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Vol. 16, No. 2, March-April 2007, pp. 169 188

issn 1059-1478 07 1602 169$1.25 2007 Production and Operations Management Society

A Resource-Process Framework of New

Service Development

Craig M. Froehle, Aleda V. Roth

College of Business, University of Cincinnati, 2925 Campus Green Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0130, USA
College of Business and Behavioral Science, Clemson University, 343A Sirrine Hall, Clemson, South Carolina
29634-1305, USA

M otivated by the increasing attention given to the operational importance of developing new
services, this paper offers a theoretical framework that integrates both process- and resource-
oriented perspectives of new service development (NSD) by defining and organizing 45 practice
constructs for NSD-related practices and activities that occur in contemporary service firms. We employ
a rigorous procedure whereby both quantitative and qualitative data were gathered through multiple
rounds of interviews and card-sorting exercises with senior service managers. This iterative refinement
process helps ensure that the construct domains and definitions are consistent and that they are
applicable across multiple service sectors. A primary contribution of this research is to provide precise
operational definitions of theoretically important NSD practice constructs. Importantly, this study
expands on the NSD literature by including both resource- and process-centric perspectives within a
single framework. A second contribution is to illustrate a general methodology for developing clear,
concise, and consistent construct definitions that may be generally useful for production and operations
management scholars interested in new construct development for emerging areas. Empirical results
suggest that the resource-process framework can help guide and organize future research on, and
provide insight into, a more comprehensive view of new service development.

Key words: service operations; new service development; theoretical framework; construct development
Submissions and Acceptance: Received Feb 2005; revision received Oct 2005; accepted Feb 2006 by Kalyan

1. Introduction service industries. This paper presents preliminary

New service development (NSD) is an emerging sub- empirical testing of an integrating framework and
ject of scholarly inquiry in operations management provides precise operational definitions of the NSD
(Johnson et al. 2000; Froehle et al. 2000; Menor, Ta- practice constructs embedded within it and thereby
tikonda, and Sampson 2002; Fitzsimmons and Fitzsim- offers a foundation for measurement and future re-
mons 2003; Roth and Menor 2003; Roth, Schroeder, search.
Huang & Kristal (forthcoming)). This paper proposes Prior research suggests that competing in rapidly
a framework that integrates both process- and re- changing markets often requires the ability to
source-oriented literature with managerial perspec- quickly develop and deploy new offerings (de Bren-
tives of NSD by organizing various practice constructs tani 1989; Voss et al. 1992; Gallouj and Weinstein
for NSD-related activities that occur in contemporary 1997; Fine 2000; Carillo 2005). Services firms pursu-
service firms. Quantitative and qualitative data were ing a strategy reliant upon innovation are under
gathered through multiple rounds of interviews and constant pressure to develop more effective NSD
card-sorting exercises with senior managers involved methods, make better use of their resources, and
in NSD from organizations spanning a wide range of beat their competitors to market with the next great

