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Personal Insights

When I was young I remember how I played

around everyday under the sun. How I sneaked out
every noon time just to play even though my
parents told me to sleep because they said that it
will help me to grow up fast. I used to play with my
neighbors who were all boys. I played lots of games
back then like Chinese garter, Tumbang preso, hide
and seek, patintero, bahay-bahayan and luto-
lutoan. Hahahaha! It maybe sounds a little bit
funny but, those were a big part of my life. It
completes the whole Sophia Marie F. Conde.
Those things made me happy, sad, and angry
at the same time. I also remember my enemies
when I was young. How I fought with them because
they stole my toys. Hahaha! I used to pull their
hair, threw them a stone and didnt want them to
play with me and my other friends but I remember
that when they apologize to me we will be friends
When I was young I have so many friends. Most
of the people in our barangay know me for being
such a jolly kid. Jolly kid who used to say Hi po!
Hello po! at everybody whom crossed my path
back then.
Thinking about my childhood memories surely
makes me smile in no time. It made me the person
I am today. My friends back then, still became one
now and I am so thankful for that. I can say that I
have a perfect childhood back then. You can see
the evidence on my knees.

Marie F. Conde

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