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ENGLISH PoS Definition Pronunciation Example

ability noun the physical or mental skill or blti She has the ability to pass
qualities that you need to do exams without even trying.
achievement noun something good that you tivmnt Learning French was a big
achieve achievement for me.
action film noun a film in which the characters kn flm You know, I go to watch a
have exciting physical drama, or an action film
adventures and it just doesnt look real.
active adj doing a lot of things, or moving ktv Extroverts are active and
around a lot lively.
add verb to put something with d Add 500g minced lamb to
something else the onions.
admit verb to agree that you did dmt The woman admitted eating
something bad, or that the dessert.
something bad is true
advise sb to do verb to make a suggestion about dvaz They advised him to
sth what you think someone advertise the hotel more.
should do
afford verb to have enough money to buy fd There were some boots I
something really liked, but I couldnt
afford them.
afraid of adj frightened of fred v I dont like extreme sports
Im afraid of hurting myself.
agree verb to say you will do something gri She agreed to have the new
that someone asks you to do product on her hair.
air conditioning noun a system that keeps the air e kndn The air conditioning wasnt
cool in a building or car working in my car so I was
boiling hot.
album noun several songs or pieces of lbm I really like Kanye West and
music on a CD, a record, etc Ive got all his albums.
amused adj showing that you think mjuzd I thought Clare would like the
something is funny picture, but she wasnt
amusing adj making you laugh or smile mjuz It was an amusing story.
animation noun an animated film, or the nmen I studied computer animation
process of making animated at college.
apologise for verb to tell someone that you are pldaz f Id like to apologise for what I
sorry about something you said earlier.
have done
app noun abbreviation for application: a p She downloaded some apps.
computer program that is
designed for a particular
apply for sth verb to ask officially for something, pla f Hundreds of people applied
especially a job for the job.
argue verb to speak angrily to someone, gju I try not to argue with my
telling them that you disagree boss even when hes
with them wrong!
argue with verb to speak angrily to someone, gju w I argued with the traffic
telling them that you disagree warden about the parking
with them fine.
article noun a piece of writing in a tkl I read some articles in a
magazine, newspaper, etc magazine.
artist noun someone who creates art, tst You can enjoy sculptures
especially paintings and and other modern art
drawings installations by artists from
around the world.
artistic adj showing skill and imagination tstk My sister's very artistic.
in creating things, especially in
painting, drawing, etc
attack verb to try to score points, goals, tk You need to attack your
etc. against someone in a sport opponent.
attic noun a room at the top of a house tk I put all the stuff I dont use
under the roof in the attic.
audience noun the people who sit and watch a dins I don't like the audience at
performance at a theatre, cinemas.
cinema, etc
awful adj very bad, of low quality, or fl The food in that restaurant
unpleasant was absolutely awful.
background noun a person's education, family, bkgrand Most of my friends come
and experience of life from the same background
as me.
balcony noun a small area joined to the wall blkni We dont have a garden or a
outside a room on a high level terrace, but we do have a
where you can stand or sit balcony where we can sit
base sth on sth verb If you base something on facts bes n I was very surprised when I
or ideas, you use those facts or discovered that this film is
ideas to develop it. based on a true story.
basement noun a room or set of rooms that is besmnt A lot of American houses
below ground level in a have a large basement
building under the house.
bay noun an area of coast where the be They sailed into the bay.
land curves in
be in charge of phrase to be the person who has bi n td v Im in charge of a small
control of or is responsible for team.
someone or something
beat verb to defeat someone in a bit You won last time, but this
competition time Im going to beat you!
beautiful adj very attractive bjutfl Thats a beautiful photo.
beauty noun the quality of being beautiful bjuti This film shows the beauty of
the Pacific islands.
believe in sth verb to think that something exists bliv n Do you believe in bad luck?
belong to sb verb If something belongs to you, bl tu All of the land near the river
you own it. is private it belongs to the
bitter adj having a strong, sour, usually bt The cake has a bitter orange
unpleasant taste filling.
block of flats noun a large building that is divided blk v flts I live on the fourth floor of a
into apartments modern block of flats.
blogger noun a person who writes or reads a blg He is a business blogger.
boiling adj very hot bl It was absolutely boiling in
bored adj feeling tired and unhappy bd I was a bit bored by all the
because something is not stuff about business.
interesting or because you
have nothing to do

