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assault is defined as any sexual behavior that happens or is attempted without consent, including
touching, intercourse, or any other form of sex. According to the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), 1 in 6
women (17.6%) will experience attempted or completed rape in their lifetimes.1 Yet, the instances of sexual
assault on college campuses are even higher. According to a National Institute of Justice survey of women
attending universities around the country, the chances of a woman being raped or experiencing attempted
rape over the course of her college career is about 25%. 4 As with many other crimes, sexual assault is
affected by numerous facets of circumstance and identity, both for the victim as well as the perpetrator. This
fact sheet explores these intersections of identity and sexual assault, in effort to bring awareness and positive
change to these growing and multifaceted violations.

1 in 4 women experiences RAPE in her college years (completed or attempted)4
35 of 1,000 college women are raped EVERY YEAR4
130 of 1,000 college women are sexually assaulted EVERY YEAR1
3 OUT OF 4 of sexual assaults occur OFF CAMPUS3
Most happen on Friday and Saturday nights in autumn, from 12:00pm-6:00am.1
Less than 5 percent of rapes are REPORTED4
Less than 1 percent of forced sexual contact are REPORTED4
2 OUT OF 3 rape victims do tell SOMEONE (usually a friend)4
*1 - A 2007 NIJ report of two large, public universities in the Midwest and the South; *3 A 2008 survey of 3,951 women at four universities;
*8 A 2005 AAUW Educational Foundation online survey, 2,036 college students across the U.S.

How Does it Happen? At Michigan State Why Dont Victims

University In 2012, Report?
When rape happened, victims According to their 2013 Annual
Security and Fire Safety Report,
said the perpetrator:
there were: Top reasons:
got them drunk or stoned -
Fear of family knowing
20 Sexual Assaults on campus Fear of other people
made them feel guilty - 19%
2 Sexual Assaults off campus knowing
made false promises - 12%
or on public property10 Lack of proof
physically held down - 11%
Didnt know if harm was

*7 - Based on a study of 541 intended
undergraduate students at a large
BUT ONLY 1 OUT OF 20 Fear that police wouldnt
midwestern university 7 ARE REPORTED.. take them seriously4

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