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DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2016/19439.

Review Article

Oral Health and Oral Contraceptive - Is

Dentistry Section

it a Shadow behind Broad Day Light?

A Systematic Review
Irfan Ali1, Basavaraj Patthi2, Ashish Singla3, Ritu Gupta4, Kuldeep Dhama5,
Lav Kumar Niraj6, Jishnu Krishna Kumar7, Monika Prasad8

ABSTRACT the criteria and were selected for the review. Two articles which
Introduction: Oral contraceptives are one of the risk factors for were hand searched and one article which was through e-mail
gingival disease. Oral contraceptives can affect the proliferation was also included. The hormones progesterone and estrogen
of cell, growth and differentiation of tissues in the periodontium. have direct impact on immune system of the body and thus,
Nowadays recent research has suggested that the newer affect the pattern and rate of collagen production in the gingiva.
generation oral contraceptives have less influence on gingival Furthermore, the review also shows that longer duration usage
diseases. of oral contraceptive could lead to poorer oral hygiene status,
gingival inflammation and increased susceptibility to periodontal
Aim: The purpose of this study was to systematically review the
effect of oral contraceptives on periodontium.
Conclusion: There are relatively few studies evaluating the
Materials and Methods: A literature review was performed;
effect of oral contraceptives on periodontium. It was found
PubMed, PubMed Central and Cochrane Library, Embase,
that oral contraceptives have a marked effect on periodontium.
Google Scholar were searched from 1970 up to December 2015
The gingival changes after use of oral contraceptives are
to identify appropriate studies.
pronounced in the first few months and with the passage of
Results: Out of the total 94 titles appeared 13 articles fulfilled time these changes get enhanced.
Keywords: Dental plaque, Gingivitis, Periodontitis, Periodontium

Introduction inflammation in relation to high concentration of sex hormones

Description of the condition: Alveolar bone, gingiva, periodontal was first described by Lindhe and Bjorn in 1967 [5]. Similar
ligament and root cementum constitute the periodontium and investigations linked the use of oral contraceptives to gingival
the study of periodontium both in health and disease is called inflammation and periodontal attachment loss. However, these
periodontology [1]. Saini R et al., in 2010 described periodontitis studies date back to more than 25 years when there was a trend
as most common disease of the oral cavity and has described it towards the use of high dose contraceptive [6].
as inflammatory disease of supporting tissues of teeth, he further In the present scenario, when the dose regimen of the oral
described the aetiological aspect of various group of microorganism contraceptives has shifted to low, the evidence of their effect on
and specific colonies of bacteria which result in progressive the periodontium is inconclusive. While the prospective 21 day
destruction of alveolar bone and the periodontal ligament along experimental gingival study concluded by Preshaw PM et al.,
with periodontal pocket formation, gingival recession, or both in 2001 states that the oral contraceptives did not increase the
[2]. Research has demonstrated that the host response to gingival inflammation [7] but the findings of Mullaly BH et al., [8]
perioidontium results in local production of prostaglandins and and Tilakratene A et al., [9] are contrary to these results. Mullaly BH
interleukins which result in inflammation of periodontium [2]. et al., [8] has described that the use of oral contraceptive results in
Description of the intervention: Combined Oral Contraceptive attachment loss, severe probing depth and gingival inflammation in
(COC) is composed of estrogen and progestogen. The first COC women which are on oral contraceptives. In the study conducted
was introduced in 1957 in the United States for the treatment by Tilakratne A et al., [9] among the rural Srilankan females, the
of menstrual disturbances [3]. The mechanism of action of oral mean gingival index scores were higher among females using oral
contraceptive is that they affect the ovulation by disturbing contraceptives for two years and periodontal breakdown was
the function of progestin and estrogen. The progestin acts by more severe in the females using contraceptives for the duration
suppressing the release of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) from the of 2-4 years.
anterior pituitary gland. It also creates thick cervical mucus and The use of oral contraceptives increases the levels of female sex
thus, slows the sperm transport and hence, inhibits capacitation hormones present in the sub-gingival environment which could
(activation of enzymes that permit the sperm to penetrate the ovum). lead to periodontal disease. It has been found that females using
Estrogen diminishes the release of Follicle Stimulating Hormone oral contraceptives have greater tendency for gingival bleeding,
(FSH) and LH and hence, results in inhibition of ovulation. It has loss of attachment and greater periodontal pocket depth due to
been found that estrogen alters secretion within uterus resulting increased cellularity and increase in gingival cervicular fluid, along
in patches of edema with dense cellularity, making implantation with increase in Prevotella species and almost 16 times increase in
less likely. Nowadays oral contraceptives are used for pregnancy Bacteroides species level than normal gingival flora [10].
prevention, treatment of menstrual irregularities and endometriosis A number of changes in the periodontal health have been
[4]. associated with the shift in sex hormones that occur during
How the intervention might work: The frequent use of oral puberty, menstruation and pregnancy. The advent of contraceptive
contraceptives by females influences periodontal disease. medication created an interest in their effect on oral tissues [11].
The association between the oral contraceptives and gingival

