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TARU-- Job Tracker - Jeb Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year # :so000z je Team HRT; — Noes Taten On C2206 From To Location (W449 Stand BROADWAY NEW YOR, KY. Target Tel # Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Turner, §; Details Details na maa taken Media Type Media Details Notifed Rank Notiicd Name Notified Date Notified Time Method Video Log # ToRank To Name Date Time Prepared by eFranco, @ supervised By Smith, 3 FARU -Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT Jos report # 16-000102 [IMIR —e Job Received By Giufre,1 On o1/oqan6 At 06:16 Status closes Type Petron Mecoseoly sub Type nd Osmo tore ONS per HTS emo 161: PATROL BORO AN SOUTH {toca 43 5 nd BROADWAY HW YORK HY | neque COEF Name Hos axe ap Reved reams ver Personnel - ‘Scheduled on 01/31/2016 ae 17:00 Supervisor Notified Sth.) additiona Notified: Smith, 3; Notes Request 1 4x2 team to reportto the ICP locatad at W 43 stand Broadhoy at 1700 bs. #100 Team "eT; - on 0212016 From To Location |W43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, HY Target Tel # -Assigned Personnel Detaits Detals | media Type Media Details Hotfed Ranke Wotiied Name Notified Date Notified Time | Metiod — Videotop # Toank To Name pate ‘rime Prepared By DeFranco, G ‘supervices by Siith, J of? TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year '§ # 1000252 #2 Team MRT; ~ HoMedia Teken On 0119/2015 From 275 To 2:00 Location 20d, NY Targoe Tl @ | assigned Personnel DeFranco, & Tune, 5; is Detais No mata was taken during the dtals and no rest were made. | EquipmentUsed/ rane | ssueu/netimes | MediaType Media Details Hotifed Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time Method Video Log # To Rank To Name Date ‘Time Prepared oy DeFranco, G ‘Supervised By Smith, J TARU- Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JoBRePoRT# 16-000252 —_|{fIl/NHINIHH Job Received By Gute, On owis206 AE 1531 Status cose | sob ype rotoarapy Videosraphy subtype Hanh / Deo Boro OHS pcr NTS cH 161: PATROL BORO KAN SOUTH Location ana, NY Requested By GHEE Name Moms tace 49 Received Teams vc, Persoinnel DeFranco, G; Turner, Scheduled On BY/1872016 ge 16:00 Supervisor Notified Stith,3. additional Netifed: Smith, 3; Notes Request 1 412 team to report te the ICP located at W 43 stand Broadway at 1600 hs, Incident Reason/Crime Ober Investigation Location and, NY exe | pore PEMS Precinct MTS Date 1/18/2016 Time 17:40 | j#2 Team MT; On 0119205 From To Location ‘Target Tel Assigned Personnel Oefranco, G; Tuner, S; Detats etait: MediaType Media Details Noted Rank Notfied Name Notified Date Notified Time Method Video Log To Rank Ta Name Date Time Prepared By DeFranco, 6 ‘supervised ay. Siith,} TARU - Job ‘Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sopreporT# 16-000323 (ITH [0b Received By smith.) On 01/17/2016 AE 1208 Status Ciosed | sare Peet 9950 sary Fn ae | = rt scr ow OOH | tecation CLASSON AVE and WHLLOUGHBY ST BROOKLYN, 1:7 veveny hw ne Supervisor Notified Gravino, Additional Wottied: Sih. 3 [rot SBS wom tn Hatter Demo win 79 / 88 Pets to record possible chil Asobecience. Demo Stats 1600 hus. Location vam Ten? No Media Take On 01/18/2016 From 15:99 To 71:00 ‘CLASSON AVE and WILLOUGHBY ST BROOKLYN, NY. Target Tal # | |onate set Tr eee (not) or Bucs Hate Dano wn 79 Bes veto Type Meda betas exited Rane ted ane Nie Date Hote Tine | [rete videotap# Tork Teste bae tne | |prapared sy ‘Sra, R supenteay 60, | Loft ‘TARU ~Job Tracker - Job Preview JOB REPORT Year j#2 Team MRT; ~ Norieaa Taken i On 02/0/20: From To Location Target Tel ¢ | assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Turner, §; Detais Details no media taken Media Type Media Details ‘Notifed Rank Notified Name {Method video tog # ToRark —Toame ate Prepared By DeFranco, 6 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT 16 ff tsoona7a Notified Date Noted Time Time Supervised By ‘TARU ~ Job Tracker - Job Preview JOB REPORT# 16-000478 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT AE |Job Received By Gutta, 3 On 0127/2016 Ak 08:36 Status closed | sob Type Photearaohy/ Videography Sub Type Hands / Demo | pore POMS pcr MTS CMD | Report 1600 MTS substation CHIEF Name Mors Tox 49, Received Rr; DeFranco, G; Turner, ; Personnel Scheduled On 01/25/2016 ae 18:00 ‘Supervisor Notified Grvirv, Additional Hotiied: Smit 3; Notes request TARU sivideo @ 1600hrs at MTS substation (43 and broachey).see attached #49 #1 Team MAT; ~ NoMedia Taken On 211/205 From To Location ‘Target Tal |aslned personnel DeFranco, G; Ter, 5 | betats Details no media taken Media Type Media Dotals Notified Rank Notified Nome Hote Date Motif Time Method “Video Log # To Rank To Name ate Time DeFranco, G Supervised By Srith, 3 | Propared By Lot? TARU ~Job Tracker ~ Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year © # 16000013 [#2 Team MRT, Notteda Taken On 01206 From To Location 'W43 and BROADWAY NEW YORK, HY Target Te # [Asante ae |omats bate no meta token | Media Tye Modia Details otfied Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time | a ei pate Time | Prepared By DeFranco, 6 Supervised By Seth, ‘TARU - ob Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT Joe RePorT# 16-000613 [IMI |s00 Received By Giuire,) On 01/29/2m16 AE 09:24 Status Closes |reqasisy CHEF name Ys paso reams ve; i |seneduted on 020120 ae 17:0 | Supervisor Notified Sri, 3 | | Notes Request 102 team to cepot othe IP lated t W 49 st an Boa 2170. | #1 Team MRT ~ No Meda Taken On 02/01/2015 From 17:00 To | Location 1/43 ST and BROADVIAY NEW YORK, HY Target Tel # i Assigned Personnel DeFraN¢0, G; Tumer, 5: | Details Details A/T/P/0 tacu personne sponded wth the necessary equipment. approwmately 30 brolestars were present and ma¢cned, the demonstration Was observed as ordery and on the Sidewalk. no woations were observed ane no mada was (a%en } \ tone Media Detats Notined Rank Notified Name ‘Noted Date Notified Time | ree | |mepmesny Tunas superna ny Sea) | tof? TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sop report 16-000771 _ {MIIVINENIN Job Received By Glfre,) On 02042016 At 15:1 Status Closed sob Type Photography! Videorophy sub type Hans / Demo Soro ENS per HTS cmp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location 1-43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Requstad By CHEF ame Moms Tax# 4) Recaved ‘Teams wR Personnel Scheduled on 00672016 ae 17:60 Supervisor Notified Smith, additonal otiad: Sth: Notes Request 14x12 team to repr to the ICP ected a W 43st ane Broadway at 1700 hs. | #1 Team MRT Team; No Mela Taken | on 02032015 From To | tecation 1W-49ST and BROADVIAY NEW YORK, NY Target Yel esgned Personnel DeFranco, G; Tuner, Si Adama, A; Burges, 8: Ramos, D; etais Dats No met taken a sid tt | Media Type Media Details Notified Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time | = 23 Se | | | | prepareany vg, 8 supervised By Barkan, Lot) TARU - Job Tracker - fob Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOB REPORT # 16-000965 __|fffl[PINIIINI [nob Received By Gute, On oxi2n0is At 0538 Status dosed noe Pur WesooRH subtype Han / Osmo tore Pos per TS emp 16: TROL SORO a SoU tection 9 and BROADWAY EW ORK [recwstedsy OEE ame Hors taxe ap ze | reams ve personnel |senedutedon SIS 4x 1600 Supervisor Notified Sih, Additional Wotitied: Sith, J; Notes Request 1-2 team to report tothe ICP loceted at W 43 stand Broachay at 1600 hs #1 Team MAT; = No Moda Token On 02/15/2016 From 17:00 To 2:30 ‘Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Tomer, §; | Details Details VT/PIO tara personnel responded with the necessary equbmant. approximately 1S Drotesters were observed marching through the time square area order. no velations were beard ne masa taken, fo W 49 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Target Tel # | Mecio Type Media Detais Noted Rank Hotied Name HoiNed Date Noted Time Netiod Video Log # To Ranke Totfame ate “Tie | prapred 5y Tuer, Supervised sy Sith) | loft TARU -Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sopreport# 16-001138 — [MINELIINIIY Job Received By Tene,s On 07227016. At 32103 Status Coss sob type Prooarph!Videooepny sub Type Hench / Dem | sora PRS per MTS emp 163: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH | \octon WAS nd BROADAY HE YOR, | | equsted By CHIEF ame tons tae | Teams snr Scheduled on 02/2/2016 x 1600 Supervisor Notified Sith, 3 Notes request {team for confercal with etal supervisor regarding subject event Forte duration of the deta #1 Team RT; No Meco Taken On 0222/2018 From 1600 To 21:30 Location