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In adapting Shakespeares Othello, director Vishal Bhardwaj reimagines the original play within

the context of modern India in his film Omkara. Discuss how Bhardwaj adapts a theme,

question, or issue in his reimagining of the Othello story. Is he successful in doing so?

Vishal Bhardwaj, one of the most renowned directors in Indian Cinema has gathered many

appraisals and honors for composing the Indian adaptations of three Shakespearean tragedies

namely Omkara from Othello, Maqbool from Macbeth and Haider from Hamlet. The story of

Othello was set up in a Venetian society between 1500 and 1750 whereas Bhardwajs Omkara

has been set up in a conservative Indian society where instead of racial prejudice, the Indian

preoccupation of casteism can be depicted. The other difference in the setup is that in

Shakespeares play, Othello stood alone and was a hero-like figure whereas Omkara is portrayed

as a character with a full household and have a gangster personality.

The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the

meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.

- Philip K. Dick

The main idea and theme that Shakespeare is trying to convey through Othello can mostly be seen

through Bhardwajs adaptation but only with a minor difference in the cultural set-up, time

period, historical and political context . The pivotal theme of the play and the movie revolves

around envy leading to the downfall of all the major characters. But the exploration of other sub

themes portrayed in the story such as love,trust, loyalty, deception, manipulation, revenge and
betrayal is what brought out the essence in this tragedy.We can argue the presence of all these

themes in the context of Bhardwajs movie and presence of them in the Shakespearean play.

O, beware, my lord, of jealousy;

It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock

The meat it feeds on.

- [Act III Scene III] Iago to Othello

The first and foremost theme of envy is where the whole story starts in Shakespearean play but

in Bhardwajs movie the starting point is love. In the play, Iagos unhappiness for him not being

appointed as the lieutenant instincts a sense of betrayal in him by Othello which becomes the

central reason for his planning and plotting. The brain behind all the planning was Iago and

Iagos character being a sweet talker, help him become a supreme manipulator. The same was in

the case of Omkara where Langda Tyagis envy led him to do the plotting against Omkara. The

realization of Omkaras decision of not appointing him as his successor ,as the lieutenant, is the

cause of his vindictiveness towards Omkara and his envy towards Kesu. On the other hand, envy

has been the reason for the destruction of Omkaras marriage, where his jealousy and

doubtfulness became the reason for what led to the end of innocent Dollys life.

"Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. She has deceived her father and may thee."

[Act I Scene III], Brabanzio

Love, Trust, Deception and Betrayal are other themes that are central to the story. Langda had a

deceptive personality and with the amount of trust and charisma he held, he was able to use his
personality well. He had been a good friend to Rajju, Kesu and Omi and was able to deceive

them into believing in him at each scenario. He made a good manipulator just like a chameleon

and took full advantage of his skills. He seemed nice to everyone, which got him everyones

trust and love. Example of manipulation and deception is from the scene where Langda explains

his fellows from his crew about how Kesu had a good night with Billo and hinted about the

Bellychain to Omkara, rather than specifically addressing him about it.The idea of trust and

betrayal can first be seen while Omkara is appointing Kesu as Lieutenant rather than Langda.

Langda felt betrayed by Omkara and hence being a victim he went for revenge, which in turn

made him betray everyones trust which includes Kesu, Rajju, Omkara and even his own wife

Indu. The feeling of betrayal by Othello himself to Iago led to Iagos betrayal to him. So was in

the case of Omkara.

The Idea of love and insecurity can also be seen in the movie as it is seen in the play. In the play,

Othellos inferiority complex, led to his insecurity as he thought of himself less because of his

looks (specifically race) and same is seen in the movie where Omkara considers himself inferior

in terms of his caste and education as compared to Kesu, which makes him doubt Dollys love

towards him and believe in Langdas claims.

Though the main theme of the movie and the play was more or less very similarly envisioned to

Othello by Bhardwaj, the characterization of the characters is something that has made a

difference for the audience which arises different sentiments towards the end. Some differences

can be seen through the following points. Langda was an opportunist rather than a catalyst to

events as compared to Iago in Othello. In the movie, Bhardwaj has characterized Langda in a
way where the sentiments of the audience is not as negative towards him as seen in Othello. Iago

specifically asks Emilia to get the handkerchief, whereas Indu in the movie brings the Bellychain

or the Cummerbund as she wanted to take it and Langda takes the opportunity of it. Also at the

end of the play, Iago shows no sign of regrets when he is asked upon for his actions, as he simply


Demand me nothing. What you know, you know.

From this time forth I never will speak word

- [Act V Scene II] Iago to Othello


whereas in the movie, we can see resent in the eyes of Langda as he ends by saying that he is

unsure of the right and wrong and regrets can be seen at the scenario. Apart from this, also

Emilias character in the movie depicts more feminism as compared to the play. This shows that

how women can be strong if they are wronged.An example of this is Indu slaying her husband

and throwing him into the well, after the realization of what sin he has committed, which is quite

contradictory to her character in the story.

The adaption was aptly directed by Bhardwaj in the modern set up of Uttar Pradesh and seemed

very realistic according to the condition of the society in modern India, typically the North-

Indian state of UP and Bihar where the political scenario is very much unstable and where a

greater impact of revengeful activity is common.

It was my second time watching the movie during the screening at the class, but I had a complete

different reflection of the movie from the first time I watched it. The first time I watched the

movie, I was not familiar with Shakespearean play Othello, and watched the movie as a whole

regarding it as a modern-day story. After reading the play and watching it all over again, I could
see the amount of relativity between how closely has Bhardwaj been able to depict not just the

sentiments, but also the dialogue, situations and the mind-set of humankind that has since forever

been the same. The movie ended the way Shakespeare would have ended it, with the tragic

deaths of all the main characters but this is in contrast to how most Bollywood movies are

plotted. Bhardwaj studied the plot of Othello very well and the most interesting part was its

incorporation into the Indian Culture.

Love can overcome all obstacle, but insecurity can lead to doubt in trust. Deception and envy can

cause trust to break, once trust is broken it leads to betrayal. Once you are betrayed, you seek

revenge which ultimately leads to your downfall.

Jealousy is mother evil.

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