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idea. Related research has previously demonstrated Resource-oriented NSD practices focus on cultivating,
that certain organizational, technological, and pro- motivating, and developing the intellectual, organi-
cess design choices have significant strategic influ- zational, and physical resources (e.g., employees,
ence on the firms ability to rapidly and effectively information, and facilities) that support and en-
develop new services (Froehle et al. 2000). But are hance the firms NSD capability. Examples of re-
these the only important elements? How do firms source-oriented practices include the development
ensure they are in place? In other words, what are of an innovation-promoting culture, the cross-train-
the key practices and activities that service firms ing of managers and employees involved in new
undertake in order to enable their NSD efforts? service development, and the renewal of a support-
We are motivated both intellectually and practically ive information technology (IT) infrastructure (van
to explore the practice-based antecedents of NSD Reil, Lemmink, and Ouwersloot 2004). Process-ori-
(Menor, Tatikonda, and Sampson 2002). Cooper et al. ented NSD practices focus on planning, defining,
(1994) define the new product process as it relates to and executing the actual sequence of stages de-
NSD as the set of activities, actions, tasks, and eval- sign, analysis, development, and launchthe ser-
uations (e.g., project screening, market research, prod- vice firm follows when creating its new offerings.
uct development, test marketing) that move the Examples of process-oriented practices include ini-
project from the idea stage through to launch (p. 283). tial concept refinement, market testing, and formal-
Although there has been considerable research into ized promotion of the new service.
the factors that connote effective NSD processes and on Our guiding belief is that a firm that develops com-
the arrangement of activities that best position the petencies in both process-oriented and resource-ori-
firm to succeed (Hill et al. 2002; de Jong and Ver- ented practices is better positioned to create an NSD
muelen 2003; Krishnan and Loch 2005), there has been capability that differentiates it from its competitors
comparably little attention given to the resources nec- and supports continued innovation and growth. How-
essary to support those NSD processes. By extension, ever, the first steps in theory-building for NSD are to
the scope of practices associated with developing NSD- identify key constructs pertaining to this domain and
specific resources, as opposed to new product devel- subsequently provide precise operational definitions
opment, have been so far underexamined empirically. (Churchill 1995; Roth et al. (forthcoming)). So, the
Despite the NSD process having been traditionally major contribution of this paper is to take some first
associated with project- or product-specific success steps in this direction. First, we put forth a theory-
(de Brentani 1995; Cooper et al. 1994; Edgett 1994), we based conceptual framework and, through a rigorous
believe a service firm should also examine how it procedure, operationally define key NSD practice con-
manages its physical, organizational, and intellectual structs associated with both NSD process- and re-
resources if it desires a more durable strategic posi- source-oriented categories. This research expands on
tioning based on innovation. To this end, Figure 1 the NSD literature by including both viewsresource-
depicts the Resource-Process Framework (RPF) of new and process-orientedwithin a single framework.
service development proposed here. The RPF is a con- The iterative approach used in this paper lends sup-
ceptual representation of salient resource- and pro- port for establishing that NSD constructs provide ad-
cess-oriented practices that the literature and practi- equate coverage of the RPF domain and thereby en-
tioners indicate are supportive to the development sure that the construct domains and definitions are
and execution of NSD efforts. consistent and appropriate in multiple service sectors.

Figure 1 The Resource-Process Framework (RPF) of New Service Development.