W/43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY. Target Tel # Details DetalsA/TJP/0taru personnel responce with the necessary equipment. aru personnel observed appronimately 30 protesters In an ory fasten, na voations observed no macia tae. | | MediaType Media Details otied Rank Notified Name Notified Date Wotiied Time Method ~ Video tog # ToRank — ToName ate rime Prepared by Tuner, 5 Supervised By Sith, Loft TARU - Job ‘Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year 1% # 16001236 Goo - _ —— #20 Team MAT; = No eda Taken | On 03/2320:6 From To Location 1W43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, MY Target Tel # Atigned Personnel DeFranco, Gj Turner, $; Details Detals | MediaType Media Betas Hotfied Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time Methods Video Log # ToRank To ame ate ime Prepared By DeFranco, G Supervisea By Stith, J 20f2 TARU - lob Tracker - lob Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT Jopreport# 16-001236 _ {ffi | Job Received By |so01yp6 Location Requested By Teams ‘Scheduled on Supervisor Notified | Notes Gute, On 02/25/2016 AE 16:06 Status coses Photography! Videosrarhy sub Type Handshu / Dera POMS pcr MTS cmp 161: PATROL GORO MAN SOUTH 1W 43 ST ane BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY CHEF ame Moris Taxe 49 Recetved wer; 02/29/2016 ne 16:00 smith, 3 Request a 14x12 team to report to the ICP located at 43 stand Groadway at 1600 hrs. Location | batats Mathoa pared By on [23205 From | MediaType Media Detas Video tog # To Ronke DeFranco, 6 = Ne Media Taken To 149 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Target Tel # Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Tuner, S; Details Noted Ranke Notified Nome Hottie Date Hotfied Time To Name Date Time Supervised By 1of2 TARU - Job Tracker Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JoB REPORT # 16-001294 __{fMlIPIHUN Job Received By [oe jane toate Requested By Iron | Scheduled on Supervisor Notified Notes Request 1 4x12 team to report tothe ICP located at E 116 stand Lexington ave at 1600 hrs, eS Gure,3 On 0425/2016 At 10:26 Status Gosed Photography Videcoroty” Sub-Type Hands / Derma PSH pcr 625 crap 162: PATROL BORO HAN NORTH 116 ST and LEXINGTON AVE NEW YORK, WY CHIEF ame Moms Taxe 49. Recenved wt; 0272572016 at 16:00 smith, 3 #10 Team "Rr = No Media Taken On 9292016 From 1600 To 23:00 Location 116 ST and LEXINGTON AVE NEW YORK, NY Target Telit ‘Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Tuer, S; vets tas oa staan no arest Mada Tipe Madi Deas Nosed onke Noad Name Noi Sate Notes Tine Hetiod —_deoto9# To Rank ToName re tine |e sy Beano, sunrise pS) loft TARU -Job Tracker - Job Preview ofl | supervisor Notified Smit, JOB REPORT # = 16-001390 T Job Received By uit.) On o3oy206 At i342 1ob Type Pootooreohy/ Vdeosranhy sub Type Hands / Demo | sor Pes pcr MTS cop 161: PATROL BORO HAN SOUTH | cation 149 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, WY |naquredsy —CXEF_ name Mets x49 Reed Teams ar: Scheduled On 0807/2016 ap 16:00, Notes Request 1 sixt2 team to report tothe ICP located at W 43 stand Broadway at 1600 hs. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT ae Status closed apron | fer arrest evi te taru base Media Type Media Detats ov hhandyeam video Method Video Log # To Ranks ‘on Scene Legal Bureau Name Talensky | prepared By Ture, $ #1 Team MAT; andshu Meda Taken ‘On 03072016 From 36:00 To 00:30 tocation \W3 ST ane GRORDSAY NEW YORK,NY. Target Tel # Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Tuner, Si Dotais Deals A//P/0 tar personne esponde with the necessary enument tau person iy 20 oroesters mare nthe 72h and th press weit. mule volabons, tHocking vehicle and pacesian afc, cbserved and record to video. 3 arests were made ‘uring the event, recorded media was burned to dv. Stes. 3 copies delivered tothe 7th pc. observed 1 copy hand delivered to legal department and the onginl was brought back Notified Rank Notified Name Wotifed Date Notified Time ToName pate Time Talensky Supervised By Stith, TARU - Job Tracker - fob Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT 3opreporT# 16-001568 —MIRTIHIMNIN (Job Received By Gute, On 03/10/2016 A 23:24 Status Closed a eee tener naraatey CLE mane Hors neat fe |reone = Supervisor Notified Smith, J Notes Request 1 4x12 tam to report tothe ICP locate at W 43 stand Broacay at 1600 hs. #41 Team Texm2; ~ NoMeda Taken On 9/1120: From 130 To 7:00 Location W 43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Yarget Tel Assigned Personnel Mur, Rol, O: Detas Det Ho mea tken, tre In gra cet then Requested to repro the Bro er & pop tp. then emisea fom grand cena - |/Media Type Media Detats, Notitied Rank Netfied Name Notified Data Notified Time [Metiod Video og # Toank ToHame Date Time _ [preparesy Hu. R supervised By Gino, Loft TARU - Job Tracker - lob Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT Joe REPorT # 16-001744 —_[fIIKEIVINIY Job Received By Gute.) On 07/19/2015 At 16:04 Job Type Protograshy! Videcgrechy sub Type Herds / Demo | pore PMS pcr MTS cMp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location .W 43 ST apd BROADWAY NEW YORK, RY Requested By CHIEF ame Motris Tax # 49 Received ‘Teams Rt; Personnel Scheduled on Supervisor Notified Smith} Additionat Notied: Smith, 3; Status Closed [tos Ropes 12 team ert the IP ted a W 43 td rata 60 hs #1 Team MRT; Tean3;. No Meda Toen | ‘on 0821/2018 From 1600 To 2250 | recatioa 1/43 ST and BROADWAY HEW YORK, NY Target Tel # |r eee om Details Media Type Media Detals Notified Rank Notified Name | Method Video Log # To Rank —Totame ate Time Prepared By Ramos, D Details At Lpfo Ta dd deploy to above ocation, na violations ebserved no video/photos taken Notified Date Notifed Time Supervised ay Barkan, G Loft TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JoBREPorT # 16-001781 —{IIEDIIININ Supervisor Notified rkman,G Additional Notified: Sth, 35 Notes Request 1 TARU team fr stiivideo at Brook park at 1600 I. see attached #9 #41. Team Team3; No Media Token j On 9972120: From 1400 To 2:00 Location BROOK, NY Target Tel # Assigned Personnel Cruz, A; Golson, O; etails Data No media taken to report. |eevimensuscay NA | asuea/ Returned Modla Type MogleDetals Natined Rank Noted Wome otified Date Notied Time or Lombardo Method Video Log # To Rank To Name Date Time [Prepared ey Cus Supervised By Serkan, Job Received By Gisfre,1 On 03/21/2016 AE 06.21 Status coses Job Type Photography! Viceogrephy sub Type Handshu /Deino | ore 98K pcr C40 MD 16%: PATROL BORO BRONX | tection ‘Brook Park locted at 4 and Brook ave Requested By CHEF Nome Niunen Tax 49, Received [Teams Team 3; Personnel sarkmen, 6: Scheduled On 03/21/2016 me 16:00 tof ‘TARU-- Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gopreporr# 16-001903 [MAINA | Job Received By Gute, Om ox2si201 AE 15:27 Status conc | Boro, PBMS pcr MTS chp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH | {aan oe |mmensty 8 me Ht | “Teams MRT; |ersonnet befranco, 6; Tans, §; Supervisor Notified Smith, additional notified: Sith, 3: | Scheduled On 03/26/2016 ge 16:00 | [Notes Request 1412 tem to ep ta the FOP eae at 4 stand Bossy at 1600 Hs, [#1 Team "RT; ~ Handshu Media Token i | } | Location W143 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, WY target Tl On 05/28/2016 From 1835 To 2:50 Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Tuner, $; Details Details TARY Detectives were present fora black ves matter Detail and did take video at Macys on 34 street and HSG entrance, No arest were made foe ths Detall vie i catalog at TARU Base, MediaType Media Details otified Ranke Notified Nome NotiNed Date Notined Time vo one DvD Method “Video Log # TeRark To Wame ate Time On Scene Prepared By DeFranco, 6 ‘Suparviced By Smith, J Loft TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview lof! TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOB REPORT # 16-002026 __|[filiNININIIIl Job Received By Gute.) On o332016 At 1634 Status closea ob Type Phatogrenhy/ Videography sub Type Handshu / Demo Boro POMS pcr NTS wp ISI: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location 1W43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Requested By CHIEF Name Mors Tax 49. Received ‘Teams RT; 04/04/2016 ay 16:00 Scheduled on Supervisor Notified Smith.) Notes Request 1 412 tam torpor to the ICP facated at W 43 stand Greataay at 1600 hes. #10 Team "RT; ‘on 4/19/2016 From To | Location Assigned Personnel state eta edia Type Masa Dts Noted Rank Noted Name oti Dat Notfad Tne | |e —ino ing # Tonank Toname bos Te | Prepored By DeFranco, 6 