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Astrology and AthrishtaJCP.

12 issues 1972

There are various methods available in on the Nirayana Zodiac' no one has
Astrology which offer guidance in inter- bothered to emphasize the value and
preting a horoscope and reading events in significance attributed to nakshatras by our
a man's life. In Hindu traditional astro- great mabarishis like Parasara. The great sage
logy, a number of classical works attribut- who gave to us the best system of delineation
ed to sages explain the various rules and of events in life so far known to
expound the various dasa systems to be usVimshottari Dasa system, or Udu or
emplbjed. In the Western countries, in Naksbatra Dasa sysiem as it is variously
modern times. Astrology has had a pheno- calledbased it on nakshat- ras and
menal growth and a Lot of literature has apportioned to the nine significators
been added to the subject. And t et, there employed by him unequal dasa years and,
is no foolproof method of finding out similarly, unequal periods in bhukties,
when events marked by the horoscope anthras, etc. If the naksbatra influence is left
a^ birth would fructify. In the Hindu out of our consideration, is there any merit
"fraditi'opal system; we find- a number of - in following _his Dasa system or, for that
rules stated in regard to a planet's effect matter, even the Nirayana Zodiac ? la such
accorcing to its benefic or mai:Gc nature, an event, there lies really no argument
its sign position, its house position, its against the acceptance and use of the Sayana
conjunction and combination with other Zodiac for predictive purposes for the
planets, its lordship of housefs), its aspects western world is known to have outstanding
to others and the aspects received by it men who have unerring predictions to their
from other planets, its navamsa, strength credit entirely based on the, Sayana System.
and various amsas occupied by it, and the Tbeyhaye in their ranks great thinkers and
strength of its depositor by sign, navamsa, AucceiMfuf scientific astrolo-gers such as
dwadasamsa, trimsamsa, etc. Even Sepbafial, Alan Leo, Evan-geline Adams,
those who bail the traditional system pay . Marc Edmund Jones, Carl Jung and a host of
only lip service to it as they rarely follow eminent men.
its advice in the sense tbat they do not
pay heed to shadbala or six souices . of It is entire by for us to sift the material
strength, shadvarga or six vargas, and us, codify the rules in suctf a'
various other considerations. Then way thaf tfiey best. serve .its, - omit' the -
again, thp actual bbava position of a unessentials and evolve a .system that, is, at
planet gets distorted because ,of the con- once simple, scientific and satisfactory.
fusion as to where a begin commences K.RISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI fills this
and where it closes. The general run of gap:. It fit based on" the tenets of Parasara's
Hindu astrologers simply identify the sign system, tough the treatment of the influence
on which lagna has fallen as the first of the naksbatra and its various subs ia
house, the sign succeeding it in the natu- original. It is unbelievable that the great sage
ral order of the zodiac as the second whose system is naktbatra-based would not
house, and soon. The more sophisticated have known the use of nakshatras and their
among them depend on the method unequal subdivisions, and from this
advocated by Sripati, though bow far they standpoint it seetnA doubtful whether the
make actual use of it is known only to many works attributed to him, where no
them. Furthermore, the importance of reference to the inflaence of nakshatras or
nakshatras and the role they play has their different unequal subdivisions
been completely lost sight of, and though
the Hindu system of Astrology is based
finds mention, were indeed bis. There is gleaned from the horoscope of every
no use labouring on this point any more, member of that family, and all the results
except to say that the actual original will entirely agree in nature.
works have been lost in antiquity.
We shall take a horoscope for illust- I. The following is the chart of a native
rating the utility of KR1SHNAMURTI born at 8-48-20 A.M. (I.S.T.) at Lat.
PADHDHATI in reading results. Prof. 3r-I9'North, East, on Wednes-
Krishnamurti has on several occasions day, March 2, 1938.
explained that the several horoscopes in Maoeal
a family would all denote the same event 29-52 II 1-18
to a particular member of the family, C-agna 27-46 Uranus Ketu 8-17 IV.20 07
their karma being intei-related. When Fortuna (Vakra) 17-45 III 27-07
father goes overseas, the horoscope of Sani 11-52
the wife will show such indication, the Sukra 24-28 Pluto
horoscope of bis son and daughter will Surya 18-09
Chandra Vakra 5-16
point out separation from father going 16-49
on a foreign voyage etc. If a man's XII 16-08 NfRAYANA V 15-07
horoscope denotes birth of 4 children, Sudha 12-39
his wife's horoscope should indicate the Guru 23-59 Ayanamsa 23-54 VI 16-08
same number (unless father has more Meptuuc
than wife or friendship which again has XI 15-07 Vakra 27-08
to be inferred frbn his "horoscope a s well--
as of his wife), the horoscope of the first
child would show the number of bis IX 27-07
brothers or sisters to be 3, etc. In this X 20-07 Rahu 8-17 VII 27-46
manner, all the separate events in the' VIH 1-18
life of a member of the family can be
II. Planetary Significations

Ruling Occupying Deposited in Cons Deposi ted in Sub

Housc(8) owned by ow sed by
As - As Ruling Ruling
lord lord Houseis) House (s)
Planet of of
sigfl'^GoNs 1 Sign House Occupying Occupying
on on As As House As Ai House
cusp cusp 1 sign Cons sign Cons
of of lord lord lord lord
house house

SURYA 6 2 Kumbha 12 12 Rahu 8 5 11 Chandra 12

Cha!ndra 5 11 Kumbha 12 * 12 Rabu 8 2/3 6/10 Sukra 12
Mangal 8/9 3/7 Meena 1 4/7 1/9 Budha 11 11/12 5 Sani 12
Budha 4/7 1/9 Kumbha 11 12 Rabu 8 4/7 1/9 Budha 11
Guru 1/10 4/8 Makaia 11 8/9 3/7 Mars 1 8/9 3/7 Kuja 1
S'ukra 2/3- 6/10 Kcmblia 12 J/10 4/8 Guru ,11 4/7 1/9 Budha 11
Sani (1/12 5 Meena 12 11/12 5 Sani 12 5 - 11 Chandra 12
Rahu 12 Vrischika 8 11/12 5 Sani 12 2/3 6/10 Sukra 12
Ketu Rishaba 2 6 2 Sun 13 2/3 6/10 Sukra 12
Uranus (R) Slesba 1 2/3 6/10 Sukra 12 8/9 3/7 Kuja 1
Neptune (R) Simba 6 6 2 Sun 12 6 2 Sun 12
Pluto (R) Kataka, 4 11/12 5 Sani 12 11/12 5 Sani 12

Cons = Constellation in Hindu Astrology.

Sub Sub-division of constellation according to Krishnamurti Padbdbati.
Rahu, unlike other planets, has not been assigned any sign of its own. It acts as the
agent of the sign it is in. So Rabu is the representative of Kuja.
t Ketu, like Rabu, has no sign of its own. Ketu and Rabu are only shadowy planets
(chaja grahas) and give the results of the planets in whose sign they are placed.
Also those planets with which they are conjoined/aspected. Ketu is thus Sukra's
agent being in Sukra's iign, and also of Sani who aspects it by the 3rd aspect.'and
futtber of Guru who aspects it by the Sth aspect.

III. Nirayana House Significations

Planets in Sub
of Planets
Planets Planets Planet Planet Planet Planets Plaueti in
Cusp in Planets in ruling ruling ruling in in Cons
of Cons occupying Cons cusp CdNS Sub Cons Sub of
House of house of as on on of of sub-lord
'A' 'D' sign lord A* D' ctisp cusp G' G' of
B A C D E F 6 H J K L

i Guru Mangal Sukra Guru Guru Budha Guru Mangal Budha Sukra
Ura (R) Ura (R) Sukra
n Ketu Ufa (R) Sukra Chandra Surya Guru Kcfu Nep (R) Sukra
" Rahu j Nep (R)
ni __ Ura (R) Sukra Chandra Mangal Guru Guru Guru Sukra
Rahu i Ura IR)
Ketu j1
IV Mangal Budha Budha Gjuru Guru Sukra Sukra
V Chandra Surya Sani Sani
Guru Mangal Sukra
Sani Rahu Flu (R)
Flu (R)
VI Nep (R) Ketu Surya Nep (R) Sukra Surya ,Ura (R) Chandra Nep CR)
Nep(R) 1 Rahu it Ketu
1 Ketu
VII Mangal Budha Budha Mangal Guru Guru Guru Sukra
Sukra Ura (R)
VIII Surya Rahu Guru Mangal Guru Guru Mangal Sukra Guru
Chandra Ura (R)
Budha 1a
IX Guru Mangal Guru Budha Guru Mangal Budha Sukra
Ura (R) Sukra
X Sukra Guru J Sukra Guru lira tR) Chandra Sukrd
XI Sukra Guru Sani Sani Kuja Chandra Guru Surya Sukra
Kuja Budha Rahu Budhra Plu (R) Sani
Plu (R) Sukra
XII Ura (R) Sukra Sani Sani Chandra Kuja ( Rabu Sukra Surya Ura (R)
Rahu D. Head Plu (R) 1 Chandra
Plu (R) Ketu Budha
Sani Sani Kuja
Rabu Plu (R) '
Plu (R) '
Ketu Surya , Nep (R) ,
Nep(R) ,
Chandra Sani
Cons = Constellation (nakshatra). Sub = Sub-division of constellation according to Krishnamuiti Padhdhati.
(R) = Retrograde.
IV. The various dasa and bhukti periods in Vimshottari dasa that have been undergone/yet to operateare as follows
Dasa Bhukti From To Data Bhukti From To
Rahu 2- 3-38 19- 6-42 Sani Sani 19- 6-58 22- 6-61
Guru 19- 6-42 7- 8-44 Budha 22- 6-61 1- 3-64
Sani 7- 8-44 19- 2-47 Kethu 1- 3-64 10- 4-65
Budha 19- 2-47 25- 5-49 Srkra 10- 4-65 10- 6-68
Kelhu 25- 5-49 1- 5-50 Surya 10- 6-68 22- 5-69
Sukra 1- 5-50 1- 1-53 Chandra 22- 5-69 "22-12-70
Surya 1- 1-53 19-10-53 Mahgal 22-12-70 1- 2-72
Chandra 19-10-53 19- 2-55 Rahu 1- 2-72 7-12-74
Mangal 19- 2-55 25- 1-56 Guru 7-12-74 19- 6-77
Rahu 25- 1-56 19- 6-58
I. Death of Mother on 16th August 12 houses or bbadaka stban, it will
1943 at 11 A.M. bring about death, subject to other factors
as indicated in the horoscope. To
At this time, the native was running Mithuna, which is the sign on the house
Guru Maha Dasa, Guru Bbukti and of mother. Guru is lord of 7 ; Sukra
Sukra antbra according to the Vimsbot- lord of 12, and Chandra lord of 2. Guru
tari Dasa System, is also bbadaka sthana adbipatbi. The
cusp of the lOtb bouse (the 7th from the
Wordsworth, England's great nature 4th bouse) is ruled by Guru and Sukra as
^)oet, wrote : co-rulers (Dbanus sign, Sukra's constella-
tion Poorvabbadra and sub of Gmu).
"The good die first; and they whose Guru occupies the constellation ruled by
hearts are dry as summer dust burn Kuja (Mangal), who is ruler of (he
to the socket." constellation on the cusp of the 3rd
house (I2th to the 4th), and thus gets
As soon as radiance (Sivam) goes.away added power to cut short mother's
the body no longer takes in the life-con-, longevity when his period operates.
'laming breath (Swaasam) and the physical
body becomes a corpse (Savam). Death Sukra is lord of 3 (12 to 4) in the cons-
js not designed by Providence as an evil tellation of Guru (lord of 7 to 4) in
~to mankind. But everything that has a asbtama (8th) to 4, and sub of Budha
beginning must have an end according who again is in asbtama to 4.
to the law of Nature, and human existence
is no exception. Our present life is but Transit
a milestone in the pathway of our evolu-
tion towards our reunification with Cons- By transit, Sani who lords the 8th bouse
ciousnessthe state.of Knowledge, Being (longevity) to the 4th house (by sign) and
-and Bliss. the 3nd bouse (by ruling the constellation
on the cusp of the"5th 4th)
The Fourth House in a horoscope was in 12 (to 4) in the constellation of
designates mother. The lOtb bouse Kuja-Mangal (constellation ruler of 12th
reckoned from the lagna is the 7th bouse bouse to the 4tb). Guru, lord of 7 (to 4)
or "marakasthana" from the 4th bouse was exactly over the 5th cusp of the chart
or the house of mother, and the 3rd house i.e., the 2nd cusp counted from the 4th.
of the chart is the 12tb bouse of the Most significantly, Sukra, lord of 12 (to 4)
mother. The 4th house falls in Mithuna, by sign and constellation lord of 7 (to 4)
a common sign (ubbaya rasi), and accord- was transiting in conjunction with natal
ing to Jataka Farijata the 7th bouse to it Neptune in the 3rd house (to 4). The
is "bbadaka sthana" (inimimal for long- 3rdbbava connotes longevity, Neptune is
evity). Death is to be ascertained from the planet of dissolution, and Sukra is
the significators of bouses 2 and 7 connected with bouses 12 and 7 (death
(marakaslhanas), 12tb bouse (separation and separation). Transiting Kuja-Mangal
from the world) and bbadaka sthana (11th was over the Progressed Moon, exciting
bouse for movable signs ; 9tb bouse for the Moon to sudden action. Lord of
fixed signs ; 7th house for common lagna to the house of mother, Budha, was
signs on the lagna). also transiticg in conjunction with tran-
siting Sukra over Neptune's radical
Houses 3 and 8 which rule longevity or position in the bouse of longevity (to
life span are less strong than maraka- mother), all the planets opposing the natal
slhanas and: bhadakasthanas. If, how- Sukra's position.
ever, there occurs (he major or sub or sub-
sub period of significator of houses 3 and It was a Monday, ruled by lord of 2 to
having also connection with 2 or 7 or the 4tb bouse. The Moon itself was

transiting in the 8th bouse (to 4) in the Transit
consts-ilaiion of Kuja-Mangal ruling the At Ibe time of tbe event, tbe Moon was
constellation on the cusp of the 12ih
bouse to 4 Sun, lord of 3 ruling long- transiting exactly over tbe father's lagna
evity, transited in the 2nd bouse to tbe (i.e., cusp of 9tb bouse) aspecting there-
4tb. At tbe exact moment of death, tbe from the 7th bouse to father. It was in
rulinn lagna was Tbula and the naksbalra tbe conslellation Jyesbta ruled by lord of
was Visakba governed by Sukra and Guru 11 (to 9). Sukra, lord of 7 (to 9) was
respectively Guru and Sukra together transiting in lOib (2cd to 9). Sani was
rule tbe dasa, bbukti and antbra. transiting in exact conjuction with tbe
cusp of ibe 7tb bouse counted from 9.
Dasa lord, Guru, was in transit over
II. Father remarried on 1921944 Kataka, sign owned by Moon, tbe bbukti
lord, and transiting Guiu was in Aslesha
Houses 2, 7 and 11 together with Suk'a governed by Budba, loid of II to the
Kabthra kataka, should be examined, tbe bouse of faibir in exact trine (120 degree)
2ad bouse ruling family and its grovtb aspect to tbe transilitig Moon. Guru was
by additions by marriage and progeny, also in stxiile to ibe 7lb bouse cusp (to 9)
tbe'7tb bouse governing contracts, agree- se x ite to tbe I Itb bouse cusp (to 9) and
ments and partnerships, and tbe 11th trir.e father's lagna (i.e 9th bouse). Kuja-
bouse having dom.nion over intimate and Mangal nas transiting in tbe sign of
abiding friendships. Kalathra karaka in ibe asieriim of Moon
conjoined at birtb with Sukra, lord of
Father is signified by tbe 9ib house from 7 to father's house (9tb). Sun was tran-
theJagna._ Therefore, the 3id hduse siting in'ihe nakibatta ef Mangal who
becomes the 7,h hou,e ' to "father: 11 n - rules the 7th bouse (to 9, by constellation.
ruled by K-uja ai constellation lord and Lord of l 1 to -9th -house, Budha, was.
Guru as sub-lord. Guru is in tbe coas- transiting in tbe constellation of Chandra
tellation of Kuja occupying a dual sign. and sub of Gum, Chandra and Guru
Therefore, more than one marriage to being tbe conjoint rulers of tbe dasa,
falhei is indicated. bbukti and antbra that was in operaiion.

Guru is lord of 2 to tbe 9tb bouse, and Progression

rules tbe subs on tbe cusps of tbe 10.b, Whenever Sun by progression conjoins
3rd and 7tb bouse which are respectively tbe natal position of Sukra, it is indicative
tbe 2nd, 7tb and 1 Itb from tbe bouse of of marriage. In tbe example cbait, Sun
father. Further, Guru is in tbe constella- by progiessing at tbe rate of about
tion of Kuja, Kuja (Mangal) being tbe 1 degree per year comes to Sukra s birth
constellation lord of houses 7 and 11 from posidon 6 years later, and so 1938-1-6=
the bouse of father (9ih bouse). 1944, when Ibe native's father got mar-
ried At Ibis lime, Moon was progressiug
Cbaudra is situated in tbe constellation in ccnjuncticn with the radical Ketu in 6
ruled by Ratu Rabu, it may be noted, (to 9) and opposing radical Rabu in 12
is tbe agent of Mangal oeiog in Mangal's (to 9). The lady to whom father was
sign all alone and unaspccted by any marritd passed away after a brief span
planet and so has to indicate the lesuhs cf of 5 years of married life.
Mangal's consicllation lordship of bousts III. Death of stepmother on April 23,
7 and 11 (counted from tbe 9ib). Chandia 1949.
in Rabu'sconsttllatioo, occupies the tub
of Sukra who is kaLtbra Karaka as veil Step mother is father's wife by legal
as sign lord uf 7 (to 9). Chandra is also bordage. So tbe 7ib house to tbe 9th
conjoined with 'Sukra at birtb. representing fatter would stand for step
mother. The 3rd bouse is the 7th count- respectively to the 3rd house. (AH harmo-
ed from the 9th and falls iu a fixed sign nious aspects are not favourable and all
(sthira rasi) and the 9th bouse counted inharmonious aspects are not evil. Good
from the 3rd bouse (step mother) is her aspects to lords of benefic houses for
bhadaka sibana. So houses 4, 9, Hand longevity are good ; evil aspects to such
2 have to be considered while predicting lords brings about evil. Good aspects to
her end, and these bouses are 2nd. 7ih planets situated in malefic houses or evil
9tb and 12th counted from the house aspects to lords of benefic houses or their
denoting stepmother. occupants contribute to evil Kuja, lord
of 7/12 to 3, was transiting in Mesha in
Now, Guru, dasa lord, is in 11 (bhadaka conjunction with transiting Rahu in
sthanatoS) Guru is also sublord of the constellation of Kethu who at birth
cu>p3 of houses 4, 9 and 11 (houses 2, 7 was in 12 to 3. Surya, lord of 4 (to 3)
and 9 from the 3rd) and is placed in the and Sukra (who also rules 12 to 3) also
constellation and sub of Kuja who transited the constellation . of Kethu.
assumes rulership of bouses 7/12 reckoned Budha,lord of 2 (to 3) came, by transit,
from the 3rd bouse. to the constellation of Sukra (lord of
Etadha, bhukti lord is lord of 2 (maraka- 12 to 3).
sthana) to the 3rd house and is posited in
the bhadakastbana (9) from the 3rd, in Budha as the constellation lord Jyeshta
the constellation governed by Rahu, and Guru as sublord conjointly rule the
acting as an agent of Ruja (Mangal) 9th cusp (7thmarakasthanacounted
_ru!itig houses 7/12 to 3rd Budha is in from the 3rd) and their periods are
his own sub. Budha is also- constellation, harmful to longevity to the relation
lord of the 7th bouse (from the 3rd). denoted-by the 3(d . house. If_ the cons-
Budha. thus; is a powerful maraka tellation and sub-lords of any bouse cusp
to the individual represented by the 3rd rule the period according to Vimshottari
house. dasa, life would in danger to that relation
to whom thb above cusp happens to be
Sani, ahtbralord, is lord of bhadaka in 2,7 or 12. We have judged step-
sthana9th to the 3rdin bis own cons- mother's longevity from the native's
tellation and sub of Chandra, who rules horoscope correctly because she was
the 9th house to the 3rd bouse by cons- destined to marry the native's father and
tellation. thereafter separate from the world.
The death took place on a Saturday
(ruled by lord of bhadaka sthana) when Progressed Moon was in the bouse of
Moon was transiting the nakshatra of longevity (3 to 3) opposing the natal
Rahu (Rahu substitutes for Kuja-Mangal, position of Guru, dasa lord. Moon
lord of 7/12 to 3 and also for Sani, Progressed was in quincunx (sashta
bhadaka sthana adhipathi, being in Sani's ashtama) aspect to Sukra's natal position,
constellal ion). Sukra being lord of lagna to the 3rd
Sani, lord of bhadaka sthana to step bouse relative. Guru is lord of
mother, was transiting in Simha in the 3rd 8 to 3.
bouse (longevity) to 3,in the constellation Sun, by progression, was in semi sextile
of Ketu in 12th house to 3 at birth. Guru (30 degrees) aspect to radical Kuja (lord
(lord of 8 to 3) was transiting in ashtama of 7/12 by sign to the 3rd bouse). Sun
(to 3) in the constellation of Sun, lord of also squared the 3rd and 9th cusps (lagna
4 to 3 in trinea favourable aspectto and 7tb house respectively to stepmother).
Ketu and in sextile again a harmonious Prog. Sun was also in opposition to natal
aspect to natal Rahu in houses 6 and 12 Neptune in the 4th house (to 3.) The
4th house determines the latter part of house (to 9) and Sukra lord of 7 (to 9lhV
life and is a trine house to the bouses 8 was transiting in the 7th bouse to 9th.
and 12. and on this account some authors Guru was in retrogression in transit in
advocate consideration of the 4tb house trine to Kethu and aspecting bhukti lord
al'o for the purpose of ascertaining Kctu's natal place The transit of Gum:
longevity. Lord of 7/12 to 3. JCuji. was rebuts the oft-repeated assertion that
progressing in the constellation of Ketbu a retrograde planet will not bestow
-who at birth stood in the 12th house beneficial results. A planet will offer
to 3. Sukra, lordof stepmother's lagna whatever results in indicates when, by
as well as her 12th lord, and Budha (lord transit, it comes to a favourable position
of marakasthana to 3) were progressing in the zodiac, and will not deny such
in the constellation of Sani,' lord of results fimplv because it is retrograde.
Trbadaka stbana. In Horary Astrology, however, retro-
gression of a p'anet by transit has a
IV. FATHER REMARRIED ON bearing in the sense that if such a planet
1161949: Guru dasa, Ketu bhukti is the significator oftbe matter in question,
and Ketu Anthra the fructification of (be matter will be
a eferred till the planet takes direct
Guru, as described previously, is lord motion.
of-2 to the 9th house and sub-lord of
houses 2, 7 and 11 counted from the -9th On 11-6-1949, Saturn was in Simba in
house. It is in the constellation/sub of Ketu's star and Guru's sub (Guru and
Knja who owns the 7th and, llth houses Ketu are the joint rulers of dasa. bhukti
to the 9th by constellation. Guru is a and anthra). exactly squaring the natal
powerful significator. position of Ketu according to the Western
_ method. According to the Hindu system,
Ketu is in Risbaba aspected by Guru, Sani aspects (ByllsTeinlraspect)-the-sign-
lord of 2 (to 9). Kethuis not conjoined Rishaba containing the father's 7tb houses
with any planet in Risbaba, and so it acts Square is an inharmonious aspect being
as the agent of Sukra owning Risbaba 90, but as has often been observed in
which sign is on the cusp of the 7th bouse actual practice, an evil aspect of a planet
from the house of father. Therefore. denoting delay in matters of the 7th bouse
Ke hu offers the results of the 2nd and and the llth house (to 9) as a result of
7tb houses. its aspect to these houses at birth is
conducive to good results Such a planet
Transit denies its natal indication, namelv delay
in matters of marriage. Sani also
On 11-6-1949, Moon was over the t'ansited in quincunx (150 degrees or
father's lagna aspecting the 7th bouse sasbtashtama) aspect to its radical
re. koned from the father's. Trans ling position, and so it denies its birth indi-
Moon was in trine or 120 degree aspect to catiou of delay in matrimonial matters.
Kuja (Mangal), constellation ruler of 7th (Whenever a planet transits in unfavourable
and llth bouses from the 9tb, and in aspect to its radical oo-ition, it acts
sextile or 60 degree aspect to the i' th contrary to its natal indications. If, at
house from the 9tb. Moon transited the birth, a planet was beneficial for certain
constellation of Jyesbta, ruled by Budha affairs by reason of its situation etc, it
who govern the 11th house from the 9th. will advance those affairs whenever it is in
Transiting Moon was in trine to Progres- favourable aspect to its natal position. If,
sed Moon. On the same dav, Surya as a result of various considera'ions. a
was coojoinel with the cusp of the 7th planet is indicative of malefic effects for
house (to 9) Kuja was tnnsiting in certain nffairs of life, it becomes weak to
conjunction with radical Ketu Guru translate such effects whenever, by transit,
(lord of 2 to 9) was in transit in the 2nd it adversely aspects its radical position).
Kuja (lord of constellation on cusps of agent of lord of 9 in the lagna. Chandra
7 and 11 to the 9th) transited to a is also conjoined with Budha, Lord of 4,h
conjunction of Ketu's natal position, Ketu house, Surya lord of 6th house and Sukra,
being bhukti and anthralord. Ketu itself lord of 8th house (4th houseEducation;
was transiting in the Uth house to the 9tb 6th housescholarship; 8th house-
house representing father. scholarship as merit gift).
Sani, anthra lord, is himself lord of the
Progression 11th house.
Progressed Moon in constellation of Since Chandra and Sani are also signifi-
Budha, lord of 11 to 9; cators of the 12th house matters, it' shows
Progressed Sun in constellation of discomfort. When a native! prepares
Guru, lord of 2 to 9; himself to succeedjn the examination with
distinction he i, sure to bum .midnight oil
Progressed Sukra, lord of 7 to 9, and thus sleep is bound to be disturbed,
sextile to Ketu, bhukti and antfara the 12th house ruling bed comfort or
lord, and in conjunction with sleep.
Progressed Budha (lord of
11 to 9); Lord of 9, Kuja, was retrograding in the
natal 9th house by transit, and lord of 4
Progrgssed Kija (Maogal) -in sextile Budha was transiting the natal 4th bouse.
to Progressed cusp of the 7th Guru and Sani were in trine tacach^ cther_
house; by transit in Rabu's constellation (Rahu
Guru, lord of 2 to 9, by progression acting for Mars on the cusp of lagna as
in trine to cusps of radical 7th lord of 9).
and 1 Ith houses (to 9). Both Guru and Sani by transit were in
V.. Passed Matriculation securing first trine to the natal position of Budha who
rank and scholarship June 1954. lords the house of education (4th house).
Guru dasa, Chandra Bhukti, Sani As mentioned before, a planet in
anthra. retrogression by transit does not fail to
bring the natal indications to the fore. My
Firstly, the 1 Ith house cusp in the chart experience is that the benefic effects of a '
is conjointly ruled by Sani as thesign lord. planet as revealed by its birth position are
Moon as the constellation lord and Guru not at all denied when the planet is retro-
as me sublord. During their conjoint grade or direct in motion by transit, but
period the native had his ambitions fulfilled it should transit in the zodiac in a
and won great honour and esteem. He favourable house and favourable nakshatra
was awarded a gold medal and was and in harmonious aspect to its natal
rewarded with a scholarship. position.
Guru is in 11 as lord pf 1/1D .in the
ccnstellation/sub of Kuja (Mangal) is VI. Joined an All-India Service after
lagna cusp. Kuja also rules 9th house ; coming out successful in a competi-
therefore success in education. The cusp tive examination. Bate of joining
of the 4th house is ruled by Budha and 561963.
Guru as co-rulers of the sign and constell-
ation, and both these planets are in Uth Sani Dasa, Budha Bhukti and Guru
house, and this is a sure testimony of anthia was in operation.
success in educational maticrs.
Sani, as we have seen, is lord of 11 and
Chandra, constellation ruler of the 11th is in its own corstdlaJon and in the sub
house, is in the constellation of Rahu. of Moon who is lord of 11 by constel-
lalion, Budha, bhukli loi-d, is in 11 in its in Sukra's sign Thula (Sukra as lord of
own sub in the constellation of Rabu who the coosicllation on the cusp of the lOlb
is a substitute for Mais lord of 9 in lagna and Guru as sign lord of the iOth as well
on the cusp Guru is lord of houses l/!0 as sub-lord of the cusp together signify
In 'he 11th house in conjunction with professicnal matters). Sani was tiaositing
Budba, bhi kti lord. Further Guru occupies in enact sexti'e m lagna and Kaija occupy-
' the cor stelhtion and sub of Kuja-Mannal ing lagna. Sani's transit was in the 11 h
who oms the 9th bouse and occupies the house in tb; constellation of Ruja Manga!
cusp of the lagna (houses 1. 9, 10, U and in bis own s b Gu u was trausitiog
connected). Guru is also sublord of cusps in bis own si;n in Budha's nakshatra in
of houses 2, 10 and 11 and thus strong for the sub of Sukra. constellation lord of 10.
matters connected with profession. Surya was in the ?.nd borne in the
Transit constellation of Chandra lord of 11 by
constellation and apptving to the trine of
On 561963, Moon was transiting radical Guru. Transiting Bucha was
in trine to natal Sukra (constellation lord applying to a conjunction of the radical'
of 10th house) in Visakha owned by Guru 2tid cusp.

B. DANANSURIYA. Pallegama, Boptiya, Ceylon

Twins were born to the wife of a Govern- Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are
ment (ervant. The second child lived only moveable signs, the Bhadhakasthana is the
for six months. The first child although 11th house counted from the Ascendant.
sickly is still living.
The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
The lagoa could fall in any Rasi, but the and Aquarius, the Bhadhakasthana is the
sub-lord of the Ascendant is the deciding 9th house.
factor in ones longevity.
The Bhadhakasthana for Gemini, Virgo,
If the sub-lord of the Ascendant is the Saggittarius and Pisces, known as mutable
lord1 of 6, 8 or 12th hbuse, short life is signs- (Bhadliakasthana) is the 7th house
promised^ counted from the Ascendant
If the sub-lord owns 1, 5, 9 or~10th
house, long life is assured. Marabasthanas:
If the sub-lord- of the Ascendant owns Are the 2nd and 7ih houses counted
both groups i.e. 6, 8 or 12 houses and I, S, from the Ascendant.
9 or 10th houses middle life is promised.
When the gub-lord owns other houses, Method of Analysis
judgement is to be made according to the
sigmficators of Bhadhaka and Maraka (Ij Planets in the constellations of the
houses. <. occupants of Bhadhaka and
Maraka houses aie the strongest
Generally, when the sub-lord of the significators.
Ascendant is in the constellation of
a significator of Bhadhaka or Maraka (2) Occupants of Bhadhaka'andMaraka
house short life is shown. houses are next in strength.
When the sub-loid of the Ascendant is (3) Planets in the constellation of the
in the constellation of the significator of lords of Bhadhaka and Maraka
the 6th bouse, the native falls ill. If the houses, comes next.
sub-lord is in the constellation of the
significator of the Sth house, the native (4) Lords of Bhadhaka and Maraka
meets wi th an accident. Significators of homes, comes last.
Bhadhaka and Maraka houses bting death
(3) Planets conjoined or aspected by the'
Bhadhakasthana: above mentioned significators are
also capable of inflicting death.
According to Hi; du Astrology, the lord
of Bhadhakasthana will not be slate to Let us analyse the birth chart of the 1st
bring death. Twin for longevity.
Mars 9-52' In this chart the Ascendant falls in
X Sat 230e-ir Sun 72-37' I 21" 40' Gemini 27-13', in the constellation of
XI 24 -2l' XII Monn
220-2r Mercury 24a-2l' 27M6' Jupiter and sub of Venus.'
280-45' Venus
250-15' The sub-lord Venns owns the 12th house
and is occupying the 12'h bouse, although
20"IX21' BIRTH of 1st TWlKl IIFortuna 208-2l' in a different sign. Venus is in the
Rahu 27-19' constellation of Bhadhaka and Maraka
130-39' 8 7-16 A.M C.S.T. sthanadipathi Jupiter the lord of the 7th
761970 house. This position shows short life.
Lat. 70-27'
a Lon. 80oE 3' Ketu Let us judge the Bhadhaka and Maraka
vm 20 -21'
Ayanamsa 23o-20' in 20o-2l' houses.
As the Ascendant falls in Gemini,
a mutable sign, the Bhadhaka house is the
VI240 21; Jupiter
3a-8' Uranus
11'-20' 7ih house, which also is a Maraka house.
VII 22o-40'
Nep. 50-44' 24 V21' IV
22a-21' The 2Dd house is the other Maraka house.
There are no planets in the 7tb house.
Jupiter dasa balance 7 Years, 3 Months, Jupiter owns it. Venus and Moon are in
11 days. the constellation of Jupiter. Hence the
The A see o da at in this chart is Gemini significators for the Bhadhaka and Maraka
22o-40' in the constellation of Jupiter and 7th house are Venus, Moon and Jupiter.
Sub of Saturn. Saturns 'owns gth and 2nd house is occupied by Ketu._ "No_
9th houses.and is.o.ccpyingthe constellation. planet is'in" the-constellatrbn of Ketu
of Venus posited in the 1st house. Sun is in the constellation of Moon,
Therefore, no danger to life is indicated. the owner of the 2nd house. Ketu, Sun
Middle life is promised and Moon are the significators for the
The birth chart of the 2nd Twin is as 2nd house.
follows: Jupiter is asprcling Rahu. Saturn.
Saturn Mars 90-52' Mercury and Mars, hence they also become
23-11' Sun 220-38' Vcnua significators.
Mercury 250-l6'
28Q-46' XII 28'-40' I 270-!3'
XI 29 40' Moon 270-26' The 2nd Twin died in Jupiter dasa,
Venus bhukti, Venus anthra oo IO-l2-'70.
IX 25-4Cl' BlfVTH of 2nd TWIN II 24o-40' The death occured oo a Thursday belonging
Rahu to the Dasa Lord The sub-lord of
13 38' 8-26-57 A.M. C.S.T. Ascendant Venus is mysteriously connected
761970 in inflicting death.
Lat. 70Na 27'
Long. ?0 E 3' Ketu l3'-38 Place of Death :
VIII 24a-40' Ayaoamsa 2 3-20' III 2So-40'
The sub-lord of the gth cusp is Rahu,
Rahu is m the gth house in ils own
VI 28o-40' V 29o-40, Uranus cons'elution. Rahu represents gth and 9th
Neptune Jupiter U#-20' bouses. The child was taken to hospital
5a-44' S'-S' IV 27-40' and died there.
Jupiter dasa balance 7 Years, 29 dais. Good Luck.

My First Experiment with Krisimamurti Padhdhati
S V, NARASAIAH. M.A., B.Ed., Lecturer, Nagarjuna Government College,

One of my students, who knew that I SunSun-Venus-Mars

am studying Astrology, came to me and MoonSaturn-Rahu-Jupiter
desired to know the result of bis exami-
nation in which be has appeared on MarsSalu rn-Moon-Mercury
I?-?1971. MercurySun-Ketu-Moon
I asked him to give a number ^within JupiterMsrs-Sa turn-Mercury
249. It was 116 given by him. VenusSun-Venus-Jupiter
The judgment was taken up at 6 30 p.m., SaturnVenus-Moon-Rahu
I.S.T. on 1191971 at Nalgonda. The RahuSaturn-Moon^Mercury
number 116 places Nirayana Ascendant at
JCanni J5-40. With the- help of ' the KetuMoon-Mercury-Venus
Raphael's Table of Houses, other cusps
were found out (in Nirayana position) CUSPS
and the Nirayana position of planets for
the time of judgment was calculated. IV Jupiter-Venus-Venus
The map of Heavens is as follaws. XI Moon-Saturn-Jupiter.
According to Krisbnamurti Padhdhati
.VII VIII IX X 15e-16' the Houses 4, 8, 11 are to be judged. The
ISC-16' 130-16' sub-lord of IV cusp Venus is situated in
XII Bbava which shows Uraya' and a
XI 15-16' malefic to the native or Qneriest. Hence
IV 16-16' I told him that the succtss is not promised
Mooa 491971 Ketu 19V33'
9-13' to him.
6-30 P.M. I.S.T.
NALGOND\ XII 16^-16' The prediction came out absolutely
V )5_16' McrcurylR)
Mars <R) for fig. 116 40-03' correct. The querist came to me and
l80-43' Sun I70-59' informed about bis failure on 1891971.
Rahu 190-33' Venus
ZQo-O?' The credit of this prediction goes to the
III author of Krisbnamurti Padhdhati,
VI 150-16r 15^-16' 11 Lags a Sri K. S. Krisbnamurti. May God bless
JupUcr 150-46' 15o'40' him for bis long life and Krisbnamurti

Shri G. S. NANJUNDIAH: Karnauk University Dharwar-3.
On Saturday tbe 23rd. October 1971, a have any doubt about it. As No. 9 (nine)
friend of mine called at' my residence at is ascribed to Mars he was incliued to
11-4S A.M. He wanted to know bis mention only that Number.
correct birtb Rashi, as there was some
controversy about the same. His Rasi Further as per Krishnamurti Padhdhati
was said to be Tbulam (Libra), wbereas in if bis birtb sign were to be Libra, be
some of tbe family records it was men- would have certainly come to me tbe
tjoned as Scorpio (Ytischika), and hence previous day which was a Friday. The
be was in a fix as to tbe correct Rasi. .. ruling' planets help us miraculously to
tackle such problems, so easily and accu-
It immediately gave me a chance to rately as this.
verify Krishnamuni Padhdhati by taking
tbe ruling planets. I, also thought of putting him for one
more test on Krisbnamutti Padhdhati
The lagua lord was Mars (Scorpio). I asked him to mention a number within
La8bff"star-lEird"was Saturn tArmradhn). .249. He calmly inentioned 15L " Seehow
planet's will inffnew V tFe minrt;~r.r tti f'
Star-lord of the Moon sign was Mercury querists! This N also pertained to
(Jyeshta). Scorpio lagna. Ad d students of
Krisntlamurti'Padhdha' an'fix up even
Rasi lord of Moon sign was Mars the exact- position of oon at birtb in
(Scorpio). such cases.
The day lord was Saturn (Saturday). Good Luck.
So, the ruling planets for the moment of
query were Mars, Saturn and Mercury.
Venus was in no way a ruling planet. I
could immediately make-out that his birth
Rasi was definitely Scorpio, as Mars was
a very strong ruling planet being both
lagna-lord and Rasi-lord for the query
time. Besides this, I confirmed it by one
more test. I just noted No. 9 (nine) on a
piece of paper without bis knowledge and
asked him to mention a number within 12
(twelve). Immediately mentioned 9 (nine),
and was then surprised to see tbe same
number to have been noted by me on the
paper. I then declared that bis birth Rasi Mr. V. K. Jhajhrria and Mr. Taadoo, active
was definitely Scorpio and be should not suptxirten of k.p. in u.p.

V. C. CHAVADI & R. S. HANAGODIMATH, Department of Geology,
Karnatak University. Dhacwar-3.

It was on Friday the 22nd October, Planet Star lord Sub lord
.1971 at 9-16 a.m we were discussing with Saturn (R) Moon Rahu
our friends about, the India's chances Ketbu Mercury Mercury
against Palcistan in the world cup Hockey Sun Mars VetluS
Tournament to fie played the same Mercury Rabu Mercury
evening at Barcelona in Spain. One of us Venus Rahu Mars
requested us to predict about this accord- Moon Saturn Mercury
ing to IC.P. and gave us the number 95 Jupiter _ .Saiurn - -Rahu
within* 249. Horary Nirayan a. chart-was- Rahu Moon Saturn
erected" for' Dharwar latitude and the Mars Mars Saturn
planetary positions for the time of judg-
ment, 9-16 a.m, were found out with the Cusp Lord Star lord Sublordt
help of Raphael's Table of Houses and the VI Saturn Moon Saturn
Krishnamurti Epbemeris.' Conslellation XI. Mercury Rahu Venus
, lord and the sublord for each planet and XII Moon Satum Jupiter
cusp were found out with the help of V Jupiter Venus Sun
K P. Vol. 1.
Moon ca'Ied Mathi occupies the HE
bouse in the constellation of Saturn the
lord of VI and VII and these houses-
Saturn (R) indicate competition.
VIII IX 12-13-02 XI
15-49-20 16-14-10 X 17-14-10
17-14-10 Analysis
It is but natural that the wish of the
VII XII querist is that India should win this match.
16-147-10 Therefore, first judge the XI cusp which
16-13-20 No. 95 Ketu
9-16 A.M. 17-02-02 is for one's fulfilment of' desire. XI cusp
Mars falls in Mercury sign Gemini in the
29-09-51 22101971 constellation of Rahu and sub of Venus,,
Rahu Dharwar Aac.16.I3.2C which occupy the VI and III bouses,
17-02-02 respectively Further, Venus is in the
16-14-10 constellation of Rabu and sub of Mars
IV Venus both occupying the VI bouse. This at the
17-14-10 19-22-16 first sight seems to be a favourable indica-
Jupiter HI 16-14-10 tion for India's victory. But to win over
17-14-10 13 27-53 Mcrcuiy 15-49-20
Moon 13-43-15 in a competition, we have to judge the VI
5-46-30 Sun 4-44-25 cusp. The VI cusp falls in Saturn sign
30 -
-Capricorn in tberconstellation of Moon
sub of Saturn. Moon being the constel-
lation of VI cusp, posited in III bouse
gives hopes for India's.victory but Siturn
being the sublord of the VI cusp who is
retrograde denies a clear victory over the
Let us also judge the VI house. Rabu
.and Mars are the occupants. Both ate
posited in the sub of Saturn and thus I
denies the possible victory because it being
in a retrograde motion.
Now let us judge the V and the XU
cusps which are the XI and VI to the
-opponent respectively. The - V- cusp falls
'inTupitersign Sagittarius in the constel-
lation of Venus and in the sub of Sun. San
is the lord of the Ascendent (India) and is
posited in the II bouse which is detri-
mental to the III house. The XII cusp
which is YI for the opponent (Pakisthan)
falls in Moon sign Cancer in the constel-
lation of Saturn and in the Sub of Jupiter.
Jupiter is the lord and the strong
sijim ticatoc of V cusp (XI to Pak). There-
fore this is a favourable position for
them irrespective of some hurdles
indicated by the Saturn the constellation
lord of the XII cusp which is VI to them.

Thercfore, it is of significance to note

that victory for Pakistan and, defeat for
India can only be predicted by applying
the theory of sub enunciated by our
Revered Guruji Sotbida Mannan Jyotish
Marthand Prof. Krishnamurti.

Good Luck

(Continued from the November issue)
Adhyaya tl
Sloka 1: (iv) Kuja occupies the 7th bbava
counted either from Surya or
The author declares that what all is Chandra and Budha occupies a
going to be described by him should be pirsbtodaya sign.
traced to Sage Suka.
Sloka 5:
.Sloka 2:
The native will not have sound beallb, Lord of 2 in bis own rasi in conjunction
if lagna lord is conjoined with a malefic with Guru, denotes gain and wealth. Loss
planet in the 6tb, 8tb or the X2th bbava. and financial poverty is the result if the
The same result will be experienced if the 2nd lord is placed in a kendra stbana
loids of 6th, 8tb and 12lb bbavas are in (I, 4, 7 and 10 bouses) or dus stbana
their own rasis. If lagna is occupied by a (6, 8 and 12 bouses). A person is born
malefic and its lord is weak, the native is blind if lords of 2 and 12 go to bbavas '6,
liable to affliction with diseases. 8 and 12 in conjunction with Sukra and
, lord of lagna. Visual power suffers if
Chandra occupies 2 in association with
Sloka 3: ""Sukra and another malefic-planet
The native will have a strong
constitution if the lagna lord (1) occupies Sloka 6:
lagna in conjunction with Budha, Guru or
Sukra, or (2) occupies a kendra'(bbavas Night-blindness is shown by Sukra
1, 4, 7 and 10), or (3) is in exaltation, or occupying bbavas 6, 8 or 12 in conjun-
(4) the bbava owned by a friendly planet, ction with Chandra. The native is born
or (3) be aspected by 'benefic' planets. In blind if bis lagna lord is in conjunction
such a case, be will be wealthy, intelligent, with Surya and Sukra at birth. Similarly,
respected and be of a virtuous disposition. predict tesulls for father, brother, etc.
He frill be a clever counsellor and a leader (Lord of 9 representing father in conjun-
among bis people. ction with Surya and Sukra causes blind-
ness to him).
,Sloka 4: Sloka 7:
The native will be self-willed, blind, act
wickedly and sensuous of Relationship will be deprived of if, at
birth, Kuja and lord of 3 are in 6, 8 or 12.
(i) the lagna be malefic (owing to its If the 3rd lord is in bis own bbava and
lord being malefic); or aspected by benefic planets, be will have
(ii) the lagna lord occupies bis enemy's brothers. If the lord of 3 occupies a
rasi; or kendra bouse, he will have happy relations.
If he is in conjunction with benefics, the
(Hi) the luminaries, viz., Surya and native will be happy. Unbappiness is
Chandra, are posited between shown by the 3rd lord's conjunction with
malefic planets (by nature); or malefic planets.
Sloka 8: degrees). If the bhava occupied happens
If the 4th lord in conjunction with the to be the planet's own, the person will not
9th lord or a benefic occupies his own have this defect and he will be shrewd.
rasi, the person born will be equal to a
king. If the 4th lord in lagna is aspected Sloka 12:
by Guru, be will be the recipient of
honours. If the 4tb lord be in the llth Dumbness results as a result of lord of
bhava and aspect the 4tb bhava therefrom 5 or Guru occupying bhavas 6, 8 or 12.
(which is perhaps possible only in higher Similarly, should results be predicted for
northern or southern latitudes), the the other relations, such as father, mother,
native will be gifted with conveyances. brother, etc. (For instance if lord of 5
counted from the bhava signifying father,
Sloka 9: i.e., 5ih to the 9th bhava-Lagna-or Guru
is in dus sthanas, the father is dumb.) If
If lord of 4 in conjunction with the the planet owning the bhava which
lagna lord occupies bis own bouse, he will is fifth from the bhava occupied by the
acquire a house or come in contact with 5th lord be placed in 6, 8 or 12 and the
friends. The number of houses that will owners of 1st, Stb and 9th bhavas occupy
be consumed by Qre would equal the 6, 8, or 12 childlessness is indicated.
number df malefics posited in bbavas 6.
8 cr 12 in conjunction with the lords of
2, 4, 10 and 12. Sloka tS'.
Lords of 1,5 and 9 conjoining benefic
Sloka 10: planets promise progeny, bat after delay.
The number of planets in 4 without If Kataka happens to be the Sth and its
bemfic aspect indicate the number of lord is [j||ced there, the person will have
conveyances that would be destroyed. The more female issues than male (Meena
number of vehicles unfit for use should be lagna horoscopes). If an asnbha (malefic)
found out from the number of malefic occupy the fifth bhava from the one
planets posited in 8 or 12 and aspecung 4 occupied by Guru identifical with the Sth
(no planet except Guru in Hindu Astrology from lagna, the.person is bereft of issues.
aspects the 4th bhava from 8 or 12 with (This applies to Meena lagna with Guru in
its full rays, though some sages have opined Meena at birth) If Sani occupies a rasi
that all planets have half a glance at the which is fifth from his own, the native's
5th and 9th bhavas counted from the. progeny is limited to one son.
bhava occupied).
Sloka 14:
Sloka 11: If Saai happens to occupy Kumbha rasi
One is devoid of learning if, at birth, identical with the Sth bhava (For Thula.
lord of S singly or in conjunction with lagna), the person will have 5 sons:
Guru and Budba be in 6, 8 or 12 from If Makara identical with the Sth bhava
the lagna. If, however, they (lord of 5, (For Kanya lagna) is occupied by Kuja or
Guru aed Bud ha) occupy the 9th bhava Sani, then three daughters will be bora
identical with their own (rasi) or one of to him. The same result to be predicted
the kendra houses (1, 4, 7 and 10) the when Budha or Sukraor Chandra occupies
person will be learned. If at birth the Makara as Sth bhava. If Makara
planets concerned be in their infancy or identical with Sth bhava be occupied by
advanced age, the person will have a dull Guru alone, then he will have S sons.
understanding. (A planet is said to be in When Mesha, Vrishabba or Kataka
infancy if it is in the earlier degrees of a happen to be the Stb bhava (Dhanur,
rasi and in an advanced age if in the latter Makara and Meena lagnas respec lively).
and occupied by Ketu or Rahu, progeny Sloka 19:
-will not be delayed,
The native destroys his enemy if lord of
Sloka 13: 6 is in 1. If the 6th lord be in 2, be is
wicked and his wealth will be appropriated
Progeny will be delayed till the native by bis son. If lord of 6 is in 3, be causes
nttains 30 years of age, if Guru or a misery in his environment; if the 6th lord
malefic (by nature) occupies 4 and is in bis own bbava, he suffers from
Chandra is in S or 8. Progeny will be diseases. Sukra as lord of 1 and 8 in 6
delayed for as many years as the number (in case of Tbula lagna) causes suffering
of malefics posited in 5 and not aspected as a result of affliction to the eye. If Sani
by benefics. be the planet in question (as lord of 1 or 8
in 6), foot will be affected.
Sloka 16: Sloka 20:
If the nativity indicates childlessness, it Rahu or Ketu in 6 indicated ulcer in
can be got over by propitiations to the the lips or the teeth. Lagna lord in a rasi
various planets. Budba andSukra should governed by Budha or Kuja and aspected
be appeased by charity; Chandra by by an inimical planet (Sloka 10, Adbyaya L
-worshipping Sankara; Guru by herbs, lists the friendly, neutral and inimical
talismans and hymns; through magical planets to the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury,
powers in the case of Sani, Kuja orSurya; Jupiter, Sukra and Saqi) fro!n_any house
if Rahn or Ketu are afTUcting, through whatsoever, 'shuws wound near the anus.
worship of the family deity. If Kuja and Sani occupy 6, they causes
diseases after their own nature (as for
example Sani cold and rheumatism; Mars,
Sloka, 17: inflammation and fevers).
Lord of 6 conjoined with a malefic (by Sloka 21:
nature) in 1 or 8 cause ulcers in the body. A person is sickly if Chandra is in 6 in
(Similar results to be predicted in the case conjunction with a malefic, or it is in lagna .
of father, mother, etc. counting the bouse afflicated by a malefic by conjunction or
signifying such relation as bis lagna.) If aspect. Disease also results if a malefic
such planet . (lord of 6) happens to be planet is in a kendra (1, 4, 7 and 10)
Surya, the part affected is the head; if without benefic aspect, or Sukra happening
Chandra, the face; if Kuja, the neck; if to own the bouse occupied by a malefic
Budba, the chest; if Guru, the would will unaspected by Kuja, Guru or Sukra.
be in the navel region.
Sloka 22:
Sloka 18: The sixth lord in lagna in a male sign
Iflprdof 6. in the 1st or 8tb bbava (The twelve signs beginning with Mesha
conjoined with a planet malefic by nature ate alternately male and female) identical
be Sukra, the wound will bd in the region with its own or exaltation, and aspected
of the eye or the back. If it be Sani, there is by a malefic, denotes serious disease caused
ulcer in the foot; if the planet in question by enemies. ,
be Ketu or Rahu, the lower lip would be Lord of 6 in 12 in conjunction with
affected. If lagna lord is posited in a Surya or Rahu shows life in a place far
bbava ruled by Budha or Kuja and away from native surroundings and
aspected by both of them, there is eye engagement in occupations of a despicable
disease, even if Budba or Kuja occupy nature.
beneficial houses. (to be continued)

Upon all machinery there-are gauges differences reveal progression and show
-fixed to indicate the quantity and pressure whether a greater inward balance has
of energy being used, the flow of lubri- been established.
cating substance, the beat of various
bearings and so forth ; and the engineer Through the ages a rich crop of
in charge has only to glance at these small superstition has grown around the very
clock dials and they at once tell bim abstruce term'luck'. This is absurd. The
whether the power is falling or rising. personal destiny is the crystallisation of
They indicate unfailiog any tendency for a ourselves. It is not the event that is so
serious defect to occur. In the same important but our re-action to it. If one
manner the divine machine, MAN, has inherits a fortune that very pleasant event
been fitted with a gauge which surely is relatively unimportant, but what one
indicate the pressure of the vital force, the does with it, is of utmost importance.
resistance to dis-ease, the organs that are The type of brain one has is relatively
weak, thereby revealing at what speed and unimportant, but the use one makes of it
in what direction this machine may be is very important. The fact that one man
used so as to prevent it from breaking is genius does not matter as much as the
down. use to which he puts his genius.
We know that some people have thumbs To expect m^icles and fortune-telling
which are short and thick, others possess by the study of hand one must be doomed
thumbs thin, long and supple. Here we to utter failure. This study is a mirror
find a mental quality expressing itself in wherein we can find, the reflated picture
the moulding of living matter. People of the whole in the details. It has been
with short thick thumb are always inclined proved beyond doubt that the basic
to be obstinate, while the long supple principles of efficiency is merely mainte-
thumb is expressive of a flexible mentality nance of balance. The actual degree of
and generous impetuosity. effective effeciency is determined by the
The creases and markings of no two balance of compatibility between the
bands are identical because no two men physiological and psychological compo-
are equal in all direction This cannot be sition of the individual. Health, efficiency
accidental; as anything always accidental and consequent happiness is a matter of
must be broken sometime or other. It is equality of compatibility. It is thus
therefore logical to assume that it is possible to say that faulty physiological
< destined not to be equal. composition, or for that some defective
infection of the physiological mechanism
The left band is the symbol of inherited can prove to be just as destructive in
or sub-conscious mind while the right effect as adverse material conditions or
band symbolises the super imposed faulty psychological processes.
conscious mind, the later being the
directive force of most of the people. The A combined condition seriously disturbs
right band shows the maturing crystalli- the self-confidence. Faith in ourselves
sation of the inherited pattern based on and in our abilities and in our strength to
personal and emotional motivation, A overcome dsngers and defects that reside
careful comparison of both bands gives within ourselvesall these are overlooked.
the indication of the development that Thus the greatest of all defects is the lack
has taken place psychologically; these of faith in self. The deep-rooted idea in
mind that I can never deal with this or sive fixations. AND EVEN THESE
that; I think and really believe that I am SLIGHT CORRECTIONS HAVE FAR
incapable of doing this or achieving that, REACHING BENEFICIAL RESULTS.
the very fact that I bel eve in that inabi- The moment the individual attains
lity, does produce that active and opera- inward balance and harmony, there is
tional inability. The one blames his gods created a peak of efficiency within of
for the ill-luck that is within himselfhow course the boundary of individual limita-
rarely he blames his own lack of faith in tions. The external events and materials
himself. It is wise and justifiable indeed conditions ate relatively unimportant.
that one must be prepared to accept bis The formations in the human hand are
share of responsibility for the patterning
of his own destiny. signatures of time to the present and they
can be altered by skilful re-adjustment and
One must work with the material that by extention of mental scope.
is there. One cannot suddenly alter the
-scope of understanding. Certainly it is Most of the problems and difficulties
impossible to alter basic characteristics or that assail individuals in life are un-cons-
desuoy emotional fixation. But one can ciously created and produced by defective
definitely make them work in a different reasonings and uncensored re-actions ;
way. One can change the value of inti- the circumstance and events in themselves
mate re-actions. One can remove inhabi- are not so important. There is so much
-tions and destroy fixationsr misery in "the world "because we allow
A deep-rooted distortion may seem to ourselves to be the fearful slaves of our
defy all known treatment, although theie emotions.
is no doubt that one can bring various There is no doubt that once the perso-
lesser adjustments such as inaugurating nal pattern has become established, most
different directional trends, eliminating of other aspects automatically fall into
inward conflicts and destroying apprehen- place. SjJ-
(Continued from the previous issue)

"Stanza 13 Rishaba lagna : Combination of Surya

and Sani
If the lords of the kendras and thriko-
nas are in conjunction without any asso- Mithuna lagna: Nil
ciation with the other lords, they bring Kataka lagna Combination of Kuja
immense good. and Chandra
(In this stanza the learned author has Simha lagna : Kuja and Surya combin-
clearly laid stress on the combination of ing-together
the planets owning kendra .and thrikona
- -houses -without' the association of the Kanya lagna : Nil
lords of.other houses. Houses 1, 4, 7 Thula lagna : Combination of Sani and
and 10, as we have already seen, are Chandra
kendras ; houses 5 and 9, tbrikonas. Ex-
cepting $urya and Chandra, all other Vrischika r^gna: Combination of
placets own two houses each in a horos- Surya and Chandra
cope. Of these [again, only Sani, Kuja Dhanur lagna : Combination of Surya
and Sukra own both a kona and kendra with Guru and or Bbdha
house and that too only in the case of
Sani in respect of Rishaba and Thula Makara lagna : Combination of Sukra
lagnas, Kuja in respect of Kataka and with Chandra
Simha lagnas and Sukra in respect of
Makara and Kumbha lagnas. In all other Kumbha lagna : Combination of Sukra
cases, with the exception of Surya and and Surya
Chandra of course, every planet will rule Meena lagna : Combination of Chandra
a bouse other than kona kendra in addi- with Guru and or Budha
tidn to the kendra or kona bouse. In the
case of births in Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanur What really will be the effect of the
and Meena lagnas Guru and Budha will yoga stated here, has not been spelt out.
rule two kendra houses each. Without meaning any disparagement to
If the rule stated in this si ok a is rigidly the learned author, it must be said here
followed, many combinations of the kona (hat a vague rule like this does not guide
and kendra lords will have to be left out us in pinpointing results. All kendra
of consideration for the purpose .of this houses do not have dominion over the
yoga, for the reason that one or both of same affairs and the two tbrikonas do not
the planets in the cdmbination will also influence the same affairs. Every one of
have deminion over a house other than the houses controls some aspect of life.
kendra or kona. This leaves only the A planet in a house advances the matters
following combinations as constituting the ruled by that house through the source of
yoga for the purpose of this rule : its lordship and nature and other conside-
rations. The influence of the stellar lords
Mesha lagna ; Combination of Surya Is another important consider alion. Fur-
and Cbandra. ther, even when a number.of planets are
in the same constellation, their expression where of benefics owning kendras becom-
will be modified by the tub-ruler of the ing malefic and malefics owning kendras
part of the constellation occupied and so becoming auspicious for longevity pur-
each planet will differ in its results. When poses. Moreover, .the rationale behind the
we descend from generalization to parti-r inclusion of lagha for the purpose of this
cularization, we need to know the details. rule is not understandable. It appears
That Moon rules milk, for instance, is a logical that the cusps of houses 4, 7 and
general statement. The water in the milk 10 are inimical to longevity being in
is ruled by Chandra, the ' salt in milk is square, opposition and square respectively
ruled by Sani, caseine and extractive to the cusp of the lagna which stands for
matter is ruled by Surya and the fat in positive health and life. It does not sound
milk is represented by Guru. We must plausible why benefic planets should
endeavour to reach a stage wheie such a become evil and why malefic planets by
classification will be possible. nature turn to be good in this_respect;
unless it be the authprls viewthat a malefic
planetinmalefic aspect to the point
Stanza 14 "constiiuting life and longevity (namely the
If thc powerful" lords of th kendras lagna) becomes auspicious on the basis of
-and thrikonas conjoin, they produce bene- the mathematical principle that two nega-
ficial results, even though they may be tives make a positive. In aciual fact, it
should not be the ownership of the keadra
otherwise evil. ' houses (except the lagna) but their occupa-
(In the previous sloka the author dealt tionmore precisely occupation of the
on the need of lords of kona and kendra cusp of the 4tb, 7th and 10ththat should
houses conjoining without any association offer far effective results in this respect.
with the lords of other houses. In this
sloka he avers that :even if the lords of Another point here. Even in the case
kona and kendra be weak, their conjunc- of coajunction of lords of kona and .
tion will be productive of good. There is kendra houses without any association
apparently no contradiction between the with any other lord and in full strength,
stanzas 13 and 14. A planet becomes do we not find the combination of Surya
evil not necessarily by ownership of and Sani for Risbaba lagna, Sani and-
an evil house alone. It becomes Chandra for Thula lagna, Sukra and
evil by occupation of an evjl house, Chandra for Makara lagna and Sukra and
debilitation, an enemy's house, etc. Surya for Kumba lagna evil if we take the
When cne of the two planets in combina- natural relationship between the planets
tion is in debilitation or in enemy's camp in combination into our consideration ?
' or when both of them occupy a dus There is no use in saying that all factors
sihana, they are said to be weak and must be propetly synthesised and blended
afflicted According to this stanza, even and then the results prognasticated. Can
if the kona and kendia lords combine anyone confibenlly come out of this mess
together in this way, they will be produc- of vague and contradictory rules and
tive of good, but as already stated in the make a proper prediction ? I have not so
previous sloka the association of the far come across an astrologer practising
kendra and kona lords with lords of other the Indian system who applies the various
houses should certainly be precluded. divisions of a sign, avasthas, vargas, balas
etc. in every day life. If Astrology has to
Truly speaking, in no other system is be made useful, it must be made under-
so much importance ascribed to kendra standable and capable of being applied in
adhipatbya and there is no mention any- a simple, scientific manner.
K. R. MOHAN RAO. S.A.R. I. Chitrakonda
Number given by the Querist is 6S of Mercury the Lord of 12 in 10th house.
between I and 249 at Chitrakonda 18o-07' So it is clear that the querist worries for
*N' and the judgment time is at 6-57 P.M. an employment.
on 2351971.
Map for the Heavens as follows: Is employment promised?
Venus The lOtb cusp is the deciding factor
X 12M4' XI 0o0-37' XII whether one will get employment or not.
o Sat 3 0-22' Here the Sub-Lord of 10th Cusp is
27 -37' 13 -40' l 0
-37' Jupiter, the Lord of 6 and_10-and_is"lf
Moon Sun 8 -25'
250-23' the constallation-of-Saturn who is in 11th
LaglMZO^ bouse;which is advantange.
IX Ketu
5 r
25 -37 No. 65 25o-04' So When?
II 26"-37'
^235-1971 For employment homes 2, 6 and 10
Vni 260-37' At 6-57 P.M. should be judged. Employment will take
Rahu IS'-O?' N. HI place when the significators of 2, 6 and 10
25 MM' 250-37'
Mars houses will conjoinedly operate. In the
o above chart the significators for 2, 6 and:
VII l ~20' 10 are Mars, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury,
Jupiter (R) Ketu and Venus. When all the planets or
VI r-37' 8-13' IV more planets come under significators
v 270-37' there are two, methods to find out the
0o-37' fruitful! ones.
(1) Sellect the planets which are in the
Planet Star-Lord Sub-Lord' Sub of a planet, signifing for the houses at
Ketu Mercury Rahu judgment, specially in the Sub of a planet
' occupied in the houses at judgment.
Jupiter (R) Saturn Venus
Mars Moon Saturn . (2) Select the planets which are the
Rahu Mars Rahu ruling planets at the time of judgment.
Venus Ketu Mercury ' Here the occupents of houses 2, 6 and
Mercury Venus Venus 10 are Venus Mercury and Moon. The
Moon Venus Mercury significators deposited in the Subs of either
Saturn Sun Saturn Venus, Mercury and Moon will give
Sun Sun Venus fruitful results for employment. Out of
the above significators, Jupiter, Venus,.
Before proceeding to analysis, let us Moon and Mercury are deposited in the
check whether Moon indicates the nature subs of the occupents of 10th house.
of querry. Moon the Lord of I and 2 in Hence according to the 1st Method the
10th house and in the constallation of fruitfull significators are Jupiter, Venus,
Yenus the Lord of 11 in 10 and in the Sub Mercury and MOon.

Ruling planets at 7-35 P.M. on period of Jupiter anthara is from
351971 at Chitrakonda are Day 2671971 to 1491971. !
Lord (Sunday) Sun.
Then Transit
Rasi Lord (Mesham) Mars. This event will come to picture wheq
Star Lord fBharani; Venus. the Luminaries will be transiting in the
Stars, Rasis and Days ruled by the signifiJ
Lagna Lord (Vrichika; Mars. cators. Here Sun on 26-7-1971 is at
9-00' is Karkatak Rasi ruled by Moon
Lagna star Lord CJesta; Mercury. and in the star of Saturn. Saturn is not
one of the sign! Gcators, So I passed on to'
(Jupiter is aspected by Sun (7th aspect) nest star of Mercury who is one of the
and Moon is aspected by Mars rtth aspect fruitful! significators i.e. at 16c-40' to
30-00' in Karkatak Rasi, Duriog_this--
period when sun ,transits-at'76o740' to
Summing up the above are Sun, Mars^. 30-00--Karkatak, on 1181971, Moon
enus, Mercury and Jupiter-and'Moon, will be transiting in Meena Rasi ruled by
he common planets between the ruling Jupiter and in the star Ravati ruled by
lanets and the significators are Venus, Mercury, and the Day Wednesday ruled by
ercury, Jupiter and Moon. According Mercury. On 1181971 the native is
the 2nd' Method also the fruitful! running Venus Dasa-Mercury Bhukti-
ignificators are Venus, Moon, Jupiter Jupitcr Anthara and Moon Sukshma i.e.
nd Mercury. from 381971 to 1491971.
Actually he got a j ob with much more
The native is running Venus dasa- difficulty on 1181971. The difficulty,
ercury bhukti Jupiter anthara from Disappoinments and abstructions were
i2351971 to 1491971, All these caused due to the Jupiter being the Snb-
Conjoined planets are the fruitful signifi- Lord of 10th cusp retrograde till
cators for 2, 6 and . 10. So he must get an 2571971.
employment during the above period it
self, if transit agreed. Here the Jupiter, This is how "Krishnamurti Padhdhati"
the antharanath being the Sub-lord of proves every event with sceintific, simple
jlOth Cusp and 2nd Cusp, is one of the and Universal principles which one can
Strong significator being the Lord of 6th confidently declare the time and date of
and 10th houses, is in retrogration. So he any event before hand. I pray God to
twill drag on the results till he gets his bless long life to our Guruji Prof:
motion direct. Jupiter gets his motion K. S. Krishnamurti, the inventor of the
direct on 2571971. So the balance noble sceince of K. P.


Numbet given is 89.

; x y-isy
VIII lo-20' ix r-20' XI 5-20'
sat. ti'-ir
XII6 20^o
VII 5^-33-20' Venus 10 -4
Sun I70-49'
Ketu 2r-16
|Mara 250-29' Lagna
'.(Raho 21o 0-16' 5 "-33'-20"
VI 6 -20' Merc, I3V The audience
Moon29-55 which position in a sign, star and'
V 50-2a' Jup. 3o0-23' in r-20' ii r-20' sub is governed by the ruling ;
IV 3 -20' planets or significators or_both,-
IT it is within a few years, move Jupiter.
-Tbe-queition is to know the date when to that sensitive point.
he can have the decision. To find out
the time ; To-day, Tuesday, Moon is in Scorpio:'
(a) if it is within that day, move the both governed by Mars; star is that of
ascendant to that position in the Mercury. Ascendant now is ruled by slgo
.. zodiac, where the lord of Lagna, lord Mercury and star lord Moon.
star and sub are governed by the Therefore Moon, Mars, Mercury'ace the
ruling planets or significators of ruling planets. Ketu is~td he included as -
the houses or both. Note when it is an agent of Moon. So, the sensitive
that particular position will rise in points are 22-13'-.20' Scorpio or 5-33'-20'
the east for that place of judgement. Gemini or 23o-20' Cancer or ll-6'-40"
.(b) if the matter wil be done in a Virgo.
month's time, note when Moon ' ' Hence Lagna, Moon;Sun are to transit
will transit a position of the zodiac all in one point or each in different
sensitive points. Since it is expected at ,
the latest in 3 months time, on any day
from to-day. Sun can be in 23o-20' Cancer
or ir-6'-40" Virgo. It may be 108711
Now we have to find when, on these-
two dates. Moon will transit any of the
four sensitive points mentioned above.
On 10871, Moon will be in Pisces.
Reject. On 28971, Mars will be-
direct. Sun wiQ be in the sensitive point.
Moon will be in Ketu, star Moolam.
Lagna also, will be . with Moon then.
Therefore around 11-30 A.M. on'
Editor addresaiog the audience 28971, the decision will be taken.
{Node Stronger than Planets', Sublord Confirms)
K. S
The natal horoscope of a lucky person Budhi, Dasanatha, is lord of 12.
is given below; Saiurn, is in 12th bhava.
IX 27B-07' Rahu 20 08' According to Hindu traditional astrology,
XI 28o-09' XII 29--09'
Chandra X 25 -09' Uranus toe occupant of a bhava, cne bhava lord
2-3 3 o (R.) and the planet conjoinca with the lord all.
/ 28 -ir
Wneu all tht thiee are connected with the
12tb nouse, how is it thai the native bad
VIII Place of birth Sani 15-4r guns without pains ? Powerfully infiuence
23o-09' 0 Lagna mat oaava. Here dani, Budha and Ke.u
27 -54' SO^SE 28M)9' are strongly connected to 12th house.
Timc/C-IZ A.M. I S.T. Look : Sub-lord is the deciding factcr.
o , Date 511194* Ketu is in the sub of Venus lord of 11.
VII 28 -09 III 23o-09'
_(Cpn.itella_tion lord is the owner of 12lli
nouse means investment; gives money to
V 280-oy' buy the ticket. Sub-lord, lord of 11,
o Ketu
VI 27 -09' Budha 20-08' IV 25-09' Neptune piomises gain, profit, fulfilment of desite.
Forttma Surya l60-36' Hence Ketu is a benefic )
10v-57' Sukra 19"-45' 0 /
8o-00' Guru iy-5V III 23 -l7
K.uja 6f-l8' Budha is in Mars sub. (Mars is a planet
Balance of Guru dasa (Vimibottari) to compete, and be is lord of S to
at birth 0 Year, 11 Months, 8 days. speculate and also 10.) 5th bouse gives the
mind to speculate. 10th shows success.
In . the above chart. Mars, Venus> Hence Mercury dasa contributes to success
Mercury and Ketu are In the lourtb bouse, in competition and gam in speculation.
all in Sc rpio. In Uitara Kalamriiha,
Kalidas elucidates that nodes offer the Saturn is in 12. It is in Saturn's star
rciultr of the planets with which they are and Sub of Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of 6,
conjoined or by which they are aspected, Victory over enemies. It is conjoined with
if any, only when' there is no conjunctioa lord ol 2, Sun. Jupiter himselt is in 3 sub
or no aspect do the no2es offer the re ults of lord of 11 and also in the constellation
of the lords of the sign> where they were of Rahu, significator of 10 and 11 houses.
dspo sired.
Therefore, the conjoined period of
Thisnative b id won aprize in tbelottery. Mercury, sub-period of Ketu and Sut-sub
(His Ticket No. 02 2 2 20). It was oo Saiurn gave him the fortune of winning
23121969. He was ruaning ha a prize in the lottery on 23121969.
dasa, K;tu bhukti, Sani antbra at itm time.
Ketu baakti slarted on 1031969 and. The amount was received during Mercury
ended on 7i-19/0. dasa, Ketu bhukti, Mercury antbra.
Ke u is in the c josttlUlion of Budha lord Hence, one can note that the sub-lord
of 12. decides one's fate; the constellation lord
Rabu is aspected by Mercury, Lord of Ketu is posited in Sun star and sub is
12th and a Planet in the constellation of ruled by Jupiter, who is Lord of 3rd.
the Lord of the 10th i e.. Moon. Mercury is posited io Mono star and sub
Ketbu is in the sign owned by Venus. of Rahu. who is a strong significator as
Ketu is aspected by Moon, Lord of the stated above.
10th house and by Saturn, a significator of Ketu dasa, Mercury bhukti operate
3rd and 12th house. between .2631971 and 2331972
As the significators are many, beneficial In this period Ketu anthra will start fro-n
significators are to be selfbted, rejecting 651971 and ends on 761971.
the useless ones. To select the bmeSc'ial Thereafter Venus anthra operates upto
significators, there are two methods , and 68197L
both have to be scrutinized.
Venus is in Jupiter star and sub of
(a) Note the ruling planets at the Venus, who is a significator of 3rd honse
time of Judgement. and is Lagna Star Lord at the time of Judg-
(b) Note the Sub Lord of the signifi- ment. So Venus may refiect the event in^
cators. If the Sub Lord is one of the her Sub.Suh-period.
-significators, tbcn tbe planet ^deposited in transits in Venus sign (The s ga
such a sub is beneficial, otherwise not.
occupied by Ketu at the time of birth) in
Ruling Planets Moon star (Lord of the constellation io
[11-38 am. (LS.T.) on 721971] which the bhukthinatha. Mercury is
Day Lord Sun posited) between 25571 and 8671.
Sign Lord Mercury Moon will be in Mars sign Mercury star
Star Lord Jupiter on 8th and 9th June 1971. Ketu will be in
Lagna Lord Mars Moon sign Mercury star. So I expect
Lagna Star Lord ... Venus that the native must be transferred by 2nd
week of June, 1971.
(Ketu is in Leo sign, owned by Sun. Rahn
is in Aquarius sign, owned by Saturn and [EditorThe above came very correct
is aspected by Mars, a ruling planetj. Congratulations.]

A. M. KALKAR. Raipur. M.P.

It vas month of July 1970. . I was Position of the planets for 19r?1970
anxiously waiting for my promotion order. "t 7-40 A.M. are as below (calculated
It was with held for the teatons not known from A and A July 1970 issue):
Run 3- 2-41 Sukra 4-14-10
to me ; but t)ie rumour was awaiting early Moon 9- 6-28 Sani 0-27 22
rectification of the omission. My visit to Mars 3- 7-12 Rahu 10-ll-'5
Bhopal in the 2nd week of July proved Budha 3-16- 1 Ketu 4-10-25
to & of no use as tbhre was silence over Gmu 6- 3-42
the issue. On my return to headquarter,
from Raipur I received a letter from my VI vn vra DC
friend. The lad actually congratulated Sini
tne for my promotion. I was taken by_.
.surprise and-it made meTmeasy because I Sun.
my personal visit did not indicate so. V No. 40 Mars
Rahu X
Hence I wanted to confirm astrologically Place . Shahgarh Budha
correctness of the news.
I took a number between 1 to 249 and 19770 Ketu
calculated as below; Moon 7-40 A.M. Sukra
No. 132
Time of calculation : 7-40 A.M.
on 19770 in n 1 XII
Place: Shangarh Lat. 24
Lagoa degree for 132 6s 10 26'40"
Add; K.P. ayanatnsa 23 20' III cusp ,8-9-40
Guru fasi Ketu star Sani sub
73' 3 46' 40' As per Krishnamurti Padbdbati sub-lord,
of III cusp will indicate the correctness
from Raphael's Table of Houses of. news. Jo this case the sub-lord itself
for 24 Lat. sayana cusps are: is Sani. Hence I concluded that news
X XI Xtf I 11 III must be false. However I found that Sani
56' 706' 76' 345'40" 36' 3C6' is aspecled by Guru hence it was my
, deduct 2320' . ( conclusion that there are no eVil intentions
]r46' 1346' 1346' 1026'40* 946' 946' 'on the part of my friends
Ni ayana cusps are as below: On later verification I found that he
was given the news by one who look it
I 6s 1026'i0' VII Os 1026'40' for giamed that my promotion order:-as
II 7y 946' Vlll Is 946' expccted-mrght be issued by June end.
III 8i 946' IX 2s i.46' This gave me a satisfaction that even
V 9s 1046' X 3s 11 46' small events if dealt systematically as per
IV 10s 1346' XI 43 1346' Krishnamurti Padhdbati can be judged
VI 11s 1346' XII 5s ]345* correctly.

Jyotish Praveena P. R. MURALIDHARAN, B.E., CCivilJ A.M.I.C.E.,

A. Particulars of Birth : D. Astrological Analysis:

Date of Birth : 1151938. In a horoscope, the 3rd house signifies
Time of Birth : 3-50 p.m. (I.S.T.) change of place and short journey, the
Place of Birth : Bhadravati. 10th house shows employment, and the
12th house indicates life in a to;aly
/ B. The following is the Nirayana Chart different environment. Therefore accjicl-
of the native. ing to Krisbnamuiti Padhdhati, one has
Kcthu to Judge the houses 3, 10 and 12 for
Fortuoa" . VII Mcrcuiy Mars transfer.
Saturn ]50-35' VIII 0IX
JVX-13^-27 -Uraou H -2T Venus 14 ^27' -
Sun The transfer will materialize, during Chi;
conjoined period of the significators f
houses 3, 10 and 12 operates and when
V transit agrees.
150-48' 140-27'
Jupitei Let us tabulate the significators of
houses 3, 10 and 12, as per Krishnamurti
22-54' Padhdhati.
J4-27' ;15^-48'
Neptune^ Significators III Bhava' H Bhava XII Biiav'a
Planet in the
n constella-
III 140-27' is'-as' XII
14-27' Moon Lagna I70-27' tion of the
Rahu occupants
of a bhava
Balance of Saturn dasa at Birth is , Occupant of
9 Years 9 Months 12 days. the bhava
Planets posi- Venus Mercury Saturn
C. Planetary Positions : ted in the Rahu
1 Actual conttella-
Planets Position Starlord Sublord tion ruled
Sun 560:>-56' Mars Jupiter bv the lord
Moon 219' -48' Saturn Venus of the bhava.
Mars 70-00' Rahu Jupiter Planet owning
Mercury 4Jc,0-35' Moon Rahu the bhava Jupiter Moon Mercury
Jupiter 309 -lT Rahu Jupiter
Venus 88 27' Jupiter Venus Mars and Venus aspects the 3rd honse.
Saturn JSS'-OS' Mercury Moon Saturn aspects the 3rd house by 10th
Rahu 2120-4S' Jupiter Rahu a.pect and the 12th house by 7th aspect.
Ketu 32-45' Sun Jupiter Mars also aspects the 12th house.
Uranus 22-53' Venus Saturn
Neptune 145o0-30' Venus Mercury Rahu is in the sign owned by Mars
Fortuna 358 -27' Mercury Saturn along wdh Moon, Lord of the 10th house.
indicates the matters of the houses'; Transit
whether it brings out fruit or not, is judged
only from the sub. On the date of the winning of the prize,
i.e. 23121969, Sun was transiuing in
Further, we have to compare traditional Jupiter sign, Ketu star and Jupiter sub.
system and try to somehow find out how That Ketu was re,(;, nsible is proved
beyond doubt. The day was Tuesday,
Ketu can do good. Not possible, as long Star was Mrigasira go.mi d by Mara--
as Budba is lord of 3 and 12 and Budha is (rep ejCQtcd by Ketuj and in Gemini
close to Ketu. (Mithunaj ruhd by Mercury.

Editor docs Pooja in Secuoderabad on 26-10-71 Mangala Harathi after Pooja in Secuoderabad
to Lord Uchista Maha Ganapathi,' on 26-10-71 '

From Left to Right j

Prasadam served ! hundreds sumptuously at 1) Shri ICarralicar V- Sawai, Marathi translator of
Sccunderabad by the Tourist Hotel KrishnamuTii Padhdhati & Horary Astrology.
immediately after Pooja on 26-10-71 2) Jyothish Marthand K.S. Krishoamurti, Author
of Krishoamurti Padhdhati etc.
3> Shri R.C. Bbatl, Hindi translator of K. P

(Continued from ike January issue)

Sloka 23: years. If lord of 8 is a malefic and in ll*

he lives for a short period; if . it is con-
The person will contract as maov joined with a benefic planet, then be will
marriages as are the number of planets in 7 live long.
or aspected by lord of 7. (Similar results
to be guessed in the case of other relations
taking the bouse signifying such relation Sloka-27;
to be the Ugna).
The native is short lived if (1) lord of 8
Sloka 24: in conjunction with a malefic is in 6 or 12
4 or (J) lords of 8 and 1 are in 6 or 12
If the planets signifying the 7th bbava together. Long life is indicated if (l)iord
are in a kendra (1, 4, 7 or 10) or a Trikona of 8 is in^ 8 it self_o r -(2)' 1 Ofd o f 8 from
(5, 9), if lords of 2 and 7 are in their_own_ tbe-bhSVa occupied by Sani be in 8 from
rasis,_ thenative-hasonlyone"wile. Lord lagna. Lord of 8 in 2nd bbava either
'of'2~or7 along with Sukra in adushsthana from the lagna or Sani makes one a thief
(6, 8 or 12) afflicted by malefic planets and brings enmities.
(by conjunction or aspect) shows loss of
wives, the number depending on the number Sloka 28 :
of the malefics in question.
. Lords of 8 and 1 weak and in 8 and 6
Sloka 25: (lord of 8 in 8 and ford of 1 in 6, of lord
of 8 in 6 and lord of 1 in 8), causes death
The wife does not conceive (I) if Surya in battle. If they (lords of 8 and 1) be
is in 1 and Sani in 7 or (2) Surya and Sani strong, victory. Lord of 4 in conjunction
being in 7, Chandra is in 10 unaspected with Sukra, shows vehicular comfort.
by Guru. The wife is barren, if the 6th' Lagna occupied by its lord, .lord of 4 and
bbava is occupied by its lord, Surya and Chandra makes one victorious. Similarly,
Sani and Budha occupies 1 and aspect if lord of 4 conjoined with Guru occupies
Chandra therefrom. There will be no lagna.
conception to wife if Kuja and Sani be in 6
and in a watery sign (Jala rasi). (All these
results will have to be predicted in the Sloka 29:
nativrty of a female by taking the 7th for
lagna, lagna for 7th, 4tb for the 10th, and Honour from Government if lord of 9
12tb for the 6th.) is posited in lagna with Guru's aspect.
Prosperity of all kinds is presaged if lord
Sloka 26: of 4 in 1 and lord of 9 both, aspect their
respective houses (lord of 4 happening to
Sukra, Guru and Budha .in 8 and in be Kuja and occupying lagna can aspect
a Sthira rasi (Risbaba, Simba, Vrischika the 4tb bbava by its 4tb aspect fully, but
and Kumbha) burdens the native with bard other planets have only three/fourths
and painful duties and makes him hard- aspect). No luck is to be expected if lord
hearted. Lord of 8 in 11 makes him suffer of 4 goes to 8. Further, the native will be
in earlier years and bring happiness in later fickle-minded.
Si.oka 30:" If 1VJ, > Ol y Jt ivxvvuuua new aw uwv S.M tas.aa,
malefic planets are in panapbara houses':
'Lord of 9 in 11 bestows bonour from (2, 5,8 or 11] or 4 or 3. If malefics occupy;
Government, long life and virtuous dis- Apoklima houses (3,6,9 and 12), short life'
position. If lords of 1, 2 and '4 be in is presaged. The native will live, upto tbel
their respective houses and lord of 9 in I, dasa period of the weakest among planets'
the native will be very affluent and occupy in 8, lords of lagna and' 10, and Sani.j
an exalted position. During the dasa peiiod of the strongest
among the lords of 9, 10 and 5 occupying;
Sloka 31: their own rasis, the native's disposition;
' Whatever yogss have been mentioned so . will be virtuous; if the said lords are weak.'
by occupying inimical rasis. the mental)
far, will be realised in the dara or bbukli disposition will be affected. When a person;
of the planet in full strength and causing runs the period of the stronger of lords of!
the yoga. A person will be equal to a king 1 and 8 conjoined with Sani, Rabu or Ketut
if, at bis birtb, Guru or Sukra conjoined in 6, be will suffer from wounds. !
with lord of 4 in a kendra house other
than 4 (i.e., in 1, 7 or 10) or a Trikona
(S or 9). Also when lord of 9 conjoiped Slokas 36-37:
with Guru or Sukra occupies 4 or 9. Lord of 4 in 6 in conjunction With Sani:
Slokas 32-33: brings end of life through vebicula '
accidents; in conjunctionwith Rahu,'
Mars (Kuja) in 10 causes anxiety in Lhrough thief; With Ketu, through weapons.
regard to agriculture and mattasjconnected -
with it. Kuja. jn 2 makes him Prosperity, luck, higher education and'
- think"about bis welfare. If Guru he in other matters ruled by the 9th bbava!
such a position, bis thought will centre should be determined with reference to the;
round vehicles, ornaments, clothes, etc. nature of the rasi on the rasi on the (cusp
If Chandra or Sukra be such a planet, of the) 9th bhava, the planet owtiing the .
the thought will be about cbowries and bbava, those placed- in it, and those!
umbrellas. Guru in 7 shows thinking in aspecting the bbava; in similar manner,!
regard to issues, cattle protection, etc. affairs governing honour and reputation,.
Budha ! 8 is said to make a person to Government, ornaments, clothings, under-
engage himself in pursuit of . knowledge. takings should be inferred from ~ithe 10th
If .Surya is placed in 11 of a Trikona the 11th has to do with income, acquisition:
(S or 9), the person thinks about bis father of anything, realisation of desire, etc.
and other relations. If Sukra is in 5, 7 Lord of 12 in'lagna makes one sweet-''
or 9, the mind is turned towards travels. tongued and handsome. Lord of 12 in
Guru in S or 9 denotes thinking about lagna and in own rasi shows him to be
children and their welfare. Lord of 10 niggardly and narrow-minded. Of course,'
at birtb weak is not conducive to bring he will own cattle and also engage himself
the person to the fore in public life. If, in the affairs of bis environment Lord of.
however, lord of 10 is in his own together 12 in 9 interests; a native in pilgrimages
with a benefic, be comes to the fore and| to holy places, besides making him virtuous!
commands respect, and charitable; in such a position, if the
planet be with a malefic, be commits sin
Slokas 34-35: and squanders away all accumulated
ancestral wealth.
, Long life is indicated if lords of 1, S and
11 be in 11, a kendra/kona bouse (i.e., 1, 4, (To be continued)


B. DANANSURIYA: Pallegama, Bopitiya, Ceylon.

A Gentleman wanted to start a business The gentleman wants to go in to
-with a friend and wanted to know whether partnership business, so let us see first
it will be successful. whether the partnership will be perma-
The number quoted by the querist is
146. Time and date of Judgement: The 7th Cusp is in Taurus 0o-00', Venus
8.35 A.M. C.S.T. oon 2681971. Lat. Rasi, Sun's constellation, and Rahu Sub.
7 N" 17' Long 80 E 3' the horoscope The Sub Lord Rahu is in Moon's
erected for the number 146 within 1 & constellation, the occupant of the 12th
249 is as follows; bouse. Therefore the partnership will
break. The questioner himself will move
VII OMX)' first and get seperated.
VI 0o-35' Sat. \r-40' IX 270-35'
VX11 28<'-35' Will the Business be Profitable?
In this chart the 1st bouse is occupied
HORARY Ketu 20o-3' by Jupiter^ Jupiter isjn the constellation"
V 290-35' b r ^ of Sa turn and Sub of Saturn, who owns
No. Within 249 is 146 -X'7f ~3S 4th & Stb bouses showing losses. Lagna
Time; 8-36 A.M. C.S.T. is not aspected by the Lagna lord.
Date: 26-8-1971 Sun 88-54'
IV 270-35' Lat. 70.E 3' Venus
8-27' 2nd bouse is owned by Mars, who is
Rahu 20-3' Long. 80 B 3'0 0Mercury occupying the constellation of Moon in
' 0Mars AYANAMSA 23 -21' 9 -46' (R.) the 12tb bouse, showing tosses. Mars is
19 -35'(R) XI 290-35' in the sub of Ketbu, Kethu represents
Moon in 12th"house showing losses again.
II 280-35' Moon
III 27-35' Jup.1 04-47'
o 5-38' Saturn is in the 7th house in the
-00' XH 0-35' constellation of Moon in 12tb house,
showing losses again. The situation of
Mars Dasa Balance O yrs. .6 Mths Saturn in the 7tb bouse is a disqualifi-
16 Days. cation itself. The Sub lord of the 7th
cusp Rahu is in the constellation cf Moon
Planet Constellation Lord Sublord in 12tb house. The Sub Lord of the 1 Itb
Sun Ketbu Jupiter Cusp is again Rahu, showing losses.
Moon Mars Moon The credit for this prediction goes to
Mars (R) Moon Ketbu my revered Guruji, who has (through me)
Mercury (R) Ketbu Saturn saved, the Gentleman from losing
Jupiter Saturn Saturn thousands of rupees.
Venus Kethu Jupiter I adviced the Gentleman accordingly
Saturn Moon Rahu and I am happy to say that he has taken
Rahu Moon Kethu my advice.
Kethu Mercury Venus GOOD LUCK

XETTER5 TO THE EDITOR J.J. M. Medical College, The question was
very much surprising, because selection of
To seat was said to be already over by that
time. Even then the prediction was given
The Editor, before all of us after working out in detail,
Astrology <& Athrisbta with due explanation that, be mult be
12, Brahmin Street,, selected and admittad to the college on
Saidapet, Madras-IS. 9-9-71. Thiscametrue as per predictions.
Respected Sir, Likewise all predictions came correct.
We came in contact with Jyothish In this connection, we would like to
Praveena Sri Muralidharan, who has bring to your kind knowledge that, we are
made b:s name in Stellar Astrology i.e. able to learn erection of chart and selection
Kri'sbnatnurti Padbdbati. Series of correct of significators as per K.P. within 25 days
predictions offered by blm, tempted us to of attending the daily course.
learn, the great Krisbnamarti Padbdbati. We ourselves wonder how we were able
While teaching us he predicted us many to pick up K.P. so far Mind you, we
correct minor events. The following ai c did not know anything about astrology,
the few out of them. Our opinion is that, a month ago. This is nothing but the
Krishnamurli Padbdbati made Astrology simplicity of Krishnamurti Padbdbati and
a perfect Science. the ability of Mr. Muralidharan to leech.
On a particular day, be predicted that, . Finally with due regards and respectst.
the food will be taken exactly at 9>16 P.M. we endorse our appreciation to the_greai
We tried to avoid,' we did not buy tickets, K.E. -and- we- are-highly graf-fiii to Sr,
but to _our surprise..the server-served-ths- P. R. M., for bis sincerity in teaching
food 'exactly at the time-predicted and Astrology and zeal in K.P. '
called us to take food at 9-16 P.M.
We request that, we, may be enrolled as
On 1291971, we all went for coffee, the members of the Stellar Astrological
there the time of returnihg home was Research Institute, Madras.
questioned. Sri P.R.M., predicted, without
refering to any book, with mental calcula- Thanking you, Sir.
tions said that the room will be reached Yours faithfully,
exactly at 7h-28'-30' P.M. Although we
.tried to avert the event, the event materia-' (Sd.) by many admirers.
Used as predicted. ' It was really wonderful * * *
We, the learning students, used to put 59, B. I. T. Blocks,
questions regarding some minor events to Scheme 6, Road 4,
be predicted by him and tested daily. On Matunga, Bambay-19.
1,891971 when we sat for study, we
asked give the time when we will To
leave the room. He wrote the prediction The Editor,
on a piece of paper and kept it. We were Astrology & Athrisbta
in deep study. We forget the very question. Madras-lS.
But one of us remembered and asked
Mr. P.R.M. to show the slip. It was Dear Sir,
exactly 8-59 P.M. just a minute to 9 P.M. I give below details of a simple exercise
On one day a consultant came, when we carried out on Ruling planets. On
were all working K.P. His question was, 121071 at 7-36 P.M. I started to find
whether bis brother would get a seat in out when my brother, who bad gone out on
some work will return. Even as I started friend of mine showed me two volumes of
my calculation, my brother came in, but your Padbdbati. I at once purchased front
I continued to check bow far the ruling him. Later on I got Raphael's Table of
planets law bad applied. Houses. Then, I bad your magazines and
The ruling planets at the moment of Horary Astrology. As I am yet to master
working out i.e. at 7-36 P.M. on 12-10-71 your rules,, as such I have not yet slarted
were as follows: predictions. I .will let you know my
Day Lord Mars progress. About ten horoscopes of influen-
Moon sign Lord Moon tial and wealthy persons of my town, were
Moon star Lord ' Saturn examined by me. They all have Shani in
Ascendant sign Mars Mesha (Neecba). Yet they are wealthy
Ascendant star Venus and influential. Traditional astrology
At 7-37 P.M my brother1 bad already puzzled me very much. I started disbeliev-
come in and the Ascendant at this time was ing astrology. Now. your most scientific
checked and found to be pasting at Mars method gave the solution at once. The;
sign, Venus star and Rahu sub. constellation lord and sub-lord were very
favourable to all of them
Now.letus check the above Ascendant
with the ruling planets. Rahu was in Just this morning at exact 8 A.M., ^ am.
Capricorn and would represent Saturn. writing ibis letter you. Why? I under-
As.per Krishnamurti Padbdbati, Node is stood that one of your colleagues called
stronger. Include among the ruling planets you 'A new entrant * I got annoyed and.
Mars, Venus and Saturn; Rahu is an agent angry. I will go through the rest.
_oL_Saturn. lake_Rahii_And .the1 .event Respected Sir,
actually look place in Mars sign, Venus I have to make an bumble appeal. Please
star and Rahu sub. A simple exercise do not get disheartened by comments from
would reinforce one's faith in KLrisbnamurti persons who lack knowledge whosoever
Padbdbati. Only it requires a constant, they may be, I feel that, they have malaces.
thorough and patient perseverence with' for you. Your method and your's only
inquiring mind if we are to derive the is definitely the only scientific method.
benefits of a system propounded by our Please, please...sir, my respected Guruji
Guruji after bis researches, which as every Do not read criticisms about your method.
one that practices will know, must have Let any bark like street dogs. Your
taken long, painful and persistent effort. researches have certainly opened the eyes,
May Ucbisbta Maba Ganapati - bless of all the astrologers.
us all.
(Sd.) K. Sesbadri. In my own horoscope traditional
-astrologers failed. After studying your
method I corrected my horoscope using,
. Malla Jhijar, your ayanamsa. Then calculated the date-
Almora. O. P. of father's death, etc, my promotion.
Sub : Krishnanmrti Padbdbati is the only These tallied and there was exactness of
Transit as per your method. How all these
correct one. calculations were made will be informed in
Respected Guruji, a few months when some more predictions
Sadar Namaskar. May Lord Ganesh come out correct. Many ancestors bad
biiilt a small temple of Lor^ Ganesh near
give you a long and happy life. Certainly my bouse.' Nowadays I have started
you are JyoiLb Martband. By God's praying Lord Ganesh also. Success has.
grace, I tried to learn astrology, Traditional crowned you. May God give you long life.
methods, Hindu astrology. I read many
books on the subject but gained nothing. Good Luck.
1 always pray my Msbta', Luckily one (Sd.) D, M. Josbi.
Venkatesa Pandila's
JATAKA chandrika
(Continued from January 1972 issue)
Stanza J5: rate, but on the basis of the consideration'
Lords of the 9th and lOtb houses thai occupation of a house is stronger
than lordship, the learned, author holds
become yoga karakas and give that mutual exchange of lords of 10 and 9
auspicious results when they inter- in the said.bouses or occupation of one
change their respective . bouses or of these bouses by the lord of. the other
when one of them is in the house of ensures highly auspicious results.
the other. In assessing the effects of the above
Arising out of this sloka, there are three combination, the principle enunciated in,
possible combinations, namely (i) lord of stanza 13should not be lost sight of,.'
9 and lord of 10 occupying houses 10 and namely that the lords of kona (trine) and
9 re>p:ctively, fit) lord of 9 in 10, and kendra (quadrant) houses should not
lord of 10 in a bouse other than 9, and have any association with the lords of
(iii)lordof -10 -in--9-whiiedord of 9 Is -other -houscs. Stanza fi -avers that 'lorffT-
placed in a house other than 10. The ship of houses 3, 6 and II is evil, and in
second and third, combinations are less stanza 21 association of - lords of 9 and 10
powerful in effect than the first. The with lord of 8 (as well as 11) has not been
conjunction of these two lords has been considered auspicious. In various astro-
treated in earlier stanzas (Stanzas 13 logical works, houses 3, 6 and 11 (also 10)
and 14)i have been classified as 'upacbaya sthanas'
(improving bouses), some of the authors
la astrological parlance, the j 9th bouse holding that occupation of these houses
is extolled as a benefic bouse as it signifies is good but not rulership of these. This
pootva punyaluck or merit brought has caused confusion all round, because it
over'from the past. It refers to Ishta < is a well known axiom in Hindu tradi-
Devata (family deity), happiness in all tional system that the effects of a bbava
undertakings, prosperity, virtue and spiri- are given not only by the planet posited
tual inerit. It is a tbrikona or trine in the bouse but also by the planet con-'
house, and according to stanza S a planet joined with the bbava lord. Indeed, the
owning this house is a benefic (eveo planet associating with the bbava lord is
though he may be malefic by nature). considered a shade stronger than even the
The other house, namely the 10th bouse, occupant and the bbava lord to offer the
is the apex of the horoscope and is the, bhava results.
strongest of the four kendra houses (1, 4' Then again, bouses 8 and 12 have
7 and 10).' In the West, they pay so much almost, unanimously been condemned as
importance to this bouse that a planet harmful houses and their lordship has
occupying it is considered as the most been termed inauspicious. These bouses
elevated in the entire horoscope. Such a are referred to as 'naasa sthanas*
planet is fully powerful for fruitful (destroying houses). Thus, houses 3, 6,
results. 11,8 and 12 are among the evil or malefic
The lordship of houses 9 and 10 should houses and their lordship should not bs
be enough for favourable results to ope- conducive for beneficial results. (As has
been explained in the notes under some position can become good only if - be
previous stanzas, every house has both occupies the nakshatra of the Sth or 9th
aspects under its dominionthe so called' lord who, in turn, should be equally strong
bcnefic affairs and the so called malefic by sign and house position. Even if lord
affairs. No planet, malefic or benefic by of quadrant occupies a strong house and
nature or malefic or benefic by .lordship sign and is aho related to a trine lord by
will offer only the results' of the bhava one of the five kind or relationships
owned or the bhava occupied. There is enumerated above, be cannot bring about
many a modification arising out of such a beneficial results if he is placed in the
planet's sign position, house occupation, nakshatra of a planet inauspicious by
naksha'ra and sub position and also iis nature and weak by occupation and Iota-
combination with other planets, their ship, or if the trine is itself weak by sign
aspect, etc. and no conclusion can be and house occupation, etc.
drawn simply from lordshtpofhouses alone)
Krjshnamurti Padhdhati lays particular Some commentators have stretched'
emphasis on the nakshatra position of the this stanza to mean that where a kendra
plrne s and says that ap.Ianet ina 'nakshatra (quadrant) lord stands in between the lords
is modified according ' to the nakshitra of fhrikpnas (wines) he would prove to be
lard's strength by sign, house, and lordship. a rajayogadhipathi. Rationally speaking,
In view of this, the effectiveness of the this interpretation is correct if the quadrant
Rajayoga can be realised only if the planets lord is related to the trine lords by reason
connected with the Rajayoga are placed in of all of them configurated in the same
the nakshatras -of planets favourably sign with the quadrant lord .in between-
situated. In any other case, the value of-tbe- _the trine-lords:" Aocofding to traditional
-yoza would 'be diminished and even texts, papa and punya madhya stithi of
nullified. the (fianets is taken into consideration in
arriving at results, and on this considera-
Stanza 16: tion a planet between benefics is strong to
When the strong lord of Quadrant offer ithe good effects of the bhava he
is related to the lord of a Trine, he owns. Applying this principle, a strong-
bestows Raja Yoga. quadrant lord when hemmed in between
trine lords should prove beneficial. Thus,
Stanzas 13 and 14 have dealt with the if the quadrant lord is placed between
, conjunction of lords of quadrants (kendras- trine lords occupying the same sign or
1,4, 7 and 10) and trines (thiikonas-S posited in adjacent signs or the two signs
and 9), and this stanza would therefore on either side of the sign where the
seem to apply to other reli'ionships bet- quadrant lord is posited, the yoga would-
ween the quadrant and trine' lords. In fructify to the full extent but not in a case,
traditional astrology, five kinds of say for a Simha lagna birth where Sani
sambbtnda between planets are recognized. . occupies a quadrant, Kumbha, and Guru
They are (i) conjunction, (ii) interchange is in Dhanus as lord of 5 and Kuja is in 9
of houses, (iii) aspect, (4) kendra posiiioo in Mesha as its lord.
from one another and (v) koaa position It is. needless to emphasize-that the
from one another. planets in question should be so placed
According to the learned author, two that the combination occurs in nakshatras
condidons must be fulfilled for the yoga to ruled by planets favourable by occupation
be r> a'i ;ed. F rst, the lord of the quadiant as well as ownership of houses.
should be strong (by sign and house posi- Stanza 17;
tion) and Siuoocly he should be associated
with the lord of 6 or 9 by one of the above The Major period intervening bet-
rehtioaships. According to us, the lord ween the Major Periods of Yoga
of quadrant strong by sign and house Karakas will be auspicious. Benefic
resolts will come to pass when the are auspicious according to the
Subperiod of such Major period lord strength of their connection with the
operates in the Major periods of the yoga karakas.
Yogi karaka planets, even if lord of According to stanza 13, the kendra and
the intervening Major period is not kona lords' association with the other
associated with the yoga karakas in lords was not considered helpful, but here
any manner.
it is said that the association of lords of
As explained in our notes under the 3, 6, 8, 11 and 12 with a yoga karaka is
previous stanza, much attention is paid in auspicious.
traditional astrology to the placement of a It is a recognized idea that when
planet between benefics or malefici. A a natural benefic is in the company of
planet standing in between beucfics advances a natural malefic, both of them lose a part
the favourable affairs iuflueoced by the of their natural qualities just as happens
bbava of which .be is the lord; a planet when water and milk are mixed together.
hemmed in between maleScs, on the other In the same way, lords of 3, 6, 8, ll^and-
band, brings to the fore the malefic 12 stand to gain_.when-essffciaie3 with
affairs ascribed to the bbava owned. The ^-yoga-karakas, and when such association
learned author has extended this principle occurs from naksbattas ruled by planets
to the major periods in-VimShottari Dasa. strong by occupation and. lordship,
On a strict interpretation, this stanza favourable results will b: reaped. Un-
would be applicable only when the lagna favourable nakshatra position,, as stressed
involved is Kataka, Kanya, Makara and before, cannot contribute to happiness.
Meena. For Kataka lagna, Rabu dasa ' Stanza. 19:
operates between the dasas of Kuja and
Curu, yoga karakas; for Kanya, Ketbu Rabu and Ketu posited in quadrants
dasa comes between that of Budba and' (kendras) and associated with lord of
Sukta; for Makara lagna again, Ketu dasa Trine (tbrikona), or occupying trine
occurs between the dasas of yogakaraka and combined with lord of quadrant
planets; and for Meena lagna, Rabu dasa . ensure Raja yoga. -
intervenes between the yogakaraka planets* The nodes Rabu' and Ketu are cbaya
dasas. For all the rest, there occurs more, grabas (shadowy planets) having no bouse
than one dasa coming in betwSen the yoga of their own. They adapt themselves to
karaka planets' dasa periods and the appli- the planets with which they are. confi-
cability of this stanza is in doubt. gurated. Kendra or angular bouses are
Then again, it is toq'general a statement stronger than the other bouses of the
to say that the major period of a planet horoscope, and when the nodes are in
would be auspicious simply because it angular bouses in conjunction with lords
occurs between the major periods of yoga of 5/9 they have abundant power to bring
karaka planets, for the effects in a major abdut the results of the associated planet,
period or maba dasa are to be judged on lit bouses 5/9 when conjoined with lord
the basis of many factors like the major of a quadrant.i Rabu and Ketu give the
lord's bouse lordship, sign and bouse same results in a little less proportion.
occupation, naksbatra position, conjunc- For the Raja yoga to be effective, the
tion with and aspect by other planets, and planets concerned should be favourably
similarly the strength of the bhukti, antbra placed by naksbatra.
lords etc.
Stanza 20:
Stanza 18: If lords of quadrant and trine
Planets malefic by owning bouses 3, combine, they give rise to Raja yoga.
6, S, 11 and 12 but favourably The yoga is exceedingly powerful in
connected to yoga, karaka planets case another lord of trine combines.
This is akin to Stanza 16. In Stanza 13, out our karma whereafter we attain
it has been averred that combination of moksha or take life again, depending upon
lords of quadrant and trine assures Raja our deeds in the present life. In classical
yoga. If a planet rules both trine and literature, the 9lh house determines the
quadrant and is related or associated with quantum of punya accumulated by us;
another trine lord, or if a quadrant lord the 4th denotes the scope and extent of
is joined to lords of S and 9, immense sukha (happiness) to be enjoyed. As soon
benefit will accrue. Lordship of houses as we have reaped the consequences of our
.alone will not contribute to the realisation past actions, the purpose for which we
of the yoga mentioned here and unless the were born into this world comes to an end
combination occurs from congenial signs, and life ceases.
favourable house and from placement in The twelfth house (vyaya sthana)
nakshatras of planets who are favourable indicates, among other things, loss,
the yoga effect will only be feeble. expenditure, negation etc. In Stanzi 72
Stanza 21: of this work, the learned author advises
The Raja yoga arising as a result of us to judge the significations of each of
union of lords of quadrant and trine the twelve bhavas as if they were so many
is spoilt by the association of lords of lagnas, and following this suggestion we
S and 11 to the yoga karakas. find that houses 8 and 3 are in twelfth to
This, in a way, resembles Stanza 13 pupyasthana (9th) and sukhasthana (4th)
where the association of kendra / kona respectively. If the 9th and 4th show the
lords with the lords of other houses was amount of punya and bhagya in our store,
not held good. Here the author is more the twelfth houses to them, namely the 8th
specific in his reference. According to and the 3rd, show the limit up to which
Stanza S, the 11th house lordship is evil. our life can go in order to experience,
The 8th house is one of the dus sthanas. punya, bhagya and sukha. In other words,
So the association_qf_lor.ds..,of 8.and .11 JjousesjB. and.3-show-longevity or length
"affecfs the value of the Raja yoga. of life in the natural scheme of the zodiac.
Some authors interpret this stanza in Stanza 23:
a different sense. According to them, Of the marakasthanas, the 2nd'
the them: developed here is that lord of house is stronger than the 7th. Planets
a quadrant or trine should not also own posited in marakasthanas are
8 or 11, as in the case of Mesha and stronger than lords of maraka
Mithuna. This argument would seem to sthanas, and planets conjoined with
run counter to the idea expressed in lords of marakasthanas are stronger
Stanza 14 where it was stated that the con. than planets placed in maraka
juactioa of lords of kendras and thrikonas sthanas.
would cause Raja yoga even though they While the above is the view of the
may be otherwise evil which term would learned author of the work, our own
include ownership of an evil house also. experience confirms that planets situated
Stanza 22; in the constellation of occupants .of
The 8th house from the lagna and marakasthanas are more powerful than
the eighth from the 8th house are the occupants themselves, and occupants
houses of longevity (life giving houses). of marakasthanas are stronger than the
The twelfth from these two resoective lords of marakasthanas or the planets
houses are houses of death (Maraka situated in their constellations or the
sthanas). planets conjoined with the maraka planets.
It is geaeraily believed that our-life on Furthermore, planets connected to
earth or karma bhoomi is proportionate bhadaka sthanas in any manner will also
to the actions performed in previous have to be taken into reckoning in our
existences, and we are born here to work study of longevity.
31 (to be Continued)
R. S. DOSHI. B.E. (Mech.), Dombivli (East).

Tbe absolute requirements of Krisbna- Therefore ; Birth time 1-00 A.M (i s.T.)
iDurti Padhdbati for casting horoscope are = 1.00 0-29'-40"
(i) Place of Birth i.e. Longitude and [ 82-30' 75-05') X 4 ]
Latitude of the place of Birth = 0-30'-20' L.M.T.
(ii) Date of Birth (ii) Next find out difference between
(iii)- Exact time of Birth previous day's 5-30P.M. (I s.T.)
and Birth time in (L.M.T.) which
(iv) Correct use of Ayanamsa i.e. will be 7 hrs. 0 mts. and 20 sees,
Krishnamurti Ayanamsa. in the present case.
In many instances it is observed that
Birth time recorded is either done by_ (ui).-GalcoIktetire sidereal iime at Birth
patents or Hpspital-Authorities "and it as follows:
js-incOfrect or approximate. Therefore ' Hrs. Mts.Scs.
rectification of birth time is a must for 17 15 55 Sidereal time at 3-30 P.M.
casting horoscope as per Krishnamurti I.S.T. on 1891935
Padhdbati wherever predication is to be (As per Krishnamurti
offered on Natal Charts. Ephemeris)
I. Rectification of Birth Time: 7 0 20 Add difference between
The native informed me that he was previous day's 5-30 P.M.
born at 1-00 A.M. (I. s. t.) on 18/19th I.S.T. and Birth time in
September 1935 at 15-27' N. and 75-05' E. L.M.T. [from (ii) above]
Now let us proceed with the calculation 0 1 10 Add correction at the rate
.of 10 seconds per hour
of exact position of tbe Ascendant rising of difference.
in the East at the locality for time and date
furnished by the native. 24 17 25
Calculations 24 0 0 Deduct 24 hrs. if sidereal
time is more than 24 hrs.
(i) First convert the Birth time from
I. S T. to L. M.T. (Local Mean 0 17 25 Sidereal time at Birth.
Time) by adding or deducting
the time difference of 4 minutes/
degree longitudinal difference (iv) Refer Raphael's table of houses or
between 82-30'E and longitude Krisbnamurti's table of houses
of Birth place if it happens to be when it is ready (under print)
Eastward of 82o-30' East or west- and calculate exact position of
ward of 82-30' West respectively, .Ascendant in Sayana, correspond-
as Indian Standard Time(i s.T.) is ing to sidereal time of Birth and
icckoned from 82-30'E longitude. for the place of Birth i.e. latitude.
The native is bom at 1S-27'N latitude rectifying the Birth time. This is the
tut in Raphael's table of houses there is no simplest' and accurate method for rectifi-
table of ascendant for 150-27'N latitude. cation of Birth time which is available at
However, it furnishes table of ascendents present.
for 15 N latitude and 16 N latitude.
Therefore calculate the ascendents for The native's birth time was taken by me
15 N and 16 N latitude for sidereal time for verification of correctness on 16-12-70
of Birth and take mean value of both, at 7-00 0a.m. 1ST at Bombay i.e. 18 15'N
which will correspond to position of and 72 -S4'E, when the ruling planets
ascendent at IS-30' latitude. were as follows.
Sidereal Tims 5 ay an a Position of Day Lord Mercury (Wednesday)
at Birth I Ascendent Moon.Sign Lord Moon (Cancer-
Hr. Mts. Ses. Ratafca)
0 17 25 15 N 16 N 15-30'N Moon Constella-. Saturn (Pushyam)
10-02' 10-26' 10o-14' tion Lord
Cancer Ascendant Lord Mars (Scorpio)
Ascendant Con- Mercury (Anuradha)
From Sayana position of ascendent steUation Lord.
calculate Nirayana ascendant by deducting
22-51' Ayanamsa (Krishnamurti Ayanamsa _ JThPrefoxe .ruling-planets-areMercury,
_tor.the-year 1935)henceNirayana"ascenaant' Rahu (Rahu represents and replaces Saturn,
will be 17 23' (100-14' minus 22-51') in as nodes are stronger than owner and
GeminiMithuna owned by Mercury Rahu is in Saturn Sign now) Moon and
in the constellation Arudhra (6 40' to 20 Mars These should be the Governing
Gemini) Governed by Rahu in the Sub planets for the Ascendant of native.
(15-13'-20' to 17-26'-40' Gemini) owned
by Venus. But ascendant is Governed by Planets
Mercury, Rahu and Venus as per the time
The Nirayana position of 170-23' given by the native.
Mithuna Ascendant is mainly governed by Mercury and Rahu appear in the ruling
three planets viz. Mercury, Rahu and planets but Venus is not there in the ruling
Venus. planets alid therefore Birth time recorded
<v) Our Guruji Sothida Mannan, lyolish is incorrect and needs rectification.
Marthand K. S. Krishnamurti has Here sign and star of ascendent confirm
advocated to rectify Birth time with the planets viz. Mercury and Rahu.
by taking " Ruling Planets" at Therefore fix up the "SUB" from the
the moment of judgement.. The remaining ruling planets i.e. Moon and
theory of Ruling planets and Mars.
their applications in predictive
Astrology are the marvellous Now the problem and confusion arises in
findings of our Guruji, which is the minds ol beginners, butthere is nothing
result of his hardworking and to worry just observe following rule while
sincere research he has conducted assessing strength of ruling planets and
during the course of over three make a selection for stronger planets.
decades with yearning and
enthusiastic mind. "Moon sign lord is stronger than Day
Lord, Moon Star Lord is stronger than
According to K.P. "Ruling Planets" at Moon Sign Lord, Ascendant Lord is
the time of judgement govern the position stronger than Moon Star Lord, Ascendant
of ascendent and thereby give correct clue Constelletion Lord is stronger than
and guidance to the Astrologer while Ascendant Lord".

Out of the two ruling planets i. e. Moon On examination af the above chart, it
and Mars, Mars is stronger than Moon as will be observed that if sub-loici of
Mars is the Lagoa Lord where as Moon is ascendant would have been in "Moon Sub"
Chandra Sign Lord, i.e. if native would have been born only
4 minutes early, the native would have
Therefore correct Ni rayana position of died in the infant stage only. Wbj?
Ascendant will be Gemini Sign, Rabu Star, Because Moon is a strong significator of
Mars Sub in that select Moon Sub Sub i. e. 2nd Bhava - Maraka (for loDgevity)-poa er
19 56' Mithuna. The time to tise to inflict death, as well as 12ib Bhiva
19 56' Mithuna in the east for given (negation of 1st bouse of health) in addi-
locality works out (when worked back- tion, the native was running Moon Dasa,
wards) to 1-11 a.m. 1ST, which is ihe Sun Bhukti (conjoined with lord of 12th
exact and correct time of birth of the and in the Sub of Planet signifying
native. Badbakastbana, Marakasthana and Kend-
rastbana i. e. 7th house), Moon Antra'
The following is the Horoscope for the which is favourable to inflict only death.
rectified time of Birth of the native and But the native is now aged 36 years and '
this is errected strictly in accordance with still alive and hence his Sub-lord of
"Krishnamurti Padhdhati." Ascendant can NOT be Moon. It should
be Mars and nothing else.
Jyothish Marthand K.S. K's theory of
X ""XII I 19-56' "SUB" of ruling planets proved to be
XI 18o-02' 20-02' Ketu scientific, precise and crystal clear.
15M)2' Moon
Now let us examine whether the following
IX events experienced by the native,
13o-02' 18/19lh September, 1935 corrobbraite with bis above natal chart
Sat0 (R) 1-11 a.m. 1ST II 15 32' cast as per rectified time.
12 ~36' Lat. iy-ZT
o N
Lon. 75 -05' (II) Longevity - Demise of mother from
Ayanamsa 22a-5V Son's chart.
Dasa Balance of III IJMfc'
VHI I5d-02' Mood Dasa Venus (R) For longevity first of alt see in which
0 yrs. S Mtbs. 21 days 16o-08' sign ascendant has fallen i. e. Movable,
Fixed or Common.
Rahu VI Jupiter Sun 2-06' If the ascendant is in a Movable sign
250-3S/ 20o-020 / 26-58' IV 15-02' (Aries, Cancer. Libra and Capricorn), the
VII 19-56' Mars 8 -42' V Mercury
18o-02' 270-54' 11th bouse is the badbakastbana. If
ascendant falls in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo,
Aquarius, Scorpio) the 9tb bouse is the
Planet Bhava Star Lord Sub.lord badbakastbana, and if the ascendant falis
Sun HI Sun Jupiter in a Common sign (Gemini, Virgo,
Moon XII Moon Sun Sagittarius, Pisces), the 7th house is the
Mars V Saturn Venus badbakastbana.
Mercury IV Mais Sai urn
Jupiter V Jupiter Venus Whatever be the sign in which ascendant
Venus (R) m Venus Sun falls the 2nd and 7th houses are
Saturn (R) vni Rahu Mercury marakasthanas. Therefore, one is to judge
Rahu VII Venus Mercury all three bouses and find out the
Kethu i Jupiter Mercury significators.
Rabu represents Jupiter and Ketu 1st bouse represents; the native, 3rd
represents Mercury. younger brother or sister to him. 4th
house the Mother, Sth house first child, planet Mercury posited in 4the house
6th house maternal uncle, 7th house wife, (lagna to Mother) it will offer result of 4tli
partner, 2nd child etc., 9th house father, house firstly and therefore it is not evil to
3rd child etc., 11th house elder brother or cause death to Mother.
sister and 4th child. Therefore house of a
relative shall be taken as ascendant whose
longevity is to be judged and Badhaka and Hence discard the same.
Maraka houses should be counted there-
from. Therefore remaining planets viz. Rahu,
Mars and Saturn ate the strong significators
We are considering the longevity of of Badhakasthana and Marakasthana of 4th
native's mother. The 4th house indicates house - Mother and hence death of Mother
the mother, it falls in a Common sign should occur during the conjoined period
virgo - Kanya. Therefore Sth house (2nd of these significators.
to 4th)is the marakasthana and 10th house
<7th to 4th)isBadhakasthana, Maraksthana Next, note the Sub-lord of ascendent,
and Kendrasthana, to his mother counled-' (whose longevity-is to be found oulj, if it is
-from the native's ascendant. posited in the constellation of the
significators of Badhakasthana and
Sth house is occupied by Jupiter and Marakasthana, the life will be short after
Mars, Jupiter and Ketu are in Jupiter star the time of judgement in the Horary
and Mercury is in Mars star. Sth house is Astrology and after the Birth of the native
owned by Venus, Rahu and Venus are in in Natal Astrology.
Venus star. Planet aspected by signiflcator/
significators, offers the result of house In the present case the Sub-lord of 4th
signified by them. cusp (indicating mother) is Jupiter, it is
posited in his own star who is strong
Mars, Jupiter and Venus aspect. Saturn significator -of Badhakasthana and
by their 4th, Sth and 7th aspect respectively. Marakasthana. Therefore life of Mother
Therefore Saturn is strong significator of will be short from the time of birth of
Sth house. the native.
Therefore Sth house significators are Native's Mother expired on 6/731950
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, when native was running Rahu dasa,
Rahu and ICetu. Saturn Bhukti and Mars Antra and Rahu
Sookshma i. e. during conjoined period of
7th house is vacant, and it is owned by significators of Badhakasthana and
Jupiter, Jupiter and Ketu are in Jupiter Marakasthana.
star. Rahu is posited in sagittaiius owned
by Jupiter. Therfore Rahu represents Further, let us check this by transit of
Jupiter and Saturn is posited in Rahu star. slow and fast moving planets, to see their
agreement with the event.
Nodes are stronger than planets. Rahu
represents Jupiter and Venus. Therefore On 6/731950 Rahu dasanatha
Rahu will be giving what Jupiter and was transiting in Meena owned by Jupiter
Venus has to give. Hence, eliminate Jupiter (Badhakasthana and Marakasthana) in the
and Venus and take only Rahu as strongest star of Bhuktinatha Saturn in Sub of
significator. Jupiter. Saturn the Bhuktinatha was
transiting in I2th to 4th in star of Venus
Ketu represents Mercury being posited and Sub of Saturn. Jupiter the Badhakas-
in Gemini. Therefore, replace Mercury by thanadhipati was transiting in Saturn sign,
Ketu. As Ketu is posited in sign owned by Jupiter star, Venus Sub.
The fast moving planets - Sun was candid prediction is the crowning success
transiting in Saturn sign, Jupiter Star and of Krisbnamui'ti Padhdhati.
Saturn Sub. White Moon was transiting in
Marakasthnna (2nd to <}th) owned by I. therefore, sincerely advise you to
"Venus in Mars star. The day was Tuesday learn and follow K.1?. alone to read your
Governed by Mars. Thus every point future youreself and bell ' with the
agrees and K. P. is found to be very bluffers. ^
May God bless our respected Guiujr
This is how Krishnamurti Padhdhati and his Padhdhati with longevity and
reveals the truth and is useful to offer prosperity.
correct predictions even to the date, hour,
minute and second, giving meliculous and Good Luck
Sri V. C. CHAVADI M.Sc., and Sri R. S. HANAGODIMATH, M.Sc.,
Department of Geology, Karnatak University, Dharwar-3. Mysore state
The month of September is very Planet Cooatcllatina lord Sub lord
important for those who are in the co- Saturn Moon Rahu
operative field in this part of our country. Moon Jupiter Moon
This is the period for them to elect new Kethu
bodies of managemeat for the new year. Mercury Kethu
So one gentleman having decided to contest Mercury Kethu Saturn
for 'a seat on the board of directors qt_ _Sun_; Sun oon
jyne.-of-thebiggest-co-Dperllive IhsTitution Venus Sun Jupiter
came to us on the day of the filing of his Jupiter Saturn Mercury
nomination paper. We wished him the Mars Moon
best of luck. But as he was fully aware Mercury
of the scientific approach of K.P. in the Rahu Moon Mercury
field of Astrology, he requested ui to find
out what is in store for him in this election. Cusp Lord Coast. lord Sublord
He gave us the number 27 within 249. It XI Saturn Jupiter
was 3-3S P.M. on Tuesday the I4tb Sept. Venus
1971 and the place of judgement was VI Venus Mars Venus
Dharwar (Lat. IS'-IT N; Long. 750-05,E). V Sun Sun Sun
Horary Nirayana Chart for the Dharwar XII Mars Kethu Venus
latitude and the planetary positions for the
time of judgement were found following
qhe method given by our respected Curuji Analysis
Scthida Mannan Jyotisb Marthand Sri
Krishnamurtijee. Sothida Mahnan Jyotish Marthand Sri
Krishnamurtijee should be remembered by
the generations to come for the enunciation
Ascendant II 3-45-CO of simple lucid rules to decide any event
XII 7-00-00 Moon by the astrological method. The simplicity
2-45-00 Saturn 29-34-00 is reflected in his rule he has enunciated to
13-09-00 III 29-45-00 predict about an election. Accordingly
Ketu for winning the election the sub-lord of
XI No. 27 19-01-19 the eleventh cusp should be a tignificator
26-45-00 Tuesday 14th Sep, '71 IV of 1,2, 3,6, 10 and 11 houses and if it
26-43-00 happens to be a significator of 4,5,7 8
at 3-35 P.M. 9 and 12 defeat is certain. Based' on this
X Mercury rule, let us find out what is in store for
26-45-00 Dharwar 9 57-20 the querist. The eleventh cusp in this case
Rahu V 26-45-00
19-01-19 15-27 N. 75-05 E. Sun falls in the Saturns sign Aquarius in the
Mars 27 35-21 constellation of Jupiter and the sub of
IX Jupiter Venus which are found to occupy the
29-45-00 7-01-21 houses 1, 7 and 5 respectively and are
VI Venus detrimental to win an election. The sub-
VIII VII 2-45-00 2-23-00 lojd of the eleventh cusp Venus is the
3-45-00 7-00-00 occupant of the fifth house and is a strong
sigoificator of that house as no planet is with the help of his well wishers. As
found in his constellation and Sun the lord he had many good promises, on many
and lac occupant of fifth house is the occasions he challenged us on our predic-
constellation lord of Venus. Therefore, tion. But we reiterated that K. P. can
Venus' the sub-lord of the eleventh cusp in never fail and on each occasion K. P-
all probability indicates a sure defeat .for prediction on this election was made
the querist. To confirm this the sixth known to many present there. At last on
house was examined.The sixth house is con- Monday 27th Sept. .1971, it was in the
cerned with the win over the competitor evening at about 8-30 P.M. the.results of
or not. Venus once again becomes the the election were made known'and the
sub-lord of the sixth cusp and as already querist who bad challenged the K. P.
noted is the strong significator of the fifth bowed his head down to K.P. He was
cusp which is eleventh to the opponent. defeated. Hats off to K.P, Long live
Therefore, we had no other alternative Guruji .Astrology-is a perfeotTiCtence "and
but to declare. Jhat-the-queiist hastoTose' our Guruji must have the credit for having
"In' this election. The querist filed the brought it on par with the other branches
nomination the same day and the election of science.
was held fifteen days after.. In the mean
time tho qnerist had a brisk canvassing Good Luck

K. R, MOHAN RAO, S.A.R.I.. Chitrakonda

Number given by a Gentleman is 45 Native is running Rahu dasa, Saturn

between 1 and 249 at Chitrakonda i. e. bukthi and Rahu anthra balance from
18-07' N. and 82-07' E. about to know 2681971 to 26101971.
when his wife will deliver. Judgement time Moon indicates the nature of query.
is 9-45 P.M. on 2681971. It is in the Sth bouse and in the constella-
The horoscope for the number given and tion of Rahu and_sub of-Samsignifica'ora
for the time of judgejnent is as follows- forsnrfibuse. So it is clear that question
is about Child Birth.
Xfl 30-43' La go a 4'-53' Is child birth promised 7
XI 290-43' 0
Sat. 120-41' II 29 -43' . As the question is from male note the
11th house and then only Sth house;
Kctu 20o-02' 11th Cusp is at 29-43' in Meenam, sign
X 25-43' of Jupiter lord df Sth besides 7th and
in 250-43; 'llth house in 6th house and in the
star of retrograde Mercury lord bf 1'
Vemia 90-C6' i.e. 12th to 2nd besides lord of 2nd
IX 258-43'. Mercury (R) 'and 5th in 3rd house and in thesiab
Rahu 20MK' 9-2(r . of Satum' in 12th bouse being lord
Mars (R) , Sun 90-25' of 10th house i.e. .12tb to 1 Ith bouse.
l90-47' , IV 2 5-43' - .So, llth Cusp Sub-lord is not favou-
, rable,. . .
VIH 29t,-43' Jup. 4o-50'
Moon 12o-09' y ir-AV Sth Cusp falls at 29-43' in a barren sign
VII 40-'53 vi r-Ay Kan) a. sign of retrograde Mercury
.* v and in the star of retrograde Mars lord
of 6th in Sth house and in the sub
Planet Star lord Sub lord of Saturn is as above as 11th Cusp.
So, Sth Cusp Sub-lord is also not
Ketu Mercury (R) Venus favourable.
Venus Ketu Jupiter
Mercury (R) Ketu Saturn For Child birth we have to judge houses
Sun Ketu Saturn 2, S and 11. Let us see the strength of the
Moon Rahu Saturn aigniScatorsof 2,5 and llth houses. All
Jupiter Saturn Saturn the nine planets are the sigm'ficators for
Mars iR) Moon Ketu the houses 2, 5 and 11.
Rahu Moon Ketu According to K. P. Reader III
Saturn Moon Rahu a planet is the source to indicate certain
Cusp. Star lord Sub lord matters, the Lord of the constellation in
which the planet is situated indicates the
2nd Jupiter Moon nature of the results and the Sub is the
5th Mars (R) Saturn deciding factor whether the matter is
llth Mercury (R) Saturn favourable or not.
jiu mis case, an me nine planets maicate retrograde Mercury lord of 1 i.e. 12th
the source of child birth, but the subs are to 2nd house and in the sub of Venus
the deciding factors whether favourable lord of 12th uouse. Thus 2nd house
or not. Let us check each planet: is spoiled. So, where is the question
Moon is in the sub of Saturn lord of I Oth of increasing family members ?
house i.e. 12th to 11th housesBad. Sth house: Sth house is occupied by
Saturn is in the sub of Rahu in 8th Moon. Moon is in the star of Rahu
house and conjoined with lord of 6th in Sth house and in the sub of Saturn
in 8th houseBad. in 12th house being lord of I Oth i.e.
12th to 1 Ith house Thus Sth house
Venus is. in the sub of Jupiter the lord is spoiled. So, there is no question
of 8th house besides 7th and 11th of expecting good results about child
houses in 6th houseBad. birth.
Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn in 12th 11th house: 11th house is not occupied
house i.e. 8th to Sth house as above by any planet. It's Lord is Jupiter.
Bad. The planet for children is in the con-
stellation and sub of Sani is as in case
Ravi is in the sub of Sani in 12th house of Sth house. Thus 11th house-isalso
as aboveBad. _spoiled.
Mars (RJ is Ju_ the sub-of-Ketn-in-Znd Considering from all aspects, the child
. houses agent of, Moon as above and birth leads to abortion only. Childbirth
aspected by Saturn in 12th house and is not promised for this conception.
as aboveBad.
So, abortion When ?
Mercury (R) is in the sub of Saturn in
12th house as aboveBad. For abortion I have considered houses 1,
4 and 10 because these houses are 12th
Rahu is in the sub of Retu is in 2nd to 2, 5 and 11th houses and 12th house
house agent of Moon as above and because it is Sth to Sth house.
aspected by Saturn in 12tb house as
aboveBad. , Significators for 1, 4, 10 and 12th
houses are Ketu, Mercury, Ravi, Jupiter,-
Ketu is in the sub of Venus the Lord of Saturn, Venus and Rahu being agent of
12th houseBad. Saturn. All these planets are in the subs
Thus all the planets being significators of significators of the above houses.
houses 2, 5 and 11 are deposited in the When I considered the Ruling Planets
bs of evil planet is indicate loss, difficulty at 10-43 P.M. it is found:
d failure etc. i.e. leads to abortion
secially because the 11th and Sth cusps Lagna star (Krithika) ruled by Sun.
: fallen in the sub of Saturn in 12th Star (Swathi) ruled by Rahu.
use i.e. Sth to Sth house.
What does 8lh to Sth house indicate ? Rasi (Thula) rulad by Venus.
[t is for danger, accident besides house Day being Thursday ruled by Jupiter.
death to child. Summing up the above are Ravi, Rahu,
Lt us check how the houses 2, 3 and 11 Venus and Jupiter.
; spoiled. The common planets between ruling
'.nd house : 2nd house is occupied by planets and significators of 1, 4, 10 and 12
Ketu, a natural malefic is in the star of are Venus, Rahu, Jupiter and Ravi.
When I considered Transit, on 5971 591971. At the time he Informed me
"Sun transits in Simha Rasi ruled by Sun Lagna was transiting in Thula rasi,
in the Star ruled by Venus and in the Sub Rahu star and the day is Arudra star day.
of Rahu and Moon transits in Kumbha I consoled him and said next time better
Rasi, Star of Rahu and the Day being Luck.
Sunday ruled by Suo. Transit fully agrees
-on 591971 for abortion. Thus any one who follows 'Krishnamurti
Padhdhati' can confidently predict any
As the Gentleman I know is so sensitive event before in hand within a couple of
and keeping view in limitation of Astrology years like me because the principles laid in
I informed him that the Child birth is not this Padhdhati are so simple, Scientific and
favourable and I advised him to keep his convencing. I pray God for long life to
wife in a place near by the Hospital before our Guruji Professor K. S. Krishnamurti,
5-9-1971. Days passed. On 13-9-1971 the inventor of his jiqble j^adhdhati,L-
at 9-30 A.M. he met me with sarrowful. -shall also thank^Sri Sastry, my dearest
face and informed that he has' received teacher of K P. who has shown me the way
a letter from his native place that his wife of serving for mankind through K.P.
has lost her pregnancy of 4 th month and
that abortion had taken place exactly on Good Luck to all the K.P. Readers.
Sri T. SURYANARAYANA RAO, 1739, Wright Town, Jabalpur-2.
More1 often than not, some of the a few hours of time, if anybody predicts
astrologers discuss the charts which they that the matter will fructify when the planet
have erected for finding out fructification comes into direct motion and passes that
of certain events irrespective of their point from where it started its retrograde
naturewhether minor or major events in course, I need not say how miserably the
lifereject outright the planets that are astrologer would fail. "As the planet still1
Retrograde in motion. I have come continues to be retrograde we should reject
across a few where even in case of minor the same outright." If anybody says like
events they rej ect retrograde planets while thi8,his experience would itself opentiis eyes
discussing and pitch up the very planet and tell him that by disregarding sucl^.
while ofiering prediction, as has happened, planet he failed to arrive at the correct
for example, in one article published in the conclusion.- Dn theiasis_of _my_above.
Magazine, September issue. reasoning I started working out some
Before writing anything further on this questions, predicting the events taking the
issue and giving my own experience, Retrograde Planets also into consideration
I would like to refer the readers to the and in almost all cases where the Retrograde
Text Book on Horary Astrology by our Planets are involved, my predictions have
Great Guruji, wherein on page No. 146, come correct. This is not any deviation
;under the heading 'Ruling Planets' he. from the principles of K.P. This, I feel,
clearly and categorically states that 'planets what just our Guruji has stated in bis
in retrograde motion if deposited in the, most popular work on Horary Astrology;
constellation of a planet which is in direct (Statement is clearly and correctly stated
: motion indicate that after some obstacles K. S. K ).
and delay, the matter -will materialise I, therefore, though- it is advisable to
' (underline mine], when it is in direct motion
again and passes beyond the point where- bring it to the notice of the readers of
from retrograde motion started.* 'Astrology & Athrishta', one of my latest
What I make oat from the above is that experiences, so that the readers, particularly
I e never said that whenever you come those who have been outrigbtly rejecting
across a Retrograde Planet among the Retrograde Planets may hereafter, verify
Ruling Planets, it deserves outright their results considering the Retrograde
I ejection. You will have to find out first Planets also in judging the events
whether it is in the constellation and Sub particulary the Minor Events.
of a retrograde planet. If so, it cannot It was on the 28th evening (2881971>
give the results and hence to be rejected. when, I was going for evening walk with
If it happens to be in the constellation and a friend Mr. Nageswara Rao, who is also
Sub of planets in direct motion, it will a student of K.P., Mr. Rao reminded me
definitely offer the results and the matter of the fact that a common friend of ours,
will materialise. Bat when? When the planet who is staying about 8 miles away from
ccmes again into direct motion and passes here, informed him that be would be
"tie point wherefrom it started retrograde coming to my place on Saturday evening.
motion. (Correct K. S. K.) Therefore if we go out for walk as usual,
In case of Minor events which would he may come and finding none in the house
fructify in a day or two or even within . think that these fellows have gone out even
after their being informed well before. results after sufficient delay. I, therefore,;
He, therefore, suggested that as it will not thought that he would not allow thef
fake much time, I should find out astro- gentleman to meet us so shortly when the;:
logically when this gentleman would come. , Kumbha Lagna rises. In addition to that,!:
i Immediately I came inside my chambers Rahu is the strongest, being conjoined
and started working out the ruling planets with one Ruling Planet and occupying the;
ifs per K.P. The time then was exactly sign of another ruling planet. Therefore,:'
ti-00 P.M. The sidereal time was noted, it will be during Rahu sub only and that
the Raphael's tables were referred and too in the Sub-Sub of Saturn i.e. 6c-07'-20'
found that the Lagna rising in the East for Aries (Nirayana). From the Table of;
23o-10' N at that time was around 3 of Houses I calculated the time when that'1
Kumbha. That means Saturn sign and position would rise in the East and it
Mats (R) star. Moon was then transiting comes to 9-16 P.M. (l.s.T.). Therefore,!
*n Saturn star and Mats (R) sign Scorpio. I told my friend Mr. Rao that he would'
The day lord was aJan Saturn. Therefore,. come,onlyjt 9-J6 E.M.-(x.s.i.).
the ruling planets were Saturn & Mats (R). We went out for walk accordingly, and.
As soon as I noted down these planets as returned only after 7.30 p.m. It was then
Ruling Planets, my friend Mr. Rao, said raining heavily. 'My friend therefore,
to himself, 'Mars' a Retrograde Planet thought that the prediction would fail.,
How can he ofiier the results ? Then said -But he did not tell me. I was trying to
to me, as the sky was cloudy and might look calm and indifferent. But, still in my;
tain anytime thereafter this gentleman may mind I was thinking of it alone and I had'
not come that day and come to us only on the confidence that the Retrograde Mars
the Sunday morning. I reacted immediately and bis agents Rahn and Ketu would not
and said that he would opt come on a fail me.
Sunday as Sun was not a ruling planet to
which he also readily agreed. Thereafter, we had our dinner talking J
matters connected with housing problems. >
The ruling planets are Saturn and 'Then there was knock at my doors. The
Mars (R). Mars is conjoined with Rahu next moment the gentleman was in. It.
and aspects Ketu. Therefore, Rahu and
Ketu are also to contribute for the fructifi- was sharp 9-16 p.m. My friend enquired
cation of the event in question. That from him how he could come in such rain;
means, all these four planets conjointly the gentleman gave his own explanation.
operate when our common friend comes That gentleman, who also knows traditio.
to us. The combination of all the above nal astrology was later informed about
four planetso are found in o the zodiac our prediction and the readers can well
between 19 -l3'.20' and 20 .00'-00* of imagine his feelings at that moment.
Kumba; between 14o-26'-40" and 1513'-20" In the meantime I thanked the Retro-
ofo Kumbha and between 5o-33'-20' and grade Mars for not letting me down. I
7 -33'-20' of AriesMesha and so on. bowed down my head and paid regards to
Experience shows that wherever Satum my Gutuji who has discovered such &
is involved in oifeting results he offers the system as K. P. which will never fail.

