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Year 7 Lesson 1 of Introduction to Drama Skills: Drama Skills

Aim: Learning Objectives: Teacher Objective: Success Criteria: Resources: Differentiati

To know and LO1: To explore and To promote respect for Pupils to show understanding of Powerpoint - on:
understand the understand what you will the subject and each what they will study in the subject, Introduction Shape
importance of study in the subject. other. how Drama skills can assist future Routines Targets
Drama in Society, LO2: To learn how Drama learning, how Drama skills can Powerpoint
and as part of the skills can assist future assist you in various future Introduction to
School learning. careers. Drama Lesson 1
Curriculum. LO3: To learn how Drama Thorough research of a possible Journal
skills can assist you in career presented in a performance
various future careers. forum.
Activity: Description of Task: Timing
Introducti Register / Seating Plan / Allocation of Register number (All students to be given a number from 1-31, allocated in register order. s:
on A This is for the benefit of AFL activities as well as the distribution of feedback for end of term assessments. Get the students to 5 min
write this number on this inside cover of their booklets.)
Activity 1
Read through PowerPoint Introduction Routines. 7 min
Activity 2
Distribute Journals. Read through p2-4 to introduce Unit. 5 min
Activity 3
Read through Powerpoint Introduction to Drama Lesson 1. Present Objectives (Slide 2) 1 min
Activity 4
Work way through powerpoint in reference to LO1. Slide 3 encourage students to discuss with partner the answer to the 2 min
Activity 5 question. Feedback.
10 min
Activity 6 Slide 4-6 Discuss importance of performance skills and some of the terminology on the list. Recreate some of the terms
kinaesthetically. 10 min

Slide 7 Assess LO1. Get students to complete Task 1 in Journal (p5). Students have yet to be allocated Shape Targets.
Activity 7 Encourage students to opt for what they wish to. Check learning how many met the circle target? etc. Refer back to LO1. Get
student to tick box in Objective Box in Journal to show if they have met the learning. 7 min

Activity 8 LO2: Slide 8/9 - Quick discussion Can Drama help? Teach important terminology kinaesthetically.
Assess LO2. Students to complete Task 2 in Journal (p5). Get student to tick box in Objective Box in Journal to show if they have 8 min
met the learning.
Activity 9
LO3: Slide 10 17: Back up the argument. Present different industries. Ask students to read the Profiles. Assess LO3. Students 5 min
to complete Task 3 in Journal (p6). Get student to tick box in Objective Box in Journal to show if they have met the learning.

Slide 18 20: Practical task to prepare for H/W. Students to create a freeze (statue pose) showing what they would like to be
when they grow up. Students are to think of one line of dialogue which might be said by the role they are playing, without saying
the actual title of the job. They must really take on the nature of the character. Assess performance of individuals, and allocate
Homewor each student a provisional Shape Target. This must be written down in Journals in Task 4 (p6). Explain that this may change when
k the school receives their assessment data.
Brief Evaluation: Who reached what Shape Target?; What was effective about the performance?; Explain that the aim of
performance is to make the audience believe in the world of the character; Set the Bet (Slide 21)

Show My Homework. Conduct research on a career you are interested in and document evidence of Careers Worksheet. How
would Drama help? Be detailed.

Year 7 Lesson 2 of Introduction to Drama Skills: PPRR

Aim: Learning Objectives: Teacher Objective: Success Criteria: Resources: Differentiati
To introduce LO1: To learn key concepts To provide foundation Understanding of approach to Powerpoint: Lesson 2 on:
students to basic in Drama Rehearsal knowledge of key rehearsal (PPRR) Shape
drama skills in Technique (PPRR) principles including: Understanding of Application of Journal Targets
preparation for LO2: To apply PPRR to Plan / Prepare / Performance Skills
Baseline practical work Review / Revise /
assessment on Creation of Still Image /
Application of Use of Performance
Skills. Skills
Activity: Description of Task: Timing
Starter Slide 1: Revision of Booklet p3-4 s:
Introducti Slide 2-3: Discuss Objectives.
on 1min
Slide 4 - LO1: Kinaesthetic Learning of PPRR. Activity, all four walls are named accordingly (PPRR). An action is associated with
Task 1 each word, with an explanation provided of the terms meaning. Teacher will call out each term, and individuals must move to 5min
that area of the room, using the action.