Supervised by Smith, 3 \W/43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Target Tet st TARU -Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JopRePorT# 16-002201 —_IIPRIIINNT [Job Received By Gutie,) On’ ovogj20:6 AE 1239 Status cose sob Tye0 Prctoarpin/ Vcserepty subType Hav / Demo | toro 6S pcr MTS cMD 153: PATROL GORO HAN SOUTH | | vocation 149 ST and BRORDWIAY NEW YORK, NY - | Requested By_ CHIEF Name Moris Tax # a9 Received | | Teams vr | | personnel DeFranco, G; Tomer, S; | | Scheduled on 0431/2016 ax 16:00 | supervisor Notified Smith.) qddtiona Notited: Smith: |ret Reuter te Pd ot W 2 td md 100 #41. Team MAT). NoNeda Taken — On 9¥08/2015 From’ 12:39 To 1630 | | acetals cs occa sate ee | |asgnes arson! Dern, Gn | | betas Dall No ast are mde and no vio a ter | Hecia Tipe Masia Detais Noli Rook Noted Name Wotifed Date Hotes ime |hetiod”—idetog# ToRank —_Totiame oe tne |repared ay Oren, 6 suerdeed ny Sr | Loft ‘TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview ofl TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sop REPoRT# 16-002354 [MIEN Scheduled on 04/18/2016 ae 16:00 | Supervisor Notified Sith, 2 Hotes Request 1 4412 team to report tothe ICP located at W 43 stand Broadhay at 1600 hrs. Incident Reason/Crime Other Inve ation Location NY gat Boro POMS Precinct MTS Date OW/I8/2016 Time 16:45 Job Received By Gute.) On o#isj2n6 AE oa Status oo seb Type ratograpi Videoarephy sub type Handshu Damo Bore POMS pet MTS cp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOMTH Lecation ave, wv | Requested By CHIEF Name Mors axe 49. Received Teams wrt; #1 Team MAT; ~ Handshu Media Taken On 04/19/20: From 1545 To 215 | Location ‘Target Tel? Assigned Personne! DeFranco, G; Tuer, §; Detalls ‘Detals Media ves taken by TARU and arest vere mac all vido was then turned over to NYPD Legal | MediaType Media Detais Notified Rani Notified Name Notified Data Notified Time | bv | Method Video tog # To Rank To Name Date Time Prepared By DeFranco, 6 Supervised by Sith, J TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT 3oBRePorT# 16-002517 [IHN IIH |3ob Received By toure,) On 04/25/2016 At 17:00 Status Cosed |so0 nye Photography ideoerapny sub Type Hai / Demo | sore POX per O13 cmp 04: O83 PRECINCT | ocaon 900 FTELEY AVE BRONX, NY 10472 | Requested By DL ame PICHARCO Taxes tela 710-547-0868, | Teams Team 2 Scheduled On 04/25/2016 at 1730 Supervisor Notified Romance, & Notes BLACK LIVES MATTER PROTEST #1 Team Tem2; — No Media Taken 04/25/2016 19:00 To 20:45 | on From To | tocation 900 FTELEY AVE BRONX, NY 10579 Target Yel t | Assigned Personnel Antoine, N; Laure J Details Details TARU MEMBERS RESPONDED TO THE ABOVE LOCATION, APPROX 30 PROTESTERS WERE (ON SCENE, NO VIOLATIONS WERE OBSERVED, NO POLICE ACTION TAKEN, NO EQUIP. DepLoven. Equipmentused/ WA ssued/Roturned | media Type Media Details Notified Rank Notified tame Noted Date Notified Time Method Video Log # To Rank To.ame Data Time ‘ego Bureau Name CARRIE TALANSKY Prepared By Laure, 3 Supervised By Romance, R loft TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview lof TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sJopRePorT# 16-002644 —JAPEBILI Job Received By ule, On 057022016 At 25 ‘Status cose (0b Type Drotorany Videcrenhy sub Type Hands / Damo ore PBS pcr MTS chp 16: PATROL BORO HAN SOUTH lean Tins Soae Requested by CHIEF ame Moris Tax ‘Teams ner; Scheduled On 05/00/2016 ax 17:00 Supervisor Notified Smith) Notes Teru ested for Handscheu purposes. #10 Team MAT; = Wo media Taken On 95/02/2015 From 17:00 Tq 23:20 | Location Target Tels ‘Assigned Personnel DeFranco, ; Tumer, 5; Details Details A/7/9/0 tans responded vat the necessary equipment, 1 Arrest made for minor violation before tau was on scene at that speci actin. no further violations observed, no media taken, Media Type Media Details Notified Rank Notified Name Notified Data Notified Time Method Video Log # ToRank —ToName ate Time | Legal Bureau Name Cairie Talenski Prepared by Tamer, § Supervised By Stith, 2 TARU-- Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sopreporT# 16-002847 {IIIB |Job Received By Gute.) On os/iy/2018 AE 1:50 Status doses | sob Type Protogrephi/ Videosraphy sub Type Handsbu / Deo | eor0 PBNS pct MTS cMp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location 1W 43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, WY | Requested By CHIEF Name Mom's taxe a Received | Teams war, Personnel Scheduled On 05/86/2016 ae Supervisor Notified Smith, additional Notified: Siwth, 3 Motes Request 1 4x12 team to report to 1c cet at 43 stand Broacway at 1600 hrs. #10 Team MRT; ~ No Netia Taken On 951162016 From 1600 To 2:30 tocation W43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Target Tel # Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Tuner, $5 | Detaits Details A/T/P/O taru personnel dit respond with the necessary equipment. taru did observe | “poronmatly 35 protesters march and potest tht een. no Wotan observed and no | ied taken | MediaType Mes Dots otiied Rank Notiiad Name Hotifed Date Hotied Time i Method Video Log # Tonle To Name ate rime Legal Gureau Name Keenan Prepared &y Tener, S Supervised By Smith, 3 Loft TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT Josreport# 16-002957 __|f/IKiFMINEM Job Received By taurie,) On 05/19/2016 At 1300 Status Cased ae oro PBHS per MTS gap 136: PATROL 2ORO MAN SOUTH TF | ‘Location TIMES SQUARE and 7 AVE NEW YORK, NY. - | Teams Team 2; | Supervisor Notified Romance, R Notes COPIES OF VIDEO FROM ASS ARREST BLM - ERIC GARDNER Incident Reason/Crime ge Scale Incdent Location oe Bora PENS precinct MTS pate 12/94/2014 Time On 95/19/2015 From 1635 To 18:00 } #1 Team Team2; — Tiaining/Other Media Location Fort Totten Target Tel & Assigned Personnel L2ure, J: Details Detals D1 LOMBARDI FROM SRG 1 MTS, REQUESTED COPIES OF DVD'S BLM - MASS ARREST i FROM 12/04/2084 | enupmentused YDS | | tssued/ Returned Media Type Media Detalls Noted Rank Notified Name otifed Date Notified Time | pv 3-DvD or Lomaaror Method Video Log # To Rank To Namie Date Time | | Deliver sor DURKIN | | Prepared By taumie, Supervised By Romance, R Loft TTARU- Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOB REPORT # 16-002982 “NELAAIULD |Job Received By | 006 oro Location Requested By Teams | Personnel | Scheduled on Supervisor Notified Notes Request Location Assigned Personnel Details Issued Returned Method rapared By loft #40 Team MRT | ‘On 05/20/2016 | MediaType Media Detas Video Log # To Rank Gute, On 95/2072016 A 13:31 Photogrephy! Videograohy Sub Type Hands / Demo BMS per MTS cMp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH \W43 ST and BROADWAY MEW YORK, NY CHEF ame Moris Tox # 49 Received wet; DeFrenco, ¢; Ture, S: 05/23/2016 ae 16:00 Sith, Aditional Wotied: Sith: 2 team to report tothe ICP located at W 43 stan Broadway at 600 hrs = No Meda Taken From 0%:00 To 10:45 |WA43 ST and BROADWAY MEW YORK, NY Target Tel # DeFranco, G; Tuer, § Details No Media taken no arrest detal completed Equipment Used) none Notified Rank Notified Name ToName Date Time DeFranco, 6 Status cose Wotied Date Noted Time, Supervised By Sith, 3 TARU - fob Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JopRePorT# 16-003132 —_IHFUINII Requested By Teams Personnel Scheduted on Shnervisor Notified Notes Request 1 8x4 team to report to the ICP located at W 43 stand Broadway at 1600 brs Gufve,) On 057272016 At 09:54 Status cose | Proton Macon subtype Hone / Dena ANS per NTS np #61: ATROL GORO MAN sci 43 Stand BROADWAY NEW YORK, WY CHIEF name Movs Taxy 49 Reeves meer, 05/30/2016 pe 16:00 Smith, aaditional Noted: Smith. J; #41 Team MRT; Team 3; = NoMedia Taken | ‘on 057302015 From 1a To 2239 ‘Assigned Personnel Turse, S; MeNerey,C MediaType Media Dotats Notified Ronk Wotiied Name -fotified Date Notified Time (CENTRAL PARK and W 86ST, NY Target Tel # etait Details A/T/P/O tara resparded to updated locatic with the necessary equipment. tary personel | cserved aprox 20 demonsraters protest ane march an undocumented reute. ra vilations vere | ‘observa and no meta wes taken, Method Video Log # To Rank To Name Dawe Time Loft Superised By Gravino, TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview #20 Team NRT; On 99/96/2015 From 16:50 To 28:55 43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, AY Target Tel # Assigned Personnel Detaits Detaits MediaType Meda Detais Method Prepared ay ideo tog # To Rank DeFranco, 6 = No Mea Taken Notified Ranke Notified Name To name ate TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOB REPORT Year 16 ff tenons Notified Date Notifed Time Time ‘superviced