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France, Australia and The United States were selected for a Income and Education Overview: Australias gross national
comparison. Factors included in the analysis were: infant income(GNI) is higher when compared to The United States and
mortality, maternal mortality, life expectancy, per capita France. Australians have the highest GNI per capita, with
healthcare cost, and Human Development Index (HDI). Other $60,070, followed by The United States with $54,960, and finally
factors considered and analyzed include; income, education and France with $40,580 GNI per capita (chart 2) (World Bank, n.d).
public health expenditure.
Gross national income (GNI) per capita (US
Population overview: According to the World Data Bank, in
2015 the population totals (see chart below) in France were $60,070
$60,000 $54,960
66.8 million, 23.7 million in Australia, and 321.4 million people $40,580
living in The United States (n.d). The United States has almost 5
times the population of France, and 13.5 times the population of
Australia. With such a large population in comparison to France $0
France United States Australia
Chart 2 -World Bank
and Australia I would expect there be some inequalities in The
United States. In all three countries, there are gender inequalities in income.
World Bank Chart 1 Woman make much less than men in all three countries. In
Population Totals
350,000,000 321,418,820 France woman make about 15K less than men, in Australia men
make more 17k more than woman and in The United States
men make 20k more than woman (UNDP, n.d). If you look at the
chart below, chart 3, you can see the visual representation of
100,000,000 66,808,385 income inequality for all three countries. Men make more money
50,000,000 23,781,169 for the same job and the same qualifications in France, Australia
0 and the United States. The biggest income gap is seen in the
France Australia United States
Population Totals 66,808,385 23,781,169 321,418,820 United States.
A Global Health Analysis of Australia, France and The United States

Chart 3 I was not particularly shocked when I learned France has a

Goss National income compared by Gender
lower education average then Australia and The United States.
$70,000 $63,158
$60,000 This goes hand in hand with income. When I looked at Frances
$50,000 $45,497 $43,054 Income I knew something was off because they make 20k less
$40,000 $31,073 $33,688
than Australia. The economic status and the prices of goods
$20,000 could have an impact on the amount people make in France but
$10,000 generally speaking, the more education the higher the income.
France United States Australia The lower average years of schooling, 11.1, could be attributed
Estimated GNI per capita, female (2011 PPP$) to the lower income rates in the France. The United States
Estimated GNI per capita, male (2011 PPP$) came slightly below with a 12.9 average schooling. Australia

All three countries need to work on closing the gender gap in had an average of 13yrs of education (see chart 4).

pay. Income and education can cause inequality and can lower the
HDI ranking. Below in chart 5 you will see the inequality caused
Chart 4
Average years of schooling by income and education. The United States has the highest
percent of income inequality with 35.6%, Australia has a 17.7%
13 inequality in income and France has its income inequality at the
13 12.9
lowest percent, 8% (UNDP, n.d). Australia has the least

education inequality according to the data from the United

11 11.1
Nations Development Programme data (n.d).France comes in
Mean years of schooling (years) with 8%, the highest education inequality.

UNDP France Australia United States

A Global Health Analysis of Australia, France and The United States

Chart 5 Chart 6
Inequality in income and Education Human Development Index (HDI)
25 22

17.7 20

10 8
United States
5.3 5 2

13.9 HDI Ranking
France United States Australia

0 10 20 30 40
UNDP Inequality in income (%) Inequality in education (%)
The United States has the biggest loss due to inequalities, 17%
as seen in chart 7.
HDI Ranking: The Human Development Index known as HDI is
used to assess the development of a county. HDI is Chart 7 Overall Loss in HDI Due to Inequality
accomplished by assessing life expectancy, education, and the
standard of living(GNI). HDI does not look at inequalities such
as poverty. In chart 6, there was a comparison done for all three 15.00% 17%
countries HDI ranking. Australia ranked better than The United 10.00% 8.70% 8.20%
States and France. Australia ranked 2nd in the world according 5.00%
to the UNDPs human development index (n.d). In the previous France United States Australia

section, we talked about income and education inequality.

These inequalities together with inequality of life expectancy Per capita healthcare cost: According to the World bank data

add up to factor into the overall loss in HDI. (n.d) The United States spent about 9500 dollars per capita in
2014, thats almost 4500 dollars more than France and about
A Global Health Analysis of Australia, France and The United States

3400 dollars more than Australia in 2014. This means the Trend chart 1
Health Expenditure Per Capita
United States spends almost 2 times more in 2014 than France
in 2014 for healthcare costs per person. $9,000.00
Health Expenditure Per Capita by year and Country $7,000.00
Table 1
Year 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 $4,000.00
Australia $5,324.5 $6,368.4 $6,543.5 $6,258.5 $6,031.1 $3,000.00
United $2,000.00
$8,269.4 $8,523.8 $8,789.8 $8,987.9 $9,402.5 $1,000.00
France $4,583.7 $4,993.7 $4,698.9 $4,955.4 $4,959.0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Australia United States France