boring adj not interesting or exciting br Everyone who thinks that

introverts are depressed or
boring should read this book.
branch noun one of the many parts of a tree brnt This is an Indian leaf
that grows out from its trunk butterfly, sitting on the
branch of a tree.
breaking news noun news that is just becoming brek njuz I always want to keep up to
known date with breaking news in
my country and abroad.
bright adj intelligent brat These kids are very bright.
brilliant adj very good brlint He's brilliant at playing the
brilliant adj very good brlint Hes brilliant at playing the
bring sb up verb to look after a child and teach br p My grandmother brought me
them until they are old enough up, so Im very close to her.
to look after themselves
browse verb to look at information on the braz She spends a lot of time
internet browsing the internet.
browse verb to look at information on the braz Do you prefer browsing
internet online, or in real shops?
browser noun a computer program which braz Which browser do you use?
allows you to look at pages on
the internet
business noun the buying and selling of goods bzns I was a bit bored by all the
or services stuff about business.
button noun a switch that you press to btn Press the button.
control a piece of equipment
candidate noun one of the people trying to get knddt Only six candidates were
a job invited for an interview.
care about sth verb to think that something is ker bat If we really care about the
important and to feel interested environment we should all
in it or worried about it consider buying electric cars.
career noun a job that you do for a long kr Its hard to balance family life
period of your life and that and a career.
gives you the chance to move
to a higher position and earn
more money
cash machine noun a machine, usually in a wall k mi:n I need some money. Is there
outside a bank, that you can a cash machine near here?
get money from using a plastic
cave noun a large hole in the side of a kev It was completely dark inside
cliff, mountain, or under the the cave.
celebrate verb to do something enjoyable selbret My aunt doesntusually
because it is a special day, or celebrate her birthday.
because something good has
celebration noun when you celebrate a special selbren This annual music and arts
day or event festival is a celebration of
creativity and culture.
celebrity gossip noun conversations about the private slebrti gsp I quite often go on websites
lives of famous people to check the latest celebrity
character noun a person in a book, film, etc krkt George Clooney plays a
character who wants to steal
money from a casino.
charitable adj A charitable event, activity, or trtbl Many people gave charitable
organization gives money, donations.
food, or help to people who
need it.
charity noun an official organization that trti I'd like to raise money for
gives money, food, or help to charity.
people who need it
chat show noun a television or radio tt They had some brilliant
programme where people are guests on that chat show.
asked questions about
childhood noun the part of your life when you taldhd I spent all my childhood in
are a child Malta.
choir noun a group of people who sing kwa I sing in a choir.
chop verb to cut something into small tp Chop four chilies, two
pieces tomatoes, one onion and a
bunch of coriander.
click verb to press on part of a computer klk I opened one of the emails to
mouse to make the computer click on the unsubscribe
do something link.
climate change noun the way the Earth's weather is klamt tend Do most people in your
changing country care enough about
climate change?
coast noun the land beside the sea kst Miami has endless sandy
beaches along the coast.
come out verb If a product comes out, it km at That new game came out
becomes available to buy. last Sunday.
comedy noun entertainment such as a film, kmdi Did you see that new
play, etc which is funny comedy programme last
compete verb to take part in a race or kmpit They are competing for a
competition prize.
competitor noun a person, team, or company kmpett There are several
that is competing with others competitors in the race.
complain verb to say that something is wrong kmplen Are you going to complain
or that you are annoyed about about the terrible food?
complain about verb to say that something is wrong kmplen bat People complain about the
sth or that you are annoyed about traffic here, but it isnt bad
something compared to a big city.
confident adj certain about your ability to do knfdnt Its good to be confident!
things well
connect verb to join two things or places knekt Is there a way to connect to
together the internet?
conservation noun the protection of nature knsven There are several
conservation projects in this
contact noun someone you know who may kntkt Ive got a lot of business
be able to help you because of contacts who work for
their job or position employers in different
cope with sth verb to deal quite successfully with kp w My friend is finding it hard to
a difficult situation cope with all the noise in the
court noun an area for playing particular kt He lives in an enormous
sports house with a swimming pool
and a tennis court.
creamy adj like cream or containing cream krimi We had a creamy avocado
and tomato dip with crunchy
tortilla chips.
create verb to make something happen or kriet A computer program creates
exist the special effects.
creative adj good at thinking of new ideas krietv You can be creative in your
or using imagination to create job.
new and unusual things
creative phrase the ability to think about things krietv k Were very interested in your
thinking in a new and imaginative way creative thinking and your
problem-solving skills.
creativity noun the ability to produce new krietvti This annual music and arts
ideas or things using skill and festival is a celebration of
imagination creativity and culture.
creature noun anything that lives but is not a krit Fortunately, there are
plant several conservation projects
working to save this beautiful
crunchy adj Crunchy food is hard and krnti We had a creamy avocado
makes a noise when you eat it. and tomato dip with crunchy
tortilla chips.
cultural adj relating to music, art, theatre, kltrl The organisers donate all the
literature, etc money they make to projects
for social and cultural
culture noun music, art, theatre, literature, klt This annual music and arts
etc festival is a celebration of
creativity and culture.
current affairs plural important political or social krnt fez I'm interested in current
noun events which are happening in affairs.
the world at the present time
cut sth off verb to cut something so that it is no kt f We saw that wed both cut all
longer attached to something our hair off!
CV noun a document which describes sivi Ive got good grades but I
your qualifications and the jobs havent got much experience
you have done, which you to put on my CV.
send to an employer that you
want to work for
cycle lane noun a narrow area of a road for sakl len I saw someone waving to me
bicycles from the cycle lane.
damage verb to harm or break something dmd Have new roads and
buildings damaged the
environment near you?
delete verb to remove something, dlit He deleted the email.
especially from a computer's
delicious adj If food or drink is delicious, it dls That cake is delicious! Could
smells or tastes extremely I have some more, please?
depend on verb If something depends on dpend n Do I like living in the
sth/sb someone or something, it is countryside? That depends
influenced by them, or changes on the weather!
because of them.
depressed adj very unhappy, often for a long dprest Everyone who thinks that
time introverts are depressed or
boring should read this book.
depressing adj making you feel unhappy and dpres Some people find winter
without any hope for the future depressing but I like it.
desert noun a large, hot, dry area of land dezt This lizard lives in the desert
with very few plants in Australia.
destroy verb to damage something so badly dstr If we're not careful, the home
that it does not exist or cannot of the orang utan will be
be used completely destroyed.
determined adj wanting to do something very dtmnd She was determined to work
much, and not letting anyone on TV.
stop you
develop verb to grow or change and become dvelp The characters develop in
more advanced, or to make interesting and unexpected
someone or something do this ways.
development noun when someone or something dvelpmnt The organisers donate all the
grows or changes and money they make to projects
becomes more advanced for social and cultural
director noun someone who tells the actors drekt My favourite director is Sofia
in a film or play what to do Coppola.
disappointed adj unhappy because someone or dspntd I was disappointed that
something was not as good as Susan Cain only writes about
you hoped or expected, or society in the USA.
because something did not
disappointing adj making you feel disappointed dspnt Everyone says the new
restaurant is very good but I
thought it was very
DJ noun someone who plays music on dide The DJ was playing hip hop.
the radio or at discos
do badly phrase to be unsuccessful du: bdli He did badly in the exam.
do research phrase to study a subject in detail in du: rst We'll have to do some
order to discover new research to find out about
information their lives.
do well phrase to be successful du: wl They're going to pay me a
bonus if I do well.
do your best phrase to do something as well as you du: j best I realise he isnt a very
can sociable person but please
do your best to persuade him
to come to the party.
do your phrase to do work which teachers give du: j Ive been doing this maths
homework you to do at home hmwk homework all night and I still
dont understand it.

