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PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Practice 995 653 8118

Flexible Program Management 25 November 2006

No: 1523 OM Page 1 of 11



The purpose of this procedure is to provide the requirements for the erection, dismantling and
modification of scaffolding.

Tujuan dari prosedur ini adalah untuk memberikan ketentuan mengenai pemasangan,dan
pembongkaran serta modifikasi scaffolding.


This procedure describes the materials and requirements for scaffolding and the training required
for personnel undertaking scaffolding operations.

Prosedur ini menjelaskan mengenai material dan ketentuan bagi scaffolding dan pelatihan yang
diperlukan bagi personil yang menangani pengoperasian scaffolding


This procedure applies to Tripatra Fluor Project and Contractor personnel.

Prosedur ini dipergunakan pada Projek Tripatra Fluor dan pegawai contractor



Any temporary elevated platform (supported or suspended) and its supporting structure (including
points of anchorage) used for supporting employees, materials, or both.

Adalah temporary elevated platform (disanggah atau tergantung) dan supporting structurenya
(termasuk point of anchorage) yang dipergunakan untuk menyangga orang, material atau kedua-


Scaffolds and scaffold components shall be capable of supporting, without failure, its own weight
and at least four (4) times the maximum intended load.

Each suspension rope, including hardware used on non-adjustable suspension scaffolds, shall be
capable of supporting, without failure, at least six (6) times the maximum intended load.

The stall load of any scaffold hoist shall not exceed three (3) times its rated load.

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No: 1523 OM Page 2 of 11


Scaffolds shall be designed by a qualified person and shall be constructed and loaded in
accordance with that design.

Approximate Maximum Total Load for Persons and Material Kg per platform per bay:

Light duty 225kg

Medium duty 450kg
Heavy duty 675kg

Minimum Length and Width of Platform:

Light duty 450mm

Medium duty 900mm
Heavy duty 1000mm
Scaffolds dan komponen scaffold harus dapat menyangga , tanpa kegagalan akan beratnya
sendiri dan paling tidak empat (4) kali berat yang akan disangga.

Setiap suspension rope, termasuk penggunaan hardware pada non-adjustable suspension

scaffold, harus dapat menyangga , tanpa kegagalan, paling tidak enam (6) kali maksimum berat
yang akan disangga.

Stall load dari tiap scaffold hoist tidak boleh melebihi tiga (tiga) kali berat rata-ratanya

Scaffold harus dirancang oleh orang yang kualified dan harus dibangun dan dibebani sesuai
dengan rancangannya semula.

Berat Maksimum bagi orang dan material (kilogram) per platform per bay :
Light duty 225kg
Medium duty 450kg
Heavy duty 675 kg
Panjang dan lebar minimum Platform :

Light duty 450mm

Medium duty 900mm
Heavy duty 1000mm


Scaffolding may only be erected, modified or dismantled under the direct supervision of a certified
scaffolder, whose certification has been approved by Tripatra Fluor.

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When completed, the scaffold must be certified as load bearing and fit for service by a certified
scaffolder. The placement of the standard GREEN scafftag on each access point to the scaffold,
shall designate the scaffold as fit for service. The green tag must be completed by the person the
scaffold, giving construction date, load bearing capacity, location and scaffolders name.

The placement of the GREEN scafftag shall signify that the scaffold is complete and able to be
used by all personnel.

Until the scaffold is completed and the GREEN tag placed, a RED DO NOT USE tag must be
visible at all access points to the scaffold. Until the GREEN scafftag is placed, only scaffolders
wearing fall protection equipment may access the scaffold. 100% tie off must be maintained at all

For details on the requirements of fall protection, refer to TF Working at Height Procedure.

Areas around scaffold construction shall be barricaded to restrict the movement of other personnel
into the work area while the scaffold is being erected or dismantled.

