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2015 International Symposium on Agents, Multi-agent Systems and Robotics (ISAMSR)

An Evaluation of Robotic Education Scale in

Enhancing Science Achievement
Ahmad Faizal Abdul Wahab1, Mustaffa Halabi Azahari2, Rosita Mohd Tajuddin1
Centre of Postgraduate Studies
Dept. Photography & Creative Imaging
Faculty of Art and Design
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Shah Alam, Selangor, {mustaffa, rositatajuddin}

Abstract The development in education in the 21st century has and level of students learning, ranging from primary schools
demanded Malaysian students to be on par or better with other to tertiary level [3].
students in advanced countries. Various pedagogics of teaching Students will experiment with learning materials to find an
and learning are introduced in the class in order to produce good answer or solution to a problem given. In the experiment, they
students in thinking, technical and moral values skills. One of
will use their skills to think, communicate and apply their ICT
the pedagogics introduced is using robotic education in the
Malaysian education system. Among the advantages of robotic knowledge to get the results that will meet the standard
education are students can play in the learning process, can use required. When they have acquired this knowledge, it is easier
ICT, problem solving, reasoning and working in teams. It was to understand and use it to their life. Papert, 1986 also stated
introduced in the education system particularly in the primary that students learn effectively when they are involved in the
and secondary school education in 2005 by the Ministry of creation of external objects that live in the real world [3]. The
Education of Malaysia as a co-curricular activity which later is exposure to these elements will help them face the real
expanded as a competition from schools, districts, and states, employment situation in the future.
national to international levels. The objective of this study is to Many developed countries have introduced this subject to
analyze the impact of robotic education in enhancing learning
prepare the students for the globalization era and 21st century
process among students. Quantitative approach by using
questionnaires method to thirty selected students is employed. knowledge. ICT and Technology based subject focuses in
The result indicated that many students agreed that robotic preparing the students for the 21st century. Traditional
education is required and relevant in enhancing learning process education system such as writing and memorizing techniques
among students. It provides an interesting and positive learning needs to be changed; where students should not only
environment where students are exposed various teaching and memorize but must also master the skills. Learning is a
learning activities in the classroom where the students have process that should be incorporated; from the most basic to the
to conduct experiments to get answers for each question which most complex so that students can grasp the learning
different from conventional learning activity of memorization outcomes gradually and regularly. The implementation of
and writing. As a conclusion, robotic education would entice
robotic and F1 in schools have helped training students
students to learn by themself besides that can help to improve
students thinking skills. thinking skills [4].
Preparing students for employment, citizenship, and life
in the 21st century is complex [5]. Globalization, technology,
Index Terms robotic, students, thinking skills, science and migration, international competition, changes in the market,
technology (Abstract) and transnational environmental and political challenges add
new challenges for the students to develop the skills and
I. INTRODUCTION knowledge which they need to acquire to be successful in 21st
Robotic education is a branch of science and technology century [5]. 21st century education requires students to provide
and it is an experiment-based learning. Robotic education has a platform for self-learning with the assistance of teachers,
been proven to be an important tool in education nowadays. It peers, learning materials and environment [5]. 21st century
encourages students to learn hands-on practice which could education also requires students to master the critical thinking
arouse students curiosity and eventually help them in problem and problem solving skills, having good grasp of oral and
solving in Science and Technology subject [1]. However written communication skills, accessing, analyzing
robotic education is not being implemented seriously in information and of course, curiosity and imagination too. If a
Malaysia education [2]. Students are also introduced to a comparison is made between the 21st century education and
number of skills in robotic education which can help them robotics education, we can see the relationship and
explore the 21st century. Robots have become important in the interdependence between each other. Both have common
field of education and have been used to improve the quality skills which the students need to master. Robotic education