by Smith, TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT yop Report # 16-003236 —(IIAVINIMAII Job Received By utre,) On ovjyaois At 156 Status cones | sae ee ee eee oo PONS per MTS cup 161: PATROL BORO HAN SOUTH | Location W 43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, HY | eauested By CHIEF ame Moms Taxes 49, Recewed | teams er | Scheduled on 06/06/2015 ax 16:00 | Supervisor Notified Sith, i Notes Request Sx team to report tothe ICP located at #3 st and rod a 3600 Fs : #10 Team MRT; = Nored Taken | ee | | | | eee serene eet tees | Assigned Personnel Defranco, G; Tuner S) — Dette Dt scaled and oars wer made ado Ho was nen MesiaType Hedi Dette Noid Rank Hotled Mame Noid Date Noid Tine | Metiot video ng # Tomank To Mame bom Tne | : | prepmret By DeFranco, 6 Supervised By Stith, 1 TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview Loft TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sJopreport# 16-003335 —[IIINNIINNE Job Received By Gute.) On 05/05/2015 A 13:14 Status Comoieted Job Type Photogrephyi Videoarerhy subsType Hanchus Demo | ore PHS pcT MTS cH St: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH | Location 1W43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY - Requested 8y CHIEF Name Nomis Tax 49. Received Teams we Scheduled On 06/13/2016 ap 16:00 Supervisor Notified Smith, J Notes Request i ‘4x12 team to report to the ICP located at W 43 st and Broadway at 1600 hrs. | | #10 Team Men on 9272016 From To jo WS Tard BROADWAY NEW YORK WY rage | Assigned Personnel an Details Media Type Media Betas Notified Ranke Wotiied Nar Method Video Log # ‘To Rank To Name ate | Prepared By DeFranco,6 Notified Date Motied Time Time Superviced By Srmth,} | | TTARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year + # = ss004i2 eee eee eee era | | tocaton Fort Totten Target Tel @ | Assigned Personnel Cz, Ai Detaits Details Picture stils was cropped and ete from the sony cam and places onto adv Equipment Used/ Star witness computer ‘sont Heda Type Meda De Woited Rank Wotied Name Noid Date Neti Time wo 1DvD Methoa ideo og # ToRank To Name be tne |pmepuedty ene. supervied by Rome®, 20f2 TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview 1of2 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT soprerorr# i¢-003412 IMEI Job Received By cuz,A On 0s/13/2016 At 97:00 Status closed ob Type Photography? videcoraohy sub Type Handshu / Demo Boro FEMS pcr OS CHD 436: SPECIAL OPERATIONS DIVISION tecation 53 CHRISTOPHER ST NEW YORK, NY 10303, Requested By OTHER Name operations Tax # Teams MRT; Team 3; | Scheduled on 06/33/2016 ae 22:00 ‘Supervisor Notified Romance, R | Notes video/Photo #2 Team “AT: Team3; = Hondsh rea Taken | On 96/3/2016 From 19:0 To 2:00 Location 53 CHRISTOPHER ST NEW YORK, HY 10303 Targot Tal # Assigned Personnel D8Fr2nco, 6 Caz, A Details Detais Sti pictures was token ofthe event a the leations. Equipment used) Sony Cams | Issued Returned ‘Media Type Mea Details Notified Rank Hotiied Name Notified Date Notifed Time pvp Dave's [fetes vieotog# Toftank Tomtame vate Time Prepared By cz, A Supervised by Romance, R TARU + Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sop report # 16-003474 [IIIA |30b Received By Givifre,J On 06/17/2016 At 11:33 Status Closed [aso Proton! VOsFoDY sub Type Hic / Deo | pore POMS pT HTS emp 61: PATROL BORO HAN SOUTH | Location 49 ST and RORDVIAY NEW YORE, NY aaa MEF Hama Hors axe 49. Reeves | reams var, | sehedutea On 06/20/2016 ay 16:00 Supervisor Notified Stith, ) | wotes Request 14x12 team to report to the ICP lacated at W 43 stand Broad at L600 hes, {ea Team MRT: Team 2; . Nomeda Taken Om 95/20/2015 From 19:00 To 2:30 | tocation 1W/43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, HY Target Tet # ‘Assigned Personne! Tum, S; Mousslnac,D; Detais Detals 4772/0 tary noted a change of venue frm ne square to Weshngtan square par taru responded vith the needed ecuipment. tru observed approximately 30 protesters march and a violations vere observed. no mada taken, Hedia Type Media Datais Noted Ren Notiied Nome Notified Date Notified Time Method Video Log # To Rani To name pate Time Legal Bureau Nome: Gallager Prepared By Turner, § Supervised By Smith) | loft ‘TARU- lob ‘Tracker - Jub Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT yopreport # 16-003581 [ll {III [Job Received By Guire,3 On asan01s At i602 Status closed ob type Photoraphy Videography sub Type Hands / Dero | aoro POMS pct O13 cmp 161: PATRGL BORO MAN SOUTH "| tocation 15 ST and UNION SQ NEW YORK, NY | Requested By * ctr Name Soris tax # ag Received Teams we; Personnel Scheduled On 05/24/2015 ae 18:00 | supervisor Notified Smith, adaitionat Noted Mexenna,P; [neve Aes amg te et efi 08 fa Team Om. 1mm On O0VE18 From 1200 yo 8M [ime EWSST GSD RON [asians aroma! Dene, G Tuer 5 Details Detals Detail was complete no video was taken and no arest vere made. EquipmentUsed/ none Issued Returned Media Type Media Dotals otfed Rank Notiied Name Notified Date Notified Time Method Video tag # To Rank To Name Date Time | Prepared ay DeFranco, 6 ‘Supervised By Smith, J Loft TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview Loft TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JoBRePoRT# 16-003632 _ |IIPIBNMlll Job Received By Gute.) On osa7/216 At 1516 Status cosed 300 7ype Protogrephy/ Videoorepty sub Type Handsbu / Demo Bore PANS pcr HTS cmp 61: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location W/43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Requested by GHIEF ame Moris Tax 49. Received Teams wer Scheduled on 08/27/2016 ay 16:00 Supervisor Notified Stith 2 Notes Request 1 4x12 team to repor to the ICP located at W 43 stand Broadway at 1600 brs, #1 Team MRT; Team3; No Media Taken On 9672772016 From 1600 To 230 Location |W 43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, MY Target Tet & [Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Metemey, C; oetats betas teu nt ttm opr othe cP cae at 9 and oa a 160 fs Remedi astaten Hed-Type_ Moda betas hotifed Rank Noted Nome fated Da oti Tine | metiod —Videotog@ To Rank Towtame pate tne [repredoy Hater, ¢ supenisedy Baran G TARU = Job Tracker -Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sop rerorr# 16-003696 [MMVIII | vocation | | Propared By Supervisor Notified Ales, adattonal Notined: “Cornel, ‘Notes Request 1 TARU Tezm @ 1800 fis to 208 Joraemon street. See attached #49 Lapa Team Team2; ~ Nomeda Taken On 970472015 From 18:00 To 20:50 Target Tel # Assigned Personnel aur, 3; Moussignac, O; Details Details TARU MENBERS RESPONDED TO THE ALOVE LOCATION, APPROX 20 PROTESTERS WERE (ON SCENE, NO VIOLATIONS WERE OBSERVED, NO POLICE ACTION TAKEN, NO EQUIP. DEPLOYED, Equipment Used) N/A 1ssued/Returned Media Type Media Betas Notified Raok Notified Name Wotifled Date Noted Time Method Video Log # To Rank To name Date Time ‘Legal Bureau Name JEFF ETHERIDGE aura, 3 Supervised py Alien, Job Received By Gute, On 07/01/2016 At 16:43 Status Cosed 1 nee Pte Viscashy Sante Hone Dero | | vero BEN pcr 0 en OO O85 PRECINCT | texte € 180 sot 209 rena seek Requested By INSP Name Centa Taxa 49 Received: Teams Team Personnel eH: Gav Scheduled On 7/4705 ne lof ‘TARU - Jab Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JoBREPoRT # 16-003784 __|fiIIININ MHI) [Bob Received By cure.) On oronanis At opx2 Status cose sob Type Photography! Vieogtachy subtype Handsnu / De | toro PONS pcr O05 wp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location 1 CENTRE ST NEW YORK, Wy 10464 Requested By CHIEF Name Mens Taxi 49. Recelved Teams Team 4; | | Personnel ‘Scheduled On 07/08/2018. xe 10:00 | Supervisor Notified Romance, R adaitional Noted: McKenna, P; Notas Request 1 8x4 team to eportt the ICP located att Cente stat 1000 hs #4 Team Teams; - ‘on 07/30/20: From To tocation ‘Target Tels Assigned Personnel Details Detals no ed Media Type Mesia Data Notified Rank Wotiied Name Hotfied Date Wotfied Time Method Video tog # ToRank To Name ate Time | prepared ay Romance, R Supervised ay Romance, R Loft TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview loft TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT# 16-003815 AIL |3ob Received By Job Type Location Requested By Teams i Scheduled on Supervisor Notified | ancient Reason/Crime Vernam,C Qn 07/10/2016 AE 16:5 Photography! Videograohy sub Type Hands / Demo POMS pcT NTS cyp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH W 47 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY INSP ame Venice Tax “Team 2; o7ftor20s ae 11:00 Gravina, W Notes lack ives matter protest/marce Other Investigation Location