There is a trend in the United States, the cost of health
expenditure is steadily rising. If you look at table 1 and trend Maternal Mortality: When looking at the maternal mortality
chart 1 you can see The United States cost per person for rates, again The United States has the highest number of C
health care is on a steady rise compared to France and deaths of 100,000 live births. If you look at chart 8 below you
Australia. Australia lowered the health care cost per person in can see the United States has more than twice the deaths than
year 2013 and 2014 and France seems to have leveled out the France and 4 times the deaths when compared to Australia. It
cost and is holding its cost per capita just below the 5k mark. would be interesting to see what the individual causes of deaths
Australia spends about 1k dollars more per person in health yet for each country are and see if it has to do with the birthing
they have better health outcomes in infant and maternal process or not. The United States had medicalized the birthing
mortality rates. Australias methods should be looked at in process and has a high number of c- sections, further research
depth. Overall, The United States has some of the worst health needs to be done to see if there is a relationship between the
outcomes, yet spends the most on health care. maternal mortality rates and induced labors and C-sections.

A Global Health Analysis of Australia, France and The United States

Chart 8 Chart 9
Maternal Mortality Ratio Mortality rate infant/under-five
30 Under-five mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)
28 Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 live births)
15 4
10 3.4
5 12
0 6.9
United States
Maternal mortality ratio (deaths per 100,000 live births) 5.9

France United States Australia 4.2


Infant Mortality: Infant mortality is on the Health People 2020 0 2 4 6 8

objective. Infant mortality accounts for the deaths of babies

I have learned that healthy people 2020 work with the nations to
under one years old. When comparing the three countries I
encourage communities to collaborate with other communities,
decided to look at the infant mortality rates and the under-five
empowers individuals to help them to make healthy choices
death rates. The data was shocking in the United States. The
based on knowledge and prevention measures impact on the
United States has the largest number of deaths in both infant
community (Healthy People 2020, n.d)
and under-five mortality rates. Out of 1000 live births The United
Life expectancy: Australia has the highest life expectancy
States has an infant mortality rate of 5.9 and a 6.9 rate for
among the three countries analyzed. United States has the
children under five (UNDP, n.d). France has the next highest
lowest life expectancy when compared to France and Australia.
rates out of the three countries, with infant mortality rate of 3.5
Australia and France are very close with about 82 years of life
and a 4.2 rate for children under five (UNDP, n.d). See Chart 9.
expectancy, The United States have a little for than 3 years less
With the help of healthy people 2020 these countries could
(UNDP, n.d). If you look at the chart below, chart 10, you will
significantly lower the rates of infant mortality and under five
notice that males have a lower life expectancy than women, in
all countries.
A Global Health Analysis of Australia, France and The United States

Chart 10 Chart 11
LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH Public health Expenditure
85.1 84.5
85 82.2 81.4 82.4
79.2 79.1 80.3 20.00%
80 76.7
75 17.10%
70 10.00% 11.70% 9%
France United States Australia
Life expectancy at birth, female (years)
Life expectancy at birth, male (years) Public health expenditure (% of GDP)
Life expectancy at birth(male and female) France Australia United States

According to the World Data Bank, in 2015 the population totals

Spending and outcomes: The United States has the highest
(see chart 1) in France were 66.8 million, 23.7 million in
rates of infant mortality, maternal mortality and the lowest
Australia, and 321.4 million for the United States (n.d). The
number of years for life expectancy. With the United States
bigger the population the harder it gets to disseminate
spending close to 9.5K a year per person on health care one
information and educate the public on health issues. If you really
would think the rates for mortality would be lower and the life
think about it, for the populations size the United States spends
expectancy of those who live in the United States would live
very little on Public health prevention. When you take into
longer, but that is not the case. The United States has a much
account the size and then compare that to France and Australia,
larger population and the increased population can make
the amount of money the United States spends on prevention is
disease prevention and health education seem impossible. The
minuscule at best. If the United States were to increase their
United States spends only 17.1% of its gross domestic product
prevention spending then they could potentially lower the rates
on prevention, but has 5 times the population of France and
of infant mortality, maternal mortality and increase life
13.5 Times the population of Australia.

A Global Health Analysis of Australia, France and The United States


Healthy People 2020. (n.d.). Retrieved November 15, 2016, from

UNDP Human Development Reports. (n.d.). Retrieved

November 14, 2016, from

World Data Bank - World Development Indicators| World DataBank. (n.d.). Retrieved

November 10, 2016, from

A Global Health Analysis of Australia, France and The United States

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