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The importance of well-defined constructs is a critical have (Voss et al. 1992). One executive, who had just
first step in the measurement development process. joined his firm to lead its NSD efforts, stated in our
The validity of what is ultimately being measured interview, I had to teach them the meaning of the
thus depends on construct definitions and the content word test. In general, systematic attention to NSD
domain (Churchill, 1995). Second, the paper illustrates practices has not been a priority for many U.S. service
a general approach useful for production and opera- organizations (Roth, Chase, and Voss 1997).
tions management (POM) scholars interested in con- Much research has been focused on providing a
struct development for emerging areas, where con- structure to the many activities and concepts asso-
structs have not yet been fully conceptualized and/or ciated with the NSD process (e.g., Scheuing and
operationalized. It is useful to note that this effort Johnson 1989). Most models have employed a tem-
contributes to the next step in the measurement de- poral or predecessor-based structure that is essen-
velopment process (i.e., the confirmation and reliabil- tially linear in nature, similar to many project man-
ity/validity testing of new items and scales). There- agement approaches (Johnson et al. 2000; Bitran and
fore, we leave to future research the development of Pedrosa 1998). There are many examples of linear
multi-item measurement scales that tap into each con- models of NSD. For example, Shostack (1984) devel-
struct (Clark and Watson 1995). oped one of the earliest notable linear models for
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In the NSD by deconstructing the process into 10 discrete
next section, we review the relevant literature on NSD stages. A more aggregated six-stage model is em-
and organizational resources. In Section 3, we describe ployed by Reidenbach and Moak (1986), which in-
the RPF (Figure 1) and the NSD practice constructs it cluded the phases of idea generation/evaluation,
considers more completely. Section 4 details our re- concept development and testing, economic analy-
search approach in order to test the ability of the sis, product testing, market testing, and commer-
model to define and organize representative sets of cialization. Voss et al. (1992) employ for their anal-
NSD practice constructs shown in Figure 1. The results ysis a four-stage model consisting of concept
of that examination are provided in Section 5. The development and analysis, prototype service devel-
final section offers conclusions as well as limitations opment, prototype service test and debug, and full
and opportunities for additional research motivated launch of new service. Bitran and Pedrosa (1998)
by this paper. attempt to bridge the NPD and NSD literature by
developing a six-stage model of a generic develop-
ment process. Their model, like many others, explic-
2. Background and Literature Review itly includes feedback loops that allow knowledge
gained later in the process to be fed back into steps
2.1. New Service Development typically occurring earlier. Finally, Johnson et al.
Effective development of new services is vitally im- (2000) synthesized past service development re-
portant primarily because it influences the success of search and created a general four-stage NSD process
the resulting service product (de Brentani 1995, 1989; model involving the phases of design, analysis, de-
Cooper et al. 1994; Edgett 1994; Voss et al. 1992; Storey velopment, and full launch.
and Easingwood 1993; Cooper and de Brentani 1991; Some researchers have drafted complementary
Menor & Roth (forthcoming) a; Menor & Roth (forth- nonlinear frameworks, hoping to attain different
coming) b). This influence extends across industries perspectives and insights into the development of
and firm sizes (Reidenbach and Moak 1986) and has new services. Edvardsson and Olsson (1996) aban-
obvious and significant implications for organiza- doned the traditional linear/temporal structure in
tional performance. Yet many, if not most, service their quality-based model of NSD. By focusing on
organizations have not adopted formalized or well- design quality, they posit that the goal of any new
structured NSD efforts (Cooper and de Brentani 1991; service development effort should be to create the
Cooper et al. 1994; Fitzsimmons and Fitzsimmons prerequisites for services which the customer per-
2000). As noted by de Brentani (1989), many service ceives have an attractive added value (p. 141).
firms are still using a hit-and-miss approach when Johnson et al. (2000) add nonlinear elements to the
developing new services (p. 239). These lapses and new service development model, emphasizing the
failures include haphazard concept generation and interdependence on design and development as
evaluation, insufficient testing prior to the final launch well as the cyclical aspects of the new service cre-
of the service, and inadequate knowledge of the mar- ation process. Their work is among the first to crit-
ket, among many others. To aggravate an already ically examine the nonlinear nature of the new ser-
unfavorable situation, many service firms fail to mea- vice design process. A nonlinear model has also been
sure what new service development processes they do developed by considering the organizational learn-
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ing that can occur during the development of new 1996), and interorganizational innovation in the health
services (Stevens and Dimitriadis 2004). care industry (Goes and Park 1997).
