and response book 31

Queensland Studies Authority
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The State of Queensland (Queensland Studies Authority) 2011

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