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2015 International Symposium on Agents, Multi-agent Systems and Robotics (ISAMSR)

activities that have been carried are complementary to the Hence, students who have robotic background could deliver
activities proposed in the of 21st century education. assignments given by teachers in a creative manner [12]. They
are able to solve problems and work independently [1].
II. ROBOT IN EDUCATION Students are also able to think innovatively and this will
Robot was originally created in 1921 and was introduced enable them to perform successfully in schools and higher
by a Czech nation, Karel Capek in the drama "Rossum's education institutions.
Universal Robots". As for the word robotic, it was invented Over the past years, the interest in robotic education has
by Isaac Asimov in a science fiction about a robot in the increased and several attempts have been made worldwide to
1940s. For more than 100 years, human could only imagine introduce robotic in schools education; from kindergarten to
about robot. There was no specific description about the form high school, mostly in the field of Science and Technology
and function of the robot [6]. Probably catapult machine subjects [12]. Robotic education is conducted in Robotic Club
which was using the simplest technology during the ancient during co-curricular activity. In primary school, this activity
war, could be categorized as a robot at that time. But yet, this is first introduced when the students are in year 4. They can
tool was generated by humans which couldnt function choose this club for their extra-curricular activities with the
automatically, Robot becomes part of the science-fiction, condition that they must have interest and passion in it. As for
especially during galactic warfare such as in "Star Wars" film secondary schools, they could join this club as their curricular
which R2D2 and C3PO robots were created. activities ever since they are in form 1 and they could continue
Robots today are very real and they can perform various up until form 5. During the early stage, students are usually
types of important jobs such as exploring other planets, introduced with robotic components such as NXT (the brain
investigating deep-sea volcanoes, assembling cars and that stores all programming made), sensors, gears and other
performing surgery [6]. Robot helps to run humans work and components. Students will start to design robots based on
chores, without ever feeling tired. They work the way they are knowledge of these components.
programmed which out any flaws at all. Some robots can even As for next stage, they need to make a basic programing to
produce better results than humans. Today robots have various enable the robot to move. Once they have mastered all these
special functions such as getting information through stages, they will start to prepare according to the format of the
censorship, get involved in the programming and ICT. They competition. SASBADI Malaysia (the company organizing the
can perform tasks efficiently, quickly and facilitate human life robotic competition for schools in Malaysia) also participates
[7]. Robot may be in a form of vehicles, equipment or in producing teaching and learning modules such as 5 Minute
machineries, which are automatic or semi-automatic, operated. Robot. Students need to install the components in 5 minutes
Apart from the functions above, robots have also become an and then to program it with some basic movements. Students
important tool in education. Robotic education program is a need to find the easiest solution in terms of the appropriateness
learning platform which can produce skilled workers for of the design and programming to ensure that the robot can be
success in the 21st century [8]. Robotic education is an initiative completed within the time frame given. Review from the past
to help improve the students knowledge in Science, studies have also acknowledged the role of robotic in
Mathematics, ICT and engineering [8]. Through solid education that contributed towards students achievement
foundation in science, technology, information and in the science education.
communication technology (ICT), which is designed through
hands-on experience and experimentation, [9] students are able III. ROBOTIC AND ENHANCING HIGH ORDER THINKING SKILLS
to compete globally and to fulfill the characteristics of the "21st century skills," "higher-order thinking skills,"
human capital needed in the 21st century. "deeper learning outcomes," and "thinking and complex
Robotic education program emphasizes on some important communication skills" is not something new [5]. Research
elements such as problem-solving skills, creative thinking about high order thinking skills among students in Malaysia
skills, communication skills, teamwork and higher-order have been conducted since the Ministry of Education
thinking skills [10]. Robotic education program also allows emphasizes the importance of thinking skills among the
students to develop logical thinking systematically to produce students. Study presented by Rank Report, high order
fully functional robot [9]. Students involvement in robotic thinking skills required by students to succeed in the context
education may offer additional educational benefits which are of the 21st century[5] . This is important because students
not offered in text books. This benefit may not be explained should have a variety of important skills such as problem
directly because sometimes things happen unexpectedly, only solving, reasoning, creative thinking and innovation [4].
those who have experienced in using and controlling the A high order thinking skills (HOTS) are important because
robotic equipment could explain this matter. they will encourage problem-solving skills, creative and
There are several benefits that could be obtained critical thinking skills, communication skills and team
through educational robotic, such as an interdisciplinary collaboration skills among the students [9]. The purpose of
approach, motivation, a way to promote collaboration, a way robotic education is not just to create excitement among the
to foster the learning of the 21st century skills (critical students but to use this excitement to help them learn what
thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, they have found difficult to study using conventional methods
creativity and innovation) and computational thinking [11]. [3]. The study of robotic requires them to design, identify the

