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Chapter 1

1. The parallax angle of Sirius is 0.377. Find the distance of

Sirius, its distance modulus, the absolute bolometric magnitude and
its luminosity. p.12

2. Consider a model of a star as a black body with a surface

temperature 28000 K and a radius of 5.16 1011 cm at a distance
of 180 pc. Determine: Luminosity, absolute bolometric magnitude,
apparent bolometric magnitude, distance modulus, flux at the stars
surface, flux at the Earths surface, wavelength of maximum emis-
sion. p.13

3. Consider a giant and a main-sequence star of the same spectral

type. Usually a giant star has a lower atmospheric density and a
slightly lower temperature than a main-sequence star. Use the Saha
equation to explain this. (Note: this means that there is not a perfect
correspondence between temperature and spectral type). p.46

4. Show that for the black body radiation, Prad = 4T 4 /3c = 1/3u,
where u is the energy density of the photons. p.48

5. Estimate the mean free path of the nitrogen molecules in the

classroom at T= 300 K. What is the average time between collisions?
Take the radius of a nitrogen molecule 1
A. p.48

6. How far you could see trough the Earths atmosphere if it had
the opacity of the solar photosphere (5000 = 0.264 cm2 g1 ). The air
density is 1.2 103 gcm3 . p.49

7. Assume that the intensity of the radiation field is a constant

Iout in the +z direction and also constant Iin in the z direction.
Calculate the mean intensity, flux and radiation pressure. p.51

8. Verify that if the source function is S = a + b , the emergent

intensity is I (0) = a + b cos. p.54

9. Calculate the Doppler width of a FeI line at 4700

A, a) in
the photosphere of the Sun, b) in the photosphere of a red giant, c)
in the atmosphere of a white dwarf. m.

10. Assume a star of radius R at a distance d which emitting a

specific intensity I constant at the surface. Estimate the radiative

flux at the surface of the star and that measured at d. m.

11. Very hot stars of spectral types B or earlier have unstable at-
mospheres and loss mass at a considerable rate due to the radiation
pressure. For these stars the main opacity source in the atmosphere
is given by the Thomsons scattering of electrons. Calculate the maxi-
mum luminosity for these stars to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. This
luminosity is named Eddingtons luminosity). (Hint: use the equation of
hydrostatic equilibrium.) m.

Chapter 2

1. Assume that 10 eV could be released by every atom (H) in the

Sun through chemical reactions. Estimate how long the Sun could
shine at its current rate through chemical processes alone. p.59

2. What temperature would be required for two protons to collide

if quantum mechanical tunnelling is neglected? Assuming that the
Sun is pure hydrogen, estimate the number of H nuclei in the Sun.
Could there be enough protons moving with a speed 10 times the
thermal velocity to account for the Suns luminosity? p.59

3. Estimate the temperature of star of radius R, mass M and

constant density using the Virial theorem. m.

4. Show that the temperature dependence of the triple alpha

process can be written as 3 o 2 Y 3 f3 T841 , where Y is the 4 He mass
fraction, f3 the screening factor of the triple alpha process and T8 is
the temperature measured in 108 K units. p.61

5. Calculate the Q values for the reactions in the pp I chain. p.61

6. Assume that through the star = Pgas /Ptotal and 1 =

Prad /Ptotal being 0 < < 1 constant. Show that this system admits a
polytropic EOS. m.

7. At what rate is the Suns mass decreasing due to nuclear reac-

tions? p.73

8. The pressure at the base of the photosphere in the Sun is 5 104

dynes cm2 and density = 2.5 107 g cm3 . Estimate the pressure
scale at the base of the photosphere. Assuming the a mixing length
parameter l = 2.2, estimate the time required for a convective bubble

to travel one mixing length in the Sun. (Hint, the turbulent velocity
of solar granulation is 0.5 km s1 .) p.75

9. Use the equation of hydrostatic equilibrium and the assumption

of constant density to compute the central pressures for each of the
following stars: a) a K0 V star, b) a K0 III star, c) a K0 I star. p2.87

10. When the HR diagram is constructed from observed data,

part of the width of the main-sequence is due to errors in distance
measurements. If a typical uncertainty in parallax is 10%, by how
much (in magnitudes) will stars typically be displaced from their true
positions on the HR diagram? p2.88

11. Consider the Sun to be a sphere of uniform density that derives

its luminosity from steady contraction. What fractional decrease in
the Suns radius would be required over the last 6000 years to account
for the Suns constant luminosity over that period of time? p2.92

12. Suppose the density of a star as (r) = o (1 (r/R)2 ), where

R is the radius of the star. Calculate the mass (M) of the star, the
mean density in terms of o and the central pressure in terms of M
and R. p2.94