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Nov, Vol-10(11): ZE01-ZE06 1

Irfan Ali et al., Oral Health and Oral Contraceptives


The inconclusive and contrasting nature of evidence regarding 1. PubMed (1970-2015)
the effect of low dose oral contraceptive on the perioidontium 2. PubMed Central (1970-2015)
among the females of child bearing age warrants the need for
3. Cochrane Review (1970-2015)
further investigation into the topic of study. Hence, the present
systematic review was carried out to assess the effect of present 4. Embase (1970-2015)
day oral contraceptives on the periodontal and gingival health 5. Google Scholar (1970-2015)
among females of child bearing age. Other Sources: The search also included the hand search of the
Research Question: To review the effect of oral contraceptives journals fulfilling the inclusion criteria for the review.
on the perioidontium.
Objective: To estimate periodontal disease risk associated with RESULTS
COC use compared with non-users. A total of 13 studies were included to analyze the effects of oral
contraceptives on the periodontium.
MATERIALS AND METHODS The summary of the results has been provided in [Table/Fig-2].
Eligibility Criteria: The articles which were published in English, Risk of bias in included studies: All 13 studies conducted were
dated from the year 1970 to 2015 were included in this review. The at low risk [4,5,7-17] for selective outcome reporting. Based on
search terms for articles were the terms either in the title or abstract. 13 studies, 11 studies conducted were at risk [4,7-11,13-16] and
Full text original research articles were taken. Unpublished articles three studies were at low risk for random sequence generation
in press and personal communications were excluded. Our focus [4,5,11], the two studies conducted were at high risk for incomplete
was to be broad in scope to include as much relevant existing data outcome data [5,17]; only one study conducted was at low risk
as reasonably possible. for allocation concealment [12]; the two studies conducted were
Inclusion Criteria: at low risk for blinding of outcome assessment [7,10] [Table/Fig-
Original research articles. 3a,3b].
The articles emphasizing on the effect of oral contraceptives Effects of intervention: The total of 13 studies were included
on periodontal disease. to analyze the effects of oral contraceptives on the periodontium
measured in terms of gingival index scores, plaque index, sulcular
Exclusion Criteria:
bleeding index scores, probing depth and clinical attachment
Review articles loss.
Case series, Cases reports and Letters to the Editors A total of six studies reported increase in the gingival index scores
Articles whose abstract are only readable in the contraceptive users as compared to the nonusers. Abd-Ali
Types of outcome measures: Change in the periodontal disease EH et al., in study conducted among 80 Iraqi women reported
indicators as measured by Plaque Index (Silness and Loe 1964), higher gingival index scores among oral contraceptive users as
Gingival Index (Loe and Sillness 1963), Sulcular Bleeding Index compared to non-users (p<0.01), which was correlated with the
(SBI), pocket probing depth and clinical attachment level are the duration of usage (r=0.50) [4]. According to a study conducted by
primary outcomes measured. Tilakaratne A et al., in a population of rural Sri-Lankan women, it
was found that mean gingival index score of hormonal contraceptive
Search method for identification of studies: For the
users was signicantly higher than those of non-users at less than
identification of the studies included in this review, we devised
2 years and at 24 years [9]. Ardakani AH et al., in 2010 found the
the search strategy for each database. The search strategy used
mean gingival index score for oral contraceptive user and non oral
a combination of controlled vocabulary and free text terms. The
contraceptive user were 1.470.23 and 1.070.20 (p<0.0001)
main database was PubMed, PubMed Central, Cochrane Review,
[13]. Kalkwarf KL in 1978 reported that group currently taking oral
Embase and Google Scholar [Table/Fig-1]
contraceptives possessed a higher Gingival Inflammatory Index
score of 1.49 (0.04) (p < 0.001) than non users [5]. The duration of
the contraceptive use was found to be significantly associated with
worsening of gingival parameters as reported by Sambashivaiah
S et al., in 2010. Twenty three subjects using oral contraceptives
for 12 months showed mean gingival index of 1.40; 20 subjects
for 1324 month was 1.76; mean gingival index of 1.8676 was
seen in six subjects using oral contraceptives for 2536 months
[11]. Only two studies conducted by Arumugam M et al., [17] and
Knight GM [12] reported non significant difference between mean
gingival index scores of contraceptive users and non-users.
The SBI scores also increased with the use of oral contraceptives
as compared to non-users. The finding was reported in one study
conducted by Domingues RS et al., in 2011 who found higher SBI
scores in the cases as compared to the controls (0.2290.006 x
0.1480.005, p<0.0001) [10].
The probing depth and clinical attachment loss as reported by six
studies has been found to be more in oral contraceptive users as
compared to the nonusers. Domingues RS et al., in 2011 in the
study carried out among 50 patients found increased probing depth
(2.228 0.011 x 2.154 0.012; p<0.0001) among contraceptive
users [10]. In a study by Mullally BH et al., the deeper mean
probing depth was found in the oral contraceptive users than non-
[Table/Fig-1]: Search strategy. users (3.3-1.0mm versus 2.7 0.5mm). Among pill users, 26%