Mini Slide 5 - LO1 Assessment: Students to document PPRR formula in workbooks to measure learning. At the end of the task, 2min
Plenary students to tick the box if they believe they have met Learning Objective 1 (p7).

Slide 6 25 - LO2: Application of PPRR to practical task. Students look at stimulus photos. Discuss how these relate to the theme, 40min
Task 3 Treat others as you would wish to be treated. Create demonstration Still Image using criteria. Then place students in mixed (10min
ability groups. Students to work through each stage and self assess LO2 against criteria in workbook. per
Stage 1: Present Success Criteria for Stage 1 in PP. Students are to plan a still image which reflects the theme. They then stage)
Stage 2: Present Success Criteria for Stage 2 in PP. Students are to prepare the still image. They then self-assess.
Stage 3: Present Success Criteria for Stage 3 in PP. Students are to sit and review their work. They then self-assess.
Stage 4: Present Success Criteria for Stage 4 in PP. Students are to revise and improve the still image based on targets set
at Stage 3. They then self-assess.
Task 4 5min
Slide 26 - Spotlight the Work. Address the issue of positioning on stage (no backs to audience = everyone needs to be seen). Can
the audience see everyone on stage? Request that students review their spacing and adjust accordingly. Look at two images at a
Plenary time and evaluate using questions on PP. 5min

Homewor Slide 27-28: Check understanding of PPRR. Students to complete Questions in Work Book on Importance of Structured Rehearsal
k Process.

Journals to be collected in for marking.

Year 7 Lesson 3 of Introduction to Drama Skills: Baseline Assessment

Aim: Learning Objectives: Teacher Objective: Success Criteria: Resources: Differentiati
To develop basic LO1: To learn how to To prompt disciplined Understanding of approach to Powerpoint Lesson on:
drama skills in create a substantial and imaginative rehearsal / performance 3 Baseline Shape
preparation for performance for approach to the Assessment Targets
Baseline assessment. creation of a piece of Music Creating a
assessment on LO2: To apply Drama. Performance
Application of disciplined rehearsal Journal
Skills. technique. NOTE This lesson Student Assessment
may stretch over to Sheet
Lesson 4.
Activity: Description of Task: Timing
Starter Distribute marked Journals. Slide 1 - Paired discussion task What is PPRR? s:

Task 1 Slide 3-5: L01 Explanation of Rehearsal Process. Discuss each skill (Slide 4). In pairs, students are to discuss skills required for 2min
each stage of the process and record them in their Journal (Task 1 p10)
Task 2 Slide 6 - The stimulus for baseline assessment is the story The Old Man and his Grandson. It can be used with a wide range of
students as the language is not demanding and the narrative is short. It has great dramatic potential in that it has a
metaphorical and allegorical dimension that can provide the basis for dramatic exploration. On the other hand it can be
interpreted and represented simply. The challenge of the task is to see if they can get to the essence of the text, using any
elements of drama that they know.
Task 3
Read the story of The Old Man and his Grandson by Michael Foreman. Discuss the story, considering the following questions:
Why did the Grandfather get moved into the corner? 7min
How did this make the Grandfather feel?
Why was the Grandson building a trough?
How did news of this make the parents feel? Why?
What made the parents bring the Grandfather back to the table?
Task 4 What is the moral of the story? Students must complete Task 2 in their booklets on p11.

Slide 9 - LO2: Present task that students will have to turn story into a performance, including as many Drama skills that they
Task 5 know. Then go on to show the Assessment Criteria from which they will be assessed (Slide 11-12) 3min

Task 6 Divide the class into groups of five. Students are to document their Planning Notes for the performance in their Journals. (Task 3
p11/12) 10min

Students must follow the rehearsal process of Plan / Prepare / Review / Revise. Allocate 10 min per section, using PP to present 30min
Plenary Success Criteria. Remind students that they should be working to their Shape Targets and more.
Teacher to monitor students as they rehearse, making notes on each student on STUDENT ASSESSMENT SHEET (for quality of
Homewor Making Drama)
k 5min
Stars & Wishes discussion. Get students to look at the assessment criteria to assess their progress. Make sure they are getting
familiar with the criteria.