13. A protostellar cloud starts as a sphere of size 4000 AU and

temperature 15 K. If it emits blackbody radiation, what is its total
luminosity? What is the wavelength at which emits the most radia-
tion? p2.103

14. Consider two clouds in the ISM, one H2 cloud with T= 10

K and n = 1012 m3 and one HI with T= 120K and n = 107 m3 .
Calculate the Jeans mass for each cloud, the minimum radius each
cloud must have to collapse and the timescale for the gravitational
collapse of each cloud? p2.99

15. Compute the energy released in the triple alpha reaction.

Then, assume that at the beginning of the central He burning (HB
phase), 10% of the original mass of the star is in the form of 4 He in
the core. Estimate the total energy released by fusing this amount of
helium into carbon. Assume that during the HB phase, L = 100L. If
all this luminosity is provided by fusion of helium, how long will the
HB phase last? p2.105

16. Estimate the rotation period of a white dwarf rotating at

break-up speed. p2.108

17. Photons leaving the surface of a compact stellar remnant are

gravitationally redshifted by an amount

/o rSch /2r

where rSch is the Schwarzchild radius and r is its actual radius. Cal-
culate the gravitational redshift for the hydrogen line H 4861 A for
a 1 M white dwarf. It is possible to distinguish this redshift from a
possible Doppler shift due to the motion of the white dwarf ? p2.109

18. Estimate the temperature of a dust grain located 100 AU

from a newly formed F0 main-sequence star. Assume that the grain
is spherically symmetric and behaves as a blackbody. p.77

19. Three stars make up the 40 Eridani system: object A is a

4th-magnitude star similar to the Sun; object B is a 10th-magnitude
white dwarf and object C is a 11th-magnitude red M5 star. The
period of objects B and C system is 247.9 yr. The parallax of the
system is 0.201 and the angular extend of the semi-major axis is
6.89 . The ratio of the distances B to C from the centre of mass is
aB /aC = 0.37. a) Find the mass of objects B and C. b) The absolute
bolometric magnitude of object B is 9.6. Determine its luminosity.
c) The effective temperature of object B is 16900 K; calculate its
radius. d) Calculate the average density of object B. e) Calculate the
product of the mass and volume of both 40 Eri B and Sirius B. Is
there a departure from the mass-volume relation? p.95

20. Estimate the ideal gas pressure and the radiation pressure at
the centre of Sirius B which has a central temperature 3 107 K. p.96

21. In the liquid-drop-model of an atomic nucleus, a nucleus with

mass A has a radius of ro A1/3 , where ro = 1.2 1015 m. Find the
density of this nuclear model. p.97

22. If our Moon were as dense as a neutron star, what would its
diameter be? p.98

23. Estimate tha maximum and the minimum mass for a star. m.

24. In the pp chain estimate the equilibrium abundance of deu-

terium (as the number of atoms relative to H). Assume that the
amount of H atoms does not change significantly. m.

25. Calculate the mean molecular mass of a fully ionised gas as

a function of X and Y . Assume that Z << Y << X. m.

26. Obtain the general relationship between the constant K, the

mass M and the radius R of a generic polytropic system as seen in

the class room. m.

27. Using dimensional analysis, estimate the relationship between

the luminosity and the radius with the mass of a star belonging to
the lower and upper main-sequence. m.

Chapters three and four

1. A globular cluster has a integrated apparent visual magni-

tude of +13 and an integrated absolute visual magnitude of -4.15.
It is located 9.0 kpc from Earth. Estimate the amount of interstel-
lar extinction between the cluster and the Earth in magnitude per
kpc. p.153

2. A typical temperature in the ISM is 15 K, estimate the average

thermal energy density of hydrogen gas in the disk of the Galaxy.
Assume that the disk has a radius of 8 kpc and a height of 160 pc.
Compare the result with the typical energy density of the interstellar
magnetic field 6 1014 J m3 . p.155

3. Assuming that the high-velocity stars are near the escape veloc-
ity from the Galaxy, estimate the mass of the Milky Way. Repeat the
calculating using the extremely high-velocity stars (vesc 500 kms1 ).
What could account for the extra mass compared with your answer
in the first case? p.156

4. Assuming that the mass density is given by (r) = o /(1 + (r/a)2 )

for any arbitrary distance from the centre of the Galaxy, calculate
the amount of dark matter interior to a radius r. p.159

5. From the information given in the classroom etc, determine the

approximate mass-to-light ratio of the Galaxy interior to a radius of
25 kpc from the centre. Repeat the calculation for a radius 100 kpc.
What can you conclude about the effect that dark matter might have
on the average mass-to-light ratio of the universe? p.160

6. Using Newtonian gravity, estimate the amount of energy re-

quired to move 107 M from a position just above the event horizon
of the super-massive black hole at the centre of the Galaxy to 3 kpc.
Compare your answer with the energy liberated in a typical Type II
supernova. p.162