documentary noun a film or television programme dkjmentri There was a fascinating

that gives facts about a real wildlife documentary on TV
situation or real people last night about African
doorbell noun a button that you press next to dbel Two police officers rang my
or on a door that makes a doorbell.
noise to let someone know that
you are there
download verb to copy computer programs, danld She downloaded some apps.
music or other information
electronically using the internet
drama noun a play in a theatre or on drm You know, I go to watch a
television or radio drama, or an action film
and it just doesnt look real.
dried adj Dried food or plants have had drad We ate some dried fruit.
all their liquid removed,
especially in order to stop them
from decaying.
eat out verb to eat in a restaurant it at When I eat out, I generally
prefer Chinese food.

editor noun someone who is in charge of a edt The editor told me to rewrite
newspaper or magazine the story.
elder noun an important, respected, older eld
member of a group
eldest adj being the oldest of three or eldst
more people, especially within
a family
employee noun someone who is paid to work mpli There are 200 employees in
for a person or company this organisation.
employer noun a person or company that pays mpl Ive got a lot of business
people to work for them contacts who work for
employers in different
encourage verb to make someone more likely nkrd She encouraged me to apply
to do something, or make for the job.
something more likely to
endangered adj Endangered plants and ndendd Unfortunately, the orang utan
animals may soon not exist is endangered.
because there are very few
now alive.
enormous adj extremely large nms That cakes absolutely
entertainment noun shows, films, television, or enttenmnt If you want to know whats
other performances or happening in Hollywood, you
activities that entertain people should watch the
entertainment news.
environment noun the air, land and water where nvarnmnt What can ordinary people do
people, animals and plants live to help the environment?
environmentally adj not damaging the environment nvarnmentli We try to be environmentally
friendly frendli friendly.
essential for adj very important and necessary senl f I think that having lots of
for friends is essential for a
happy, healthy life.

exhausted adj very tired gzstd I'm absolutely exhausted!

experience noun knowledge that you get from ksprins Climbing experience is
doing a job, or from doing, needed for this job.
seeing, or feeling something
express phrase to show your emotions kspres filz They express their feelings
feelings and opinions directly, and
arent afraid to say how they
extreme sport noun a sport that is very dangerous kstrim spt This is an extreme sport.
and exciting, for example
skydiving and bungee jumping
face-to-face, adj, directly, meeting someone in fes t fes Baby Boomers definitely
face to face adv the same place prefer face-to-face
fantastic adj very good fntstk We had a fantastic holiday.
fascinated adj extremely interested fsnetd Japan is a wonderful
country. Im fascinated by
the culture.
fascinating adj extremely interesting fsnet This is the most fascinating
book Ive read for a long
feather noun one of the soft, light things that fe When the snow melts, the
grow from and cover a bird's birds feathers change
skin colour.
festival noun a series of special events, festvl The best day of the festival is
performances, etc that often the last day.
takes place over several days
film verb to record moving pictures with flm Did you film the race?
a camera, usually to make a
film for the cinema or television
filthy adj extremely dirty fli Your T-shirts filthy! Put it in
the washing machine.
first floor noun the level of a building directly fst fl My apartment's on the first
above the ground level floor.
flat noun a set of rooms to live in, with all flt Our flat is on the third floor of
the rooms on one level of a our building.
floor noun a particular level of a building fl Our flat is on the third floor of
our building.
forest noun a large area of trees growing frst It takes quite a long time for
closely together forests to recover if theyve
already been cut down.
freezing adj very cold friz I went for a swim in the river
and the water was absolutely
fresh adj Fresh food has been produced fre The meatballs were served
or collected recently and has with couscous and fresh
not been frozen, dried, etc. herbs.
friendly phrase Someone with a friendly frendli We are looking for soft skills
personality personality is always friendly to psnlti such as a friendly
other people. personality.
friendship noun when two people are friends frendp My longest friendship started
when I was at primary

