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Team Gorham

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for helping make
our fundraiser a success.
Host: Team Gorham
BENEFITING: Lucille W. Gorham Intergenerational Community Center

Lucille W. Gorham
Lucille (from whom the Center gets its name), is a graduate of Edward Waters College in Jacksonville, Fla. Shortly,
after graduation she became a member of St Gabriels Catholic Church, when it was in the West Greenville
location (the current site of the Intergenerational Community Center. She worked in the church as a playground
Return To Dancers supervisor with the children in pre-kindergarten through 8th grade until the late 1980s. She made a tremendous
difference in the lives of many families and children in and outside of her community. She also served as an
ambassador by opening her home for numerous families who visited St. Gabriels. She was honored in a stained-
glass window with her hand imprinted on it with a dove representing the deceased. Throughout her life she has
VOTE received numerous awards and recognitions.

Charles M. Gorham
Charles is the son of Lucille W. and the late George Gorham. He is a resident of having never moved away from
home except to attend college. He is a Saint Gabriel Catholic School, J.H. Rose High School and NC A&T State
University. Charles spent the majority of his life working in the television industry. He worked at both WNCT TV in
Greenville and WFMY TV in Greensboro as the Technical Director.

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