Spellings Revision / Stars & Wishes

Year 7 Lesson 4 of Introduction to Drama Skills: Controlled Rehearsal Technique

Aim: Learning Objectives: Teacher Success Criteria: Resources: Differentiati
To develop understanding of LO1: To learn the Objective: Understanding of Powerpoint Lesson 4 on:
Controlled Rehearsal Technique in process of Controlled To prompt approach to rehearsal / Controlled Rehearsal Shape
preparation for Baseline assessment Rehearsal Technique. disciplined and performance Technique Targets
on Application of Skills. LO2: To demonstrate imaginative Improved performance Journal
This process will impact on improved improved performance approach to the skills Student Assessment
performance skills. skills. creation of a piece Sheet
of Drama.
Activity: Description of Task: Timing
Starter Spelling Test s:
Introducti Check learning of Plan / Prepare / Review / Revise.
on Ask students to tell the story to the class. 13min
Discuss what stage they got to last lesson.
Allow students 10min independent recap/rehearsal time to get their pieces up to speed.

Task 1 Slide 3-5 LO1: Introduce the process of Controlled Rehearsal Technique. Slide 6 Circle Task. Ask students to stand, and instruct 7min
them through the following process:
Pick one line from your performance of The Old Man and his Grandson. Stand in your opening position for the line. Deliver
the line without stops as you would say it in performance. Freeze at the end. Repeat the process again, but this time add
more emotion to the line. Repeat the process again, but this time stand in a way that matches the emotion of the line.
Repeat the process again, but this time use your facial expression to show the emotion of the line.
Task 2 3min
Slide 7/8 Assess LO1. Students must record learning in Journals on p13.
Task 3 2min
Slide 9-11 - Recap Assessment Task / Assessment Criteria. Slide 12 - LO2 Explain how LO2 will be met through the application of
CRT. Then Recap Performance Assessment Criteria (Slide 13)
Task 4 25min
Slide 14 - Students to conduct final rehearsals using CRT which is Teacher instructed. Objectives for each rehearsal:
1. Run through Starting and finishing Still Image. And Does everyone know when to start and stop?
2. Awareness of the audience: Can everyone be seen?
3. Emotion in vocal delivery, facial expression and in body language
Spotlight some of the work if there is time and measure it against the assessment criteria.

Plenary Teacher to monitor students as they rehearse, making notes on each student on Student Assessment Sheet (for quality of 5min
Making Drama). This will be added to during next lesson. It could be easier to type as you watch their work, as this will need to be
a typed resource in Lesson 6. Assess LO2: Record comments in Journal. Get students to look at the assessment criteria to assess
their progress. Make sure they are getting familiar with the assessment criteria.

Assessment notice: Next lesson, students have the opportunity for two rehearsals using Controlled Rehearsal Technique. Following
this, they will be assessed on their performance, as well as their Evaluation.

Year 7 Lesson 5 of Introduction to Drama Skills: Assessment

Aim: Learning Objectives: Teacher Success Criteria: Resources: Differentiati
To show development in Baseline LO1: To demonstrate Objective: Understanding of Powerpoint Lesson 5 on:
assessment on Application of Skills learning in assessed To prompt approach to rehearsal / Assessment Shape
performance. disciplined and performance / audience Journal Targets
LO2: To learn to use imaginative piece Student Assessment
assessment criteria to of Drama. Sheet
Peer Assess other

Activity: Description of Task: Timing

Starter Focusing Activity Silent breathing: s:
1. No chairs. No talking. 5min
2. Sit on the floor in seating plan
3. Lie down, with feet facing the outside of the room.
4. Close eyes
5. Silent Breathing:
In for a count of 4, Hold for a count of 4, Out for a count of 4, Hold for a count of 4, Repeat

Conduct the register whilst this is taking place. As the students continue to breathe, encourage them to run through the final
performance in their heads, thinking about their lines / characterisation etc. Allow students to sit up in silence once focused.