front door noun the main entrance to a frnt d The wind had blown a tree
building, especially a house, down and it had blocked the
which usually faces the road front door.
fry verb to cook something in hot oil or fra Fry the meatballs in the oil.
fat or to be cooked in hot oil or
fur noun the thick hair that covers the f Polar bears have white fur.
bodies of some animals like
cats and rabbits
furious adj extremely angry fjris I was furious when I found
out hed read my private
game show noun a programme on television in gem My friend was on the game
which people play games to try show 'Who Wants to Be a
to win prizes Millionaire?' and won 5,000!
generation noun all the people in a society or denren Ive just become a
family who are approximately grandmother, so there are
the same age now three generations in our
get around verb to travel around a place get rand The quickest way to get
around my home town is on
get on with sb verb to like someone and be friendly get n w I generally get on with
with them people of all different ages.
get to know sb phrase to become familiar with get t n I think you can only get to
someone because you have know people well when you
met them and talked to them live with them.
get together verb to meet in order to do get tge We usually speak on the
something or spend time phone two or three times a
together day, and we get together as
often as we can.
give a phrase to give a talk giving information gv I dont want to give a
presentation about something preznten presentation.
give opinions phrase to say what you think about gv pnjnz Bloggers write articles that
something give their opinions about
give up verb to stop doing something gv p He thought the course was
too easy, so he gave up after
six months.
go away verb to go somewhere, often for a g we Next time I go away with my
holiday family, Id like to go to Spain.
go back verb to return to a place g bk I loved my visit to my
countrys capital city and Id
like to go back soon.
good at phrase able to do something well gd t She is good at making
good value (for phrase If something is good value, it is gd vlju Our holiday was a bit more
money) of good quality or there is a lot expensive than we thought,
of it so you think the amount of but it was still good value.
money you spent on it was
grades plural the marks you get in your redz Ive got good grades but I
noun exams or school work havent got much experience
to put on my CV.

