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Emmaville Central School

Assessment Task Information Sheet

PDHPE Faculty

Assessment Task: Fitness Session

Weighting: 25% of final grade

Due Date: TBA assigned during class time

Outcomes being assessed:

1.1 A student discusses factors that limit and enhance the capacity to move and perform.
1.2 A student analyses the benefits of participation and performance in physical activity and sport

Late Assignments:
- Late assignments will receive a ZERO.
- It is your responsibility to ensure your assignment is handed in on time.
- Arrangements may be made to allow for illness, accident or misadventure.
- Parent notes/contact for extensions are essential.
- Medical Certificates are needed as proof of illness.

Task Description
Students will design and present a fitness training session for one / several of the health or skill related components of fitness.
Students will introduce the session, warm up participants, instruct and run the workout and cool down participants.

Students will be responsible for deciding how long the session needs to be and the intensity required to elicit physiological
benefits. Additionally, students will be responsible for identifying and organising equipment required for the session, monitoring
participant safety and motivating peer participation.

Students will be marked on their ability to design and deliver a fitness training session which is suitable to both the participants
abilities as well as the component of fitness they have selected.
Marking Rubric
Introduction to session
- explanation of session format /2
- identification of targeted components of fitness /2
- assessment of participant suitability for session /2

Warm up
- appropriate explanation, instruction and or demonstration of activities /2
- cardiorespiratory and mobility components included /3
- inclusion of task specific warm up activities /2
- appropriate intensity and duration of warm up activities /3

Training session
- appropriate explanation, instruction and or demonstration of activities /3
- tasks appropriate for identified components of fitness /5
- suitable intensity and duration of activities for participants /5
- suitable modifications to session made where necessary /3

Cool down
- appropriate explanation, instruction and or demonstration of activities /2
- cool down activities appropriate for session /3
- suitable intensity and duration of activities for participants /3

Total /40

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