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Key Frame 1

This key frame is used to set the
Establishing shot to introduce the location to the audience. We are
clearly able to see a shopping centre creating a safe and happy
environment. The fact that the audience can see a older woman
walking connotes that even though it is dark the environment is still
safe to be out in.

Mise en Scene
The low-key lighting connotes the time of evening. Night-time
creates a romantic mysterious ambience within the scene. The
scene is set in London, which is associated with love and
sophistication connecting to the genre of the film. The lady walking
shows a peaceful environment due to the characters are clearly
under no distress about the time of evening. This connotes that the
location is a safe area and establishes todorovs theory of the

Slow non-diegetic love song is herd introducing the romantic
ambience of the scene.

Key Frame 2

Millie and Connor are walking through town after a date together.
The characters are holding hands connoting a romantic relationship
between the two characters.

A wide shot of the two characters showing the audience the clear
close proximity between the two characters. The shot also enable
the audience to see the background of a shopping centre connoting
them as typical teenagers and creating a safe and happy

Mise en Scene
Millie and Connor are both very attractive characters, which is
stereotypical of the romantic-comedy genre. They are both centre
screen connoting they are important characters within the scene.
Millies pink top perceives her as a stereotypical female in the film
genre as connoting a feminine persona. Millies costume of a
professional looking coat contrasts with Connors slouchy laidback
costume of a jumper and hat. This conveys that maybe Millie is of
higher status to Connor. This is stereotypical of the genre as the
love interests typically come from contrasting backgrounds, or social

The non-diegetic love song continues to play.
Key Frame 3

Connor is giving Millie a piggy-back and are flirting between one

Extreme wide shot to exemplify the close proximity of the two
characters. The shot enables to convey the characters body
language towards one another showing Millie and Connor attracted
to each other.

Mise en Scene
The close proximity between then two characters connotes love and
romance. The white walls in the background suggest purity between
Millie and Connor. Millie is very attractive connecting to Laura
Mulveys female gaze, which states that women are attractive in the
film industry to benefit the male counterparts gaze.

The non-diegetic music continues to play in the background, whilst
the two characters exchange flirtatious diegetic dialogue.
Key Frame 4

The characters have stopped to talk about the evening that just has

Over the shoulder shot is used to connote a conversation between
the two protagonists. The shot is able to show some sort of
relationship between the two characters. The shot enables the
audience to see a bit of the location to set the scene and maintain
continuity in the scene.

Mise en Scene
The red sign in the background connotes love and romance to the
audience. The low-key lighting paired with Millies fluffy jacket
suggests winter. Winter is associated with relationships and cuddling
up with a significant other connecting with the genre of the film. The
season also suggests Christmas, which suggests the coming
together of people and romance.

Diegetic dialogue between the characters is exchanged.
Key Frame 5

Connor gently touches Millies face foreshadowing a kiss to the

Medium Two Shot of the characters to enable to audience to see
both the characters body language towards one another and their
facial expressions.

Mise en Scene
Connors hand on Millies face connotes intimacy and love; the close
proximity between the characters suggests romance. Connors hat
preserves him as a stereotypical teenage boy, which contrasts with
his affectionate behaviour indicating that there is more to the
character that meets the eye. The red gridding in the background
along with the low-key lighting helps to create a romantic ambience.

The non-diegetic love song gets louder.
Key Frame 6

Connor is lightly kissing Millie on the forehead.

A Medium Shot to help with continuity within the scene and show
the audience both the protagonists body language and facial

Mise en Scene
The close proximity between the two characters suggests affection.
Connor kissing Millie on the head connotes romance and love to the
audience. Millie hugging Connor shows reciprocation in the
affection. Both of the characters are slightly smiling showing a
happy relationship and conveying Todrovs equilibrium.

The non-diegetic love song now gets louder and the bass becomes
more prominent and rhythmic in the song.
Key Frame 7

Millie feels ill and is under clear distress. Connor is consoling her.

A Medium Close Up of the two characters to ensure the audience
see the protagonists facial expression. The characters body
language was minimalistic in this shot and the facial expressions
was a lot more important therefore I used a medium close up to
exemplify this.

Mise en Scene
Millie touching her face and looking down shows the character is
under clear distress. Connor is bending down to see Millies faces
showing the characters are equal. Connors arm on Millies shoulder
shows support and affection for the Millie.

The non-diegetic music alters from and love song less soft louder
song connoting a disruption in the scene.
Key Frame 8

Millie has bent down to be sick.

Wide Shot to clearly show the two characters body language, and a
bit of the location which is a shopping centre. This shot helps to
show the disruption due to the clear distress that the protagonists
are in.

Mise en Scene
There has been a clear altered distance between the protagonists
proximity connoting a break in the romance. Millie is lower than
Connor conveying her inferiority and loss of control at this point in
the scene. Millies body language signifies she is going to be sick
conveying a disruption in the scene. Connor placing his hand on
Millies shoulder suggests he will look after her and protect her when
under distress, connecting to the genre.

The diegetic sound of someone melodramatically being sick his
heard whilst the non-diegetic music continues to play in the
Key Frame 9

Millie has been sick .

A Mid Shot to show the characters sick and both the characters feet.
This is a simplistic shot which will highlight the disruption, which is
the sick. This helps the audience primarily focus on the sick rather
than another distracting elements that could be in the shot such as
a chaotic location or the characters.

Mise en Scene
The sick clearly portrays todorovs disruption to the audience. The
sick being the centre stage connotes that its a key point of the
scene. A disruption that makes the protagonist seem inferior makes
and the protagonist feel embarrassed around the love interest is
typical code and convention of the romantic genre. This then
enables the love interest to fall for the protagonist despite his or her

The diegetic sound of Millie heavily weeping is heard creating a
comedic element to the scene.

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