Scaffolding hanya dapat didirikan , dimodifikasi atau dibongkar dibawah pengawasan langsung
oleh seorang scaffolder yang certified, dan sertifikatnya telah disetujui oleh Tripatra Fluor.
Pemberian tanda scafftag GREEN / HIJAU pada setiap akses point ke scaffold, ditujukan bagi
scaffold yang sudah dapat dipergunakan. Greentag harus dilengkapi oleh orang yang memakai,
tanggal konstruksi, load bearing capacity, lokasi dan nama scaffolder.

Pemberian scafftag GREEN / HIJAU sebagai tanda kalau scaffold tersebut telah lengkap dan
dapat dipergunakan oleh semua pekerja

Sampai dengan scaffold komplit dan GREEN / HIJAU tag diberikan, tag RED / MERAH atau
DO NOT USE / JANGAN DIPERGUNAKANharus dapat terlihat dengan jelas. Sampai dengan tag
GREEN / HIJAU diberikan, hanya scaffolders yang menggunakan perlengkapan fall protection
dapat menaiki scaffold. Tiap saat 100% tie off harus dimaintenance.

Detail ketentuan dari fall protection terdapat pada TF Working at Height Procedure

Area disekitar konstruksi scaffolds harus diberi barikade untuk mencegah personil lain memasuki
daerah dimana scaffold sedang didirikan ataupun bila sedang dibongkar.


Tripatra Fluor HES shall inspect all scaffolding brought to site at pre-mobilisation stage. Scaffold
materials shall be industrial grade tube and coupler. Specifications for tubes shall be either:


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Flexible Program Management 25 November 2006
No: 1523 OM Page 4 of 11


Minimum yield stress 200 MPa

Diameter 48mm
Inner wall thickness 4mm
Minimum yield stress 241 MPA
Diameter 48.4mm
Inner wall thickness 4.5mm

Scaffold components manufactured by different manufacturers shall not be intermixed unless the
components fit together without force and the scaffold's structural integrity is maintained by the
user. Scaffold components manufactured by different manufacturers shall not be modified in order
to intermix them unless a competent person determines the resulting scaffold is structurally sound.

Scaffold components made of dissimilar metals shall not be used together unless a competent
person has determined that the galvanic action will not reduce the strength of any component to a
level below that which is required by the standard.

Tube and Coupler Scaffolding systems using different materials, different outside diameters or
thinner wall sections are required to be tested in the same way as new pre-fabricated Scaffold
systems and must be accompanied with the suppliers documented information and specifications.

Tubes of different wall thickness must not be interconnected by spigots or internal-type end to end
couplers, unless add ional measures are taken to positively secure the joint such as by a short tube
with a swivel couplers over and parallel to the joint(splicing).

HES Tripatra Fluor harus menginspeksi semua scaffolding yang dibawa ke site pada saat pre-
mobilisasi. Material scaffold haruslah industrial grade tube dan coupler. Spesifikasi dari
tubes/tabung dapat berupa sebagai berikut:
Minimum yield stress 200 MPa
Diameter 48mm
Ketebalan 4mm
Minimum yield stress 241 MPA
Diameter 48.4mm
Ketebalan 4.5mm

Komponen scaffold yang dibuat oleh pembuat yang berbeda tidak boleh disatukan sampai
kompenen tersebut dapat dipasang tanpa dipaksa dan ketahanannya dapat menyangga pemakai.

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Komponen scaffold yang dibuat oleh pabrikan yang berbeda tidak boleh disatukan untuk
modifikasi sampai orang yang berkompeten menentukan hal tersebut.

Komponen scaffold yang terbuat dari bahan metal yang tidak boleh dipergunakan sampai orang
yang berkompeten menentukan bahwa tidak ada pengurangan kekuatan dari ketentuan standard.

Tabung dan Coupler Scaffolding system yang mempergunakan material yang berbeda, diameter
yang berbeda atau thinner wall section perlu dilakukan pengujian dengan perlakuan yang sama
pada system Scaffold yang baru dari pabrik, dan harus didukung oleh spesifikasi serta informasi
detail dari supplier.