2 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Nov, Vol-10(11): ZE01-ZE06 Irfan Ali et al., Oral Health and Oral Contraceptives

of sites had a probing depth >4mm compared to 13% of sites in These findings are in contrast with the findings of the study
non-pill users (p = 0.04) [8]. In a study by Farhad SZ et al., in 2013, conducted by Arumugam M et al., in 2015, which stated that there
the significant difference in the probing pocket depth (3.78) and was no significant difference in the mean probing depth and mean
clinical attachment loss (1.87) was found between the case and clinical attachment level between hormonal contraceptive users
control groups (p<0.05) [16]. According to the study conducted by (5.471.05mm) and non-users (5.031.51 mm) [10].
Brusca MI et al., in 2010 it was found that the oral contraceptive The plaque index scores in the oral contraceptives users has also
users had deeper probing depths (5 mm) than non-users and been found to be more as compared to nonusers and there
clinical attachment loss 5 mm than non-users (p<0.01) [15]. In was concomitant increase in scores with increased duration of
a study by Ardakani AH et al., in 2010 he found mean pocket use as reported in three studies by Sambashivaiah S et al. [11],
depth and attachment loss of oral contraceptive user and non oral Preshaw PM et al., [7] and Vijay G [14]. However, the evidence
contraceptive user are 2.06 0.22, 2.1 0.20 and 1.0004 0.23 is still unclear with nonsignificant difference in plaque scores
and 0.98 0.24 respectively [13]. According to study conducted between users and non-users reported by Arumugam M et al.,
by Knight GM and Wade AB it was found out that those women in 2015 [17], Farhad SZ et al., [16] and Mullally BH et al., [8]. The
who are on oral contraceptive for more than 1.5 years (p<0.05) two studies carried out by Domingues RS et al., [10] and Knight
has greater loss of attachment compared to those who were GM [12] reported contradictory findings with higher plaque index
taking contraceptive for a shorter period [12]. scores in the control group (Non-Oral Contraceptives Users) as
Sample Patient Duration of Type of study (Case/
Study Results Conclusion
size age group Treatment Control)
Study demonstrates no significant
difference in plaque and gingivitis
Two groups:
Plaque accumulation (0.810.08) and level between group taking oral
89 taking hormonal
Knight GM and gingival score (0.750.05) is more in contraceptive and comparable group
17-23 contraceptive and 72
Wade AB (1974) 171 1.5 years control group (0.760.07) and (0.700.05) but those receiving oral contraceptive
years using other form of
[12] than in hormonal group but the difference for more than 1.5 years exhibited
contraceptive acting as
was not significant (p>0.05) greater periodontal destruction than
those of comparable age in the control
The group currently taking oral
Group currently
contraceptives possessed a higher Gingival
taking oral contraceptives had a higher
Two groups: Inflammatory Index (p<0.001). but
mean Gingival
Kalkwarf K L 18-35 experimental group Lower Oral Debris Index (p<0.04). Mean
168 36 months Inflammatory Index and
(1978) [5] years (n=93) control gingival index and debris index of oral
