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Wave Optics

The field of optics (study of light) is divided into three kinds:
(a) Geometrical optics (Macroscopic optics) which is concerned with the behaviour of light on
a large scale (macro) and is treated by the method of light rays.
(b) Physical optics (Microscopic optics) which is concerned with the study of the finer details
of light and involves theory of waves.
(c) Quantum optics which is concerned with the interaction of light with the matter and its
treated by the method of quantum mechanics.
Light is propagated (transported) in a straight line as long as there is no change of the medium or
no change in the properties of the same medium and is called a ray. Actually it is not possible to
seperate a ray from a light wave. As we are concerned with the physical optics, which is required to
explain the finer details of light, we have to consider the wave picture of light.
The light is considered to be transverse wave which is defined as: when a wave passes in a
direction the particles move at right angles to the direction of the propagation of the wave. When
particles move up and down in simple harmonic motion, a series of waves will be produced in which
the displacement of the wave is proportional to the sine of the S.H.M. generating angle 8
i.e., y = sin 8
= a sin 8
= a sin

Such waves are called sine waves and is shown in the Fig. 1.1.
2 Engineering Physics

Fig. 1.1
Here a is the amplitude (the maximum displacement of the wave),A is the wavelength (length
of complete wave from crest to crest or from trough to trough)
The wavelengths of visible light is in the range of 4000 to 7200 (i.e., 4 to 7.2 105 cm).
Faraday and Maxwell showed that light is composed of electric and magnetic fields at right angles to
each other and again these fields are at right angles to the direction of propagation of light. This can be
explained as follows:
(E ) and when it is in motion, the
When a point charge is at rest, it produces electric field

magnetic field (B) is also produced is addition to the electric field. Further, if charge oscillates with
simple periodic motion an electromagnetic wave is produced like shown in the Fig. 1.2.

Fig. 1.2

Hertz demonstrated the existance of such electromagnetic waves.

Newton could not observe the interference effect, so he held that light must be particle like in nature
whereas Huygen was able to observe the interference effect so he held that light must be wave-like in
nature. To explain the wave propagation, Huygen established a principle saying that every point along
a wavefront serves as a source of secondary spherical wavelets. He also assured that the intensity of the
spherical wavelts is not uniform in all directions but varies continuously from a maximum in the
forward direction to a minimum of zero in the backward direction.
For light waves, due to various process of emission, one cannot observe interference between the
waves from two independent sources although the interference does takes place. Thus, one tries to
derive the interfering waves from a single wave so that the phase relationship is maintained. The
methods to achieve this can be classified under two broad categories.
Under the first category, a beam is allowed to fall on two closely-spaced holes/slits and the two
beams emerging from the holes interfere. Division of wavefront (E.g. : Youngs double slit
experiment (or) Bi-Prism.
In the second category, a beam is allowed to fall on two or more reflecting surfaces/mediums and
the divided reflected beams interfere.
Division of amplitude (E.g. : Newton's rings experiment).


If two waves of the same frequency travel in approximately the same direction and have a phase
difference that remains constant with time, they may combine so that their energy is not distributed
uniformly in space but is a maximum at certain points and a minimum (or zero) at other points. This
effect is called the Interference.
This was first demonstrated by Thomas Young in 1801 and wave theory of light was
experimentally proved. He was the first person to deduce the wavelength value from this experiment.
Young in his original experiment allowed sunlight to fall on a pinhole So punched in a screen A
as shown in Fig. 1.3.

Fig. 1.3 Youngs double slit experiment.

At a considerable distance away, the light is allowed to pass through two pinholes S1 and S2.
The two sets of spherical waves emerging from the two holes interfered with each other in such a way
as to form a symmetrical pattern of varying intensity on the screen C.

giving To be convenient,light
monochromatic at a(light
later of
stage, the pin
a single holes were
wavelength A ) replaced
was used.byAnd
narrow slits and aa source
the condition :: A is
where a is the slit width. If the circular line (see Fig. 1.2) represent crests of waves, the intersections
of any two lines represent the arrival at those points of two waves with the same phase or with phases
differing by a multiple of 2n radians. Such points are therefore those of maximum disturbance or
That means if crest falls on crest and trough falls on trough disturbance add up
But if crest falls on trough or trough falls on crest disturbances cancels out
In interference, we get equispaced fringes (dark and bright bands). This interference phenomenon
is not limited to light waves but applicable to all other kinds of waves like sound waves and other
electromagnetic waves.


