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Viterbo University

Lesson Plan Template

Effective Fall 2014

This lesson plan template includes all the Viterbo Essential Elements. For full instructions and examples of each
of the lesson plan components, see the Viterbo Essential Elements posted on Moodle in the Education Majors
course. All items below will expand as needed to add text.

Name:_Julie A. Quackenbush________________________ Date: __February 24th,


Lesson Title:_Theme: Greek Mythology Unit & UDL Lesson________ Grade Level __4th grade___ Time
Frame:3-5 day lesson, 50 min each

Learner Profile (Classroom) IEP Requirements:

What do you know about your students everyday experiences, cultural There are three students in this 4th grade classroom with IEP requirements. I
and language backgrounds and practices, and interests? How do you will be differentiating instruction as much as possible to accommodate all types
know this? of learners. Texts will be in the form of multiple representations: visual
(videos, and iPad), audio options (books on CD, sound recordings), as well as
List any special features of your school or classroom. both large print text and written text.
Students will be in an intense resource/co-taught Per IEP requirement the following adaptations will be imposed to accommodate
classroom setting with one general education teacher, one EBD (emotional and behavioral disorder) IEP requirements.
special education teacher and a paraprofessional, if
needed. Students will be working in groups with peer support for Station rotations
Students strengths include cooperative grouping, learning
through the use of visuals (ex. graphic organizers, videos, Students will have access to electronic and large print text examples as needed
power point, posters, maps, etc Students will be given graphic organizer to aid in lesson
For this lesson we will be teaching a class a 4th grade class in West Directions will be written largely on the board and will be available in a large
Salem Elementary School. West Salem Elementary has approximately print handout
873 total students in grades K4-5th. The total number of students are
144 fourth graders. An average class size is 22 students. This lesson Paraprofessional will be working in close proximity to groups with EBD
will be conducted with one, fourth grade class consisting of 24 students. students to help repeat instructions, provide positive reinforcements, assist with
There are 9 female students and 15 male students. Four students are note-taking, etc
Asian or Pacific Islander, 3 students are Black or Non-Hispanic, 1
student is Hispanic, and 17 students are White not Hispanic. Three Initial inappropriate behavior will be ignored
If behavior becomes disruptive we will be utilizing students safe plan (student
students have IEP requirements and require accommodations. Fifteen
will be removed to the hall or Resource room to allow for a break)
students are economically disadvantaged.
Student will be allowed a break in between station rotations in order to use
Contextual Factors (School) restroom or have a drink

See the WISEdash public data portal for school district


Complete information on West Salem Elementary School can be

found at West Salem Elementary School Report Card.

The West Salem Elementary School has 873 students. Their

Overall Accountability Score Rating is 88.4. Student
achievement in math is 41.9/50 and ELA is 40.7/50. 11.7% of
students have disabilities, 22.8% of students are economically
disadvantaged, and 0.5% of students are Limited English
Curriculum Standards: Unit Goal/Central Focus Resources
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.3 Explain events, Describe/explain myths and stories, gods/ Materials: pens, pencils, paper, graphic
procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, goddesses, and heroes/heroines of ancient organizer packets, poster board, iPads
scientific, scientific, or technical text, including Greece. Teachers laptop hooked up to document
what happened and why, based on specific viewer to show introductory video clip (for
information in the text. back up, send clips to students to be accessible
via Edmodo for back up).
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.4.4.A Read grade- Video clips on iPads of the following:
level text with purpose and understanding. Mythology General Overview Introduction,
titles What is Mythology?
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.9 Integrate
information from two texts on the same topic Golden Touch
in order to write or speak about the subject v=3zdTjVrbjKl
knowledgeably. Pandoras Box
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.4.9.A Apply grade 4 Trojan Horse
Reading standards to literature (e.g. Describe
in depth a character, setting, or event in a story
or drama, drawing on specific details in the The Myth of the Four Seasons
text [e.g. a characters thoughts, words, or
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.4.2 Paraphrase
portions of a text read aloud or information
presented in diverse media and formats, Narcissus and Echo

Unit Summative Assessment Dictionary, maps, etc

TSW display the knowledge they have
attained during this unit in a manner of People:
their choosing (Keynote, a poster, a Text Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for
recorded video on their ipad, making up a
song, a skit/play, creating an acrostic
poem, verbal presentation, a written
report, or a character trait web).
TSW be able to identify and explain what
happened and why based on textual
The Teacher will assess the students
myth summaries and each groups