Tabung yang berbeda ketebalannya tidak boleh disambung dengan menggunakan spigots atau
internal-type end ke end couplers, meskipun tindakan additional sudah diambil untuk memastikan
persambungan seperti short tube dengan satu swivel coupler dan paralel dengan joiont (splicing)


Scaffolding must be constructed so that:

Working platforms on all levels are fully decked

Each platform is installed so that the space between adjacent units and the space
between the platform and the uprights is no more than one (1) inch wide.

Each scaffold walkway shall be at least eighteen (18) inches wide

The front edge of all platforms shall not be more than fourteen (14) inches (36
centimeters) from the face of the work, unless guardrail systems are erected along the
front edge and/or personal fall-arrest systems are used.

Each end of a platform, shall extend over the centerline or its support at least six (6)

Each end of a platform ten (10) feet or less in length shall not extend over its supports
more than twelve (12) inches

Each platform greater than ten (10) feet shall not extend over its support more than
eighteen (18) inches

On scaffolds where platforms are overlapping to create a long platform, the overlap shall
occur only over supports and shall not be less than twelve (12) inches (30 centimeters)
unless the platforms are nailed together or otherwise restrained to prevent movement.

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No: 1523 OM Page 6 of 11


At all points of a scaffold where the platform changes direction, any platform that rests on
a bearer at an angle other than a right angle shall be laid first, and platforms which rest at
right angles over the same bearer shall be laid second.

Scaffolds with a height to base width ratio (including outriggers when used) of more than
four to one (4:1) shall be restrained from tipping by bracing,
Braces shall be installed according to the scaffold manufacturer's
recommendations or at the closest horizontal member to the 4:1 height
Braces shall be installed at each end of the scaffold and at horizontal intervals.

Scaffold standards and uprights shall bear on base plates and or sole boards pending
ground conditions.

Scaffold standards and uprights shall be plumb and braced to prevent swaying and

All scaffolding must be built with edge protection:

Guardrails and midrails must be supported at intervals not exceeding 3 metres ,

parallel with the platform and not more than 100mm outside the platform edge. The
guardrail should be approximately one (1) metre above the platform with the midrail
positioned midway between the guardrail and the toe board.
Toeboards and kickplates should be at least as strong and as rigid as timber
scaffold planks and be securely fixed. They should extend not less than 150mm
above the platform surface. The gap between the platform and the toebaoard should
not exceed 10mm.
Detailed information on scaffolding construction may be found in the file Attachment 1 - AS/NZ
4576: Guidelines for Scaffolding.

Scaffolding harus dibangun agar:

Working platform / Lantai untuk bekerja rata

Tiap platform dipasang dengan jarak berdekatan antara unitnya dan jarak antara
platform dan bagian bawahnya tidak lebih lebar dari satu (1) inci.

Tiap lebar scaffold walkway paling tidak delapan belas (18) inchi

Front edge dari semua platforms tidak lebih dari empatbelas (14) inch (36 centimeters)
dari permukaan tempat yang akan dikerjakan, meskipun menggunakan guardrail
systems dipasang sepanjang front edge dan atau personal fall-arrest systems yang

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No: 1523 OM Page 7 of 11


Tiap ujung dari platform, di extend melalui centerline atau penyangganya dengan jarak
paling tidak enam (6) inch.

Tiap ujung dari platform sepuluh (10) feet atau kurang tidak dapat diperpanjang melebihi
penyangganya lebih dari duabelas (12) inch.

Tiap platform lebih dari sepuluh (10) feet tidak diperpanjang melebihi penyangganya
melebihi delapanbelas (18) inch.

Pada scaffold yang platformnya overlapping guna menciptakan platform yang panjang,
overlap tersebut hanya bisa disekitar penyangga dan tidak boleh kurang dari duabelas
(12) inchi (30 censimeters) meski platform dipaku bersama pengencanglainnya untuk
mencegah pergeseran.

Tiap point dari scaffold dimana platform berubah arah, tiap platform yang tersisa pada
bearer di sudut lain harus diletakkan terlebih dahulu, dan platform yang ditempatkan
pada sudut tersebut pada bearer yang sama diletakkan kemudian.