All of these process-based models have their merits Also examining the importance of resources (among
because they reflect practices dealing with the se- other things) to service firms, Roth and Jackson (1995)
quencing of NSD activities. With few exceptions, one hypothesized and demonstrated a link between orga-
important element that has not been thoroughly de- nizational resources and service operations strategy
veloped is the resource base necessary for, and in- and performance. Their findings place this element of
volved in, new service development. Although many the firm within a strategic framework of internal and
researchers have included various resource-oriented external elements necessary to achieving a sustainable
elements in their models, these are usually seen as market position and long-term organizational success.
ancillary or secondary to the sequences of steps and A competitive advantage for service organizations has
activities involved in the NSD process (Fitzsimmons also been empirically linked to unique combinations
and Fitzsimmons 2000). A growing emphasis on orga- of resource-building and process execution practices
nizational resources in service operations strategy (Roth, Chase, and Voss 1997).
(Roth and Menor 2003) suggests some unique insights Gallouj and Weinstein (1997) indirectly touch on the
into this issue. The next section summarizes its rele- notion of internal resources in new service develop-
vance to the organizational and operations strategy ment in their discussion of service provider compe-
literature. tences. A vector of competences is employed in the
development of a general service model, and innova-
2.2. Why NSD Resources? tion is defined as a change to one or more of the
Penrose (1959) is the first to be credited for viewing terms in the vectors included in the model. They posit
the firm as a pool of resources, the utilization of that different modes of innovation are related to dif-
which is organized in an administrative framework ferent types of changes in the various vector terms.
(p. 149). Traditional strategy literature describes a While appealing in its parsimony and generalizability,
resource as anything which could be thought of as the Gallouj and Weinstein (1997) model focuses on the
a strength or weakness of a given firm (Wernerfelt end (i.e., the newly developed service offering),
1984, p. 172). Within this broad definition, Barney whereas the RPF focuses on the means (i.e., the process
(1991) specifies three distinct types of capital re- and resources employed). The behaviorist perspective
sourcesphysical, human, and organizational takes a slightly different tack, seeing organizations not
that can provide these benefits. Physical capital re- as pools or bundles of resources, but as systems,
sources include the physical technologies, facilities, which utilize various types of resources through a
equipment, location, and access to raw materials. variety of practices and routines (Bromily 2005). Fo-
Examples of human capital resources include the cusing on this perspective in services reinforces the
experience, training, education, judgment, intelli- need for examining how organizational practices re-
gence, and insights of employees and managers late to the development and deployment of resources
within the firm. Finally, organizational capital re- involved in the firms NSD endeavors.
sources involve the corporate reporting structure, Building upon this rich body of knowledge, we
formal/informal control mechanisms, and internal/ detail in the next section a new framework for orga-
external relationships. nizing the various organizational practices and activ-
The importance of resources has been studied in a ities related to NSD. While this RPF for NSD helps
variety of areas, including IT, operations strategy establish a conceptual structure to this area of re-
(Schroeder, Bates, and Junttila 2002), and the strategic search, it does not, at this point, formally hypothesize
role of acquisitions and diversification (Barney 1991; or test any causal relationships between NSD practices
Mata, Fuerst, and Barney 1995; Markides and William- and organizational performance. We do hope, how-
son 1996; Prahalad and Hamel 1990; Roth and Jackson ever, that the RPF will motivate and facilitate research
1995). This approach has provided new insights into into these issues.
new product development (Henderson and Cockburn
1994) and it lies at the heart of the customer equity
approach to services marketing (Hogan, Lemon, and 3. The Resource-Process Framework
Rust 2002). Service strategists have employed a re-
source-centric lens in analyzing deregulations effects 3.1. Resource-Oriented Practice Constructs
on diversification in the financial services industry The resource-oriented NSD practices adopted by the
(Ingham and Thompson 1995), the effects of globaliza- firm allow it to acquire, nurture, and organize the
tion on the general competitiveness of services (Fahy people, knowledge, infrastructure, and other elements
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needed to develop new service products. In some formance. New service development practices that fo-
firms, these practices are coordinated and consciously cus on developing and maintaining these resources,
carried out in a planned manner. In other organiza- such as seeking regular employee input, active solici-
tions, they may be allowed to just occur with little tation of feedback from customers, and constant atten-
forethought, consistency, or guiding strategy (de tion to market trends, appear to be important, if not
Jong and Vermeulen 2003). Using Barneys (1991) essential, to the firms ability to develop and execute