Prior Student Knowledge: What previous knowledge is necessary for the students to successfully master the objectives? What knowledge do
students already have that this lesson will build upon?
Students understand how English is written and printed.
The students will fill out a pre-unit assessment to assess prior knowledge. Through previous conversation, the students have very little knowledge
of what myths are. Students are familiar with characters in movies (Hercules Disney, and Percy Jackson books and movies). I plan to build upon
their prior knowledge. In our previous unit we discussed fables and tall tales. Students are familiar with the basic concept and format of different
types of stories.
Students have been learning how to take notes. In the Mythology packet there will be space to take notes on each unit to add students later in
developing their summative assessment pieces.
TS have used their iPads for the past several units (months), including during Technology classes. They are familiar with multiple formats through
which they can make and present final projects. TS have made presentations on KidPics, Notability, PowerPoint, etc They are very familiar and
comfortable with multiple mediums which they can produce a presentation.

Lesson Objectives: Defines what the student will learn, understand, and Formative Assessment: How will students demonstrate understanding
be able to do upon completion of the lesson. The instructions for writing of lesson objective(s)? How will you monitor and/or give feedback?
objectives and examples are found in the Viterbo Essential Elements. Make sure that each assessment measures the learning expressed in the
TSW explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts discovered in objective. Please indicate the tool that you will use and how you will
mythological texts, including the retelling of what happened and why, measure student understanding. (See VU Essential Elements for more info.)
based on specific information discovered in various texts and formats in Self-Assessment: TSW assess themselves on their ability to complete
a manner of their choosing. group work, participate as a unit, and contribute to the learning process.
Specific Behavioral Objective: TSW interact and engage with 2-3 Peer Assessment: TSW assess each other within their group on their
typical peers in a small group setting during a class project. collaboration strengths and weaknesses.

Academic Language:
What is the key language demand/function?
What academic language will you teach and/or develop? What is the key vocabulary and/or symbols?
What opportunities will you provide for students to practice content language and/or vocabulary and develop fluency?
What supports will you provide that will help students understand and successfully use the academic language?
Key Language demands and Academic Language Practice Support
Myth (Mythology) Figurative Language Compare Pair/ group work
Characters Allusion Contrast Hands on station rotations
Problem Elements Explain Visuals, audios recordings, written
Solution Culture Describe text
Lesson Vulnerable
Vulnerable Students will receive packets to
write definitions, go over terms.
Students will discuss terms, read
terms, hear terms, and see terms
in a variety of text options (print,
visual and audio)


Lesson procedures reflect best practices that are research-based and have a direct and positive effect on the teaching/learning environment.
You should indicate the time needed for each component of the lesson. Lesson plans should be detailed enough that any teacher could teach the
lesson from the plan.
Time Intro/Motivation/Anticipatory Set: How will you engage your students interest and set the purpose and relevance for the Differentiation for
lesson? Use knowledge of students academic, social, and cultural characteristics. All / Multiple
5 min Day one: Overview and Lesson Intro Pathways/Alternativ
Students will do a pre lesson assessment to discuss what their prior knowledge is regarding mythologies. Pass out packets. e Teaching
Using UDL there will be multiple means of representation for formats information is presented; multiple means of Approaches
5 min expressing what students learn (packets, presentation, choosing a format they want for assessment), and Multiple means of
engagement project based learning, cooperative groups, multiple means of media textual formats for a variety of
10 learners.
min Watch video overview on mythology. Mythology General Overview Introduction, titles What is Mythology? Talk about terminology. Go over key terms.
1. I will start by telling the students myths are stories of a special kind. They are created to give value to people, places
and things. Myths respond to our need for reassurance and meaning in the universe. Myths are traditional tales of a
group of people - Indians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and others usually connected with a religious belief or ritual.
Examples were stories, songs, poetry, etc A means to explain how people became to acquire basic things/items
speech, fire, grain, skills, etc
min Myths are passed down from storytellers from generation to generation. Myths are a mixture of morals, poetry, and
history that were often used to teach lessons or proper behavior in situations.

There are modern day myths and heroes too. For example, George Washington was mythologized in the story about the
cherry tree. This story never actually happened but it was used to demonstrate a moral about truth about George
Washingtons character, even as a young man. When stories are told this way, characters seems larger than life, capable
of doing impossible things. We just learned about tall tales (Johnny Appleseed, Paul Bunyan, etc) What were some
example of larger than life characters? Why? How?