(k. p. verified)

As the Bye-Election in Orissa for four of Leo. From Raphael's Table of Houses
Assembly seats was nearing, the. curiosity the other cusps were found out The
about the outcome of Rourkela and Planets' position from September issue of"
Rajnagar constituency was growing among Astrology & Athrishta was calculated and
the people - throughout thestate-Mr noted as follows.:
Bishwanath Dash, Chief Minister of Orissa
contested from Rourkela constituency IX . XI 70-24'
and Mr. Biju Patnatk, M. P., the Founder- B X 40-24' Saturn XII 8*-24'
Leader of Utkal-Congress contested from 2 -24'
Rajnagar constituency to the Orissa State
On 17th September 1971, Dr. K. K. vin No. 61 189-06'-40"
Mohanty who is actively interested in 3*-24' Ketu
Place; Burlt
Politics, came to me in the morning hour
and asked : Mar* Time 10-04 P.M.
19*-06' (1. S. T.) II 30-24'
. "Can your Astrology make Election Fabu Mercury
fore-cast?" 180-49' 16o-03'
o VI1 -s 18-9-71 Moon
"Definitely." 8 -06'-40" 21o-40'
: "Wilt Mr. Bishwanath Dash, be elected Jupiter
in the ensuing Bye-Election from Rourkela VI 8*-24' T-W IV 49-24' Venus
constituency to the Orissa State Assembly?" Vr-24' 7_39'
Will Mr. Biju.Patnaik,be elected in the 111 20-24'
ensuing Bye-Election from Rajnagar To judge whether one can come out
constituency to the Orissa State Assembly?" successful in an Election in Horary
Please mention a number between 1 and Astrology Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti insists
249 for each candidate." to judge the Uth cusp. If the Sub-Lord of"
"No. 69 for Mr, Dash and No. 82 for 11th cusp promises victory, one must win
Mr. Patnaik comes to my mind." otherwise he must lose.
I requested him to come next day as I Then where is the Uth cusp? It is
was very much busy on that day. I 7a-24' in Taurus, which means, it is in the
attended the qnerries on the next day Sub of Ketu.
night. It was 1891971 at 10.04 P M. What does Ketu signify in this Horary
The Place was BURLA. Chart? It is in 1st house, in Moon Sign,.
WILL MR. DASH WIN ? Mercury Star and own Sub. Ketu is strongly
aspected by Saturn from 11th. Ketu has no
Number given for this query is 9. It conjuclion with any planet. So whatever
represented 80 06' so' of Cancer. Add Saturn signifies, Ketu will represents,
Ayanamsa 23 -2r which gives lo-2T-40' strongly. Saturn is a strong significator
of 1st, 2nd and Iltb house as it is in the 2T-0S' Of Taurus is the lltb cusp^
-star of Moon and occupies lltb. Other which is in the sub of Jupiter. Jupiter in
significations of Saturn arevery weak. the star of Saturn is in lOtb. So Jupiter is
Nowletus apply Krisbnamurti Padbdbat! the strong significator of ICItb bouse. It
as applicable universally Houses 1, 2, 3, 6, promises Victory to Mr. Patnaik.
:10 and 11 are connected with the victory
where as bouses 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12 are
connected to defeat. In the present chart, Confirm it from the 7th bouse which is
Ketu strongly signifies bouses 1,2 and I ll opponent's lagna, 1 Itb to it is Stb, which
which are advantageous to 1st bouse, is 2T-06' in Scorpio, tbalg means in this
Here Ist bouse represents Mr. Dash. So sub of Jupiter. Jupiter is strong significator
lie must win. of oppnents' 4th bouse. So defeat to
Confirm the above from the 7tb bouse opponent's is sure.
as this represents the opponents. If the
-candidate wins the opponent loses. Look
at the opponents'11th bouse, here 7-24' So I made the following predictions:
Scorpio whose-sub-lord-is Ketu.Ketu isa
strong significator of bouses 7, 8, and 5 1. Mr. Bisbwanatb Dash will definitely
counted from 7tb, house. It promises be elected in a top contest from Rourkela
-defeat to the opponents. constituency to Orissa State Assembly.
How crystal clear is the Victory of
Mr. Dash astrologicaily through Krisbna- 2. Mr. Biju Patnaik will definitely be
murti Padhdhati ? elected from Rajnagar constituency to
WILL MR. FATNAIK WIN ? Orissa State Assembly.
Number for this query is 82. Time of
judgement 10-32 P M. (I. S. T.) at Burla, Now the results are already announced.
on 1891971. Chart is as follows:
Dr. Mobanty came to me on the date of
Satarn announcement and exclaimed "Bye-
DC X 25-06' I3M1' XII 27o-06' Election fore-cast of Orissa-Astoundingly
238-06' XI 27o-06' correct. Both Mr. Dash and Mr. Patnaik '
have been elected."
VIII I80-49'
23M)6' No. 82 I Many astounding predictions are made
10-32 P.M. I.S.T. 26-6'-40' by the followers of K. P. It gives an open
VI1 1891971 Mercury challenge to those Traditional Astrologers
26'_6'-40" l6-03' who recite long Slokas and show their
19-06' 21<>-54' knowledge in Sanskiit and cheat tfaie
Rahu 11 2^-06' ignorant people.
Sun r-44'
V 27-06' Venus Long live our revered Guruji and
VI 2T-Q6' Jupiter IV 25M)6' 7-40'
70-38' m
230-06' Ever live bis Padhdhati.

March 1972

c o N T ENT S
Page Page
Krishnamurti Padhdhati New Astrology A Science 45
Readers 2 Prediction Proved Correct 47
Marriage Denied 3 Announcement 47
ReinstatementWhen 7 13 Realisation of Amount Lent 49
Result of ExaminationK.P. Letters to the Editor 51
Reveals well in Advance 17 Will I Get Admission in the
Tantra or Astrology? 17 College 7 53
Will I Construct A House? 19 Daily Guide For the Month of
Jatakalankara 23 March, 1972 54
Confirmation in Higher Post 27 Release of Sheik Mujaber
Krishnamurti Padhdhati 33 Rahcman 55
Father's end from Son's Chart ... 37
Stellar Astrological Research Nirayana Position and Transit
Institute Davcngere 38 of Planets in March 1972 57
Why 1 Prefer K. P. 39 Ephemeris for March 58
Prime Minister Salary Monthly Prediction for
Increase and Award 41 March 1972 59
Grant of Licence 44 Fate of Manchester Test 7 . 72
(Krishoamurti Padbdhati Verified)
Jyotish Praveena P. R. MURALIDHARAN. B.E.1A.M.I.C.E.
Jyotish Praveena S. S. PATIL, 3.A.,LL.B-, Dharwar-7.
We are living in the scientific age. Every (b) The description of the partner.
subject needs a. scientific approach and (c) The time of marriage,
Astrology is no exception. In every field
research is carried on, and all the subjects and (d) The state of married life.
are developed on scientific basis. The In this article we are concerned with,
credit of developing Astrology on scientific whether the marriage is promised or not.
basis goes to Jyotish Marthand Sri. According to K. P., marriage is promised,
K. S. Krishoamurti. if the sub lord of the 7th cusp is .a
Americans have explored the planet^ significator of .houses-Z-or-TrsrU. The
Moom On the.contrary,-Sri. KrSrK. has" ~ marriage takes place during the conjoined
explored all the nine planets by making period of the significators of marital bouses
extensive research about the effects of and when the transit agrees in fall.
planets on human beings. 1, 6 and 10 are the bouses of negation
Among the systems available in Astrology to 2, 7 and 11. That means there will be,
K. P. is the only reliable system by which no additional member to the family, no
one can predict not only the nature of the agreement, no permanent tie of friendship
event, but also the exact date of happening. for pleasure and progeny. Therefore,
It is said, "Krisbnamurti is another name according to K. P. if the sub-Lord of the,
for precision of prediction in Astrology". 7th cusp is in no way connected to the
The Padbdhati is most scientific, methodi- houses 2, 7 or 11 and the sub Lord is
cal, systematic and simple to understand. mainly connected to houses 1, 6 or 10 then
Above all it has an universal application. the denial of marriage in promised. The
importance of the Krishnamurti's sub can
We have collected a number of be seen here. The sub Lord makes or mars
horoscopes of persons, who have not one's career. The position of Venus, the
married. In this article we have dealt with Chief governor of marriage is also to be
only four horoscopes and we have verified looked into. The position and aspect of
K. P. These persons are living and wp know Saturn cannot be ignored.
them personally. Now we will apply the above rules of
In this article, we desire to prove beyond K. P., and verify how the rules can be
doubt, bow K. P. is scientific and secondly applied to all the horoscopes. We shall
the importance of the Sub. also see whether the rules stand to test.
In a horoscope, 2nd house indicates I Particulars of birth:
addition of a member to the family, by (a) Male
this addition, an agreement takes place.
The agreement is indicated by the seventh (b) Birth date 641917
house, and such an additional member (c) Time 2-53 a. m.
brings permanent tie of friendship for (d) Longitude 75 S'E, Latitude I527'N
pleasure and progeny, which is shown by
the lltb house. Therefore houses 2, 7 and (e) Balance of Sun Dasa 2 years
11 are to be judged to find out whether: 10 months 27 days.
(a) Marriage is promised or not. (fj Ayanamsa 22 37'
III 28~54' Signlficators of hboscs
Sun 220-54' Mere. (T-Se' VI 26'-54' 2-7-U and 1-6-10 are:
Venus Jnp. 17g-46' 0
l7-36' IV 280-54' V 24 -54' Ketu 220-43
Mais 14-16'
(a) lap. Rahu, Moon (a) None
0 Sat. I'-oy (b) Mars Venus; Sun (b) None
JI 24 -54' (e) Mars (c) Mars
VII (d) Saturn (d) Saturn
VII (a) None VI (a) Mercury Mars
(b) None (b) Kethu, Saturn
Lagna (c) None (c) Venus, Sun
VIII 240-54'
19o-03' (d) Moon (d) Mercury
XI (a) None X (a) None
(b) None (b) None
Rahu 22-43' Moon' (c) None (c) Jupiter, Rahu
X| 24-54' X 280-54' 30-32'-19" (d) Mars (d) Venus
XII 20 54' IX 280-54'
Total signiflcatarsofhonses2, 7 and 11 are:-
7th cusp falls in Moon sign-Mercury Sun, Moon, Mars,.Jupiter, VenuSi-Satnrn
star-Kethu sub. ' andRsliu.
Planet Starlord Total signlficators of houses 1,6 and 16 are;-
Sun Mercury Moon Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,
Moon Sun Saturn Saturn, Rahu, and Kethu.
Mars Saturn Rahu
Mercury Kethu Kethu Astrological Analysis.
Jupiter Venus Mars
Venus Mercury Mercury In this chart the 7lh cusp falls in Moon
Saturn Jupiter Mars Sign-Mercury star-Kethu sub.
Rahu Venus Saturn The sub Lord Kethu is not at all a
Kethu Jupiter Saturn sigmficator of houses 2, 7 or 11. But he is
a stiong significator of 6th house by being
Rules to arrive at signiflcators. .occupant and secondly representing
The respective strength of the signiGca- Mercury the lord of the 6th house. Further
tors of a house is to be ascertained in the Kethu is deposited in the constellation of
following manner. Jupiter and sub of saturn. The constella-
tion lord Jupiter is posited in 3rd house
(a) Planet in the constellation of the and who rules the houses 3 and 12. Jupiter
occupant of the bhava. (House) is aspected by saturn .by 10 th aspect. The
(b) Occupants of the house. sub Lord Ketu is posited in 6th house with
(c) PUnet in the constellation of the Saturn. Saturn the Lord of the 1st house
lord of a Bhava. is aspecting the 1st house. Hence he too
denies. He is posited in the star of Jupiter
(d) The lord of the Bhava. who is posited in 3rd and who rules 3 and
and (c) The planets cocjoined with or 12. Hence the sub Lord Kethu does not
aspected bj the above signiScators. promise marriage to the native.
Now we shall apply the above rules to VENUS the karaka for marriage is a
find outthesigmScatorsof houses2, 7 and significator of the 2nd house. She is posited
11 i. e., marital houses and also the houses in Mercury star and Mercury sub. Mercury
1, 6 and 10, which are negation to the the star lord and sub lord, is the Lord of
marital houses. the 6th house, which gives negative answers
io the 7th house matiers. Mercury aspects Significators of bouses 2, 7, 11 and 1, 6,
the 10th house which is negation to 11th 10 are:
house.- Hence marriage is denied to the 11 House I House
native. (a) None (a) Sun, Kethu, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter
n Particulars: Saturn and Rahu
(a) Female. (b) None (b) Sun, Kethu, Venus
and Mars.
(b) Birth dale 1441921 (c) Rahu - (c) None
(c) Time 6 a. m. I. S. T. (d) Mars (d) Jupiter
(d) Latitude 14 48' N; Longitude VII House VI House
7411'E (a) Moon (a) Mercury
(b) Rahu (b) Saturn
(e) Balance of Rahu dasa 10 years (c) None (c) None
3 month 19 days. (d) Mercury (d) Sun
(0 Ayanamsa 22 39' XI House X House
(a) None (a) None
Lagoa Sun IT-SS' 40-53' Moon (b) None (b) None
23^-26' KethuVenus
0 12'-22'-09" (c) Mercury (c) None'
Mercury 14 -2S'
0 23 -24' (d) Saturn (d) Jupiter
JO-IS' Mars 21 -42'
II 26#-24*
IV \r-2A'
' Total significatorsofHouses Z, 7 and 11 are:-
Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn and Rahu
^r70-24' 160-24' Total significators of bouses 1,6 and 10 are:-
Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus,
Jupiter (R) Rahu, Saturn and Kethu.
VI Astrological Analysis:
16-24' 17'-24'
Saturn ^R) The Star Lord .and the sub Lord of the
7th cusp is Mars. Mars. the. sub lord is a
, vm weak significator of the 2nd house, by
IX 26''-24' vn being the lord of that house. But he is a
I90-24' 23'-24' Rahu 23'-26' strong significator of the 1st house by being
4-53' deposited in the constellation of Venus an
occupant of the 1st house and Mars him-
self is an occupant of the Isc house. Mars
7th cusp falls in Mercury sign Mars is also aspected by Jupiter Lord of 1 and
star Mars sub. 10. Further Mars is deposited in the
Planet Starlord Sublord constallation of Venus and in the sub of
Jupiter. The constellation lord Venus is
Sun Kethu Venus the occupant of the 1st house and Lord of
Moon Rahu Saturn 3 and 8. He is aspected by Jupiter, the
Mats Venus Jupiter Lord of 1 and 10 The sub Lord Jupiter
is posited io the 5th house and he is lord
Mercury Saturn Mercury of 1' and 10. Jupiter is in the constellation
Jupiter (R) Venus Moon of Venus who is occupant of the 1st
Venus ' Venus Venus house. Hence the sub Lord Mars denies
Saturn (R) Venus Kethu marriage.
Rahu Mars Sun VENUS the pleasant partner is posited
Kethu Kethu Mars. io the 1st house and she is in her coostella-
tion. So Venus predominantly gives the Signilicators of houses 2, 7, 11 and 1, 6,
1st house results which is a negation to the 10 are:
second bouse matters. Jupiter the Lord of I House
1 and 10 is aspecting Venus. Hence 11 House
according to K. P., the native is not (a) Rahn (a) None
destined to marry; Remains unmarried. (b) Saturn (b) None
(c) None (c) Mars
Ill Particulars: (d) Jupiter (d) Mars
(a) Male VII House VI House
(b) Birth date 11931 (a) None (a) None
(b) None (b) None
(c) Time 11-45 a. m. . (c) Mercury Saturn
(d) Longitude 75 5' E; Latitude Venus and Sun (c) Mars
15 27'N. (d) Venus (d) Mars
(e) Balance of Ketbu das a is 10 XI House X House
months 5 days. (a) Mars (a) Jupiter, Sun,
(f) Ayanamsa 22 48' Venus, Saturn.
Mercury, Moon,
(b) Mars fb) Mercury, S_un,
V 150-21' VI l4-46' vn ir-03' VIII l(y~2l' {n} VenorpKetEu.
Rabu 130-24' _CC)-Jupiter (c) TsTnnr*
(d) Mercury (d) Sun
Total signiScators of houses 2, 7 and II are;.
IX 10e-5l' Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus
IV 13-2r Jap. I9MT Saturn and Rahu.
Total signilicators of houses I, 6 and lOare:-
Mocn H0-43' Sun, Moon, Mara, Mercury, Jupiter,
X I3*-21'
Mercury (R) Venus, Saturn, and Ketbu.
ni ioo-5r I3c-5(y
Sun 249-45'
0 Astrological Analysis:-
Venus 25 -36
In this chart, the 7tb cusp falls in Venus
Sat. 23-56' Lagua Xll l4-46' Ketn 130-24 sign-Moon star-Moon Sub.
II 10"-21' ir-03' Mars 3-08' XI 15'-21' The sub Lord Moon is not connected
with marital houses. Moon is posited in
' the 9tb bouse and sbeiaastrongsignificator.
7th cusp falls in Venus sign-Moon Star- of lOtfa house by being deposited in a
Moon Sub. constellation of a planet who is posited in
the lOtb house. Further the Star Lord
Flaoct Starlord Subiord and the sub Lord of Moon are posited in
Sun Venus Mercury 10th bouse. The Star Lord Ketbu being a
Moon Ketbu Mercury node rerpresents Mercury, who is also in
Mars Mars Venus lOtb. The Star Lord Ketbu and sub Lord
Mercury Venus Venus Mercury are in lOtb house, which is 12 to
Jupiter Mercury ' Ketbu lltb house.
Venus Venus Mercury The maleSc Saturn aspects Ketbu, the
Saturn (R) Venus Saturn star Lord and the 1 Ith cusp by lOtb aspect.
Rabu Saturn Rafaii The Lord Mercury is posited in the constel-
Ketbu Moon Rafau lation of Venus, who is posited in 10th and
who rules 7 and 12. Hence, the sub Lord Significators of bouses 2, 1, 11 and 1|6,
of the 7th cusp Moon denies marriage. 10 are:
Venus is the significator of the 7tb house, n (a) None I (a) None
as she rules it and is posited in its own fb) None (b) None
star and sub of Mercury. Both the star (c) Mars (c; Moon Saturn
Lord and sub Lord are posited in the lOtb (d) Moon (d) Mercury
house and be is conjoined with Sun the VII (a) None VI (a) None
Lord of the 10th house, which is negation (b) None (b) None
to lltb bouse. So Venusdoes not promise (c) Rahu (cj Jupiter
him marriage. (d) Jupiter (d) Mars
IV Particulars; XI (a) None X (a) Mer. Ven. Mars
(a) Male (b) Ketu fb) Saturn Moon
(b) Birth date 5111938 (c) Jupiter (c) Rahu
fc) Time 9.40 P. M. (d) Mars (d; Jupiter
(d) Longitude 76025'E Latitude 1315'N Total significators of houses 2,7, and 11 are:
(e) Balance of Mercury Dasa-11 years Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu
4 months 9 days.
(f) Ayanamsa 21 54' Total significators of houses 1, 6, and 10 are:
Mood Moon, Mars, Mercury,,JupiterVenus,*"
21-5-35 XI -Saturn;-Rahu" "
Saturn^R) 13-22-17 XT" Lagua
19-38-18 Ketu 15-22-17 15-4-34 Astrological Analysis;
X 24-57-29
10-22-17 The natives 7th cusp faDs in Jupiter sign
IX Venus star Venus Sub. The sub Lord
9-22-00 11 11-6-00 Venus is not a significater of marital
Jupiter houses She is in no way connected with
0-0-31 2 oi 1 oi 11. On the other band, she is a
strong significator of the 10th house.
VIII III 9-22-00 Venus is posited in the 5tb bouse. Venus
11-6-00 rules 5 and 12. Venus is in the constella-
tion of Saturn and she is in the sub of
VI Moon. The constellation Lord Saturn is
15-22-17 Rahu IV posited in 10th which is 12tb to lltb
VII Venus(R) 24-57-29 Sun 10-22-17 bouse. Saturn rules the houses 8 and 9.
15-4-34 11-18-24 19-41-10 Mars Moon though she rules the 2nd bouse,
Mercury V 13-22-17 14-18-25
5-11-17 she is also posited in the lOtb house along
with Saturn.
7th cusp falls in Jupiter sign Venus star
Venus sub Saturn is aspecting the 7th cusp by lOtb
aspect. So, the sub Lord Venus does not
Planet Starlord Sublord promise marriage to this native.
Sun Rahu Mars
Moon Mercury Venus It can be seen here that Krishnamuiti
Mars Moon Jupiter Padhdhati is scientific, methodical and we
Mercury Saturn Saturn can analyse the problem step by step. The
Jujjiter Mars Mercury most important thing is that the Principles
Venus Saturn Moon ofK. P., canbe strictly adhered to and
Saturn Mercury Venus applied to one and all. On the contrary
Rahu Jupiter Mercury in other systems the principles cannot stand
Ketu Venus Mercury to this test. In other systems there is
much of confusion and contradiction. By We pray Lord Ganesh to give a long life
reading them, we get only a general idea to our Guruji to make further research
of Astrology. The rules in K. P. have and improve this noble science to be of
been verified and are found to be very real use to the mankind.
correct and. they are based on scientific
lines. Good Luck

(K. P. Verified)
On 1691911 a worried gentleman Which houses are to be considered for
came to me who was under suspension. Reinstatement? The desire is to enter into
He wanted to know the date of his service again after suspension .^Therefore
reinstatement- He posed the querry, "Will one hasj;o_judge -theTionses 2, 6 and
I be reinstated? If so when?" The Dumber- -fRefi'Horary Astrology page 299)
given between_l_/k.24? is-55i Does the moon reflect the querry?
Tt was 10.02 p. m. on 1691971 when It does. Because Moon is lord of 2ttd
T took it for judgement. Place was Burla. in 2nd. It is deposited in the star of
No. SS corresponds to 19 13' 20' Gemini Mercury and Sub of Jupiter. Mercury is
of Nirayana Zodiac as profounded by our lord of 1 and 4 in 3. Jupiter lord of 7 and
Revered Guruji. Prof. Krishnamurti. 10 in 5. Moon is aspected by Mars lord
Ayanamsa for'the year 23 21' which when of 6 and 11 who is in Moon star. So
added to above gives 12 34' 20' of Sayana Moon signifies the querry. Moon is with
Cancer. The chart prepared for the date, Ketu which indicates.worry.
time and number 55 is as follows refering
Table of houses by Raphael and-' the Will he be reinstated at all?
esteemed magazine. Astrology & Athrista Yes..Why? The meridian decides. It is
for the month of September 1971 for other in the Sub of Moon who is second lord
cusps and planet position respectively. strongly placed in his own sign in 2'nd and
aspected by Mars a strong significator of
0 Sat. 13 -10' 1 2. 6 and 11.
X ll -23' DC 150-23'
XII l80-23' 19'-13'-20" But when?
Houses to be considered for this purpose
H 13 0
-23' are 2, 6 and 10. Moon and Ketu are in
No. 55 2nd. Mars-Saturn-Rahu in Moon star.
XI 10^-23' Time 10-02 p.m. Ketu 18-55' a Mercury in Ketu star. Moon is 2nd lord,
Dale 16-9-1971 Moos 27 -3S already discussed.
PlaceBurla 6th house is vacant. Mars is 6th lord.
Mercury Dasa III IV-IJ'o No planet in the star of Mars. So take
Mars 18 -52' Balance 3 yr. Om. Met. 13 -00' Mars as strong significator. Rahu conjoint
VIII 13'-23' 29 days Sun 29"-48' Mars so include Rahu also,
10th is vacant. Jupiter is lord of 10.
VI 18'-23' Venus 3M2' No planet in the star of Jupiter. So Jupiter
VII V l3*-23' iv w-iv .is a strong significator.
j 19-13-20 Jupiter
7o-20' So significators are Mars, Saturn, Rahu,
Mercury, Moon, Ketu and Jupiter.
Now reject those planets who are in
unfavourable Sub and select those who
promise. Finally we have Saturn, Moon,
Mercury, Jupiter and Rabu.
Confirm from the common planets bet-
ween the above significators and the ruling
planets at the moment of judgement.
Killing Planets:
Day lordJupiter
Moon sign lordMoon
Moon star lordMercury
Lagoa lordSaturn.
Lagoa star lordRabu.
Common planets are Saturn, Moon,
Mercury, Jupiter and Rabu. Rabu in Saturn
sign Moon starso represents both. Ketu
represents Moon by conjunction but
Mercury in Ketu star still stronger tha
Ketu, so reject Ketu and. take Mercury,
NoW-tve have Mercury, Jupiter and Rabu
as the planet who promise to fulfil the
desire. Find out the conjoin period of
these planets.
At the time of judgement Dasa balance
of Mercury was 3 yr. 0 m. 29 days. Mercury
DasaJupiter Bhukti operates at the time
of judgement, both are strong significators.
Mercury Dasa-Jupiter Bhukti must give the
result in Rahu Autara and Sookshma
which operates from 3101971 to
To pin point the date take the transit of
the luminaries along with the Dasa Bhukti
and Anthra lords. On 12th October 1971
Sun transits Mars star Rahu sub, Moon in
Mars star, Dasa lord Mercury in Mars star
Jupiter sub, Rahu in Moon star Saturn sub.
The day is ruled by Mars as it is Tuesday.
The transit agrees in full. Therefore, I
boldly declared that "He will be reinstated
on 12lh October 1971, it is definite."
The person met me on 13th and
conveyed that he resumed his charge of
the post of S. A. E. only on 12th October
1971. He could not get the charge earlier
though he was having the order in bis
band. It confirms 100% accuracy of
Krishnamurti Padhdbati.
Good Luck

A Final M B B S student came to me who Moon lord of 4th in 11 clearly reflects

appeared the university examination. He that the query is connected to success in
was eager to know bis result, and posed examination. <
the query For success in examination bouses to be
"Whether success can be achieved in the considered are 4 A 11. The Sub lord of
examination appeared?" 4th cusp is the deciding factor, whether
Number given is "19". success or failure is there. In this case
Sub lord of 4th cusp is Rahu who is in
I started the judgement when it was 10th with Mars in the star of Mars and
8-10 p. m. on 15-6-71. Chart prepared Sub of Rahu. Rahu is strong signiflcator
for the moment and number: of 10th house which is 12th to 11. So
Sat Sub lord of 4th is not a strong significator
Venus of 4tb or 11.
XII 10-41' Sun V-IV
J9M4' I 26-40' Mercury23a-21'
III 18"-44' Again at the time of examination Jupite
II 240-44' Dasa, Buddh a Bhukti and "Sun Anthra
operates." Sun is in the star of Mars and
Moon 'iV 140-44' Sub of Mercury so Sun signifies the houses
24^6 Ketu 1, 8 and 10 along with 1, 3 and 6. There-
XI 14-44' Np. 19 239-51' fore, the operating period is not favourable
P)aceBURLA for success. Sun is in Gemini a dual sign
Time 8-10 P.M. which confirms failure in two subjects.
24 "41' on 15-6-1971 V Under painful circumstances . I had to
Rahu 0
I4 -44'
23a-5r declare that he will fail in two subjects in
X 14a-44/ the examination appeared. After the
result was published he informed me that
actually he failed in two subjects as pre-
180-44' Jupiter (A) VD 26-40' ]90VI-44' ' dieted by me How clear cut is the
Moon reflects the mind: PADHDHATI.


On 13th September 1971 with one of any query to know bis birth Informations
K. P. Admirers a gentleman came to me. and started to work out the Ruling
I was busy with other consultants at that planets for the moment, which are as
time. The gentleman was eager to test the follows;
K. P. follower at the same time the
Padhdhati. He asked me what can be bis It was a Monday, so the day lord is
birth rasi without giving any birth detail Moon. Moon was transiting in Gemini
of his own. Immediately I could know Sign, Arudra Star; so Mercury and Rahu are
his intension. He wanted to test the sign lord and.Moon star lord respectively.
principles devined by the modern Varaha- The time was 7-35 p. m. Lagna rising was
mihira of 20th century. Prof. K. S Pisces. Lagna star was Revati, hence
Krishnamurti. Anyway I did not pose Jupiter and Mercury are ruling planets.
Finally ruling planets are Moon, Mercury (c) Mercury sign Moon star, i. e.
Rabu and Jupiter. Mercury is the strongest. HastaKanya.
He is in Ketu star who represents Moon Out of the above sets only Moon and
and Jupiter by sign position and aspect Mercury have mutual favourable aspects,
respectively. Mercury becomes still so I declared bis birth rasi to be Hasta
stronger as ruling planet. I picked up Kanya.
Mercury as sign lord of the gentleman's
rasi. He exclaimed "Sir, are you a devotee
^Mercury has got two signs- Gemini of Tantra or Astrology?" I impressed him
and Virgo, which one to select and which that it is not Tantra vidya but it
. one to reject is the problem. See who are is cure science KRISHNAMURTI
/tq mutual favourable aspect and decide. PADHDHATI. Then he disclosed bis rasi
There are three possibilities as follows; to be Kanya and gave bis horoscope for
analysis on cetain matters. In traditional
(a) Mercury sign Rahu star, i. e. Astrology there is no rule to apply and
ArudraMitbuna. satisfy the consultant. It is only the
follower of K. P. who can help bim.
(b) Mercury sign Jupiter star, i. e
PunarvasuMitbuna. Good Luck.

Particulars of Query: scruftnise the houses 4, 11 "and 12 for
4-8.-1971 construction of a building.
1. Date of Judgment
2. Time of Judgment 9-45 p. m. (I.S.T) If it is a building already constructed
Davangere. and is to be purchased, include the houses 6
3. Place of Judgment and 9 also. (6 shows that the seller gives
4. Number wit bin 249 168 and 9th shows the agreement with owner)
5. Ayanamsa 230-2r Whether the construction of a house is
IV 60-53' VI 50-39' o VII First of all, it should be foundout whe-
V 7-53/ Saturn 0 -46'-40" ther the chart promises the construction of
a house or building at all. According to
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, the planit ruling
VIII O'-SB' the subdivision of the constellation on the
III 36-53' Venus cusp of the 4th house gives the clue. If
Kethu the sub-Lord is neither retrograde nor it
RAS1 CHART is in the constellation of a-relrogratte
Planet^and.if-it-happenTto^Ta sigrrficator
Mars (R) Of the houses 4 or 11 or 12, then one will
Rahu Mercury be able to construct a building/
The fourth cusp is in 60-53' Pisces. It
is in Jupiter sign, Saturn Star Utbaranaihi
Moon xii and sub of Mercury. The SubLord, Mer
I XT T-5y X cury is neither retrograde nor deposited in
0o-46'-40" Jupiter - the constellation or Sub of a retrograde
Planet. Mercury is in Venus StarVenus
Sub, Lord of 6lh and 11th cusp. Venus is
Balance of VENUS dasa at the time aspectedby Jupiter, Lord of 4ih and occu-
of Judgment is 9 years 9 Months, 27 days. pant of the 11th bhava. Mars, the chief
Exact Governor for landed property, building
position Starlerd Sublord and Lord of I2th house aspects Mercury
by 8th aspect and Venus by 7th aspect. So
Sun io8o-n' Mercury Mercury the construction of a house is promised.
Moon 260oo-07' Venus Jupiter
Mars (R) 299 -0T Mars Rahu Timing of Event:
Meicury 134-3I' Venus Venus The fourth cusp indicates whether the-
Jupiter 2 1 30-25' Saturn Saturn construction of a house is promised or
Venus lor-56' Saturn Moon not. The significators of houses 4, 11 and
Saturn 41-24' Moon Mars >12 pin point the time of event.
Rahu 29i-U' Moon Venus
Kx. h u ur-ii' Mercury Venus The respective strength of the significa-
tors of a house, according to Krishna-
murti Padhdhati, is to be assertained in the
Houses to be Judged: following manner:
In a horoscope, the fourth house signi- 1. Planet in the constellation of the
fies permanentpossession, Land and Build, occupant of a bhava;
ing, other than Vehicle., The 1 Ith house
shows the gains and fulfilment of desire 2. Occupant of the bhava;
and the 12th house indicates the investment. 3. Planet posited in the constellation
Therefore, according to K. P., one has to ruled by the Lord of the bhava;
4. Planet owing the bhava; So the, Ruling Planets are Mercury,
and Jupiter, Venus and Satum.
5. Planet or Planets conjoined with Venus is posited in Satum Star and Sub
or aspecting the above signifl- is ruled by Moon, who is one of the
cators and also the house in significators, i.e., by occupying the con-
question. stellation ruled by the Lord of the 1 Ith
house. Hence Venus dasa is selected.
Let us apply the above principles and This period runs up to 31-5-1981.
tabulate the significators of houses 4, 11 Jupiter is the occupant of the 11th bhava.
and 12. He is Lord of 4th cusp and aspects the 4th
iVth0Bhava Xlth Bhava XUlh Bhava house by Sth aspect. No Planet is in
6 -53' 7_53' 5-39' Jupiter's Star. Jupiter is in Saturn star and
Significatois Pieces to Libra to Scorpio to sub of Saturn. The sub Lord is one of the
70-53' 50-r39' 0o-46'-40" Significators. At the time of Judgment.
Aries Scorpio Sagittarias Jupiter is the Lagna Lord, kasi Lord and
Planets in the fosited in Saturn's star, another ruling
constella- lanet. So Jupiter is one of the beneficial
tion of the strong significator.
occupant Venus dasa - Jupiter bhukthi - Jupiter
of a.bhava anthara operates between 3I-7-I971 and
Occupant of 9-12-1971.
the bhava Jupiter
planets posi- _ TRANSIT;
constella- Sun will transit in Venus sign-Jupiter
tion ruled star (Visaka) between 6th Nov. 1971 and
by the lord Moon Mars 16th Nov. 1971.
of the bhava Mercury On Sunday, the 7th Nov. 1971, Sun will
Planet owing be in Venus sign-Jupiter star Jupiter Sub.
the bhava Jupiter Venus Mars Moon will be in Gemini i. e.. Mercury sign
in Punarvasu star, ruled by Jupiter. Venus
Jupiter, Lord of 4th and occupant of will be in Mars Sign. - Saturnstar - Venus
: the 1 Ith aspects the 4th house. Saturn, Sub; Jupiter will be in Mars sign-Mercury
aspects the 12th house. Jupiter aspects Star - Mercury Sub.
Saturn (7th aspect] Venus, Sun and Kethu Hence Transit agrees in full. So the
<9th aspect). Mars, Lord of 12th aspects constructions of a house will be on 7th
Venus, Sun, Kethu (7th aspect) and Mer- Nov. 1971. g
cury (8th aspect).
The Sub Lord of the 4th cusp is Mercury,
As many planets are the significators, It indicates that, the native will construct
beneficial strong significators are to be a twin house. Mercury is in Venus star
selected by elliminating the weak one's. and Sub of Venus. Mars aspects Venus
iSuIing Planets and Mercury. Satum aspects Venus. Both
Dasanatha 8c. Bhukthinatha are in Saturn
Day Lord Mercury star. Saturn, Venus and Mars indicates
Rasi Lord Jupiter R. C. C. Therefore the native will construct
Moon's Star Lord...Venus a building made out of Light Weight
Lagna Lord Jupiter R. C. C. materials.
Lagna Star Lord Saturn Good Lock

(Continued from February 1912 issue)
"Sloka 1: relations with a noble man's wife, or she
The author quotes Sages Vasisbta'^Suka, may be a high class woman. If lords of 7,
Parasara and others as having declared 6 and 2 and a malefic conjointly occupy 2,
that the effects experienced by a person in the same effect is indicated and also eating
life depend on the various yogas which in of prohibited food. Lords of 3, 4, 7 and
turn are dependent on the placets constitu- 10 conjoined with lagoa lord anywhere
ting them. show the native to have been born as a
result of mother's illicit connections.
Sloka 2:
The person will be of wrathful disposi- Sloka 6:
tion if, at bis birth, lord of Chandra rasi : Leucoderma (or white leprosy) results
(rasi occupied by Chandra) occupies 5 or 9 when (a) lord of lagna and Budba or (b)
and is weak. If the said lord conjoined Kuja and Chandra occupy any bouse in
with lord of lagna be in 6, 8 or 12, the conjunction with Rabu or Ketu. If Surya
-native is emaciated. If lords of 9, 6 and associates with KujB_and_S.ani, hlack-
' "8 _ac?npy_anyhousewhatsoever,- bnt -fcprosy results. If lagoa lord and Surya
afflicted by being in conjunction or aspect conjointly occupy 6,.8 or 12. the person is
with malefic planets, the person will, have afflicted with goitre (morbid enlargement
an unfaithful wife. of the thyroid gland, a swelling in front of
Sloka 3: the throat) etc. caused through beaL
In case lords of 6 and 8 occupy 4 in Sloka 7:
conjunction with Kuja and Chandra, or Goitre is caused as a result of the place-
lords of 9 and 8 conjoin malefics or Rabu ment of lord of.lagna in 6,8 or 12 in
and Relu, the native would have been conjunction with Chandra. If lord of
born as a result of mother's adulterous ; 1 in 6, 8, 12 is conjoined with Kuja,
relations. then swelling or wound through weapons;
Sloka 4:' ; with Budba, bilious diiease (bile is a
I If the above planets (lords of 6 and 8 and thick yellow Quid secreted in human
lords of 9 and 8) associate with Sanl, the beings by the liver); with Guru, be suffers
native is begotten by a low caste person; from digestive troubles; with ' Sukra,
with Budba, through a merchant or a cdnsuinptioo (wasting of the body, pulmo-
trader; with Surya, through one of princely nary tuberculosis). Sani, Rabu and Ketu
familv; with Sukra or Guru, through a and lagna lord conjointly placed in 6, 8 or
brahmin. 12 causes suffering and disease through
thieves, etc.
- The native himself will have adulterous
-relations if Guru and Sukra conjoin a SLOKAS 8-9:
-malefic in 7, 6 or 2. A person suffers from white leprosy if
If the 6th and lOtb lords conjointly Chandra occupies Mesba or Rishaba
-occupy 10, the native's father will be conjoined with Kuja and Sani. Affliction
adulterous. to health, sinful acts and suffering from
leprosy (fed leprosy) is denoted by the
SLOKA 5; conjunction of Kuja, Sukra, Sani and
If lagna lord and a malefic conjointly Chandra in the water signs Kataka, Meena
occupy 2, the native's father has illicit and Vriscbika. Facial tumour, if Guru or
Sakra (as lord of 6) occupy lagna and Kuja in 7 not in bis vargas (vargas are part s
aspected by malefics. If the three bouses the zodiac ruled by a planet, say as ras i
signified by Kataka, Vriscbika and Meena lord, bora lord, drekkana (or decanate)
(all jala rasis) contain malefics, chronic lord, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa lord etc.)
diseases aifectiug the skin and the nerves gives good physique and interests a person
with loss of sensation in the areas of skin in martial matters besides making bim rude
(including leprosy). If Guru is in 12, acute and of fiery temperament.,
troubles in the anus (the opening of the Slokas 15-16:
alimentary canal by which undigested If Budba and Kuja aspect each other by
residues are voided). If Kuja and Sani are the 7th aspect, the person will have a tall
either in 12 or 6, ulcer is caused. appearance. If Chandra receives aspect
Sloka 10: from Sani, Surya and Kuja, sluggish in
Sani and Chandra along with a malefic disposition. Waning Moon (Ksbeena
conjoined in Mesba, Kataka, Makara and Chandra or Chandra separating from an
Vriscbika identical with the 9th bbava, the. opposition of the Sun - Pournami - and
native is crippled. The person will be less applying to a conjunction with the Sun)
intelligent if Kuja (from the 7th bbava) and Kuja conjoining makes a person
aspects Chandra and Sani in lagna. Also, indulge in sinful deeds and also hot-
if Kuja is placed between Sarya and tempered. Budba in lagna aspecting Gunr
Chandra. therefrom or-if Budha and Kuja are in 9,
Sloka U: ---- "the i person derives enjoyment from
- MoomJCCupying lagna, and Sani strong indufging in absurdities and mocking at
in 10 aspected by Budba (from 4) shows a others. Kuja and Budba occupying a rasi
highly intelligent person. Intelligence is ruled by Sani and aspected by bim, endows,
lacking in the person if Kuja and Chandra cleverness. Chandra in a dus stbana (6, 8
in lagna are aspected by Budba (from 7); or 12) aspecting Sukrs, the native is of a
or Chandra and lagna lord are aspected by wondering nature. If Kuja, Budba and
Mars (Kuja) powerfully. Chandra be aspected by planets powerful
by position, the native turns out to be a
Slokas 12-13: good speaker.
Loss of intelligence results from Budba Sloka 17:
occupying lagna, and Surya and Sani in
inimical bouses (in the bouses owned by The native is adulterous if Budba and
their enemies) aspected by Kuja or Surya Sukra occupy bbavas 7, 8 and 10. Sukra
and Sani together in 6 or in the same and Kuja placed in 7, 8 and 10 or 10 and
hemisphere oriental or occidental without 4 also makes one adulterous. The same
any benefic aspect. result is indicated when (1) Sukra is in 10
Surya owning 6 and occupying 4 reckoned from Chandra or 4 from the
conjointly with a malefic, causes heart bbava occupied by Sani or (2) Sukra
disease. Bilious complaints and trouble' occupies its own rasi and Budba, Sani are
from wicked people, if Sani or Guru (as in 7 and 10.
lord of 6) conjoin a malefic in 4. If Kuja, Sloka 18:
Sani and Guru are together in 4, the person Sani occupying a bouse prior to that
always suffer from wounds and heart occupied by Chandra or Sukra (i. e., in .
disease. Much misery and mental anguish twelfth bbava to Chandra or Sukra), or
is caused when Kuja is in 4, Surya, Budba Sukra and Chandra in lagna are aspected
and Rabu are in S and Sani occupies 8. by Sani, denotes ill fdme and disgrace.
Sloka 14; The native is disgraced by being deorived
If Kuja aspects the lagna from bis own of bis generative organ (it may be afflicted
(bouse), the native is a coward; similarly, by disease) (I) if Sani and Surya conjointly
in a night birth if Sani occupies 10. Discor- occupy 4tb kendra (10th is the 4th kendra
dant relations, if Kuja is placed in lagna. and denotes honour or dishonour), or if
Sani is aspected by Chandra and Sukra, or the lOlh or the 4th place (rasi) from (the
if Surya is eclipsed (Solar eclipse). rasi occupied by) Kuja.
Sloka 20:
SLOKA 19: Lustfulness or sensual desire of a degra-
ded kind is shown by Sukra (as lord
. The author says that Sukrti occupying a of 6) conjoining with Mars, more especially
rasi ruled by Kuja deprives a person of if aspected by a malefic. If Sukra occupies
sufficient sexual power to satisfy his wife. his own rasi or is in Mithuna, the native is ,
If lagna lord posited in his own rasi infatuated by love (foolish passion). Not
aspects Sukra in 7, then also the native is much sexual desire would be there if Sani
weak sexually. Sex weakness is also shown occupies Dhanus or Rishaba identical
when Chandra and Sani conjointly occupy with lagna.


Sri G. V. SHARMA, Bhilai-I. M. P.
On hearing that the General Manager of
our Steel Plant was transferred in the 2nd VIII X 5-16-20 XIF 6-16-20
half of August, *71, for curiosity sake, I 3-16-20 IX 3-16-20 13-9-0 Saturn Moon
myself put a question, whether Shri. 29-2-9
P R. Ahuja, General Superintendent whq_
took charge as -General Mana gef" will be XII 6-16-20
promoted as General Manager and con- VII No. 89 Kethu
firmed as he took charge in the vacant - 5-33-20 Date of Judgement 19-1-29
Post. This is only to verify K.P. and show 14-9-' 71 at 2-35 P.M.
to one and all how K. P. always triumphs VI I.S.t.
and never, never fails. 6-16-20 Place; BHILAI Asc. 5-33-20
Rahu Lat; 2IM2' N Mercury
I took a book and opened and saw the 19-1-29 i Long t 81 -24'E. , ' 9-54-22
page No. on right hand side. The number Mars 27-32-57
is 89. But due to unavoidable circumstances
I took up the-question on 149'71 at IV 5-16 20 Venus
2.35 P. M. and I prepared horary chart for, V 6-16-20 /u piter 111 3-16-20 2-19 53
the No. 89 and calculated the planetary 7-1-2 1 H 3-16-20
positions as shown below;
I Cuspal Positions: Balance of Jupiter Dasa is 5 years 1
Sub lord month 28 days
Cosp. Star Lord
I' Kethu Rahu Planetary Positions:
II Sun Sat. PlaDet in Bhava Star lord Sub lord
III Mars Venus 1. Sun i Sun Mobn
IV Sat. Sat. 2. Moon XI Jupt. Sun
V Kethu Rahu 3, Mars V Mood Merc.
VI Sun Merc, 4. Merc. I Ketu Sat.
VII Mars Moon 5. Jupt. IV Sat. Merc.
VIII Jupt. Rahu 6. Venus I Sun Jupt.
IX Kethu Sun 7. Sat. X Moon Rahu
X Sun Marc. 8. Rahu V Mood Merc.
XI Mars Moon 9. Ketu XII Merc. Ketu
XII Sat. Merc. 10. Fortune XI Rahu Rahu

Here below discussed the question: VI. No planets in Bhava. Sat. Is lord of
For promotion and confirmation we are VI. Jupitor is in Sat. Star. Sat.
to judge the houses 2, 6, 10 and 11. X. Sat is in X. fup. is in Sat. Star Sat.
Our Guruji, in his Horary Astrology Lord of X is Venus. No. planets arc in
Page No. 287, gave the following Rules to Venus Star. Ven. is a significator.
dedde the promotion. XI. Moon is in XI. Mars. Sat. Rahu are
1. "Consider the 11th Cusp and find out in Moons star. Moon. Lord of XI is Merc.
whether the lord of the sub of the Ket'u is in Merc. Star Merc.
11th Cusp is either retrograde or .*. Ketu, Merc. Jupt., Sat., Ven., Mars,
deposited in a constellation whose Rahu, Moon are the total significators that
lord is retrograde. If either is means except Sun all are significatots. Now
retrograde, one cannot get promo- only we are to decide who gives promotion
tion. and who are not fruitful! for giving
2. If the sub-lord and the lord of the promotion. For this also Guruji declared
constellation in which it is situated unambiguously that ruling planets at the
are in direct motion; time of judgment will decide the issue and
clear the mind of the astrologer and
3. And if the same sublord Is also a consultant.
slgnificator of houses 2 or 6 or 10 or
II, then the promotion is promised. So find out ruling Planets at the time of
Otherwise NOT; fulfilment of all judgment i. e. at 2.35 P. M. 14971.
these three conditions is a MUST. If 1. Lagna is in Dhanus. (lupt. Sign, Ven.
any one-of- themis- NOTfulfilled, SlarT Ketu Sub.j-
promotion is not guaranteed." 2. Lagna in starLordVenus.
See how simple and cut and dry without 3.. Moon is in Mithuna-Lord-Mercury.
any ambiguity Guruji stated whereas no 4. Moon transits in Star-Lord-Jupiter,
sage gave such a simple rule which can be
understood by any intelligent man 5. Day Lord. Lord.TuesdayMars.
hnowing K. P. .'. Jupt. Ven. Merc, and Mars are ruling
Now let me discuss one by one. I Planets and all these four are Significators.
looked at Out of these except Venus all the 3 planets
1st Condition:1 Ith Cusp is in Mars . are in the Star & Sub of Significators. (i. e.)
Star, Moon Sub. Mars is not retrograde Jupt. is in Sat. Star Merc. Sub; Merc, is in
and Moon is never retrograde. Ketu Star Sat. Sub., Mars is in Moon Star,
Merc. Sub.
Regarding 2nd Condition:Sub lord .'. In the conjoined period of these
Moon is in Jupitor Star-Iupt. is direct, lord three planets (Jpt. Mars & Merc.) only the
of the constallation Mars is in Moon Star. native should get promotion.
Moon is ever direct. So these 2 conditions
are fulfilled. The native runs Jupt. Dasa Moon Bhukti
Let us see the 3rd Condition:Sub lord from 12-3-1971 to 12-7-1972 Jupt. Dasa
of 11 Moon is in 11. The 3rd condition Mars Bhikti from 12-7-1972 to 18-6-1973
is also fulfilled. At present as per horary the native is
As such, he should be promoted. Then running Jupiter Dasa Moon Bhukti from
when this promotion and confirmation 12-3-1971 to 12-7-1972. Here lies only
comes? the most wonderful! thing (i. e.)the part
of a rulling Planet and the Siguificator. It
For this judge the houses 2, 6,10 and 11. is Moon Bhukti. Moon is not a ruling
II. No Planets. Mere is lord of II. Ketu planet. As such. Moon should not give
is in Merc. Star; Merc. permanent promotion. But Moon is a
Significator of 11 in 11 and also a given by Shri. K. S. K. and Shri.
Cusp lord of 11 who is to decide. M. Madhusudhana Rao in. Adrusktam.
What this moon as a significator did. That clue is to look at the transit of Sun
He cleared the path for promotion and Moon.
only and made the native to take charge
asG.M. in Jupiter anthara which runs from I do not have the ephemeries for 1972.
2-8-71 to 6-10-1971. This clearly shows However, it is seen generally Sun transits
unless a planet is a ruling planet it cannot on 11101972 in Kanya ruled by Merc.
give a permanent confirmed position, Lord of II., Mars Star (Chitta) Mars is
besides being a significator. Bhukti Lord and a strong Significator of
II. Moon Transits in Mithuca in 11th
I^rrcnt on to look at in which Bhukti he Bhava (Lord Merc.)in Jupt. Star Punarvssn.
can be made permanent G. M. Day being Wednes day 1110'72.
As Mars is both a ruling planet and a This reveals once more every lay me n can
significator he must give the confirmed pinpoint if be follows K. P. and improve-
position as G. M. look at MarsMars is ment in K. P.
in Moon Star. Moon 11. Also Mars With pranamams to Guruji and Sbri.
is in Rapt conjunction with Rahu. Rahu Madhusudhana Rao I conclude.
is a Star Lord and Sub Lord of Fortune in
11. This shows Mars must give confirmed
position (i. e.) during 1271972 to_
Then in which Anthara 7
To find out anthara Guruji and Shri.
M. Madhusudhana Rao (Editor: Adrush-
tam-Warngal) told, the planet must be a
significator of the particular Bhava. In the
present case, Merc, is left over.' How
Merc, can help. He is a significator of 2
.and 11 as lord only. As such, I looked to
Jup. who is a strong significator of 6
(Service) 10 (professions) and confirmed
-that in Jupiter anthara which rules from
2291972 to 6111972 alone he
should be made permanent.
Then I further looked to Sookshma
Dasa. It is now clear that the let over
planet Merc, sookshma who is both ruling
Planet and Significator only the native will
be confirmed as G M. This Merc. Sookshma
Dasa runs from 5-10-1972 to 11-10-1972
(6 days) Period.
Out of these six dayd period on which
day be can be confirmed. The clue is only

INTRODUCTION : I have pleasure in is not found either to tfaeconsultant or for
presenting ,'b: article "Krishnamurli the astrologer in this atomic age.
Padhdhali for Beginners" to students in
the Science of Astrology, with the hope Jyotish Marthand, Sothida Mannan Sri
that they will find it nscful, instructive and K. S. Krisbnamurti realised the impairing
simple state of astrology and devoted wholly to
explore it into Science of precision. After
' Astrology is a noble divine science of a long tesearch with the grace of Almighty,
hoary antiquity and is hailed as one of the he propounded a new theory based on toe
Vedangas. The true meaning of the word Stellar reckoning, which is illustrative,
Astrology is "The Message of the Stars." devoid of ambiguous technical explana-
It is the master key to the lock of truth tions, with astonishing accuracy of predict
giving clear and definite answers to the tions. This explanatoiy hypothesis is now
immutable events in one's daily life which popularly known as "Krjshnamurti
cannot be solved by any other science. Padhdhati".
With a Scientific approach it points to the
planets and the stars to know the cause for THE ZODfAC AND THEIR VISIONS;
the unforeseen events in one's.Jife_which "
take theiririse fronrhntnalf birth and in its 1. The Ecliptic: The ecliptic is the
metaphysical aspect leading to an ocean ' traces apparent path way of the Sun, which it
of knowledge latent behind the stars. on the celestial sphere with the earth
as'a centre in the course of a year. This '
Hindus believe that, the divine Science is also known as 'Apamandala' or 'Ravi
was originally handed over to Sage Garga marga'. The plane of the ecliptic is not
by the creator, later on other sages got it coinddent with the plane of the equator. "
and it was spread all over. Westerners The angle between them being known as 1
believe that, Seth was (he world's first the Obliquity of the Ecliptic. Its value i s
astrologer 13769 B.C.) Ancient records about 23-27'.
prove that astrology was held in great
esteem in all ages by the rulers and leaders
of other sciences also.
As time elapsed by, the noble divine
Science 'Astrology* has lost its importance
and power of fasdnation. The main
reason is due to non-availability of. all
original findings of our Sages and other
Scholars. In addition to above, we are
not blessed with a Venerable person who
can enlighten us with a correct Scientific
knowledge. Further, by constant study of
the ancient works and also the literatures
of other countries, it is noted that the
principles distinctly pronounced cannotbe
strictly followed and applied universally to
all cases in general and particularly in case
of twin births. As it creates chaos, confu-
sion and contradiction, much usefulness Sri P. R. MURALIDHARN. p . a.m.i.e.,
2. The Zodiac : It is the apparent path- into 12 equal pans, is due to the Sun and
way of the planets belonging to Solar the New Moon conjoining in a year 12
System extending to 7}N and 7}S times before the Sun completes one revolu-
{approximately) of the ecliptic, and known tion. So also in the same periods there are
to the Hindus as Bhachakra or the Circle 12 full moons.
of Light. The Zodiacal signs and their extension
3. Divisions of the Zodiac ; The Zodiac from the vernal-equinox or the first point
is 360P in celestial longitude. The sanctity of Aries are as follows:
in number 360 appears thus; that the Sun Sign English Extension
rises in the East 369 times in a year, but Hindus equivalent from the
360 is the least common multiple of numbers Veroalequinox
1 to 10 except 7. Hence it appears that the Northern;
circular route is said to cover 360 and the Mesha Aries 0 to 30
mathematicians have also taken 360 for Rishabha Taurus 30 to 60
a circle. Mithuna Gemini 60 to 90
Kataka Cancer 90 to 120P
The whole Zodiac is divided into 12 Simba Leo 120 to 150
equal compartments, measuring each 30. Kanya Virgo 150 to 180
Each such compartment is called a Solar
mansion (or Rasi or Sign]. The commence- Southern:
ment of the Zodiac is reckoned from the Thula Libra 180 to 210
first point of Aries. Westerner's opinion Vrischika Scorpio 210o to 240
that 'Seth' was the first man to observe the Dhanus Sagittarius 246 'to"270
planets and their pathway. It is he who Makara Capricorn 270 to 300
divided the Zodiac into 12 equal parts^ Kumbha Aquarius 300 to 330
Probably, the reason tqjllyide -the -Zodiac Meena Pisces 330 to 360
ThcDialtimatic representation of the above table is as follows:

E3 ca 0 E3
330-360 o'-ao* 30-60* feo*- so'
1 m
AQjJARlbS Cancer
300-330* 90- 13 D
Etl CD 0
370 - 300' 130'- 15-0
wa sna E3 ca
*24-0- 270*" ieo-'2io* iso'-iao*
4. The Constellation: The Zodiac is Asterisms, Stars, Constellations;. Each
divided into o 27 equal parts of each star contains 4padas or quarters, Each
measuring 13 -20' in longitude, starting pada is equal to 3o-20' in longitude, thus
from tbefirstpoint of Aries, which is often each sign contains 9 padas and totally 108
called as Lunar mansions (Naksbatras, quarttis or padas in the Zodiac.
The names of the 27 stars and their extension in the Zodiac are as follows:
SI No. Constellation Nakshatra Pada Extension Sign or Rasi
1. Arietus-Stars 3 Aswini 4 , 00 -00' to 13o-20' Mesha-Aries
2. Arietisa Mus 3 Bharani 4 IS^IO'
o 26oo-40'
3. Tauri Aloyoni 6 Kritbika 1 26 -40' to 30 -G0'
Krithika 3 30oo-00' to 40'o:,-00'
4. Tauri Aldeooran S Rohini 4 40 -00' to 53 -20.'.- Rishaba-Taurus
5. Orionis 3 Mrigasira 2 Mf-lO-to "bD^OO'
Mrjgasira "2 60o-00' to 66o-40'
6. Orionis ' 'Aruora 4 66-40' to 80-00' Mitbuna-Gemini
. _7.-Gemini Pollux 5 Punar-Vasu 3 80-00' to 90o-00'
o o
Punar-Vasu 1 90 -00' to 93o-20'
8. Cancri 3 Pusbyami 4 93-20'to 106 ~40' Kataka-Cancer
9. Hydrae 6 Aslesba 4 ]06o-40' to 120o-00'
10. Leonis Regular 5 Makha 4 120o-00' to 133oo-20'
11. Leonis 4 Pubba 4 ISS^O' to I46 -40' Simba-Leo
12. Uttara 11 146o-40' to 150o-00'
Lfttara 3 150o-00' to 160o-00'
13. Corvi 5 Hasta 4 160oo-00' to 173oo-20' Kanya-Virgo
14. Virginis Spica 1 China 2 173 -20' to 180 -00'
Cbitta 2 180-00' to I86oo-40'
15. Bbootis Arcturus 1 Swath 1 4 ISeMO' to 200 -00' Tbula-Libra
16. Librae 3 Visbaka 3 200o-00' to 210o-00'
Visbaka 1 210 -0'to 213o-20'
17. Scorpionis 3 Anuradba 4 213oo-20' to 226o-40'; Vriscbika-Scorpio
18. Antaras 3 Jyesbta 4 226 ~40' to 240-00
19. Scorpionis 6 Moola 4 240oo-00' to 253oo-20'
20. Sagittaris 4 Poorvasbada 4 253 -20' to 266 ~40' Dhanus-Sagittariua
21. Sagittaris 4 Uttarashada 1 266-40' to 210P-00'
Uttarashada 3 210o-00' to 280'0:,-00'
Aquilate 3 Sravana 4 280P-00' to 293 -2<y Makara-Capricora
Delpbini 4 Dbanishta 2 293o-20' to 300o-00'
Dbanisbta 2 300-00' to 305o:,-40'
24. Aquari 130 Satabbisba 4 306-40' to 320' -00' Kumbha-Aquarius
25. Pegasl 4 Poorva Bbadra 3 3200-00'to 330o-00'
Poorva Bbadra 1 330o-00' to 333o:,-20'
26. Pcgasi&Andremedae 4 Uttara Bbadra 4 4 333-20' to 346' -40' Meena-Pisces
27. Picium 3 Revathi 4 346':,-40' to 360o-00'
5. Krishnamurti's Division:- To offer sub-divided each constellation into 9 parts
precise predictioDS, Jyothish Marthand,
Sothida Mannan Sri K. S. Krishnamurti, not equal in Longitude, but the longitude
divided the whole Zodiac into 249 parts or of the each sub portion is in the proportion
Subs. The Longitude of each constellation in which they are allotted the total number
is 13-20' or 800' The total number of of years in Vimsbotbori Dasa system, (i. e.,
years allotted in Vimshothari Dasa system 20/3 multiplied by the Number of years
is 120 years. Professor IC. S. Krishnamurti, allotted in Vimshothari Dasa system).
Kethu Sub will be equal to 20/3 x 7 = 0-46'-40' whatever be the
Venus Sub - do - 20/3 X 20 = 2-13' -20' - do -
Sun Sub - do - 20/3 X 6 = 0 -40'-00' - do -
Moon Sub - do - 20/3x10 = l-06'-40' - do -
Mars Sub - do - 20/3 X 7 = 0-46' -40' - do -
Rahu Sub - do - 20/3 x 18 = 2-00' -00' - do -
Jupiter Sub -do - 20/3 x 16 = l-46' -40' - do -
Saturn Sub - do - 20/3 x 19 = 2oo-06' -40' - do -
A Mercury Sub - do - 20/3 X 17= l -53'-20' - do -
Even though the portion allotted to each The table showing the sign-Lordthe-
planet in each star is same, yet the order star Lord,thestib^Lord, with their
in which they occupy in the constellation 'positions in the Zodiac is furnished, for
differ^ (.[n-Subsequent atliCIes, this puitiuu -readyreference, to follow Krishnamurti
"will be explained in detail). Padhdhati in his books, (to be continued)
(K. p. Verified)
Mr. VITHAL6HA1 D PATEL B A., Dakalpole, Matar, Kaira.
The following is the horoscope of a Whatever be the sign in which the ascen-
native erected strictly in accordance with dant falls, the 2nd and 7th houses are
Krishnamurti Padhdhatk Marakasthanas Therefore one is to judge
all the three houses. Find out the strongest
Sat. 250-49' significators for the end of life.
Mercury (Rj Ketu IX TMy
240-l7' 170-26' Moon X 8o-0' The 9th house from the native's ascen-
Sun 10-59'
o vm 7o-oo' 30-53' dant denotes the father's ascendant. Lagna
VD S -02'
of the son is Virgb. 9th cusp therefrom .
Jupiter represents his father. It is in Taurus 7
260-35' Taurus is a fixed sign and hence the
VI 9M)0' Time 6-35 P.M. XI 9-0'
Venus 9th house from Taurus is a bbadakasthana.
0-9' 25-3-1939 It falls in Capricorn. The 2nd_aad_7th-
230-2' N houses_JtomtheStlrafe Gemini and
V "Scorpio respectively. These three houses
_7X-38'- XII 90-C are evil for the longevity. Venus
is in the 9th house from Taurus. Kethu
alone is in the star of Venus. Rahu
Man represents Venus because it is posited in
9o-19'-50" Rahu Asc. Libra owned by Venus. There is no planet
IV III T-0' IT-26' 80-2'
II 7o-0' in the 2nd house from Taurus. Its lord is
Mercury Mercury'and Saturn are in'
Mercury's star. Saturn is also lord of
At Birth, Sun Dasa balance 2 years, bbadakasthana.
9 months 1 day.
There is no planet in the 7th house from
Planet* Bhave Starlord Sublord Taurus. Its lord Mars is posited in the 8th
occupied from 9th. Venus alone is in Mar's star.
Sun 7 Saturn Sun Sun occupies the constellation of Saturn
Moon 8 Sun Saturn who rules bbadakasthana. Hence the
Mars 4 Kethu Jupiter significators are Venus, Kethu, Rahu,
Mercy (R) 7 Mercury Rahu Mercury Saturn, and Mars. Of all the
Jupiter 6 Jupiter Venus above significators Rahu and Venus are
Venus 5 Mars Mercury the most evil. , Venus is posited in)
Saturn 7 Mercury Rahu bbadakasthana, in the star of Mats. Mars
Rahu 2 Rahu Venus is posited in 8th to the 9th and also lord
Ketu 8 Venus Mars of the marakasthana. Moreover the sub
lord of Venus is Mercury, which is also
Analysis:According to Krishnamurti the lord of marakasthana. Mercury is
Padhdhati, we have to consider the posited in its own star andinrapt conjunc-
bhadalcasthana and marakasthana for the tion with Saturn who is the lord of
end of life of a person. If the ascendant badhakasihana. Hence Venus is the worst
is in a movable sign the 11th house is the evil. Rahu represents Venus and posited
bbadakasthana. If ASC falls in a fixed in its own star. It is posited in the 6th
sign, the 9tb house is the bbadakasthana; from 9th. The sub-lord of Rahu is Venus
and if the ASC falls in a common sign the which is in the 9th and hence Rahu is also
7tb house is the bbadakasthana. very evil. Hence death must take place
during the conjoined period of the evil Mercury lord of marakasthana was
significators. Actually the native's father transitting in its own sign, sun star and
died on 27-S-1970. When the native was saturn sub. Mars the lord of markasthana
running Rahu Dasa, Venus Bhukthi and was transitting in sun sign-Ketu star and
VenusAnthra. Furthertransits also agreed Venus sub. Sun was transitting in Leo
in full. Rahu, the Dasanatha was transitting sign Ketu star and saturn sub. Moon the
in Saturn sign Rahu star and Jupiter sub. fast moving planet was transitting in
Venus, the bhukthinatha and anthra- marakasthana. It was in Mercury sign,
natha was transitting in Mercury sign. Jupiter star and Mercury sub. Ketu was
Mars star and Jupiter sub. Saturn lord of transitting in sun sign Ketu star and Jupiter
bhadakasthana was transiting through sub. Thus every point agrees in full and
Mars sign Sun star and Mars sub in the K. P. is found to be very correct. It is the
il2th house to father. Jupiter the slow most scientific one to pin point the
moving planet was transitting through event.
Venus sign, Rahu star and Rahu sub. .


Next to the secretarial speech, our murti has the same Rasi chakra, the
President gave a brief life sketch of Vimshottari Dasa. While the good princi-
Sri Krishnamurli and his system of ples of Hindu and Westernsystems-have
prediction, the easy way to erect the map been appreciated,^the Vague terms have
of heavens, directions to decide the __ _-beeii'ebndemned. He has shown in his
significators of events and arrive al the system the weak points of both the
precise timings. -He-'explained as to how systems where one errs and has explained
-one pefson can enter into the subject of how they are to be corrected according to
astrology within a short period of 45 days his system. He encouraged the students to
even if a, b, c, of the science were unknown. learn the science and serve the human kind
Mr. Appaji Rao inaugurated the asso- as this is the science which guide the man
ciation and blessed every success to the to understand the decisions of almighty
great cause. soothens him relieving the tension of the
vexed mind.
Then our vice president explained in Sri Nanjunda Sastry explained his vari-
brief the traditional astrology both Hindu ous experience from all over India and said
and Western, giving the different methods how the genuine principles blended with
adopted in these systems. He said that common knowledge helped him to predict
none can be claimed as authoritive because precisely. He said that casting a horoscope
of their general and vague terms. The has become difficult for want of correct
student of this science is left in the wilder- time of birth and the predictions are
ness without achieving anything. He said, ridiculed when cast for incorrect time of
it is the greatness of Sri Krishnamurti birth. Even the educated man lacks in
who found the path out of this wilderness recording the correct time of birth as he
when others lost themselves. It is here, we
call him the sage - the Rishi - of our age does not know what exactly is the correct
whose research work has opened all of us time the science demand. He suggested to
a bright royal path to success. He advised form different study circles and make
that none need to search in the traditional research in the various branches.He wished
books for rules, but only learn the sound all success to the association.
principles laid down by Sri Krishnamurti. The function ended with vote of thanks
It is noteworthy to say that Sri Krishna- and Prasadam.
K. M. SUBRAMANJIAM. l56,*Teeds Gardens 4th Street, Sembiam, Madras-ll.
Following is the horoscope of a Gentle- Western system:
man born in Madras on 23rd December
1918 at 12-41 P.M. I.S. T. On the day of Marriage by Progression
Moon opposes lord of 7, by Transit Saturn
IV squares Keptune; Uranus at birth was ex-
Lama Kethu 158-34' actly 90 away and so it is exact square.
8o-10' II 21#-34' 19M3' Jupitei Westerners consider the square aspect to
HI 198-34/ be very bad. Epbemerical aspect lord of 2
conjoins lord of 8. If already married.
KJ1 128-34' Saturn Westerners will and must predict, that JbisJs-
Uranus SMO- tbe time when there will be disharmony or
V 128-34' .separation-etc. So according to the West-
era system there is no strong aspect either
Ayanaaiia-22*^5 ' by Progression or by Transit indicating
XI VI 12c-34' such a pleasant and important function.
120-34' Moon
rs 98-22'
Krishnamnrti Padhdhati:
X 158-34' Mercury
Venus 260-53' vm vn According to Rrishnamurti Padhdhati,
0 IX 198-34' 2l0-34' S'-IC we have to judge bouses 2,7 and 11 and
Sun 7 -45' Rahu 198-15'
verify wbetbertbese three have got connec-
tion with the dasa lord, bhukthi lord and
Balance of Yenus Dasa (Vimsbottari) at antbra lord. Sun the dasanatba is in the
birth 16 Y. 5 M. 28 D. constellation of Ketbu in the 2nd bouse.
Kethu is in the 2nd bouse and Mercury is
He got married on 7tb June 1940. At Lord of 7 in its own constellation. Accord-
the time of the birth, Venus Dasa Balance ing to Krisbnamurti Padhdhati, on the day
was 16 Y 6 M 28 D. At the time, be was of marriage Sun transits in the constellation
running Sun Dasa, Ketu Bbukti, Mercury of lord of 2. Moon transits in the star of
Antbra. lord of 2 and sub of Ketbu. Ketbu is tran-
sittiog in the constellation of Mercury, lord
Tradition: of 7. Thus the method by which one caa
scientifically offer convincing rules is only
Sun is lord of 6 and is deposited in the Krisbnamurti Padhdhati.
lOtb bbava. Kethu is an Agent of the lord
of the bouses 3 and 8. Budbais the lord of Western system misleads; Tradition is-
the 7th house. Therefore Sun and Kethu not useful as Sun dasa itself will not be
do not have any connection whatsoever chosen for marriage and so we will
-with the bouses to be judged for marriage. fail.

The followiog is the horoscope of the Balance of Sun Dasa .(Vimshottari) at
Prime'Minister i6f 'England:- supplied ."by birth 1 ,Year'10 MonthsU2.ttays.
Sri. L. Devaseoa of Ceylon. ' To Sod out the prestige,.'honour, name,
Met, 60-24'. fame and award from .-anybody .jtfdge the
Jupiter IV 9-24' *
Lagna ini. 21 -24' SUQ 2415-24
Vcn(R) .'bouses 6, 10and 11; if :in.'.politics, signi-
13V24' ill9*-24'
27-24' r24' ficator oLSmastEe connected. (6th house
Sat. 27-24'
0 i
-v. 27 -24 i shows that it is given tby sanother fperson
whom' Tth. house indicates.
Uranus Ketu 7o-07;
26V24' ' Mr.'Edwaid :
Heath Hep. 9-24* 10th shouse sshows the mame,: fame,
XII <, success and reputation.
22^-24' 9-7-1916 at 11-55 F.M. -VI 22 -24'.
lltb bouse shows the - achievement of
Broadstairs, Eoglaad one's aim and also the gain.
Rahu .. Ayanamsa 22-36 Mars In Mr. Heath's horoscope, it will beseen_
7M)7' Rahu 8.10.27 290-24' that he had Rahu Dasa at the time^-nf TKiT"
birth and the balance-to run for'? years,
lOjnonthrand 27 days from the idale of
XI * Moon birth. So, from 3rd December, 1969, till
27V24' IX 13*2241- 'VlT"
X S'-W _2Jl-24^-r l3e-24' 2ist June, 1972, be will be running Mercury
2T-24' Dasa, Rahu Bhukti. In this period Mr.
Edward Heath's salary was increased from
He.tvas born at Broadstairs in England 14,000 to 20,000 a year; and Too 7th
on 9tb July, 1916 at about 11-55 P.M. December, 1971, an organisation, in West
G. M. T. The horoscope is erected in Germany, awarded him a price of ' 3,000
Nirayana System. In recognition of his services. to the
The other horoscope given below belongs European Market. At that time' he had
to our Prime Minister "Bharat Ratna" been running Venus Sub-Sub period which
Srimatbi Indira Gandhi born on 19th is in the dual sign Gemini, indicating more
November, 1917, at 11-44-34 P.M., than one at a time.
L.M.T. at Allahabad. Mercury, the Dasaoatha is ..'in the
constellation of Mars deposited in the 6th
X 2a-09f XI 4o-09' bouse and in the Sub Sub of Moon who is
vni (p-y IX c-y Jupiter Ketu lO0^' Lord of 9. Rabo is situated in the 11th
l5-06' house and is in the coostciiatioo of Sun
and Sub Sub of Kethu. Sun is in4-.aodis
XII iS<'-09/ in the star of Lord of 10 and 11, -Rabu,
VII Neptune therefore in 11 will .satisfy the rnative
3'-42' 19-11-1917 14a-28' and the native's ambition willbe fulfilled
Sat. 2I*-53' by Rahu.
Uranus Venus, anthra Lord,-Sub Sub Lord, is in
27'-21' Ayanamsx Lag na 30-42' the constellation of Rahu, in 11. Thus 6th
MOOD S'-Sl' Man 16*-29 house is indicated by Mercury, ] lth:house
VI s'-oy is indicated by Rahu and also Venus. In
any horoscope the period of the . Planets
Venus Mcr. U--22' connected with 6 and 11 indicate .grand
2IMJ7' 40-25' in r-r II r-w success. During Mercury Dasa, - Rahu
Rahu lO'-jy Son Bhukti, Jupiter Anthra 19th June, 1970, he
V 4-09* IV 2-9' won the elections.
When Mercury Dasa, Rahu Bhukti, Indeed this is a token of recognition of
Venus Acthra operated since Venus is the Indians and other nations living in
deposited in a plurality sign hehad increase India and abroad. In a way this suggests
in bis salary and also an award. These that if our Prime Minister is to live long
planets are connected with the houses 6, enjoying good health the astrologers are
11 and also 5. sure that she will achieve all her aims
during Saturn Dasa, Venus Bhtikii. India
* * will be able to dictate Terms to such of
those nations who are not for co-opera-
tion. As I already wrote in my magazine
Regarding Mrs. Indira Gandhi, she is July '71 issue, she will have bright future,
running Saturn Dasa,Saturn Bbukti, Venus success after success. She will raise the
Anthra, hence Salum Lord of 6 deposited status of India in her life time. Again I
in the constellation of Mercury, Lord of reiterate that anybody who thinks
2 and 11 and Venus Lord of 10 in its own of or acts against the wishes or the
constellation on the Sib hosue of Sub Sub intentions of Mrs. Indira Gsndbi, will
Jupiter in 10 has give n her 'Bharat Ratna' have their own natural end. May God
' at 3-30 P.M. on 26th January, 1972 when bless our Prime Minister with good health;
Moon was transitting in Venus sign. May He Grant long life.

o ovember 6, 1971 (Saturday) posited in Rabu's Star-Arudra. Rabu was
at!5-02 P.M. (I. S. T.) that my one intimate deposited in Capricorn (Makar).
relative, Sri Girija Prasad Jaiswal, called Saturn rules over Capricorn. Rahu is
on me along with his father-in-law, Srr an agent Saturn. The Rising sign (Lagoa
Satyanarain Prasad, in my Branch office or Ascendant) was Aries (Mesba). Mats
of my astrological society at Motihari (Mangal) rules over this sign-Mesba (Aries).
(N. Bihar) and instantly, put the following Mars was its own StarDhanisbta. Rabu
question to me: was also in Moon's star Sbravana. Saturn
"Guptaji, will 1 get the licence from the appeared to be the most prominent and
District- Magistrate (Cbamparan) to deal signifying planet, Venus and Mercury were
in country liquors (wine) and toddy on in the eighth Bbavaan evil Bbava.
Monday, November 8, 1971 ?" Marsthe 8tb Lordwas deposited in the
Calling the most sanctifying image of 11th Bbava. Saturn was retrograde. Hence
our Most Revered Guruji to my mind's its prominence and significance came to
eyes, I proceeded to answer bis qnery on nothing. Venus and Mercury though
the most popularly convenient method of benefits were placed in the eighth House.
Guruji known as the Ruling Planets method They are therefore not promising in this
of Krisbnamurti Padbdhati. point of view. Moon was, hewn betwixt
The Horary Chart of the said occasion malcfics like Saturn and Ketbu. Con-
is as follows; sequently she was also not, at all, promising
and favourable in this respect. The 1st
I 11 in Lord Mars deposited in the Utb House
Lagna Saturn Moon showed that the querist's desire for it must
Ascendant ir~8'(R) 8M7' be fulfilled. But Mars was posited in
Aquarius (Khumba) Saturn rules over_this
sign (Rasi) Khumba SatunrisTotT slow-
Horaiy Cbart at Kothcr^ jnovingTpIaneT Mars, therefore, marked
tfars. MOJIHARHNrBtEaFT 16M)3' difficulties and deterents on the way to the
Let 26'-38' N.' grant of the said license to him. November
Loag. 840-54' Ej on Stb 1971 would fall on Monday. Moon
November 6. 1971 rules over this day. Moon in Gemini
X (Sac) at5M)2 P.M. Y (Mitbuna) shows duplicity of ideas.' Moon
Rahu . I.S.T. is badly afflicted in grip of malefics like
Saturn and Ketbu. Saturn remained
Retrograde January 30, 1972 (Sunday).
VIII From January 31, 1971 (Monday) Saturn
Ven. VII VI will be Directional (D). On January 31,
IX Merc. 6o-07' Sun 190-5(y 1972 Moon will be posited in her own sign
Jup, 16"-24'
(Kadaka Cancer).
Judgment: The day of the query was Conclnsion;I, therefore declared to
Saturday. Saturn (Sani) rules over, this him that there would be unnecessarily
day. Saturn was deposited in Taurus overdelay in its grant because of the
(Ristaaba). Venus rules over this Taurus. retrogression of Saturn till January 30,
Venus (Sukta) was posited in Scorpio 1972. On November 8, 1971 (Monday) he
(Vrischika) Mars (Mangal) rules over wont have it. He must have it only on
Vrischika (Scorpio). Saturn was in Moon's 311 1972 and he must legally be
star-Rohim, Moon (Chandra) was posited authorised to deal in tbem only from 1st
in Gemini (Mitbuna). Mercury (Budha) of February 1972. Actually, Sri Girija
rules over Gemini (Mitbuna). Mercury Baboo thanked me for the 100% correct
was in Saturn's star-Anuradha. Venus predictions about it on the most unfailing '
(Sukra) was in Saturn's star-Auuradba. and scientific K. P. method based on the
Saturn was Retrograde (Vakri). Moon was K. P. of our most respected Guruji. O
Extract of the speech by /the Ihftovator
Comnjcarry By
N. V. S. RAO. Hyderabad A.P.
"If one carefully observes the experiences and the growth of the tree is the life. As
of any man, one will find out that every per- is the seed, so will be the plant that springs
son has bis share of trials and tribulations, out of it" said the Professor explaining the
of which most of them cannot be explained basis of astrology. Further clarifying on
-when viewed in a materialistic point of ' this point, be said that the doctrine of
view. In the metaphysical aspect; if there Karma alone can explain and reconcile the
is any science to explain these inexplicable terrible- and apparently inexplicable'
anomalies and inequalities, it is only the injustice. Destiny is the inevitable and
science of Astrology. The science- of unavoidable occurance of events in one's
astrology alone can convincingly explain life, which is not at all under the control
such anomalies and enables one to know - of any. individual but is directed by the*
beforehand the future course of events Almighty according to Sbubha and
'meticulously correctly, so that one can face - Ashubba Karma done by the person'in-
the future wisely", says the innovator of previous birtb-Avasyam Anubhoktavyam
' stellar theory of Astrology, the Abhinava Krutam' Karma Shubashabham.
Parasara, Sri. K. S. Krlshnamurti, addres- "Such an unforceable desjtiny.-the-divine
sing the distinguished gathering ' in the plan of_.anjndividua1,_can_be foretold by a
lecture hall of Arts and Science Collcgc qf wistTastrologer to enable the individual to
Secunderabadon appreciate the basic principles of Karma
ToTSReisThe same, he quoted the follow- theory, to take recourse to Sadbana, to
ing common . place examples such - as achieve the-' aims as enunciated in Hindu
(i) a wealthy land lord suffering from - Philosophy. and-thereby to lead blm in
diabetes cannot enjoy even a bowl of rice being good and doing good to bis ownself-
(ii) a stone-deaf person cannot enjoy -the and'to his fellowmen" said the Sothida
melody of his talented wife, (iii).an Mannan (King --of astrologers) Jyothish
emaciated and -dirty - looking, person with Marthand K. S..Kirshnamurti explaining,
meagre resources being blessed with the purpose and utility of astrology.
several children-to from a cricket team' The - scholar,1 speaking on the timing,
of his own., where as a very well-to- aspect; said'that \ the'planets only reveal
do and healthy man will be found to what type of events happen when and how,
be in. immense misery, for lack of-- indicating the nature of destined events of >
even one children. Giving such instances an individual depending upon his Karma
of apparent in consistencies, the Professor, like the hour and minute bands indicate
proceeding to explain them Philosophically the time of the day. Further explaining
said. "All and any such paradocical the non-avoidability of events, he said that
occurances can be convincingly explained as altering the hands of a watch dose not
only by astrology and astrology has- change the time of the day, so also any
Karma and reincaruation as its basis. amount of sbanti'or Karma does not alter,
Under the law of -Karma, there is nothing enhance, mitigate or vary the nature and
as a chance of an accident. The Almighty extent of occurances and one has to enjoy
is neither partial nor unjust and everythingr or suffer his share due to him which is
bappens according to one's actions -in the nothing but the outcome of his own deeds
previous birth. Karma and reincaruation- in his previous life. Stressing further the
are like a seed growing into a tree which., nonavoidability of destiny he said "Destiny
bears fruits-yielding-seeds which - in turn > is so powerful that even after knowing the
produce mote trees. The seed is the Karma time and nature of an event one cannot.
however mighty one may be, avoid it" la giving room for various interpretations-
this regard, the Professor cited the resulting in the verses being misinterpreted.
examples of (t) Mihira's miraculous predic- inexcusably. This accumulative process
tion given years earlier the time, date and over generations caused irresparable
nature of occurance of death of the son of damage and brought the divine science to
the king which occured as predicted and the present state of redicule and ignoring
which could not be avoided inspite of all with its self-contradictory rules, lack of
precautions, (2) the soothsayers prediction coherence and clarity.
regarding the death of Juliusceesar on the
ideas of march and (3) that of parikshit. The Professor explaining how these
systems are incomplete and useless from,
Prof. Krishnamurti speaking on the the querists point of view he went on to
controversial topic of the origin of explain his technique of doing research
astrology declares thus "some scholars are which enabled him to complete his research,
under the wrong impression that westerners on the fundamental aspects and stabilise
borrowed from the Hindus. Some others them said 'Since more than three decades,
say that the Hindus gained from the I did research upon the births of persons
chaldeavs, Hebrews and Greeks When we born in the same locality with an interwal
study biasedly and unmotivatedly and judge of 10 minutes, 15 minutes and 20 minutes
impartially, we will be forced to confess and so on, to find out the decisive factors
that neither the Hindus borrowed from of the science and ultimately I found that
westerners nor vice versa". The research the sub.-Iord of a cusp or a planet being
scholar emphatically stated that every of decisive importance. I further developed
nation has developed this subject on its on these lines and evolved a system, which
own investigations and research findings is the Advanced Stellar Astrology, which is
and that different nations follow. jJiffetent- clear, uoambiguous, convincing and above-
systems which differ distinctly from one all highly useful from the querists point of
another. He said that the Babilonians view. As a practical proof,, many of my
were observing since 4,73,000 years accor- students expressed that with only a few
ding to Didorous in his writings in 30 B.C. years of practice they are found to be
and they still continue to observe; that faring much better than so called several
Several nations like that of Greeks, Egyp- stalwarts of astrology with several decades
tians, Persians, Saracens, Moors and of popular practice". The Professor who
Chinese have been studying this subject of is being looked upon as an incaruation of
astrology from more than 3000 years B.C. Goddess Saraswati for the reason that for
as revealed by the modern investigations any mortal being it would be impossible to
dikemonumental andinscriptional evidences minutely study several systems, gaze their
placed in the British museum. merits and demerits invent a new system
and stabilise it, answered some of the
Referring to the plight of astrology in questions raised by a few from the audiance
the modern world, he said that astrology to conclude his speech.
as it is handed over to us is incomplete and
defective and needs to be vastly supple- Replying to a query raised by a press
mented and that it is only a past of the correspondents on the justification of the
divine knowledge possessed by our great proposed ban on astrological {predictions
sages but vastly manipulated and grossly regarding political and national issues, the
misinterpreted. He said "The original scholars Scientist opinioned that the
literature was mostly in verses with deep, Government is fully justified in imposing
hidden and symbolic meaning which were ban on such magazines which too
supposed to be explained detailedly orally frequently forecast the forthcoming events
by learned scholars. Later, as the times of political leaders and over burning
passed by, variations of the texts occured political issues which have creating a
due to copying difficulties and thereby momentary sensation and at last found to
"be useless prediction. Whatever be the aim Mr. P. Swamy, a brilliant student of
of the publishers and authors, practically Prof. Rrishnamurti, proposed vote of
they are serving no other purpose than that thanks as the secretary of the students
of probably propaganda as an immediate advisory Committee of Arts aud Science
transitory effect and constanlly bringing College of Secunderabad, where the public
redicule to the already degraded divine meeting on the subject of Astrology as a
science as a permanent effect. science was arranged.
A Gentleman asked When will I get the
amount lent to Mr. X and gave the VII
number 133. VI Saluro vni
The Chart;
The Cusps for the given number are as V
follows; Rahu 70-38' X
House Longitude Siga Ketu 7 38'
x IT 10' Cancer XI
IV Mton 160<,-32
XI 14c 10' Leo Mars. 22 -38
XII 14' 10' Virgo Merc. 23.37
I 12' 33' Libra. Jupiter
II 11 57' Scorpio 14-12' Sun 110-27'
in 11 10' Saggitarius. III II XII
The Planetary positions for the time of 230-43'
_working_L. e l=30_p. m. on _28-9-70,_ls Venus dasa-was.on_aQd-lhe_ balance i
given in the chart below; IS years 9 months and 12 days.
Dasa. Bhukti periods:
Dasa Bhukti Antara Sukshma from to
Venus 1071986
Venus Sun Kethu 981970 2091970
Venus Sun Venus Venus 1091970 2091970
Venus Sun Venus Sun 2091970 2391970
Venus Sun Venus Moon 2391970 2891970
Venus Sun Venus Mars 2991970 1101970
Analysis realised if there is any connection between
According to Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti' the Sub-lord of the XI Cusp and the
II house must be taken into consideration concerned houses II and XI. In this case
for all money matters including loans the XI Cusp falls in Leo Sign, Venus Star,
(please refer page No. 324 in Vol I. K. P.) Venus Sub That is, the Sub-Lord of XI
and XI house represents the Principal and is Venus,
interest of the Loan given (refer page 354
Vol. I K. P.). XI house also refers to fulfil- Significators.
ment of desires. HcnCe the houses to be 11 House:No Planet occupies the
considered to find out when will the II house. The Lord of the II house is
amount lent, be returned are II and XI. Mars. No Planet is situated in its stars.
First of all, find out whether the amount Hence the Significator of the II house is
will be realised at all. The amount will be MARS.
IX House:There are 4 Planets in the (Moon, Mars and Mercury are all in the
XI bouse-Viz; Moon, Mars, Mercury and Star of Venus) of the houses II and XI and
Sun. Saturn and Sun are in the stars of also since the Dasa, Bhukthi, and Antara
Sun and Moon respectively. None is in Lords are all significators for the matter,
the Stars of either Mars or Mercury. XI the amount lent will certainly be realised
house is owned by Sun and as seen above in the present antara in Venus Dasa, Sun
only Saturn is in its Stars. Bhukthi, Venus anthara itself
Venus and Jupiter are aspected by Saturn,
a significator. Hence take Venus and When?
Jupiter also. Kethu and Rabu represent It will be when the Planets of the final
Sun and Saturn who are both significators. list conjointly function.
Take Kethu and Rabu also.
Heuce the significators for the matter In Venus Anthara, moon Sukshma was
being considered are all the nine just over on 28-9-70, ind Mars Sukshma
planets was on and because Mars is a strong
To arrive at the final list, compare with significator the event must happen in its
the ruling planets and select the common Sukshma itself. As Mars snkshma ended
ones. At the time of Judgment i. e., at on 1-10-70, the amount should be realised
1-30 P. M. on 28970, the ruling planets between 28-9-70 and 1-10-70.
were as follows;
Day Lord Moon To pin point the date. I turned to transit.
Moon Sign Lord. Sun It can be seen from Krishnamurti Ephe-
Moon Star Lord; Venus- mcris.-t-hauMoon was-traositting in Virgo_
Moon Sub Lord. Mars. sign Kuja Star on Thursday the 1st October
Lagna Jupiter 1970. Hence I decided that the amount
Sign Venus Star will be realised on Thursday the 1st October
Hence the final list of the Planets to give 1970, in the evening when moon will be
the desired result are Venus,' Sun, Mars, transitting in Mercury Sign (Virgo) Kuja
Moon and Jupiter. Star (Chitra) Rabu Sub, since Rahu
Judgement represents Mars.
Since the XI cusp Sub-lord is Venus, The amount was actually returned to the
which is connected with the significators lender at 6-10 p. m. on 1-10-1970:

Wi-L-Ll 1 liUii AUiVIlOOiU.1 mil JL jI'J viumuuvvu *
Mr. MATHURA RAM M.A.. P;0. Digha, Patna-12.
JatrodDCtion:- Shri Davakumar was very VHI Sun Mercury Venus
anxious to know whether he would get DC Jupiter
admission in the medical college for which XI Raha
he had appeared in competitive test. He XIT Mars
requested me to judge astroiogicaUy just Planet Constellation Lord Sublord
to test "Advanced stellar Astrology"
propounded by our revered Guruji Prof: Sun Rahu Mercury
K. S. Krishnamurti. I asked him to men- Moon Sat (R) Moon
tion a number between 1 to 249. He gave Mars Mars Venus
'223'. The chart;A Dalails: Mercury Jupiter Venus
Date of Judgment. 31-10-1971 Jupiter Sat (R) Jupiter
Venus Jupiter Mars
Time 7 P.M. 1ST Saturn Moon Mars
Place - Dinapur (Patna) Rahu Moon Saturn (R)
Ketu Saturn Jupiter
Day - Friday
Analysis; Please refer "Horary Astro-
I began the horary chart immediately logy'' written by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti
according to "Krishnamurti Padhdhati" at pageJ91 where he has clearly menti oned
and used Raphaks tableof. -houses -that tKnath h'nuse iri?iratrs the fdurational
Krishnamurti Ayanamsa and ephemeris institution and since his desire is to get
as per strict instruction by Prof. admission, the llth house shows realisa-
Krishamurti. tion of one's ambition. Therefore sub lord
of the 4th is to be deposited in the constel-
11! l-36' lation, the lord of which is the significator
Mood n 0Qo-36' Satura 0 (R) V 20*-36' of 4 and 11. If above mentioned principles
n"-22' ll -29'
IV 26e-36' to be applied we find that in this Horary
as'rology chart 4thcusp'has fallen in Taurus
i. e. 26-36' and sub lord of 4th cusp is
Asc. 21"-46' No. 223 Ketu Jupiter. Jupiter is deposited in the constella-
Mart l6-32' tion, lord being Saturn which is retrograde.
30-36' VI 170-36' Saturn is no in way connected with 4th and
1 Ith houses and so he is not the significator
0XII Time 7 P.M. of 4th and 1 Ith housee. Hence 1 declared
17 -36' .VII that this desire' would not be fulfilled. May
Rabo (1. S. T.) 21M)7' God give you more energy and enthusiasm
W-32' to appear next time. Better Luck Next Time.
X 26--36' Mercury To utter surprise, result was announced
Jupiter 28M1' in the month of January 1972 and he was
e 15"-22'
XI 20 -36' XI l -36
0 SUD not selected for admission in the Medical
Venus VfH College. This was conveyed to me by his
f-05' 00--36' elder brother who is my senior officer in
Bbava Chart. co-op. department. He appreciated
ASC Moon Krishnamurti Padhdhati and paid respects
III Sat to bur Rev. Guruji. O
V Ketu Good Luck.
A Gentleman has written a letter saying Star in Mercury's sign. If one takes Taurus as
<that his birth> happened to be on 28th May, the Ascendant, then Mercury Rahu or Jupiter
1925. at l{y 36 Minutes North and 7603 has its Star in Taurus. Thus it can be found
Minutes' East, around 8.00 A. M. The following that his Ascendant at the time of the birth
is the^. horoscope erected for him on should be 9047/ in Mithuna (Gemini).
31121971 at 12 noon. The horoscope is as followes;
At the time of the coramcnccment of the
judgement, Jupiter is the Lord of sign where Venus Merc. 4M5^ Ligna 9-47'
Lagna falls; Moon is in Rahu Siar Mercury X SM)!' 0"-48' XII lOM)!'
sign: hence the ruling planets were Mercury, XI S8-01' Sun 13M8' Rahu 25B-07'
Jupiter and Rahu. The sensitive point may be
in RevathiStarin Mcena or be in Arudra Star,, Mars
and it cannot be in Punarvasu Star as Rahu 240-45' Ayanamsa 220-44, II 6B-01'
Sub is out side Mithuna. If the birch would ix 4B-or
have been in Meena Lagna then he ought to Jup. 3 -51' Balance of Mercury
have been born a few hours before Sun rise but Dasa (Vimishottari)
his iotcrsled parties have told that nearly a at Birth 11 Years
couple of hours after the Sun rise he was bom. B /
VIII 6 -01 4 Month 20 Days HI 4B-0l'
Therefore we have to take necessarily that his
Lagna should be between 8 40 Minutes to
It is necessary to find out the Sub Sub in Ketu25M7' VI 10*01' v 8"-or
which Ascendant should be. Today Friday: so Mood iv 5B-or
the Sub Sub will be ruled by Venus; as Venus VII 9M7' 21B-04' Sat. 29*-0r
is also one of the ruling planets Venus has no


The horoscope of the person who occupied First, we have to find out whether one is
his own house, on lyth April,l970, is as distined to have one's own house, then we
follows;- have to find out the time when he can occupy
tbe same Mars, if it happens to be the strong
VII 9 2' VIII ,90-5' IXMoon
8-5' significator of possessing a house aod it
VI 9 -5' Venus Mars
0 I3--IJ' happens to be the Sub Lord of another Planet
l4 -45'
|y*-4y Sun 28 -50' Mercury
0 connected with the houses 2 or 4 and 11, the
/ ,23B-15' person will purchase a house outright and
occupies. The difficulity of evicting the original
V 8 -5' Mercury tenants will or will not be there. This is shown
Saturn 2-58 P.M. I.S.T. T-5' by Saturn or the significator of 6 and 8 th
y-iv Kcthu houses. If Saturn happens 10 be the signifi'
1361934 2J--5' cator of the 4tb house and if it happens to be
the Sub Lord of another planet who is the
Rahu dasa Balance significator of the houses 2 or 4 or 11; the
Rnhu 20'-5 9 Years 3 Months XI 80-5' native will employ labour; slowly construct the
IV 7*-5' 19 Days. house and then occupy the same.
Mercury under (he above circumstances
0 indicates that the native will hand over the
, XII 9 -5' difficulties of construction etc. to a contractor
III 80-5' 11 90-5' A sc. 9*-2 Jupiter 20a-27' and at last enter in new house. There, where
Mercury is the significator of the houses 4 and
11, the native will have plurality of the houses.
This native had 9 years, 3 months, and 19 Sun Lord of 11, is deposited in the con-
days of Rahu dasa to run from the date of his stellation of Lord of 2 and in the Sub of
birth (i.e.) 1361934. At the time of the Saturn,NSignificator of 4; Sun is also conjoined
occupation he had been running Saturn with 'Mars. Rahu is an Agent of Saturn,
-dasa, Sun Bhukti, Sat. Antra and Rahu deposited in the 4th house and in the constel-
Sokshma. lation of Moon, who is in Rahu's Star;. Hence
on 19th April, 1970. During the above
Saturn is Lord of 4 deposited in the 4th conjoined period this native occupied his own
house and is in the constellation of Mars Lord house. This was built for a long period due to
of 2; Saturn aspects 11th house, and is in the Saturn and atlast circumstances forced him to
Sub of Sun, Lord of 11. occupy on this day,

The Lagna indicates the native of the commences in Capricorn at 16 16' extends
horoscope and the 4th house denotes the to 5th cusp i.d. 17 16' Aquarius. In this are
mother of the native whereas the 9th house there is no planet. The Lord of the sign in
shows the father. which the 4th cusp falls in Saturn. It is a
movable sign. The question is the loss of the
^ To fi nd out the matters connected with mother i.e. the end of the mother's life.
iriQ'ther take the 4th-cusp an d the4th
house counted from the Lagna of the native Since it a movable sign. I TtTi House
in this horoscope: there from is the Bhadhakasthana. The 2nd
and 7th houses are the Marakasthna. Venus is
deposited in the Bhadhakasthana house
Jupiter VIII IX 168-16' whereas, no planet is in the Marakasthanas.
VI 19M6' 38-29' I?8-!*' Kelu Saturn and Moon are the Lords of the Marak-
VII 18D-23' 270-l7' asthanas.
Time 1-48 A.M. Sat. 50-ll' Venus constellation is occupied by Sun,
V 17M6' Moon Mars is Lord of the Bhadhakasthana. There-
Dt. 9/101 1917 12 55' fore Sun, Venus, Mars, are the 3 strongest
0 X 168-I6' signiOcators; next falls Saturn and Moont
Ayanamsa 22 -37'
IV 16M6' Balance of Saturn Sun is conjoicied with Rahu.
Mar* 70-38' Dasa at Birth 5 Years XI 17M6'
l38-bl' 3 Month 0 Days The date on which native's mother died
happened to be 18th February, 1967. At that
time Sun Dasa,Mars Bhukti, Rahu Anthrawas
Rahu 27-! 7' XII operating. According to progression there is
Sub 26-25' II 17M6' I 188-23' 198-16' no evil aspect, indicating such a danger to
in w-w mother.
Venus 0-25'
Transit: Sun was in Mars: Moon in Sun's
The native is born in Thula Lagna and Star: and Rahu in Mars sign Venus Star.
the 4ih cusp falls in Capricorn 16*16'. 4th Transit as per Stellar theory agrees.

K. MURTE 8-A'., B.L, Madras-35.
On Saturday the 25th December '71, at Cusp Sign Lord Star Lord Sub Lord
3-45 pjn. a child was born at a local Nursing I
Home. The father of the new-born baby Venus Moon Moon
approached me the same evening and desired II Mercury Rahu Rahu
to know whether the child had been born III Moon Saturn Saturn
under favourable stars.' As I needed time for IV Sun Ketu Venus
calculations. 1 asked him to call on me the V Mercury Sun Saturn
following day. Late in the night, I could hnd VI Venus Rahu Rahu
time to cast the horoscope of the baby and VII Mars Saturn Moon
to my utterdismay the planets proteneded a via Jupiter Ketu Jupiter
very short life. IX Saturn Sun Saturn
.The next morning the father came with a X Saturn Mars Mercury
beaming look to see me. When I saw him, I X( Jupiter Saturn Saturn
had no heart to convey the shocking indications XII Mars Ketu Jupiter
in the baby* s chart. I had therefore to tell
him in dubious terms that all was well with
the child. After the father had left, I wrote
down the predictions in a piece of paper, put Ketu Moon Saturn Rahu
it in an envelope and was praying that my Mercury Mars Mercury Ketu
predictions should go wrong. Jupiter Mars Mercury Jupiter
The_same_eyening- around-7-0'clock the Venus _.San Jupiter Kcar bat urn
~tEe father came rushing to me and told me Saturn Sun Venus
tearfully that the infant had died at 6-45 p.m. Rahu Saturn Moon Rahu
He was about to say that Astrology was all Moon Jupiter Saturn Rahu
stuff and nonsense, when I brought the Mars Jupiter Saturn Mercury
envelope, opened it in his presence and showed Satuni(R) Venus Sun Ketu
him the piece of paper. I was written by me
thus: 'The child will not live Jong enough' I Analysis:
then consoled him and sent him to hospital.
What God has given. He has taken back Taurus, a fixed sign, being the ascendant,
within 27 hours. What celestial conspiracy was the Nineth House therefrom is the Bhadaka-
resfonsible for this tragedy? stbana. Houses Two and Seven- are the
An analysis of the birth chart of the baby Marakasthanas.
is given below for the academic interest of Lagna Lord Venus posited in thy
K. P. followers: Nineth Bhava in the constellation of Luminare
Moon in 8 conjoined with malefic Rahu weakens the
140-2/y XII 7o-40' Saturn (R) Lagna considerably, Rahu represents Saturn
Mars oS'-SO' 7-27' 11 7*-40' in the twelth Bhava (Mokshasthana). Saturn
XI 3 -40' I UM)1' is also In the constellation of Sun in 8.
Rahu representing Saturn in 12 is in
25-12-1971 in 3o-40 the constellation of Moon Significator of 11 &
X Birth Time 3-45 p.m. 13^-37' Kethu 12. Further Moon is represented by Ketu
at Madras in Cancer aspected by Venus.
RASI Mercury Lord of 2 is in 7 f Both Marak
Rahu (Nirayana) asthanasj in its own ccnstellation and Keiu's
13*-37' IV sub.
Vcmis90-l9' Balance of Saturn
Dasa at Birth 1--40'
IX 3--40' Mars Lord of seven is in Satunfs
constellation and Mercury sub. Saturn aspects
VII 11 "-or both Ketu and Mercury.
Sun 9*-IT Mercury
vnr 19-07' VI 7M0- Thus almost all the planets - Saturn,
7 MO' Jupiter Rahu, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Ketu, Mar&
2T32' and Sun-arc potentially ill-disposed.
9 A scrutiny of n, VII and IX cusps Thus the conspiracy of the heavenly
also reveals that Saturn and Kahu are bent bodies won over human life.
upon snatching away the life of the infant,
And nothing but Krishnamurti Padhdhati
9 At the time of birth the baby was can divulge to us the mystery of the divine
running Saturn Dasa Rahu Bhultthi Venus science of Astrology.
Anthara. This inauspicious combination at
birth tolled the death bell. The child expired Editor;This Gentleman Mr. K. Murte,
on 261271 at 6-30 P.M. when the rising B. A , B L., the author of the above article,
ascendant was Gemini fLord Mercuryt. The years ago consulted me to predict his profession
Lagna star lord was Rahu. The lagna was I predicted and published in my magazine
powerfully aspected by Mars fLord of 7 and that he would .act in Cinema and make
12) and Sun m 8, Moon was then transiting in fortune. Actually since years, be is earning
Aries fMars) in the constellation of Kctu name, fame and also most satisfactory income
(Aswini) as an actor in Cinema only..


By ,
lyotlsh Siromanl, S. CHANNAKESHAVA REDDY, Challakere: Mysore State.
Mr. 'A' who appeared for the Supplemen- Venus-dasa from 26962
tary Exanynationjjuring-OctoberrWTlrpOsea' Rahu Bbukti from 251169
tne-the question whether he would pass in Ketu Anthra from 16871 to .
the exam. 181071
I judged at 4.15 P. M. on 81071, Ruling Planets at 4.15 P, M.on 81071
Friday at Challakere 14N20:: 76E46. Native Friday at 14N20 :: 76E46 are as follows. ,
chart Dasa, Bhukti and especially Aothra Lord Asc. at 17 54 Kumbha star Rahu
have to co-operatc for one's success. Rasi Saturn fRctj <
Moon at 16 7in Vmsbabha Star Moon
XII S'-43' Asc.llfl-22' Ketu 5'-3' III VMS' Rasi Venus.
Day Friday Lord Venus.
Mars 5 "-21' H 11M5' Rahu acts as an Agent of Rahu. Moon
was replaced' by Ketu which is posited in
Moon's house Kataka as a node is stronger .
than the Planet which it' is representing. So ,
XI 20-45' Birlh 3-30 P.M. IV 3"-45' finally took Rahu, Venus and Ketu.
3-12-56 Finding put the Anthra of Ketu who is ;
posited in the sub of Lord of XI and the ruling i
14N 20; 76E A6 Planets at the time of Judgment were ruling .
the native's (Querist's) Dasa, Bhukti and
X 30-45' HOROSCOPE Y 2M5' Anthra, I predicted that he must pass in the .
Exam, surely.
His father asked why he was failed iq
(iahu 5#-3' 0 0 March session. I told that it was due to non- .
IX 70-43' Vlll II--45' VU lI -22' Jup. 5 -44' co-oparation of Anthra Lord Mercury who is
o >81. 12-52' posited in VIM cusp in his own star fstroog).
Moon 0 -22' Sun ISM' Venus 16**33' VI 5M5'
Mcr; 290-21' The results were announced. It was
declared that the boy had been promoted.
Ketu dasa 6 Years 9 Month 21 i days Indeed suhlords decide one fate and bring
balance at birth 25962 honour to the astrologer.

Mr. G. V. SHARMA Bhilai-1. (M. P )
After a gap of 40 years I s blessed with
a grand-daughter on 1711971 at
10.35 A. M. at Waitair. .Everybody was A sc. II Suturn
IB 16-48-12 IV 11-48-12
jubilant and more so my eldest son as be was 13-45-43 22-21-0
promoted as Class I Officer within 4 months
from the date of birth of the girl. But she was
not keeping good health till her premature XII7-48-12
death. She expired on 2/381971. Rahu 17-1-1971 V 7-48-12
.Many old traditional'astrologers orally l-H-50
10-33 A.M.
told that the girl has full life and strangely one Lati n'-td' N.
astrologer gave in writing that the girl is long; 82'-2yE.
blessed with full life as the Ascendent lord XI 7-48-12 Ketu
Jupt aspects powerfully Ascendent itself. But Suo 3-4-26 Ayanamsa 23'-21' 1-44-30
ultimately she expired to the utter surprise. VI 7-48-12
As my eldest son (Girl's father) repeatedly
has been writing that the girl was not at all Mar 2-57-20 Moon
keeping good health but deteriorating day by X 11-48-12 Jup. 7t8-8 vm 3-16-0
day. and requsted me to prepare her horoscope Nep 9-6-31 17-43-12 VII13-43-43
and find out her longevity. This happened in Mer. 9-8-27 Vcq 16-11-0 Uta. 24-13-0
IX 16-48-12
the month of June 1971 and incidentally he
aloogwith his wife and the ailing daughter
came to Bhilai in 2nd week of July. 1971. MD-
-Inthe fi rstTveekmf Julyl "prepareci 'mysil f Balance of Sun's Dasa at Birth; 2 1 17
the horoscope of the girl strictly following Date of Birth; 1971 1 17
K. P. Propounded by our respected, unparal-
leled Guruji using Raphael's Table of bouses,
Krishnamurti Epbemeris and Krishnatnurti 1973 3
Ayanamsa only which is as follows;
Cuspal position Planetary Position
Btuva Star lord Sub lord Planet Star lord Sub lord
I Ven, Ven
II Ven. Mars. Sun. Sun. Sat.
III Moon Sat. Moon Sun. Merc.
IV Rabu Sat; Mars. Jupt. Rahu.
V Sat. Ketu.
VI Ketu Jupt. Mere, Ketu Jupt.
VII Moon Rahu Jupt. Sat. Merc.
VIII Rahu Sun Ven. Sat. Jupt.
IX Mere. Merc. Sati Ven. Sat.
X Ketu Merc.
XI Sun Ven. Rahu Mars. Merc.
XII Rabu' Rahu. Ketu Ketu Yen.
Sun Dasa, Merc. Bhukti 22 121970 to 2s 0971 0-971
Sun Dasa, Merc. Bhukti Merc antara !_121970 to 5-21971
Ketu i 2-1971 to 23-2-1971
Ven I 21971 to 14-4--1971
Sun 1 4T-I97I to 2941971
Moon 29 41971 to 2551971
Mars 25 51971 to U61971
Rabu ]3 61971 to 2371971
Jupt 28 71971 to 991971
Jupt Jupt, Sooksbma 2871971 to 31971
As my son doubted her longevity itself Lord of 6 Sun 273# 4' 26"
due to constant deteriorating condition of the Lord of 8 Ven 226 17 0
girl, I examined longevity only. Also it is Lord of 12 Sat 22 21 O
useless to find out other yogas if the native is
not blessed with long life. 521 42 26 (i. e.)
11 42' 26' Kanya
Our Guruji wrote in Vol. TI of K. P. in According to the above Sat should crttei
page 49 If the Asc. sub is governed by a either io Kanya or VrishbhafTrikona Rasij.No
Dialefic, his life is short. This is very clear in doubt Vrishabha is the sign which Sat occupied
the case of Twin births where one lives and at the time of death of the girl but entered on
the other dies. The sub lord is the deciding 2747i. Does this not show that this is
factor. Lords of L 5, 9 and 10 are benelics. not useful to pinpoint but has innumerable
Lords of 6, 8 and 12 are raalefics; If Lords of alternative long perioos.
I, 5, 9 and 10 also rule 6 or 8 or 12 consider
the planet as mostly a benefic.', This is a Let us see the rule given by Guruji.
simple unambiguous ruling given by our great
Guruji unlike tradifiourals. Asc. Sub lord and star lord are same
Venus. Lord of 8 in 8.
I quote below for example only 2 slokas Venus gives the clue that the girl has no
from "Phaladeepika 17th chapter-Niryana . full life. So ( started calcuUting on which day
Bhava to show how complicated and the girl would expire. Herebelow the same is
absurd: discussed.
Sloka: Randhreso Guliko Mandaha Asc. is Meena (CqinrnQn_sign)-assuch
Ktmatlrrkkana pn2pivfr yatra tishiafi'- fiadtraka"-Slana"irTth Tibuse.
tatbhamsa trikone Ravije mrutihi As already known to one and all 2 and 7
are Marakasthanas, 7th being Maraka and
i. e. Native dies when Sat enters in the Badhakastana it is the most evil house.
house-i or in Navamsa houses occupied by lord ,
of 8 or Gulika or Sat or Lord of 22nd Let us find out sigoificators of 2 and 7
drekkanadhipati. which indicate death.
I do not want to waste much time on this 2. Sat is in BhavaVeu, and jupt. are
but see in the present case Sat enters Vrishbha in Sat. star Sat as it is in Bhava.
on 27471. But lord of 8 Venus occupied J Lord of 2:Mars:Rahu is in Mart
Vrischika. Navamsa tasi occupied by Venus is ! star, Mars is Lord of 2.
Vrischika (i e.) Vargottama. Regarding Sat,
Sat occupied Mesha in Rasi The girl; Sat aspects Sun by its IOth aspect.
expired on 2/3871 (i.e.) after full Mars, Ven and Jupt. occupied i
3 months from the date Sat entered (a death house)
Sec how this rule is not useful 7. No planet in Bhava:
Lord Merc:No planets are in Mere.'
Another example from the same chapter. Star.
That means Merc is the strongesi
15th sloka: planet to inflict death.
Sfoka: Shasthavasana rundhresa sputaikya Therefore Ven, Jupt, Sat, Rabu, Mars,
bhavanam gatea Talrikonopagevapi maade Sun. and Merc, are the total sigoificaton
mrutywbhayam nrunam. which inflict death. That means except Ketu,
Moon all are to give death to the native in
This means the native dies when sat their conjoined period.
enters in a house, or in its Trikona Rasi,
which house is that house whose total sum of All the 8 planets arc in each others subs,
the longitudional distances of lords of 6, 8, 12. At this time, the followers of K. P. only easily
In the present case: decide the antara and Sooksbma and Day if
|hey strictly . follow Guruji's Principles Rahu made us believe that it -^ives cure
and the principles enunciated by Shri but actually became helpless due to other
M. Madhusudhna Rao(Editor'ADRUSHTAM' influencing factors.
Warangal] Both told that planets in death Sun Dasa Merc Bhukti Rahu antara from
inflicting fihavas and in their strong subs will I3_671 to 28771
help in deciding antara and Sookshma and the Sun Dasa Merc Bhukti Jupt antara from
day will be decided by the transit of 28771 to 9971
luminaries. Sun Dasa Merc Bhukti Jupt. Sookshma
See Jupt and Merc. Both are in Sookshma 28771 to 3871
parivarthava. That means Merc helps Jupt and This period of Jupt antara. Jupt Sookshma
Jupt helps Merc, in their conjoined periods. runs from 28771 to 3871 (7 days)
I selected Jupt. antara and Sookshma also, During this period I looked at transit of Sun
as Jupt in 8 a death house and particularly first to find the date of death. Sun transits
jupt must give results of Merc due to from 27771 to 3871 in Kataka in
Sookshma Parivarthana (Merc, being the Sat Star. Let us see Moon. Moon transits
strongest of all the significators and also strong Tula, Vrischika during the above 7 days I
lignificator of 7th house, 7th being most evil selected Vrischika sign as Mars. (Lord of II
house.) Maraka house) is conjoined with Jupt
& Ven. in Vrischika itself. Moon is
At the time (i. c.) July 1st week of also in Merc, star, the strongest death
preparation of this horoscope the native was inflicting planets. Jup. sub (antara &
surprisingly running Sun dasa Merc. Bhukti sookshma nadha) which extends from 236 6'
Rahu antara. In this Antara period only my 40" to 237 53' 20"This 236 6' 40" is entered
son, his wife and daughter came to Bhilai. At by moon on 2/3871 at 2.48 A. M. The girl
times she appears to be alright. This also I child exact!y_expired at-2.50 A.-M.
checked.- This_is ^nly due-to Rahu^ Ruira ~ This I revealed to my wife in the first weeh
-is^in l tr As no planets are in Rahu, Rahu is of July with instructions fiot to get alarmed
a strong significator of 11 besides representing and make my son and his wife to get alarmed.
Sat in Mesh a (weak Sat as it is neecha) As Strangely it can be seen how jupt., lord of
11th house is to give cure I looked to Jlth Lagna (Jupt) aspecting lagna itself inflicted
Cusp, This 11 th Cusp ism Sat SignSun death whom, the traditionals gconsider to save
StarVen Sub. As the sub lord Yen is a life by mitigating even a lakh of Doshas. Once
strong significator of II and also lord 8 to more this has proved K. P. ever prevails but
inilict death, how a malefic can give cure? never, never fails.
It is sure that even though Rahu a significator With Pranams to Guruji and Shri
f 11 (a curring house; as it is under the M. Madhusndhana Rao I conclude.
powerful influence of Mars a significator of 2
by being Rahu in Mars star Merc. Sub and Let K. P. keep all in peace.
aspected by Mars by its 4th aspect. Subham.

What do you mean by Ruling Planets? according to Hindu Theory flrom the momcat
1. There are 7 days in a week and every of Sun rise to the moment of succeeding Sim
day is ruled by one planet. The nodes are not rise. It may be less than or greater tham
given any day. They don't own even any sign 24 hours, whatever it is, sun rise, to sun rise
in the zodiac. They are considered stronger is a day. The day changes only just after the
than the planets who own the sign or who sun rise, and so the ruling planets as mentioned
rule the day. Sunday is ruled by Sun, above wjll begin to operate from the moment
Monday by Moon, Tuesday by Mars, Wednes- of .sun rise and the next planet will begin tt
day by Mercury, Thursday by Jupiter. Friday govern the day from the time of next sun rise.
^ /by Venus and Saturday by Saturn, therefore This is called lord of the day.
these planets are respectively the rulers of the 2. The Zodiac is divided into 2/f
day. Here the day is taken into consideration equal parts and each area is called Lunar
Mansion and they are supposed to be ruled by a) Star lord of the ascendant, lord of the
the planets includiug the nodes. So 27 con- ascendant, star lord of the Nakshathra. star
stellations are distributed among the 9 planets lord of the Rasi and then the lord of the day.
and nodes in the order of Vimsbodbari dasa b) Of these planets, if any were to be in
system. Therefore if either the ascendant or the constellation of a planet in exaltation that
Moon or any planet were to be in a particular is the strongest. If any planet even though
constellation it is said that the ascendant or strong in sign if it were to be in the constella-
Moon or the planet is in the constellation tion of a debilitated planet, ij is weak. In this
ruled by a Planet which is ascertained from manner one is to judge a planet which is
Vimshodhari Dasa. The lord of the constella-
tion in which Moon was, is said to be the stronger than the other; that must necessarily
ruler of the Nakshathra at that time, on that operate while judging for the ruling planets.
day. If at a particular time, the ascendant c) Even though ruling planets are selected
falls in one of these constellations then the in the order given in para 1, if a ruling planet
led of the constellation is said to be the ruler were to be in the sub of another who is
of the star of the ascendant. detrimental to the houses to be judged for a
3. Zodiac is divided into 1^2 equal parts particular matter by being the significator of
and each is called a sign and these signs are houses 8 and 12 to house to be judged then
ruled by 7 planets ard nodes having no sign this will not be a fruitful ruling planets.
of their own, The behaviour of the nodes is d) If ruling planet selected according to
peculiar and it should be understood after para 1, were to be in the sub of a retrograde
referring to Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Regard- planet t -en also this ruling planet is not useful.
ing the ownership or ruler ship of these signs Hence while selecting the ruling planets these
Mars i ules the signs land 8, Venus governs conditions are to be observed.
2 and 7 Mercury 3 and 6, Moon the 4th
alone. Sun the Sth^sign aloncrTupiter 9 aad-12- ej 111 he niling Jjlanet is retrngrade or
and Saturn 10 and 11 Counted from Mesha even though if the Inrd nf the constellatiDTi in
Aries. Therefore if either Moon or the which ruling planet whether in direct motion
ascendant were to be in any of these, then the or retrograde motion is retrograde one should
owner of the sign is said to be the ruler of the not decide that the matter will not materialise
Rasi where Moon was and ruler of the ascen- because of the ruling planets. After thorough
dant where Lagna was. research it has bsen established, that a ruling
These ruling planets included the lord of planet fails to offer only when it is in a sub
the day, the lord of the Nakshathra where the the lord of which is retrograde.
ascendant is, the lord of the Rasi where If Rahu or Kethu were to be in conjunc-
Ascendant falls, the lord of the constellation tion wiih another planet or aspected by another
where Moon is, the lord of the sign where planet or if it were to be in a sign Rahu and
Moon is. Kethu will act as an Agent for them. Foe
Regarding the planets there are two ways further details refer to Rahu and JKethu in
of ascertaining. Krishnamurli Padhdhati.


The advanced Stellar Theory of astrology, Ruling planet can better be named as the
commonly known as the Krishnaraurti masterkey which can be fitted to any problem
Padhdhati has revolutionised ths whole lock to unlock the secrets of such problems
predictive asTrolugy and it is a definite which one may face in any walk of life, may
improvement over Uk old traditional system it be a question related to one^s education,
of prediction. It has givea a new vision to marriage, child birth or it, may be a question
the astrologer and it is only after related to one's employment such as promo-
.inirodyjtion of K P. that we can call astrology tiou, transfer etc. The Ruling planets are
a Science. But the Masterpiece part of always there to guide the wise astrologer.
ihe whole work of Sri IC. S. Krishuamurti Ruling planets can be applied to the Natal
is the invention ol Ruling Planets. The Horoscopy as well as to the Horary Astrology
with the sattie accuracy and at the same time figured in the Ruling planets and the Moon is
the application is so simple and easy that even replaced successfully by the two Nodes. Thcrc-
a novice of this science can make use of Ruling fofo we can safely exclude the second Mercury
planets with the same authority as an master sign Virgo and concentrate upon Gemini
expert can do. Whether if be a major or a only. .
minor event, the rule of the Ruling planets is Here we are mainly concerned with fixing
infallibly helpful in correctly fixing the time of the time of arrival but it is interesting to note
that event. that the ruling planets have not fall short of
I am narrating here one'such example out their role and the strong Mercury suggests that
of many where the Ruling planets have been the team will come on a Wednesday and no
correctly used to fix up the time of occurance other day as no other planet ruling
of an event. A team of experts was scheduled the week day is included in the ruling
to visit my office on January i9, 1972 at planets except one, so it cannot be Tuesday or
13-30 hours. But there was no mention in the Thursday, or any other Week day.
programme where the members of the team The Gemini sign consists of Mars star
will take their lunch on and so I became Chitra till 6 40', then Rahu star Swati till 203
anxious to know before hand the exact time and lastly the Jupiter star Vishakha. The Mars
of arrival of the team so that the necessary and Jupiter are not amongst the ruling planets
arrangements could be made. Equally and so we are left with the strong node Rahu
interested were my office assistants. could star Swati to consider.
not get time for a few days and only oil 17th
January, 1972. I got some time and at Therefore I declared that on 19th January,
3.48 P. M. sharp I sat to work out time of 1972, Wednesday at a time when ascendant
arrival of the team by making use of the rises in Gemini sign, Rahu Star, Mercury sub
Ruling planets. The whole procedure is given the team will arrive, or the team will arrive
below: ; J^\ when the ascendant rises in the Mercury sign
The day is (17th January, i972j a \Vednesi * sub rangesRahu star' KeTir~s\jb. The Merciny
day. The time of calculation is 3.48 P.M. 1ST ' the Ketu subfrom is
12 33' 20" to 14 26' 40" and
from 14 26'40" to 15 12' 20".
The Moon is transitting in Capricorn sign, In Marcury sub I select the Ketu subsub and
RohiniStar. The ascendant was in rising in in the Ketu sub I select the Mercury subsub.
XjemmrSTgn and in Arudra star. So the Ruling These two points of zodiac are jointly con-
planets at the time of judgment are trolled by the three ruling planets, and we take
1. Day Lord is Mercury. the starting points of them only. The details
2. Moon sign Lord is Saturn. of the calculations are given as under.
3. Moon star Lord is Moon. 1. Mercury sign Rahu star Mercury
4. Ascendant sign lord js Mercury. sub & Ketu subsub ranges from 12 49' 20" to
12 55' 59" of Gemini and 2. Mercury sign
5. Ascendant star lord is Rahu. Rahu star Ketu sub & Mercury subsub
So the total Ruling planets are Mercury, elongates from 15.06.40 to 15.73.40 of
Saturn, Moon and Rahu. The Moon is Gemini.
conjoined with Rahu and Ketu is in Cancer. 1". The Nirayana ascen-
Thus the two strong nodes replace the Modn dant to rise in the
completely. Rahu is in Capricorn and Saturn east 12 49'20" Gemini
is retrograde so we replace it with Rahu. Kfishnamurti Aya-
Therefore only Mercury, Rahu and Ketu arc namsa , for 1972
our final Ruling planets. Since the Ruling added to it 23 22' 00"
planets are limiteo to three only and the two
nodes are not alloted any signs in the Zodiac 06 11' 20" of Cancer
we are not left with many alternatives to
consider except the two signs, Gemini and the The corresponding Sidereal time to this
Virgo owned by Mercury. TTie Virgo consists ascendant fOfi 11' 20" of Cancer) to rise from
of three padas of Sun star Ultraphalguni, upto the Raphael's Table of houses comes to 23 hrs
10 deg. and then Moon star Hasta to 23 20' 32 mts 26 sec. The Sidereal time at previous
and lastly the two padas of the Mars star 5.30 P.M. (18172) is 01 hrs. 18 mts!
Chitra til! 30" Virgo Sun and Mars have not 01 sec., deducted and also the correctTon time
at the ra^e of 10 sec per house which comes But it appears little funny since two times for
to 3 mts 40 sec. deducted from this figure and arrival of one team have been calculated. It is
We finally get figure of f23h32' 26" difficulty to fix up one of these two times.
Ih; 21' 41") 22 hrs 10 mts 45 sec. That means I consider that the^Mercury is an important
22 hrs 10 mts 4S sec. after the previous planet and it is repealed twice, and the day is
5.30 P, M. LMT the team will reach or in Wednesday ruled by Mercury and the sign is
Other words the team will reach Rampur at also a dual one Gemini. So the dual t atiire
3.40.43 LMT or we may, say that the team of Mercury and the Gemini will play th<' role
will arrive at 3.54 37 P.M. 1ST ("after adding of duplicacy and the team will arrive in two
13 mts 52 sec. which is the LMT correction instalments. The first batch of team will
for Rampur). arrive at 3.5 5 P. M 1ST and the second batch
When we apply the same calculations to of the team will arrive at 4 05 P.M. 1ST. On
the second point i. e. 15 06' 40" to Gemini 19I 71 we started waiting right from
Nirayan or S ^8' 40" of Cancer sayati to rise 1.30 P.M. but to our surprise the first vehicle
in the east the corresponding Sidereal time carrying three members of team arrived at-
comes to 23 hrs 42 mts 36 sec. and after 3.55 P.M. and the other vehicle carrying the
making the necessary deductions of 1 hr 18 rats last batch arrived at the office at 4.05 P. M.
01 sec. and 3 mts 40 sec. as explained above 1ST. We all were happy and many of the office
we get 22 hrs 20 mts 53 sec. That means after assistants congratulated rae for the correct
22 hrs 20 mts 58 sec. after the previous prediction and 1 expressed my gratitude to
5.30P.M. LMT the team will come. This the Master astrologer, Sothida Mannan, Jyotish
comes to 3.50.5 8 P.M. LMT or 4,05 P.M. Marthan K. S. Krishnamurti, the inveutor of
1st the teim will come (13 mts 52 sec. which Krishnamurti Padhdhati and the Ruling
' LMT corTection tira^Tof R anipurTs^addedr) Planets.