Let us now analyse Youngs experiment quantitatively assuming that the incident light consists of
a single wavelength only. In the figure shown here P is an arbitrary point on the screen. It is at a
distance of r1 and r2 from the narrow slits S1 and S2, respectively. Draw a line from S2 to b in such a
way that the lines PS2 and Pb are equal. If d, the distance between the two slits, is much smaller than
the distance D between the slit system and the screen S2, b is almost perpendicular to both r1 and r2.
This means that angle S1S2 b is almost equal to angle PA O and is marked as 8 (d << D and r1|| r2).
The rays arriving at O from S1 and S2 have same path lengths and there is no phase difference.

Fig. 1.4

The two rays arriving at P from S1 and S2 are in phase at the source slits, both being derived from
the same wavefront in the incident plane wave. Because the rays have different optical path lengths,
theyarrive at P with a phase difference. The number of wavelengths contained in S1b (path difference),
determines the nature of the interference at P.
To have maximum (brightness) at P, S, b must contain an integral number of wavelengths, or
S1b = m A where m = 0, 1, 2, . . . . .
but S1b = d sin 8 (from the triangle S1bS2S1)
d sin 8 = mA gives maxima. ...(1.1)
The central maximum is described by m = 0 and in between two maxima there should be a
S1b = d sin 8 = gives minima ...(1.2)
where m = 0, 1, 2, . . . . .
Now let us define the terms, phase and coherence. The term phase tells us what fraction of a
complete vibration (oscillation) the particle has executed at a given instant.
And phase difference = path difference
< = (x2 x1)
or < = K (x2 x1)
= (x 2 x1) ...(1.3)

Fig. 1.5

If the slits S1and S2 are illuminated by two completely independent light sources, no interference
fringes are observed. The phase difference between the two beams arriving at P varies with time in a
random way. At one instant the wave from source S2 may be in phase with that from source S1 ; but
a very short time (108sec), this phase relation may change from reinforcement to cancellation. The
same randomIfphase behaviour
the lightholds
wavesfor points
screen, withS the result that the screen is uniformly
illuminated. instead, that S2 and 1 to P have a phase difference (<) that
remains constant with time, the two beams are said to be

Fig. 1.6
In the case of coherent waves, combine amplitudes vectorially and square the resulting amplitude
to obtain a quantity proportional to Luminous Intensity.
In the case of incoherent waves, square the individual amplitudes to obtain quantity proportional
to individual intensity and add the individual intensities.


We know that light wave is electromagnetic in nature and is represented by electric and magnetic field
vectors ( E and B ). Let us assume that the electric field components of the two waves from slits S1 and
S2 vary with time at point P (Fig. 1.7) as
E 1 = Eo sin wt ...(1.4)
an E2 = Eo sin (wt + <) ...(1.5)
where w is the angular frequency and is equal to 2nv and < is the phase difference between the two
waves which depends on location of P which is described by 8.
Eo is the initial amplitude.
Let us assume that the slits are narrow (a < < A) and illuminates the central portion uniformly.
But the resultant wave disturbance at P on the screen is found and is given by

E E1 E2 , and using eqns. (1.4) and (1.5), we have

= Eo sin wt + Eo sin (wt + <)
= Eo [sin wt + sin (wt + <)]

Fig. 1.7

Using the trigonometric relation, sin B + sin C = 2 sin cos we have

2 2
t t t t
E Eo 2 sin cos
= 2Eo [sin (wt +</2) cos </2]
= 2Eo cos </2 sin </2) (put </2 = and 2 Eo = Em)
= Em cos sin (wt + )
E = E sin(t )
E8 = Em cos
= 2Eo cos ...(1.6)
where E8 is the amplitude of resultant wave disturbance which determines the I of interference fringes.
Em is the maximum possible amplitude.
We knew in the case of coherent waves, the intensity is proportional to square of the amplitude
i.e., I = E2 where E is the electric field strength.
If I8 is the intensity of resultant wave at P and Io is the intensity that a single wave acting alone
would produce, then
I8 = E82 and Io = E o2
I kE2 or I E 2
I kE
o I o Eo

= (2 cos ) 2 from equation (1.6)
= 4 cos2
(or) I8 = cos
4I o

(or) I 8 = Im cos2 ...(1.7)

value in terms of 8 from the relation
To compute I8 as a function of 8, we substitute =
Phase difference = Path difference (eqn. 1.3)
i.e., <= d sin 8 ...(1.8)

= d sin 8 ...(1.9)
or =
The intensity pattern for the double slit interference is shown in the Fig. 1.8.

