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Leonardo Lubis
Grading Scale
A 90% and above Attendance will be
B 80%90% taken in the first
C 68%-80% minutes of class.
D 50%-67% Each absence will
result in the loss of
Fail below 50% points from the total
Extra Credit is possible.
While some of the lecture
material will change
The Exam dates will not.
What is microbiology
Study of Micro-organisms: Organisms that EXIST as Single
Cells or cell clusters and must be viewed individually with the
aid of a Microscope

1. EXIST (Webster definition)To continue to be, have life; live

1. METABOLISM (nutrient uptake, biomass, waste output)
2. DIFFERENTIATION (Bacillus spp. Caulobacter)
3. REPRODUCTION (binary fission)
4. COMMUNICATION (Pseudomonas aeruginosa)
5. EVOLUTION (antibiotic resistance, pathogens)
Carolus Linnaeus (1735)
Genus species
By custom once mentioned can be
abbreviated with initial of genus followed
by specific epithet. E. coli
When two organisms share a common
genus are related.
Phylogenetic classification of micro-
organisms (new school) Eukaryotic
Prokaryotic Fungi
Eubacteria Archaeabacteria Protozoa

Universal Ancestor
Phylogenetic classification of micro-organisms

EUBACTERIA most abundant of the bacteria

found in soil, water and animal digestive tracts

ARCHAEACTERIA live in extreme conditions

(temperature, pH etc) mostly anaerobic (unable to live in the
presence of oxygen)

EUKARYOTES algae: live in soil and water, contains

chlorophyll for photosynthesis, has a cell
fungi: yeast, molds. Lack chlorophyll and
obtains energy from organic compounds in
soil and water, has a cell wall
protozoa: colorless, lacks a cell wall,
ingests other organisms or organic particles
Major Differences between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic micro-organisms
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes
1. Nonmembrane bound 1. Membrane bound nucleus
nucleiod region containing DNA
2. DNA-one circular molecule 2. DNA-linear molecules arranged
one chromosome to form several chromosomes
3. Haploid-One copy of a gene 3. Diploid-Two copies of a gene
4. Plasma membrane does not 4. Plasma membrane contains
contain sterols sterols
5. Reproductionsimple binary 5. Reproductionmeiosis and
fission mitosis
6. Presence of membrane bound
organelles such as chloroplasts
and mitochondria
Why study Microbiology ??
Microbiology as a BASIC Science
Bacteria and yeast are useful in studying molecular biology,
biochemistry and genetics
--reproduce rapidly
--are genetically (DNA) and biochemically more simple
than higher order organisms
--working with bacteria and yeast for understanding
life processes has no ethical ramifications
Microbiology as an APPLIED Science
MedicineVaccine development, production of antibiotics,
production of important biological enzymes (insulin)
IndustryProduction of beer, wine, cheeses and yogurt
Agriculturemaintenance of soil fertility/digestion in cattle
EcologyBioremediationmicroorganisms that degrade
toxic waste materials
Microbes in research
10 trillion human cells
10x this number
Easy to grow
Biochemistry is
essentially the same
Simple and easy to
Use of biological systems to produce useful
The use of biological information to make
things or improve the human condition
Diversity of Microbes
Bacteria-single celled prokaryotes
Protozoa-eukaryotic, single celled, colonial,
many ways of nutrition
Fungi- absorb nutrients, single celled
Viruses-acellular entities
Others- worms, insects

Peptidoglycan cell
Binary fission
For energy, use
organic chemicals,
inorganic chemicals,
or photosynthesis
Figure 1.1a
Lack peptidoglycan
Live in extreme
Extreme halophiles
Extreme thermophiles

Halobacteria not
from book
Chitin cell walls
Use organic
chemicals for energy
Molds and
mushrooms are
consisting of masses
of mycelia, which are
composed of
filaments called
Yeasts are unicellular Figure 1.1b

Absorb or ingest
organic chemicals
May be motile via
pseudopods, cilia, or
Most free some
Figure 1.1c
Cellulose cell walls
Use photosynthesis for
energy (primary
Produce molecular
oxygen and organic
Metabolically diverse Figure 1.1d
Consist of DNA or
RNA core
Core is surrounded by
a protein coat
Coat may be enclosed
in a lipid envelope
Viruses are replicated
only when they are in
a living host cell Figure 1.1e
Multicellular Animal Parasites
flatworms and
round worms are
called helminths.
stages in life
cycles. Figure fluke
Knowledge of microorganisms:
Allows humans to
Prevent food spoilage
Prevent disease occurrence

Led to aseptic techniques to prevent

contamination in medicine and in
microbiology laboratories.
Evidence Pro and Con
1668: Francisco Redi filled six jars with
decaying meat.