! fi
P. 5. SA5TRI, S.A.R.I., Koraput ('Orlssa;
Hullo, Sastri, Your prediction about ray As per K. P., planet is the source to
promotion has come true. So saying Sri. indicate certain matters. The Icrd of the
Sridhar Mahapairo acknowledged on constellation in which the planet is situated^
281*72 at evening. Tim querist had met indicates the nature of results and the Sub is
me on U10'71 at 5.40. P. M. to get his the deciding factor as to whether the mailer is
horoscope rectified and to have a copy cast favourable or not.
in K. P., when he met me he handed over
details. Moon position at that raomeut was In this case Dasa lord Moon is in the Sub
in the sign Gemini 27 degrees 28 minutes. of planet in 6th bhava.
His birth lagna was also the same. * Buktl lord Saturn is in the Sub of planet
I in 10th. Anthara lord Venus is in the Sub of
Horoscope is as follows: ' lord of Lagna. Since the Dasa Bhukti and
M Antara lords aie signif>ing 6, 10, 9 and 5bouses
oon as well as Dasa lord's and Bhukti lord's
28c-2ro lup.Vcnu
22-14' Rahu CMS Mars 190-49' disposition in the Sub signifies the houses_i>
Havi 2f) -09 Lagna and-which is excellent Antharnaaha
XII 27"=2r 17*-28'
Merc. 60-19' XI 25 12' signifies 5 and 9 houses, which shows change
of place.
D/B 9-4-1929 Hence I predicted that he will get promo-
iX 20o-2r Tuesday 11-41-04 A.M. II 220-21' tion and change of place during last week of
I.S.T January 1972.
18'-47' N. 84o-08' E
Budha Balance o
Since the Transit Ravi passes through
VIII 22-2r 4 Yeais 10 Months m 20 -2I * in Bhukiinadba sign in Sub of
27 .Days Rahu fwho is in llth also is the agent of
of Venus) on 27172.
Surprisir gly the querist received promo-
VII 28-28' VI 270-i.r tion order as S. D. O. fRural Engineering
V 22p-39' IV 22''-21' Organisation) and change of place on
Sat. 7-45' Ketu 0o-18' 271'72, morning. He came to me on
28I'72 evening and conveyed his con-
Secondly the 7ih cusp Sub lord in the gratulations so 5a>ing 'Is astrology a miracle?*,
horoscope happened to be Moon and situated as there was a proposal to lift ihe promotion
in Revaihi star. It means 7th Cusp Sub lord of S. D. Os by Government of Orissa.
occupied dual sign and with star whose lord is He wholeheartedly expressed that all K. P.
a dual planet. followers can give correct predictions and the
The native admitted that he had two picture of divine plan with perfection and
marriages. Then I found Moon dasa Saturn "precision whereas
bhukti and Mercury antara runs at that time Long Live Gurujee. Ever Live K. P.
from 29'7ito9II '71. Then follows
Ketu antara from 911'71 to 21'72.
Then follows Venus antara Irom 2I'72. Good Luck

P. S, SASTRY, Koraput COrissa;
On the 8th September 1971 one of my of the occupants,, are stronger than the
fcolleagues wanted me to predict when his wife
occupants themselves. AH these planets will
will get a transfer to the place where he is give the result of the house in varying degrees
working as they had so far been to live depending on the subs occupied by them.
seperatcly at a long distance away from each Rahu and Kethu are Moon^s ascending'anc:
other. He put the query at 6.40 A. M. on descending nodes. They are always stronger
8.971 at Koraput (18-45N). I took it for than the planets represented by them. They
judgement at 5 P. M on the same day for the give, first the results of the planets with which
number given by his wife within 249. The they are conjoined then the results of the
number was 215. planets in whose constellation they are
deposited then those of the planets aspecting
them and then the results of the owner of the
Moon Saturn sign occupied by them.
II \V-2Y 8 -21'o 13M)3' V l20-23'
III 20 -23' Vi W-IY When will the Transfer Materialse?
One can expect transfer during the
Lagna No. 21 (215) VI 8'-23' conjoint period of the significatdrs of houses
3, 10 and 12. The significators for these houses
1026' 8971 19 N. Ketu 19-21 are Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn. But
S^DOTrM.TSiT. Mars wiioria-lord of3-aiid IB is-posited in.
Balance of Ketu Mere, 4o0-48 12th conjoined with Rahu and aspecting Ketu .
Rahu 29-24' Dasa 2 years 7 months VU 10 0-26' Hence the favourable planets are Mars, Rahu
Marss (R) Ravi 21 -48' and Ketu. Whenever the significators are
l8 -33' and 12 days Venus 2So-0' numerous it is necessary to select the strongest
XII 80-23' planets; the best method is to find out the
ruling planets at the moment of judgement
9 X l7-23' <> 0 and to see which of them agree with the
Xt 12 -23' Jupiter IX 20 -23' VIH l7 -23' signifactors. Those ruling planets which are
60-15' deposited in the sub of retrograde puhiets
will not advance the results. Reject them and .
For transfer in service we have to judge take the remaining. In the above chart the
houses 3, 10 and 12. The third house shows ruling planets are as follows:
change of place and short journey, 10th house Day Lord Mercury (Wednesday)
employment: and 12th house new envoirn- Rasi Lord Mars (Aries)
inent and thorough change. Star Lord Ketu (Aswani)
Is Transfer Possible? The common significators are found to
In Horary Astrology the sub lord of the be Mars and Ketu alone. At the time of the
5th or 9th cusp should be situated in the star judgment, Ketu dasa balance was 2 years
whose lord should be in a moveable or dual 7 months and 12 days. Ketu dasa, Mars.
sign. In this case the 5th cusp sub lord is Bhukti is now running. In this period Ketu
saturn who occupied Moon's star and Moon Antara operates from 21171 to 121171
is in Aries which is a moveable sign. Hence As the Antara is of a short duration J con-
transfef is indicated. Rut for natal charts if sidered the Moon transit during the above
the Antara lord happens 10 be the sub lord period. On 21171 which is , a Tuesday
of 5tb or 9th cusp then move is possible. fruled by Mars) Moon transits in Mars sign
Now according to Krishnamurti Padhdhati (Aries) Ketu Star (Aswani), Hence T boldly
the owner of a house is the owner of the sign declared that she will receive her transfer
where the cusp falls. Planets in the constella- order on 2nd November 1971. The querrent
tion of the owner of a house arc stronger than congratulated me on *511 /I in my ofirceoit
the owner give the result of that house. receipt of a letter from his wife saying my
Further the occupant of a Bhava is stronger prediction had come true to the letter. #
than the planet of in any of the constellations "Lonc Live Guruji"

One gentlemen, with his wife and. two The-eldest member of the family put me
children were on pilgrimage tour. They took, the following queries.
a chance and paid visit to my place on their
way. In the course of the talk, the lady aid (a) When will I have next promotion?
^'Whenever we consult any astrologer he or (b) When will I change my car, (c) when will
she says that if at all we suffer it was due to I extend my building and (d) when can I have
Sade-sati L e. 7^ years Saturn and they a grand son?
threaten and depress us." As you are an This clearly implies that inspite of Sade-
.authority we wanted to consult you. Now Skti, to one or the other, the eldest member is
only we had the opportunity to meet you at in service, having enjoyed already some
Madras. You kindly go through the promotion and he wants to find out the next"
4 horoscopes and tell us what Sade-Sati can (c) he had already constructed a house and he
do for us. would like to extend it, due to the birth of
The elderly Gentlemen (the head of the grand daughters, (b) he enjoys the benefit of
family) was born in Punarvasu star whereas conveyances, (d) he had his children already
the elderly lady (bis wife) was born in and they had so far only daughters etc. Sade-
Poorvashada. The first daughter to them was Sati to one member or other did not deny any
born in Revathi and the second issue, a son. to that family.
jvas bQm_in Hastham. Hence in that family My^confinned opinion or Adding is that
all the 4 members, had Moon Tn 4~ai!!erenE Sade-Sati would not necessarily spoil all" the
Rasis. One had Moon in Mithuna, the other persons and stand on the way of their progress.
In JKanya, another in Danus and 4tb in No importance be given to Sade-Sati. This is;
Meena. a crude method, most unscientific one. To
lit years Saturn Traditional astrologers satisfy the consultant, every one has some
-opine that one experiences adverse results problem or the other, some worry or the other
when Saturn transits in the sign, 12 to Moon's and immediately to dispose the consultant by
sign (for nearly 2^ years) then in the same repeating the Sade-Sati like a parrot is most
sign where Moon was (for 2% years) and then unscientific.
in the next sign counted from Moon's sign Has any body confessed that, (a) most of
(for a period of nearly 2 years). Thus when the people having Sade-Sati enjoyed their life,
Moon transits in 12, one and 2 counted from (b) had been cured from Chronic diseases,
Modn^s sign i. e. in 3 consecutive signs it takes (c) had marriage celebrated, (d> children
nearly. years. Sox Saturn transiting in these born, Ce) got into service, (f) opened
signs for nearly 7^ years is called 'Sade-Sati'. business, (g) had promotion and, (h) made
In. a family where the members have much money in the business. Indeed, it is a
Moon in MithUna, Kanya, Danus and Meena, fact, Nobody can deny that people who had
one member or the other must ever have Sade- Saturn transitting in 11 experienced lot of
Sati. When one is having Sade-Sati, any one difficulties whereas the same group of people
of the other members can have Ashtama enjoyed when Saturn was in 8 or in 12. There-
Sani alio. fore one need not entertain any fear only due
to Sade-Sati.
This family, though not actually suffering
is terribly afraid of the various threatening 1 strongly advise ray readers to go through
predictions of Sade-Sati, heard from Tradi- my book on 'TRANSIT and know the correct
tional Astrologers. results of Gochara Phala.
JyotisK Praveena P. R. MURALIDHARAM. B.E., A.M.I.C.E.,
H. N. NAGENDRA, B E., fMech )
a. The horoscope for the moment of Second, Sixth and Tenth house is-
Judgment is as foil, ws; unoccupied. Eleventh house is occupied
by Jupiter. No planet is in Jupiter Star.
V 5-19' VI I'-ir The lords of the second, sixth, tenth
11! 5-l9' IV 7-19' and eleventh.houses are Saturn, Mercury,.
Saturn VII 27O-20' Venus and Mars respectively. Jupiter is in.
Saturn Star. Kethu is in Mercury star.
M ion and Mercury are in Venus Star,
11 0P-I9' No. 186 Kethu No planet is in Mars Star.
.6-26 P.M. I.S.T. Saturn, Moon and Mercury aspects the
tl'HMi- -second-bouse^ Saturn aipecls the elevenl
Mars Davangere0 Vlll 0-19' house also. Include Sun since posited in.
Ayaobmsa 23 -2r Moon the same sign in which Venus is posited,
Rahu Mercury (The difference of Longitude is about
Hence Jupiter, Kethu, Mood, Mercury,.
1 27-20' Jupi ter Sun Mars, Saturn, Venus and Sun are the
XI X 70-l9' JX 50-l9'
xn r-i9' 5-19' Venus significators.
In Uttarakalamrita, Kalidas implies that
nodes offer the results of the Planets witb
b. Planetary Pos'tions which they are conjoined or that b/ which
Planet Sia. lord Sublord they are a.peeled or offer the results of
SuD Sun Jup the lords of the signs, where they are
Moon Ven Rahu situated, if there is do conjunctjon or
Mars Moon Mire aspeci.
Mere Ven Sun Rabu is conjoined with Mars. Rahu is
Jup Sal Ketu in Moon star and is posited in Saturn sign,
Ven Sun Kelu SaRahuis a sigoificator. Kethu is net
Sit Moon Rahu only the significator, by being tenamed in
Rshu Moon Meic the Star of Mercury, lord of the sixth,
Kelu Merc Ketu house, but also he is aspected by three
. Astrological Analysis eigoiSciitors. i. e., Mars, Saturn and Jup ter
Further Kethu is in Moons' sign. So Kethu
In asirological paralance, second house is a strong significator.
indicates one's bank position and self
acquisuion. 6th house denotes gelling the ruling planets at the moment of the
moriey b. Idan or loan repaid by one who judgmem are:
borrowed far by receiving one's due, due SatDay lord; SunS'gn lord;; Ven
to service rendered to anfaihei. Star lord; Jup-Lagna lord; Lagna Star lord
Temh house shows one's profession, Jupiter.
receipt of money i hereby, etc., - (Rahu represents Saturn; Kethu repre-
Eleventh houseshows the net profit. sents Saturn A Jupiter.)
Hence consider Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, 1971 and 16th Nov. 1971. Moon will be
Sun, Rahu & Ketbu. in Sun signKethu Star (MagbaraJ on
No Pianet is retrograde on this day, Thursday,the UthNovember 1971. Jupiter,
hence no Pianet is posited in the star of a beneficial strongest significator on this
retrograde pianet. According to K. P., if day transits in Mars sign-Mercury star-
the Sub-lord is one of the sigoificator, then Mercury sub (Mercury is in Venus star
the planet deposited in such a sub is (Lord of ICHh) and lord of the 6lh cusp.
beneficial, otherwise not Mercury aspects the 2nd cusp and is
aspected by the Uih cusp lord Mars. So
In this chart Jupiter, Venus and Kethu Mercury is connected to 2nd, fiih, 10th and
are in K.ethus' sub, a strong significator. 11th houses. So Mercury is equally
Sun is in Jupiter sub. Saturn is in Rahu powerful significator).
aub. Rabu is in Mercury sub. Out of the
above sigaificators Jupiter, Venus and Therefore on 11th November 1971 the
Kethu are the strongest. native will receive his arrears of Salary.
The event fruitifies, when the strongest [Editor; Congratulations to both for
beneficial sigoificator or the luminaries your correct prediction. In future you take
transit any or many of the sensitive points Natal charts also and explain various aspects
ruled bv the beneficial sienificators. , .ofJife,4)lease.]
Sun a significater and a luminary transits
in Venus sign Jupiter star between 6th Nov. Good Luck


Example ^ Tbe Astrologer is to predict whether
The Horoscope of the querist is given he will enter into partnership or not.
below Astrologer is not to offer advice and
astrologer is to predict what has happened
and what will take place.
VIII Rahu Moon
]20-\4' 60-35' XI I7-6' Today, 2272, is a Wednesday, and
na-v IX l80-6' Mercury
188-6' Moon is transitting in Poorvapaiguui
Nakshathra; therefore Sun, Venus and
Dt. 20/21-KM 948 Mercury (the Lord of the day) are the
vn ic'ms' at 2-47 A.M. I.S.T. XII17-6' ruling planets. His Nakshathra Karthik is
correct as it is in Venus sign. Sun's star
Ay a oam sa 230-2' and Mercury's sub. Also his Ascendant is
Sun dasa Balance in Sun's sign Venus star. Taking that the
1 Year 6 Months Asc.Sat. 0 horoscope furnished . by the Querist is
VI 17 .6' 16 -48' correct, he is replied as follows ;
14 Days. Venus
Meridian indicates the nature of the
III 18-6' Merc. 20-26' profession by which one can earn. Meri-
V 170-6' IV Kethu dian is in 1806' in Taurus, so it is in
Jxyiiter 1S6-6'0
2--09' Mars 9 -28' Sun12-14'
4'>-2!/ II I7-6'
Moon's star and Mercury's sub. Mercury
is Lord of 2 and II and it is in the con-
steliation of Lord of 1, deposited in the
First we should see whether he wil have second house. Meridian receives the aspect
any business. Secondly whether partner- of Lord of 7. Therefore business will be
ship will be had by him. really satisfactory and profitable.
Will I have partnership? From our' in its own star, you can have your younger
experience, we have found that some brother or sister or a neighbour as your
people have partnership from their com- partner.
mencement oi their career till the end of Wjil I be cheated by any ?
the lite. Some start independently and in
the middle, they have partnership. Some Always for deception we have to judge
-start with partnership and then become the 12th bouse. 12th bouse is occupied
independent. Some wind up the show. by Saturn and is owned by Moon. Since-
There are so many varieties. Astrologer Moon is in the constellation of your Lord
can find all these different conditions from of the Ascendant and it is in ibe Sub of
the horoscope of a person only b y judging Mercury, Lord of 2 and 11, any one born
the Dasas which ate running. In this case, in Moon's star that is Robini, Hastba,
the Dasas that are to run, are Rabu, Sravanam will be ever working to your
Jupiter, Saturn etc. Rabu is deposited in advantage and they cannot in any manner
Lhc.constellation of Ketu_and isjn _the_sub._ cheat you. Sani is in the constellation of
ofMtrcury. Ketn is in the second bouse node in-2~ihd is in the^Sub f Lord bfT-
and Mercury is Lord of 2 and 11. There- and 6, hence even if any body wuuld try
fore Rabu is a very strong significator to cheat you in their periods and sub-
promising the commencement of a business periods then they are throwing mud om
as well as running business. Jupiter, is their own bead, whereas their attempts
also depot ited in the constellation of Ketu would never deprive you, but anything
which is in the second bouse and Jupiter will be to your advantage and their dis-
is in the Sub of Venus, who is Lord of 10. advantage. Hence you need not entertain
Saturn is also in the constellation of Ketu any fear.
situated in the second hoUse and it is in , But Mars is the planet, which is in.
its own sub. Therefore after this person Saturn's star. Hence during Mars period,
has completed 18 years and 6 months of you ought to have lost. Mars major,
hjs age for a prosperous period of ^3 years, period will hot return in .your life-time.
the Dasas of Rabu, Guru and Sani have to Be Bold. Go ahead. Believe in God.
run. Therefore the future is really bright Be true. Do the right. Good Luck.
and ever improving. It is a progressive
horoscope. Example 2:
Partnership is indicated by the 7th Cusp The horoscope of another is as follows:
and the significator of the 7; just like for Mercury
marriage, we have to find out the partner- 24a-42' Jup 20o-38/ < /
ship. 7tb Cusp is in }648' Aquarius/ Veous
Therefore it is in Rabu's star Venus sub! ,19V21' XI 26'-54' Xll 2^-42' fi,sc. 27 '-00
Venus is Lord of 3 and Lord of 10 It Mars
: l2 -2r I;
is in its own constellation. Therefore Moon :
partnership will be bad and it is also 22"-49' 15-21953 Ketu 18'-34'
advantageous. During Rabu dasa, .Rabu IX 22<'-42' 3-35 P.M. I.S.T. II 23>42'
bhukii, Venus antra, in April, 1969, the Merc, ty-ll'
partnership ought to have been made. Sub 3o-20' ' Ayanarnsa 23c-6'
Whomsoever Venus indicates, you can Jupiter Dasa
cake as partner cr you would have taken VIII 23M2' Balance 12 Years
0 . Ill 229-42'
- as a partner. Venus is being aspected by Rahu 1S -34' 7 Months 13 Days
Jupiter. Venus is in the Sun's sign, along
with Saturn. Therefore any one whose
luting planet happens to be Jupiter, Venus V 26-54'
and Saturn will be your permanent partner. VII 27"-OC' VI 27- 42' Sai. (H) IV 24-42'
Since the Sub-Lord of the 7tb Cusp is
Venus and it is Lord of 3 and 10. situated '
The 7th cusp indicates bot{i the partner- palguni or Uthrashada will be your
ship and business. Whether one will partner.
prosper in the business or not. It is Secret enemies are judged from 12tb
advisable to judge the Sub Lord of the 7th house.
Cusp. The Sub Lord must be a significator this signNowhere planet is in 12. But Lord of
the 12th Cusp falls, is
of the houses 2 or 6 or 11. Then only one Venus. Hence Jupiter which is in Venus
will prosper in this .business. constellation indicates either in investment
10th house is for one's reputation, or expenses and loss; but Venus in its Sub
popularity and profession. Here the 10th period will give the results of the houses 1,
house is owned by and also occupied by 4 and 8.
Jupiter. The Meridian is in 24 42' Venus indicates purchases of Land,
Pisces. It is in the constellation of the
Lord of Lagna and the Sub of Rahu, who building, commence
conveyance. His period is to
from July, 1972; thereafter ail
is the significator of the second bouse and conveniences will be had and the most
7th. Therefore business will be profitable; peaceful and pleasant period of Venus,
-popularity -will Jse..increasing; rt-WilLsuit will commence:
The period when your self aquisition For you, as regards, Saturn Dasa, Venus.
will start, will be judged from the houses Bhukti in traditional astrology, there are
2, 6. 7, 10 and 1-1. Second house is not two contradictory rulings. It is said that
occupied by any planet but it is owned by if Saturn or Venus or both happened to be
Moon, whose star is occupied by Rahu. the planets causing Rajayoga, then, when
Second house is represented by Kethu. 6th both of them oir either of them, happened
house is not occupied by any; Mars is its to be exalted, the native will beg alms in
lord; Saturn is in Mars' star and in the sub the street even though he is bom a King
of Venus. Saturn aspects the 2nd bouse. or a Kubera.
10th house is owned and occupied by It is also said that if either Saturn or
Jupiter and Moon alone is in Jupiter's star. Venus happen to be the owner of the 8th
Moon is represented by Kethu; therefore or the 12th house, then, if they are
you will have self aquisition from Saturn mutually placed in the houses 6, 8 and 12,
Dasa, Kethu Bhukti, i. e., immediately to each other, then the native will have
after yon attain majority. Mars must have most brilliant results. Thus there are tw
some connection or the other to give different rulings, one says that you will
courage, to do the business and the present become a prince and the other a begger,
Dasa Lord Saturn receives the 8th aspect Saturn is Lord of 8 and Venus is Lord of
from Mars; therefore you will do business 12. They are in 6 and 8 to each other;
from Saturn Dasa. therefore they will offer for wealth and
For prosperity we have to note the life. So which to predict is a problem to
Dasas which are to run. Now you are the traditional astrologer. Krishnamurti
running Saturn Dasa; then Mercury Padhdhati, gives clearly the clue. Saturn
follows, later Kethu and so on. Saturn is Dasanatha is in the constellation of Lord
in the 4th house; it is in the constellation of 6 and 11 and is deposited in the constel-
of Lord of 6 and 11. Next Mercury Dasa lation of Venus. Venus is exalted and is
which is in Rahu's star, which is the in the 9th house. Venus is in Jupiter sign.
significator of 2 and 7, then follows Kethu Mercury star, Venus Sub. It is conjoined
Dasa which is also connected with the with Lord of 6 and 11. So Venus is also
house 2; for many years you will be only advantageous; Saturn Dasa, Venus Bhukti
in business: Gain or loss depends on the will prove to be good. Therefore it is
lords of the sub period. advisable to take up a - business and'the
Since the 7th cusp is in Sun's star and advantages will accrue straight from the
Sun's Sub,any one bom in Simba Lagna .. .timcyou start the business. Q
or Simha Rasi or in Karthik, Uthra- '' ' Good Luck.
B. V. S. S. RAMA RAO, Rajam,' Dt. Srikakulam, A.P.

Time of Judgment: 28I1972 (Friday) Planet, Star lord Sub lord

2-57 I. S. T. (Noon) Kuja Budha Sani
Place of Judgment. Rajam. 83 40'E Ravi Moon Guru
18* 2S'N Moon Rahu Moon
Budha Ravi Rahu
No. Within 249 - 87 Leo (Sun, Kelhu, Sufcra Guru Guru
Moon) Sani(R) Ravi Budha
- Rahu -Moos- Knja_
Kethu San i Moon
Kuja Sat. (R) IX 5V2' Guru Ketu Kuja
270-55' IX 2'-26' 6-3'
Moon For transfer, houses 3,10, 12 are to be
vjn r-2' X 4 *-2' l80-47' considered,
(1) 3rd House is vacant
Sukra XII 40-2' (2) 10th House is occupied by Saturn.
ZC-SS' RASI CHAKRA As Rahu is occupying Capricorn,
vn 3o-40' ll'-48' Saturn is represented by Rabu; Kcthe
Balance of Rahu is in Saturns star.
Rahu 1 r-48'
0 dasa 1 Year (3) 12th House is occupied by Kethu:
Ravi 1I0 -41' 7 Months 21 Days lord of the I2lh house is Moon and
YI 4 -2' I 3 *-40' it is in Rahu's star and in its own
Budha sub hence powerful.
0a-57' To sum up Rahu, Moon and Kethu are
V 5"-2' the strdng signiheators. Moon is also in 11 tb
IV 4e-2' III 2*-26' n ivz' JBhava aspected by Jupiter. Surprisingly Moon
Jap. 4D-48' isoccupyiog Rahu'sstarand Rahu is occupying
Moon's star and Hence Rahu and Moon are
Horary chart was casted as per Advanced ' At the moment of the query the day lord
Stellar system advocated by Prof. Krishnamurti is sukra, star lord is Rahu Moon is transniting
Cusps of Twelve houses were determined as in Gemini and its lord is Budha and the Lagna
per K. P. Number 87 within 249 shows Sun's lord is Sun, in whose star, Budha is.
sign Ketu Star and Moon's sub rises. Qther According to Dasa balance, Rahu dasa
cusps were determined using Raphaels Table Moon Bhuktbi and Ketu antara begins on
of Houses for the place of the query deducting 241972. Hence T predicted him that he
Krishnamurti Ayanamsa 23 22' will receive his transfer orders on 541972
IV Bhava Jupt on Wednesday when Moon transits in Moola
V Bhava Mercury (Ketu constellation in Dhanus) and when
Vi Bhava Sun Rahu sun enters Pisces in Mercury's star Moon's
VII Bhava Sukra sub, Rahu will be transiting in close conjunc-
VIII Bhava Kuja tion with Fortuna i. e. 8-16' in capricorn on
X Bhava Saturn that day. Let us wait and see tbcresult.
XI Bhava Moon [Editor:In June issue, the fate of the
XII Bhava Kethu prcdictiou will be published.]


L. K. GANAPATHI PULLE, Matjle fCejflon)

I am a new student of K. P. and to in Gemini the 2nd Bbava. Hence the significa-
[ astrology too. I was attracted by our Guruji tors are Mars, Saturn Sun, Jupiter, Mercury
Honble K.S. Krisbnamurti's lecture, which was and Moon.
. delivered by him last year at Matale. I bought Selection: According to K. P. we have
, the K. P. books with the help of Mababala
' Publishers. I have to thank them for this to select the fruitful significators those are on
the sub of planets signifying'7, 7 and 11.
j help. Jupiter is in Mercury Sub; Mars is in Rabu
Recently a friend of mine went to India Sub, Rabu represents Sun in 2nd, Mercury is
-Uo-seehis.thtfejiisters alSalem,from there he in Moon Sub posited in 2nd.. Saturn is in
| wrote to me to know'His mafTlaBe-dater-l-have- -Jupitet_Sttb. Hence Jupiter Mars Mercury
calculatcd bis horoscope and predicted the and Saturn are Truilful Significatcrstogive-
; date of his marriage according to K. P. marriage-
He was bom at 2.30 A.M. on 12th July, He is running Jupiter Dasa from;
1942 at 7 30' N; 80 37' E. 2671958. He will be running Jupiter Dasa
His horoscope.- Mars Bhukti Mercury Antrafrdm 1491971
to 1111971. In that Sat Sookshma is
II 4"-26' between 24101971,
0 /
A sc. 60-56' Mere 5 -44 Hence I happily wrote to my friend on
XI la-26' XII 40-2S' Sat. 1500~Q' Moon 800-07' 131071 that his marriage dale would be
Vcd. 23 -31' Jup. 14a -I2' between 24th October, 1971 and 1st Nov. 1971.
Suo 25 -57'
Actually bis marriage took place on 29th
Birth Chart in i"-or October, 1971 at Salem.
Kcthu 2-30 A.M. Mars 24M4'
13'-44' IV Z98-26'
1J/12 July, 1942 Born Poet:
7#-30' N. 80o-37' E. The following is the horoscope of a person
X 29a-26' Rahu Dasa Balance born on 10th January, 1917, at 10 22 North
Rahul36-44 and 78 East.
IX lo-03' at birth 16 years
15 days.
Jupiter VIII IX 160-16'
VI 19*-16' 30-29' 17M6' Kctu
VII l8D-23' 27*-17'
VIII 4'-26' VII 60-56' VI 4"-26' V I *-26'
Time 1-48 A.M. Sat. 5--ir:
Vllth CuspMars, Sat. Merc. V !7*-16' Moon
Date 9/1011917 X12I6"-55'
His lagna" falls in Taurus on Sun star <
Ayanamsa 22 '-37'
Mercury Sub at 6' 56'. The 7th cusp is
Scorpio, Saturn Star Mercury Sub. Mercury IV 16-16' Balance of Saturn
posited in Gemini the 2nd house, Hence the Mars I'-W Dasa at birth 5 years XI 17-16'
marriage is promised. Mercury 3 months 0 days
Mercury, Mooh, Jupiter and Sun posited
in 2nd Bbava, Mars is in Mercury's star; Rabu 27--17
Saturn is in Moon's Star: Sun is in Jupiter's Sun 260-25' 11 17*-16' XII
Star: none in Sun, 7tb is unoccupied. Lord of III 16*-I6' I IS'-TJ' 19-16'
7 is Mars. Mercury is on Mar's Star, VefcusO'-25'
also unoccupied. Lord of 11 is Jupiter. It is
to be bom a Poet one should have strong
Venus as a significator of the 2nd house and Itouse in the constellation of Kethu in 9,
is an Agent to Mercury, the Lord of the 9lb
Mercury as the significator of the 9th house. house. Mercury is the Lord of the 9, but
"These two planets should bein the constellation Mercury'mighVhave been in the constellation
'of the planets deposited in Airy and Watery of a planet, not connected with 9th house. In
sign. Airy's sign gives much of imagination, that case, Mercury is to be weak. But now
whereas Watery signs makes it fruitful, Venus Mercury is in Moon's constellation, who is in
and Mercury give good intelect, imagination the 9th house. Therefore Mercury is the very
-and taste for poetry. Whenever Moon is very strong significator of the 9lh house. Therefore
strong their works will be appreciated by this person is a poet and he isverygoodin
-others as they would be pleased. various languages more than 8.
In this horoscope Venus is in the 2nd

Editor is blessing the couple and is congratulating Herr Khoul during the occasion
of the marriage. Mrs. Kalyani Ramanan, got married on 9th February, 1972, at Madras.
Traditional Transit System miserably fails. The bride has years Saturn and Ashtama
Brihaspati as she is born in T^ohini starRishaba Rasi. The bridegroom has Ashtama
Sani and Thrithia Brahaspati as his birth star is Swathi, in Thula Rasi.
In the next issue, how the Editor came very correct in his predictipn given about
a couple of years ago and K.P. alone proved correct will be explained. It is really a
miracle which has happened to fulfil the prediction.
Mr. Ramanan and Herr Khoul, both came to India from Germany a week ago and
for the first time saw the bride on 7th February, 1972, at 5-00 P.M. - Fixation;" and
arrangements were made on 8th February, 1972, and the marriage went on pleasantly on
9th February, 1972 at 10-00 A.M. Neither the girl has seen him before, nor the boy,
<he girl.
The horoscope of the native is as follows: bbukthi, one must use the ruling planets.
TodayS101971 Friday Star Robini;
Ketu 9o-06' Moon in Taurus: Ascendant in Moolam
Jap. 14M)9' star. Ruling planets are Venus, Ketu,
Sat. 8-04' Asc. 9-05' 11 G'-W'
Moon 40-23 Moon and Iupiter. These agree in Full.
XII 4*-55/ Next note the tiansit of all the signifi-
Hi I'-OC cators in their conjoined periods. The
transit during 3rd April 2000 agrees and
XI 29o-00' 3181929 Merc. 26. 53 indicates end of Life. Venus Transits in
Jupiter sign, Jupiter star Pisces. Saturn,
11-20 P.M. (I5T) IV 28-00' Jupiter and Mars all the tbiee transit in
.X 28o-00' 1 N VeDUSl3o-06 Venus star Bbarani in Mars sign Aries.
They are in close conjunction. Sun enters
Mat* l -24' 71-IT E Sunl4<,-3(J' in the star of Lord of 2 Mercury. Mercury
IX 1MJ0' V 29- OC will be in Jupiter star in Aquarius. Hence
-3=-4^2000_ wi]l be_ the_tjme_when_even
Rahu 9M)6' expert medical aid will be of any Shanthi
vni ^-oo' vn done cannot prolong the life. As Ketlm is
VI 40-55' in the conjoined with the Saturn in Kethu
constellation and Jupiter sub. You will be
after celebrating Shasti Abdha Poortbl
let ns first find out the longevity;' bent on Paraloka Sadhana, prayers etc.
Your Ascendant is in Nirayana Taurus, If Ketu is in its own constellation and is in
owned by Venus, in the Constellation, 12 and if Ketu is in any manner connected
Kartik, ruled by Sun and the sub is gover- with Jupiter then chances of having another
ned by Venus. birth is rare. But here Jupiter is in 12tb
Ketbu. Hence you will have another birth
Longevity and Moksha: Married Life. You were married during
the major period of Mercury . (Mercury
As the Ascendant is a fixed sign, the Lord or 2 is in i ts own constellation) in
ninetb s-go, therefrom is Bhadhakastbanei, the sub-period of Rahu (aspected by Lord
occupied by Mars and owned by Saturn. of 11 Saturn) in its own star and sub of
The second house is owned by Mercury, Jupiter in U on 1921969 when Sun
deposited in its own Star (thereby gaining transited in Rabu's star in Aquarius and
strength to do what it signifies) aspected by the day was ruled by Disanatha Mercury.
'Mars lord of 7, the other Marakastbana, Mercury was transitting the constellation
situated iu Bbadbakastbana. Ketu a node of luminary in 11. Moon was transiting
is in Mars sign (who is Lord of 7) con- in Utbrapadrapada ruled by Saturn lord of
joined with Saturn (who is lord of Bhadha- 11 .and in the sign Pisces owned by planet
kasthana) is in its own constellation in the Jupiter occupying lltb bouse. According
12th bouse. Ketu appears to be very to tiansit-Tradition and KP. you were
strong malefic. It is in this stage clarity having Sade sati Janma Sani when tradi-
to decide is needed. K.P. says that one tional astrologer's do not normally expect.
should note the house signified by the sub- ' But as per K.P. Saturn' was in Pisces., in
lord where a planet is situated. Ketu is .the star of Dasanatha Mercury and sub
in its own star and sub of iupiter who is Jupiter lord of 1L Rahu the Bhukihinadha
Lord of II, will. But Jupiter is in the was transitting in the sign of Jupiter and
constellation of Saturn and so it is connec- star of Saturn Utbrapadrapada (Jupiter
ted with 9th bouse when it is indeed and Saturn both are the significators of
a problem to fix the planets and dasa lltb bouse).
By Jyotish Siromanf, S. CHANNAKE5HAVA REDDY, Challakere,
Mr. 'A' who appeared for the Supple- In the Native Chart Dasa, Bhukti anc
mentary Examination during Oct'?!, posed especially Anthra lord have to co-operate for
me the Question whether he would pass in one's success.
the Exam. Asc. at no-54' Kumbha Star Rahu
i Judged at 4-15 P.M. on 81071, Rasi Saturn (Ret)
Friday. Moon at 160-7 in Rishabha Star Moon
Rasi Venus
xn 50-45' Ketu 5"-3' , Day Friday Lord Venus
Rahu acts as an agent of Rahu. Moon,
Mars 5-21' II lI0-45' was replaced by Ketu which is Posited in
Moon's house Kataka as a node is stronger
than the planet which it is representing. So-
Birth 3-30 P.M. ' finally took Rahu, Venus & Ketu.
XI 2*-4S' IV 30-45' Finding out the Anthra of Ketu who is
3-12-56 posited in the sub of lord of XI and the
I4ll25}i. 76E 46_ _ ruling planets at the time of Judgment were
Ketu dasa Balance ruling the native's^Quenest'sJ'Dasar'^fi^ltti7
and Anthra, I predicted that he must pass in
X i0-45' 6 Years 9 Months V 2-4S' the Exam surely His father asked why he was-
21^ Days. failed in March'session. 1 told that it was due
to non-cooperation of Anthra Lord Mercury-
Rahu 30 -3' 0 0 who is posited in VIII Cusp in his own star
DC T-i$' VllI ll <>-45' VH U -22' Jup. 5 -44' (strong). The results were announced, It was-
Sat. l2 -52' declared that the boy had been promoted.
Aoon 0-22' Sun ig"-* Von. If-jy VI 50-45' Indeed Suhlords decide one's fate and
Mere.?*)0-!?' bring honour to the astrologer. Q
Sri. V. N. N. RANGACHAfc. Bangalore-40.
One of my friends who knew that I follow Planets Const Lord Sublord Bhava
K. P's advanced Stellar Astrology gave me a Sun Kethu Jupiter V
, number 245 and^ci anted me to answer a query Moon Venus VII
which is the subject matter of this article. I Mars CR)
had no belief or faith in Astrology till 15th Mars (R) Moon Kethu XI
March 19 70. A friend of mine by name Sri Merc (R) Ketbu Saturn V
K. S. Krishnaswamy, a follwer ofKrishnamurti Jup. Saturn Saturn VIII
Padhdhati, casually happened to come to my Venus Kethu Jup. V
house on 12th March 1970 and went Saturn Moon Rahu 11
through my horoscope, due to my wife's Rahu Moon Kethu XI
pressure as to when we would own Kethu Mercury (RJ Venus V
a house. This friend of mine, instead of The Moon's position, constellation and
answering my wife's query, told me that he sub should be the guide to give out the query.
could teach me the advanced scientific method Moon is posited in 7th Bhava in the constella-
of Astrology so that I could answer my wife's tion of retrograde Mars and in the sub of
query myself.' With reluetanecl-agreed, to_ "Venus:- Constellati"oa-Locd._Retrggrade Mars,
spend 2 hours on every Sunday and thereafter. is in the constellation of Moon, Lord ofV and
During May 1970 after learning the funda- in the sub of Kethu who is a strong significatur
mentals, my friend gave me the Magazine-
Astrology A Athrishtato go through. This ofV. Sub-lord Venus is also posited in the
was the turning point. Immediately I placed constellation of Kethu and in the Sub of
an order for "Krishnmurti Padhdhati" and Jupiter, occupant of 8th bhava., i. e., IV to V
became an annual subscriber for Astrology House. Above all Venus the sub-lord of
and Athrishta from July 1970 onwards. Since Moon is conjoined with Sun and Retrograde
then I have advanced my knowledge. This is Mercury in Leo. Sun the Lord of Dhanvan-
my first attempt to predict and have come out thari is in the Sub of Jupiter, occupant of 4th
successful. I have analysed the prediction on Bhava from 5th and is in the constellation add
the basis of the principles enunciated in Sub of Saturn.
"Krishnamurti Padhdhati" Hence one could boldly say that the query
.Details is about the medical education of his sob.
Place Bangalore; Lat 11 56' N;-~ The querist wanted to know whether his son
Lon. IT SS'E. Time10.10 A.M. CIST) could gel a seat in Medical college.
DayThursday; Number given between 1
and 249245. Date26th August 1971. Regarding admission to college, Horany
HORARY CHART Astrology of Prof. Krishnamurti says "the
fourth house indicates the educational institute
< Sat. 120-40' and since the desire is to get admission. The
1IVAV-W II 24 '-32' IV 18 32' 11th shows the realization of ambition There-
III 22,-32/ fore Sub-Lord of 4th is to be deposited in
such constellation the Lord of which is the
signifcator of 4th and 11th. Now for
V 15-32' further calculation 5th has to be taken
XII 16-32' as the 1st (or lagna of the querent's son), 4th
Kctu ZO'-Oy cusp from Cancer Lagna falls in Libra in the
constellation of Jupiter and in the sub of
Sun VST retrograde Mercury. The 11th cusp to Cancer
Mars (R) Ven 80-Sl' falls in Rishaba in the constellation of Moon
o Merc.0 (R) and in the sub of Venus. Venus, owner of 4th
Rahu 20 -03' 10 -07' and 11th and the owner of the above houses
XI IS'-SZ' 0
VI 16 -32' are all posited in the constellation of Kethu in
0 c
Lagna Bhava. The 11th Sub-Lord is neither
Jup. 4 -47' Moon 4 -2C Vll retrograde nor posited in the constellation of
X 18-32' a retrograde planet. 4th Sub-Lord Mercury
IX 22-32' vni zv-sr 22M3'-20" though retrograde, is not posited in the con-
stellation of a retrograde planet. Mercury
Lords of 2, 7, 11 houses are Mars and Venus the Dasanatha is lord of 8th house
Sun. Occupants of 2, 7, 11 houses are Jupiter and in the constellation of Moon which is in.
Sun and Saturn. the 6th (6 and 8 houses causing disease and
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Mars and Ketu danger) and sub of Rahu. The Antaranatha
arc occupying the constellation of the above. Sun is in 2nd as lord of 11th both these are
Rahu is the agent of Saturn and Venus. Ketu Maraka and Badhakasthnas. Hence the demise
is aspected by Saturn and Venus. Hence Rahu took place while Venus dasa Rahu bhukti Sun
and Ketu will act on behalf of Saturn and Antara and Rahu sukshma operated. Dasa-
Venus. natha was transiting in Mars Star Saturn sub
Bhukthinatha was transiting in Moon star,
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati if Rahu sub, Antaranatha was transiting in
the sub lord of ascendant becomes a signifi- Venus star Ketu sub-Neptuhe occupant of
cator of Bhadakastana or markastana the lagna Bhava,- was deposited in Saturn star.
life will be short. Sun sub . K. P. explains clearly and scientifi-
cally as no other method. Under the heavens
Analysis 4 there is time for everything and to know such
Here the sub lord of Ascendant is Tnne~df evehl. K- P. isthe onlyrorrecrmethod:
Mercury who is lord of 12th house conjoined Long live Gurujee. Ever live K. P. I am grate-
with Jupiter who is a strong significator of ful to Sri P. S. Sastri who showed me the way
Marakastana and lord of 6th fdisease; and to learn the great science according to K. P.
Jupiter is in the constellation of Mercury, GOOD LUCK
lord of 12th house and also in the sub of
Saturn who is in the 7th house and signi-
ficator of 2 and 11 houses which are Badhaka
and Maraka stanas. The sub lord of
Ascendant is in the sub of Venus who is lord
of lagna and 8th house, which indicates
danger; Hence' Mercury though he is situated
in the first house has connection with 6? 8, 12
and 2nd houses. All the above houses indicates
danger, disease and demise and moreover the
death causing planet Saturn is aspecting
Mercury and Jupiter from the 7th house.
fSuch Saturn is in the constellation of sun who
is in the 2nd house as lord 11th. The lord of
2nd and 7th houses, Mars is aspecting (8th
aspect) the lagna. The 2nd and 7th houses,
arc marakasthanas to the native. Moon is also
aspecting lagna bhava and is situated in the
star of Venus and sub of Rahu. Venus is the
lord of 1 and 8 houses and sub lord Rahu is
the agent of Saturn signifying houses 2,7, 11
The above planetary disposition quite evidently
leads to the conclusion that the child cannot
live long.
Transit at the time of demise
At the time of birth, Venus dasa balance
was 10 years 5 months 3 days. At the time of
demise, Venus dasa, Rahu Bhukti, sun antara
Rahu sukshma runs. Rahu is the agent of
Saturn and Venus significators of 1, 2, 7, 8, 11
houses. Hence Rahu is a strong malefic planet.
K. R. MOHAN RAO S.A.R.I. Chitrakonda
1 posed my self a question (After reading Ruling planets which are common with
the article published in ' Astrology A the above arc Moon, Sani Venus and
Athrishta" March 1971 Magazine) about the Mercury(R) respectively. Mercury is retrograde.
receipt of K. P. Magazines Parcel on Hence rejected. The remaining are Moon,
14y1971 at 2.45 P. M. at Chitrakonda Sani & Venus, The Krithika star ends by
18 07' 'N* and 82 07' E' Immediately 1 took 3-45 P. M. on 1481971. Later Moon's
a number 112 between 1 and 249. star Rohini itaits from 3-45 P.M. on
148-97l itself The Venus, Rasi-Lord
Mup for the Heavens as follows: and Saturn, the Day-Lord being the significa-
tors remain same and the star of Moon who is
Moon 90-31' one of the fruitful significators, starts from
Tin o -oo' -Vlll-9*^ X9V52'- - 3-45 Pr-M-onJ-4^8=19lL_iueJf._.So_L coit.
Sat. 12o-03' firmed that the receipt of parcel is certain on
148l97i itself after 3-45 P. M. So, at
XI 9 o52' what hour and minute?
VI 10-52' No. 112 Ketu 20 -4I The Lagna at 2-45 P. M. on 1481971
Venus 2300-54' at chitrakonda runs at 2 54' Dhanus ruled by
1481971 Sun a7 -36' Jupiter. Jupiter is notone of the significator.
So I passed on to next sign0of Lagna. At
Mars (Rj at 2-45 P.M. XII ic-sr 4-45 P. M. Lagna will be at 2 -54'f Makaram
o ruled by Saturn. Saturn is one of the
Rahu 20 -4l' 18 N Merc. ( R) significator. So I selected this Saturn sing. In
V !#-52 17M)5' Makarasign there is a star Srawanam ruled
by Moon, which is one of the strong significator
III 90-52' Uranus and the first commencing Sub is Moon's Sub
IV 9 -5^' Nept. 17-29" l.agna i. c. at 10 00' Makaram.
Jupt.3'-52' 11 9-52'
So, the time of receipt of the Parcel will
be when Lagna transits in (Makara) Sign ruled
Ruling planets; by Saturn, (Srawana) Star ruled by Moon and
Day Lord Saturn. Sub of Moon i. c. at 5-13 to 5-17 P. M. on
Star Lord Sun. 14-81971 itself.
Rasi Lord Venus.
Horary Lagna Lord Mercury. Observing all my keen calculation my
Horary Lagna star Lord Moon. friend laughed at me because there could be
no possibility of getting postal^Dak after
The 11th house and it's Sub-Lord is the 5-00 P.M. of any day generally. But I am
guide to know the results whether advantageous confident on my calculation that I must receive
or not. In the above chart the 11th Cus-p the pared surely on 1481971 it self. Wc
falls in Karkat Rasi and the Sub-ruled by were eagerly waiting for postal Dak till
Venus in I HtThouse and the Sub-Lord of the 5-15 P.M., though our offices were closed.
Lagna is Moon who is also the signiheator of I got disgusted and returned to my residence.
Hth house wlych is advantage. So, I confirmed Just we stepped down the office Verandah, my
that the receipt of parcel is certain, peon has appeared before me and handed over
So, when? the parcel and informed that the Bus which
(a) The conjoined planets for No. 112 carries the postal Dak is delayed. My friend;
are Mercury ^R)-Moon-Moon. who was by my side is astonished, because the
time I have received the Parcel to my hand is
(b) The conjoined planets for IIth Cusp exactly at 5-16 P. M. as I have calculated and
are Moon-Sani-Venus. arrived.
The above principle is verified many (Sir,
times for finding out the'materialisation i)f "
minor events with Pujyasri^ JV S^Sastry, my . Ifeallj; astonished tlie: ac^uraccy of the
Nearest teacher of Krishnamnrti Padhdhati. atove prediction and 1 am happy to
i . . . ; acknowledge the findings of truth by scientific
. I thank Sri. P. S. Sastry and Guruji Prof; simple and Universal principles of
IC S. Krishnamurti the inventor of valuable "Krishnamurti Padhdhati'*.
science of K. P. for the Mankind.
Good-Luck to all the K P. readers. (Sd,) G. KotesWar Rao)


The above is the question put by a Moon indicates the mind of the Querist,
Consultant. I asked him to give a number out Moon is conjoined with Saturn in 1st House.
of 249. He gave number 4. Saturn is the lord of 11th and 12th Bhavas.
The following is the chart erected for the 11th House is desire and 12th House for
repayment of loans. So Moon is indicating
said number. the mind of the consultant.
S a torn III l'-55' Now we have to find out whether the
Lagoa 30-40/ I--29'-20' querist can repay the loan or not.
Mood II 40-55' IV 26 -55' In Horary Astrology (by K. S. K.) in
page No. 222 it is stated that the sub lord of
the 12th cusp decides whether one can repay
XII 26<>-55' No. 4 0Kefhu the loan or not. If the sub-lord of the 12th
Mars Date of Judgement 16 ~25'-W cusp is either retrograde or deposited in a
4-39,-10' 2111971 D constellation whose lord is retrograde cannot
Time of JudgeacDt V 24 -55' repay the loan. If the sub lord of the 12th.
9-30 P.M. cusp is in direct motion and the lord of the'
Place: VlMYAWADA constellation in which the sub-lord of the 12th
XI 24-55/ |60-31' N. 80-39' E.
VI 260-'55 cusp is deposited if in direct motion one can
Ketu dasa balance
I6 -25'-30' 1 Month; 24 Daya* repay the loan.
In this chart the 12th cusp is 26 "55' that
iup. 14'>-49' 0 is in Saturn sign Jupiter stai Venus sub. The
X 260-55' VIII 4',-55' Sun 16 -I3' sub-lord Venus is deposited in Mars sign
oVenus 0 Saturn star and Saturn sub.
IX r-55' 3 -43'-20' VII 3 -W
Merc. lD-20' Saturn is in retrograde motion- So the
native'cannot repay the loan.
12th cusp Saturn sign, Jupiter star But the native has got fidl confidence that
Venus sub. he will repay the loan; as Krishnamurti
Venus is in Mars.sign Sat star Sat sub. Padhdhati never fails, we shall wait and see.

By J/otish Siromanl, S. CHANNAKESHAVA REDDY. Challakere.
Mr. 'A* who appeared for the Supple- In the Native Chart Dasa, Bhukti ancft
mentary Examination during Oct *71, posed especially Anthra lord have to co-operate for
me the Question whether he would pass in one's success.
the Exam. Asc. at 170-54' Kumbha Star Rahn
I Judged at 4-15 P.M. on 81073, Rasi Saturn (Ret)-
Friday. Moon at Id"-? in Rishabha Star Moon
Rasi Venus
XII 50-45' Ketu 5a-3' Day Friday Lord Venus
0 Asc. ir-22' III 7'-45' Rahu acts as an agent of Rahu. Moon,
Mais 5 -21' U 1IM5' was replaced by Ketu which is Posited in
Moon's house Kataka as a node is stronger
than the planet which it is representing. So-
Birth 3-30 P.M. finally took Rahu, Venus & Ketu.
XI 2'-45' IV 3M5' Finding out the Amhra of Ketu who is
3-12-56 posited in the sub of lord of XI and the
14N 20: 76E46 ruling planets at the time of? Judgment were
Ketu dasa Balance ru 1 ingjhe.native!s-(Querieat s}-"Daya, Bhuk'fi-
6 Years ^Months V 20-45' and Anthra, I predicted that he must pass im
211 Days. the Exam surely His father asked why he was-
failed in March'session. I told that it was due
to non-cooperation of Anthra Lord Mercury
Rahu 5 -3' Q who is posited in VIII Cusp in his own star
IX 7 -45' VUI ir-45'0 Vl3Il'-22 Jup. 5 -44' (strong). The results were announced. It was-
Sit. 12 -52' declared that the boy had been promoted.
Mooq 0o-22 Sun 18"4' Von. 160-33' VI 50-45' Indeed Sublords decide one's fate and
Mere.79- 22' bring honour to the astrologer. Q
Sri. V. N. N. RANGACHAR. Bangalore-^O.
One of my friends who knew that I follow Planets Const Lord Sublord Bhava
~K. P's advanced Stellar Astrology gave me a Sun Kethu Jupiter V
/number 245 and wanted me to answer a query Moon Venus VII
which is the subject matter of this article. I Mars fR)
had no belief or faith in Astrology till 3 5th Mars (R) Moon Kethu XI
March 19 70. A friend of mine by name Sri Merc (R) Kethu Saturn V
K, S. Krishnaswamy, a follwer of Krishnamurti Venus Jup. Saturn Saturn VIII
Padhdhati, casually happened to come to my Kethu Jup. V
house on 12th March 1970 and went Saturn Moon Rahu II
through my horoscope, due to my wife's Rahu Moon Kethu XI
pressure as to when we would own Kethu Mercury (Rj Venus V
a house. This friend of mine, instead of The Moon's position, constellation and
-answering my wife's query, told me that he sub should bejthe guideTo_give.out-the-query.
could teach me the advajiced_scientifin method
'^ofT^StrOlogyljcTfhatT could answer my wife's "Moon is posited in 7th Bhava in the constella-
query myself. With reluctance I agreed to tion of retrograde Mars and in the sub of
spend 2 hours on every Sunday and thereafter. Venus. Constellation Lord, Retrograde Mars,
During May 1970 after learning the funda- is in the constellation of Moon, Lord ofV and
mentals, my friend gave me the Magazine- in the sub of Kethu who is a strong signiScator
Astrology & Athrishtato go through. This ofV. Sub-lord Venus is also posited in the
was the turning point. Immediately I placed constellation of Kethu and in the Sub of
.an order for ^Krishnmurti Padhdhati" and Jupiter, occupant of 8th bhava., i. e., IV to V
became an annual subscriber for Astrology House. Above all Venus the sub-lord of
and Athrishta from July 1970 onwards. Since Moon is conjoined with Sun and Retrograde
then I have advanced my knowledge. This is Mercury in Leo. Sun the Lord of Dhanvan-
my first attempt to predict and have come out thari is in the Sub of Jupiter, occupant of 4th
successful. I have analysed the prediction on Bhava from 5th and is in the constellation add ~
the basis of the principles enunciated in Sub of Saturn.
"Krishnamurti Padhdhati" Hence one could boldly say that the query
.Details is about the medical education of his son.
Place Bangalore; Lat U0 56' N; The querist wanted to know whether his son
Lon. 77 36'E. Time10.10 A.M. CIST) could get a seat in Medical college.
DayThursday: Number given between 1
and 249245. Date26th August 1971. Regarding admission to college, Horary
HORARY CHART Astrology of Prof. Krishnamurti says "the
fourth house indicates the educational institute
Sat. I2o-40' and since the desire is to get admission. The
122o-13'-20" 11 2 4-3 2' IV 18 32' 11th shows the realization of ambition There-
III 22--32' fore Sub-Lord of 4th is to be deposited in
such constellation the Lord of which is the
s signifcator of 4th and 11th. Now for
V 15 -32' further calculation 5th has to be taken
XII l60-32' o as the 1st (or lagna of the querent's son), 4th
K.ctu20 -03' cusp from Cancer Lagoa falls in Libra in the
constellation of Jupiter and in the sub of
SUQ 8 -57' retrograde Mercury. The lith cusp to Cancer
Mars (R) Ven 80-3r falls in Rishaba in the constellation of Moon
R ah u 20-03' Mcrc.(R> and in the sub of Venus. Venus, owner of 4th
XI 15 -32' 10-07' and 11th and the owner of the above houses
VI 16-32' are all posited in the constellation of Kethu in
Lagna Bhava. The llth Sub-Lord is neither
Jup. 4 B
-47' Moon 4 -20' VII retrograde nor posited in the constellation of
X 18-32' a retrograde planet. 4th Sub-Lord Mercury
IX 22-32' Vni 24*-32' 22-13'-20" though retrograde^ is not posited in the con-
stellation of a retrograde planet. Mercury
becomes direct on 5th September 1971 and aspected by Kuja (Mars) lord of 10 ('to SthT*
Mars on 10th September 1971, hence the from Makara by the 8th aspect. The native'^
desire will be fulfilled only after 10th of son is bound to be a doctor.
September 1971. With due salutation and prostration to
The notable feature is that the Sun, Chief Ucchishta Maha Ganapathi, I said that the
governor for medicine and lord of 2 (to 5th) boy should get a seat in the medical college.
and Sukra, lord of 4 and 11 fcounted from the On 16th September, 1971 I was happy to
5th house denoting querent's son) are in rapt receive news from my friend who expressed
conjunction in lagna (5th from querent's lagnaj his gratitude to the system I followed in
in the constellation of Kethu occupying the predicting.
house that stands for the sod's lagna. Both May He give good health and long life to-
Sun and Venus arc in the sub of Jupiter who Guru Dev whose simple and convincing,
lords of 6th (from 5th) governing service and method is a boon to us all.
illness as well as the 9th Cfrom 5thJ denoting
higher education. Further, they are both Good Luck,
B. DANAN SURIYA Pallegama, Bopitiya, Ceylon
A gentleman who is studying in America Is Marriage promised ?.
wrote to me. The question was; Is marriage According to K.P. the 7th cusp is to bs
promised? If promised. When? The judged to ascertain whether marriage is
number quoted by bim is 179. promised. If the sub-lord of the 7tb cusp
As advised by our Guruji, the horoscope is a significator of the bouses governing
is to be erected for the Geographical marriage i.e. 2, 7 and 11 bouses, marriage
cordinates of the place where the question is promised.
is answered and for the time of judgment. The 7th bouse in this chart falls in
The querist could be anywhere in the world Gemini 17-30' in the constellation of Rabu
North or South latitude, East or West and sub of Venus. The sub-lord Venus is
longitude. in the 7th bouse in the constellation of
Jupiter and sub of Rabu. Jupiter is in the
I sat down to make the necessary llth bouse and Rabujs
calculations at 9-30 A.M. (c. s t) on There" is" nrriinnertalnity about marriage
_ 2177 t-iatf TMrnrEdngTW-yET happiness at all. Marriage is promised.
The following chart was prepared for the
number 179 between 1 to 249. When is the Marriage?
Judge bouses 2, 7 and 11. 2nd bouse is
Sat. 10 42' called the Kutumbhasthana, a new member
3V 22*-31' V 226-39' VII 17o-20' is added to the family by marriage. The
VI 20o-3r 7th bouse denotes wife, legal bondage and
Venus 10o -27' the llth bouse shows permanent friend-
HORARY CHART ship, love, pleasure and progeny.
m No. within 249 is 179 Sun 10 -8'
VIII 170<-3r The 2nd bouse is occupied by Mars and
Tirtie; 9-30 A.M. (c.s.t.) Ketu 2I V38 Rabu. Mars is in Mars' constellation,
Date: 2771971 none in Rabu's constellation. Saturn
Mars 27 2' Lat. 7M7' N Mere. 70-8' owns the 2nd bouse. Sun is in the
Rahu 021-38' Long. 80o'3' E constellation of Saturn. Therefore
11 i7 -31' IX 198-3r the sigciflcalors for the 2nd bouse are
Ayanatrsa 23'-2r Mars, Rabu, Sun and Saturn.
XII 20o-3T XI 220-39' Moon 4 -3' The 7th bouse is occupied by Sun and
I I7o-20' 0 Veuus. Moon is in Sun's constellation,
Jup. 3 -16' X 22-3r none in Venus constellaiion. Ketu is
in the constellation of Mercury who
owns the 7.h bouse. The significators
Sun Dasa Balance : 2 Yrs., 8 Mtbs., 4 days. for the 7tb bouse are Moon, Venus,
Let us see whether the question is reflec- Sun, Ketu and Mercury.
ted by Moon, otherwise called Malhi. Jupiter is in the Utb bouse. Venus and
Moon is in Virgo 4-3' in the constella- Jupiter are in Jupiter's constellation. The
tion of Sun and the sub of Saturn. Sun 1 Itb cusp falls in Venus rasiLibra, there
is in the 7ib bouse and Saturn is tbeowner are no planets in Venus constellations.
of the 2nd bouse. Therefore the question The significators for the llth bouse are
about marriage is confirmed. Venus and Jupiter.
Therefore,' the total significators for the Mars will not give results as it retrogrades
2, 7 and 11 houses are Mars, Rahu, Sun, in its' own constellation. Take Sun and
Saturn, Moon, Venus, Ketu, Mercury and Mercury. Sun is very strong among . the
All the nine planets are significators, but the ruling planets as it has appeared thrice,
all of them are not fruitful. To eliminate being the lord of the Ascendant and lord
the tempters the sub portion of these of the constellations.
planets are to be considered. Sun dasa, Saturn bhukti is already on.
Mars is retrograde and is in its* own Mercury bhukti starts on 19I1972
constellation, reject Mars. Sun anthara will start on 1151972.
Saturn is in Moon's sub, who owns the The native should get married during this
gth house and is posited in the 9th house. period, i. e. Sun dasa. Mercury bhukti.
Therefore Siturn can be easily dropped. Sun anthara. As this event is expected
. The most useful method of eliminating take place within a few months, let us see
the barren significators is by taking the the transit of Sun, the exciting planet
ruling planets at the time of analysis. which also is the Dasa Lord. Sun will be
To-day is Tuesday, the Day lord is Mars transiting Mercury Sub in Sun's Constel-
retrograde. Moon is in the constellation lation Krithigai on 1951972 This
of Sun in Mercury's sign. Lord of the -transit wiH-give^the ""gentleman marriage.
Ascendant is_Sun-and-the-fcoTd OfXagna
constellation rising in the east is Sun. Gooo Luck.
^Editor: Mr. P. R, Muralidharan has reproduced the table wherein the extension
of each sub is given. The same had been published in my books & also in my
magazine previously. Hence there is no need to give here;.
PLANETS Velocities of Planets tT Each Planet has
The Hindu and Western names of the its own rate of motion or velocity depend-
nine principal planets which influence the ing upon the ,relative...position from the
earth are as follows: Moon is the nearest planet to the earth..
51. No. Hindu Western SjmBol So Moon is theJastest of-all'the planets,
-its-daily motion varies between 12 and 15
1. Ravi or Surya Sun G Mercury is the next in the order of
2. Chandra or Soma Moon J speed. It moves daily between 66
3. Kuja or Mangala Mars 3 minutes and 100 minutes (average motion
4. Budba or Soumya Mercury S being 59' 08' of longitude).
5. Guru or Brhaspati Jupiter a Venus moves daily between 62 and 82
6. Sukra or Bhargava Venus minutes, (average motion being 59' 08' of
7. Sani or Manda Saturn b longitude).
8. Rahu Dragon's Sun is the fourth in the oorder of
Head n speed.
0 It moves daily between 0 -57'-]0"
9. Kethu Dragon's to l -or-10* and its average motion is
Tail t? 59 -08'per day.
Rahu and Kethu are 'Chayagrahas' or Sun, Mercury and Venus completes one
'Shadowy points'. But they are considered rotation of the Zodiac in about a year.
as planets for purposes of Predictions. The daily motion of Mars ranges
Rahu and Kethu are the points at between 31 and 44 minutes, its average
which the path of the Moon in the motion is 33'-28'.
celestial sphere cuts that of the Sun i.e., Jupiter moves daily between 5 and
they are the ascending and descending 15 minutes. Its average motion is 5
nodes of the Moon. minutes per day. Jupiter completes one
sign of 30 in a year and takes 12 years to
Westerners have got poor knowledge complete one rotation of the Zodiac.
in these two Chayagrahas But Wester- Saturn is the distant planet. As such
ners include. Herschel or Uranus, (9), Saturn has got slower motion than Jupiter,
Neptune ( 7 ), and Pluto, (P) which have but faster than Uranus and Neptune. It
been discovered by the asironomers takes 2) years to transit a sign and
recently. Pluto is discovered as recently as 29i years to traverse the Zodiac. Its
1930. These planets are not mentioned in average daily motion is 2 minutes.
the ancient literatures of Hindu Astrology.
The planets move along the ecliptic (Ravi Rahu and Kethu takes 18 months to
Marga) which is marked by 27 constella- complete one sign. Its aveiage daily '
tions or stars. The planets moves from motion is 3 minutes.
west to east, while the Zodiac or the circle Uranus lakes 84 years to transit the
of light marked by the twenty-seven Zodiac and about 7 years for each sign.
constellations moves from east to west. Its daily motion is 42 seconds.
Neptune complete one round of the- clockwise motion or decrease in celestial
Zodiac in 16S years. Its daily rate of longitude is called Retrogradation.
motion is 24 seconds. Pluto is the slowest ' When the planet's come nearer and1
of all the planets. nearer to the Sun, the gravitation of the .
Sun increase more and more, so that the
Retrogradation and Acceleration:No velocity of the planet is accelerated i.e.,
planet actually retraces its orbit. But ever the state of accelaration is attained.
moves in forward direction i.e.. Clockwise. The Sun and Moon are never retrograde.
Some times planets appear to have back-
ward motion, i.e., anticlockwise, mainly Rahu and Kethu are ever retrograde.
due to the relitive position and motion The period of retrogradation and
of the earth. This appearance of anti- stationary of the planets are as under:

s . No. Planet Distance from Sun No. of Days No, of Days

Retrograde Direct Retrograde Stationary
]. MarsKuja 228 132 80 2 to 3
2. MercuryBudha 17 to 20 24 1
~ 3. Tnpiterniim 245 115 120 5
4. VenusSukra 29 29 42 2
S. SaturnSani 251 109 140 5
6. UranusIndra 257 103 155 6
7. NeptuneVaruna 259 111 157 6
8. PlutoRudra 260 100 160 7

The Distance, Mean Velocities and Diameter of Planets:The mean distance the Sun, Mean velocity and the diameter of planets are noted below:
Planets Mean Distance from the Sud Mean Velocity Diameter
in Miles per ia
Millions of Miles Second Miles
MercuryBudha 36 29.7 3,000
VenusSukra 67 21.7 7,600
MarsKuja 141 15,0 4,200
JupiterGuru 489 8.1 87,000
SaturnSani 886 6.0 72.000
UranusIndra 2,793 3.4 33,000
NeptuneVaruna 3,670 2.9

Assignment of Signs to Planets: The (Westerners are of the opinion that the
twelve signs of the Zodiac are distributed planet in its own sign are said to be very
to the seven planets in the following order, powerful)
and are called the planet's houses or Mesha (Aries) and Vrischika (Scorpio)
mansions or owners or Swakshatras': are the houses of Kuja (Mars).
Rishabba (Taurus) and Thula (Libra) After the discovery of Herschel
.are the houses of Sukra (Venus) (Uranus) and Neptune, Westerners
Mithuna (Gemini) and Kanya (Virgo) alloted the house 'Aquarius' to 'Herschel'
are the houses of Budha (Mercury) and the house 'Pisces' to 'Neptune.'
Kataka (Cancer) is the house of the The reasons (or the assignment of
Chandra (Moon) houses to planets in the above manner
Simha (Leo) is the house of the Ravi appears to be this: The Nature of the
(Sun) sign Mesha (Aries) and Vrischika (Scorpio)
Dhanus (Sagittarius) and Meena are most appropriately agree with the
(Pisces) are the houses of Guru (Jupiter) nature of Kuja (Mars) more than with any
Makara (Capricorn) and Kumbha other planet; similarly the nature of the
(Aquarius) ate the houses of Sani sign Rishabha (Taurus) and Thula (Libra)
mostly agree with the nature of Sukra
(Saturn) (Venus) than with any other planet
Rahu and Kethu, unlike other planets, similarly other houses.
have not been alloted any sign, they act
as the agents or representative of the sign The Diagramatic representation of the
they are in. above assignment is as follows;

0 30 60
Mtena Mesha RishabhaMiihuna
Aries Taurus Gemini
Guru Kuja Sukra Budha
(Jupiter) (Mars) (Venus) (Mercury)

Sani Chandra 9*
(Saturn) (Moon) S *
300 120'
Sani Ravi B
(Saturn) (Sun) Q gf

Guru Kuja Sukra Budha

(Jupiter) (Mars) (Venus) (Mercury)
Dbaous Vrischika Thula Kanra
Sagittarius Scorpio Libra Virgo
240 210 180

Assignment of Stars to Planets:As particular order, so that each planet gets

already stated in the first article, there are three stars. They are called the star lords
27 constellation or stars. These Twenty- or the lord of the constellation.
seven constellations are alloted to the The assignment of stars to the planets is
seven planets and two Chayagrahas in a tabulated below;
Planet (Star Lord) Stars

Kethu Aswini Makha Moola

Sukra Bharani Pubba Poorvasbada
Ravi Krithika Uttara Uttarashada
Chandra Rohini Hasta Sravana
Kuja Mrigasira Chitta Dhanishta
Rahu ' Arudra Swathi Satabbisba
Jupiter (Guru) Punarvasu Vishaka Poorva-bhadra
Sani Fusbyami Anuradha Uttara-bhadra
Budha Aslesba Jyeshta Revathi

In Krishnaraurti Padhdhati, importar1^ is given to the constellation Lord and

-sub-lord in which the planet is situated than the planet itself.

V. P. OJHA University of Gorakhpur, Gorakhpur
DurinE ray stay in Varanasi in the winter XX cusp falls in Venus sign-Moon star-
vacation 1 nad been asked to consult with a Mercury sub. Mercury is in V house and is
local astrologer and fix some auspicious date aspecting XI house. Further, Saturn^ who is
so that my wife, who is staying with her father also the Lord of VII house CWife), aspects
after giving birth to twin daughters in October, Mercury. Hence, she will come Further
might come to my parents house with the Mercury is the planet of plurity hence she
daughters. It soon struck" to my mind to have must come more than once before finally
an experiment with K. P. by precalculating the proceeding for Gorakhpur. Her journey will be
possible dates which the astrologer would tell an arranged one as Jupiter conjoin Mercury.
me. As I have satum in my ascendant. X J^pj- jneeting-wiilPwife" I had consider
could not calculate it for next two days and,so, "houie Xl, VII and VI alongwith V as per K.P.
X had to postpone my^visite -to-hei-and any Horary Astrology
Finally X sat down on 25th Dec. 1971 at Analysis
1.20 P. M. in Varanasi with No. 77 to calculate V house. Sun, Jupiter and Mercury arc
her date of coming back to my residence. the occupants. Venus and Saturn occupy Sun
Star. There is no planet in the Jupiter star.
The chart at the time of judgment is as Jupiter is in its own sub. Mercury and Jupiter
follows; are in Mercury star. Mars is the Lord of V
house. There is no planet in Mars star-
IX 130-53' Saturn (R) Hence Mars is a significator. Sun and Mars
Mood X iS'-Sl' 70-28' XII are in the star of a retrograde planet satum
9 0 190-53' and hence are not so much effective. Rahu
Mars 5 -44' XI 18 -53' conjoins Venus and represents Saturn also.
Hence, Rahu, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn (Rj and
Mercury are the fruitful significants.
140-55' VI house: Lord is Jupiter, Rahu and
Asc. 19o-20/ Venus are the occupants. Therefore, Rahu
Nirayana Chart and Venus are the significants.
VII 19o-20' No. 77 VII house: Vacant. Lord is retrograde
Rahu !30-38' II 140-53' Satura. Rahu is the agent of Satum. There
fore, Rahu and Satum are the significators.
Venus 9M 2' XI house. Vacant. Lord is Venus. Rahu
conjoins Venus. Hence, Rahu and Venus are
V 18-53' the significators.
VI Mercury 0
19-04' iv w-sy III 13 -53' Hence, Rahu, Satum (R), Jupiter, Venus
Sun 9o-30' Jupiter and Mercury are the significators.
27o-30' Then, I checked them with the help of
Sublord Ruling planets.
Pianots Constellation Lord
Sun Kethu Satum(R) (i) Nirayana ASC: Aries 902' i. e.
Moon Saturn fR) Rahu Mars sign-Kethu star-Jupiter sub.
Mars Saturn (R1 Mercury (ii) Moon Position;Pisces 120-55'i. c,
Mercury Mercury Kethu Jupiter sign-Saturn star-Rahu sub.
Jupiter Mercury Jupiter (iii) Day: Saturday i. e. Saturn.
Venus Sun Venus
Satum fR) Sun Kethu Mercury conjoins Jupiter and is being
Rahu Moon Rahu aspected by Saturn, falls in Mars Sign and
Kethu Saturn f R) Rahu Kethu Sub-
Therefore, Saturn (R), Rahu, Jupiter and
Mercury are the ruling planets left after
rejecting Mars and Kethu as they occupy
retrograde Saturn star.
Thus. Rahu,Saturn, Jupiter with Mercury
are the strongest significators.
Since, one of the significators Saturn is
retrograde therefore, I was confident that no
date before 31st Jan. 1972 would be
Time: Dasa Lord Saturn is in Taurus
in Venus (Rahu) sign-Sun star-Mercury sub-
between 2nd January 1972 to 29 Feb. 1972.
Saturn Oasa-Rahu Bhukti-Rahu Anthra
and Mercury Pratyanthra start from 25fil
Feb. 19/2. 25th is Friday (Rahu day as Rahu
conjoins Venusj.
On 25th Feb. 1972 Moon transits Jupiter
Conclusion: Hence, I told that the
astrologer would giye._ineFriday 25th Feb.
1912 .asthe "date, which would be finally
Verification:Next day on Sunday 26th
Dec. 71. 1 went to a Traditional astrologer.
<to please the other members of my family)
1 contacted him at 9.42 A. M. in Revati star
with ASC. capricorn 25 (i. e. Saturn, Mars,
Rahu, Jupiter, Mercury. Sun as the ruling
planets) I put him Two questions:
(i) Date foe Mundan Sanskar of
(ii) Date of return of my wife with
For the first one, he gave Wednesday
(Mercury) 16th Feb. 1972 in Poorattathi star
(Moon in saturn sign-Jupiter star) and
Wednesday (Mercury) 23rd, Feb. 1972 after
11-30 A.M. i.e.. Mrigasira star. (Moon in
Mercury sign-Mars star) I too was anticipating
that he will give only Wednesday as moon was
then transiting in Revati (And my daughters
are born iu Kanya Langa)
For the second one he gave me Vasant
Panchami Friday (Rahu) 21st Jan. 72 and
Friday (Rahu day) 25th Feb. '72 as predicted.
I can be seen that both these days arc
Fridays (Rahu is a very strong significator)
When I conveyed these dates to my
family members, they rejected 21st. Jan. 1972
due to some reasons have accepted 25th Feb.
Thus, we find that K. P. is so useful and
May 1972

K. P. New Readers 2 Krishnamurti Padhdhati and
Jafaka Chandrika 3 Examination
Jatakalankara 13 Krishnamurti Padhdhati 100%
Fruitification of Trunk-Call 17 Correct Prediction
Cyclone Advance Getting Techniques of Prediction:
or not? If so When? 21 Minor Events
Any Promotion Asks Utility of Krishnamurti Padhdhati
Traditional Astrologers 23 Another Doubt Cleared By K.P....
Twin Birth and Significance K P Gives correct guidance when
of the Sub 25 in a maze of grave doubts 50
Natal Astrology and Announcement 5J
Krishnamurti Padhdhati 29 Daily Guide For May, 1972 52
Traditional Transit System Nirayaoa Position and Transit
Defective 33 of Planets in May 1972 55
Announcement 35 Ephemeris for May 1972 ... 56
Return of Absconding Boy 37 Monthly Prediction forMayl972... 57
Sri Kameswara Rao & K,P. 39 On Profession 69
Longevity: Krishnamurti Krishnamurti Padhdhati and
Padhdhati Verified 41 Mysore Election
Venkatesa Pandita's
(Continued from February 1972 issue, pages 2531)
Stanza 24: or life beyond 120 years (unlimited span
Death will be caused during the close of of life). The length of life having been
determined in accordance with one or the other
the period of the planet in conjunction of these classifications, the time or period
with the lord of maraka stbana, failing (dasa, bhukti and anthra) when life will
which during the period of the planet actually terminate has to be fixed with
standing in tnaraka stbana. Should this reference to the relative strength of the
also fail, death results in the period of the planets possessing death-inflicting power
lord of maraka stbana. which, according to Venkatesa, are: the
planets owning or occupying houses 2 and/
Notes: Here, Venkatesa Pandita enu- or 7 or associated with these house lords
merates the periods of the planets harmful being the most powerful; lords of 6, 11
for longevity in the order of their importance. and 12 coming next; and lords of 3 and
As has been repeatedly stressed in our 8 being the weakest.
explanatory notes under the previous stanzas,
the constellational position of a planet is Longevity is an aspect which has to
of prime importance. Accordingly a planet be determined, in our opinion, not only
in the, constellation
, ^ of the occupantecuof
. lhe.stroagest,an_o a
maraka -sthanais pant with respect
planetary to thein relative
periods strength
Vimshottari Dasaof but
of a maraka sthana commg next planelfsT Ss^-witE STerSnce-rs -the- cmrent wansits-
also witE relefSnce^ttnhEcurrent transits*
tenanting the constellation of the lord of Secondly, while deciding the significators of
maraka sthana third, the lord of death, the constellational positions would
marakasthana fourth in strength, and, lastly, have to be kept prominently in view.
the planetfs) associated with and aspected Thirdly, the relative power of the planets
by the maraka sthana adhipati. has to be carefully weighed. It may be
Stanza 25: all right, theoretically speaking, to enunciate
If the major period of a planet occupy- a rule as to what, most probably, will be
Ihe period to which death of , can be
ing or owning a maraka sthana is not due ascribed, but it simply fails in actual practice.
to occur until very late in life, death may For instance, a planet becoming' a yoga
ensue during the major period of a planet karaka by owning a trine house(5 or 9) may
who is not a yoga karaka but is least occupy house 2 or 7 or associated with the
auspicious and associated with the planet lord of such house, or stand in the constel-
occupying or owning a maraka stbana. lation of a planet in 2 or 7 or the constel-
Should death not happen even here, it lation of the lord of 2/7. In such a case,
will be caused during the period of the it is bound to put an end to life, other
lords of the 3rd and 8tb houses. testimonies lending support, such as transits,
etc. In another case, even the lord of 2 or 7
Notes: In Indian classical texts, a or the planet occupying 2 or 7 does not
number of arishta yogas or evil combinations kill, as a result of its occupation of a
for longevity are mentioned. According to constellation whose lord has no connectioa
these, longevity is classified into various with death. Then again, it is not mere ownei-
kinds: Balarishta or life up to 8 years, ship of houses 6, II or 12, or of 3 or 8, that
Madhyarishta or life between 8 and 20 years, endows a planet with the powet cause death,
Yogarishta or life between 20 and 32 years, or even such a planet's association with
Alpayur yoga (short life), 32 to 50 years the lord of maraka sthana. In some cases,
Madhyayur yoga (middle life), 50 to 75 such planet causes death and in some others
years Poornayur yoga flong or full life) no harm ensues, depending on whethci the
upto 120 years and Aparamithayur yoga constellation tenanted is ruled by a planet
iiaviag death inflicting power of not. In western astrological science, thus making
deciding this matter, a rule stated in it easier foe an earnest student to arrive
' "Jataka Farijata', that bouses II, 9 and 7 at an event even jn its minutest detail;
are respectively bhadaka sthanas to chara, within a short time and with a degree of
sthira and ubbaya lagnas should not be accuracy the traditional system has not
lost sight of. There is ample confirmation, given. Any detailed discussion on this topic
in our experience, of this rule in a variety would be beyond our purview, and we
of cases and we would give credence to would sum up our view on the point of
the role of bhadaka bouses in inflicting longevity by stating our experience that
<Ieath even though other Indian texts do longevity will be cut short in the conjoint
not contain even a cursory reference to period of the planets fdasa, bbukti, antbra,
them. Now, every planet except the Sun etc.) invested with the power to kill and at a
and the Moon owns two houses and may time when current transits are favourable,
occupy either house 2 or 7, or 6,11 or 12, the signifying planets being ascertained in
or 3 or 8 fseven houses out of the' total of the manner expounded in Krisfanamurti
twelve bouses) or associate with the lords Padhdhati.
of these bouses. In ninety-nine cases out
of a hundred, almost all planets will have Stanza 26:
connection, one way or the other, with
these bouses when it becomes a stupendous If the determination of the marakas in
task to assess the relative strength. With a horoscope presents difficulties, then the
due deference to our ancient masters who planet(8) who is the most inauspicious
have banded down to us some excellent among the malefics will cause death.
texts, it must be said that they could not
have exepcted us to follow all their rules Stanza 27:
in a rigid manner without any right to modify
_thcm by objective test, though some eminent Saturn, inclined to evil, when conjunct
men in fhe "field Df "astrology,-foc reasons_^ .with jnaraka lords or planets who nave
best known to them dare not openly become mafakaa H? virtue of-their position .
agree with this suggestion. KRISHNAMURTI or association, is stronger than the con-
PADHDHAT1 seeks the simple, naked joining planets to bring about death.
truth, w he reeve r it may come from. It draws
inspiration as much from the Indian . Notes: Perhaps the author's view stated
classical texts, to which other Indian here is based on Saturn's nature ' as a
traditional systems subscribe, as from the malefic and its karakatva (chief governorship
western astrological knowledge where over longevity). According to' this view, if
systematic research in recent times has led Saturn assumes maraka power by ownership,
to the evolution of a clear-out technique occupation or association, it will lay its
of prediction. But what distinguishes icy hand and end life in its major period
KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI from the if it operates in due time, but if the major
traditional Indian system as now known period of another maraka planet precedes
and practised, is its novelty of approach. Saturn's major period, then the sub-period
In a way, KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI of Saturn, rather than the sub-period of
may be described as crystal water cleared the other maraka planets, is dangerous and
of the impurities, in the form of many Saturn will put an end to life:
failing rules erroneously attributed to some
of the great risbis of old. Many of these Stanza 28:
failing rules which the Padbdbati rightly
seeks to condemn, we have reason to Planets offer their malefic or benefic
believe, were interpolations into the original effects according to their nature, owner-
texts by lesser men. Krishnamurti Padbdbati, ship, occupation, etc. in their major
following an approach which neither hesitates periods, but not in their own sub-periods.
to condemn what is wrong in these texts
or fails to advocate what has been proved Notes; This is an oft-repeated axiom
to be true in practical application, has in most of the Hindu texts, - to which
codified the rules in a simple, systematic Venkatesa Pandita also lends support.
way supplying the many missing links and Various authors have interpreted this in
adding some useful knowledge from the various ways, some holding the oppinion
that this refers only to the planet's own period of the lord of a Irine (5/9) unspoilt
bhukti in its major period and some others by association with evil planets or houses.
feeling that it also includes the sub-perit's Similar results will come to pass in the sub-
in other planets' major periods. It is o.\ piriods of lords of such trines in the major
no advantage to advance arguments for or period of the lord of a quadrant (1, 4, 7
against this view, as the logic behind this imd 10.)
statement seems irrational, unless it be
based on the belief that a planet's effects Stanza 32:
in a major period take shape slowly and
as the initial bhukti in every major period The benefic effects of Rajayoga are
is ruled by the major period lord the reaped in the sab-periods of maraka
major period effects would not be appreciably planets and such results also cease in the
noticeable in the major lord's bhukti. But sub-periods of maraka planets.
actual experience points to a contrary view.
A planet in its major period bestows, Notes: A Raja yoga planet has to
whatever results it has to offer, in its sub- bring about its raja yoga phala in its
period, sub-sub period, etc. In another major period. The term ^maraka' here is
planet's major period, the results realised used in the context of death. 'Every planet
are those that are conjointly governed by has dominion over many matters affecting
both the planets. For instance, if 'A' signifies life and, similarly, every house has m ny
2nd, 6lh and 10th house matters and 'B' influences ascribed to it, both good and
denotes matters ruled by houses 6, 8 and evil. Houses 2,3,6,7,8,11 and 12 are
10, in the conjoint period of 'A' and 'B', considered beneficial from many points of
the matters of houses 6 and 10, which view house 2 for financial matters, 6 for
are common to both A' and 'B', come to over draft or loan Jacilities and success in_
-the foTe7 tliat is to say, the' native gets competition, "ll'Tor siddhT or achievement
recognition in professional life and has of ambition or fulfilment of desire, etc. but
higher and heavier responsibilities to shoulder, they also have connection in bringing life
but he cannot expect to derive monetary to an end. It is natural, therefore, that in
.gain as the 2nd house is not signified by the sub periods of some of these planets
'B', raja yoga results are enjoyed in full and
such results cease, when death intervenes,
Stanza 29: in some other sub period governed by one
Planets associated with, or occupying of these planets.
the signs owned by, the lord of the major Stanza 33:
period, and the planet ruling the sign
where the major lord is standing, bestow, Planets in association with yoga karakas
in their periods and sub-periods, the same give results similar to those indicated by
effects as the lord of the major period. the yoga karaka. Benefics not so associa-
ted give moderate success in their sub-
Notes; The Indian classical texts speak periods. A yoga karaka planet not related
of five kinds of sambanda or relationship to another yoga karaka offers its own
between planets conjunction, aspects, yoga phala as well as those of the other
interchange of places, and kendra and kona yoga karaka.
positions to one another. When two planets
are related in some way, each planet, Stanza 34:
partaking something of the other, gets
modified in its effects. Planets who have to cause Raja yoga
Stanza 30; confer such yoga phala not only in their
own sub-periods but also in the major
In the sub-periods of planets inimical to periods of other beneficial planets with
the lord of the major period, the results whom they have no association.
-will be of a mixed character.
Stanza 31: On the face of it, the stanza does
not make itself clear. Perhaps, the meaning
Auspicious effects are realised in the sub- is that a beneficial planet gives its results
periods of lords of quadrants in the major not only in its sub-period in its own major
Seriod but also in its sub period in the X-bim in the foregoing stanzas, be would
ajor period of other becefidal planets. C-tssify the various planets as harmonious
Stanza 35; Ok* inharmonious for each of the twelve
lagna > beginning with Mesha and ending
When Rabu and Ketu stand in quadrants with Meena.
(kendras) and trines (konas) without any Stanza 41:
other planets' association, they confer
effects akin to those of the lord of the sign For a person born in Mesha lagna,
occupied. Budba, Sani and Sukta are malefics. Guru
and Surya are auspicious. The combi-
Notes: Rahu and Ketu are really not nation of Guru and Sani does not bring
planets. Ihey are shadows and are included about any beneficial results.
among planets in astrology purely from the
standpoint of their importance. They have Notes: To Mesha lagna, Budha is lord
no characteristics identifiable with those of of 3 and 6; Sukra is lord of 2 and 7';
any of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and and Sani is lord of 10 and 11. In the
so have not been assigned any sign as previous Stanzas, the lordship of houses 3, 6
their own. Rabu and Ketu take the shape and 11 and 8 and 12 was considered
of the sign in which they are contained harmful, and following this treatment Budba
and offer its results in a stronger manner is a malefic for this lagna. As for Sani, he
than even the lord of the sign. owns a kendra (lOih) but also rules the Ilth
Stanzas 36 and 37: house which, in the teamed author's view,
is an inharmonious bouse (from the point
If the lord of the major period is evil, of view of longevity). . Saturn thus stands
ffT fhe'Sub-period-of-a benefic plany not blemished. The 11th house, according to
connected with the major lord, bcfh- -Jataka.-Eatiiata, Js a^ bhadaka sthana for
beneficial and evil results will come to pass. all chara lagnas (movable "Signsonthe-
If the lord of the major period is a malefic Ascendant), and Mesha is a chara rasi.
and is connected to the lord: of the sub- Following the author's declaration of lord-
period, who is also a malefic, the evil sbip of trines as good and harmonious,
Surya and Guru have been treated as
results will be accentuated. auspicious planets by reason of their
Stanza 38: governance over the 3th and 9th signs
reckoned from Mesha. Although, in stanza
The lord of the major period invested 2U, it was stated that ths combination of
with death-inflicting power does not cause lords of quadrant and trine gives rise to
death (in its major period) -in the sub- Raja yoga, stanza 21 modified it to the
period of a benefic planet connected to extent that such Raja Yoga would be
bim, but it does so in the sub-period of .spoilt by the association of the lord of 8
another malefic not connected to bim. or 11. Therefore, though Guru owns the
9th house - and Saturn the lOch house,
Notes; Stanzas 33, 35, 36 and 37 appear their combination would not be fruitful
differently in some other texts. because of Saturn's additional ownership
of the Ilth house. Guru alsq owns the 12th
Stanza 39 bouse, one of the evil houses according
The good and bad effects denoted by to the author, but Guru is a natural
Sukra and Sani will be realised in their benefic and owns a trine (9th) house. A
respective periods and sub-periods inversely, trine house, as stanza 3 says, is a benificial
house, and a quadrant is not so powerful
Sani offering in its sub-period in Venus' for good as a trine (all these from the
major period the effects of S;kra, and point of view, apparently, of longevity);
Sukra in its sub-period in Sani's major then again, the 12th house is not so evil
period translating what Sani indicates. for longevity as the 11 th (for chara lagna),
Stanza 40: and, further. Guru is a natural benefic
whereas Saturn is styled as the worst
In this sloka, the author says that on malefic. The assertion that a Guru is a
the basis of the principles enunciated by benefic and Saturn is a malefic for this
Ugaa does not, rationally speaking, appear learned authors of ''Uttara Kalamiila"
to be incorrect. Our own feeling is that and "Bbavartha Ratnakara".
both Guru and Saoi will offer bencfical A statement attributed to Mabarshi Para-
as well as harmful results denoted by the sara says that Sukra docs not herself kill but
bouses owned by them, whenever their period becomes a maraka if conjoined with Budha
or subperiod or sub-sub period operates. and Sani.
Guru has control over the affairs of the
bouses 9 and 12. Saturn, likewise, has sway Stanza 43:
over the 10th as well as the Ilth bouse
matters, and while Saturn may be inimical Evil planets like Sani will indicate the
so far as longevity is concerned, it cannot period when death will happen. In Uttara
fail to bring about the beneficial influences kalamrita, it is said that Sani does not
ascribed to the lOtb and lltb houses prove a maraka for Mesba lagna, even if
professional honour and recognition, gain
and fulfilment of desire, etc. In sum, no- he is inauspicious.
planet is wholly good nor any planet Stanza 44;
wholly evil, the terms being relative. The
text-book classification of a placet as To the native of Yrisbaba lagna. Guru,
malefic or benefic by nature or even by its Sukra and Chandra are malefics. Sani and
lordship does not simply wprk. in.actual -Snr7irare1SEneficial"pIanets. Saturn alone
"pracfice, and many other factors have to Is productive of Raja yoga.
enter into our reckoning before we can
assess what a planet has to do. -Stanza 45:
Stanza 42: Guru, Sukra and Chandra occupying
houses 2 or 7 or conjunct these bouse
. Not only does Guru combined with Sani lords, kill the native in their respective
not produce good, but it will actively cause periods and sub-periods..
undesirable results. Sukra will not bring
about death, though it is a marakadbipatbi. Notes.- Based on the theme stated in
stanzaS, Guru owning the II lb house,
Notes: Guru owns a good (9tb) and a Sukra owning the 6th house and Chandra
bad (12th) bouse; similarly Sani owns a ruling the 3rd house for Vrishaba lagna,
good (IOth) and a bad (lltb) house. When have been called as evil (stanza 44). Sutya
two planets combine, both gain and lose governs the 4th house,a kendra ("quadrant),
a part of their nature, and on this and so it is taken as a good planet. Sani
consideration Guru is the loser and Saturn is very beneficial because it rules a ttikona
the gainer. Perhaps the learned author's (9th house; and also a kendra(tie most
statement in this stanza springs out of the powerful of the kendras, namely lOtb).
ownership of houses 11 and 12 by these Sani is no doubt good by lordship for this
planets an evil combination for longevity. lagna as for Tbula lagna, but the beneficial
Otherwise, the conjoint period of Guru-. results of Sani, or, for that matter, any pther
planet benefic by lordship and nature, will
Sani should bring to the fore all the
affairs ruled by bouses 9., 10, Hand 12 and depend on the location in the horoscope
material prosperity would be fully enjoyed, and other factors like association, aspect,
though from the longevity angle the coDStciiational position, etc.
combination is not productive. In Bbavartha Ratnakara, it has been
Kalidasa, in ' his "Uttara Kalamn'ta" averred that Saturn is not a yogakaraka
considers Guru-Sani conjunction as beneficial for this lagna but Parasara says that Saturn
for Mesba lagna. is the only yoga karaka for this lagna.
The statement that Sukra will not Stanza 46:
cause death in its major or sub-period, in For Milbuna lagna, Kuja. Guru and
spite of his adhipathya over the two maraka
sthanas 2 and 7, runs contrary to the Surya are inauspicious, Sukra alone is
accepted principle and the views of many benefic, and the combination of Sani and
other. eminent authorities, including the Gnrn causes the same effect as for Mesba,
Stanza ytf:. calls Chandra a malefic, by rvictue of
Chandra's ownership of the r2nd house
Kuja, Surya anUChandra are inauspi^ ,a maraka sthana, though in stanza 48 .it
cious, oSnkra. is beaefic, and the .inter- ,ls made clear that chandra does not. cause
relntion (pf .Sufcra ,and Budha produces death, on .the consideration that -the
Raja tjfqga. luminaries do not exercise the [power of.
death. Both stanzas 46 and 47 agree on
Stanza 48: Sukra as a helpful planet. :Sukra is .a
Sam-Guru combination produces the natural benefic and owns a trine housef Sth),
same effect as for Mesh a. Chandra, though it also rules the I2th. In the case
though malefic, does not cause death. of Sani, however, though he rules a trikbna
(9th),he has been termed evil because he
Stanza 49: is a natural malefic and also rules, additionally,
Kuja and Surya are death-inflicting the 8th house. In our opinion these rules
planets for Mithuna lagna. cannot be adopted for use as if they are
sacrosanct, but tested in practice keeping
Notes to stanzas 46 to 49: The contents the spirit in which the planets have been
of stanza 46 differ, in some way,, from those classified as good and bad. No person
of stanzas 47, 48 and 49. This difference is can ever become proficient in astrology
known as Matantaram or separate doctrine. so long as he looks to text-books every
While both stanzas 46 and 47 classify Kuja time for guidance. Instead, he should attempt
and Ravi as evil, based on Kuja's rulcrship an intelligent synthesis of what a planet has
of houses 6 and 11 and Surya*s ownership of to indicate by his nalurc,_Jp;dship,--T0ccu:-
3, stanza 46 speaks of Guru as evil perhaps .. j5atioaj-a9sociatiori7~constellational position,
brcausc_hcJias_keBdradhTpathya""aosha by constellational sub-division, etc. Aspect or
vinue of ownership of two powerful planetary drishti is also another factor
kendras 7 and 10. Stanza 47 does not which causes modification in a planet's
include Guru' among the malefics, but it effect.
(Continued from pages 2327, March 1972 issue)
iSlokas 21-2} and is related to malefics by conjnnctiou
or aspect. Enlargement of spleen is shown
If Sani is placed in Makara, the native if Sani occupies the lagna.
is disinclined to speak. .If the Moon as
lord of 6 joins a malefic in the invisible Sloka 26
hemisphere, there will be a mark in both Malefic planets in Kendras (quadrants
the eyes. Weak sight results if (i) waning i.e., houses 1, 4, 7, 10) cause defect in the'
Moon receives Saturn's aspect and not limbs. The Sun and the Moon occupying >
aspected by Venns pnd. (ii) Moon in kendras (quadrants), or Venus in lagna
Kataka receives the aspect of a malefic aspected by Sani, denotes defect in the
. planet from the 7th or 10th house. A limbs near the loin part of the body..
person is one-eyed in whose horoscope Defective.limb.nearthe-hipsrarms-pr the
Mars (Kuja) or the 8th lord_occupies-the- "feet Is shown in a chart where Venus is in
..lagnawith aspsct^from Jupiter and/or 4 and Sani, Budha or Kuja is conjoined
Venus.If Mars riaes before the Sun, the with Guru (anywhere).
sight is devoid of lustre; if Mercury rises
before the Sun, some spot in the eye will Slokas 27-28
be there. Venus in lagna or 8tb receiving If the planets owning the 8th and 9th1
malefic aspect, denotes eye trouble. Rapt be conjunct a malefic planet in the 4th
{exact) conjunction of Mars and Moon house counted from that of the malefic,
causes a spot in the eye, The Sun in S or the native will have crippled thighs or
9 or 12, with strong malefic aspect, gives shanks, and this will be the case when the .
defective eye, and Sani in the same Son or Rahu join the 6th house in
position gives a sickly appearance to the conjunction with Mars and. Saturn, or
person. Saturn and the 6th lord occupying 12 are
SLOKA 24 aspected by malefics. Pain in the band is.
Shown by the disposition of the Sun, the
If Sani posited in 4 aspects the Moon Moon and Sani in 6 and 8. Impotency, if
in a prishtodaya* sign when the lagna Sani associated with Sukra occupies 10, or
lord occupies Mesha, the native is short if Sani is in 12th or 6th from the house
statured. If the Moon occupies a water- occupied by Sukta. The native is one-
resorting sign (Vrishaba, Mithuna, Kanya eyed (i) if the Moon in Simha in lagna
and Kumbha) in the 2nd house or if aspects Mars in Kumbha in the 7tb or (ii)
Moon be conjunct Sani with the Sun in the Sun in Cancer (Kataka) aspects Mars
lagna, leprosy results. in the 7tb house or (iii) lord of 9 is placed
Sloka 25 in Mesha, Simha, Vriscbika or Makara.
Enlargement of spleen: The Moon as Sloka 29
lord of 6 receiving aspect of malcfics and The native of the following six yogas
not benefics, or the Moon owning 1 or 7 becomes a eunuch:
receiving malefic aspect. Sani in 4 with (i) Opposition of the Sun and the
malefic aspect causes loss of eye sight. Moon (from any sign).
Unhappiness results if Sani is lord of lagna (ii) Sani and Budha opposing each
'Prishtodaya signs are those which rise other (from any sign).
by leg. These are Mesha, Vrishaba, (iii) Kuja aspecting Surya in a female
Kataka, Dhanus and Makara. or even or negative sign.
(iv) Kuja aspecting lagna and Chandra Sloka 33 and Sloka 34: Epilogue.
in odd sign, he., male signs.
(v) The Moon and Mercury in odd Adhyaya IV
and even signs receiving aspect Sloka 1
from Mars. A girl born when Chandra at birth
(vi) Venus, the Moon and the lagna occupied the asterism Asiesha or Krittika
in odd (male) signs in tasi or or Sathabisha coinciding with Sunday,
navamsa (l/9th part of a sign). Saturday or Tuesday and Tithis Dwitiya,
Sloka 30 Saptami and Dwadasi, is a Visha Kanya.
Enlarged scrotum (enlargement of the Also when two benefic planets occupy the
bag containing the testicles) is caused by lagna, one malefic in the 10th and two
the disposition of Sukra with Kuja in the other malefic planets in the 6th house.
8th house, or Sukra is conjunct Kuja in Sloka 2
Mesfaa or Vrischika. Those who have
Sukra and Chandra in their horoscope A girl is a Visha Kanya in any one of
placed in Mesha or Vrischika with aspect the following cases:
from Guiu and Sani, would have this (i) Birth on Saturday, Asiesha
defect right from conception. nakshatra and Dwitiya Tithi;
Sloka Bl (ii).Birth on Tuesday inBaptami TitHi
Irregular.teeth;- Lagna iu sigus DHanusr in Sathabisha nakshatra;
Rishaba or Mesha aspected by malefic (iii) Birth on Sunday in Visakha
planets. nakshatra coinciding with Dwa-
Bald head: Lagna in signs Mesha, dasi Tithi;
Vrischika, Simha, Makata or Kumbha, and
or (iv) Kuja in 9, Sani in 1 and Surya
Dhanus or Rishabha on the lagna in S.
aspected by malefics.
Imprisonment: If malefic planets (by Sloka 3
nature) are in 2,5, 9 and 12, mote The evil mentioned in slokas 1 and 2
especially when Mesha, Dhanus or childlessness and widowhoodis warded
Rishaba rises in the lagna. off when lord of 7 from the lagna or the
Sloka 32 Moon occupies the 7th, or if a benefic
: If Sukra occupies Makara or Kumbha occupies 7th counted from the lagna or
owned by Sani, or lord of 6 is in Mithuna Chandra.
or Kanya governed by Budha or Sani's Sloka 4
sign Makara, or Sukra is placed in Kanya
or Mithuna conjunct Budha ina quadrant, Epilogue of the Adyaya.
or Sukra and Sani occupy their own
trimsamsas* the body of the person win Adhyaya V
emit foul smell. The face will emit such Sloka 1
foul smell if Chandra in lagna is in Mesha. Longevity is the basis on which ail
*Trim8amsa is division of a sign into 30 predictions depend. This is dealt with in
equal parts, each part getting one degree. this Adhyaya.
In odd (or positive) signs the first 5 ate
governed by Mars, the next S by Saturn Sloka 2
the next 8 by Jupiter, the next 7 by Lord of lagna strong with aspect from
Mercury and the last 5 by Venus. In benefics in quadrant houses confers pros-
even (negative) signs, Venus, Mercury, perity, wealth, longevity, etc. The native
Jupiter, Saturn and Mars respectively rule lives for 60 years if benefice ate in
S, 7, 8, 5, S degrees in that order. quadrants, the Moon in her own or
ejallatioff sifn-and the liagna- lord-' is Giiru and Sukra occupy quadrant bouses.
strong. The same is the case when Guru in lagna
occupies Kataka, with Sukra in a
Sloka 3 quadrant.- Such a. life of 100 years is
also promised when Sani occupies 1 or 9
A life- of 70 years is promised if bsnefic and Chandra is in 9'or 12.
planets occupy quadrant bouses. Guru is
in lagna, and the 8th from the lagna or
Chandra is free from malefic association/ Sloka 7:
aspect. A native will have a lease of eighty
years if benefics (by nature) are in their A life of 100 years is denoted if (i>
moolatfikona rasis, Guru in his exaltation malefic planets are placed in houses
rasi and lagna lord is extremely powerful. other than 1, 4, 5, 7,- 8, 9 and 10, (ii>.
Dbanus of Meena is on lagna, (iii) Guru
Slokas 4-5 or Venus in a quadrant and (iv) bouses 8
A life of 30 years is assured,, if Budba and 9 are aspected by benefic planets.
in strength is placed in a quadrant with Also when the 8th from the Lagna or
the 8th bouse unoccupied. If in this case, Chandra lagna is vacant and Guru and
the 8th house is aspected by a benefic, the Sukra are very strong. 60 years' life is
native will live for 40 years. Jupiter shown if Chandra is in Vrisbaba in lagna
_occupyingDhanns.or Meena and his-own and-benefics stand-in their owir Signs.
decanate (division of a sign into 3 parts of
10Oieach, also called Drckkana) gives a life Slokas 8-9 :
of 27 years. 60 years Will be the span of
life if Chandra is in lagna or Kataka and
a benefic occupies the- 7th house.. If If the latter half of-Dhanus (i.e., 15 to
benefic planets are in 5 and 9 and lagna 30) be on the lagna, all the planets are
falls in a centipede sign (Keela rasi) in exaltation, and Budba is in the 24th
Vrischika (also Kataka according to- some degree of Vrisbaba, the person. will live
authorities) with Guru in lagna,. the native the full period (of 120 years). The same
lives for SO years. A short life of 24 years will be the case, if Sukra and Guru are in
is indicated if the'lagna lord is posited in quadrant houses and Chandra is stationed
lagna, lord of S goes to 9, and an occu- in the 11th bouse. Such a life of 100
pant of the 8tb bouse is maleficially years is also promised when Sukra
aspected. Life will be cut short at the age occupies Meena identical with the lagna,
of 27 if the lagna and Stb lords are Chandra is posited in 8 with aspect
together in the Stb bouse. A poor life of from a benefic and Guru stands in a
only 22 years will be the case if Kuja and quadrant bouse. Of, when lord of lagna
Guru are in lagna aspected by Chandra is in 8, Chandra in 10, Guru strong and
and another planet occupies the Stb bouse. all others occupy 9. Or, when Kataka
is on lagna, Chandra and GUru in 3, 6 or
Sloka 6; 11, and Sukra and Budha are in mutual
quadrant positions to one another. In
A long life of 70 years accrues to .the the case of a native in whose chart Surya,
native in whose chart the lagna and Kuja and Sani occupy kendra positions
Chandra are free of malefic association. and in Guru's navamsas. Guru occupies
Guru is in the lagna, no planet in S and a lagna, and the other planets are not
benefic occupies a quadrant (kendra). stationed in 8, the life extends to 83
The native lives for a hundred years if years.

^yotish Praveena P. R. MURALIDHARAN, B.E.^ A-M.f.C.E.,

On 19th Feb 1972, in the evening, I was 4. Mercury Rahu Rahu

kitting with my friends discussing Krishnamurti 5 Jupiter Kethu Jupiter
jHorary Astrology. At this moment a friend
of mine stepped into my chamber and wished 6. Venus Mercury Mercury
Good evening. 7. Saturn Sun Mercury
"Good Luck", I told. 8. Rahu Moon Moon
Immediately, he asked me to predict, 9. Kethu Saturn Sun
whether he will be able to contact his
relative by phone and to give the time of Astrological Analysis
fruitification. He quoted 200, a number
within 249. According_ to .JitellapAstrology for
fniitifieation of Trunk-call, houses 3, 9, and
Number 200, means Saturn Sign-Moon 11 are to scrutinisedi If the sublord of
star-Mercury sub0 rises. Question is answered the 3rd cusp is situated in the constellation
at Davangere 14 -31'N; 750->58'E. of planet in retrograde motion, in a few
Time: 7-00 P. M. minutes, the departmental staff will inform
Position of 12 cusps and the planets that,, the line is out of order and call is
are tabulated below: cancelled. If the sub lord of the 9th cusp
is situated in the constellation of planet in
retrograde motion, the concerned party will
HI 27o-30' Moon Saturn not be available, hence the call is cancelled:
Mars 0
If the sublord'of the 11th cusp is situated
Venus IV 27^30' V 23 -38' in the constellation of planet in retrograde!
motion, though the connection is given due
to much disturbance the purpose of the
call will not be served. But if the sublord
II 23l>-22, Ketu of the 3rd cusp is retrograde and lord of
Mercury 0
VII 17 -46' the constellation is direct, then call will
Suo ^ ^materialised after sometime. If the sublord
RASI CHART of the 9th cusp is retrograde and the lord of
<, the constellation is direct, then the relatives
I 17 -46' Vin 23'-22' of the party will send words to the party
Rahu later the call materialises. If the sublord
of the 11th cusp is retrograde and the
lord the constellation is direct, then thb
departmental authorities are asked to rectify
the defect for the disturbances and after
IX 270-30' rectihcation call will materialise.
No planet is retrograde on this day, hence
no planet is in the constellation of retro-
grade planet. The sublord of the 3rd and
SI. No. Planet Star-Lord Sub-Lord the 9ih cusp is Jupiter, who is in the llth
house. The sublord of the llth cusp is Mars.
* 1. Sun Mars Moon Mars is the occupant of 3rd house, lord
2. Moon Kethu Jupiter of llth cusp, and aspects llth cusp.
Hence the fruitification of Trunk-call is
3. Mars Kethu Mercury promised.
I 17
The sigoificators of house 3,9 and II are tabulated below:-
III Bhava IX Bhava XI 0Bhava
27'>-30' 2T-vy 23 -38'
Significators Pisces ta Virgo to Scorpio to
27"-30' Aries 27o-30' Libra I99_30'Sagittarius:
Planets in the constellation of the
occupant of a Bhava. Sun, Rahu
Occupant of the Bhava Mars, Moon Jupiter
Planets posited in the constellation
ruled by the lord of the Bhava Venus Sun
Planet owing the Bhava Jupiter Mercury Mars
Venus aspects the 9th house (lih aspect). In this chart Saturn, Venus, and Mars
Saturn aspects the llth house (7th aspect). are in Mercury sub, a significator. Kethu
Mars occupant of 3rd and lord of 11 th aspects is in Sun sub. Sun is in Moon sub.
the llth house (8th aspect). For minor^events which are to happen in
' Mars the ocCupant~of 3rd "and 'lord of few minutes-of-in-Hfew-hoursT-onchas-^o
llth cusp aspects Kethu (4th aspect). Saturn note down the point in the Zodiac to rise
a significator aspects Kethu Hrd aspect). in the east, when the strong fruitful signifi-
Further Kethu is in Moon sign. So Kethu cators conjointly operate.
is a strong significator. The point in the Zodiac to rise in
The Ruling planets at the moment of the east, at time of fruitification should be
SUB.i.e, 25o-53'-20" to 26M0' Leo. Out of
Day Lord : Saturn. this select Mars sub- sub. i.c,260-l2'-47" to
Sign Lord Mars. 26M9'-47" 0Leo. The SayanaAsscendant
Star Lord Kethu. would be 19 -34'-47" to 190-41'47" V1GRO.
Lagna Lord Sun. Referring to the Raphael's Table of Houses for
Lagna Star Lord...- ....Venus. 150North Latitude, note down the sidereal
time then convert to Indian Standard Time.
Hence consider Saturn, Mars, Kethu, The I. S. T. will be 7-49 P. M. So, I pre-
Sun and Venus. dict that my friend will be able to contact
According to K. P., If the sub-lord is his relative by Phone at 7-49 P.M.
, one of the significator, then the planet As predicted the call frutified exactly
deposited in such a sub is fruitful, other- at 7-49 P. M.
wise not. "GOOD LUCK"

P. S. SASTRY, S. A. R. I. Koraput

So saying a person entered into my sub lord alone retrograde and signify the
quarter on 141271, I asked him to above houses, one has to wait till it takes
furnish a number within 249. He said atonce direct motion.
130. Time was d-05 P.M. LS.T. at Koraput
180N. In the above case the sub lord of 11 cusjp
Map for the heavens as follows: is Rah i. Luminaries are never retrograde
and nodes never retrace their path. Therefore
Ralm and Ketu _caDnotbe -considered- as
-Vffi60-25<- Retrograde Planets. Rahu has occupied Moon
vn 6o-40' IX 50-25'
Sani 80-12' constellation (Sravana) and Moon is the occu-
pant of Lagna Bhava, Hence querist's desire
will be fulfilled- As the 11th cusp sub lord
X 6d 25 ' deposited in Moon Star who is a fast moving
v v'-as' No. 130 At 6-05 P.M. Kethu 140-12' Planet as well as 11th lord Ravi, the matter
l.S-T. will be materialised in days. Hence I
ISMS'N. considered the Ruling Planets as follows:
Rahu 140-12' Day LordMars (Tuesday)
0 14-12-1971 XI 7-25'
IV 6 -25' Rasi LordVenus (Tula)
' Star Lord(Jupiter) (Visakha)
0 Ravi 29
Ven. 25 -A6' Jup. 2SM)4'-29' Moen 7 Number Lagna Lord is Venus
III 50-25' Mer. 240-37' 2 IMS' XII SMS'
II 6#-25' Lagna 6-40' Considering the Moon transit to Mars
sign (Aries) Venus star (Bharani) and in
In K. P. Houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11 are Jupiter sub and the day will be Tuesday ruled
always advantageous. In horary if the sub by Mars which comes to 281271, at
lord of the 11th cusp is deposited in the 11-00 "a.m.
constellation of a retrograde planet then the Surprisingly he received a bank draft oh
ambition cannot be realised. If the sub lord 27th after noon and the same was encashed
is not retrograde and not deposited in the and received exactly at the predicted hour.
retrograde Planet constellation^ also happens Thus K. P. simplified the predictive astrology.
to be the significator of any of the above
houses, the answer will be positive. But if the Long Live Guruji.

(Time predicted to years ahead)
Sri. BIMAl KANTI GHOSE, Sahebjada Bazaar, Cuttack-2.
11 th September 1969, two gentlemen came He supplied his birth particulars and I
to my chambers. One of them was Sri. drew up a chart of Heavens at birth time
Antaryami Tripathy, who is well-known as an which is as follows;
adept in Traditional Astrology.
Sri Tripathy introduced, the other gentle- VIlI12"-07'
man, who is a young engineering graduate and V 19o-07' VI17--07' VII 12*-07'
said "Sri Ratha is a student of traditional Sal. l"-59-
astrology and he wants to consults you in
certain matters."
"Yes, Mr. Ratha, what can I do for you." Bom 23-9-44 Rahu r-07-
iv i7-or
Sri Ratha said "I am studying traditional al-10-37 JXJ4!d07'-
astrology;, but I havr heard about Krishnamuiti
Padhdhati and its successful applications,-will Balance of Saturn o
you kindly explain me its principles. Now I HI 14"-07' Dasa 9 years 8 .months X I7 -07'
am working as a junior engineer, on a and 17 days Jup.l9'-41'
temporary tasis, could you also find out when Ketu f-Ol- Mcr. 19--15'
I shall have my promotion and be made
fermanent, which has been long delayed and
am dejected". (I explained him the general Asc. 12o-07' XH 17-07' XI 19o-07'
principles of K. P. and my experiences about II 12-07' Sun 7-02'
K. P. Traditional astrology and Western Moon 9-51' Venus 0-30' Mars 23-28'
Analysis of Planetary Influences
2 3 4 5 6 7
Constellation Owners of Significator Occu- Significator
Planet lord Houses as per as per
pant occupancy Sub Lord

Sun Sun 10 10 10 10 Kethu

Moon Saturn 9 3. 4 12 8. 12 Venus
Mars Mars 1/6 1. 6 11 11 Mars
Mercury Venus 8/11 7, 12 10 11, 10 Rahu
Jupiter Venus 2/5 7, 12 10 11 Rahu
Venus Mars 7/12 1, 6 11 11 Mercury
Saturn Rahu 3/4 X 8 8 Venus
Rahu Jupiter X 2, 5 8 10 Mars
Ketu Sun X 10 2 10, 2 Rahu

Rabu is Moon's boose. Ketu (0 4 27) days i. c during the period
Ketu is in Saturn's bouse. between'9671 and 7il71. During
Vertical column 6 and vert. Col. 4 this period Ketu-Ketu-Iupiter is very favourable
indicate tbe slrongeit influence. . ! (30 871 to 19.971) since Jupiter is
Now at birth Saturn's Oasa balance was occupant of 10 and signifies II, by being
9.8.17 days. There after, Budba dasa for conjoined with Mercury lord of 11. .....
17 years. In other words, Budha dasa ends . In ruling planet tnetho'd it was found that.
on 9671 and Ketii dasa begins. . Ketu and Jupiter were prominent. So it was
At the time of judgement on 11,-969. predicted that in Ketu dasa-Ketu Bhukti and.
he was running Budba dasa and Saturn Bhuktil Jupiter Anthra,' when transits Would ' be"
which.was to end on 9671. favourable (I-bad no ephemeris of 1971 then),
promotion order would be received i. e.. in- thei
For promotion houses 2, 6,10 and 11 are,, period between 30871 and 199'71.
to be consiijcrcd as per K. P. Sri Ratha met me recently and informed
It may be seen from the chart of analysis me that be was called for interview by Public-
that Budhals signiflcator of 11 and 10 and so Service Commission in July, 19.71 and bad
he is favourable. But Saturn who is occupaoti received final promotion order as' Assistant
of eighth is also signifi cator or eighth. iSo he Engineer on 1st September, 197l_ V'henJCetu
is not favourable. ^ dasa-KetuBhukfr"and"~XupJter 'Anthra . was'
-"InnayalsiTKr seen that Ketu is a strong' Under operation. The transists on that day
significator of 2 and 10. So it was predicted are.Sun in Venus ^star fdecupant. and
that till 9671, he should not .expect any significatorof 11, Moon in Venus star. Mercury
promotion. But since the last part Budha iu Ketu star, Venus in Venus star, (Significator
dasa Saturn Bhukti, anthra of Jupiter, will; of 11. and 10)'and the day was a Wednesday.-
come: he is the signiflcator of 11 foccupant Sri Ratha is now fully convinced about!'
of 10); so paving the way for promotion would the usefuluess and accuracy of Krisbnainurti'
be made, in the 1st part of 1971. But actual, Padhdhati and he himself has switched onto
promotion would come only with in Ketu-. K. P. and it now well versed'in that.
Krishnamurti Padhdhati proved true
Sri. S, V. RAMANARSAIAH, M.A., M.Ed., Lecturer, Nagarjuna College. Nalgonda fA.P.;
When we study the lives of twins born same houses for both of them. But one
within a few minutes at the same place, suffered from ill-health; the other is healthy-
a lot of difference will be recorded. The One is living, the other died shortly after
following is a case of twins born at Nalgonda, birth. Why it is so? A study of the following
on 681971 with a difference of 10 charts will reveal that the diametrically
minutes whose birth charts are prepared, opposite effects experienced are due to the
studied and judged by me. The Lagna and cuspal differences and the planet holding the
bouses remain the same. Planets are in the cusps as sub lord.

B. fMale child;

XII 0#-27' Lagna 20-27* Xlt 3-09' Lagna 40-47'

XI 260-27' XI 290-39'
S3t. ir-29 U 2T-2T Sat. ll'-29' 11 290-39'
Vco. 130-25' Vco. l30-25'
Sun 190-26' Sun 19 26'
X 23-27' 6-8-1971 Keto X 26M)9' 6-8-1971 Kethu
2 i*-08'
2-40 A.M. 1ST ZI'-OS'
Time 2-30 A.M. I.S T. III 23 -27' III 26M39'
Mars Nalgonda Nalgonda
24-W IX 26o-09, L.M.T. 2-26-24
IX 23-27'
o L-M.T. 2-16-24 Mr. 15M3'. .Mars 24<>-48' S.R.T. 23-21-25 Merc. 15M'
Rahu 21 -08' S.R.T. 23-11-24 Rahu 21 "-OS',
m IV 2i0-27' Moon IV 26'-09'
6 -49'
VIII 270-27' VI 0*-27' VIII 29-39' VI 3<-09'
VI1 20-27' Jup. 3'-28'
V 24-23'
VII 4-47' Jup. 30-28' V 290-39'

A. Sign, Star, Sub Lords B. Sign, Star, Sub Lords

I MercuryMarsKcthu I MercuryMarsVenus
IT MercuryJupVenus II MercuryJupiterMoon
III MoonMercuryMars III MoonMercuryJupiter
IV SunVenusSaturn IV SunVenusKethu
V MercuryMarsJupiter V MercuryMarsSaturn
VI MarsJupiterMoon VI MarsJupiterRahu
VII JupKethuVenus VII JupiterKethuMars
VII! JupSunMoon VIII JupiterSunRahu
IX SaturnMarsMars IX SaturnMarsJupiter
X SaturnJupiterSaturn X SaturnJupiterKethu
XI JupMercuryJupiter XT JupiterMercurySaturn
XII VenusSunRahu XII VenusSunSaturn
A- SUNMoonMercuryVenus B. SUNMoonMercuryVenus
MOONSaturnSunMercury MOONSaturnSunMercury
MARSSaturnMarsRahu M A RSSaturnMarsRahu
MERCSimVenusVenus MERCSunVenusVenus
JUPMarsSatSaturn JUPMarsSaturnSaturn
VENUSMoonSatRahu VENUSMoonSaturnRahu
SATVenusMoonMars SATURNVenusMoonMars
RAHUSatMoonVenus RAHUSaturnMoonVenus
KETUMoonMercVenus KETUMoonMercuryVenus
A comparative study of the two charts know the date of her demise. According to
will reveal that the subdords of the cusps Krishnamurti Padhdhati, the significators of
of houses in the two births are different. death were calculated. Ketu and Sun are in
Otherwise, the horoscopes, especially the the constellation of Mercury, ruling the 2nd
planetary positions, the signs on the lagna house. Ketu, along with Sun and Venus,
and other house cusps, and the constellations also happens to occupy the 2nd house.
on the different houses are the same. As Mercury is in the constellation of Venus,
Moon's-position-in ^be^two-charts -has-not and Moon-in the-constel]ation.-of_Sun. No
varied very much, the Vimshottari dasa, planet occupied the constellation of Ketu.
bhukti and anthara in both the cases also
remains almost the same. Jupiter is lord of 7 and there is none
in Jupiter's stars, but Jupiter is aspected
The sub-lord of the Ascendant in by Saturn. There is no planet in the 7th
chart *A' is KETU deposited in the constel- house. The significators of Marakastbana
lation of Mercury, a very strong significator and Badhakasthana are Sun, Mercury, Moonj
of 2nd house, marakasthana? not only by Ketu, Venus, Jupiter and death would
ownership but also by occupation and happen during their conjoint period, I had
ccnstellational position. . On the other hand, predicted that the child will collapse
in chart 'B', the sublord of the Ascendant during Sun dasa and Ketu bhukti, but could
is Venus, who is deposited in the constel- not fix the Anthra and Sookshama as I
lation of Saturn who is not a significator was not fully proficient in the subject at
of houses 2 and 7. Thus the life of the that time. However, the period commencing
female child (chart A) is short. The male from 2691971 to 18101971 was
child (chart Bj is promised a long life. marked by me as the most dangerous
The sublord of the VI cusp in chart period during which the child was expected
A* is Moon, a strong malefic by tenanting to collapse.
the constellation of Sun deposited in the Actually the child left for its heavenly
2nd house, a marakastbana. As a result, abode at 2-30 A.M. on October 14, 1971, when
the child suffered from illhealth till her it was running Sun Dasa, Ketu bhukti.
death. Taking the other chart B, it is seen Moon anthra and Jupiter sookshama. The
that the sublord of the VI cusp, Rahu, i day(according to Hindus before Sun vise)
deposited in the constellation of Chandra was Wednesday ruled by Mercury and
placed in the Sth house. Rahu itself is Moon was transiting in the 2nd house in
posited in the 8th house of longevity and the constellation Aslesha, ruled by Mercury.
is thus not harmful. The Moon is not so
much of a malefic merely by its ownership The role of the Sub is very significant.
of a marakastbana, but assumes such a KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI alone
role by tenanting. the constellation of an highlights the importance of the Sub (sub-
occupant of marakastbana. Rahu is in Moon't division of the constellation; on the cusp
star and Moon is also in 8. Rahu, there- of a house, and on more than one occaiion
fore, has no connection to death. The child 1 have found this truth proved bejoud a
of the second chart (B) is healthy. shadow of doubt.
As the chart of child 'A' did not
promise long life, there arose a curiosity to GOOD LUCK
Sri MAHENDRA SARAP, B.Sc., Burla, Sambalpur (Orissa)
In the mid-twentieth century, the long Padhdhati and the ruling planets at the
-standing desire of astrological students to- time of judgement to arrive at the correct
give correct and definite forecasts on different birth-time of a native.
aspects of life has been fulfilled with the 1 took this horoscope for analysis on
advent of the Varaha Mihira of Modern Age, 13101971 at 9-52 P. M. (I. S. T) at Burla.
our revered Guruji Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti. The ruling planets at the time of judgement
His unique Padhdhati has made many are as follows:
traditional astrologers to throw aside the Lord of the Day Mercury
-defective traditional system and change over fWednesday)
to the new system of Prof. Krishnamurti Lord of Moon Sign Moon fCancer)
which is as simple and easy as it is original. Lord of Moon Star Mercury
A class of professional critics in this field (Aslesha)
are still existing, may be due to their Lord of Lagna Mercury
ignorance of the underlying principles or (Gemini)
due to false vanity, making them hesitate Lord of Lagna Star Rahu (Arudra)
to accept the truth of the new system. Ketu is in Moon-Sign, Mercury-Star and
"They-timplygo_m_ beating the drum of aspected by Mars. Rahu represents Mars by
slokas to display theii kuuwledge"df Sanskrit conjuilCtion:^ Tb e -stated birth:time gives the
and repeat stanzas after stanzas from a Lagna in Mars Sign Vrrschika an3 MTefcuYy's
number of books they have read. A famous Star Jyeshta, Mars and Merc, being ruling
magazine on Astrology opines that planets at the time of judgement. As Ketu, a
astrologically it is impossible to give the node, represents Moon, Mercury and Mars
date of an event.''* The followers of strongly, we can take Ketu sub in its own
Krishnamurti Padhdhati cannot but sympathise Sub-Sub as Cthe rising degree at birth. It corres-
with the ignorance displayed by all those ponds to I8 33'20" of Scorpio. Adding Aya-
Jbolding the above view. If only they learn namsafor the date of birth we get 1I030'17" of
K. P. sincerely with an open mind and Sagittarius (SayanaJ. By the usual process,
without any prejudice, they will find them- taking Table of Houses, the Sidereal time
selves disproving their own former views at birth and consequently the birth-time
and start appreciating the Stellar System was found out. The correct birth-time was
which enables us to predict the nature, 1-01-39 A.M.(I.S.T.), The planetary positions
exact date and time of an event. Days and cusps of houses for this rectified time
.are fast approaching when the astrologers are as follows:
all over will follow the one and the only
irue system of prediction profounded by
Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti. Speaking from my VI 24M)4' Ura. 3'-34'
own presonal experience, I have verified a V 26o-04' Saturn Mood 60-55 Vin 19ft-04'
number of cases where exact date of events 29-33' . VIIIS'-SS'
were predicted accurately and here also I give Mars 29M6' lup. 18-56'
one instance on Natal Astrology. IV 25o-05'
Male Born on 2321942 at 1-00 Ketu 21-06'
A. M. fl. S. T.) For tuna Date 25-2-1942 IX 2lo-04'
14-51' Time 1 Hr. 01 m.'
Birth Place-84o-00'E; 2r-28'N (-Supplied Sun 10^-38'
Birth Data) 39s A.M. (l.S.T.)
Is The Birth Time Correct?
III 2! -04' 84-00E, 21-28N.
The first and foremost duty of an Mercury
18<>-41' Ayaoamsa 220-S6'-57" Rahu Zl'-Oe'
Astrologer is to check up the correctness of Ven. 120-35' X 25o-04'
the birth-time supplied. One should not take
blindly the supplied birth-time to be correct-
But how to check up? Does traditional Ncp. 60-14'
astrology help in this respect? Certainly II 19M)4' I l80-33' XU 24"-04'
XI 26M)4'
not. It is confusing and misguiding.
You must take guidance from Krishnamurti
Planets Bbava Lordship Star-Lord Sab-Lord lord; Rahu in Venus star; and Ketu in
Positions ofBhava Jupiter star.
.Sun 3 10 Rahu Saturn Rahu Dasa-Ketu Bhukti-Rahu Antara
Moon 6 ^9 Sun Mercury blessed the native with the birth of a son.
Mars 6 1 & 6 Sun Rahu Rahu and Ketu are in a male sign. Rahu
Mercury 2 8 & 11 Moon Mercury sign lord & Ketu sign lord, Sun and Saturn,
Jupiter 7 2 & 5 Moon Mercury occupy male sign. So birth of a male child
Venus 2 7& 12 Moon Rahu in the above period was as it should be.
iSaturn 6 3 & 4 Sun Rahu (C) Profession:
Rahu 9 Venus Jupiter Cosider for this purpose the 10th cusp.
Ketu 3 Jupiter Jupiter It is in Sun sign-Venus star and Mercury
Sub*Mercury is a strong significator of 6th
Confirmation of the Corrected Birth Time? house. So he will have to serve. There is
One should not be satisfied by taking no independent profession or own business.
only the ruling planets but should confirm He is in Government Service. Mercury and
by taking some important past events of Venus in conjunction in 2nd in (he star of
the native and his present position in life. Moon in the 6th house. Hence Moon has
- IovilLtake_a few sjli ch_ event5 as follows: got strong connection with profession and
^A) Date of marriage. (B)-BiftK"of soO whQ_is _co njoined with ^ Mars, Saturn and
<C) Profession, for this purpose. Uranus. Mars - Saturn -Ve^is^^rcury^ Moon
and Sun are connected with profession in
(A) Date of Marriage: every way. Moon-Saturn indicates use of
Foe this, examine the houses 2, 7 and petrol and mobile. Mars-Mercury and Saturn
11 and find out the significators which indicate mechanical engineering or geology.
rshould agree with the date of marriage. Venus stands for vehicular transport,
refinement, etc. Mercury is for inspection.
Mercury and Venus in 2nd house; Rahu The native's job exactly fits in with this
in the star of Venus; Jupiter is 2nd lord; description.
Ketu in Jupiter's star. Mars, Venus and Mercury indicate transport.
Jupiter is in 7th house and Venus is Mars and Saturn indicate workshop, and Sun
lord of 7th. No planet is in 11th. Mercury indicates Government. He had a service as
is lord of llth house. mechanical engineer in a State Transport
Marriage was celebrated in Rahu Dasa
Mercury Bhukti-Venus Antara on a Wed- Now we infer that the corrected time
nesday. Moon was transiting Gemini in is corroborated by events in life. We can
Arudra Star. Day and Mopn-Sign are ruled now safely proceed for predicting future
by Bhukti lord, whereas Moon-star is ruled events.
by Dasa-lord. The lagna at the time of TransferMy prediction;
marriage was ruled by Venus, the Antara
lord. The date of marriage was 2911969. At the time of analysis, the native was
having Rahu Dasa-Ketu Bhukti. Ketu in 3rd
Ths Sub-lord of 7th is Mercury, who with Sun who is 10th lord in 3rd. Both
is lord of 8 & 11, in 2nd in the star of Rahu and Ketu represent Sun. Sun is a
Moon. Moon is exalted in Taurus at the strong significator of transfer. So transfer in
time of birth. So his marriage should be Rahu-Ketu-Satura (Saturn being in Sun-Star
in a highly reputed and rich family which and Rahu Sub) is certain. Coming to tran-
actually happened. Since Mercury is lord sit, Sun transits Rahu-Star and Ketu-Sub
of8&ll in 2nd, he will definitely inherit on 30101971. Moon transits Satabhisa
some sizeable properties from in-laws. in Saturn Sign, Aquarius. Since Rahu and
(B) Birth of Son: Ketu represent favourable planets in the
horoscope, so also Saturn, transfer to a
2Dd, 5th and llth are judged. Venus better place was predicted. This came out
^nd Mercury in 2nd, Jupiter 2nd and 5th lord; very correct. As per the version of the
5th and llth are vancant; Mercury llth native,** and was really very much

astonished. Your prediction came out 100%
The fruitful significators for transfer are
Rahu-Ketu-Saturn-Mars and Sun. Whenever
these planets jointly operate, transfer will
take place, especially when transits agree.
Future Prospect In Service:
During his life time, he will run the
major periods of Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn
in full and partially that of Mercury. Jupiter
will be the most promising of these. He will
get promotion during the following periods
as arrived at from the significators of houses
2610II and taking the fruitful signi-
ficators only.
Rahu Dasa^ Moon Bhukti(from-
24121975 to 2661977); Jupiter Dasa
Mercuiy Bhukti-Ketu Antaraffrom?71983
to 2481983); Jupiter Dasa-Moou Bhukti
(fiom 12111989 to 1231991J.
These are the three promotions promised
to the native. As all the planets are connected
with houses 2-6-10-11, the native will have
self-earned wealth and will enjoy the fruits of
the material world to his utmost satisfication.
Span Of Life;
In "Krishnamurti Padhdhati", we have
to consider the maraka houses along with
the Badhaka. Scorpio fVrischikaJ rises at
birth. It is a fixed sign and hence the 9th
house is Badhaka. The 2nd and 7th are
maraka houses for all lagnas. Mercury and
Venus in 2nd; Jupiter is 2nd lord in 7th;
7th lord is Venus; Rahu in 9th; and Moon
is-9th lord. Rahu in Venus Scar and Ketu
in Juqiter Star; Mercury, Venus and Jupiter
in the Star of Moon;
Mercury and Ketu are the strongest to
offer death. So Mercury Dasa-Ketu Bhukti-
Ketu Antara will be evil for longevity of
the native, when Sun will transit Jupiter sign-
K'- ,a Star-Mercury Sub on 28122015, a
W onday. Moon on this date transits 9th
house, a Badhaka Sthana, in Aslesha Star
ruled by Mercury, so transit of luminaries
agree in full. The heavenly portents are that
the native will leave the Earth for good
on 28th December 2015.