Fig. 1.8 Energy distribution in Youngs experiment.

After Youngs double slit experiment, objection was raised that the bright fringes may be due to
some modification of the light by the edges of the slits and not true interference. Thus wave theory of
light was still questioned.
Fresnel brought forward several new experiments in which the interference of two beams of light
was proved. One of them is the Fresnel bi-prism experiment.
The arrangement is as shown in the Figure 1.9. The bi-Prism consists of two prisms attached
back to back. The angle at the edges of the bi-prism is of the order of 30' and the other angle in the bi-
prism is of the order of 179. If a monochromatic source is placed in front of the bi-prism, the light
spreads out in the form of two beams which superimpose one over the other. Here the interference
condition has been fulfilled. The two beams looks like originating from the imaginary source positions
S1 and S2. The location of S1 and S2 can be obtained by extending the two beam backwards. These are
the two virtual images of the source S and act as two slit sources in Youngs double slit experiment
produce stationary interference pattern.
If x is the distance between successive fringes and d is the distance between S1 and S2, then the
wavelength value can be obtained from the equation.
xd ...(1.10)
A= = x
a c d D

Fig. 1.9 A Typical biprism arrangement.

Fig. 1.10 Determination of slit separation (d).

The distances d and D can easily be determined by placing a convex lens between the biprism
and the screen/eyepiece. For a fixed position of the eyepiece, there will be two positions of the
lens (L1 or L2) where the images S1 and S2 can be seen at the eyepiece. Let d1 be the distance
between the two images where the lens is at L1 (b1 from eyepiece to L1). Similarly d2 b2 for L2
position of the lens.
d1d 2
d =

and D = b1 + b 2
= a + c = distance from source to screen or eyepiece.

Interference in Thin Films - Reflected


Fig. 1.11 Interference in thin films.

Let XY and X'Y' be the two surfaces of a transparent film of uniform thickness t and refractive
index as shown in figure 1.11. Suppose S is a monochromatic source of light. Suppose a ray SA is
incident on the upper surface XY at an angle i. This ray is partly reflected along AR and refracted along
AB at an angle r. At B it is incident at angle r. Here it undergoes reflection along BC at an angle r and
refraction along BT at an angle i. At C also it undergoes refraction along CR1 and reflection along
This process will continue for a number of times until the intensity becomes very very small. The rays
BR and CR1 are derived from the same ray SA and travel in the same direction they interfere. To
find out the effective path difference between the rays AR and CR1 draw a normal CE on AR and
normal AF on BC. Produce the normal at A and the ray CB in the backward direction until they meet.
they meet at Q. From the geometry of the figure, ACE i and CAF r. The optical path
difference between the two reflected light rays (AR and CR1) is given by
= Path (AB + BC) in film; Path AE in air
= (AB + BC) AE ...(1.11)
From triangles ACE and ACF we know that
= sin i/sin r = AE/AC + CF/AC = AE/CF
AE = CF ...(1.12)
From equations (1.11) and (1.12), we can write
= (AB + BC) (CF)
= (AB + BF + FC) (CF)
= (AB + BF)
= (QF) ...(1.13)
From triangle AQF, cos r = QF/AQ
or QF = AQ cos r = 2t = cos r ...(1.14)
(Since AQ = AP + PQ = t + t = 2t)
Substituting the value of QE from equation (1.14) in equation (1.13), we have
= 2t cos r = 2 t cos r ...(1.15)

be remembered
of n whichthat a ray reflected
is equivalent at a surface
to a path backed
difference A/2. by a denser medium suffers an
Thus the effective path difference between the two reflected rays is (2 t cos r A/2).
We know that maxima occur when effective path difference = n A
For interference maximum 2 t cos r A/2 = n A
Or 2 t cos r = (2n 1) A/2 ...(1.16)
If this condition is fulfilled, the film will appear bright in the reflected light.
The minima occur when the effective path difference is (2n 1) A/2 i.e.,
2 t cos r A/2 = (2n ) A/2 or 2 t cos r = (2n 1) A/2 A/2 = n A ...(1.17)
because (n + 1) or (n 1) can also be taken as integer. Here n = 1, 2, 3... etc.
When this condition is fulfilled the film will appear dark in the reflected light.
Looking at the same point as we move our eye the angle of incidence and the corresponding angle
of refraction changes. Therefore the conditions of maxima and minima are changed alternately. Hence
we observe a number of bright and dark regions.
Keeping the eye fixed if we change the point of observation then also we observe bright and dark
regions. If the film is illuminated with white light, the maxima of different colours are observed at
different angles. Hence the film appears coloured.


