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Activity worksheets LEVEL 6 Teacher Support Programme

Saving Private Ryan Photocopiable

While reading e The four young soldiers succeed in
Chapters 12 getting across the open ground. c
1 Who says these things? What are they talking Chapters 56
about? What do their words show about their 4 Finish these sentences.
feelings or their character? a Reiben would like to be in Caen because
a Do you really think were going to be taking .. .
any more boat rides after this? b Mellish says that their military training did
b I guess they dont do much boating back not .
home. c Compared with Miller and his men the
c Two-thirds, at the most. officers at field headquarters have
d Its time to make your peace with God. .. .
e Keep it simple, move fast, stay apart d Lieutenant Colonel Walter Anderson explains
Good luck. to Miller .
f It looks like theres a little opposition. e Miller describes the new mission to his
Chapter 3 waiting men as a .
2 Match the beginnings and endings to f Corporal Upham joins the squad because
complete the explanations of events in Miller needs someone .
Chapter 3. 5 Match the words with their meanings.
a The soldiers took off their backpacks .. a colonel ..
b Captain Miller and Delancey swam b general ..
underwater .. c mission ..
c Miller continued to carry Delanceys body d paratrooper ..
after he was dead .. e squad ..
d Everything suddenly went quiet for Miller f civilian ..
.. g dog tags ..
e Soldiers were sitting against the stone sea h sniper ..
wall .. 1) small pieces of metal that soldiers wear
f Soldiers took other soldiers guns .. round their necks with their name, etc
g Sarge didnt want Miller to be killed .. written on them
1) because it would mean he would have to 2) a small group of soldiers working together
be in charge. as a unit
2) because the explosion had made him 3) a high rank in the army
temporarily deaf. 4) a soldier who is trained to jump out of a
3) because their own had sand in them and plane using a parachute
the soldiers whose guns they took were 5) someone who is not a member of the
dead. armed forces
4) to avoid being hit by bullets. 6) someone who shoots at unprotected
5) to make it easier to move. people from a hidden position
6) to protect himself. 7) a very high rank in the army
7) to protect themselves against machine-gun 8) a very important job
fire. Chapter 7
Chapter 4 6 Who says these things? What are they talking
3 Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? about?
a Edward Wade, the medic, saves the life a I was just wondering if you expect to have
of a badly wounded soldier. c more room on the way back.
b Two engineers make special explosives b Were risking our lives to save a farmer?
to blow a hole in the sea wall. c c Now isnt that worth risking your lives for?
c Miller shoots the German soldier who d Everybody else is behind us.
comes looking for his dog. c e Ive read a lot about that method of attack.
d The dog shows Miller and his men a f Maybe this Private Ryans good luck.
safe route through the mines. c
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Activity worksheets LEVEL 6 Teacher Support Programme