The following is the horoscope of the gir/ On I21972 to this native actually
who got married on 9th February, 1972 at Rahu dasa, Saturn bhukti had started. In
Madras. , a week's time the marriage was celebrated.
Saturn is considered to be a delaying planet
and occasionally a denying one depending
Moon 0 upon the ownership and accidental occupation
ni 18-56'
IV 190-56' i20-:.7' VI 13 -56'
0 at the moment of birth of the native. When-
lup. ir-26' V 170-56' Ura. 19 -49' ever Saturu is in any manner connected with
Moon or Mars or Jupiter, there cannot be delay
It can delay till its own, i.e. Saturn period
II l40-56' commences and when once Saturn sub-period
Place: Pudukkottai VII 1 lo-40' starts, it fulfills surprisingly suddenly, and
Rahu 110-26J most satisfactorily. If Saturn is said to be
Time of birth: 9-34 A.M. a delaying planet, it does not allow the lords
Date; 12121951 of the previous sub-periods to offer the_result
Ketu ll0-26' which he is also entitled to give. When
"Trr^O' Ayanamsa.:, _23o-04' VHlT4?-56' Saturn is really very much connected with
Jiouses 2, 7 and 11 by being the owner, by
being the occupantofthe-c onstcll at ion o f
Lord of 7, by aspecting 11 etc., and is con-
XII 130-56' 1 XI 170-56' Vcnusll-42' Mars 17o-03 joined with Mars, aspected by Jupiter etc.,
IX 18-55' then Saturn does miracles with lightning speed.
Merc. 7. 16' Sun 250-58' X l9-56' Sat. 20M7'
Nep..28o-09' According to transit, at the time of
marriage the positions of planets were as
She was born at 9-34 A.M. on 12th Dec. follows:
1951, at Tiruchi.
Moon dasa was 8 Yrs. and 13 Days left Venus
over as balance at the time of the birth. Mars SMC Sani 60-l7'
For marriage purposes, we judge the
houses 2, 7 and II. The 7th cusp must also
-be studied to 6nd out whether marriage is Kethu
promised and, in a way, it shows the state of
married life also. Nirayana Position UMl'
The 7th cusp falls in Cancer in the of
constellation of Saturn who is lord of 2 (in Sun 26o-10' Planets on
the constellation of lord of 7) and the sub-lord Rahu 9272
of the 7th cusp is also Moon. Therefore 11 Ml'
marriage is promised. Generally, whenever the Mere. 60-39'
sub-lord happens to be Moon marriage comes
in an earlier or in proper age and never late. Moon
The 2nd house is occupied by Jupiter and Jup. SMI-
owned by Saturn who is represented by Rahu. ISMO'
7th house is occupied by Kethu. Both
Mercury and Kethu are in Kethu's constella-
tion. 7th house is owned by Moon and both (1) It was a Wednesday ruled by Mercury.
Moon and Saturn are in the constellation of Moon was transiting in the constellation
Moon. 11th house is occupied by Mercury of Saturn, the bhuktinatha in Anuradha
and no planet is in its star. Of these planets, Nakshatra. Rahu was in Moon star. Moon
Rahu represents Saturn, and Saturn in the sub in Saturn sign, and Saturn was transiting
constellation of lord of 7, Mercury in the in Taurus in Mercury sub. Thus those planets
constellation of Kethu in 1 are the strongest. which are 'Ung the dasa period etc. were
transiting in proper position and sub, Rahu transiting in 9 is for delay, difficulty,
promising marriage on 921972. disease and disharmony.
According to K.P., transit is very correct. So, if we take the horoscope of the gir i
But if we take the transit according to tradi- according to the traditional system of
tional system, we have to consider the sign in transits, none of the planets blesses her with
which Moon was at the time of the birth of such a fortune. They do not promise, yet
a person. Then 1 rom that sign we have to marriage has been negotiated, arranged and
calculate or count the sign in which the other Celebrated within a few hours. They are
planets arc transiting. happy. The girl is learning German language.
She will proceed shortly to Frankfurt.
The above chart shows the position of
planets at the moment of the marriage of the If we collect the horoscopes of our friends,
girl on 921972 and both the horoscopes who are all getting married and note down the
are given in this article so that it will be easy position of Moon in their horoscopes and the
to quickly note down and confirm that transit position of other planets on the day of such
according to traditional system is meaningless. pleasant occurcnces, there is no meaning in
continuing to say Guru balam or Vyazha
Her Moon was in Rohini star and so it balam or Gochara etc.
was in Taurus. From Taurus we have to I trust the day will come when these transit
couriC Sun--on -the day of majriage was in ,_resjults advocated by the traditional astrologers
the 9th sign counted from Taurus as^irwasin will be given up without -aay-further^conside-
Capricorn. The results given by the tradition ration as not even 10% of the results agree
is "Gives up hopes; meets with danger and atleast accidentally.
suffers from ill-health."
Mars in 12 shows " Eye trouble, dispute I have instructed a few of my students to
and ill repute." have house to house survey in Madras and
collect the horoscopes of couples and also
Mercury in 9 " Relatives disagree, health their time of marriage. Further I have instruc-
fails," ted them to tabulate side by side the birth
horoscope and the horoscope at the moment
Jupiter in 8 "Health not satisfactory, of marriage so that in more than 90% of the
danger at home, chances for imprisonment cases, traditional system is tested to be
and also roaming about." useless.
Saturn's transit in 1, in Taurus "Health My honest advice would be " Forget once
fails, food not to taste, afraid of enemies, for all Traditional Transit system. Thoroughly
disharmony, disagreement and dispute." master KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI."

(K. P. Verified)
A friend of mine wanted to know if tke As the query is about his friend's son, the
boy of his close friend, by name Mr. Pandith, 11th house has to be taken as the Ascendant
absconding since 1st Feb'?2 would return home of his friend for further investigation. The
and if so what time.c, Number 213; Place houses to be judged as per K. P. are the 2nd,
Bangalore; Latitude 12 58' North; Longitude 8th and 11th (Krishnamurti Padhdhati Reader
East. Time 5-27 pm. (1ST) on Tuesday, VI, page 310, para 4). To know whether the
1st February 1972. The chart for number 213 boy would return, we have to note the planet
is given below; who rules the sub on the cusp of the 11th
house. This sub lord should be the signifi-
cator of the 2nd or 8th or 11th house and
Mars 0o-38' Sat. 6M3' V 7'-38' should not, at the same time, be in. retrograde
n 100-38' motion nor posited in the constellation of a
III I20-38' IV 110-38' retrograde planet, to assure a safe return.
Here the 11th cusp falls.on.Libra Jn-lhe-
VeQ.250-56' -VI-4^38'-
coBStellallon of Rahu and sub of Mercury.
0 Sub-lord, Mercury, is not retrograde and is
I 4,,-40' Balance of Kethu Dasa 11 -36' posited in the constellation of Sun who is
at query: Mercury never retrograde. Mercury is posit#d in the
4o-40' 2ttd bhava, conjoined with Sun. and Rahu
Sun 18 22' bhukti 5 months and VDMona the constellation lord of the Ilth cusp. Sun
Rahu ir-36'
0 20 days l2 -26' is placed in the constellation of Moon, occu-
Mcr. 70 -27' Fortuna pant of 9th and lord of 8th. Sun is in Mer-
XII 4 -2Sr 280-44' cury's sub. Hence the return of the boy is
assured early as sub-lord Mercury is in the
XI 70-38' X ir-38' VIII 10o-38' constellation of Sun, a fast moving planet.
0 IX 120-38' Urn(R)
24 55. Jupiter, lord of friend's lagna, aspects the
Jup. 5'-37' Nept. ll -33' 5th house (his child) therefrom as well as the
5th lord. Mars. Jupiter also aspects the Moon.
Planots Coostfl Sub The Moon, in turn, is exactly trine the^ cusp
Sun Moon Merc of 5th house. So success and happiness to
Moon Kethu Merc the friend in the matter of his son's return is a
Mars Kethu Kethu certainty.
Merc Sun Kethu
Jupit Kethu Rahu Analysis:
Venus Jupt Kethu Mercury, Rahu and Sun occupy the 2nd
Sat Sun Merc bhava; no planet is posited in the constellation
Rahu Moon Mars of Mercury and Rahu. Mercury and Sun are
Kethu Sat Moon
Uranus Mars Rahu posited in the constellation of Sun. The
Neptune Sat Moon eighth is occupied by Kethu who also repre-
Fortuna Sun Mars sents Moon. Jupiter, Mars and Moon are in
At query, Ketu dasa balance was 5 mon. Kethu's constellation. Fortuna in Sun's
20 days. constellation is configurated with Moon, and
Rahu represents Saturn by occupation of its position offers encouragement to the
Sani's sign. Moon by consellation. It also gives astrologer to predict favourably. The 11th
the effects of Sun and Mercury by conjunction. house is vacant. Venus is its lord; none in its
Kethu represents Moon by occupation, constellations.
Saturn by constellation and Sun and Mercury In order to select from among the signifi-
by aspect. cators, the ruling planets should be reckoned.
Ruling Planets; On February 3,1 was immensely happy
to receive a phone call that the boy had
MARS is the lord of the Day (Tuesday). returned on the 2nd February 1972 at 9-20 p.m.
Moon is transiting in Simha in the constellation Looking to transits, dasanatha Kethu was
ofKETHU. SUN rules Simha. Ascendant transiting in Cancer (Moon's sign) in Saturn's
rising at the moment is Cancer (Kataka) ruled constellation, in the sub of Moon. Mercury
by CHANDRA, in the constellation of bukthilord, was in Capricorn in the constlla-
SATURN. The ruling planets are therefore tion/sub of Moon. Anthra lord. Mars, was in
Mars, Kethu, Sun, Moon and Saturn. Kethu, Mesha in Kethu's constellation and Venus'
as already stated, deputises, for Moon by sub. Sun was transiting in the constellation
occupation and Saturn by constellation. Hence of Moon ond sub of Sun. Ascendant rising
the final ruling planets are Sun, Kethu and was in the constellation of Sun and of Saturn,
Mars. We have in Leo all these as sigmfi-
catorsSun's sign and Kethu and Venus* May Lord Ucchishta Maha Ganapathi
stars. As the sub lorb of 11th cusp was in bless our Gurudev with a long and fruitful
the constellation of Sun, with implicit faith life in spreading the message o f scientific
on Gurudcv I said that when Moon moves to stellar astrology in all directions.
Sun's constellation and conjoins Fortuna, the
boy should return (i.e., before 10-15 p.m. on
the 2nd February 1972). Good Luck.

From Sri. S. Kameswara Rao B.A., Sub Treasury Officer, Chipumpalli.
My dear Respected Guruji, statements originate in a morbid mentality
finding its sustenance in mythological phentasia
Kindly accept my pranamams of olden days. These are persons who sell
When Jesus was born it was said that that was already produced but do not
a bright', star appeared in the East beckoning possess capacities to invent new things.
the wisemen to the place where Jesus was Naturally such persons exhibit inimical
born. This is a religious phenomenon. But disposition towards researchers for fear that
in the astrological world of today, such a they would lose their interests. The world
phenomenon happened again or else how does not depend upon these vested interests
would we, the educated class of modern but encourages reaseachers when they
times, firmly rooted in the beliefs of a achieve a breakthrough in new fields.
scientific world, believe the wonders thrown They may try vainly to prevent the on-
open to us by the genious that is Jyotish slaught of new winds of progressive and
Marthand, Sothida Mannan Sri K. S. Krishna- scientific thoughts of modern generation
-minti;- Varahamihira' may^e^great burfie -endgavomiug to - destroy -all" that-is- -prudisft
did not leave behind him any account giving and sentimental and establish the all prevading
out the various rules that were propounded truths on scientific basis of reason and
by him to arrive at the exact nature and logic but the chariot wheels of Lord Sri
time of an event so as to make us believe Jaganath roll on unimpeded releasing new
in his greatness. This is not to under- forces of reaserch and fresh conquest. You
estimate the value of his astrological works gave a smashing reply in your article
which are of great use to us. He is a entitled "Is Thinking a Sacrilege". It is an
pioneer in this field holding out the torch article well written deserving the approbation
of astrological Truths found out by him of all sane thinking people.
which is an exhortation to scholars in
future generations to undertake further You have invented a new theory which
reasearch and arrive at lofty heights which is exact, scientific and complete in every
he himself could not reach. The attainments respect. It shows the depth of your profound
of human thought will never end with imagination and constructive thought based
one individual however great he may be. upon pure logic and reason, with smashing
A living culture will always produce men of Atom, flood gates of new knowledge in
of calibre to continue its onward journey all fields of scientific activity have been
to a higher perfection, Hinduism produced opened suddenly and today we are in a
a dynamic culture which never ends with new world entirely different from the old
the thoughts of one individual and it is a world. Similarly you have opened the flood
source of inspiration for future generations gates of new knowledge in astrological
to mould their thoughts and actions in world which changed the basic concept of
conformity with the universal truths on interpretation of planerary forces and brought
which it was built up. about a revolution in human thought in
Astrology. For the first time in the history of
Man's mental capacities and under- the astrological world you have established
standing will ever be increasing and reaching astrology as an exact science and gave
new heights due to the impact of new it an honourable seat in the fraternity of
knowledge gained in every generation on all other sciences of world. You have carved
account of research and it is a folly to out a niche for yourself in the history of
tell us that our ancient rishis have left glorious people who have attained eternal
behind them all the truths that this astro- fame for their valorous deeds of service
logical world can give out and there is left to humanity and hence you richly deserve
nothing for us to know. Such astounding a noble prize for your services.

T. SURYANARAYANA RAO. 1739, Wright Town. Jabalpur-2
There is no denying the fact that with
the advancement of medical science and VI 29-42' Saturn
other preventive public health measures VII250-45' 11-02' IX 25. 42'
V 009-42' VIII 240-42'
infant mortality has been considerably
reduced and death rate has come down
But still there are unfortunate people on Moo043k-O4
whose hopes and aspirations cold water is Mars 80-51' Ketu le-'-OS'
being sprinkled by the Great One whom X 280-42'
differeiLt_rligions_calI_by. different --names.
The point I wish to discuss in this IV 280-42'
article is the longevity of an infant, as per Rahu 16"-06'
the system of Krishnamurti Padhdhati
According to the traditional system, the
ayu or span of life in this Karma bhoomi Jup. 27-JO' 0
11 240-42' Asc. 2S0 -A5' XI 00*-42'
III 25-42' Wen.
is classified into three main groups, viz ir-36'
o Sun 22 -37' XII 29D-42'
AlpayuShort life(00-33 years 4 months), Merc. 10 -26'
Madhyayu (33 years 4 months to 66 years
8 months) and Dheergayu (6S years 8 months Cusps:
to 100), 100 years and above being considered Asc. Jupiter Star, Mercury Sub
to be Purnayu. Also there are certain combi- II Mercury Star, Rahu Sub
nationsof planets and specific points or degrees III Venus Star, Mercury Sub
in each sign which promote or" affect the IV Mars Star, Saturn Sub
longevity of the native. These rules are V Jupiter Star, Mars Sub
general in nature and vague. These rules VI Mercury Star, Saturn Sub
miserably fail in actual practice. VII Venus Star, Mercury Sub
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, on the other VIII Mars Star, Rahu Sub
hand, deals with longevity in a clear manner DC .Jupiter Star, Mercury Sub
free from all manner of doubts and is X Mercury Star, Saturn Sub
universally applicable. XI Sun Star, Rahu Sub
(These rules can be applied both in XII Mars Star, Saturn Sub
Natal and Horary Astrology. The only Planets;
difference is that, in the case of a nativity, the SunJupiter star, Saturn Sub
span of life can be judged from the time MoonSaturn Star and Rahu Sub
of birth whereas in Horary it can be MarsRahu Star and Jupiter Sub
assessed from the time of judgement of the MercurySaturn Star and Sun Sub
query.) JupiterMercury Star and Jupiter Sub
Given below is the chart of an infant, VenusSaturn Star and. Moon Sub
who inspitc of best medical care, met SaturnMoon StarMoon Sub
with his end in an unfortunate manner an RahuMoon Star and Saturn Sub
hour after he was born. KctuSatura Star and Jupiter Sib
The-above chart was* erected* taking: owning Badhakasthana^ and Mbftshasthanais
the correct time of. birth, and by using evil for longevity. His placement in* the
Krishnamurti Ephemeris, Raphael's Table constellation of Saturn, a significator of
of Houses and Krishnamurti Ayanamsa, fox death, has already been discussed. Mercury-,
79-59 E. Long and 23o10' N. Lat. therefore, becomes the worst malefic to in-
flict death on the individual, shortening th*
The delivery had taken place in a span of his Life.
local Nursing Home on Tuesday the 9th
November 1971 at 6-37-33 a.m. fl.S.T ) At As the span of life of the native has
the time of birth, the sign0 Libra was rising, been found to be very short, we can judge
the exact degree being 25 45'. The Ascen- the Badhaka and Maraka Sthanas:
dant was thus in the sign Libra ruled by 11th house, the Badhaka Sthana, extends
Venus (lord of 1 and 8) in the constel- from 00-42' Virgo to 29042' Virgo, and
lation of Jupiter (lord of 3,5 and 6) and this Zone is vacant. The lord of the sign
in the Sub of Mercury ('lord of 9, 11 and where the ] Jth cusp falls is Mercury.
12.) Jupiter tenants Jyeshta ruled by Mercury.
Badbaka Sthana and Maraka Sthana. The 7th<5 house, Maraka Sthana, extends
from 25 45' Aries to 24042' Taurus. Saturn
Tf""ffie ^ AScendanrfalls- in-a --Movable- _occupies^?ih Bbava. Mercury. Mopn^ Ketu,
Sign (chara rasO the 11th House is the and Venus are the occupants of the constel-
Badhaka Sthana; if the ascendant falls in lations ruled by Saturn. Rahu represents
a Fixed Sign the 9th House is the Badhaka Saturn being the occupant of: one. of. the
Sthana; if the Ascendant falls in a Common signs owned by Saturn, Mars is lord of 7th
sign the 7th House is the Badhakasthana. house.
Whatever be the sign in which the Ascen- The 2nd house, also a Marakasthana,
dant falls, the 2nd and the 7th Houses extends from 24,>42' Scorpio to 25042' Sagi.
are Marakasthanas. Jupiter is in the second bhava; Sim is in
Krishnamurti Padbdbati; the constellation of Jupiter. Mars is lord of
2. None in-Mars Star.
According to K. P., if the Asc. Sub-Lord All the planets have connection to
is in the constellation of a significator of Badhaka or Maraka Sthanas. When such is
Badhakasthana and/or , Maraka Sthana, the case, how can the infant survive?
short life is indicated. If the Sub-lord of
the Ascendant is in the constellation of the He succumbed to death at 7 Jiours 55
significator of- the Sixth House, the person Minutes and 44 Seconds I. S. T. the same
will suffer from disease but will not succumb day, when Scorpio (Mars) sign, Aouradha
to it. According to th strength of the lord (Saturn) Star and Rahu Sub was rising. It
of the constellation in which the Sub-lord is interesting to note that when all the nine
of the Ascendant is deposited, we have to .planets are significators of Badhakasthana
fix the Dasa and Sub periods. and / or Marakasthanas, only the planets
Mars, Saturn and Rahu. could inflict death.
As already stated, the SubrLord of the Moon, at the time of birth as also at the
Asc. is Mercury. Mercury is lord of 9, 11 time of death, was transiting in Saturn Star,
and 1 =: houses. As the Asc. falls in a Rahu Sub only. If he were born only to
movable Sign; the 11th house is Badhaka- die, so quickly, particularly when all the
sthana and, therefore. Mercury becomes the nine planets are out to inflict death, why
Badhakasthana Adhipathi. He is also the should not he die immediately after birth? It
Moksha Sthana Adhipathi being the owner is indeed a point for a student of K. P.
of the 12th house. Badhaka Sthana Adhi- to study.
pathies are the worst malefics who will A careful observation of the Sign/Star/
never hesitate to put an end to one's life. Sub rising from the moment of birth till
Mercury is deposited in the constellation of end is very essential, as that is the only
Saturn and in the Sub of Sun. Saturn, the point which has undergone a change. (Moon's
constellation Lord, occupies the seventh position, of course, underwent a little change
bhava which is a maraka sthana. Sun is in from Jupiter Sub-Sub to Mercury Sub-Sub )
the constellatioo of Jupiter in the second
bhava, also a maraka sthana. From the At the time of birth, the rising Star
above, it will be. observed that Mercury by was Visakha-ruled by Jupiter. Though Jupiter
is a significatot of death, as per K. P., a Sun Sub. As the Subs of Moon and Mars
planet in a constellation will oifer, more were rising, the doctors present attending
predominantly, the result of the Bhava/ on the infant were trying their best to save
House occupied by the lord of the constel- the infant from death. Rahu Sub is on.
lation. Therefore, Jupiter being in the Rahu is the strongest representative of both
constellation of a planet (Mercury) deposited Saturn and Moon and Rahu is also in
in the Lagna Bhava should give long life the Sub of Saturn. And as the representative
to the native. Therefore, as long as Jupiter of Sathrn, Rahu inflicted death on the
was ruling the moment, as the rising Star Lord native and the Sub passed. The father re-
and as long as Moon was transiting in turned the saviour of life, during Jupiter
Jupiter Sub Sub, Jupiter protected the infant Sub, but it was too late. Rahu Sub was
from the Hands of Death. But Saturn's Star already over, so was the unfortunate event!
rising would be inimical for longevity.
Death has. therefore, to take place before- Such a detailed analysis of any event_
Moon moves_out_of Jtahu Suo-and -during -is-possible-rnly if K, f. ilTdllowed scrapul -
the period when Saturn Star is rising. Saturn ousiy by which it is mean t that the followers
Sub set the stage; Mercury, a strong signi- of K. P. should invariably use the only
ficator of death and a week signifieator of books prescribed and the Ayanamsa suggested;
Lagnabhava was in two minds, as his nature otherwise, inspite of their following the
' indicates. Ketu the representative of Moon most scientiBc system they will fail miserably.
and Saturn was indifferent by being in the In view of this I would commend to the
Sub of Jupiter, for reasons already discussed. new readers to equip themselves with all
Venus is lord of 1 and 8. During Venus Sub the material required for erecting and judging
the father was informed that the life of the horoscopes on the basis, strictly, of the
infant was in danger since it swallowed water rules enunciated by Guruji when they will
and has been feeling suffocation. Father runs be crowned with success.
to the consulting physician, might be during GOOD LUCK
(By T. Sutyanarayana Rao)
'Holi', the colour festival of the Indian how many of them are going to get through
people, bids farewell to the old Samvat at all in the examination even in 'Janata'
Year and ushers in a New Year of hopes - class, if they can be assured definitely andL
and aspirations for all. The areas which categorically that they are going to achieve
till recently were subjected to severe cold- suceess, brilliantly or otherwise, be it a
.waves are warming up and the streets ace school, college, university or a profeisio-
active with beaming crowds busy doing nal examination, how encouraged they
shopping. will be I
As we walk into the streets for a stroll
after dinner we cannot fail to see windows As I walked along, I recalled an old
open with glittering lamps. Every boy and incident that took place in my school days
girl is at bis or her desk, burning midnight when I was in the 10th class. Oae evening,
oil. They are anxious, naturally enough, on return from school I f ound an old man,
that their preparation for the annual apparently over 60, sitting ona mat in the
examination is as thorough and satisfying entrance ball. He was fair cbmplexioned,
as it can be. A section of them aspires tall, plumpy-bodied, round faced and
for a position of distinction or first class -bald-beaded and looked in all manner of
and another section wish to secure reaso- of ways as an astrologer I was introduced
nably high marks. A third group is to bim as the fourth son of my revered
content .with getting through the examina- parents. In a few minutes my birth chart
tion even with a narrow margin. How was placed before bim. As usual with alt
many of them are lucky enough to get those who go with hope to an astrologer,
Merit/Distinction/Class in the examination! I guessed what destiny bad in store forme.
Indeed, very few. It is also not known He recited various slokas in support of
many good yogas present in my chart and The query was taken up for judgement
predicted a very bright future, tyhichl have on 20771 at 8.35 P.M..(I.S.T) and the
yet to come across, with some breaks in chart erected for the moment of judgement
education. Having satisfied herself about as per K. P. is given below:
the very bright future ahead of me, my
mother was diffident at the way I took to
my studies and asked him whether I would IV I-24' Sat. I0M)7' 12Moon#
get through the examination that year. V I I8-6'
V 29-24' VI 23-24' Ven.2J 0
He then shifted to 'Prasna-Sastra' and 1 -26'
asked me for a numberI said 7. After
sometime, he declared that I would have . Sun 3-54'
to sitagain for the same examination .in_ J11-289-24' Vill 220-24'
the yearfollowing. Disheartened at this, Mer. 29-12'
my mother banged me for giving an
inauspicious number. The examinations Maiso (R)
were over, we bad our holidays and 28 -02'
the time for declaration of results came. 11 229-24'- IX 28,,-24'
The as troquack's soothsaying was falsified. Rahu 22*-W
He merely blushed when I told bim I
had succeded. What 1 wish to stress here XII 230-24' XI 290-24'
is that people's faith in Astrology can be Asc. 18*-6' Jup. (R)
sustained only by reasonably accurate S'-IT X f-24'
predictions, and to this end no other
system offers us as much scope and pro- Rahu Dasa, Mercury Bhukti upto 17lh
mise as KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI October, 1973.
With the emergence of the new and Cusp. Sign-Lord Star-Lord Sub-Lord
unique system of scientific stellar astrology I Jup. (R) Venus Rabu
discovered by Jyothisb Marthand Krishna- II Sat. Moon Venus
murti after decades of labour and research, III Saturn Jup (R) Venus
theastrologeroftoday .is in an unenviable IV Mars (R) Ketu Venus.
position, of being able to foresee the events V Mars (R) Sun Rahu
that are to be experienced by an individual VI Venus Mars (R) Mars (R)
in bis life. No IPs and no BUrs. The Cusp. SiB^-Lon1 Star-Lord Sub Lord
prediction is categorical and clear, based
on simple, correct rules. And, it is VII Mercury Rahu Moon
universally applicable. KRISHNAMURTI Vill Moon Mercury Rabu
PADHDHATI is clear, unambiguous, IX Sun Sun Moon
specific and precise to the date in a nuhtber X Venus Mars (R) Mercury
of cases. This is where its merit lies. XI Venus Jup. (R) Sun
XII Mars (R) Mercury Mars (R)
To cite an example. During my last visit Plancis Constcllatiou Lord Sub-Lord
to Andhra Pradesh, Mr. 'S' asked me to
predict whether he would be able to appear Sun Saturn Saturn
at examination which was to be Moon Rahu Mercury
held in Drcember 71 and if so, its result. Mars(R) Mars (R) Saturn
Unfortunately, I bad not taken the 'tools' Mercury Mercury Saturn
with me. I however, assured him that soon Jupiter (R) Jup. (R) Rabu
after I reach Jabalpur I would answer bim Venus Jup. (R) Saturn
and asked him to give a number between 1 Saturn Moon Moon
and 249, to which be had readily res- Rabu Moon Venus
ponded. The number was "180" out of 249. Kelu Mercury Sun
(Rabu represents Mars with wbicb. it house. Such significators of 4, 10 and 11
Ss coojoined and Ketu deputises for Sun should operate conjointly at the time of
and Mercury with which it is.configurated.. examination. If it is so, success is assured,
if not failure is tbe result.
Mocn indicates the nature of query:
Moon isiin the 6th bouse in tbeconstel-. So, to begin with we can judge tbe
lation of Rabu in 2nd bouse conjoined Fourth bouse. Fourth house extends from.
with Mars. Moon is conjoined in Mitbuna 1-24 to 29-24 Aries. This zone is vacant.
with Venus, lord of 6,10 and 11. So,- the It is ruled by Mars who is retrograde.
bouses denoting examioation, education Rabu is conjoined' with Mars (R) and
and profession are well connected, Mars(R)bimself is in bis own constellation.
correctly reflecting the querist's mind. 10th House; It extends from 1-24 Libra
Before going further, it should be borne in to 29-24 Libra. This zone is also vacant.
-mind that the question has got to be split Lord is Venus-None in Venus star.
up as under:
Iltb House: This extends from 29-24
(Q Caji he appear at aiLin the_exami- Libra to 23-24 Scorpio. Jupiter(R) is in
nation? and (ii)iftbe planets allow bim' I ItbUouicryenuslnlupitir^RJStar. Saturn
to do so, the success or failure in the aspects Jupiter.
examination. Therefore, tbe significators of 4, 10 and
Here the querist is more worried about 11, irrespective of tbe result they offer,
getting permission to appear in the exam- wbicb entirely depend on the sub they
nation: when be put-this question; because- occupy, are Rabu, Mars (R), Venus and
on previous occasions be could not get Jupiter (R).
tbe permission.
Can he appear?- 1. Rabu is tbe represntative of a planet
As per K.RISHNAMURTI PADHDHA'TI in retrograde motion. It is in tbe constcl-
the Sub-lord of 3rd cusp decides whether ation of Moon in 6 and Sub of Venus,
one has tbe courage, etc. to appear in tbe lord of 6, 10 and 11.
examination. The Sub-lord of tbe 3rd Cusp
is Venus - a natural benefic and lord of. 6, 2. Mars is Retrograde and is in bis own
10 and 11 in tbe constellation of Guru, constellation. So reject.
lagnalord placed in II. Tbe Sub-lord.of 3: Venus is also in tbe constellation of
1 lib cusp is Sun, lord of 9 in tbe oonstel. a' planet(Jup) in retrograde motion-Also
lation of Saturn who is tbe lord of 2 and reject.
3 in the Stb bouse. Guru, star lord of the
Iltb cusp is in 11 and is trine (120 degrees) 4. Jupiter is retrograde in bis^own conste-
to sublord of Iltb cusp. So, tbe desiie'of llation and is in tbe sub of Rabu represent-
tbe queries! to sit in the examination will ing retrograde Mars.
be realised. But there will be delay because
of Sun's.disposition in the constellation of As per Vimsbottari Dasa, at tbe moment
Saturn, a delaying planet. He would get of judgement Rabu Dasa, Mercury Bbnkti
permission to appear in tbe examination, was running. That means Sa'urn Bbukti
though late, and would appear. was already over. Mercury is lord of 7 and
is deposited in 8. So, Mercury is not favour
Success or Failure? able to the querist. That means, be
As per K. P. we. have, to find tbeaigni- will be appearing in tbe examination only
Gcatots of 4tb house and Iltb bouses. As to fail.
this examination is connected with bis (I may mention here that tbe above
profession, we should also take tbe Tenth candidate was, in the first instance;, denied
permission to sit in 'the-examination: and can be answered -so correctly and convin-
after a great deal of delay got the per- cingly and without any ambiguity?
mission, to sit. He appeared in the exami- I thank our Ouruji for providing us a
nation but failed, as predicted.) unique system'by Whidb 'any event can be
Is there any system, other than precisely predicted. I am grateful to bim
KRISHNAMURTI PADHDHATI, by t or the entbusiam he has generated in me
which a query of the kind described here in making predictions baldly.


On 19th January 1972, at 9-29 p m, Ruling Planets

(1ST), a close friend of mine Who had Mood Sign Lord Sat ,
announced that his engagement would Moon Star Lord Rabii
take place on 28-1-7.2 came to me and Asc. 'Sign Lord Sun
wanted to know "whether the Lagna- Asc. Star Lord Venus
patrika would take place on 28-1-7-2"
and secondly "whether the negotiated As the sub lord of both numbers
marriage would take place". He knew were not the same 'as (hat of either
me as an earnest -follower of the most the Moon 'star lord or Ascendant star
scientific method of prediction evplved lord, I said that neither the lagnapatrika
by our Guruji iSbri K.S. Krishnamurti. wonld take "place on 28-1-72 nor would
the marriage take place. My friend,
After praying for Guru's blessings,'' though . depressed, showed me the
I asked my friend to give a number reservation ticket, but 'I emphatically
between 1'and 249 for each query. After reported thai anything may go wrong
a while, be gave me No. 1S3 for the but the prediction based "on our Gutuji's
first question and No. 107 for the second system, vii, KRISHNAMURTI
query. PADHDHATI, 'can .never err.
On the morning of the 22nd January,.
I gave the below-mentioned prediction my friend received a telegram at about
on the 'basis iof -the -subs and ruling KMK) a.m. from bis father stating -that
planets at that moment according to the negotiations for martisge had been
Rrisbnaqmrti Fadbdhati and the .method brought to an end and the lagnapatrika
of the Modern Astrological Society, has been cancelled.
Golbarga (Feb. 71 Issue) My friend was dumbfounded. While
No. 155 feeling sad about the.turn of events, be
gave me a hug and congraulated me for
Sign Lord Mars my accurate prediction.
Star Lord Sat All credit goes to Sotbi'damannan
Sub Lord Mats Sbri K.S. KRISHNAMURTI, the doyen
No. 107 who has taught us all that we have to
Sign Lord Mercury know (or precise prediction.
Arrival of House OwnerKrishnamurti Padhdhati proved true
T. V. RAMASWAMY. 6-A Devi South Street. Tiruchy-6.
My wife who knows that I am studying So. the ruling planets were Venus, Rahu,
Astrology fK. P. Method] came to me and Mercury, Sun and Moon. Moon is represented
desired to know the arrival of my house by Kethu. Moon, lord of 2, is posited in the
owner, Sri. Nawab T. S. Rajamanickam 12th house in the sign of Venus. Mercury,
Pillai ("proprietor and actor of -a famous lord of I 4 4, is posited in the 9th house and
drama troupe] who bad gone to Vaitbeeswaran Saturn is the owner of Sth arid 9th houses.
Koil temple on 19271. His Company Rahu is also posited in the Sth house and
Manager and my family members expected Rahu is also the star lord of Mercury. As per
his arrival on 20271 after Sunset. He K. P., nodes are stronger than even the owner.
did not come as already informed. This So, the party should come during the conjoint
delay created in us the urge and curiousity to period of fruitful ruling planets. His arrival
nd out by means of Krishnamurti Padhdhati was expected within a day. It_was .nol-
.the actual time of his arrival. The method .jecessary-to find-outthe Basa balance at the
_adogted_ was -ttRuling -Planets". TBe judge- time when the urge was there. The arrival
mentwas taken up at 3-OS P.M. T.S.T. on time was worked out to be Venus 0Sign, Rahu
,21271 at Tiruchy. The map of heavens * Star. Mercury Sob. This was 12 -33'-40" to
at that time was as follows .- 120-49'-22 (Thula). For this sidereal time
was 6 hours SO minutes SI seconds as per
Vcnual90-I7' Mars l30-46' Sat. 6'-38' Raphael's table of houses. The Sid. Time for
0 La go a 21271 as per 'Astrology and Athrishla'
X V-IV XI 12'-47' Moon 4 -13' 0
XII l3-46' . 13 -4I' was 3 hours 31 minutes Sf seconds. The
difference was 3 hours 17 minutes 47 seconds.
This is the time when the party would arrive.'
Mercury 0 i.e., 3 hours 17 minutes 47 seconds, after
1 i*-36'
IX 70o-47/ Time on 305 P.M. I.S.T. II 9 -47' 5-30 P.M. (I.S.T.)
Sun 8 -30' 21 2-71 Ketu 10'-32' (i.-e.) 530 P.M.
Lat. 10'-5'N
[Rahu \V*-22' ,
Lod, 78' -46'E 84747
<, in 7M7' Add the difference
VIU 90-47' Ayanamaa 23 -22' of L.M.T. and
I.S.T. for Tiruchy 01456
VII 0 90243 or 9-02 P.M.
YI 13'-46' V l2 -47' IV 9'-39' I predicted that the party should come at
Jupt. 13'-41' 9-2P.M.on21271. Mywifewho posed the
question and the company Manager who was
Ruling Planets: at that time with us were astonished when the
Lord of the Day (Monday) Moon party did come as the clock struck exactly
Lord of the sign in which 9-02 P.M. The Ruling Planets never en to
Moon transited Venus play their part at the time of fruition.
Star in which Moon Toe credit for this prediction belongs
transited Sun "Krishnamurti Padhdhati" and its illustrious
Constellation on the cusp author. I pray god for long life to out
of Ascendant and Sub Rahu Guruji Professor Sri. K. S. Krishnamurti.
(Sublord Mercury) Good Luck to all the followers of
Planet ruling the sign on the scientific stellar astrology, otherwise widely
lagna Mercury known as "Krishnamurti Padhdhati".

K. C. SUBRAMANIAM. L.T.C. CHonsJ, Technical Chemist.
Titan Paint & Varnish Co. Ltd.. Podanur

A friend o f mine furnished the following Asc. Star AnuradhaSani.

particulars for casting a horoscope;- Ketu represents Moon being in Kataka
Male childBorn on 22367: Tuesday Rahu represents Sani being in Makara
at 10-10 P.M.fl.S.T) Place. Trichy. Star; Not Rasi
When I referred to Krishoamurti Ephe- Now the doubt is whether Wednesday"
merjs, I found that 21367 was a Tues- or Tuesday is the week day of birth. As
day, and 22 367 was a Wednesday. _ Budba is not a ruling planet. I fixed upon
Now the question i whirh qne_is .corrects Tuesdayconfidently Ss ISe week day of
To refer" the Tnafftr to the person concerned birth. The date is 2131967. I cast the
for clarification, would' entail a delay of horoscope for this date and handed it
3 to 4 days, as' the person was far away. over to my friend the next day. I told
I wanted to fix the day of birth according my friend that the person who gave the
to the principles enunciated in "Krishnamurti details of birth must have made a mistake,
Padhdhati" and then cast the horoscope. when writing the date. , It must be
2131967 only. I asked him to hand
Rnling Planets for the time of Jndge- over the horoscope to the'person concerned,
ment. after checking up the date of birth and
10-12 A.M.(I.S.T.) 341971, Place: inform me about the ' week day of birth
Coimbatore. and the English date. After four days, my
' friend confirmed that the person bad made
SaturdayDay lord Sani. a mistake when writing the date. Now,
Moon transits Punarvasu StarGuru see the wonderful utility of K.P. Is there
any method to check such doubts in the
Moon RasiMoon Western or Hindu Traditional Systems of
Asc. 1050'ScorpioMars Sign. Astrology?


Birth particulars furnished by a friend complete three full cycles a day covering
from Calcutta; 21 hours as each Hora rules an hour. At
EKNATH Born in Bombay on 2-5-1936 Sunrise on a week day, the first Hora takes
Saturday at 2-3 a. m. I. S. T. the name of that week day. Thus after 3
Birth - star not mentioned. cycles a day, there remain three Horas to
complete a day. The fourth Hora starts
The Hindus reckon the week day and the next week day. Thus, we find that
date from sunrise to sunrise. Westerners observing the order of Horas, the fourth
reckon the week day and date from 12 mid- represents the next week day. From Sun,
night or zero hour. The former is more the fourth is Moon in the order given
scientific than the latter, which is an arti- above. So after Sunday, we have Monday.
ficially created system. The week day takes From Moon the fourth Hora is that of
its name afte' the Hora at Sunrise. The Mars. So we have Tuesday. Fourth Hora
word 'hour' is lerived from the word 'Hora'. from Mars is Mercury. So, we have Wed-
There are sc a Horas of the seven planets, nesday, then Thursday, Friday and Sat-
Sun, Moon, .ats, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus urday in this order. Hora plays an important
and Saturn, ibey have a particular order, part in the time of daily predictions. Now
namely SunVenusMercuryMoonSat- coming to the subject proper, even when
urnJupiterMars. In this order they following the English dales, sometimes many
' 49
Hindus commit the mistake of continuing Moon Rasi Guru
the week-day after midnight. For example, Asc. 20''46' TulamVenus
in the above case, it may be Friday night Asc. StarGuru
2-3 A.M., or Saturday night 2-3 A M. When As Saoi is not a ruling planet, the
birth star is mentioned, we can fix the time is during Friday night. So the birth
day. When it is not mentioned, we get time 2-3 a.m. is before sunrise on Saturday.
confused and we have to refer back to the This was verified afterwards and found
person concerned, for full details. K. P. can . correct. The method of ruling planets can
help us in such a predicament. Now the be applied to solve many conflicting problems
ruling planets for the time of judgement in our daily lives. K. P. is unique and
are as follows;- we are all indebted to the Twentieth
1641971: Friday, Coimbatore. Time Century VARAHAMIHIRACHARYA, Sri
7-45 p.m. I.S. T. K.S. Krishnamurti, for his unique and
. Friday Lord Venus original contribution to the Science of
Astrology in general and Indian Astrology
Moo lam Ketu ' in particular.
I had recently gone on a visit to Ruling planets; WednesdayLord Buda
Qnilon in connection with some of the Star transited by Moon Utram Sun
Company aSaiis. At Quilon I had to visit RasiKanyaBuda
a factory about three miles away to meet Ascendant Rasi . ,3C25' DhanusGuru
certain persons for discussion on some (Retrograde)
important matters. On 261971 1 visited Ascendant Star MoolamKetu
the concerned factory near Quilon. On that < I analysed as follows. Ketu represents
day, I met all the persons except one Moon being in Kataka Rasi. Ketu is
important gentleman. Without meeting this aspected by Mars, Sani and Guru. So the
person, my job could not be completed. . strong ruling planets are Budba, Sun and
I was told tbat be was on leave for 3 or Ketu(Moon, Sani, Mars). Ketu represents
4 days. I got some more information from Sani and Mars as these planets aspect it.
others, tbat he had gone on a visit to It represents Moon also, as it is in Kataka
Ernakulam and thai he might come to.
Quilon on Friday evening (461971). I Rasi. I dropped Guru, as it is retrograde.
Since the event is to happen very shortly,
learnt also from some others that he might to fix the date and time, we have to take
remain in Quilon in his lodging only on the transit of the Moon over the sensitive
Saturday, 561971, and would be leaving points in the Zodiac indicated conjointly by
Quilon:the same evening for Canoanore, the strong ruling planets. The strong planets
and would be coming back to Quilon after are Budba, Sun and Ketu. Since the node
a fortnight or so. However, to check the is generally very strong, I came to the
reports, .1 went to his Lodge on 261971 conclusion that I would meet the peison
at about 4 P. M. The doors of his room when Moon transits in the Hastham stac
were found locked. I was in a fix at this (as Ketu represents Moonj, Kanya Rasi
moment. I was thinking on my next pro- and Sani Sub. Since Mars has some connec-
gramme, namely returning to Coimbatore or tion, the rising sign at that time would be
prolonging my slay in the town till I that of Mars. So, according to this fixation
meet the person.' To prolong my stay, I of time, I must meet the particular person -
had to get permission from my company on 361971 (Thursday) at about 5-45 P.M.
authorities. As things stood then, there
was no certainty of meeting the person . After deciding tbus, I wrote a letter to
my company at Podanur with regard tb
even by Saturday fS61971). While deeply prolonging my stay in Quilon till Saturday
pondering over my disappointment, 1 (561971), On Thursday I went to the
suddenly felt au urge to solve the problem residence of the . person at 5-45 P.M. To
by the application of Krishnamurti Padhdbati. my wonder, I actually met the person in
Question: When will I be able to meet his room at the same time. He told me
the Chemist of Phenolic Resins, Quilon? be arrived at the place only a few minutes
Time of Judgment: 7-45 P. M. I. S. T. back or so from Ernakulam.
Quilon on 261971 K. P. oilers timely aid.
Engineering Graduate in Search of Job

It was a Friday. I had just returned The Moon serves as a guide to find out
home, when a relative of mine who had the mind of the querist. Here, Moon is .in
passed his B. E, wanted me to find lagna posited in 12tb Bhava. It is the lord
out. according to KRISHNAMURTI of the 6tb Bhava posited in the constellation
PADHDHATI', when he would land himself of Rahu, occupant of Iltb Bhava, in the
in' a job. sub of Saturn, lord of 1 and 12, posited
. in the 3rd house: The sub Lord, Saturn, is
Number given: 222. Place: Bangalore: also posited in Moon's constellation and is
Lat. 12'53'; long 7756'; Time 5-33P.M. in the sub of Mars, owner of 3rd and 10th
on 29th Sep., 71. .The chart is given below. houses posited in 12th Bhava with Mooa_
The disposition of.the.planots-clearlyTHiJrcate
thatthe person is interested in exiling a
Forl 1S0-46' job outside Bangalore.
HI 25"'56'
VI 2J-56' V 19-56- For securing a job, we will have to
seek the signiBcators of houses 2.6,10 and
I 20-0' 11, and to know how far one will be success-
Ketu 16-38' ful the 11th'sub Lord will give the clue,
Mo6a 10M9' i.e. the the sub lord of the cusp should not
Macs 2'-3S' Balance of Rahu VI 17-56' be posited in the constellation of a retro-
Dasa 12 years 4 months grade planet. Also, the sublord must have
and 23 days connection with signifieators of 2,6,10 or II.
VII 20"^)' Here the Iltb cusp falls in Sagittarius
Rahu 160-38' in the constellation of Venus and Sub of
Rahu. The sub lord, Rahu, is posited in
constellation of Moon, lord of 6tb, and
X 23'-56' IX 26'-56'
280^32' Uran 2l-5T Rahu is posited in 11th Bhava in the sub
Kept 8-2T Ven.
XI I9"-56- Jup-N'-JT Sun l2'-03' of retrograde Saturn.[Rahu represents Saturn
Mer. 25o-0S' VIII24'-56' by occupation). Jupiter is the lord of 2nd
and Utb and is posited in the constellation
of Saturn. Therefore, the sub lord .Rahu is
Planet Consta. Sub is connected to all the houses concerned,
Sun Rabu Saturn but the native cannot get a job till sueb
Moon Rahu -Saturn time as Saturn becomes direct in motion.
Mars Mars Kethu
Mercury Jupiter Mercuty . Analysis:
Jupiter Saturn Jupiter
Venus Jupiter Venus The 2nd, 6tfa and 10th houses are
Saturn Moon Mars vacant. Their lords are Jupiter, Moon and
Rabu Moon Saturn Mars respectively. Mercury and Venus are:
Ketbu Saturn Jupiter posited in the constellation of JupiteifSatura.
Uranus Moon Venus and Rahu are posited in the constellatioa
Neptune Saturn Venus of Moon. Mars is posited in its own constal-
Fortuna Rahu Moon lation. The 11 tb is occupied by Rahu and
Moon is posited in Rahu's constellation.
Rabu represents Saturn by occupation Hence the signifieators of bouse 2,6,10 and
and Moon by constellation. 11 are Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn,
Rahu, Moon and Mars. As Ketu represents
Ketu represents Moon by occupation Moon by occupation, we will have to take
and Saturn by constellation, Ketu in place of the Moon.
If the significators agree with the planets He was born at Bhadravathi, Mysore
ruling at the moment of judgement, they will state, latitude 13052', longitude 75o40', on.
be fruitful. Wednesday the 9th February *49 at 10-45 P.M.
Ruling Planets: The chart corrected as per K.P. is given
Venus is the day Lord. Moon is posited in
Rabu's constellation in Aquarius. Ascendant
rising in East is Aries in Kethu's cDnstellation VII 00o-29' VIII 00o-14/ Uran 30o-42'
Hence the ruling planets are Mars, Kethu vi r-w Moon 8 ~04'
Rahu, Saturn and Venus. The common Rahu 60-iT IX 29-! 4' X 29M4'
planets arc Mars, Kethu, Rahu, Saturn
and Venus. As Saturn is a strong Sun 7e-36'
significator, the event cannot come to pass till Mars < ,
31st January '72 as Saturn will be in retro- Fort 00 '-57 Balance of Rahu
grade motion till then. V V-W
dasa at birth
Now, the querist is running Rahu dasa, 16 Years I Month
Saturn bhukti and Kethu anthra, which will Von, 11 "-OS' and 10 Days. XI 0o-14'
be operating till 7th November *71. As Kethu Merc.0 (R) Sat.o (R)
is posited in 5th Bhava representing Moon, 13 -19' 10 -40'
Lord of 6th house, and is posited in the con-
stellation of Saturn, occupant of 3rd Bhaya#
in Jhe_sub of Jupiter- Lord2 and 11 occuping IV 290-14' Ill 29VI4' Ketu 6M7' KII 10-I4'
' the 9th Bhava, he should appear for an inter-
view during the 1st week of November. Jup. 26o-20' 11 00-!4' I 00o-29' Ncpt 210-58'
Rahu dasa, Saturn bhukti, Venus anthra,
will be operating between 7th November '71 Planot Const. Sub
and 28th April '72. During Rahu dasa,
Saturn bhukti, Venus anthra, Rahu sookshma Sun Rahu Rahu
which will operate between 8th January '72 Moon Rahu Rahu
and 3rd February '72, he will get his orders. Mars Mars Sun
He should report for duty during Jupiter Mercury Moon Rahu
sookshma which will be operating between 3rd Jupiter Venus Kethu
February '72 and 28th February *72 by which Venus Moon Mars
time Saturn will have become direct. Saturn Kethu Saturn
Rahu Kethu Kethu
When the prediction on the basis of the Kethu Mars Moon
Horary system was over, he produced his ' Uranus Mars Venus
horoscope which was written according to the Neptune Moon Venus
usual Hindu traditional system. I told hioi Fortune Mars Mercury
that I will not be able to read the horoscope
written in this system and also told him that Rahu represents Mars by occupation and
I will have to convert this into K.P. system. Kethu by constellation.
Hence I asked him to come the next day. Kethu represents Venus by occupation
This horoscope was taken up for conver- and Moon by constellation.
sion according to K.P. system at 8-30 P.M. Now, he is running Jupiter dasa. Mercury
on the same day, i.e. Friday 29th October *71, bhukti, Saturn anthra, which will operate up
See how the ruling planets beautifully indicate to 25th January '72. Then Kethu bhukti will
the correctness of the horoscope and the ruling operate from 25th January 72.
planets of the individual. Day LordVenus
Moon is transitting in Capricorn in the The analysis was taken up on Saturday
constellation of Rahu and sub of Mercury. the 30th October '71 at 6-30 P.M. Let us
Ascendant rising in the east is Taurus in the investigate the houses of appointment. They
constellation of Mars. Therefore, the ruling are 2, 6, 10 and 11. The 2nd, 6th and 10th
planets are Venus, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and are vacant (even in the horary chart they arc
Mercury. vacant). The owners of these houses are
Mars, Jupiter and Moon respectively. (The till it becomes direct (Saturn has become
-owners are the same as in the horary chart, a common significator in the horary chart
but the difference is in the order of owner- also). Hence, the native must get a job out-
ship). Mars, Kethu, Uranus and Fortuna are side Bangalore during Jupiter dasa, Kethu
in the constellation of Mars. None in Jupiter's bhukti and Kethu anthra which will commence
constellation. Mercury and Neptune are in after February, 15, 1972.
the constellation of Moon. 11th houses is I was told that he had his interview in the
-occupied by Saturn and none in its constella- first week of November 1971 and received his
tion. It is owned by Sun and none is posited order of appointment on the 17th January
in Sun's constellation. 1972 asking that he report for work on or
Let us take the ruling planets. They are: before the 16th February 1972 exactly as
Saturn, lord of the day; Rasi lord, Saturn; predicted. How wonderful is Krishnamurti
Nakshatra lord Jupiter as Moon transits in PadhdhatiI Now, look at the planetary
Guru's star in Saturn's sign. Lagna rising positions on the day he received the order. It
was Aries fMcsha) in the constellation of was a Monday, 17th January 1972. The time
Venus and sub of Saturn. The ruling planets, was 10-30 a.m. when Sun^ was transiting in
therefore, are Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus. Sagittarius in the constellation of Kethu (dasa
As Kethu represents Venus by occupation and and bhukti lords rule) and the Ascendant was
and Rahn dgpiitiggs for MaifLb^ nrrriipatirtn.. Pisces (Meena) in Jupiter's constellation^
we will have to take both Rahu and Kethu According to my information, the native
also as significators. Kethu is in the constel- reported for duty on the 16th February 1972,,
lation of Mars and therefore he is stronger Wednesday, at Bhopal at about 8-00 a.m.
than Rahu and replaces Venus, Mars and The transit on this date also agreed in full.
Saturn. The sub of 11th house falls on the
cusp of Leo (Simha) in the constellation and May Krishnamurti Padhdhati grow from
sub of Kethu. Kethu is connected to all the strength to strength and bloom to be a
significators and is posited in lagna bhava and banyan tree benefiting all who seek its
thus becomes a strong significator. As Saturn shelter.
becomes a significator, the event cannot happen Good Luck.


(Kundgol Taluka Constituency;
Shri. G. B. KUS1BI, B.A., B.Ed., Head Master, New High School,
Lakkundi, Tq. Gadag
One of my bosom friends from the Ruling Sothid Mannan Jyotish Marthand Sri
Indian National Congress was competing from Krishnamurtiji.
Kundgol Taluka Constituency to the Mysore Planets Sigolord Const Lord Sublord
State Legislative Assembly. We were therefore Sun Saturn. Mars. Mercury.
anxious to know, astrologically, whether be Moon. Saturn. Ketu. Saturn.
would be elected. So I asked for a number Mars. Mars. Ketu. Jupiter.
between 1 and 249. He mentioned 18. It was Mercury. Saturn. Mars. Rahu.
4-30 P. M. on Saturday the I3th February, Jupiter. Jupiter. Ketu. Jupiter,
1972. The horary Nirayana chart for the Venus. Jupiter. Saturn Venus.
Lakkundi latitude and the planetary positions Saturn. Venus. Sun. Mercury.
for the time of judgement were found following Rahu. Saturn. Moon. Moon.
the method given by out respected Guruji Ketu. Moon. Saturn. Moon.
itself. No planet is in any of the constella-
XII 2r-08' Mars Saturn tions ruled by Venus. Hence, Venus is the
III 19a-38' strongest significator of the eleventh bouse
Venus Asc.250-53' II24-08' matters. Further, Venus is in the constella-
tion of Saturn who is deposited in the first
bouse. Venus, therefore, is the significator
XI l66-08' Kctu of the first house as well as the eleventh bouse.
Therefore, Venus, the sub-lord of the eleventh
Sun VI l6o-08' cusp, portrays sure success for my friend. To
confirm this, the sixth bouse was also
examined. The sub-lord of the sixth bouse
MerCury was also the same Venus. Hence it was with
X 16M)8' V 16'-08' confidence predicted that my friend would
Moon certainly win over bis competitor in the
Rabu field.
In the mean time, I hadan occasion tp_ga_
-overto TCondgol. I fourul mauy uf uiy guud
VlIlY4M)8' VII 25a~53' IV 21o-08' friends ranged on the opposila-camp. As they
Jupiter knew that I offer correct predictions on
any event, they asked me who would win in
Plaocts Bbava occupied the election. I boldly said that the Ruling
Congress Candidate would win. They all
Sun X. laughed at me and told me they were
Moon IX. . cocksure that the Sanstha Congress candidate,
Mars. xir. an eminent pleader, an Ex. M L. a., the
Mercury. X. President of the Janata Bazaar of Hubli and
Jupiter. vnr. also the President of the District Congress
Venus. XL (old) Committee would be victorious. He
Saturn. i. further said that it was superficially known
Rabu. IX. that the Sanstha Congress candidate bad
Ketu. in. canvassed confidently with the help of all the
Cusp Lord Const, lord Sub-lord chairmen and members of the Pancbayats of
all the villages coming under thai constituency.
XL Saturn Rabu. Venus. I too noted that most of the eminent persons
VI. Mercury. Moon. Venus; of that Taluka sided with the Sanstha Congress
V. Sun, Venus. Sun. Candidate. Hence a doubt arose in my mind
XII. Jupiter. Mercury. Venus. that I might have gone somewhere wrong.
Analysis When I came back to my place, I took another
number 153 at 6-35P.M. on 1621972.
The principles laid down by our revered This also corroborated that my friend would
Guruji are so simple, scientific and convincing certainly win. When the result was announced
that any event can be confidently predicted. that my friend defeated the Sanstha Congress
This includes election to a political office. Candidate by a margin of 9036 votes,
For winning an election, the sub-lord of the my joy knew no bounds. Hats off to
eleventh dbsp should be a significator of houses KklSHNAMURTI PADHDHATl!
1,2, 3, 6, 10 and II and if he happens to be a Let my friends who insulted Astrology
significator of bouses 4, S, 7, 8, 9 and 12 defeat through me open their eyes and know now
is certain. Based on this, I probed the that Astrology is a perfect science in the
possibility or otherwise of my friends' election hands of those who follow the method pro-
to the Mysore Assembly. pounded by our Guruji, the "Naveena"Varaha
The Sub-Lord of the eleventh cusp is mihira of this age, as be has been bailed
Venus. He is posited in the eleventh bouse by his admirers during bis last Ceylon visit.

June 1972

Page Page
An Appeal 3 Editor's Message 41
K. P. New Readers 8 Rectification of Birth Time 43
Astrology and Acquisition of No More Doubts 45
House Property 9 Astrology and Theft; A Leaf
Astrology, Accident and from My Note Book 48
Survival 11
Prospects in Profession 17 Mothers Longevity 49
How to Judge the Nativity by Daily Guide For June, 1972 51
Progression? 21 Announcement 52
Announcement 24 Nirayana Position and Transit
Astrology and Disease 25 of Planets in June 1972 55
Chandra and the Ninth Bhava 33 Ephemeris for June 1972 56
Stellar Astrology is Need Monthly Prediction for
of the Hour 39 June 1972 57
Jyotish Visharadh K, GANAPATHI
If the 4th house and Mercury receive
Mars 22o-30' harmonious aspect, successful in studies;
Uran 0 -13' Moon otherwise fails or discontinues studies.
Voo. 26 24' Therefore, planets connected to the 4th
house and Mars indicate possession, acqui-
sition or sale of a house. 4th house and
Rahu 240-44' Mercury Venus denote conveyance. 4th house and
260-3r Moon represent mother. 4th house and
Mercury are judged for education. 4th house
Rasi and Saturn stand for treasure or digging.
Jup. JO'-Sl' A
IwaySj -for purchase.of house_prQperty,.
Sat. 6 -l7' Sun !P"4y"
Nept 140< -47' consider houses 2, 4, 6, 11 and 12.
Kctu 24 '-44'
The second house indicates all those
Lagna that one acquires and it shows his worth,
3"-21' just as the 2nd house includes all members
of the family.
Purchase of House Property:- The 4th house reveals the natives per-
manent possessions of property.
The 4th house indicates permanent The 6th house shows loss to the seller,
possession of immovable properly, mother, - being in 12 to 7.
conveyance, education, treasure, garden, etc.
If the 4th house receives good aspect, The 11th house potrays the profit of the
which of the above matter is to be predicted? native and the 12th house his investment.
One purchases a car, but mother is ill. Generally, planets benefic by native,
One builds a house but disposes a car. ownership and occupation and ruling the
One stops education as the helping mother 12th house denote investment of money and
passes away. Even though there is good aspect purchases. Planets, malefic by nature, owner-
to the fourth house, yet a few of the matters " ship and occupation, threaten loss, waste,
signified by the 4th house thrive, 1 and a treachery, secret inimical activity, etc.
few suffer. To differentiate and predict
correctly is a different task except by follow- In the above chart, Saturn is the lord
ing Krishnamurti Padhdhati method. of the 4th house. It is occupying the 4th
house and is aspected by benefic Mercury
Whenever both the 4th house and Moon, who owns the house of investment, the
receive good aspect, it is benefical to mother. twelfth. To the seller, Moon is the owner
If Moon receives bad aspect, mother's of the 4th house, Mercury is in 4 and
health will be affected. Jupiter is lord of 12. Saturn aspects the
12th house of the seller as his lagna should
If, at the same time, Venus receives be taken as the 7th house to Libra ascendant.
good aspect, one gets a car or conveyance. The seller's sign is Aries(Mesha). Jupiter is
If Venus receives bad aspect, there is danger the owner of the 12th Bhava to the 7th
to vehicle or it may be disposed of. and Saturn aspects the house.
If the 4th house and Mars receive Saturn is the strongest signlficator.
beneficial aspect, one acquires a building Jupiter is in the sub of Saturn. Saturn's
or land. Bad aspect threatens loss. results will be offered by the planets that
occupy its star or sub. Jupiter was in So in the conjoined period of Saturn
Kethu's star (Labha-Profit) and in the sub dasa, Jupiter Bhukti, Mercury Anthra the
of Saturn. No other planet is under the native had a building purchased.
sway of Saturn (Mercury is aspected by
Saturn. So it will give the results of Saturn Mercury promises that the native will
also.) have another building mostly a twin
Jupiter as lord of 6 shows disposal by house or a house with an out house
the seller and in 11 promises your gains. attached in Mercury dasa, Jupiter Bhukij
Saturn Anthra in April 1973, when Sun
Jupiter in Saturn's sub indicates house, transits in Mercury's star Revathi, in
car, etc. Jupiter's sign, Pisces Meena.


Astrology is the lamp that illuminates (T) Lord of the week day. (2) Lord of the
--the path way-of- our_ .life. constellation occupied by Moon at query.
Lord-of .the RasLqcgupjed by Moon.
At birth each being is stamped with (A) Lord of lagna. (5) Lord of the consteP"
the planetary pattern then in the sky and lation rising in the east. These five are the
planetary impulses travel across the ethcric ruling planets. The periods of these planets
ocean and surge into every atom of the will be the same as shown by the horoscope.
body. The child than starts upon a cycle
of its own. The initial stellar configuration A relative of mine came to visit my
received at the time of birth remains un- house on a Sunday at about 4 p.m. The
disturbed in its enitty and the tendencies ruling constellation on that day was Chitra
marked at that time fructify as events as upto 6-06 p.m. at 4 p m. 6 Pisces rises in
the planets progress during the pilgrimage east.-What are the ruling planets?
of life. (1) The day is Sunday ruled by Sun.
The ruling planets at the time of an (2) The Moon is in constellation Chitra
event will always hold sway in the dasa ruled by Mars.
system. Suppose, an event has taken place (3) The Moon is in Libra ruled by
on a particular day and at the particular Venus.
time, the ruling planets will reveal the
ruling dasa. When an individual is (4) The rising sign at the time of pro-
running the major dasa of Venus, the grammed visit is Pisces ruled by
sub-period of Sun, the inter-period of Mars Jupiter.
andj the Sookshma period of Jupiter, then (5) The constellation rises in Uttara-
all these planets, Venus, Sun, Mars and bhadra ruled by Saturn.
Jupiter, must ' rule the time of the event.
Errors in prediction can be minimised to a Therefore, the ruling planets arc Sun
great extend, if one verifies this rule and Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn.
rectify the time of birth.
1 know bis horoscope. Before his
The great Kalidasa avers in Uttarakala- arrival 1 went through his horoscope as
mrita that the horoscope for the time of he will ask me something about his imme-
query reveals the events in the same way diate future. I found that he is running
as birth chart. It means that the ruling the major dasa of Moon, Bhukti of Jupiter,
periods at the time of query will be the Anthra of Rahu and Sookshma of Sun.
same as shown by the horoscope and there- i Therefore, the ruling planets, when he should
fore, prediction based on question time will meet me for astrological consultation, should
reveal what is ahead. This is true in all cases be Moon, Jupiter, Rahu and Sun. But the
without exception. The ruling planets are: ruling planets on the day and time when
he programmed to meet me, are Sun, Mars, The peculiarity of the horoscope is that
Venus, Jupiter and Saturo. As Rahu occupies the native, whenever meets with an accident,
Taurus and is placed in the consteljalion escapes from it miraculously. He met with
of Rotaini ruled Dy Moon, Rahu represents an accident on S252 and another on
Venus and Moon. Hence, it is found that 16252. But, be was unhurt and safe.
Mars and Saturn are not in the picture. On 8252 he was driving a Cbevorelt
As he is a close relative and as he had new car. The owner of the car was also by
fixed up appointment, I was waiting for his side. Suddenly the car dashed against a
him in the bouse. But, alas! he did not palmiyab tree. He had a hit, but there was no
come nor did he send any word. external injury at all. But blood came our
The ncrt day when he came I was from his nose. The owner of the car who
absent. The ruling planets then were;- was by his side stuck against the front
(1) The day is Monday ruled by Moon. glass when blood came out from his fore-
(2) The constellation is Visakha ruled head when the skin had scrapped. The time
by Jupiter, of the accident was about 1 p.m. How did
f3J Moon is in Libra ruled dy Venus. he escape? Why was the owner of the car hurt?
(4) Lagna is Aries ruled by Mars. What has astrology to say about this
fS] The rising constellation is Bharani incident?
ruled by Venus. Tigain on 16252 at about 2 p.m..
Tbcrcforc'thcTulIng planets are Moon, when native was. driving his friend's car,
Jupiter, Venus and. Mars. the. front tyre suddenly burst and the entire
Again it is found that Mars has no place vehicle was taken aside where there was a
which warrants our meeting as he is de- ditch. There was no injury at .all to the
finitely coming for astrological consultation native. He was unhurt and safe. Man's
only. Mars is responsible for my absence destiny is moulded by the star. Planets speak
when he arrived. . the language. of destiny. Astrology is the
On that day, I' arrived at about 7p.m. science to reveal this language to us.
The ruling planets were Moon, Venus (who In a horoscope, the 4th house shows
represents Rahu), Jupiter and Sun. accidents from carriages. The 5th bouse and
The, ruling planets at the time of query the 8 th bouse represent wounds and injuries.
will represent the ruling planetary periods 12th house speaks of unexpected happenings.
of the native. Events in life take place only Mars and Saturn arc . kanakas of accidents.
during the conjoined periods of planets. The Therefore, consider bouses 4,6,8 and 12
ruling planets at the time of event will repre- and Mars, and Saturn for accidents.
sent the ruling planetary periods of the native.
Born on 2111925 at 9-53 p.m. Lat. The significators are>
I6N52. Log. 80E 53. The horoscope is as (1) Planets in the sub or in the con-
under: stellation of the occupants of houses
4, 6,8 and 12.
Mars 270-47' (2) Planets in bouses 4, 6, 8 and 12
Pluto 19*-7' (3) Planets in the constellations of the
lords of 4, 6, 8 and 12.
Rahu (4) Lords of 4, 6, g and 12.
Hershel 21-29' fS) Planets in conjunction with - or
26'-32r Balance of Mercury Neptune
aspected by the above significators.
dasa at birth 3 Years In the present horoscope,
2l0~29' 6 Months 2 Days. (1J The 4th house is occupied by
Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Rahu is in
Sun 8-19' the constellation of Mercury, and in the sub
of Venus. Moon is in the constellation of
Venus Mercury in the sub of Jupiter. Mars is in
J5a'35' Moon lagna the constellation of Mercury in the sub of
Jup. ISMK 270-l5' Sat. 20'-29' Jupiter. Saturn occupies the constellation of
Mercury 4M8' Jupiter and is in the sub of Jupiter. Mercury
14#-45' is in the constellation of Venus in the
sub of Venus. Venus is in her own constel- meet with the accidents. Venus rules Libra
lation and in the sub of Sun. and Taurus. Taurus is having the constel-
lation Krithika ruled by Sun who is also
Therefore, the significators are Rahu, the lord of 12th house. Libra is covering
Moon, Mars, Saturn, Mercury. Jupiter and the constellation Visakha ruled by Jupiter,
Venus. a - the significator to cause accidents. Jupiter
rules Sagittarius and Pisces and covers the
Mars is placed in the constellation of constellations of Venus, Sun and Saturn,
Mercury who is the lord of Lagna. He is namely Poorvashada, Uttarashada and Uttara-
not the lord of either 4, 6, or 12. Therefore, bhadra. The sign Capricorn has the constel-
Mars cannot cause the native any accident. lation Uttarashada ruled by Sun. Leo vyhich
is ruled by Sun contains the constellation
Mercury is the lord of . Lagna and as Pubba. Therefore, the ascendant at the time
such he cannot cause accidents. of accident must be Taurus-Krithika, Leo-
Pubba, Libra-Visakha, Sagittarius-Poorva-
Moon is in the constellation of lord shada and Uttarashada, Cappricom-Uttara-
of lagna. Rahu is also placed in the con- shada and Pisces-Uttarabhadra. The native
stellation of lord of lagna. Therefore, Moon cannot meet with accidents at olhen-timesr
and Rahu cannot cause accidents. -Theabove^accidents took place in Taurus
Planets in the constellation of lord of lagna, when Krithika was on the eastern
lagna will not cause barm. horizon.
Leaving aside the planets in the constel- The following are the planetary positions
lations of lord of lagna, namely Rahu, Moon on 8252 when the native met with the
and Mars and lord of lagaa, ' Mercury, we accident:
are left with Venus, Saturn and Jupiter as
significators to cause accidents. Venus rules
Friday, Saturn rules Saturday and Jupiter Jupiter Lagna Moon
rules Thursday. Therefore, the native will
be involved in accidents only on Friday or
Thursday or Saturday.
Look at the significators and their malefic Rahu
aspects to other planets. Saturn aspects Sua
adversely. So, Sun is also to be included
in the significators of accidents. ^He has 8252
also become lord of 12th house and hence Sun
strongly indicates accident, an unexpected Ketu
occurrence. Mercury
During the conjoined periods of the
significators, the native undoubtly meets with
accidents. On 8252, he was running "Venus Mars Saturn
major period of Venus, sub period of
Saturn, anthra finter-period) of Sun Sook-
shma (subtle period) of Jupiter. And on
16252, he was running the major period Why did the native not receive any
of Venus, sub period of Saturn, anthra of wounds at all? Why did he escape un
Sun and aookshma of Saturn. Significant scathed?
to note is that the week day on 8252
is Friday and the week day on 16252 Wounds are represented by the 6th
is Saturday. house. 12th house to any house is negation
of that house. When the 6th house speaks
The significators who inflict accidents of wounds, the 5th house, which is 12th
on the native are Venus, Saturn, Jupiter to the 6th house, is its negation. Who is
and Sun. What are their constellations? the lord of 6th house? He is Saturn. Who
When they rise in the east, the native will is the lord of 5th house? He is also
Saturn. Therefore, it is observed that a in the 6th house from the 11th house.
planet who is capable of givinj? wounds Therefore, the car was damaged.
also becomes strong enough to avert wounds. The following are the planetary positions
Is Saturn weak or strong? A weak planet on 16252, at time of accident:
will always afflict the native while the strong
planet will always benefit Saturn is exalted
in Libra. He is also in the constellation of
a benefic Jupiter, who is strongly placed in Jupiter Lagna
his own sign, Sagittarius. Therefore, Saturn
who is the sub lord, will have to offer
good results and therefore,, did not inflict
the native with wounds as he is controlling Rahu
the period when the accident took place.
The other lords also are beneficial. Sun
Why was the owner of the car hurt?
Why was his car damaged? The following 16252
is the astrological explanation. Venus
Friends are denoted by the 11 th house. Kethn
Which is the 11th house? It falls in sign Mercury .
Cancer. So, Cancer' is the house of the
friend. It is a chara sign. The native is
unnmg the major period of Venus. Venus Mars.
Js.Jprd_of._4lh hojuse ..which is .bad forJhe
friend. Venus is also lord of 11th house Moon ' Saturn
which is "badhakasthana" to the friend.
Therefore, the major lord is bad for the The day is ruled by Saturn. The Moon
friend. What about the other lords? Sub- is transiting the sign Libra ruled by Venus.
lord Saturn rules 7th house and 8th house The accident took place in Taurus Lagna
and is placed in the 4th house from the ruled by Venus. The constellation rising at
11th house which represents the friend. the time of accident was Krithik whose
Therefore, Saturn is bad. Sun, the anthra lord is Son. So, the ruling planets at the
lord rules the second house and is placed time of accident are Venus, Saturn and
in tha 7th house. 2nd house and 7th Sun. The native wai running the major
house are called marakasthanas. Therefore, period of Venus, sub period of Saturn,
Sun is bad. Sookshma lord, Jupiter is ruling inter-period of Sun and Sookshma period
the 6th and 9th houses. 6th house speaks of Saturn. The period and the day speak
of wounds. Therefore, the native's friend vividly.
received wounds.
Why was his friend's car damaged? Saturn again influences the time of
The 4th house represents vehicles. What the accident, but he could not cause wounds,
is that house to the friend?, It is Libra. the reasons for which, as already explained
Libra is ruled by Venus. Venus is placed astrologically, were obvious. 0
(Service or Independent Workj
3rd house;Change of place filth to
Uranus Lagoa 9th house (12 to the 10th): So in pro-
fession, a change, probation or long journey
4<'-38/ 200-I0' and transfer to a far off place. Also leave.
12th house:Thorough change; leaving
one job and taking up another.
Sat. l*-43' Rasi Kelt) 9 29'
How to select significators:
7-13 P.M. Note down which signs arc occupied
by Rahu and Kethu. They act as agents of
Raha 9e-29' 23-02N 72-38E Nept. 2r-34' the lord of the sign. Therefore if a planet
ruling the sign occupied by Rahu or Kethu
is to be taken as the significatbr, substitute
the node. Why? -
Vcn:-22--39' Moon70-27
Sun U0-^ Jup. 23-! 8' The tenants are stronger than the owner.
Mercury Mars 15Mr Rahu and Kethu arc ever tenants. So they
11 *-39' are' stronger than the lord of the sign.
Rahu or Kethu may be in either of the two
signs owned by the planet. They will
Dasa BalanceSun Dasa 1 year, Imonth represent both the houses. Planets are
and 20 days. important in the following order:
For profession we take houses 2, 6 and (1)The planets situated in the constellaion
10; for promotion we include the 11th house of the occupant of the house and the planet
also; for transfer we consider houses 3 and in a constellation is the source offering such
9; for thorough change, houses 9 and 12 are nature of the results signified by the lord of
judged. the constellation. My finding is that a planet
not only owns one sign (Sun and Moon) or
If we follow the traditional system the 2 signs but also 3 constellations in the 27
nature of the profession is judged taking stars. Further, they influnce ultimately the
the lord of the Navamsa Sign in which planets in their sub and these subs are 27
lord of 10 is poisted in the chart. It does in number and one in each star.
not come true in most cases. In the vast (2)The occupant of a house (because
majority of cases, it fails. Here Mars is to the occupant is stronger than the owner;
indicate his calling, but he is an advocate. The occupant may be debilitated and owner
Therefore, research is necessary and the exalted; even then the occupant is stronger.
following rulings are arrived at after successful (3) The planet in the constellation of
research, the lord of the house (Lord of a house is
the lord of the sign on which the cusp of
2nd house denotes self-acquisition and the house falls).
bank position.
The cusp may be in 27' in a sign and
6th house:Service or servants. the next cusp may be in 28 in the next
10th house:Profession, calling, service, sign and the house extends from 27* in a
business, independant vocation. sign to 28 in the next. It may occupy a
major portion in the next sign. Yet tt^e lord
11th house:Profit, gains, increase in of the previous sign where the cusp falls
income, improvement in status, etc. is to be taken as the house lord.
(4) The owners of the sign on these [If one proceeds further, one can note
houses. that Mercury and Sun arc in the constel-
r5) Planets conjoined with or aspected lation of Kethu, Sun is in the sub of Saturn
by any of the significators. which owns such houses which are not con-
nected with 2 or 6 or 10. But Mercury is
[While ofifering prediction, it should be in the sub of Jupiter which owns 10th house.
noted what dasa and bhukti runs, which of Therefore select Mercury. Reject Sun.]
these, to be selected and then follow scru-
pulously the method. At the moment when When such questions are should
one judges a horoscope, note the lord of say without doubt that be will surely have
the day, the lords of the sign and constel- changed his job during Rahu Dasa, Venus
lation on the lagna, the lord of the rasi Bhukti. Kethu Anthra. [Kethu is in Venus
where Moon is placed, and the lord of the sub who rules 12th house for changes. So
star in which Moon is posited. This must change is a certainty. Venus will give in its
be used for confirmation,, selection of 3 or Sub period, as Venus is in sub of lord of
4 significators, if many come up. It does 9. who indicates changes. Rahu is in Venus
not mean that ruling planets always promise sub.] Hence in the conjoint period of the
success. the result, ^these planets planets connected with houses 2. 6 and 10
will offer. The above is the only\ procedure by constellation and in the conjoint period
to judge which planet will offer the result of the planets connected with 9 and 12 by
and which is connected with the matter.] sub, the deciding factor, he will change.
If one applies step by step, and if one Calm thinking give clear understanding and
gets four significators to start with, do not leads to proper application.
proceedfurtheras-the-Strongest are already When one_asks about profession take
selected. But if the dasanatha is not bnff 2, 6 'an3'ITr~'hdus62r~WticrHi^asksebou4-1
of the four, go further and find out whether change, note 9 and 12. When one wants
dasadatha has any connection. If it is not to know about plurality of interest* note in -
connected, that matter will not happen in which sign Bhukti nadha is. Because dasa T
its dasa, though bhukti nadha may be a runs for many years. In that, many changes i
significator. Suppose there are many planets come up. It is Bhukti nadha who is res- '
in any constellation* then they all are en- ponsible for such changes. Suppose there
titled to denote the matters signified by the are 3 planets A, B and C in the constel- '
lord of the constellation; but those planets lation ruled by planet D.
situated in the sub of the benefics connected
with the houses to be judged will contribute Then A, B and C are the sources to
to the fulfilment of the matters indicated by offer the results of D by occupation, owner-
that house; Those which are in the sub ruled ship, etc. If A is in the sub of D itself, it ful-
by the planets not connected with the houses fils the matter. If B is in the sub of
to be judged will not contribute. They re- a planet signifying 6 or 8 or 12 counted
main neutral, if they do not own 6 or 8 from the sign owned by or occupied by D,
or 12th houses counted from the house to it is in capable of contributing for the achieve-
be judged. If they own, they spoil. The 4th ment of the matters signified by D. (Western
house denotes mother, vehicle, building. aspect must be included.) If C is in the
'Planets A, B, C and D are in the constel- sub of a planet who neither owns the houses
lation of the lord of 4lh house. Planet A to be judged, nor in 6 or 8 or 12, then it re-
in the Moon sub denotes mother, Venus sub mains neutral. It will delay. It cannot dis-
indicates vehicle, Mars sub shows building. appoint and deny. Delay means a few dis-
.Thus sub is also useful to select the appointments on previous attempts and
planet. Otherwise, how can we pinpoint ultimately coming out .successful; denial
and say. mother or land or car. means frustration finally.
No planet is in Mercury constellation.
Venus alone is in Venus star (ruling 12th The native of the above example had
house) indicating changes. plurality of interest when . he was. running
the dasa of Rahu and bhukti of Sukra.
10th house is unoccupied. He was in service and was at the same
Hence Rahu, Venus and Kethu are the time practicing law. Krishnamurti Padhdhati
three significators. is proved right. ^

Progression or Direction, is one of the (iii) The Lord of 1 aspecting the lord
methods followed by Astrologers in the west of 6.
to judge the nature of the results of a person (iv) The Lord of 8 aspecting the lord
and also the time of the event. of 6.
In the text-books published by the various In the same way, Che results should be
authors, one can learn the results offered by a read for Venus, Saturn and Jupiter.
planet forming an aspect to the various cusps
of the houses or by a planet while progressing, As the lordship of a house can thoroughly
. forming an aspect with a planet in the change the nature of the planet, let us discuss
horoscope of a person. But no one bad the results of the aspects taking the lordship
discussed systematically the results of the lord of various bouses.
of a particular house forming an aspect with
the lord of another bouse in the horoscope. Suppose Jupiter is the lord of 12. What
Suppose one is born in Aries (Meshaj ascen- can it indicate? It shows withdrawal of money
dant; Mars progresses. Mars is lord of I and frnmthe bank. It Jupiter forms.favourable
(. It can form aspect with its original position aspect with Venus, normally one will predict
and also with other planets. So one is to read _most beneficial results. But for Arietboms,
- -the results as foltowsr it threatens loss and many other
(aj If Mars aspects Sun to Aries fMesha) such as visiting hospital due to the illness of
lagna boms, the. wife or partner in business. (12tb house is'
the 6th to the 7th wife.)
(i) The Lord of 1 forming aspect
with the lord of 5, and Therefore the correct method is to judge,
(ii) The Lord of 8 aspecting the lord by taking the lordship of a planet. Benefics';
of 3. by nature will prove to be the worst evils for,
some and the malefics by nature will offer
fb) If Mars aspects Moon, luck to some.
(i) The Lord of 1 aspects the lord One should not decide the result merely
of 4. by the name of a planet. All Ramas are not
ideals for character. All Krishnas to not
fii) The Lord of 8 aspects the lord mingle freely with women. How many
of 4. Krishnas there are who remain unmarried as
(c; If Mars aspects, by progression. no girl likes them.
Mars radical position: Therefore, always consider which planet
(i) The Lord of I aspecting the lord by progression forms an aspect and note
ofl. which bouses .are ruled by it. Then syste-
.(ii) The Lord of8 aspecting the lord matically note down as explained above.
of I. (2) Then the extent to which the native
' (iii) The Lord ofl aspecting the lord can gain or loss depends on the strength of
of 8. the planets in the birth chart. The redical
(iv) The Lord of 8 aspecting the lord chart is the root in the soil on which depends
of 8. the growths of the planet.
(d) If Mars aspects Mercury. (3) The environment of the native is the
(i) The Lord of 1 aspecting the lord be included while judging a chart. It is
of 3. similar to the fertility used. Two people may
have the same, identical aspects. One will be
fii) The Lord of 8 aspecting the lord very fortunate while the other will enjoy only
of 3. to some extent. This is because the former is
born in fortunate circumstances and the latter Suppose the following is the chart and an
under the very lash of tyranny and oppression. aspect is being formed between progressing
&un and radical Moon. Sun was in 4 in
f4) If the birth horoscope (radixj does
not promise fortune, no aspect by progression
can permanently secure it to the native. So
also any adverse result. That is, if the birth Man 8 Lagoa
chart shows good constitution and long life,
do not conclude that the first attacks made
upon it will be fatal or anxious the native
may have some sufferings and get over
them. Moon 28
(5J Aspects among the planets may be
found to be formed in a particular week. It is
not necessary that the results will manifest in
that week itself. Moon alone moves fast. Its Sun 4
aspects and the results indicated by its aspects
will be enjoyed in the same month; But other
planets move slowly. Hence the period when
the results will be actually enjoyed is to be
modified by adopting the following method:
SupposeSuo,-by-progressro 117 "foYBis^ir -
harmonious beneficial aspect with Jupiter
owning good houses and you expect increase SimhafLeo). Moon was in 28 in Kataka
in income and improvement in status, say in (Cancer). Therefore, at the age. of 16^ Sun
the second week of December 1972 by careful Prog, formed 22^ aspect with Moon radical.
working. Then take the Exhemeris for 1972 At the age of 24, Prog, Sun formed semi-
and find out the nearest date with Sun by sextile or 30 aspect with radical Moon.
transit forms a favourable aspect with Jupiter.
That is the date on which the progressed Sun's Results enjoyed were:
aspect to Jupiter will operate.
(a) At the age of 16-1/2, younger brother
Similarly, take the example of Jupiter went out for study. ^
owning favourable houses forming good aspect,
by progression, with Mercury and you look (b) At the age of 24 to the n/ e, the
for sudden gains by lottery or agency or receipt native gained monetarily through
of the accumulated commission amount. Then, younger brother.
you will enjoy the results when there is good 'At the age of 16-1/2, Sun who the Lord
aspect between Mercury and Jupiter by transit
near about the time wben the progressed of 3 (for younger brother) formed evil aspect
aspect is in operation. The effect of the with the lord of 2 (for family and finance).
progressed aspect will be most noticeable when So separation from family and expenses due
the same is supported or accentuated by 10 younger brother's studies, his life in a
transits of similar nature. foreign place is shown.
Therefore, the planets having good aspeefs At. the age of 24 to the native, Sun, lord
by progression should also form good aspects of 3 formed good aspect with lord of 2
fneed not be the same: trine aspect by (finance). So the native gains money through
progression will mature by semisextile aspect the younger brother. 2nd house to the native
by transit) by transit fgocharam) also. is vyaya (loss) to the younger brother as it is
(6; Note which planet forms an aspect 12 to 3.
while progressing with a planet in the birth Thus, Moon as lord of 2 shows income or
chart. The planet which is aspccted indicates expenses in the family, union or separation
the nature of the results. The progressing from the family. Sun as lord of 3 denotes that
planet (i. e , the aspecting planet shows the the result is due to the younger brother, i. e.,
source through which the result is enjoyed). income or expenses through him, short journey
to the native etc., and also separation or Applying aspect
re-union of the younger brother. An applying aspect is always strong. It
So also, if the lord of 11 forms beneficial brings new experiences in life. It becomes
aspects by progression to the lord of 2, it more and more powerful. It may be either
promises income through the elder brother os good or bad aspect. The aspect is nearing
through friends filth house for elder brother completion. These effects begin to wane off
and friends). In this case the lord of 11 is slowly as the aspect separates. Separating bad
Mars. He is also the lord of 6. Therefore, aspect from any evil planet is advantageous,
one is to say that the gain may be from the i. e.t evil will disappear. Separating aspect
elder brother or friends or from a maternal after a good aspect also indicates that the
uncle or by borrowing f6th house). It may be jubilant spirit will fade away slowly. There is
that the elder brother of friend may lend no further cause to enhance the pleasure.
money or the maternal uncle may help the
native. So it should be noted from which Illustration
house Mars by progn., forms this aspect. If it
progresses in Thulam fLibra) 10 and forms
quintile (72) aspect with radical Moon, it
should be taken that the maternal uncle will
render help as Tbulam (where Mars progresses)
-is-T2th-to the-fitfa-houserBntif Mars progresses
in Meena from 8 to 28 and forms trine (120)
with radical moon in Kataka (Cancer) 28, it Mars 20
indicates that either an elder brother or friend
will give monetary assistance to the native or
they would give him an appointment as Mars
progresses in the 10th house. Thus, note the
houses over which the planet, forming the
aspect, rules. From the ownership of the
houses, note who will give the result, or
through which source you gain or lose.
If the same Mars were to progress in
Meena 13 and form sesquiquadrate (135) Son 28 Lagna
aspect with the radical Moon, through an
elder brother or a friend your income is
reduced or you will meet with uncommon
expenses through them. Eg., Sun forms a good aspect with the
Thus, though an aspect may be formed lord of 7 Mars to a Thula Lagna native.
on a particular date by progression, yet the Sun is lord of 11 and Mars is lord of 2
said aspect fertilises and blooms into physical and?. Hence when Sun applies good aspect
manifestation in the week when the progressed with Mars, say about even 1-1/2 years prior to
planet, by transit, forms a similar* aspect the exact (partile; aspect date, the native will
(Not necessarily the same as the one formed have. pleasurable pursuits, make friendship
by progression) with the planet in the radix. with a girl and every day till the date of
culmination of the exact aspect, he will enjoy
In the foregoing example, though a good due to frequent contacts with the said girl and
aspect may be formed on a particular date dreams (5th house; Mars in 5. This is an
according to progression by Progressed Mars applying aspect.
to radical Moon, yet the effect of such a good After that date when Sun progressing in
aspect will be apparent only in the week when 20 Dhanus. (Sagittarius) forms sextile (60)
Mars by transit froms a good aspect (need not
be the same as the one formed by progression) aspect with radical Mars (i. e.. Sun, lord of li
with the planet Moon in the natal or birth with Mars, lord of 7 occupying 5th house)
chart. and then commences to separate from the
sextile aspect, then within a period of 1-1/2
* Similar nature, i.e., if a good aspect is years gradually, imagination, dreams, etc.,
formed by progression, then a good aspect by transit. will end, frequent contacts with the girl will
get reduced, pleasure is also not measured on But if a planet by progression separates
the same scale and the sweetness of the milk after a good aspect and applies to an evil
disappears and slowly becomes either rancid aspect, misfortune will overtake the native.
or flat and insipid. If by progression, a series of good aspects are
formed, one can definitely -expect luck after
An applying aspect keeps one either luck, one following the other, so that for a
cheerful and buoyant if the aspect is good or long period, without any interruption, one
much frightened if the aspect is bad. Similarly, enjoys the beneficial results. But if by
a separating aspect after a good aspect shows progression a series of bad aspects are formed,
fading away of one's benefits or pleasure. To then one will suffer much due to a series of
put it bluntly, applying aspect is similar to misfortune.
"Mappillai Azhaippu" "Welcome to son-in-
iaw" on the eve of marriage; separating If there is a good aspect, then a bad one
aspect, is similar to the feeling for the same followed by a good one, and then again bad
person, a few days after marriage. and so on, then the native's life will be like a
wheel, like day and night, alternately enjoying
Important "" good and rxpmtinring had
Separation of a planet from a malefic If a planet separates from a~malefic~aTid
and its application to a benefic gives health,
happiness, expansion, etc. after a struggle. If . applies to another malefic aspect, the evil is
by progression a planet t'lord of 2 or 11 forms augmented doublefold and worst experiences
evil aspect with lord of 1(W forms a bad aspect will be undergone like a person on his way
and due to that one is kept under suspension home from office being pickpocketed on the
from service, then when the planet further , salary day and finding a pattalion of creditors
progresses and forms a good aspect, he will be waiting for him to return home.
reinstated in service.
Aspects to the cusps of .houses nfeed not
When the planet applies and forms bad be considered unless the birth time is very
aspect, he is terribly afraid and is put into lot cprrect. A difference of every four minutes
of troubles, worry and ill-repute. Once the in the birth time changes the cusps by one
aspect (exact asepectj is over and it gets degree, but such a difference of ,4 minutes or"
separated, the native gains strength of mind so does not perceptibly change the planetary
gradually and all matters tend to take a position. So rectification of cusps is needed.
favourable course and when the planet applies
to a good aspect, encouraging news will be Of aspects'to cusps, the conjunction is.
received and at the time of the exact good of most importance, especially with the cusps
aspect he will join duty. of the 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses.
K. S. K.
Various works written by western Mercury; Pulmonary system, respira-
authors, especially, "The message of the tory diseases, motor segmcut of the spinal
stars" written by MaxHeindel and Augusta cord, vocal cords, locomotor ataxia, ner-
Foss Heindel, Zadliiel, Sepbariel, Llewlyn vous disorders, deafness.
George, Alan Leo, etc. deal with the Jupiter: Liver, glycogeu, adrenals,
subject of astrodiagnosis in a detailed arterial circulation, fatty degeucratiou of
manner. the muscles, tumours, cancer, morbid grow-
Heindal's advice is ths, enlargement of orgaus, waste of sugar,
"Never tell a patient a discouraging fact, albumin iu the urine, blood poisouing,
Never tell him when an impending crisis is due. hyperaemia, apoplexy.
Never predict sictccess at a certain time. Venus: Throat, kidneys, gastronomical
Never, never predict death." indiscretions, lack of exercise, sedentary
He adds tfaat-it4s-a_grave mistake, al- habits, poor ciTCulatiou of various blood,
most a crime, to tell sick persobs"anything, onsillitis, venereal diseases.
discouraging, for it robs them of strength Saturn : "Obstructrcm,atrophy, gall
that is necessary to faciliate recovery. bladder, boues, painful ifaeumatism, teetBT^
Even students of medical colleges feel the mottled euamel, fluorine introxication, stiff
symptoms of every disease they study aid
suffer greatly inconsequence of auto-sugges boue, dullness iu the peristaltic action
tion, bnt the ideas of impending disease thereby poor digestiou falls, bruises, colds
implanted by one in whom the victim bas chronic diseases, fear complex,never belie-
faith is more dangerous. Therefore, it ves that he will be cured. Always'pessi-
behooves the medical astrologer to be mistic, fracture. Therefore one is to note
very cautious. K be cannot say anything which plauet will cause the disease, in which
encouraging, be had better nmain silent. sign it is, aud it which sigu the lord of the
constellation of the planet which is the
Planets: Which part of the body and significator of both the first and the sixth
disease do they indicate ? bouse is placed. Cousidering all these, one
Sun : The vital the body, the has to come to a decision aud then predict
heart, the pons varolii, etc. Radiant health the nature of the disease from which one
is given by Sud . will suffer; then calculating the time when
the significators of cue aud six operate,
Mood : Rules the stomach, the uterus, one bas to give the time when one will fall
the ovaris, the lymphatics, the sympathe- ill. Similarly cue bas to note down when
tic nervous system, the synovial fluid. It the eleventh house significator will operate.
indicates whether one can have menstrual If the 11th house significator is also the
troubles,. uterine and ovarian afflictions, significator of the fifth bouse, cue will
dyspepsia, eye trouble, lunacy, and diseases surely have cure for the disease from which
connected with breast. cue suffers. Unless the sub-sub period of
the significator of (be lllb bouse operates
Mars ; Governs the ted bone marrow, following the period of the disease, im-
haemoglobin, red blood corpuscles, which mediate cure is denied, and one must wait
carry food to various parts of the body till (besiguificatcr of the Stb aud for the
and help in throwing out the waste. It I lib begins to operate.
also governs the genitals. Accideuts, bums,
gunshot, injuries, surgery, are shown by Nature of the disease: The Ascendent
Mars. aud the siguificators of the Ascendant
indicate whether one can maintain good one should note the nature of the disease
health or suffer from disease or will have as explained below.
rapid or slow recovery from the ailment Note the sub-lord of the 6th cusp.
or succumb to it. This needs correct moment of birth. If it
The sixth bouse denotes upset of health, is not available and if you want to know
the disease from which one will suffer, its the sub of the sixth, take the ruling planets
nature and duration. It is not .necessary at the moment when you have the urge.
that one should sufferfromany one variety Mysteriously, God will help by eliminating
of the discesse in bis lifetime whenever be the previous and the next sub to the one
falls ill. The nature changes according to which you have to select
the significatcr of the disease and the - Now a gentleman has arrived. His
period running. Normally there will be a question is whether there will be any relief
few signiScators of the sixth bouse. All from the disease from which be is suffering.
cannot cause disease unless the same Today is Saturday. The constellation in
significator of the sixth house is also the which Moon is Iransitting is Poorvasbada,
signiScator of the first house. The 6th governed by Venus in the sign Sagittarius,
house indicates not only disease but debts, owned by Jupiter. This shows that the
difScultier, separation from the partner, body gets emaciated due to passing of
etc. Hence, to predict precisely that one sugar in the urine. Hence decide that it
wi(rs"uffsr-ffom.spme disease, one should should be diabetes. When I asked the
note whether the siguifiCator-of-ib6_sjxlh gentleman whether be suffers from
bouse is also connected with the Aicett~ diabetes,.he said "yes". His horoscope
dant. If it Is connected with the second also indicated ~the -saaie_disease. It is as
and not the first, then it Indicates either follows:
entering into service or borrowing money.-
If it is connected with the second and also
the 12th it shows that be would have lost IV 29MO' Fort S-'SS' o
what be bad borrowed or repaid the loan Ketu 60-29' V 27M0' VI 22-10' VII 16 -20'
already taken, etc. But if the significator
of the sixth bouse is also the significator
of 1 and 12, one will be confined to bed III 26-10' Vni 20-10'
or isolated, i.e. admitted in the isolation Ufa. 17-54'
Moon Born Ncp. 240-5l
hospital or other-wise hospitalised. 40-56'
12-17 P.M.
Fatal disease is shown by the signifi- 2-10-1922
cator of the Stb house. One may suffer 22-23N 88.24E
from various diseases during bis lifetime. II 20MO' IX 266-10'
But the last disease from which one will
suffer is indicated by the sub-lord. of the
8th cusp. Twins may be born. The lagna
and also the Stb cusp may be in the same Mars ]80-25' XII 23"-30' XIMercury
27-10' Raha
Sun l5*-38'
Venus 0
Sat. 17^-43'
sign and star for both of them. But the Asc.16a-20' 0M4' Jup.7 -28' l0-57' X 29M0'
nature or type of the death differs. How?
.Which'can explain the reason for this,
except the sub-lord of ,tbe Stb? One of Now.let us see the 6th cusp of the native.
them meets with an accident. The other It is in 'Venus sign, Moon star and Venus
passes away on another date, after suffer- sub. Combination of Venus' and Moon
ing from some disease. The only method shows one who deals in milk, petrol or
by which one can decide is by judging the syrup. Here, for disease, we have to take
sub-lord of the Stb cusp as the cusps/alone that he passes not urine but syrup-like
have changed within the few minutes' fluid. It should be clearly stated as
jUterval in their birth time. Therefore, diabetes, as Moon is connected with the
8th bouse by owning it and 8tb bouse Taurus: Diphtheria, croup, ' apoplexy,
shows micturitibn-passiug urine. If goitre, diseases of tbe cerebellum, cervical
it is desired to note tbe sub from the ruling vertebrae. Planets deposited in Taurus will
planets, it can be seen that it may be Jupiter oppose tbe sign Scorpio. Hence they also
or Saturn or Venus sub as it is Saturday cause venereal diseases, piles, fistula and
and tbe star is Fooivasbada. Tbe lord of constipation. Irregular menses and troubles
tbe star is stronger than tbe lord of tbe thereby.
rasi which is stronger than the lord of the
day, Therefore Divine Grace is evtr Gemini; Pulmonary diseases, eosono-
there to fix correctly what you want, by pbilia, dry cough, pneumonia, broncbities,
taking tbe ruling planets at the moment pleurisy, asthma, infiammation of pericar-
of judgment. Therefore, whenever you dium,'affections of tbe bands, asthma, and
want to find out tbe disease of a person, tuberclosis.
note tbe sub-lord of the sixth cusp; find jCancer--Pains in the stomach, gas
out in whose constellation it is jieposited.- trouble, indigestion, cough, hiccough,
Find ouyhe_sigtL-where-the"Ibrd of tbe dropsy, melancholia, hypochondria, hyste-
-star was at tbe moment of birth or at the ria, jaundice gall stones.
time of query and also the sub-lord of tbe
sixth. Both together give tbe clue. Leo; Regurgitation of blood, palpita-
tion, aneurism, feeling giddy, faintings,
In tbe above horoscope tbe sub-lord is spinal meningitis, curvature of the spine,
Venus. It is in Scorpio, the 8th sign of arterio-sclerosis, angina pectoris, byper-
tbe zodiac a watery sign indicating aemia, anaemia, hydraemia.
sexual organ and excretion from the body. Virgo: Tepeworm, roundworm, book
Venus was in tbe constellation of Jupiter worm, malnutrition, peritonitis interference
in Libra. Libra is for kidney, bladder, etc. with tbe absorption of tbe chyle, typhoid,
How clear it is, can be judged by the rea- cholera appendicitis, loose motion.
ders themselves. Tbe native of this chart Vitamin B deficiency.
found out that he had unusual thirst at
nights and when be sent bis urine to tbe Libra: Folyria, suppression of tbe urine,,
cbnical laboratory be found that there infiammation of the uterus brigbt's disease,
was sugar in the urine. Thus every reader lumbago, rheumatic pains, eczema, skin
can become a capable astrologer and diseases, affection of the vasomotor system
diagonse tbe disease with tbe least effort ^kidney Appendicitis, Hernia.
even without seeing tbe patient. It is tbe Scorpio: Affections of the bladder,
. chart erected for the moment of judgment coliform infection, trouble in tbe urethra
which reveals. Where is tbe necessity for and generative organs, rectum, colon, tbe
tbe patient to visit tbe chamber of tbe prostate gland, tben, nasal catarrh,
astrologer? A medical officer should see adenoids, trouble in the womb, ovaries,
tbe patient, bear bis case, do all tbe possi- venereal diseases, irregularities of tbe
ble tests and arrive at a correct diagnosis, menses, leucorrboea, rupture, renal stone.
but for a good astrologer it is easy to
pitch upon tbe disease correctly. Sagittarius; affections of tbe hips,
thighs, femur, ilium, locomotor ataxia,
Tbe pathogenic effects of the twelve sciatica, rheumatism, diseases in tbe hip.
signs of the Zodiac are; Also pulmonary troubles fracture of collar
bone, varicose veins.
Aries : Reacts upon tbe bead produci- Capricorn: Affects tbe skin, tbe patella,
ing headaches, neuralgia, coma, trance, kneecap and the knee, stomach, eczema,
diseases of the brain and cerebral he- erysipelas, leprosy, leucoderma, digestive
morrhage, insomnia, tendency to infiam- disturbances, rheumatism, chills gout,
matory diseases pains etc. neuralgia, melancholia blood disorders.
Aqnarios: Affects the ankles, the limbs, Pisces (Sun).- Perspiration of the feet,
varicose veins, sprain in the ankle, dropsy, intestinal troubles, typhbid fever.
irregularity of the functioning of the heart, If Moon would have been tbesub-lordof
skin and eye diseases. the 6th cusp and is the significator of the -
Pisces: Affects the feet- and the toes. ^ bouses 6and also l,or if the significator of
It also affects the intestines. Deformities of ' 6 is also the significator of 1 and is depo-
the feet, dropsy, delirium tremens due to sited in the constellation of Moon and if
drugs, addicted to drinks and thereby com- Moon would have been in the following
plications. signs, then the native will suffer from any
of the following diseases.
If Sun is the sub-lord of the 6th cusp
and is the significator of the bouses 6 and Aries (Moon); Insomnia, headache,
also 1, or if the significator of 6 is also lethargy and weak eyes.
the significator of 1 and is deposited jn the Taurus (Moon); Sore throat, eye trou-
consteilation of Sun and if Sun would ble, also menstrual complaint.
have teen in the following signs, then the Gemini (Moon); Catarrh of the lungs,
native will suffer from any^fthefpllowing^ -asthnia,"bfo3ibitii. pneumnnia, rhpumatism
diseasfs': in the arms, sprain and pains in the
Aries (Son): Aphasia, loss of conscience, shoulders.
brain fever, cerebral haemorrboge meningi- Cancer (Moon); Chronic ailment in the
tis, cerebral anaemia or congestion of stomach leading to Cancer dropsy, obesity,
the bloods, faiotings, headaches, throm- bloating digestive disturbances, epilspsy.
bosis etc. Leo (Moon): Backache, disturbed circu-
Taurus (Sun): Quinsy, diphtheria poly- lation, convulsions, heart trouble, eye
pus of the nose eye trouble. defect.
Gemini (Son); Pleurisy, Eosonophilia Virgo (Moon): Bowels disorder, abdo-
bronchitis, byperaemia of the lungs. minal tumours, dysentery peritonitis.
Cancer (Sun):. Anemia, dropsy, dyspep- Libra (Moon);. Brigbt's disease; abscess
sia, gastric fever. of the kidneys, uraemia, headache,
Leo (Sun): Palpitation of the heart, Scorpio (Moon); Disturbed ' menses,
backache, spical affections and eye trouble. bladder troubles, taydrocele, genito-urinary
Virgo (Sun):.No proper digestion and disturbances, throat troubles.
assimilation, peritonitis, typhoid, dysen- Sagittarius (Moon); Affections of the
tery. blood, hip disease, femus fracture, asthma.
Libra (Sun): Brigbt's disease, eruptions Capricorn (Moon): Rheumatism, lack
of the skin, boils. of synovial fluid, skin eruptions, poor
digestion and digestive disturbances.
Scorpio (Snn); Reveal calculus, genital Aquarius (Moon): Varicose veins, ulcers
system disturbed urinary trouble, menstrual of the leg, dropsy, hysteria fainting and
difficulties, affections of the uterus and heart trouble.
Sagittarius (Sun): Sciatica, paralysis of Pisces (Moon): Either drinks much or
the limbs, pulmonary diseases.' ever used to take drugs. Tender feet,
varieties of disorders in the abdomen.
Capricorn (Sun): Rheumatism, skin If Mars would have been the sub-lord of
affection, digestive disturbances.
the sixth cusp and is the significator of
Aquarius: Varicose veins, dropsy, poor bouses 6 and also 1 or if the significator
circulation, palpitation of the heart. of 6 is also the significator of 1 and is depo-
sited in the constellation of Mais and if Aquarius (Mars): Varicose veins, fracture
Mars would have been in the following of the leg, blood poisoning heart failure,
signs, then the native will suffer from the fainting palpitation of the heart.
following diseases: Pisces (Mars)-' Deformities of the feet,
Aries (Mars).- Sunstroke, cerebral accidents to them corns bunions and
haemorrhage, congestion, thrombosis, perspiring feet ventral hernia, inflammation
brain fever, delirium, shooting pain in the of the bowels, diarrhoea.
bead, insomnia, wounds or boil in the If the sub-lord of the 6th cusp is Mercury
head, inflammation of the kidney, renal or if Mercury is significator of the sixth
haemorrhage, renal calculi. house and also the significator of the first
Taurus (Mars): Mumps, enlarged or or if the significator of the sixth and also
inflamed or septic tonsils suffocation, the first bouse be deposited in the constella-
adenoids, diphtheria, polypus, nose- tion of Mercury and if Mercury would
bleeding, goitre, inflammation of the larynx, have been deposited in any of the 12 signs,
excessive menstrual flow, scalding urine, the following diseases are indicated:
venereal ulcers^ enlargement of the prostate Aries (Mercory): Brain fever, nervous
gland, stranguary. headache, vertigo, neuralgia nervous dis-
Gemini (Mars): Haemorrhage of the orders of the kidney, lumbago.
lungs, pneumonia, bronchitis cough, Tauros (Mercury).: __Stutteiing,hoarse-
wounds aod fractures-inthe arms"collar nnss and deafness, nervous affections of
Bone, fracture in the femur, sciatica. the genito-inlnary system.
Cancer (Mars): Milkfever, inflammation, Gemini (Mercery); Gout in the head,
ulceration, haemorrhage of the stomach, arms, shoulders, bronchitis, asthma,
dyspepsia. u phaxiation, pleurisy, nervous pain in
the hip.
Leo (Mars)r Muscular rheumatism, Cancer (Mercury): Nervous indigestion,
especially in the back, enlargement of the phlegm, flatulence, drunkenness.
heart, palpitation, pain in the heart suffoca- Leo (Mercury); Pain in the back, faint-
tion fainting, inflammation of the peri- ing, palpitation of the heart.
Virgo (Mars): Typhoid, inflammation Virgo (Mercury): Flatulence, wind colic,
of the Dowels, peritonitis, worms, diarrhoea, short breath, nervous debility.
cholera, ventral hernia, appendicitis. Libra (Mercury); Suppression of the
Libra (Mars): Inflammation of the urine, renal parexysms, lumbago vertigo,
kidneys, excess of urine, haemorrhage of nervous headache, eye trouble
(be kidneys, renal stones, brain (ever, Scorpio (Mercury); Paias in the bladder
sunstroke, pains in the bead. and genitals, meostural trouble, stuttering,
Scorpio (Mars); Excessive nenses, pro- Sagittarius (Mercury): Pains in the
fuse bleeding, scalding urine gravel renal hips and the thighs, cough, asthma,
stones, inflammation and ulceration of the pleurisy.
uterus and ovaries, vagina, urethra, enlarge- Capricorn (Mercury): Rheumatism, pain
ment of prostate gland stricture and in the knee, difflculty to bend, pain in the
stranguary, tonsils, larynx, nosebleeding, back, skin disease, melancholy nervous iu-
Sagittarius (Mars): Fracture of the digestton, flatulence. .
femur, dislocation, sciatica and ulcers of Aquarius (Mercury); Shooting and gnaw-
the thighs, pneutnooia bronchitis cough. ing pains, varicose veins, corrupt blood,
Capricorn (Mars): Carbuncles, erysipelas, palpitatiou and neuralgia of the heart.
smallpox, chicken pox, measles, pimples, Pisces (Mercury); Gout in the feet,
itches, inflammatory skin diseases, general weakness, lassitude, worry, tubercu-
dyspepsia ulcerated stomach. losis, deafness. (To be continued)
Jyotish Visharath K. GANAPATHI ,
Moon is the fastest moving planet in ing the sea, dreams and higher education,
the Zodiac. It moves daily on an average submission of thesis, research work, etc.
about 13 degrees. It is a watery planet One's success in publication, insurance
and owns the movable watery signs, and success of voyage ate solved from the
Therefore its cbaracieristic is change- ninth bouse. Discovery, exploration, the
ability and its inBuence is often unsettling. previous birth and punyam, i. e. the luck
If Moon is the ruling planet of a native, due to meritorious deed in the previous
bis desire will be to have changes very birth are indicated by the 9th bouse.
frequently. Neilbei will he live in one In Satya Samhita, the author says that
premises, nor will be stick on to any the rest bouse and favour from others ate
profession. investigated from the 9th house. One
, Moon signifies liquids, water ponds, may be in danger; but in the last moment,
lakes, rivers, sea, etc , Neptune indicates he receives the aid which we call "Pfovi-
-ocean. "demial Help . inisls'due to the occupa-
Ninth house, according to Bamadayalu, tion of benefics in the 9tb btrase or its
author of Sanketa Nidhi, is the bouse of loid situated in a favourable house.
prosperity, auspiciousness, etc.", merito- In Fbaladeepika, Mantreswara says that
rious deeds, ifemples, wells, circular the 9tb house shows one's Acharya, deity,
reservoirs, sacrifices, pilgrimage, long father, meritorious deeds, previous luck,
journey to holy places and charity are worship, tapas, grandson, etc.
indicated by the 9th bouse. 9th house also indicates younger
Kalidasa in Utbra Kalamritha says that brothel's wife or younger sister's husband,
the following matters are to be investi- ill-health to mother, pleasurable pursuits
gated form the 9th bouse; of children, wife's younger brother or
Charity, virtue, visit to holy places, sister and elder brother's friends.
japam, respect to elders, medicine, good Moon as lord of the Ascendant, Lagna,
conduct, pure thoughts, worship of God, in the 9tb bouse, in Poorvapatbrapada
higher studies, conveyance, one's policy, 4tb quarter, indicates that one will have
dignity, mythology, long journey, associ- higher studies, long journey and high
ation with good people, ancestral parentage. He or she will be lucky after
property, children, horses, elephants, 43 years of age. One may get into service
buffaloes, coronation ball, vedas, circu- in External Affairs, Foreign Embassy,
lation.of money, etc. International trade, Foreign Exchange,
Father and his qualities etc., according Shipping, Export, Import, etc. Moon as
to Hindus are to be divined from the 9tb lord of Lagna in Ulbrapatbrapada in 9,
bouse. throws many obstacles in youth; one
becomes dejected: but later be will have
As 4tb bouse indicates one's permanent success in research work which needs
place of residence, the 12tb house counted peiseversnce. In the first attempt, he will
from the 4ih house, that is, the third face some problems. He will be able to
bouse indicates short journey, the 6tb solve them subsequently. He may.bc born
house to the 4th is the 9th bouse Hence in a poor family. But he will be able to
it indicates long journey. get scholarship and other assistance to
9tb bouse indicates religion, philoso- camplete bis higher studies. Moon in
phy, spiritual initiation, sea voyage, cross- Revatbi star in 9, shows that one will be
intelligent, will come out successful in cation, foreign travel, seivice in a foicign
examinations and hold transferable posts. embassy, export, itrpoil, or as an
He will be fond of travel and he will make ambassador or in inte malional trade, etc.
bis fortune in foreign land. He will have To be an adviser, minister, secretary,
prophetic dreams or visions. etc., Moon is well posited.
In whichever star, Mobc as lord of I is Moon as lord of 3 in 9 in Utbirasbada
in 9, it gives long journeys, psychic star indicates (bat one may dispose of bis
experiences, study of science, law, philoso- ancestial property, petmanent possession,
phy, etc. and also gain through prrtnci's etc. One will ever be studious. If it is
relatives. If Moon is tfflcted, trouble afficted, be will be dull but fcsrd-woiking
through foieign affairs, experts and during bis high school course when be will
imports, and foreign exchange ere to be be running Mocndasa followed by Mars
expected. If one bets in hcrte races, he will who is tie lord of the 12ih house. Mother
invariably lese in long dis'ence races, as wiii fall ill and will be admitted in the
nirlb house shows Icng dittacce mreling. hospital. There will be wattage of mctey
Bcrrvse, Moon, as lord cf Lagra, has to through conveyance. Moon in 9 in
occupy either the ccnslellaticn of Jupi er, Sravncam star indicates that one will go
the lord of 6 (Peers aralfcxapads) or cf on long jouireys, gain by editicg, publish-
_Salum, the lord nf S fTT;;or-by-taking Bgcricy of foreign
or of Mercury Icrd cf 12 (Resathi) produce, will have foreign collaboration,
Hence, even though Moon is lord of will be a representative of concerns
Lagna, and the house it ccctpies is slso a managed by strangers, will occupy trans-
Bhogya Sthana9(2), yet the lords of ferable posts and enjoyi the gocdwiil of
constellation owning the Dustbanas f, S neighbours, cooperation of colleagues and
or 12. spoil.. Mocn and during Moon's assistarce from brothers. One may be
periods, ore cannot has e peace of aind or interested - in busiutss, in commcditics
pleasure. Worries and delay, to ntke usually, focdsUffs, oils, etc., in foreign
attempts frequently to come out rucccssul liquor, in shipping agency, etc.
are indicated.
Moon, lord of 2 in 9 in Aquarius, shows Mcon'as lord of 3 in 9 in Dbanishta
that one comes out successful in competi- ruled by Mars, lord of 7 and 12 shows that
tions, if Moon would have cccupied ore may' entertain hopes to many a
Dbanisbta star; fcecausc Dbanishta is. neighbour, which will fqll through on a
later date.' Long journeys made will be
ruled by Mars which is the Icrd of 6 and fiuitlos. If one takes a person, born on a
11 to Gemini-boins. Flanels owrirg 6 Tuesday, or in Aries or Scorpio Ascendant
and 11 show that they, u-ay have open or in Miigasirisham dine stars as a partner
eoesry, and may have to fight cue to 6ih and tuns a shew, it will erd in loss and
house and come out vicionoua as it cwr.s the pailneitfcip will get dissolved during
IIth house also. So also in cotrpeihive the ccnjoited period of Mars and Mcon.
or departmental cxamfna'icn, one gels
selected. One may fall ill in a foreign Moon as lord of 4 in 9 in Mcoiam star
place and be cured or one may go causes ccnfusicn during Mcon's periods.
overseas for medical trcaiment. .6.h All matters will be in a liquid state. It.
bouse shows disease and the lllh bouse will not be possible so take any ' decision
indicates the cure. and stick on to it. The partner will have
Moon, lord of 2 in 9, in Aquarius in promotion and transfer. Mother's health
Satbabbisha will offer such results which will fail. She may have fear-complex or
Rabu, the lord of Satbabbisha shows. s> ffer from hysteria. One may mortgage
the property and raise loan. Moon in
Moon, lord of 2 in 9 in Foorvapathra- Poorvasbada star indicates (bat one will
pada indicates that one can gain by publi- gain money and also possessions, (broogb
partners. One may go on a long journey, foreigners and to gain much through per.
contact foreigners and enter into an agree- manent investments and wife.
ment with them. Happy life with wife and
children and other pleasent domestic Moon as lord of 6 in 9 in Cbithrai star,
environments ars his fortune. The owner governed by Mars, shows that one may
of the house in wibcb a person lives will enter into service in the neighbouring
be friendly and provide bim with all town, enjoy free conveyance, and have
comforts. promotion and prosperity in his career.
Moon as lord of 4 in 9 in Uthrasbada But be may fall ill while travelling or by
star indicates birth of dutiful and fortunate over-study. He cannot live amicabiy with
children. One will gain renown in specu- bis father. Tbey will never agree. Moon,
lation, in the theatrical world and will as lord of 6 in Visakam star, promises
enjoy life, receiving substantial assistance fortune in bis service and gain through
from children. A person is born in Aries. wife's relatives. He may have work in the
He has a son employed in the Government. university. He may make profit by linking
As the son was transferred to a foreign his fortune with a friend or elder- brother.
Moon in Swathi will give the results of
land, the boy took the fatherthe native RahmJf.Rahu-is-also-iirElbra, the person
who had Moon in Uthrasbada starwith wiil-be extremely lucky. He will often
himJelfjrnjlofrered-ail-comforts to "him. visit holy places orforeign land. If Moon
Sol'oftune through children may be expec- is in Visakam and Venus or Jupiter is also
ted, for 9tb bouse indicates one's enjoy- in Libra, be will come by a treasure.
ment. 5tb bouse shows children while the
4th house iudicates expenses to children Moon as the lord of 7 in 9 in Uthta-
and tbeit stay in a foreign land. palguni star, ruled by Siln, indicates that
Moon, as lord of 5 in 9 in Yisakam 4th the native may marry a bride, born in a
pada, gives covetable job in foreign con- family, not already closely related. He
cerns: name and fame in foreign land; will try to contract a love marriage. He
Successful long journey and new contracts will secure a job under strangers or in a
' gain in speculation : easy overdraft foreign Government Embassy or Inter-
facility from Banksno difficulty for national trade, Exports and Imports. The
' foreign exchangesubstantial gains in ' ' person will be pains-taking, sincere and
shipping, export, import, cinema, drama, honest and, by sheer labour, be will gain
etc. but comparatively much less than that his
employer will bo benefited by bis service.
Moon as lord of S in 9 in Anuradha [Lord of 7 in the constellation of lord of
star is evil. There will be opposition: 8 means, lord of 1 in the constellation of
secret inimical activity, loss, etc. One lord of 2 when counted from the 7th
may be tempted due' to Saturn ruling house ] The person will not be successful
Anuradha and the 12th bouse to Pisces. in any competition or election during the-
But ultimately disharmony, displeasure, period of Moon.
difficulty, dispute and disappointment will
be the result. One old man having Moon in Moon as lord of 7 in 9 in Hastbam
Anuradha, was tempted by a cheat who said star, gives marriage with a foreigner; in
that in the bouse in which the old man business, agreement with strangers;
v/as living, there was a treasure. He was arrangements for foreign collaboration:
then running Moon dasa, Saturn Bbukti. frequent long journeys; working hard
He spent what little be bad and in a few but ever trying to change the partner in
weeks, be realised bis folly. Moon as business; unsettled state of affairs; service
lord of S in 9 in lyeshta star is very auspi- in Engineering departments, Textiles,
cious to have a lucky partner, to make Television, Agency, representative Consul-
long journeys, to make beneficial friend- ' general's office, Liason officers, Broker
ships, to' enter into agreement with etc.
Moon, as lord of 7 in 9 in Chittrai star, enterprises with a partner so that he can
promises pleasure, profit, permanent tie gain. Export, Import, agency, etc., will be
of friendship, good yield from holdings, advantageous.
satisfactory returns from property, pur- Moon, as lotd of 10 in 9 in Mrigasiri-
chase of wet lands, service in Press, Publi- sfaa, is auspicious to gain through Military,
cation, Atmy, Defence, Military or Postal Police, Industry, independent auditing.
Audit, Mechanict 1 Engineer, Bo'hrs, Steam Editor, Press owner, milk owner etc. It
Engines, etc. But it is inauspicious to indicates bold venture and grand success.
father as Moon is in the constellation of One may have plurality of interest like
lord of 8 to the 9th house. printing newspapers in various parts with
Moon as Lord of 8 in 9 in Makham vaiiuus titles, to have branches of repair-
star is net in a favourable disposition. ing sheds, etc.
Confmioc, fear complex, worries, and Moon in Arudhra star will give such
danger fiom poisonous.drugs are indica- rtsuLs as Rahu in cne'^ chart indicates.
ted; gain so partner by editing, or by If Rahu is in 4, in the birth chart, as Le
snaking frcqvent journeys is the only would have been bern in Libra Lagca,
beceiicial result. Father will incur loss. Mocn shows chacgj of residence,
Moon, as lord of 8 in 9 in Poorvapal- separation ftcm father, life in a foreign
guni star, shows dangi r in a foreign place, piece, etc.
accident dufirig jxayol_wilh-foffltty-anck
"I'rieca,-, Ibss of money by partner, ailment
to wife especially during pregnancy.
Father thrives in a foreign place. Actu-
ally, a friend cif mice bom in Dhanur
Lagca end in Poorvapoiguci star, during
hia Moan dssa, V-1 u. Bhukti, went to a,
tnarriags pany and all those who travelled
in that cat met with an accident.
Moon as lord of 8 in 9 in Uthrapal-
guni star, thews that, during the periods
cf Moon, he will face many difficulties
and his attempts to go overseas or to
execute higher studies will be in vain.
Moon, as lord cf 9 in 9 in Punarvasu,
gives good luck to wife or partner ia
'business after initinl troubles. Expansion
of business, assi-iaace from barkers,
iicreign collabcta n n, practice cf Law in
iH'gb Court. Suptr me Court, etc., to have
iidchi in Mamhtas, to be blessed by
G ddess Parveti, Gowri, St Mary ate
Moon, as Lord cf9ia9in Pushyam,
indica'es frequei.t short journeys, changes ' ' -
of residence pjclWsion, etc. One will
feel depressed and di j cted.
Moon, as lotd of 9 in 9 in Ashlesha
rokd by Mercury, ind cates that one can
link bis fortune with another and make all
Civilization marches on and along with star in Jupiter's sign) as the day was pro-
it science and technology. Researches going gressing. Whatever i would be experincing
on in every branch of activity all over the on that day in a small way, he told me,
world, and new theories arc. being expounded would be experinced by me in a large and
and experimented upon. The ' horizon of substantial measure during Kethu-Jupiter.
knowledge is expanding and more Truth Lo! & Behold! What happened to roe on
comes to light as days roll on. When such a Moola Nakshatra day? I saw a colleague,
is the trend in the modern world, who de&r near to me, off at the Palam airport;
would keep quiet with his mouth zipped I received a letter from my father-in-law
when another important science, Astrology, making a proposal for the marriage of my
is neglected and predictions based on old daughter; 1 took my wife to the hospital
patterns and which fail, and tniseiably are for a severe pain in her abdomen; and a
boldly made. To my mind, Astrology is on friend and wdl-Wishcr who was staying
the thseshold of an era of extremly rapid with me did not return home that night.
growth. There is no longer any use for
fossilised theories, old dogmas, pet ideas and Now see what results I enjoyed during
disjointed slokas found in anciera tcx^bopks^ -byKethn-Jopiter; The _ same colfeague in
new Transformation is called for. This office was transfered, resulting in my se-
transformation lies in the proper sifting of paration from him; 1 got my daughter married;
data, abosorption of all that is good in all my wife was hospitalized for an abdominal
the systems of prediction and striking at new operation and the same close friend and
ideas through continuing experiments and re- well-wisher stayed outside myi house during
search. Born out of such an indefatigable his sojourn in Delhi. What do all this in-
effort is Krishnamuru Padhdhati. U is the dicate? A star or a constellation and its lord
product of more than a quarter of a century are nib re powerful than a planet, in bringing
of laoour in predictive astrology based on about a result. The seed-bed or corner stone
advanced stellar formula. of successful prediction is the extend of
There is no doubt that this advanced stellar influence noticeable in a horoscope.
method of prediction, named after the author This is the quintessence of Krishnamurti
Shri Krishnamurti, requires a base from one Padhohatj. Is this not an improvement on
has to proceed. This base is provided by the the traditional method of prediction? It is
fundamentals of Hindu Astrology such as now left to the votaries of astrology to con-
the 'Udu Dasa System', interspersed with stantly preserve and make a conscious effort
Western concepts of House Division and to seek new ideas. Where the mind is clogged
Aspects This system of prediction is app- or under-developed, any improvement is
licable on all fours to all problems in the bound to be slow. Where the mind resist
, modern age, be it the- determination of long- innovations and is cribbed, cabinned and
levity, celebration of marriage, pinpointiog confined to diluted notions, new horizons
'profession in this modern complex world, cannot be forged, and failures will continue to
postulating progency, etc., etc. No other result. It is, therefore, incumbent on all those
system answers the funny contradictions in interested in the growth of Astrology as a
a twin birth, be it the sex, longevity, pro- science, to work on the new findings in the
fession and pattern of life so completely, Krishnamurti Padhdhati to a rational coq-
as Krishnamurti Padhdhati. clusion, and do anything that could be con-
For the benefit of readers, here I would structed as jealous, inimical activities. This
quote an interesting event experinced by me does not mean that one should do the robes
to bring relife the stellar inBuence on a of a prophet; it does mean, nevethcless that
native. I was about to begin Kethu Dasa, wisedom and foresight should mark our
Jupiter Bhukti. I was anxious to know effort. With these thoughts in my mind J
from Krishnamurti what Kethu-Jupiter pro- commend Krishnamurti Padhdhati to all
mised me. aspirants. Let us work hand in hand and
He wanted me to note down the hap- may Lord Ganesh lead us from darkness to
penings on a Moola Nakshatraday (Ktehu's light.

Often we are confronted of casting with Lord of the Constellation ... Jupiter
the problem* 1 he correct horoscope when the Lord of Ascendant Saturn
exact time of birth is not known. There arc Lord of Ascendant star Sun
a number of methods advocated by traditional So we find the Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
astrologers, but all of them leave tbc astrologer and Sun are the ruling planets at that time.
as confused as he was before he applied one of Now we know that ibe birth is just before Sun
tbcSe methods. But thanks to Krishoamurti Rise on 111142 and Sun was in 24 of
Padhdhati,.you can arrive at the correct time Libra. Therefore, it is certain that Ascendant
of birth without any doubt by simple straight- is to be Libra, governed by Venus as ruling
forward method which can be universally planet. In Libra, we find there is Jupiter star
applied to all cases of rectification of birth andJSalnm sub.As tht ascendantTfarTTSuo,
time. therefore, I fixed that the sub sub must be
Sun. Now we find that Jupiter star, Saturn
It is an unfailing principle of Krishna- sub, Sun sub sub is from 22 53' 10" to 22 59^
murli Padhdhati which says that the ruling 30", Now how to fix the exact minute was
planets at the time of birth must necessarily the question. As I was thinking about this
govern the time when you take the Birth Chart . problem, I was suddenly called away and only
for consideration, and this becomes the major - came back to work on the horoscope at
guide to arrive at the correct time of birth. 1055 A. M. At that time I found that Mars
Now apart from this, if one applies his mind star was rising. So without any hesitation, I
Sincerely and with devotion, undoubtedly the took, the Sub Sub Sub of Mars andfixed the
divine also helps him to come to the correct .Ascendant as Libra 22 54' a point which
conclusion. To give an example, an I. A. S. was being ruled by Venus, Jupiter, Saturn,
Officer came to rne and asked me to cast his Sun and Mars.
horoscope. He gave the following data: Now as the bitth is the 1942 I took
Date of birth II111942 at Latitude Krishoamurti Ayanamsa as 22 57' and by
26 21' N Long. 92 42' H. The lime he gave adding this to Nirayana Ascendant I got the
was that his mother only said it was between Sayana Ascendant, it was Scorpio IS" 51'-
4 to 6 A. M. Now referring to Raphael's Epbemeris, ,1
found that the sidereal time at G, M. N. on
The ruling planets when I took this 101142 was 15 hours 16 min. 3 see. After
horoscope for casting were as follows: correction for Longitude 92 42' E I got the
sidereal time at L. M. N. on 101142 to be
Lord cf day Jupiter 15 hours 15 min. 2 sec. Now from Raphael's
Lord of the Rasi Venus Table of Houses wc find as under:
Sid. Time X XI XII 11 II
9-25-44 Leo 19 Virgo 21 Libra 20 Scorpio. Sagatarius Capricorn
15 29' 15 16
9-29-40 20 22 21 16 29' 16 17
Therefore, by applying rule of three we So we find them I8hrs. 09 min. 27 sec,
find that when Sayana Ascendant was Scorpio have elapsed after. L. M. N. on 101142,
15 51' the sidereal time was 9-27-28. which fines the time of birth at 6-09 A. M
Therefore subtracting the sidereal time L.M. T,onllII42. To convert it into
at L.' M. N. from the sidereal time at birth I. S. T. we subtract 40 min. 8 sec. as we get
we get 52812 A.M. I. S. T.
18122S Therefore, the birth was at 5-28 A. M.
Converting this into meantime we get L S. T.
0- 259
Can there be more reasonable and sys-
180927. tematic method of arriving at the correct
time of birth?


I. In Horary Astrology, are all the ruling The ruling planets in the constellation of
planets at the moment of query, beneficial? those in direct motion and in the constellation
of the occupants or owners of the bouses
The ruling planets at the moment of the signifying the matter in question are the real
Judgment of the query are: beneficial significators and they offer desirable
(a)- Lord of the constellation in which results.
the Ascendant falls. II. A querist asks about journey overseas.
(b; Lord of the sign rising on the He gives a number. We calculate, the dasa
Ascendant. and bhukti. We take into consideration the
. ruling planets and then give a dale...
(c) Lord of the constellation in which Then he gives his horoscope. We
Moon transits. independent by calculate the time of fruition of
fd) Lord of the sign where the Moon is effects according to the horoscope and find
at the time of judgment. them to be the same as obtained by Horary
(e) Lord of the day.
In Horary Astrology, those ruling planets Ans. On some occaison's the names of
-which are deposited in the constellation of the planets will agree. In some cases, not. If
retrograde planets, occupying or owning the you take the ruling planets for- the horary
bouses to be judged, appear to offer the results chart, you will find that it agrees' with the
but ultimately, in their subperiod, the matter dasa bhukti in the Horary Chart
falls through; success is denied.
If you do not take the ruling planets, but
II the ruling planets are posited in the simply judge . following the principle,
.constellation of planets which occupy houses expounded in Krishnamurti Padhdhati then
which do not signify the matter in query, or while judging the chart alone, you remember
own bouses and either of the houses do the ruling planets and judge the ruling planets'
, not refer to the query, they do not produce for hordscopy. It will agree with natal
.the results. chart.
If you take the ruling planets, for horary Dot produced any good result, unless they
then a few of the ruling planets will agree with occupy beneficial constellation.
the natal chart The other few.ruling planets
will be found weak in the natal chart, and IV. When will Gaja-Kesariyoga operate?
the planets in the natal chart posited in the
Constellation of the planets (which are If Moon is in the constellation of Jupiter
weak in the natal chart) will offer the results. and Jupiter occupies any of the favourable
houses !, 2, 3, 6, 10 or 11 and if Jupiter is in
Always ruling planets clearly indicate. the constellatron of Moon in 1 or 2 or 3 or 6
It is God's guidance. Those ruling planets or 10 or 11 and if the sub-lords are well
which are weaker than the planets posited In posited, there will be beneficial results.
their constellations are incapable of giving in Advantages will accrue, whether you call it.
their periods, whereas the stronger planets in Gaja Kesari yoga or not.
their constellation give' in their own periods.
Both dates arrived at following Horary and No one can reap beneficial results. If
Horoscopy will be the same. Moon and Jupiter are ia the coxrtellation and
sub of planets which occupy evil houses.
III. Vipareetha Rajayoga will you com- Gaja K.csariyoga will thea be a miserable
ment please according to Krishnamurti. failure. Instead of giving pleasure it will cause
Padhdhati? pains, loss, agony and anxiety, will be the real
results, ft is a fact. Therefore, please do not
Planet ia 6 in the cons.ellatbn . of cousicuiauon xneory ana A-fisnnamuru sub
occupant or owner of 5 or 8, planets in am division.
the constellation of occupant or owner of 6 or
-8 alone can cause Vipareetha Rajayoga. Twins are born, both have Gaja ICesari
yoga. According to traditional system both
Example: Moon in Aslesha and Mercury - suffer. What is this!
in Hastha to Aquarius born will give gains
without pains. One comes out victorious, Again look at a person born at Kerala at
unopposed, etc. 9 P. M. on 2581931. Born in Mflena.
Lagna, with Jupiter in Cancer, Moon in
Moon in Hastha, Mercury in Ashlesha to Capricorn, running Jupiter, Dasa and seaichlug
Aquarius-boms will bring fortune. Why? for some appointment this is his pitiable
Aquarius indicates the native. The seventh condition.
house denotes his opponent or competitor. 5. Sir,
It is'.said that parivartana of lords of 2 Which God are we to pray to get sons?
and 12,orlord of 2 in 12 or 12 in.2, brings
loss. Hence houses 6 and 8 are 12 and 2 to Prayer to God cannot change the sex of
the seventh house. Therefore, the enemy loses, the child to be born. The astrologer cannot
and the native gains. change the sex by his prediction. Gems
cannot alter one's fate. Is not fate only the
' Suppose the opponent is toapi^arina result of our action?
Court of law on a panicular day, wnen you
run the conjoint period of the above mentioned Anyhow pray to Lord Santhana Gopala
plaoets. The opponent misses the transport Krishna. Unless you -are destined to pray,
.and is not able to attend the court, nor able you will not. Every action has the reaction.
to communicate. He is forced to absent If you are. destined to have boys ^nd also
himself. Anex-parte degree is given. Loss to destined to pray, you will attribute the birth
opponent brings luck to the native. of sons to your prayer.
A person loses,a purse. Another comes V Is jihere anything as Neechabanga
and takes it. This event will be indicated in Rajayoga, in your Padhdhati?
the chart of the person who takes the purse. Ans:~ In my Padhdhati. we^spnsider Nee-
In our experience, lords of 6 or 8 in 12 or cha and Uchba of the planets, while
in the constellation of significator of 12 baye^. iudging the strength of a Bhava.
If a planet 'A' is in a bhava and is exalted, it is posited. If the lord of the constellation
then the planets in the constellation of'A' will is exalted, 'A' gives this result also, to a very
five the results to a good extent, as though good extent. But if the lord of the constella-
they are exalted. The planets in the constella- tion in which planet 'A' is tenanted happens
tion of'A'may be debilitated or week. That to be debilitated in another house (bhava),
does not count. But they will offer the results then 'A' will give the results of the lord of
(good or bad depending on the bhava) to the constellation to a small extent whereas 'A'
maximum extent as the lord of the constella- will give the results.of the bhava occupied by
tion occupying its exalted sign. it to a good extent, if there is no planet in
If there is no planet in the constellation A's constellation.
of 'A' then 'A', will give the results of the Therefore, in Krishnamurti Padhdhati, a
H-)use-(Bhava) occupied by it to the planet "P" may be Neecha. Yet it gives
maximum extent. brilliant results to a maximum extent, if the
But the planet 'A' will also offer the lord of the constellation in which 'P' is
results of the lord of the constellation in which posited, happens to be exalted.