When a plano-convex lens with its convex surface is placed on a plane glass plate, an air film of
gradually increasing thickness is formed between the two. The thickness of the film at the point of
contact is zero. If monochromatic light is allowed to fall normally, and the film is viewed in reflected
light, alternate dark and bright rings concentric around the point of contact between the lens and glass
plates are seen.
Experimental Arrangement
The experimental arrangement of obtaining Newton's rings is shown in figure. L is a plano convex
lens of large radius of curvature. This lens with its convex surface is placed on a plane glass plate
G. The lens makes contact with the plate at O. Light from an extended monochromatic source such as
lamp falls on a glass plate G' held at an angle 45 with the horizontal. The glass plate G' reflects a part
of the incident light towards the air film enclosed by the lens L and the glass plate G. A part of the
incident light is reflected by the curved surface of the lens L and a part is transmitted which is reflected
back from the plane surface of the plate. These two reflected rays interfere and give rise to an
interference pattern in the form of circular rings. These rings are localised in the air film, and can be
seen with a microscope focussed on the film.

Fig. 1.12a Newtons rings apparatus. Fig. 1.12b Fig. 1.12c Plano-convex lens.

Explanation of the Formation of Newtons

Newtons rings are formed due to interference between the waves reflected from the top and
bottom surfaces of the air film formed between the plates. The formation of Newtons rings can be
explained with the help of the Fig. 1.12c. AB is a monochromatic ray of light, which falls on the
system. A part is reflected at B (glass-air boundary) which goes out in the form of ray R1 without any
phase reversal. The other part is refracted along BC. At point C it is again reflected and goes out in the
form of ray R2
with a phase reversal of n. The reflected rays R1 and R2 are in a position to produce interference fringes
as they have been derived from the same ray AB and hence fulfill the condition of interference. As the
rings are observed in the reflected light, the path difference between them is (2t cos r + A/2). For air
film = 1 and for normal incidence r = 0. Hence in this case, path difference is (2 t + A/2). At the
point of contact t = 0, and the path difference is A/2, which is the condition of minimum intensity.
Thus the
central spot is dark.
For nth maximum, we have
2 t + A/2 = nA
This expression shows that a maximum of a particular order will occur for a constant value of t.
In this system, t remains constant along a circle Thus the maximum is in the form of a circle. For
different value of t, different maxima will occur. Hence we get a number of concentric bright
circular rings. In a similar way, this can be shown that minima are also in the circular form.
Theory : Newtons Rings by Reflected
Now we shall calculate the diameters of dark and bright rings. Let LOL' be the lens placed on a glass
plate G. The curved surface LOL' is the part of spherical surface with centre at C. Let R be the radius
of curvature and r be the radius of nth bright ring corresponding to the constant film of thickness t. As
discussed above,
2 t + A/2 = nA
Or 2t = (2n 1) A/2 for the bright ring where n = 1, 2, 3, ...etc.
For the property of the circle
Substituting the values
r r = t (2R t) = 2Rt t2 "" 2Rt (approximately)
r2 = 2 R t or t = r2/2 R.

Thus for a bright ring 2r2/2 R = (2n 1) A/2

(2n 1)R
or r2 =
Replacing r by D/2, we get the diameter of nth bright ring as
D (2n
1)R or Dn2 = 2(2n 1)AR
4 2

or D =
2 (2n 1)

or D A
(2n 1)
Thus the diameters of the bright rings are proportional to the square roots of odd natural numbers
as (2n 1) is an odd number.
This shows that the difference in the squares of the diameters of the rings is constant.
Similarly for a dark ring
or 2r2/2r = nAR
or D 2 = 4 nAR
or D = 2 nR n

Thus diameters of dark rings are proportional to the square roots of natural numbers.
If Dm and Dn are the diameters of the mth and the nth rings we have
2 2
Dm Dn = 4(m n)R
This shows that the difference in the squares of the diameters of the rings is constant.

