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Whitney Sorensen

Brenda McKenna

Writing 1010

1 November 2016

Abstinence vs. Sex Ed.

Susan Menfords heels clicked on the cheap speckled tile as she walked into the newly

remodeled kindergarten room. There was a light tap of footsteps close behind her.

Good afternoon, Mrs. Menford. Hi, William. Anna Allen said as she waived at the

curly haired boy hiding behind Mrs. Menfords legs.

Ms. Allen, Mrs. Menford said as she pulled out a crumpled piece of paper from her

Chanel purse. William wasnt feeling well this morning so he stayed home but since we have to

pick up his brother from basketball practice in a minute I thought Id drop in and turn in his


Why, thank you. Anna said as she accepted the piece of paper. I hope hes feeling

better, I have a fun day planned tomorrow. She tucked a piece of her short brown hair behind

her ear.

Fun? Mrs. Menford said, her eyebrows raising, scrunching her stiff forehead, hoping

she wasnt alluding to a certain presentation.

Yeah, about that. Anna searched through a list on her desk and paused at the blank spot

by Williams name. I dont believe hes turned in his permission slip for the presentation

tomorrow. Dont worry, though, I have a spare somewhere around here, she said as she

searched through the stacks of paper on her desk.

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Oh, Mrs. Menford said, trying to forget how she ripped up the slip and threw it away.

Have many parents signed their children up?

None, actually, Anna said scanning over her list again, No one has. Anna sat back in

her chair confused. I dont understand why. The program is fantastic.

Mrs. Menford happy at the thought that no one was going to participate, decided that

someone was going to have to tell this young teacher from Boston that thats not the way things

worked around here. William, go play with those toys over there. She said as she pointed

across the room. The little boy ran over to the toys and immediately started playing. Ms.


Please, call me Anna.

Like I was saying, Mrs. Menford smiled at this impolite interruption. Here in Sonlow

Montana, were a very small community and were welcome to new people such as yourself. I

mean, look at this beautiful room. However, its just not appropriate to teach little kids like

William, who are only five, about sex. She said with her voice dropping to a low whisper during

the last word.

Oh! Anna smiled, I assure you the program has been reviewed and edited for the

appropriate age of the audience. The program doesnt teach kindergarteners about sex, it teaches

about the basics of sexuality.

Thats not the problem Ms. Allen. I understand that youre not introducing the children

to sex at first, but you will eventually. Mrs. Menford smiled trying to ease the city girl into the

truth. You see, folks around here dont do that stuff before marriage and so we obviously want

the same for our children.

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Anna snorted, but then her smile fell as she saw Mrs. Menfords serious face. Well its

bound to happen. The end goal is for the students to know how to have safe She paused

abruptly as William chased two cars around his mothers legs.

William, get back to the play area. Were having a grown up talk here. Mrs. Menford

said as she pushed him towards the corner.

As I was saying Anna continued, The program is to teach the students

comprehensive sex education throughout their primary and secondary education. So they will

learn how to use contraceptives and the details of sexuality Anna pressed as she checked to

make sure William was in the corner.

Ms. Allen, that will only teach them that sex before marriage is ok! Which leads to more

teen pregnancies and AIDS! Mrs. Menford was hardly speaking in a whisper at her tone but

somehow was keeping a smile the whole time.

Mrs. Menford, you must understand that it is inevitable for some teens to have sex.

Were just trying to teach them the safe way to do it so those things dont happen. Anna was a

little frustrated. She left her parents conservative rule to be her own person but their views just

seemed to follow her across the country. She got up from her chair and started to file Williams

homework for grading later, hoping that Mrs. Menford would take it as her que to leave.

Mrs. Menford moved towards the open file cabinet. What is wrong with teaching

students that their relationships, health, and financial situation will be better if they wait until

marriage to have sex?

Ms. Allen closed the filing cabinet and looked Mrs. Menford straight in the eyes, Im not

saying that those things are wrong but its hard for those who are already involved in such

activities to not feel shame for what theyve done because of those views. The program is meant
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to be supportive and relieve some of the guilt imposed from disapproving views. Just as she

finished William ran into his mothers leg making Mrs. Menford stumble for a second.

William, Im busy, Mrs. Menford said as she shook her leg.

Mommy, I dont feel good, William said with pouty eyes.

Ok, honey, just go play for a couple more seconds then we can leave. This was music

to Annas ears.

Anna walked over to the white board to erase todays math lesson hoping again that

maybe Mrs. Menford would leave. Didnt she have a son to pick up?

Ms. Allen, Mrs. Menford said in a much calmer tone. I went to a fancy college just

like you and I read articles just like you. There are studies that show that people who are

sexually active and receive an abstinence course are more likely to be abstinent. Theres no

shame in that. People just dont want to expose their children to this stuff, especially so young.

Its the parents decision.

Anna was done arguing with Mrs. Menford. It wasnt good to argue with students

parents especially if they are the head of the PTA and especially if its only the first week of

school. Which meant shed have to endure this torture all year.

Mrs. Menford Just then William ran up to his mother and vomited all over Mrs.

Menfords designer boots. A miracle! Anna said quietly, not noticing she said until it slipped


What?! screamed Mrs. Menford in horror.

Nothing, Anna said quickly. Let me get you some paper towels.
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No! Mrs. Menford snapped, Lets go William! she said as she picked him up and

walked over to Annas desk to grab her purse. My shoes. She kept repeating as she walked

out with William on her hip.

Anna had never liked vomit more than in that moment. She walked over to her desk and

called the presenter to cancel the presentation. It would be a waste of time for the presenter to

come and have no one attend. She was still confused but happy that Mrs. Menford left, even

though she had a feeling shed be back.


Huber, Valerie. "Who's In Bed with the Sex-Ed Lobby?" National Abstinence Education
Association. N.p., 7 July 2007. Web. 10 Oct. 2016.

Olsen, Clay, Gary Wilson, Jill Manning, Candice Christiansen, and Donald Hilton. "Op-ed:Utah
Students Need Real Sex Ed and 'Fight the New Drug'" N.p., 08 Oct. 2016. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.

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