resource typology described earlier as a basis, three an effective NSD process.
classes of resource-oriented NSD practice constructs
are proposed as theoretically germane to the RPF. 3.1.2. Organizational Resources. Organizational
Some practice constructs are associated with devel- resources are necessary for effective NSD to occur.
oping intellectual resources, some with developing Organization capital resources include a firms for-
organizational resources, and others with develop- mal reporting structure, its formal and informal plan-
ing physical resources. Each of the resource-ori- ning, controlling, and coordinating systems, as well as
ented NSD practice subcategoriesIntellectual, Or- informal relations among groups within a firm and
ganization, and Physicalis described below. between a firm and those in its environment (Barney
1991, p. 101). In summary, organizational resources
3.1.1. Intellectual Resources. The firms intellec- are the management systems, attitudes, and personal
tual resources as considered here include those gen- relationships adopted and developed by the company.
erally described by Barneys (1991) human capital These resources are vital to the firms new service
category. These resources include, but are not lim- development process, manifesting in practices like de-
ited to, the educational, cultural, and experiential velopment team structure, corporate culture, commu-
knowledge and skills contained within the firms nication norms, and top management support. For
employees. The staff are usually seen as the service example, policies and activities regarding how prelim-
companys key resource (Edvardsson and Olsson
inary or uncertain design information is managed
1996, p. 151). De Brentani (1989) empirically found
could be an important organizational resource (Loch
that development projects involving the employees,
and Terwiesch 2005; Anderson and Joglekar 2005).
and especially the front-line personnel, were gener-
Project teams are generally considered and have
ally more successful than those that did so to a
been empirically shown to be beneficial to NSD
lesser degree.
projects (Larson, Gobeli, and Gray 1991; Terrill 1992).
Organizational knowledge. . . was the primary de-
Some evidence suggests that their benefit comes more
terminant of superior service quality influencing su-
from their diversity of ideas and contributed knowl-
perior market performance (Roth and Jackson 1995,
edge base than from greater efficiency or reduced
p. 1,729). Just as it enables better quality and higher
performance, knowledge, as held and used by em- development time (Froehle et al. 2000). Thus, manag-
ployees and embedded in systems, also creates oppor- ers must be careful regarding the degree and type of
tunities for improvement (Kogut and Zander 1992). control they exert over their NSD efforts (Jewkes, Saw-
Organizational and individual learning, and the asso- ers, and Stillerman 1969).
ciated transfer of production know-how, allow firms In addition, top management support and involve-
and employees to connect their daily work experi- ment is vital to competing on an innovation-based
ences with opportunities for improvement and inno- strategy. Larson, Gobeli, and Gray (1991) found that
vation (Henderson and Lentz 1996; Ferdows 2006). the direct involvement of top management signifi-
Thus, we see broad support for the idea that innova- cantly contributes to the successful execution of devel-
tion and improvement (a special form of innovation) opment projects. As one of our executives stated quite
are rooted in the firms intellectual resources (Grant clearly, if you dont have a champion, it doesnt go.
1996). NSD practices related to the development of organi-
Also significantly contributing to these informa- zational NSD resources also include establishing a
tional processes are intellectual resources outside the supportive corporate culture and effective communi-
firm. Suppliers, business partners, and customers may cation norms (Miller 1986). New services generally
be included in the new service development process in require more support from the firms organizational
order to provide their particular insights (Ulrich and structure, such as human resource development, pro-
Ellison 2005). Goes and Park (1997) found that hospi- cess definition, and management support (Edgett and
tals engaged in multi-institution collaborative rela- Parkinson 1993; Menor & Roth (forthcoming) a,b).
tionships were able to take advantage of asymmetric Thus, careful management of the companys organi-
competencies within the alliance, leading to more and zational resources for NSD is essential if the firm
better service innovations and enhanced business per- hopes to continually create successful new services.
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3.1.3. Physical Resources. The concept of physical not embedded within its structure. With that in mind,
resources is defined to include such assets as the fa- the four generalized stages of the NSD process that
cilities, tangible technologies, capital equipment, geo- correspond to our process-oriented NSD practice sub-
graphic location, and raw materials employed by the categories are described in greater detail below.
firm (Barney 1991). Examples of physical technolo-
gies related to new service development include tele- 3.2.1. Design Stage. The design stage is con-
communications and IT networks, prototyping setups, cerned primarily with the generation, evaluation,
and computer simulation tools. The linkage between and screening of ideas for new services (i.e., creation
information technologies and business value is critical of the new service concept). Since new concepts may