Sri BIMAL KANTI GHOSE, Sahebjadabazar, Cuttack-2.
On the 11th July 1970 at 7-10 A. M. Let us first examine Chandra. It is ruler
(IST); at Bbubanesbwar. a high placed of 12 (loss) and is in its own coustellation,
Government official consulted me regarding h is in the 2nd house (article stolen). So
the theft of a transistor and wanted to the query is about the loss of a movable
know whether it would be recovered. article. According to Krishnamuni
I requested him to quote a number bet- Padhdhati, bouses 2,4,7 and 11 arc to be -
ween 1 and 249. He said "87" considered in connection with stolen
The planetary positions at the moment property, and a property stolen or lost can
of judgement were as follows: not be recovered, if the lords of 2 and 11
are in the constellation of signifcators cf
either fi, 8 or 12 bouses.
Saturn XI 4-40' 1) 2nd House-Owner Marcury-He is in
viu r^io' 260-43' X 3'-47' Mer. J90-58' the constellation of Jupiter, lord of 3 and
IX l0-^ Sun 26-01'
8. Occupant-Moon-is in bis own constel-
lation as owner of 12 ,
Rahuir-SC Man 2a'03' 2) lllh house-Owner and occupant
Mercury-He is in the constellation of
VII 3*-40' XII 4o-90' Jupiter, lord of S and 8.
Rasi Occupant Sun - He is in the constella-
tion Jupiter, lord of 5 and 8.
Asc, 3oa-40' All the infiuences are unfavorable. So it
VI 4*-40' Vn, S ~04'
Ketu U'-W was predicted that the transistor can not
be recovered.
Around fifteen months* time have since'
Jup. 3M2' n r-40' elapsed and the party informed me that
V 4'-40' IV 3-40' the transistor has not been recovered so
in r-4<y Mooo 16*-53 far. They have purchased a new one
A. RANGASWAMY. Sub-Postmaster, Singanallur Post, Colmbtore-5.
Male child bom on 271068 Sunday.
Saturn ^
Time of birth; 7-30 P. M. 1ST. Rahu

Place of birth: Coimbatore 1T N Lat.

and 77 Long.
Ayanamsa; 23 19'. RASI
Sidereal Time: 213154. Mars
The baby was born on 271068.
Mother fell ill and was admitted in the hospital. Mercury
In spite of treatment, she breathed her last on Moon Venus Sua Jupiter
16II68 leaving her beloved child to the Kcthu
mercy of God. She survived only for 20
days. Balance of Sun Dasa at the time of birth
J years 4 months 24 days.
On the basis of Krisbnamurti Padbdbati, II Gemini 3 is-
the reasons why the child's mother died within III Gemini 29 is
a spell of short period is clearly obvious. IV Cancer 27 15
Krisbnamurti Padhdhati alone explains. At V Leo 29 15
the time of birth the planetary positions are IX Sagittarius 29 IS
X Capricorn 27 15
as follows: XI Aquarius 29 15
Longitude ConstellatiOB Sab Lord
Deg, Mn. Lord
Lagnam 5 56 Sun Mercury
Sun 10 54 Rahu Saturn
Moon 28 00 Sun Moon
Mars 21 56 Sun Mars
Mercury 23 12 Moon Sun
Jupiter 3 12 Sun Saturn
Venus 14 17 Saturn Rahu
Saturn (Ret) 27 49 Mercury Jupiter
Rahu 14 46 . Saturn Rahu
Ketbu 14 46 Moon Jupiter
First of all, let us see the IV cusp and Moon is a significator. Mars is in Sun's
Kanaka for mother Moon. If they are well constellation. Hence Mars. Mercury is in
placed and receive good aspects, mother will the constellation of Moon in 8 and in the sub
live long. Otherwise, she will be shortlived. of Sun. Hence Mercury is a significator.
The IV cusp falls at Cancer 27 15'and its
owner is Moon. Its Constellation Lord is J upiter is in the cons tellation of Sun and
Mercury and sub lord is Jupiter. in the sub of Saturn, owner of 7 and 8. Hence
Jupiter. Hence altogether Moon, Mars,
(1) Moon' is Karaka for mother and Mercury and Jupiter are significators.
also owner of IV cusp. Moon is in 8 from
lagna and in 6 from IV bouse. It is in the Saturn is owner of 7 and 8, a strong
constellation of Sun, Marakasthanhaipathi malefic. As Rabu, a node, is associated with
from IV house, and in the sub of Moon in Saturn, Rabu is more powerful to give malefic
6 from IV house. Hence, Moon is highly effects and infiit death. Sun is in Rahu's
afflicted. constellation and in Saturn's sub. Hence, Sun
(2) Constellation lord is Mercury, It is is a strong significator. Therefore, the significa-
in the constellation of Moon in 6 and i n the tors responsible to kill her mother are Sun,
sub of Sun Marakasthanadbipadhi. Hence Moon, Mars Mercury, Jupiter and Venus.
Mercury is also afflicted.
(3J Sub lord is Jupiter. It_is_also inahe She_diedon16=116S~ (Saturday) at
'5 P. M. On that day* the baby was running
constellation of Sun and itrfhe sub of Saturn, Sun Dasa, Moon Bukthi, Venus Antbara and
owner of 7 and 8 which is also very bad for Venus Sooksbma. All are strong significators.
longevity of mother. As all the planets The day was Saturday. Satum is a malefic
connected with 4th bouse and Karaka Moon being owner of 7 and 8. According to transit
are highly afflicted, the mother was short- Sun was in Mar's rasi Vrischikam. Jupiters
lived and lived for only a very few days after constellation Visakam and in the sub of Mars.
the bady was born. At the time of birth, the Mars and Jupiter are strong significators.
baby was running Sun Dasa, Moon Bukthi, Moon was in Mercury's Rasi Virgo in Sun's
Budba Anthra. constellation Utbaram and in the sub of
Now, we should find out in whose period Venus. All are strong significators.
the mother passed away. ' For that we should
select strong significators responsible for her AC the time of death, the lagna rising in
death. Mother's lagna is Katakam. It is the east was Aries and the constellation was
Cbara Rasi (movable one). Eleventh bouse is Barani. Mars and Venus are strong significa-
Badhakastbanam. There is no planet in II. tors. Hence, when all the strong significators
Venus is Badbakastbanathipahi. No planets responsible to infiict death conjointly operated,
are in its constellation or sub. Hence Venus the mother's soul departed.
is a significator. Then, marak'asthanams are
2 and 7. None in 2 or 7. Owner of 2 is Sun Krisbnamurti Padhdbati alone clearly
and owner.of 7 is Saturn. Moon is in Sun's pinpoints the time of occurrence of the
constellation and sub of Moon in 8. event.
July 1972

Page Page
An Appeal Horary Astrology Helps in
K." P. New Readers 7 Timing Events 41
How to Cast a Horoscope 9 Significance of Retrograde
Editor's Message 12
Retirement from Service 17 Planets 43
Change of Grade A Reversion ... 19 Victory in Vidhan Soudha
Minor Events and Importance Ejections 44
of Ruling Planets 21 Letters to the/Editor 47
Many Aspects to a House and Daily Guide For July, 1972 49
their Results 23 Niinyana Position and Transit
New Trends in Transit of Planets in July 1972 55
Prediction 25
Time of Marriage 33 Ephemeris for July 1972 56
Aspects Between Lords of Monthly Prediction for
Houses 37 July 1972 57
Essential Data: 21, 1971, creating a doubt as to whether
h flj Year, month, date and name of the dale is wrong or the week day is
wrong. Avoid all such confusion.
the week day fof birth or event);
(3) Time of birth fMention category of
(2) Sex of the person fto erect chart time: Standard Time: Summer Time, Local
for birth); Mean Time, etc.);
The year, month date should be as f4) Place and country fzone) of birth, flf
cenained according to the Christian Bra, in a village, the nearest town/city, and
preferably, to be free from doubt. When preferably get the longitude and latitude of
stated in any other way. as Samvat Era, the place if known immediateiy.)
Saka Era, Kali Era, Kollam Era, etc.
convert the same to Christian Era. When a In India and perhaps in some other
birth occurs, say at midnight at 013 A, M. -incountries, it is traditional to record time
(IS 1) on Saturday Aagiist2h1971it- andJioroscopes_in
terms of ehalik as fnazt ig)_
(vmazhigas) after Sunrise
should be clearly expressed as fSiiryodhaya) or Sunset fSuryastbamana) in
Friday. August 20, 1971 the locality. In such cases, comult Table I,
Saturday, August 21, l97l 11 or lit as may be necessary and
ascertain the local mean lime of Sunrise for
showing that the event was before Sunrise Sunset). Then, add the interval (convening
on Saturday, August 21, 1971. In India, ghatikas and vighatikas into hours, minutes
the day is reckoned from Sunrise in the and seconds of time) elapsed till birth, and
locality and, consequently, the birth the sum .obtained is the correct Local
may be wrongly stated as Friday, August Mean Time of birth.
Conversion table from ghatikas/vighatikas to boors, minntes and
seconds of lime
24 hours of clock time = 60 ghatikas (nazhigas)
I hour of clock time 2-1/2 ghatikas (nazhigas)
1 minute of clock time 2-1/2 vighatikas fvinazhigas)
1 ghatika (nazhiga) i 60 vighatikas (vinazhigas)
1 ghatika fNazbigaJ = 24 minutes of clock lime
1 vighatika (vinazhiga) = 24 seconds of clock time
Requirements: M/s. Mahabala Publishers will shortly
bring out a Table of Houses - UNIVERSAL
'fl) An accurate ephemeris' (panchang) TA8LE.OF HOUSES where the cusp of each
for. the year of birth at a low price, house (for all lalitudei North and South)
'A' such as Mahabala Ephemeris of Krishna- is calculated to the nearest minute of
muni Ephemeris. longitude. This proposed publication is thus
(7) A reliable Table of Houses. a vast improvement over the available
Tables of Houses, including Raphael's,
(3) A good geographical Atlas. which give the cusps of 11, 12, 3, and 2 only
'This Ephemeris is available from M/S. Hariman Booksellers, 12, Brahmin St.,
Saidapct, Madras-15. This gives the daily longitudes for every day for 10 years 1971-ta 1980 at
5-30 A.M. fLS.T.J Sidereal Time at 5-30 A.M. (L.M.T.) at 82V30' E. long.
to the nearest degree. The various methods the Ayanamsa for the year of birth given in
of Houses Division and how to tabulate Table Vllf.
house positions in accordance with these
divisions will also be taught in an easily (6) Calculate the planets' places for
comprehensible manner.) the Standard Time of the country of birth.
This Ephemeris is tabulated for 5-30 A.M
Points to Remember: (IST) which corresponds to a certain
Standard Time equivalent in another country
fl) State the time of birth in Standard or zone. Table XV lists in detail the local
Time of the area. (Watch time, usually, Standard Time equivalent in each country/
gives Siandard TimeJ. If birth occurred zone.
where Summer Time or Winter Time for Suppose we have to set up a horoscope
Double Summer Time as in the case of for a child born at Bombay, India at 0-13
UlC during the war years 1941-45 and A. M. clock time on August 21, 1971
again in 1947) was in force, subtract one (Saturday according to the calender because
hour or two hours as may be necessary. a day commences according to the clock
For precise work, the interpolated positions at midnight or zero hour) and horoscopes,
of cusps for an intermediate latitude between similarly, for five other example births
two latitudes for which positions are stated which took place at the same moment or
in a Table of Houses can easily be instant in (ij Osaka, Japan, (ii) Adelaide^
ascertained by the rule
_ of proportion. A ustrafa: fiiil Dar-_es:Salam,-JEanzania,.-(iv)
("5) deduce the Sayana positions of Manchester, England, and (v) Qubec,
houses to Nirayana positions, by subtracting Canada.
The moment of birth of all the six example cases is the same, and we may proceed to
state it in terms of the Standard Time obtaining in the six countries/zones and also note the
Latitude and Longitude of the locality of birth. Like this,
Exam- Place of birth Week Calendar dace Standard Time Longitude Latitude
tplc day of birth of birth 0' (y
I Bombay, India Friday 20, Aug. 1971 0-13 A.M. 72-54 East 18-55 North
Saturday 21, Aug. 1971
11 Osaka, Japan do do 3-43 A.M. 135-27 East 3-4-39 North
III Adelaide, do- do 4-13 A.M. 138-38 East 35-57 South
South Australia
IV Dar-es-Salaam, Friday 20, Aug. 1971 9-43 P.M. 39-17 East 6-50 South
Tanzania, Africa
V Manchester, Friday 20, Aug. 1971 7-43 P.M. (British 2-12 West 53-28 North
England Standard Time)
= 6-43 P.M. (GMT)
VI Qubec, Canada Friday 20, Aug. 1971 1-43 P.M. 71-15 West 46-48 North.
(Eastern Time)

In examples IV, V and VI, there is a little discrepancy and the calendar date of birth
is 20th August 1971.
The next step is to convert the Standard Time of birth to its equivalent Local Mean
Time. This is illustrated here.
Example 1
Indian Standard Time of birth 0-13 A.M. on 2181971
Less time difference by which 1ST is ahead of GMT () 5-30
18-43 or
Equivalent GMT of birth 6-43 P.M. on 2081971
Add fas Bombay is East) time difference between
Greenwich and Bombay, i, e., longitudinal difference
of 72-54' multiplied by 4 mis. of time per degree and
4 seconds of time per minute of long. ^=4SI36
fTable VII saves time) (4.) 4-51-36
LMT of birth 11-34-36 P.M. on 2081971
1ST of birth 0-13 A.M. 00 2181971
Less (as Bombay is west of 1ST (Meridian) time
equivalent for longitudinal difference of 9''-36' (by
refercBceto-TableJfll) ^ () 0-38-24
1 l-34-3T"P.^iron"20=1971-
\olc: The LMT of birth occcurs on a date previous to the stated calendar date of birth.)
Example 11.'
Japan Standard Time of birth 3-43 A.M. on 21 81971
Plus time equivalent of longitudinal difference of 27'
east of the Standard Meridian (of 135" East)Refer
Table VII (+) 0- 1-48
LMT of birth 3-44-48 A.M. 00 21 81971
Example III
Standard Time of South Australia, 9i hours faster than GMT, is based on the local
time of meridian I42V30' East.
Adelaide (ISSMS') is 3-53' west of the Standard Meridian.
Local time difference (time equivalent of longitudinal difference) between the Standard
Time Meridian and Adelaide Meridian is 15 minutes 28 seconds (ascertained from
Table VII). I
Standard Time of birth 4-13 A.M. od21 81971
Subtract time difference of 15 minutes 28 seconds
fwest) () 0-15-28
MLT of birth 3-57-32 A.M. on 21 8197]
Example IV
Standard Time ofTanzania, Africa, 3 hours faster than GMT and 2J hours slower than
Indian Standard Time constantly, is based on meridian 45'' East of Greenwich.
Dar-cs-SaIaamf Long. 39*-17' E., is west of the Standard Time Meridian.
Difference in Longitude between Dar-es-Salaam and Standard Meridian;
(-) 39-17'

Longitudinal difference fwest)
5M3' equals OH-22M-52 Sees, (vide Table VU)
Like this.
Standard time of birtb 9-43 P.M. on 20 81971
Deduct time difierence of longitude f) 0-22-52
9-20-08 P.M. on 20 81971
Xxatnple V
Birth according to clock time ("clock time being
British Standard Time one hour fast on GMT) 7-43 P.M. 20 8-1971
Subtract 1-00
GMT of birth 6-43 P.M. 20 8-1971
Manchester lies to the west of GMT Meridian
(i. e. 0 Loiig.J the longitudinal difference being
2-l2'. So deduct local,lime d'Jfereuce, pLD Hour ^
"""Minutes - 48 Seconds (2-12'X4 mts. per degree,
4 sees, per minute of long.) (J- 0- 8-48
LMT of birtb, therefore, is 6-34-12 P.M. of 20 81971
Example VI
Qubec, Canada fArea west of Long. 68 West Long.) follows Eastern Time fET). ET is
,5 hours slower than GMT, and is based on the Local Mean Time of meridian 75 W. Long,
Qubcc f7l-l 5' W. Long ) is SMS" to the east of the Standard Meridian, and therefore the
local time difference between the Standard Meridian and Qubec (Table VII gives 15 minutes
of time as the equivalent of 3-45'2 is to be added to the Standard Time of birth.
Birth stated in Standard Time .... 1-43 P.M. 20 81971
Plus local time difference between the meridian
of birthplace and the Standard Time meridian (+) 0-15,
LMT of birth 1-58 P.M. 20 81971
Plate: Local Time difference is the time equivalent of longitudinal difference between
two meridians.
We are now ready to convert the LMT of birth in all the examples to their equivalent
Sidereal Time.
If the reader turns through every page containing the planetary positions he will Gnd in the
third column a beading "Sidereal Time" and thereunder figures for every day, expressed in
Hours, Minuies and 'Seconds. These denote the acceleration of sidereal lime over solar lime
for every day These figures are tabulated for 5-30 A.M. (LMT) at 82-30' East Long. At the
.same Local Mean Time (i. e. 5-30 A M.) at any other meridian, the Sidereal Time is different,
lesser to the east, and greater to the west.
At every place on Earth, at midday, the Sun will be exactly overhead, when it is noon at
that place. At another meridian it is not noonit may be past noon or before noon. Thus,
local time differs, and when it is 5-30 A.M. (LMT) at long. 15 East, it is 10 A.M. (LMT) at
.82.30' E, (4 hrs 30 mts past 5-30 A.M. (LMT) at 82-30' E J, the local mean time being reckoned
with reference to the meridian of the place. Sidereal Time accelerates over solar time every
minute, 4 minuies approximately (210 seconds; in a day of 24 hours or 10 seconds per hour or
1 second for every six minutes of solar lime. In another way. Sidereal Time increases for every
rotation of tha earth-240 seconds for 360 or 2/3rd second for every degree of longitude.
Ifcorrcction for acceleration of sidereal time for longitudinal difference east or west of
82-30' Long (or acceleration of sidereal time for time equivalent of longitudinal difference) is
applied (Added if west of 82-30'. and subtracted if east of S2-30'E.) to the Sidereal Time
found in this Ephemeris, the result is the sidereal time at 5-30 A,M. fLMT) at the local placc>
To this, add the interval elapsed up to Local Mean Time of birth fnot standard time of birthL
and another correction for acceleration of sidereal time during the interval, and the sum obtained,
is the sidereal time at birth.
To make the task Of the reader easier, the amount of correction to be applied for
longitudinal difference between two places, or time difference between two places, has been
tabulated and furnished in Table VI to which always refer.
Example I(birth at Bombay):
H m s
Sidereal Time at East at 5-30 A,M, (lmt) on 2081971
(i.e., immediately previous to birth) 3 20 4S
[If birth occurs between 0 hour (lmt) and 5-29 A.M. (lmt). it is
advisable to refer to 5-30 A.M. (lmt) previous, i.e., for the previous
calendar date.] 0
Bombay, 72 -54' East, is west of the (lst) Meridian of 820-30, E.,
the exact longitudinal difference being 90-36'. Therefore,
Add<> acceleration of sidereal time for longitudinal difference of
9 -36' (at 2/3rd second per degree) (or time difference
between Bombay and the meridian of 82o-30' East, namely
38 minutes 24 seconds, at the rate of 1 second for 6 minutes)
Always refer to Table VI for exact calculation. ( + ) 0 00 0t>
re _
Sidereal Time at Bombay at 5-30'A."Mi~(Livfr)"p vious tO birth
(that is on 2081971) 3 20 49
Birth took place at 11-34-36 P.M. (lmt) on, 208197], after an
interval of 18 hours 4 minutes 36 seconds from 5-30 A.M. (lmt) of
2081971, so
Add birth time'(lmt) elapsed from previous 5-30 P.M. Clmt) ( + J 18 04 36-
Sidereal Time constantly increasesat the rate of about 240
seconds in 24 hours, 10 seconds in an hour, and 1 second in six minutes
f of time. Therefore,
Add acceleration of sidereal time for interval (Table VI) ( + ) 0 02 58
Sidereal Time of birth 21 28 23-
Example II (Birth in Osaka. Japan):
LMT of birth = 3-44-48 A.M. on 2181971. 05-30 A.M. (LMT) of
2081971 is previous to birth. Osaka, Japan, 135 -27' E. Long., is east
of the meridian 82o-30' E., the exact longitudinal difference being 520-57'
<say 53^9 and time equivalent of longitude being 3 hours 31 minutes
48 seconds (local time difference between Osaka and the meridian of
12o-30' East Long.)
Sidereal Time at 5-30 A.M. (lmt) on 2081971 at 82o-30' E. 3 20 4J
Subtract correction for longitude difference east (or correction for
sidereal time for local time difference betwean Osaka and
82o-30'E. Long.) by referring to Table VI () 0 0 35
3 20 OS
Add interval from previous 5-30 A.M. (lmt) to lmt of birth (-I-) 22 14 48
Add correction for increase of sidereal time during the interval
(of 22 hours 14 minuter 48 seconds) ( + ) 0 3 39
25 38 35
Less 24 hours () 24 0 0
Sidereal Time of birth 38 35
Jlote:- If the Sidereal Time obtained is more than 24 hours, always subtract 24 hours from it, as
after reaching 24 his sidereal time commences again from 0 hour).
Example 111: Birth at Adelaide, Australia:
Following the method enumerated for examples II and III, the Sidereal Time of birth in
this case is 1 hour, 51 minutes, 19 seconds, expressed as 15119.
Example IV: Birth at Tanzania, Africa:
Similarly working, we arrive at the Sidereal Time of birth in this case as 19 Hours,
12 Minutes, 59 Seconds.
Example V: Birth at Manchester, England:
On the basis of the formula outlined before, the Sidereal Time of birth here come to
H. 162800 Sees.
Example VI: Birth at Qubec, Canada:
Applying the same method, the Sidereal Time of birth in this example is ascertained to be
11 Hhours, 36 Minutes and 53 Seconds,
Another way is to relate the Sidereal Time contained in this Ephemeris for every day at
5-30 A.M. ClmtJ at 82o-30' E, Long, to the Standard Meridian of the country or zene of birth,
or to 0 Long. Greenwich Meridian. For this purpose, the constant time difference between the
Standard Time Meridian of the country or zone and the 1. S. T. Meridian of SZMO','readily
available in Table XV, should be subtracted, if the Standard Meridian is west of the 1. S. T.
Meridian, from tEeSidbfCal Time-found-for-every dayJn.fhis.Ephemeris. If the Standard Meridian
of the country is east of the I. S. T. Meridian, then the time difference^sboaT3_be added-
figure under "Sidereal Time'* in this Ephemeris. The sidereal time obtained after this addition
or subtraction, as the case may be, is the sidereal time in the country/zone at the equivalent
Standard Time in that country when it is 5-30 A.M. (istJ. In Table XV, the Standard Time in
each country/zone corresponding to 5-30 A.M. ftsx) has also been given, which lightens our task.
For example, if the time difference of 5^ hours between the Greenwich Meridian and 1ST Meridian
is .su/urac/ed fas Greenwich is west of ist Meridian) from the sidereal time tabulated in this
Ephemeris, the result will refer to the sidereal time at 0 Long, at 0 hour (5-30 A.M. 1ST minus
5^ hours). As a day extends from 0 hour to 11-59 P.M., the interval of time from the previous
0 hour is easy to calculate. This will be an easier method for a beginrer.
Having ascertained the Sidereal Time of birth, we may now enter upon the calculation of
the cusps of the various houses fox the Sidereal Time of birth of our example I. fCusp is the point
of commencement of a house).
We must presently turn to a reliable Table of Houses for Northern Latitudes, as the
.example birth was at Bombay in the northern hiraisphere. Mahabala's Universal Table op
Houses for all latiiudes South or North and from 0 Lat. to 60 Lat giving the longitudes of all
the houses calculated to the nearest minute, unlike the available Tables which only give them to
the nearest degree, will shortly be published, and till then Raphael's Table of Houses for Northern
Latitudes may be relied on. Raphael's Tables state the Sayana longitudes of the cusps of six
houses, the longitudes of 10 (Meridian) and Asc. (1st) accurately and the rest to the nearest
degree only.
The Sidereal Time of birth of our example I, lat. l80-55' North, was arrived at to be
21 Hours 28 Minutes 23 Seconds. Turn to the page for lat. 19 North, nearest to Bombay's.
Look for the Sidereal Time of birth or the two Sidereal Times nearest to it in the left hand column
marked "Sidereal Time". They arc 21-25-44 and 21-29-40. Prepare a table as follows;
Sidereal Sayana cusps of bouses
HMS 10 11 12 Aac. 2 3
A. Nearest earlier
Sidereal Time 212544 19*Aqu. 20''Pis. 26 Aries 0Mith.. 55' 27 Gem. 22 Can
B. Nearest later
Sidereal Time 212940 20 21 27* 1 56' 28 23

Movement 1 1* 1 1!' 1 1
Nearest later Sid. Time of
Sid. Time 212940 birth 212823
Nearest earlier Nearest earlier
Sid. Time f) 212544 Sid. Time ()'212544

Difference 0-0356 Difference 0-0239

Call this... Y Call this... X
Sri P. C. BHATTACHARYA 'Nirala' Bisar, GAYA

kniSHNAMintTt Padhdhati is, verily, Cusps Sigo

astrological wisdom. The deeper we go, the Vllth Cancer
greater is its merits. Our Guruji stands very Vllltb Leo
high above bis contemporaries. His discovery IXth Libra
and use of the.'SUB' has made him unrivalled Xth Libra
in bis field. This article is designed to throw Xlth Seorpio
some light on the role of the constellation and Xilth Sagittarius
SUB lords: The problem under discussion is
the retirement of a gentleman whose birth Planets Star Suh
details are furnished hereunder;
Moon Venus Kethu
Birth Details: Mercury Moon Jupiter
Venus Mercury Jupiter
Born on Sunday, 4th Scptemec, 1910, Sun Venus Rahu
PlaceLat. 23'' 36' N. Long. 80 19' E. Mars Venus Kethu
Jupiter Moon Sun
Time4-6-23" P.M.I.S.T.=4-29-39" P.M. Saturn Venus Venus
LMT, Rahu Sun Rahu
Kethu .Jupiter Moon
~N irayann Chart: According to Krishnamurti Padbdbati, for
judging "Retirement from Service" the con-
Saturn joinedeffeits-of--the-JLojlses 1,5, 9 and 12,
Rahu 0B-9' should be studied. The first threcTtonscsar
13-52' CR) respectively the houses of negation (of 2nd
house (seir-earning), the 6th house (service),
the lOlh bouse fstatusj. The 12th bouse has
. connection with seclusion and separation.
Venus 27-17' The 1st house is unoccupied. Its lord is
BaJaoccof Veous Saturn. There is no planet in its constellation.
Dafa Therefore, Saturn is a strong sjgnificator.
Ascendaot Oyr. 0 m. 27 days 1 Sun I8a-31' , The 5th house is also unoccupied. Its
Mars 26-12' lord is Venus. Saturn. Sun, Mars and the
17*-30' Moon Moon are in the stars of Venus. Mars and
Moon are in the sub of Kethu, which is as
good as Mars, being in the sign of Mars and
. Mercury also aspected by Mars. Sun is in conjunction
Ketu (P-O^ 15B-3' with Mars, lord of 11. But Saturn which is in
Jupt. 23B-2' the constellation and sub of Venus is highly
unfavourable for continuancy in job. There-
fore. Of the planets in the. constellation of
CuiP Sign Venus, Saturn has to give the most adverse
effects. Rahu deputising for Venus, is also
Ascendant Capricorn 17 30' malefic. Jupiter, Iprd of 12th house, aspects
Hnd Aquarius 25 Rahu. Therefore, Rahu is connected with
Illrd Aries 1 bouses 5, 9 and 12.
IVth Aries 29 59'
Vrh Taurus 25 The 9th house is also unoccupied. Venus
Vlth Gemini 20 is its lard, and Rahu will give the effects of
Venus, being in its sign. The arguments put thing is that on the day of retirement, the
forward as regard the 5th house fully apply Moon was in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter.
to the 9th house also. Furthermore, Moon was transitting in the
constellation of Venus, lord of the houses
The 12th house is not tenanted by any and 9.
planet. Its lord is Jupiter. Kcthuis in Jupiter's
constellation. Therefore, Kethu is stronger
than Jupiter. Thus, Kethu is obviously a What I want to drive at is that systematic
strong siguificator. application of the stellar principles laid
down by Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti alone
The native's retirement from service, took secures' most satisfactory results and the
place on 3091968, when he was running method advocated in Krishnamurti Padhdhati
Saturn Dasa, Saturn Bhukti, Kethu Anthra is the only right method to be followed fop
and Rahu Shookshma. The most^ intriguing purposes of prediction.

fK. P. Verified^
M. C. KHARE, MFC. A.R.I., Bhopal
On 27-2-72, a friend of mine who was III* Confirmation of Query with reference
alleged to have been involved a railway to i Moon.
accident case, wanted me to assist in bis
defence since be was seived with a charge As Moon indicates the mind of the
sheet for a major penalty and was given querist, it is necessary to see whether the
the fecilky of a S.O.D. enquiry. Before Moon indicates tie nature of query or
offering my willingness to defend his case, not. Hete Moon posited in Lagna indi-
I wanted ta make an astrological analysis cates the consultant himself. Moon is in
as to what the planets forecell for him. Mercury Star Rahu sub. Mercury is owner
I asked him to quote a number between of XII (fear) posited in VIII (fine, punish-
1 and 249. He gave No. 77 for calcula- ment) indicating worry due to fear of
tions. punishment. Rahu, the sublord, is posited
in VI indicates worries. Thus Moon
Given below is the chart prepared for correctly depicts what the querent has in
No. 77 at Bhopal at 5-30 P.M. (IST) on mind.
I. Horoscope So, What will happen?
fx 'l4-40' X 16-40' XI ISMO' Since Lagna is a jfiicted by three malefics
Venus 0 Xll ir-w viz, Mars (4th aspect), Saturn (3rd aspect)
-26^4' Mars 17 -48' Sat. 6-54' and Rahu (7th aspect), success in the
S.O-Denquity_is._iio.t_promised. -Lord
VIII 14o-40' Asc. V9a-22' of VIII (punishment) Saturn posited in X
Mercury Moon (Profession) and Rahu, the agent of,Saturn
230-25' 25">-46' (lord of VIII) is posited in VI, which also
Sun 140-38' No 77 Kctu 10M3' indicates that the consultant can not
(BHOPAL) escape from punishment. But since I he lord
VII 19 -20' of X Mars is posited in its own sign in X,
11 14-40' squaring Asc (4th) he will not be deprived
Rahu I00-l3 of bis profession and there will be no
break in service. However, the lord of
fith being posited in V (negation of 6th
VI 19o-40' service or trade) indicates that the consul-
V ISMCP IV l6o-40' III 14o-40' tant can not secure bis present trade in
Jup. JOMT service.
Balance of Mercury Dasa 5 years 4 months Thus, I assured the consultant that even
23 days. if be does not prefer an enquiry and its
defence, there is no need to entertain fear
II. Planetary Position: of losing bis railway service, and at the
Planet Star lord Sub lord most the punishment of reversion will be
Sun Rahu Kethu awarded by the Department. As it was a
Moon Mercury Rahu lengthy process for the Enquiry Commit-
Mars Venus Mars tee to decide the case, it was very trouble-
Mercury Jupiter Saturn some for the consultant to remain under
Jupiter Kethu Saturn suspension for a considerably long priod
Venus Mercury Jupiter during these bard days, and as the nature
Saturn Sun Mercury cf allegations were such that the consultant
Rahu Moon Moon could not come out completely unscathed
Kethu Saturn Venus from the Enquiry committees findings, be'
was advised to accept the changes and 5occupant Jupiter Mercury in
resume to duty at once. Jupiter Star!
The consultant accordingly accepted 9occupant VenusMars in Venus
the charges on 12-3-72 and got orders for Star.
reversion to the lower grade on 13-3-72. 10occupant and owner MarsNone in
"He has resumed the new post on 15-3-72.. Mars Star.
Thus be was saved from a long suspension
and worries arising during the course of 8owner SaturnKethu in Saturn Star.
the proposed S.O.D. enquiry. 12owner MercuryMoon and Venus
How did the planets act ? in Mercury Star.
Rahu represents Moon by constellation.
The consultant was running Mercury
Dasba/Rabu Bbukti/Venus antbra from Ketbu represents Saturn by constellation
15-11-71 to 6-5-1972. In that. Mars and Moon by conjuncjion.
SuVshma operated from 6-1-72 to 16-1-72. Thus Rahu, Mercury, Venus, Mars &
(Horary). He was involved in the accident Ketbu are the significators for reversion,
case which took place on 8-1-72, and was so during Mercury dasa, Rabu bbukti,
placed under suspension from 10-1-72. Venus antbra and Mars suksbma the
Further, in Mercury Suksbma from grount for .reversion was prepared
11372 to 5472, he was reveled to Further, Mercury Suksbma caused him to
the lower grade and resumed the new post resume duty and join the new post after
on 15372. Thus, the significators of getting reversion.
3,5.8.9,10 & 12 flayed their respective The advanced stellar system discovered
role, asunder:-- -by-ourievered_.Guruji is_a Tnarvellnnc
8owner Mercury. Moon and Venus masterpiece to pinpoint TEe events.
in Mercury Star. Good Luck!


My wife who bad been to Cbamarajpet Lord of the day Sun
on the 1st April 1972 in connection with Lort of the rasi
some work was expected back by about transitted by the
S a. m. on the ^morning of the next day. Moon Sukra (Libra)
As she did not turn up even after 9 a. m. Lord of the constel-
1 immediately thought of applying the lation transitted by
theory .of ruling planets to work out when the Moon Guru (Visakba)
exactly she would return. Lord of the sign
Place; Bangalore on the Ascendant Sukra (Risbaba)
" Latitude: 12 58' North. Lord oftbeconstel-
Longitude; 77 36' East. - lation rising on the
Date; 2nd April 1972 Ascendant Chandra (Robini)
Time: 9_23 a. M. (1ST)
Ruling planets; The ruling planets were Chandra, Sukra,
The Ascendant (lagna) rising at the time Guru and Surya. Although Sutya was
of judgement was noted to be Taurus transiting in the constellation of retrograde
10--09' (Nirayana system). Budba and was conjoined with Budba, yet
as the matter has to materialise in a short Athrishta" which was 6 hours, 9 minutes,
time, Surya was not rejected. 46 seconds and adding the difference of
I worked out and came to the conclusion 10 seconds per hour (2 minutes 39 seconds).
So the time of arrival should be 9 hours
that when the Ascendant moves in Rishaba 23 minutes 28 seconds A. M. Local Mean
owned by Sukra, in Chandra's constella- Time. Adding 19 minutes 36 seconds
tion Rohini and to the sub of Gurii and being the difference in the local mean time
sub-sub of Surya, i. e,, between 150-3'-34' between Bangalore Meiidian and the.Indian
and IS'-S'-S^* in Rishaba, she should Standard Time Meridian, the arrival time
arrive. was calculated to be 9-43 A. M. (IST).
Adding Kiishnamhrti Ayanamsa, we get X was very happy to hear the knock at my
g<l_25'-34' to 8-30'-54' in Mithuna door at 9-43 A. M, (IST) exactly as
(according to the Sayana system), and with surmised by the application of Krisbna-
the aid of Table of Houses for the latitude murti Padhdhati.
of Bangalore,rhe corresponding Sidereal
Time when this would be on the Ascendant The ruling planets, in my experience,
' observed to be 22 hours, 3 minutes, have never failed to indicate and our
S3 seconds Subtracting the sidereal time of Guruji rightly deserves the title 'Naveena
the previous day at 5-30 A. M. (LMT) at Varahamibita' for bis wonderful discove-
82o-30' E. Long, given in "Astrology and ries.

Jyotish Visharath K. GANAPATH1

In a horoscope there are 12 houses and also it clearly indicates only the matters
.according to the Western system, a house of that house and nothing else. But a planet
commences from the cusp and ends with occupying a Bhava has to include the results
the succeeding cusp. Lagna Bhava commences of the Bhava where it is posited other
at the point that rises in the east and ex- than what it has to bestow by its nature
tends to nearly 30, depending upon the and lordship. In these cases, for health and
latitude. The second house commences at success, beneficial aspect to the cusp is
the cusp of the second and ends with the advantgeous. For the matters signiBed by
cusp of the third. The third cusp will rise Spn as lord of 4, it shows that he may
just around 4- hours after the ascendant has sell away the property, because Jupiter is
risen. Thus each cusp rises in the east at transiting in the I2th house and it forms
an interval of more or less 2 hours. The an inharmonious aspect with Sun who
area between the second cusp and the third owns the 4th house. .Or, his mother may
cusp is the second bhava and the space be ill in the hospital or he may give a way
between the third c_asp_jipd_lhe fourth cusp-is- -hisvehicle-forrephtrrTj'r Be will be without
the "third" bhava and so on. Suppose a person a vehicle at that time. Thus it can be seen.,
has a planet 'A'7 in a house about 15 from that ill-health of mother and bad condition
the cusp and another planet 'B' about 22h of the vehicle are indicated by the adverse
from the same cusp. fTaurus 3 is the As- aspect from Jupiter to Sun in Lagna Bhava;
cendant; Sun is in l80Taurus; Mercury in whereas he maintains good health as the cusp
receives beneficial" aspect. Planets may be
many in number in the same house. One
Cusp 39 may receive a benefical aspect and the others
A-tS adverse aspects. The planet receiving bene-
8-25" ficial aspect indicates that the matters sigdi?
fied by it lordship occupation, etc. will by
thrive^. Bad aspect to a planet in a Bhava
threatens evil results to the relatives denoted
aod unfavourable results or such matters as
indicated by the plauet by its lordship,
occupation, etc. provided the cusp of the
house does not receive simultaneously a
beneficial aspect.
'A planet may-own the 5th"house and"
it may occupy any other Bhava. It may
receive a bad aspect. Therefore, one should
not conclude that the chart will suffer
unless the cusp of the 5th house remains
unaspected. If the cusp of the 5th house
receives good aspect, then he will enjoy-
25|0 in Taurus). If a planet, say Jupiter, the favourable matters of the 5th house
transits in Aries and it has come to the and the other matters denoted by the lord
third degree in Aries; then. Jupiter forms alone will receive a setback, if lord of 5
semi-sextiie aspect with the Ascendant and is in 7 and it receives bad aspect, where-
semi-angular with Sun. On this occasion, as the 5th cusp' receives good aspect, then
one may be sure that his health will be wife will suffer and not the children. If
good and he will be successful in his at- the same planet in the 7th Bhava receives
tempts even though Jupiter forms adverse good aspect and the 5th cusp receives bad
aspect with Sun in Lagna Bhava. Always aspect, then even though the planet owns the
the cusp of a house is the strongest and 5tb house, yet wife will be maintaining good
health whereas it is disadvantageous to the Sun while conjoining with Venus formed
children; Similarly, one is to note the various a favourable aspect with either the 7th or
aspects to each cusp of the house and to the 11th cusp, then he would have under-
each planet. And whenever an aspect is stood that at the time Sun 4and Venus con-
formed to a planet in a bouse* immediately joined by progression they formed evil
one is to note whether the cusp of the house aspect to the 7th cusp, so that the marriage
receives an identical aspect or a diametrically did not come up. It also implies that
opposite one or remains unaspected at all. Venus at the time of bjrth was forming an
Accordingly, one should modify the results. adverse aspect to the 7th cusp. Then only
It is complained by many students that when Sun conjoins with Venus it will be
many aspects pass without any events. in such a position which is unfavourable
Always one considers only the beneficial to the 7th cusp.
or disagreeable results which he enjoys or
experiences but docs not note down what had Thus, it is necessary to observe aspects
happened to his close relatives, partners and to both the significator and also to the
friends. For example, to Tula lagna natives cusp of the house which indicates the matter.
one may'say that Sun has conjoined Venus
and it has not done any good to him. He A particular aspect may be formed in
will be feeling sorry and also complaining such a position which is favourable to t)ic
tl^at he was disappointed because lords of person. Therefore the person may enjoy
1 and 11 conjoining together had not beneficial results, . have promotion or get
brought marriagesAt the., time of birth, married aod so on. But ' the same .aspect
Sun and Venus were about 35 away and will-be-advecsed to_a, , cusp and thereby
t his age of 35 Sun conjoins Venus. He that relative indicated by that cusp br lliTr"
remains unmarried. So he loses faith and planet which receives the bad aspect in-
becomes vexed. But if he had noted whether dicating certain relative may pass away.
Sade Sathi and Ashtama Sanl: as well as unhappy results alternately. There-
Life js not always a bed of roses. fore, in the 1\ years period one will natura-
Every individual undergoes sufferings at some lly have both good and bad results. Further,
time or the other. When difficulties crop up, Saturn is cot the only planet to cause pain
one is naturally anxious to get over them or produce pleasure. We have to consider
and wants to know when and how. he can all the planets. So we should not attribute
do so. the evil results only to 'Sade Sati'. The
prediction offered without taking all factbrs
Suppose a native is running the seven into consideration can never come correct.
and a half-year's Saturn period and .has Misery and misfortune cannot be attributed
some problems. He seeks astrological advice to 4 Sade Sail' alone.
He is told "Oh, 1 sec from your chart that
you are running the 7-1/2 years .Saturn v Occ may ask how can 'Sade Sati* do
period. Be careful. Vou may have to experi- any harm to one at a time when one runs
ence for some more years similar worries the mahadasa and :bbukti of the planets who
and obstacles". A few astrologers arc con- have to do only good to him by owning
siderate and grant that one need not feel beneficial houses in the chart? True. If the
unBuIy distirbed:-They-cjuoie-the-tiadjtiojiaL dasa and bhukti are favourable, during the
saying that the first round of 7-1/2 years. 7i ycars-wben- Saturntranslts.in_a__favojjr-
Saturn will be moderate, the second round able position, constellation and sub, it will
of 7-1/2 years immensely beneficial and only bestow only brilliant results. Indications will
the third round will invariably cause harm. never be contradictory.
It may even put an end to life when the
native is 65 or more. The consultant may not be running
7-1/2 year's Saturn period but Ashtama Sani
The term 'Sade Sati' or 7-1/2 years may cause some difficulties, so he consults
Saturn is used to designate Saturn's transit an astrologer , who has no hesitation in
through the sign occupied by Moon at birth saying that Saturn's transit in the eighth
and the two signs on cither side of the (asthama) sign to the one occupied by the
Moon sign. As Saturn takes more than 29 ' Moon, is the cause of all the miseries and
years to pass through the entire zodiac of the native has to put up with the sufferings,
12 signs, it will take 1\ years to pass through till it is over. The auntce's proverb is that
the three signs. a man will be caught when Saturn transits
in the 8th house io Moon. But some people
The traditional astrologers do not note enjoy. How is it? Because the lordship of
the exact longitude in which Moon was at the two planets affcl the constellafion in
birthwhether it is in the beginning or in which the transit are favourable to such
the middle or in the end of a sign They do persons.
not consider the houses ruled by the planets
Moon and Saturn in the natal chart. Either Generally it is said that one cannot
or both of these ma) rule beneficial houses escape the troubles one must bide his time
or evil houses in the nativity. Or they may and wait till the transiting Saturn passes from
own a beneficial house as well as ah- evil the sign occupied by Moon in the natal
house. The exact relative distance at "which chart to the third sign, counted from it.
the transiting Saturn is away from the Moon When Saturn transits the radical chandra
docs not enter into the re koning. The con- rasi it is called 1 Jaoma Sani'. It is persumcd
stellation is not included. These are the to be uniformly undesirable by uninformed
defects while judging the transit results people. When Saturn ia transiting in the eighth .
The sufferings are not uniformly spread sign to the one occupied by the Moon, it
all through the 7i years period. Per example is said to be Ashtama Sani. It . is also
if we take any one day, we experincc happy considered to be evil. These arc not borne
cut by facts. The application of stellar formly evil to all. The nature of the results
astrology proves useful. Sani may transit which a planet gives depends on the lord
in the 8th rasi in some stai\ the lord of of the constellation, the bouses it rules in
which may own a good or a bad house the horoscope, its occupation etc. Bcnefics
to that person. The nakshatra and sub by nature will prove to be the worst evils
transited by Saturn is to be noted. If the by lordship for some people and the natural-
naksbaira and sub lords happen to be the malefics bestow the most beneficial results
significators of houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11, to others by lordship and occupation.
Saturn offers desirable results in competition
election and litigation. But if such lords Jupiter is ruler of the I2th house to
signify houses 4,5.7,8.9 and 12 then it MeshafAries) lagna borns. He owns the Sth
is-harmful. Also what houses Saturn rules house to Vrishaba (Taurus) and Simha (Leo)
in the chart and which bouse it occupied, lagna natives? To Mithuna (Gemini) and
etc. while-judging. The transiting Saturn is Kanya (Virgo) borns he happens to own
the source according to its nature,' lord- the 7th bouse, a marakasthaca, also. To
ship and occupation at birch. Kataka (Cancer) and Thulam (Libra) people,
he is the lord of the sixth house denoting
Westerners aver that when any planet disease and sickness. To Makara (Capricorn)
comes to its radical position, it tends to people, he is the 3rd. and 12th lord. Only
indicate what' is implied in the radical chart. to Kumhba (Aquarius) and Vrischika
Suppose Saturn is the lord of 5 and transits (Scorpio) borns, he is a real benefic by
in the fifth house. Other testimonies also ownership. Even then he is a marakabbipathi
Stipportr-Then-it-showsthat there_1wijl be _ by ownership the 2nd ,house. Therefore
birth of children.^Saturn will come hy ixansk Jupiter;the- strongestbcnefic_by_natufe,
to this position once in 29 years. 1c could becomes evil to some extent by lordsbip.,-
have come when one is 16 or 17 years innumerable instances, can be cited of
old when he would not have been married. people enjoying very good health, getting
Then at the age of 46, it may again transit married and leading a harmonious wedded
when his wife would have been sterilised, life, en tens g into service and securing sudden
as in between she would have had number advancements and also be getting children,
of children. Also one who had been issueless, when Saturn's 7-1/2 years period was on,
will have Saturn in 5, during transit. It does or when Saturn was transiting the Sth sign
not mean .that Saturn must .bless the native from the Moon sign. No useful purpose
with a child. One has to know the age, will be served by reciting memorial slokas
the condition, etc, note Dasa and Bhukti and threatening lay people.
and after considering all points, declare the
results df transit. ,
On any day 25 per cent of the world's' Houses lf'2, 3, 6, 10 and II are favoursbh
population will be running the 7-1/2 year's to a native m the matter of competition,l ,
Saturn period. Jn 8-1/3% of the cases, Saturn litigation, election, speculation, etc. while -
may be transiting, in asthama sign to Moon their oppositeshouses 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12 *1
rasi. Still others may find Saturn .transiting arc'advantageous to the person denoted by
its radical position. If we literally follow the 7th house. When Saturn transits in.
the rules and reproduce the slokas. we are ashtaraasthana reckoned from Chandra or
left with no other conclusion except that Jo the same sign as Chandra at birth or in
one. will have continuous difficulties. 12 or 2 to it, no evil results will ensure, i
Saturn is not the only architect of unless Saturn transits in the constellation i
misery. Many planets will share, in some and sub of planets unfavourable for the i
degree or other. Have we not seen people matter in question and catum is also ruler
complaning of bad days whenever they run of sub sthanas (evil houses) or occupies evil .
Jupiter's dasa or sub period? Is not Jupiter houses at birth. Every house rules both j
a boon, giver? But is he uniformly good favourable and unfavourable results to a
to all? Are we to go .simply by the name native- and similarly to the relatives, etc.
Jupiler and extol blip and on the same The .91 h and 12th houses are good for
analogy condemn Saturn? No planet can be matters concerning voyage overseas but not
uniformly good and no planet can be. uui- harmonious for finance, speculation or liti-
gation. The 6th house rules both debt and firescnted by the 7th house),- is ascertained
disease. While disease is not welcome, debt rom their horoscopes. The ruling planets
is not always so. Debt is a temporary loan in xhe horoscope of those who will assist
obtained to tide over an immediate difficulty will be the same as those that rule the
and, to this extent, is favourable. native's dasa, bhukti etc.-. period. If Sani
According to Krishnamnrti Padhdhati, and Kuja have to render .your help, it
the nature of an event finance, profession, will be through" a person born in Dhani-
litigation, progeny etcis judged from the shta or Anuradba, etc; if they have to
constellation lord's signification. sub cause deteriment, then too the ruling planets
denotes the end result, favourable or other- of the person causing harm will be the
wise. The planet transiting is the source tame.
according to its role in the horoscope. Is there a . more simple and scientific
For instance, for Kanya lagna, Saturn as taethod to arrive at a correct conclusion"
lord of 6 occupying the 8th house in than Krishnamurthi Padhdhati?
Mesha in Barani constellation (when rasi
occupied by Chandra also happens to be Often we come across with the quacks
Kanya) affects the matters of the house saying ''Oh. You are having chandrashtamal
occupied by Sukra, Suppose Sukra is in 2 you will have some mental worry or the
which is concerned with finance. If Saturn other. " (When the Moon transits in the
is posited iu the sub of a planet signifying asthama or the eighth sign to the one
housefs) 1,2, 3, 6, 10 and 11, it brings about occupied by it in the birth chart, it is
-fioancial-gain -by -botxowing (SaturQ_rules 6thJ called 'Chandrashtama',) It is evil. This
or tnrough speculation (Saturn also rules 5). prog oostication dOES" aot^comeime^n-many
Or, the native may derive benefit from cases, as we shall see presently.
children's prosperity (5th stands for children Moon takes about 27 days to transit
and 6lh being in 2 to 5 denotes thcic the 12 signs of the zodiac and takes about
financial gain). But if Saturn occupies the 2-1/4 days to go through one sign. Suppose
sub of a significator of houses 4, 5,7, 8, 9 the lagna is Virgo (Kanya). Moon may be
and it indicates loss by borrowing, etc. in the 3rd house in Scorpio (Vrischikaj in
If Saturn in 8 in the constellation of the birth chart. Counting Scorpio (Vrischika)
a planet in 2 is situated in the sub as the first, one finds thai Gemini (Mithuna)
of significators connected to houses 1,2, 3, is the eighth sign. Moon by transit will
6, 10 and 11 and Saturn is lord of 3 and pass over Gemini (Mithuna^ every month
4, then mother helps (4lh for mother; 3, and when it transits this sign it is said to'
her expenccs). In the above case, Saturn be evil. This is the general rule.
is lord of 4 and 5, benefits through , sons
or daughters f4th is 12 to 5 showing Now, at birth. Moon would be in a
jrhildren's vraya). If Saturn is lord of .2 and particular nakshathra and in particular sign
"l, 'brothers or sisters will be helpful (2ad (rasij. If Moon at birth was placed in
house denotes deterioration in thdr bank Aswini 1st to 4th padas, Bharani, 1st to
position). If Saturn happens to be lord of 4tb padas or Krithigai 1st pada, then it
1 and 2, gains by self-effort, by delivering will be in Aries (Mesha). So the Moon
lectures, etc. If Sani is lord of 7 and 6, rasi is Aries (Mesha). Similarly, if Moon
benefits from wife or partner in business. is in Krithigai 2nd to 4th padas, or
Also when Sani is lord of 7 and 8. In the Rohini 1st to 4th padas, or Mrigascerisha
former case, it indicates overdraft facilities- '1st and 2od padas, then it will be in
from a bank; in the latter case, a legacy Taurus (Rtshaba). In this way, the Moon
or insurance money left by a person denoted will occupy any one of the 27 nakshathras
by the 7th house. The 8th house rules and will be in any one of the 12 signs
unearned income, a foreign scholarship (12 or rasis from Aries (Mesha) to. Pisces
to" the 9th house representing a foreign (Meena). Every sign has 9 padas or 2-1/4
government), father's property or investment, nakshathras contained in it.
etc. and gain through these. Thus should Suppose one's rasi is Aries (Mesha).
a planet's effects be determined. Counting from Aries (Mesha), Scorpio
Whether the wife (or husband) or (Vrischika) is the 8th rasi or sign. During
business partner will help (both are re- the 2i days when the Moon transits in the
sign Scorpio, the native is said to run Wc have to go a step further.
Chandrashtama'. It is said that generally (1) Is the Moon a bcnefic or a
those days are not good for any under- malefic by. its lordship and occupation?
taking; at best, there will" be some sort of
4 worry. Why? Moon otherwise called (2) Does it transit only in one naksha-
Mathi* indicates the mind. One is diffierent thra in its ashtama sign?
from the other in regard to mental make-
up. This depends on the rasi occupied by When we judge the horoscopes, we
the Moon at birth. By the Moon's occu- find some people prospering when they
pation of a particular rasi in the birth run the period or sub period of the Moon
chart one is endowed with a particular according to Udu-Dasa system. They earn
frame of mind. Whatever it is there will be good name, fame, honour and reputation.
disturbance to this mental make-up when They lead a peaceful and prosperous life.
the.Moon transits the 8th sign from the Others, when they run the Moon's periods,
one in which it was placed at birth. earn only ill-repute. Untold suffering is
their lot. Why? Because the results depend
For.that matter, any planet occupying on the Moon's lordship of the house In
, by transit a sign 6,8, or 12 to the one the chart and the position in which it was
occupied, by it at birth, produces results at birth.
contrary to what it indicated at birth.
Generally, those in whose charts the
Suppose Jupiter is in 2 to Scorpio Moon rules and occupies a favourable
(Vrischikaj lagna, Jupiter owns houses 2 house will not experience good results during
-and 5which _ace, _bcneficial .housesIt, -thc- Mooo's--transit-in-the ashtama-sign:-To-
occupies its own house. those to whom it is a malefic by owning
Itdenotes financial gain through'children, an evil house in the horoscope, Moon tran-
speculation, etc. Whenever Jupiter by transit siting in the ashtama sign is bereft to
forms good aspect such as 18% 24, 30, 36, produce malefic results.
.540, 60, 72, 108", 120M44' and 162 it For instance, for persons born in
will offer beneficial results. Whenever it Kanya (Virgo) lagna or rasi Moon becomes
throws 22^, 45, 67*% 90% 112^% 135% a Labadhipathi and so one can look foe
157^, and 180 aspects, it will not give fulfilment of one's desire. If the. Moon .at
such good results. On the other hand if birth was so placed as to cause a favour-
the same Jupiter were to be in evil aspect able aspect to the 11th cusp, then it
at birth to the cusp of the 2nd house, improves the matters of the 11th bouse.
whenever it forms good aspects by transit That is the indication at birth. When the
to its 'radical position in the horoscope it native runs the Moon's period or sub
will not contribute to beneficial results. period, most favourable results will be
Jupiter who owns the beneficial 2nd house, enjoyed, for these persons. Moon's transils
in evil aspect to the 2nd cusp at birth will in the ashtama sign, that is those 2| dapo
cause difficulties in the accumulation of when it transits the ashtama sign, doe&
money. Good aspect by. transit to radical not conduce to mental peace (except when'
Jupiter allows it to offer such results it is in Bharani star). He may, for instanceii
. which it indicated in the natal chart. So have headache and recover only when the
whenever evil aspects by transit are formed Moon passes on the 9th sign, especially to
by Jupiter to its radical position, there Rohini star.
will be no difficulty in the accumulation
of wealth as the transiting Jupiter is not The Modern Astrological Research
harmonious. This is one of the departures Institute, has analysed the transit results
from the orthodox Western view thaf.all of the Moon and the findings arc given
good aspects are good and all bad aspects here. Each sign has 2-1/4 aakshathras con-
arc evil. tained in. it. According to Udu Dasa system,
everyone of the 27 stars or nakshathras is
The Moon is to offer a person peace owned by a planet. Thus,
and fits transit in the 8th sign (its ashlama
position) denies peace and denotes -mental Kctba rules Aswioi, Makatn and
worries though of a temporary nature. It Vcous rules Bbarani, Pooram Pooradam.
may be a passing cloud. Sod governs ICartigai, Uttiram and Uuiradatn.
3^ooq owns Rohini. 'Hastham Sravaoatn. coruj rasi earning a treble in horse race
Mars rules Mrigaseerisha. Chittra and Avittam. on the very day when Moon was in Pooram
Rahu rales Arudhra, Swati and Sadbabhishak. (Poorvaphalguni) star? Pooram star is in
-Gum rules Punarvaau Visakha and Pootva-bhadrapada. Leo fSimha) which is the Ashtama rasi.
According to the general method adopted,
Sani rules Pushy a, Anuradha and Uttara- the Moon's transit in Leo is not good.
bhadrapada. But the native was immensely happy as
Mercury rules Aslesha, Jycshta and Revathi.. the result was unexpected.' Similarly, we
see persons bom in Leo iSimha) rasi'getting
It has been established that whenever into service on the day when the Moon
Moon transits, in the ashtama sign, in the was in Revathi in the ashtama rasi Meena
nakshathra of the planet who is a signi- (Pisces). This is so . because, to Leo (Simha)
ficator of benefic houses -in the chart, the rasi , persons. Mercury is lord of 2
native enjoys desitable results. and 11.
The following are the naksbathras in One may ask: "If a particular nak-
ashtama rasi to the diffiercnt rasi-borns shathra is considered evil to one, does it
which are conducive to good results. Whenever mean that all those bom in that particular
the Mooa transits the said naksbathras in nakshathra-will not be favourably disposed
its monthly transit they expect and enjoy to that native?" The,reply is in the affir-
-only favourable results. maiive. If Saturn is an evil planet to one
Mcsha rasi ~XpuraaBa~or-Aoathagi by reason of owning an evil house acd is
Rishaba rasi Uttarashada or Uttirad to cause misery and misfortune, one ; will
Mitbuoa rasi Sravaoa or Thtravonam ir5a~~iiT36uperior__as the avathar in this
Kataka rasi Danishta or Avittam respect. The superior ~wb"liIdH)e-bonLjn^any
Simha rasi Revatbi one of the bakshathras Pushya, Anuradha
TCanya rasi Bharani and Uttarabhadra'pada ruled by Saturn or
Tbula rasi Rohini in Makara (Capricorn) or Kumbha (Aquarius)
Vrischika rasi Punarvasu lagna or rasi or 6a a Saturday, if the
Dhanur rasi Aslesba or Ayilyaoi Sun were to do good to one, he can expect
Makara rasi ' Poorvaphalguni or Pooram assistance from those born on a Sunday
Kumbha rasi Chittra 1st and 2ad padas or in Leo fSimha) lagna or rasi or in those
"Meena raci Chittra 3rd acd 4tb padas and naksbathras owned by the Sun, Karthika,
Visakba 1st to 3rd padas Uthra, Ifthrashada. Even if one of these
stars^werc' to be in the ashtama sign to
Therefore, whenever Moon transits the the Moon sign, one should expect only
maksbaihra of a planet owning beneficial beneficial results whenever.a planet transits
houses in the horoscope, one should except such nakshathra in its course.
only favourable results even though the
house may be 6,8, or 12. This is true of It is not unusual to find people bom
Either planets also, e.g . one cannot expect in rasis which, are mutually in sashtasbtama,
beneficial results if. Jupiter transits .in'the collaborating with each other in business
11th house in an evil constellation. One or trade and proving to be"the closest
need not also entertain unnecessary fears associates, in day to day life we come
if Saturn in the 8th transits in the con- across many persons born in Leo (Simha)
stellation or nakshathra of a planet who rasi getting assistance in securing service
signifies beneficial houses. from those, born in Revathi nakshathra
and especially when the Moon transits
Therefore, it is important to note the Revathi in the ashtama rasi. Why? Betause
nakshathra transited by the Moon and the Mercury who is the lord of Revathi. owns
house ruled by that particular nakshthra houses 2 and II to the Leo (Simha) rasi
lord. The nakshthra traosited is the most natives. We can go on multiplying instances
important. It alone gives correct clue. It is of persons benefiting by those bom in rasis
not the rasi. mutually in sashtasbtama to each other but
Otherwise, how can you explain the bom in that particular star in the ashtama
reason for people born in Makara (Capri- rasi, the lord of which rules a favourable
house in the native's chart.
From what has been said above it lation occupied. The sub decides whether the
follows that one may give rarely correct matter will prove fruitful or otherwise. The
predictions taking only the house positions planet in transit shows the source through
transited by the planets. One must observe which the matter is promoted according
the constellationthe nakshathra-iransited to the naiute of the planet, the housefs)
by them. A benefic planet transiting a owned by it and the ^housetsj occupied
good house but in a naks/mlhra ruled by by. it.
a malefic cannot bring about detiruble
results, nor con a malefic planet transiting The seed-bed or corner stone of
in an evil house in the nakshuthra of a benefic successful dtclination is the extend of
by ruiership (adhipatyam) deny goad results. stellar inlluence noticeable in a horoscope.
Planets throw light. They illuminate the This the quintessence ofKR1SHNAMURT1
matters signified by the lord of the constel- PADHDHATl.


The purpose of this article is to impress RASI CHART '

upon the readers of this magazine and
astrologers following various systems of Asm 20 07 Aquarius
prediction other than Krisbnamurti Padhdhati. II cusp: 16 12' PISCES
That Krishnamurti Padhdhati alone is 100% III 18 12* ARIES
correct and accurate. IV 16 12' TAURUS
The problem is to find out the time' V 12 12'. GEM INI
of marriage of the native born on 8S1931 . VI 9 12' CANCER
at Madras. Time of birth- 11-33 p.m. The
birth chart is given below: VIl 20 07' LEO
Ura. 25M2 Sun 24*-ir IX 18 12' LIBRA
Vcn. 29M7' Merc try luoiier X 16 12' SCORPIO
Rahu 3a-06' 27V57'
Moon The method of analysis according to
29a-27' Born on 8-6 -1931 Krishnamurti Padhdhati is as under:
Lagna n-33 P.M. O.ST.3
20-07' Mr. C. A. M. By marriage it is meant the permanent
legal bondage with the other sex. an
Balance of Jupiter addition to the family and a new cycle of
dasa at birth 2 Years Neptune
10^22' life to start. Hence Bhavas (Houses)2, 7 and
7 Months 24 Days. Mars 60-13' 11 are to be jnvcsligatcd.
The planets signifying the marriage are
selected according to the only rule and
the order which arc as follows;
Sat. (R) Kcthu d). The planets tenanted in the constel-
29 08' 18--23' lation of the occupants of th Houses
Bhavas 2, 7, and II.
(2). Occupants of 2nd, 7(h, and 11th lord of the house become significators
Bbavas. besides the planet conjoined by it.]
f3). Planets in the constellation of the Hence the significators are Rahu. Mercury,
lords of the houses 2, 7, and 11. Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, The final step
(4). Lords of 2, 7, and II, is to judge the strength of the significators.
(5). Those conjoined with or aspected 1. Mercury is in the constellation of.
by any of the significators. Sun, the lord of 7. So Mercury is a
It is important to note that if one strong significator.
does not get significators according to the 2. Rahu is a node; it is the strongest*
order 1, then only should apply to Rule 2 It gives the marriage, in its sub period-
and stop at a stage when he gets enough since Rahu Dasa the major period wil*
significators at least 3, (as wc have to refer come very late to the native.
to Dasa Bhukti and Antbra for the timing 3. Jupiter is in its own constellation
of eventsj When one is to further proceed, besides being lord of 11.
one is to apply No. 5.
Now let us analyse the chart. \ 4. Venus is in the constellation of
lord of 7, Sun So the significators are
1. (This is the strongest significator.) Mercury, Rahu, Jupiter and Venus.
Second Bhava is 16" 12' ^PiscesMeena The native got married when he was
"to-16* -12AiieeMesha^Raixn^and Uranus_ nmofng M ercury -Da sa, Ra bu-Bul^hj,_Jupiter
are posited in this area. Uranus do not own Aotbra and Venus Sooksbama. This agrees
any stars. Rahu governs Arudhra, Swathi well with the signiticators. So, events can
and Sathabisha. No planet is found deposited take place only when the native runs the
in any those stars. conjoined period's of the significators of
Seventh Bhava is 20 1,7' LeoSimha the event.
"to 16 12' Virgo-Kanni. Ho planet occupies
seventh. Bhava. Another important Rule enunciated in
Eleventh Bhava is 12* 12' 'Sagittarius Krishnamurii Padhdhati is this. Important
Dhanur to 9 12'Capricorn Makara. Saturn events take place only when the time of
is in the 11th Bhava. No planet is poisited event is governed by the lords of Dasa,
in its stars Pushya, Anuradha and Uthra- Bukihi, Antbra and Sooksbama, the native
pada. runs at the time of event.
2. If no significator is obtained by Let us verify it. The marriage took
No. 1, take the .occupants of 2nd, 7ih and place on a Friday, ruled by Venus [8-30
Uth Bhavas as significators. Hence, Rahu A. M. (approxly.) 2441964] Lagna was
and Saturn are significators. One need not TaurusRishabaruled by Venus. The star
apply Riilc 3 and Rule 4 now. rising was Arudhra ruled by Rahu. Lagna
3. Planets conjoined or aspected by was in the sub of Jupiter. Moon was
significators: transiting in Haslham siar, in the sign Virgo
governed 'by Mercury. Hence Mercury,
Yenus is in trine aspect to Saturn, the Rahu, Jupiter and Venus ruled the time
significator Jupiter opposes Saturn according of events also.
to Westerners, but is aspected by Saturn Nothing is left out of explanation by
according to Hindus. Krishnamurti Padhdhati, for it alone is
Rabu is in Revathi star, ruled by 100% accurate. Through this article I appeal
Mercury, in the sign of Jupiier (Pisces) to all astrologers to share this truth, and
who owns" houses 2 and U. benefit the mankind let all open their eyes
[No.e: Whenever a node becomes the and with clear and pure heart, understand
significator the lord of the conitellaiion in what the wonderful man of our time says,
which the node is posited and also the and ..get benefittcd by his Padhdhati.

The following are the results indicated The lord of lagna in good aspect
by the aspect formed between the lord of to the lord of I.
lagna and the lords of the other houses,
whether the aspect occurs in the birth chart Increase in the native*s self-acquisition
or by progression or by transit. Such results is promised. The native may purchase mov-
will operate also during the conjoint period able property. He is likely to benefit through
of the planets in Wimshottari -Dasa. industrious activity. His memory power will
Lord of lagna in good aspect to the increase. Children who were not able to
talk will begin to speak. Eye troubles will
lord of Lagna or to the Ascendant (1st be cured. For old people, cataract may be
bouse;. removed and vision will be regained. When
(Suppose the lagna is Simha. Then the the native runs the conjoint periods of the
lord of the lagna is Sun. Sun would be lords of 1 and 2, he will be happy and
in a particular position in the natal chart. prosperous. Money once lent and entangled
Sun, by progression and by transit, will form may be realised. One may open bank
aspects to the position which it occupied account for the first time. Those already
iti_the radix .or natal chart at the time of having bank accounts may invest in fixed
birch. Result! indicatedby^such deposits and the bank position will be
an aspect ^satisfactory.
are indicated here.) 1
^ There will be expansion of the
famity.^henative_will do virtuous acts.
Whenever the native runs the periods or His child may go on a~Jorig~}ourney--fot_
sub periods of the lord of lagna according higher studies1 or professional studies or on
to progression or according to dasa bhukti promotion to a far-off place, as to the 5ch
system, he will have mental strength house (representing child) it is an aspect
and good cheer. The individual's health between the lords of 10 and 9.
will be regained or maintained. There
will be harmony and compromise and triumph Judge contrary results if the aspect is
over enemies and difficulties. Success in all adverse.
attempts, especially those indicated by the
lord of the lagna, is assured. For some The above results are to be read, as
persons, a new cycle of life starts. No stated here, only when the lord of a house
more deficiency of vitamins will result. The does not occupy a sign, 6 or 8 or 12 coun-
general constitution will be sound and ted from the sign it owns. Therefore, if
satisfactory. The temperament will be similar the lord of 2 were to be in 7 or 9 or
to that of the nature of the lord of lagna. lagna (7 is 6 to the 2nd house; 9 is 8 to
If it be Mars, due to boldness or sudden the 2nd house; lagna is 12 to the 2nd
action, the native comes out successful. If house), the above results given under good
it be Saturn, be incautious and economical aspect will be enjoyed only when the aspect
and gains thereby. For someoihers, it brings is bad. This is so because any planet which
fortune. There will be a marked improve- occupies the btb or 8ih or 12th sign to its
meni in status and rank. This is a desirable own will give results contrary to what it
aspect similar to the one formed by the indicates by ownership. Thus, if either of
lord of the eleventh house. the two planets owning different houses
Judge contrary results if the aspect is occupies a position (sign) 6th or 8ih or 12th
counted from its own sign and there is an
evil; Lagoadhipathi is to do good to the aspect between them, good aspects generally
native, provided it does not occupy 8 or 12. produce evil results and bad aspects bene-
Its good aspect fulfils one's desire if it is ficial results.
not in 8 or 12. If it is in 8 or 12, bad
aspects give favourable results Good aspect So, lord of lagna forming good aspects
to the lord of lagna in 8 or 12, affects with lord of 2 who is in a bouse other
one's health, repuiation and financial position than the 7ih or the 9th or lagna, gives
and he may have difficulties. beneficial results.
lord of lagna in good aspect to the lord girl. Father will lose heavily in speculalion
of 3 and will be put to trouble. This is so
because the lord of Jagna is the lord of
Jf this aspect is formed ia married life 5 to the 9th house representing father, and
and if the mother is not sterilised, one can the lord of 4 is the lord of 8 to the 9th
look for the birth of an younger issue to house. Always the third house to ore's
the native. In old age, it shows beneht to lagna is 7th or opponent to the father.
the younger, good relationship with the Hence the father will lose. But if the
youngsters and neighbours and also support younger brother makes any attempt, he
or assistance from tdem. Short journeys will willv gain by fortune (1st house is 11 to 3;
be successful. Publication of books m this 4th house is 2 to 3). That is, the lord of
period will be protitablc. Much mental 11 (to the 3rd house) will form good as-
development is assured. One generally very pect with the lord of 2 to the 3rd house.
poor in malhemaiics will score luckily good Thus one can see that at the time when
marks. The native succeeds in attempts made the native has a good aspect between the
for betterment of brothers and sisters. lords of I and 4, the younger brother or
Agreements or contracts will be signed. He sister gains by fortune but the native himself
will gain considerable mental strength as may have the luck to buy only a few furniture
he will meet with success after success. He or so; due to the fact that, in the brother's
will undertake any enterprise with courage. chart, these planets are inherently strong
He may regain hearing. Good report about whjle, in the native's horoscope, they arc
the native will enhance his reputation. In- only miloly strong.
crease in one's inco&ie by publications and
-publicity is promised. Troubles through the if the lord of 4 were to be in the
reIatives^nd--neighbours_wiU come to an 9th or 11th or 3rd house to the lagna
end or will be absent temporarily.. Tfac-nativc!s, -fi-Cit in 6 or 8 or 12 its own sign) and
wife or business partner will go on a long if thc~ToTd~oT-Jagna-Jforms^good aspect
journey. The native will hear encouraging with the lord of 4th, opposTle "results alone-
news. will be experienced. There will , atleast
Adverse aspects offer undesirable results, be trouble with the house owner. Those
i.e., contrary to those indicated above. who have the lord of a particular house
occupying the same sign and house will
The lord of lagna in good aspect enjoy the results to a large extent satisfactorily.
to the lord of 4. To Mithuna Lagna narives, Budha (Mercury)
in Katmi (Virgo;, especially in Hastham
Mother's health shows improvement. star, will give a house ..with all. facilities
The native may purchase landed property and well furnished. The lord of 4 in 12
or vehicle or furniture or any immovable to the lagna, shows change of quarters
property. Ttic domestic cDvironment will be during the period when aspects arc formed
^congenial and satisfactory. There will be to the lord of 4. To Kanya lagna natives.
peace and pleasure at home. Inheritance Guru, the lord of 4 in 12 in Simha, shows
will be achieved. The* native may gain garden, many changes of residence and the date
mine produce or hidden treasures, etc., of shifung of the house will be when the
especially when the lord of Lagna is also lord of 12 and the lord of 4 form by
, the lord of the ind house fas for instance, transit good aspects with the lord of 4
when the lagna of the native happens to (the Lo.rd of 4 should form good aspect
be Capricorn-Makara). fa some cases, the by transit to place he occupied ia the radix
native arranges and purchases landed property or natal chart). 4th house stands for per-
in the son's name with the son's money. manent residence. Owners of houses living
Some will gain through partner's fortune in their own quarters will stay in friend's
and effort In a girl's chart, this aspect or relative's quarters or live in a room in
denotes that her husband will be promoted hotel whenever the lord of 4 receives evil
due to the efforts of the native, i.e., the aspect. (to he continued)

K was Ihe 7th February 1972. I boarded namely 6-35 p. m.- (IST). They were as
a passanger bus of the Haryana Roadways follows;
at Palwal (Haryana) bound for Delhi at
about i7-20 bouts. There was unusual (U Day (Monday) Lord Moon
stream of men trying to had a berth in (2) Moon sign (Thula) Lord Venus'
the bus on that day and the conductor (3) Moon constellation
was beckoning the passangers not to over- (Visakha) Lord Jupiter
load the bus. It was a most chilly day
and everyone was anxious to reach bis (4) Lagna rising (Simba) Lord Sun
destination before the night fall. At last, O) Constellation on
the bus started and hardly bad'it covered - lagna (Makba) Lord Kethu
ten miles when one of its fear tyres burst,
making a- loud noise, and aU were taken The ruling planets also agree with Ihe
aback. It was getting late an<l there was earliest sensitive point, namrty I6-13'-20"
no .hope of our reaching Delhi before the in Simba (Leo).
night fall. After-someanxious moments,
the driver was persuaded to take the" A11 ho u g Iff ' k'cf pollutesi n - m y -d ;a ty_o f.
vehicle on single tyre slowly to Ballabgarh the sidereal time for. 5-30p.m. every day"
town where facilities existed for changing and also for commencement of lagna in
the stepney. the different signs and constellaiions foe
At that moment I thought.' of -the the latitude of Delhi where 1 resided and
utility of Krishnamurti Padhdhati and I this serves me as a ready . reckoner, yet I
wished to find the time when the bos will .preceded to make mental calculations as to
arrive at Rajghat, Delhi, where I was to when the lagna will transit the foresaid
get down. I opened the leaves of a bock sensitive degree conjointly ruled by Moon,'
I carried and ,saw-"36" .and immediately Venus and Sun. It took me just a few
I took it to represent the lagna between minutes to arrive at this time as 7 40 p. m.
1 and 249 and started calculating. The cusp (IST).
of number '36* is governed by Venus as
the sign lord of Rishaba, Moon as the Purely from memory, I can cite the
constellation lord of Rofaini, and Venus sidereal times for the commencement of
again as the sub-lord. lagnas in all the twelve signs for Delhi.
.So. Venus and Moon were the signi- Simba lagna rises here when the sidereal
, ficators. 1 also included' Ke.ttr as it is time is 3 hours and 12 minutes, and Virgo 1
deposited in the sign of .Moon. No. other rises when the srderal'time .is 5 hours 30
planet is conjoined either with Venus Or minutes (seconds being rounded to the
Moon. Since the event was to happen nearest .minute). Therefore, Simba will be .
within a very short time, I considered the on the lagna for a total duration of 2 .
hours 18 minutes or 138 minutes. Accordingly,-,
the transit of lagna in a sensitive part of every degree .0 Simha will rise successively,
the zodiac | conjointly governed' by Venus on an average, after every 4-2/3 minutes
and MoonJ As Moon was in a movable (138 minutes/ 30) On this basis, l6',-l3'-20"
sigtr and points, to an early time, I ignored Simha- will rise at about 74 minutes or
the node Kethu which is powciful to offer 1 hour 14 minutes after the time when
the results of Moon and nlso as there Simha will rise on the lagna. As Simba
was no other point in the zodiac conjointly rises at 3 hours 12 minutes of sidereal,time,
ruled by Venus and Kethu which can rise. I6-l3'-20" will be on the lagna 1 hour
before a point together governed by Venus 14 minutes after 3 hours 12 minutes of
and Moon rises in the lagna. sidereal lime. That is to say. the calculated
For verification of the significators, I sensitive point will rise when the' sidereal
noted the ruling planets at the moment. time is 4 hours 26 minutes.
According to the February issue of
the magazine, the sidereal time at 5-30 p.m. nearest minute), is 1 hour and 49 minutes.
(LMT; at 82-30' E. Long, on 721^72 Therefore, the bus should reach Delhi L
is 3 hours 36 minutes and 52 oseconds As hour 49 minutes after 5-30 p.m. fLMT) at
Delhi lies 5-18' west of 82 -30' E., we Delhi, i e., at 7-19 p.m. rLMT). Adding
have to add 4 seconds being the correction the local time difference of 2l minutes 12
for longitude, and thus we find that at seconds, I came to the conclusion that the
5-30 p.m. fLMT; the sidereal time is 3 bus should reach Rajghat in Delhi at
hours 36 minutes and 56 seconds. The 7-40 p. m. HST;. My prophecy, based as
difference between the two sidereal times, it is on the solid and sound principles
namely 4 hours 26 minutes when the erumeraied in Krishnamurti Padhdhati
required sensitive point will be on the readers, proved right as I had anticipated.
lagna, and the sidereal time of 2 hours 37 good lu^k:

Id Horary Astrology interpreted ac- and the bank sent the same to the treasury
cording to the principles outlined in Krishna- for collection. But when the cheque could not
murti Padhdhati, a planet deposited in the be cashed for about two weeks, I became :
constellation of a retrograde planet does apprehensive if something had gone wrong.
not denote 'favourable re ulis, while a retro-, Suddenly, it struck my mind that 1 was"
grade planet deposited in the constellation running the main dasa of a retrograde planet,
of a planet direct in course will deny favour- Saturn, a planet of delay, and that at that
able results till it changes its motion. The moment it was also retrograde in transit.
same rule does not hold good in respect of Although it was clear to me that I cannot
a radical chart (birth horoscope). Many draw tne money till= it turned direct in
prominent personalities rise to the zenith of motion, yet I made all possible efforts to
their career and many others enjoy prosperity realize the payment as expeditiously as
during the periods of retrograde planets. possible, but in vain. The cheque was re-
peatedly returned to the bank for completion
As a devoted student of KrishnamurtijiV of certain fieft over* formalities and its
method and ever eager to verify the authen- payment could not be drawn till the 4th
ticity of certain doubtful and dcbaiable February 1972 when Saturn became direct
propositions, 1 had an occasion to verify in course.
the above statement regarding retrograde
Saturn. In my birth chart, Saturn is retro- .As I was busy with certain guests )hat
grade and, incidentally, its main dasa is usually invade the residents of Delhi during
operating at ibe moment. Although I uid the Republic Day celebrations, i could not
not experience any beneficial results during contact my bankers directly till the 29ih
its dasa due to us signification according to January 1972. On the 29th January when I
my chart, yet I found it to offer its results got in touch with them, I was told that
instalments and with a delay and only partly the payment had not been received till then.
and never in full. The narration below would 1 felt completely frustrated, all possible en-
reflect upon an important astrological de- deavours and efforts on my part to realize
duct icn. the payment having proved fruitless. I re-
Tn the second week of November 1971, mained away from Delhi from the 29th
I received a cheque for a few thousands January 1972 and I could contact the-bank
of rupees as refund on the Delhi Treasury again only on the 4lh February 1972. On
from a Government office. Consequently, I that day, the clerk in the cash branch of
deposited the cheque in my bank account the bank dealing with the treasury receipts
told me that the payment had been received me oaiiR. uu -4 . .
on the 24(h January but somehow ia the which is obvious. Retrograde Saturn did
ledger the amount could not be credited to not allow it to happjxi till it took a direct
my account. On my persuasion, immediate course.
efforts were made to trace the paymeat aad This instance warns us that although a
it was discovered that the amount was retrograde, planet in the radical chart does
wrongly credited to some other person's nO't deny, wnatever it portrays, ia its dasa
account. As such, a transfer entry was or'bhukti oranthra period, it only contributes
made and I could draw upon the sum only to Tr us (rating attempts and delays whenever
at 1-35 p.m. on 421972! it is." retrograde by transit. At the same
time! it docs not deny favourable results
It would appear that Saturn remained wheun it transits io direct motion. This is
retrograde till 3111972 and remained ampjly demonstrated here.
stationary thereafter on 36 degrees 13 minutes
position and it was only on 421972 that (Fellow scholars may like to throw light
it actually began to move direct in course on cthiS point based on their experience,
and reached a position 36 degrees 14 minutes. suppcorting their findings with, the aid of
The fact remained that the payment was cleart and unambiguous data, the complete
.denied to ma though it actually reached horogscope, transits, etc.


Jyotish Sironmani S. CHANNAiriKESAYA REDDY
Mr. D of Challakere, an active member culate/ d thd points in the zodiac that will
of the Indian National Congress owing be on the cusps of the other houses when
allegiance to Shrimati Indira Candhi, our .5o-33'-;ul20" Kumbha rises in the lagna. The
llustraiious Prime Minister, came to me on planeta'r"ry positions Were ascertained for
;he 16th February 1972. He wanted to know 10-30 p. ui. (IST) on 1621972.
vhelher, on the basis of the scientific system
if stellar astrology taught by Prof- IC S. A. The v chart was as follows:
irishnamurti which I follow, I can predict
he outcome of the General Elections to the Ven. I40-P^' Mirs 10M0' Sat. 60 27' V 80-35'
vlysore Legislative Assembly to be held in III l30-35' IV 12 -35'
he next month, i. e., March 1972. His query
^as whether the Party to which he has the
onour to belong will win the elections to M oon ft
he Assembly with a majority and form 26' 2J' VI 4-35'
Jovernment I explained to him that Asc. 5-33'
Irishnamurti Padhdhati is a scientific system Sun 3ft-46' Ketu 10^-47
ased on sound, stellar theory and enables 3-19' * Ayanamsa 234-22'
n astrologer in arriving at clear cut pre-
ictions. <ahu ICM VII 5'-33'
1 took the number '212' from him, XII 40-3!
itween I and 249., for the query. This
umber represents 5 - 33* - 20" Kumbha
kquariusj in the zodiac according to
rishnamurti Padhdhati. I added the XI -80-3: #
| X lZ0-35' IX 13'-35' Vin U -35'
yanamsa for the year 1972 to this figure lup. 15'
order to convert it to its equivalent
tyana position, and then by refering to R. E
c Raphael's Tablei of oHouses for latitude Balance, nc of Jup.ter Dasa (VimshoitanJ ai
judgment, namely^ 14 -20' North, I cal- birth = g years 4 months 2 days
B. Does the Moon confirm (he query?
Moon is otherwise called 'Mathi' or
the mind. Its position at query determines
what passes in the mind of querent. Moon
is lord of 6 posited in lagna bhava in the
constellation of Jupiter and sub of Ketu.
Jupiier, the constellation lord, is lord of
2 and LI placed exactly on the cusps of
the Ilth houses; Kethu is in the 6th house
and is not conjoined with any other planet.
A node is ever stronger than the planet
with Which it is conjoined, even if such
a planet is in its exalted. When not so
conjoined, a node acts as the lord of the
sign's agent. In other words, Ketu takes
the shape of the container in which it is
in, and so represents Moon.
In Mundane Astrology, the Ilth house
"refers to legislative ^assemblies in the States
legislation, governmental policies, planning;
etc. Among the planets, Jupiter indicates
the legislative assembly and forming of
legislation. It is connected with the leeal,
finance, educational and political departments.
At the query,, Jupiter occupies the 11th
house as lord of houses 2 and 11. Ketu,
as mentioned in the foregoing, represenis
Moon who governs the masses or the
public in general and dealings with them.
Ketu is stationed in 6 in the constellation
of Saturn, the planet of dembcracy.
The Ilth house governs desire as well
as its fulfilment; the 6th house, victory
over enemies. As the Ilth cusp is.conjointly
ruled by Jupiter and Ketu, the desire? is
clearly denoted, and the situation of Moon
in the constellation and sub of Jupiter and
Ketu shows beyond doubt the querent's
C. Is success promised?
To find this out, let us note the Ilth
cusp. It falls in the sign Dhanus owned
by Jupiter, in the constellation of Ketu
and in the sub governed by Jupiter again.
Jupiter is poisted right on the cusp of the
house. If Jupiter, it is said that success
rides laughing at his right hand, and his
position on the cusp of the Ilth house as"
the planet of 'good luck' is the surest
indication of success beyond expectations.
It is a position conducive for social success,
popularity and credit. (Mark Jupiter in trine
aspectJ20 degrees aspectto Mars, lord
in 2: political success). Ketu is placed
; 6th house (victory in com petition) as
(gent of Moon, lord of 6 in lagna stellaiion and sub of Mood, lord of 12 in 7
ss), aspecled by Mars, the tenth lord, (from . the 7th home), denoting their defeat.
the 2nd house and Saturn, lagna lord, Based on the above analysis, I predicted
the 3rd house. The situation of that the querem's Party the Indian
r and Ketu clinches the issue in National Congress of Smt. Indira Gandhi will
.* of the querem's party. be returned to power in Mysore sweeping the
score board.
here was a remarkable connection GOOD LUCK
!n the Moon and the 11th house as
is Jupiter in that they were connected
te constellation / sub to Jupiter and
very strong signiheators of po itical
s. Moreover, at the time of the
ai Elections, Sun will transit the
>n of the Moon at query, passing
gh- -its-own-constel 1 ation Poorva bhadra.
here be more favourable clue to the
/e victory of the Ruling Congress
in the elections?
.II the planets are situated favourable
on in lagna; Mars and Venus in 2;
i in 3; Ketu in 6; and Jupiter in 11
e cusp. Rahu in 12 is in the con-
ion of Moon, lord of 6 in 1. Sun
dercury are in the constellation of
lord of 3/10 in 2 and sub of Venus
That this angurs well for the fulfil-
of the querem's desire, there can be
we take the 7th house cusp which
ents the parties competing in the
)ns opposing the party to which the
it belongs, and the cusp of the 5th
which is the house of gain reckoned
the 7th house, we find Rahu as the
llation and sub lord. Rahu has gone
! 12th house (6th house counted from
;h), but it is situated in the con-
August 1972

Page Page
An Appeal 3 Editor's Message 38
K. P. Hew Readers 7 Time of Marriage 41
Krishnamurti Padhdhati-An On Overseas Travel 44
Eye Opener 9 On Progeny 45
Astrology And Assembly Daily Guide For August 1972 ... 49
Elections in Mysore 11
Progeny & Prospect 15 Nirayana Position and Transit
Coostellational Astrology & of Planets in August 1972 55
Competitive Examination 17 Hpbemeris for August 1972 56 I
Lottery & Luck 21 Monthly Prediction for
Your Doubts Resolved 25
Mars Dosha; Is it so Evil ? 29 August 1972 57
Ruling Planets and their Role 33 Letters to the Editor 70
Astrology and Assembly On Judging the time of
Elections ... 35 Employment 71
K. PRABHAKAR, B.E.. Grade. Shthabad
It is customary to hear from tbe dealt by him in sufficient detail in bis
general run of people that the horoscopes book 'Reader IV.
of the boy and girl were found to tally . An opportunity arose for me to test
in all'respects but the marriage did not the truth of Guruji's statement. On April
take place between them, and when the 4, 1972, at 3-30 p.m., one of the senior
horoscopes are handed to pandits practising executives of my office came to me with
the old system of astrology they would two horoscopes both certified to be matching
only venture an opinion on the agreement well by a traditional astrologer. He wanted
between the two horoscopes or otherwise. me to find out as to whether the contem-
These men who have been going by the plated marriage would take place. T wanted
dicta found in old works without bothering _teL_s Late_ a-jiom be r bet ween' f ah 3"
to .find. out^whether alHhe-tradi tional rulesr I took out the April issue of 4Astrology
work satisfactorily in actual life cannot and Athrishta' and noted the position of
give a catergohcal answer whether the Moon at the moment. For the number *21*,
persons, whose horoscopes were found by then the Ascendant (lagna) falls in Mithuna in
to match according to their astrological Arudhia nakshatra 1st pada. Moon was in
knowledge and skill, would at all bind 232 o /
-20 or 2^ o ,
-20 of Vrischika in sixth
themselves by' the bond of marriage. The to the Ascendant and in twelfth to Jupiter.
truth is there is no foolproof and clear I had no hesitation in telling him that the
method by which they can say so. This heavenly portents are that the marriage
problem does not pose the same difficulty would not take place. The gentleman was
to adherents of Krishnamurti Padhdhati, none too satisfied and. Said he would let
they can immediately say whether tbe me know.
marriage will take place or not. Herein
lies their merit. On the 10th April 1972, he told me
I am reproducing here the rule and an that I was correct in my prediction and
illustration support my statement. Our to that even though the boy's parents had
Guruji, Shri; K. S, Krishnamurti, Sotbida agreed to the alliance and the traditional
Mannan or king of astrologers as he was astrologers had given the green signal, the
hailed in a foreign country, tackles this boy did not approve of the alliance at the
issue dearly in Krlshoamurti Padhdhati last moment and the negotiations were
Readers written and published by him. He -consequently dropped.
says, Whenever a consultant comes and. The proof of the pudding is in the
asks you whether the marriage between A eating, so goes a saying, and while endor-
and B will take place, then the answer sing this statement fully I would only add
should be 'Yes* if the lagna that rises that tbe merit of^ correct prediction lies in
according to the number given by the con- interpreting the message of the stars in the
sultant Moon is posited in any one of the manner contained in Krisbnamurti Padhdhati.
houses 3,5,7,10 or II with beneficial
aspect from Jupiter.*' This aspect has been Good Luck
G. B. KUSIB1, M.A., B.Ed.
One gentleman, who knew me as a H. Planetary positions:
'devoted follower of the system of scientific, Planets Sign lord Constellation, Sub lord
stellar astrology enumerated in Krishnamurti lord
Padhdhati Readers, came to me and wanted Sun Saturn Mars "TTetuT"
to get my forecast regarding the chances of Jhe. "Moon Saturn Rahu Jupiter
Sanstha Congresscairdidate'in the general Mars Mars Ketu Saturn
election to the State Assembly of Mysore Mercury Saturn Mars Mercury
from Mundargi Taluka Constituency. The Jupiter Jupiter Ketu Jupiter
number between 1 and 249 given by the Venus Jupiter Saturn Mars
candidate was '112'. The time was 6-36 p. m. Saturn Venus Sun Mercury
. on Tuesday 15th February 1972; the place Rahu Saturn Moon Moon
of judgement, Lakkundi. The planetary Ketu Moon Saturn Sun
positions for the time of judgement and
cusps of houses for the latitude of Lakkundi,
the place where the query was judged, cal- III. House cusps:
culated according to the scientific method Cusp of Sign Constellation Sublord
taught by our respected Guruji Sothida House lord lord
Mannan Jyotish Marthand K. S. Krishnamurti VI Saturn Rahu Jupiter
are as furnished below. XI Moon Saturn Venus
XII Sun Ketu Saturn
I. Horary chart; V Saturn Sun Venus
Venus VIII 90-47' Sat. 60-26' IV. Rules for winning an election:
120-43' X 9-47' {1) The first house indicates the quererit
Vll 9-47' Mars 90-55' IX 9-47' or the person who puts the query.
VI 9M7' (2^ The seventh house indicates the
Moon XI 9-47' competitor.
Sun20-35' Ketu 109-48 f3) For winning an election, the sublord
Mere. r-lC (Horary)
No. 112 lO'-OO' Kanya of the 11th house cusp should be a signi-
Rahu Ayaoamsa 23-22' ficator of houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 and 11, and
l0*-48' XII 9-47' if he happens to be significator of houses
V 9a-47' 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 12, it portends failure and
IV 90-47, UI 9-47' f4) If the sub-lord of 11 and the lord of
II 90-47' Asc. 10-00 the constellation in which he is deposited
Jup. 8'-13' are retrograde, then failure is certain. If the
sub-lord of 11 is direct in course but the
Balance of Rahu Maha Dasa (Vimshottari) constellation lord is retrograde, then also
at birth 14 years 0 Month 14 days. it is unfavourable to the native.
(5) If the sub-lord of 11 is reliograde As we have already noted, the sub-lord of
and signifies matters of houses 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 the 5th cusp, Venus, is the significator of
and 11 but the lord of the constellation houses 7 and 8 which are the first and
occupied by him is in direct motion, then second houses of the competitor. This lends
the results will be favourable and fructify added testimony to the defeat of the querent
only after the sub-lord turns direct in motion a d his opponent's success in the election.
by transit.
(6j The sixth and eleventh houses denote To confirm this, consider the 6th house.
victory in competition to the native. The 6ih house is concerned with win over
the competitor or otherwise. It falls in
(7) The fifth and twelfth houses do not Kumbha owned by Saturn and in the con-
contribute, to his success in competition, stellation of Rahu, in the sub of Jupiter.
election, etc. Saturn. Rabu _ and Jupiter .-havegone -
^houses 8, 5 and 3. The sub-lord Jupiter is in
the constellation of Kethu in the 10th house,
In the horary chart, the eleventh cusp but Ketu is in the constellation of Saturn
falls in Moon's sign Kataka fCancer), in the in 8 and is aspected by it therefrom, and
constellation of Saturn and the sub of Venus- Saturn is lord of 5. This does not augur
The sign lord Moon is posited in the 5th well for the native's success.
house, the constellation lord Saturn is in Taking the 12th house, which is the
the 8th house, and the sub lord Venus is sixth reckoned from the 7th house, it falls
deposited in the 7th house. The sublord, in Simha governed by Sun, in the constellation
Venus, is deposited in the constellation of ruled by Kethu and the sub of Saturn.
Saturn in 8 and sub of Mars in 7. Hence Sun has gone to the 5th house, Kethu
it is detrimental to the querent's prospects occupies 10 in the constellation of Saturn,
in the election. lord of 5 in 8, and aspected by Saturn
The 5th house is the 11th house reckoned therefrom; Saturn as lord of 5 is placed
from the 7ih house which represents the in 8 in the constellation and sub of Sun
competitor. It falls in Saturn sign, Makara, and Mercury, both posited in 5. All in-
in the constellation governed by Sun and dications favour the success of the competitor.
the sub of Venus who arc found to occupy My prediction: The Sanastha Congress
houses 8, 5 and 7 respectively. Houses 8, 5 Candidate will lose.
and 7 are 2, II and 1 when counted from
the 7th house, the house of the competitor. Result: He lost the election.
L. K. GANAPATHY PULLE, Matale, Ceylon
. A friend of mine now living in India sent Lagna 11 4o-26'
me his birth time and'date to work out his 60-56' Mcr. 50^44-
' horoscope and offer my predictions, a'moDg XI l'-26' XII 4-26' Sat. ISMJO' Mooa 80-07'
Venus 5up. 14-12'
other things, on the prospects of progeny. I 230-31' Sun 25o-57'
erected his birth chart according to the
principles taught in Krishnamurti Padhdhati in 1 o-03'
.Readers. The chart is reproduced below: Keta 130-44' Mars 240-14'
-niratana chart VV AS--26'
ars: X 290'26' Ayanamsa 22'-57'
Birth at 2-30 A.M. (Ceylon Standard IX IMB' Rahu 130-44
Time) on 11/12 July 1942 at 7-30' North;
g0-37' East.
VIII 40-26' VII 60-56' VI 40-26' V 10-26'
Balance of Rabu dasa (VimshottariJ at
birth 16 years 0 Month IS days.
B. Planetary Positions:
Deposited in the
Planet Housc(s) House Sign CODStellatiou Sub of
owned occupied occupied of planet planet
Sun ("SuryaJ 2 Mitbuna Jupiter Kctu
Moon (Chandra) 3/4 2 Mithuna Rabu Rabu
Mars (Mangal) 7/12 3 Kataka . Mercury Rahu
Merc. (Budha) 2/5 2 Mitbuna Mars Moon
Jup. (Guruj 8/11 2 Mitbuna Rahu Mercury
Vcn. (Sukra) 1/6 . 1 Rishaba Mars Mars
Sat. (Sani) 10/11 1 Rishaba Moon Jupiter
Rahu (Rahu) 4 Simfaa. Venus Venus
Kctu (Kctu) 10 Kumbha Rahu Mercury
C. Positions of cusps (2, 5 and 11): Bouses to be considered;
Sign lord Siar lord Sublord House 2 Family (all near blood
Mercury Mars Venus . relations and wife/husband);
also additions to family by
(Mitbuna) marriage.
Mercury Sun Jupiter House 5 Conception; progeny.
House 11 Pleasure through partner in
XI Guru Jupiter Rahu life; Sth bouse reckoned from
(Mcena) the house of partner.
F. Analysis: So far as the 5thcusp is concerned, it is
ruled by Sun as the constellation lord and
He was married recently. According to Guru as the sub-lord. The constellation lord,.
the piinciples of Krishnacpurti Padhdhali, Sun. occupies the constellation of Guru in 2,
progeny is to be determined with reference but it is stationed in the sub of Kethu who
mainly to the cusps of the 5th and 11th has gone to'be house in twelfth to the llth
houses. As the chart was of a male, I first house. The sub-lord Jupifer is spoilt by
noted the sub-lord of the 11th cusp, this being occupation of malefic Rahli's constellation^
the house of conception/child birth to the 7ih As regards the 2nd house cusp, it is-
house representing his wife. It falls in Meena ruled by Venus as the sublord, and Venus is
in the constellation of Jupiter and sub of in the twelfth house to 2 conjoined with
Rahu. The sub-lord Rahu is posited in the Saturn thus denying additions to the
4th housethe house of negation of the birth of children. .
matters influenced by the 5th. Further, it is -Tire'native is now running the Vimshottari
in the constellation of Venus who occupies-the- Dasa of Jupiter upto 2571974 The dasa.
lagna which'is twelfth-T-echoned^from the 2nd
_Jiouse-jtiprferTtheconstellation lord of the lord Jupiter is in Rahu constellation. Rahu
cusp, though in 2, tenants the constellation of is in 4 negating child birth. It is also connected
malefic Rabu in twelfth to the 5th house. with birth control and abortion
Jupiter is also conjoined with Sun, a barren Judging from all accounts, I hold n(>
planet. So the 11th cusp docs not promise prospect of progeny to the native of the
children. chart.


Mr. X, an employee, of the P&T De- LGhart

* r the query.
partmentj was__yerymuch-eftx-ious"to^now
whether he would be able to compete in
the ensuing i,P.O. examinaiion. 1972, and be XI 26-33-54 Yen. 3-54' XII 2-3-54 Lagna
successful. . On being asked to mention a SatuTD 4-53-20
number between I and 249, he gave. "45". Mer. 4-52 Mars 210-53' 7-14 H28-33-54
The query was taken up for judgement at
10-12 p. m . (1ST) on Saturday, the 4th X%22-33-54 Ketu9-34
March 1972.' The horary chart erected for
the momentthe planetary positions for Suo 20-51 NIRAYANA 11123-33-54
the time of judgment and the lagna and other (Horary)
cusps . for the latitude of judgment for 8
IX 23-33-54 Ayananisa 23 -22'
the number "45" .= 4-53'-20" Mithuna IV 22-33-54
Lagna according to the division of the. Rahu 9-54
zodiac mentioned in Krishnamurti Padhdhati
Readersis given below. The, date of VIII Uranus (R)"
judgment was 431972 0 and the latitude 28-33-54 VI 2-33-54 Moon
Jup. 11-6 24-15
and longitude were 23 -47' North and Vll 4-53-20 11-25-33 V 26-33-54
8 6-30' East respectively.

IL Planetary positions:

Deposited in
Plaoet ' Houses House Sign Constellation Sub owned
owoed occupied occupied owned by by
Sun (Surya) 4 9 Kumbha Guru Guru
Moon (Chandra) 3 Thula Rahu Sani
Mars (Mangalj 6 11 Mcsha Sukra Guru
Merc. (Budha) 1/2/5 10 Mecna Sani Sani
Jup. (Guru) 7/8/11 7 Dhanus Ketu Sani
Venus (Snkra) 12 U Mesha Ketu Chandra
Sat, (Sani) 9/10 12 Rishaha Surya Ketu
Rahu (Asc. Node) 8 Makara Surya Sukra
Ketu (Des. Node) 2 Kataka Sani Sukra
Note: Rahu is the agent of Saturn, lord of 9 and 10 in 12, being in Sani's sign Makara.
Likewise, K,etu acts for Moon, Mars and Saturn. ("Mars and Saturn aspect KctuJ.
HI Does the Moon at query reflect the Courage is judged from the 3rd house.
querent's mind? Mars is the planet who rules'courage'. He
Before proceeding with the analysis, it represents the soldier in the battlefield, the
should be determined whether Moon, who initiator in any enteprise, the man of self-
is called 'Mathi1 or the mind, reflects the sacrifice. The third cusp has fallen in
querent's mind correctly. Moon is stationed Kataka in Mercury's constellation and
in Thula, the sign of Venus, constellation Mars sub. Mars is the ruler of 6th house
of Rahu and sub of Saturn. fvictory over competitors) in house 11 (hopes'
aspirations and attainment of ambition).
Rahu signifies the Following matters: Mars, moreover,. occupies its own sign
Mesha, the sign of enterprise^couragei
(i) House 8 which it occupies enthusiaHi and" dynamism, wherefrom he
(ii^ Houses 4 and 9 as it is in the con- aspects Kataka, the sign on the cusp of
stellation of Sun^ lord of 4 in 9. the 3rd house. There is, thus, a good sign
fiii) House II and house 12 occupied of courage in the native.
and owned by Venus in whose sub Will he be able to appear in the exam-
Rahu was situated. nation? The Horary lagna falls in Mithuna
(ivj Houses 9 and 10 which Saturn owns owned by Mercury in the constellation
and house 12 which Saturn occupies, governed by Mars and sub ruled by Sun.
Rahu being Saturn's agent. Mercury is in 11 in the constellation and
sub of Saturn, lord of 9/10 in 12; Mars is
Saturn signifies the following matters: lord of 6 in 11 in the constellation of,
(i) House 12 which it occupies. and conjoined with, Venus and sub of lord
of 11, Jupiter. Sun is lord of 4 in 9 in
(ii) Houses 4 and 9 as it is situated in the constellation of Jupiter, lord of 11.
the constellation of Sun, lord of 4 Considering the 11th cusp, we find the con-
in 9. stellation lord. Mercury, occupying the 10th
house as lord of lagna and 2nd, and the
(tii) Houses 2, 6 and 11 as Kethu, in sub-lord Rahu in the constellation of Sun,
whose sub Saturn was at the time lord of 4 in 9, and sub of Venus, lord of
of query, it is placed in 2 with aspect' 12 in 11. Rahu also denotes 12th house by
from Mars, lord of 6 in 11. virtue of his role as Saturn's agent, and
Rahu indicates houses 8, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12 8th house being himself placed there. There
and Saturn signifies houses 12, 4, 9, 2, 6 and will appear impediments in his taking the
11. According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati examination but he will overcome them.
Readers, houses 4, 6,9 and 11 are to be Will he be successful? At first, it is
perused for success in any examination. As essential to note what period according to
the examination in question is a depart- Vimshottari Dasa system will operate at
mental competitive examination, the 10th the time. As houses 4,6,9,10 and 11
house will also have some connection. As are to be judged for the purpose, the planets
Rahu and Sani have relevance to the governing the dasa, bhukti and anthra period
houses that are concerned with the subject at the time of declaration of the result
matter of query. Moon occupying the would have to be the significators of these
sensitive degree in the zodiac ruled by houses. If not, he may meet with dis-
these planets clearly brings out what was appointment. At the time of the examination
in the mind of the querent. (28th to 31st March 1972), according to
IV. Judgment: Vimshottari Dasa. the querent will run Rahu
dasa, Saturn bhukti and Venus anthra. The
According to the method taught in dasa lord, Rahu, though posited in the 8th
Guruji's 'Horary Astrologer', there are three house, is situated in the constellation of
aspects to be considered in the case of a Sun ruling 4 and occupying 9 and, there
competitive examination, namely whether being no planet in 4 Rahu is powerful for
(i; the person is endowed with courage to 4th and 9th house matters and it is in the
compete in the examination, (ii) he would sub of Venus in 11. Similarly, Saturn,
be able to take the examination and (iii) though evil by occupying 12, is in the con-
there is indication of success. stellation of Sun, lord of 4 and 9 and sub
of Kethu. denoting 2,6 and 11 houses. Due to occupation of dusthanas (evil
Venus, likewise, is favourable by occupation houses), namely 8 and 12, by Rahu and
and constellationa] position rather than by Saturn, the practitoners of the traditional
lordship. All the three planets are connected system would condemn these to planets as
with beneficial houses and, at the same time, malefic and similarly, Venus as unfavourable
signifying matters influenced by houses 8 & 12 due to its lordship of 12. But if we go
also and as Saturn is involved, my prediction deeper and analyse the sigoifiicators of the
was that the querent will take the exam- planets from all angles as taught in
nation overcoming the obstacles on way Krishnamurti Padhdhati Readers, a clear
and scrape through it successfully. As houses picture will emerge. The stellar method
9, 10 and 12 are among the houses signified advocated by Guruji is indeed the surest
by the planets whose conjoint period operates, guide to success.
Jhe__native will get a posting to another
place outside Dhanbad on-promotion con=
sequent on his success in the examinatioh. GOOD LUCK


A gentleman was interested to know 2921972 and for the number '209'
what his prospects were in the matter of mentioned below.
gains by lottery. When asked to give a
number between T and '249', he came Venus 0
III 110 -6' 'Sat, 7 -oa'
;out with '209'. This number enables us. to 28o-40' Mars
0 V 5-06'
fix the lagoa for the query. On a reference II V-W I8 -55' iv lo'-oe'
to ICrishnamurti Padhdhati Readers written
by our revered Guruji, Sothida Mannan
ybtish "MarTha'nd""K7"S: TCmhnatmirtiwe-
ifind this number refers to Kumbha lo-53'-20". Merc.27o0-25' Horary Chart Kethu
Taking this as 0the Asc. and adding the Sun 16 -20' for No. 209 10o-07'
Ayanamsa of 23 -22' for this year, wc arrive I r-53'-20"
^t the Sayana lagna as 25<M5''20" of Kumbha. Planets at 9-50 A.M.
Next, we refer to the Table of Houses I.S.T. VII
;published by Raphael for the latitude of Rahu
lO0^' . on 29 -2-1972 io-S3'-ao"
judgement or the latitude nearest to it and Ayanamsa 22 Moon
calculate the Sayana positions of the cusps XII l*-06' 160-51'
of the other houses whereafter we reduce
Jthem to their respective Nirayana positions.
The' positions of the planets would, of up, 10o-29'
course, have to be found out for the exact X 10o-06' IX ll'-tte' I VIII 7o-06'
time when the query is judged. XI 5D-06'
The horary chart drawn for Lat. 180-17' Balance of Venus Dasa (Vimshottan) at
"North, Long. 830-57', at 9-50 a. m. (TST) on birth 14 years 8 Month 21 days.

B. Planetary significations
Planet Housefs) House Sign Constellation Sub tenanted
owned occupied occupied tenanted ruled by ruled by
Sun fSurya; 7 1 Kumbha Rahu Venus
Moon (Chandra) 6 7 Simha Venus Moon
. Mars (Manga!) 3/10 3
v Mesha Venus Rahu
Rahu 12 Makara Moon Moon
Guru (Jupiter) 2/11 n Sagittarius (Dhanus) Kethu Saturn
Saturn (Sani) 1/12 3 Rishaba Sun Mercury
Mercury (Budha) 5/8 Kumbha Jupiter Venui
Kethu 6 Kataka , Saturn Venus
Venus (Sukra) 4/9 2 Mcena Mercury Saturn

Note: Rahu is in Makara all alone. It is Saturn's agent. Rahu is in Moon's cons-
stellation and so it acts for Moon also. Kethu is in Kataka alone but aspected by-
Mars and Saturn; so it is the agent of Moon, Saturn and Mars.
To know whether one will win in (hope and expectationj. But the sub-lord of
lottery at all, one has to judge the llth the 5th cusp, .Sun, is spoilt, by Rahu in
cusp and find out whether the planet ruling whose constellation Sun was posited. Unless
the sub on the cusp of that house is either all factors are favourable, one cannot hope
retrograde or deposited in the constellation to gain by lottery as the chances are one
of a retrograde planet. If the sub-lord is in a few thousands, in this case Mais, sub
in the constellation of a retrograde planet, lord of the llth cusp, placed in 3 as lord
there will only be disappointment. If the of 3/10 in the constellation of Venus in 2
sub-lord is retrograde, there will be dis- (finance) in the sub of Rahu in 12 (loss) clearly
appointment and delay till he takes direct leads to the conclusion that he will not
courseagain, provided he is a significator desist from going in for lottery tickets but
of favourable houses and is~posited^in-the" -eventuallythis will. .P.rove_ Jo be only a
constellation of a planet in direct motion financial loss.
and signifying favourable results. If the planets
governing the sub and the constellation in If the significators are favourable for
which the sub-lord is deposited are in the gains through lottery, then such gains will
direct motion, they will prove fruitful if they accrue during the conjoint period of the
happen to be significators of favourable significators who 'also happen to rule the
houses. The houses favourable for gains by moment when the query is judged.
lottery are 1, 2,3, 6, 10 and 11, the opposite Good Luck
houses denoting definite loss.

C. Analysis
The llth cusp in the horary chart falls
in Dhanus 50-6'. It is in Jupiter's sign,
Kethu's star and sub of Mars. Mars is not
retrograde. It is deposited in the constellation
of Venus in direct motion and exalted in
the 2nd house. The sub-lord Mars itself is
in the 3rd house and is its owner too. It is
in the constellation of an exalted planet,
Venus, in 2nd house and this is a good
indication, but the sub occupied by Mars is
governed by Rahu. Rahu is the strongest
significator for 12th house matters and is
placed in the constellation and sub of
Moon who has gone to the 7th house.
Rabu, to some extent, gives the results of
Saturn's occupation of 3rd house but it is
powerful to offer the malefic results of the
7th and 12th houses also. Mars, the sub-
lord of the llth cusp, it is a beneficial con-
stellation but in an unfavourable sub. Mars
in 3 gives him confidence. He will invest
on lottery tickets, as Mercury, lord of 5
(mind to speculate) is in the constellation of
Jupiter, lord of 2 and 11 in the llth house
Jyotish Visharadh K. GANAPATHI
A reader says; "Sir, Mars, lord of 5 the learned author of Jataka Chandrika the
and lOforKataka lagna in the cocstellatioQ llth house is wholly evil, Jataka Parijata
of lord oJ 11, is said to promise saiidactory speaks of this house as bhadaka sthana
gains in speculation, etc. Is not the lord of only for births in movable signs (chara
11 a bhadaka sihana adhipathi for Kataka rasis).
lagna? How, then, can Mars' placement in In Jataka Parijata, it has been averred
the constellation of Venus bring about that houses ll,9'ahd7 are bhadaka sthanas
benefic results? Can you elucidate?" or detrimental houses for Jagnas falling in
It Js.corrept that. Venus-is,Joxd.jaf the. .movable-^diataj,fi^ed JsthiraJ-acd common-
Illh house to Kataka lagna, a movable (ubhaya) signs (rasis) respectively. This view
sign. It is also correct that the llth house is borne out in actual life, and we see
is 'bhadaka sthana' to this lagna. For all many persons passing away at a time when^
persons born with signs or chara rasis, accotding to Vimshottari Dasa, the major
namely Mesha (Aries), Kataka (Cancer), period, (dasa) orsubperiod (bhukti)or inier-
Thula fLibra) and Makara (Capricorn) on period (anthra) is ruled by the planec(s; in
tne lagna, the llth house is 'bhadaka sthana' some manner connected with bhadaka sthana
and its lord is 'bhadakadhipathi'. Thii has or its lord. Even though all the authors
been mentioned in Jataka Parijata of Vai- heve not stressed the bhadaka nature of
dyanatha Dikshita. Other sages have not houses II or 9, as the case may be, in
said so. the way the learned author of Jataka
Parijata has done, yet we find from a deeper
When we refer to Indian astrological study that the bhadaka houses contain the
works, we find unanimous agreement among constellations of planets ruling houses 2, 7,
the authors about houses 3,6,10 and II 8 and 12. For Mesha lagna, for instance,
being improving houses fUpachaya sthanas), Dhanishta nakshtra ruled by Mars, lord of
and it would appear that they are considered 8, occurs in the llth sign from Mesha; for
so from the point of view of material Kataka lagna, the makshatra ruled by lord
progress and acquisition of wealth. But in of 2 occurs in the 1 Ith sign reckoned from
Jataka Chandrika, the learned author has Kataka; for Rishaba lagna, the constellation
classified the planets in a different manner. of Mars, lord1 of 7 and 12, is found in
Tae latter work is devoted mainly to the the 9th sign from Rishaba; and for Vri-
subject of longevity and, from that stand- schika and Kumbha lagnas the constellation
point, certain planets have been termed as of Jupiter, lord of 2, comes in the 9th
malefics. On this basis, lordship of houses sign from the lagnai These combinations
3,6 and 11 has been laid down to be of bhadaka sthana and malefic nakshatras
unfavourable. The same author, however, certainly do not augur well for longevity.
has held that the 9th house a trikona
is an auspicious house and its lord is a 'Krishnamurti Padhdhati', which derives
benefic, unless he is afflicted by sambandha its fundamentals from the Indian astrological
(connection) with lords of evil houses, system, has found the bhadaka sthana, its
namely 2,3, 6,7,8 and 11. All authors lord, occupant and the planet in the con-
share the view that houses 2 and 7 are steilation of the occupant or the lord playing
death-inflicting houses or maraka sthanas, an important role at the time of death and
and that houses 8 and 3, being in twelfth has accordingly adopted the view of the
to houses 9 and 4 denoting bhagya or author of Jataka Parijata. It does not,
Punya '(merit) and suka'fhappinessj respect- however, follow that all the rules stated in
ively, are also unfavourable. That the 6th the old texts are sacrosanct and arc to be
house is 'roha sthana' or the house of adopted in a rigid, blind manner. There is
sickness is also the view of other authors, need, as the late Prof. Krishnamurti used
but there is no agreement regarding the to stress often, to separate the grain from
evil nature of the 11 th house from the the chafe. Krishnamurti Padhdhati is a
point view of longevity. While according to synthesis of the old and the new, the wisdom
of the past and the knowledge of the present. posited in the chart, will be faithful friends
It advocates the study of the planetary and co-operators. After experiencing all the
characteristics, the significations of the bhavas desirable effects of the 11th house and when
or houses and the qualities of the signs in the jpan of longevity fixed by the Creator
a sound, systematic and scientific manner at birth draws to a close, the bhadaka
and commends a system of prediction based sthana and the planets connected to it in
on the house and planetary positions by the manner explained in "Krishnamurti
constellation and sub (nakshatra subdivision Padhdhati Readers" operate to bring about
in. the manner found in Vimshottari Dasa) death. (In this respect, marakasthanas etc.
and the disposition of the constellation and also have their role.) The 11th lord may be
sub lords. It claims credit not because it compared to a father who is a teacher as
has dissected the constellations into nine well as an examiner. He will certainly provide
sub-divisions, but for suggesting an original, his son with all comforts, dress, books, etc.
yet accurate and scientific, method of de- as any father would and further feed and
lineating effects based on the nakshatra coach him but when he assumes the role of
and sub according to the nakshatra sub an examiner he will act differently. If his
lord's situation in the chart. Such a predictive son had not fared well and had not scored
method was not taught before, nor thought the requisite minimum for a pass, his father
of by anyone before the late Professor did. will not desist from detaining him in the
This is a new discovery, and its immense same class. J"he _bhadaka-,stbaoadhipathi^DF"
practical value has been _ .recognized- -an<l- the "planetin bhadaka sthana or the planet
demonstrated'Tor well over two decades in the constellation of the lord or occupant
now. of bhadaka sthana act merely as instruments
Coming back to the 11th house, it is when, according to the birth chart, life has
considered to be so good for success and to come to an end in childhood or early
prosperity that eve'n Ravana, the evil life or middle or late life; If, according to
character in Ramayana, chose this house the various factors found from the horoscope,
and tried to have ail planets there at the a person is destined to live for long, then
time of birth of his son Indrajit, as it till such end comes the planets connected in
was. his understanding that planets in II any manner with the bhadaka sthana (11
cannot cause harm and can only prove to for movable sigrs, 9 for fixed signs and
be positively good. 7 for common signs on lagna) will, during
The 11th house is portrayed as the their period in Vimshottari Dasa, bring
place of friends ruling, among other matters, about all the beneficinfluences ascribed to the
profit, permanent tie of friendship, progeny, 11th house or the 9th house or the 7th
partnership, prosperity, etc It is the house house. In the end, of course, they will play
of desire ('kama' or passion, or 'ichcha' or their part in conjunction with maraka sthanas
desire) as well as its fulfilment.. Being in etc.
sixth to the 6th house denoting disease or Do not take the literal meaning of the
illness, it reigns over recovery from illness; term 'bhadaka' and think that it has to do
being in twelfth from the 12th house having harm in every walk of life just like a boy
to do with hospital.' it determines discharge who was hearing me predict to a friend
from hospital Figuratively speaking, death with Saturn in 2 that he would have to
is a form of recovery from the disease of extract his teeth and interrupted me later
karmaic fate and discharge from the pangs when I was examining a young girl's horo-
of pain suffered in the hospital of life. scope where also Saturn was similarly situated
This is perhaps the reason why the author and said to her consternation that she
of Jataka Chandrika has termed this house would have to extract her teeth.
as evil for longevity in this world. To a
lesser extent, the author of Jataka Parijata The marakasthanas and bhadakasthanas
has said this to be evil only for persons and the planets signifying them according
born in movable signs in lagna. to the method taught in ''Krishnamurti
Generally, the lord of the Ilth house Padhdhati Readers" are the strongest death-
gives good pleasure and shows success in influences, followed by houses 12 (raoksha
attempts. All those born on the day ruled sthana or liberation), 8 and 3. Kendra
by, or in the constellation governed by, or adhipatya dosha acquired by natural benefics
in the sign owned by, the lord of 11 well like Jupiter, Venus, unafflicted Moon and
uoafflicted Mercury (affliction here meaning diture, etc. In such a case, how can Mars
conjunction etc. with natural malefics and occupying, at birth or by transit, the con- -
not malefic by lordship or occupation,) is also stellation of Vepus give gains in speculation
mentioned, but from our experience we do or litigation, etc? Only contrary results will
not attach much importance to them unless be experienced.
such planets are otherwise connected to
houses 2, 7, 3. 8 and bhadaka sthaha. According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
When Mars for Kataka lagna is placed every planet will excite the matters ruled by
in the radical chart in the constellation of the lord of the constellation in which it is
Venus, lord of 4 and 11, it will activate placed. The constellation lord owns certain
all the matters indicated by Venus, and as houses, occupies a particular house, etc. by
Venus rules the Ilth house and Mars the reason of which it presides over certain affairs;
5th house which has sway over speculation, These affairs will be affected through the
it is said that Mars in Venus constellation planet passing over such constellation in its
is good for speculative gains. But then ephemeral passage ("current transit) according
this is only a general statement. Suppose to the tenanting or transiting planet's nature,
Venus is afflicted in the natal chart by lordship and occupation. The constellation
occupation of an evil house, say 12th, and and sub show the nature of the event and
is also in the constellation of an evil their final determination; the tenanting or
planet by occupation, showing loss, expen- the transiting planet, the source.

M. C. KHARE Bhopal

One of my friends, whose horoscope has

teen duly corrected according to the system VI 0M6'
taught in Krishnamurti Padhdhati Readers IV 9-16' V 60-\6' Meicuiy
, and furnished below, came to me on III 70-16' 0 ir-A4'
12111971 and was upset at the placement Mars 10M2' Sat. 27 -27' Vll24 -52'
Sun 290-22'
of Mars in the 4th house of his chart. It is
worth mentioning here that after his marriage
his father expired and after delivering a child lupiter
his wife also passed away. The traditional n oo-i6' N1RAYANA j90-34/
astrologers known to him traced the cause of Rahu 240-21'
all this evil to the situation _of_Mars. in_ 4._ CHART
It-is-not in 4 whancounted from the sign on
the lagna to the sign occupied by Mars, as is VIII 0M6'
generally done by traditional practitioners. Ketu Ayanamsa 226-58'
I took the horoscope as done according to the 240-21' Vcn. 10-54'
old traditional method and re-erected it in the
manner described in Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
making a slight correction in the birth time A sc. 240-52' Moon
as the original chart was not correctly XI 60-16' 19M)9' IX 70-l6'
prepared and rectified. The correct chart is XII 0M6' X 9-16'
ns follows
A. Birth at 7-00 P.M. (IST)8 P.M.
<War Time), on July 12, 1943 (Monday), at Balance of Rahu Dasa (Vimshottari)
24-03' North; 78-23" East. Ayanamsa: 220-58'. .at birth 1 year 1 Month 23 days.

B. Planetary Positions at Birth:

Deposited in
Planet Housefs) House Sign Constellation Sub
owned occupied occupied ruled by ruled by
Sun 8 7 Mithuna Jupiter Sun
Moon 10 Thula Rahu Moon
Mars 4/11 4 Mesha Kethu Saturn
Merc. 6/7/9 6 Mithuna Rahu Mars
Jup. 1/3/12 7 Kataka Saturn Venus
Venus 5/10 8 Sim ha Ketu Saturn
Sat. 2 5 Rishaba Mars Jupiter
Rahu 7 Kataka Mercury Rahu
Ketu 1 Makara Mars Rahu

C. House cusps: sign of twins. Therefore, Mercury indicates
more than one marriage. Further, it is in the
Sign lord Const, lord Sab lord constellaiioo of Rabu m 7. Venus, the chief
II Saturn Mars- ^Mercury governor for marital affairs, has also gone to
VII Mercury Jupiter Mercury the fcfh house. Tbenativewas thus destined
XI Mars Saturn Mercury to have little pleasure from his first wife.
Let us take Mars. Mars 4 is said to Was Mars responsible for this malady in any
^use dosha or evil to the native. According mancer?
to Krishnamurti Padhdhati Readers Saturn, Kethu and Guru in their conjoint
(i) Mars in 1, 4 or 8 from Lagna, Moon period according to Vimshottari Dasa caused
or Venus in a male's chart will not marriage. Because Saturn is lord of 2 in the
be harmful, consrellatioa of Mars, lord of 11, ahd sub of
Jupiter in 7; Kethu is an agent of Saturn, lord
(ii) Mars dosha caused by the position of 2, and is in the constellation of lord of 11
of Mars counted from the Lagna is and sub of Rahu in 7; Jupiter occupied the
not so evi! as its position counted 7th house in the constellation of Saturn, lord
from the Moon. of 2, ind sub of Venus," chief governor for
(iii) 'Mars in McSha, Vrischika (signs
owned by Marsh _Maj<ara_where._he- A'cSdrding to the traditional system of
is-cxaltedrnnd'TCalaka "where he is Indian Astrology, how was Jupiter connected
debilitated happening to be in the .to marriage? Is it the chief governor for
4ih or 7th counted- from Lagna, marriage? Or, Is it really in the 7ih house
Moon or Venus, wards off evil. according to the Indian system of House
(iv) If Mars occupies one of the movable Division, according to which the 7th cusp is
' signs fchara rasisjMesha, Kataka, the midpoint of the 7th bhava and the 7th
Thula and Makara and if it happens bhava extends to about 15 on cither side .
to be either 1 or 2 or 4 or 7 or 8 or of the cusp? Or, is Jupiter at least conjoined
12. the evil results attributed to Mars with the 7th lord or the chief governor for
will not operate. marriage? In what way was it connected
according to the traditional system?
So the native should not at all be unduly
worried due to the disposition of Mars in 4. On 1721967, the dale of first
On the other hand. Mars was a significator for marriage, dasalord Saturn was transiting in the
marriage in his case as will be . seen from the 2nd house of the natal chart in anthralord
discussion below. Guru's sign Mcena, in the constellation, and
sub of Saturn. Guru, on that day, iraosited
The native was. running Saturn dasa, the 7th hou.e in his own consicllaiion and sub
Kcthu bhukti, Jupiter aithra on the date of of Rahu placed in 7. Mars, lord of II, was
his^ marriage17th February 1967. Dasa- in the constellation of Rahu in 7 in the sign of.
jiatha Saturn and bhuktinatha fCethu are kalathra karaka Venus. The Sun was in the
.situated in the constellation of Mars in the nakshatraof Mars. lord of 11, in the sign of
natal chart and anthra lord Jupiter was posited Saturn, Venus, kalatba karaka, was in Saturn's
, in Pushya, a constellation of Saturn. sign and Guru's asterisnrr. Lord of 7. Mercury,
His wife expired on 551971 when transited 1 Kumbha owned by dasalord
the native was running Saturn dasa, Sun Saturn, constellation Poorvabhadra ruled by
bhukti, Mercury anchra. Mars was neither anthra lord Guru and the sub of dasalord
ruling the period nor were Sun and Mercury Saturn. It was a Friday ruled by Venus
in his constellations. How, then, can Mars which was posited in the natal chart in the
be classified as evil? constellation and sub of Kethu and Saturn,
siguificators.for marriage The Moon on the
Let us examine the 7th cusp, .(t falls in marriage day was in the constellation of sun
Oemini in Jupiter's constellation. Mercury who was placed in the 7th house at birth.
sub. Mercury, the sub-lord, is posited in the
6th house, it being the house of negation of His wife by first marriage died on
the matters ruled by the 7th house. Secondly, 551971 when he was running the dasa of
Mercury is a dual planet and is posited in the Sani, bhukti of Surya and anthra of Budha.
As discussed before. Mercury has spoiled the sub governed by Chandra, bhukti lord^
7th house by being in twelth to it. On the I said the native will be blessed with a second
date of wife's death, anthra lord Mercury was marriage on that day.
retrograde by transit in Meena in his own
constellation and sub of Sani (290-54') from On 2211972, the native informed me-
where he was squaring (90 degree aspect the that his second marriage has been fixed to
natal position of bhuktinatha Sun at 29-22 take place on 931972 as predicted by me
Mithuna.. Kalathrakara Ycnus was squaring earlier on 12111971.
thea natal position of Mercury in Mithuna On 931972, Thursday,Moon transited
19 -44'. Guru's sign, Ketu's constellafion; Sun-
Now, the-native wanted to know if he transited Sani's sign, Guru's constellation^
was likely to contract a second marriage and Mercury's siib; lord of 7 Mercury transited the-
if so when it would take place. sign ruled by anthra lord Guru, the constel-
lation of dasa lord Sani and the sub of bhukti
2nd house; No planet in 2. Saturn is lord Chandra.
its lord. Jupiter is in Saturn's constellation. Can there be a more wonderful of plane-
Ketbu is in Saturn's sign and so his agent. tary transits in the sensitive points of the
11th house: No planet in 11. This is zodiac ruled by the significatqrs. .oljnarriagc?-
owned by Mars. Saturn and J^eihu..arc--m-- Does. .this-not- -prove the "correctness of the
Mars* cqpstcilaLion. system of Krishnamurti Padhdhati which lays
stress on the nakshatra and the sub-division
The 2nd house represents the second wife. ofnakshatra? Can the practitioners of the
The 7tb house shows contracts: agreements orthodox system predict the dale of the event
etc. and includes marriage by legal bondage. and the event itself so accurately ?
Sun, Rahu and Jupiter arc placed in 7; Sun is Stellar Astrology or divination bf the
in Jupiter's constellation and Moon and message of the planets through their
Mercury in Rahu's constellation. constcllational positions and constellational
sub positions is the base on which the edifice
The native is running Saturn dasa," Moon of Krishnamurti Padhdhati has been built.
bhukti from 8871 to 8373 and in this And Krishnamurti Padhdhati is the right road
period Jupiter anthra operates from to take if we are to reach our goal which is-
2511972 to 1141972.' The luminary, accurate prognastication of the nature and
Sun, will transit Saturn's sign, Jupiter's star. time of events to be experienced i.. life as a-
Mercury's sub on 931972, oo which day conscqucncc of past karma.
Mercury, lord of 7, will transit the sign ruled
by Guru, the-asterism ruled by Sani and the Good Luck.