Experimental Arrangement
The experimental arrangement of obtaining Newton's rings is shown in the Fig. 1.12. L is a plano
convex lens of large radius of curvature placed with its convex surface on a plane glass plate P. The
lens makes contact with the plate at O. Light from an extended monochromatic source such as sodium
lamp falls on at glass plate G' held at an angle 45 with the horizontal. The glass plate G' reflects a part
of the incident light towards the air film enclosed by the lens L and the glass plate P. A part of the
incident light is reflected by the curved surface of the lens L and a part is transmitted which is
reflected back from the plane surface of the plate. These two reflected rays interfere and give rise to
an interference pattern in the form of circular rings. These rings are localised in the air film, and can
be seen with a microscope focussed on the film.
First of all the eyepiece of the microscope is adjusted on its crosswires. Now the distance of the
microscope from the film is adjusted such that the rings with dark centre are in focus.
The centre of the crosswires is adjusted at the centre of the rings pattern. The microscope is
moved to the extreme left of the pattern and the crosswire is adjusted tangentially in the middle of a
clearly nth bright or dark ring. The reading of micrometer screw is noted. The microscope is now
moved to the right and the reading of micrometer screw are noted at successive rings etc., till we are
very near to the central dark spot.
Again crossing the central dark spot in the same direction, the readings corresponding to
successive rings are noted on other side. Now a graph is plotted between number of rings n and the
square of the corresponding diameter. The graph is shown in Fig. 1.13. If Dm and Dn are the diameters
of the mth and
nth rings and R is the radius of curvature of curved surface of the lens the wavelength of the sodium
light is given by
2 2
Dm Dn Slope
A= =
4(m n)R 4R

S lo p e

Fig. 1.13
The radius R of the plano-convex lens can be obtained with the help of spherometer using the
l h
following formula R = . Here l is the distance between the two legs of the spherometer and h is
6h 2
the difference of the readings of the spherometer when it is placed on the lens as well as when placed
on lens surface.
Let R be the radius of curvature of the surface in contact with the plate, A the wavelength of light
used and Dm and Dn be the diameters of mth and nth bright rings respectively, then
Dm = 2(2m 1) AR
an Dn = 2(2n 1) AR
2 2
d Dm D = 4 (m n)AR

or Dm n
or A= D 2 / 4(m n)R ...(1.18)
Using this formula, A can be determined.
To find the refractive index of a liquid, it is introduced between the lens and glass plate and the
experiment is repeated as before. If D'm and D'n are the diameters of mth and nth rings in liquid then the
2 2
refractive index can be calculated using = Dm Dn
. 2 D'2
m n


1. A thin sheet of plastic of refractive index 1.6 is placed in the path of one of the interfering
beams in Youngs experiment using light of wavelength 5890 . If the central fringe
shifts through 12 fringes, calculate the thickness of the sheet. (OU,
Solution: Given Data
A = 5890 108 cm
refractive index () = 1.6
order of the fringe (m) = 12
optical path of beam with plastic sheet = x t + t
and the path of another beam =x
path difference = x t + nt x
= ( 1) t = nA for maxima
A = ( 1)t or
n 589010
t= 12 =
(1) = 0.6
= 1178 10 cm.
2. The path of one of the interfering beams in biprism experiment, a thin sheet of mica of
refractive index 1.55 is placed. A light of wavelength 5893 is incident on it. Calculate the
thickness of the sheet if the central fringe shifts through 10 fringes.
(OU, 2000)
Solution: Given Data
A = 5893 108 cm
refractive index (n) = 1.55
order of the fringe (m) = 10
optical path of beam with plastic sheet = x t + t
and the path of another beam = x
path difference is = x t + t x
= ( 1) t = n A
8 7
10 589310
n = = 589310
t = (1) 1.55 1 0.55

t = 1071.45 108 cm.

3. In double slit arrangement, a strong green light of wavelength 5460 is used. The slits are
0.01 cm apart and the screen is placed 20 cm away. What is the angular position of the
first minima?
Solution: Given Data
For first minimum n = 0 and
distance between slits (d) = 0.01 cm.
wavelength of light (A) = 5460 108 cm.
The condition for minima is d sin 8 = n .
or sin 8 = n .