and, HY 61a) Status Acie | Media Type Me Prepared 8y ro PEMS Precinct MTS ate 07/10/2016 Time 11:00 [44 Team Team2; — to Media Taken | On 97102015 From 1:00 To 18:00 Location 47ST and BRORDWAY NEW YORG RY. Target Tel Asslgned Personnel Antsine, MH Vm, Cj Details Details No media taken Method Video Log # To Rank To Name ate Time Detals Notified Ranke Wotiied Name Noted Date Hotfed Time Supervised By Giana, N TARU- Job Tracker - Job Preview Job Received By TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOB REPORT # 16-003826 PATROL BORO HAN SOUTH aie, On OAM AL 22 |soorve Pomoxeohy Wesory sub Type Hea Dame | acre PONS per 005 EMD 161: “toaaten stb eae 15 set cui Sate fs CHEE Name Nor Tare | reams ream 4 | personnel setiastea, Rona |scheduled on 07/1220:6 ae 15385 | supervisor Notified — Mezzasalma, J Additional Notified: McKenna, P; Motes Request 2 Tau Teams ost 5 and Urion Sune 3075 ts MVE Status cose [et Team Tent - tovtcioTae | ee aes |tcaton oe | | Assigned Personnet Details MediaType Media Details | | nettoa | l Preparod By Video ton # To Rank Detats no mesa taken Notified Rank Notified Name Totame ate Romance, & Hotifed Date Noted Time Time Supervised By Romance, | al | loft TARU - fob Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year 6 # — ssooss2t [2 Team MRT Teoma, Nore Taw on 74206 From To tocation Target Tal ¢ Assigned Personnel Adame, A; Surgess,B; Cur, A; Rodrigues, F Betas Details No media taken at deal Medi Type Metis Details Notified Rank Notified Name Noted Data. Notified Tima Method Video tog # ToRank To Name pote Time Prepared By Burgess, 8 Supervised By Barkan, G 2of2 TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview [0b Received By [seb |eoe | tection | requests wy ‘Teams | Personnel | Scheduled on Supervisor Notified Notes Request 12 Taru teams @ 1600 to E15 and union square park. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sopReporT# 16-003821 —_IIPINNINT 2 OM 072015 At 10:05 Status ces Gut Photesraphir Vdeourarhy sub type Hands / Demo PMS pcr MTS cup 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH 2 Teams 1600 tvs East 15 snd Union Square CHIEF name SOS Tax 4g. Receives MRT; Team 3; DeFranco, G; Barkan, 6; ori 2016 ag 16:00 Barkman, G-Adgitional Noted: SM, 3; Location | Assigned Personnet #1 Team MAT; Team’; No Media Taken On 07/1216 From To ‘Target Tel # urges, 8; Neubauer, K | Detais Detals Mo mecia taken at detail Media Type Media Details Notified Rank Hotfied Name Notified Date Notified Time | Method Video Log # ToRank To lame ate Time | Prepared By Burgess, B Supervised By Barkan, G of? TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JoBReporT# 16-003824 _ [IV/INIMMI Gute On mpAMAMS AE 212 sob Type fretoraoty/Videomeohy sub Type Heres / Dero jor FBNS per 013 cup 16: PATROL BoRO MAN SOUTH | Location 0735 sat Eat 15 street al unen squsre Requested By CHIEF ame Moris Tax® ap. Receved | reams Team 2 | Personnel Aes Gin, “Scheduledon 07/12/2015 ae 0745 | supervisor Notified G00, aadionat noted: Sith: [Notes Request 2 Taw Teams to east 15 an Uren Stare at 085 es #1 Team Tem? Navleda Token | on 97122015 From 952 To 1650 Location Target al? Assigned Personnel Arte Gree, Ri Rol; Vea, Detais No media taken, pets MediaType Media Betas Video tog # To Rank Veena ers dd nc show up. Noted Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time Tonieme ate Time Loft Status Adve Supervised By Gravina, N TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT Jog Report # 16-003830 —_INIINIE Job Received By Gute, On 07/11/2016 At 1802 Status cose ob Type Protography/ Vdeoorenty sub Type Hancsha / Damo Bore PANS poy HTS cwp 161: PATROL BORO HAN SOUTH tocation Request 2 Tar Teams at 0745 hes C/O east tSst and Union Square park Requested 8y GHIEF ame Moris Tax 49. Received Teams ‘Tea Personne! Kingston, Scheduled on 07/13/2016 ae 07: | Supervisor Notiied Pg:ton,® aditonat Hotined:HeKenna, Motes Request 2Taru Teams at 0745 hes C/O east {Sst and Union Square park fa Team Temi; — NoMedia Taken On 714206 From 9745 To 16:00 Location ‘Target Tal # [Assigned Personnel August, S; Caro, W; Culinan, M4; Klcoyne,T; Details Details no meta taken at location. MediaType Media Details otiied Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time | Method Video Log # ToRark To Name Date Time Propared By caro, W Supervised By Kingston, R tof TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview Job Received By 0b Type ‘oro Location Requested by Teams | | Scheduled On Personnel Supervisor Notified ote Request 2 TARU Teams a 0745 hs at TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOB REPORT# 16-003837 Guia, 2 On o7zA06 AE 11:26 otopraony Videorashy sub type Hands / Demo PONS pcr HTS chp. 16%: PATROL GORO NAN SOUTH Request 2 TARU Teams at 0745 rs at east 15 set ana Union Square CHIEF ame Mons taxi 49, Received 4 O7/1872016 ae 15:45 Merasaima,3_ additional Noted: Mesenna, P; 15 street and Union Square ENN ‘Status Cosed | #1 Location Assigned Personnel Detaits Methoa pared By Team Tem 4; On 97/12/2035 From Media Type Media Detalls Video og # To Rank “= No Media Taken To Target Tel 2 Details no media taken Notified Rank Notified Name Tetame ae Time Romance, & Notified Date Notified Time Supervised By Romance, R loft “TARU « Job Tracker - Job Preview Loft | Supervisor Notified JOB REPORT # On o7/1372015 At 16:39 Job Received By Gute, 2 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT 16-003872 THREE Status Ace ob Type Photography! Videography sub Type Handshu / Bore P5Q5 pcr 113 emp 17%: PATROL BORO QUEENS SOUTH Location “aru Team to report to 13 pct at 1100 hours Requested By HEF Name Serer Tax Teams Team 1; Personnel Kingston, Ri ‘Scheduled On 07/6/2016 ge 14:00 Kingston, 8 Aational Noted: Kenna, lotes Request Taru Team to report to 113 pet at 1100 hous. #10 Team Temi; No Mota Taken On 97/16/2015 From 1:00 To 16:00 Location ‘Target Tel Assigned Personnel Austin, W; Jansen, Eek Details Detals No Meda was taken Media Type Media Detals Notified Ranke Notified Name Method Video Log # To Rank To Mame ate Prepared By Austin, Notified Date Noted Time Time Supervised wy Kingston, TARU -Job Tracker - Job Preview Loft TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT Jop Report # 16-003883 __[filfINTII Job Received By ile, On 07/19/2016 AE 11:07 Status Cosed 300 Type Photegrepti7 Videogrpty sub Type Handst / Dena | eoro PBMS per MTS cmp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location Roquest2Taru Teams at 0745 ste east Sst and Union Square | requested by CHIEF name Moris Taxe a9 Received Teams “Team 1; Personnel Scheduled On 07/16/2015 ae 97 Supervisor Notified Kingston, R_adattional Netti: exenna, Notes Request 2 Taru Teams ot 0745 hrs to eat 15st and Union Square #10 Team Temi: — Nomeda On 07162016 From 075 To 1600 | Location Target 1 | assigned Personnel C2, Wi Tucker, x; Details Detals Wo Media take fr Stop the Hass incaration Black ves matter inthe cnfines of Paro Borough Manhattan Sout, Media Type Media Detalls Noted Rank Wotiied Name Hotfied Date totified Time Method Video Log # To Rank To Mame Date Time | Prepared By August, § Supervised wy Kingston, R TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year © # ‘soo #2 Team Team3; ~ No Mecin Token On [7/172016 From 0745 To 15:20 | tocation ‘Target Tel [Aesigned Persoanel Meller, C; 7 Details Detals TARU crew at 0745 to ast 15st and Union Square, there was a video needed | Media Type Mesia Detats Notified Rank Notifad Name Noted Date Notified Time Method Video Log # To Rank To Name ate Time Prepared 8 Mlerney, © Supervised ay Barkman, G 20f2 TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT sJopRePorT # 16-003891 —_FIPINMINIM ‘Job Received By cutie.) On o7/142016 AE 15:28 Status cose Lob ype hctogrephy ideoorany sub Type Harsh / Demo | nore PHS per MTS cmp 15: PATROL 8ORO HAN SOUTH Requested By ‘CHIEF Name Mortis Tox # 49 Received ms eam 3; personnel satan, | Scheduled On O7/A772016 ne 0745 | | Supervisor Notified 4729, additonal Noted Sth 2 | | Notes 2:TARU Teams at 0745 to cast 18st and Union Square | {ad Team Teoma. No Meda Taken | On 07/14/2016. From To Location Targer Ter ‘Assigned Personnel UGE, 8; Cruz, A; Goson, 0; Roangus, F betas Details No media tka a ad et Media Tw Mea Detalls NotiNed Rane Noted Name Notified Date Hoted Time ‘Method Video Log # ToRank To Name Date Time | | Prepared By burgess, 8 ‘supervised By Barkan, 6 | 1of2 TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year © # 16003892 ua [#2 Team Tem2; Nova Taken | On WHE2016 From 1900 To 2:00 | tection FULTON ST and STUVVESANT AVE, NY Target Tel Assigned Personnel oussigns, D; Noto, Ks