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Chapter 3 ids

Peter Boyajian

1. The English Civil War- 1642-1646. Oliver Cromwell gained control and then
Charles II got it back when Cromwell died.
2. The Restoration colonies- Land in the new world that Charles II gave to people
who supported him. Became six colonies: New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the Carolinas.
3. James, duke of York- Charles younger brother who Charles gave the land
between the Connecticut and Delaware rivers.
4. The Dukes Laws- maintained Dutch forms of local government.
5. Sir George Carteret and John Lord Berkeley- The dukes friends to whom he
gave the Jerseys
6. Quakers- members of the society of friends who allowed anyone to preach.
Purchase most of the Jerseys
7. William Penn- was granted Pennsylvania by Charles II
8. The Carolinas- prevented the Spanish from pushing farther north, separated
in 1729 because north was very different then south. North was very like
Virginia and south was like Barbados.
9. The Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina- a plan where the government
would be run by landholding aristocrats and power would be carefully
10.Witchcraft accusations and trials in New England, 1650-1690- started
because people needed something on which they could blame all of their
11.Colonial political structures of the late seventeenth century- In NE governors
were elected by property owning men, in some regions the king appointed
the governor, but everywhere there was a council that oversaw the governors
12.Louis de Baude de Frontenac- Governor general of Canada who wanted the
French to move south west so that they could trade with Mexico and take
over the fur trade.
13.The Iroquois Confederacy- composed of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onondagas,
Cayugas, and Senecas. Stopped de Frontenacs goal and made peace with
14.The Beaver Wars- wars waged by the Iroquois and other Indians over trading
15.The Pueblo revolt of 1680- the town of Pueblo revolted and kicked out the
Spanish for 20 years.
16.King Phillips War- the Indian chief, King Phillip, attacked many towns because
he was afraid of Christianity and losing land. THE MOST COSTLY CONFLICT
17.Bacons Rebellion- Nathaniel Bacon disagreed with Governor William
Berkeley about what to do about the Indian attacks on European cities and as
a result bacon attacked both the government and Indians and ended up
burning down Jamestown to the ground.
18.Atlantic Creoles- term created by historian Ira Berlin for Africans in America
who came from other parts of America.
19.The Atlantic slave trade- the huge trading network between Europe, Africa,
and America.
20.The Middle Passage- slaves coming from Africa to the Americas. Many died
21.The Royal African Company- the British company that set up trade posts in
Africa and controlled the slave trade.
22.Mercantilism- the idea that wealth equals power so a country should export
more then it imports and eventually try to become self-sufficient.
23.The Navigation Acts- English acts passed to try get American trade to be
centered on England.
24.Vice-Admiralty Courts- courts that dealt with only cases involving piracy,
vessels taken as wartime prizes, and the like. Operated without juries.
25.Gullah- a dialect that developed in South Carolina which combined English
words with African terms.
26.Rice and indigo cultivation in South Carolina- South Carolina began growing
rice and indigo because the slaves that they imported were already experts
at growing them. They coexisted because they both grew in different
27.Eliza Lucas- first person to plant indigo on a plantation. It soon caught on.
28.The Indian Slave trade- some Indian tribes would sell their captives to
colonists but they went to war over it once they were enslaved.
29.The Tuscarora War- the Tuscaroras attacked a Swiss-German settlement for
expropriating their lands. They were defeated by the south Carolinians and
their allies.
30.The Yamasee War- they were allies with the colonists during the Tuscarora
War, but soon turned on them because they didnt like how they were being
treated. Resulted in all of the Indian tribes migrating to new places.
31.The Dominion of New England- individual charters were revoked and Sir
Edmund Andros became governor of all the colonies from New Jersey to
32.The Glorious Revolution- the switching of the English throne without any
bloodshed. James II- William and Mary
33.King Williams War- James teamed up with King Louis XIV of France, and King
William went to war against them.
34.The Salem Village witchcraft crisis- the 1650 ones but much bigger, result of
fear from King Phillips war.
35.The Board of Trade and Plantations- was in charge of administering all the
36.court parties versus the country interest- court parties supported English
officials and were the patronized by them, and country interest supported the
traditional country interest and were supported by the south staple crops and

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