Scaffold dengan hight to base ratio (termasuk outriggers bila digunakan) lebih dari 4
banding 1 (4:1) harus dikencangkan dari tipping denganbracing,

Braces dipasang sesuai dengan scaffold manufaktur

Rekomendasi jarak terdekat horizontal 4:1
Braces dipasang pada tiap bagian akhir scaffold dan pada interval horizontal.
Scaffold standard dan upright harus di-bear pada plate dasar atau sole board sesuai
dengan kondisi tanah.
Scaffold standard dan upright harus dikaitkan kepada prevent swaying dan displacement

Semua scaffolding harus dibangun dengan edge protection:

Guardrails dan midrails harus mensupport pada interval tidak lebih dari 3 meter,
paralel dengan platform tidak lebih dari 100mm dari pinggiran platform. Guardrail
kurang lebih satu (1) meter diatas platform dengan midrail diantara guardrail dan
toe board.
Toeboards dan kickplates diusahakan sekuat dan serigid mungkin seperti kayu dan
dipasang dengan aman. Dipasang tidak kurang dari 150mm diatas permukaan
platform. Jarak antara platform dan toeboard tidak lebih dari 10mm..
Detail informasi dari scaffolding construction dapat ditemukan pada file Lampiran 1 - AS/NZ
4576: Guidelines for Scaffolding.


Some of the common hazards associated with scaffolding work are:

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No: 1523 OM Page 8 of 11


Being in the vicinity of elevated work and other work groups

Working at Height
Falls from height
Falling objects
Manual Handling
Corrosive substances
Volatile atmospheres
Movement of cranes, vehicles And machinery
Weak or unstable supporting structures
High winds and rain
Before scaffolding work commences, the work area must be assessed for hazards. All hazards
must be included and controlled via the JSA process.

Beberapa bahaya sehubungan dengan pekerjaan scaffolding adalah:

Melukai pekerja
Bekerja di ketinggian
Jatuh dari ketinggian
Objek / benda jatuh
Manual Handling
Listrik / Electricity
Korosif / Corrosive substances
Mudah memuai / Volatile atmospheres
Movement of cranes, kendaraan dan mesin
Penyangga yang tidak stabil / Weak or unstable supporting structures
Angin kencang dan hujan / High winds and rain
Sebelum bekerja menggunakan scaffolding, hazarad / potensi bahaya di daerah kerja harus dikaji
terlebih dahulu. Semua potensi bahaya / hazard harus termasuk dan tercantum di dalam JSA.


Every working platform must have safe and suitable access and egress, when scaffold platforms
are no more than 500mm above or below a point of access,

Hook-on and attachable ladders shall be positioned so that their bottom rung is not more
than 500mm above the scaffold supporting level.

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No: 1523 OM Page 9 of 11


Hook-on and attachable ladders shall be specifically designed for use with the type of
scaffold used.
Tube and coupler ladder access shall be no more than 1.8 meters in height in vertical
position from platform to platform.
Multiple lifts vertical ladders are to be staggered from platform to platform.

Setiap platform harus memiliki akses dan kemiringan yang aman, bilamana platform scaffold tidak
lebih dari 500mm diatas atau dibawah akses point,

Hook-on dan tangga / attachable ladders harus dapat ditempatkan sehingga anak
tangga paling rendah tidak lebih dari 500mm diatas permukaan support scaffold.
Hook-on dan tangga harus didesain sesuai dengan type scaffolding yang dipergunakan.
Tinggi tabung dan coupler ladder tidak lebih dari 1.8 meter pada posisi vertical dari
platform ke platform.
Multiple lifts vertical ladders harus digoyangkan dari platform ke platform.


Makeshift work platforms such as, but not limited to, boxes and barrels, shall not be used
on top of scaffold platforms to increase the work height level of employees.

Ladders shall not be used on scaffolds to increase the working level height of employees.