Saving Private Ryan Photocopiable

Chapter 8 Chapter 11
7 Put these events in the correct order 18. 10 Complete these sentences.
a c Nelson is killed by German bullets as he a The trees on the edge of the field have bullet
tries to reach another part of the village. .. .
b c Caparzo is hit by German sniper fire. b The trail of fresh blood in the field leads to
c c Miller crosses the street, avoiding bullets, .. .
and meets Goldman and Hill. c Reiben and Mellish do not think it is the
d c Caparzo takes the little French girl in his squads job to .
arms and plays with her. d The group decides to try to destroy
e c Miller and his squad arrive in the .. .
occupied village of Neuville-au-Plain. e When Mellish and Miller jump into a shell
f c Jackson shoots the German sniper. hole they find .
g c Miller grabs the French children and takes Chapter 12
them to safety.
11 Are these statements True (T) or False (F)?
h c Miller and his squad meet a French family a Wade has been shot in the back. c
hiding in a damaged building. b Jackson is calm as usual. c
Chapters 910 c Wade feels his own wounds. c
8 Match and decide. As the squad continue their d Wade wants more drugs because he is in
search for Ryan, Reiben thinks about the four such pain. c
possible results of their mission. e Wade shows Miller where Caparzos letter
a Match the four options AD with the was. c
situation and Reibens comment on each. f Jackson is also badly injured. c
b Which are the best and the worst situations Chapter 13
for the men? 12 Answer these questions.
Situation Results a Why is the village of Ramelle in ruins?
A Ryan is dead. Ryan survives but b Why arent the American soldiers surprised by
the sound of the tank?
the rest of the
c Why does the tank stop firing?
squad get killed.
d Why does Private Ryan think the American
B Ryan has been The squad will soldiers were crazy?
dead for a long have to carry Ryan. e Why do Millers men feel respect for Private
time. Ryan?
C Ryan is wounded. While the squad is Chapter 14
making absolutely 13 Complete these sentences.
sure Ryan is dead, a There arent enough to prevent
they are killed by the Germans from crossing the .
Germans. b The American soldiers plan to make a
D Ryan is alive. The squad takes German go down the main
Ryans dog tags and of the village.
escapes quickly. c Jackson is going to fire at the Germans from
the bell tower in the with a
9 Who says these things and what are they .
talking about? d Sticky bombs are made by filling
a Thats an interesting idea. with , then covering the outside
b You might want to look at these, too. with .
c They think hes crazy. e Ryan and Miller take up their position in an
d Of course I know him. Hes my best friend. old near to the .
e Thats where well find Private Ryan.

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Progress test LEVEL 6 Teacher Support Programme

Saving Private Ryan Photocopiable

Chapters 12 b Upham is very attached to his .
1 Are the sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? c The Commanding officer is working from a
a There were a lot of plants in the cemetery. c .
b Jimmy had already seen a number of d With the vehicles there were also dead
cemeteries. c .
c Miller is very scared before the landing. c e Ryan was rewarded for his .
d Although a boat explodes, they dont see any f show your status in the army.
blood. c g The jeep shook terribly when they hit a
e Some of the German obstacles will be useful .
to US soldiers. c Chapters 89
Chapter 3 5 Correct the mistakes.
2 Choose the correct answer. a The destroyed buildings in Neuville were all
a Delancey .. modern.
1) helped save Miller, once he had died. b Upham thinks it would be safer if the children
2) refused to hold on to Miller. came with the squad.
3) kept his equipment safe. c The squad understand Millers attitude to the
b The Private had to scream at Miller .. children.
1) because of the sound of the sea. d Miller didnt take Carpazos identification badge.
2) because of the sound of the guns. e This Private Ryan has teenage brothers.
3) because Miller had gone temporarily deaf. Chapters 910
c The soldiers could not stay where they were .. 6 Put the events in order.
1) because it was against their orders. a c Miller and Hamill have a heart to heart
2) because their packs were too heavy. conversation.
3) because the sea was approaching. b c Hill shouts the American code word.
Chapters 4 5 c c Wade bandages Reibens wound.
3 Match the words with their meanings. d c They see some German prisoners.
a sharpshooter .. e c The Americans kill the five Germans.
b wound .. Chapters 1113
c engineer .. 7 Complete the sentences with the name of one of
d trench .. the characters.
e mine .. a thinks it would be easier to
f porch .. kill Japanese soldiers.
g grief .. b is pleased to be on friendly
1) a bomb buried in the ground terms with the doctor again.
2) an expert user of a gun c would prefer to avoid taking
3) a hole much longer than it is wide the German position.
4) an expert in building d is not used in the attack on
5) damage to the body the machine gun.
6) an extension in the front of a house e hesitated to give pain pills to
7) extreme sadness Wade.
Chapters 6 7 Chapters 1415
4 Complete the sentences with the correct words 8 What do the underlined words mean?
from the box. a Nobody was grinning back at him.
bunker typewriter animals citizenship b Theyre in the army instruction manual.
stripes ditch orders c the building nearest the bridge, a former caf.
a They are told that are more d The whole barn burned down.
important than family. e The commander surveyed the village.

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