Task 1 Slides 1-4 : Recap and Objectives delivery

Task 2 Slides 5-7 - LO1: Students have the opportunity for two rehearsals using Controlled Rehearsal Technique. Leave Assessment
criteria on the screen so that students have a point of reference. Ask students to get into position. Run through the rehearsal x2 8min
CRT, in similar fashion to last lesson. Emphasis should be placed on Focus / Energy / Creativity / Positivity with each other.

Task 3 Slide 8 - Define appropriate manner for Audience watching performance work. Slide 9 -11 - Explain the Evaluation Criteria. Set up
system of Evaluation. Perhaps number each individual in each Group A-F. When Group 1 is performing, Group 2 should evaluate. A 5min
should evaluate A, B evaluate B and so on. This system could be repeated throughout.

Task 4 Slide 12-13 - LO1: Formal Assessment of work. Watch each group one at a time. Peer Assessment occurs throughout in Journals.
Conduct brief discussion after each performance (Star & Wish. Encourage students to get involved as this forms part of the 30min
assessment). Detailed discussion against criteria. Teacher Assessment should occur whilst watching performances and during (5min
evaluation by making notes on STUDENT ASSESSMENT SHEET. This will need to be types up into a Teacher Star and Wish for per
next lesson. group
Plenary and
Slide 14-15. Have they met the objectives. Conduct traffic light assessment. Set H/W. perf)
k Post-Performance Reactions page 14 of Journal. 10min

Year 7 Lesson 6 of Introduction to Drama Skills: Feedback and Evaluation

Aim: Learning Objectives: Teacher Success Criteria: Resources: Differentiati
To consolidate Evaluative Skills on Practical LO1: To learn how to evaluate Objective: Understanding of approach to Powerpoint Lesson 6 on:
Drama. Drama Skills based on To develop evaluative rehearsal / performance / Feedback and Evaluation Shape
feedback. skills audience Journal Targets
War Horse Clip
Activity: Description of Task: Timing
Starter Slide 1 - Evaluation Starter Watching Theatre Production Trailer. Repeat trailer whilst class enter. Slide 2 Register plus H/W reminder. Slide 3 - conduct a short s:
discussion. Read plot of production. What Stars and Wishes will the students give this production? The aim of this task is to broaden student knowledge of 10min
professional theatre. Furthermore, it should encourage them to evaluate, which is the main activity for the lesson.

Task 1 Slide 5 Explain Objective.

Task 2 Slide 6 -10: Making the Drama Present Teacher feedback on Interactive White Board (Typed up Student Assessment Sheet). Students to copy down feedback into
Teacher Feedback in booklet. Then work through slides, informing students how to create useful Stars and Wishes. Get them to refer to the Shape Level 15min
Assessment Criteria on the assessment pages of their journals.

Task 3 Slide 11-15: Performing the Drama Present feedback on Interactive White Board (Typed up Student Assessment Sheet). Students to copy down feedback into
Teacher Feedback in booklet. Then work through slides, informing students how to create useful Stars and Wishes. Get them to refer to the Shape Level 15min
Assessment Criteria on the assessment pages of their journals.

Task 4 Slide 16-17: Evaluating the Drama Work through slides (including Pair Discussion). Teacher to give evaluation feedback after half term. This is a summary of their
Evaluative contributions to discussion, peer assessment and in their journals. Teacher to write in comment when marking, and also to complete Final Assessment 5min
Information in books (circling task). Students will conduct Target Setting for Evaluation as a starter to the next unit, when Teacher returns the journals to the class
next lesson.

Plenary Why is Evaluation important? / What does it help us achieve? / What makes good Evaluation?
Physical Traffic Lights 5min
Limited Understanding of how to Evaluate
Adequate Understanding of how to Evaluate
Good Understanding of how to Evaluate
What Drama Skills have you learnt throughout the unit? How would these be useful in
other subjects / areas of industry?
Global 10min
Discuss through Global Focus. Students to complete responses on p18 of Journals.

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