Conditions Results
3 jars covered with fine No maggots
3 open jars Maggots appeared

From where did the maggots come?

What was the purpose of the sealed jars?
Spontaneous generation or biogenesis?
Evidence Pro and Con
1765: Lazzaro Spallanzani boiled nutrient
solutions in flasks.

Conditions Results
Nutrient broth placed in No microbial growth
flask, heated, then sealed
Spontaneous generation or biogenesis?
The Theory of Biogenesis
Pasteurs S-shaped flask kept microbes out
but let air in.

Figure 1.3
A timeline of Microbiology
Fig 1.4
Some highlights
1665 Hooke
1673 van Leeuwenhoeks microscopes
1735 Linnaeus Nomenclature
1798 Jenner vaccine
1857 Pasteur Fermentation
1876 Koch germ theory of disease
The Golden Age of
Beginning with Pasteurs work,
discoveries included the relationship
between microbes and disease,
immunity, and antimicrobial drugs
Fermentation and Pasteurization
Pasteur showed that microbes are responsible for
Fermentation is the conversation of sugar to
alcohol to make beer and wine.
Microbial growth is also responsible for spoilage
of food.
Bacteria that use alcohol and produce acetic acid
spoil wine by turning it to vinegar (acetic acid).
Fermentation and Pasteurization

Pasteur demonstrated that

these spoilage bacteria
could be killed by heat that
was not hot enough to
evaporate the alcohol in
wine. This application of a
high heat for a short time is
called pasteurization.
Figure 1.4
The Germ Theory of Disease

1835: Agostino Bassi showed a silkworm disease

was caused by a fungus.
1865: Pasteur believed that another silkworm
disease was caused by a protozoan.
1840s: Ignaz Semmelwise advocated hand
washing to prevent transmission of puerperal
fever from one OB patient to another.
The Germ Theory of Disease
1860s: Joseph Lister used a chemical disinfectant
to prevent surgical wound infections after
looking at Pasteurs work showing microbes are
in the air, can spoil food, and cause animal
1876: Robert Koch provided proof that a
bacterium causes anthrax and provided the
experimental steps, Kochs postulates, used to
prove that a specific microbe causes a specific
The Birth of Modern
Treatment with chemicals is chemotherapy.
Chemotherapeutic agents used to treat infectious
disease can be synthetic drugs or antibiotics.
Antibiotics are chemicals produced by bacteria
and fungi that inhibit or kill other microbes.
Quinine from tree bark was long used to treat
1910: Paul Ehrlich developed a synthetic arsenic
drug, salvarsan, to treat syphilis.
1930s: Sulfonamides were synthesized.
The Birth of Modern
1928: Alexander Chemotherapy
Fleming discovered
the first antibiotic.
He observed that
Penicillium fungus
made an antibiotic,
penicillin, that killed S.
1940s: Penicillin was
tested clinically and
mass produced.
Similar to
Figure 1.5
Modern Developments in
Bacteriology is the study of bacteria.
Mycology is the study of fungi.
Parasitology is the study of protozoa and
parasitic worms.
Recent advances in genomics, the study of an
organisms genes, have provided new tools for
classifying microorganisms.
Proteomics is looking at the gene products
Selected Novel Prizes in
von Behring
or Medicine
Diphtheria antitoxin
1902 Ross Malaria transmission
1905 Koch TB bacterium
1908 Metchnikoff Phagocytes
1945 Fleming, Chain, Florey Penicillin
1952 Waksman Streptomycin
1969 Delbrck, Hershey, Luria Viral replication
1987 Tonegawa Antibody genetics
1997Prusiner Prions
2003Agre, Mackirron water and ion channels
2005 Marshall, Warren Helicobacter and ulcers
2008 Hausen Papilloma and viruses
* The first Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

