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What To Do As A Parent Of

A Suicidal Teen?
What Is Teen
Suicide? Informational
Be patient

A teenager who Be proactive
By Miette Alvarez
purposely takes Watch teens behavior
their own life. Talk to your teen
What Are The Most Valadate your teen and their
Teen Suicide
Common Methods?

Fire arm 45%

Suffocation 40%
Poisoning 8%
Males tend to use fire-
arms to commit sui-
cide significantly more
than woman but wom-
an seem to be using

that method more as

well (CDC).
Why Is Teen Suicide
Who Is At Risk? Suicidal Symtoms Such A Problem?

Estimated that suicides can raise to

Talking about or referencing 1.5 million per year worldwide by
suicide 2020 (Suicide ).
Buying things that they could
Being involved in any
potentially use to kill themselves Once every eighty seconds a
role in cyber bullying can Not wanting to be social teenager attempts to take their
increase suicidal Mood swings own life (Suicide ).
thoughts, attempts, or Being deeply interested in vi-
self harm. (Children In- olence or suicide In the United States, the youth
Using drugs or Alcohol more. suicide rate has risen dramati-
volved in Cyber-Bullying cally after a fifteen-year decline
Abnormal routine
Much More Likely to (Suicide).
Reckless activity
View Web). Giving away things that were
Suicide is the third leading cause of
once special to them death among young people and has
There is a connection been rising since 2007 (Friedman).
between places with
("Suicide and Suicidal
lower population and Thoughts Symptoms"). Suicide is a tragic global public
higher suicide rates. health problem. Worldwide,
more people die from suicide
This may be due to less than from all homicides and
acess to professional The Postive wars combined (Suicide).
help (Ollove). News
Rural adolescents com- Suicidal behaviors
mit suicide at roughly
twice the rate of their ur- can be treated us-
ban peers, according to ing therapy, medi-
a study published in the cation or lifestyle
May issue of the journal changes.
JAMA Pediatrics (Beil).

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