etal Details TARU RESPCNDED TO A REQUEST FOR VIDEO FOOTAGE FOR A BLACK LIVES MATTER. PROTEST WITHIN THE 61 PCT. NO MEDIA WAS TAKEN. NO ARRESTS MADE. Media Type Moda Details Notified Rank Notified Name Notified Date Wotifed Time Method Video Log # To Rank To Name ate Time | Prepared By Nota, K Supervised by tien, M fre Team Tem2; = Kode Tan eae et esr |untee —wensTonzn mY ages ete (betas Det Ne Meta Take. | Media Type Media Detots Notified Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time | Method Video Log # Te Rank To Name Date Time Prepared By uri, R Supervised By Air, M TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JoB REPORT # 16-003892 __{fflIRITMIIll f |Job Received By Gutie,1 On o7/14/2016 At 15:51 Status Acive | 00 7ype Photography Videooreony sub Type Handshe / Demo Boro PONS py MTS cmp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH | tocation 2.TARU Teams at 1545 to ast 15st and Union Square Requested By GHIEF Name Moms Taxe 49 Receved Teams Team 2; Personnel revi, Scheduled on 07/47/2016 ne 1545, Supervisor Notified er, M_adeitiona Noted Smith, J: Motes 2 TARU Teams at 0745 to cast 1st and Union Sauere Location Assigned Personnel tine, N; Mou #1 Team Tem2; ~ Notedia Taken On °7/172018 From 13:30 To 230 ‘Target Tel 2 gnc, D; Deas Dats TARU persone dd eed io above cn, Ne ltrs bead, Ne mse tote, ediaType_ Heda Dette oie Rank Noted ame Noted Date Wotfed Time [Motos viteotog# Tear To tame pie time |prearedey Antoine, supers by Ac Lot? ‘TARU - ob Tracker - Job Preview Loft TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JoBRePorT # 16-003884 {IERIE Ihob Received By Gumie,) On ovine At 1139 (200 Type | Personnel Scheduled On Supervisor Notified _ezzasalm2, 3. additional Nott Photograniy! Vdeosrephy sub Type Handshu / Deno PHS pcr NTS cup 16: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH eat lst 2 Toru Teams a 0745 firs to east 15st and Union Square CHIEF Nome Moris Tax# 49) Received Team 4; ezzasalma, J; Romance, R; 07/16/2016 ae 1545 Mekerna,P; Notes Request 2 Taru Teams at 1545 ts to east 15st an Union Square Status cose | Location Details Equipment Used/ ssued/Returned Prepared By #1 Team Temi; Teams; No Meda Taken On 07/18/2016 From 1520 To 23:25 Target Tel [Assigned Personnel Cullinan, Hi; Areskoo, M; Rada, Turco, Ki Detals No mecis taken | Method Video Log # ToRank To Name ate Time Roda, R ‘Supervised by Mezzasaima, 1 | Ne pe ea ett Noted raat Noted Vane ——_etifed at Wetfed Te | TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT Jos Report # 16-003985 {fill EIN [Job Received By Guifre,1 On 07/20/2016 At 1542 Status Coses Job Type Photography! Videography Sub Type Handshu / Demo = feo. ocr 04 1 4 A veneer sehelodon ANE ae 88 ‘Supervisor Notified ezsalv3,). Additional Noted: Meena Notes Request 1 xf team to report to the ICP located at Thar stand Cadaman Prat 1015 brs. Vae4 Team Teams; ~ Handstu Heda Toten On 072372016 From 6:25 To 18:00 Location CCADMAN PLZ and TILLARY ST EROOKLYN, RY Target Telit | assigned Personnel Komor, 3; Rode, R: | betas Details Mets Taken, Original Disc glven to AO. Copy given to NYPD legal dept. Equipment Used) Suny cam, laptop, disc (2) {ssued/ Returned Media Type Media Detas Notified Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time ovo Method Video Log # To Rank To Name ate Time ‘on Scene Propared By Roda, R Supervised by Mezzassima, 1 bof TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT TEE JOB REPORT # 16-004178 Job Received By | 300 7ype Location Requested By [Teams ‘Scheduled on ‘Supervisor Notified oto, K On 97/29/2016 AL 16:02 Status cesed Protosrenhy/ Videography sub Type Handshu / Demo PHN pcr 032 cMD 162: PATROL BORO MAN NORTH ‘310 W 143 ST NEW YORK, nY 10020, CHIEF pome Orelty Tax 8 eke 1 (212) 670-1852 Team 2; 0/01/2018 at 19:00 raving, |ntes TaRU ReqUesTED 08 VIDED/PHOTOGRAPY IN REGHRDS TO ABACK IVES MATTER DEMONSTRATION [Newt [Sonam InsROwr or west i see #1 Team Team; ‘On 98/03/2015 From To Location get re Assigned Personnel Details Method | Media Type Media Details Video Log # To Ranke ravino, N Details This ob was prepared in error andi a dupicate to job #4163 otiied Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time Te Name ate Time ‘Supervised By tof TARU - Job Tracker Job Preview Loft TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gop Report 16-004173 —[IAIENNIMIMI Job Received By Gitte.) On 06/01/2016 At 12:40 Status coses | cre. PBMN pcr 032 CMB 162: PATROL BORO MAN NORTH | ae = = ‘Scheduled on 08/01/2018 ge 17:00 | Supervisor Notified Gravino, aditional Noted Smith, 2 Notes Request 1 4x12 team to report tothe ICP located at 330 W 169 st at 1700s. #1 Team Tan noWeda Taken | On 98/01/2016 From 16:00 To 19:00 | Loastion 310 149 STEW YORK, HY 10029 Tage # eignd personnel Lai, 3; Nt, K | Detaiis ‘Details TARU MEMBERS RESPONDED TO THE ABOVE LOCATION, ZERO PROTESTERS DID NOT SHOW UP FOU PROTEST. NO POLICE ACTION TAKEN, NO EQUIP. DEAOYED. Equipment Used) N/A "Issued /Returned Media Type Media Det. Noted Rank Notified Name Notified Date. Notified Time Method Video Log # ToRank To Name ate Time | egal Sureau Name N/A Prepared By Laure, 3 Superised by raving, N ‘TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year 16 # scou9 Team MRT; Team3; On 09/13/2016 From To UNION SQ and E 15 ST NEW YORK, iY Target Tel # Rockiguez, F Details At po tau personnal respanded to above location at videotaped demonstration wth {egal on scene equipment used/ dept vdeo camer dept dvd Issued Returned Location Assigned Personnel Tuer, Detaks Notified Rank Notified Name Noted Data Notified Time Video tog ® ToRenk To Name ate “Time Prepared By Roshiguez, F Media Type Masia Details fe Supervised ay Barkan, G Lof2 [ARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gop RerorT# 16-004439 — {MIMIIMIBIT \Job Received By Gute.) On ngyi9206 At 1525 Status Closed ears nate ee | ore MS ey 013 cp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH. Location UNION 59 and € 15 ST NEW YORK, WY Requested By CHIEF Name Merls Tax 4g. Receved reams RT; Team 3; Personnel “Ture, 5; Rodrigues ~ | Scheduled On (08/22/2016 ay 16:00 | Supervisor Notified Sarkan,G Additional Noted: Stith 3; [Notes Request 1 x12 team to repo ia the Io cate at Union Sa est and 5 st 2600 vs Tea Team Pt Tom fon t8/222016 From 1600 To 2130 | cation UMON SQ and £15 STEW YORK MY Tage at | Assigned Personne! Turner, S; Radriquer, F: betas betas edo Type Hel eae Wfed Rank Noted ame Hotied Date Noid Tine | method, videotog# ToRank —Toname outa me [renweey i sunintny Sen TARU-- Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT jos ReporT# 16-004544 | |MIMIM UI Supervisor Notified Sarkman,G adaivonal notifies: Sith, J: Hotes Request 1 4x12 team to report tothe ICP located at WY 43 st and Broadway. t 1600 hs |Job Received By Gute.) On aR262015 At 0759 ‘Status Complete sob Type orgraoy Videography sup type Handsbu/ Demo | sor0 BES pcr HTS CHD 161: PATROL BORO RAN SoU | Requested by MEF name Noms axe 49 Received | Teams wer; | Irene De Tu 5 Scheduled on 08/29/2016 ae 1600 i Ineldent Reason/Crime Other Investigation Location ote Doro PONS praca bale Tine | BA Team MRT). Haden Meda Taken | ee eee er cation 49 ST ond BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Target Tel # Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Ture, Details Details TARU Detectives were presents fra Black ves matter Detain the Conflnes of MTS Two | Durest were maded 2 Video was taken by Detecive DeFranco and turned over to Legal and the | suresting MOS. | Eauipmentusedy nove [ssued/Retuened | Nesta Type Meda Det otifed Rank Noted Name otifiad Date Motifed Time | ovo. one DvD Po. edwards [Method Video tog # To Rank Tostame ate Time ‘On Scene Prepared 8y DeFranco, 6 Supervised By Sith, Lott TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview JOBREPORT Year © # 16000590 #4 Team MAT; Team3; On 09/5720:6 From To tocation 10143 ST and BRORDWAY NEW YORK, HY Target Tel Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Turner, $; Detats Detats | Media Type Media Detaits Notified Rank Wotiied Nome Notified Date Notified Time | method Videotog# ToRank To Name Date Time Prepared By DeFranco, G ‘supervised by Smith, 3 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT 30f3 TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year 15 if 16004590 #2 Team MAT; Team; - No Neca Taken On 09/13/2036 From To tocation W/43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, RY Target Tel Detalis Derails MediaType Media Details Notified Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notied Time Method Video Log # To Rank To Name