M. C KHARE. Bhopal
One of my friends working in the next move to Makaia fCapricornj, but in
Railways was injured while on duty about that sign Rahu or Saturn have no constel-
three months back. His wages for the period lations ruled by them. But in Kumbha
when be was sick were not paid to him and . ("Aquarius) We find the nakshatra Sathabisha
. he was anxious to know when they would be governed by Rahu. In this naksbatra, the
paid to him- Although he himself is an sub ruled by Mercury, a ruling planet, comes
astrologer well versed in the traditional between 12o-33^20" and 14^26'-4tr. Hen
system he put me the query as a challenge T felt^thaLwhen Sun-tranKfts in this sensitive
to the truth and _ya_lidii>l-of-^'Krishnamnfit" Uegree conjointly ruled by Saturn, Ranu and
^PadfadbarfT Mercury when, according to Krishnamurti
I accepted the challenge on 1I1972 Ephemeris, Moon will also transit in his
and worked out the date of payment on own sign Kataka (Cancer), in Pushya nak-
the basis of the ruling planets. I did not shatra owned by Saturn, the payment would1
bother to ask for a number, as it is be received. This happens on Saturday,
normally done in such cases, as the wages February 26, 1972.
were due to him and would be paid to So I boldly predicted that he would
him. The only question was when he would get the wages for the period of his sickness,
receive the payment. on . 2621972, but he laughed at my
prediction in as much as according to him.:
Place of judgement Bhopal
0 nobody carf expect payment in the last week
Latitude 23g -16' North of a month and that too when monthly
Longitude 77 -36' East payments are made usually ,oa the 3rd of
Day and date of every month at the place where he is working.
I had no answer and kept mum and
judgement Saturday, January 1 patiently watched the days' passing.
Time 8-45 AM (1ST) It was a great surprise to me and to
all my co-workers when the same gentleman
The ruling planets, therefore, were; entered my cabin at about 3-30 p. m. (IST>
(1) Day lord Saturn on Saturday. 26tb Fedruary 1972, shouting
(2) Rasi lord (Mithuna) Mercury with joy and thanking me for the astoundingly
(3) Lord of naksbatra accurate prediction given by me two months
transited by Moon Rahu earlier. He had received the cash, the con-
stellation on the lagna was ruled by Moon.
(4) Lord of sign on lagna
(Makara) Saturn This . is a sound proof of the importance
<S) Lord of constellation of the ruling planets often stressed by our
on lagna (Sravana) Moon revered Sothida Mannan Jyothish Marthand
Sri. K. S. Krishnamurti, the discoverer of an
The lagna rising was in Moon's con- entirely new, novel and accurate system of
stellation, Rahu's sub and Rahu's sub-sub. stellar astrology known as KRISHNAMURTI
Rahu represents Saturn, a planet of delay. PADHDHATI. The credit for my correct
So, to fix up the date for receipt" of the prediction should appropriately, go to this
wages 1 took the transit of Sun mainly. genius and thinker. May his message continue
to stir us for ever.
Sun; at the lime of judgement, was
transiting in Sagittarius (Dhanus). He will Good Luck

Shri A, K. BASU, Cakutta
On the 5th February 1972, I was radio announcement came that the results
engaged in conversation with some of my are expected io be finalised on the 14th
friends about the forthcoming elections to March. However, after a couple of days,
State Assembly of West Bengal, One of it was announced again that out of 280
them, a University Professor, had a dig at seats in the Assembly the results of 278
me and wanted me to say what, astroldgically seats will be fioalised .opthei-4th~MafcTi
speaking, was my forecast. I imediately asked- andthe^Tcmalhing 2 seats on the next day.
him what _lexactlybedesifed to^know. In fact the final results were declared at
He sard that he would like to know if the 12-30 p. m. midnight on the 15th March 1972.
Congress (R; following the footsteps of Smt. The Congress fR) not only won an absolute
Indira Gandhi would come out as a majority majority but had. captured as many as
party and would form a Government. 1 216 seats, only one more than my
asked the querent to say a number between expectation. The next day all my friends
1 and 249; he said *238*. gathered around me and congratulated me.
1 said 1 would study but would venture I tbld them that the credit was really not
a prediction only after the 11th February. mine and all praise for my prediction
I wished to wait till that date as it was deservedly belonged to out Guruji Prof.
the last date for filing of the nomination K. S. Krishnamurti who, in the process of
papers for. all the seats to the Assembly. re-discovering Astrology, has made it simple,
There was an announcement over the All sound, scientific and astoundingly accurate.
India Radio in the evening that till 5 p. m. How did I arrive at such a prediction?
(1ST) of the closing day 1121972 the
Congress (R) had filed 238 nomination The number *238*, according, to
papers. Later on, they withdrew one candidate. Krishnamurti Padhdhati, refers to that
I sat down to calculate the result on the portion in the zodiac which falls between
11th February and applied the' principles 12-6'-40" and 12o-53'-20". The lagna for
propounded in - Krishnamurti Padhdhati the query and for the querent . would be
Readers. taken as l2o-6'-40". For this lagna, the
cusps of the other houses for Calcutta, the
On the next day, I2th February, I told place of judgement, have to be ascertained.
.my friends that the Congress (R) will he In order to refer to the Raphael's Table
the majority party, that the final results will of Houses which gives the cusps according
come on the 15th March, and that these to the Sayana system, we have to relate
results vill be quite unexpected from the the Nirayana Ascendant to the equivalent
point of view of the opponents as the Sayana position. Then, adding the Ayanainsa
number of seats that the Congress (R) difference for the year 1972, the Sayana
w)uld bag would be around 215. My friend, position is obtained. For this, Sayana lagna
on hearing what ( had said, felt skeptical the Sayana cusos of the other houses have
and remarked that even if the Congress (R) to be found out for the latitude of Calcutta
wins, which is doubtful as it appeared then and, finally, such Sayana cuspal positions
to be, it can only be by a very thin margin have to be reduced to their equivalent
and my astrological estimate was an impos- Nirayana positions. The planets arc always
sibility. We waited. In the meanwhile, the calculated for the time of judgement, not
for the time of query, unless the time when house. ('Rajanka' '("Soverlgn's mark) is a
the matter is judged follows the time of term used to denote the 5th house, and
query. The time of judgement was 5-1 p.m. according to Jataka Parijata it shows the
. (ISTJ on 0 1121972, at Calcutta (220-34' ruler or sovereign.) Ketu, a nod;, is always
North; 88 -24' East). The chart erected for stronger than any planet with which it is
analysis is tabulated below:- conjoined and when standing alone, it is
stronger than even the lord of the sign
to offer the sign lord's results by occupation,
Lagna Mara 7o-10' Sat. 6o-40' etc., and so Ketu also represents Moon in
12o-6'-40" IV 10 22'
Vcn, 70-54' II17-22' 10 150-22' whose sign it is deposited in ttie_present
case. Moon has goneur'ffie'Ibth house
aed^l5__very near the cusp of the 10th,
svzz7" and Ketu absorbs Moon's influence in full,
Xnj5a-22~ Ketu, further, is also aspected by Sun, lord
Ketu HMM
NIRAYANA of 6, and Mercury from the 11th house.
Ayanamsa Mars from the lagna and Saturn, lord of
Sun ZS0-!? 11, from the 2nd house. Mars, in Ketu's
Mer.24oo-04' VI 5'-22'
Rahu ll0 -04' star, is in the sub of Rahu. Rahu is
XI 6 -22' stationed in the 11th house in the nakshtra
and sub of Moon occupying the 10th
Mood house. The sub-lord of lagna. Mars, has
13-56' IX 15^22' VIII 17 "-22' o vn thus powerful connection with houses 1, 2,
X 10-22' 12 -6'-40"
Jup.7o-30' 10 and 11.
The'sublord of the 7th cusp is Rabu.
Balance of Venus Maha dasa at query = It is in the ,5th house, considering the 7thL
19 years 1 month 6 days. house as the first. Rahu is conjoined, in the
5th house from the 7th, with Sun owning
The lagna falls in the sign owned by the 12th house from the 7th and Mercury,
Jupiter, in the nakshatra of Saturn and both Sun and Mercury the nakshatra
sub of Mars. of Mars who governs the 8th house to the
The 7th cusp is in Mercury's sign. 7th and has gone to the 7th house from
Moon's nakshatra and Rahu's sub. the 7th. Besides, Rahu is situated in the
nakshatra and sub ruled by Moon who
The 11th cusp is in Saturn's" sign, Sun's occupies the 4th house from the 7th. Rahu,
makshatra and Mercury's sub. the sub lord of 7, has strong connection
The 5th cusp falls in Moon's sign, to houses 4,5,7,8 and 12 (reckoned from
Saturn's nakshatra and sub of Mercury. the 7th) which are unfavourable for success
to the parties competing against the
The lagna represents the Congress (R; Congres f RJ.
Pdrty and the 7th house stands for those
who oppose or compete with it in the According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
elections. The 11th house showf Congress (R)'s houses 1,2,3,6, 10 and II influence success
success: the 5th, of its opponents. in litigation, competition, speculation,election,
etc. and the opposite houses, namely 4, 5,
The sub-lord of the lagna is Mars. It 7, 8, 9 and 12, signify failure thereof. From
is lord of 2 posited in the lagoa itself in what has been explained, it will be obvious
its powerful sign Mesha. It is situated in that the lagna of the Horary chart representing
the nakshatra of Ketu occupying the 5th the Congress (R) is stronger than its opposite
bouse, the 7th, which refers to its competitors according to me will [have some relation
ju the election arena. with the number of seats won, the number
of Congress (R) candidates who will be
However, for further confirmation, we returned will be 226 or 215. How is 215
shall analyse the 11th house cusp, as well obtained? 249 flhe total sub-divisions) less
as the 5th cusp which is the 11 th when 226 = 23 which, when subtracted from the
counted from the- 7th bouse. The sublord of number of candidates of the Party who
both the llth and Stb cusps happens to filed nominations i.e., 238-23 = 215, gives the
be Mercury who is posited in the llth number of winning candidates. The number
house of the horary chartthe llth house of candidates actually won however-iwas'
of the Congress fR) or the 5th houSe of 216perhaps-becauie Fortuna is 27-38'
its opponents. It is situatedjn-the^iakshatra" Kumbha and lies beyond. the mid-point
.as-welf'Ss'sub of Mars who lords the 2nd between Zfi'-SS'-TO" and 28-46'-40".
house of the Congress (R) and the Sth
house of those who arc opposed to it in At the time of query, Venus dasa,
. -the election. Mars is posited in the lagna ' Venus bhukti, Moon a'nthra operated up to
of the Congress fRJ. Therefore, the sublord 1731972. Sun sookshama was running
> of the Stb and the llth cusps has connection from 1231972 to 1731972.
with bouses 11,1 and 2 reckoned from the Now, for the date, I observed when
lagna of the Congress fR) Party, and the Venus the . dasa lord would transit the
opposite bouses or 5,7, and 8 of its opponents, sensitive degree ruled by Venus, and Moon,
showing beyond a shadow of doubt the It was the ISth March 1972, when Sun will
clear verdict in favour of the Congress (R) be In Meena in the nakshatra ruled by
Tarty. Jupiter in Rahu's sub. Moon would transit
The lord of the horary lagna, Jupiter, . in Saturn's sign, Jupiter's nakshatra, both
who also rules the 10th house is stationed Jupiter and Saturn conjointly ruling the lagna
in his own powerful sign Dbanus in the at query. Lord of II, Saturn, will transit
constellation of Ketu in the Stb bouse as the nakshatra of sookshama lord. Sun, a
the agent of Moon standing in the 10th significator of II at query, and in the
. house. Jupiter occupied the sub of Rahu sign of Venus, dasa and bhukti lord.
-posited in the llth bouse. The lord of ll . Jupiter would transit in 10 in Venus star
in the horary chart, Saturn, is in the 2nd and sub. Rahu would transit in 11 in Sun's
house in the constellation and Sub of planets star, Venus sub. The transits of the planets
occupying the llth bouse. Saturn was also are in the constellations of the significators
! in fine trine aspect (120 aspect) to the cusp of success to the Party represented by the
of the llth bouse. All these are decisive lagnathe ruling Congress. I accordingly
indications of success for the Congress (R). pitched upon this date for the declaration
of the results.
For the number of seats, Fortuna has
to be considered. Longitude of Lagna (Editor's Note;- The query has been
3a2-6'-40" +Longitude of Moon 253-56'= very well analysed. The method adopted
596-2'-40" less Longitude of Sun 298-29'= for predicting the number of seats that
29T-39' (or Kumbha 27-38,) is the longitude would be won is quite novel and interesting
-of Fortuna. The number '226', according to but until it is tested and found to yield
Krishnamurti Padbdbatidivision ofthezodiac, accurate results in a number of cases it
represents Kumbha 26-33'-20" to 28-46'-40" cannot be offered as a safe method for
where Fortuna was found. As Fortuna others to follow.)

J/otish Praveena P. R. MURALIDHARAN, B.E.. A.M.I.C.E..

Farticnlars of birth: indicated by the 7th house and such addition

to the family by legal bondage or union
Date of birth 571942 brings long-standing ' love, pleasure aod
Time of birth 3-25 p. m. (I. S. T.) permanent lie of -friendship revealed by
Place of birth Coimbatore the 11th house. Therefore, according to
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, one has to scrutinise
(Bj The following is the Nirayana chart houses 2,7 and 11 and Venus, the chief
of the native;- governor for marriage and connected irflairs,
to find out the time of marriage.
VII 3a-56' Is marriage.promised;^
Moon Saturn
vt fr-2'-- ""Venus "Jupiter In the first place, it should he found
V,59_-20' Mercury Sun out whether the chart promises marriage or
not. The planet ruling the sub-division of
the nakshatra on the cusp of'the 7tb house
Kethu IX 20-2Q' affords the clue. If the sub-lord happens to
be a significator of favourable houses for
IV 3'-20' - Mars marriage, namely 2.7 or 11, it comes off.
RAS! CHART The- seventh cusp here falls in Taurus
(Rishaba) 3-56'. It is in Venus sign. Sun
AyanamSa 22a-57' naksbatra and sub of Saturn. The sublord
III 2#-20' X 3-20' is in the 7th house itself conjoined with
Rahu Venus, chief governor for marriage, and lord
of 7. So marriage is denoted, but it comes
late because Saturn is in the 7th bhava.
Whenever Saturn is in houses 1, 3, 5, 7 or
II 2o-20' 1 38-56' XIl69-20' XI 5o-20' 10 counted from the lagna or Moon sign
and does not own beneficial houses for
marriage, he causes marriage late in life.
This is so, more especially if Saturn is
Balance of Mercury dasa fVimshotbari positfid in the 5th house.
dasa at birth is 12 years, 6 months, 9 days. Significators for marriage:.
(C) Planetary positions The respective strength of the significators
Planets Long. Position Star Lord" Sab lord of 'marriage are to be ascertained in the
790.477 manner enumerated below;-
.Sun Rabu Mars
Moon 350o-58' Mercury Venus 1) Planet(s). tenanted in the nakshatia
of the occupants of houses 2 7 or II.'
Mars 110-14' Mercury Venus
Mercury 58-41' Mars Saturn 2) PIanet(sJ occupying houses 2, 7 or 11.
Jupiter 72 -45' Rahu Mercury 3) 'Planct(s) tenanted in the naksbatra
Venus .45. 52' Moon Saturn of lords of the signs where houses 2. 7 or
Saturn 44M(5' Moon Jupiter 11 fall.
Rabu 139 -04' Venus Rahu 4) Planets who own bouses 2,7 or 11
Kcthu 3l9-04' . Rahu Moon by sign (as well as constellation).
5J Planets conjoined with or aspected
Houses to be judged: by any of the significators.
In a horoscope, the 2nd house shows Let us tabulate the significators of
'additions to the family. The a|reemeot is houses 2,7 or II in the following way,-
7th Uth Venus, an occupant of the 7th house
Significators 3nd as well as its lord, is in Moon's nakshatra
House House House and sub of Saturn, a significator of the
7th. Venus also becomes a ruling planet as,
1. Planets tenanted Rahu, at the time of analysis, it was aspeeted by
in the nak&batras Moon, Jupiter, a strong ruling planet.
Jupiter, lord of 2, is in Rahu nakshatra
2. Occupants Saturn and sub of Mercury, a significator of houses
Venus 7 and 11. No planet is stationed in any
Mercury of the three Jupiter's stars. So Jupiter itself
is powerful.
3. Planets tenanted Rahu Moon,
in the nakshatra Mars Venus dasa, Jupiter bhukti and Jupiter
of the lords of anthra operates between 1451972 and
houses 2271972. At this time, the transits of
the the -sensitivepafls of"the
4. Lords of houses Jupiter Venus .Mercury - zodiac who are significators of marriage
' should be studied in the manner enumerated
Jupiter and Sun aspect the 2nd house; in Krisbnamurti Padhdhati.
Moon aspects the 11th house.
Rabu is in Leo (Simha; owned by Sun,
in the nakshatra of Venus. Ketu is in Transits
Aquarius fKumbhaj owned by Saturn in
Rahu's constellation and is aspected by On Wednesday, May 17, 1972, the
Saturn flOth aspect), Jupiter f9th aspect) and
Mars (8th aspect). planets transit as follows:
The majority of the planets are related SUN Venus sign. Sun nakshatra,
to houses 2,7 and 11. Hence the beneficial Saturn sub.
strong significators are to be counted from
among the ruling planets at the moment of MOON Mercury sign, Jupiter nakshatra
analysis. A planet becomes a beneficial signi- Venus sub.
ficator of marriage if the lord of the sub
in which it is placed has connection with
houses 2, 7 or 11. But if such sub lord VENUS Mercury sign, Rahu nakshatra,
happens to be a significator of houses 1, 6 Venus sub.
or 10 which are'vraya' to 2,7 or 11 and
thus deterimental to the affairs influenced JUPITER Jupiter sign, Venus
by the latter set of houses, it does not
promote marriage. constellation, Venus sub.
Ruling planets The planetary transits are indeed favourable
Day (Wednesday) lord Mercury on this date. As such on Wednesday the
Moon sign(Meena) lord Jupiter 17th May 1972 when Karkataka rises in the
Moon star (Uttarabhadra) East, the marriage will be consumated.
lord Saturn
Lagna sign (Kanya) lord Mercury (The marriage did come off as predicted.)
Lagna constellation
(Chitra) lord Mars GOOD LUCK!

Horoscope is as follows: cusp and fourth cusp which is the third
bouse. So Saturn is the planet which
VII 5"-16' VIII 4 -56' by ownership can offer the result through
V 120-56' VI !0o-56' Mood
0 Rahu the planet deposited in any of its three
18 -3V' 10M)9' constellaiK.ns and if there is no planet,
Saturn uself will offer. Saturn governs
Pusbja, Anuradha and Utbrapadra. No
Mars 00o-42/ planet is in its star. Hence Saturn itself
IV 10o-56' Sat. l -46' is to give. So, Saturn is the significator.
24-10-1945 IX 6"-56' As it is the sub lord of 12tb cusp, one
9-10 A.M. will live in a place other than bis birth
25 25 N place.
68 38 E
III 60-56' Mcr. 10-5 6' This person cameaway from-Pakistan
_dnringhisMoon Dasa, Venus Bhukti,
Saturn Anthra in the end of 1947.
Mercury XI 120-56' NoW be wants to know whether be
Ketnu can settle in any other country. Signi-
\0oJ)9' Asr 5-16' XII21M5' Van. 13M2' ficator or 3rd bouses is Saturn. 9tb
11 40-56' 0
Sun 7 24' Jup. 19 -46' bouse extends from 6 56' Cancer to
10 56' Leo. Thete is, no occupant; Only
Moon Dasa balance 3 years 6 months when there is an occupant we have to
5 days. note down, in 3 stars, find out whether
What is meant by Overseas? It means there is or there ate planets deposited
that,one has to leave the present perma- in any of these 3 stars and take them
nent place, make a long journey, cross as the strongest significator. Then we
the boundry and reach another place. have to take the occupant or occupants.
One may settle down or return after a There is no planet in 9tb bouse. Moon
short stay. Permanent residence is in- rules the sign Cancer where the 9lh
dicated by the fourth bouse. Leaving it cusp has fallen. Moon governs Robini,
is shown by the third bouse. Long jour- Hastbam and Sravanam stars. Moon is
ney is to be judged from the 9th bouse. in Robini, Venus and Jupiter are in
Staying for a short time or settling Hastba. Hence Moon, Venus and Jupiter
down in foreign land is denoted by the are to represent 9tb bouse matters.
12th bouse. It shows new surroundings Ketbii is in Jupiter's sign So Ketbu is
and environment. to be taken in place of Jupiter. Ketbu has
When we judge a bouse, bow to find out in its portfolio the 9th bouse matters also.
when the matters signified by the bouse 12tb bouse is occupied by Mercury.
will operate. Also will it come up at all ? No planet is in Mercury star. Rabu is
If one is to ascertain whether one the representative of Mercury as it is
will change bis abode, make a long in Mercury's sign It is not conjoined
journey or not and live in new enviro- with or aspected by any planet.
ments, one is to judge whether the sub Hence Saturn, Moon, Kethu, Venus
lord of the 12th cusp is connected and Rabu are the strongest slgnific itors.
with any of the 3 bouses, 3 or 9 or When be came from Pakistan, it was
12 (also in Horary chart, it should Moon Dasa, Venus Bhukti, Saturn Antbra.
not be retrograde). Now it will be Rabu Dasa, Moon Bhukti
12tb cusp has fallen at 10 56' in Venus, Antbra Saturn, Sbooksbma. It
Libra. It is Venus sign, Rabu star and will be around 1st March, 1973 when
Saturn sub. Saturn, the sub lord is lord Sun wlil transit in Saturn sign Rabu
of 3: No planet is in between the third star Moon sub.
the 28th February 1972,1 sat down The application of this system in practical
to judge whether my friend is assured of life has proved its worth and accuracy
child birth. He had sent me two numbers beyond a shadow of doubt. Moreover, in
for the purpose, one given by him and the Krishnamurti Padhdhati, due importance is
other by his wife. His own number was given to the Position of Moon at the time as
*147% and his wife's was'225'. At 8-40 p.m. also to the lagna not merely the sign but also
CCeylon Standard Time;, I look his wife's the nakshatra on the Iagna.rising^-The^>Tanets
number first. According to Krishnamurti_ r .gO-VcFQing-the sigh and nakshatra on the
Padhdhati. the zodiac_pf_12r-signs^ati(i" 27' lagna are, in fact, among the ruling planets
constellations'iVdivided also into 249 sub- which are considered, according to Krishna-
divisions so that each sub-division accounts murti Padhdhati, to be highly important.
for one sign, one nakshatra and one sub. The horary chart for the number
The number mentioned by a querent is '225* accordingly comes as under:
taken to represent the lagna and the cusps I. Chart;
of other houses are drawn for this lagna
by using the Table of Houses published by Venus 11 0o-01' III 0o0-24'
Raphael for the latitude of the place of Mars Sat. 6 -57' V 25"-OP
Judgement. The planetary positions are 28-02' , l80-33' IV 28o-0r
calculated, however, for the time when the
matter is judged. The advantage of this
system, and its chief merit over the other I Kethu
systems, is it is more specific. It is not 25a-46'-40" 100-10'
logical to analyse a query simply on the Merc. 25--33'
Sun 15 -46' VI 23o-01'
basis of the time of arrival of the querent
or the time when we judge the query, NIRAYANA
and calculate the lagna and the cusps of Moon
houses for such time, because if at the XII 23MH' lO'-Ol'
same moment different people gather to Rabu
ask questions regarding the same matter," 10 -10' 25M6'aO"
say marriage or profession or some-other
matter, the answers arrived at would have
to be the same. If the querent's urge has XI 25'-01% X 28M)r
relavance to lagna that rises then, the same VI IT 0o-01'
urge would be reflected in the number jup. IX 00-24'
which he would give. It is all mysterious.
II. Planetary positions:
Planet owning Occupying Sign Star Sub
Ho use (s) House occupied occupied occupied
.Sun 7 12 Kumbha Rahu Venus
Moon 6 6 Simha Ketu Saturn
Mars 2/10/11 2 Mesha Venus Rahu
Mercury 5 12 Kumbha Jupiter Mercury
Jupiter 11 10 Dhanus Kethu Saturn
Venus 3/4/8 Meena Mercury Saturn
Saturn 1/12 Rishaba Sun Mercury
Rahu U Makara Moon Moon
Kethu 5 Kataka Saturn Venus
IK. Cusps1 of Houses S and II; house is occupied by Ketu. Ketu, as we
Sib cusp. Mitbuna, a barren sign, in all know, is an abortive planet. Jupiter
Jupiter's naksbatra and Mercury's sub. and Moon are posited in Ketu's naksbatra.
11th cusp: Dhanus owned by Jupiter, Jupiter as already seen, is in 10 in the
in Venus naksbatra and sub of Mercury. sub of Saturn, Moon is also in the sub
of Saturn. The lord of the Stb cusp is
IV. Is child birth indicated? Mercury, Mercury is in the I2th bouse in
in the first instance, it is necessary to Jupiter's star and in his own sub.
ascertain whether progeny is promised at The lltb bbava is occupied by Rahu,
all. It is assured if the following' three Sun is posited in Rabu's naksbatra, but in
conditions are simultaneously satisfied: the sub of Venus who is in the bouse of
i) The sub lord of the 5th cusp is not detriment to the 2nd bouse matters. As
retrograde. already stated, the llth lord, Jupiter, is
ii) The sub lord of the 3tb cusp is weak because of bis placement in the lOtb
not posited in the constellation of a retro- house, the house of negation to llth matters.
grade planet. Ail indications point to the denial of
iii) The sub lord of the 5th cusp is child birth. '
a strong significator of bouses connected
with child _birth, namely 2. 5_and-J4 In-order"td~confirm this indication, I
made a horary chart for the number '147'
fcet"tis sl5af the 5th cusp and its sob given by my friend. The time of calculation
lord. Mercury is the lord of the sub oh the was 9.-12 p. m. on the same day. The
cusp of the Stb bouse. It is, at the same time, horary chart is given below:
the sub lord of the cusp on the llth bouse
too. Mercury is posited in the 12th house I. Chart
in the constellation of Jupiter and in bis
own sub. Mercury himself is not retrograde,
nor is it deposited in the constellation of Venv2a^3' VI1M4' 0o-33-20" VII
a retrograde planet. Jupiter, the naksbatra 0 IX 28-14'
lord, has gone to the 10th house, and the V 0 -l4' . Mars 18 -34' VIII 629-57'
o 0 Sat, 0
lOtb bouse is the twelfth reckoned from
the llth bouse and so detrimental to the
llth bouse affairs. Mercury KctuIOMC
Y. Judgement SUQ 15^47' NIRAYANA X 2SM4'
Houses 2,5 and 11 are referred for child No. 147
birth. In this chart, the 2nd house falls in
Aries (Mesba), a barren sign. Mars, its lord, Time: 9-12 P.M. (CST)
is posited in the 2nd bouse itself. No planet IV 280-l4y Dale; 23-2-1972 Moon
is posited in any of the three naksbatras Rahu
governed by Mars. Mars is in the naksbatra IOMO' 2^-37'
of Venus and sub of Rahu. Venus occupies
the 1st bbava (bouse) which happens to be
the house of 'vraya' or negation to the III 28-14' II 29M4' C
2Dd bouse (additions to the family). o xu r-U' XI0 -14'
The 5th bouse cusp falls in Gemini /apt. I0'-2r I 0 -33'-20"
(Mitbuna). It is also a barren sign. This
II. Planetary positions:
Planet Housefs) House Occupation by
woed occupied Sign Star Sub
Sun 4 Kumbha Rahu Venus
Moon 10 10 Simba Ketu Saturn
Mars 1/2/6 6 Mesha Venus Rahu
Merc. 9/11 4 Kumbha Jupiter Mercury
Jup. 3/5 2 Dhauus Ketu Saturn
Venus ,7/8/12 5 Meeoa Mercury Saturn
Sat. 4 7 Rishaba Sun Mercury
Rahu 3 Makara Moon Moon
Ketu 9 Kataka Saturn Venus
III. Cusps of Houses 5 and 11 house is Mars, who also owns the lagna
5ih House: Meena, owned by Jupiter, which is detrimental to the 2nd house. No
in Jupiter's nakshatra and Moon sub. planet is stationed in Mars nakshatras.
11 th House: Kanya, a barren sign, in Mars occupies the nakshatra of Venus in
Sun's nakshatra and Rahu sub. 5, but is in Rahu's sub, Rahu represents,
IV. Is birth of child promised? by sign, Saturn who owns the 4th house-
and, by constellation. Moon which has gone
As the number was given by a male, to the 10th house in the horary chart.
we shall refer to the sub-lord of the 11th The 5th bhava is occupied by Venus.
cusp (this being the 5th cusp reckoned from Mars is in Venus nakshatra, but it is in
the 7th representing wife). The sublord of sub of Rahu, a significator of 4 as Saturn's
11 is Rahu. It is posited in the 3rd house, agent and of 10 as Moon's agent. The 5th
in the nakshatra of Moon and sub of lord is Jupiter, and Mercury in Jupiter's
Moon. Moon is an occupant of the loth nakshatra is in the 4th bhava.
bhava, an inimical house for the affairs The 11th house is unoccupied. Mercury,
influenced by the 11th house. It is in who is its lord, has gone to the 4th house-
'vyaya' sthana to the 11th house. which, as we have seen, is an inimical
The sublord of the 5th cusp is Moon. house to progeny ruled by the 5th house
It is posited in 10 in the nakshatra being in twelfth to it.
of Kethu and sub of Saturn. Both Kethu These indications only go to support
and Saturn have no significations of houses the testimonies already shown, namely that
2, 5 and 11. Ketu is in 9 and Saturn is no hope is held out in regard to the birth
in 7. of a child.
V. Analysis: yrkhna^iiTti-PadhiihaH is crystal clear
The 2nd bhava (housc)Js tenanredby' water devoid of the muddy impurities con-
Jupiter .Mercury""is posited in Jupiter's tained in the old works and has rightly been
nakshatra and -in the sub of Mercury. acclaimed as a marvellous method unetiualled
Mbrcury is also in the 4th bhava which, by any of the eastern or western method,
being ^vraya' to the 5th matters, does not of delineating the nature and time of an
contribute to progeny. The lord of the 2nd event.

B. N. NAYAK. &hubaneswar
One of my friends, an Agriculture IIL Analysis
Officer now, came to me on 271971 to The houses for employment are 2, 6 and
"know the time of his appointment. According 10. The 2nd has to do with finance, the
to my instructions, he quoted 'ST between 6th has relevance to service in return foe
1 and 249 for his query. I used the number wages and the 10th house denotes professional
given by him to represent the lagna and skill, recognition, honour and merit. Whether
calculated the other houses for the same his desire will be fulfilled or not, is to be
lagna ando for the latitude of judgement, gathered from the sublord of the 11th
namely 20 -4' North and 85-I' East. As cusp.
the query was judged at 11-00 a. m. on
the same day, the planetary positions were The 11th cusp sublord, Rahu, is in the
found for this time. The Horary chart, based star of Moon, lord of 2. Rahu is also
"on which 1 passed my judgement, is- conjoined with Mars, lord of 6 and 11.
Teproduced belowl- Rahu is deposited in the sign of Saturn,
and so represents Saturn posited in 11.
X Horary chart Rahu's situation in the sub of Sun
Vcn. 0o-55'. shows it will be Government service. Hence,
9 o Sat. 8M3' Sun I60-21' his desire to get into a GovernmeDt job
X 15 -04' XI l9 -04' I will be fulfilled, Rahu being connected with
XII 2lo-04' 21o-46'-40"
Mer. 280-48 houses 2, 6 and 11.
Moon, at the time of judgement, was
II 16o-04' in the constellation of Mars and sub of
IX 14o-04' Ketu 22-58'
Ketu. Mars is lord of 6 and 11; Ketu is
in 2 in Moon's sign and aspected by Mars.
NIRAYANA The querent's mind is clearly reflected by
the Moon's position.
Mars 28o<>-06'
Rahu22o -58' IC 14o-04' IV. When will he secure employment?
VllI 16 -04' At the time in Vimshottari dasa when
the significators of houses 2, 6 and 10 con-
jointly rule.
vn VI 21 o-04/ V l9o-04'
21o-46'-40'/ Jup. (R) Mood 2nd House : Occupant Ketu. None is

4-0r 20-3I' in Ketu's constellations. The lord of 2nd

house is Moon, Rahu is in Moon's cons-
balance of Mars dasa, Ketu bhukti (Vim- tellation.
shottari; at query=0 year 0 month 28 days 6th House : Occupant nil. Mars is the
i. e upto 3071971, Venus bhukti up to lord. Venus, Mars and Moon occupy the
.3091972. nakshatras of Mars. Rahu also represents
Mars, being conjoined with it closely.
II. Planetary Period 10th house : No occupant. Jupiter rules
Mars dasa, Ketu bhukti 2-7-1971 30-7-1971 the 10th house. Mercury is posited in Jupiter's
Mars dasa. Venus bhukti 30-7-1971 304M972 nakshatra.
Mars-Venus-Venus anthra 30-7-1971 12-8-1971
Sunanthra 12-8-1971 15-8-1971 Thus, Ketu, Moon, Rahu, Mars, Venus,
Moon anthra 15-8-1971 21-8-1971 Mercury and Jupiter are arrived at to be
Mars anthra 21-8-1971 25-8-1971 the significators. When the majority of the
Rahu anthra 25-8-1971 5-9-1971 planets in a horary chart are the significators
Jupiter anthra 5-9-1971 14-9-1971 of the matter in query, it is a favourable
Saturn anthra 14-9-1971 25-9-1971 indication. Now, unless the ruling planets
Mercury anthra 25-9-1971 6-10-1971 agree with the significators, there can be
Ketu anthra 6-10-1971 10-10-71 no hope of getting into employment. Those
among the ruling planets who agree
with the significators are the most
powerful portents and indicate the
time of fructification of the event.
V. What are the ruling planets?
Day lord (Friday) Venus
Moon sign lord (Thula) Venus
Moon nakshatra lord fChitra) Mars
Lagna sign lord (Mithuna)
Lagna nakshatra lord
(Punarvasu) Jupiter
Jupiter-is-retr.ograde,_ and _Mercury -
is also in Jupiter's nakshatra. Venus
and Mars only remain among the
ruling planets, and Rahu represents
Mars being conjoined with it. Hence
Venus, Mars and Rahu are the
The time of employment should
be any one of the following periods:
Mars dasa, Venus bhukti, Venus
OR 1
Mars dasa, Venus bhukti. Mars
Mars dasa, Venus bhukti, Rahu
As the ruling planets are all
fast moving, I selected the dasa of
Mars, bhukti of Venus and the anthra am sorry not to have met you and con^.
also of Venus operating between 3011971 gtatulaled you since my appointment in
and 10101971. In this anthra, Rahu September 1971 exactly as predicted by you.
sookshma which runs between 2581971 Hats off to your Astrology/'
and 591971 should be the period during
which time the order of appointment must I muttered to myself; ''Long live
be issued and he should join service. I Krishnamurti Padhdhati and long live its
declared so. illustrious author and our late Guruji,
Prof K. S. Krishnamurti in our minds and
A few days back I got a letter from liearts." The imprints he left behind can
my friend which reads I am busy in never be erased and have become the steps-
my touring life as an Agricultural Officer. we follow.
1 have no time even to write you and I GOOD LUCK
Sept. 1972

Pag. Page
Announcement 2 Oa Theft 37
When will the wedding bell ring? 3 How to predict an election result? 41
Astrology and availability of Will I receive the President's
Loan 7 Award ? 45
Retrograde Saturn and setback DeathA case study according
in service 9 to Stellar Astrology 49
Does education determine Your doubts resolved Jl
nature of profession? 17
On timing of minor events 23 Daily Guide for September 1972 5J
Jataka Chandrika 2S Nirayana Position and Transit
Announcement 31 of Planets in September 1972 ... 39
Editor's Note 32 Ephcmeris for September 1972 ... 60
Health and longevity.: Monthly Prediction for
A case study 33 September 1972 (y
Parks and Gardens. Karnatak University
I. Horoscope;
IX 148-28'
Vin 13'-28' Moon X 13-28' XI \A*-2V
Jup. 26-34'
The. following is the horoscope of a XH 14'-28'
Sun 26-23'
girl bom at 7-30 a. m. CIST) at a place VII U0-28' Mercury
13 North and 73 East, on the 12th August Kefn 28,-30'
1932. We have to find out the time of NIRAYANA
marriage according to the method advocated Rabu 28V30 1 I4B-04'
in-Krishnamuctt-Padhdhati-Readcrs; " Vr 14 ~28' Vos. y-30
Balance of Venus Dasa
(Virashottari) at birth Mars 278-57' H l38-28*
V 140-28' VI 15-28'
9 Years 4 Months 13 Days, III 148-28' Sat. 18o-09'
n. Planets and their Positions;
Planet Ruling Housc(s) Occupying
As sign lord As constcllatioii House Sign ConsteJlation Sub
on cusp lord on cusp ruled by ruled by
Sun 1 12 Kataka Mercury Jupiter
Moon 12 2/6/10 9 Mesha Venus Jupiter
Mars 4;9 2 Thula Jupiter Veens
Mete. 2/11 12 Kataka Mercury Jupiter
Jup. 5/8 9 Mesha Venus Ketu
Venus 3/10 1/5/9 1 Simha Ketu Saturn
Sat. 6/7 4/8/12 2 Kanya Moon Mercury
Rahu 3/7/11 6 Makara 'Mars Saturn
Ketu 12 Kataka Mercury Saturn
HI. Vimsbottari Oasa: IV. Is marriage promised:
Dasa Bhukti Anthra From To
Moon Sat, Sat. 27- 3-72 23- 3-72 The 7th bouse is related to marriage,
Mer. 27- 6-72 18- 9-72 contracts, agreements, etc. It is conjointly
governed by Saturn as the sign lord, Rahu
Ketu 18- 9-72 21-10-72 as the constellation lord and Ketu as the
Venus 21-10-72 26- 1-73 sub-lord. Saturn occupies the 2nd house
Sun 26- 1-73 24- 2-73 and is thus a powerful significator for
Moon .24- 2-73 12- 4-73 marriage. Rahu is deposited in the con-
Mars 12- 4-73 15- 5-73 stellation of Mars occupying the 2nd house
and in the sub of Saturn, lord of 7 in 2.
Rabu 15- 5-73 11- 8-73 Rahu is also aspected by Mercury, lord of 2
Jupiter 11- 8-73 27-10-73 and 11 Rahu is situated in Makara. sign of
.'Saturn, and not conjoined with any planet; the llth house again by Rahu and Ketu.
so it is the agent of Saturn. Rahu and Ketu have been discussed. Moon
is conjoined with Jupiter, lord of sub on
The sub-lord of the cusp of the 7th cusp of 2, and is in the constellation of
house is Ketu. Ketu is also sublord kalatbrakaraka, Venus.
of the Ilth house cusp. It is found in the
12th house in the chart conjoined with the
Jord of lagna. Sun, and lord 2/11, Mercury, VI When?
all these three planets being in the con-
stellation of lord of 2 and 11. There being Moon daja, Saturn bhukti according to
no planet in the llth house, Ketu in the Vimshottari system operates from 2731972
-constellation of the llth lord and conjoined to 27101973. During this time, Kctu's
with it, is a strong signiScator of that anthra comes between 1891972 and
house. Moreover, Ketu is in the sub of 21101972, In this anthra, Rahu sook-
Saturn, lord of 7 in 2. There are no shama is most appropriate, because not only
planets in the constellation of Saturn, lord Rahu rules the constellation on the cusps of
-of 7 in 2, but Rahu and Ketu occtipy houses 7 and 11 but it is also placed in the
Saturn's sub. Thus the planets Saturn, Rahu constellation of Mars occupying 2 and is
and-Ketu -together-goveming-the.cusp of the the only planet other than Ketu to occupy
7th house are seen to be significators of the sub uf~&uurh', '1bfa~of"7 lu 2.
houses 2. 7 and 11 concerned with marriage.
House 2 hillng kutumbha or family and its Sun will transit in Kanya (Virgo) owned
expansion by marriage and progeny, house 7 by Mercury, lord of 2/1J in the constellation
being the, house of union by legal bondage, of" Moon, dasanatha, between the- 26th
and house 11 being the house of permanent, September and 10th October 1972. It touches
long-lasting friendship and progeny. Therefore, the sub of Saturn on 2nd, 3rd and 4th of
marriage is very much promised. ctober 1972. Incidentally, it will also con-
join the natal position of Saturn, bhukti
Y. Significators for Marriage: lord. At this time, Moon will transit in
Houses 2, 7 and 11 and Venus, kalathra Makha nakshatra ruled by Ketu, anthra lord
karaka have to be examined. on 4101972. Lord of 2, Mercury, who
also rules house 11, will be in the constel-
2nd house: Occupant is Saturn. No lation of Mars occupying 2 and sub of
planet in its constellations. Lord of 2 is Saturn owning 7, and occupying 2 in the
Mercurjf. Sun, Mercury and Ketu are in its birth chart. Jupiter will transit the constel-
constellation, and of these Ketu alone occupies lation of Ketu and sub of Rahu at that
the sub of Saturn, lord of 7. in 2. Mars also time, Ketu. and Rahu being anthra and
occupies 2. Rahu alone occupies Mars con- sooksbama lords at that time. Venus, chief
stellation and Saturn siib. governor Toe marital affairs, will transit
Ketu's constellation and sub of Mars in 2.
Saturn, lord of 7, will transit the constel-
7th house.- Unoccupied. Lord of Seventh lation of Mars in 2 and form an exact
is Saturn, and no planet in its constellation; trine aspect with transiting Mercury, lord
Saturn is in 2, and so a strong significator. of 2/11. Other planets Uranus and Neptune
transit agreeably.
1!th house: Again unoccupied. Its lord
is Mercury, and we have seen Ketu to" be I venture to predict that the. marriage
the strongest being in Mercury's constellation should come off on Wednesday October 4,
.and Saturn's sub. 1972. The muhurtha will be belwcen 5
and 7 a. m. when Kanya lagna ascends at
The 2nd cusp is ruled by Moon as the the place of marriage.
-constellation lord and Jupiter as the sublord;
the 7th house by Rahu and Ketu as the
constellation and sub lords respectively; and Good Luck

" J/othish Shiromani S. CHANNAKESHAVA REDDY, Challakere, Mysore State
Mr.'X', appro ached me on the night of Sanskrit terms used to denote this house is
Monday, January 24, 1971, with a problem. 'Rina' meaning debt.
Hp was eager to know from me, astrologically
what promise is held for the short term In Horary Astrology, it has first 1o be
industrial loan for which he had mad an deduced whethej-the matter in query will
application. He was rather in a hurry for my succeed or not, before going to the next step
answer as he was to obtain the title deeds and of finding the Paka kala' or the time of
other documents and was expected to be ready maturity'bf the event. As the subject of'loans'
_-with_the share amonnt toJhe Society. Js controlled by the 6th house, we have to
"examine this house cauHously. TTie cusp of
I asked him for a number between 1 and the house is together ruled by Saturn and
"249 and he readily said *16*. I worked out a Rahu. Saturn as the sign as well as the sub
chart for the number given, which is repro- lord and Rahu as the constellation lord. The
duced here. The houses are calculated for sub-lord, Saturn, is in lagna but in the
the locality of judgement for the number, but constellation of Sun and sub of Mercury both
the planetary positions refer to the time of posited,in the 9th house. As regards Rahu,
judgement. it is also in the 9th house in Saturn's sign
Makara and conjoined with Sun, lord of 5.
Besides, Rahu is connected to Moon in the
Mars 25ft-29' Asc. 21a-S3' Saturn (R) lagna by constellation. Saturn is also
Moon 6-16' III 16M8' retrograde, we find the sub-lord of the 6th
XII ISMS' 27<,-38' n 20o-48, cusp having no connection with the matter in
query, namely raising of a short-term indus-
trial loan.
Ven. 16a-28' Ketu l2-0l
XI 120-48' IV 12M8' The ruling planets at 9-55 P. M. on
24-1- 1972 at Challakere (14 20' N., 76 46'
NIRAYANA E.J are Sun fiord of the constellation on the
Ascendant), Mercury (lord of sign Kanya
X 12M8' ForC 9o-60' rising on the AscendantJ Mars (h^oon rasi
Rahu 12M)1 lordj, Sun(Moon constellation lord) and Moon
Sun l(y-25' V 120-48' ruling the day (Monday;. Ketu is stronger
than Moon by occupation of Kataka owned
by Moon. Up to 561972, Sun dasa Moon
Mercury bhakti will operate, and both Sun and Moon
25o-04' o 0 0
IX 160o-48' VHI 20 -48' VII 2I -S3' VI 16 -48' who are among the ruling planets do not have
any connected with the 6th house.
lup. 4 -03'
Sun Dasa, Moon Bhukti operates up to On the basis of all the factors, I said
.561972. that the loan now contemplated will not
materialise, After a fortnight, he came and
narrated how he had been disgusted with the
Balance of Sun Maha Dasa fVimshottarij non-availability of the loan in spite of his best
.at query 5 years 6 months 23 days. efforts procure it.
It has been stated in Krishnamurti There may be number of method available
Padhdhati that all matters connected with in predictive astrology, but there is only
borrowing of finance from any quarter come one best method and that is Krishnamurti
under the control of the 6th house. The Padhdhati.

Shrl MAHENDRA SARAP, B .Sc., Sambalpur COrissa)
'Rise and' success followed by down- [. Horoscope;
fall and adversity". This is how Saturn's
position in the 10th bouse, especially when
it is retrograde, is summed up in various Ura. C-SC in iw-ov
astrological works. This should be especially XII IMto' n 15s-06' Mars 12*-24'
so if the sub lord of the 10th cusp i I ISM)?' Von. 14V28'
3aturn and it is retrograde and occupies
the Midheaven flOth house). The native in
whose chart Saturn is so placed must suffer Rahu 250-34' N1RAYANA IV 5M)6'
reversal at some stage of life, whatever XI 3M)6' Born on J2-8-I932, at Suo 260-55'
position he or she may occupy. I would 10-30 P.M. (1ST), at
^like^-totouch- -this- -topic -inthis.-article
using a chart in which Saturn, as lord of Satora (R) Lat. 21"-28' N. Mercury (R
10, occupies the 10th house in retrogression 7M4* 5-37'
and where Saturn also happens to rule the 3up. 7*-30'
Ayanamsft 22#-49' Nept
sub on the eusp of the lOtb house. J4*-13'
Kctu 25*-34
Mr. *X*, to whom the chart reproduced Moon
here under belongs, was eager to know VIII IS"-06' vn 15'-07' VI 78-06'
whether he would regain the lost position IX I0M)6'
in service. He had furnished a horoscope
as cast by some one else, but I had corrected
it according to'the scientific method described Balance of Kctu Dasa (Vimshottari) at
in Krishoamurti Padhdhati. lirthesO years 11 months 26 days

U. Planetary positions:
Planets Housefs) House Sign .Occupying
owned occupied occupied Star owned by Sub owned by
Sun 5 4 Kataka Mercury Jupiter
Moon 4 9 Dhanus Ketu Mercury
Mars 1/8 3 Mitbuua Rahu Saturn (R)
Merc. 3/6 5 Simha Ketu Rahu
Jup. 9/12 3 Simba Ketu Rahu
Venus 2/7 3 Mithuna Rahu Ketu
Sat. (R) 10/11 10 Makara Sun Kctu
Rahu 11 Kumbha Jupiter Mercury
Ketu 5 Rahu Venus Mercury
The native is a Class I Government 30111968: Promoted to a Class I
Officer, whose service particulars are as senior post in Moon dasa, Venus bhukti.
follows:- Mercury anthra and Rahu sookshma.
3051957: Joined service as a Class 1721969: Reverted to Class I post
JI officer in Sun Dasa, Mercury bhukti. which he held in July 1962. As a result
Mercury anthra. of this, he lost his seniority in service.
2371962.' Promoted to a Class I post The sub lord of the 10th cusp in a
in Moon dasa, Jupiter bbukti, Jupiter Anthra. chart determines honour, fame, recognition.
advancement in professional life, etc. and, such as reversion to a lower post or sus-
if afflicted, reverses in life. pension in service, etc., by dint of their
Houses 2, 6 and 10 and their signi- significations of evil houses, their conjoint
ficators are considered in connection with period in Vimshottari Dasa will mark the
professional life. The 2nd house rules finance, time of adversity. From this it would appear
the 6th house denotes service in return for that one cannot come to a judgement solely
wages or drudgery, and the loth house the from the sub-lord of the 10th cusp or the
professional skills acquired, honour, recog- 6tQ cusp alone, or from Saturn, whether it is
nition, merit, etc. among other matters. in direct motion or in retrogression. The
The houses which are twelfth to these sub lord of the 10th cusp indicates, in a
houses are said to negate the influences general way without reference to any period
ruled by them, and, from this angls, houses of time in life, the native's status in socity,
1, 5 and 9> which are twelfth to houses 2, his honour, fame, recognition advancement,
6 and 10 respectively, are called negating etc., and whenever it transits in favourable
houses. They do not contribute to the positions in the zodiac, it will further its
matters governed by houses 2,6 and 10. natal indications, especially if, at birth, it
In other words, during the conjoint periods iet\vas a strong indicator of the^JOth-house
of planetsjiignifyingj, 5-OL 9_hGuses, there us-study" tlfe example chart applying
- will be change of work or duties or even all these principles.
job, or the native may proceed on leave, In the chart under discussion, the 10th
and, in some cases, even face reversals in cusp falls in Saturn's sign Makara in Sun's
service in the ordinary course and not nakshatra Uttarashada and in the sub
necessarily as punishment. Any matter by division governed by Saturn. Saturn is
way of punishment would come under the retrograde and occupies the 10th house in
purview of the 8th house which is referred his own sign and is thus very powerful
to in <classical literature as 'Adhi' (mental for the affairs ruled by the 10th. The 6th
pain), Pa^abhava fdefeat or insult) and house is governed by Mercury as the sign
*Apavadha (Scandal or ill-repute). If a signi- lord. Sun as the nakshatra lord and Ketu
ficators of houses 10 or 6 also happens to .as the sub-lord, and Ketu has gone to the
5th house in conjunction with Mercury lord
be a strong significator of house 8 and 1, of 6 in 5 and Jupiter, lord of 9 and 12
5 or 9, then obstacles, impediments and in 5. What role did Satum play in matter
mental agony in service matters are the of the native's professional career?
_ indications. If there is no connection with On 3051957 (Thursday), when the
house 8, no such harmful results will ensue. native entered service, he was running Sdn
In actual life, we find that when a Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Mercury Anthra.
certain dasa operates the native enters into The transits then were as follows-
service, rises in the ladder, faces reversals
and inimicals activities, recovers from mental Mercury Suo 15b-38'
agony, leads a normal professional life for 2l#-37' Venus 0
a number of years and then secures a spell Ketu 27'-46' Mars 23 -3'
of accelerated promotions, etc. While a . 2^-37' Moon280-38'
dasa denotes certain general indications, the
bhukties are more precise and mark the
time of stresses and strains, and the anthras Uranus
specify the good or adverse periods more l0o-47'
accurately. A result is the inter-action of Nirayana
more than two or three planets and cannot Transit Chart
be ascribed to one planet --- the dasa lord
or bhukti lord alone. If the dasa lord (A\ Thursday 30557 Guru
the bhukti lord 'B' and the anthra lord *0 ,
jointly signify houses which have relevance 28* -52*
to advancement in service, their conjoint
period in Vimshottari Dasa will bring it Rahu,
about. But if the dasa lord 'A', though good Saturn (R) 25o_3 7
for professional matters, is weak and the Neptune (R)
bhukti lord 'B' and anthra lord C are ISM)!' l6-06'
more powerful to cause inimical influences
The dasa lord, Sun, was the only
planet in the chart tenanted in the con- Mom Mars Mercury
stellation of Mercury, lord of 6 Cservice). The 1T-51' 29o-50'
6th house was unoccupied, and so Mercury
itself represents the 6th house also, in
addition to its other indications. Sun, it may Jup, (R) Sun 60-55'
be remembered, is also the constellation 0 Rabu
18 -44' Monday, 23 July 1962 le^-OO'
ruler of the cusps of houses 6 and 10.
Ni ray ana
o Transit Chart Ura.
Transit 16 -00' VDUS
Saturn (R) no-w
(1) Lord of 10 and 11, Saturn, who l50-26'
was retrograde at birth, was retrograde in
transit also. He was transiting in the 8th
house of the natal chart! but in the con-
stellation and sub of Mercury, lord of 6,
and bhukti and anthra lord. Sani transited
the s ign of Mars' yvho, _ by - -virtue -of bis '--Moon- and-Japiierconjointly rule the
""flispnsifinn in the constellation of Rahu in 2Dd cusp as the constellation and sub lords
II as the representative of Saturn, lord of respectively. Otherwise they can have no
10 and 11, and in the sub of Saturn connection by lordship or occupation to
occupying powerfully the 10th house as lord houses 2, 6, 10 or 11. They are not in the
of 10, is a very strong indicator of the constellation of planets owning or occupying
matters coming under the 10th and 11th houses 2, 6, 10 oc 11, but are situated in
houses. the constellation of Ketu conjoined with
lord of 6. Moon and Jupiter, however,
(2) Dasa lord. Sun, was exactly over occupy at birth the sub ruled by Rahu in
cusp of the 2nd house of the birth chart. 11 as agent of Saturn, lord of 10 and 11#
Sun in the constellation of Moon in 9 shows
removal and long journeys. Transit
1) The promotion came when Moon
(31 Bhukti and anthra lord. Mercury, was transiting in the 12th bouse! If we go
transited in lagna in the constellation of deeper and see the stellar^ position, we find
Venus, lord of 2. Moon in the constellation of Mercury, lord
(4) Moon transited in the 2nd house of 6, and in the sub of Saturn, lord of 10
in 10. It is not simply the transit of a
in the constellation of Mars, a powerful planet in a favourable house that is
significator of houses 10 and 11, and in important; what is more important is its
the sub of Saturn, lord of 10 in 10. transit in a favourable constellation. A
(5) Rahu was exactly in trine (120 degree planet in 11 denies but a planet in S or
aspect) to its natal position- 12 gives favourable results. Why? Because
of its favourable situation by constellation
On 2371962, when he was running and sub.
Moon dasa, Jupiter Bhukti and Jupiter 2) Sun transited Saturn's constellation
Anthra, he obtained promotion to a class and Mercury's sub. Saturn, as already seen,
I post. The transits at this time were as is lord of 10 in 10, and Mercury is lord
follows: of 6. (Sun in Kataka 60-55' was sextile oc
-oc 60 aspect, a harmonious aspect, to the Thc native was running Moon dasa,
cusp of the 6th house, but at the iame time Venus bhukti. Mercury anthra and Rahu
in opposition or 180 aspect, an inharm- sookshama. Moon as we have already seen,
onious aspect, to the cusp 10th house and is constellation lord of 2nd house. Venus
to Saturn at birth. Did the western system rules the 2nd house by sign. Mercury ie
of aspects really work, and if so what lord of 6, and Rahu is in 11 as the agent
meaning can be derived from a sextile of lord of 10 and 11.
aspect to the 6ti cusp but an opposition,
.aspects to the 10th cusp? . But, according to
-explanation is that the transiting Sun activated
the part of the zodiac conjointly ruled by
:Satuni. lord of 10, and Mercury, lord of 6.) 1) Dasa lortll Moon was transiting in
3) Here also Saturn, lord of 10, was the 12th house (!) in the constellation of
retrograde by transit. Saturn was in the lOth lord of 6 and sub of Rahu, significator of
house in transit, in the constellation of 10 and 11 houses. Incidentally, was also in;
Moon, dasa lord, and sub of Guru, bhukti trine exactly to the natal position of
^nd anthra Jord, Sun.
4) Mercury, Jord__of_6,_was transiting-
"iin-Mifhuria, bis own sign, in the constellation 2) Venus was transitiog his own con-
;nilcd by Jupiter, bbukti and antbra lord, stellation and in the sub of Mercury,
and in the sub of Moon, dasa lord. anthra lord, ruling 6 at birth.
5) Jupiter, bhukti as well as anthra lord,
was also retrograde by transit in the 11th 3) Anthra lord Mercury was transiting
house but in the constellation of Rahu in in the 8th hbuse(!) of the natal chart but
11 in the natal chart, and sub of Sun, in the constellation of Saturn, lord of 10
constellation lord of 6 and 10 houses. occupying also 10, and in the sub of Moon,
6) Rahu was transiting in the constellation dasa lord.
of Saturn, lord of 10 In 10, and the sub
of Jupiter, bhukti and anthra lord. 4) Rahu, sookshama lord was transiting
The native secured a second promotion in the constellation of Saturn, lord of 10
on. Saturday 30111968, when Moon was in 10, and in Rahu's sub.
transiting in Revati nakshatra ruled- by
Mercury, lord of 6. The transits during this 5) Jupiter transited over the 6th cusp
time were as stated below;- in the constellation and sub of Sun and
Moon Venus respectively and, incidentally, in trine
26o-04' to the radical position of Saturn.
Sat. (R)
Rahu 120-58' 6) Saturn was retrograde by transit as
on the two earlier occasions and was in
conjunction with Moon, dasa lord, in trine
Saturday, to the radical Sun. Saturn, more significantly
30111968 transited the constellation of Mercury, lord
of 6, and sub of Rahu in 11 in the con-
NIRAYANA natal chart and it may be . borne in mind
that Mercury ruled this anthra and Rahu
TRAMS1T CHART the sookshama at this time.

The reversion came when the dasa of

Sun 15M)2' yupt. s^-ss' Moon, bhukti of Sun and anthra of Moon
Venus 25l>-27' Mercury Ura. Kyoo' was in operation. The day was Monday
U0-2J' Mars 1900-29' 1721969. The transits at the time were
Ncp. 3-24' Keiu 12 -38' as noted below.
Will he regain his lost position? He is
Sat 28M6' now running the dasa of Mars and bhukti
Veil, ac-is' of Saturn which commenced on 29121971.
Rthu 80-46' The details of the anthras in this bhukti
are as follows:-
Mood Dasa, Bhukti Amthra From To
16M)5' Monday, 17-2-1969 Mars Saturn Saturn 29-12-1971 2- 3-72
Sun V-59' Mercury 2- 3-1972 28- 4-72
HIRAYANA Kelu 28- 4-1972 22- 5-72
TRANSIT CHART Venus 22- 5-1972 28- 7-72
Mer. r-31' Sun 28- 7-1972 18- 8-72
Moon 18- 8-1972 22- 9-72
Mars 229*l972~~l5-V^Tf
fCcta Rahu 15-10-1972 15-12-72
Neptone Uranus (R) ' Jupiter 15-12-1972 8- 2-73
5*-2Q' " 9-58'
Mara 3M)3' Jup. (R)
IIVJO' Mars, as seen from the table furnished
before, is in the constellation of Rahu and
Moon, in the radical chart, is occupant sub of Saturn. Rahu in the natal chart is
of the 9th house, in the constellation ofKetu placed in 11 as the agent of Saturn, lord
in 5; Sun is lord of 5 in the constellation of 10 who in turn is in the 10th house
-of Mercury, lord of 6 in 5, and sub of itself Satum is lord of 10 in the 10th
Jupiter, lord of 9 in 5. Sun and Moon house very near the cusp. So the dasa and
iiave strong connections with the 5th and 9th bhukti lords are favourable. The ruling planets
.house also. at time of judgement on 361972 also
happen to be Satum and Mars, the day
being Saturday, the rasi being Kumbha
Transits awned by Saturn, the nakshatra being Dhanista
i; Transiting Moon squared the position ruled by Mars, and the lagna being Vrischika
of Sun on 3051957 and 30111968. governed by Mars in Saturn's constellation
Moon, by transit, was in the 11th house Anuradha. Since Rahu is now transiting in
in the constellation of Rahu who was in the Saturn's sign Makara and also aspected by
12th house by transit; Moon was in the sub Mars by the 8th aspect, this anthra is the
of Venus who was also in 12 by transit. most powerful. When Rahu anthra runs
Transiting Sun was in Mars naksliatra but between 15101972 and 15121972,
in Sun sub. The reversion came when the the matter should take a favourable turn.
dasa, bhukti and anthra lords were transiting In this period, when Saturn starts retrograd-
iabhasthana(!j. ing from 3101972 and transits in Mars
star and Rahu sub in Venus sign Rishaba,
2) By transit, Saturn was in direct Mars transit in Thula in the nakshatra of
motion, but over the transiting position of Rahu and sub of Satura, Mercury (lord of
Moon on 2371962. 6) transits in the sign owned by Mars in
the constellation governed, by Saturn and
3) Transiting Mercury, lord of 6, was sub of Rahu, and Rahu transits io Dhanus
over the radical position of Saturn, in the in Venus constellation and in sextile aspect
constellation of Sun, lord of 5. (60 degrees.) to its radical position, he should
Whenever Saturn was transiting in retro- regain his lost position. The day will
gression, the native only had beneficial effects be Thursday the 23rd November 1972 when
Moon transits in the sign of lord of 6
and when it was direct by tansit he suffered! Budha and the constellation lorded by Rahu.
When the reversion came, Saturn was not
ruling the period in any manner according This is the scientific explanation accor-
to Vimshottari dasa. How far is retrograde ding to Krishnamurti Padhdhati. On the
Saturn evil in this particular case? It is for other hand, what have our. traditional
readers to judge. astrologers 16 say?
One famous Astrological Correspondence favour and will be posted back to his
Institute makes' the following forecast in original position in MarchApril 1971. By
regard to the same horoscope: about August 1970, the present reversion,
" Sani is in a state of retro- will be set aside."
gression and hence becomes highly malefic.
From the lOlh lord Rahu occupies the 2nd Will our traditional friends point out
house commonly called maraka sthana or ^ single clear-out combination for reversion
place of death. Instead of the native losing in service? 1 Have they any basis to go by
his job, he only suffered humiliation. The Or are theilr predictions mere conjectures?
job is held intact since Sani is staying in What relevance has Maraka sthana in
his own house strongly'. ...... The native relation to ithe prtseot case? What is alP
is at present having K.uja dasa. Guru bhukti. this mumboo-jumboo?
Guru bhukti will be over by March 1971.
Guru is in the 9ch from Chandra lagna "Krishnamurti Padhdhati". on the other
and 5th from Lagna. It occupies the 12th hand offers clear, codified rules which go-
from the 6th house having reference to to help every one solve problems where-
litigations. From the 6th lord, Budha, he traditional rules have been found wanting.
is in Kendra. From Chandra lagna Guru in The proof of the pudding, in the ultimate
the 9th. As such Gum is quite favourable analysis, is in the eating, anAstrology
for the native in this respect. However, we in India can hope__to -recover from the
have to look to the gochara movements. disease of-stagnalibri that has been afflicting,
Sani will be in Mesha till August 1970^ -it"only it decides to rid itself of the many-
After Sani leaves Mesha, thiog^wili'take fallacies and adopt sound, scientific theories-
a favourable shape,We'can say that the arrived at after proper investigation and
nativewill ""have his writ decided in his research.
M. C. KHARE, M.P-C. Bhopal
I. Chart
A chart of a friend who is a law l30-42'
graduate but serving in the opejation branch V] 280-44' Moon Mars no-3r Sun Venus (R)
12M0' #
of a Railway Department is found below. V 0 -44' VH 22 -38' VIII 21*-44' IX14'-50
o 0
Why could he not become a lawyer, was
his question. He himself had thoroughly Mercury
studied the traditional system of Astrology Rahu 270-58 NIRAYANA 0o-24'
JUJL 28^=1-9
B9rn PD.28-^-J932 "X 28-44'
in his early days, but he could not get
an answer for his problem^The-charrefected at 16-44-20 P.M.
"alresh strictly in accordance with the principles IV 2Se-44', . at 320-27'N; 74o-04'E. Fort 2l9-26'
Saturn (R) Ayanamsa 220-49'
enunciated in Krishnamurti Padhdhati Readers 10D-2<j' Koto
is given here.
Balance of Ketu Maha Dasa (Vimshottari) 0 Lagna XI 0 -44'
HI 240-44' II 21 -44' D
at birth 0 years 7 mouths 10 Days. 22 -38' XII 28-44'

II. Planetary Positions:

Planet OwoiQg Housc(s) Occupying Star lord Sub lord
House Sign
Sun Mithuna Rahu Mercury
Moon 10 6 Mesha Kethu Mercury
Mars 2/7 7 Rishaba Moon Mars
Merc. 9/11/12 9 Kataka Jupiter Moon
Jup. 3/5/6 10 Kataka Mercury Saturn
Venus(R) 1/8 8 Mithuna Rahu Ketu
Sat. (R) 4 3 Makara Moon Moon
Rahu 4 Kumbha Jupiter Venus
Kctu 10 Simha Sun Moon'
HI. Houses to be judged make him a lawyer, although it assisted
Houses 4 and 9 are to be persued for him to become a law graduate.
education, and houses 2, 6 and 10 for According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
profession, undue importance is not attached to a
IV. Analysis planet's exaltation or debilitation or its
position in the sign of its enemy and many
The gentleman was interested to know other confusing theories. No ddubt, an
why Jupiter in exaltation in Cancer fKataka) exalated planet acquires strength to offer
and conjoined with Mercury could not what it rules by nature, and a debilitated
planet is weak in that respect. But when faced all sorts of impediments and difficulties
we descend from abstractions to actual , then and this was corroborated.
delineated of a chart, we need to biend all
the indications harmoniously and in such The 9th house, in astrological parlance,
a treatment the theories found in traditional represents higher education, law, science and
texts like enemy's house, Tnalefic planet by so on. In the chart under discussion, the
nature, etc. have no exaggerated importance. 9th house happens to be in Gemini (Mitbuna)
Every horoscope is peculiar to the date, ruled by Mercury fBudha} in the con-
time and place, and what is food to one stellation governed by Jupiter and sub of
is poison to the other Jupiter is not uni- Mercury itself. Jupiter has dhief governor-
fonnly good to all, nor is Saturn bad either ship over law, ana the 9th house itself
to every one. If Venus is in exaltation, it has rule over law and legal affairs. Tie sub
is also :hen in enemy's house. The practical lord of the" 9th cusp, Mercury, himself is
approach prescribed in Krishnamurti Padhdhati posited in the constellation owned by Jupiter.
is simple, clear and direct, and that is that Mercury also occupies the 9lh house. No
whatever planet may be by nature good, wonder, he had legal education. This is the
bad or indifferent what actually it will offer ' real explanation. If traditional principles arc
depend on its lordship of bouses in the taken into account, Jupiter the karaka-for-
1 chart, it occupation by house and, more
law,occupying-tbe'Cusp'(bfiava madhyaj of
than alU_its__ sijuation by-cgnsfHintrnh~n7C Ihe lOlh house (Meridian) should have made
--subrThe sign in which it is contained him a foremost lawyer, especially in the
measures the strength of the planet whether dasa of lord of 10, Moon, whom he has
it is congenial to express its natural qualities disposed, and in his own (Jupiter's) bhukti,
to the full or not, but did it give? Jupiter was also in exaltation
in the constellation of Mercury, lord of 9
- A planet is the source through which in 9, and as Jupiter was powerfully connected
it influences the matter or, matters denoted to the 10th bouse by profession, be should
by the houses occupied by it or the matter have turned a lawyer. But the facts are
or matters denoted by the house occupied otherwise.
the lord of the constellation in which it is In considering profession, 9th house
deposited. If there is no planet in a house docs not enter our reckoning, For the purpose
and there are none in the constellations any of determining profession and its prospects,
one of the three ruled by the lord of a we are required to refer to houses 2, 6 and
bouse, then the house lord himself becomes 10 houses 2 ruling finances, 6th ruling
a significator to affect the matters Influenced service and lOlh denoting honour, status,
by that house and be will do so in addition ^business, profession, occupation, etc. But the
to his role as the significator of the house vast majority of us are only employees and are
occupied by him and the house ruled by denoted by the 6th house the house of service
the lord of the constellation in which he in .return for wages. Jupiter is exalted all
was stationed. in Kataka, Mercury is in vargottama also,
and Jupiter is also on the cusp of the 10th
Coming back to the subject matter of house, but Jupiter is in the constellation
our discussion, wc find that the 4th house of Mercury, who is lord of 9 in 9, the 9th
which governs normal high school education house being the house of negation to the"
is occupied by Rahu who, by virtue of his 10th matters. Both Jupiter and Mercury arc
standing alone in the sign Kumbha ruled by aspected by Saturn. Jupiter also occupies
Saturn, becomes a powerful agent of Saturn the sub of Saturn. Saturn was the sub lord
who not only rules the sign on the cusp of both the cusps of 6lh and I0tb houses
of the 4th house but also the siib thereof. posited in the constellation of Moon, lord
Saturn himself is in 3, a house of negation of 10 in 6. It denotes only service career,
to the 4th house affairs, and Rahu brings a surbordinate position. Of the planets Jupiter
to bear Saturn's influence in this respect. and Mercury, Jupiter and Mercury, Jupiter
As only a few month of Ketu dasa was though he owns the 6th house (service)
left as balance at birth, the native had run occupies the constellation of Budba in 9
the dasa of Venus (Sukra) for 20 years in and the sub of Saturn; Mercury, on the
life, and Sukra was posited in the con- other hand, occupies the constellation of
stellation of Rahu. The native should have Jupiter in 10 and Moon, lord of 10 in the
6th house. So Mercury is more powerful for a period of 18 years. Rahu is connected
than Jupiter in the matter of professional in .Jupiter in the 10th house by constellation,
prospects, but indicates only service and not and will in its dasa in the bhukti of Guru
an independent profession. CJupiterJ operating between 201178 and
At present there is no possibility of 1441981 provide him an opportunity
bis changing Service and switching over to for elevation to a post where his legal
education will have immense scope for
a legal career in an independent way. expression.
Till 831976, the native runs the dasa
of t Mars according to Vimshottari Dasa Krishnamurti Padhdhali gives a clear
system, and Mars as lord of 2 occupies and concise picture. It is ftee from con-
the constellation of Moon, lord of 10 in traditions which afflict the traditional system.
thedih house fservice). So, till'the'n there
can be no change. Rahu, who succeeds
Mars, will have bis dasa from 831976 Good Luck

Stellir Astrological Resea Institute, Koraput, Orissa
A communication was received from our constellation of lord of lagna, and Rahu lords
late lamented Quruji that he would come to the sub is raptly (exactly) conjoined with
Kofaput on the 18th February 1972. A doubt Moon in the l lth house and is also stationed
arose whether be would actually reach by that in the star and sub governed by Moon. There
date. 1 asked the President of pur' Institute can tbefcfore be no doubt that Guruji should
to give a number. He came out with '222'. come..
"The date was 1321972, the time being Next, the question was when be would
5-32 P.M, (1ST), at Koraput, IS" 41' North arrive. I immediately noted the ruling planets.
and 82 45' East. They were:
The cusps of houses drawn for the Lord of Day (Sunday) Sun
number according to tlje principles contained Moon sign lord (Makara) Saturn
in Krishnamurti Padhdhati and the planetary Moon constellation lord (Sravana) Moon
positions for the time of query are illustrated Lagna sign lord (Kataka) _ Moon _
in the horoscope given here. Lagna-constell ation lordTP a shya) Saturn
Incidentally, Guruji's birth was in Makara
; n 26#-37/ Mars S'-SS' Sat. 60-22' lagna and in the naksbatra Sravana ruled by
V 19'-37' Moon. Further, his janma naksbatra is also
Ven. lOa-18' III 280-37' IV 24<-37' Sravana. As mentioned before, Rahu is
posited in the signMakaraand in tbeconstella-
tion Sravana, It is also in Moon's sub and
Asc. (Legua] Kctu lQ0-58' conjoined, with Moon, an exact conjunction.
20M# Hence, I took the transit of the sensitive point
Sun 0o-32' VI 168-37' in the zodiac ruled by these three planets
nirayana Saturn, Moon and Rahu. . The day when
Mercury Horary Number; 222 Moon transits here, Guruji must arrive. The
| 270-36'a day was accordingly found outto be the 26th
XIL 16 -37'
Rahu 10a-58' VII 20o-00' February 1972, a day governed by Saturn,
Moon when Moon would transit in her own sign
10o-49' Kataka, in the naksbatra Pusbya owned by
Saturn and in the sub-division of Pushya
XI 190-37' of which Rahu is the lord going further.
X 24*-37' IX 2V-ZT VIII 260-37' I pin-pointed the time of Guruji's arrival
Jup. 70-52' on that date as 7-35 P.M. when Simba
lagna rises and in that lagna Ketbu
naksbatra and Rahu sub comes. Kethu
The 9tb house, in astrological language^ is powerfully aspected by Saturn and Ketbu
refers to preceptor, guru, father, knowledge, occupies Moon's sign Kataka and Saturn's
research, etc. Desire is denoted by the 11th naksbatra Pusbya. Sun is a ruling planet.
house which also indicates its ful&lmcnt. Rahu substitutes for both Saturn and Moon.
We have to judge the cusps of both the 9th Hence it was concluded that Guruji will arrive
and Ilth bouses for our purpose. The 9th in Koraput but on the 26tb February 1972 and
house cusp is conjointly governed by Venus, not on 1821972 as he had informed us
Jupiter and Venus. The sub-Iordis Venus earlier. Next day we received a communica-
and the arrival of Guruji has to be seen with tion from him saying that he had cancelled his
reference to the sub-lord's signification. Venus programme to reach on tbe 18th February and
is deposited in the first bouse in the constella- instead, he would come on the 26 February
tion of Saturn, lord of lagna, who has gone 1972.
to the 3rd house. Venus, moreover, occupies How true is tbe method propounded in
its own sub and is also exalted. The lllh Krishnamurti Padhdhati Can any other
cusp is conjointly ruled by Jupiter as the sign system come anywhere near it and resolve
lord, Venus as the constellation lord and Rahu such minor problems in exact measure?
as the sub-lord. Jupiter is in the JOth bouse,
Venus is powerfully posited in lagna in the Good luck.
Vcnkatcsa Pandita*
jataka chandrika
(Continued from May 1972 issue)
Stanza 50. evil houses. How, then, did the learned
For briths in Kdtaka Lagna, Venus, author arrive at the conclusion that Jupiter is
Saturn and Mercury arc Malelic Planets! auspicious? In stanza 51, Jupiter's combi-
Jupiter and Mais are Highly Beneficial; and nation with Mars has been hailed perhaps
Mars, by himself, is capable of conferring because of the view stated in stanza 14 that if
Rajayoga. powerful lords of kendras or quadrants
(houses 1,4,7 and 10) and trikonas (houses 3
Stanza 51. and 9) conjoin, they give rise to Rajayoga,
even if they arc otherwise evil. It was further
Jupiter and Mars in combination cause made clear in stanza 18 that an evil Planet or
Rajayoga, and Sun does not cause death even lord of 3,6,8,11 and 12 will be fully favourable
though he lords a Maraka Sthana. when connected to a Rajayoga planet. Jupiter
_u.JoEd-of-6 as wdl arnf Tiis cmnnmai
Stanza-52 T tion with Mars, lord of 5 and 10 for Kataka
Venus and Mercury have the power to lagna, has thus been spoken of in appreciative
inflict death. terms Venus, however, has not been
bracketed with Jupiter, nor is any mention
Notes: made as to the auspicious nature of her
combination with Mars, even though she
In stanza 5, the lordship of houses 3, 6 owns the 4th house, a kendra. On a strict
and 11 was said to be evil. In stanza 8, it interpretation of stanzas 14 and 18, Venus
was averred that the 8th house, being the should be treated as a benefic, but her role is
twelfth or negation from the 'Bhagya Sthana* to be read in conjunction with stanzas 6
(9th house), its lordship too is inauspicious. , and 9. According to the view of the learned
Following this principle, Venus owning the author of Jataka Chandrika finding mention
11th house, Saturn ruling the 8th bouse and in stanza 6, bcnefics by nature become evil
Mercury controlling the 3rd house for Kataka when they happen to own quadrant houses or
lagna, have been classified as malefics. kendras (houses 1,4,7 and 10) in a horoscope,
The statement in stanza 50 that Mars is ' while in the same situation malefics arc
converted to good. Thus, Venus being a
a high class benefic is in consonance with the natural benefic, her rulership of a kendra
statement in earlier stanzas 11 and 20 where in house namely the 4th, is unfavourable from
the union of lordship of a kendra house this angle. Mbreover. in stanza 9, the author
(quadrants or angles, namely houses 1,4,7 and was more specific that Venus owning a
lOj and a trikona (houses 5 and 9) was held quadrant is inauspicious.
to be highly auspicious. Mars, for Kataka
lagna, owns the 5th house, a trikona, In stanza 52, it was the learned author's
and the' 10 house the most powerful contention that Venus owning the llth house
of the kendras. In the same stanza. Jupiter and having kendradhipathya dosba by virtue
has also been equated with Mars as a high of lordship of the 4(h angle, and Mercury
class benific, and io .stanza 51 the learned lording over houses 3 and 12, bring about
author of Jataka Chandrika has gone a step death. But in stanza 5!, the Sun is not
fuither to assert that Jupiter's combination counted as a planet that has death-inflicating
with Mars gives rise to Rajayoga. We must power though he owns the 2nd house, a
examine this in a little detail. Jupiter no strong maraka Sthana. In stanza 10. it was
doubt rules the 9th house, a trikona, a bcnefic only said that Sun and Moon have no
house according to the principle enunciated in 'ashtamadhipathi dosha', that is to say their
stanza 5, but he also holds dominion over the lordship of the 8th house was not harmful,
6th house which, according to the learned but no such specific assertion about the non-
author's assertion in stanza 5, is among the malefic nature of Sun's ownership of house 2
or house 7, which are maraka sthanas, occurs or the 12th house, which signifies separation
anywhere else in Jataka Chandnka. In fact, from the world, strengthens her power to
in stanza 22, the learned author spoke of the terminate existence. At the same time, the
8th house and the 3rd houses as houses of life 2Dd house also favours financial gains and
and the houses in twelfth to them as houses rules family, etc. Likewise, the 12th house
of death, from which it will be apparent that, too has favourable affairs under its domain
even according to him, houses 2 and 7 are, such as investment, suka sayana (blissful
comparatixely speaking, the strongest oeath sleep;, fortune in a for off country etc. In
influences. The statement that Sun will not another sloka of the same work Ramanuja
bring about death himself, does not therefore chary a holds that if Venus and Mercury are
appear to be quite rational. The treatment in the 12lhhou>e for Kataka lagna Venus
found in Jataka Chandrika is, in many dasa will cause Rajayoga.
respects, at variance with other classical
works. Except in Jataka Parijata, no other There creeps a confution in the minds of
author talked of the 11th house as inimical the readers Ahen they glance thiough
for longevity, and even in Jataka Parijata the different .classical texis. In seme texts a
il 1th house was taken to be unfavourable fiom planet is condemned as malefic; in others the
the standpoint of longevity only for persons same planet is ealled_jb_<nelic Sometimr^~
born in movable signs (chara_rasis,__naily- even-imhe s8me"woik at one place a planet
^Mesha,-Kataka,-Tinrla and-Makara) on the is extolled and in another place it is con-
lagna at birth. In almost all the classical demned. How does this occur? Because the
texts, there exists a wide consensus of opinion classification is made from different view-
that lordship of houses 2 and 7 is a stronger points. A certain author has gone by the
death influence than loidship of houses 3 or 8, planet's natural characteristics alone, another
and the latter (3 or 8) are more powerful than author approached the subject solely from the
lordship of benefic planets over kendras. point of lordship of "houses in the birth chart.'
Instances are numerous of persons of Kataka and some others kept the natural characteris-
lagna passing away in their Stin dasa or Sun tics in mind at one place and the planet's
bhukti in another planet's dasa, and on the lordship or occupation at another place. Even
day, nakshatra, rasi and lagna governed by while considering,the planet's lordship, there
Sun. There are, similarly, examples of deaths is a wide divergence of approach. In some
in periods governed by planets other than works the lordship viewed as favourable or
Venus or Mercury. Hence, neither the state- other wise from the standpoint of material
ment that Sun as lord of 2 will" not cause prograss and prosperity and in others the
death, nor the statement that Venus and scope of discussion is narrower and the
Mercury are the planets of kill can be taken subject is looked at solely from the angle of
at their face value. L determining the time longevity.
of death, various other factors have to enter
into our reckoning, and we need to assess the How are we to interpret the planetary
effects of Sun or any other planet with influences? Are we to go merely by the rules
reference to his occupation, constellational found in classical works and apply them as
position, constellational sub position, his they are and without any modification? Ho.
association with other planet, bis aspect to Ho planet is wholly good or wholly evil.
the houses connected with death, etc. The It has l< rdsbip over both desirable as well as
Sun, it will not be safe to assume, will not undesirable affairs Such results as it indi-
kill, nor can Venus and Mercury, on the same cates accordiiig to its natural characteristics
analogy, be concluded to be evil merely by and lordship do'not alone come to pass.
reason of their lordship. They get modilied according to its situation
In Bhavartha Ralnakara, a treatise attri- by house, constellational position etc. as
buted to Ramanujacharya, in dealing with well as by aspects and association with other
Kataka lagna, the learned author makes it planets The words 'benefic' and 'malefic'
clear that Venus causes yoga if he is posited are used in the classical texts in a general
in 12 or 2 and is equally emphatic that in relative sense a benefic being harmonious
other places she will not produce any yoga, and a malefic being inharmonious. And
it must be remembered that Venus has when we say that Jupiter is a benefic in
kendradhipalhya dosha for Kataka lagna and connection with the 6th house affairs, we
his occupation of the 2nd, a maraka sthana understand that Jupiter will contribute to
success in matters connected with financial dosha. It is lord of 7 also (marakadhipathij
ioans, borrowing, scholarship, etc. but the and is not favourable from the point of
ame Jupiter will not fail to cause illness and longevity, but as lord of the house of union
disease. How then is it a benefic? Jupiter or marriage as well as of the house of profes-
is termed as a natural benefic because he is sion (10th house) he will not fail to promote
the lord of expansion, optimism, generosity, the matters concerning marriage marital
large heartedness and fortune generally, but- happiness, or trade, business and profession.
if afflicted he becomes an extremist, improvi- To Kataka lagna he is lord of 6 and hence
inent rigid narrow minded and commits self- evil from the point of view of health, but is
undoing through lack of commonscnse. If good for overdraft facilities, raising loans etc.
Saturn is despised because he happens to As lord of 9 to Kataka lagna, he is inclined
'exercise his writ over undesirable matters, he to do good in the matter of collaboration with
also represents certain desirable influences. nationals or instutions of other countries in
On the destructive side, he rules disapoinraent industrial or other ventures, research higher
delay, denial, dejection deceit etc. but on education religious matter etc. But is
the constructive side he has to do wiih organi- unfavourable in regard to speculation
sation, plodding nature, patience perscvercnca Litigation etc. To Simha lagna Jupiter is
care and method. . IfMars isarr->gant, rash lord of ashtama sthana f8th house) also
and violent, he is also enthusiastic, fiery, though, as lord of 5, he Js fruitful-
pioneering, courageousjmd bold. for matters -ctmnecrecT witH"~love affairs,
There is a mistaken belief that Jupiter is romance, progeny, creative faculties, mantra
uniformly favourable to all alike.-^ This is siddhi, mantra upadesa, etc. To Kanya he
not true. Jupiter is not a fruitful planet by is a malefic with kendradhipathya dosha, but
is highly favourable with respect to matters
lordship of houses to some ofthelagnas, and. connected
to a few other lagnas he is partly good and with miarriage, business, trade,
education, gains through property, etc. To
partly evil. For instance, to Mesh a lagna, ' Thula
Jupiter becomes the ruler of the 12th house lagna he is lord of 3 and 6, condemned
^vhich has been deemed to be a 'dus sthana' as malefic houses according to Jataka Chan-
or evil house because it has to do with drika, depriving him of good health but is
expenses, hospitalisation, seclusion, segrega- highly favourable on the meterial side showing
tion internment or incaroeration. No dou^t, favourable financial prospects.
Jupiter brings to bear his own natural traits To "Yrischika lagna, he becomes a marak-
on the matters of the 12th house, and since he asthana adhipathi, unfavourable from the
is a natural benefic the expenses will be in angle of longevity, but favourable for finance,
connection with marriage of the children fif creative faculties, pleasurable activities,
Jupiter is also a significator of the 5thi house) progeny etc. To Makara lagna, he is lord
or temple affairs fas Jupiter also happens to of 3 and 12 evil houses according to Jataka
govern the 9th house) or the native may make Chaodrika and evil according to other texts
a fruitful investment. The 12th house is not also. To Kumbha lagna, Jupiter governs the
wholly evil, as many of us are taught to 2nd house, a marakasihana. and the 11th,
believe' because it has many good aspects an evil house according to Jataka Chandrika.
coming under its domain-investment, medi- Of course, he will not fail to favour the native
tation, philanthropy etc. So Jupiter, as lord in the matter of financial gains or other
of 12, -will affect all matters of the 12th house matters ruled by the 2dd nor deny the fulfil-
and as the 12th house in the astrological ment of desires. Even to Dbanus and.Meena
scheme is related to loss ot expenses, Jupiter lagnas, Jupiter cannot be classided as a real
is said to be unfavourable due to lordship. benefic in the strict sense in which the terms
To Rishaba lagna Jupiter rules the Sth house, has been interpreted by the learned author of
showing the extent of life in this world, the work "Jataka Chandrika". According to
mental pain and agony, danger difficulty, him, Jupiter being a natural benefic acquires
illness, illrepute, etc. and is unfavourable, keodradhinathya dosha by owning the lagna
but the 8th house also governs legacy, unear- and the 4th house for Dhanus lagna and the
ned and unexpected income, insurance money, lagna and the 10th house for Meena lagna.
gratuity, provident fund accumulations etc.
It denotes 'kalathra dhana* or the partner's If we consider Jupiter in relation to
money. To Mithuna, Jupiter becomes a Kataka lagna, he bocomes the owner of the
kendradhipathi and acquires kendradhipathya 9th house and also of the 6th house. Every
Ikouse has sway over certain affairs of life, institution. Therefore, it is fully favourable
constructive as well as destnicrivc. When it ;or overdraft or loan facilities to tide over an
is said that a planet is a benefic or malefic immediate crisis, or for success in, matters
based on lordship, the idea expressed is that it connected with litigation, competition, selec-
will activate the matters ruled by the house, tion election etc. The 6th house is trad|i.
but, as mentioned in the foregoing, every tionally regarded as "Roha sthana" the house
."house is both good and bad. So if Jupiter as of disease and sickness, and from this angle
lord 9 advances the matters of the 9ih house is unwelcome. On the same analogy, the yfh
. it is logical to suppose that as lord of 6 he house is harmonious for higher education,
will also bring the 6th house influences to the long journeys, publication foreign contacts
fore. The 6th house is styled as a 'upachaya and collaboration or even spiritual uplift, but
slhana' an improving house. Why?'Because when viewed from the standpoint of election
:it is in twelfth ('vraya' or loss) to the person or litigation or continuance in office (12 to lOj
described by the 7th house, and the 7lh house it cannot be taken to be good. Being in 12th
represents all those with whom there is any to the 10th house, it is detrimental for
-dealing. No one can live in this world for continuance in office; being in ashtama to the
himself alone; the 7th house is the house 2nd house, it is unfavourable for financial
adjustment to the world, the native's involve- affairs; being in the sixth to the 4th house,
ment through group association. The basic it causes sickness to mother; being in the 7th
idea of the 7th house is joint activity and house to ithe . BrcLhousc.^t-is-detrimental-to
cooperation-of which thfi -nnrnrnmrR'ST"iTT7uii=" the longevity of brothers or fathers-in-law
festations are marriage and businyss partner- (being in the 7th from the 3rd house which
ships. While the 7th house denotes major when counted from the 7th house ruling wife
relationships in joint interest, such as marriage or husband, is the 9th house or the house of
or trade partnership, it indicates, at the fame her by his father. The 9th house, being in
time the equally direct contact in opposition re- twelfth to the 10th representing mother-in-law
-presented by disputes, competition, contests shows her separation.
and conflicts of every sort in enmity or friend-
ship. It includes, for instance the thief, the To sum up, the lordship of a planet or
opposing party in litigation, the person orper- its natural characteristics alone do cot count
.sonscorapetingwith you in election,competitive in determining its effects. A planet is modi-
examination speculation etc. . All legal action fied by the sign, house constellation and sub
comes under its purview, and it identifies the occupied and by the planet(s) in conjunction
other party in contest or dispute. In a nut- with or aspecting it. No one who swears by
shell, the house may be said to stand for all the slokas found in classical texts, however
those with whom there is transaction of any true they may be or who looks for support to
kind, such as a doctor, lawyer, archite-t, the texts for any and every matter, can every
contractor, chartered 'accountant, or a bank hope to understand the spirit and symbology
or a financial institution. The 6th house, of the planetary archangels all his life and
being intwelfth reckoned from the person or interpret its lofty message to those who seek .
instution signified by the 7th house, shows his counsel.
the benefits derived as a direct consequeucc of
the loss or suffering caused to him or the (To be continued)
V. N. N. RANGACHAH Bjrgalore

It was a Sunday, t was busy with some I Horoscope;

casting, when a relative of mine dropped in
and wanted me to probe into the health and IV 7-22'
longevity of his paternal relative (represented II 5e-22' III 9a-22' Sat.# (R l V 4'-22'
by the 3rd house from the house of father). 10 -03'
The person gave '209' when asked for a
number between 1 and 249. The day was Mara I4M3 Nirayana VI 09-22'
Sunday 21st November 1971 at Bangalore Lagna (Houses for No. 208 Ketn
(lat. a'-SS* North, Long. IT-W East), the C-OO' at Utt, 0 " 13^25'
time being 3-ISP.M. 1 drew a horary chart, Long 77 -36' East)
and' worked ouljh.e^cusps-of'faouses taking
thflagnaTo be 0 of Kumbha fbased on Rahu Ayanamsa 230-2l'
15--25' VII O'-OO'
numbe'r 708) and calculated the planetary XU 0--22'
positions for the time of judgement, namely
3.1 i P.M. The chart is reproduced below; Venus
MoonJ3M)2 Uer.ZTMtt' .
26*-48' XI 90-22' VIII 5-22'
0 Jup. 19-25'
Balance of Ketbu Dasa (Vimshottari) \ XI 4 -22' X T-l?
at birth 0 year 1 Month 26 days. Suo 4#-58'

|I. Planetary Significators

Houses House Sign Deposited in
Planet Owned occupied occupied CuosteUatioo of placet Sub of planet
Ruling Oecupyiag Ruling oceupyini
Houses House House* House
Sun 7 9 1/12 .4 1/12 4
Moon 6 11 6 5/8 10
Mars 3/10 1 .. 12 6
Mercury 5/8 10 5/8 10 2/11 10
Jupiter 2/11 10 5/8 10 ' 4/9 10
Venus 4/9 10 5/8 10 12
Saturn (R) 1/12 6 11 11
Rahu 12 11. 2/11 10
Kciu 6 1/12 4 2/11 10

Note; Rahu is in Makara owned by Saturn. It is Saturn's agent. Ketu occupie;

Kataka and is aspected by Saturn (R) from 4. It offers the results of Moot
and Saturn (Retrograde).
Ill, Vimshottari Dasa Period:
Dasa Bhukti Anthra Sooksbama From To
Ketu Mercury Saturn Saturn 21-1171 2911-71
Mercury 29-11-71 7 1271
Ketu 71271 101271
Venus 10-12-71 201271
Sun 201271 231271
Moon 231271 28-12-71
Mars 281271 1 172
Rahu 1 - 172 10 1-72'
Jupiter' 10- 172 17 172
IV. House Cusps : namely 11 th house for chara rasi (movable
sign) on lagna. 9th house for those bom with
Cusp of Sign Const.' Sub lagna in sthira rasi (fixed sign); and 7th house
house lord lord lord for those bora with lagna in ubhaya rasi
XII Saturn Sun Rahn (common sign), will also have to be taken into
V Mercury Mars Venus account. The 12th house to lagna is vyaya
X Mars Saturn Ketu sthana (negation) _to^Ufe.kis-cailed_ the
IV Venus_..-Sun"Kefu^ -'molCSha sthana' or the house of .liberation.
Satdrn. called Yama' or ^Ayushkaraka', is
Vl Moon Jupiter Moon the chief governor for longevity.
IX Venus Rahu Jupiter The sub-lord of the 4th house (6 from 11)
V. Analysis: acts as the guide to find out the disease. Here
Moon reflects the mind of the quercnt. the 4th cusp falls in Taurus in Sun's constel-
It is the lord of 6 deposited in 11th house in lation and sub of Ketu. The sub lord, Ketu,
the constellation of Ketu. an occupant of the is posited in the 6tb bbava (8 toll) in a
6th and sub of Mercury, * lord of 5 and 8 watery sign in the constellation of Saturn, lord
posited in 10, revealing a state of worry, fear of 12 (2 to 11) posited in 4 (6th to II). Ketu
and mental tension in the mind of the'querent. is in the sub of Jupiter occupying the 10th
To the person represented by the. 11th house, house (12 to 11). As per Krishnamurti
Ketu and Mercury are significators of 2, 6, 7, 8 Padbdhatj, if Saturn is connected with the 8th
and 12 showing illness and hospitalisation. house fhere 6th house of the horary chart
The cause of worry is thus clearly obvious. which is 8 from llth), it fives a liability to
death due to cold, rheumatism, bone trouble
The subject matter of query pertains to a and chronic diseases. It denotes slow and
person described by .the 3rd house reckoned lingering death. Here, Saturn is lord of 12
from the 9th house ruling0 father. The and 1 /2 and 3 to llth) and also occupies 4
9th house falls in Thula 9 -22' and the (6 to II). Kataka rules chest and stomach
third from this is the 11th house in Dhanus and Ketu posited there in Saturn's constel-
40-22/. Dhanus is a common sign (ubhaya lation indicates suffering as a result of
rasi). The 11 th house has to be-created as the afflictions of both lungs, or asthma. The
Ascendant ot the person about whose health person has been suffering from chronic asthma
and longevity the query has been put. The for about seven years and has been having
6tb bouse determines disease in all its aspects; breathing difficulty for some days prior to
the 2nd and 7tb houses are maraka sthanas query. Kcthu is the significator of bouses
(deathrinflicting houses) for all lagnas because 1.2,3,6,8 and 12 counted from the llth bouse.
they arc in twelfth to houses 3 and 8 denoting
tbc extent of longevity or life to be lived in The constellation lord of the cusp of 4th
this world to enjoy the fruits of past karma- house (6 to 11) is Sun placed in Vrischika in
-good as well as bad. Houses 2 and 7 are also the constellation and sub of Saturn (Ret), lord
opposed to the 8th bouse and lagna ruling of 2/3 to the llth house (stationed in 6th
longevity. Then again, bhadaka sthanas or house to llth). This causes lingering ailment
tmale6c bouses from the standpoint of longvity affecting vocal organs (2 and 3 houses).
Cure is given by the llth house. For house of death, there is no ray of recovery
this purpose, the sub-lord of the llth cusp from disease. Let us take the ruling planets.
(to 1 l)-aamely 9th cusp should be studied. Sun governs the day. The Moon is posited
The 9th house falls in Venus sign, Rahu in Jupiter's sign. Ketu's constellation. The
constellation and Jupiter sub. Venus is lord Ascendant rising is Jupiter's sign Meena
of 4 (6 to 11; in 10 CU to 12); Rahu is in 12 Mercury's constellation. The ruling plauets
(2 to 1 \) as the agent of Saturn, lord of 2 to are. Jupiter. Mercury, Ketu and Sun. Venus
(he llth posited in the 6th house to the llth being conjoined with Jupiter and Mercury the
house. Rahu is also the agent of Moon, lord lords of the sign and constellation rising on
of 6 (8 to 11). Jupiter, the sub-lord, is in the the lagna, is also to be included.
10th house (12 to the llth) and is in the
constellation of Mereury, lord of 5 (7th to the As Saturn was aspectiag the 8th and 12th
llth house) in 10 (12 to the 11th house), in houses counted" from the 11th house, some
the sub of Venus, lord of 4 and 9 (lord of 6 delay was inevitable and I expected death to
and 11 to the 11th house) posited in the 10th take place in January 1972 when Moon
(12th house to 11), Jupitpr is also conjoined transits the 8th house reckoned from llth.
with Mercury and Venus. Hence, no cure is Actually, the death took place, as predicted,
shown. According, to 'Horary Astrology', a on the 2ad January 1972 when Moon transited
fine treatise on the subject of prasna written the 8ih cusp from the 1 Ith in Guru's constel-
by Guruji K. S. Krishnamurti, the Ascendant lation, Rahu's sub, and Jupiter's sign, Ketu's
(lagna) should not be posited in the constel- constellation and Mercury's sub was rising in
lation of a maraka or bhadaka planet if long the lagca. Sun was in Guru's sign Dhanus,
life were to be assured. Here, Dhanus is on Sukra's coastellatioo Poorvashada. Moon's
the Ascendant, the constellation on the SU").
Ascendant being Mo_ola_ruled-by_JCethu- and-
' (the sub By Moon) Moon, the sub-lord, is
lord of 6 (8 to llth house) posited in the
constellation of Kcthu, occupant of the 8th
(froni the llth) in the sub of Mercury ruling
the 7th (from 11thJ and occupying the 12ih
house (from llth). Ret a, the constellation
lord on the Ascendant, is as we have seen, a
significator of houses 2, 3, 6, 8 and 12 to the
person described by the llth house. The
lord of Dhanus, Jupiter, has gone to the 12th
h cuse there from. All these portend evil.
The 12th house (2nd to the llth) is
occupied by Rahu. Mars alone Is in its
constellation, and^ Mars is lord of 10 (12 to
the 1 Ith house). Saturn owns the 12th house
(2nd to the 11th house). Sun and Rethu are
posited in Saturn's constellation. ' The 5ih
house (7th house from the llth) is vacent.
Its lord is Mercury which is in its own
constellation occupies house 10 (12 to the llth
house). Jupiter and Venus arc also in the
constellation of Mercury.
The 6th house (8th house from 11) is
occupied by Ketu and owned by Moon.
Saturn and Rahu are posited in Moon's
constellation. Moon itself is in Ketu constel-
lation. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are
posited in 12th to the llth house. Lord of
12 to the llth house Mars, and there are
no planets in its constellation.
When, at the lime of query, a number of
planets are afflicated by connection to the
A woman came to me in the evening on
Wednesday, May 5, 1971, with a query
whether the necklace that had been lost that Xlf 26*-52' Mcr. 0' <32' Sat l-04'
Venus I Asc. 3o-00' III 24*-52'
.afternoon from the neck of her younger 21 *-19' sunzr-ir 11 29*~52'
-daughter while they were all busy in a marriage
party would be got back and when. I asked
her to quote a number between I and 249, to
which she quickly replied '25*. NIRAYANA IV 20-52'
XI 21 "-05' Kcthu
The number .given by the querent is taken Number: 25 26o-00'
, to represent lagna and the other houses for Time; 1-30 A.M. (1ST)
this lagna are ascertained by referring to the Date: 5/6-5-1971
"Table of Houses of Raphael for the latitude Rahu Place: 20o-4'N; V 2lo-05'
of Judgement The positions of the planets 26<,-00'
o Moon
"for the Judgement time are then found out X 20 -52' 85-!' E. 29<,-45'
-and inserted in the chart. A horary chart was Mars 70-39'
prcpard accordingly by me as stated
iereunder:- _ VIII 29B-52'
Balance of Sun dasa, Rahu bhukti IX 24*-52' Jupiter (R)
lO'-23' VI 260-52'
(Vimshottari) at query 0 year I month VII 3*-00'
.10 days.
The owner of the necklace is the woman herself and not her daughter who was wearing it.
So the Judgement was made as usual from the lagna representing the querent;
i ' -
TI. Planetary positions;
-Planet Houscfs) occupying
owned occupied Scar ruled by bub ruled by
35un 5 12 Venus Jupiter fRj
.'Moon 4 5 Sun Rahu
Mars 7/8 9 Sun Kctu
Mercury 3/6 12 Kethu Ketu
Jupiter (R; 9/12 7 Saturn Sun
Venus 1/2 11 Mercury Venus
Saturn 10/U 12 Sun Rahu
Rahu 10 Mars Rahu
Kethu 4 Mercury Rahu
III. Will the lost article be recovered? sub in which the sublord of the nth cusp is
In the first place, Judge the sublord of deposited. If the lord of the sub occupied by
the 11th cusp which shows desire as well as the sublord of the 11th cusp is also connected
its fulfilment. If the sublord of the 11th cusp with houses 2, 6 and 11 in any manner, then
is deposited in the constellation of a planet the article whould be traced and delivered.
signifying any of the houses 2, 6 and 11 by The star lord and sublord in which the 11th
-occupation or lordship, then proceed further cusp sublord is deposited should have no
-and study the signification of the lord of the connection with houses 5, 12 and 8.
In the present case, the 11th cusp sub lord. Ketu and Venus are in
lord happens tobe Jupiter. He is retrograde. Mercury's nakshatra.
He is lord of houses 9 and 12 and is posited Ilth house. Venus is stationed in this
in the 7th house and in the constellation of house. Sun is placed in the mak-;
Saturn who, though he owns 10 and 11 shatra of Venus. Saturn is the ownec
houses, is placed in 12. Further, the planet . of 11. Jupiter is posited in Saturn's
who rules the sub in which Jupiter is stationed star. Rahu, being in the sigh of Saturn, act^
is the Sun who lords the 5th house and as Saturn's agent also.
occupies the 12th house. There is, thus, no IV. Ruling Planets.
promise of the necklace being ever found out. The ruling planets at the moment of
To confirm this indication, take the 11th Judgement are;-
cusp counted from the 7th house, the 7th Day (Wednesday) lord ... Mercury
house being the the house of the thief or the Moon sigh (SimhaJ lord ... Sun
person who took the nacklace away. The Moon star (U. PhalganO lord Sun
Ilth cusp from the 7th house is the 5th house Lagna sign (Kumbha)Iord .. Saturn
cusp of the querent. The sublord of the 5th Lagna nakshatra (SathabishaJ
cusp is again Jupiter, retrograde and deposited lord Rahu
in the lagna of the thief in the nakshatra. The ruling planet Sun signifies houses 5
Saturn in the 6th house counted from the 7th and 12 in addition to JI. Saturn signifies 5
house, and in the sub of Sun, lord of 12 to and 12 houses, in addition to 10 and Hi.
the 7th house posited in the 6th house to the Mercury signifies 22th matters also by occupa-i
7th house. The indications are favour of the tion. The ruling planets are not very
thief. f avourably connected to the regaining of the
In "HORARY ASTROLOGY/L the best. necklace. f
IdooIc on the subject wrirtpn by the late Prof. Next, the dasa, bhukti, etc. in operation!
K. S. Krishnamurti, it is said (page 235) that should also be examined. The dasa belongs
^Tf the significators of houses 2, 6 and 11 to Sun and the bhukti to Rahu and they do
agree (counted, of course, from the house not favour the recovery of the necklace. The
denoting the person whose property has been bhuktis to succeed are those of Jupiter and
lost) with the ruling planets of the day, time Saturn who do not promise recovery.
and place, the property last will be recovered. Considering all factors, it was judged
If the ruling planets aforementioned are that the necklace was lost for good and no
connected with houses 5, 8 and 12, the efforts to get it back will prove of any avail;
property is lost once and for aIl.', A year has passed since, and she has not got
Now what are the planets who signify it so for even though she has made all possible
houses 2, 6 and 11? efforts in this direction. >
2nd house. No planet here. Its lord is The system of Horary Astrology pro
pounded by our late lamented Krishnamurti
Venus. Sun occupies the nakshtra ji serves as a torchlight guiding us along right
of Venus. lines. It is embedded on the solid rock of
6th house: There is no planet situated in stellar astrology and is as easy and simple as
this house. Mercury is the 6th house scientific and accurate. %

"Will I win?" was the question posed by A. Chart:

a gentleman who was contesting election for.
a seat in the Milk Producers Society. He VIII 5-01'
came to me five days before be had decided VI 70-23' VII 50-33' IX S'-Ol'
to file his nomination papers. 1 lost no time Sat. 10o-S8'
in asking him to come out with a number
between I and 249, and he said '129' without x 6o-or
any hesitation. V 7-23' Veo. 6-44'
I-look up -bis query- for answer on the Kxtu2l0-18'
same day but after an interval of a few hours. NIRAYANA
It was 8-21 PM fIST) on Saturday, July 31, Mars (R>
1971. The place of judgement was Mate 2 6-00' XI 70-23'
fGujaral). Rahu210-18 Matvjry
IV 6--01' tlM9'
The horary chart for the number T29 ,
the bouse positions referring to the number Neptune (R) Moon XII 70-23'
and the planetary positions for the time whe III 50-01' 6'*-59' 27-18'
the matter was judged, is reproduced here for II 5M)l' Ac: (Lagna) Uranus
Aip. 3 *-12' 5'-31'
,tbe information of the readers.

B. Planetary Positions:
Planet Uousets) House Occupyios
owned occupied aiao Star 5ub
ruled by ruled by
Sun 11 10 Kataka Saturn Rahu
Moon 10 Thula Jupiter Venus
Mars 2/7 4 Makara Mars Rahu
Merc. 9/12 II Simha Ketu Saturn
Jup. 3/6 Vrischika Jupiter Rahu
Venus 1/8 10 Kataka Saturn Mercury
Sat. 4/5 8 Risfaafaa Moon Moon
Rahu 4 Makara Moon Venus
Ketu 10 Kataka Mercury Venus
Note.- Rahu is conjoined with Mars and so strongly represents Mars. Ketu, likewise
strongly represents Venus and Sun with which it is conjoined.
C. Honse Positions: not on the basis of their configuration in a
sign.). Venus, in whose sub Rahuwas depo-
Cusp Sign lord Star lord Sub lord sited is in rapt Ccxact) conjunction with the
XI Sun Ketu Rahu cusp of the Meridian flOth house). Thus, the
Jupiter Saturn Ketu sub-lord Rabu is a strong beneficial influence
VI in indicating success.
V Saturn Rahu Rahu
XII Mercury Sun Ketu The 5th house is the 11th house, counting
I Venus Jupiter Venus the 7ih house as first, and the 7th repeisents
the competitor in election. Let us see the sub
D. Is the matter promised? lord ol the 5th house also. Rahu, again,
becomes the sublord of the 5ih cusp, and, as
In all Horary questions, tbe sub-lord of discussed before, Rahu is in Moon constellation
the cusp of the house pertaining to the subject Venus sub. Moon is in seventh to the 7th house
matter of query is the deciding factor to and he is the lord of 4 from the 7ih. Venus,
determine whether the matter will be favoura- similarly, is lord of 7 in the 4th house
ble or not. If the sub lord is favourable, then reckoned from the 7th. So Rabu shows
in the conjoined period of the signifu ators of defeat for the person repersented by the 7th
the particular house, the event will materialise. house.
In matters connected with election, As a proof of confirmation, the sixih
litigation, examination, speculation, etc. the house was also examined. Kctu becomes the
sub-lord of the 11th cusp should be a signifi- sub lord of the (nh. It is an occupant of the
caior of favourable houses. Houses 1, 2, 3, 6 10th and is conjoined with Sun, lord of II,3 -
J0-and-14generally-spea king- are favourable^ -and-^ukraj-lofdTof1- Fnrther.T'vetuj ^
and the opposite houses to these are un- deposited in the constellation of Mercury
favourable. placed in 11, and sub of Venus, lagna lord
who has gone to II. Hence. Ketu is a strong
E. Moon's position at query. significator of 1,10 and 11 house matters.
The Moon shows what the querent The native's 12th house is the 6th house
has in mind. In this case, Moon is in reckoned from the 7th house denoting the
Ascendant conjoined with Jupiter lord of competitor. Ketu once again is his 6th house
3 and 6. It is deposited in tbe constellation sub-lord. Ketu, as we have just noted, is a
ol Jupiter, and sub of Venus lord of lagna powerful significator of houses 1, 10 and 11
in 10. The Moon itself is tbe lord of the 10th and shows success to the querent and not to
house. Moon is thus a powerful significator the person signified by the 7th house.
of houses 1 3 6 and 10 and its position at
query clearly reveals that the query is related Besides these indications. Jupiter, a
to a honour.-winning an election. natural benefic. is conjoined with the 10th lord
Moon in the lagna of the querent, Jupiter is
F. Anal) sis. also in trine aspect-120 degrees-to Venus
The 11th cusp in this case falls in Sun and the 6th and 10th houses. All factors
sign. Ketu star. Rahu sub. Rahu is in the point beyond doubt to the querent winning
constellation of Moon and the sub of Venus. the election contemplated, and I declared so.
Moon, in whose constellation Rahu was
posited, is lord of 10 occupying the lagna. In contrast to the complex, confusing and
Moon was closely conjoined with Jupiter, contradictory principles found in traditional
lord of 3 and 6, in the lagna bhava, though texts, KRISHNAMHRTI PADHDHAT! is
Jupiter is placed in the second sign counted solid, simple and sound and free from doubt.
from that occupied by tbe Moon. (Planets It helps in predicting any query of a minor or
are considered to be in conjunction if they ace major character in the shortest possible time
in a certain relative distance between them and and in a scientific way.



Sbri Paadey Umesh Prasad, a senioi I. Chart For The Query:

District Prosecutor, asked me whether he VIII 40-38'
lave the honour of receiving an Award at ' Mars vn Saturn ^R)
itfae hands of the President of India at the 26*21' 8 fi'-IS' IX 4*-38*
time of the Republic Day Celebrations VJ S'-aa- 5 -33'-20" Moon
1972. His services received recognition and
he was recommended for the grant of one Veni* NIRAYANA X 60-38'
of the President's awardi by the Government 17*-37' Horary Chart Kcthu
of Bihar. He was therefore naturally very V 8e-38' No. 129
keen to know its outcome through the Time.* 9-45 P.M. (IST)
method of Krishnamurti Padhdhati which I Date: 25-1-1973
Rabu. -TlaceT- 25S-36'N.
:follow. I am not a professional - astrologer TP-58' 85*-08' B. XI 8--3r
in- ihe^sense that- Astrology is only my Sun ir-25'
IV 60-38' Ayanamsa 23-22'
hobby and not my profession, and my
sincere endeavour has always been to verify ,,
the truth of Krishnamurti Padhdhati and Mere. 25 -40' Aae.
to convince and satisfy the consultants 111 400-38' 11 4"-38' 50-33'-20"
Jup. 4 -13'
regarding its value and utility vis-a-vis the
old, inaccurate systems. II. Bbava Chart;
I requested him to state a number H Bbava Jupiter
between 1 and 249 to which he replied "129". III Bhava Mercury
The horary chart drawn for the time of IV Bhava Rahu, Sun
Judgement and the cusps of bouses erected V Bhava Veuus
VI Bhava Mars
taking the number 129 representing lagna VIII Bhava Saturn, Moon
-(5-33'-20" of Thula) is given here under:- X Bhava Ketu
ID. Planetary Positions:
Planets House(s) Deposited in
owned Sign Constellation of Sob of plauet
Rulinj Occupying Ruling occupying
House(s) House House' b) House
"Sun 11 Makara 10 8 2/7 6
Moon 10 Rishaba 10 8 10 8
Mars 2/7 Meena 9/12 3 3/6 2
Merc. 9/12 Dbaaus 1/8 5 9/12 3
Jup. 3/6 Dhanus 10 10 8
Venus 1/8 Kumbha 4 11 4
:Sat. 4/5 Rishaba tl 4 9/12 3
Rahu Makara 10 . 8 4
Ketu Kataka 4/5 8 10 8
TV. Analysis: lation. examination and competition. Mars
The receipt of one of the President's is placed in the 6th house, there are no f?
Republic Day Awards is certainly a great planets it) its constellations, and hence Mars f
, lonour and recognition of one's merit or itself is the strongest significator of this/
outstanding performance. h mse affairs. It is posited in the coastellationj
of Mercury in 3 and sub of Jupiter, lonJj
The hou es 6, 10 and 11 are to be of 6 in 2. Jupiter is good by lordship and'j
judged in this regard. The 6tb house deals occupation of house, but its situation in the |
with services rendered by an individual for constellation of Ketu is not conducive to!
monetary gain. It includes all those who receipt of the award though it shows implied \
.are not carrying on independent trade and recognition of the querent's service and out- |
business but are engaged in the service of standing merit (Ketu is connected with 10
Oovernment or a private business or as well as 8). The position of Mars also J
industrial firm or is a upachaya points to recognition of his service as shown j
sthana (improving house) and viewed from when the State Government proposed his 1
this aspect, it denotes success in competition, name for inclusion in the list of recipients I
litigation, etc. (being the twelfth to the of honour, but other indications thwart the <
house of the competitor^ The 10th house -receipt-of the award;
moroaptly describes "one's profession... The 10th house cusp is together f
whether he is an engineer, medical man, governed by Moon, Saturn and Mercury as I
administrator, business man or politician. It is the sign, . star and sub lords. As before \
the; apex of every one's horoscope and is stated, Moon and Saturn are in 8, and the !
the index of name honour, fame reputation sub lord Mercury is posited in the constel- j
and recognition. It denotes status The lation of lord of 8. Mercury also rules the '
11th house is Labhasthana or the house 9lh house, the house of negation of the ;
of profit or gain. It identifies the 10th house matters, and there being no \
ambition, desire and expectation in every
horoscope. The Hth house has also control planet stronger
in 9, Mercury himself becomes ?
to offer the 9th house results as ]
over group interests as distinct from personal well as the 12th house results (it owns 12 i
gain, and so extracuricular activities, asso- also). The 10th lord has. gone to the 8th,
ciation with clubs, societies and institutions Ketu the planet in the lOtb is in the con-
working for a common cause comes under stellation of Saturn in 8 and sub of Moon
the domain of this house. again in 8. The 10th house is also aspected
The lltb cusp falls in Simha. by retrograde Saturn. Jupiter, the only planet ,
ilt is ruled by Ketu as the constellation in Ketu's constellation, also occupies the
lord and Jupiter as the sub-lord. The con- sub of Moon in 8, but as Jupiter is
stellation lord Kethu is placed in the lOlh connected with lord of 10 and a planet in
house but is afflicted by its constellational 10 by constellation/sub, his name was pro-
and sub position. Kethu occupies the con- posed for the honour.
stellation of Saturn, lord of 4/5 in 8, and The 11th house lord is Sun, and no
the sub of Moon, lord of 10 in 8. The planet except Saturn is situated in Sun's
sub-lord, Jupiter, is placed in. the con- constellation. While Saturn is a significator
stellation of Kethu, an agent of Moon in of 11th house also, it is retrograde and
41 (Ketu is alone in Mood's sign and is can only offer a faint (of the nature of
therefore stronger than Moon to offer the Saturn) hope (11th house) in such a situation.
results of the 8th house. Jupiter is further So far as the Sun is concerned, it is in 4
spoiled by its occupation of the sub ruled in the constellation of Moon placed in 8.
by Moon who has gone to the 8th house. How are these significations helpful for"
The 6th house cusp is conjointly ruled receipt of the award?
by Saturn and Venus as constellalion and
sub lords respectively. As we have seen, I frankly gave expression to my mis-
Saturn is lord of 4/5 in 8 and Venus is givings and told him that the portents are
lord of lagna and 8 in 5. Venus occupies adverse. On, the 26th January 1972, the
the constellation and sub of planets in the names of the recipients of the awards were
4tb house. The 4th house is not considered as announced in the dailies all over the country,,
one of the favourable houses, according to but the querent's name did not unfortunately
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, for success in find a place.
matters relating to litigation, lottery, specu- Good Luck
Jyotish Praveena P. R. MURALIDHARAN. B.E., A.M.I.C.E.

A. Particulars of Birtb; D. Astrological Analysis:

Date of Birth; 28/29-10.1949 The lagna is Virgo fKanya). It is a
Time of Birth: 3-38 A M. (I.S.T.) common sign fubhaya rasi). Hence the 7th
house is bhadhaka sthana. For people born
Place of Birth: Mysore. in ubhaya rasi on the lagna, the 7th house is
B. The followingvis the Nirayana Chart of bhadhaka sthana, maraka sthana as well as
the native: kendra sthana. So, it is Very evil from the
point of longevity.
Rahu 0 The 7th house is occupied by RAHU.
V3I1 20-55' IX 3^-53' X 2 -55' SUN is in Rahu's constellation. JUPITER
vn 2-3 4'
"1 sthcTofd of the 7th house, and also of the
4th, another Kendra sthana. No planet is
situated in any of the three nakshtras governed
VI l0-55' XI f-SS' by Jupiter. So Jupiter itself becomes a
significaior. Besides, Jupiter is in the nak-
RASI shatra of Sun, an occupant of the 2nd house,
Mooo XJI a roarakasthana. So Jupiter is powerful.
V r-55' Mara
Jupiter Saturn The 2nd house cusp falls in Libra (ThulaJ
and is owned by VENUS. SATURN alone
I 2*-34' is in Venus' constellation, Saturn is placed in
Venus Sun the .12th house (moksha sthana) aspecting
IV 20-55' Kethu
III 3-53' H 20-55' Mercury therefrom the 2nd house fby 3rd aspect). No
planet is in Saturn's nakshatras. So Saturn
itself is powerful.
Balance of Moon dasa at birth faccord-
ing to Vimshottari System; was 6 years 7 MARS occupies the 12th house and
months 6 days. MERCURY is posited in Mars* nakshatra.
Mars is also the contellation lord of the 2tid
O. Planets Actual Star Sub bouse.
Position Lord Lord
The nodes are stronger than the other
Sun 192o-06' Rahu Saturn planets with which they are conjoined; when
Moon 2840-32'. Moon Jupiter standing alone* they appropriate the influences
Mars 128o-01' Kethu Jupiter of the planet ruling the sign they are in. Rabu
Mercury 177-29' Mars Jupiter is in Pisces (Meena; ruled by Jupiter, a strong
Jupiter 27r-48' Sun Jupiter significator. Rahu occupies the star of
Mercury and is aspected by Mars and Mercury
Venus 237t).53' Mercury Jupiter So Rahu is powerful. Ketu is conjoined with
Saturn 1430-97' Venus Saiurn Mercury in Virgo, a sign governed by
Rahu 3520-28' Mercury Moon Mercury, and is aspected by Jupiter. Ketu
Kethu 1720-28' Moon Venus also is powerful.
E. Haling Planets: It was predicted by me with the help of the'
ruling planets that Rahu soofcshama portended
The ruling planets at the moment of the end of life.
analysis are;-
Oo 25-7-1970, Saturday night, the death
Lagna (Pisces) lord Jupiter took place exactly as predicted. At that time.
Lord of nakshatra rising in Sun was transitiog in Moon sign, Saturn
lagna (Uttarabhadra) Saturn nakshatra. Venus sub; Moon transited in
Lord of Moon sign Mars sign, Venus nakshatra. The dasa lord.
(Aquarius; Saturn Rahu, transited the sign of Saturn, the
Lord of nakshatra (SathabishaJ nakshatra of Rahu and the sub of Saturn.
The bbukti lord, Saturn, transited the sign
transited by Moon Rahu ruled by Mars, the nakshatra governed by
Lord of day (Saturday) Saturn Sun and the sub of Moon. The transits
The nativewas running the majbT acording'tcrtlTe sfellar"division oflhe zodiac
period of Rahu, Sub period of Saturn propounded in Kfishnamurti Padhdhati agreed'
and the inter-period of Rahu from in full. This amply illustrates the soundness
25-7-1970. In this period, Rahu shookshama of our Guruji's theories.
operated between 25-7-1970 and 18-8.1970. Good Luck!