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2015 International Symposium on Agents, Multi-agent Systems and Robotics (ISAMSR)

function and to use the computer programing to enable the is the perfect medium to improve students achievement in
robot to function as programmed [5]. Robotic education also Science and Technology.
cultivates curiosity, self-directed, problem solving and can
even change students attitude towards technology [7].
The importance of thinking skills and robotic has been
identified as one of effective instrument in learning [2].
Educational robotics can trigger the curiosity in them and raise
their awareness to explore and question their ideas with the
new tool. It provides them with ways to explore ideas, build
their knowledge through real-world experience when they are
using mechanical parts and programming [10]. Robotics-based
learning encourages students to explore ideas and this will
increase their curiosity and make them eager to work on the
project because they are interested in it as the project will give Fig.1. Malaysia students achievement in the World of Robot Olympiad
personal meaning to them. From a constructivist theory of
education, explaines that learning comes from an active
process of knowledge construction (Piaget, 1972) , this means
knowledge can be obtained through real life experience and
previous knowledge related to the student [5].
In six cognitive domains that were introduced in Bloom's
Taxonomy, robotic education utilizes almost all the domains
in the implementation of its activities. In the domain of
knowledge (memorize and arrange) [13], that is at the bottom
of the Blooms taxonomy, students use the knowledge to
design a robot using the basic components of robotic. In the
domain comprehension (identify, classify, explain, indicate,
locate) [13], robotic education emphasizes each student to
understand the importance of each component and sensor used
in the design. Domain application (apply, choose, illustrate) Fig.2. Malaysia students achievement in the World Robot Olympiad
[13],encourages students to apply their knowledge in designing
robot, in terms of designing, the usage of sensors, function,
reasoning and facing the consequences of their actions . V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
The following are three highest domains in Blooms
taxonomy involving higher-order thinking skills. In the
analysis domain (Analyze, appraise, calculate, examine, A. Sample and Procedure
experiment) [13], the students have to analyze each problem in A quantitative research methodology was utilized
the production of robot and to find solutions to overcome it. to collect data. To validate the scale, a pilot survey of 30
This domain also requires students to evaluate the student respondents was used. Student respondents were
effectiveness of each component in the design process. In selected based on the purposive sampling method. The
evaluating domain (defend, consider, explain) [13], students questionnaire was personally hand-delivered. Student
can identify the effectiveness of the robot based on the design respondents aged between 14- 15 years old were the target
and programing that have been constructed. While the highest sample of the study. Students were selected because they
domain, create (decisions, reconstruct, adapt, formulate) [13], determined whether robotic education was suitable for them in
prepare to students to enable them to explain, to make helping them to improve their learning achievement in Science
decisions, to reconstruct the idea to improve it or other subject. A closed-ended questions is were used in
concepts. questionnaire. Responses were captured on a 5- point Likert
scale anchored by 1 as strongly disagree to 5 as strongly
IV. STUDENTS ACHIEVEMENT IN ROBOTIC EDUCATION agree. Demographic information required included gender,
race, member of robotic club or not and state. A reliability
In order to attract students to explore the field of Science
analysis was utilized to validate the reliability of the scale.
and Technology, robotic is a tool that is able to change the
This test is crucial to determine whether the question used in
system of learning in enhancing students learning
the pilot survey is measuring what it is supposed to
achievement in the classroom [3]. It does not only involve in
measure. Besides that, correlation analysis also used to
the field of Science and Technology but also in other areas not
measure the relationship between factors.
mentioned here. Based on Malaysia students achievement in
the World Robot Olympiad , it is proven that robotic
education can improve students higher-order thinking and it

