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Name: Rosy Thinn Lesson: 04 (Direct + Constructivism)

Topic: Roman Laws Grade: 7.2 (Humanities)

Date: 03, Feb, 2017 Time: 9:30-10:25am (50minutes)
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment

Law is necessary in every nation in order to stay - Group poster presentation

organized and in peace. What kind of laws do we - Mid-term exam
have, are they effective and applicable?

Guiding Questions Objectives (know/understand/do/value)

The student will be able to
What is Roman law? Define how the ancient Roman
Who made the Roman laws?
How was it working (effective Laws were made and by whom
Evaluate the Laws and Reflect
or not)?
Time Instructional Procedures and Strategies
10mins Beginning the Lesson
(Justinian &Theodora)
When did Justin become the Emperor of the Byzantine Empire? ( 518 AD)
What were the accomplishments of Justinian and Theodora?
*Reunited the Empire and made the Byzantine Empire bigger.
*Created the law with motto One Empire, One Church, One Law
(Justinianic Code)
* He rebuilt the Hagia Sophia Church in (532-537).
* Succeeded over the riots, Nika Revolt.
o What is Nika Revolt and how did it solve? (This revolt started from blue and
green chariot races. When the two teams combined, government officials had
organized a revolt among people who shared their hatred of the high taxes of
Justinians reign. Theodora offered a suggestion to trap the rebellions.
Justinian accepted and gathered the rebellions in the Hippodrome, telling
them he was willing to compromise. As soon as the people gathered, the
generals and the troops of Justinian closed all the gates and killed them all.)
Explain outline of class through ppt. (Review, Roman Laws, Justinian Code, Evaluating the
laws, Reflection)
Developing the Lesson
Power point presentation.
What is Roman law? Teacher will explain by using slides. (Remind them to take notes)
10mins (The legal system of ancient Rome, from the time of the founding of the city in 753 BC until
the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century. As a legal system, Roman law has
affected the development of law in most of Western civilization as well as in parts of the
East. It forms the basis for the law codes of most countries of continental Europe and
derivative systems elsewhere.) Show one picture.

How and who made Roman Laws?

Twelve Tables (The earliest attempt by the Romans to create a code of law was the Laws of
the Twelve Tables. A commission of ten men (Decemviri) was appointed (c. 455 B.C.) to
draw up a code of law binding on both patrician and plebeian and which consuls would
have to enforce. The commission produced enough statutes to fill ten bronze tablets. The
plebeians were dissatisfied and so a second commission of ten was therefore appointed (450
B.C.) and two additional tablets were added. What follows are a selection from the Twelve
The Code of Justinian
The legal code of ancient Rome; codified under Justinian; the foundation for many modern
systems of civil law.
The code was published in A.D. 529.
The Justinian Code was important as it simplified and streamlined centuries of existing
Roman laws and Justinian's own laws and into one system.
Read through the slide 5 laws from the Code of Justinian. (Ask students do you agree with
this law? Do you think it is effective or not? let them share their thoughts)

7mins Read altogether-Matthew:34-40

[Turn to your neighbor and say God loves you and I also love you.]
Are we fulfilling what God said? What do you do to show your love to others?
3mins Evaluate some Romans Law (Individual work)
Provide handouts. (there will be 5 Roman laws and 2 reflective questions)
Reflection: In a country, for what purposes do you think laws are made?
What are some laws applying in Indonesia or in your home country? (effective or not,
15mins reasons?)

Closing the Lesson

Remind students that next class we will study about Christianity
Remind them to bring materials and start working on next Monday.
5mins Collecting homework worksheet (questions are based on the lesson Byzantine Empire and,
Justinian & Theodora)
Class Dismiss

Formative Assessment Differentiation

Class participation (Questions) Students work in groups when
Reflection evaluating the Roman laws.
Poster presentation If it took too much time in
evaluating Justinian laws, students would
take the handout (5 Roman laws and
reflection) as homework.
Hand-out of Roman Laws from Ms. Katie (Grade 7, Humanities teacher)
Google images
Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in
a process of meaning and knowledge construction as opposed to passively receiving information.
Learners are the makers of meaning and knowledge.

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