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Final Workshop Abstract and Outline

Submitted: January 24, 2017.


Title: Curriculum Development Six Steps to Successful Teaching and Learning

Presenters: Gryan Garcia, Natalie Morson, Richard Osborne, Ani Thomas
Topic: Curriculum design in health professional education.

Goal of Workshop:
This workshop will provide participants with a scholarly approach to curriculum design in
health professional education.

Intended Audience: INTAPT class, INTAPT instructors.

Learning Objectives:
1. To recognize the importance of approaching curriculum design in a scholarly manner.
2. To describe Kerns Six-Step Approach to curriculum development.
3. To demonstrate the process of developing a curriculum using an interactive activity.

Workshop Outline:
The 4 hour workshop will take participants through Kerns six-step approach to curriculum
design using both examples from health professional education as well as an interactive
group activity that will highlight the key elements of the curriculum design process.

Detailed Workshop Outline (final)

Introduction 10 min Gryan/Ani
o Poll the group to determine range of experience in curriculum development
o Short discussion on the concept of education scholarship Natalie
o Introduction to Kerns Six-Step Approach - Natalie
Ice breaker 15 min - Richard

08:25-08:45 (20 min)

Review of Step 1 of curriculum development (Problem Identification) - Natalie
Combination of didactic session and small group break out session

08:45-09:05 (20 min)

Review of Step 2 of curriculum development (Needs Assessment of Targeted
Learners) - Natalie
Combination of didactic session and small group break out session

09:05-09:30 (35 min)

Review of Step 3 of curriculum development (Goals and Objectives) - Gryan
Combination of didactic session and small group break out session

09:30-10:00 (30 min)

10:00-10:30 (30 min)
Review of Step 4 of curriculum development (Educational Strategies) - Richard
Combination of didactic session and small group break out session

10:30-10:55 (25 min)

Review of Step 5 of curriculum development (Implementing a curriculum) - Gryan
Combination of didactic session and small group break out session

10:55-11:20 (25 min)

Review of Step 6 of curriculum development (Evaluation and Feedback) Ani
Combination of didactic session and small group break out session

11:20-11:30 (10 min)

Review of objectives and summary of presentation

11:30-12:00 (30 min)

Assessment of Learning:
o To be assessed by asking each participant to present a brief idea for a
curriculum that theyd like to design with consideration of 1 or more of the 6
steps involved.
Workshop evaluation/feedback
o Survey Monkey

eLearning Strategy:
Survey Monkey (for workshop evaluation)

Interactive technique:
Ice breaker activity
Initial poll to determine range of curriculum design experience
Small group breakout sessions

Materials and Equipment Required:

Powerpoint projector / screen
Decks of cards (5)
Pads of paper and pens for small group workshops

Backup Plan:
Presentation available via email and on USB
Printed slides/handouts in case of issues with Powerpoint
Flip chart/markers in case of issues with Powerpoint

Group Work Plan:

November 15, 2016 Natalie to post the Draft Workshop Outline posted to Portal
January 8, 2017 Group meeting to review and run through the workshop
January 24, 2017 Final Workshop Outline posted to Portal (COMPLETE)
February 19, 2017 Group meeting to review and run through the workshop
February 27, 2017 Final Workshop Presentation

Bice-Stephens, W. (2001). Designing a learning-needs survey--10 steps to success. Journal

of Continuing Education in Nursing, 32(4), 150-151.

Bloom, B., Englehart, M. Furst, E., Hill, W., & Krathwohl, D. (1956). Taxonomy of
educational objectives: The classification of educational goals. Handbook I: Cognitive
domain. New York, New York: Longmans, Green.

Goldenberg, D., Andrusyszyn, M., & Iwasiw, C. (2004). A facilitative approach to learning
about curriculum development. Journal of Nursing Education,43(1), 31-35.

Harden, R. M., Sowden, S., & Dunn, W. R. (1984). Educational strategies in curriculum
development: The SPICES model. Medical Education, 18(4), 284-297.

Kern, D. E., Thomas, P. A., Howard, D. M., & Bass, E. B. (1998). Curriculum development
for medical education: A six-step approach (1st ed.). Baltimore: The John Hopkins
University Press.

Mager, R.F. (1997). Preparing Instructional Objectives: A Critical Tool in the Development of
Effective Instruction (3rd ed.). Atlanta, GA: The Center for Effective Performance Inc.

Moore, G.T., Block, S.D., Style, C.B. & Mitchell, R. (1994). The influence of the new
pathway curriculum on Harvard medical students. Academic Medicine. 69 (12), 983-989.

Nieman L, Monteiro F, Kizlik B and Brownfield D. (2010). Curriculum Development Part

One. The STFM Resource Library. Retrieved from

Van Melle E, Curran V, Goldszmidt M, Lieff S, St-Onge C. Toward a common understanding:

advancing education scholarship for clinical faculty in Canadian medical schools. A position
paper. Ottawa: Canadian Association for Medical Education. 2012 Aug.

Association of American Medical Colleges. Educational Scholarship Guides, 2013.

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