Date Time Prepared By DeFranco, 6 ‘supervised By Sit.) | #3 Team MRT; Team3; — Hondshu Meio Taken ] designed Peranne_Defano 6: Te, 5: | on 98/3201 From: 1610 To 2230 = W43 ST ond SRONOWAY NEW YORK, MY Target Tal Auigned eromel DEF, 6; Te betas betas Te above Dea of ack nes mater was cover by TAR Detecvesin th Cannes ot the MTS et Two Arest Wl made and vceo as taken by Dt Dsfranco and tures overt the arresting MOS an Legal | westarype eda Dette toi Rank Noted tame —Rotied Date Noted Tine [ovo oneovD | | etioa —Videotop # ToRank ToName pate Time | [Prepared By DeFranco, G ‘Supervised By Smith, 3 2of3 TARU - Job Tracker - fob Preview JOB REPORT # 16-004590 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT ‘ACRE Gute, On 09/30/2016 At 07:50 Status Gosed Protoray/ Victory subtype Han / Dene |r Fees per MTS ep 16: ARO. SO HA SOUTH | ocation 128 San OADMIAY NH YOR, Requested by CHIEF Name Mors Taxe 49. eeved ‘Teams Rr, Team 3 Personnel Defence, Tuner, $; Scheduled on 08/05/2016 ap 16.00 Supervisor Notified Setar, G_addtinal Hotiied: Sih, | motes Request 12 team to repr to the cP aed a W <3 an Bandy a 2600. #1 Team MRT; Team3; Hands He On 9932016 From To | section .W49 Sand BROROUIAY NEWYORK, RY. Tange rel # | |aslned personnel OSFanco, 6; Tuner, 5 | beats betas To aes made eo conse | Media Type Media Details Notified Rank Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time Method Videolog # ToRank —Tostame bate Time | | “prepared ny DeFranco, 6 supervised by. Sth 3 1of3 TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview 20f2 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOBREPORT Year © # = 1600109 #20 Team Teim2; No edi Taken On 0972072015 From 86:30 To 00 Location W 43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, HY Target Tel # Assigned Personnel Murphy, Ri Rol, O; Detats Detals No Media Taken Media Type Media Detalls Notified Rank Notied Nome —Wotified Date Notified Time Method Video Log # ToRank To Name ate rime | Prepared 8y Rol, Supervised By Grav, N TARU - Job Tracker - fob Preview lof? TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gop RePorT # 16-004749 —_filliBIIilfl Job Received By Gui.) On 03/08/2016 At 2024 Status choses Job Type Photogrepny/ iceogrophy sub Type Harsha / Damo Boro PBMS pcr MTS cyap 161: PATROL BORO HAN SOUTH Location W 43 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Requested By CHIEF Nome Mi 49 Received Teams Team 2; Personnel Ral, ©; Vernemy C; ‘Scheduled On 09/12/2016 ae 16:00 | supervisor Notified Gievno, N additional Notiied: Smith, 3; Notes Request 1 12 taam to report tothe ICP located at W 43 st and Broadvay at 1600 hrs #1 Team Team2; = No Media Token On 99197015 From 0729 To 17:30 Location W 43 ST end BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Target Tet # | assigned Personnel Murph R: Rol 0; Detats Details Wo Heda Taken [rome Media Details Noted Ranke Notiied Name Matified Dato Notified Time Video tog # To Rank To Name ate Time Rol, D Supervised By Govino, TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gop Report # 16-004930 __{IHIDINITHEN |Job Received By Giuffre,) On 09/22/2026 At 14:06 Status cose Job Type Photasrephy Videography subtype Handshu/ Demo | Fe fone pcr 02) ci 162 PATROL eORO Ha NOTH | Requested By CHIEF ame OReilly tax e ag Received Teams tems ee | Scheduled On 09/24/2016 ae 16:30 ] Supervisor Notified Mezzaseima,).pdditional Wotiied: MeXenna, P Notes Request 1 4x12 team ta report to the ICP located at 10 Columbus Circle at 1630 hs. #10 Team emda; — No Media Taken On 99/24/2016 From 1325 To 23:35 = 10 COLUMBUS CIR NEW YORK, NY 10019 Target Tet # Assigned Personnel eskos, 1; El, T; Roda, R; | pets stale oo mec token Medio Type Media betas Notified Rank Noted Name Hotes Date Noted Time | ethos videotog # TomRank —Tottome ate me [Preeres oy Roses Superised ay Mezzassne, J Lofl ‘TARU- lob ‘racker- Job Preview: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT 16-004934 — (HIAVTIINE JOB REPORT # Job Received By 200 Type Location Requested 8y Teams Personnel Scheduled On | Supervisor Notified | Notes Gute, On 097232016 Ak 413 Status Closed Pootograhy/ Veleography sub Type Hands / Dero PBN per 086 cmp O84: 084 PRECINCT DEKALB AVE and BOND ST BROOKLYN, NY D1 ame Cente tax# ag. Received ‘Team 1; 09/24/2016 ae 10:00 Late, aditional Wottegs McKenna, Pz Request 1 8x4 team to report to the ICP focated at Dekalb ave and Bond St at 1000 hs. #1 Location ‘Assigned Personnel Details | metnoa Prepared By Team Tet; On 09724205 From ‘DE KALB AVE and BOND ST BROOKLYM, Nv Media Type Media Details, ‘video Log # To Rank couttnan, #1 = No Hesia Taken To Target Tel # clin, Jensen, Ek; Details Wo media taken Noted Rank Notified Name __ Notified Date Notified Time To Name bate ime Supervised By Kingston, R Loft TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview Loft TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JopREPoRT # 16-004995 _ [iIV/EVIMIL ‘Job Received By laure.) On 0926/2015 At 15:30 sob ype Porat aeo95y sabe Hansu | Dane sore DoH pcr HTS. cu “<6: SPECIAL OPERATIONS DNSION toction W457 an ROADIAY NH YOR Renu CHEE. name NORRIS Tax @ Teams - Team 2; Scheduled on 0797016 ap 15:00 Supervisor Notified ravine, N Status closed Notes REQUEST FOR BLACK LIVES MATTER / MEXICAN DEN. #1 Team Tem2; — flo Maca Toke On 09/26/2016 From 19:00 To 2230 ‘Location 143 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY Target Tel # [Assigned Perzonnel Lau, J Not, Dotails Details TARU MEMBERS RESPONDED TO THE ABOVE LOCATION, APPROX 70 PROTESTORS ON SCENE, NO VIOLATIONS C8SERVED, NO POLICE ACTION TAKEN, NO EQUIP. DEPLOYED, Equipment usee/ N/A ssued/Returned Media Type Media Detals Hethod Video Log # ToRank — ToName ate Time Legal Bureau Name JACKIE KEANE Prepared 89 Laure, 3 Notified Rank Wotlied Name Hotfied Date Notified Time Supervised By ravine, TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gop report # 16-005051 Ili iNilitt |Job Received By Gute, On oayse2o6 At 143 Status Completes ] [sane Preortin Wleoaey suerie Ha Dave | | oro PBEN pcT O84 cp O84: O84 PRECINCT | Location TILLARY ST ane CROMAN PLZ BROOKLYN, NY Requested By D1 Name Cents tax® 49) Received Teams ‘Team 3; | | Personnel Burgess, 8 Meck, 3 | |seneauedon 1902016 ag 1620 | | Supervisor Notified Ser4man,S agaitional Noted: Sith, 3: | Motes Request 1 4x12 team to roprtto the ICP located at Cadman Plaza and Tay stat 1620 hs, u “ ee #4 Team Temm3; - No Medi Taken On 10/03/2016 From 1620 To 22:30 | ecaton ‘TILARY ST ard CADMAN PLZ EROOKLYN, HY Target Tel | assigned personnal Suess, B Mester, Petats Details ON STAND BY NO VIDEO TAKER, Media Type Media Detais Notified Rank Motifed Name Hotes Date. wotited Time Method Video tog # ToRark To Name Date ime | Prepared ay Hecker, Supervsad By 82%, G Loft TARU - Job Tracker Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JoB REPORT # 16-005053 _ [filIBINIIINi |30b Received By Gute, On 09/20/2016 AE 14:33 Status closed 390 Type Protographi/ Videosraniy sub Type Hardstu Demo Joos P8MS pcr MTS yp 161: PATROL BORO HAW SOUTH | | tocation W743 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, AY” | Requested By CHIEF ame Moris tox 49: Recoved [Teams MRT; Team 3 | Personne! DeFranco, G;Recriguer, F; ‘Scheduled On 10/03/2016 at 16:00 — Sith, 3; | supervisor Notified Bariman, G_dditional tot Notes Request 1 4x12 team to roprt to (CP located at W 43 st ané Broadway a 1600s. $1 Team NAT; Team; Noes Ten | on 107032018 From 3620 To 2220 | cation W435 and BROADWAY NEW TORK HY range a | | adored encom Dean, 6 Rost Details Dotals The above Detectives dl attend the above deta for black tes mater and no arest were ‘mage and no viceo was taken. MediaType Media Details WotiRed Rank Notifed Name Notified Dato Notified ime Method Video Log # To Rank To Name ate Time | | Prepared By DeFranco, 6 Supervised By Sith, 3 Loft TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview Loft TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT 3op report # 16-005208 [IEMA 300 Type Location Details Job Received By Gur.) On 0/07/2016 At wits Status Cosed Photograpin? Videography sub Type Handshu / Demo PMS pcr MTS cyp 16%: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location WS ant BROADWAY NEW YORK,NY | Teams: MRT; Team 2; | Personnel DeFranco, GLa, | Scheduled On 10/10/2016 ax 16:00 | Supervisor Notified Ale", dgtiona Notified: len, Ws Sith 2; Notes Request 1 4x12 team to reportto the ICP located at W 43 st and Brosday at 1600 hrs. #4 Team MET; Team2: No Media Taken On 10/10/2015 From 18:00 To 21:55 1W 43 ST and BROADWAY MEW YORK, NY Target Tel # Assigned Personnel DeFranco, G; Laune, J