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The global perspective from Guatemala. By: Smith, Dennis A., Network News,
0745418X, Jan/Feb90, Vol. 10, Issue 1

In recent years, Latin American theologians have helped us to understand that political and
economic issues are deeply spiritual in nature. We have found that the basic issue of our time is
not ideology, but idolatry. In Central America, we pose this conflict in terms of a struggle
between Jahweh, the God of Life, and the gods of death.

Living here, one quickly discerns that an economic and political system which for five centuries
has preserved the hegemony of the few over the many is profoundly idolatrous. Power and
wealth are bloodthirsty idols. Central American disciples of these cruel gods have always been
anxious to fortify their misrule by forging dependent alliances with their coreligionists in the
U.S., Europe, and Japan.

In these economic and political relationships, the poor have always been given the dubious honor
of providing the blood sacrifices demanded by the gods of death. They people the region's
armies, work out their lives in the maquila factories and plantations that amortize the region's
debt, and suffer most from preventable disease, homelessness, and landlessness.

As we enter the 90's, one of the urgent tasks facing Christians in Central America is to name
these idols, challenge their false authority, and serve as a community of hope and empowerment
for those who choose to serve the God of Jesus. An important step in this process was the
publication in 1989 of "The Road to Damascus: Kairos and Conversion." This prophetic
document, signed by Christians from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Korea, Namibia, South
Africa and the Philippines, describes how the gods of death frequently cloak themselves in
nationalistic and religious rhetoric and are sometimes warmly embraced by religious institutions.
I encourage you to study it carefully. In the U.S. copies can be ordered from Center of Concern,
3700 13th St. N.E., Washington, D.C. 20017.

Another important event for Central America in the coming decade will be U.S. reaction to the
disintegration of the Soviet empire in Eastern Europe. Now that Stalinism is crumbling, will the
U.S. reciprocate by permitting the growth of nationalist movements in Central America? Recent
events in Panama cause one to wonder. Will the controlling oligarchies in Honduras, E1 Salvador
and Guatemala continue to be extended a blank check by the U.S. as long as they justify their
repressive rule in the name of anti-communism? Will U.S. policymakers be mature enough to
place our nation's full diplomatic and economic weight behind broad-based, negotiated
settlements to the continuing conflicts in Nicaragua, E1 Salvador and Guatemala?

To become a player in these historic events, you can become a Presbyterian Advocate of our
General Assembly's public policy recommendations on Central America. Contact Kermit
Johnson at the PC(USA) Washington Office, 110 Maryland Ave. N.E., Box 52, Washington,
D.C., 20002.

One final note. Those of us who live immersed in death are confident of the power of the
Resurrection. Jesus is our Hope.

Dennis A. Smith
Guatemala, 20/dic/89

PHOTO (BLACK & WHITE): Dennis A. Smith


By Dennis A. Smith, CELEP

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