a lower mean Oral Debris Index than
group (n=75) contraceptive user and non-user are 1.49
the control group.
(0.04), 0.81 (0.10) and 1.20 (0.05), 0.95
Usage of contraceptive preparations
32 women using containing estrogen and progesterone
hormonal contraceptives resulted in hormonal changes similar
for less than 2 years, Contraceptive users had a significantly to those seen in pregnancy, associated
Tilakaratne A 17-36
88 2-4 years 17 for 24 years and a higher level of gingival inflammation, with increased prevalence of gingivitis.
(2000) [9] years
matched control group compared to the non-users There was significantly higher
of 39 non-users were attachment loss with prolonged usage
selected for the study of hormonal contraceptives, compared
with controls.
Two groups - Statistically significant increase in plaque Current oral contrceptive formulations
Preshaw PM et al., 20-45 experimental group and gingivitis scores were noted in test do not affect the inflammatory
30 3 weeks
(2001) [7] years (n=14), control group quadrants (p<0.001) but not in control response of the gingiva to dental
(n=16) quadrants (p>0.05) plaque.
8 (16%) of the 50
women no previous
medication, 21 referrals Current pill users had deeper mean Female patients who were on oral
(42%) were taking the probing depths and more severe contraceptives tended to have
contraceptive pill and the attachment loss compared to non-users. higher plaque levels, more extensive
Mullally BH et al., 20-35
50 2 years remaining 21 (42%) had Pill users had more sites with bleeding on gingival bleeding, deeper periodontal
(2007) [8] years
used oral contraceptives probing (44.0% versus pocketing, and more extensive and
previously, but not 31.1%; p=0.017) severe periodontal attachment loss
within a 2-year period than those who were not taking the pill
before their periodontal
Oral contraceptive users had higher
gingival inflammation and bleeding on
probing as compared to non-users. Women on low dose oral
Two groups:
The mean gingival index, plaque index, contraceptive pills for at least two
Ardakani AH et al., 17-35 experimental group
70 2 years bleeding on probing of oral contraceptive years had more extensive gingivitis and
(2010) [13] years (n=35) control
user and non user are (2.10.44, gingival bleeding than their matched
group (n=35)
1.470.23, 63.8513.91 and 2.120.42, control
1.070.20, 37.8212.81 respectively)
Group I (6
month to 1.5
The quantity of plaque and status of
years) 18
Two groups - periodontal disease was higher in patients
experimental group on oral contraceptives than in control
Group II Oral contraceptive therapy especially
(n=43) Group I 18, group. Control
20-35 (1.5 years to of longer duration could lead to poorer
Vijay G (2010) [14] 65 Group II 21, group showed a mean plaque index
years less than 5 oral hygiene status and increased
Group III 4 and of 1.07250.5168, while Group I, II,
years) susceptibility to periodontal disease
Control group (n=22) and III showed mean plaque index of
Group III
2.1230.3967, 2.8920.3550, and
(more than
3.1150.1816 respectively
5 years) 4

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Nov, Vol-10(11): ZE01-ZE06 3