Jyotlsh Vlsharadh K. GANAPATHI

1. Can ihc lord of an erii house (say 6, Planet

"8 or 12) traii3iting in the constellation Sun 5
of a benefic ic g.t lord of 1, 10 or 11) Bharani Owner
bring about desirable results? (5 & 10) Venus

YesIt will produce benebcial effects#

rovided the sub lord is also beneficial.
The planet which transits'is^The'soorce of-
light. The lord of the constellation modifies
the result. What result the lord of the star RASI
indicates, will be the result that will be 8
enjoyed. The sub lord shows whether such Owner
nature of result is ultimately favourable or Lagna Sun
Suppose there is a big circular halt, 10
with 27 windows (27 Nakshatras). There Owner
are so many number of bulbs inside the . Venus
hall as the number of planets, i.e., one
bulb belongs to Sun, one to . Mood, one to Suppose Sun transits in Bharani. Bbarani
Mars and so on. is ruled by Venus. It owns the 5th and 10th
houses Hence it refers to speculation (5th)
Consider that in each glass pane in and success (lOlh); music, cinema, opera,
the 27 windows, all the matters signified by etc. and earnings thereby: So in the glass
the lord of the constellation are written. pane Bharani, it is written (5th bouse;;
If one's lagna is Capricorn, then Venus children, speculation, music, cinema, pleasure-
rules the houses 5 and 10. It indicates the able pursuits, etc. and (tOOth house) earning
matters signified by the 5th and lOih houses. money, coming out successful, profession,
So these matters are written in the glass- reputation, etc.
pane Bharani, . Poorvapalguni and Poorva-
shada stars governed by Venus. Whichever light is switched on, you can
read only the matters written on the glass-
paneBharani. Hluminaiion of these maiters
Suppose you stand opposite to Bharani. is by the light you use, i.e., by the planet
It denotes the results of the houses 5 and that transits. If Sun transits, it is lord of
10. The 4th house gives additional inform- 8 to Capricorn (Makara). The 8th house is
ation how it is accomplished. The planet the second to the 7th. Hence you gain
that transits in Bharani starilluminates through finance of the partner (partner 7ih
the matters written on the glass Bharani. house: second o 7 is his or her finance).
So the source of the result is the transiting You speculate (5th bouse) with the financial
planet. How you gian or lose is indicated aid of a partner (Sunlord of 8), You
by the planet which transits, whereas whether gam (Venuslord of 10ruler of Bharani)^
you gain or lose is shown by the lord of Though Sun is said to be ashtatna-
the constellation. Success or failure is entirely sthana adhipathi, it can bring you fortune
left to the lord of the star in which a planet when he transits in the constellation of a
passes, where as through which influence, benefic. (Here Venus is taken as an example;.
through whose efforts, and how you are
successful or not is shown by the transiting Suppose Sun transits in RohiniRohini
planet (by its nature, lordship and occupation). is governed by Moon which owns the 7th
brother. The other person on the phon^ They are owned by Sun, lord of 3, Moon
demands the money due to him irritates lord of 2 and Mars, lord of 6 and 11.
the native, goes on scolding and finally Tne stars in the I2lh house to Sagi-
threatens. ConsiderElder brother is indicated ttarus are Visakha. Anuratha and Jyestha.
by the beneficial planet. The person demanding They are governed by Jupiter, lord of I
money is indicated by ashtamadhipalhi. and 4; Saturn, the lord of 2 and 3; and
Elder brother is good to him. YeC wheo the Mercury, the lord of 7 and 10.
time is bad, even elder brother becomes the Therefore your query suggests that you
cause of irritation. are interested to know the result of one
But suppose one's period was good as born ia Gemini, having Jupiter in Mrigasi-
the planet, though evil according to lord- risha star.
ship and occupatioa, transits in a favourable You have to analyse as follows:
star At that time, one's enemy visits one s (aj the lord of 7 in the constellation
bouse and is seated in, the drawing room. of lord of 6;
There is a telephone call from a similar, (b) the lord of 7 in the constellatioa
bankera Shylock. The enemy, takes the of lord of 11;
phone-and^.thinking that this person may (c) the lord of 10 in the constellation
gain anything by t5aP~caUsay.s^that the of lord of 6;
person is gone out. So the banker disconoectsr fd 1-tbedor.d _ of 1Q in the constellation
Thus the enemy saves this person from a of lord of Pi;
dirty situation. Thus malefics transiting m fa; Lord of 7 in the star of lorti
favourable stars will come to rescue and of 6:
offer beneficial results.
1. Wife or husbhnd may be
2. Can the lord of 7 and 10, in the temporarily separated; partner
11th Bhava (House) in the coosteUation in business may m on tour.
of the lord of 6 and It be a benefic? 2. You may borrovf money or
This is applicable to Mithuna (Gemini) may have your share of profit
boras alone. from the partner.
3. Vour opponent loses in liti-
gation or. election.
/upiter <b) Lord of 7 in the constellation of
Lagna the lord of 11:
1. Very good understanding with
wife, huOand and partarr in
businer , reunion; good relations
with vnomsoever you transact;
2. Gain through others, in specu-
lation also; -
3. You may have a child;
4. A person of the other sex briags
5. Your desire is fulfilled by the
assistance and co-operation of
(c) Lord of. 10 in the i constellation
of the lord of .6;
1. In your office, you borrow
2. Some jealousy and eoraity ia
If a planet were to own the houses 7 your place of occupation;
and 10, it can be cither Mercury or Jupiter 3. Some labour trouble, etc.;
at DbanusSagittarius boras or to Mithuna fd) Lord of 10 in the star of lord
Gemini boras respectively. of II:
The stars in the 12th house to Gemini 1. Promotion, profit and there-
boras arc Karthikai, Rohini and Mrigasirisha. new friends;
bouse to Capricorn. Therefore in those 13-1/3 The transiting planet may be a benefic;
^lays, you cannot gaia because Sun transits or a malefic according to lordship ozr
in Rohini. Further you will lose as your occupation.
opponent is represented by the seventh
house, and to him Sun, lord of 2, transits (a) Beneficial planets, -however favour-
an the constellation of the lord of 1, Moon able they may be, cannot do good if they
("KarkataCancer) and in the lllh house transit in the constellation of a plane!.
io Cancer. Therefore the Capricorn natives is evil by lordship and occupation.
will fail in their attempts when the lord of
8, Sun, transits in the constellation of the (b) Planets, even though they happe*
lord of 7, Moon. Hence whether you will to be evil in the radical chart by iheii/
enjoy desirable results or not is indicated lordship and occupation, will do only good
by the lord of the constellation and how when they transit in the constellation of
you are able to have such a result, and the planets which have to offer beneficial
the source, are indicated by the transiting results by their lordship and occupation.
Some examples may explain better.
Suppose a planet passes in the star of Suppose there is some litigation. The case is
the lord of 11. (In the above example. heard in court of law. Your witness have
Mars rules over the Ilth house. Its stars to safeguard your interests. It is normal. The
jire Mrigasirisha. Chithra and Dhanishla). witnesses of the opponent have to be un-
The transit!ng planer illuminater-'pleasure,- favourable.to_>our^ Jnterests, It is natural.
profit, permanent tic of friendship, progeny, Your witness is your beoefic; your opponent's
prosperity etc." witnesses are your malefics.
How? What is the source? This is to When you run a bad time your witnesses
be read from the transiting planet. Suppose will turn hostile to you. When you run
Moon transits. It is the lord of 7. So wife good time, the witnesses of your opponent
-or husband or partner will contribute for will give witness, in your favour. Your bad
the above results. Or mother may help you time is the duration when a beneficial planet
.as Moon is the chief governor for mother. transits in the constellation of a malefic.
If Mars transits, as its owns houses 4 and Your good time is the period when a
11. through mother, land, building, vehicle malefic planet transits in a favourable con-
or elder brother or cousin the matters of stellation governed by your benefic. If bene-
the ilth house will be advanced and pro- ficial planets transit in a beneficial star,
moted. As Mars is Bhathrukaraka as well your witness is very favourable to you. If
-as Bboomikaraka, you can gain through malefic planets transit in beneficial stars
brother or land. the enemies give witness which are advan-
tageous to you. Malefics transiting in malefic
stars show that the enemies are court birds,
Suppose a planet transits in Punarvasu and however intelligent your advocate may
ruled by Jupiter owning the 12th house, be, he cannot get. any single point in youj
^ou give money to another either as a favour, whereas the replies will be categorical
fresh loan or repay the money taken from and dead against your interests. BeneScs
another. The person to whom you lend or transiting in malefic star are just like one's
from whom you borrow, is indicated by own people who in their heart of hearts wish
the 7(h house. Jupiter is lord of 12 to you success but cannot help speaking tho
you. So you must issue a cheque. Jupiter truth which will go contrary to your favour.
is the lord of 6 to the 7th. So he has to
receive the money. So also when planets On the day when a beneficial planet
pass in Punarvasu, Visakha and Poorva- transits in a malefic star ('for Capricorn, lord
badrapada, either you repay the loan or of 11 Mars transiting in lord of 8, Sua's
lend money to others. constellation) the elder brother filth house
Mars) takes the phone on understanding
Hence the nature of the result is indi- that there is a call. The person at the other
cated by the planet ruling the constellation end wants his younger brother. So, he calls-
and the source is denoted by the transiting his younger brother most affectionately and
planet. hands over the phone to the younger
2. Reputation, honour;
3. Government officials favourable;
4. Yield from field and returns
from investments are above
5. You make profits through
6. In profession, ' good relation-
ship with officials; through
business, you make many friends.
Thus you have to analyse. One good
result will not cancel an evil one. Both will
-operate, Suppose a planet which indicates
enmity by owning 6th house, owus also the
11th house, showing friendship. It will offer
both the results.
Suppo_se_y o_u _wan t_to _t ravel. .by_train-.
"At the time you step into it, someone
prevent saying "No room, here". He picks
up a quarrel; you argue with him. Some
minutes pass. Both begin to talk. Before
you get down from the train, both have
become good friends.
Also, two people. A and B, are friends.
They go on discussing. There is heated
argument leading to enmity. Thus a planet
will give both the results.
For gamblers, lords of 6 and 11 are
very favourable; it shows gains as the
opponent is destined to lose. Lagua indicates
the native. The 7th house shows the opponent.
Twelfth house shows Joss. Therefore 6th
house, which to 7 is 12. loss to the oppo-
nent. 11th house is profit. So llth to
Lagna indicates profit to the native. So 6
and II together show loss to the opponent
and gain to the native.
In cards, games etc., the opponent may
have a good card. As the period is ruled
by 6 and 11" to the native, be will be
diffident, throw away the card and ask the
native to lake the money even though the
native may have only inferior card in his
In an election, the opponent of the
native will have some people who will
secretly do harm to him and let fiira down,
miserably; thereby the native gains and
That is why it happens that Gemini,
Leo and Sagettarin-borns come out success-
ful in the elections with least effort. #
Oct. 1972

Page Page
Announcement 2 Your Doubts Resolved 36
On Fructification of Marriage Profession and Promotion 39
Aspects Between Lords of Astrology And Romance 44
Houses 9
Editor's Note 10 Letters to the Editor 47
How to Cast a Horoscope Daily Guide for October 1972 ... 49
Using Mahabalas 19711980 Nirayana Position and Transit
IS i ray an a Ephemeris ? 17
of Planets in October 1972 3J
Jataka Cbandrika 23
How 1 Predicted the outcome Ephemeris for October 1972 56
of a Parliamentary Bye- Monthly Prediction for
Election 7 ... 33 October 1972 ... 57
A. Horoscope :
VIII 30-44' IX 3V01'
VI 4'-44' Vir 4'-25' Uranus (R) Saturn (R)
19M)7' Rabu 28 -3S
The Nirayana birth chart of a person
born on the 9th November 1944 at 4-58 A.M.
'(IST> at Mysore, calculated in the scientific X 2'-44'
manner advocated in Krishnamurli Padhdhati V 2#-44' Fortuoa
Readers is reproduced below. NIRAYANA
Balance of Venus Maha Dasa (Vimshot- Ayanaoua 220-39'
XI 20-44'
tari system.) at the time of birth was 12 years, IV 2''44' Moon I80-31
mnnth'j and 21 days. ' ^^=05*
The above chart is taken for illustrating Ketbu Ven. 29*-19' Mars 2500-53' XII 4"-44'
the actual time of marriage predicted by me 28,,-35' Mr. &-W Sub24 -29'
applying the principles outlined in "Krishna- m 3s-or U 3-44' 1 4-2S' Nep. 12a-3(y
murti Padhdhati Readers."
B, Planetary positions:
House (s) Placement in
Occupied Ruled CoDstellatioo ruled Sub ruled
by planet by planet
Sun 11 Jupiter Mercury
Moon 11 10 Venus Rahu
Mats 1 2/7 Jupiter Ketbu
Mercury i 2- ' 9/12 Saturn Mercury
Jupiter 11 3/6 Sun Mars
Venus 2 1/8 Mercury Saturn
SaturnCRet) 9 4/5 Rahu Sun
Rahu 9 Jupiter Venus
Ketliu 3 Sun Mars

C. Factors for consideration :

Padhdhati rightly emphasises the need to look
In all matters concerning marriage, des- at the 2ad house as well as the 11th house.
cription of partner in life, state of married The 7th house is the house of union and so
life, etc., houses 2,7 and 11. and Venus, refers to partnership, the 2nd house controls
chief governor for matrimony, have to be 'kulumbha' or family which expands with the
scrutinised. In the traditional scheme, refe- addition of members as a result of marriage
rence is made only to the 7tb house which is and child birth, and the 11th house presides
called 'Kalatbra sthana*, but Krishnamurli over friendships of a lasting character.
D. Is marriage promised? ration, I was looking for the anthra and
The answer to this lies, according to sookshama which will bring about marriage.
Krishnamurti Padhdhati, in the 7th cusp, Mercury anthra comes first and is followed
especially its sub.lord. The 7th cusp in the by Ketu's, 1 therefore selected Mercury's
r^hart taken for illustration is ruled by Mars anthra and in that anthra the sookshama of
-as the sign lord, Kethu, as the constellation Mars which was theiord of the Ascendant
lord and the Moon as theiord of the sub-divi- sign Mesha and lord of the constellation
sion in Kethu's star Aswini. Mars is in iagna chitra on the cusp of the 7th house at that
in ra ot conjunction with Sun, lord of II, time. Mercury anthra in Venus bhukti in
'both being in the constellation of Jupiter who Moon Dasa operates between 30-3-1972 and
occupies the 11th house. Kethu, the con- 25-6-1972 and .in this period the sookshama
stellation lord of cusp, is posited in Dhanus of Mars comes between the 12th and the 18th
ruled by Jupiter who is placed io the 11th May 1972.
1 liouse and also aspected by Jupiter by the $tB I wanted to verify my calculations accor-
.aspect. TCethu was in the constellation of ding to the system of progression, and accor-
Sun, lord of 11. and sub of Mars, lord of dingly 1" prepared a pmgaassgdchtft ln
7. Sun and Mars being id Iagna. _Moon, progression-aliay is TakenTor a year. Thus,
the-su^ 1 ord of tli e71h CTI5p;_is"placed in'the a chart erected for the 27th day after birth
11th house in the constellation of Venus who, and for the time of birth and the locality of
^s the chief governor for matrimonial affairs, birth is the progressed Horoscope showihg
occupies the 2nd house. All these are strong the indications between the 27th and the
indications in favour of marriage. 28th anniversaries. In our case, 9-11-1944
T. Significators of houses 2, 7 and II: 4- 27 days (years in progressionj = 36-11-
1944 or 6-12-1944. A chart drawn for 4-^8
2nd house. Venus and Mercury are here, AM (1ST) on 6-12-1944 for the latitude of
with Venus in Mercury's constellation. Mysore reads the events that will come 'to
Moon is in 11 in Venus, constellation. pass between 9-11-1971 and 9-11-1972. All
Mars is the lord of this house, and no the tedious calculations involved in preparing
planet in its constellation. a progressed chart can be avoided by follow-
ing an easy method, known as the Perpetual
7th house. It is vacant. Mars is its ruler, Calculation Date method. The progressed
and no planets occupies Mars' constella- positions of the planets, according to this
tion. system, are related not to birth time but Ito
the time for which the daily positions of the
31th house. Jupiter and Moon (are posited planets are extracted in the ephemeris.
in this house, and the Sun is its lord.
Sun, lord of 11, Mars, lord of 7, and The native in bur case was born at 4-j58
Rahu are in the constellation of Jupi- AM (1ST) on 9-II-1944 whichis 12hoiirs
ter. No planet is in Moon's constella- 32 minutes before 5-30 PM (1ST) on 9-1)-
tion. 1944 for which the sayana longitudes of the
Therefore, we find that Venus, Mercuryj planets etc. are furnished in Krishnamurti's
"Mars, Moon, Jupiter, Sun and Rahu are Ephemeris (Vol.II). As 24 hours Cor a dav)
connected. is to 12 months (a year), so is 12 hours 32
minutes to 6 months and 8 days, on the basis,
The chart was before me for analysis on-: of the following formula:
.Sunday, August 22. 1971. At 9-45 P.M.
(1ST) on that day^ when I was seriously 24 hours 12 months
examining the time of marriage. I calculated 2 hours 1 months
15 days
the Ascendant. It fell in Mesha fAriesJ 1 hour
1 - 48' ruled by Mars as the sign lord. 60 minutes 15 days
Ketu as the constellation lord and Venus as 30 minutes 7-1/2 days
the sub-lord. The 7th cusp fell on the oppo- 4 minutes 1 day
-site sign, i. e , in 148' Thula fLibra)
ruled by Venus as the sign lord. Mars as the Adding this period of 6 months and 8 days
constellation lord and Mercury as the sub- 1o 9th November (which is the day and month
3ord. Since the bhukti of Venus was in ope- of birth), we arrive at 17th May which is
the Adjusted Calculation Date. The planetary Dasa Bhukti Anthra From To
positions on the 6th December 1944 at 5-30 Moon Venus Venus 30-11-70 10- 3-7lr
P.M. refer to the native's progressed year Sun 10- 3-71 10- 4-71-
commencing, not on the 9th November 1971, Moon 10- 4-71 30- 5-71
but on the 17th May 1972. For the sake of Mars 30- 5-71 5- 7-71
uniformity, the cusps of the progressed hou7 Rahu 5- 7-71 5-10-71
ses should also be related to the same date. Jupiter 5-10-71 25-12-71
The sidereal time on the progressed birth for Saturn 25-12-71 30- 3-72
the same time as birth, namely 4-58 A.M. Mercury 30-3 -72 25- 6-72
^IST), should first be ascertained. As these Ketu 25- 6-72 30- 7-72
house positions refer to progressed year com-
jnencing 9-11-1971 and as we have related Moon Sun 30- 7-72 30-11-72
the planetary positions to 17-5-1972, we may
adjust this sidereal time to conform to the The following are the salient features of
Progressed Adjusted Calculation Date. The the progressed horoscope :
difference between the birth time (4-58 A.M.
1ST.; and the time to which Krishnamurti's
Ephemeris (Vol. I1J relates is 12 hours, 32 (1) The cusp of the progressed Vllth cusp
:minutes. Sidereal time constantly increases falls in 28o-40' Mesha (Aries) governed by
at the rate of 4 minutes or 240 seconds in a Sun as the constellation lord and Mars as
day of^24 hours, and, so, for the difference the sub lord. Sun and Mars were the rulers
-of 12 hours 32 minutes, the increment comes . of houses 2, 7 and 11 at birth also.
to 2 minules-S secandsThis should be ad-
ded to the sidereal time calculated^for-4-58 The Sun was progressing in 210-16'
A.M. (1ST) on 6-12-1944. The houses ascer- -38" Vrichika (Scorpio;),sensitive
tained for this adjusted sidereal time and for part of the zodiac conjointly ruled 'HyThe
the latitude of Mysore, the place of birth, bhukti, anthra and sookshama lords in
relate to the progressed year commencing on Vimshottari Dasa at the time. Progressed
the 17th May 1972. The following is the Sun was in Mars' sign, Mercury's constella-
progressed chart of the native for the said tion and Venus' sub. Venus ruled the
year. bhukti, Mercury the anthra and Mars the
sookshama according to Vimshottari Dasa.
(3) Progressed Venus in l0-24' Makara
o vi r-3i' Uranus (R) Sat.16-06
(R) (Capricorn) was in trine (120) aspect to
V 0 -31' o 17-59 XI 27 o
-3r Progressed Jupiter (2^-28' KanyaJ as well as
VII 28 -40' VIII28-13' Rabu 27-10 the cusp of the progressed Xlth house (0o-3r
NIRAYANA X28'-3l' (4) The cusp of the progressed Vllth
PROGRESSED CHART house was in beautiful trine aspect (120) to
Jupiter's position at birth, and also to the
6-12-1944. 5.30p.m.(lST) radical position of Ketu. Also, sextile (60
VI 280-3I' aspect) to Rahu at the time of birth.
Ketu 27-10 Progressed Year Moon
Venus 1-24 beginning May I7tb 1972 8-59-40 (5) Progressed Moon was in Makha
ruled by Ketu who was the lord of the con-
stellation on the cusp of the 7th house at
XI 0o-31' birth, and in the sub of Jupiter who was
in 27-31' II 28M3' 28Lagoa
-40' placed in the llth house in the radical chart.
Sud 21-16-38 Jup. 2 28 Further, Moon was progressing in the 11 th
Mcr. 12-16 Mars 14-48 XIl 10-31' Nept 13-10
house of the radical chart.
(6) The progressed second cusp' was
The various periods in Vimshottari dasa approaching to a conjunction of radical posi-
to be undergone were : tion of Venus.
O) Mars, who ruled the 2nd and -7th exactly sextile (60 aspect) to the positiot*
jjouses at birth, was progressing in the 2nd of the progressed VKth cusp at the time of"
bouse of the radical chart and so was Sun, marriage and. in trine aspect to the
jord of the at birth. Mercury progresssd ascendant. The transiting Sun
'also progressed in the 2nd house of the pro- was also in fine trine aspect with the progre-
gressed horoscope. ssed position of Venus, chief governor for
The progressed chart strongly favours marriage and a strong significator at birth..
celebration of marriage and lends supporting Venus, bhukti lord, was conjunct Mars, lord
testimony to the Yimshottari Dasa. When of 2 and 7 at birth, in sextile (60) aspect,
the Moon dasa, Venus bhukti,. Mercury with the progressed position of Moon, dasa.
^nthra and Mars sookshama operates bet- lord. Mercury was transiting in the 7tit
vveen the 12th and litth May 1972, the house, of the radical chart in the constellation
jjjarriage should be celebrated. 1 accordingly ofKelhuwho, at birth, ruled the constella-
pitched upon Wednesday the 17th May 1S72 tion on the cusp of the 7th house, Mercury
for the fructification of the event. was in trine aspect to its own progressed
The marriage came off on Wednesday the position in the 2nd house of the progressed.
l7th May 1972, exactly as envisaged. The chart and to the transiting position of Jupiter
transiting positsons of the planets at 5-30 in -the 2nd house of the progressed chart.
/V.M. CIST) on the day are recounted belowj Jupiter was transiting the constellation and
sub of the Venus, a significator. It maybe
f interestto-knovv- that-at-tfais time- Jupiter-
Mercury Sun 20-49' Mars
Vco. 9o-3r was in retrogression and even so did not
13M0' Sat. 14^-44' 25Mboo
0 ,
deny marriage. Uranus was in the 7th house-
-25 at birth, and this planet was transiting in
210-22' Kanya (Virgo) governed by Mer-
cury as lord of the sign, Moon as lord of the
Transits of Planets constellation and . Venus as the lord of the
Ketu 69-0l' sub. The dasa of Moon, bhukti of Venus
NIRAYANA and anthra of Mercury was in operation at.
^he time of marriage and Uranus which was-
on at birth in the 7th bouse transited the con-
8 17-5-1972: 5-30 P.M. joint sensitive degree ruled by the signifi-
ftahu 6 -0r cators.
From what has been explained in the
course of this article, it is obvious that
Ncptuoo Uranus (R) progression is a useful method of delineating
Jup.(R) events and can be usefully associated with
10-44' 21--22' the Vimshottari dasa system and transits,
but the manner of reading the results by pro-
gression would seem to warrant modification
The transiting Sun was very near the 2nd in the manner dealt with in the article "Ex-
cusp of the Progressed Chart. Sun was also periments with Krishnamurti Padhdhati" pub-
ttansiting in trine aspect to the progressed lished in the December 1971 issue of this
position of Jupiter. The transiting Moon was illustrious magazine.
(Continued from July 1972 issue, page 37)

Lord of Lagna id Good Aspect some way connected with bouses 2,6,10 and
to Lord of 5. lord of lagna being also similarly connected,
'be conjoint period, according to the Vim-
Tbc Stb boose shows strength in resist- sbottari Dasa system, of lords of 5 and 1
oce; the lagna represents freedom from in good aspect between them, or the period
disease. So a benefic aspect between the when lords of 5 and lagna from harmonious
lords of iagna and. the Stb bouse promise8 aspect by progression (direction; will usher
positive good health in early life; in general-' the entry of the native to one of the depart- .
in any chart, it is an index of an exccllant ments described before. If he is already
state of physical health and well-being. The connected to these as a vocation, the period
5 th bouse deals with_foys,_dolls,_p)easure,_ jvjkLniarkan-upward-trendin-his-carrer.
holidays, etc. It also governs bobbies, sports advancement, honour, reputation, etc. Tastes
and games of every sort and recreation. In and fancies being under purview of the 5th
youth, the native wiD have a good measure bouse, the aspect in a favourable way from .
of enjoyment and excel in sport activities. lord of lagna to the 5th lord inclines to
In the traditional scheme, speculative dealings purchase of articles suited to one's tastes
and enterprises, stocks, shares, etc. come and fancies. Those connected with sports,
under the purview of the 5th house, and a outdoor games, indoor games, social or
favouable aspect from the lord of lagna,. cultural troupes, etc., stand to gain by the
ruling success, is an indication of smooth favourable aspect between the lords of 1
sailing in matters . of speculation, etc., and 5. They get honour, fame, reputation
though in the ul timate analysis gain accrues and elevation. In the case of sportsmen,
' to the other party represented by the 7th this aspect confers every chance to lead a
bouse, this aspect being a benefic one team and bring laurels. Luck will be in
between lords of 11 and 7 reckoned from their favour. It is not uncommon to find
the 7tb house. (This will be the effect in sportsmen in business or trade, companies
general, but is liable to modification due to of repute, and even in service departments
the disposition of the lords of 5 and I by of Government like Railways, Border
sign/bouse, constellation and sub positions.) Security Force, Police force, etc. The Central
The fifth bouse has control over romance, and State Governments provide every fillip
love, licentiousness, courtship, etc. and a to sportsmen by employing them as a token
favourable aspect of lord of 1 to the 5th of their appreciation and encouragement to "
lord inclines to success in such matters. The sport; big firms and banks employ them
5tb bouse has to do with theatre, opera, purely for their sporting abilities. Professional
drama, motion pictures, concerts, fairs, advancement and promotion and honour
carnivals and amusements of evety kind. can be expected by such people whenever
Professional entertainers, artists, painters, the lords of 5 and 1 in benefic aspect
musicians. Composers, singers, directors, operate together by dasa system or progression
actors and performers, circus and stunt men. Such persons'charts would show the conne-
all come under the domain of the 5th house. ction of the Sth house with planets signifying
If the chart points to a career in any one 2, 6 and 10 bouses. To Kataka (Cancer) and
of these departments, the lord of 5 being in Makara (Capricorn) lagnas, the lord of 5
also happens to be the lord of 10; to those 7th house indicates fine arts, and an aspect
born in [Rishaba (Taurus; and Vrischika favourably between lords of 7 and 11
(Scorpio) lagnas, the 2dd lord and the 5th counted from the 7th house inclines to
lord are one and the same. These people will gains to her in this matter. The 7th house
have ample opportunities to lead in their is the house of union or agreement, and
respective games, etc. when there is a favour- as the beneficial aspect of lord of 5 and
able aspect* at birth, between the lord of 5 1 being an aspect between lords of
and the lord of lagna. Even if there is no 3 and 11 reckoned from the 11th house
such good natal aspect, ah aspect, by direc- representing elder brother or sister, it is
tion favourable, of lord of lagna on the lord favourable to put an end to emity and
of 5. or the lord of 5 on the lord of lagna strained relations with elder brother or
shows a period of success in sports, honour, sister; even, a bosom friend with whom
etc. Contrary results will be enjoyed when there miy have been a little misunder-
the lords of 5 and 1 are in evil aspect. They standing renews contacts again. At least
may be forced out during such an aspect temporarily, during the period of the aspect
even though they may have been leading all the relationship will be cordial. . If the
along. benefic aspect between lord of 1 and 5 was
in the natal chart, it is an excellant indi-
The 5th house, in astrological parlance^ cation, but if there was no such benefic
is said to rule 'Sruti' (Vedic knowledge;, aspect at birth but such an aspect comes
'Smriti' (traditional law), mantra upadasa by direction, then during the directional
(initiation of mantras), etc. The benefic aspect aspect these results will operate. True, these
^of-lord-oT-1 on lord-bf"5"at ^birth~re, "results' are- subject-to modification-by-other -
therefore, conducive to gains in matters factors, and it would not be possible to
connected with the acquisition of knowledge treat of every chart and indicate the results
ol vedic texts, etc. It is good for initiating in any text book or an article for the
mantras, peditation, prayer by incantations, obvious reason that such treatment will have
chanting of vedic hymns, etc. If lord of 9 or II, to run to volumes and volumes. Astrology
or both, also form good aspect with the lord is essentially, an art of blending the various
of 5, it is the best indication of success infiuences in a discriminating manner.
and siddhi (fulfilment). The 5th house governs
all creative faculties as well as progeny, and Reckoned from the 3rd house (younger
this aspect lends support to the birth of brother, sister, cousin etc.) the aspect is
offspring and prosperity to them. If the between lords 3 and 11, showing their gains
conjoint period of lords of 1 and 5 according by book trade, publishing, correspondence
to Vimshotfari Dasa system operates, or and so on, and by undertaking short
these lords come to foim benefic aspects journeys, as for instance as a representative
by progression, it promises child birth. Even agent, etc. The younger brother, etc. may who had remained issucless yearsafter succeed in getting a telephone sanctioned
marriage will have their prayers answered, for his use. The marriage of one*s elder
and they wrll be fortunate and happy in brother or sister may be negotiated and
this respect. settled, or his neighbour may become a
business partner with the native (aspect
Good aspect between lords of 1 and between lords of 3 and 7 from the 11th
5, in a male chart, denotes purchase of house). For children ruled by the 5lh house,
fancy articles and costly things to wife, this is a benefic aspect between their 1st
such aspect being between lords of 7 and and 9th lords, denoting success in higher
11 counted from the kalathra sthana. The education, research, law, philosophy, contacts
-with foreigners, journeys to long distances During the conjoint period of lord of 6
and foreign countries, collaboration, etc. and 1 in good aspect between them, all affairs
Being an aspect between lords of 8 and 12 influenced by the 6th house prosper.
counted from the 6th house ruling maternal Servants will be appointed for assistance.
v uncle, domestic servants, domesticated or Cattle and pets may be acquired. The
pet animals, it points to their ill-health native would succeed in taking up a job.
and, in some cases of bospitalisation. This would be the time when he would rent
out his house or a portion of it, also his
If the native's mother is a caraer lands and other immovable properties. He
woman, then this is a fine aspect assuring may employ some one to look after these
lier of professional advancement, financial and manage it for him. Due to negligence
4*ains, etc. of the laws of hygiene, he would suffer
from disease, or he may have a setback
Lord of Lagna In Good Aspect in his health as a result of some infection.
to Lord of 6. . __ But* as the 1st house shows positive health
and recovery, a benefic aspect from lord
The 6th house is the bouse of debt or of I to the lord of 6 is a favourable sign
borrowing. It is the bouse of worry or mental for recovering from the state of ill health
anguish caused by disease and illness or that has been afflicted him so long. At
cxpences outweighing income, forcing the the same time, the lagna lord's benefic
native to go in for borrowing to make both aspect on lord of 6 is an excellent testimony
bis endsmeet for the time being. Unless the * for gains in speculation, competition, election,
^th house is strong, even the business people litigation, etc. In a few cases, it shows
cannot hope to get satisfactory assistance separation from wife or husband or the
from banks by overdrafts. Borrowing or debt trade partner.
is good in the sense that enables one to
tide over the temporary difficulties he is in, This aspect, in relation to his younger
and that is why it is called a 'upachaya brother/sister, is one between lords of 4
^thana'. Among other matters, it has relevance and 11, denoting sale and purchase of con-
to hurts, wounds, falls; sickness and disease, veyance, immovable property, construction of
maladjustment in general; worry, fear and house, inheritance, etc. To mother represented
mental pain; food and dietary habits; hygiene, by the 4th house, this is an aspect between
.and sanitation, etc. Also, domesticated or lords of 3 and 10 to her, showing gains
pet animals of every description, small cattle, by correspondence, short journeys, book
domestic creatures, tenants, domestic servants trade, profession, etc. She may do insurance
of every sort such as cooks, watchmen business or undertake some intermediary
messengers, etc., subordinates and employees. jobs as a part time vocation. To the
It stands for work and toil of all sorts children, this aspect shows gains by publi-
service and exertion, sheer labour or cation, financial prosperity, success in exam-
drudgery, overstrain, struggle for place in ination, research, increase bank accumulations,
society, etc. It is the house of misfit etc. To the relative denoted by the 7th
-occupation or non-distinctive vocation. house, wife or husband, etc. it indicates
investment or purchases, secret enemical
It also rules over maternal uncle. It activities, life in a foreign place, disharmony
shows the condition and faithfulness of all with or seperation from the life partner and
those who serve him at home or office so on. To father, it is good for his pro-
Incessant eye trouble is said to come fession, honour in society, name and
under its scope. reputation. If he happens to be connected
with film world, theatre, musical societies, Dhanur Lagna or Rasi Goddess
etc. it is favourable indication for further Lakshmi, Lord Rama. Narayaha, Vishnu,
success. This aspect denotes danger, especially Lakshmi Narayana, Sundarakandam.
jin short journeys, to elder brother or sister, ' Makara Lagna or Rasi:Lords Venkata-
delays in correspondence, difficulties with chalapathi, Rama, Vishnu, Anjaneya will give
.neighbours, trouble through younger brother/ immediate results to his lagna just like Lord
sister, etc. Muruga or Ganapathi" to Kataka Lagna as
the lord of 5 is also lord of 10. Now the
If the lord of 1 or of 6 were to be names of the lords given are for the
^lars, or if they are in any manner connected particular prayer that one should have rapid
with Mars, surgeon's aid may be needed recovery. It does not show which upasana
for the cure. Jupiter's beneficial aspect shows one is to have permanently which depends
cure by a physician and prayers will give on the 5th house. 5th indicates mantra and
solace and mental strength that everything 10 karma and fruits of the prayess.
will come round. Prayer to God as suggested
here would be helpful: Kumbha Lagna or Ras;iGoddess
Parvathi, Alamelumangal, Rukmani, Padma,
Mesha Lagna or Rasi:Lords Muruga, Lalitha, JVakshni,--Lord Parffiasarathi.
"Narnsimha. Affjanoyn, Vppraraghavan
Meena Lagna of Rasi;Lord Surya-
Rishaba Lagna or Rasi:Goddess narayana. Sathyanarayana, Vaidyanatha,
Laxmi, Kanakadhara, Sristhuthi. Vaideeswara, Adhitya Hridhya.
Mithuna Lagna or Rasi:Same as for (6th house to Meena is Simha.) Its lord is
Mesha Lagna. Auditya. Simha, is the 5th house of the
zodiac indicating heart, i.e., Hridhyam.
Kataka Lagna or Rasi:Goddess Adhitya Hridhaya is proper.
Rajarajeswari, Parvathi, Uma, Indrakshi, The lord of 1 forming good aspect
<jowri,' Meenakshi, Kamakshi, Visalakshi, with the lord of 6 indicates realisation of
Gayathri. thoney that had been entangled so long ^nd
receipt of accumulated arrears, or getting
Simha Lagna or Rasi:Lord Surya- back property that had been lost by theft
narayana, Lord Veokatachalapathi, Lord or articles lent like books, which can be
Govinda, Lord Krishna, Adhitya Hridhayam. verified by working out the transit of the
Kanya Lagna or Rasi:Lords Aojaneya, planets. The above results will be more
Vishnu. Srinivasa, Lakshmi, Narasimha, apparent in the case of those born in Kataka
.Satyanarayana, Raroachandra. oc Simha lagna in such minor affairs as
hand loans, books lent, etc. Good aspect
Thula Lagna or Rasi:Goddess Laksmi of the lord of 1 to the lord of 6 also
Lalitha, GodNarayana, Srinivasa, Srichakram denotes good relationship . with maternal
Gayathri. uncle, danger to servants, father's promotion
and his stature in social circle going up.
Vrischik Lagna or Rasi:Lords Subra- The nature's children gain in studies and
manya, Narashima, Ganapatbi, Sastha, they succeed in research, collaboration with
SalajL foreign nationals, instutions etc.

(Continued from July 1972 issue)
Having ascertained the Sidereal Time of state the Sayana longitudes of (the cusps of
birth, we may now enter upon the calculation six houses, the longitudes of 10th bouse
of the cusps' of the various houses for the (Meridian)and Ascendant (1st house)accurate
Sidereal Time of birth of our example T. to the degree and minute, and the rest of the
(Cusp is the exact point of commencement bouses to the nearest degree only (fractions of
of a bouse or bhavaj. 3 0 minutes and less being omitted and frac-
tions of 31 minutes and mote being approxi-
We must presently turn to a reliable mated to the next degree).
Table of Houses for Northern Latitudes, as
the example birth was at Bombay in the nor-
thern hemisphere. Mababala's Universal The Sidereal Time of birth ofourexample
Tabu Of Houses for all Latitudes, South I, latitndeJ80r5f'-Nortb.was"5tnved to be 21
or North, and from 0 Lat. to GO" Lat..jiying- -hourrZS minutes 23 seconds. Turn to the
the longitudes,_of-all tbe-houses "calculated to page for latitude IS" North, nearest to
-the -nearest minute, unlike the available Tables Bombay's. Look for the Sidereal Time of
which only give them to the nearest degree, birth or the two Sidereal Times nearest to it
will shortly be published, and till then in the left hand column marked "Sidereal.
Raphael's Table of houses for Northern Time". They are 212541 and 212940
Latitudes may be relied on. Raphael's Tables Prepare a table as follows:
HMS 10 11 12 Asc. 2 3
A. Nearest earlier
Sidereal Time 21-25-44 19 Aqu. 20'' Pis.' 26 Aries 0 Mit. 55' 27 Gem. 22 Can.
B Nearest later
Sidereal Time 21-29-40 20" Aqu. 21 Pis. 27 Aries 1 Mit. 56' 28 Gem. 23' Can.
Movement 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1
AquA quarius (Kumbha); Pis (Pisces Meena): Aries (Mesha); MitMithuna (Gemini);
GemGemini (Mithuna)
Nearest later Sidereal Time
Sidereal Time 212940 of birth 212823
Nearest earlier Neatest earlier
Sidereal Time (-)2125-44 Sidereal Time (-) 212544
Difference 00356 Difference 00239
Call this 'Y' Call this 'X'
This Epbemeris is available from M/s Hariman Booksellers, 12, Brahmin Street,
Saidapet, Madras-15. The Epbemeris furnishes the daily longitudes of all the planets for 10'
years from 1971 to 198 Oat 5-3 OA. M.(IST).
X equals 159 seconds. these columns carefully to see the symbol of
the zodiacal sign to which they refer.
Y equals 236 seconds. The Asc. has then to be ascertained in
X^ow, in the columns on a line with the two the same way. Under the column 'Asc',
Sidereal Times (A and B) are found the opposite the sidereal time 212544, the
Sayana longitudes of the cusps of the lOtb, figure given is 055' with the glyph of the
1 ith, 12th, 1st (Asc). 2ad and 3rd houses in sign Gemini (Mithuna). Against Sidereal
that order, and under each of the headings Time 212940, we find the figure of l0-56'.
in the top row TO*, *11% T2', etc. are seen The distance between these two positions
the sign symbols to which these longitudes being iM' (61 minutes), nearly the same as
refer. The remaining six cusps4th, 5th, for 10th, H, 2nd and 3rd cusps, the amount
6th, 7th, 8th and 9th are not mentioned as of are that will pass over the^usp__of.Aso.-
they hold the same longitudes in the opposite_ agna) Jn-J59.scconds-iviirbe "41' (fraction
signs. As one, whole degree of arc-C= 6(y of om/ttcd). Adding this amount to 'A',0 the
-arc) passes over the Meridian f 10th cusp) long, of Ascendant at birth is seen to be l -36'
and the cusps of houses 11,2 and 3, during Gemini (Mithuna) according to the Sayana
the interval of 236 seconds (Call it 'Y') system.
elapsing between the two Sidereal Times A The other six houses4,5,6,7,8 and 9 arc
and B, we have to multiply this amount of respectively opposite to 10, 11, 12 Asc. fist),
arc by the factor of 159/236 (X) to get the 2 and 3. They have the same longitudes but
Y the signs to be placed on their cusps are the
interpolated positions of the cusps of houses opposite ones.
10, 11. 2 and 3.
As we require the Nirayana positions of
1 of arc (60') xi59=9540 minutes=40' the defferent cusps, we need to substract the
236 236 Ayanamsa for.the year mentioned in Table
(approximately). VIII (2321'}, the resultant figures being the
40'is the amount of arc to be added to the longitudes on the cusps of cases according to
figures under everyone of the columns *10', the Nirayana system.
*1\\ '12* 42* and'S* in line with the Sidereal
Time 212544 (A). Run the finger down Like this,
Cusp of Sayana Subtract Nirayana longitude
house (s) longitude Ayanamsa*
10 19 Aquarius 40' (-) 23--21' 26 Mafcara 19 or 296-19
11 20 Pisces 40' () 23-2r 27 Kumbha 19 or 327-19
12 25 Aries 40' () 23.
21' 2 Mesha 19 or 2.19
Asc. (lagna) 1 Gemini 36* () 230-2l' 8 ^ishaba 15 or 38-15
2 27 Gemini 40' (-) 23 -21' 4 Mithuna 19 or 64-19
3 22 Cancer 40' (3 23-2r 29 Mithuna 19 or 89-19
B=D+C; D=BC; C= BD
*AYANAMSA is the amount of arc ("longitude; by which the Sayana (western) and
Nirayana (lodian) Zodiacs differ, the arc by which the Nirayana Zodiac is behind the Sayana
Zodiac. Ayana means precession of Bquinoaes, Sayana (Sa Ayana) means precession included
in calculations, and Nirayana (Nir Ayana) means precession subtracted from calculations. The
gravitational attraction of the Sun and Moon on the Earth causes the axis of the Earth to tilt
slightly, so that a displacement of 30.2388475 seconds of celesiial longitude occurs in the time it
takes the Earth to complete an annual revolution around the Sun. This phenomenon was very well
known to ancient Indians from the carlist times. Even so they advocated the Nirayana
Zodiac, whose point of commencement is with reference to a fixed point in the heavens
coinciding with the commencement of the nakshatra Aswini. Hence, we need to convert
all Sayana positions to the Nirayana method.
. Births in Sooth Latitudes : Calculation different sidereal times according to
of Houses Sayana method. These positions apply
equally to the same six houses for the
To find the cusps of the various houses corresponding South Latitude, but as
for a place in South Latitude, we may adopt signs of long ascension in the Nor-
a simple method- thern Latitudes are signs of short ascen-
(1) Calculate the Sidereal Time of birth in sion in the South and vice versa, the
the usual manner. Remember that the signs on the cusps will be those oppo-
true Sidereal Time for two place? on site, In other words Raphael's posi-
the same meridian will be the same for tions for houses 10,11,12, Asc. 2 and 3
a certain moment, even though the for a certain sidereal time in the North
places may be on the opposite latitudes, may be assumed fto have been worked
one South and the other North. out for the opposite six houses, namely
4, 5 6,7,8 and 9 for the corresponding
(2) Add 12 hours to the Sidereal Time so South Latitude.
obtained, and call this the adjusted
Sidereal Time. This is necessary before For our example birth II at Adelaide
turning to a Table of Housss for South Australia Lat. 350-57' South the true
Northern Latitudes. Sidereal Time of birth was ascerlamedas
^3)_With-this-Adjuatcd-SidctcalTiiaB, take . -15119:Taifiis
we sSalT have to add 21
as stated at (2) abu ve the result namely
a Table of Houses for Northern Latitu- 135119 being the Adjusted Sidereal Time
des. and refer .to a Latitude there m to refer to a Table of Houses for Nortr
the same distance North as the birth Latitudes. Now turning to Raphael's Tables
place is South, or the one nearest the nearest Latitude in the North (correspon-
to it. ding to Adelaide) for which tables arc
(4) Raphael's Tables for N. Latitudes, available is 35 -39' for Tokyo. We may
enumerates the positions of the Cusps extract the required positions there from in d
of houses 10, 11, 12 Asc. 2 and. 3 for 'tabular form for our convenience.

(S At AN A)
Cusps of Houses \
For North 3539' IS 11 ; 12 Asc (T; 2 3
Cusps of Houses
For South 3539' 4 5 6 Des (7) i 9
Sidereal Time
13 47 48 29 Libra 25 Sco. 16 Sagi. 8 Capr. 19 17 Aqu. 26 Pis.
13 .51 37 30 25 17 9 15 18 27
Movement for i Nil 1 c 56 1 1
difference of
0349 (229 seconds)

Following the formula enumerated for exam- tant positions it must be borne in mind are
ple I we can secure the interpoleted positions according to the Sayana method and could
of the cusps of houses 4, 5, 6 and Desc. f 7) 8 be converted to Nirayana positions in the
and 9 the remaining six houses having same manner described earlier.
longitudes on the opposite signs. The resul- (To be concluded in the next issue)

Venkatesa Pandita's
(Continued from the September 1972 issue)
Stanza 53 of in favourable terms. This is in consonance
ForSimha Lagna, Sani, Sukra and with the author's assertion, in stanza 8, that .
Budha are inauspicious. Kuja alone is the lord of the 8th house though evil, is condu-
cive to the production of good results if he
good. No Rajayoga is produced by the also happens to _the lord of lagqa_p^_cO.Inbines
mere combination of Guru and Sukra. ^th-a-bcnefit^ pla^eT^ Kuja is a powerful
Rajayogadhipathi for simha lagna and, na-
Stanza 54 turally, Guru's association with him ensures
If Kuja and Guru combine together. happy results. This view would also seem to
They prove very auspicious and produce be corroborated by the previous stanza (14
great happiness. Sani placed in the 2nd and 18).
or 7th bouse is sure to cause Maraka. The learned author unequivocally declares
in stanza 53 that the association of Sukra and
Stanza 55 Guru will not be favourable for simha lagna.
Budha and other ^evil planets bring This is in keeping with the opinion expressed
about death when they possess death by him in previous stanzas (5 and 6). Sukra
inflicting power. is the ruler of the 3rd house, an evil house
and he gets kendradhipathya dosha by dint of
lordship of the 10th kendra. Jataka Chandri-
Notes : Following the principle laid ka makes no mention of the combination of
down in stanza 5, Sani presiding over the 6th Sukra and Kuja, lords of 10 and 9 respecti-
house, Sukra reigning over the 3rd house and vely to simha lagna, but it is obvious from
Budha lording the 11th house have been the learned author's treatement in previous
classed as malefic planets. stanzas that this combination too is not
Kuja controls the 9th house, a trikona, as favourable for good though it will not be as
well as the 4th house a kendra (quadrant). unfavourable as the combination between
The lordship of a kona house has been hailed Sukra and Guru.
as beneficent in stanza 5, and in stanza 6 it Budha, Saturn and Sukra are strong death
was made clear that malefics when they own influences, according to stanza 55, because
-quadrant houses f kendra sthanas) cause good Budha rules the 11th house, Sani the 6th
results. In stanza 20, it was made amrfy house and Sukra the 3rd house. Besides the
clear that the udion of lordship of a k;e*J^a 10th house as a natural benefic.
and a kona house in the same planet is ffgCV-
rable. In this view. Mars CKuja) is a iffule
some benefic to simha lagna, on the basis of There is also no reference in Jataka Chandri-
his lordship. Sukra, on the other hand, ka to the role of the Sun and Moon who rule
becomes doubly malefic as, in addition to her the lagna and the 12th house respectively.
lordship of the evil 3rd house, she also acq- Strictly on the basis of the rule enunciated in
uires Kendradhipathya dosha as a natural stanza 6, the Sun who is taken to be a malefic
benefic planet owning the 10th kendra. This in the Indian scheme becomes a benefic by
is the learned author's view. owning the lagna kendra. It follows that the
combination of Surya, a Kendradhipathi,
Of Guru, there is no specific mention that and Kuja, a strong Rajayogadhipathi. or the
he is a full benefic, perhaps because Guru, combination of Surya and Guru should prove
who owns the 5th house, a trikona, also to be productive of auspiciousness, but there
happens to hold sway over the 8th house is a striking omission of these combinations in
which is termed evil vide stanza 8. However, the text. As for the Moon, the view appears
Guru's association with Kuja has been spoken to be that as lord of 12 her effects will depend
on her association with other lords as stated in stanza 14 and 16. Sani however fails to
in stanza 7. find a reference in the text in relation to
Kanya lagna. As lord of 5. a trikona, he
In Uttara Kalamritam, Kalidasa differs in should be deemed to be a benefic, but as lord
his assessment of Sukra and Budha in relation of 6 he turns malefic (Stanza 5). On a strict
to Simha lagna. Kalidasa calls these planets interpretation of stanza 14, the combination
as benefics, and to us it appears that his view of Sani and Budha, lords of 5 and 10 for
is based on the belief that Sukra, as lord of Kanya lagna, should be productive of Raja-
houses 3 and 10, upachaya stbanas or impro- yoga, but there is no reference to this combi-
ving bouses, and Budha as lord of the llth nation in Jataka Chandrika. No doubt Sani
house or labba sthana and the 2nd house or is lord of 6 too, but according to stanza 14
dhana sthana would contribute to meterial this would not come in the way of the good
prosperity. effects that will accrue as a result of Sani's
In Bhavartha Ratnakara attribute_d to combination w.ithjord of Iff and. U_Budiba.
Ramanujacharya, the great religious teacher,
Sukia's occupation of the Srd house as its In stanza 57, it has beed averred that Surya
lord has been bailed as highly beneficial, quite is not a maraka for Ranya lagna. despite .his
contrary to the view expressed by the learned ownership of the 12th house. In the author's
author of Jataka Chandrika that the lornsbip . own view stated in stanza 10, the luminaries,
of the 3rd house is evil. If the lordship of namely Surya and Chandra, were exempt
the 3rd is evil, its occupation by the same from asbtamadhipathi dosba. The 12th house,
lord should be much more evil, but Bhavartha being less malefic than the 8th house, the
Ratnakara does not subscribe to this view. author does not ascribe any dosha to Surya's
ownership of the 12th house.
Stanza 56 In Uttara Kalamritam, Sukra has been
Kuja, Chandra and Guru are evil for treated as a maraka planet because she owns
persons born in Kanya lagna. Sukra alone the 2dd house. However, her combination
is a benefic. If Budha and Sukra "Join with Chandra is said to be prodQctive of
Together, they give rise to Rajayoga. yoga, such combination being between lords of
2, 9 and 11. According to Jataka Chandrika,
Stanza 57 however, the Moon is condemned as a malefic
Suryais not a Maraka for this lagna. for her rulcrship of the llth house.
Kuja and other planets are capable of In Bhavartha Ratnakara, in the course of
causing death, should they be invested with his discussion on Kanya lagna, tbe learned
Maraka powers. author says that if Surya is connected to
Notes; The author has proceeded to Chandra or Sukra by any of the recognized
call Kuja, Chandra and Guru as malefics, kinds of sambhanda (association, aspect,
kased on the opinion held by bim in stanzas occupation of each other's sign, kendra posi-
5 and 6. Kuja is lord of the 3rd house, tion to one another and kona position to one
Chandra is lord of the llth bouse, and Guru, another;, there will be access to wealth in
a natural benefic, has stroifg kendradhipathya Surya's dasa, but in the dasa of Sukra he will
dosha as a result of bis lordship of two be deprived of his wealth and in the dasa of
kendras, namely houses 4 and 7. Kuja also Chandra he will reap mixed results. There is
rules the 8tb house which, in stanza 8. was wide acceptance for the belief that when two
condemned as malefic. planets conjoin, each partakes something of
the nature of the other, following which it
Sukra owns two houses, the 9th house, a will be logical to assume that Surya will, to
trikona, and tbe 2Ed house. The 9th house some extent, appropriate the good qualities of
is a benefic house and the 2nd house, though a Sukra, lord of 2 and 9. On the other hand,
death influence, is not among the evil houses Stkia in association with the lord of the
enumerated in stanza 5. Although the house of loss would not only shed some of its
learned author has not classified Budha, lord good qualities but also share tfce ill-effects of
f lagna as well as the lOtb house, one way Surya by lordship. It is, however, too inuch
r the other, he has commended the combi- to say that there will be influx of wealth m
nation of Sukra, lord of 9. and Budha, lord Suryadasa and efflux of wealth in Sukra dasa
of lagna and 10, following the theme treated which will precede the dasa of Surya, for the
effects of Suiya and Sukra are not dependent stated to be evil and lordship of houses 5 and
sffely on their relation to one another alone 9 was extolled as highly beneficial. In this,
but on many other factors such as their sign context. Guru owning houses S and t> and
and house occupation, aspect, nakshatra Surya owning the lltb house were classified
position, etc.,- The spirit of the author's as evil planets. But it is not understood
statement only seems to be that every planet is bow Kujacameto be regarded as inauspicious.
modified by association. It is not correct to While it was the considered opinion of the
say, as a commentator puts it, that Sukra learned author in stanza 22 that bouses 2 and
dasa is weak because Sukra is Surya's enemy. 7 are death-inflicting houses, these houses do
Cpnversely, is not Surya Sukra's enemy? not find mention among the evil houses
How, then, can Surya dasa be good?. In the enumerated in stanza 5 where only houses
interpretation of stanzas, it is necessary to be 3, 6 and 11 were called bad. Then again.
careful about the explanation one offers. was made absolutely clear in stanza that
malefic planets owning quadrant fkendra)
In another sloka in Bbavartba Ratnakara, houses giveiavQurable-resuH?r~afid"The state-
it is said that Guru_and.Sukra jo-^Mo^K-anya- ment in stanza 58 that Kuja is inauspicious
TSgna cause yoga in their respective dasas. runs counter to the theme treated in stanza
This is correct, in a general sense, because 6. But, according to Krishnamurti Radh-
Guru owns two kendra houses 4 and 7 and dhati, of course, Kuja as a strong 'signifi-
Sukra rules the 2nd and 9th houses and both cator of houses 2 and 7 is a death influence in
are natural benefics. Their position in the its period, subperiod, etc. unless there is a
4lh house, especially in the nakshatra of more powerful planet in this respect, contrary
Sukra, connotes domestic happiness, acquisi- to the statement in stanza 59 in Jataka
tion of vehicle and hereditary property etc. Chandrika that Kuja will not cause death.
Here, the interpretation is purely from the
angle of material prosperity in contradisiiuc- Budha is lord of the 9th and the 12th
tion to the approach from the point of view houses. The 9th lordship is favourable as
of longevity followed in Jataka Chandrika per the rule contained in stanza 5, As for
according to which a natural beneGc owning Budha's lordship of the 12lh house, the
quadrants was considered inauspicious. Then author's view seems to be that his results will,
again, in another sloka in Bhavartha Ratna- vary according to his conjunction with other,
kara it is stated that Sani in 11 confers good house lords and the houses they occupy
in his major period. Lord of 6 in II is an
excellent indication for material progress, and (stanza 7).
the 11 th house is a upachaya stbana. But
according to the treatment followed in Jataka There is no allusion, in Jataka Chandrika
Chandrika, houses 6 and 11 are dus sthanas. to the influences of Sukra and Chandra while,
Stanza 58 discussing about the Thula lagna. Stanza 8
clarifies that lord of 8 owning also the lagna
For Thula lagna, the inauspicious becomes a benefic, and in this backround
planets are Guruy Surya and Kuja. Badha Sukra who has sway over houses I and 8
and Sani are benefics, and Sani alone gives may be assumed to be a benefic, though there
rise to Rajayoga. is no express mention to this effect in Jataka
Chandrika. As for Moon, although there is
Stanza 59 ho specific reference to her role# she has
obviously to be classed as a benefic as she
Rajayoga ensues as a result of the has domain over the most powerful kendra
combination of Chandra and Budha. house namely, the 10th. ]n stanza 59, the
Kuja is not capable of killing the native learned author has emphasized the good
even though be is a Maraka. nature of the combination of Chandra and
Budha. There is. again, a striking omission
Stanza 60 regarding how the combination of Sani and
Guru and other evil planets bring Budha will work. Sani is lord of a kendra as
about death when they have Maraka well as a kona and, according to stanza 20,
powers. the union of lordship of a kendra and a kona
house should be execellent. And, following
In the view of the author contained in the principle stated in stanza 16, the associa-
stanzaS, lordship of houses 3, 6 and 11 was tion of a powerful Sani with Budha, lord of
a trikona, should be produbtive of best malefic in Hindu Astrology and he does no^
results. Similarly, the association of Sani get kendradhipathya dosha by owning the
with Chandra would also be highly favou- 10th house, but acquires great bcnefic power.
rable. There is, however, no mention of this According to stanza 61, their combination
combination too in the summary on Thula is productive of excellent results. This is in
lagna in Jataka Chandrika, conformity with the assertion made in stanzas
^4 and 16 treated previously that the com-
In stanza 62, the view is held that Guru bination of the lords of kendras and trikonas
and other evil planets have the power of is immensly beneficial.
inflicting death when endowed with the
power to kill, but in stanza 59 Kuja was held There is no mention about Mars in the
to be a non-killer. There is a uniform theme treatement of Vrischika lagna. which appears
in regard to almost all lagnas according to to be deliberate. While talking ofJRUshaba
which the planet owning the 2ad house is said lagna, (helearned-author'df Jataka Chan-
not to cause death himself. This_ aspect,_wiU- Tlfika called Sukra, lord of 1 and 6 as evil.
bc discnsscd subsequently. " On the same analogy. Kuja ruling 1 and 6
In dealing with Thula lagna. Kalidasa in for Vrischika lagna would also have to be
Uttara Kalamrita is emphatic that Kuja will called so, but no such statement occurs in the
prove to be a maraka and cause death, but text. Strictly applying stanza 6, Sukra ow-
Guru and Surya will not bring about the end ning a kendra as a natural benefic is evil and
of life. This is diametrically opposite to the she becomes doubly so to Rishaba lagna as
statement found in Jataka Chandrika. she also owns the 6th house. But Mars
(Kuja) being a natural malefic becomes bene-
In Bhavartha Ratnagara, the author holds ficial by virtue of his kendra lordship to
the same view as that contained in Jataka Vrischika lagna and even though Kuja also
Chandrika in record to Kuja, namely that he rules the 6th house he should still prove to
will not cause death bimeself, but bis assess- be good. Again. Sukra as lord of 7 to
ment of Guru runs counter to the view of the Vrischika lagna has been included among the
author of Jataka Chandrika. According to evil planets, but Kuja was not so included
the author of Bhavartha Ratnakara. Guru for Rishaba lagna. In the former case, Sukra
would produce good results because the houses as lord of 7 is evil because he is a benefic by
lie owns are improving houses or upachaya nature; in the latter case, Kuja as lord of 7
sthanas. is auspicious because he is a natural
Stanza 61
For Vrisichika lagna, Budha, Sukra In Stanza 61, it has been stated that Guru
and Sani are evil. Guru is a benefic. is favourable perhaps because of his dominion
Surya "and Chandra, when combined, over the 5th house, but for Rishaba lagna,
cause Rajayoga. Budha owning a trikona, namely Che 5tb
house, should, on the same analogy, be also
Stanza 62 counted as a benefic. Budha was not so
included. This difference in approach does
Guru does hot become a maraka, but not appear to be sound and rational.
Sukra and Budba are evil in this respect^
Bearing in mind the classification contained In stanza 61, the author adverted only to
the combination of Surya and Chandra
in stanza 5, Budha owning the 11th house while speaking of Rajayoga effects. Chandra,
and Sani governing the 3rd. house become lord of a trikona, iu combination with Kuja,
evil. Sukra cannot be termed evil on the lord of 1, and Surya. lord of 10, in combi-
basis of the statement in the above stanza. nation with Guru, lord of 5, would also
But Sukra is lord of the maraka sthana, 7th seem to be quite powerful to produce raja-
house, and the 12th house whi.h is termed yoga and this would be in accord with the
evil in stanza 18. She also gets kendradhi- principle propounded in previous stanzas but
pathya dosha. Guru is good because he they have been left out of account in the
owns a trikona, namely the 5th. Chandra author^ treatment.
controls the 9th bouse, a trikona, and Surya
has away over the 10th, the most powerful While agreeing that Budha and Sukra are
kendra. Surya is eoosidered as a natural inauspicious for Vrischika lagna, Kalidasa
specifically says in Uttara Kalamritam that ding to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, death need also a malefic. There does not seem not necessarily be caused by the lords of 2 or
to be much force that Kuja is evil for Vrischi- 7. but planets occupying their constellations
Jca lag^na, for house 1 and 6 are among very or the constellations of occupants of 2 or 7
favourable houses for material welfare and will in their conjoint period, bring life to its
advancement. end. In the face of his own assertion regar-
ding the more powerful influence of the 2nd
Before we come to a close, we would refer house than the 7th house in relation to death,
to the line of reasoning running uniformly it is not understood on what grounds and
through the text of Jataka Chandrika reasoning he makes a positive statement each
regarding the planets, role in regard to death time when dealing with the different lagnas
by their lordship. With reference to Mesha that the lord of 2 will not be a death inflictor
lagna, it was said that Sukra, lord of 2 and himself. This is not borne out in actual
7, will not kill even though he has death experience. Planets owning death houses are
inflicting powers. For Rishaba lagna. no certain death influences and if they occupy
allusion is made to Budha, lord of 2, a these houses or conjoin with other death
maraka sthana.Eor_Mithnna Jagaa,- it-was- inflict ingp la nets they-become-morepowerful
.said that Chandra will not kill, even if inves- to put an end to life-. Only the planets
ted with xnaraka power in addition to her which are situated in their constellations are
lordship of 2, For Kataka lagna, Surya was more evil than they themselves.
similarly stated to be free from the power to
-cause death. For Thula lagna, Kuja even Jataka Chandrika, or the Moonlight to
though he rules 2 and 7 was not counted as Astrology, is one of the few treasure books
a death influence, and similarly for Vrischika on the sublime science of Astrology now avai-
iagna. Guru lord of 2 was not reckoned to be lable to us, and it purports to explain the
a death inflictor. Death is a phenomenon principles with reference to nakshatra dasa in
which overtakes every one of us, and occurs, a manner consistent with the views expounded
according to our ancient astrological texts, by Maharshi Parasara. It appears to have
at the exact time when longevity determined been completed around the 12th century A. D.
previously for us on the basis of karma, good when Astrology flourished all over India.
and bad, performed in a previous existence, While it is inconceivable that the authors of
comes to an end. Such time is ascertained these ancient works had any motives in pass-
by a careful study of the signification of the ing on to their disciples false principles of the
planets having relevance to houses 2 and 7, science, there can be no denying the fact that
which arc the twelfth to 3 and 8 denoting many of the texts have undergone ill-consi-
longevity, bhadakasthadas.' etc. In stanza dered alterations and interpolations and the
22, the author of Jataka Chandrika referred entire knowledge possessed by the ancient
to the houses in twelfth to the 8th and 3rd as teachers has riot been made available to us.
houses of death, that is having power to In this context, it would appear necessary to
inflict death. In the subsequent stanza he approach these texts in a discriminating
further elucidated that the 2nd house is even- manner rather than take them to be the
stronger in this respect than the 7th. Of equivalent of scripture to be followed in a
course, he also added that planets occupying rigid, blind way. The spirit of enquiry can
2 or 7 are more powerful than their lords, alone lead us to truth and it was in this spirit
and that planets in conjunction with lords of that our late lamented Guruji, Prot. Krishna-
2 or 7 are even more powerful than the murti, approached the subject and gave to
planets in occupation of 2 or 7. While us his immortal work "Krishnamurti Padh-
planets conjoined with lords of 2 or 7 of dhati". There is the crying need to codify,
planets occupying 2 or 7 may be powerful modify, improve, add and render the subject
than their lords, it cannot be safely assumed of astrology simple. In most of the ancient
that planets owning 2 or 7 cannot bring about texts, the grain and the chafe are mixed toge-
the end whenever their periods operate in the ther and it is entirely for us to distinguish
"Vimshottari or other dasa system. Even accor and separate them for our own gain.

Mr. B. Mallanna, who contested the bye- has filled the gap in this respect and has
election to the Lok Sabha from the Koraput presented a simple. lucid and novel method
Parliamentary Constituency in Orissa State of determining the nature of the queriesand
on behalf of the Swatantra Party, walked theii^utcome.-^-tbirsystem, the constclla-
into our institution on the 11 th JFebxuary- lions and their sub-divisions play an impor-
1972. The electionhadalready been held tant role. The zodiac is divided into 249
wben'ire'can^ and the counting of votes was distinct divisions, each division being under
in progress. He spent some time engaging the influence of two or more planets as sign
us in pleasent conversation and after a while frasi) lord, constellation and sub-lord.
turned to the topic that was the talk of the Needless to say, it is more specific than the
town then. He was keen to know what light system which uses only 12 divisions or the
astrology throws on the outcome of the con- system which uses 108 divisions. Why?
test. He was not excited nor was he unduly Suppose a person who comes with a query
worried. says '2\ it would refer to the sign Rishaba
(Taurus), extending from 0 to 30, and
In the usual way. I asked him for a suppose the planet ruling the lagna, that is
number between 1 and 249. He said 4,242,^ Venus, also is stationed in Rishaba. The lord
I began to calculate the chart for the query. of the lagna is very important, according to
The number "242", in Krishnamu rti Padh- the traditional scheme, for determining the
dhati terminology, refers to the part of the outcome of the query, and can the answer be
zodiac falling in Meena in Revathi constella- the same whether Venus is in the 1st degree or
tion in Ketu's sub, namely 18o-33'-20". For the 5th degree or the 11th degree or the I7th
this lagna, the other houses are to be cal- degree or the 24th degree? How are we to
culated with the help of Table of Houses relate Venus to the lagna? Are we to take it
for the place where the query is judged. The as occupying, the lagna or are wc to treat it
positions of the planets, however, are noted as in twelfth to it? Is not the house position
for the time of judgement and inserted in of the planets important? The system based
the chart and then the chart is studied. on 108 divisions is' more solid, but even
according to this system there are drawbacks.
At this stage, I would digress a little. If, for instance, the number given is'91, it
Horary Astrology, or Prasna Sastra,-is not refers to the part of the zodiac lying between
something new. It is an important branch of 2640' in Dhanus (Sagittarius) and 30
astrological science and bas been in use Dhanus (or 0* Makara). Jupiter and Sun
from the earliest times, in India as in other rule this part as the sign and -constellation
countries of the world. Classical texts treat lords respectively. According to the Krishna-
of a number of methods for dealing with murti Fadhdhati. this part is ruled by four
prasnas. While it is highly probable that planets as lord of the sub-division of the
our ancestors had a deep understanding and nakshatra Uttarasbada, namely the Sun,
knowledge of the subject, the workstto which Moon, Mars and Rabu. The Sun's influence
we now have access do not appear to convey is between 2640' and 2720': Moon's,
all their knowledge, leading ns to believe between 2720' and 2826,--40"; Mars',
that these were interpolated texts or distor- between 2826'40" and 2913'20";
tions of the original works. and Rahu's, between 2913'20" and the
end of the sign Dhanus. Is not the advantage
The fact remains that the forecasts given of using 249 divisions in preference to 108
on the basis of the rules obtaining in these division or 12 divisions or any other evident?
texts go palpably wrong. Not only they are Then again, according to Krishnamurti
not precise, but in numerous cases the results Padbdhati, the points of commencement of
run quite contrary to the assumptions. The the houses (bhavas), called cusps, have to be
western system, -too, falls far short of expec- determined for the latitude of the place using
tation. Our late Guruji, Prof Krishaamurti, a scientific Table of Houses. The rough and
ready method of adding to, the lagna 30 method of asking a number between T and
successively to get the other house cusps is of '249'.
no avail. The constellations and sub-divisions
held by the planets are important, as also the Coming back te the problem under exa-
constellations and sub-divisions on the cusps mination, the details regarding the number,
of the various houses. date and place are recounted again:-
There is yet another important point.
The normal practice in the western countries N umber 242
and even in India is to note the Ascendant Time 2-45 PM (1ST)
rising at the time of query and pass judge- Date 11th February 1972
ment on the basis of the strength, etc. of the Place Long. 82M5' East;
lord of the lagna. In Krisbnamurti Padhdhaii, Lat. ISMF North.
due importance is given to the lagna. Not Ayanamsa 230-22/
only is the lagaa lord taken as a ruling planet,
the lord ruling the constellation on the lagna
is also considered along with the lord of the Nirayana chart erected in the manner
constellation tenanted by the Moon, the lord through in Krishnamurti Padhdhati Rea-
of the sub where Moon was posited, the lord ders is drawn below;-
of the Moon Rasi and the lord of the week
day. Even so, the Padhdhati advocates the Lagaa 0 B
use-ef fmng-the4agaa-for.the_qiiery_Qia Jhe. 18-33 Vonua lI -32' Sat. 7 -41' IV 15MJ2'
basis of a number between *1' and *249'. Mercury
Guruji's explanation on this point was clear. 150-31' Mars 26 21' III ZO'-OI'
On a number of occasions, almost frequently,
he had many persons coming to him at a time
with the same problem. His answer would Sun ir-w Ketu 9B-32'
have to be the same if he were to proceed XII 12'-02' Y
purely on the basis" of the time of their
coming. He used to cite an interesting
instance in early years, where his predictions
to three people who came to him together, XI llo-02'
all friends, to confront him with the problem Rahu 90a-32' VI 12B-02'
of their profession, were the same. One of. Moon 3 -4i'
them got promotion but actually faced
reversion; in the second case, the promotion
got delayed beyond the date predicted; and X 150-02'
in the third case the promotion came off as IX 20* 02' VIII 220-02' VII 18-33'
predicted. Our late Guruji is reported to Jup. 12o-01#
have given a convincing reply to a gentleman
in doubt regarding the utility of asking a
number. 'Tf a man is destined to come at a AII questions that relate to litigation,
time when the lagna and the planets at ttie election to a political office, etc., would have
time have relevance to his query, he is also to be examined with reference to the significa-
destined to give only that number for fixing tors of houses 1,2,3,6.10 and 11 which are
up the lagna which will have equal relevance favourable houses to the quereat la any
to his query. While three men can come to case, the sub-lord of the lithhousc cusp is
me at a certain time which will have relevance an important factor.
to the problem of their profession, these three
men are more likely to give three different Should the sub-lord of the said cusp
numbers that will go to indicate three be a significator of houses 1,2,3,6,10 and 11,
different answers rather than the possibility it would be favourable for the fulfilment of
of all of them giving the same number, 1 am desire, provided of course he is also placed
not belittling the importance of the lagna, in favourable constellation. Now, let us see
however, for I take the lagna sign lord and what promise he holds in the present case.
lagna constellation lord as the most important The llth sub lord here is the Moon. She is
ruling planets." Nothing more by way of the lord of the 5 tb house and is posited in
explanation is needed in justification of the the 10th house. At a glance, this position
would tempt us to pass a favourable judge- of sub. As discussed in the foregoing, the
ment. Is the Moon really favourable by Moon occupies the constellation of the Sun,
constellation? The Moon is deposited in the who as lord of 12 to the 7th house occupies
constellation of the Sun. By virtue of his a favourable house, namely the 6ih house to
lordship. Sun is favourable to the querent, the 7th, showing success to him. Mercury,
but he is unfavourably placed in the 12th who lords the ist and the 10th houses to the
house in the constellation of Guru in 9, un- 7th house, is situated in the 6th house, a
favourable again from the point of view of favourable house to the person signified by
success in election contest. Moreover, Jupiter, the 7th house. Lord of 11 to the 7th house,
lord of the lagna and the 10th, has gone to namely the Moon, is stationed in the star of
the 9th house; lord of 11, Saturn, who is. a planet in 6.
also lord of 12, was in the constellation of
Sun in 12 and also aspecting the 12th After weighing all the factors, I did not
house. have any hope of the querent coming out
successful. The result was announced over
Judging the strength of the quercnt's the radio on the 13th February 1972. The
competitor in the field, who is denoted by querent, as predicted, lost the battle by
the 7th house from the lagna, we find that thousands of votes.
the 5th cusp, which is the eleventh from the
7th house, is ruled by the Moon as the lord GOOD LOCK!
JyothJsh Vlsharadh K. GANAPATH1
Mr. K. Nath, Bombay, writes:- Suppose Poorvaphalguni (Pooram) is the
constellalion and Simha is the sign on the
"Sir, I have been in the dark all along lagna. There is ample treatment of the
and I did not know of the new method induence of Simha on the lagna in various
of predicting events according to the works and also of the Sun who governs it.
stellar system till I came across a copy There arc very few descriptions, however,
of your magazine in the railway book- of the effects of births in the various nak-
stall where I had gone to fetch a copy shatras, but we have it distinctly stated in
of the latest issue of another astrological some classical works that Poorvaphalguni
magazine. My curiosity grew as I went nakshatra shows a stout appearance* attraction
through your June and July 1972 issues. towards members of the opposite sex, fondness
1 have a question to ask. What, according for drinking, dance, music, etc., fondness
tolhc stellar *THeory7 is'imporiancE' "for violent exercises, IitiEZixgeliifieoce fiic.
of the sign lord, star lord and sub-lord These are general indications and cannot be
of the Ascendant?" taken to apply in every detail to all born
In the various text books, we are told at the time when Poorvaphalguni nakshatra
that the character of a person is deduced was on the cusp of the lagna. There arc,
from the lagna, the sign on which the lagna according to our knowledge, many among
falls, the planet ruling the lagna sign and them who have sterling character and many
the planet the disposes of the lagna lord, who do not look at any member of the
opposite sex other than their life mate. The
the planet or planets posited in.lagna, the courage, if any, they had had before marriage
planet owning the navamsa occupied by the had come to an end as soon as they were
lagna lord and, lastly, the planets aspecting tied to a talkative, quarrelsome, overbearing
the lagna. The lagna also has. under its domain^ and nagging wife! TTiere are, also, shy but
the physical body; its appearance, form, true persons who threw an attractive glance
shape and constitution; health and vitality; at a member of the opposite sex for the
status and position in society, success or first time only at the time of their marriage
failure in all undertakings in general, etc. and that too only at the person to whom
Some works also advocate delineation of they tied the sacred thread. Undoubtly,.
individual characteristics from the constellation there will also be others who revel in
transited by the Moon at the time of birth. romance and some others who like the
The rules laid down in the traditional texts opposite sex merely for the sake of company
are cumbersome. and convenience. So we find, in practical
According to the stellar system stated in
Krishnamurti Padhdbati, the planets govern-
ing the degree on the cusp of the lagna as
the sign, nakshatra and sub lords affect all
the affairs that come under the purview of
the lagna. How they do so, depends upon
their lordship, occupation (sign as well as
house), their aspect to the lagna, and so
on. According to this method, their influence
is more significant than those of the planets
associated with the lagna sign by owner-
ship, association, aspect, etc. The planet'
ruling the sub-division of the nakshatra on
the cusp of the lagna is. truly speaking,
more important than the planet lording the
navamsa occupied by the lagna lord or the Her Excellency Thiramathi Shah was
navamsa where the lagna fell. received by /yothish Visbaradh K. Gaospaihi
If Guru becomes the sub-lord on the
cusp of the lagna, it inclines to a good-
natured, kindly disposition, a nature which
. breathes cordiality, honour and uprightness.
It indicates Jove of pleasure, particularly
out-doors, travel, stotit appearance especially
in later years, good health, fortune, successful
culmination of efforts. If Cunt as the sub
lord of the lagna is afflicted, there is a
strong tendency to self-indulgence.. In Kataka,
he makes the native almost a god of his
stomach with the inevitable result that, in
course of time, he becomes excessively stout
Enlargement of lever results and, as a con-
Prayei sequence, he is subjected to a sickness of
a serious nature. In Dhanus, he becomes an
experience, people of distinct characteristics inveterate gambler who is not shy of stacking
-^thotiah-all'. of-ihem.Jtate Ponrvaphaleuni on his soul on the toss of a coin. In Vrischika,
the lagna. -he- hernmes a sensualist nf. the worst type
and in Meena he is an im-nrahl,- TTniWVard
Which factor differentiates them?' If There is also suffering due to corruption of
Kiishnamurti Padhdhati is applied, the answer the blood system.
is apparent. It is the sub-division in the If the Sun is the sub-lord, he gives
nakshatra which clarifies this. If the sub is vitality, immunity and recuperative powers,'
ruled by an evil planet, say Saturn and it dignity, strength of will and courage, a
is afflicted in the horoscope, it shows a keen sense of honour and responsibility
secretive nature, distruct of others, a gloomy making the native reliable, honest' and a
disposition and a person inclined to seek hater of anything small, underhanded or
isolation. It causes poor health, liability to tricky. He is staunch in friendship, steadfast
colds, bruises to the head. If Saturn is in love and generous even to his adversaries.
afflicted as sub-lord of the lagna and is The person scorns subordination and loves
situated in Simha, it shows poor circulation; to lead others. But Sun is afflicted ' the
in Vrischika, constipation; in Kataka, poor chances of a successful life are slim. In
-digestion and in Thula obstruction of the such a situation he is pompous, overbearing,
kidneys, renal calculi and other urinary domineering, arrogant and undependable. He
-disorders. If Saturn is well posited, it shows regards his promises as pie-crusts made to
real character, a patient disposition, success be broken.
through persistence, self-control and re- If Venus (Sukra) is the sub-lord, it gives
straint, power of organization, wonderful an amiable sympathetic, kind and docile
.capacity to work and success eventually but
. slowly. Saturn shows a thin, emaciated
person generally.
If Kuja (Mars) is the sub-lord of the
lagna the native is bold, free, frank and
fearless. He will be haughty, fond of fights,
.and egotistic, if afflicted; if well posited, it
indicates an enterprisnig, energetic, courageous
and a determined person who breaks through
all barriers through sheer and audacity. It
strengthens the constitution, gives muscular
power and endurance, but makes the person
rash, impulsive and, sometimes, foolhardy.
If Kuja is connected to Sukra in any manner,
it denotes diseases caused by indulgence of
-the passional nature or excessive drinking Welcome address by Sri KrisbDaonurti of
of alcoholic spirits. Motor & General Trading Co., Madras-2
If Chandra is afflicted, the native is-
fussy, inverted, unreliable and touchy. It-
shows sickness in infancy and uncertain,
health in later years.
If Rahu or Ketu happen to be the
sub lord, the result will depend upon their
situation in the chart by occupation,
association and aspect.
It/ is not uncommon to find twins br
triplets born within a few minutes interval
of time. Their lagna is in the same sign,
and in the same star. Will they be alike,
in every respect? Will not the degree and
Her Excellency Thirumathi Shah was minute constituting the ascendant change
Garlanded by Soundaram Rajan within the variation of four minutes or so?'
If the planet ruling the sub-division of the
nature,. friendly outlook. love of pleasure, nakshatra varies from minute to minute of
-_fbndiiess_for- fine-am, poel ry. music, singing,- time, sixrelyjU. hasto -taken-as-a more
dancing, drama and so on. Sukra being the reliable indicator of the diverse natures
planet of peace, shows a compromising spirit. between the twins. Hence, note where the
lagna falls. Judge alt about the lagna taking
If Budha is the lord of the sub on the the planets ruling the sign, star and the
cusp of the lagna, it shows a restless, alert, sub into consideration, lu the discussion
sharp and quick-witted person. The native here, we emphasised the aspect of the SUE
has a comprehensive, discriminating outlook with a view to draw pointed attention to
upon life. Nothing appeals to him so much the magnitude of the sub-lord's influence
as change, and anything that is new appeals according to bis nature, lordship of house
to him and he likes to investigate. Mercury and occupation. It should not be assumed
'denotes a roving, changeful, nervous and from this that the star on the lagna or
excitable character. the sign on the lagna or the planets
connected to it are not of any consequence.
If Chandra chances to the sub-lord of All the fa:tors will have to be considered
the lagna, the person is timid, inconstant, together, only the sub-lord is the most
magnetic and romantic. It endows the native important and distinct factor for reasons
with a sensitive, imaginative, intuitive, indofent explained above. The significations of the
receptive, restless and tenacious nature. sign and the constellation lords are to be
They are easy going and dreamy and are read with reference to the sign and
adepts as architects of air castles that never house occupied and the aspect they told,
materialize or assume concrete shape. to the part of the zodiac constituting the

Her Excellency addresses and spoke very hrgb of

Piof. K. S. KrishnamorH, his inventions Her Excellency cuttiog ribbon and declares
and how Astrology helps all open the Show Room
Shri S. K. GOTAL
A colleague came to me and asked me A. Nirayana Chart:
<o calculate and say when he would secure
promotion in his job. On my asking him to Sat, (R)
furnish a number, he replied '208'. The 11 ll0-22' III 150-22' JO'-OQ' V 5''-22'
time of judgement was 8-50 AM (1ST) on IV 120-22'
-Saturday, November 20, 1971, at Lat. 30*
56' North, 75'32'East.
Mars 140-08' VI 0o.22'
The horary chart for the number is illus- 00-00' Kctu 15o-30'
trated below, the houses being drawn for
""iravana lagaa O" TCumbha (as denoted by
-the number '208') for the latitude of judge- Rahu
XII 0o-22' VH C0o-00'
ment and the planets calculated for the time
-of judgement.
Moon Z6-.4i'
Mcr. 25'-16' vin no~22
The balance of Budha Maha Dasa at the XI 50-22' Von. 25*-26'
Jupt. !90-35'
iime of query, .according to Vimshottan X 12-22' Ufa. 23o-10'
system, was 4 years, 2 months and 22 days. Sun 30-47'
11. Plasetary Positions;
Planet Sign House(s) Star Sub
occupied Occupied Owned occupied occupied
;Sun Vrischika 9 7 Saturn Saturn
Moon Vrischika 10 6 Mercury Jupiter
Mars Kumbha 1 10/3 Rahu Mercury
Mercury Vrischika 10 5/8 Mercury Rahu
Jupiter Vrischika 10 2/11 Mercury Venus
Venus V rischika 10 4/9 Merctry Rahu
.Saturn Rishaba 3 1/12 Moon Moon
Rahu Makara 12 Moon Jupiter
Ketu Kataka 6 Saturn Jupiter

III. Does the Moon reflect the query? the 10th house is related to profession, busi-
ness, honour, reputation, recognition, elevation
The Moon is regarded as the planet of etc. vation, etc. The Moon was placed in the
the mind. It acts as a mirror, reflecting what constellation Jyeshta ruled by Mercury and
passes in the querent's mind. In the chart sub of Jupiter, both Jupiter and Mercury
abovementioned, the Moon rules the 6th being also in the 10th house along with the
house and is posited in the 10th house. The Moon and Venus. Mercury rules houses
6th house, among other things, has connec- 5 and 8 and Jupiter is lord of 2 and 11.
tion with service and matters allied thereto; The Moon's situation shows beyond doubt
nity and group. It is styled as the house of
service or subordination and embraces all
those who are engaged in jobs of a routine
kind which do not involve exercise of autho-
riiy except in a small way. Apart from the
10th and the 6th houses, the 2nd house also
assumes significance in professional matters.
It denotes finance in all its varied aspects,
receipts from every source, possessions of
value like securities, bonds, jewels, etc.
which can be transported from one place to
another, an^l^beity^sJVeedo^
The-traditional method in regard to the
aspect of profession is, defective and falls far
short of expectations in practice. In this
scheme, the 10th house, alone is looked at
without involving the 2od house which has to
do with financial affairs of every conceivable
Her Excellency lighting the "Kuthu Vilakku" kind and the 6th house which has relevance
to service and subordinate interests.
that the querent was worried about the The 10th house charts ambition, and the
chances of rise in his official career. llth house which is the second reckoned from
In all questions concerning professional the 10th shows the outcome of such ambition
prospects, the houses to be investigated are in the shape of physical gain. The llth house
2, 6 and 10. In the traditional scheme, the is traditionally treated as the 'labha sthana'.
10th house is describedA as karma sthana' or the house of profit or gain. It reveals hopes
the house of work. * gya', meaning order and wishes and their fulfilment. Both these
or command, is an epithet used with refe- houses have relation to advancement in career,
rence to the lOtb house. This house desig- business expansion and goins, etc.
nates authority and superiority in general.
It stands for the employer; superior. Govern- IV. Is promotion promised by the chart?
mental, local authority or business organiza- According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
tion under which an individual serves and to
which he is subservient It presides over the sub lord of the llth house should be in
profession, trained skills, business and direct motion in the constellation of planet in
trade. It rules distinctive vocation as distinct direct motion and it should be a significatoi
from non-distinctive or misfit vocation which
is under the sway of the 6ch house. Evidently,
an independent medical practitioner or lawyer
or chartered accountant, for instance, will
'come within the contines of the 10th house.
Also, the judge in the court, high ranking
officials of the state and those holding politi-
cal offices who have the power and authority
to issue orders to which other individuals
have to confirm, fall within its purview.
The 10th house does not, however, truly
reflect the conditions of service in a vast
majority of the horoscopes. This is so be-
cause the mjjor part of the community comes
under the control of the 6th house. The '6th
house, more aptly, denotes their condition, Editor K. Subramaoiam i.i prcseutiog the books
and is described as the house of adjustment written by Jyothish Marthand Sothida Mannan
of individual interests to those of the commu- Sri IC. S. Krishnamarii to Her Excellency
V. Who are the siguificators?
HouSe 2: No planet in this house, and
Jupiter is its owner. No pla-
net occupies any of Jupiter's
consteJiations. So Jupiter
alone is the sigcificator.
House 6: Kctu is posited here, and no
planets are in Ketu's constel-
lations. Moon is the lord of
this house,; and Saturn and
Rahu are in Moon's constella-
Editor his brother K. Hariharan partners of House 10; Four planets-Moon, Mercury,
Harimfin Rooliscllcrfi potes with Her Excellency Jupiter and Venus are situa-
fcd - here; Saturn -and-Rahu-
are in Moon's constellations;
of matters coming under the domain of houses Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and
concerned with the matter in query, Tf the Moon occupy the lOth house
sub lord is retrograde but in the constellation in the constellation ruled by
of a planet in direct motion and is also a Mercury. There are none in
significator of the matter in query, the matter the constellations of Venus
will fructify after the sub lord turns direct in or Jupiter.
course and crosses the point where from it Mars is the lord of 10 and
retrograded. no planet is placed in its con-
In the present case, the 2nd and the House 11: Jupiter is the lone significatDr,
6th cusps are ruled by the Moon as the sub no planet being in ll and
lord. Mars becomes the sub lord of houses Jupiter being the lord of this
11 and 10. As already stated, the Moon is bouse with, no planet in its
the lord of the 6th house posited in the 10th constellation.
house in the constellation and sub of planets
direct in motion and strongly signifying the
affairs of houses 10, 2 and 11. As for Mars, At the time the query was judged, the
he is the lord of the 10th house and occupies planets thai ruled the moment were (ij. Mer-
the lagoa. Mars, no doubt, is in the con- cury as the lord of the cobsicllation Jyeshta
stellation of Rahu who is deposited .in the on the lagna. ("2 Mars as the planet owning
I2th house, but Rahu, being all alone in Vrischika on the lagna, (3> Mercury again as
Malcara, becomes the agent of S iturn who is
lord of the lagna and the 12th house and is
also the constellation lord of the cusp of the
10th house. Mars is invested with the power
to bring the influences of houses, 10, II and 1
to the fore, but as it has connection with
houses 3 and 12 also, it denotes that pro-
motion would, iucidentally, Involve change
of duties or transfer, change of residence,
Mars, the sub-lord of the 11th house, is
in direct motion and when it comes, by
transit, to a sensitive point of the zodiac con-
jointly ruled by the significators the matter
would fructify. Vole of Thanks bySfi Radhu
the lord of the constellation tenanted by the cury (Moon and Mercury being the anthra
Moon, (4) Mars as the lord of the Moon and bhukti lords respectively); Dasa lord,
rasi and (5) Saturn as the lord of the day. Mercury, transits in the sign of Venus, a
The'point of the zodiac rising on the lagna significator, and constellation of Jupiter,
was 270-I6' in Mercury's constellation and bhukti lord; Bhukti lord, Jupiter, transits
Guru's sub. the llth house in his own sign Dhanus in the
constellaiion of Ketu who acts as the agent
Since Mercury and Jupiter are very of the Moon, anthra lord; Sun transits the
Strong among the ruliog planets, the dasa of constellation of lord of 10, Mars, in the sign
Mercury and bhukii of Jupiter runniog of Venus. The Moon will transit the lagna
between 27-2-197I and 3-6-1973 is the broad for the query and conjoin the position of
perioJ when the matter should fructify. The Mars at the judgement time. Based on all
Moon is not only lordofthe 6tb house but the factors, I predicted that the desire will
also occupies the LOlh house in the constella- be fulBlled on Thursday the 13th October
tion and sub of the dasa and bhukti lords. 1972.
The Moons an thra which operates between
5-10-1972 and 13-12-1972. is the strongest. Krishnamurti Padhdhaii, or scientific
'At this timer -when-the-planets-transit-ixi- -atellar_astiology, explains hfe's events in a
favourable position the matter will fructify. manner no other system the western astroln-
On Thursday, the 13ih October 1972, Mars gical system or the various traditional systems
.transits in Mercury's sign Kanya Moon's as they are now understood and applied in
constellation Hastha. and the sub of Mer- Indiadoes.

Sothida Mani A. SIVAPATHAM, Ceylon
One of ray friends, who was on his way prepared on Nirayana basis, is reproduced
to Jaffna, came to see jae We were good below:
pals earlier, but were out of contact for
several years. I was very happy to meet him Xt 40-5l'
after a long time, but our meeting was to be Mercury Sun l0-32' Sat. t06-54'
only for a short while.
l0 -22' Venus XIT 40-38'
IX I0-Sl' X 30-51'
Siva, 1 hear you are a wizard in a new Mars 19<'-42,
method of predicting events according to
stellar system. Even though lam quite con- I 20-59'
versant with the traditional system of astrolo- VIII 0o-5l' Kcthu -
.gy^Lam unable to enlighten myself-OB-cer-tain
matters. Can you guide me?"
"Yes, 1 would-only be too glad to be of Rahu 7MI'
help to you." II 0o-5l'
"Fine. Siva tell me whether my desire VII 24-59'
will be fulfilled and if so when."
What is your desire?"
/up. l4-49' Ncplune It I 0'-5P
You should be able to find out yourself, Uc-29 IV 30-51'
can you not?" VI 4',-38' V 4-5I' Ura. 22-31'
All right."
I looked at my wrist watch. It was 15 Day; Saturdry
minutes past 12 P. M. (Ceylon Standard Dale : I5ih April, 1972
Time). Place: vavuniya
'Siva, tell me quickly. I have friends Time : 12-15 p.m. fCeylyn Std.
with me and I must move on." Time.
Inspiteof my entreaties, my friend would Venus dasa, Saturn bhukti operates till
not stay with me. I made myself busy, 1281974. At the time of query, Mercury
casting a chart for the lime. The chart. anthra was ruling.
The Planetary Positions were :
Planets Houses Drposited in
Owned Occupied Constellation sub ruled Oy
ruled by
Sun 2 9 Ketu Venus
Moon 1 10 Venus Saturn
Mars 5/10 11 Moon Kelhu
Mercury 3/12 9 Saturn Venus
Jupiter 6/9 6 Venus Venus
Venus 4/11 11 Moon Saturn
Saturn 7/8 11 Moon Moon
Rahu 7 Sun Ketbu
Ketu 1. Saturn Kethu
The Moon is the planet of the mind, and Moreover, it was the constellation as well as
reveals what goes on in the querent's mind at the ,,sub lord of the 5th cusp. Your desire
Any particular moment. The Moon here is will be fulfilled."
lord of the lagna placed in the lOlh house. It
is in the sign of Mars who rules the 5th house "Anything further?"
and occupies the Ilth house. The 5th house "Note the rul|ng planets at the moment.
among other matters, governs love, courtship They are Moon. Jupiter, Mars, Venus and
and pre-marital connections. The 11th house Saturn. Whenever the significators transit in
deajs with friendships, pleasure> etc. The the Sensitive degrees of the zodiac governed
constellation occupied by the Moon was ruled by the ruling planets together, you will find
by Venus and the sub by Saturn. Venus as pleasure in her company."
lord of the 11th house and occupies the 11th
house in conjuction with Mars ruling the "Can I meet her today?"
bouse of love, recreation and pleasure and
Saturn governing the 7th house which stands "Note the position of the Sun. It is in
for union, engagement, etc. The Moon's Mais sign, Kethu constellation (Kethu is the
-position-by-lordshipi-singconstellation and- - agcnrof-MoDQ- lreiijg"iii-KTOlca3r'VenXis^i3b7
sub proves beyond doubt that the querent Next, note the position of the Moon. ' It is
was concerned with a love affair. I told him in Mats sign, Venus star and Saturn sub.
This indicates that you would have just met
"Why do you say so? w her or she is already with you now."
"Saturn is lord of the 7th and 8th. The He was surprised and admitted < she %as
7 th house, as earlier stated, denotes union, inside his car outside.
partnership, engagement, etc. The 8th house
signifies sex.. Mars is lord of 5, and the 5th "When did you meet her for the first
house refers to rest, recreation, pleasure, love time", I asked him.
affairs, etc. The 11th house deals with plea-
sure, profitable friendship and also love "It was'the 22nd February last."
affairs (being in 5th to the 7th). Saturn I looked up the ephemeris for a moment
shows secrecy, Venus rules romantic life ami and hurriedly observed the planetary positions
Mars presides over passion and animal desire. on that day.
This is how I came to form a jildgemen't."
My friend was literally surprised at the "Look, Raipa, 22nd ' February was a
candid way I interpreted the position of the Tuesday ruled by Mars. Moon was transit-
Moon. ing in the sign of Venus and in the constella-
tion of the Moon in the Uth house on that
"Siva, your analysis is accurate." day. Lord of 5 in the horary chart, Mars,
"Now, you, are running Venus dasa, was transiting in the star and sub of Venus.
Saturn bhukti. Mercury anthra according to
the Vimshottarl system and this peried lasts
up to 245 1972. As the anthra lord Mer-
cury is lord of 3 and 12 in the constellation
-of Saturn and sub of venus, both Saturn and
Venus being strong significators of secret love
life and also dasa and bhukti lords, you
will meet her several times secretly."
"Will my desire be fulfilled?"
"Note the 11th cusp. It falls in Venus
sign, Sun star and Saturn sub. The sub
lord. Saturn, is in 11, and owns houses 7 and
:8 Saturn is placed in the constellation of the
Moon, lord of the lagna, and is also in
Moon's sub. Saturn is also conjoined with A Section of audience aticoded the inausuration
Jord of 5, Mars, and lord of 11, Venus. of show room
Mercury was in Saturn's sign in the constella- on the ascendant and ffi) Saturn, sub-lordl
tion of Rahu, agent of Saturn. Venus was ofthe ascendant. The same pjanets rule
transiting in the constellation of Saturn and today also. This is me trutn explained in.
in ifae sub of Moon." krishnamurti Padhdhati. You get the book1
'Are you trying to relate transits accor- NAYA" by the late Professor Krishnamurti ji
-ding to Krishnamurti Padhdhati theory?" and digest it. It is the best book I have^
44 come across on the subject of transits."
Yes. I was trying to show how destiny
works. You never bothered about an aus- Thank you very much for your advice
picious muhurtha when you approached the and your lucid analysis, Siva. Your expla-
]ady. Without selecting the day and time, nation in such a short time, I must say, is.
you had casually met her. The horary chart marvellous."
which I have drawn for the 15th April 1972
aHhe ti me-of-query-eonfirms-thc datewhen-" I said 4Good Luc k' and we bade good-
you met her. Do you remember the time?" bye.
"I think it was about 10-44 p. m."
Now let mc calculate."
The.ascendant for the time was in Mesha,
in Venus star and Saturn sub. The Moon was
in Moon's star and Saturn's sub.
I said 4,The ascendant at the time you
met her for the first time was ruled by^ Mars,
Venus and Saturn as the sign, constellation.,,
and sub.lords. The Moon was in Saturn's
sub. In the horary chart the Moon is found
in Mars sign, Venus star and on 2821972
the lagna when you met her was found exactly
on the same point. The transits, according
to iCrishoamurti Padhdhati system, cleaily
reveal the event. Further, at the time of
query, Venus dasa, Saturn bhukci and Mer-
cury anthra was operating. Mercury was
strongly connected to houses 5 and 11 being
in the constellation and' sub of Saturn and
Venus. The antbra of Mercury runs up to
2451972, and counting backwards we
find thai it commeQced on 1212197J
On 2221972, the anthra was of the Moo
who was a significator of houses 5 and 11.
"The ruling planets then were (Ij Mars, lord
.of the day,. [2) Venus, lord of the rasi, (3)
Moon. lord of the nakshatra transited by the
Moon. ("43 Venus, lord of the constellation
-co the ascendant, fSJ Mars, lord of the sign
Nov. 1972

Diseate: Sublord Decides 3 Horary Astrology is Highly
Announcement 4 Effective 33
Editor's Note 8 How to Cast A Horoscope
Why Pit fa Ik in Prediction ? 9 Using Mahabala 1971-80
On Theft II Nirayana Ephemeris 7 37
Krisbnamurti Padbdhati On Recovery of Lost Article 41
An Eye Opener 13 Oa Determining Time of Child
Stellar Astrology Shows the Birth 43
Way 15 On Ruling Planets 46
On House Property and Daily Guide for November 1972... 49
Tenancy 17 Nirayana Position and Transit of
Missing Person and his Return ... 21 Planets in November 1972 ... SS
On Disposal of Goods 17 Ephemeris for November 1972 ... 5S
Electional Astrology and Birth Monthly Prediction for
of the Republic of Sri Lanka... 29 November 1972 57
P. KARUNANANTHAMj Battkaloa, Sri Lanka

My friend, Mr.'-'X", had a communi-

cation from his cider brother saying that the - IV 23,,-45' Sun 6d~08' Sat. W-ll'
latter been, advised an operation. A date had Ven. 2r-20 VII l8o-07'
Mcr. n9-29' V 23M5' VI 2r-45' Moon
also been fixed up for the purpose. My friend Mars21 44' 23--01'
was anxious and keen to know about the
health condition of his brother. On my
asking, he readily gave "180"'between I and ill 20o-45' Katha
249. It Was 4-45 PM CeylonStandardTime) 70-28'
vm isms'
on, 19-4-1972 at0 Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, Lat, N1 RAY AN A
7 -42'.North, 8l -40' East.
11 180-45'
The horary chart erected for the analysis ' XI 20o-45'
Rahu 70-28
was as follows:-
Vimshottari Dasa balance of Jupiter at Lagna XII 21M5' Uranus (R)
birth; 12 years, 4 months, 17 days 18?-06'-40" Ncpt. (R) XI 2J*-45' 22*-21'.
Jup. 14^-54' 11''-25' X 23M5'

II. Planetary Positions

Honsetsl Deposited in
Planet Owned Occupied ConstelULiOD Sub
ruled fay owned by
. _ ;
Sun 4 Ketu Rahu
Moon 8 7 Jupiter Saturn
Mars sjn 6(cusp) Moon Venus
Mercury 7/10 '3 Saturn Moon
Jupiter 1/4 12 Venus Venus
Venus 6/11 6 (cusp) Moon Venus
Saturn 2/3 5 Moon Mars
Rahu 1 Sun Ketu
Ketu 7 Saturn Ketu
UranusCRet) Near 10 cusp Moon Venus
Neptune fRet) 11 Saturn Moon

III. Cuspal positions
Cusp of Represents elder sign Coostellation Sub
Houses brother's house lord lord lord
, III Jupiter Venus Rahu
ii IV Saturn Moon Mercury
hi V Saturn Jupiter Jupiter
IV VI Jupiter Mercur Mars
V VII Mars Venus Saturn
VI VIII Venus Moon Venus
VII IX Mercury. Rahu Moon
vm X Moon Mercury Ketu
IX XI Sun Venus - Jupiter
.X XII ',. : Mercury * Mars, Mars
XI i Venus Jupiter Saturn
XII ii Mara. Mercury / Sun
IV. Vimsbottari Dasa periods;
Dasa Bhukti Anthra From To
Jupiter Saturn Moon 19r41972 2261972
Mars 2261972 1581972
Rahu 1581972 211973
Jupiter 2J1973 3-51973
V. Does the Moon depict the querent's In astrological language, the lagna signifies
mind?' health, vitality, immunity and resistance to
diseases. The houses in 6, 8 and 12 to the
The Moon, in the chart, was in the cons- lagna describe suffering and sikness. Taking
: tellation of Jupiter and sub of Saturn. the 11th house to be the 1st house, we arrive
' Counting from the 11th house denoting elder at houses 4,6 and 10 as the houses which
brother, Jupiter becomes lord of the house have relation to ill health, danger and hospi-
of sikness (6th) to elder brother, in the 2nd talisation.
house counted from the 11th house. Jupiter
is situated in the constellation and sub of 4th House; Sun is here. Rahu is in
Venus, lord of 1 and 8 (danger, mentaln Sun's constellation. Jupiter
agony) from the bouse, of elder, brother;, is .the 'lord of the house,
placed in thc^thnhouse from-thatiof the houses wiith Moon in Jupiter's star.
signifying elder brother. Saturn is placed in 6th House: Mars and Venus are on the
7th house fmarakasthana) from the 11th (n.; cusp of the house. l^o
the constellation of Moon in the 9th house/ planet in Mars' constellation
and the sub of Mars on the cusp of the 8th Venus is the lord, and Jupi-
house (from the 7th).. This shows a worried ter is in Vnbs' constella-
state of the querent's mind regarding his elder tion.
brother's life.
VI. Analysis. IOth House; The house is unoccupied.
It is owned by Mercury, m
The 11th house stands for elder brother, whose constellations no pla-
and, for all practical purposes this house nets arc posited.
may be assumed to be the lagna for the
purpose of our discussion. It falls in Thula Hence Sun, RaHu. Moon, Jupiter, Venus
(Libra) in Jupiter's star and Saturn's sub. Mars and Mercury have relation with houses
4 or 6 or 10 signifying, sufiFering and hospi- which runs between 15-8-1972 and 2-1-1973
talisation. is conducive to recovery from illness, Rahu
For recovery, the lagna, 11th house and being a significator of houses 5 as well as 11
the 5th house are considered. Why? The fcounted from the 11 th house). The anthra
Jagna stands for positive health. The 11th of Jupiter which follows next also augurs well
house is twelfth to the 12th connected with for health as Jupiter is the only planet in the
hospitaltsation; the 5th is Hth from the 6th constellation of Venus, lord of elder brother's
house which holds sway over sickness and lagna. Jupiter is a significato r of houses 6
suffering. Houses 3,9 and 11 of the chart and 8 ffrom 11th) also. Therefore, Jupiter
would show recovery, these being the 5th, will not allow the native to succumb to illness
11th and I, assuming the Hth house to be during its period, especially bhukti and
the lagna. anthra. In Krishnamurti Padhdhati, it has
been laid down that if the sub-lord of the
3rd House: Mercury is placed here with lagna is a significator of houses 1 and or 11,
no planets in its constellation. the person would pick up health, but if the
Saturn is the lord, and Mer- sub-lord has connection with houses 6, 8 and
cury alone is in Saturn's cons- 12. it shows set back in health. The sub-lord
tellation. of the house.'showing the elder brother, Saturn,
is not a significator of houses 1 and 11
9 th. House; No planet occupies this house. fcounted from the 1 IthJ; nor is he a signifi-
The Sun is its owner with cator of ilFhealih, .JHence.-iu-Jupitcr-sdasa^
Jlahu-in .Suats conste Hat ionr^ Saturn bhukti, there is no possibility of suc-
11th House; There are no planets in this * cumbiog to disease, though in the anthras of
house Venus governs this Moon and Mars ill-health is foreshown. The
house and Jupiter is in Venus anthras of Rahu and Jupiter which follow
constellation. have connection with suffering but also
recovery from sickness. Saturn's bhukti goes
So, Mercury, Saturn, Sun, Rahu, Venus up 3-5-1973. Mercury's bhukti, which begins
and Jupiter have reference to recovery. on 3-5-1973, will force the native to be
hospitalised for treatment as Mercury is the
The sub-lord of the 6th house from the strongest significator of 12th house (from the
Hth. namely, 4th house, Mars, on the cusp 11th). there being no planets in the 12th
of the 8th house reckoned from the 11th house and no planets in the constellations of
house, in rapt conjunction with lord of lagna Mercury.
of.the elder brother, indicates venereal ulcers,
piles etc. The querent's elder brother in fact
suffers from piles and the doctor had advised The division of the star into subs is the
him to undergo a simple operation and had quint-essence of Krishnamurti Padhdhati
also fixed up a date for the same. which has not only supplied the missing links
From table IV we find that the dasa of in astrological knowledge but has also Ten-
Jupiter, bhukti of Saturn and anthra of Moon dered astrology simple, Scientific and solid
operates up to 22-6-1972; then, Mars anthra for the good of the entire mankind.
up to 15-8-1972, Moon and Mars are un-
favourable for recovery. The anthra of Rahu Good Luck!
This gcntlemaa who held a decent position Planets. Lord of Occupying Owning
in Government left it to join a lucrative post Constcllatian. Bhava. houses.
in a business concern. He was persuaded by Jup. Sun
his friend to demand a higher salary and Venus Merc. 2 2 and U.
share'of proht. He was informed that Mars Sat. Sun 1 1
dasa Mercury Bbukthi would be fortunate- Rahu Mars 12 4 and 9.
He put in his demand expecting improvement Kethu Merc. 2 2 and 11.
in status and increase in his emoluments. In the above table. Lord of the constel-
Alas! His service was terminated in the same lation, the Bhava occupied by the lord of the
period. Why? constellation and the houses ownsd by the
The horoscope is as under : lord of the constellation arc given so that at
first sight one can note that Sun. Jupiter,1
Venus, Saturn and Kethu are advantageous .
Kethu Moen Moon, Mars" Mercury and R3buare-not-
26-27 4-23 favourable.

Neptune Mars^ dasa, Rahu Bhukthi gave the
Uranus 2U3 change. During Mars dasa, Mercury Bhuk-
14-13 Veous thi be lost the job.' Mars is in the constel-
2fJ Q, 1091 29-56 lation of Kethu in 8 and in the sub of Jupitcrr
5-20 A. M. lord of 8 in 1. Mercury is in the constellation
Mars of Mars in 12 and sub of Rahu which gave a
7-41 .change. [Rahu was in the constellation of
23-40 Mars in 12 and sub of Jupiter.]
Sun 3-20 It is a common sight to see persons pre-
Sat. 5-10
Jup. 6-4 senting charts without their exact position in
Mcr. 24-14
Rahu 26-27 j.. degrees and minutes. So one takes that
Mars is a Rajayogadhipathi, Kona sthana
Kethu dasa Balance at birth fVimshot- adhipathi owning houses 4 and 9 and occu-
tari) 4 years 8 months and 11 days. On pying the Lagnaa fiery planet id a fiery signi
18th January 1966 he was told to stop away. in triplicity, strong, etc. Then, Mercury is
On 1-1-1966 Mars dasa, Mercury Bhuklhi lord of 2 and 11. It is in exaltation. It is in
started. 2 to dasanatha. Therefore, one has to pre-
Planets. Lord of Occupying Owniog dict fortune in their conjoined period. But if
Coastcl'aiian. Bbava. houses.
Sun Sun 1 one takes the exact positions of the planets,
Moon Kethu 8 5 and 8. and also include the constellation and sub
Mars Kethu 5 and S. occupied by the planets, then the prediction
Merc. Mars 12 4 and 9. will come correct.

on" theft

A lady lost her purse and suit case while The significators are :
going on journey on 22-5-1966 at about 7 P.M. 0) Planets in the constellation of
Her horoscope is given below; tbe occupants of bouses 3, S, 8
Mood and 12.
0-10 (2) Planets posited inJhedtouses3,6;'
Kethu Mars
9-19 musrrnrV-_
20-34 H"an<rl2.
21-27 (3) Planets in the constellatioo of lords
Sao of houses 3, 5; 8 and 12.
Saturn' 3-30 (4) Planets who are lords ofbouses 3.
29-26 Venus St 8 and 12.
5-09 (5) Planets conjoined with or aspected
' by tbe significators.
' The third bouse is occupied by Jupiter,
It governs Punarvasu, Visaka and Posrva-
bhadra. Mars, Mercury, Sun are deposited
Rahu in Punarvasu constellatioo. Therefore Mars,
9-19 Mercury and Sun are the significators of short
Lagoa journey and other 3rd bouses matters.
22-42 The fifth house is not occupied by any
The native started her life with a balance planet.
of Mars period 3 years, 4 months and 29 The eighth bouse is occupied by Kethu,
days. who rules tbe constellations Aswanj, Magha
She was under the major period of Jupiter and Moola. No planet is posited in Aswani,
and in the sub period of Venus at the time of Magha or Moola.
the loss of purse and suit case. The twelfth house is vacant.
Short journeys arc indicated by the 3rd Lord of the third bouse is Mars. Moaa
house. Cash and movable properties are is posited in constellation, Mrigasira ruled
indicated by the 2nd house. The 7th house by Mars. Therefore Moon is one of the
indicates the thief. The thief's cash position significators of the 3rd bouse.
and acquisition of movable properties are
indicated by the 8th house, which is the 2nd Lord of the fifth bouse is Saturn,
house to the 7th house. All losses are to be Pusbyami, Anuradha and Uttrabhadra are
viewed from tbe 12th house in a horoscope. ruled by Saturn. Venus is posited in
The 3lh house indicates gains to the thief and Pushyami, Rahu is posited in Anuradha.
thereby loss to the native. Therefore, Venus and Rahu are the signifi-
cators and they will be advantageous to the
As she was performing a journey and lost- thief.
both cash and her suit case, tbe ruling pla-
nets at the time of the event must be related Lord of the Sth house is Mars in whose
to the houses 3 and 12 indicating short constellation Moon is posited.
journey and loss to tbe person wbeteas 5'and Lord of the twelfth house is Sun.
8 are gain to the thief. Krithika, Foorvapbalguni and Uttarashada
are ruled by Sun. Ketu is posited in lost het articles, the sub period of Venus
Kritika. Therefore Kethu is one of the was operating.
signiiicators. The sub lord, Venus, is posited in the
The occupants of houses 3, 5, 8, and 12, constellation of Pushyami which is ruled by
as also lords of these houses are significators. Saturn. She is also in the sub of Saturn.
Therefore, Jupiter, Venus, . Mars, Mercury Saturn holds the lordship of 3tb house and
and Sun are the significators.- 6th house. Therefore Venus, the sub lord,
It is our experience that' a planet reflects will offer results pertaining to the houses 5
the results of the lord of the constellation and 6. The longitudinal distance between
in which it was posited. The matters related Venus and Jupiter gives rise to a malefic
to the houses over which the lord of the aspects. Therefore the sub lord will have
constellation holds lordship will be felt to- offer undesirable results. The fifth hous&
predominently whenever the period of that indicates gains, profits etc., of the Chief.
planet operates. Therefore,^ during ,the -major-period- of
Jupiter and in the sub period of Venus,
The native was "under the major period some disagreeable events were to happen.
of Jupiter and in the sub period of Venus at If so, how to know when such evil results
the time of the loss. will be experienced by the native?
Jupiter is posited in the constellation Whenever the particular period and sub
Jyeshta ruled by Mercury who holds the period is in operation, either good or bad
lordship of first house and tenth house. He results will be experienced only when the
is in the sub of Moon, who rules the luminaries transit in unfavourable constel-
eleventh house. Therefore the major lord lations- On 22nd May, 1966, Moon was
Jupiter is to offer the results of houses 1 transiting the constellation Mrigasira ruled,
and 10. by Mars, who holds the lordship of 3rd
, . The sub gives us the clue whether the and 8th houses. Third house indicates short
results offered by the major lord will be journeys. Eighth house indicates movable
beneficial to the native or noL In the present property of the thief. Therefore, something
case Jupiter is posited in the sub of Moon untoward must take place or 22-5-1966, as
and Moon holds the lordship of eleventh the ruling planets and the transits of the
house which indicates gains, friendship, ruling planet indicating loss to the native.
permanent tic or marriage etc. Therefore Thus the native had to lose purse in journey.
Jupiter should have given brilliant results At the time of loss, Anuradha was rising in
to the native particularly in the sub period of the east. This constellation is ruled by
Jupiter. Saturn, in whose star the sub lord Venus is
Whenever we consider a major period posited
of a particular planet, it will not offer The native should not perform "jour-
always beneficial events or malefic results. neys" on days ruled by Sun, Mars arid
The sub. period that comes into operation Saturn. Sun rules Krithika. Uttara Phalguni
will modify the results of the major period and Uttarashada. Mars rules Mrigasira,
due to its position, situation and aspect. If Chira and Dhanishta. Saturn rules Push-
the sub lord is unfavourably placed to the yami, Anuradha and Uttarabadra. If the
major lord, the results that arc likely to journey is inevitable on these days, the native
happen due to the position of the major lord is advised to be extra-careful when the
will not be experienced uniformly. The sub- above constellation rises in the ea st. day time
lord changes it. Now, when the native has or night time.


One of my friends was anxious to know of the Moon to fix up the date when actually
.about the return of his wife who had gone she would come back.
with her brothers and nephews on a pilgri- On the 16th February 1972, a Wednesday,
mage. There was no communication from the Moon was transiting in Kumbha and in
.her, and he was naturally worried. He Kahu's constellation Sathabisha. Sathabisha'
was eager to know the actual date of her star operates up to ll-'i'i A M on thai day.
return. __Rahu's consteilatiorrisTruitfiil. but the Moon
Knsbnnmnrtt Pr.dhdhali "cmplrasi.'iCS the ^ is transiting through a sign owned by Saturn.
role of the ruling planets at the moment when So, there must be some delay in consonance
a matter of serious import is judged. Accor- with the nature of Saturn. Further, the day
ding to the Padhdhati, these planets reveal lord. Mercury, is not a ruling planet. After
the nature of the result as well as the time 11-55 A, M., the Moon transits through
of fructification. So 1 noted the planets Poorvabhadra ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter does
which were ruling at the time of my exami- not happen to be among the ruling planets.
nation. The next day, 17th February, Thursday
Date of judgement I5th Feb 1972 is also not favourable, the Moon transits
Time of j udgement 7-43 PM (1ST) in Meena (Pisces), a sign ruled by Jupiter
Place of judgement Matar,
Gujerat who is not a ruling planet. After 9-53 A.M.
latitude of the place 22 -45' North the star Uttarabhadra commences. Jupiter
Longitude of the place: 72-40' East not being a ruling planet, there was no
They are put down below;- possibility of the event fructifying on this
Day lord (Tuesdays i.: Mars date.
. Moon sign lord 1 proceeded further. On the 18th Febr-
(Kumbha j Saturn uary, a Friday governed by Venus, a ruling
Moon star lord planet, the Moon transits through the cons-
i (Sathabisha) ~ t Rahu tellation Revathi in Meena (Pisces). Both the
Lagna lord (Simhaj :: Sun
Constellation lord of sign lord,> Jupiter, and the constellation lord.
lagna (P. Phalgunij ; Venus Mercury, have no role. I skipped this day
All these planets are in direct motion and are also.
deposited in the constellations of planets in I came to 19th February. It was a
direct course. Saturday whose lord is Satum. On this day,
As the event was to take place within a the Moon transits in Mesha (AriesJ. but up
period of a few days, I took the transit of the to 3-46 A.M. on 20-2-1972 the Moon will
Moon. At the time of consideration of the transit the star Aswini held by Ketu. Saturn
matter, the Moon was in Kumbha (Aquarius^ and Mars ate amoung the ruling planets, but
10-4'-30" and was transiting through the Ketu is not.
constellation of Rahu. The time of judgement On the 20th February, the Moon enters
was night time on the 15th February 1972 into Barani owned by Venus. The day
and there was no possibility of my friend's happens to be a Sunday. This day is ruled
wife returning then. I picked up the by Sun, Venus and Mars-all ruling planets.
ephemeris and started looking at the transit On the 20th February, the Moon will transit
Mars sign, Venus star and Rahu's sub. It
-will be the time when she will return from
her journey; Rahu was among the ruling
planets, and so its sub is significant.. The
Moon will enter the sub of Rahu at about
12 noon and remain there till 3-20 P.M. So,
her return would be at this time. I told my
friend accordingly.
Actually, my friend's wife arrived at
2-01 P.M. on the 20th February 1972 w^icn
the Ascendant (lagna) was in Rahu's star and
sub in Mithuna.
It is interesting to note that at the time
of judgement the lagnajrising was-8imha-(i>coy
a Sumlgn,'" Venus constellation P. Phalguni
and Rahu's sub. On the 20th February at
2-01 P.M., when she was back home, the
Moon was transiting in Mars sign, Venus
star, Rahu sub. The transiting Moon on
that day was in beautiful trine aspect with
the position of the lagna at the time of judge-
ment. More correctly, the transiting Moon
was in the constellation and sub ruled by the
same planets which ruled the lagoa at the
time of examination. Another important
feature was that the transiting Sun was in
Saturn's sign, Kumbha, Rahu's star and
Rahu's sub. (On the 15th and 16th February,
the Moon was transiting the same position,
but the matter was delayed as Saturn was
involved as a ruling planet, and when the
Sun passed over the same position, the event
came to pass.;. The transiting Sun was in
excellent trine aspect with the lagna rising at
the time of return, the lagna being 7 Mithuna
ruled by Rahu as the constellation as well as
sub lord.
Many truth seekers like me are surprised
at the literal exactness of the stellar system
when applied in the proper way. The theory
propounded by our late Guruji is simply
marvellous and should open the eyes of all
those who have been groping in the dark in
search of the truth of the sublime science of
Good Luck!
On the 20th Septemher 1971, Shri at the residence of Shri K. V. Subba Rao
Madhusudan Rao, Editor of "Adrushtam", Superintending Engineer, and Guruji and 1
a leading astrological Telugu monthly jounial, were going to the residence of Shri Ganesan.
Shri C. Ganesan, Manager, State Bank of It was about noon. As the car sped its
Hydrabad, and myself had been to Kazipet way, I kept Guruji in .-conversationslid
to receive our Pujya Guruji, ]ate_Eiof.-K-. S. pnr him questions and getting my doubts
fCrohnatt'urtijl," who was expected to arrive clarified. In the course of discussion, I
from Madras. Guruji, as we dearly called casually mentioned to him that 1 would be
him, was a genius par excellence, a true running Jupiter dasa, Venus bhukti and
.gentleman and a great teacher. He was a Saturn anthra from the 13th January 1972
man of great gifts, yet he was humble. He and wished to hear from Guruji's mouth
.possessed a rare sense of wit and humour, what was in store for me during this period.
and bis reasoning was rational and sound. In my birth chart all these planets were
-Guruji loved everyone around him, and he well placed according to the principles
imparted to his disciples as much knowledge contained in Krishnamurti Padhdhati and I
as they could absorb. I must admit frankly - expected to enjoy the blessings of holy
that by using his method I have been able men and receive their grace. I wanted
to offer a number of accurate predictions Guruji to enlighten me on this subject.
to the date, and I know from personal Immediately, he asked me for a number
knowledge that many of his other disciples between T and '249', and I said '27'. A
have done even better in the art of pro- human computer as he was, his answer
gnastication, basing theit predictions purely was quick and clear. He said that I would
on the basis of tha principles propounded be privilaged to have the' blessings of His
in Krishnamurti Padhdhati. Holiness Jagadguru Sankaracharya Swamigal
As we assembled at the station, one of of Kanchi on 1541972 and that, before
Guraji's disciples predicted that day that the this date, I would meet him (Guruji). He
described that according to his natal chart,
Grand Tnink Express by which Guruji was the lagna lord. Saturn, comes, by transit,
travelling would arrive at Kazipet railway to the Sth cusp when the dasa of Saturn
station exactly at 7-0S a. m. when the and bhukti of Rahu operates. When the
Moon would transit in the sub of Venus, Sun, by transit, comes to Kumbha rasi
it would be pertinent to recall here that governed by Saturn and Sathabisha naksbtra
Venus, in Guruji's birth chart, was a signi- ruled by Rahu, around the 27th February
ficator of the Sth house. The Sth bouse 1972, he himself would visit my place. Need
stands for disciples, according to Krishna- 1 say that the prediction come true? I had
murti Padhdhati, as the lagna is the 9th Guruji's blessings and was privilaged to
house (Guru or preceptor or teacherJ reckoned receive at his hands a gold ring with the
from the Sth house. When the train steamed image of Lord Ucchishta Maha Ganapatbi
into the platform, it was 7-05 a. m. How inscribed on it. Guruji had parted with his
true is the Padhdhati! own ring, for he treated all his disciples as
On the next day, that is Tuesday the members of his own family. He knew no
21st September 1971, after Guruji had per- distinction, no caste, no creed, no differences
formed the Puja, all of us had prasadam in language or domicile. He was a universal
feeing. On the day I met Gumji, my lagna the lagna. My birth, ruling planets were
lord Venus was transiting in dasanalha Guru's also Sahi, Mars and Venus, because I was.
rasi Mcena, in antarnatha Sani's naksbatra born in Danishta naksbatra in Kumbha rasi
Uttarabhadra and in the sub of Venus. ' and . the lagna rising at birth was Rishaba.
As per Gutuji's prediction, I would Not only did Guruji give me the
have the darshan of His Holiness Jagadguru prediction but be explained to me everything,
Sanka'racharya Swamigal on the ISth April and even told me that the time when ^ I
1972. In my horoscope, the Moon occupied would receive the darshan of His Holiness
the 9th house. Rahu is in Moon's sign would be around 10 A.M. when Klithuna lagna.
Kataka. Jupiter is conjoined with Rahu. rises in the east and Jupiter aspects the lagna.
The 9th lord is Sani. The 7th lord, Mars, Guruji pitched upon Mithuna as Mercury was
is in his own naksbatra. Saturn occupies the sukshma lord of His Holiness and my day
the sub of Jupiter. Mars is placed in the of birth was Wednesday.
sub of Venus. On that day, Saturday, The prediction was absolutely true, I
Jdoon would transit the naksbatra Barani was fortunate to have'the darshan of His.
owned by Venus in the rasi Mesba presided Holiness, and when I narrated to him
over by Mars. It would be a jjleasant- about- Gutuji's predicIibiT arid the passing:
surprise-for-the" readets^to know that the away of Pujya Guruji, His Holiness appeared
ruling planets of His Holiness were Mars, tome to be taken aback. He graced me and.
Saturn and Venus. His Holiness was bom blessed me saying that all disciples should
when Moon was in Anuradha naksbatra in carry out Guruji's mission.
Vrischika rasi. At birth, the nakshatra Poor- May t invoke the Blessings of th&
vaphalguni ruled by Venus was rising in Supreme Being for peace to the great soul?
A close colleague of mine, whom I 27o-53'-20" Kanya was on the Nirayana
would choose to call Mr. 'X% has built a lagna at Delhi and the planetary positions
house recently. He was looking out for a for the time of judgement are furnished
tenant and was a bit worried at not getting in the chart reproduced below;
any response. The house had been lying
vacant for a quite some rime.
VII 2T-5y Sat. 17M)8' Venus(R)
It was Friday, June 2. 1972, when he o Mer. 20oo-06' 6 -59'
came to me and broached the subject. He VI 50-03' VIII 26 -03' Sun 20 -35' Mars 21M7'
IX 27M)3'. X 29M7'
wondered whether I could ^render him
astrological advice and indicate when exactly
he would be able to fix up a tcnant.__I MooirrJ'-is' No. 124
paused fpr:_a_whiler -and-aske^ "him for a V 1M)3' KctuSMJI'
"number between 1 and 249 Without any Date aed
hesitation, he replied **124"-
Tine of Judgemeiit:
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, 4-6-1972 (5-32 P.M.)
whenever someone poses a query, he should Rahu SMU' XI 1M)3'
be asked to mention a number between 1 Place: DELHI
and 249 and it should be taken to represent
the lagna for the query. There is no signi- XII F-OS'
ficance attached to the number as such, IV 29<M)3' o o
but according to the division of the zodiac II 26o-03' Ura. 20 -57'
Jupiter (R.) HI 27 -03'
outlined in Krishnamurti Padhdhati the 12M3' Lagna
number would show a certain sensitive point 27 -53'
in the zodiac conjointly governed by two Balance of Rahu Mahadasa at birth :
or three planets as the sign, constellation
4and , sub-lords. For instance, the number 5 Years, 10 Months, 22 Day.
124 refers to 27o-53/-20" in Kanya (Virgo)
and is assumed as the Nirayana lagna for Does the Moon Reflect the Query ?
the , purpose of answering the query. For
this lagna, the cusps of other houses are Before proceeding with the analysis, it
to be drawn by reference to the Table of has to be seen whether the position of the
Houses for the latitude of the place of Moon, who is called 'Mathi* or the planet
judgement. While this method of fixing the of mind, accurately depicts the mind of the
lagna on the basis of a number stated by querent. In the above chart, the Moon is
a querent is advocated, the significance of deposited in the constellation of Rahu and
the lagna rising at the moment of judge- sub of Venus. The Moon is in Kumbha,
ment is not lost sight of. On the other a sign owned by Saturn.
hand, the planets holding the lagna as the
lords of the sign and constellation rising Ic astrological parlance, the 4th house
at the time of judgement are deemed to identifies immovable property, hereditary or
be the strongest ruling planets, and by a otherwise, buildings, lands, estates, gardens,
judicious combination of the significators of parks and so on. These may be owned by
the houses pertaining to the query and the the querent or he may have only the use
ruling planets, the outcome of the query of them. In every chart, the 4th house
is decided. designates a man's house, whether he has
any title in it or merely pays rent, While
I could not lake up the query for property as the source of personal income
judgement till the eveniog of the 4th June, falls under the domain of the 4th house,
1972, and I sat down for the work at the 2nd house deals with any problem
5-32 PM (1ST). The cusps of houses when concerning the effort to increase rentals or
produce a satisfactory financial return. well as the constellation lord, and Mars the
Tenants are assigned to the 6th house, and sub-lord. Mars, as has been explained before,
the 6th house embraces all those who are is connected with houses 3, 8, 9, 4, and 6.
put in subordinate charge of property as
manager, guardian, caretaker, etc. The 6th At the time of judgement, the dasa of
house being taken to represent tenants, the Rahu, bhukti of Venus and the anthara of
4th house reckoned from it, namely the Sun was operating. The Sun anthara ended
9th house, describes his home, the house on 871972. Thereafter, the Moon anthara
or property he has taken on rent or lease. would run up to 1571972. Rahu and
Venus were fruitful planets for fructification
Rahu and Venus, in whose constellation of the querent's desire, but Venus becomes
and sub the Moon was posited, signify the direct in course after the 9th July 1972.
matters of houses 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and Ih Rahu By this time, the Moon anthara also com-
is in the 4th house in the constellation of mences. and as Moon was in the con
Sun, lord of 11 in 3, and aspected by stellation of Rahu and sub of Venus, I
Mars, lord of 3 and 8 from the 9th house. selected the period of_Lhc_. Moon-^unnin
Venus lords the 2nd and 9th hojases^and- iip-~trr "1-57iy71. My conclusion was
._is--stationed-ra--the_9lh~house in the con- that the deal would be put through and
stellation and sub of Rahu, a strong signi- the tenant will take possession of the house
ficator of the 4th house. Venus also receives on Monday the 10th July 1972 when the
aspect from Jupiter, lord of 4 and 6, The Moon transits Rahu's constellation Arudhra
Moon's position by sign, constellation and in the sub o f Venus in the sign of Mercury.
sub, brings out the nature of the query in
a convincing manner* Actually, my friend came to me on
Since the querent's desire was to let the morning of the 10th and told me that
out the house, we have to see whether it a party came to him on the 9th July
(Sunday when the Moon transited Mars
will be fulfilled. For this purpose, the sub constellation Mrigasira in Mithuna; and
lord of the 11th cusp is the deciding factor. he would take possession of the house from
Here, it is Venus owning the 2nd and 9th the 10th July. Later, it was reported to
houses and occupying the 9th house in the me that he occupied the house when the
constellation and sub of Rahu in the 4th Moon was in Rahu's constellation Arudhra
house and is aspected by Jupiter, lord of in Venus sub and when the lagna was also
the 4th and 6th houses. Rahu, in whose in Venus' sign Thula in Rahu's nakshatra.
constellation and sub Venus was posited, is I might recall here that when I judged
the strongest significator of the 11th bhava the query the ruling planets were (1J Mercury,
being the only planet in the constellation lord the constellation Jyeshta on the lagna
of lord of 11, Sun. (2; Mars, lord of the sign Vrischika on
The cusp of the 4th house is together the lagna, (3) Rahu, lord of the constellation
ruled by Jupiter, Sun and Mars as the sign, Sathabisha, (4) Saturn, lord of the Moon
constellation and sub lords respectively. The rasi and (5) Sun, lord of the day. Rahu,
Sun is the lord of the sign on the 11th house being in Saturn's sign all alone, acts as
and is in rapt conjunction with the lord of the Saturn's agent and is doubly powerful. The
lagna. Mercury. The sub-lord, Mars, rules deal was negotiated successfully on the 9th
the 3rd and 8th houses and occupies the 9th July 1972 when the Sun, Mars, Rahu and
house in the constellation and sub of Jupiter, Mercury together ruled the day, rasi, nak-
lord of 4 and 6 in 3. The 3rd house of negation shatra of the Moon and nakshatra rising
to the 4th house affairs, would seem to signify on the lagna. The next day when the Moon
hiring of property, partition of property, transited the sensitive degree of the zodiac
selling or letting out property, etc. The 8th governed by Rahu and Venus and the day
house, being the third reckoned from the 6th was ruled by the anthra lord Moon, the
house governing the tenant, shows his' shift- tenant was in position.
ing of residence. The 3rd house from the This incident clearly goes to prove the
lagna and the 3rd house from the 6th, efficacy of Astrology applied to practical
namely the 8th house, would also show life in the manner explained in Krishna-
negotiation between the parties. murti Padhdhati.
The 6th house cusp, too, is ruled by
Jupiter and Mars, Jupiter being the sign as Good Luck
Y. S. N. MURTY, Koraput, Orissa
It was the 22ad April 1972, a Saturday. purpose, we add0 the/ Ayanamsa for the yean
"My friend. Dr. L . S. Rath, came to me 1972, namely 23 -22 , to 7o-46'-40" Rishaba,
sometime in the afternoon. He evinces as which gives us the Sayana Ascendant as l0-
keen interest in the system of Krishnamurti 8'-40" Mithuna (Gemini). For this Sayana
Padhdhati as I do. He told me that a lagnaj the Sayana cusps of houses 10, 11,
pharmacist friend of his who had gone on 12,2 and-3 for the latitude of judgement,
15 days* leave was missing. He had not namely ISMl* North, have to be found out
returned even though more than 20 days and eventually reduced to their Nirayana
iiad elapsed. Quite naturally, his friend's positions by subtracting the Ayanamsa.
wife was. unduly perturbed and worried (In Raphael's Table of Houses, the cusps
and wished te -knowwhether hcr-husband of-houscs "are calculated"foety for cenailT
was safe and alive and when he would latitudes and when the latitude of the place
^come back. On being persuaded by Dr. Rath of judgement does not find mention there,
to say a number between 1 and 249, she relerence should be made to the nearest
iad replied *28*. earlier latitude and the nearest later latitude
and the cusps of houses for the intermediate
In "Krishnamurti Padhdhati", the numer latitude obtained by simple interpolation.)
-spoken by the querent serves to fix up the The planetary positions, as before mentioned,
lagna for the query. According to this are noted for the time of consideration.
system, the Nirayana Zodiac of li signs or The query was examined at 3-45 PM
:rasis (solar mansion) or 27 nakshatras (lunar (1ST) on 22nd April 1972 at Latitude 18-
mansion) is also divided into 249 parts or 41' North* Long. 82-50' East. The chart of
sub-divisions of the nakshatras. Each sub- the heavens erected for analysis is outlined
division accounts for a sign, a nakshatra belowi
and a sub. The part of the Zodiac
corresponding to the number given by the A. Chart
^querent denotes the Nirayana Lagna, and o Lagna 7''-46'
the cusps of other houses are tabulated for Mercury XII 3v.01' Sat. ir-43' II 4M)r
this lagna with the help of a Table of 13MJ7' Sun 9 -05' Mars 23^-44' 111 290-0r
Houses for the latitude of judgement. The Vcnu3230-57'
planetary positions, however, are calculated
for the time the matter is judged, Kcm 7-18
XI 27o-0I'
The number in the present case, namely IV 26*-0r
^28', refers to the portion/ of the zodiac NIRAYANA
which lies between 7M6 -40" and 10 in X 26"-01' Moon r-i r
Rishaba (Taurus) according to the Nirayana
system. In order to refer to the Raphael's Rahu 7-18' V 27o-0r
Table of Houses* which gives the cusps of
houses 10, II, 12 Ascendant, 2 and 3 in IX 29M)r Neptune
0 (R)
accordance with the Sayiana calculations, the Jup. 140-57' ll -2l' VI 3o-or Uranus (R)
Nirayana Ascendant has to be related to 0
VIII 4M)r VII 7 -46'
its equivalent Sayana position. For this
B. Planets and their significations:
Owning house(s) Occuying Deposited in
Planet As lord of As sign House Sign Constella tion Sub ruled
nakshatra lord ruled by by
Sun I. 5,9 5 12 Mesha Ketu Jupiter
Moon 4 4 Simha Ketu Venus
Mars 2, 6,10 7/12 1 Rishaba Mars Mars
Mercury 4 2/3 11 Meena Saturn Rahu
-Jupiter 3/11 8/9 8 Dhanus Venus Venus
Venus 1/6 1 Rishaba Mars Mars
Saturn 7 10/11 1 Rishaba Moon Mars
.Bahu 9 Makara Sun Ketu
Kctu ^ 8/12 3 Kataka Saturn Mercury
Uranus (R) 5 Kanya Moon Venus
.Neptune (R) 7 Yrischika Saturn Moon
In "HORARY ASTROLOGY", the best" "TflTnag'systcur,is -deemed tQ_be the house of
of textbooks available on the science of less or detriment and of inimical activity:
queries, the late Prof. Krishnamurti has dwelt We have it stated in various claasical texts
in sufficient detail with the method of locating that the house in twelfth reckoned from
the question and the technique of answering any house negates or causes the destruction
inquires almost immediately and with a high of the matters signified by the latter. On
predictive accuracy. The essence of the system this principle, houses 2 and 11, which are
-outlined by him is simlicity itself. It is free respectively in twelfth to houses 3 and 12,
from the cumbersome methods advocated by are favourable from the standpoint of re-
other authorities. According to the late union and return. Why? Houses 3 and 12
Professor, the clue to the return of the are themselves .in twelfth to houses 4 and
.husband or wife, as the case may be. and 1 which govern home life, peace and happiness
his or her re-union with kith and kin is and thereby denote speration, leaving homely
obtained by investigating houses 2, 7 and surroundings and living in seclusion, exile,
.11 which, incidently, are also connected etc.
with marriage and married life.
As stated.earlier, the return and reunion
The 2nd house, it is only, too well of the husband is revealed by the significators
known, identifies family and connected of houses 2,7 and 11. The conjoint periods
-interests and domestic felicity. The 11th of the significators in Vimshottari Dasa will
louse refers to renewal of ties and reunion, mark the time when reunion will fructify.
it being the house of friendships. The 7th However, before we seek to find out who
louse is traditionally regarded as portraying the significators arc and when they will
union. .It is styled as the house of partner- operate together, we must satisfy ourselves
ship and has role over marital happiness, whether the chart provides a positive answer
compatibility, etc. to the main point at issue, which is whether
the husband is alive and safe.
f As the late Prof. Krishnamurti often
used to stress, every one of the twelve houses The 11th house affords the clue to the
has under its domain influences, both favour- outcome of the query. In the case under
able and unfavourable as we understand them. consideration, the 11th house falls in
No house is wholly favourable or unfavour- Kumbha (Aquarius) in Jupiter's nakshatra
4 for all aspects of life. While a house Poorvabhadra and in Venus' sub. Unless
A' has away over certain affairs, exercises, the sub-lord of the 11th cusp is a significator
at the same time, a baneful influence on the of houses 2,7, 11 and is direct in motion
affairs ascribed to houses to which it is in and also occupies the constellation of a
6 or 8 j-or 12. The 12th house, in traditional planet which is not in retrogression (Rahu.
and Ketu being taken as always direct for sthana and marakasthanas for this lagna.
our purposes^, there can be no favourable The 7th house falls in Vrischika, a sthira
answer. Here, Venus who rules the sub on rasi, owned-by Mars, in Anuradhanakshatra
the cusp of the 11th house, is stationed governed by Saturn and in Ketu's sub. The
in the constellation and sub of Mars. It sub-lord, Ketu, has gone to the 9th house,
is in rapt conjunction with Mars and is also the bhadaka sthana for Vrischika lagna,
close to Saturn. Mars is lord of houses 7 Ketu is also situated in the constellation
aijd 12. Besides, it owns the nakshatras of Saturn posited in the 7th house (from
Mrigasira, Chitra and Dhanishta which are the 7(h house) and In the sub of Mercury,
on the cusps of houses 2, 6 and 10 ^Houses lord of 8 and lord of bhadaka sthana
6 and 10 being the houses of negation to ffrom the 7th house). Ketu also receives
houses 7 and 11). Venus herself controls Saturn's aspect (3rd aspect) from the maraka
the 6th house and the lagna and occupies sthana. Mars and Saturn are in the 7th
the lagna conjunct Mars, lord of 7 and house. Mars being in. conjunction with
12, and Saturn, lord of 10. As we have Venus, lord of 7 and 12 ffrom the 7th
seen, the houses in twelfth to houses 2. 7 house), in his own constellation and Saturn
and 11 are deterimental to return and re- in the constellation of Moon, lord of
_union of the husband, and these houses bhadaka sthana. Hence, Ketu, the sublord
are~l76-and10 The_sublord of 11, Venus. of the Ascendant, is a powerful significator
being a significator of Bouser^trd^-T^rKL ,of houses 7, 8 and 9, and Mars and Saturn
and 12, holds out no hope of the missing are powerfal-sgni6cators__of houses 7, 9
person returning home. and 12 (Mars, Saturn and Venus "beinj
As the return of the missing person
is not indicated from an astrological analysis, Considering the 8th and the J2th cusps
let us proceed to ascertain whether he is reckoned from the 7th house, we .find.Mars
alive or not. The houses which have signi- and Venus ruling them as constellation
ficance in relation to longevity are 1. 8 an 3. and sub lords. Mars, lord of 1, in con-
The houses which are twelfth to these, junction with Venus, lord of 7 and 12, in
namely 12, 7 and and 2, are inimical the 7th house is evil. If we examine the
influences to longevity. The 7th house and 3rd cusp which has also to do with long-
the 2nd house are evil in another sense evity, we find Jupiter, Sun and Mars ruling
too. They oppose the houses of life flagna) it as sign, constellation and sub-lords res-
and longevity (8th) respectively. These two pectively. Jupiter, as lord of 2 to Vrischika
houses are traditionally regarded as 'maraka lagna, occupies the 2nd house itself in the
sthanas' (death-inflicting houses). Besides constellation and sub of Venus, lord of 7 and
these, another unfavourable influence is the 12 in the 7th house. Sun is in the constellation
'bhadaka sthana'. For chara rasis (movable of Ketu ia bhadaka sthana and sub. of Jupiter
signs) on the lagna, the 11th house acts in marakasthana. Mars, as already seen, is
as the 4bhadaka sthana'. and for sthira in 7 in conjunction with-Venus, lord of 7 and
rasis (fixed signs) on the lagna, the 9th 12, and Saturn. These ase all very unfavour-
house plays this role. For ubhaya rasis able indications indeed.
(common signs), however, the 7th house,
a marakasthana, is also a bhadaka sthana. My conclusion that the missing person
In queries affecting matters of longevity, was dead was duly communicated to the
if the sub-lord of the house denoting the Medical Officer who reported it to the
person who is the subject-matter of the C. D. M. O whereupon the latter arranged
to post a substitute in the place of the
query happens to be a significator of death , missing
inflicting houses, he should be deemed to pharmacist. More than four months
be dead; if the sub-lord has no such con- have elapsed at the time of my writing this
nection, he should be alive. article and there is absolutely no trace oC the
lost person His wife had been nursing hopes
In the chart under consideration, the and searching for him but in vain.
7th house designates the missing person.
He is the husband of the querent. We Krlshnamurti Padhdhati is unequalled
shall take the 7th house to be the lagna in precision and reveals the divine plan
or our purpose and reckon the bhadaka with unerring accuracy. #

Sat. 208-37'
Sun 120-46'
VII 24-OS' VIII 23 -40' IX 23"-40'
Venus (R) X 23M0'
Date of judgement: Tuesday, 27th June 1972 278-26'
Time of judgement: 11-22 PM (ISTj Kctu 30-49'
VJ 25o-40' Mere. 5-] 0'
Place^f judgement: Bombay, Lat. 180-58' Mara 69o-02'
North; 720-49'East XI 24 -49'
Number given by V 24-40'
the querent: 122 between *V and '249 XII 2y-40'
Rahu 3-49*
The chart erected in accordance with the
method taught in "Krishnamurti Padhdhati IV 23*-40'
-Realders'-Lis-reproduced below; Moon o Lagoa
-r230=5^- - III 2r-4(y II 23 -40' 2i'-06'
Jup. r-4S'
II. Houses to be examined:
The houses to be examined in connection with sale or disposal of goods for a monetary
consideration are 3 and 11.
III. Planetary positions:
Houses House Deposited in
owned occupied Constellation Sub
ruled by ruled by
SUN 12 9 Rahu Mercury
MOON 9 3 Venus fRetj Saturn
MARS 3/8 10 Saturn Mercury
MERCURY 1/10 10 Saturn Saturn
JUPITER fRETJ 4/7 3 Ketu Saturn
VENUS fRET) 2/9 9 Mars Jupiter (Retj
SATURN 5/6 8 Moon Ketu
RAHU 4 Sun Saturn
KETU 10 Saturn Saturn
IV. Cuspal positions: The sub-lord of the 3rd cusp. Mars, is
lord of 3 in the constellation of Sa:urn, lord
III Cusp Mars sign, Mercury star, Mars sub. of 6 (12th or expenditure or investment to the
XI Cusp Moon sign, Mercury star. 7th house representing the person with whom
Rahu sub. there is any transaction) in the 8th house (2nd
XII Cusp Sun sign, Venus star, Mercury sub. house-acquisition-to the 7th house), conjoined
with Mercury, lord of lagna, and Kethu, Lord of nakshtra (Poorva-
significator of houses 1, 3, 10 and 11 ("Kctu shada)transited by the Moon- Venus
in Moon's sign has to offer the results of the (Retrograde)
11th house owned by Moon and also those Lord of lagna sign (Kumbha)- Saturn
of the houses owned by Mars and Mercury,).
Lord of the constellation on
The sub-lord of the 11th bouse. Rahu, the lagna (Sathabisha) Rahu
is posited in Saturn's sign Makara, in Sun's How wonderfully the ruling planets agree
constellation and sub of Saturn. Rahu, a with the significators! Anot.ier striking thing
node, is more powerful than Saturn to oner is that, at the time of judgement, Venus dasa,
the latter's results. Sun, in whose constella- Saturn bhukti and Jupiter anthra operated.
tion Rahu was situated, rules the 12th eusp Jupiters anthra runs till 30-8-1972- Now, all
as the sign lord. thsse three planets are not only 'significators
but are also powerful ruling planets. They
The 12th cusp is ruled by Mercury as the are thus strong, though Venus and Jupiter
sub-lord. According to Krihnamurti ji's are retrograde. Venus is in the sub of retro-
book "Horary Astrology", the sub-lord of grade" Jupiter. When the planets, who are
the 12th cusp should be a significator of 6 and significators, are retrograde at the time of
11 houses, in matters concerning sale of judgement, their effects will corae to pass
when they assume direct course in transit.
artieles-or goods.. Here^ Mercury is conjoined This is in conformity with our late Guruji's
with Mars, lord of 3, in the~cblisteUtion-and_^_ -tcacbia^,--PromAhe cphemeris we note that
sub of Saturn, lord of 6. Mercury is also Venus turns direct on 9-74"972and- Jupiter
conjoined with Ketu who, by virtue of its becomes direct in course after 25-8-1972.
situation in Kataka owned by the Moon, lord
of U, has to offer the 11th house results In the light of all the factors, I declared
also. that the querent will start selling from
9-7-1972 and complete the whole sale after
The above testimonies show the fructifi- 25-8-1972. The party actually sold a part of
cation of the query. When? his goods, say about 30%. after 9-7-1972
when Venus become direct, and parted with
the rest of the- goods only after 25-8-1972
V. Significators: when Jupiter commenced to move in the direct
The 3rd house is occupied by the Moon order of the zodiac. This instance amply,
demonstrates the truth of the rule that the
and Jupiter. The Moon is lord of 11. Jupiter results of a retrograd planet who is a signifi-
is lord of 4 and 7. No planet occupies Jupi- cator of the matter in query will begin to'
ter's constellations, but Saturn is placed in manifest only after he turns direct in motion.
Moon's constellation and sub of Ketu, agent Although Venus turned direct on 9-7-1972,
of Moon. Mars rules the 3rd house, and the lord of the sub which it occupied, Jupiter,
Venus is in Mars' constellation and sub of was retrograde till 25-8-1972. So Venus
Jupiter in 3. started to give its effects slowly as soon as it
The 11th house is owned by the Moon. turned direct on 9-7-1972. The full effects
Saturn is in Moon's constellation and sub of became apparent only after Jupiter also turned
Ketu, Moon's agent. direct. I am inclined to believe, on the basis
of this experience, that a retrograde planet,
So Jupiter, Moon, Saturn, Mars and who happens to be a strong significator, will
Venus arc found to be the significators, not fail to bring about its results even it it
happens to be situated in the constellation of
VI. Ruling Planets: a planet who is retrograde but a significators
of the matter. In such a case, the re -ults will
Let us consider the planets that govern come to pass only when both the retrograde
the moment when the matter is judged. They planet and the retrograde lord of the constel-
are: lation occuoied by the former assume direct
motion in transit. The readers would be well
Lord of the day (Tuesday; Mars advised to test these observations in the
Lord of Moon rasi (Dhanus) Jupiter course of their investsgation.
(Retrograde) Good Luck!
Sothida Nani Sri A. Sivapatham
The traditional method of electing The traditional astrologer, in electing
muhurtas or auspicious times for commen- muhurtha, had adopted the following
cing an undertaking is, to my mind, absurd procedure:-
and unreal. As we all believe, the law of
Karma alone operates and events take shape 1) The best constellations for the above
in exactly the same manner as ordained. purposes are Aswini, Rohini, Mrigasira,
Destiny works its way in due time and we " Punarvasu, Pushya, Uttara. Hasra, Anuradha,
are but tools in. its hands. No astrologer Uttarashada, Saravana, Uttarabhadra and
or purohit can ever change the course of Revati. Hence he had fixed it in Uttara
the well-defined cosmic path by electing so. constellation.
called auspicious muhurthas and advising
the performance of shantis. What is destined 2) All odd lunar days, except the 9th, are
to happen will happen aud in time, but good. As this date, 22572, falls on an
-Pr!lX?*L_shantis and auspicious muhurthas odd lunar day, he had selected the above
^t best serve to^bring-ns-mentalsolace Jg_ date.
face the unalterable future with courage.
3) The rising sign musf~be- MeshaVri^
Let us study, presently, the significance shaba, Mithuna, Kataka, [Simha, Dhanus.
of the muhurtha in relation to the birth Kumbha or Meena. Hence the selection of
of the Republic of Sri Lanka, formerly Simha was proper.
The birth of the Republic of Sri Lanka 4) Strengthening of Luminaries; Moon was
took place 2251972 at 12-43 p.m. in the 2nd, while Sun was in the 10th.
(CST) Hence the chart _ according to the 5) Fortification of Lagna & 10th and their
traditional system was as foliows.*- lords: Only Jupiter aspects lagna. Lord of
lagnas is strengthened in the 10th while the
Saturn Vcuus 10th lord is aspected by Jupiter.
Sun Mars 6) 8th house is vacant.
1) Malefics in Upachayasthanas.
Kethu 8) Lagna was Simha, unoccupied, but
2251972 aspected by Jupiter.
12-43 P.M. C.S.T. 9) Tarabala and Chandrabala in relation
Rahu Lagna to the Prime Minister Mrs. Sirima Banda-
ranayake was considered along' with
Jupiter (R) Moon Now, we shall cast the correct chart
for the birth of the Republic of Sri Lanka
accordihg to Krishnamurti Padhdhati.
Venus country's President, its Prime Minister,
X 16o-30' 10-55' Ministers, Magistrates and top civil servants.
VIII 15'-30' IX 16'-30'
0 / Sat. 15^-25' Mars It is affected by Saturn who knows no law
Mer. 22 -37 Suo 70-57' I20-52' or disipline.
XI J5#-30'
As Mars aspects the 8th cusp from I Oth
KetU 50.44' as well as Jupiter, a significator of the 8th,
VII I4M5' it may be assumed that Mars w.ill play an
2251972 XII 14B-22' important part in ihe death of the person
Monday, denoted by the 10th. . The 6th Cusp from
10th falls in Veaus sign, Rahu star, Venus
sub. Rahu is in the 8ih, while Vecus is in
VI 140-22' Ayanamsa 230-22' 0 lagna to the 10th. Venus is in conjunction
Rahu 5-44' I I4 -15' with Mars and in the star of Rahu. So the
diseases will be governed by Venus, Mars,
Rahu and Saturn. The 8th house denotes^
'ooD oS'-J-y _ the.muscularsystemj-^ladder-and "sexUTgahs
while Venus-Mars combination causes kidney
0 (R) III 16-30' IIUranus
15 -30' troubles and menstrustion difficulties as
l2 -49' IV 16-30' Saturn denotes obstruction.
While analysing this chart, a doubt
Balance dasa- Sun dasa (Vimshotlari system) arises as to why such Muhurta was
2 years, 11 months, 17 days.' selected. Was . this not avoidable? Why was
some other better Muhiirta not selected? It
The lagna is I40-15' Simha. Jupiter is irue that the alteration of the clock of
aspects the lagna. Moon was in lagna bhava. Destiny is beyond our power. Hence, an
Sun was in the 9th bhava but in the 10th astrologer or a purohit or anyone else he
sign- an enemy's sign- along with an eriemy, 'will be forced tb follow the divine plan,
Saturn. Further, Sun is aspected by Neptune;. knowingly or not knowingly. That this is
The 10th lord Venus, was in the 10th itself, so, is very clear from this case.
but in the lith sign in conjunction with a The premier of Sri Lanka is running
natural malefic, Mars, aspecetd by a retro- Saturn dasa, Rahu bhu.kti, Venus anthra
grading planet, Jupiter. according to her birth chart prepared by
According to Western aspects. Mars and me. In her birth chart, Rahu is in Makara
Venus form sextileaspects with the Ascendant in the star of Moon. Rahu is aspected by
while Saturn forms square aspect , with the . Kethu and Mars. Hence Rahu will give the
Ascendant. results bf Kethu, Mars, Moon and Saturn.
But planets 'Mercury and Moon are in the
Predictions are based on bhavas of sub of Rahu.'. Hence Mercury and Moon
houses. Hence, what is the use of. keeping will give the same results as that of Rahu.
Moon and Sun in the 2nd and 10th signs, Next, consider Sun too as Sun and Mercury
respectively? As in the natal charts, here too . are in the same Sign and same star. There-
note the ascendant. It is in Sun sign, Venus fore the bhukti . lord, Rahu, represents Mars,
star, Venus sub. Sun is in the 9th, aspected Moon, Saturn, Mercury, Sun and Kethu.
by Saturn and Neptune. Saturn is the lord The anthafa lord is Venus, and it is in the
of 6th and 7th, besides being a strong signi- sub of Kethu. So it is clear that during
ficator of houses I, 9 and 12. The deciding Saturn dasa, Rahu bhukti, Venus anthara
factor, sub lord, Venus is conjoined with the planets, namely Mars, Moon, Saturn,
Mars, lord of 4th ^Opposition) and 9th Mercury, Sun, Venus, Rahu and Kethu are
but a strong significator of 5th. The 5th activated and their results will be experinced.
house denotes third parry. The presence of Among the above planets. Mercury (Sun),
Rahu in the 5th in the star of Sun shows Moon and Venus are powerful as they are
that the citizens of this country who are in the sub of Nodes. So, whenever a
noted for anti-national outlook will be a Muhurta is selected in the period of Saturn
source of trouble to the Republic of Sri dasa, Rahu bhukti, Venus anthara, the ruling
Lanka during the periods of Venus, Mars, planets at lime of muhurta will be governed
Sun, Saturn, Rahu etc. Sun denotes the- by the above activated planets and predemi-
natly by Mercrry (Sun), Moon and Venus. logical Study Of The General Election In
Hence it was not strange to the followers Ceylon", that appeared in the January issue
of stellar astrology that the muhurtha for of 'Astrology & Athrishta' (1971), show that
the birth of the Republic of Sri Lanka was the maximumTesults be experinced during
fixed on a Monday (22512) ruled by the conjoined periods of the planets govern-
Moon at 12.43 p. m. (CST) when the Asc- ing the position of Pars fortuna. Hence,
endant rises in Sun sign, Venus star, Venus during Saturn dasa, Rahu bhukti, Venus anthra
sub while Moon transits in Mercury sign. on a day ruled by Moon when Moon was
Sun star (Saturn sub). This was in full transiting in Mercury sign. Sun star, and
accordance with her "Praptham" and justified the Ascendant was transiting in Sun sign,
according to the principles propounded in Venus star, she became the first Premier of
Krishnamurti Padhdhati. the Republic of Sri Lanka which was the
According to her birth chart, the Pars peak of her achievement or gain in life.
Fortuna falls at 130-53' Kumbha, i.e., in As the Pars Fortuna falls in the 6th. house
Saturn sign, Rahu star, Venus sub. The re- in her birth chart while the same falls in
searches carried on during the last General 7th house of the mundane map of
Ejection _by the Stellar the Republic of Sri Lanka, she _gained_the_
"Institute an mmikmnd in the article, "Astro- above-position.