7. Assume that a black hole (point) of mass 3.7 106 M is located

at the centre of the Galaxy and that the remainder of the mass has a
density distribution that varies as r2 . Show that if the mass distri-
bution is spherically symmetric, the mass interior to a radius is given
by M (r) = kr + Mo, where k is a constant. Assuming perfectly circular
motion and Newtonian gravity, show that the orbital velocity curve
is given by v = (G(k + Mo /r))1/2 . Plot v as a function of log r over the
range 0.01 < r < 1 kpc. At what radius does the contribution of the
central point mass begin to become significant? p.162

8. Estimate the MB for our Galaxy. Using the Tully-Fisher rela-

tion, calculate the maximum rotation speed of the Galactic disk. p.164

9. Transform the de Vaucouleurs profile into units of mag. arc

sec2 . p.164

10. NGC 2639 is a Sa galaxy with a maximum rotational velocity

of 324 kms1 and an apparent magnitude B= 12.22. a) Estimate its
absolute magnitude in B from the Tully-Fisher relation. b) Determine
the distance of NGC 2639. p.165

11. The rotational velocity of M32 at 1 from the centre is about

50 kms1 . Estimate the mass within this radius. p.165

12. Show that if the surface brightness of an elliptical galaxy

follows the r1/4 law, then the average surface brightness over the area
of a circular disk of radius re is given by < I >= 3.607Ie . p.167

13. According to the virial theorem, the central radial-velocity

dispersion is related to the mass and size of the galaxy by r2 M/R.
Show that in that case L r4 , which is call the Faber-Jackson rela-
tion. p.168

14. M31 has approximately 350 globular cluster. If its absolute

visual magnitude is -21.7, estimate the specific frequency for its clus-
ters. b) Do the same for NGC 3311 which is a cD galaxy with about
17000 globular cluster and absolute visual magnitude -22.4. Discuss
the results in terms that cD galaxies are due to mergers of already
formed spiral galaxies. p.168

15. Suppose that the average luminosity L of a quasar with a

redshift z has the form L = Lo (1 + z)3.3 , where Lo is the luminosity
today. How much more luminous is an average quasar at z = 2 than
today? p.183

16. Use Newtonian physics to calculate the average density and

surface gravity for a 108 M black hole. Compare these values with

those for the Sun. p.183

Chapter five

1. The mass density of stars in the solar neighbourhood of the Sun

is around 0.05 M pc3 . Assuming that it is constant and that all
stars are main-sequence M stars, estimate the fraction of the Galactic
disks volume that is occupied by stars. b) Suppose that a main-
sequence M star travels perpendicularly through the Galactic disk.
What are the odds of this star colliding with another star during its
passage through the disk? p.170

2. Write a general expression for the force of dynamical friction

as fd C(GM ) vM
b c
where C is dimensionless and , b and c are
constants. p.170

3. Use the age of the Milky Ways oldest globular clusters and
the orbital velocity of the local standard rest to estimate the greatest
distance from which globular clusters could have spiralled into the
nucleus due to dynamical friction. Use 5 106 M for the clusters
mass. p.171

4. The LMC has a mass of about 2 1010 M and orbits our

Galaxy at about 51 kpc of distance. Assuming that the Galaxys
flat rotational curve (including the dark-matter halo) extend out the
LMC, estimate how much time it will take for the LMC to spiral into
the Galaxy (take C = 23). p.171

5. Suppose that the original density distribution of the proto-

Galactic nebulae had a radial functional dependence similar to the
dark-matter halo, show that the free-fall time would be proportional
to radius. (Hint: start with the radial equation of motion.) p.172

6. Assume an IMF Salpter-like with x = 1.8. Calculate the ratio of

the number of stars that are formed in the mass range between 2 and
3 M to those formed with masses 10 and 11 M . Assuming the mass-
luminosity relation for main-sequence stars, derive an expression for
the number of main-sequence stars formed per unit luminosity inter-
val, dN/dL. Calculate the ratio of the number of stars formed with
main-sequence luminosities 2 and 3 L to the number formed with
10 and 11 L . Explain the results in terms of the physical properties
of main-sequence stars. p.173

7. Estimate the number of stars currently formed per year in the
Milky Way (as an average). p.174

8. Using the Jeans mass estimate the upper mass limit of galaxies
that are in virial equilibrium. Assuming that the least massive galax-
ies could have formed out of gas with an initial temperature near the
ionisation temperature of hydrogen, estimate the lower mass cutoff.
By using the Jeans length, estimate the radius of the largest galaxies
that are in virial equilibrium. p.174