Details There was 2 protest plannad fr 43 stand Bradway which moved to 72 stand Broaciay thera sas a march wich was peaceful and not atest were made | equipment Used none ssed/Roturnad | Media Type Media Detaas Hotified Rank Notified Name Hota Date Noted Time pv none Metiod Video Lag? Te Rank To Nome ate Time Propared By DeFranco, G Supervised By Smith, TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT 3opReporT# 16-005361 —_filMMiINilili |Job Received By Gute) On 1/14/2016 A 16:25 Status completes | oo Tpe Protogranhy/ Videograty sub Type Hands / Dama joe PaNS pcr MTS cmp 161: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location 174 ST and BROADWAY NEW YORK, NY - | Requested By CHIEF Name Morris Tae 49. Recelved Teams Team 3: Scheduled on 30/17/2016 ae 36:00 Supervisor Notified Barkan, G_ additional Noted: len, W; Notes Request 1 team to port t the ICP located at W 43 stand Broadway at 1800 brs. #1 Team Tean3; « NoMedia Taken On 10/17/2016 From 18:00 To 23:00 Location W 43 ST and BROADWAY NEWYORK, NY Target Tel Assigned Personnel Meee, J; Redigue, F) Detaits Details no media taken -no incident Media Type Media Details Notified Rank Notified Name Wotlfed Date Wotied Time Method Video tog # ToRank To Name ato Time Prepared By ts, 7 Supervised ty Barkmen, G TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gop rerorr# 16-005446 _{IINELNREII Personnel Scheduled on Supervisor Notified Gutre.1 On 36/2016 At 15939 Status cosea Protagrapiy Vseogrnty sup Type. Hancshu/ Demo 7885 per O78 chap 164: PATROL BORO BKLYN SOUTH (65 6 AVE BROOKLYN, Wr 11217 CHIEF Name Powers Taxe 9p Received Team §; Frandis, 0; Ramos, D; 10/21/2036 py 18:20 Mezrascima, 3 adaktionat Notified: xKenna, &; Hotes Request { 4412 tam to report tothe ICP located atthe 78 pct Station house at 1830 hrs, #1 Team On Location Assigned Personnel betas Media Type Media Details Video tog # To Rank Team 4; No Media Taken 10RL2016 From S45 To 2220 1556 AVE BROOKLYN, NY 11217 Target Tel Francis, 0; Ramos, D; Details Taru members responded to locaton vith al equpment, protest ordély no media taken. 78 an 84 condocted joint detal Notified Rank Notffed Nome Notified Date Notified Time ‘To Wame Date Time Loft Lagat Bureaw Name Det Keane Prepared By Ramos, 0 Superised by Mezzasaima, 3 TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOB REPORT # 16-005488 _{{IFIIAMI Job Received By Guile, On 10/19/2016 At 16:48 Status closes | 200 7ype Photeoraphi/ Videography Sub Type Hendshu / Demo oro EBM pcr 054 cap 6K: O84 PRECINCT Location TTILLARY ST and CADMAN PL2 BROOKLYN, NY Requested By Lame Cent Tax # 49 Recetved Teams Team 4; | Personne! arcs, D; Rares, D; ‘Scheduled On 20/24/2026 ge 18:30 ‘Supervisor Notified Me22ss'79,1 additional Notified: McKenna, P; #4 Team esa; = NoMedia Taken On 10/21/2068 From 15S To 205 Location TIWARY ST snd CADHAN PLZ BROOKLYN, NY. Target Tel ‘Assigned Personnel Francis, D; Rarnos,D; Detaite Details Taru members responded to lcaton witha equipment, protest arderty no media taken. ‘and B4 conaucted joint del Madia Type Media Details Notified Rank Hotiied tame __Notifiad Date Notified Time Method “Video Log # To Rank To Name: ate Time | Legal Bureau name Det Keane |Pepared By Ramos, D ‘Supervised By Mezzassima, 1 ofl TARU - Job Tracker Jeb Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gopreporr# 16-005617 _ IILGENVIIEN Gute) On 10292018 At 1559 Status coses Photography! Videography subtype Handshe / Ooo POQN per 115 cp 115: 115 PRECINCT 92-15 NORTHERN BLVD QUEENS, NY 11372 Requested By INSP ame Ifeerry Tax 49 Receive Teams Team 2: | Personnel | Scheduled on 10/24/2016 ag 18:20 Supervisor Notified. Gravino,N Additional Notified: len, W; Notes Request 1 4x12 team to repnrt tothe IC cated atthe 115 Pt Station house at 1830 brs. #4 Team Te2m2; ~ tomes Taken On 1022016 From 220 Fo 230 ‘92-15 NORTHERN BLVD QUEENS, NY 11372 Target Ta # | assigned Personnel Laue, 1; Housignac | petans Details Taru responded, approx. 25 protesters were an scene, no violations were observed no pice action taken, no equ. deployed. Equipmentused/ 0/2 Issued Returned j Media Type Media Details Iotfed Ranke Notified Name Notified Date Notified Time i |Metiod video Log # ToRank To Name ate Time | egal Bureau Name JACKIE KEANE Prepared By teuie, 3 Supervised By Gravina, N_| Loft TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JopREPorT # 16-005795 —_{IIIBIIIIED Job Received By Gutre,1 On inysy2018 At 13:00 300 Type Photogrevhy/ Videogranhy sub Type Hands / Demo Bore POMS pcr O13 cMD 161: PATROL BORO MAW SOUTH Location UNION $0 and € 14 NEW YORK, NY Requested By CHIEF ame Nome Taxe ap. Recewed Teams Team 3: Personnel Scheduled On 1032016 ax 18:00 Supervisor Notified Barkan, additional Noted: Jule, Ws Notes Request 1 12 team to report othe ICP Joated! at Unlon Square Eat and if stat 1800 hes Status completed I | | #1 Team Team3; — NoNedia Taken On 10/31/20:6 From 18:00 To 00:00 tocation UNION SQ and E 14 NEW YORK, NY Target Tal # Assigned Personnel lis, T; Golson, D; Details Detals no rests made, ro media taken. Media Type Media Details Notified Rank Notified Name Notified Data Notified Time Method Video Log # To Rack To Name Date ‘time Prepared By is, Supervised ey Serkan, G TARU - fob Tracker - Job Preview lof TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gop rerorT # 16-005982 —IFENIIMM Job Received By ‘toi, # On 11077015 AL 205 Status doses | ob Type Photogranty/Vseograpny sub Type Hndshy / Demo oro POH per 025 ceo 025: 025 PRECINCT Lecation 18 MOUNT HORRIS PARK NeW YORK, AY 10927 CAPT name WALSH Toe 926833 Tale 646-352-1052 Tare 2 696-3521852 ‘Team 2; Scheduled’on 0101/1900 ae 00:00 [Supervisor Notified er, | Notes CAPTAIN WALSH REQUESTED TARU PERSONNEL TO THE ABOVE LOCATION incident Reason/crime ter Investigation Location 18 MOUNT MORRIS PARK NEW YORK, WY 19027, gue Boro FBIM precinct 025 Date 11/07/2036 ime 15:00 Location #4 Team TeemZ; ~ Notedia Taken On 1072016 From 15: Fo 2:00 {18 MOUNT MORRIS PARK NEW YORK, NY 10027 Target Tel # Assigned Personne! Antoine, N; Moussigna, O; Details Details CAPTAIN WALSH REQUESTED TARU PERSONNEL TO THE ABOVE LOCATION IN REGARDS ‘TOA BLACK LIVES MATTER DEMONSTRATION, TARU DID RESPOND WITH ALL NECESSARY EQUIPMENT AND MARCH WITH THE PROTESTERS. HO VIOLATIONS OBSERVED. NO MEDIA TAKEN. MediaType Media Deta's Notified Rank Notified Name Hotfled Date Notified Time Mettod Video log # To Rank ToName ate Time Prepared By Anti Supervised ay ‘Afi, TARU - Job Tracker - Job Preview lof] TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT JOB REPORT # 16-006061 __[fII|PIIENII Job Received By Guite,) On Lio72016 At 1905 Status reve sob rype Protege Vdeosraty sub type. Herds / Damo Boro PamS pcr MTS cup 6: PATROL BORO MAN SOUTH Location WASHINGTON SQ and WASHINGTON PL NEW YORK, 1 Requested By COEF Name Moris axe aa. Receied Teams Team Personnel |seneauteaon 727056 ge 11:80 | supervisor Notified Merzasalma,} additional notified: McKenna, ®; #4 Team Teams; — Hand sed Taken On 1/12016 From $00 To 72:35 Location WASHINGTON SQ and WASHINGTON P NEW YORK, NY. Target Tel Assigned Personnel Francis: Johnson, Cyrus Details Details A T/P/0 ABOVE TARU MEMBERS DIO RESPOND TO SAID LOCATION AND MEDIA WAS “TAKEN ON ARRESTS HADE AT 51/5 INN F/O RADIO CITY. LEGAL SAID NO REQUEST WAS MADE FOR VIDEO SO NO DVDS WERE MADE IN REGARDS. Equipment Used HANDY CAR Jssved/ Returned Nevia Type Media Detats Notified Rank Noted Wame NoiNed Date Noted Time Method Video Log # ToRark ToMame ate me |repared by ‘Fact, Soperdsed ay Mezasina, 3 Notes Request! xt team to regart tothe ICP located at Washingtn Square East and WashingtonP at 1100 hs. TARU - fob Tracker - Job Preview TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE RESPONSE UNIT gop report # 16-006477 —{{IIERLNINN [Job Received By Gute.) On 12012016 At 13:24 Status Closed |300-Type Photoaranhy/ Videogrephy sub Type Handsiu / Demo tore PON pcT 028 eM 162: PATROL BORO MAN NORTH | tocation W225 ST anc 7 AVE NEW YORK, NY | | nequesta ey CHIEF Name O'Reilly Tax se 49 Received Teams Team 1; Personnel ‘Scheduled On 1210372016. 13:00 Supervisor Notified 20%) Adettional Notined: McKenna, | Notes Request 1 x4 team to raport to the ICP located at W 125 st and 7 ave at 1300 hrs, #1 Team Team; - Notedia Taken On 12/03/2015 From 13:00 To 16:00 Location W125 ST and 7 AVE NEW YORK, RY Target Tel # Assigned Personnel Tucker, Kj Zarate, P; | betas betes No hanes mitten [pesos nes et Noid Rank Note Name Notied Date Noted Tne | | | meted Video tog # ToRank ToName ate “te | | | [preety Tse supers 8y 1,3 ofl

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