2 d

1 5460 10
= 0
2 0.01
= 0.0027
Since when 8 is very small, sin 8 8
8 = 0.0027 radians
= 0.16
4. A parallel beam of light (A = 5890 108cm) is incident on plate (!J = 1.5) such that the
angle of refraction into the plate is 60. Calculate the smallest thickness of the glass plate, which will
appear dark by reflection.
Given that !J = 1.5, r = 60, cos 60 = 0.5
n = 1, A = 5890 108 cm
Applying 2t cos r = nA
n 1589010
We get t 2cos 2 1.5 0.5
= r

The minimum thickness of the film t = 4.207 105 cm

5. A soap film 4 105 cm thick is viewed at an angle of 35 to the normal. Find the
(!J = 1.33). of light in the visible spectrum which will be absent from the reflected light
Let i be angle of incidence and r the angle of refraction
Give that i = 35 and = 1.33, r=?
sin or 1.33 = sin35
Applying = i
sin r

We get r = 25.55 and cos r = 0.90

Apply the relation 2 t cos r = nA
and taking t = 4 10 cm
(i) For the first order, n = 1
A = 2 1.33 4 105 0.90
= 9058 105 cm
which lies in the infra-red (invisible) region.
(ii) For the second order, n = 2
2A2 = 2 1.33 4 105 0.90
A2 = 4.79 105 cm
which lies in visible region.
(iii) Similarly, taking n = 3
A3 = 3.19 105 cm
which also lies in the ultraviolet range.
Hence, absent wavelength in the reflected light is 4.79 105 cm
6. A parallel beam of light (A = 5890 ) is incident on a thin glass plate (!J = 1.5) such that the
angle of refraction is 60. Calculate the smallest thickness of the plate which will appear
dark by reflection.
Given that = 1.5 and r = 60; cos 60 = 0.5, A = 5890 or A = 5890 1010 m
For minimum thickness n = 1
Applying 2t cos r = nA
We have t = 2 cosr

1589010 10
t =
2 1.5 0.5
t = 3926 1010 m
t = 3.926 104 mm
7. A soapoffilm
angle 45.ofThere
refractive index 1.33
is complete is illuminated
destructive with light
interference for A of different
= 5890 wavelengths
. Find at an
the thickness
of the film.
Given that !J = 1.33
r = 45
cos 45 = 0.707
A = 5890 = 5890 1010 m
n =1;t= ?
Applying 2t cos r = nA
Thickness of the film t = 2cosr

t =
2 1.330.707
t = 3.132 107m
t = 3.132 104 mm
8. A thin film of soap solution is illuminated by white light at an angle of incidence, i =
sin1 . In reflected light, two dark consecutive overlapping fringes are observed
corresponding to wavelengths 5.1 107 m and 5.0 107 m. !J for the soap solution is .
Calculate the thickness of the film.
Here nA 1 = (n + 1)A2
n(5.1 107) = (n + 1) 5 107
n = 50
sin i =
4 =
sini 4/
sin r = = 5 = 0.6

cos r = [1 sin 2 r]1/ 2 = 0.8

Apply 2t cos r = nA1 7
50 5.110
We have t 2 (4 / 3)0.8
The minimum thickness of the film t = 1.2 105 m
9. In Newtons rings experiment, what will be the order of the dark ring which will have
double the diameter of that of 20th dark ring. The wavelength of incident light is 5890 .
(OU, 1999)
Solution: Given Data
order of dark ring n2 = 20 8
wavelength (A) = 5890 10 cm
We know that the radius of the ring is given by r.
r = R m

or Diameter (d) = 2r = 2 Rm

or D2 = 4 ARm

D1 = 4AR n1
and D22 = 4AR n2 = 4AR 20
= 80 AR ...(1)
Given that :
D1 = 2D2
2 ...(2). On substituting we have
(or) = 4D 2
D2 2
4 A Rn1 = 4 80 AR
n1 = 80
10. In Newton rings experiment, the diameter of the 5 th and 15 th rings respectively was
0.336 cm and 0.590 cm. If the wavelength of light is 5890 . Find the radius of curvature
of lens surface in contact with plane glass plate. (OU, 2000)
Solution: Given data
Dm = D15 = 0.590 cm
Dn = D5 = 0.336 cm
A = 5890 108 cm
m = 15 n = 5
We know that in the Newtons rings experiment (R)
2 2
2 2 D D
m n 15 5
R= =
4(m 4(10)
2 2
(0.590) (0.336)
= 8
4 589010 10
= 99.8 cm
11. Newtons ring arrangement is used with a thsource emitting two wavelengths A1 = 6000
and A2 = 4500 and it is found that the thn dark ring due to A1 coincides with (n + 1) th
dark ring for A 2. Find the diameter of n dark ring of A 1 if the radius of curvature of
the lens
R = 90 cm. (OU, 2002)
Solution: Given data
Wavelength A1 = 6000 108 cm
A2 = 4500 108 cm
radius of curvature R = 90 cm
(n + d1)th
n bedark
the ring
diameter of nth ring
corresponding to corresponding also be dn A 1, then diameter of
to wavelength
wavelength A2 will
...(1) and 2 ...(2)
2 d n 4(n 2
dn 1
4n R 1) R

