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sAvg vgw

Translation Training


e z A vA

sAvg Azs v vgw A

Translation Research & Training Organization (R)
# 88, 2 Cqg, eewUg
, G Rg,
AUg zAi Pl wg, AUg-560056.
zgt: 9902276578 - E-mail:

EAVAz PqP Cx PqAz EAVU sAvg iq GzUU
EwZU rPAi. gzVU, UtAig, GzVU, zyU
U Evg DPg F GzUU qAiz. Dzg F Czz
GzU Az sAvg vgw qAiz Cz.
AAz 60 U sAvg vgwAi irz. F vgw
tUzjU sAvgz GzU AAi P MzV v.
AizPAq sAvg ir Az iqz.

sAvgz GzUPU

zs zgz PAzU sAvg z.

DPtAi sAvg z.
zs wPU sAvg z.
AiiAiU P sAvg z.
Pgz sAvg zAiz sAvg z.

F zUz v, zQAi, eP E Avz AiU sAvg

iq GzU AizPAq q Ai ir


sgv Pg Cz Pvz GwUV gAi Cz (National

Translation Mission) JA AAi z. CzPV 99 Pn g.
Cz qUq irz. F v itz Cz AidUV ig
8000 CzPg , 2000 iiPg (Evaluators) v 2000 P
JrlgU CUvz. Pgz EAv GAiP AidU CPV
AAi Pz 5 UAz sAvg vgw MzV P zP
CzPg vAq dUwz. EAx GAiP vgwAi qz
Pgz Gzv Cz AidAi CzPg V Aq
AizPAq Czz GzU iqzVz.


(I) CzPg it: sAvg Azs

v vgw AAi
P Pq v EAV sU sAvg vgwAi
vV MzV zP CzPg vAq dUVz. F
CzPg vAq gAi Cz (National Translation Mission)
JA sgv gPgAz vz Cz AAi Az, D
AAz qz v sgv Pgz Evg AUAz qz
vgw qz CzPj
Az Cz irUz.

(II) Cz v Plu: F PV PwU Czz U Pz

AidAi CUwz.:

1) 1901 jAz 2011g gV J gv PwU


2) gtg ZU, zg PwU, jsg

, dUt
AiVU U Evg CsU P v PqAz -
gAi U CAvggAi sUU Cz v

3) AAi e AidAiAi e v vAvez

AiU EAVAz PqP C Pn P, zy
UP U Czs AiPj
U eP DPg P tAi Pqz
s Vz.

4) UAxaU, zgtPU, PU, wP, AwP,

ifP, eP v vAwP PU
Cz v

(III) sAvg vgw gu: zgPt izjAi sAvg vgwAi

ir PlPz zs zU DPj
U CzPg
CP MzVwz.

(IV) sAvg PlU: Pz U sAvg Pl (Publication
Entrepreneurship and Translation Workshop)
Krz. EAv PlU P
GzAiR RPjU v CzPj U Pg
Z iUzU
s Vz v F wz RP U CzP zjU Cg
uUV Ai, gAi U CAvggAi P

(V) sAvgAz Pz: F sAvg vgw tUzg

Pz DgAz. Czg AvU F PVAw:

1) Sv zsP
Pjv iwAi EAlgm U
Evg UAz AU Cz P qP sAvj gAvjP.

2) PqP gAvgUz wAi r-0.4 Pq sg

PAlg mAU irP. Avg D Pq o A5 UvP
AztP ir rfl ztz 10 PU irP. rfl
ztz 3 PU dP UAxAiz AUj R
PZjAig Pgm sUz D Pz Pgm Azt
irP. M Pz Pgm Azt irzg Cz 60
U gU ZAigvz. Pgm Azt qzg Tv
wz PPg PU Pn Uz. Pgm
Azt qzjU PPg Ugzs r CjAz P PPV
Tv w qAivg.

3) Pgm Azt qz z A z dP UAxAi

ES, Pq P P
g U dP Pt ESAig EAv
Ul Rj iqvg.

4) Px, P, PzAj U lPU gvr, Evg ifP,

AwP, eP U zsP
UV sgv
Pgz i A ESAz P Pl uUV Cz

Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Department of Education, Government of India

Financial Assistance Scheme For Publication of Books

1) Authors, editors, translators and recognised Institutions are eligible under this Scheme.
2) Commercial publishers are not eligible to apply for their own publications or on behalf of their customers.
3) Separate application shall be submitted in respect of each title.
4) Five complimentary copies of the book shall be submitted along with the application (in one parcel). These copies will
not be returned back to the applicant. The Government may accept a minimum of two copies depending on the price
of the book and other circumstances. The complimentary copies shall not be returned.
5) A synopsis of the proposed book in about 200 words shall be provided in a separate sheet along with the application.
6) The applicant shall maintain an identical signature in all the documents related to the grant.
7) In case of any change in the postal address of the applicant after the submission of the application, the same may be
intimated to the Institute immediately.
8) No interim correspondences shall be entertained as the processing of the proposal takes at least six months from the
date of receipt of the application.
9) The proposal once approved or rejected by Grant in Aid Committee may be reconsidered depending on the merit of
the case.
10) Application with incomplete information will not be considered.

Books Eligible for Grant

1) Bibliographies, dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopaedias, anthologies and self-instructional materials.
2) Books on linguistic, literary, indological, social, anthropological, cultural, scientific and technological themes and
their translations.
3) Translations of creative writing either from or into those languages that are under CIILs GIA scheme..
4) Publication of doctoral or such other degree related research projects will also be considered for grant, depending
upon the availability of funds in a given financial year.
5) The book for which grant is sought should have been published not more than ten years before the date of
6) The subsequent editions are eligible for grant only if the book is reprinted after 10 years of its first edition and subject
to availability of funds.
7) Minimum numbers of pages of the book should be at least 48 including the preliminary pages.
8) Depending on the funds availability, the GIAC could also identify the books in certain languages from
authors/Publishers for distribution among libraries where they would be found useful. This provision will be specially
used for languages from where very few applications are received.

Books not Eligible for Grant

1) Poetry, drama, novels and short stories
(unless they are complete works of a given author needed for academic programmes)
2) Books on political and religious propaganda.
3) Any writing against the national interest.

A Pq zAiz AiUz A Krz gAi sAvg Pl -2007


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