Allow students to break into groups. They can choose to work on own, in pairs, in groups of no more than 4, etc
Teachers and paraprofessional on hand to aid in assisting students to find group mates, should they so desire. Give brief
overview of the 6 different Mythology stations that we will be learning about. Students will be doing mythology
exploration in partners/pairs/ or groups of their choosing. Show Student choice Board. Students may pick a format
which they will display their final project: verbal/linguistic: keep a journal, write a letter to a particular character from
10-20 each myth, create a poem, create television ads, retell myths in your own words, create a crossword puzzle;
min Interpersonal: tell stories (do a skit, play, make a video, or recording of a retelling of a myth), make up a game about a
myth, role play a situation from a myth, discuss a conclusion, survey what others opinions are; Musical Rhythmic: create
a rap, write a song, make up sound effects to retell story/narrate, write a jingle, create a rhyme for a myth; Logical:
create a timeline, compare/contrast ideas, create a myth outline, create a myth map; Visual/Spacial: create a poster, draw
a map, create a visual diagram, create a comic strip; Body Kinesthetic: make up a cooperative game, conduct a hands on
experiment, construct a model or representation (ex create a lego maze or clay model); Intrapersonal: keep a journal,
relate ideas to personal experiences, think about and plan for, Imagine and write if it were you.
Presentation format could be poster, project, craft, musical, video, drawing, play, etc format of your choosing.

Groups rotate to station 1 and begin researching the first myth. They may discover/ consult multiple text formats
(videos, audio, visual, etc at each station). In theory there are 6 stations and hopefully no more than 6 groups one
per each rotation. Can accommodate more if necessary.

Day 2: Research and Gather Information

Rotate to stations and begin learning about myths through station rotations. 10 minute brain break get a drink in the
hallway, get up and stretch. Followed by continued rotation.

Station rotations 15 -20 minutes per station

Day 3: Final Research and Gather Day/ Begin Presentation

Groups will have time to finish station rotations in applicable. Groups will begin forming their presentation.
The room will be arranged with small groups of desks in the center of the room to accommodate the groups (pairs, trios,
or quartets). There will be an in room library of all of the books, maps, ipads, and materials, utilized throughout the
station rotations. Students can use these items to assist them in their projects. They can take note son their packets to
help them remember key terms and elements they wish to present. 10 minute brain break. Today we will try a few
breathing/relaxation break.

Day 4: Finish Preparing presentations

Work of presentations in a format of choosing (paper, video, skit, etc). Each group will have a rubric. Presentations
must include at least 5 terms from packet (of their choosing). Students can choose to share final products with entire
class, just highlights, or not share their creation if they so choose. 10 minute brain break, get a drink, relax.
Each group will have 10 minutes to present. (Students will learn about 6 myths, but can choose to report on anywhere
between 1 to 6 of the myths).

Instructional Procedures/Developmental Lesson/Universal Core: See the VU Essential Elements for a List of Best
Teaching Practices to consider as you plan. Also, consider the questions and/or activities that you will use to engage your
students in higher order thinking.
If time allows students may engage in role playing with their group members. Group members try to guess a correct
character from a myth acted out by a group member.
Closure: Verbalize or demonstrate learning or skill one more time. Connect to next steps or future learning.
Discuss favorites, learned elements, what liked best. Handout exit tickets. Ask group what did you learn?

Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning/ Research: What research or theory supports instructional strategies you are using with your students? Select a
strategy and justify with research or theory.
During this lesson, students will be working together in small groups - this instructional strategy is supported by Lev Vygotskys Social
Development Theory who says that social contact is essential for intellectual development. Middle school learners are social beings whom thrive
on social interaction with peers. Since middle school students have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time, I will vary instruction begin the
lesson with an activity that allows students to get out of their desks and move around.
Technology in the classroom is becoming more and more predominant. Tablets are replacing our textbooks, due to ease of being able to research
just about anything that we want to on our devices. Textbooks supply limited, outdated materials. Social media has become commonplace, and the
way we use technology has completely transformed the way we live or lives.
Educators, too, have seen firsthand the benefits of technology in the classroom. According to a study by IT Trade Association CompTIA just
released this month, around 75 percent of educators think that technology has a positive impact in the education process. Educators also recognize
the importance of developing these technological skills in students so they will be prepared to enter the workforce once they complete their
The impact that technology has had on todays schools has been quite significant. This widespread adoption of technology has completely changed
how teachers teach and students learn. Teachers are learning how to teach with emerging technologies (tablets, iPads, Smart Boards, digital
cameras, computers), while students are using advanced technology to shape how they learn. By embracing and integrating technology in the
classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school. Here are a few benefits of using it:
Technology makes learning more fun,
Prepares students for the future,
Improves retention rate,
Technology helps students learn at their own pace,
Technology Connects with Students (Cox, n.d.)
Theorist Howard Gardner proposed the idea of Multiple Intelligences. Using Differentiated Instructional practices to reach multiple learners, as
proposed by Carol Ann Tomlinson. Technology can allow for personalization as well as personal attention during a lesson, leaving teachers with
less time explaining and allowing for more time to actually do lessons.

