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Love Note #3 - The Deeper Parts of Your Ego Up To Leave - a Message from the

Collective Cosmic Support Team - Have ya noticed? Have you? Oh, you may have
noticed all around you. Buttons being pushed, chains being yanked, nerves being stepped
on ............ some of them may be yours too. What is spurring this love note? 5 dear
friends are all very sick, 11 clients with all their money stuff ready for a major shift, and
several emails about physical symptoms, and a whole bunch of relationship related
challenges...........this time of year is such a beautiful thing - it is an opportunity for
change, if you are paying attention. HERE IS A CHANNELED MESSAGE FROM OUR

Remember a New Year is coming. Your Higher Levels (we) have listened to what you
are asking for on the deepest level of your heart, have heeded every shift your spirit is
calling you toward, have looked at all of the journeyers that are also awakening, and in
perfect timing (as this is the only timing we know) we have orchestrated the
circumstances that would bring up anything that is slowing you down. The appropriate
response is "how is this happening FOR ME versus TO ME?" Then your job is to listen,
watch, be, take time to be quiet and get what you need to get. Take notes my friend. It is
time to keep a recorder in your purse, a notebook by your bed and a journal at your desk.
Write it down, phone a friend and get it heard, let yourself bring the wisdom through.
After you bring it through, just burn it, throw it away, or erase it.....because then it will be
time to get on with Creating upon Creation at a whole other level. You don't want to
contemplate the density you just transcended now do you? You have so much to get on
with in life. We know that the busy-ness of this season often drowns out the heart's
call.....but not for long. You see, the roles we play are no match for the entire Universe's
love and exhileration for who you are and why you are here. Oh, it may temporarily feel
like you are powerless and without aim.......but that is simply the old energies coming up
to leave. Pay them no mind. Simply watch with fascination (or be dramatic if you like),
or not. Do the dishes, go for a walk, pat the dog, go to sleep....... It will soon pass. If you
judge what comes up, it will take exponentially longer to leave (you will know you are
judging because your ego will say stuff like: "I already addressed this one", "I feel like
I'm starting over", "why this again?", "Ill never be free of this"etc).
We have heard so many of you ask "so when is all this density transmutation going to
end, when will I be able to stop the awakening roller coaster?" The answer is this. When
it ends. The privilege of being alive right now, is that there are many that are not strong
enough, not present enough, or are in far too much disarray to move the energy for the
whole. If you are reading this, your Higher Levels are part of this you
know enough to know that we are with you. You are not alone. On the Earthly plain you
are meeting more and more that are going through similar awakenings. In the other
dimensions you are surrounded more than you currently realize, but if you fully realized
your heart would burst from love......gradual steps are necessary. But soon enough you
will be able to handle all the love we can dish out. It just depends on how much you are
willing to own your magnificence......and receive the ridiculous amount of assistance
there is here in the Miracle Zone for you. In other words it depends on how much longer
you want to prove yourself, by yourself.....instead of actually getting on with being
yourself without need or want of anyone else's approval. Your Higher Levels see you
fully........that is we see all of you. You are so beyond are adorable
and infinitely dance-with-able by the entire Universe.
Please don't spend so long analyzing.....truly your mind is a fairly useless tool for
transcending old density......let us take care of it. That's what we do. It's part of our/your
genius. We are simply another (highly under-utilized) part of you.
There is no need for fancy language
There is no need for guru's.
There is no need for giving your power away.
Sometimes there is need for earthly assistance.
You are no alone on so many levels.
Let it rip, my friend........we can take it. So please let us have it when it comes. With
infinite love and gratitude for the courage it has taken you to get this has been
an honour, and will continue to be.
The Collective Cosmic Support Team...

evo recept za Marko Polo kekse (vir Otilija Maek)
25dag masla, 14dag sladkorja v prahue, 25dag mehke moke, 1 ajna lika pecilnega
praka, 5 dag grenkega kakava, 2 jajci, 1 rumenjak, epec soli, 1 paket vanilijevega
sladkorja, jagodna marmelada,
okoladni preliv:
10 dag jedilne okolade, 7 dag masla
maslo, sladkor v prahu, vanilijev sladkor in sol penasto umeate, postopoma dodajate
jajca in rumenjak. Moko, pecilni praek in kakav dobro premeajte in na koncu poasi
umeate v testo.
Z dresirno vreko naredite majhne ploate kupke na s papirejm prekrtem pekau. Pecite
pri priprti peici na temperaturi 160 stopinj 10 minut.
ko se keksi ohladijo, jih odstranite s papirja in jih po dva skupaj zlepite z marmelado. (Ko
nimam asa, jaz to preskoim, Opomba od Jol.) Na koncu jih e na enem koncu pomoite
v okoladni preliv, ki ste ga pripravili: okolado skupaj z maslom segrejte na najve 40
stopinj in preliv meajte tako dolgo, da postane masa gladka.

Grem ravno pet, nam jih je zmanjkalo (zgornje mere so za dva pekaa)

But then we start to arise and welcome in our manifest levels, Creator levels, higher
levels to take command,
speak through us, steer us (usmerjaj nas) and journey us, even take command of the
You know what higher levels, take command of the liver, take command of the pancreas,
take command of the lower levels, matter of fact, start transcending them,
because you know what, I want to know who I am. Bring it on, bring it on, bring it on,
beyond I want to know who I am, take command of the finances, take command of my
my life, my work, my wealth, my mind, my body, my world; because you know what,
I am done with carnality. I am done with survival.
I am done with playing with all these levels,
all these different traits, all these different dynamics,
all these different unfoldments, all these different plains of consciousness
that have nothing to do with me. Out. Be gone, be gone,
be gone with everything that has nothing to do with me.

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