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OSTP Standard 3 & CEC Standard 4


The OSTP Standard 3 is teachers understand and use varied assessments to inform instruction,
evaluate and ensure students learning and the CEC Standard 3 is beginning special education
professionals use multiple methods of assessment and data-sources in making educational
decisions. These standards are important because it is necessary for teachers to create
assessments that accurately assess what a student knows as a result of learning. Teachers must
understand that there are a variety of types of assessments that should be used to monitor
progress throughout the lesson as well as assess at the end of a lesson. In order for a teacher to
properly differentiate, assessments must be varied as well as formal and informal to minimize
bias. Assessments assist teachers on collaborating and communicating student progress with
students, parents and colleagues which helps in shared decision-making and best practice.
Teachers must understand each of the assessment types and when is appropriate for each in order
to address gaps between performance and potential.

The artifact that I have included that relates to the OSTP and CEC standards for assessment is a
lesson that I wrote and taught for a kindergarten class on measurement. This lesson was written
for a class that I did my fieldwork in during the fall semester of my junior year. This class had 20
students with 2 students on IEPs. The lesson I wrote was a review for students on their
measurement unit. Before my lesson, they previously learned about how to directly compare
objects and describe one as taller/shorter. The review lesson had culminating activities to wrap
up what they know and understand about measurement.

This lesson plan artifact relates to the OTSP and CEC assessment standards because it includes a
variety of different assessments throughout its entirety. During the lesson, I use diagnostic,
formative, and summative assessments. In the artifact, I use the information I know about prior
knowledge in order to plan and modify my instruction and assessment. During the lesson, I use
formative assessments like having students turning and talking to one another to answer my
questions and use this time to walk around the classroom and assess student understanding. I also
differentiate these assessments for varying learners in using tactile, visual, auditory and
kinesthetic assessment types. This shows my competencies as a future educator because it shows
that I understand that I understand diagnostic, formative and summative assessments and I can
use these to plan, differentiate and modify instruction.

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