Scaffolds and scaffold components shall not be loaded in excess of their maximum
intended loads or rated capacities, whichever is less

Any part of a scaffold damaged or weakened so that its strength is less than that required
by this standard shall be immediately repaired or replaced, braced to meet those
provisions, or removed from service until repaired.

Scaffolds shall not be moved horizontally while employees are on them.

Scaffolds shall not be erected, used, dismantled, altered, or moved such that they or any
conductive material handled on them might get closer to exposed and energized lines
than ten (10) feet.

Employees shall be prohibited from working on scaffolds with slippery material except as
necessary for removal of such material.

Where swinging loads are being hoisted onto or near scaffolds such that the loads might
contact the scaffold, non-conductive tag lines or equivalent measures shall be used to
control the loads.

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No: 1523 OM Page 10 of 11


Work on or from scaffolds is prohibited during storms or high winds unless a competent
person has determined that it is safe for employees to be on the scaffold and those
employees are protected by a personal fall-arrest system or windscreens. Windscreens
shall not be used unless the scaffold is secured against the anticipated wind forces

Debris shall not be allowed to accumulate on platforms.

Membuat perubahan platform kerja, tidak terbatas pada kotak dan barrels/drum, tidak
dapat dipergunakan pada bagian atas platform scaffold untuk mempertinggi tempat
untuk bekerja.

Tidak mempergunakan tangga diatas scaffold untuk mempertinggi tempat bekerja

Scaffold dan komponen scaffold tidak dibebani melebihi dari kapasitas maksimumnya.

Tiap bagian dari scaffold yang rusak sehingga kekuatannya berkurang , secepatnya
diperbaiki atau ditukar.

Scaffold tidak boleh dipindahkan secara horizontal ketika pekerja masih diatasnya.

Scaffold tidak boleh dipasang, dibongkar, mundur atau dimajukan kedekat sumber
bertegangan lebih dari sepuluh (10) feet.

Pekerja tidak diperkenankan bekerja pada scaffold dengan material yang icin kecuali
diperlukan untuk memindahkan material tersebut.

Saat swinging load / mengayunkan beban dekat scaffold yang memungkinkan beban
tersebut mengenai scaffold, non-conductive tag line atau tindakan yang sejenis dapat
dilakukan untuk mengkontrol beban tersebut.

Bekerja diatas atau dari scaffold tidak diperbolehkan selama ada petir atau angin kecang
sampai ada orang yang berkompetent untuk menyatakan bahwa kondisi sudah aman
untuk kembali bekerja dan pekerja menggunakan fall-arrest system atau windscreen.
Windscreen tidak dipergunakan kecuali bila scaffold diperlengkapi pengaman untuk
mengantisipasi tiupan angin.

Puing-puing tidak diperkenankan dibiarkan terletak di platform.


Only tower type scaffolding is allowed to be constructed.

Tripatra Fluor must approve the construction of spur, cantilevered , swing stage or hung scaffolds.

Hanya tower type scaffolding dipergunakan untuk didirikan .

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PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia Practice 995 653 8118
Flexible Program Management 25 November 2006
No: 1523 OM Page 11 of 11


Tripatra Fluor harus menyetujui pendirian konstruksi spur, cantilevered , swing stage atau hung


Scaffolds must be inspected by the user each day before use.

Scaffolds must be inspected by a certified scaffolder at an interval not exceeding seven (7) days.
Details and date of the inspection must be entered on the back of the GREEN scafftag.

Scaffolds harus diinspeksi oleh pemakainya sehari sebelumnya.

Scaffolds harus diinspeksi oleh scaffolder yang certified pada interval tidak lebih dari tujuh (7) hari.
Detail dan data inspeksi harus dicantumkan pada scafftag GREEN / HIJAU.


Practice/Procedure # Corporate HSE

995 653 8118 Work at Height
CPI Safety In Design Section 8


Attachment # File Title

Attachment 1 ASNZ 4576: Australian Standards : Guidelines for Scaffolding (Zip)

Site Specific HES Procedure

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