greet verb to welcome someone grit We were greeted at the

airport by the Minister of
ground floor noun the level of a building which is grand fl He lives in a ground floor flat.
on the ground
grow apart verb to become less friendly gr pt We didnt use to argue
much, but in our teenage
years we started to grow
grow up verb to become older or an adult gr p As we grew up, we created
our own identities.
hang out verb to spend time with someone h at We wanted to hang out with
each other more.
happiness noun the feeling of being happy hpins Everyones happiness levels
are high today!
happy adj pleased and in a good mood, hpi People who sing a lot always
especially because something seem happy.
good has happened
have a go phrase to try something hv g If you like surfing, you should
have a go at this.
have a phrase to have a written promise hv grnti Did the tablet have a
guarantee made by a company to repair guarantee when you bought
one of its products or give you it?
a new one if it had a fault
have sth in phrase to share interests, experiences, hv n kmn My friends and I like the
common or other characteristics with same music but thats the
someone or something only thing we have in
headline noun the title of a newspaper story hedlan There are dramatic
that is printed in large letters headlines everywhere I look.
above it
heat up verb to make something become hit p Heat up one tablespoon of
hot or warm olive oil in a pan.
heavy adj Heavy food makes you feel too hevi I had a really heavy dinner
full. last night so I didnt sleep
very well.
horror film noun a film in which very frightening hr flm Dracula' is one of the most
or unnatural things happen, for famous horror films of all
example dead people coming time.
to life and people being
hot adj Hot food contains strong ht The fish is served with hot
spices which cause a burning chillies.
feeling in your mouth.
icon noun a small picture on a computer akn Click on the icon.
screen that you choose in
order to make the computer do
impossible adj If an action or event is mpsbl It's impossible! I'll never get it
impossible, it cannot happen or right.
be done.
in stock phrase to be available in a shop n stk The book I wanted wasn't in
insist verb to demand that something nsst I said I would take a taxi to
must be done or that you must the airport but they insisted
have a particular thing on driving me in their car.
install verb to put software onto a nstl He installed the app on his
computer phone.
instrument noun an object that is used for nstrmnt Can you play the piano or
playing music, for example a any other musical
piano or drum instrument?
intelligent adj able to learn and understand nteldnt She was very intelligent and
things easily did well at school.
interested adj wanting to do, get, or achieve ntrstd Jo and I are going to a
something concert next week. Are you
interested in adj wanting to give your attention ntrstd n Im very interested in health
to something and discover and fitness.
more about it
interesting adj Someone or something that is ntrst I found the ideas very
interesting keeps your attention interesting.
because they are unusual,
exciting, or have lots of ideas.
interview verb to ask someone questions in ntvju The politician was
an interview interviewed by a journalist
from 'The Times'.
interview noun a meeting in which someone ntvju Only six candidates were
asks you questions to see if invited for an interview.
you are suitable for a job or
invite verb to ask someone to come to a nvat Ive invited your parents to
social event visit us.
journalist noun someone whose job is dnlst Liz Kerr is an environmental
journalism journalist who is helping
whales that have come
keep in touch phrase to continue to communicate kip n tt Lets keep in touch.
with someone by telephoning
or writing to them
keep in touch phrase to continue to communicate kip n tt Im not very good at keeping
with someone by telephoning in touch with friends who live
or writing to them far away.
knowledge noun information and understanding nld Im proud of my practical
that you have in your mind skills and medical
lake noun a large area of water which has lek Its just not pleasant to swim
land all around it in rivers and lakes that have
plastic bags floating in them.
landing noun the area of floor at the top of a lnd Go up the stairs to the
set of stairs landing.
leaf noun a flat, green part of a plant that lif This butterfly looks like a
grows from a stem or branch leaf.
light adj Light food does not make you lat We had noodles and
feel very full. vegetables in a light soup.
limit verb to control something so that it lmt The government needs to
is less than a particular amount limit the number of cars and
or number factories.
lively adj full of energy and interest lavli Extroverts are active and
local adj relating to an area near you lkl We cant do anything without
the support of the local
location noun a place or position lken My new house is in a good
lock noun the thing that is used to close a lk The front door has two locks.
door, window, etc, and that
needs a key to open it
look around verb to look at things in a place lk rand When I get the chance, I
really enjoy looking around
art galleries.
look for a phrase to try to find something being lk fr bgn Ive been looking for
bargain sold for less than its usual bargains at the clothes
price market.
lose verb If you lose a game, luz We mustnt lose this game!
competition, or election, the
team or person that you are
competing with wins.
make a (big) phrase to change a situation (a lot) mek dfrns Travelling made a big
difference difference to the way I see
the world.
make a phrase to decide something mek dsn Extroverts often make quick
decision decisions.
make a mistake phrase to do something in a way that mek mstek If you write in pencil, it
is not correct doesnt matter if you make a
make a phone phrase to call someone on the mek fn kl I need to make a phone call.
call telephone
make friends phrase to begin to know and like mek frendz Do you want to make new
(with sb) someone friends from around the
make money phrase to earn money mek mni He won't make any money
unless he sells more
make our own phrase to be responsible for our mek ar n Was Anna just lucky? Or did
luck futures lk she make her own luck?
make progress phrase to develop and improve mek prgres I'm trying to learn Russian
but I'm not making much
make sense phrase to have a meaning or reason mek sens It makes sense that there are
that you can understand more car accidents in the
make the most phrase to take full advantage of mek mst Are you making the most of
of something v life's opportunities?
mash verb to crush food until it is soft m Mash three avocados in a
match noun a sports competition in which mt He'll win the match if he
two people or teams compete scores one more point!
against each other
middle child noun a child who has a younger and mdl tald Im the middle child in our
an older brother or sister family.
miserable adj unhappy mzrbl Why do you look so
miss verb to not hit or catch something as ms You win points when your
you intended partner misses the ball.
mix verb to combine two or more mks Mix all the ingredients
substances to make one together.
mix sth/sb up verb to confuse two people or things mks p We looked so similar our
by thinking that one person or parents used to mix us up.
thing is the other person or
move house phrase to leave your home in order to muv has Ive moved house a lot of
live in a new one times, so Ive had lots of
different addresses.
move in/into verb to begin living in a new home muv n/ntu I cant move into my new
place until Friday
move out verb to leave your home and go to muv at Ive got to move out of this
live somewhere else house on Tuesday.
musical adj relating to music mjuzkl There were several musical
musician noun someone who plays a musical mjuzn Its always interesting to
instrument, often as a job watch musicians perform.
national park noun a large area of park for use by nnl pk The wildlife in the national
the public, usually an area of park is amazing.
special beauty
natural adj Something that is natural exists ntrl Some people say that the
or happens because of nature, melting ice is natural that
not because it was made or human beings are not
done by people. causing climate change.
neighbourhood noun an area of a town or city that nebhd I live in a very busy
people live in neighbourhood.
nephew noun the son of your brother or nefju My brother has got a son
sister, or the son of your and a daughter, so Ive got a
husband's or wife's brother or nephew and a niece.
net noun something made with a piece net You must hit the ball over the
of net, for example for sports net.
news noun the announcement of important njuz Every day I watch the news
events on television, radio and on TV.
in newspapers
