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A Battle for the Common Good: Join the May Day General Strike

Reform will come and only come through the building of mass movements and alternative
centers of power that can overthrow let me repeat that word for Homeland Security
overthrow the corporate state. If we fail to sever these chains, we will become like many who
did not rise up in time to save their civil societys human chattel. This means we too must defy
the law and engage in civil disobedience.

-Chris Hedges

America is in a desperate state, and it is not just because of Donald Trump. Our problems are
bigger than any one man. He is merely a symptom of a corrupt fascist system whose
puppeteers believe in elite privilege, corporate rule, and dog-eat-dog competition that
impoverishes people and destroys families and communities. Unless we overthrow the
system, there will be more Donald Trumps in our future. Make no mistake about it, this
abhorrent behavior isn't limited to the GOP. We have, for decades, watched the total
disintegration of the Democratic Party into a corrupt, festering cesspool of unbridled power,
dirty money, and fraudulent elections. There is no real difference between the Democrats and
the Republicans. There is only the illusion of choice. Before we can make any real change,
we must face the facts and stop believing in false narratives.

It is clear that, while we do not all agree with the specific tactics necessary to effect real
transformation in our government, we recognize that we must band together in this battle for
The Common Good.

To this end, we are calling for a National Strike on May 1, 2017, known and celebrated
around the world as International Workers Day. This day commemorates the
Haymarket martyrs, who fought for an 8-hour day and defended workers' and union
rights. On May 1, we are not begging. We are demanding:

An end to the lies for war for profit as a business model. We stand in solidarity against
America's imperial interventionist aggression that seeks to feed the never-ending
greed of the globalist war profiteers.

An honest government that spends our money on we the people. Our currency is
sovereign, and there is no debt. We have enough to take care of the needs of the
American people, including health care for all, good jobs paying a living wage, and free

$15 an hour as the wage floor, and that the unions fight right to work legislation
across the nation that is nothing more than union-busting and an assault on workers'
wages and rights.

A just economy that serves everyone, including hard-working immigrants who help
make America's economy run. While we support comprehensive immigration reform,
we demand that those immigrants building a life here right now be given a path to
citizenship without penalty.

Fair trade agreements that ensure that foreign workers are paid decent living wages
that allow the creation of family-supporting economies, not trade policies that destroy
economies and force workers to leave their homes and countries to feed their families.

A Common Good political system that give us more choices instead of fewer. We
believe that our nation needs a strong third party that is built outside the established
empire, a party that puts the people and planet over profits, a party that represents our
families and communities.

A responsible government that invests money in renewable energy sources like

solar, wind and water rather than continuing to invest in environmentally-disastrous
pipelines like DAPL and Keystone XL, which will only exacerbate climate change.

They are the few. We are the many. We have the power.

On May 1, nobody should show up for work.

On May 1, nobody should be a consumer.

On May 1, we should indulge in non-violent civil disobedience and mass action.

We have the power to make this happen. We call on all American farmers, nurses, doctors,
cops, firefighters, bartenders, auto workers, steelworkers, dock workers, waitresses and
waiters, fast-food clerks, bank tellers, truck drivers, pilots, cooks, teachers, postal workers,
civil servants, coal miners, supervisors and managers, and even the retired and the
unemployed to join the fight for The Common Good.

On May 1, we have an opportunity to shut the Empire down and begin the process of
returning the power to the people.

For more information, write:

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