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Chemistry Test on Acids, Bases & Salts

Total Marks 40; Total Time 50 minutes

Name: ____________________________________________________
SECTION A (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. Which statement about acids is not correct? An acid

a) contains hydrogen ions in solution
b) contains oxygen
c) has a pH of less than 7
d) gives off carbon dioxide from a carbonate

2. If a liquid has pH 7,

6 Which substance reacts with calcium to form a salt?

A hydrochloric acid
B oxygen
C sodium hydroxide
D water

7 The incomplete equation shows a reaction.

CuCO3 + H2SO4 products

What are the products of this reaction?

A copper(II) oxide, sulphur dioxide, hydrogen

B copper(II) oxide, sulphur dioxide, water
C copper(II) sulphate, carbon dioxide, hydrogen
D copper(II) sulphate, carbon dioxide, water

a) it must be colorless
b) it has a boiling point of 100oC
c) it must be a solution
d) it must be neutral

3. If dry citric acid crystals are placed on dry litmus paper, they will
a) turn yellow b) turn green
c) turn red d) remain unchanged

4. A strong acid
a) is always partially inonised when in solution
b) is always fully ionized when in solution
c) always decomposes carbonates
d) always contains oxygen

5. A base is a substance which will neutralize an acid. Which of these substances is

not a base?
a) aqueous ammonia
b) copper(ii) oxide
c) potassium chloride
d) sodium carbonate
8 Hydrochloric acid is used to clean metals.
The acid reacts with the oxide layer on the surface of the metal, forming a salt and
water. Which word describes the metal oxide?
A alloy
B base
C element
D indicator

9. When air is bubbled through pure water, the pH is lowered from 7.0 to 5.6. Which
gas in the air is responsible for this change?
a) argon
b) carbon dioxide
c) nitrogen
d) oxygen

Solution I II III IV V
pH 4 5 6 9 10
Which two solutions would produce a neutral solution when mixed together in equal
a) II and III b) II and IV
c) II and V d) III and IV

SECTION B(Structured Questions)

1 Pure dry crystals of magnesium sulphate can be made by reacting excess magnesium
powder with dilute sulphuric acid.

(a) During the reaction, bubbles of a colourless gas are given off.
State the name of this gas.


(b) (i) Why is excess magnesium used?


(ii) How is the excess magnesium removed from the reaction mixture?


(c) Describe how you can obtain pure dry crystals of magnesium sulphate from a solution
of magnesium sulphate.


(d) (i) Describe one other reaction that makes magnesium sulphate.


(ii) Write a word equation for the reaction you suggested in part (d)(i). [1]
(iii) Magnesium sulphate can be used as a medicine. Explain why the chemicals used
in medicines need to be as pure as possible. Y

[1] u
2 Read the foIIowing instructions for the preparation of hydrated nickeI(II) suIphate t
(NiS04.7H20), then answer the questions which foIIow. I
3 a
1 Put 25 cm of diIute suIphuric acid in a beaker. b
2 Heat the suIphuric acid untiI it is just boiIing then add a smaII amount of nickeI(II) I
carbonate. y
3 When the nickeI(II) carbonate has dissoIved, stop heating, then add a IittIe more nickeI u
carbonate. Continue in this way untiI nickeI(II) carbonate is in excess. r
4 FiIter the hot mixture into a cIean beaker. i
5 Make the hydrated nickeI(II) suIphate crystaIs from the nickeI(II) suIphate soIution. g
The equation for the reaction is a
NiC03(s) + H2S04(aq) NiS04(aq) + C02(g) + H20(I) .
(a) What piece of apparatus wouId you use to measure out 25 cm of suIphuric acid?


(b) Why is the nickeI(II) carbonate added in excess?

(c) When nickeI(II) carbonate is added to suIphuric acid, there is a fizzing.

ExpIain why there is a fizzing.


(d) Draw a diagram to describe step 4.

(e) After fiItration, which one of the foIIowing describes the nickeI(II) suIphate in the beaker?

Put a ring around the correct answer.

crystals filtrate precipitate water [1]

(f) ExpIain how you wouId obtain pure dry crystaIs of hydrated nickeI(II) suIphate from the
soIution of nickeI(II) suIphate.


(g) When hydrated nickeI(II) suIphate is heated gentIy in a test tube, it changes coIour from
green to white.

(i) CompIete the symboI equation for this reaction.

NiS04.7H20(s) NiS04(s) +
3. (a) Below are the chemical formulae of four acids.


2 4 3 3

(i) What colour would they all turn a solution of litmus?

......................................................................................................................................................................... [1] (ii)

Write down the name of the ion present in solutions of all the acids.

......................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Below are the chemical formulae of four alkalis.


(i) What colour would they all turn a solution of litmus?

......................................................................................................................................................................... [1] (ii)

Write down the name of the ion present in solutions of all the alkalis.

......................................................................................................................................................................... [1] (c)

A solution of sulphuric acid can be used to neutralise a solution of sodium hydroxide.

(i) What is the pH of the solution when it is exactly neutral?

......................................................................................................................................................................... [1] (ii)

What is the name of the salt formed in the neutralisation reaction?

......................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Balance the following symbol equation for the reaction.

H SO (aq) + NaOH (aq) Na SO (aq) + H O (l) [2]

2 4 2 4 2

(d) When nitric acid neutralises ammonium hydroxide the salt formed is called ammonium nitrate.
Give one important use of ammonium nitrate.

......................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

4 This table shows the soil pH ranges required by different crops for growth.

crop pH range
peanut 5.0 6.5
millet 6.0 6.5
sunflower 6.0 7.5
paprika 7.0 8.5
mango 5.5 6.0

(a) A farmer plants peanut and millet crops. Only the peanut crop grows well.
Predict the pH of the soil.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Which other crop is most likely to grow well in the same soil?

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(d) A reaction occurs between calcium hydroxide and ammonium sulphate.

Complete the equation for this reaction.

Ca(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4 + + 2H2O [1]

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