news feed noun a continuous supply of news njuz fid I subscribe to a couple of
announcements news feeds online.
news noun a company that gathers and njuz How much do governments
organisation reports news nazen influence news organisations
like Sky News and the BBC?
niece noun the daughter of your brother or nis My brother has got a son
sister, or the daughter of your and a daughter, so Ive got a
husband's or wife's brother or nephew and a niece.
ocean noun one of the five main areas that n There are five oceans in the
the sea is divided into world.
offer verb to say that you are willing to do f The waiter offered to get the
something manager.
on sale phrase available for a lower price than n sel Was the tablet on sale?
only child noun someone who has no brothers nli tald I havent got any brothers or
or sisters sisters, so Im an only child.
opponent noun someone who you compete pnnt You need to attack your
against in a game or opponent.
orchestra noun a large group of musicians who kstr Music played by an
play different instruments orchestra was added after
together filming had finished.
organise verb to plan or arrange something naz This app helps busy people
organise themselves.
organised adj An organised person arranges nazd It sounds like you have to be
things well. quite organised to have a
card system.
organiser noun someone who plans an event naz Wed like to thank the
or activity organisers for all their hard
work in preparing the show.
password noun a secret word that allows you pswd You need to type your
to do something, such as use password.
your computer
paw noun the foot of certain animals, p Polar bears can easily run up
such as cats and dogs to other animals and attack
with their huge paws.
pay for sth verb to give money to someone in pe f Im sorry, but Im not going to
order to buy something from pay for the dessert.
pedestrian noun a special place on a road pdestrin The lights at a pedestrian
crossing where traffic must stop if krs crossing were broken.
people want to cross
perfect for adj as good as possible for pfekt f Yoga sounds perfect for me.
perform verb to entertain people by acting, pfm Someone is performing a
singing, dancing, etc piece of music.
performance noun acting, singing, dancing, or pfmns Live performances of rock,
playing music to entertain indie, hip hop and electronic
people music take place
performer noun someone who entertains pfm Past performers include the
people Red Hot Chili Peppers and
Florence and the Machine.
personality noun the way you are as a person psnlti Your personality type
influences your friendships,
your relationships and your
persuade verb to make someone agree to do pswed Shes trying to persuade me
something by talking to them a to go on holiday with her.
lot about it
petal noun one of the thin, flat, coloured petl This bee orchid looks exactly
parts on the outside of a flower like it has a real bee resting
on its petals.
pick sth up verb to learn language by hearing it pk p I try to pick up new English
or practising it and not by being vocabulary by watching TV.
play live phrase If musicians play live, they play ple lav The band is playing live.
their instruments rather than
playing a recording
playlist noun a list of pieces of music chosen plelst Do you like making playlists?
to be broadcast or played
point noun a unit used for showing who is pnt You win points when your
winning in a game or partner misses the ball.
politics noun ideas and activities relating to pltks I dont usually watch
how a country or area is programmes about politics
governed on TV.
pollution noun damage caused to water, air, plun Is air pollution a problem
etc by harmful substances or where you live?
popular with adj liked by ppjl w Swimming's popular with all
kinds of people.
positive attitude phrase If you have a positive attitude, pztv ttjud I have a positive attitude
you feel happy about things towards my work.
and believe they will work out
positive attitude phrase If you have a positive attitude, pztv ttjud Its important to have a
you feel happy about things positive attitude towards your
and believe they will work out work.
post comments phrase to leave a message on a pst kments Young adults prefer news
website websites where they can
post comments about
practical skills phrase the ability to do things that are prktkl sklz Maybe your knowledge and
useful in real situations practical skills aren't right for
the job.
presenter noun someone who introduces a przent Carel Pedre, a local radio
radio or television programme presenter, used information
from Twitter and Facebook in
his reports to help people
find family members.
press verb to push something firmly pres Press the button.
prevent verb to stop something happening prvent How can we prevent air
or to stop someone doing pollution?
problem- noun being able to find answers to prblm slv Were very interested in your
solving problems creative thinking and your
problem-solving skills.
promise verb to say that you will certainly do prms They promised to write a
something or that something good review.
will certainly happen
protect verb to keep someone or something prtekt We are trying to protect
safe from something these animals.
dangerous or bad
proud of adj feeling very pleased about prad v I am very proud of my little
something you have done, sister.
something you own, or
someone you know
public transport noun a system of vehicles such as pblk trnspt Shall we drive or use public
buses and trains which operate transport?
at regular times and that the
public use
rainforest noun a forest with a lot of tall trees renfrst Are you going to work in the
where it rains a lot rainforests?
raise verb to look after and educate a rez Helena has given up work to
child until they have become stay at home and raise her
an adult young children.
raw adj not cooked r The soup was served with a
raw egg.
reasonably phrase not expensive riznbli prast The game was reasonably
priced priced.
recommend verb to advise someone that rekmend He recommended trying a
something should be done new hair product.
recording noun a place where music is rkd They spent all week in the
studio recorded using special stjudi recording studio.
recycle verb to put used paper, glass, risakl We recycle all our glass and
plastic, etc through a process paper.
so that it can be used again
referee noun someone who makes sure that refri If the referee had seen what
players follow the rules during number 7 had done to your
a sports game goalkeeper, there would
have been a penalty for sure.
refund noun to give back money that rifnd Do you think Ill get a refund?
someone has paid to you
refuse verb to say that you will not do or rfjuz The woman refused to pay
accept something for the dessert.
relationship noun the way two people or groups rlenp I have a good relationship
feel and behave towards each with my cousins.
relative noun a member of your family reltv A lot of my relatives live in
the same town as I do.
relaxed adj feeling happy and comfortable rlkst The service in this restaurant
because nothing is worrying is always friendly and
you relaxed.
relaxing adj making you feel relaxed rlks There was a relaxing
atmosphere in the
restaurant, with plenty of
rely on sth/sb verb to need something or someone rla n You cant rely on public
in order to be successful, work transport.
correctly, etc
remind verb to make someone remember rmand He reminded them to write a
something, or remember to do review.
rent verb to pay money to live in a rent I dont have my own house,
building that someone else so I rent the house Im living
owns in.
reporter noun someone whose job is to rpt He worked as a reporter for
discover information about a national newspaper.
news events and describe
them on television, radio, or in
a newspaper
rich adj Rich food has a lot of butter, rt I had a slice of rich Austrian
cream, or eggs in it. chocolate cake.
right for adj suitable for rat f Ive found a sport which is
right for me.
ring sb up verb to call someone on the r p My parents ring me up every
telephone Sunday night for a chat.
river noun a long, natural area of water rv He took me to an old boat on
that flows across the land and the river.
into a sea, lake, or another
romance noun a story about love rmns The movie was a romance.
rush hour noun the time when a lot of people r a By the time I was on the road
are travelling to or from work it was rush hour and the
and so roads and trains are roads were very busy.
very busy
satisfied adj pleased because you have got stsfad We weren't satisfied with his
what you wanted, or because explanation.
something has happened in
the way that you wanted
satisfying adj making you feel pleased stsfa Its so satisfying when you
because you have got what manage to take the photo at
you wanted, or because just the right moment.
something has happened in
the way that you wanted