Irfan Ali et al., Oral Health and Oral Contraceptives

OC use may increase the risk of severe

Oral contraceptive users had deeper periodontitis
probing depths (5mm) than non-users. and seems to cause a selection of
Two groups -
March 2007 Moreover, Oral contraceptive users certain Candida species in periodontal
Brusca MI et al., 19-40 experimental group
92 to February had higher gingival index scores and pockets. Oral contraceptive users
(2010) [15] years (n=41) control
2009 clinical attachment loss, 2 and showed a higher prevalence of P.
group (n=51)
5mm, respectively, than non-users (p gingivalis, P. intermedia, and A.
<0.01) actinomycetemcomitans compared to
23 subjects The gingival index and plaque index of
( 12 contraceptive users was increased as the
months) 20 duration of oral contraceptive increased,
subjects 23 subjects using oral contraceptives for
Two groups:
(1324 12 months showed mean gingival and Current oral contraceptive formulations
Sambashivaih S et 19-40 experimental group
100 months), plaque index of (1.409,1.348); 20 subjects may have an effect of exaggerating the
al., (2010) [11] years (n=50) control
6 subjects for 1324 months (1.765 and 1.665), 6 inflammation of the gingival tissues.
group (n=50)
(2536 subjects for 2536 months (1.8676 and
months) and 1.683) and 1 subject for >36 months
1 subject (36 gingival and plaque index of (3 and 2.4)
months) respectively.
The test group showed increased probing
depth (2.2280.011 x 2.1540.012; Currently available COC might
p<0.0001) and sulcular bleeding influence the periodontal condition
index (0.2290.006 x 0.1480.005, of women taking these medications
Two groups:
p<0.0001) than controls. No significant for at least 12 months continuously,
Domingues RS et 19-35 experimental group
50 1 year differences between groups were found regardless of age and amount of
al., (2012) [10] years (n=25) control group
in clinical attachment level (0.4350.01 x plaque accumulation, resulting
0.4120.01; p=0.11). The control group in increased PD and SBI and a
showed greater plaque index than the slight tendency to develop loss of
test group (0.2060.007 x 0.3030.008; attachment.
Mean bleeding on probing, probing
pocket depths, plaque indexes and clinical
attachment losses in the case and control
groups are (41.11,3.7832.40, 1.87 and
Two groups - 135.04,15.64, 29.24, 0.24) respectively
Oral contraceptives affect the
Farhad SZ et al., 17-40 experimental group statistically significant differences in probing
60 ---- periodontal health status of patients
(2014) [16] years (n=35) control pocket depths (p<0.05) and clinical
and lead to more gingival inflammation
group (n=25) attachment losses between the case and
control groups (p<0.05) but no statistically
significant differences were found between
the plaque index of the case and control
groups (p>0.05)
The gingival changes are seen in
Gingival index was significantly higher
Two groups - the first few months after starting
among oral
Abd-Ali EH, Shaker 16-40 experimental group the contraceptive and its severity
80 8 months contraceptive users than non-users which
N T (2013) [4] Years (n=40) control group increased with time. Once the woman
was correlated with the duration of usage
(n=40) discontinues the contraceptive, the
gingival condition will reverse.
Among the hormonal contraceptive
user group and the non-user group,
the prevalence of Candida species in
Two groups -
periodontal pockets was 26.8% and
Group I-Hormonal C. albicans was the most common
29.3% respectively. Mean plaque index,
contraceptive (HC) users Candida species isolated from
Mean gingival index, Mean probing
Arumugam M et 19-45 with chronic periodontitis both groups, followed by Candida
82 1 year depth and Mean CAL among hormonal
al., (2015) [17] years (41) dubliniensis, Candida krusei, Candida
contraceptive users and among non-users
Group II-Female patients tropicalis, Candida glabrata and
were (1.730.44, 1.760.44, 5.471.05
with chronic periodontitis Candida parapsilois
mm and 5.031.51 mm respectively) and
(1.750.47, 1.760.46, 5.741.14 mm
and 5.501.55) respectively. It was found
to be statistically non-significant (p>0.05).
[Table/Fig-2]: Summary of the results.

higher incidence of dental caries [4].