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2015 International Symposium on Agents, Multi-agent Systems and Robotics (ISAMSR)


A. Reliability Analysis
Reliability analysis was conducted to assess the level of
consistency between the various measurement variables. The
purpose of conducting a reliability of the analysis was to Table 2: Summary Results of Pearsons Correlation
examine the consistency of measures in measuring what it was
supposed to be measured as the result of the questionnaire. VII. DISSCUSSIONS
Cronbach alpha .70 was used as the benchmark in assessing
the reliability measures. A minimum value of Cronbach alpha This research aimed to evaluate and validate the scale made
suggested by Nunally (1978) was considered as a sufficient to study the importance of robotic education in students
value in determining the construct reliability. Reliability Science achievement. Overall result was, this questionnaire
analysis was conducted on eight (8) factor solutions. Based on was reliable because every item that was questioned, measured
the results of the analysis of reliability, all the reliability of the all the factors; it clearly shown that most of the items were
constructs showed more than 0.70;. reliable to measure the robotic education in enhancing
Factor 1: The suitability of using robotic in Science subject students Science achievement.. Overall, this questionnaire is
(8) items taken into consideration 0.84;. Factor 2: reliable because every item that questioned measured all the
Remembering (The first ranked in 6 level of High Order factors; it is shown that most of the items are reliable to
Thinking Skills) which have six (6) items, scored 0.7;. Factor measure the robotic education in enhancing students science
3: Understanding (The second ranked in 6 level of High achievement. Most of the items in factor 1 measure about the
Order Thinking Skills) which have five (5) accounted 0.73;. suitability for use of robotics in Science Subject. Factors 2 up
Factor 4: Applying (The third ranked in 6 level of High Order to 7 explain about the thinking skills by 6 levels of mastery
Thinking Skills) which have six (6) items scored 0.79;. Factor learning which are widely used in the Science learning process
5: Analyzing (The fourth ranked in 6 level of High Order by an order that is "remembering, understanding, applying,
Thinking Skills) which have five (5) items scored 0.77;. analyzing, evaluating and creating",[13]. Factor 8 describes the
Factor 6: Evaluating (The fifth ranked in 6 level of High impact of robotics education in improving student achievement
Order Thinking Skills) which have four (4) items with the in science and technology.
highest score, 0.88;. Factor 7: Creating (The highest level in
High Order Thinking Skills) which have five (5) items scored VIII. CONCLUSION
0.84 and Factor 8: Impact of robotic education in improving From the questionnaire responses, it appears that most
students achievement in Science and Technology contained students are interested in robotic. They have agreed that
12 item accounted .87. robotic equipment triggered their interest for them to continue
to study Science subject in addition to the existing teaching
aids. Students are motivated but yet active learning will be
more challenging due to different learning styles and this will
give more impact on the teaching and learning process [2].
Furthermore, learning through designing, building and
operating the robot may lead to knowledge and mechanical
skills and high-tech computer engineering in high demand in
the industry. In addition, it can promote the development of
high order thinking skills, problem solving, independent
Table 1: Reliability Result learning and teamwork skills [2].
Initially, only 500 schools participated in robotic
B. Correlation Analysis competitions in Malaysia, this number is growing every year
Referring to the table below, it is shows the correlation and in 2013, nearly 3,000 teams participated in this
analysis for all variables in this study. It is indicated that all competition [8]. This shows that the students interest in
the variables have significantly positive effect between robotic education is increasing and it is a positive indication
suitability, remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, that the awareness and interest of the students in the field of
evaluating, and creating towards impact of robotic education robotic has become more widespread [9]. Hopefully robotic
in improving student achievement in science and technology. education will continue to grow and more schools will take
This implies, when the suitability, remembering, part in it to enable Malaysia to produce students who will
understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, creating were contribute to the human capital and complement the need of
increase or high order thinking skills, then the academic 21st century skills to ensure Malaysia to be a developed
achievement will be enhanced. country.

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