Management/Safety Issues: What management and safety issues need to be considered when teaching this lesson?
Classroom Management:
Students will be allowed brain breaks. Students will be rotating stations. They will have limited time with tasks. EBD students with behavior
charts will be checked at the end of class, unless a necessity call for it in advance. We will use the stop light system. Green traffic signal light
displayed on front board means you may continue conversing at the current level. Yellow traffic signal displayed on board means slow down,
quite down a bit. Red traffic signal displayed on board means we need to stop and reassess our volume and body motions. Are we on task?
Per Plan B when student/ if EBD student experiences difficulty, help them define the goal of the situation (supply a task check list for them to refer
to). Empathy Step part 1) Observe the student, their behavior. If student acts in an intrusive/disruptive manner ask whats up or Ive noticed
that. Ask listening and clarifying questions. are you confused by an idea? How so? (find the root of the problem. Give student time to
think about what he/she is struggling with). Once student answers say I understand your concern about. See if you can help clarify and
empathize with the student. Define the problem step part 2) the thing is (insert the adult concern about behavior/ or other student concern (ex if
student A is making faces, rolling eyes, touching student B; ask student B to voice their concern. If teacher is the concerned party say my concern
is. Ask child have I been clear about the concern? Do you understand?
Part 3) Invitation step- together brainstorm solutions on how to resolve. I wonder if there is a way. (invite child to come up with solution- to
not make student B to feel uncomfortable. Try to work through the concerns the student identified.
Students will be allowed breaks. We do have a plan in place if student needs to take a break in the hall (if noise level is too loud) or be moved to
the resource room. There will be hands free stools for all students to use as well as individual tables to allow for flexibility. Fidget balls, special
pencil grippers, etc are available for any student should the needs arise. Large print copies of packets and texts are available. Headphones and
noise reduction devices will be on hand.
Help student(s) solve concerns they may have.

Analysis: Include quantitative (numerical) and qualitative (descriptive) data which address the questions: Did the students attain each objective?
How do you know? What is your evidence?
Provide a rubric to each student during introduction. To be given out with mythology packet.
Reflection/Future Modifications: Provide specific, evidence-based example, not generalizations.
There may be a potential for an additional research and planning day, or possibly we have planned for too many research days.
To what extent did the class learn what you intended them to learn? Provide specific, evidence-based examples of
student learning?
What did you learn about your students as learners?
What will be your next instructional steps?
What have you learned about yourself as a teacher?


What is a Myth? Greek and Roman Mythology, Mark Twain Media, Inc. Publishers

Schomp, V. (2009) The Ancient Maya, chapter 1 The Magic of Myths, Cavendish Square Publishing, p 6-9.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Originality Product shows a large Product shows some Uses other people\'s Uses other people\'s
amount of original original thought. Work ideas (giving them ideas, but does not
thought. Ideas are shows new ideas and credit), but there is little give them credit.
creative and inventive. insights. Students have evidence of original
Students have 2 1 visual. thinking. No visual.

Terminology Uses 5 or more terms Uses at least 4 terms Uses only 3 terms from Uses 2 or less terms
and are correctly from the packet, the packet, correctly from packet, correctly
identified and defined correctly identified and identified and defined. identified and defined.

Effort Puts forth great effort Put forth some effort Minimal effort was put Put forth little or no
in planning and into planning and into project. effort in completing
preparation. preparation. project.

Organization The presentation was The presentation The presentation The presentation didnt
well thought out and make sense or was
easy to follow. difficult to understand.

Grammar The presentation had The presentation had 1 There a couple errors The presentation had
no errors. or 2 (a few errors). (2-4). multiple errors.

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