G. B. KUSIBI^ 5.A., B.Ed.
It was Saturday, January 1, 1972. I in Krishnamurti Padhdhati the results can be
was immersed in my work. Two gentlemen predicted quickly and precisely.
stepped in and greeted mt witb a smile. Therefare, I would rather base my predic-
- "Happy New Year to yop. Sir" they said. tion on the Horary system than go by a possi-
bly wrong natal chart. Will you give me a
"Same to you, please come in" I replied. number between *1' and '2497"
"Thank you. Sir. We have come to seek '66, Sir."
your guidance." "Good."
This number, according to the stellar
"Yes, what can I do for you?" division of the zodiaco and its fiirther sub-
One of them said, "Sir, I have sought __ divisions, refers to 3 -20j_Ketaka-fCancer)
_the .ticket of the -New Gongress-Party-to" -fallmg'in Saturn's star and sub in the sign
ruled by the Moon. With this as the lagna
'contest the Assembly Elections to be held for the query, I calculated the other houses.
shortly. Will I get it!" Then, pointing to The planetary positions for 5-34 PM (1ST)
the other gentlemen, he said, "Here is. my at lakkundi on Saturday, the 1st January
horoscope cast by this gentleman following 1972, were then found out. The completed
the method prescribed in Krishnamurti Padh- chart was as follows
dhati Readers".
"I am glad. Many persons have now X3 4o-20' XII 5-2(y
taken to this correct method and even those [Mars l(r-20' X 2o-20/
who have been following the traditional Sat. 78-02' Moon 25-10*
methods hitherto and professional astrologers
now employ Krishnamurti Padhdhati with
success." I 3_20'
"You are right' Sir, It is very popular." IX 29-20' Kethu
"I hope you have verified whether the n ir-TV,
birth time is correct?", I said. nirayana
"Sir, I have not. I just took the time VIII 29^-20'
given to me and worked out." Vcn. ISMJy III 29o-20/
Rahu 13o 0-14'
"There is a possibility of doubt regarding VII 3 -20'
the time of birth, etc. but there can be no-
element of doubt regarding the time of query
or judgement. Horary Astrology is as helpful Sun 16a-48' lup. 29<,-06'
as natal astrology and even mare so when Mcr. 24"-!5' IV 2o-20'
dealing with specific problems, and by judici- VI S'-W V 4<'-20'
ous application of the principles propounded
II. Planetary positions:
Placet Housc(s) Lvnl of
Occupied Owned Sign . Star Sub
Sun 3 6 upiter Venus Moon
Moon 1/2 12 Mercury Jupiter Mercury
Mars 5/10 9 upiter Saturn Sun
Mercury 12 5 4a rs Mercury J^ahu
Jupiter 6 5 ^lars Mercury Saturn
Venus 4/11 7 laturn Moon Mercury
Satum(RetJ 7/8/9 11 /cnus Sun Ketu
Rahu 7 laturn Moon Rahu
Ketu 1 tloon Saturn Rahu
"Sir, which houses are to be perused to the right moment. Neither we can avert'theni
decide about the chances of securing a ticket nor can we change the time of their fructifi-'
to compete in the election?" cation. But we can anticipate the right time 1
and prepare' ourselves accordingly. This ;
"It is mainly a matter of the Iltb house, gentleman is destined to get the ticket but J
because it is the house of hopes and aspira-. only after some delay and impediments."
tions. At the same time, it also governs the
fulfilment of the desire. Hence, we have to . . "When will it be. Sir?
examine the cusp of the Iltb house "and the'
planet ruling it as the sub-Iord._ If he happens "Saturn is retrograde now but in the..;
to be the significator of houses 1,2,3,6,10 and constellation of a planet in direct motion.,'
II, the desire is sure to be fulfilled." , He is also a significator of success. He will,,
"I follow." remain retrograde only up to the 31st January >
"Now, who is the sub-lord of the 11th 1972, and for some days thereafter, up to the
house cusp?" 3rd February 1972, he will be stationary. He
takes direct course only from the evening of
"It is Saturn, Sir, because Saturn rules the 3rd February 1972. Hence on the dth ;
"the-first" s'ObrdivislDQiu-Pushya-nakshatra Kcbruary l972-lhe ticket-will-be .awarded an ,
extending from 3o-20' to 5-6'-40"." bis favour and the information will be.-:
released to the newspapers on the same
"You are correct. What does he sig- day."
"He is lord of 7, 8 and 9, Sir." "How come. Sir? The A.I.CC. will meet '
on the 27th January 1972 and on the same.'
''That is right, according to the Krishna- day it is expected to release the entire panel I
murti Padhdhati system of house division, but of names of the Congress candidates.' More-
where he is placed and What is the constella- over, the date of submission of the nomi-;
tion and sub he occupies?" - nation papers is the Stb February 1972. No |
time will be left."
"He is in the Uth house in the
constellation of Sun and the sub of Ketu." "May be, but the ticket will be given
"The 11th house, as said before, deals only on the 4th February 1972, and there
with hopes and' objectives and their fulfil- will be sufficient time for filing the papers of
ment. The Sua, in whose constellation nomination."
Saturn was posited, ruled the 3rd house and
occupied the fith house, Ketu is in lagna, The names of the candidates who were
there are no planets in its constellation and selected to stand on the Congress ticket were !
is a powerful significator of the lagna bhava. released on the 2nd February 1972 and were '
Therefore, Saturn is a significator of houses published on the next day. The taluka from
11, 3. 6 and 1." which the querent intended to seek election
"Does it mean, then, he gets the ticket, did not figure in the list, however, and it was
Sir?" mentioned that no decision had been taken in
regard to the selection of the New Congress
"Yes, be will, but Saturn by nature is candidates from that taluka. On the 4tb
a delaying planet and also rules the 8tbhouse. February 1972,'a supplememary list of names'
Further, he is retrograde now." of the New Congress candidates for the
Assembly seats from that taluka was released
Does it mean he should make further and was carried in the newspapers on the
eiforts in this connection?" asked' the friend 5th February 1972.
of the querent.
"No. Nothing is in our control. The This incident portrays how wonderfully
event take their proper course and fructify at accurate Krishnamurti Padhdhati system is.

(Continued from the October 1972 issue)
How to Find the Planets' Places?
Although the moment of all our six We shall illustrate how to tabulate the
example births was the same, identified planets' places for our example birth I, at
differently in each one of the six localities, Bombay, at 0-13 a. m. (1ST) on Friday
taken for illustration according to the August 20, 1971 / Saturday August 21, 1971
Standard Time adopted there, the house which will apply equally to the five other cases.
positions'of the horoscope, or the twelve- Before we do so, we must remember that
fold division of the Zodiac as viewed from this Ephemeris furnishes the Nirayana Longi-
the six places, would vary considerably. A tudes of the planets to the nearest minute
little explanation for this is needed. At any of arc for every, day at 5-30 a. m. flST)
place on earth, at a given moment, the part corresponding to the Standard Time equivalent.
of the Zodiac culminating on the Meridian Table XV coming handy and providing us
is determined with reference to the Sidereal a list of Standard Time equivalents in other
Time for that moment and place, and the countries. We want to find.out the amount
-point in.the_Zodiac then rising in the eastern of arc (longitude in degrees and minutes)
horizon flagna or AscJ frpm'the latitude - -travelled by. each -Planet in_ the twentyfour
of that place. The sidereal time at a moment hours that includes the birth time. Io d"o
at any locality, is as we have seen, secured this, we need to observe the longitude of
by conversion from the local mean time each planetary body on the previous 5-30 a.m
which has relevance to the longitude of (1ST)., or the corresponding Standard Time
that place. As the longitude/latitude of each in the case of foreign births, and subtract
one of the six places varies one from the this figure from the longitude of the planet
other, the house positions, consequently, were at 5-30 a. m. (1ST) on the next day. This
bound to differ. Even so, the births took will have to be done when the motion is
place at the same apparent moment, the increasing between one day and next. If,
sign and longitude of the planets in the on the other hand, the motion is decreasing
Zodiac would be identical in all the six between one day and the' next, i.e., when
cases. The planets' movement in the Zodiac its longitude on the next day would be
is measured . from the Earth as a point lesser than that for the previous day (in
in the vast universe, while the houses are seen such a circumstance the planet is a retro-
from a fixed point of observation on the grade), "reserve the process.
Earth's surface, the latter causing the planets
to be placed in the houses in a distinct For out facility, we will draw to table
manner in each case. like this.
Nirayana longitudes of
Suo Mood Man Mercury Jupiter Venus Sat, Kabu Ura. Nep
20 122-59 112-13 291-10 134-50 214-16 120-51 42-22 290-23 167-45 216-58
21 123-57 124-28 290-56 134-09 214-21 122-05 42-25 290-20 167-48 216-58
in 24
hours 0-58 12-15 0-14 0-41 0-05 I-I4 0-03 0-03 0-03 0-00
or retr + + + + + + 4-
We may now note how far is the birth Prop. Log. of interval of 18hrs43 cnts
time from 5-30a.m. (ISTj previous and ffrom 500 a. m. of 20^-871) 1080
what proportion of the daily motion takes Prop of Moon's motion in 24 hrs between
place during the interval. It is IS hours 43 20 and 21871 2921
minutes from 5-30 a. m. of 2081971.
Because the Moon moves faster than Addition of Logs. 4001
other planet, her position is more quickly "4001" is the prop, logarithm of motion
and accurately ascertained by using diurnal during the interval.
proportional logarithms which are to be The figure nearest to '4001' in the column:
found in Table I. In this Table the figures, of logs, is'4002'. Next, read the degrees of
along the top row refer to either degrees of longitude from the column on the top and the
longitude or hours of time and, since both number of minutes from the column on the
are subdivided into 60 minutes of longitude, side. '4002' is seen under '9 deg.' and opposite5
*33 minutes', so that the arc we require is P* -
as well as time, the figures down the side 33'. This is the anti-log. of '4002'. As birth is
refer to minutes of time and longitude. past 5-30 a. m. of 2081971, and as Moon
First, we note the Log. of interval of 18 _ is always direct in ^motion, this increment of
^~1roor3-43-minutes. Column M8* (top lineJ in- arc is to be added to the ephemeral place of
Moon on 2081971. the result, obtained
dicates 18 hours. Then. as~we~rnn-ourfinger_ .being the Nirayana Longitude, nearest to
down this column, we come to the line corres- the mmufe ~of-Moon-at-birth.
ponding to '43'in the side column. The log. We calculate the positions of the Sun,
is T080'. Similarly, the Log. ofMoon's motion Mercury, Venus, and Mars in a similar
is '2921'. We add these together, thus:' manner.


Dail Motion (+ Direct

Retrograde) + 58' 41' + 114' 14'
Log. of Interval 1080 1080 1080 1080
Log. of daily
motion (Always plus) 13949 15456 12891 20122

Log. of planet's motion for

interval 15029 16536 13971 21202
Nearest figures in Table I 15051 16532 13949 21170
Anti-log. of nearest figure =
planet's motion for the
interval Z 45' 32' 58' U'
Z' is to be added to, or subtracted, from the ephemeral place of the planet according
as the motion is Direct or Retrograde.
Retrogression of a planet marked 'R' is merely an appearance. Planets always move
forward in their orbit around the Sun, but when viewed angularly from the moving Earth,
the planet appears to have slided backward in the Zodiac. A planet before turning
direct or retrograde is stationary (appears to stand still in same place. Direct, marked 'D',
is entered in the Ephemeris when the planet has changed its motion from retrogression
to direct.

Nirayana Long, on 20871 122-59 134-50 120-51 291-10

Motion for interval + 45 32 + 58 11
Nirayana Long, at birth 123-04 134-18 (R) 121-49 290-59

The rest of the planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Nirayana Long, of Fortuna 36-57'
Uranus, Rabu and Neptune have a very feeble (or 6 Risbaba 57')
motion in a day that their proportionate Finally, we should calculate the balance
amount for the interval can easily be deter- of Vimshottari dasa at birth, so that the
mined by mental working. future periods can be tabulated.
During the interval of 24 hrs. between Moon at birth was in l-46' of Simha.
2081971 and the next day: in Makra naksbatra ruled by Kethu. By
Jupiter moves 5'directly So, for about applying Tables X and XI, we get 6 Years,
19 hrs. 4' + 2 months, 29 days as the period in Ketbu's
Maba Dasa of 7 years which the fictiious
Saturn moves 3' directly So, for. about ;native of example I has to undergo. That
19 hrs. 2' + is, 2181971 plus 6 years, 2 months
Rahu moves 3' backward So, fofabsnt and 29 days = 20111977 is the date
19 hrs. 2' when the dasa -willend,-to be followed
by 20 years of Sukra fVenusJ dasa, Sufya
Uranus moves 3' forward So, for about dasa and so on.
19.hrs. 2' + Our completed horoscope for example
Neptune's motion is Nil So, I should look like fiigure i.
Nil +
The planetary positions being known, find 60-57' 11 40-2l'
the long, of FORTUNA f Part of Fortune), XII 3M)3' Lagna
according to the following formula: SMS' III 29M1'
Sat. 120-24'
Long, of Asc. (counted from Mesha
Plus Long, of Moon (counted from Mesha XI 1T-2V IV 260-21'
Less Long, of Sun (counted from Mesha Birth Chart
0 Ven. 1M9'
This imaginary point is as distant from
X 26-21'
Mars (R) Ayaoamsa 230-21' Moon <,r-46
20--59' Sun 3 -04'
the Lagna (Asc.) as Moon is from the Sun. Mer. fR)
Rahu 20o-2l 14-IS'
Nirayana Long, of Aso. 38-15' (8 V 21'*-21'
Add Nirayana Long of Moon ( + ) I210-46' IX 290-2l' VJI 8V15'
Neptune Uranus
(l" Simha 46') 60-58' VI 30-03'
vni 4'-21' JuP. o
4 -20' 17*-47'
Subtract Nirayana Long, of Sun (-) Balance of Ketu Dasa (VimshottanJ at
12 3-04' (3 Simha 4') birth = 6 years 0 months 26 days
(To be concluded)

It was a sad day for us all. My youngest absolute concordance between the sub-lord
child had lost her gold ear rings. I noticed of lagna, Ketu, the sub-lord of the Asc.
her bare ears' only the next morning. How denoted by the number *1*, namely Ketu,
and where it was lost, was a matter of guess and lord of star transited by the Moon,
and anything was probable Maybe, they which was also Kethu. As it was so, the
got loosened when the child was in school answer was positive. I then decided to
or when she was playing in the school make a through search in my house. A doubt
playground. So thinking, I did not feel lurked in my mind whether I would recover the
inclined to make a search for them in my ornaments in full. Why? Saturn was aspec-
house. My child loved the ornaments so ting Kethu by its third aspect. I cleaned
much that she was in tears. As if inspired,^ the_house^.and_scrubbed-the floor. ~
-she-skidto-me-in^anoutburst; ^"Mummy"!
You know Krishnamurti Padhdhati method. To my suprise and joy. I found one
Why can't you find out whether and when screw near the wash basin and after about
I. will get back the ear-rings?" II minutes I discovered the goldern stud
in the garbage bin. My continued search
For a moment, my mind flashbacked for the only remaining screw was in vain.
to the past. I was reminded of Prof. In the evening I tried once again to
Krishnamurti's visit to our house, his warmth lay hand on the missing screw. I asked
of temperament, gaiety of spirit, flash of myself why I should not take recourse to
humour, the endearing way he greeted every Krishnamurti Padhdhati method to find out
one with "Good Luck", his agility of brain ^ whether recovery H assured. The number
and subtlety of intellect that solves any '9* came to my mind immediately.
abstruse problem in a decisive manner and,
above allvhis friendly familiarity. He was No. 9 falls in Mars sign, Kctu's star.
a great genius who gave to us a unique Mercury's sub. The rifling planets at 6-10
system. His striking emphasis on the rofc p. m. (1ST) on the same day were:
of Ruling Planets came to my mind.
I asked my child to mention a numbers. Day lord Mercury
She spontaneously uttered 'I* which denote. Moon sign lord Mars
Mars sign, Ketu star and Ketu sub. Jt Moon star lord Ketu
was 8 a. m. on 571972 at Madras. The Asc. sign lord (Dhanus) Jupiter (retr)
ruling planets were: Asc. star lord (P. Shada) Venus fretr)
Day lord (Wednesday) 1 Mercury Asc. sub lord Venus (retrograde)
Moon sign (Mesha; lord Mars There was no concordance between the sub
Moon star (Aswini) lord Ketu lord
4 of the Asc. denoted by the number
Ascendant sign (Kataka) lord Moon 9'Mercuryand Moon star lord or As-
cendant star. lord. Where was the possibility,
Ascendant star (Aslesha)lord Mercury then, of recovering the ornaments at all?
Ascendant sub-lord Ketu This experience convinced me of the efficacy
of the method outlined by the learned
I applied the method enunciated by our followers of Krishnamurti Padhdhati from
Gulbarga friends and found that there was Gulbarga.

B. D. WALIA, B.Sc. fEng;
On Sunday the 28 th May 1972, Mrs. I. Horoscope:
Madhu Kashyap, who knew me as a devoted
follower of the system of scientific Merc. 4 *25 Venus (R)
stellar astrology, came to me. She was in the VII llMW' VIII90-18' Sat. IX 9-18'
16o-04' X 1I0-18'
family way and narrated her uneasiness and Sun 130-33' Mars 160-35'
anxiety. She was under the treatment and
care of a well known lady doctor who had Ketu 30-39'
advised her to book a bed immediately as she VT iJMS'
was expecting the. delivery to take place any XI l30-i8'
moment and at any rate before the first week N1RAYANA RASI
of June 1972. Mrs. Kashyap was therefore
eager to know what I have to say. It was V 13-18'
-i2r65-P. M. (1ST);1 asked her to-speak out XII 130-18'
a number between 1 and 249 and she replied
'113* As she was very keen the astrological
indications, I started calculating the planetary Jup.o (R) Moon Lagna
positions for the time of judgement12.15 PM 13 -l0' 14-37' 11 90-18'
IV III 9M8' 11'-06'
(1ST)and the cusps of the houses for the
number T13* for the latitude of Delhi, namely
28 40' Noith. The chart erected in accor- Balance of Saturn Dasa fVimshbttari) at
dance with the scientific method taught by our birth =2Y. 10M 27D 18572 to
1381972: Sani dasa. Rahu bhukti. Moon
late Guruji, Jyothish Martand K. S. Krishn- anthra 1381972 to 131072: Sani dasa,
murti, is reproduced below. Rahu bhukti. Mars anthra.
II. Houses to be examined;.
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati system, houses 2, 5 and 11 and Jupiter, chief
governor for childreji, are to be investigated for the purpose of ascertaining answer to any
query connected with progeny. " The 2nd house connotes family relationship in general and
includes parents partner in life, brothers, sisters and children. The ,5th house presides over
progeny. The I Uh house, being the 5th reckoned from the house of the partner in life, has also
bearing in this respect.
III. Planetary positions:
Planets Occupying House (s)
Sign Conscellaiion Sub ruled uvmcd Occupied
owned by owned by by
Sun Venus Moon Rahu 12 9
Moon Mars Saturn Rahu 11 3
Mars Mercury Rahu Venus 3/8 10
Mercury Venus Sun Saturn 1/10 8
Jupiter (Ret) Jupiter Ketu Mercury 4/7 4
Venus (Ret) Mercury Rahu Jupiter 2/9 10
Saturn Venus Moon Saturn 5/5 9
Rahu Saturn Sun Saturn 4
Ketu Moon Saturn Saturn 10
RAHU in Makara (Capricorn) stands alone. It is the agent of Saturn who rules the
KETU, likewise, occupies Kataka (Cancer) all alone. It becomes the agent of Moon who
rules Kataka.
IV. Caspal positions: herself has gone to the constellation Anuradha
Lord of Zed House 3th House llth House which is under the sway of Saturn, lord of S,
Sign Venus Saturn ' -Moon Ketu in Kataka becomes powerful to translate
Star Rabu Moon Saturn the effects of the Moon. Jupiter is in Ketu's
Sub Jupiter Rabu Rabu constellation.
VII. Ruling Planets:
V. Does the Moon reflect the query? The planets that governed the time oftbe
The Moon, at the time of judgement, was judgement were:
in the sign of Mars (Vrischika), constellation
of Saturn (Anuradha), sub of Rabu and sub- Lord of Day (Sunday) Sun
sub of Moon. Mars is conjoined with Venus, Lord of Moon sign frasi)
lord of 2, in the -constellation of Ralip who. Scorpio fVriscbika) Mars
by virtue of his occupation of Makara, has
displaced Saturn, lord of 5. Mars is also in Locd r.f Mnnn naWhafr^.
sub of Venus, lord of 2. Saturn owns the sign (Anuradha) Saturn
on the cusp of the 5th bouse. It is posited in
the constellation Rohini ruled by the Moon, Lord of lagna sign Simba Sun
lard of 11, and in Saturn's sub. Rabu, as Lord of lagna constella-
stated earlier, is more powerful to offer the tion Makra Ketu (who
5th house results than Saturn, its lord, a node represents Moon)
being stronger than the Iprd of the sign in
which the node is placed. The Moon governs Lagna was in the constellation of Ketu
the sign on the cusp of the llth house and is . and sub of Mercury, i. e., at 11 54' Simba
deposited in the constellation of Saturn who (Leo).
lords the Sth house.
Just see bow the main . significators and
The planets in whose constellation, sob the ruling planets coincide. This - beautifully
and sub-sub the Moon was placed-namely illustrates the truth taught by our Guruji. ,1s
Saturn, Rahu and Moon-are the planets who it not a marvellous finding?
conjointly rule the' Sth cusp as well as the
llth cusp. .Where, then, is the doubt regarding As, at the time of judgement, Satum was
the query? aspecting the Moon as well as the llth bouse,
I was sure that1 the time of delivery would not
VI. Significators; be immediate and before the first week of June
2nd House: No planet is posited here. 1972 as was the doctor's expectation.. Then I
Venus is its lord. There is on planet in Venus' noted when'the Sun and the Moon will transit
constellations. the sensitive degrees of the. significators. In
Horary Astrology, the lagna - identifies the
5tk House: No planet here too. Saturn querent as well as the query and, in the present
owns the bouse, but Rahu beiog in Makara case, it was ruled by Mercury as the sign lord.
fCapricorn) is more powerful to offer Saturn's Moon as the constellation lord and Mars as
results than even Saturn himself. Mars and the sub-lord. I found from the ephemeris that
Venus are in Rabu's constellation Arudbra. the Sun would transit the sensitve degree of
the Zodiac conjointly ruled by these, namely
llth House: This house is also vacant. sign Mitbuna (Gemini) owned by Mercury,
It is governed by the Moon in whose constella- Mrigasira nakshatra governed by Mars and
tions Sun and Saturn are posited. The Moon the sub owned by Moon on the 21st June 1972.
At this tims, the Moon will transit in the Rabu was tbe lord of tbe sub on tbe cusp of
constellation Cbitra ruled by Mars in tbe rasi the 5tb bouse as well as tbe lltb bouse. At
which belongs to Venus, lord of 2. Tbe Moon the time of consideration. Mars and Venus
wilt touch the sub of Sun sometime in the were tbe only planets in the conslellalibn of
afternoon of that day. From alhaccouhts, Rahu, and Sun and Moon were alone in Rabu's
I predicted that tbe child would. be born on sub and in tbe constellation of sigm'ficators.
tbe 21st June 1972 in tbe afternoon. As tbe At the lime of child birth, the Moon was
sub-lord of the lltb and Sth houses. Rahu, transiting Venus' sign, Mars' constellation and
was situated in tbe star of tbe Sun, I added sub of Sun; tbe Sun was transiting the con-
tbat the child will be a male. She was very stellation of Mars and tbe sub of Moon. It
much pleased to bear what I said. would fruitful to study a number of charts to
1 was informed in due course tbat actully gather more information by way of confirma-
she gave birth to a male child bn Wednes- tion of the role played by planets posited in
day the 21se June 1972 ar 12-30 PM. the conetellation and sub of planets governing
Before! conclude,-I-should-like-to-draw- tbe sub on the'cusps of tbe Sth and lltb
fioiises? '.
tbe attention of the readers to what seems to
me to be an unusual but striking feature. Good Luck.
1. Verification of a simple system by Gutbar- article in 1968 November issue, the ruling
ka Astrological Association for predicting an planets can be termed as the trump card of
Immediate future incident 'yes* or 'no* tech- Krishnamurti Padhdhati. The followiog inci-
nique. dents prove the accuracy of predictions made
Sir, I am going to test your system of from Ruling Planets.
astrology. Last year, even though 1 tried my Wh en will the letter expected from my
level best to get admission for the B.T. course
in the a local college, 1 could not succeed. I daughter for the last seven days come to us?
had passed B. Sc. in first Class and T am also We are anxious to know the date of receipt
a winner of the Silver Cup of the College for by your K. P. system. Ruling planets for
coming out first in the Zoology Section. Will Time of Judgment 9-55 p. m. Coimbator,
I get admission this year? 13-6-1972Tuesday.
On being asked to give a number within Day Lord Kuja
249, she gave it as 33. Panaryas_Star.Jord Guru (retrograde)
Time: 9-25 p. m. I._S.-IVGoiinbator?r,~ "Rasi lord .Budha"
^Mondayr-S-7^1972: Ascendant 15 55'
No. 33 givfes as per K. P. Table Makara Sani rules the sign
Sukra Rasi Moon star . Sani sub Ascendant star Moon
Ruling Planet:
So the ruling planets arc :
Day lord Moon
Uthirauathi Sani is the star lord Kuja, Guru" (Rt), Budha, Sani and
Moon Rasi Lord Guru (retro.); Moon (Ketu).
Asc. lord Sani You will get a letter tomorrow at about
Asc. star lord Kuja 4-30 p.m. Lagnadipadi is in 5 in trine aspect
As the sub lord happens to be the Star
. Lord, I predict that you will definitely get' to Lagna cusp. 3rd House is aspected by 9ih
Lord-Mutual aspect. 11th Lord is in 6. All
admission this lime. There may be a delay of these indicate quick receipt of the letter. Since
.3 to 4 days, as Sani is prominent. You will ' the letter can come tomorrow from Bombay
get a positive communication on 8772 at and as the deliveries of postal letiers are us-'
2-30 p. m. ually at about 1-00 p.m, and 4-00 p.m.- in
.Ruling planetsSaturday Sani Rohini star your place, the latter time is nearer1 to the
Lord Moon, Rasi0 Vrishaba Lord Sukra time wbeo the Ascendant.Rasi is conjointly
Lagoa Tulam 23 ir ' L6rd Sukra influenced by the ruling planets
Asc, Star Lord is Guru (retrograde)^ ' The letter was actually received at
She got a positive communication exactly 4-30 p.m. on J4-6-72. The ruling planets at
as predicted. On this day and at this time the time of judgement of the question and at
the ruling planets completely tally with those the'time of receipt of the letter were identical.
given for the number. Another interesting feature is that in both
I appeal to all the readers of the magazin cases retrograde Guru appears. Wc can reject
" throughout the country to dp more research it: or accept it as the Lord of the star where
on this system, so that an infallible rule can Guru is posited is not retrograde. Of course,
be established. this is an immediate event. For distant events,
the same principle holds good, but we have to
II, (a) "Krishnamurti Padhdhati * is a observe the. transits of Jupiter and Sani, the
marvellous system of scientific astrology. I slow moving planets.
appeal to the Indian public to develop this
^ system and make astrology reliable and useful The letter was received on 14-6-1972 at
to the general public. As explained in my 4-30 p.m. Coimbatore.
Day Wednesday Budha 3rd House Guru
Poosam Star Lord Sani 4th House Kctu
Rasi Lord Moon (Ketu) 5th House Venus
. Asc. sign 0I2' Vriscbikain-Kuja 7th House Budha. Mars
Asc. Star Guru, 8th House Sun
11. (b) When will I receive the amount 9th House Moon
from X ?- 10th House Rahu
12th House Sani
Monday, 19-6-1972. Coimbator, 6-45 p.m. Y. M. Ds.
S'Sb' Dhanur
Hastam Moon Balance of Sukra Dasa at birth: 16 4 6
Kanya Rasi Budha
Monday Moon Planets Star Lord Sub lord
Asc. sign lord Guru Sun Sani Sun
Asc. star lord Ketu Moon Sukra Shn
Lord of 11 is in 7. The lagna. Lord is Mars Guru Sani
retrograde. There is mutual aspect between- ._Budha "Rahu Venus
Sukra and Guru. Sp.jhe-amountTaBnol Guru Sani Sant
,come quickly; There will be some delay. To Venus Mars Budha
hndout the day, the transit of the Moon is to Sani Sani Venus
be taken. It was predicted that the money Rahu Moon Rahu
would come on 26-6-72 at 1. S. T. Ketu Sani Mars
The prediction was Correctly fulhlled. 7th cusp Rahu Rahu
At Result Time The marriage took place in Chandra
Monday Moon Dasa, Rahu Bukti, Sukra Antbra and Sani:
Moolam Ketu .Sookshma, on 5-5-1972, Friday. Uthradam
Rasi Guru (retrograde) Star (Sun), Sani Rasi and Vrishabha Lagna.
Asc. ' Mars Rasi - None in 2nd house. But Sun aspects 2nd'
Asc. Star Budha's cusp. None in Sun star. So Sun is a signifi-
At Question Time catore. Mars and Budha in 7. Vcuus is in
Monday Moon Mars star. Mars represents .Budha being
Hastam Moon conjoined with it and being a more powerful
Rasi Budha planet. Rahu is in Venus Rasi and is aspec-
Asc. star Ketu ted by Mars. So. Sun, Rahu and Venus are
Asc. Rasi Guru's significators. (Moon is a strong signiScator
being in Venus Star and aspected by Sani
III. Marriage. Time analysed by K.P. Lord of 7 ) Saturn, lord of 7, is in Venus
Method-Horoscope of K. S. J. sub. So Sani. is also a sigoificator of some
strength. None in II. We have already
considered Budha,'Lord of II. It is conjoin-
Moon X 10" ed with Mars, and Sukra is in Mars star. As
Sun 10*-51' xr 9* sub lord of 7lh cusp. Rahu, is in Moon stac
15'-43' Rahu ir-36' and is aspected by Kuja and Sani, the
marriage is promised. On 5-5-1972, it took'
Mars 23 s-16' place. The day is Friday.' Star is Uthra-
Buda 16 -35' XIl 8 shada. . Lord is Sun. Rasi Lord is Sani -
VII 8 25-3-1947 Sani 8'-56' (Rahu). Muhurtham was in Vrishabha
Sakra (r-28' Lagna. . Lord is Venus. Sun is in Venus star,
4M9' P.M. I.S.T. Gurit sitb. Moon in Sun star and Sani sub;
Place-Ottapalam Rahu in Sani Rasi, Sun star and Budha sub,
(Kcralaj 1 8" Venus is in Mars star and Venus sub. It bad
Asc. been predicted that the marriage would take
place around IS-S-72. The prediction was
made a 'year back. The dasa lord, Bukti
Lord, Antara lord and Sookshma Lords are
Kelu J20~36' II 8' all connected with Venus, a sigoificator and
III 9" Fortuoa the chief governor for marriage. So. unless
Guru 4M7' 10M6' transits agree, we should not predict an event.
This is important.

Page Page
Child Birlh determination by On Marriage 35
Horoscopy and Horary Astrology and Accident 39
System 3 On Overseas Travel and Return... 41
Service spd Transfer to a Your Doubts Resolved 45
New Place 9 Krishnamurti Padhdhati and
Mother's Death From Son's Minor Events 49
Chart 13 How I Predicted Success in
Krishnamurti Padhdhati Never Examination ? 50
FailsA Case of Longevity ... 17 Daily Guide for December 1972... 51
On Transfer and Change of Nirayana Position and Transit of
Residence 25 Planets in December 1972 55
On Election to Political Office 29 Ephcmetis for December 1972 56
On Reinstalemenl in Service 31 Monthly Prediction for
Jatakalankara 33 December 1972 57
My son had left the Palam airport, Delhi, Aslesha star belonging to Mercury in Kataka
on the 12th December 1971 for Munich, West of which Moon is the lord. As often stressed
Germany. At that time, the war with Pakis- by the late Professor Krishnamurti, the transit
tan was in full swings The airport being of the Sun should be taken into account to
closed to foreign traffic, international air ser- determine the month when the event will
vices were available only from Bombay. Due happen. The Sui's position on the 13th De-
to the late arrival of the Indian Airlines plan cember 1971 _ docs not support the event
from Delhi to Bombay, he could not avail of materialising in the near future. The afore
the scheduled flight to his destination. This said sensitive points fall in Mithuna'and Kata-
caused great anxiety at the other end where ka rasis. At the earliest, the Sun will transit
my daughter and my other son were waiting . _Mithupa OJi_the 1.5lliJune1-97-2 andwrll
to-receive hriro; As" TieTatted to reach at the transit that sign till the 15th of July. So the
scheduled time, my daughter had booked a delivery can take place during this time and
trunk call on the 13th December 1971. not earlier.
The call materialised at 8-30 p.m. To- According to the Mahabala's 19711980
wards the fag end of our conversation, I was Ephemeris of the planets' daily places, on the
informed that my daughter was in the family 10th July 1972, the Moon transits Arudhra
way, but before 1 could get to know more star when the Sun is also in Mithuna in
details the call came to an abrupt close due to Punarvasu star owned by Jupiter and in Mer-
a technical fault. Naturally, my curiosity to cury's sub. Mercury will be in its own star
know more was obvious. I conjured up the Aslesha in Kataka rasi. Venus will transit in
vision of my becoming a grand father and the her own sign Rishabain Mrigasira star and
time of delivery. 1 immediately noted the sub of Rahu. The event was bound to fructi-
ruling planets at the moment. They were: (j fy on the 10th July 1972 in Thula lagna in
Lord of the day ("Monday; Moon Swati star. My hunch came correct as the
birth took place when 60-4r was rising in
I-ord of the rasi (Thula; Thula lagna.
transited by the Moon Venus
I must confess here that, in the first ins-
Lord of the nakshatra transi- tance, I thought that the delivery should take
ted by the Moon fSwali) Rahu place when the Moon transits the latter sensi-
Loid of the rasi on the lagna tive point, namely Kataka rasi, Aslesha star on
(Kataka) Moon the 12th July, though I finally decided upon
Lord of the nakshatra on the the 10th July 1972.
lagna (Aslesha) Mercury How did this happen? Generally, the
Therefore, Mercury, Rahu, Moon and lagna is considered to be the strongest but the
Venus are the strongest indicators to offer the exact degree on the lagna is important. Why?
result in their conjoint period. The lord of the star on the lagna is stronger
than the lord of the sign on it. The lord of
In Horary Astrology, according to our the Moon star comes next to the lord of the
late Guruji's teaching, an event would fructify sign on the lagna. Even otherwise. Mercury
in the conjoint period of the planets ruling the was the strongest being in its own star. On
moment of judgement and when the lumina- the other hand, our late revered Guruji had
ries, namely the Sun and the Moon, pass taught us that if the lagna be in a movable
through sensitive points of the zodiac control- sign (Kataka as in the present case) the event
led by the ruling planets. In the instant case, will fructify at the time of the transit of the
the first sensitive points conjointly governed earliest sensitive, point. If a common sign be
by the ruling planets are Arudhra star ruled by on the Ugna, it fructifies at the time of transit
Rahu in Mithuna owned by Mercury, and of the middle point and when a fixed sign
rises inthe lagaa the last sensitive point should
be transited. XI 24e-34' Sat. l0-3l' Lagna S"-#!'
Jup. >-\V 0 XII l0-34'
Mars 30-21' Ketu 2 -47' II 2S0-3A'
such, the delivery was bound to take
place at the earliest opportunity, i.e., when
the first sensitive point is transited. I delibe- III 220-34'
rately included this discussion here for the X 206-34' NIRAYANA
benefit of all the readers so that this. will keep MooQ25t,-05'
this point in mind when they come to a judge- Bom on 29-12-1939, at
ment. I should feel that this rule of movable, 4-50 P.M.# (fST), at
common and fixed signs influencing the time 0
I X 22 -34' Long. 77 -45r East/
of fruition of an event will prove its worth 290-I' North Lat. IV 20'-34'
when some sort of priority has to be deter- Vcn. ]20-l5
I should also present here_thebirth chart VIII 2r-34' -Mrr25-40
"of daughter so as to show how it also Sun ir-SV 0 R-abu 20-47' V 240-34'
Vil 50-42' "VI l -34'
supports the conclusion arrived at according to
Horary method.
As per the natal chart, she was running Venus Maha dasa, Mercury bhukti. Moon
anthra and Venus sookshama at the time. The period was most favourable for the birth
of child. Let us examine the chart in some detail.
Planet Bhava Bhava Lord of the coastellation Lord of the sub
owned occupied occupied occupied
Sun 4 Venus Venus
Moon 3 3 Mercury Rahu
Mars 6 10 Saturn Saturn
Mercury 1,2.: 6 Mercury Rahu
Jupiter 7, 8. 1 10 Saturn Mercury
Venus 12 Moon Rahu
Saturn 9, 10 11 Ketu Venus
Rahu , 5 Mars Venus
Ketu 11 Ketu Venus
Progeny, according to the late Prof. K. S. to any house it may~be remembered, marks
Krishnamurti, is a matter of three houses, the culmination or actualisation of the idea or
namely 2, 5 and 11. Jupiter in the Hindu action begun by the latter.
astrological jargon is famed as the 'puthra The 2nd house is styled as the house of
karaka'or chief governor for child birth on family, its growth as well as decay. It inclu-
the principle that his sphere of life is Expan- des all those allied to the native by association
sion* or 'creation'. in the family, the parents, wife or husband
The 5th house has portfolio over progeny and children through marriage. Again, the
or propagation of the species which is the aim 2nd house becomes the 10th reckoned from the
and fulfilment of the Imarriage. The 7th 5th house, so that child birth ensuing as a
house stands for marital union and the Sth result of the influence of the Sth house leads
happens to be the 11th reckoned from the 7th to the growth of the family denoted by the 2nd
house. The Sth house stands as the 10th in house.
relation to the 8lh house which has reference
to the generative urge in man and woman, Child birth ensues as the result of joint
commonly known as 'sex'. The 10th house creative force of man and woman-polarisa-
tion of their positive and negative currents. from woman. So the 5th house from the
Woman has greater potential creativity, for lagna and the 5th house from the house of
from her comes the man, but without the life partner, namely the 11th house, are equally
spark of man's creativity no child can come important for our consideration.
Significators for child birth
11 V XI
Planets in constellation or Mercury Mars, Ketu, Saturn,
sub of occupant of house Venus Jupiter
Occupant of house Rahu Saturn, Ketu
Planets in constellation of Moon Moon
lord of house Mercury Mercury
Lord of house Mercury Mercury Jupiter
Planets conjoined with or
aspected by significators Venus

Therefore, the significators are Mercury, According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,

Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Rahu and important events in life are experienced when
Ketu. According to Vimshottari dasa, the -the dasa, bhukti and anthra lords transit in
period running at the time of judgement is sensitive points of the zodiac governed fay the
Venus dasa. Mercury bhukti and Moon anth- significators conjointly. Reverting for a mo
ra. All these planets are found to be strong ment to the ruling planets at the time of
significators. examination, we see how vividly they coincide
Venus is lord of 12 fadmission to hospi- with the significators according to the birth
tal or nursing home) in 8 in the constellation chart and also transit the sensitive points of
of Moon in 3 (leaving residence) and in the the significators.
sub of Rahu in 5th house (confinement). The delivery took place on Monday, the
Hence Venus is a significator. 10th July 1972 at 10-35 hours at Munich when
Mercury, bhukti lord, becomes the/ lord Rahu's nakshatra,Swati in Thula owned by
of 2nd and 5th houses and occupies the 6th Venus was rising on the lagna. The Moon
bouse (labour painsj. It is situated in its herself was transiting in Arudhra nakshatra
own constellation and sub of Rahu placed owned by Rahu in Mercury's sign Mithuna.
in 5. As such, all the planetary significators accor-
ding to the,natal chart and all the ruling
Moon is in the constellation of Mercury, planets as per the Horary method are fully
lord of 2 and 5, and in the sub of Rahu posi- represented, confirming the truth of the stellar
ted in 5. system of astrology as enunciated in Krishna-
Rahu is posited in the 5th house in the murti Padhdhati. I should have liked to cor-
sign of dasa lord. Venus. So its anthra aod roborate the event from the horoscope of my
the sookshama of Moon is the time when the son-in law also, but unfortunately it was not
results should manifest. The anthra of Rahu readily available.
begins on the 27th February 1972 and lasts Can any method other than Krishnamurti
till 31st July 1972. Moon's sookshama starts Padhdhati reveal the planetary influence in
on 10th July 1972 and as soon as its sook- such striking manner?
shama period started, the result came to
pass. Good Luck!

It was 238197l/ Our examinations
were round the corner. I was busy preparing
lot the same. A gentleman, who is highly II 8M6' in 4-! 6'
placed in Government service, called in. His Lagna 70-33'
problem was connected with his shift to a new Sat. 120-33' IV 29'-16'
place of duty. Although I had no time to
uudertake the work I still did not-like to
disappoint him. for he had come to me with Ketu 20o-10'
strong faith, faith born out of success of most XII 29'-53/
of my predictions to persons close to him. V 260-53'
I elicited from him a number_between
T and 249. He~quoled i<7,,.~ THis number Ven. 500-2r
helps in fixing up the lagna for the query and XI 26- 53' Sun 6 -29'
represents 733' in Mesha (Aries). This is Mats (R) Mcr.o <R>
the Nirayana lagna and the other houses are 20 12' 12 -02'
Rahu 20-10 VI 29-53'
obtained for this lagna by referring to a Table
of Houses for the latitude of Bhubaneswar.
The Nirayana chart for the query with the X 29-16' VIII 8M6'
planetary positions for the time of judgement VII 7*-33' Moon 60-12.
is furnished below* IX 4-16' Jup.40-33'
Number: 7 (between 1 and 249)
Date: Monday,23 August 1971 . fC .. . . .... . 44 ..
Time of judgement 8-59 P M. (1ST) Balance of Sun Maha dasa fVimshottan)
Place: Lat. lOMS' North/0 / at the time of judgement: 1 year, 8 month8y
Long.-85 -52 16 days.
B. Planetary positions
Housets) Occupying
Planet Sign Occupied Owned Constellation Sub
occupied of planet ruled by
Sun Simha 5 6 Ketu Rahu
Moon Kanya 6 5 Sun Mercury
Mars (Retrograde) Makara 10 1/8 Moon Kethu
Mercury (Retrograde) Simha 5 3/4 Kethu Mercury
Jupiter Vrischika 7 9/10 Saturn Saturn
Venus Simha 2/7 Kethu Mars
Saturn Rishaba 2 11/12 Moon Rahu
Rahu Makara 10 Moon Kethu
Ketu Kataka 4 Mercury Venus
(I) Rahu is conjoined with Mars.
(2) Ketu is alone in Kataka. aspected by Mars from 10. Jupiter from 7 and Saturn
from 2.

C. Houses to be examined. and the sixth house reckoned from the 4th
Houses 3, 5 and 9 have relevance to the house. It controls journeys, change of duties,
query. These houses are respectively in transfer to a new place, change of employer or
master, and leave or rest from work. The 5th
twelfth to houses 4, 6 and 10. House 4 stands house, being the twelfth from the 6th house
for residence, 6th for service matters, and 10th governing service matters, refers to change of
for profession. In Phaladeepika, it is stated duties, transfer, rest and recreation.
that a house which is in the 6th, 8lh and 12th D Cuspal positions
counted from any house (bhava) is detrimental
to the affairs of the house in qu:stion. Planets & Ruling Cusp as
Following this, we find that houses 3, 5 and 9 Sign lord Star lord Sub lord
are respectively in 6. 8, and 12 to the 10th Lagna Mars Ketu Rahu
bhava. The third house rules journeys but 111 Mercury Mars Venus
also shows change of resideoce. The 9th V Moon Mercury Jupiter
house is the twelfth house to the 10th house IX Jupiter Ketu Moon
E. Vimshottari Dasa details:
Dasa Bhukti Aothra From To
Sun Mercury Rahu 2381971 4-10-1971
Jupiter 4101971 15111971
Saturn 15111971 3 11972
Sun Ketu 3 11972 9 51972
F. Significators:
House 3 House 5 House 9
(*) Planets in the constellation
of occupants Moon, Ketu
(B) Planets occupying house Venus, Sun, Mercury
(C) Planets in the constellation
of lord of house Ketu Saturn, Mars, Rahu
(D; Planets owning house Mercury Moon Jupiter
The ruling planets at the time of judgement were:
Day lord (Monday) Moon transits in his own ngn Simba, in his own
Moon sign lord Mercury constellation Uttaraphalguni (Uttiramj and
Moon constellation lord Sun sub of Rahu on Wednesday the 15th September
Sub Lord of Moon Mercury 1971, the event would fructify.
Lagna sign lord Mars (Rahu con- My prophecy, based as it is on the solid
joined with Mars) and sound principles enumerated in "Krishna-
Lagna constellation lord Kethu murti Padadhali Readers" and ''Horary
Sun, Mercury, Rabu, Kethu and Moon Astrology" by Prof, K. S. Krishnamurti,
are common among the significators and the proved right as it had to be.
ruling planets. As Sun dasa. Mercury bhukti, On the 15th September, his transfer
Rahu anlhra was running up to 4101971 orders were received. He joined duties in the
and as all these planets were strong significa- new place on the l8lh September 1971 when
tors, I selected their period. The sookshama the Sun was transiting in the sign of bhukti
of Kethu would be the most powerful. 1 took lord Mercury in the constellation of dasa lord
the transit of the Sun and said that when he and the sub of Rahu, anthra lord.

Prof: S. N. M1SHRA
Krishnamurti Padhdhati is a very scientific Moon Dasa Balance at birth (Vimshottari)
Tnethod for astrological analysis of all the 0, year 2 months, 8 days.
events, big or small, happening in our lives. According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati,
This Padhdhati is an answer to the convictions the following are the significators of death/
of all those, who consider astrology as merely Ca) The planets posited in the constella-
a science of probabilities. This is the best tion of the occupants of houses 2, 7
system in astrology according to which we can and Badhaka Sthana.
-pinpoint the date and time of the occurence
of an event; (b) The planets occupying the above
said houses.
According to Krishnamurti Padhdhati, (c) The planets in the constellation of
the chart of a native does not indicate only the lords of the above-said houses.
the events happening in his life but also the
events happening in. the Jives of_bis.,neai_^nd_- _(d) The lords of these houses..
dear onesTp Here is an example in which we (ej Those which are conjoined with the
see how mother's death can be predicted from significaiors or aspected by them.
'the chart of a native. As the 3rd and 8th houses are the houses
The following is the horoscope of the of longevity, the 12th from these two houses,
native! 1. e., 2Qd and 7th, are considered to be the
maraka sthanas. Badhaka sthana is stronger
without whose influence death cannot take
Jup. (RJ place.
30-59' As" we have to judge the death of the
native's 0mother, we must take the 4th house
Pisces 8 -35' as Ascendant for her. As Pisces
Kethu is a common sign, the 7th house from this is
Badhaka sthana. Thus the 7th house is
24-36' doubly evil, being both maraka-sthana and
badhaka-sthana. Now let us consider houses
2 and 7.
Mars 120-28' The second house is unoccupied by any
Sat. 22>-0' planet. Jupiter (R.) has absorbed the influ-
Rahu 24-36' ence of 2nd house being within the orb of
fi ve degrees from the cusp of the 2nd Bhava.
No planet is in the constellacion of Mars, lord
Mcr. 8"-12' of 2.
Asc. 27'-44/ Ven. 180-l 1' Mood 23o-05 The 7th house is occupied by Moon and
SUQ23'-19' Sun. Saturn, Moon and Sun are in the cod-
stellation of Moon. Mercury is lord of 7 and
I Cusp. Scorpio 27.44 is in rapt conjunction with the cusp of the 7th
II Sagittarius 29.35 Bhava. Moreover, Mercury is in the constel-
III Aquarius 4.35 lation of Sun, occupant of 7. Moon and Sun
IV Pisces 8.35 both are in the constellation of Moon and sub
V Aries 8.35 of Sun, lord of 6, thus indicating that death
VI Taurus 4.35 will be due to illness.
VII Taurus 27.44 The second house from the 4th is owned
VIII Gemini 29.35 by Mars as the sign lord and Kethu as the
IX Leo 4.35 constellation lord; the constellation lord of
X Virgo 8.35 the 7th cusp from the 4th is Sun, lord of 6 in
XI Libra 8.35 7 to the 4th house; the I2ch house is ruled by
XII Scorpio 4.35. Saturn and Mars as the sign and star lords.
and Ketu occupies the 12th house (separation) According toKrishnamurti Padhdhati, the
Jupiter is in Ketu's star and sub of Moon in ruling planets at that time.
7. Houses 3 and 8 from the 4th are ruled by
Venus, who also happens to be the sub-lord 1. Lord of the day.
of tht 7th house cusp ("from the 4th). Rahu
is the only planet in Venus* star, and Rahu is
also conjoined with Mars, lord of the 2nd 2. Lord of the star,
frpm the house of mother.
In fact, the mother of the native died of 3. Lord of the Rasi,
illness, while the native was running Mercury
Dasa, Mercury Bhukti, Jupiter Anthra and 4. Lord of the Lagna are as follows:-
Venus Sookshama.
Let us confirm it by taking into consi- 1. The day is ruled by Jupiter, as 3rd-
deration the ruling planets at the moment November, 1966 is a Thursday.
of the death of the mother. The mother
died on Thursday 3rd November, 1966 at 2. Moon transits in Arudra constellation _
.Noon. -
The following is the chart for the time:- ruled by Rahu
3. The sign in which Moon .transits at
that time is Gemini ruled by Mercury.
Saturn (R) Rahu Moen
4. The Lord of Lagna (Gapricornj is
Jup itec At the time of death, Jupiter is aspecting
Mercury, as it was so in the radical chart.
Thus it is proved that all the signiflcators
Asc. Mars have played their part either in the Dasa sys-
tem or transit. Mr. K . S. Krishnamurti has
rightly said that both are equally important.

D. M. JOSH1, M.Sc.^ B. T.
Our revered Guruji. late Prof. K.. S. ephemeris, another very important require-
Krishnamurti, was an astrological scientist of ment is the "Astrological Tables for All" by
rare genius. It was a tribute to this great man Mr. Manu. It is a good work and saves a
thathe was honoured with the title "Sothjda lot of time and is very useful in calculating
Mannan", meaning King of Astrology, by sub-sub and sbookshama dasas.
no Jess a personage than a royal dignitary, the
Sultan of Selangor, the Head of the State of Number 17 (between I and 249)
Malaysia. The theory of stellar astrology Time 24955 PM
propounded and propagated by the late Prof. Day and date; Friday, 1951972
Krishnamurti has revolutionised the science of Place Almora, U. P. (Lat.
prognastication in much the same way as 290Q-37'N. Long
Einstein's theory of relativity has done in the
field of cosmophysics. . -79 -40y E.)
An astrologer may commit a mistake, but
the science of Astrology as enunciated in Mercury Sun 5oo-07' Veo. 10o-l5
Krishnamurti Padhdhati never fails. As an XII IS'-OS' 17A.20' Sat. 15 -02' Mars ir-Ol'
instance, I would cite the horary technique Asc. 24 11 22<,-03' III 150-03'
evolved by our late Guruji. It is really mar-
vellous. Our late Guruji laid great stress on
the fact that the planets which rule the mo- Ketu 590-52
ment when a matter of serious import exercises XI 7o-03' IV 9 -03'
the mind of a querent bear a definite relation Moon
to the outcome of the matter in question. NIRAYANA 27M6'
I had the privilege and fortune of study- o Ayanamsa 230-22'
ing the wonderful work "Horary Astro- X 9 -03'
logy" written by the late Professor. In De- Rahu 50-52' v v-or
cember 1972, I predicted the time of receiv-
ing a letter to a journalist friend. Mr. P. C.
"Joshi, and the forecast was absolutely accu-
rate. Recently, an old lady who is related to IX 15o-03'
me was admitted in the local hospital. Her Jup. ( VIII 22o-03' VII 24o-00' VI 13o-03'
son, a Sessions Judge, is a great enthusiast of W-Ol'
In the early hours of the morning on At the time of judgement, the Sidereal
1951972, 1 met the journalist (who is also Time was 6H-27M-22 Sees. The readers very
related to the old ladyj and he gave a number well knowohow to calculate the lagna. It was
namely 17, on behalf of the Judge saheb, and Kanya 12 -35'-20". How?
asked me to analyse the problem of longevity In Raphael's Table of Houses, Lat. 30o-2'
of the old lady. Definitely, it is a mysterious is given. It is near 290-37, which is the lati-
force. Actually, the same number was in my tude of Almora, U P. So I have taken 30*-2'.
mind too. la the Table of Houses for Latitude 30o-2'
Exactly, at 2-49 P.M. on the same day, North, the following occur:
I had the urge to calculate. The readers are Sidereal Time Ascendant fLibra)
well aware of the method of casting the chart
correctly according to the method outlined by H M S
the late Professor. As such, I shall not make 6 26 9 42
the article lengthy. However, I will like to 6 30 30 38
suggest that besides the Table of Houses as
recommended by our late Guruji and Guruji's Difference 0 4 21 0 56
Refer to Manu's Tables for All, Table H M S
No. Ill-A, page 9. Locate 4-21, I find 60 So, finally, for my calculations
Min=13.8 seconds against it. But I need 56'.
Sdj'60 minutes minutes 56 mmutes=4 minutes. Sid. Time 62722
For 1 mt. = 03 sec. In 0Tables Sayana lagna for 6H-26M-9. is
For 4 mt. = 1.2 sec. Libra 5 "42'
Deduct 1.2 sec. from 13.8 () 1.2 = 12.6 sec. So for Sid. Time 6-27-22 add 15'-20",
My needed Sidereal Time is 6H-27M-22 sec. then it is Libra 5-57'-20". Deducting Guru-
Table of Houses gives 6 26 9 ji's Ayanamsa
o 230-22', Nirayana lagna is
Kanya 12 -35'-20".
Difference is 0 1 13 The above calculation is given only to
(i.e., 73 secondsj impress on the readers the usefulness of
Now refer Table III-B, page 11, of Manu's Manu's Tables. Of coures, I have no acqu-
Tables. aintance with him personally or by correspon-
Against 12 and below 73, it is given 14'-36". dence.
Foe .6 sec., I multiplied 73x .6 = 43.8 (or 44") Now, the planetary positions with sub-sub
Adding this to 14'-36" we get 15'-20". lord (using Manu's Tables) are as followsrj;

Sign Star Sub Sub-sub

lord lord lord tod
Lagna Mercury Moon Rahu Saturn
Sun Venus Sun Mercury Mercury
Moon Moon Mercury Jupiter Venus
Mars Mercury Rahu Saturn Mercury
"Mercury Mars Venus Mars' Mars
Jupiter (Ret) Jupiter Venus Venus Mars
Venus Mercury Rahu Jupiter Rahu
Saturn Venus Moon Jupiter Venus
Rahu Saturn Sun Mercury Sun
Ketu Moon Saturn Mercury Venus
Now, let me analyse the chart.
Moon is clearly posited in the 4th house. bhadaka sthana from the house of mother. So
What does the 4th house indicate? It stands we have Jupiter and Mercury as two strong
for mother. The question is regarding mother significators and then Venus and Mars.
and her longevity. The 4th house in the Now, counting from the 4th house, the
above chart has fallen in Kataka, a chara rasi 2nd and 7th houses (marakasthanas) are the
(movable sign). For chara rasi, the 11th 5lh and 10th houses. No planet is in the 5th
house is badhaka stnana. So the 11th from bouse. Its lord is Sun. Rahu and Sun are
the 4th, or the 2nd house of the chart, is in the star of Sun. Let us take these both.
mother'sbhadakasthana. Mars and Venus The 7th house to the 4th house is the 10th.
are posited in the 2nd house. Venus is also No planet are found in the 10th house.
lord of the bhadaka sthana. No planet is Saturn is the lord of that house. As nodes are
situated in the constellations of Mars. Mer- stronger, Rahu occupying Saturn's sign all
cury is deposited in Venus' constellation. alone replaces Saturn. Mars and Venus are in
Mars' sub and sub-sub of Mars. So also, Rahu's constellation.
Jupiter is in the constellation of Venus, sub of
Venus and sub-sub of Mars. Jupiter also So the final list of significators for
receives aspect from Mars and Venus from the mother's death are Jupiter, Mercury, Sun,
Mars, Venus and Rahu. How to select from At about 6-30 P.M. on Friday 26-5-1972,
among them? As explained above, Jupiter is when Moon was in 23-57', i.e., when it was
the strongest because it is in the constellation transiting in Venus sign, Jupiter's star, sub of
of Venus and sub of Venus (Venus is bhadaka Mercury and sub-sub of Mercury, my respec-
sthapa adhipathi and is also stationed in ted great grandmother breathed her last. At
bhadaka sthanaj. Jupiter is also aspected by about 6-20 p.m. on that day. her grandson
Venus and Mars, a significator of bhadaka and grand daughter came out of her room and
sthana. Next is Mercury. Mercury is in the informed us that there was little bleeding from
sign of Mars, a significator, and is also situa- her mouth and nose. Some of us who were
ted in the star cf Venus, and sub of Mars, sitting in the corridor nearby thereupon went
both Venus and Mars strongly posited in out to call the doctors. And at 6-30 p.m. she
bhadaka sthana. So Jupiter, Mercury. Venus, joined her ancestors. Any one can verify
Mars and Sun are strong in that order. Let these particulars from the District Hospital,
me once more turn to the Moon. It is in the Almora (U, P.). The death occurred when
4th house in the star of Mercury, sub of Jupi- the Moon's transit agreed with the significa-
ter, sub-sub of Venus. All these three planets tors. A sad event and a sad day for us, no
Jupiter, Mercury and Venusare strong doubt, but do you see the beauty of the ruling
significators of mother's death. So, does not planet theory of our late lamented Guruji?
the Moon show the mind of the querent cor-
rectly? It is as clear as day light Certainly, To be frank, I must mention my mistake
the problem is mother's longevity. Where is _alsO-_ .As Jupiter was retrograder^nhdugb it
the doubt if we follow Krishnanmrti-Padhdha will not give such a result. Omitting Jupiter,
-ti?ftistb^Tftily scientific method so far as I I thought, in the first instance, death will take
know. place on 2251972 when Moon will be in
Mercury's sign and in its own star Hastha.
What next? Here comes the marvellous Moon at query was in the sub of Jupiter. As
method of noting the ruling planets. The day such, Jupiter cannot be neglected. According
lord is Venus, the Moon sign lord is Moon, to dasa bhukti,.on 2651972 the dasa of
the star lord is Mercury and the sub-lord is Mercury, the bhukti of Jupiter and the anthra
Jupiter. The lagna lord at judgement is Mer- of Sun was in operation and all these planets
cury and the lagna star lord is the Moon. are significators. The slight error of neglec-
The ruling planets, therefore, are Moon, ting the powerful Jupiter, which is Moon's
Mercury, Jupiter and Venus. Ketu replaces sub lord, made-me think that Jupiter will not
Moon being in Kataka all alone. But Ketu is kill till August. That is why I made bold to
in the 3rd house (12th to the 4th house). say that an astrologer can commit a mistake
Finally, we have Jupiter, Mercury and Venus. but astrology, interpreted according to the
Let us arrive at the correct time of death. We Krishnamurti Padhdhati method, can never,
shall note the Moon's transit. On the day of never fail.
analysis, Friday the 19th May 1972, Moon
will be in the star of Mercury but in its own (The late Professor has correctely said,
sign (Kataka), but the Moon is not among "Mind you, the individual has absolutely no
the final significators. The next 4 days upto choice of his own. The planets portray what
Tuesday also do not agree with the significa- they presage. Destiny is unalterable." In
tors. my own chart. Moon is lord of 3, posited in
the 11th house. lam running Moon dasa,
Also in these 4 days the Moon's transit Saturn bhukti, and at my birth Saturn
does not agree with the significators. Then was in the 9th house in its own sign
Wedneisday and Thursday following also do Makaram. As such it is helpful in higher
not agree. Why? On these days, i.e , 24th study (astrology). When Saturn transited
and 25th May 1972 and also upto about Moon star, I was in a mood to write. The
11 A.M. on Friday the 26th May 1972, Moon horoscope cast according to Krishnamurti
will be in Swati nakshatra. in Rahii's star. Padhdhati reveals everything. For example,
On Friday 2651972, roundabout II am., Mercury is lord of thg 2nd house in chart. No
the longitude of Moon will be approximately planet in the 2nd house. Mercury is posited
20 Thula. That is to say, it enters Venus in the 6th house in its own star. . Moon is
sign and Jupiter star. This part of the zodiac posited in the lltb house in Mercury's star
conforms to the significators. Revati.
Moon is in the sub of Suturn which is Every one of the events in my life conforms to
also lord of the 10th house. So, as soon as the rules containedgin Krishnamurti Padhdha-
Moon's major dasa began, I was promoted as ti. At a future date, I hope to present the
a lecturer in Mathematics and leamt Astrolo- horoscopes of some known persons and my
gy as Mercury is lord of the 1st house also. own horoscope and explain how Krishna-
It wds a Wednesday. I am a Gemini lagna murti Padhdhati aptly describes the events in
man with the lagna and the 2nd house both life.
falling in Gemini. The lagna is in 2ft-44'. I
acn a post-graduate in Mathematics with May God bless the learned Editor, Sri K.
Astronomy as my special subject. AIL this is Subramanian, who is doing a yeoman service
revealed by Krishnamurti Padhdati. i have to the cause of Astrology by following the
checked all the events of my life including the footsteps of his illustrious father and propa-
day, date and time of my father's death. gating the truth of Krishnamurti Padhdhati.

It was a bright sunny day, the 2nd I. Chart
April ]972. I paid a visit to the bungalow
of a high Railway official under whom I XII 21--10' Ven. 500-48'
had the privilege to work. Jupiter happened
to be a strong ruling planet when f met Sun 20M)5' Lagna Sat. 9 -37' III 21 MO'
Mercury (R) 290-13' Mars UMl
him, and when in the course of the con- i5o-2r II 26o-l0'
versation I asked him whether he was a
Jupiterian he laughed and confided that he
was in fact a Jupiterian. I felt greatly Kethu
elated. After a while, he said, 'Tell me, XI 16Q-10' 8 20'
Mr. Khare, when will I leave Bhopal on NIRAYANA IV I6M0'
I requested him to quote a number X 16o-10' Ayanamsa 230-22/
between 1 and 249. "22 comes to my V 16M0'
mind", said he. As I was directly under Rahu 8o-20'
his employ, I did not like, nay dare, to
pass any prediction without a thorough
and..ptoper..examination 1- returned home- i 26-iO7
"IXSKlO' V nNeptune VI 21o-10'
and after a detailed analysis on the morning 9 ir-42' VH 29-! 3' Ura.o (RJ
of the next day f341972) I told him /up. 14 -12' MOOD 6O-50' 23 -03'
that he would be transferred in the second
week of July 1972. Indeed, he handed Balance of Saturn Dasa (Vimshottari) at
over the charge to bis reliever on Tuesday query = 14 years 0 month S days
the Uth July 1972. I thought I should
bring my calculations before the readers to
convince them that Krishnamurti Fadhdhati II. Cuspal positions
alone can aid in giving such accurate and House Sign Star Sub
unfailing predictions. V Sun Venus Sun
The chart prepared for the number IX Jupiter Venus Jupiter
"22" at Bhopal for the time of judgement, XI Saturn Rahu Venus
viz., 8-20 a. m. (1ST) on 341972 is III Mercury Jupiter Jupiter
as follows: XII Jupiter Mercury Venus
III. Planetary significations:
Deposited in
Planet Constellation lord Lord of sisn on Occupying Constellation Sub of
of honsefs) cusp of house house of planet planet
Sun t 11 Mercury Venus
Moon 6/10 4 7 Saturo Mercury
Mars 2 1/8 1 Moon Mars
Mercury (Ret) 8 3/6 11 Saturn Jupiter
Jupiter 3/7/12 9/12 8 Venus Venus
Venus 5/9 2/7 Sun Mercury
Saturn 4 10/11 Sun Venus
Rahu 11 9 Sun Venus
Ketu 3 Saturn Venus

IV. Wbat houses are relevant? house connected with the matter in query.
Krishnamurti Padbdhati teaches as tha1 Such sub-lord desides the outcome of the
houses 2, 6 and 10 describe service, busihessi query, favourable or unfavourable. The su1>
trader etc. and these have to be looked into lord according to Krishnamurti Padbdhati,
to arrive at the time of entry into service should be posited in the constellation of a
etc. . Following the theme treated in the planet in direct motion. The sub-lord as
Indian astrological texts, the twelfth house well as the planet in whose constellation
to any house and the planets connected he is deposited should be significators of
therewith act as deteriments to the affairs the bouses which influence the puety.
of the house to which they ate in twelfth. The sub-lord of 5, Sun, is lord of the
On this analogy, houses 1. S and 9, would 5th house. He is in the constellation of
seem to denote change, proceeding on leave,' Mercury, lord of 3 and_6 fchange in service)
etc. The 3Td bouse, which stands as the in the llth house (fuifilffleut of desire) and
twellih in relation to the 4th house which in the sub of Venus posited in lagna. Venus
designates homely environment or the place is Iota of 2 and also constellation lord of.
of residence, involves change of such sur- houses S and 9.
roundings and, as the 3rd house also rules
short journeys, removal to a new environ- The sub-lord of houses 9 and 3. Jupiter
ment. _i.> Joid.-of-houses-9-and12: "He "Is irilte
^VrDoes "the "Moon describe the mind of constellation and sub of Venus, who governs
the constellations on the cusps of houses
the querent? S and 9. Jupiter himself is the constellation
Moon is in Saturn's constellation and lord of houses 3 and 12.
Mercury's sub. Saturn owns houses 10 and The. sub-lord of the llth house, which
11 and is posited in 1. The lOth house rules desire as well as its achievement, Venus
rules profession and the llth house denotes also roles the sub on the cusp of the 12tb
desire and its fulfilment. Mercury governs house. Venus, as before stated, is. herself
the houses 3 (change of residence, transfer, constellation lord of houses 5 and 9. Shs
etc.] and 6 (service of employment) and is is posited in the. constellation of Sun, lord
placed in the 11th house. The Moon's of 3 occupying the llth house, and in the
position thus reflects the desire of the querent sub of Mercury, lord of 3/6 posited in the
to get transferred from his present place. llth house.
,VI. Analysis These testimonies bear ample evidence
.First and foremost, it is essential to in support of the fulfilment of the querent's
refer to the sub-lord of the cusp of the desire to get transferred.

jVJI. House significators

III House V House IX House
' i) Planets posited in' constellation of
occupants of house
ii) Planets occupying house Keto Rahu .
iii) Planets posited in constellation Sun" Rahu, Venus
of lord of house Saturn
iv) Lord of house Mercury Sun Jupiter
VIII. At the time of judgement, the querent was running the Maha dasa of Saturn
and bhukti of Mercury upto 19121972. In Mercury's bhnktf, the anthra of Jupitet
operated upto 1671972. The break-up.of, Jupiter's anthra is as follows:
Pasa Bhukti Aotlua Sookshama From To
Saturn Mercury 3-4-1972 19-12-1972
Saturn Mercury Jupiter 3-4-1972 16- 7-1972
Satum Mercury Jupiter J upiter
Saturn 3-4-1972 15- 4-1972
Mercury 15-4-1972 3- 5-1972
Ketu 3-5-1972 10- 5-1972-
Venus 10-5-1972 2- 6-1972
Sun 2-6-1972 8- 6-1972
Moon 8-6-1972 19- 6-1972
Mars 19-6-1972 26- 6-1972
Rabu 26-6-1972 16- 7-1972
Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter who together in the 9th house in Sun's constellation and
govern the Vimshottari dasa, bhukti and the sub of Saturn, dasa lord.- The anthra
anthra in operation are all significators of lord, Jupiter, transits in the constellation of
transfer as will be seen from Table VII. Ketu who, at the time of judgement, was
In Jupiter's antbra, I considered the sook- in the 3rd house which bears connection
-shama -ot llahu .to J)e_the_stro ngest because, to transfer and change of residence. Jupiter
besides being placed in the 9th house in' "also "trsasitrin'Ms "own -sub.
the constellation of Sun, lord of 5, Rahu The map of the heavens on the lltb
acts as a powerful agent of Saturn, lord of July 1972 is reproduced here for ready
10 and 11. So the period between 26 61972 reference.
and 1671972 shows the time of fructi-
fication. In this period, Venus governs three
days between 9th and the 12th July 1972. Sat. 21 "-43'
Venus is the only planet that is posited in Suo 25'>-39'
the constellation and sub of Sun and Mercury Vcu. 24''-56'
strongly placed in the 11th bouse which
has to fulfil the desire of transfer. Also, Moon 1M8'
the Moon will transit the conjoint degrees , Kethu
of the zodiac ruled by Mercury-Rahu and 3'-05'
Mercury-Jupiter on one of these days. Actually, Mars !4'-36'
the Moon transits the .3rd bouse of the Mcr. 22o-03'
horary chart from the lOtb July and in Nirayana
Funarvasu constellation governed by Jupiter,
a significator. Moon is in Funarvasu on the Rahu 3M)5'
11th July 1972 also.
How beautifully the transits agree! The
Sun transits in the 3rd bouse in bbukti
lord Mercury's sign Mithuna, antbra lord Jup. CRJ Nept. (R) Uranus
Jupiter's constellation and Mercury's sub. 8M)2' 90-25' 20'-59'
Ketu, who at birth was placed in the 3rd, transits
the 3rd bouse in anthra lord Jupiter's constel-
lation and sookshama lord Rahu's sub in con- I bow my head to our revered Guruji,
junction with Moon. Mars, lord of lagna, late Prof. K. S. Krishnamurti, who has shown
also transits in the 3rd bouse in dasa lord us the right path to reach the goal of
Saturn's constellation and sookshama lord interpretation of the message of the planets
Rahu's sub. Mercury, bhukti lord as well in a systematic and scientific manner and
as lord of 3, transits in bis own constel- truly serve mankind.
lation and in the sub of Sun. lord of 5 placed
in 11. Rabu, the sookshama lord, transits Good Luck!

Jyotish Praveena P. R. MURAUDHARAN, B,E.( A.M.I.C.E.,
H. N. NAGENDRA* B.E. (Mech)
In the 1972 General Election to one houses 1, 2. 3, 6, 10 or 11, victory is fore-
of the Assembly constituencies forming part shown; if not, he would lose.
of the Mysore Vidhan Sabha, there was a
keen competition between two candidates The lagna falling in 26o-6/-40" Vrischika
whom we would call 'A* and *3' for the designates 'A' and the house oppositeo to it,
purpose of this article. In the previous i. e., the 7th house falling in 26 .6'-40"
General Election, 'A' had defeated by Vrishaba, stands for his opponent 'B'.
a marginal number of votes. In the 1972 The lord of the sign where the 11th
elections again, they contested against each cusp has fallen is Venus. Mars is the lord
other from the same constituency; A friend of the constellation on the cusp and Ketu
was curious to know what the outcome of
the election would be this time. The is the sub-lord. Ketu is posited in Saturn's
estion, more precisely, was whether 'A' constellation and sub af Sun. Saturn is
would win this time and go to the Vidhan situated in the 6th house and is lord of
bhaThe numbergivenon -behalf of- the -2rd. bouse It-Js_in-theconrtfHation .
'A' was 165 between 1 and 249. The place of Sun in the 3rd house. Sun is placed
was, of course, Davangere ("Mysore State). in the 3rd house in the constellation of a
The time was 8 p. m. (IST) on the 20th planet in the 2nd house. Therefore, the
February 1972. The horoscope drawn for chances of 'A' winning are indeed bright.
the purpose of answering the query was as By way of confirmation, consider the
follows; 11th cusp of the opponent, which is the
5th house cusp of the chart. It is in 2M8'
V 2-18' Sat. 60-35'
Van, 180-41' Mars Mesha, the sign of Mars. It falls in Ketu's
13-15' VIU 26M8 star and Venus' sub. The sub-lord, Venus,
Moon is in 10th bhava from the 7th but it is in
IV r-18' 220-59' VII 26-06' the constellation of Mercury who occupies
the 9th house from the 7th house- Venus
Mercury JCetmi herself rules the Sch and 12th houses reckoned
100-27' 108-35' from the 7th house. Houses 5, 9 and 12
Sun-70-4I' IX 28M8' are unfavourable for gain, The indications
are therefore not promising for *B'.
N1RAYANA Then again, if 'A* wins, 'B' loses. So
III 28 M 8' take the 6th cusp counted from the lagna
Rahu IOw-35' representing 'A*. It falls in Rishaba IMS'.
The siib-lord, Jupiter, is lord of 2 in lagna
bhava in the constellation of Ketu and sub
of Rahu. Ketu signifies the matters of
H 26'-18' I 26 "-06' houses 8, 6 and 3. Rahu, as Saturn's agent,
XI 2M8' X IMS' signifies the affairs of the 3rd house which
Jup. 90-05/ XII IMS' Saturn owns, the 6th house which Saturn
occupies and the 2nd house where Rahu
According to the clear-cut principles himself is placed.
taught in Krishnamurti Padhdhati, the 11th Based on all the factors, it was declared
cusp, more especially the sub-lord of the that *A' will come out successful in the
cusp, should be judged to ascertain whether election which turned out to be true.
success is shown in an election. If the
sub-lord of the cusp is a significator of Good Luck!
On 931972, a gentleman came to Balance of Ketu Maha Dasa (Vimshottari)
me for advice. He was under suspension at birth 2 years 5 months 28 days
for some time and looked weary and worried.
He asked me whether and when he would Which houses (bhavas) are to be
be reinstated in service. On my asking, considered in the matter of reinstatement
he gave the number "15" between 1 and in service? To enter into service again,
249. The time was 4 p. m. CIST; at Koraput, the houses to be judged are 2, 6 10
18a-4r North Latitude, 84 50'East Longi- (Refer HORARY ASTROLOGY by Prof.
K. S. Krishnamurti, page 299).
The number "15" is taken to represent Will there be reinstatement at all?
the Nirayana lagna for the query. This For this purpose, the 10th house (Meridian)
number refers, in accordance with Krishna- has to be examined. The 10th house . is
murti Padhdhati sub-division of the zodiac, governed by Saturn as the lord of the
theo part of the zodiac o lying between sign Makara on the cusp of the house.
20 -6'-40" in Mesha and 21 -53'-20" in the Sun as the lord of the nakshatra Uttarashada
same sign. For this lagna, the Nirayana on the culp of the house and Venus as
_cusps of_the _ other^ eleven houses were the lord oof the sub-division of the nakshatra
calculated. The planetary Ibngltudes,~how= between 7 -4t5'-40" and 10;AllhoUgh-Salurn
ever,, are found out for the time of judge- is a malefic planet by nature, he has assumed
ment. rulership over the 10th house as weir as
The following are the particulars of the the 11th house. Further, he is deposited
date, time and place of the query: in the lagna bhava, in the constellation of
Day and date: Thursday, 9th Sun placed in the llth house. The placement
March 1-972 - of Saturn is very favuorable. Sun, as
Time: 4 p.m. (1ST) already stated, is"posited in the llth house.
Venus, the sub-lord of the 10th cusp,1 is
Place: Koraput (Long. in direct motion and is deposited in the
82-50' East; 18M1' constellation of Kethu. Ketu is a strong
North Latitude) significator of houses 10 and 11 owned by
Number given: 15 (between Saturn and of the lagna occupied by Saturh.
1 and 249) Why? Because Ketu is situated in the stau
The chart of the heavens for answering Pushya .of which Saturn is the ruler. As
the query is reproduced below. Venus, the sub-lord of the 10th cusp, is in
the constellation of Kethu, a significator of
houses 1. 10 and 11, the outcome 'is
90-18' Sat. 7-32/
XII 130-12' Yen.Lagna promising.
0 20 -06't II 18^55' ID -s13^-55'
Mer. 12 -43' Mars
; < The time of reinstatement should be
25 ui' ruled conjointly " by the significators of
houses 2. .6 and 10. At the same time,
Sun 25-39' Ketu 98-38/ the transits of the planets should also agree,
when only he can join duties.
XI 8*-55' Nirayana IV 90-55' Who are the significators? All the three
houses, namely 2, 6 and 10 are vacant.
Their lords are Venus, Mercury and Saturn
X 90-55' Ayanamsa 23-22/ respectively. Mars is tenanted in Venus'
Rahu 90-38' V 80-55' .star. No 'planets occupy Mercury's star;
Ketu and Mercury are placed in Saturn's
stars. Ketu is also powerfully aspected by
Saturn (3rd aspect) and Mars (lagna lord),
IX 130-55' and as Ketu is a node it is more powerful
lup. ll00-45' VIII l80-55' VII 20*-06' VI 130-12' than Saturn to offer the results of the 10th
Moon 8 -35' and llth houses which Saturn owns. Moon
and Jupiter are. situated in the star of Ketu.
What are the ruling planets at the time and Mars is also in the sub of Mercury
of judgement? The day was Thursday, ruled in 12 CMercury being within close con-
by Jupiter. The nakshatra transited by, the junction of the 12th cusp will offer the
Moon was Mula which belonged to Ketu. 12th house results;. Venus is in Ketu's
The lagna rising in the place of judgement star and Jupiter^s sub, Ketu and Jupiter
was Simha governed by the Sun and the star being also significators of houses 4, 8 and
on the lagna was Makha owned by JCelu 12.
again. Hence, Ketu, Jupiter and Sun are
the ruling planets. Of these, Ketu and Ketu, Jupiter, Mars and Venus are also
Jupiter are also the significators of houses signifi :ators of houses 2, 6 and 10. I
concerned for reinstatement. accordingly predicted that in Ketu dasa,
Jupiter bhukti, Mars anthra and Venus
Houses 2, 6 and 10 are examined for sookshama, the querent should be reinstated
getting into service. The houses which are in service. The date should be around the
twelfth to these housesi. e., houses 1, 5 8th June 1972. At the time, the Sun will
and 9 stand for leave, suspension, etc. transit in the constellation and sub of anthra
The houses which are twelfth to houses lord, Mars. Anthra lord. Mars, will transit
1. 5 and 9 denote re-joining service after in the constellation of bhukti lord, Jupiter.
being on leave or suspension. Ketu in' The dasa lord, Ketu, _wiH__transit-the nalc-
Kataka is alone and it is in the 4th bhava. shatra_and - subof ~Saturn7 Venus wfll be
Jupiter and lord of 4, Moon^afe^together- m the constellation of Rahu on the cusp
in the 8th _bhaya.-m-thc-asterism of Ketu of the 10th house.
ra^4; Jupiter is also lord of 12. Mars,
who rules the 8th house, is in the con- The querent came to me on the 8th
stellation of Venus posited in the 12th June 1972 and congratulated me on the
house. Ketu is in the sub of Venus in successful prediction. This was also confirmed
112, Jupiter is in the sub of Mercury in 12 by my guru, Shri P. S. Sastri.
(Continued from May 1972 issue)
Slokas 10 and 11. the life is for 44 years. If the benefics occupy
A person lives up to 120 years in whose the rasi or navamsa belonging to benefics
horoscope the malefics are placed in benefic (Guru, Sukra, unafflicted Moon, unafflicted
Navamsas and they occupy upachaya sthanas Budha), the person will lives up to 30.
in depression but benefics occupy kendra
houses. (Houses 3, 6# 10 and It are upacha- Sloka 14.
ya houses or improving houses. Kendra hou- If.the lagnaTord'beTspectid by malefics,
ses are 1, 4, 7 and 10. A planet iskl_depies-- the benefics are strong and Chandra is in
sion when it isjlebilitated.}-if "the lagnadhi- benefic varga, longevity extends up to ,73
athi-and-Kuja (Manga!) go to the 8th house, years. If in a day birth t^e 8th house from
the person will not enjoy dcergbayur yoga in Chandra is occupied by malefics, medium life
full. However, if the lagnadbipathi and Guru results. If the lagna be in a dual sign (Mithu-
occupy kendra sthanas and the malefics are na, Dhanus and Meena) with Sani in it, and
situated in houses other than the 1st, 4th, 5th, the lords of the 8th and the 12th houses are
7th, 8th, 9th and the 10th, deerghayur yoga not possessed of strength, the life is for 25
is promised. If the 4th and 9th houses are years.
occupied by malefic planets (natural malefics)
and benifics (Guru, Sukra, unafflicted Moon Slokas 15, 16 and 17.
and unafflicted Mercury) are stationed in the A person lives up to 55 if Surya occupies
rasi or navamsa owned by Guru or in the 12th Kataka identical with lagna, Chandra occu-
and the 2nd houses and the Moon be full and
occupies the lagna, it indicates prosperity all pies the 10th in conjunction with a malefic,
round and a life of 100 years. The lagnadbi- and Guru is in a kendra slhana. He Jives for
pathi in association with a benefic in the lagna 50 years if Budha occupies the 4th or the 10th
and the eighth lord occupying the 8th without house, Chandra is in the 1st, 8th or the 12th
any aspect indicates life for 20 years. IF the house, and Guru and Sukra are conjoined
8tb lord is in a kendra and the lagnadbipathi anywhere. If laenadhipathi is strong and
is weak, the person lives for 30 years. Chandra in association with the lord of lagna
occupies a dus sthana (6th, 8th or the 12th
Slokas 12 and 13. house), and the lagna lord goes to a navamsa
of Sani, the life will be up to 58 years.
If the lagnadbipathi and Chandra are If benefics are in houses other than the
weak and are placed in apoklima houses (3, 8th and the lagna lord be posited in a dus
6, 9 and 12) with malefic aspect, the longevity sthana along with a malefic, the life is 60 years.
is 32 years. The Sun in lagna posited between If Surya is placed in the 8th house and is
two malefics shows-a life of 31 years. Guru joined by the lagna lord or the lord of the rasi
in 12- or in kendra (1, 4, 7 and 10) and the tenanted by Chandra, and Guru is not in
lagna lord in 9, 6 of 3 in association with kendra, the longevity is up to 60 years. If
malefic shows a life of 3 years. Surya occupies lagna in association with an
IfKataka (Cancer) be the lagna with enemical planet or Kuja. Guru is weak, and
Chandra and Kuja therein and houses 1,4,7, Chandra is placed in the 5th or the 12th house,
8 and 10 are unoccupied^ the life will be for the life is up to 70 years. Deerghayur yoga
only 3 years. If the lagna is occupied by the or full life of 120 years is denoted if all the
8th lord and no benefic planet is posited in planets are in the 9th bhava. If all planets
the 8th, the native lives up to 40. If there is are in kendras and in the navamsas of malefic
exchange between the lords of 1 and 8, the planets, the life is for 80 years. Full life is
life is lor 5 years. If Makara (Capricorn) be shown if malefics are placed, in malefic rasis
on the 3rd or the 6th house and is occupied and benefics in benefic rasis with lagnadbi-
by the planets Surya and Sani, and the lord pathi in strength. If all planets occupy the 5th
of the 8th is stationed in kendra (1, 4, 7, 10), house, the longevity is up to 60.
SLOKA 18. Rahu or Chandra, the longevity is for 20
If the lagna be the first or th^last navam- years. A life of 20 years results also when
sa of Dhanus, and benefics are placed in ken- Surya and Sani arc in kendras and Kuja is
dra houses, the life is for 100 years. Long in the lagna. When Guru and Sukra arc
life is promised if all the benefics are stationed posited in the lagna and Kuja occupies'the 5th
in the 3rd, 4th and 8th houses. If the lord of in association with a malefic, short life results.
the 8th house counted from the lagna or If the lord of the sign where Chandra was
Chandra be in the I2th house or a kendra, the glaced be in the lagna in conjunction with
longevity is for 28 years. When there is no urya conjoined with or aspected by any
bencfic association to the kendra sthanas and other planet, the person will have short life.
the 8th house is occupied, the life is for 30
years. Sloka '!.
The loiigevity determined according to the
Slokas 19, 20. various planetary combinations applies only to
A life of 20 years is shown when Chandra those who follow the rules of gooa conduct.
is waning ("decreasing in light, i. e., from the
Full Moon to the New Moon), a malefic is in Sloka 22.
8, lord of 8 is in a kendra and lagna lord is The longevity of a person noted for
weak. Also when benefics are situated in virtuous conduct should be determined after
apoklima houses (3, 6, 9 and 12) and Sani taking the strength of the several-planetsa
and Chandra are in the 6th or 8th. If two- bilih,
malefic planets are stationedJiLthe-Sndj-Sth or
_the^l2th house "withoufbeing associated with (To be concluded in the next issue)
On May 24, 1972, a friend of mine, 'A': Natal Chart.
Mr. Radhakrishna, who is staying in Laxmi-
bai Nagar, Delhi, came to me and wanted V 10o-54'
me to find out when he would get married. o Fortuoa
0 Ura. IS'-OS
He furnished me his birth particulars for ID l0 -54' ll -2y Man (R) VT 60-54'
working. I told him that I would work IV ir-54' 26*-51'
out the chart and let him know the result Sat.26*-53*
the next day. As I was busy, I could
attend to the work only on- the night^oX Sun 220 i4' """ nirayana Moon 7o-50
2451572After-erecting the "natal horo- Mere, ir-52 Kabul r-45'
scope using Krishnamurti Ephemeris (Vol. M) u r-w JuP. (R)
and the Ayanamsa recommended by the
late Prof. Krishoamurti and Raphael s Table Balance of Saturn 2^-14'
of Houses, I took it up for judgement at Vcn, 23M5' dasa at birth 12 Years
11-30 p.m. (1ST) on the same day. The Ceiu ir-45' 0
chart. erected by me is reproduced here for Lagna
30-33' 7 Months 3 Days. VUI6 -54'
the guidance of the readers.
Birth Particulars!
Date; 631944 Nept 10'-22'
Time: 3-30 a. m. (1ST) Xll 60-54' XI l0o-54' X l2'-54'
Place: Madras (T30-04' North Latitude/ IX 10-54'
80-17* E. Long.)
'B': Nirayana Planetary Positions:
Owniog Occupying Lord of Lord of nalcshatra Lord of sub io
Plauet House(s) Home sign occupied which deposited
Sun 2 Kumbha Jupiter (R) Saturn
Moon 7 7 Kataka Saturn Ketu
Mars 4/n 5 Rishaba Mars Jupiter (R)
Mercury 6/9 2 Kumbha Rahu Saturn
Jupiter (R) 3/12 7 Kataka Mercury Jupiter (R)
Venus 5/10 1 Makara Moon Sun
Saturn 1/2 5 Rishaba Mars Jupiter (R)
Rahu 7 Kataka Saturn Moon
Ketu Makara Moon Mars
Uranus 5 Rishaba Moon Rahu
Neptune 9 (cusp) Kanya Moon Moon
Fortuna 3 Mesh a Ketu Saturn

C ' Nirayana Cospal Positions:
Cusp of House 11 VII XI
Sign Lord Saturn Moon Mars
Constellation lord Rahu Saturn Saturn
Sub lord Rahu Saturn Sun

'D'. Planetary Periods (Vimshottari Dasa).

Dasa Bhukti Anthra Sookshama From To
Mercury 9-10-1956 9-10-1973
Mercury Sani 30- 1-J971 9-10-1973
Mercury Sani Venus 17- 1-1972 29- 6-1972
Mercury Sani Venus Venus 17- 1-1972 14e 2-1972
Sun 14- 2-1972 22- 2-1972
Moon 22- 2-1972 5-3^ 972
* _ _Mars " 5- 3-1972 15- 3-1972
Rahu 15- 3-1972 9- 4-1972
Jupiter 9- 4-1972 1- 5-1972
Saturn 1- 5-1972 26- 5-1972
Mercury 26- 5-1972 19- 6-1972
Ketu 19- 6-1972 29- 6-1972

'E' What are the factors connected? owned by Moon. The constellation on the
In all matters connected with marriage, cusp as well as the sub is governed by
married life, etc., bouses 2, 7 and 11 and Saturn. Moon herself is placed in the 7th
hopse in the constellation of Saturn who
Venus, kalathra karaka, have to be taken owns the 2nd house. Saturn, as lord of
into account. 2. is in rapt for conjunction with Mars
lord of 11th house, and both Saturn and
'F'. Is marriage promised? Mars are situated in the constellation of
lord of 11 and in the sub of Jupiter stationed
According to the rules laid down in in the 7th house. Saturn, the sub-iord of
Krisbnamurti Padhdhati, the first step is to 7, is a strong significator of all the bhavas
note of the 7th house and how its sub-lord which have a bearing on marriage, namely
is placed. In the chart under illustration, 2, 7 and II. Hence, the fructification of
the cusp of the 7th bouse falls in Kataka marriage is certain.
'G'. Significators of marriage
(A) Planets in the constellation Jupiter (Rj Sun, Mercury, Nil
of occupants of bouse Venus, Ketu
(B) Occupants of house Sun, Mercury Moon, Rahu, Nil
Jupiter (R)
[C) Planets iu constellation Moon, Rahu Venus, Ketu Mars
of house lord Saturn
fD) Lord of House Saturn Moon Mars
(E) Constellation lord on the'
cusp of house Rahu Saturn Saturn
When the chart was taken up for judge- Ketu, at the judgement time, was in
ment, the, native was running the dasa of Moon's sign. Saturn's constellation and
Mercury, the bhukti of Saturn, and the Mercury's sub. At birth also, Ketu was in
anthra of Venus from 1711972 to the sign of Saturn, lord of 2, in the con-
2961972. The dasa lord. Mercury, as stcllation of Moon, lord of 7. and sub of
seen from Table G, is a strong signiBcator, Mars, lord, of 11. It was conjoined with
.being posited in the 2nd bouse in the Venus, kalatbra karaka.
constellation of Rahu and sub of bhukti
lord, Saturn. Rahu is strongly ' placed in After taking into consideration the Vim-
'the 7th house' and owns the constellation shoitaci Dasa period in operation and the
on the cusp of the 2nd house. Saturn, the progressed movement of the Sun, Moon
bhukti lord, rules the 2nd bouse and is in (lord of 7) and Mars (lord of 11) and the
rapt (exact) conjunction with Mars, lord of planets ruling the time when the matter was
11, both Saturn and Mars being in the analysed, I selected the anthra of Ketu that
constellation of lord of II and in the sub runs between 1961972 and 2961972.
of Jupiter in 7. As for Venus, the anthra for the celebration of the-marriage:
lord and the chief go.vernor for matrimonial
matters! she was_in the coastcUatien-trflOrd" On 2861972, the dasa lord Mercury
of_7_-and-in-the ftrb of Sun placed in the will transit the 7tb house in the constellation
2nd house. Venus was also aspectiug the of Saturn, lord of 2, and sub of Mercury.
7ih house of the radical chart. . Bhukti lord, Saturn, will transit the nakshatra
.ruled by lord of 7. Moon, and sub of Ketu.
According to the western system of Venus will be in Mars constellation and sub
directions, the Moon was progressing in the of Jupiter who was in 7 at birth. Ketu.
7th bouse in its own sign Kataka, in the sookshama. lord, will be exactly on the
constellation of Mercury, dasa lord, and cusp of the 7th house in Saturn's star/sub
sub of Venus, anthra lord. The progressing in conjunction with Mercury, dasa lord.
Moon was in trine aspect (110 degree aspect)
to the progressed position of . the Sun in Mr. Radbakrishna came to me in the
Jupiter's sign Meena in Mercury's constel- third week of June 1972 to congratulate me
lation Revathi and sub of Venus. on my successful forecast and extend a
personal invitation for the marriage fixed
The ruling planets at the time of exami- to take place on Wednesday, June 28, 1972.
nation were:
Day (Wednesday) lord Mercury The proof of the pudding is in the
Moon rasi (Thula) lord Venus eating, so goes a saying. While other systems
Moon constellation (Cbitra) lord of prediction fail when put to practice,
Mars Krishnamurli Padhdhati alone accounts for
every event in life, based as it is on the
Lagna rasi (Makaia) lord Saturn solid fouudationof the constdlational theory.
Lagna constellation (Sravaoa) lord
Moon Good Luck!

L. MAHADEVAN, Ahmedabad
On the 16th June 1972, I was busy in sun P-iS'
tabulating the cusps of the different houses for
the different degrees and minutes on the lagna 0 0 VII 8o-06' VOD. (R)
V 15 -29' VI 13 -29' e VIII T'29'
represented by every one of the numbers from Sat. 18 -40' Mer. 15-18'
1 to 249 for the latitude of the place where I Mars 28-50'
reside, namely Ahmedabad (720*38' East, 23
North). It was 2-45 p.m. and0 I was cacula- Ketnu 40-24'
ting the cusps of houses when 8 -6'-4" Vrischi- rv 130-29(
ka represented by the number '152' would be IX 90-29'
on the Nirayana lagna. No sooner had I
began my calculations then I found the table HORARY CHART
fan near me making a cracking noise. I left III 9'-29' Moon
my work and came near it to set it right. NIRAYANA 50_28
And _just_as_I_to-uched_ilIgot a-powerfuH Rahu40-24' X 130-24'
electric shock which upset me completely for
quite some time. I came back to normalcy, of
course, in due course. tup. 11-08' 1
Lagna 8o-06' XII l30-29' XI l50-29*
When I recovered fully, had a deep H T-2.9' !
urge to analyse how I was involved in the
accident acording to the principles enunciated
in Krishnamurti Padhdhati Readers. I imme- Accidents come under the domain of the
diately sat down to cast the chart. I decided two natural malefics, Mars and Saturn. As
to proceed taking the number '152' itself as it regards the houses, the houses primarily
/was the number which was under my conside- concerned are the 6th and the 8th, and
ration when the accident took place. in a lesser way, the 12th house also. An
electric shock occurs when an individual
I should like to reproduce here not only touches or comes in contact with a live electric
the horary chart cast by me but also my natal wire. It is an accident because there is no
chart for the purpose of comparison. intent to touch it otherwise.
As per the horary chart, the lagna falls in
Mars sign, Saturn's star Anuradha, and the
V 7"-59' sub of Venus. Mars and Saturn, as already
IV 50-59' VI 50-59' VII 3*-02'
Mars llD-25' explained, are the karakas for accidents. In
the horary chart, Mars rules, in addition to
the lagoa, the 6th house also, It is posited in
Ketu 280o-04' the 8th house in the constellation of Jupiter,
Suo 25a -31' NATAL CHART VIII 1" 59' lord of 2, in the 2nd house and tab sub of Sun
III 2 -59' occupying the 7th house.
Mer. I"-!!' Born
on 8/9-3-1923 at
0 A.M. CIST) at It may be remembered that the 2nd and,
*76 -59' East, 80-29' 7ih houses are maraka stbanas for any lagna.
Ven. 11 "-20' North IX 20r59' Saturn is placed ,in the 7th house, a maraka
II I"-59' Nirayana Rahw 28o-04' sthana. Venus is lord of the 12th house posi-
ted in the 7th house, a mara^asthana, in the
constellation of Mars, lord of 6 in 8. Venus
is also in her own sub.
Lagna Moon XI 7"-59' X 50-59'
26"-06' Jup. C R) Sat.o (R) It is said that the nodes are stronger than
3"-02' XII 50-59' 20-13' 26 -10' the planets in whose signs they are posited
and the planets in whose constellation
they are stationed and also the planets with What is most significant is the role of the
whom they are in aspect. Rahu is in the ruling planets. At the time the shock occur-
2nd house, a maraka sthana. and occupies red, the ruling planets were as follows ;
Saturn's sign alone. Futher, it is in the con- Lord of day (Friday) _ Venus
stellation of Sun posited in the 7th house and Lord of Moon sign
sub of saturn situated in the 7th. Similarly, (Simha) Sun
Ketu is placed in Saturn's star and Saturn's Lord of nakshatra
sub and occupies the 8th house. It also transited by Moon (Makha) Ketu
receives aspect from Saturn from the 7th house Lord of sub transited in
(3rd aspect). Moreover. Ketu occupies Makha nakshatra (Moon's
Kataka (Cancer) alone and, consequently, position : 5<>-28'-3" Rahu
acts as the agent of Mon who rules Kataka SimhaJ
which was on the cusp of-the 9th house, the Lord of lagna sign (Thuia) Venus
bhadaka sthana for persons represented by Lord of Jagna
fixed signs (sthira rasis) on the lagna. As constellation (China) Mars
Vrischika which is on the horary lagna is a The ruling planets work mysteriously.
fixed sign, the 9th sign reckoned 'from it, They agree with the planets which operated ,
namely ICataka, is its bhadaka sthana. So the dasa. etc according to the natal chart.and
Ketu also signifies the matters of bhadaka the planets which ruled the Vimsbottari dasa
sthana period in operation according to the^horaiy.-
What a surprise! The shock occurred chart. This is a._matvellous-discoVery of the
when Ketu dasa, Rahu_bhukti,Rahu-am&ra" -JmcProT. KTS. Krishnamurti to whom I bow
and-Satufn-sook^hauja was opeialiug aixuid- rqy head in reverence. May the seed of stel-
ing to the horary chart. lar astrology that he had sown grow to be a
tall tree shading all those that come to seek its
Reverting to the natal chart, it will be solace.
noticed that Mars is a strong significator of Good Luck/.
the 12th house. Besides being the lord of 12,
Mars also aspects the 12th house by its eighth
aspect. Mars also assumes rulership of the
constellation on the cusp of the 7th house
which is both maraka sthana and bhadaka
sthana for ubhaya rasis fcommon signs) on
the lagna. Sun is the lorn of the constellation
on the cusp of the 6th house as well as the 2nd
house, a maraka sthana. Sun is stationed in
the constellation Poorvabhadra governed by
Jupiter who not only rules the sign on the
cusp of the lagna but also the constellation on
the cusp of the 8th house. Rahu is in Sun's
sign and Sun's star and in the constellation .
of Jupiter and sub of Venus, lord of 6.
The accident came when, according to
the natal chart, 1 was running Mars dasa,
Rahu bhukti. Sun aothra and Ketu sooksha-
ma. Why did I not succumb to the accident?
I would attribute it to the aspect of lord of
lagna, Jupiter, on the Sun and Ketu (5th as-
pect; as well as on Mars (7th aspect). Besi-
des, it must be borne in mind that the 3rd
house along with the 8th house denote longe-
vity. It is only the houses which are in 12th
to them, namely 7 and 2, which cut short
life. Sun, Ketu and Mercury, though they
were all connected with accident, were all
placed in the 3rd house. The dasa lord.
Mars, was in Ketu's constellation and sub of
Mercury who were not endowed with the
power to put an end to life.
My friend, Mr. X, who knew of my inte- if not the day, when a certain event will ope-
rest in Astrology, asked me whether I could rate, astrology can come to occupy its rightful
foretell whether he was destined to go abroad place in the comity of science only if it can
in the near future. He produced a chart throw light on the nature of the event to be
drawn by an astrologer in the traditional way. experienced and the point in time when it will
The planets were placed in the chart without come to pass. To my mind, the system of
mention of their exact longitudes. I told my stellar astrology known as Kiishnamurti Padh-
friend that no prediction can be made accu- dhali alone cane serve the task. The traditio-
rately according to the traditional scheme nal method, as at present known, understood -
because the rules are vague, general and un- and applied falls far shortjDf.expectationff antf '
scientific. At best, it may be possible to say cannot.go _fer-in-fbrelelling the nature , of the
that a certain event is 'likely,'..to_bappen-"" experiences to be undergone or for that
during a certain^ as aand'a certain bhukti, matter the time when such experiences will be
-buttben it will neither satisfy the consultant felt.
nor be scientific. Is it of any avail if an astro- The natal chart cast by me using
loger were to predict that in Mercury dasa, Raphael's Table of Houses, Krishnamurti
Venus bhukti a person will go abroad? One Ephemeris and Krishnamurti Ayanamsa is
may ask: Is it not possible to narrow down reproduced below.
the period ot tbe event by calculating the
anthras, sookshamas etc. No, it is not enou- "vm 2"-23'
gh. It is not merely a question of calculating /up. i6o-0S' Sat. fR)
IX 2#-41' X 2a-2y
the periods of the planets right down to the
anthras, sookshamas and prana dasa. In VII r-59' Kctu8M9'9"-4l'
practical experience, it is noticed that the Ura. 29 -02'
expected influences according to the traditio-
nal rules do not simply operate. Why? It is
VI r-23' l0-23'
XI 190-16'
because the planetary influences are not depen- 2181939 Ven. 290-56'
dent solely on their sign position or the house
occupied by them or the housc(s) owned by Monday.
them. Then again, there is the importance of Time; 8-04 A.M. (1ST) XII lo-23'
the house division. The rough and ready Marso (R) Salem (Tarailnadu) Sun 4'9-15'
method of adding 30 degrees successively to 2 -04' Neptune
the degree constituting the lagna to arrive at V I6-23' 290-12'
the other house cusps does not work in prac-
tice, nor is the method of taking the sign on II 20-23'
which the lagna has fallen as the 1st house, Fortuna
0 / Rahu9"-4!' Lagna
the sign next to it as the second house and so IV 2-23' 22 -25 Moon
on satisfactory for our purposes. The points 111 I'-Al' 240-37, l'-59'
of commencement of the various houses com-
mencing from the lagna will vary according to Balance of Jupiter Mahadasa at birth:
the latitude of the place of observation. 10 Years 5 Months 18 Days.
And then the planetary effects get modified Planets Sign Star Sub
according to their placement in nakshatras
and nakshatra sub-divisions, and the Rahu Venus Rahu Jupiter
planets are found to favour the progress Moon Venus Jupiter Mercury
of the matters denoted by the nakshatra Mars Saturn Sun Jupiter
and sub lords according to their disposi- Jupiter Jupiter Saturn Jupiter
tion in the chart. The traditional system Saturn Mars Ketu Jupiter
lacks depth and does not offer adequate Ketu Mars Ketu Saturn
guidance to measure the planetary influences Mercury Moon Mercury Ketu
in their entirety. In the present age when Venus Moon Mercury Saturn
every is desirous of knowing at least the month. Sun Sun Ketu Moon
C lisps Sign Star Sub countries. In its bhukti, the event can fructify
Lagna Mercury Sun Jupiter only when anthra of the planet strongly
II Venus Mars Ketu connected with the 12th house (life in a foreign
in Mars Jupiter Rahu placej operates.
IV Jupiter Ketu Venus
V Saturn Sun Jupiter Sun is lord of the 12th house and is also
VI Saturn Mars Mercury deposited i n the same house. He also owns
vn Jupiter Jupiter Rahu the constellation on the cusp of 9. Lord of 3,
vm Mars Ketu Venus Mars, is stationed in tbe constellation of Sun.
IX Venus Sun Jupiter Mars is also deposited in the sub of Jupiter
X Mercury Mars Ketu who rules the 7th bhava and occupies it.
xr Moon Jupiter Rahu Jupiter, it may be pointed out, is also sub-lord
XII Sun Ketu Venus of the 9th cusp. Hence, when the dasa of
Mercury, the bhukti of Venus, the anthra of
The primary step is to see whether the Venus and the sookshama of Mars operates
native has any chance of going abroad. The between 2481972 and 49 1972, the
question of examining the significators to desire will be fulfilled". After taking into
ascertain the time when the travel will fructify consideration the transit of the dasa, bhukti
can arUe only after the basic issue regarding and anthra lords, I predicted that the quereqt
the certainly of travel has been settled. The will leave India at the_fag end of-AugusT 1972.
rules laid down in Krishnamnrti PadhdhatLon. .AGtuaHyr^tte'leTr for Paris on August 28*
this point areclear-aad-speci&trr'Damely that 1972, when the transits was as follows.
-ifthe'suiriord of the cusp of the I2th house is Mars, sookshama lord, transited in the
a significator of houses 3, 9 or 7 and is depo- 12th house in ISMT Simha ruled by Sun as
sited in the constellation of a planet in direct lord of the sign and Venus as lord of the star
motion and connected with the houses 3, 7 or and sub. Mars was lord of 3 at birth and Sun
9, the person will have opportunities of going and Venus were strong significators for jour-
abroad. The 12th house indicates life in a ney out of India and life in a foreign land.
foreign place, through change in surroundings, The bhukti and anthra lord Venus, who ruled
etc. The 9th house has, under its domain, the 9th house of theo birth chart, transited the
long journeys, contact with strangers, etc. 10th house in 26 -30' Mithuna conjointly
The 7th house specifies breaks in journeys, ruled by Mercury as sign lord, Jupiter as star
contact with strangers etc. The 3rd house en- lord and Ketu as sub-lord. fKetu was the
ters into consideration only because it is the constellation ruler of the cusp of the 12th
twelfth or the house of negation to the 4th house)The dasa lord. Mercury,transited Cancer
house which governs family surroundings, fKataka) 24 in its own constellation and sub
homely environment or the place of residence. of Mars, a significator of houses 3 and 12,
In the chart taken for study, the sub lord Saturn transited the 9th house of the natal
of the 12th cusp is Venus, who is lord of the chart in the constellation of Mars, a significa-
9th house deposited in the 11th house. She is tor of houses 3 and 12, and in the sub of
deposited in the constellation of Mercury who Jupiter, a strong significator of the 7th house.
rules the lagna and the 10th house. No The Sun himself transited the 12th bouse in
planet is placed in any of the three constella- the constellation of Ketu and the sub of Mer-
tions of Venus, so that Venus herself becomes cury. dasa lord. It was a Monday ruled by
a strong significator of the 9th bhava. As the Moon who transited the 7th house in
Venus is a strong significator Of the 9th house Meena in the constellation of the dasa lord.
and the 11th house by occupying it in the con- Mercury. The Moon ruled the 11th house
stellation of Mercury who is also placed ffulfilment of desire) at birth and transited
there, the distined to travel to the constellation of a planet in II and in the
a foreign land in connection with official 7th house.
It would be worthwhile to work out
The native is at present running the dasa when he will return. For this purpose, we
of Mercury, the bhu&ti of Venus and the have to peruse houses 9, 12 and 4. Venus
anthra also of Venus. As already discussed, anthra operates upto 23121972. The
Venus is a strong significator of the 9th house anthra of Sun who is deposited in the constel-
which has to do with journeys to foreign lation of Ketu placed in the 8th bhava lasts
till 1421973. The anthra of Moon which Sign Star Sub
rules the Illh house fhouse of reunion) ope- Sookshama lord
rates between 1421973 and 951973. Mars in 160-14'
Its anthra is favourable for return. Dhanus Jupiter Venus Moon
Anthra lord
Moon in 23-15'
Vrischika Mars Mercury Moon
Mars, as we have seen, is a strong signifi- Bhukti lordo
cator of the 12th house being deposited in Venus in 3 -09'
the constellation of Sun who, at birth, ruled Kumbha Saturn Mars Venus
the constellation on the cusp of the 9th house,
the sign on the cusp of the 12th house and After taking all factors into account, I
also occupied the 12th house. Moreover, have predicted that he should return to his
Mars is deposited in the sub of Jupiter who is homeland on 2621973 when the lagna
a strong significator of the 7th house which will be rising in 21 of Kanya, the sensitive
must play its part in respect of the return point in the zodjac together controiled_by-
journey. Jupiter is also lord of the 4th house Mercury, jlasajord, -MoonrundTradord, and
the home. Hence, in Moon anthra.^Mars 'Venus.'bhukti lord. Incidentaly, it is also a
soo k s ham _ t be - person"Should be back in coincidence that the same degree was on the
India. Mercury dasa, Venus bhukti. Moon lagna at birth.
anthra and Mars sookshama operates between Salutations to our late Guruji to whom I
2121973 and 26-21973. owe all my knowledge in the art of interpre-
ting the message of the stars and to whose
sound and scientific theory the credit for all
On 2621973 (Monday), the transits my successful predictions to those who seek
will be as follows: my counsel appropriately belongs. Q

Jyothish Vlsharadd K. GANAPATHI

A reader, Shri K. M. Ambegaonkar, another dasa, tbebhukti period of a planet,

Bombay, writes: "Sir, I have been keenly which in its bbukti period in its own Maba
interested in Astrology from my younger Dasa and in the Maba Dasa of another
days and have read almost all the available planet caused illness, did not affect my
text-books in the traditional system. I am health but caused heavy borrowing, I bad
a regular reader of all the premier astro- also advancement in my professional
logical journals, but I have no", accumulated career then.
any worthwhile knowledge in predicting
the nature of an event or its timing. The _ .Can. Krishna mufti Padffdhati throw
more I have _read .Uhe-more- contiisiori T light on this point?
haveBad. When my inter est in Astrology
was almost wan ng, I was shown a copy The basic teaching of Krisbnamurti
of your magaz ne by an astrologer friend. Padbdbati, or advanced stellar astrology,
I mus' frankly admit now that I have which places it on a different footing from
greatly benefited by going through a few the other known systems of. Astrology,
issues of your magazine from the month is its accent on the naksbatra division and
of May 1972. The articles contributed are the various sub-divisions in the naksbatra.
all in simple language and the discussions
are elaborate and scientific and based on It is our experience that a planet who
sound principles. I immensely liked the has absolutely no connection with the
treatment on JatakaCbandiika and I would bouse of marriage by lordship, occupation
say that the commentary under the slokas or association with the lord brings about
is the most convincing I have come across. marriage in its sub-period, sub-sub period,
etc. Similarly, at the time when a native
I have some doubts and I have bad runs the conjoint period of planets who
occasion to discuss them with learned have no connection, according to the
pandit in astrology, but no one has been traditional system, with the 9th bouse or
able to offer a convincing explanation. the 12th bouse or even the 7th bouse,
When I was running the Maba Dasa of the native embarks on a foreign voyage.
a planet who was neither the lord of the And at a time when a person runs the
evil 6tb bouse nor occupied any of the evil conjoint period of Jupiter and Moon with
bouses 6, 8 or 12, I bad a serious ailment. Jupiter in exaltation and Moon in Jupiter's
I underwent different experiences in the sign Pisces (Meena) causing Gajakesari
various bbukties (sub-periods) in that yoga, be is even denied the normal yearly
Maba Dasa. In the first sub-period, I was increment in service. If the rules con-
ill. In the next sub-period I recovered tained in the traditional texts are true and
and was involved in litigation eventually sacrosanct, bow can the failures in these
winning it. In the third sub-period, I cases be explained ? The facts is that the
entered service in a foreign concern. The knowledge obtained from these texts is
next bukti was uneventful, but in the incomplete and insufficient. The rules are
succeeding bbukti I was separated from complex, vague and lack universal appli-
my wife and I fell ill again and bad to cability. Krisbnamurti Padbdbati supplies
incur heavy debt. Then came another the missing links in astrological knowledge
dasa and in the bbukti of the lord of the and points out that the effects of the
previous dasa I was ill again. In yet planets do not merely depend on their
lordship, occupation or associf tion but Again, the value of finance to a trader
much more on their situation in the or businessman is too well know a, and he
various naksbatras and their sub-divisions needs assistance in the shape of loans
called 'Subs'. A planet accentuates the ' from Government and Banks for the
affairs of the house(s) signified by the lord expansion of trade or business, and pnless
of the constellation in which it is deposited, the period of a significator of the 6th
its own affairs being advanced much more house operates a businessman cannot hope
by another planet in its constellation. to secure satisfactory help. Borrowing or
That is to say, the planet tenanted in the debt is, in a sense, beneficial as it belps'to
naksbatra of the occupant or owner of tide over a temporary difficulty a person
a house moves the matters of the house or is placed in. There are also some forms
bouses signified by the latter more power- of scholarship which provide for the
fully than the occupant or the owner recipient binding himself to strve the
himself. Thenature of the event is denoted agency thai awards the scholarship for
by the lord of the constellation according a specified period after study or training.
to bis occupation and owcersbip and the Perhaps this explains the rationale why
planet tenanted in the constellation shows the 6th house is called a 'upachayasthana'.
the source according to his nature, lord- The 6th bouse rules, too, victory over
ship, etc. enemies and holds bway_qver. success -ia
_competitionr_!iti8aticih, speculation, etc.
The latp-PvofeftgnT TTrislingmurri has being the house of loss to the persons
stressed time and again that sickness and described by the 7th house. The 6th
suffering ensues during the major period, house has, under i s purview, many other
sub-period, Inter-period etc. of the infljences. It has relation to food and
strongest significator of the 6th house. dietary habits, small cattle, domestic
If a planet, say 'A', is in the 6th house creatures of every description, tenants in
and another planet 'B' is situated in its agricultural farm or in bouse property,
constellation, the latter advances the domestic servants of every sort, such as
matters of the 6th houte more strongly cooks, watchmea, messengers, etc. and ail
than the foimer. Similarly, the planet or subordinates. It stands lor work and toil
planets placed in the constellation of the of all sorts, exer ion, labour or drudgery,
lord of the 6ih bouse are stronger than overstrain, struggle for place in society,
the lord of the 6th bouse. etc. It refers to maternal uncle or aunt.
Incessant eye trouble comes under its
What does the 6th bouse indicate? domain. Being the twelfth reckoned
It is usually styled as the bouse of sickness from the house of the partner in life, the
following the scheme which identifies the separation of the partner comes within
6th sign of the zodiacKanya( Virgo) its scope.
as the hospital of the zodiac. The 6th
house has relevance to worry or mental A person (alls ill in the major period of
anguish, hurts, wounds, falls, accidents; the planet sigoifying the 6ih house in any
sickne s and disease, maladjustment in manner (i e lordship/occupation of the
general. It has to do with hygiene and 6tb house or situation in the constellation
sanitation. It is also the bouse of debt or of lord/occupant of the 6th house) only
borrowing. It is not an uncommon sight during the sub-periods of planeis who ate
that the majority of the people who are the significators of houses I and 6, or 1
afflicted with disease are forced to go iji and 8, or 1 and 12. One survives from
for borrowing to pay the medical bill. the ailment, if the sub-lord is also the
Even otherwise, when ettpeores outweigh significator of houses 1, 5 or 11. He will
one's income, the native becomes restless succumb tothe disease if the sub-lord is the
and worried explores ways and means to significator of bbadaka sthana or maraka
obtain loans to mike both ends meet. sthana.
A person will borrow money during the advancement in career are shown. If the
major period of the significator of the 6th major period lord signifies houses 5 and
house when the lord of the sub-period is 12, and the sub-lord signifies the matters
a significator of the 2nd house. If the of the 6th house, the servant decamps
sub-lord is a significator of both the 1st with whatever he could carry, causing loss
and the 2nd house, he will fall ill and to the native. The conjoint period of the
also borrow. In the major period of the major and sub-lord signifying houses 3, 6,
significator of the 6th house, if the sub- 7 and 12 show death of comestic pets or
period in operation is governed by the animals, maternal uncle or aunt, tenant or
significator of houses 7 and 9, the partner a servant. In Horary Astrology, if the
Sn life leaves home, causing separation. significator of the 6th house is in the sub
If the sub-period lord is a significator of of a planet situated in a quadruped sign,
houses 2 and 10, then it augurs well for animals die. If the significator of the 6th
entering into service. Why ? The major Is in the sub of a planet deposited in a
lord signifies the 6th house and the sub- biped sign, the tenant will kick_tbe-bueketr~
period lord denotes 2 and 10, so that the
houses 2, 6 and IQ which- have relevance In a certain case, when the dasa lord
.-to-eerviceTHatlers come to the fore. In was neither the lord or the occupant of
the major period of he planet signifying houses 2 and 4 but was connected to
the 6th house matters, the sub-period of these bouses by constellation and the sub-
a planet signifying bouses 7 and 11 gives period was ruled by a planet who signified
success in competition, election litigation, the lltb house affairs by his placement in
etc. the nakshatra of the occupant of the Uth
house, he got brother's property. In the
If the lord of the major period is next dasa of a planet who signified the
a significator of the Ist house but the lord matters of houses 4 and 9, be scored
of the sub-period is a significator of the brilliant marks in bis examinations in the
6th house, the person wii) fall ill. Later, bhukti of a planet signifying the 11th
he recovers in the sub-period of a signifi- house. In the sub-period of the planet
cator of houses 5 and 11 (Sth and 12th signifying the lltb house and in the major
being the houses of negation to the 6th period of a significator of houses I, 2 and
and 12th showing illness and hospitalisa- 3 he had sustantive financial gains, success
tion. If the major period is governed by in publishing trade, etc.
a planet signifying the 2n<l house and the
sub-period by a planet signifying the 6th Even though a planet signifies certain
house, it causes the native to borrow or matters, it does not offer the same result
take loan. The major period ruled by whenever its sub-period runs. In the
a planet signifying houses 7 and 11 and major period of a certain planet, a planet
the sub period by a planet signifying the 'A' in its sub-period brings certain matters
6th house shows gain and victory. One of the 6th house to the fore as it was
man's food is another man's poison, and a significator of the 6thhouse. In another
the 6th house is evil to the person major period, the same planet 'A' offers, in
represented by the 7th fl2th to the 7lh its sub-period, some other matters of the
house). His loss is the native's gain. 6th house. Therefore, the actual affairs of
the 6lh house that would be activated by
Separation from partner results if the the planet 'A' depend on its relation to
dasa is ruled by a significator of houses 7 the major period or dasa lord. The same
and 12 and the bhukti by a significator principle holds good with anthra and
of the 6th. The major lord signifying sookshma periods. A major period planet
houses 2 and 10 and the sub-lord connected who signifies strongly the matters of the
with the 6th house shows success in 2od and 11th houses offers, in the sub-
securing job, increase in salary and period of a planet signifying the 7th house.
marriage in the anihra of a pUnet who and and penury, while another who has
is a strong significator of the 7th house. no such striking combinations rises to
When the anthra of a planet strongly , great heights in social, commeicial or
signifying houses 6 and 12 follows in the governmental spheres. Ktishnamurti
same dasa and bbukti, the wife separates Padbdbati traces the cause of all this
and goes to her parents' place. In the next diverse experience to the planets placement
bhukti of a planet signifying the Sth bouse in nakshatras and their sub-divisions and
and in the anthra. of a significator of tells us' that the effects experienced in
houses 2, 7 or 11, she delivers a child. a planet's period depend on the situation
So, every event is the result of an inter- and lordship of the planets conjointly
action of all the planetary forces at work ruling the part of the zodiac tenanted by
at that time. the planet. Krisbnamurti Padhdhati is
a harmoniously codified system, solid and
Many yoga combinations are listed ib substantial in structure, and shows the
the traditional texts, but when one applies proper pathway to our goal of perfection
them he is disillusioned. A person in in the art of prediction.
whose horoscope is present a number of
Raja Yogas lives, not a glorious life as is CM TAT SAT
expected and predicted, but a life of misery

M. C. KHARE, MFC. A. R. I. Bhopal
It has been found from experience that the lagna sub, Jupiter, was in retrogression
the lagca sub lord playS a pivotal role in at the time of judgement, I ignored Jupiter
timing minor events. At times, its omission and paid more attention to lagna star lord.
from among the ruling planets under conside- Mars., Accordingly, it was oascertain that
ration causes a setback in prediction. I will the Moon would transit in 29 -13'-20", i, e.
discuss below a recent instance which shows , Mars sign Mesha, Sun's star Krittlka Rahu's,
the importance of the sub lord of the lagna. sub, after 5-30 p. m. on 961972 (Friday).
I had a doubt about the fructification of
Shrl.J. P. Dwivedi. President of Jyotish the event on 961972 as the day ruled
Anusandhan Parish ad, Bhopal. had a pro- by Venus which was not among the ruling
gramme to leave for Madras by the Southern planets.
Express on the 6th June i972. On the 4th I -kept on waiflng to test my calculations
June, I was sent to seek__a.-reservationfor- and to sec what happens. And. actually
_hisjmtmfy. 't")n contacting the Railway what happened?
authorities, I learnt that there was no room
by any train till the 11th June 1972 aud a Shri Dwivediji left for Madras by the
number of passengers were already on the Holiday Special at 00-47 hours on the 6th/
waiting list. 7th June 1972, Tuesday, and got a berth
This made me curious to find out through also duly reserved by the same train.
the ruling planets as to when Shri Dwivediji The following was the position of the
would be able to entrain for Madras. The rulipg planets at the actual departure of the
journey was on an important mission and train from Bhopal at 00-47 hours on t he
was unavoidable. 6th/7th June 1972:-
So, at 3 p. m. (1ST) on 461972, I Day lord (Tuesday) Mars
calculated the ruling planets as uader;- Lagna (Aquarius: 260-8'-58"}:-
Sign lord Saturn
Day Lord (Sunday) Sun Star lord Jupiter (retrograde)
Lagna: Virgo 27<7-41'-18":- Sub lord Ketu(Rahu's sub-siib)
Sign Lord Mercury Moon: (Pisces 170-49'J>
Star Lord Mars Sign lord Jupiter (retrograde.)
Sub Lord Jupiter (Retrograde) Star lord Mercury
Moon: Aquarius IdMA'-SS'':- Thus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter (retrograde),
Sign lord Saturn Saturn and Rahu were the planets that
Star lord Rahu governed the time of departure. Jupiten
occurs twice.
Thus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter (reLr'ograde), Mercury It is, therefore, beyond a shadow of
Rahu and Saturn were the rujing planets. doubt that for delineating minor events
Rahu represents Saturn by occupation of to shape shortly retrograde planets should
Makara and is therefore included as a not be ignored and the lagna sub lord is
srrong ruling planet. a very important guide deserving of inclusion
As the journey was to commence within .among the ruling planets so as to arrive at
a couple of days, I took the movement of an unfailing prediction.
the Moon for judgement. Since the lord of Good Luck!

The subject matter of this article pertains 12 in tbe 2nd house. The sub-lord of the
to a query relating to success in an examina- cusp happens to be Mars who as lord of 2 and
tion. The querent, on being asked to say a 9, is strong in the lagna in the constellation of
number, gave '242' out of 1 and 249. I jud- Mercury, lord of 4, Mars was in the sub of
ged the query in Nalgonda, Latitude IT-OS' Saturn, lord of II in 2.
North, 79-02' East, at exactly 5-30 P.M. Reverting to a consideration of the 4th
, (1ST) on 29-1-1972. and 9th cusps again. We find Mercury ruling
The chart I framed was as foiiows;- the sign on the cusp of the 4th house and the
constellation on the cusp of the 9tb bouse.
Mars128o-40' Sat. 60-i3J Mercury is situated in the constellation of Sun,
9 n 22^25' (Stationary)
I IV I5-25' lord of 6 in 11, and sub of JuEiier,_Iord--of
l8 -33' ID 20o-25'l layna irrU.MTn, lorj of the sign on the 9th
house cusp, is strongly situated in lagna in the
Mood constellation of Mercury, lord of 4. Rahu
Veo. 22M8' 3-38' who was the lord of the constellation on the
XII 126-25' V |l0-25' cusp of the 4th house was conjunct the Hth
Ketu IIMS'
cusp in the constellation of Moon in the 4th
house and in the sub of Mars, lord of 9 in
Sun 150-i9' lagna.
Rhuir-45 VI 126-25'
XI ll'-25'
Mcf. 20-4I' When we come to tha lagna. we see Mer-
cury and K.etu co-ruling the lagna as constel-
VII 180-33' lation and sub lords respectively. Mercury,
X 159-25' IX 20"-25' as discussed above, isphwerfully placed for
Jao. f R) VIII 22*-25' Ura.0 (R)
3MU' Ncp, n*-30' 24 -56' success. Ketu, the sub lord, is stationed in
Kataka conjoined with Moon occupying the
The houses to be considered in connec- 4th house. Moreover, Ketu, in the constella-
tion with success in an examination are 4,9,6, tion of Sani in 2 as lord of 11, was in the sub
and II. of Moon. Saturn, lord of II and 12 in the
.2nd house, was in the constellation and sub
In the above chart, Venus becomes the of Sun and Mercury who were powerfully
lord of the sub on the cusp of the 4th house as posited in tbe llth house. Moon and Saturn,
well as the 9th house. It is placed in the 12th it may be remembered, ruled the llth house
house as lord of houses 3 and 8. These two. conjointly.
being in twelfth to 4 and 9,. are negating in-
fluences. This situation normally portends After weighing all the factors, 1 had no
failure. But Venus is stationed in the star doubt in my mind about the quereot's success
ruled by Jupiter, and the sub governed by in the examination. The results'vindicated my
Saturn. Jupiter is lord of lagna occupying predictiou.
the 9tb house, and Saturn is lore of 11 and Good Luck!


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