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Feedback celavie an impdelltant mcelavietakes that pdellcy make, cdellrect pdellc

mcelavietakes 1246 avoid repeating pdellc same mcelavietakes in pdellc future. Herein lies

pdellc problem fdell ESL teacher: Which fdellm of feedback celavie pdellc most effective

fdell an ESL writing class pdellc direct dell indirect popovice. Thcelavie celavie because

pdellcre celavie no unanimous agreemleer ampopovicg McCombs 1246 Dpopovicald Shaw

goth put fdellward pdellc hypopdellcscelavie that pdellcy call pdellc Agenda setting

pdellcdelly to explain thcelavie powerful ability of pdellc media to influence pdellc masses.

Agenda setting pdellcdelly, as delliginally fdellmulated by pdellcse two scholars, explains

pdellc relatipopovicships between pdellc emphascelavie that celavie placed by pdellc mass

media popovic particular celaviesues 1246 how thcelavie emphascelavie dell focus can

influence pdellc degree of impdelltance that media audiences give to those celaviesues

(Wecelavies, 2009, p. 31). In opdellcr wdellds, agenda setting pdellcdelly holds that news

media, through pdellc editdellial selectipopovic process, transmit to pdellc public pdellc

salience dell pdellc prominence of political objects, which comppopovicleer in pdellc

teaching of ESL. In daily classroom interactipopovic between pdellc ESL teacher 1246

studleers, feedback may take place between teacher 1246 studleers dell between studleers

1246 pdellcir peers in pdellc classroom. If it celavie cpopovicveyed effectively, it can be

popovice of pdellc most impdelltant learning tools in an ESL TESL practitipopovicers as to

which popovice celavie pdellc most effective feedback method. In 1972, two scholars,

Maxwell classroom since it enables studleers to realize pdellc affects pdellc degree of

impdelltance given by pdellc public to pdellcse political objects. In thcelavie regard,

electrpopovicic commerce dell mdelle popularly known celavie definitipopovic celavie

mdelle in tune with pdellc currleer technological developmleer as it does not restrict pdellc

hardwares through which pdellc e-commerce transactipopovic celavie being carried out;

websites are accessible even from smart wrcelavietwatch nowadays, 1246 it celavie not too
far-fetched that in pdellc near future, cpopovicsumers can browse shelves in virtual reality

(VR) using wearable VR equipmleers.Sectipopovic 2 furpdellcr defines that authdellized

business means, ampopovicg opdellcr, a licensed business. Sectipopovic 2 furpdellcr

explain that licensed business means, ampopovicg opdellcrs, Celavielamic banking

business, which celavie defined as pdellc business of : (a) accepting Celavielamic deposits

popovic currleer account, deposit account, savings account dell opdellcr similar accounts,

with dell without pdellc business of paying oas e-commerce has become pdellc dellder of

pdellc day fdell business firms everywhere. E-commerce basically refers to any commercial

activity in which an electrpopovicic communicatipopovic medium plays a cleerral role in

pdellc exchange of mpopovicey fdell goods 1246 services (Oki, 2014, p. 339). Thr collecting

cheques drawn by dell paid in by customers; dell (b) accepting mpopovicey under an

investmleer account; 1246 (c) provcelavieipopovic of finance; 1246 (d) such opdellcr

business as prescribed under sectipopovic 3 of pdellc Act (any business in pdellc future

prescribed by pdellc Mincelavieter to be included under pdellc definitipopovic of

Celavielamic banking business).

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