Dividing eq. (2) by (1)

n 1 1 =
= 8
n 2

1 60
1 n = 45
15 1
1 60 1 = =
= 45 3
n 45

n = 3. Putting the value of n in eq. (1)

d n2 = 4 3 6000 108

dn = 0.2545 cm
12. Newtons rings are observed in reflected light of wavelength 5900 . The diameter of 10th
dark ring is 0.50 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens and the thickness of the air
film. (OU 2001, 2003)
Solution: Given data
Wavelength of light (A) = 5900 108 cm
Diameter of the mth ring (D10) = 0.50 cm
Say, Diameter of the nth ring (Do) = 0
Dm2 Dm2

Therefore radius of curvature (R), R 4(m n) 4m


0.50 0.50 =
R= 8 10
4 590010 4 59
25 5
= = 105.96 cm.
4 59
R = 105.93 cms.
13. Newtons rings are formed with reflected light of wavelength 5.895 105 cm. with a
liquid between the plane and the curved surface. The diameter of the 5th dark ring is 0.3
cm and the radius of curvature of the curved surface is 1 metre. Calculate the refractive
index of the liquid.
Solution: Wavelength of light (A) = 5.895 105 cm
Diameter of 5th dark ring D5 = 0.3 cm
Radius of curvature R = 1m = 100 cm
For the ring system to be dark, we have
= nA

4Rn 4 100 5
= 2 5
dn 5.89510
= 1310 10
= 1.31
Refractive index of liquid is 1.31
14. In Newtons rings experiment the diameter of 10th ring changes from 1.40 cm to 1.20 cm
when a liquid is introduced between the lens and the plate. Calculate the refractive index of
the liquid.
...(i )
2 4n
For liquid medium D1 =

For air medium D 2 = 4nAR ...(ii)

Divide (ii) by (i)
Here D1 = 1.20 cm, D2 = 1.40 cm
1.40 = 1.361
!J =

15. In a Newtons rings arrangement, if a drop of water ( = 4/3) is placed in between the lens
and the plate, diameter of the 10th ring is found to be 0.5 cm. Obtain the radius of curvature
of the face of the lens in contact with the plate. The wavelength of light used is 6000 .
4nR or R = D n
Dn2 4n

D = 0.5 cm
= , n
n = 10, A = 6000 = 6 105 cm
Here R =?
4 (0.5)
R = 5
34 10 6 10
= 139 cm
16. Newtons rings are formed by reflected light of wavelength 5895 with a liquid
between the plane and curved surface. It the diameter of the 6th bright ring is 3 mm and the
radius of curvature of the curved surface is 100 cm, calculate the reflective index of the
Here, for the nth bright ring,
3 mm = 0.15 cm
Given that n = 6, A = 5895 108 cm, R = 100 cm, r =
To find = ?
(2n 1)R

Applying = 2r , we get

(2 6 1) 589510 100
= 2
= 1.441
17. In a Newtons rings experiment the diameter of the 15th ring was found to be 0.590 cm and
that of the 5th ring was 0.336 cm. If the radius of the planoconvex lens is 100 cm, calculate
the wavelength of light used.
Here D 5 = 0.336 cm = 33.6 103 m
D 15 = 0.590 cm = 5.90 103 m
R = 100 cm = 1m, A = ?
2 2 2 2
(Dnm ) D = D15 D5
A= 4 10 R

3 2
(5.9 10 ) (3.36 10 3 )2
4 10 R
= 5.880 107m
A = 5880
18. In a Newtons rings experiment the diameter of the 12th ring changes from 1.50 cm to
1.30 cm when a liquid is introduced between the lens and the plate. Calculate the refractive
index of the liquid.
Given that
D 1 = 1.50 cm
D 2 = 1.30 cm
For air medium
D1 = 4nAR ...(i)
For liquid medium
D22 ...(ii)

