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1. pueblos-made of what?

Clay and adobe

2. neto za Anasazi tribe?
3. after whom did Martin Waldeseemuller name America? Amerigo vespucci
4. 1st English colony in the New World? Jamestown Virginia, 1607, founded by captain John smith
5. 1st European settlement in the New World? (meni je ovo pitanje bilo sigurno, secam se) St. Augustine,
Florida1565(spanish settlement)
6. da se dopuni '' rope of sand''. George Washington
7. Who wrote for ''The Federalist Papers''? James Madison and Alexander hamilton
8. What led to Spanish-English war? The spanish suppresses a nationalist revolt in Cuba 1895 and
later,after the explosionwhich destroyed the American battleship maine in Havana harbour, february
9. Woodrow Wilson's greatest hope for peace? Proclaation of neutrality
10. Franklin Delano Roosevelt- how many terms of office? 4
11. the purpose of ''Truman doctrine''? rebuilding of europe by American money and the containment of
communism across the globe
12. who succeeded in passing civil Rights Act? (Lyndon B. Johnson) 1964
13. How did Roger Sherman pushed ''sth'' in Congress?

14. the only court mentioned in the US Constitution? Supreme court

15.the vote of Florida was important for George Bush to win the elections.
16.What is meant by the term of ''checks and balancies''? It means that all three brancesh of the
government- judicial,legislative and executive branch can have powers over the others and check them
in order to maintain balance between them
17. What are inalienable rights of every man? Those are the rights that cannot be taken by
government,court or any law
18. When are elections traditionally held? On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in november
19. How did George Bush win the elections? He won against al gore by a margin of 537 votes. The outcome
depended on the results of the florida vote
20. What are ''diversity cases''?
21. Which 2 countries have 2 courts of last resort? Texas and oklahoma
22. watergate scandal- ono za FBI.

23. Why was Kennedy reluctant...?

24. What does it mean ''dumping down'' the curriculum? giving students easoer material to work with so that
all of them could gat a diploma
25. What is the purpose of the Jim Crow laws? 10. Skripta laws designed to curtail the freedom that blacks
had recently won.these regulations called for racially segregated facilities
26. nesto za GI. Gi bill 1944, ww2 veterans could go to college, a law passed by congress
27. Columbia- part of the Ivy League or not? yes
28. koja kompanija je bankrotirala 2000. god.?7.skripta, ENRON corporation,an Ametican energy company
based in Houston,texas
29. ''War on Terror'' linguistic meaning? 11.skripta wars are conducted against armies of other nations. They
end with the armies defeated and a peace treaty signed. Terror is an emotional state. It is in us,it is not
an army. And you cant defeat it or sign a peace treaty with it.
30. The newspapers with the biggest circulation in the USA?9.skripta The Wall Street Journal
31. kako je Truman zavrsio rat? Atomic bombs were dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki on august 6 th and
9th respectively
32. What are ''baby boomers''? young population making its way through a college and university
system,expanding at an unprecedented rate
33. Koji je dogadjaj okoncao rat izmedju Native Am. and the settlers? The surrender of Geronimo, tha Apache
leader, in 1886
34. koji evropski mislioci su imali uticaja...? Monteskije i Lok montesquieu and locke
35.Predsednik predlaze sudije, a the Supreme Court...?
36. the Gulf War? Against saddam hussein. Iraq invaded Kuwait in august 1990 and Un security council
gave them a deadline to withdraw from kuwait (15.1.1991). Usa liberated kuwait and launched a
massive invasion on iraq from kuwait,allowing saddam hussein ro remain in power
37. Klinton i Monika Levinski skandal. 2nd term in the office, he had an affair with a young White House
intern and that he had lied under the oath. Hes been acquitted of all charges in feb 1999
38. zato je sudjeno Johnu Scopesu? He was a young teacher who broke the tennessee law, which states
that darwinian theory cannot be teached in schools
39. ija diplomatska misija je dovela do toga da Francuska da oruzje 1776.? Benjamin franklin
40. kriza u Teheranu unistila ije anse za re-election? Jimmy carter
41.Kuvajt i Irak- invazija.
42. ko je omogucio Afro-Americancima pravo da glasaju? Lyndon b. johnson

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