save verb to stop someone or something sev We want to save these
from being killed or destroyed wildlife areas.
scales plural the flat pieces of hard material skelz Many fish can change the
noun that cover the skin of fish and colour of their scales
snakes instantly to match their
scared of adj frightened of sked v Im not scared of spiders.
scene noun a short part of a film, play, or sin The final scene of the film
book in which the events was amazing it looked so
happen in one place real!
science fiction noun a film based on a story about sans fkn Im not very keen on science
film life in the future or in other flm fiction films like Star Wars or
parts of the universe The Matrix.
score verb to get points in a game or test sk Wed have scored a lot more
points if wed done more
training over the last few
sea noun a large area of salt water si Did you have to do some
training before you went in
the sea?
self-confidence noun being sure about yourself and selfknfdns He doesn't have much self-
your abilities confidence.
send sth back verb to return something to send bk My soup was tasty, but it
someone you have bought it was half cold and I had to
from send it back.
sense of noun the ability to understand funny sens v hjum I can be friends with anyone
humour things and to be funny yourself who has the same sense of
humour as me.
sensitive adj easily upset by the things senstv Introverts are shy and
people say or do sensitive.
serve verb to give someone food or drink, sv Serve the guacamole with
especially guests or customers tortilla chips.
in a restaurant or bar
share verb to allow someone to use or e She shared the photos
have something that belongs to online.
shared phrase If people have shared ed ntrsts I have shared interests with
interests interests, they are interested in most of my close friends.
the same things or enjoy doing
the same things.
show sb around verb to take someone around a rand Id be a good person to show
place and show it to them someone around my local
shy adj not confident, especially about a Introverts are shy and
meeting or talking to new sensitive.
similar to adj Something which is similar to sml tu American football is similar
something else has many to rugby.
things the same, although it is
not exactly the same.
skills plural the things you are able to do sklz Do you have the right skills
noun for the job?
skin noun the outer layer of a person or skn Polar bears have layers of
animal's body fat under their skin.
soap opera noun a series of television or radio sp pr EastEnders' is a very
programmes that continues popular soap opera on
over a long period and is about British TV.
the lives of a group of
sociable adj Someone who is sociable sbl Its good to be sociable!
enjoys being with people and
meeting new people.
social media noun websites and computer sl midi People often express their
programs that allow people to opinions about news stories
communicate and share on social media.
information on the internet
sour adj having a sharp, sometimes sa This creams horrible. It
unpleasant, taste or smell, like tastes really sour.
a lemon, and not sweet
speak in public phrase to give a talk to people you do spik n pblk When did you last speak in
not know public?
species noun a group of plants or animals spiiz Some scientists think that
which share similar many species will not be
characteristics able to survive if the
temperature changes too
spicy adj containing strong flavours from spasi The white fish was cooked in
spice a spicy Thai sauce.
spread verb to increase, or move to cover a spred Breaking news spreads
larger area or affect a larger quickly online.
number of people
squeeze verb to press something firmly skwiz Squeeze the juice of half a
lime into the mixture.
steps plural the surfaces that you walk on steps Go up the steps at the front
noun when you go up or down stairs of the building.
stir verb to mix food or liquid by moving st Cook for 30 minutes, stirring
a spoon round and round in it occasionally.
stranger noun someone you have never met strend I dont like it when strangers
before start talking to me.
stream noun a small river strim The children jumped across
the stream.
studio noun a room where television/radio stjudi They used some outdoor
programmes or musical locations, but most of the
recordings are made filming was done in the
succeed in sth verb to achieve what you are trying sksid n He hasnt succeeded in
to achieve finding a job yet,
success story noun something or someone that skses stri Getting that job was the
achieves great success, often beginning of her success
by making a lot of money story.
successful adj having achieved a lot or made sksesfl Oprah Winfrey is a
a lot of money through your successful TV presenter in
work the USA.
suggest verb to express an idea or plan for sdest He suggested changing the
someone to consider womans hairstyle.
support noun help or encouragement spt I dont need emotional
support from my friends.
survive verb to continue to exist after being svav Some scientists think that
in a difficult or dangerous many species will not be
situation able to survive if the
temperature changes too
sweet adj with a taste like sugar swit The dessert wasn't as sweet
as I expected.
tail noun the long, narrow part that sticks tel The bird goes grey, from its
out at the back of an animal's head to its tail.
take a break phrase to stop an activity for a short tek brek How often do you take a
time in order to rest or eat break when youre studying?
take a chance phrase to take a risk tek tns He failed, but he was right to
take a chance.
take a nap phrase to have a short sleep tek np I'm tired - I'm going to take a
take a risk phrase to do something although tek rsk Do you know anyone who
something bad might happen takes a lot of risks?
because of it
take action phrase to do something tek kn They take action to make the
most of their opportunities.
take advantage phrase to use the good things in a tek dvntd We should take advantage of
of situation v opportunities when they
come our way.
take after verb to be similar to an older tek ft I think I mainly take after my
member of your family dad.
take care of sth phrase to deal with something tek ker v Just choose a programme
and well take care of the
take it easy phrase to relax and not use too much tek t izi Ive already told the team
energy that they cannot take it easy.
take part in phrase to be involved in an activity tek pt n Would you like to take part in
with other people the programme?
take sth back verb to return something to a shop tek bk The camera didn't work so I
took it back.
talented adj showing natural ability in a tlntd Im not very talented at art.
particular area
talkative adj A talkative person talks a lot. tktv Students and employees are
expected to be confident and
tasty adj Food which is tasty has a good testi We had some tasty
flavour and is nice to eat. Moroccan meatballs.
team noun a group of people who work tim I work well in a team.
together to do something
tell a joke phrase to say something to make tel dk Can you tell a joke?
people laugh, usually a short
story with a funny ending
terrace noun a flat area outside a house, ters We dont have a garden or a
restaurant, etc where you can terrace.
terrified adj very frightened terfad When I saw the spider on my
leg I was terrified!
terrifying adj making you very frightened terfa I thought the plane was
going to crash. It was
text message noun a written message, usually tekst mesd She sent me a text message.
containing words with letters
left out, sent from one mobile
phone to another
think about sth verb to use your mind to imagine a k bat You dont have to think about
situation anything, you can just sit and
watch the world go by.
threaten verb to tell someone that you will kill retn The woman threatened to
or hurt them, or cause write a bad review.
problems for them if they do
not do what you want
thriller noun a book or film with an exciting rl I saw a really exciting thriller
story, often about crime at the cinema on Saturday.
tiny adj extremely small tani There are only seven houses
in my village its absolutely
tired of adj bored or annoyed by tad v Ill never get tired of visiting
something that has happened new places.
too often
track noun one song or piece of music on trk What''s your favourite track
a CD, record, etc on this album?
track noun the sport of running in races trk How many times did you run
around a wide circular path round the track?
made for this sport
traffic jam noun a line of cars, trucks, etc that trfk dm I sat in the same traffic jam
are moving slowly or not for about 45 minutes.
moving at all
traffic lights plural a set of red, green and yellow trfk lats All the traffic lights in the city
noun lights that is used to start and centre were stuck on red.
stop traffic
training noun preparation for a sport or tren The training is very difficult.