Dividing (i) by (ii)
= ,
!J = 1.331
19. Newtons rings are observed in reflected light of A = 5.9 105 cm. The diameter of the
10th dark ring is 0.52 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens and the thickness of the air
Given that A = 5.9 105 cm = 5.9 107 m
n = 10
Radius of the ring r = 5.2 103 m
Apply r2 = nAR
3 2
(5.2 10 )
We get R = 7
10 5.9 10
(ii) Thickness of the air film = t
2t = nA
t =
10 5.9
t = 2.95 106 m


1. In Newtons ring experiment, diameter of the 5th ring is 0.336 cm and that of the 15th ring
is 0.590 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the plano-convex lens if the wavelength of light
used is 5890 .
2. Light of wavelength 6 105 cm falls on a screen at a distance of 100 cm from a narrow slit.
Find the width of the slit if the first minimum lie 1mm on either side of the central maxima.
3. The diffraction maxima due to single slit diffraction is at 8 = 30 for a light of wavelength
5000 . Find the width of the slit.
4. Monochromatic light of wavelength 6.56 105 cm falls normally on a grating 2 cm wide;
the first order spectrum is produced at an angle of 18 14' from the normal. What is the total
number of lines on the grating.
5. Newtons rings are observed in reflected light of wavelength 5900 . The diameter of 10th
dark ring is 0.50 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens and the thickness of the air
6. Green light of wavelength 5100 from narrow slit is incident on a double slit if the overall
separation of 10 fringes on a screen 200 cm away is 2 cm. Find the slit separation.
7. A biprism is placed at a distance of 5 cm in front of a narrow slit and is illuminated by
sodium light of wavelength 5890 . The distance between the virtual sources is found to be
0.05 cm. Find the width of the fringes observed in a light eyepiece placed at 75 cm from the
8. Newtons rings are observed in a reflected light of wavelength 6000 . The diameter of
15th dark ring is 7 mm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens.
9. Find the ratio of intensity at the center of a bright fringe to the intensity at a point 1/4th of
the distance two fringes from the center.
10. In Newtons rings experiment, the diameter of 10th ring changes from 1.5 to 1.3 cm when
a liquid is introduced between the lens and the plane. Calculate the refractive index of
the liquid.
11. In Youngs double slit experiment two parallel slits 1 mm apart are illuminated by
monochromatic light. If the width is 0.50 mm and the screen is held at a distance of 80 cm
from the slits, what is the wavelength of light?
12. In Newtons rings experiment the diameter of 5th and 15th rings are 0.336 and 0.590 cm
respectively. If the wavelength of light is 5896 , find the radius of curvature.
13. A thin film 4 105 thick is illuminated by white light normal to its surface. Its refractive
index is 1.5. What wavelength within the visible spectrum will be intensified in the reflected
14. White light falls normally on a film of soapy water whose thickness is 5 105 cm and
refractive index is 1.33. Which wavelength in the visible region will be reflected more
15. Newton's rings are formed with reflected light of wavelength 5895 with a liquid between
the plane and the curved surface. The diameter of the 5th dark ring is 0.3 cm and the radius
of curvature of the curved surface is 100 cm. Calculate the refractive index of the liquid.
16. A thin parallel liquid film of refractive index 1.28 and thickness 0.48 m is illustrated by
visible light and observed at an angle of 35. Determine the wavelengths(s) which are absent
in reflected light.
17. In Newtons rings experiment, the wavelength of light used is 600 nm and radius of
curvature of lens is 1 m. Determine the diameter of the tenth dark ring.
18. In Newtons rings pattern, the diameter of a certain ring is 0.38 cm. A liquid of
refractive index 1.38 is introduced between the glass plate and the lens in the same set up.
Determine the diameter of the same ring.
19. In Newtons rings pattern, the diameter of the fifth ring is 0.3 cm and that of the tenth ring
is 0.5 cm. Wavelength of light used is 589 nm. Determine the radius of curvature of the lens.
20. Newtons rings are observed in reflected light of wavelength 589 nm with the liquid film
formed between plane glass plate and a plano-convex lens. The diameter of 9th bright ring is
105 cm. Determine the refractive index of the liquid.


1. Explain constructive and destructive interference. Explain in detail Young's double slit
2. Discuss the necessary theory of interference in thin films.
3. Discuss the formation of Newtons rings and calculate their diameters. How do you
determine the wavelength of monochromatic light using Newtons rings ?
4. What is interference of light ? Deduce the conditions for maxima and minima of
interference fringes formed by thin films.

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