compared to oral contraceptive users although the difference was
Due to high levels of estrogen and progesterone individuals on oral
statistically nonsignificant.
contraceptives have conditions similar to pregnant women. Due
to presence of estrogen and progesterone in oral contraceptives,
DISCUSSION the women on these drugs simulate the features of gingivo-
Summary of main results: Oral contraceptive contains
periodontitis as that of pregnant women but usually these changes
progesterone and estrogen. High level of progesterone increases
in oral contraceptive using women are seen after long duration
the blood flow to the gum tissue and causes gums to be more
of oral contraceptive therapy. Here, the local hygiene factors also
sensitive and vulnerable to irritation and swelling. Vasodilatation
have a major role in establishing periodontitis [15].
and increased capillary permeability is caused by the additive effect
of estrogen and progesterone which further leads to increased Oral contraceptive users have an increased risk of severe
migration of fluid and white blood cell out of blood vessels. The periodontitis and seems to be a cause for the development of
change in progesterone and estrogen levels affects the immune certain Candida species like C. albicans, C. parapsilosis, C.
system as well as the collagen production in the gingiva. Both of krusei, C. tropicalis, and C. glabrata subgingivally. Moreover,
these conditions reduce the body's ability to repair and maintain oral contraceptive users also showed a higher prevalence of P.
gingival tissues. Women using oral contraceptives have higher gingivalis, P. intermedia, and A. actinomycetemcomitans as
prevalence of Streptococci mutans in their oral cavity as well as compared to non-users [16].

4 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Nov, Vol-10(11): ZE01-ZE06 Irfan Ali et al., Oral Health and Oral Contraceptives

Blinding of Incomplete Agreements and disagreements with other studies: The

Random Allocation Selective
Reference sequence conceal-
outcome outcome
present review revealed an increased effect on periodontium with
assess- data
generation ment reporting the use of oral contraceptive. Kalkwarf KL et al., in 1978 found
ment addressed
that patient on oral contraceptives show increased inflammatory
Arumugam M
et al., High risk High risk High risk High risk Low risk
response as compared to normal. There usage cause elevated
(2015) [17] level of progesterone body which changes the vascular structure
Abd-Ali E H, with increase in micro-vascular permeability in gingival tissue along
Shaker N T Low risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk with increase in number of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and also
(2013) [4]
the production of local mediators like prostaglandin E2 in gingival
Farhad S Z tissues [5]. Since 1970s (when most of the reports documenting
et al., (2014) High risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk
untoward gingival effects associated with oral contraceptive
usage were published), it has become evident that many of the
Domingues R
S et al., High risk High risk Low risk Low risk Low risk side-effects elicited by oral contraceptives are dose-dependent
(2012) [10] (Williams and Stancel, 1996) [18]. This realization led to the
Sambashivaih development of current low-dose oral contraceptive formulations.
S et al., Low risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk Current oral contraceptives consist of low doses of estrogens
(2010) [11]
(0.05mg/day) and progestins (1.5mg/day). However, the initial
Brusca M I formulations contained higher concentrations of sex hormones
et al., (2010) High risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk
[15] (20-50g estrogen and 0.15-4mg progesterone) which have great
Vijay G (2010)
influence on periodontium [15].
High risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk
[14] Similarly Sambashivaiah S et al., conducted study in 2010 on
Ardakani A H 100 patients and found that there is increase in gingival index
et al., (2010) High risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk and plaque index of contraceptive users as the duration of oral
contraceptive increased [11]. Domingues RS et al., in 2011
Preshaw P M
et al., (2001) High risk High risk Low risk Low risk Low risk
observed in a scientific study that oral contraceptive irrespective
[7] of local hygienic factor of gingiva have a great influence on gingival
Tilakaratne A health resulting in gingivo periodontal disease [10].
High risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk
(2000) [9]
Mullally B H et
High risk High risk High risk Low risk Low risk
al., (2007) [8] Proper periodontal assessment and treatment is needed for
Kalkwarf K L
Low risk High risk High risk High risk Low risk
the women who use oral contraceptives due to its effects in
(1978) [5] alteration of hormone which affects periodontium.
Knight G M
and Wade A High risk Low risk High risk Low risk Low risk
The negative influence of the changes in estrogen and
B (1974) [12] progesterone levels can be controlled by additional plaque
[Table/Fig-3a]: Risk of bias table.

