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__1. A traditional database stores just data with no procedures A. True B.

__2. Logical database design describes base relations, file organizations, and indexes that are used to achieve efficient access to data.
A. True B. False
__3. What do you call a collection of operations that perform s single logical function in a database application?
A. Transaction B. Concurrent operation C. Atomocity D. Durability
__4. Simple Attribute composed of multiple components, each with an independent existence. A. True B. False
__5. What is the other term for the minimal super key
A. Primary Key B. Candidate Key C. Surrogate Key D. Unique Key E. Alternate Key
__6. Logical data independence: Refers to the separation of the external views from the conceptual view A. True B. False
__7. All primary keys should be super keys. A. TRUE B. FALSE
__8. Conceptual data modeling uses a high level data modeling concept of E-R Models A. True B. False
__9. A ----------------------- is an association between entities
A. Relation B. One to One C. Generalization D. Specialization
__10. In Hierarchical database to get to a low-level table, you start at the root and work your way down the tree until you reach your target data. A. True B. False
__11. Cardinality specifies how many instances of an entity relate to one instance of another entity. A. True B. False
__12. Tables are required to have at least one column A. True B. False
__13. Using relational model we design conceptual database design A. True B. False
__14. Each program maintains its own set of data. So users of one program may be unaware of potentially useful data held by other programs which leads to duplication of data
A. True B. False
__15. Foreign Key can be null A. TRUE B. FALSE
__16. ------------------------------is a property that describes various characteristics of an entity. A. ER Diagram B. Column C. Relationship D. Attribute
__17. ---------------------- level describes what data is stored in the database and the relationships among the data.
A. Physical Level B. Logical Level C. Conceptual Level D. None of the above
__18. Candidate key can have a null value A. True B. False
__19. --------------------------- stores metadata about the structure of the data base
A. Physical data base B. Query Analyzer C. Data Dictionary D. Data Catalog
__20. Duplication of data is the disadvantage of DBMS A. True B. False
__21. The problem that is compounded when constraints involve several data items from different files are called ------------------------------------
A. Transaction Control Management Problem B. Security Problem C. Integrity Problem D. Durability Problem
__22. Conceptual data model is the source of information for logical design phase A. True B. False
__23. Which of the following is component of DBMS Software?
A. Hardware B. Software C. Data D. All of the above
__24. How many bits is a byte? A. 4 B. 8 C. 16 D. 32
__25. Which of the following is not a version of Microsoft Windows? A. Red Hat B. XP C. ME D. Vista
__26. 'CD' abbreviation usually means?
A. Command Description B. Change Data C. Copy Density D. Compact Disc
__27. A row in a database can also be called a domain. A. True B. False
__28. What is a 'tuple'?
A. An attribute attached to a record. B. A row or record in a database table.
C. Another name for the key linking different tables in a database. D. Another name for a table in an RDBMS.
__29. Redundancy is minimized with a computer based database approach. A. True B. False
__30. Another word for the CPU is... A. Execute B. Microprocessor C. Micro chip D. Decode
__31. What does the abbreviation DBMS stand for?
A. Database Manipulation Software B. Database Management System
C. Digital Base Mapping System. D. Data Borrowing and Movement Software
__32. What is part of a database that holds only one type of information?
A. Report B. Field C. Record D. File
__33. 'DB' abbreviation usually means?
A. Database B. Double Byte. C. Data Block D. Driver Boot
__34. What is a "relation" in DBMS?
A. Tuple B. Table C. Attribute D. Field
__35. Flat file database includes all of the following characteristics except:
A. Data files that are owned or only used by specific application programs.
B. Data files that are specifically created for the utilization of one user group for one purpose.
C. Updating can be performed with just a single procedure and information is kept perpetually current for all users.
D. Different user groups that use the same data have created their own representations of the data in their own data files, leading to redundancies, inconsistencies, and
incompatibilities as well as task-data dependency.
__36. DBMS model includes all of the following characteristics except:
A. Data files that are owned or only used by specific application programs.
B. No data redundancy: data is pooled across users and tasks
C. Single time data update: stored once, updated once
D. Current values in data fields
__37. Which of the following holds all logical data structures and controls access to the database?

__38. Except for one, all of the following are elements of data management
A. the users B. the Accountants C. database administratorD. the physical database.
__39. Which of the following is an objective of DBMS models are:
A. Program development B. Backup and recovery C. Database usage reporting D. Database access E. All of the above
__40. What is the complete name of your IMAC Professor?

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