Siklus Pertumbuhan Bakteri

Flora Normal
Fase lag; di mana terjadi aktivitas metabolisme
sel-sel yang kuat dapat berlangsung
selama beberapa menit sampai berjam-
Fase log (logaritma); pembelahan sel yang cepat.
Fase diam; ketika penipisan unsur hara atau
produk beracun menyebabkan
pertumbuhan melambat.
Fase kematian; yang ditandai dengan penurunan
jumlah bakteri hidup.
Kurva pertumbuhan bakteri
Sifat Bakteri Berdasarkan Respon
Aerob obligat; membutuhkan oksigen untuk
tumbuh karena sistem ATP, seperti
M. tuberculosis
Anaerob fakultatif; memanfaatkan oksigen untuk
menghasilkan energi dengan respirasi
jika ada, tetapi dapat menggunakan
jalur fermentasi untuk mensintesis ATP
jika tanpa oksigen, seperti E. coli
Anaerob obligat; tidak dapat tumbuh dengan
adanya oksigen, seperti
Clostridium tetani.
Klasifikasi Bakteri Penting.
Karakteristik Genus Penyakit
I. kaku, sel-sel berdinding tebal
A. Free (bakteri ekstraseluler)
1. Gram-positif
a. cocci Streptococcus Pneumonia, faringitis,
Staphylococcus Abses kulit dan organ lain
b. Batang pembentuk
(1) aerobik basil anthrax
(2) anaerobik Clostridium Tetanus, gangren gas,
c. Batang Non-
pembentuk spora
(1) Nonfilamentous Corynebacterium difteri
Listeria radang selaput
(2) berserabut Actinomyces actinomycosis
Nocardia Nocardiosis
Klasifikasi Bakteri Penting.
Karakteristik Genus Penyakit
2. Gram-negatif
a. cocci Neisseria Gonore, meningitis
b. batang
(1) Fakultatif
(a) Straight
(i) organisme pernapasan Haemophilus radang selaput
Bordetella batuk rejan
Legionella pneumonia
ii) organisme zoonosis Brucella brucellosis
Francisella tularemia
Pasteurella selulitis
Yersinia wabah
(iii) enterik dan organisme terkait Escherichia Infeksi saluran kemih, diare
Enterobacter Infeksi saluran kemih
Serratia pneumonia
Klebsiella Pneumonia, infeksi saluran kemih
Salmonella Enterocolitis, demam tifoid
Shigella enterocolitis
Proteus Infeksi saluran kemih
(b) Curved Campylobacter enterocolitis
Helicobacter Gastritis, ulkus peptikum
Vibrio kolera
Klasifikasi Bakteri Penting.
Karakteristik Genus Penyakit
(2) Aerobik Pseudomonas Pneumonia, infeksi
saluran kemih
(3) anaerobik Bacteroides radang selaput perut
3. Acid-fast Mycobacterium Tuberkulosis, kusta
B. Non-hidup bebas Rickettsia Rocky Mountain fever,
(parasit intraseluler tifus, demam Q
Chlamydia Uretritis, trachoma,
II. Fleksibel, sel-sel Treponema sipilis
berdinding tipis
Borrelia penyakit Lyme
Leptospira leptospirosis
III. Kurang Dinding sel Mycoplasma neumonia
Ringkasan Anggota Flora Normal dan Lokasi Anatomi terkait
Normal Flora Lokasi Anatomi
spesies Bacteroides Colon, tenggorokan, vagina
Candida albicans Mulut, usus, vagina
spesies Clostridium Usus besar
spesies Corynebacterium (diphtheroid) Nasofaring, kulit, vagina
Enterococcus faecalis Usus besar
Escherichia coli dan coliform lainnya Colon, vagina, uretra luar
Gardnerella vaginalis Vagina
spesies Haemophilus Nasofaring, konjungtiva
spesies Lactobacillus Mulut, usus, vagina
spesies Neisseria Mulut, nasofaring
Propionibacterium acnes Kulit
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Colon, kulit
Staphylococcus aureus Hidung, kulit
Staphylococcus epidermidis Kulit, hidung, mulut, vagina, uretra
Streptokokus viridans Mulut, nasofaring
Dapat menyebabkan penyakit pada individu
immunocompromised dan lemah.
Dapat menjadi patogen di bagian lain dari tubuh.
Memiiki kemampuan untuk membatasi pertumbuhan
patogen disebut resistensi kolonisasi. Sebagai contoh,
antibiotik dapat mengurangi flora kolon normal yang
memungkinkan Clostridium difficile, yang resisten terhadap
antibiotik, untuk tumbuh terlalu cepat dan menyebabkan
kolitis pseudomembran.
Bakteri usus dapat menghasilkan beberapa vitamin B dan
vitamin K. Orang buruk gizi yang diobati dengan antibiotik
oral dapat memiliki kekurangan vitamin sebagai akibat dari
pengurangan flora normal.
Bakteri berkembang biak dengan pembelahan biner,
sedangkan sel eukariotik berkembang biak dengan mitosis.
Siklus pertumbuhan bakteri terdiri dari empat fase: fase
lag, fase log, fase diam, dan fase kematian
Beberapa bakteri dapat tumbuh dengan adanya oksigen
(aerob dan facultatives), tetapi yang lain mati dengan
adanya oksigen (anaerob).
Klasifikasi bakteri didasarkan pada berbagai kriteria, seperti
sifat dari dinding sel, karakteristik pewarnaan, kemampuan
untuk tumbuh dengan atau tanpa, dan kemampuan untuk
membentuk spora.
Flora Normal memiliki beberapa kepentingan klinis.