Blinding of outcome
Criteria sequence Allocation concealment Incomplete outcome data addressed Selective outcome reporting
The study protocol is
Participants and investigators enrolling available and all of the studys
participants could not foresee pre-specified (primary and
No missing outcome data;
assignment because one of the secondary) outcomes that
Referring to a Reasons for missing outcome data
following, or an equivalent method, was are of interest in the review
random number Blinding of participants unlikely to be related to true outcome
used to conceal allocation: have been reported in the pre-
table; and key study personnel (for survival data, censoring unlikely to
Low Central allocation (including telephone, specified way;
Using computer ensured, and unlikely that be introducing bias);
risk web-based and pharmacy-controlled The study protocol is not
random number the blinding could have Missing outcome data balanced in
randomization); available but it is clear that the
generator been broken. numbers across intervention groups,
Sequentially numbered drug containers published reports include all
with similar reasons for missing data
of identical appearance; expected outcomes, including
across groups
Sequentially numbered, opaque, sealed those that were pre-specified
envelopes. (convincing text of this nature
may be uncommon).
Not all of the studys pre-
specified primary outcomes
Using an open random allocation
No blinding or incomplete have been reported;
schedule (e.g., a list of random
blinding, and the outcome One or more primary
is likely to be influenced by outcomes is reported using
Assignment envelopes were used
Allocation by lack of blinding; measurements, analysis
without appropriate safeguards (e.g., Reason for missing outcome data likely
judgement of Blinding of key study methods or subsets of the
if envelopes were unsealed or non- to be related to true outcome, with
High the clinician; participants and personnel data (e.g., subscales) that were
opaque or not sequentially numbered); either imbalance in numbers or reasons
risk Allocation by attempted, but likely not pre-specified;
Alternation or rotation; for missing data across intervention
preference of that the blinding could One or more reported
Date of birth; groups
the participant have been broken, and primary outcomes were not
Case record number;
the outcome is likely to pre-specified (unless clear
Any other explicitly unconcealed
be influenced by lack of justification for their reporting
blinding. is provided, such as an
unexpected adverse effect)

Unclear Insufficient information about the sequence generation process to permit judgement of Low risk or High risk.

[Table/Fig-3b]: Criteria for risk of bias table.

Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Nov, Vol-10(11): ZE01-ZE06 5

Irfan Ali et al., Oral Health and Oral Contraceptives

Oral health examination should be an essential part to be [7] Preshaw PM, Knutsen MA, Mariotti A. Experimental gingivitis in women using
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followed up routinely to avoid any future dental complications
[8] Mullally BH, Coulter WA, Hutchinson JD, Clarke HA. Current oral contraceptive
for oral contraceptive users. status and periodontitis in young adults. J Periodontol. 2007;78(6):1031-36.
[9] Tilakaratne A, Soory M, Ranasinghe AW, Corea SM, Ekanayake SL, Silva MD.
CONCLUSION Effects of hormonal contraceptives on the periodontium, in a population of rural
Sri Lankan women. J Clin Periodontol. 2000;27(10):753-57.
It has been unanimously observed and agreed that use of oral [10] Domingues RS, Ferraz BF, Greghi SL, Rezende ML, Passanezi E, Sant Ana AC.
contraceptives cause gingivitis as well as peridontitis either by Influence of combined oral contraceptives on the periodontal condition. J Appl
increase of local microorganism like P. gingivalis, P. intermedia Oral Sci. 2012;20(2):253-59.
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1. Tutor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, D.J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2. Professor and Head, Department of Public Health Dentistry, D.J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
3. Reader, Department of Public Health Dentistry, D.J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
4. Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, D.J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
5. Tutor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, D.J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
6. Tutor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, D.J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
7. Tutor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, D.J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.
8. Tutor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, D.J. College of Dental Sciences and Research, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Dr. Irfan Ali,
Tutor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, D.J. College of Dental Sciences and Research,
Ajit Mahal, Niwari Road, Modinagar, Ghaziabad-201204, Uttar Pradesh, India. Date of Submission: Feb 10, 2016
E-mail: Date of Peer Review: Apr 11, 2016
Date of Acceptance: Jun 01, 2016
Financial OR OTHER COMPETING INTERESTS: None. Date of Publishing: Nov 01, 2016

6 Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Nov, Vol-10(11): ZE01-ZE06

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