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Goal for each student is to ensure Individualized Education Programs (IEP) teams begin with

the General Education setting using supplimentary aids before considering a more restrictive envrionmen

Regular Education Teacher's Checklist for the Special Education Process

Step 1 - Pre-Referral Stage

A Document and explain students' difficulties and challenges
B Present information on student's present levels of educational performance
C Test the effectiveness of classroom accommodations and modifications
D Identify student's individual strengths and needs
E Assess the power of various instructional interventions (current & to try)
F Discuss/provide examples of present levels of academic performance
G What are educational goals
H Monitor students' progress
Observe student in classroom / document observations
When Evaulting the student, refer to these labels 9. Other Health Impairment
1. Orthopedic Impairment 10. Specific Learning Disability
2. Mental Retardation 11. Deaf-blindness
3. Emotional Disturbance 12. Multiple disabilities
4. Deafness 13. Autism
5. Hearing Impairment
6. Speech or Language Impairment
7. Visual Impairment including Blindness
8. Traumatic Brain Injury

Step 2 - Referral (a request for an evaluation in known as a referral)

- A teacher, parent or other school personnel may request to have the student evaluated
- A written letter of request by the parents is required with the following information:
The Date
Specific wording: This is a referral for special education.
The studentss information
o First and last name
o Date of birth
o School name
Why the child might need special education services
The school has 15 days to decide if additional testing is needed for the evaluation.
Step 3 - Indentification
School has 60 days to evaluate the student once parent(s) give consent; your role as teacher:
Provide information about the student's academic behavior and skills
Provide inforamtion about the student's current performance (academic, developmental, social)
Provide information about the student's instructional levels and progress with general curriculum
Offer information about the student's overall performance in school

Step 4 - Eligibility
Evaluation Process - the student must be tested to see:
Does the child have a disability by definition
Does the child have a need for specially designed instruction

If the student is eligible for Special Education:

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) must be developed within 30 days
General Education teacher is a large part of the IEP and is expected to help develop the IEP
for the now eligible student

The IEP is a form that is used to create a comprehensive, individualized education plan fo
Step 5 - Development of IEP disibility.

parents must be told 10 days in advance when an IEP meeting will take place
parents and school must decide on meeting time and location
If parents do not attend the school can hold the IEP meeiting without them, but
the school must wait 10 days before implementing IEP to give parents a chance to be involved
After 10 days school can implement IEP, if parent disagrees DUE PROCESS hearing help (someone outside distric

Who Attends IEP Meeting? The Committee could include:

Parents (or guadians) - explain childs needs
Students (15 & older are required to be invited)
General Education Teacher - can aid in decisions regarding supports, services, curriculum modifica
Special Education Tecaher - supports, services, curriculum modification, goal setting
School Psychologist - explains evaluation results
District Representative - will act as Chairperson & District Rep appointed by principal
Member of evaluation team (whom can explain the evaluations)
School General Curriculum Expert
Agency agent for transition services (if applicable)
Anyone parents, students, or school wishes to invite - Social worker, school physician, etc
*Per IDEA one general education teacher is required for IEP meeting, but others may attend. If necessary you are encouraged to consult w
other teachers prior to IEP meeting
Although decisions are based on the individual student and should not be based on a specific
disability category, the list below offers some items educators might discuss.
Modalities (visual, auditory) that work best for the student
Accommodations that have been tried
What has worked well
What has not worked well
Accommodations that might help the student to access classroom instruction
Accommodations that are allowable on state tests
Who is responsible for assuring accommodations are avaliable on state assessments
What accommodations the student prefers and what will he/she use
Challenges of using these accommodations
Any measurements to determine if accommodation is/ isn't working
Academic or social behaviors that interfere with the student's learning
Whether results of classroom assignments and assessments accurately reflect the student's capabilities
* if you feel adjustments need to be made, you must gather the IEP team for discussion
* IEP must align with FAPE, and follow all federal and state laws

What to bring to an IEP meeting:

A positive attitude and an open mind!!

Prior Written Notice PWN. Paperwork informing parents of each step of the special education process (both p
Meeting notice: states when, where and who will be at the meeting
Final Notice of Recommendation (FNR). A formal offer of Special Education services sent after an IEP meeting
Letters and correspondance between parents and Committee on Special Education Team (this creates both a timeline
record of correspondance)

Any other forms: work samples, social history, report on classroom observation, medical accomodations, prog

Step 6 - Implementation of IEP Services are provided as stated per the IEP.

LRE (Lease Restrictive Environment) - to the maximum extent appropriate, the student with disabilities, are educated with children who are nondisable
Have a basic understanding of the IEP and what is included in it
Understand the expectations of the IEP Team members
Be aware of who is avaliable for assistance and supports as the IEP is implemented
Identify accommodations that would support the student in the regular education classroom

Supplimentary Aides and Services - for supporting IEP in everyday use:

Adaptive Equipment
Modifiying curricular materials
Professional Developmental
Individual Behavior plan
Peer Supports
Providing test modification
Using reader services
Structural aids (grab bars, fidgit items)

The IEP will outline the number of times an evaluation is made (quarterly, annually, etc)
Progress reports will be provided to the parents
The IEP will be carried out through collaboration between regular teachers, special education teachers, and paraprofession
health officials (nurses, doctors)

Step 7 - Evaluation and Review

At least annually the IEP is reviewed
Per the IEP if progress reports are needed, they must be proivided to parents
Every three years the stuent is reevaluated, this is triennial meeting

Thank you for your participation!

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creates both a timeline and a written

modations, progress, notes, etc

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who are nondisabled

d paraprofessional and school

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