turn off verb to move the switch on a tn f Please turn off your phones.
machine, light, etc so that it
stops working
turn on verb to move the switch on a tn n How do you turn on this
machine, light, etc so that it computer?
starts working

turn up verb to arrive somewhere tn p I was the first person to turn

up to class today.
twin noun one of two children who are twn Whats it like to have a twin?
born to the same mother at the
same time
type verb to write something using a tap I typed my password.
upload verb to copy computer programs or pld He uploaded some photos.
information electronically,
usually from a small computer
to a larger one or to the
useless adj of low quality jusls This book's useless!
username noun a name or other word that you juznem Type your username and
sometimes need to use password.
together with a password
before you can use a computer
on the internet
valley noun an area of low land between vli Their house is in a valley.
hills or mountains
view noun the things that you can see vju The view from my bedroom
from a place is nothing special just a
street and more houses.
wait for sb/sth verb to stay in a place until wet f You can read it while you
someone or something arrives wait for the train.
or someone is ready for you
warn verb to advise someone not to do wn She warned him not to cut
something that could cause her hair too short.
danger or trouble
waterfall noun a stream of water that flows wtfl There are several waterfalls
from a high place, often to a in the area.
pool below
web noun a type of net made by a spider web The Amazon jungle spider
to catch other insects creates a web which looks
like a much larger spider.
wildlife noun animals, birds, and plants living waldlaf What wildlife or natural
in their natural environment environments are
endangered in your country?
workout noun when you do a series of wkat Its a fun game and a great
exercises to make your body workout too.
strong and healthy
worried about adj anxious because you are wrid bat Im worried about my football
thinking about problems or teams performance at the
unpleasant things that might moment.
worry about sth verb to think about problems or wri bat A lot of people worry about
unpleasant things that might money.
happen in a way that makes
you feel anxious

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