9. Calculate the maximum mass of a protogalactic nebulae that

can undergo a free-fall collapse if R = 60 kpc and (T ) 1037 Wm3 . p.174

10. M87 is a giant galaxy with mass 3 1013 M within a radius

of 300 kpc. How long would it take for a star near the outer edge of
the galaxy to orbit the centre once? Assuming that M87 has been
capturing smaller satellite galaxies up until the present time, would
you expect the outer portions of M87 to be in virial equilibrium? p.174

11. Estimate how much longer the Galaxy can effectively create
new stars without an appreciable infall of new material. p.175

12. Estimate the escape speed from a dwarf elliptical galaxy and
compare the result with the speed of the ejecta from a typical Type
II supernova, and with thermal velocity of hydrogen ions in a gas
having a temperature of 106 K. How might you explain the evolution
of ancient, gas-poor systems such as dEs and dSphs? p.175

13. Estimate how long a galaxy in the Coma cluster would take
to travel from one side of the cluster to the other. Assume that
the galaxy moves with a constant speed equal to the clusters radial
dispersion. How this compare with the Hubble time? Then...are the
galaxies in the Coma cluster gravitationally bound? p.180

14. The dispersion in the radial velocity of the galaxies in the

Virgo cluster is 666 kms1 . Use the virial theorem to estimate the
mass of the Virgo cluster. p.180

15. The brightest galaxy in the A1060 cluster has an apparent

magnitude V = 10.99. Estimate the distance of the cluster. p.181

Chapter six

1. Suppose that all the matter in the universe were energy if the
form of black-body radiation. Take the average density of matter to
be the WMAP value for the density of the baryonic matter. Find the
temperature of the universe in that situation. At what wavelength
would the blackbody spectrum peak? p.191

2. Check by substitution in the equation that gives (dR/dt)2 the

solutions for an open universe (k < 0). p.192

3. Show that (t) = 1 + kc2 /(dR/dt)2 in one-component universe of

pressure-less dust. What does this have to say about the nature of
the early universe? p.194

4. In the same type of universe than above show 1/ 1 = (1/o

1)(1 + z)1 . p.195

5. Derive the acceleration equation d2 R/dt2 = 4/3G(+3P/c2)R p.195

6. Consider a model of universe consisting of neutral hydrogen

atoms for which the average speed of the atoms is 600 km1 . Show
that >> P/c2 for the gas. For an adiabatically expanding universe,
for what value of R and z will = P/c2 ? p.196

7. Show that R3(1+w) = constant = o using the fluid equation

where o is the present value of . p.196

8. Show that for a pressure-less universe, q(t) = 1/2(t). p.197

9. When the light from a distant quasar passes trough an in-

tergalactic cloud may produce absorption C lines. By studying the
relative intensity of these lines one conclude that the temperature of
a intergalactic cloud is 7.4 K. The lines show a redshift of z = 1.776.
How does the temperature of the cloud compare with the tempera-
ture of the CMB at that redshift? p.197

10. Consider a comoving sphere whose surface expands with the

universe. Let it be centred at the origin and filled with the CMB
photons. Show that R4 rel = rel,0 , is consistent with the conservation
of the energy within the sphere. p.200

11. Use the scale factor R(t), to show that the characteristic time
for the expansion of the universe is exp (t) = 1/H(t). Assuming a flat
universe containing only matter and radiation, find a expression for

the characteristic expansion time exp as a function of the scale factor
R. p.200

12. Show that one-component universe of relativistic particles is

flat in the limit z . p.202

13. Assuming b,0 = 4.17 1033 gcm3 , what was the density of the
matter at the time of the Big Bang nucleosynthesis, when T 1010
K? p.202

14. Calculate the time of decoupling tdec for an universe of mat-

ter and radiation using the WMAP values for zdec = 1089 and other
quantities. p.204

15. Find an expression for in terms of the density m of a static

model of a pressure-less dust universe with a cosmological constant.
Find also an expression for the curvature k for this static model. Is
this model universe closed, open, or flat? p.205

16. Evaluate m , rel and at the time of decoupling (z = 1089)

using WMAP values. p.205

17. Derive a general expression of the deceleration parameter,

q(t) = 1/2 i (1 + 3wi )i (t). p.207

18. Use the acceleration equation to show that the accelera-

tion of the universe changed sign when the scale factor was Raccel =
(m,0 /2,0 )1/3 . Evaluate Raccel and zaccel at this time with the WMAP
values. p.207

19. The cosmological constant becomes dominant as the scale

factor R becomes increasingly larger in the era. a) Show that
the Hubble parameter is a constant in a flat universe deep in the
era. b) Suppose that starting today, only the cosmological constant
contributes to the Friedmann equation. Solve this equation and show
that for > 0, the scale factor will increase exponentially. c) Use
WMAP values to evaluate the characteristic time for the exponential
expansion. p.208

20. In a one-component universe pressure-less dust show that the

angular diameter observed for an extended object of linear diameter
D at redshift z is = (Ho D/2c) (1+z) . p.215


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