Mekanisme Penyakit Infeksi Bakteri

Diagnosis Laboratorium
Pencegahan Penyakit Infeksi Bakteri Pada Keperawatan

InfeksiPatogenesis infeksi (Invasi atau Toksin)

Peran Carrier
Transmisi dari sumber eksternal melalui portal
Reaksi pertahanan host

Perlekatan terhadap selaput lendir pili bakteri


Gejala penyakit akibat produksi toksin atau

invasi disertai radang
Respon host, imunitas (kekebalan), selama
langkah 3, 4, dan 5
Kemajuan atau resolusi penyakit
Mode Transmisi Contoh klinis Keterangan
I. manusia ke manusia
A. Kontak langsung gonorea Kontak intim: misalnya, seksual, atau
perjalanan melalui jalan lahir
B. Tidak ada kontak langsung disentri Fecal-oral: misalnya, diekskresikan
dalam kotoran manusia, kemudian
tertelan dalam makanan atau air
C. Transplasental sifilis kongenital Bakteri melewati plasenta dan
menginfeksi janin
D. Via Darah sipilis Darah ditransfusikan atau penggunaan
narkoba suntikan dapat mengirimkan
bakteri dan virus. Skrining darah untuk
transfusi telah sangat mengurangi risiko
II. Bukan manusia ke manusia
A. Sumber Tanah Tetanus Spora dalam tanah memasuki luka di

B.Sumber Air Penyakit Legionnaire Bakteri dalam aerosol air yang dihirup ke
dalam paru-paru
C. Sumber Hewan
1. Langsung Demam Cat-scratch Bakteri masuk dalam luka bekas cakaran
2. Via vektor serangga Penyakit Lyme Bakteri masuk dalam gigitan kutu
3. Via kotoran hewan E. coli hemolitik - sindrom uremik Bakteri dalam kotoran sapi yang tertelan
dalam hamburger matang
D. Sumber Fomite Infeksi kulit stafilokokus Bakteri pada objek, misalnya, handuk,
ditransfer ke kulit
Saluran Pernapasan
Saluran Pencernaan

Saluran Kelamin

Periode Inkubasi ; waktu antara masuk dan
mulai gejala.
Periode Prodroma ; gejala nonspecific spt
demam, lemah, lesu dan nafsu makan turun
Periode Spesifik Penyakit ; gejala dan simtom
khas penyakit
Periode Recovery ; gejala penyakit berkurang
dan kembali ke status sehat
1. Bakteriologis :
- spesimen yg tepat
- kontaminasi flora normal
- teknik penyimpanan
- human error

Blood Cultures
Throat Cultures
Sputum Cultures
Spinal Fluid Cultures
Stool Cultures
Urine Cultures
Genital Tract Cultures
Wound & Abscess Cultures
2. Imunologis/ Serologis
- antibodi utk identifikasi bakteri
- antigen utk deteksi antibodi pd serum ptx

Capsular Swelling (Quellung) Reaction

Slide Agglutination Test

Latex Agglutination Test

Counter-Immunoelectrophoresis Test

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

Fluorescent-Antibody Tests
Sterilisasi ; killing or removal of all microorganisms,
termasuk spora.
- Autoclave suhu 121C, tekanan 15 lb/in2
selama15 minutes.
- Alat-alat bedah yg tdk tahan panas, dengan gas
ethylene oxide.
Disinfeksi ; killing of many, but not all
- Disinfektan bersifat korosif phenol
- Ethanol dan Iodine, aman untuk kulit.
Bahan kimia yg digunakan disebut antiseptik
Merusak Membran Sel ;
- Alcohol, Detergents and Phenols
Modifikasi Protein ;
- Chlorine, Iodine, Mercury and silver,
- Hydrogen Peroxide,
- Formaldehyde & Glutaraldehyde,
- Ethylene Oxide, Acids & Alkalis
Modifikasi Asam Nukleat ;
- Crystal violet (gentian violet)
Faktor Fisika ;
- Heat, Radiation, and Filtration
Thank You

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