to many, if not most, service industries (Henderson come from sources other than the firms customers
and Lentz 1996). Service innovation is often triggered and employees, market acuity (or the constant as-
by the availability of new technologies (Quinn and sessment of relevant markets and competitors) has
Paquette 1990; Banaszak-Holl, Zinn, and Mor 1996). been shown to be an advantage in services (Roth
While the presence of widespread computer systems 1993; Roth and Jackson 1995). This stage also in-
can hamper innovation efforts because of the complex- volves the formal definition of objectives for the
ities involved in changing them (Voss et al. 1992), the new service offering, such as target market and
service sectors rampant acquisition of IT indicates a financial performance goals (i.e. the new service
willingness to take that risk. strategy). This stage might include practices aimed
There has been significant research offered to sup- at extracting better concepts from information about
port the idea that resources, and their resulting com- complex or interrelated design components once
petencies, are the result of, and contribute to, dynamic customer requirements have been at least loosely
growth and decision making within the firm over time identified (Mullins et al. 2005). Finally, the design
(Leonard-Barton 1992; Teece and Pisano 1991; Mata, stage also usually includes some sort of initial con-
Fuerst, and Barney 1995; Collis and Montgomery cept testing. This may involve obtaining informal
1995). The ability to compete based on a firms new (or formal) customer feedback or discussing the con-
service development abilities is partly dependent cept with employees.
upon a continually evolving and changing network of
internal and external resources. Therefore, the impor- 3.2.2. Analysis Stage. The analysis stage provides
tance of the firms NSD resources, and thus the con- an opportunity for the firm to critically evaluate the
sequences associated with its resource-oriented NSD strategic, financial, and market-performance potential
practices, should not be ignored. of the new service concept. Formal business analyses
are performed, for example, in order to determine
3.2. Process-Oriented Practices whether the concept is likely to fit well within the
The NSD process employed by the firm is a vital firms other existing service offerings, meets the firms
element in the development of new services (Reiden- minimum ROI or market share goals, and is aligned
bach and Moak 1986; de Brentani 1995, 1989; Cooper et with the organizational strategy. As one manager put
al. 1994; Edgett 1994; Voss et al. 1992; Storey and it, one of her companys most valuable NSD-related
Easingwood 1993; Cooper and de Brentani 1991; skills was identifying the marketability of additional
Menor & Roth (forthcoming) a,b). Indeed, the better services. If the concept looks promising, a formal
we understand the tasks involved in developing new project may be authorized to carry the concept
services, the easier it is to replicate, convey, and im- through the development stage to final commercial-
prove them (Ferdows 2006). While there have been a ization and launch. Project authorization may also be
number of proposed general models for the NSD pro- accompanied by the assignment of a dedicated devel-
cess, as noted above, the one adopted here closely opment champion, a project manager, and/or devel-
resembles the four-stage model proposed by Johnson opment team.
et al. (2000). That model is a relatively recent attempt
to synthesize and integrate previous models from the 3.2.3. Development Stage. The development
operations management, product development, and stage encompasses many important activities and
NSD literature, so it reflects a centrist perspective of practices that are necessary to convert the initial
the NSD process. Also, the four-stage model is intui- concept into a viable, marketable new service offer-
tive and uncomplicated. And, because it is derived ing. During this stage, the service processes that will
from models developed for a variety of industries and be used during the delivery of the service are
tested in diverse settings, it seems to be highly gener- worked out and refined. The systems and infrastruc-
alizable; industry- or firm-specific idiosyncrasies are ture that need to be in place to support the service
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process are similarly outlined and refined. Prototyp- practice categories and constructs as represented in
ing and market testing are also important practices the framework.
usually carried out during the development stage.
Finally, the firm should begin to ready its people
and administrative systems to deliver and support 4. Research Approach
the new service, through proper training and hiring Empirical research in POM relies heavily on iteration
and the establishment of appropriate reward sys- between theory-building and theory-testing activities.
tems. This can be difficult to achieve, as one of our Many important NSD papers in service operations
interviewed managers said when asked about train- management have offered a compelling new model or
ing front-line staff: We train them as best we can, framework and left it up to subsequent research to
but theres never enough time. . . its a sore spot. develop the constructs and operational measures nec-
essary to test the ideas. Here, in addition to presenting
3.2.4. Launch Stage. The launch stage completes
an integrative framework, we have attempted to take
the typical NSD process via practices that bring the
a first step toward providing empirical evidence in
new service offering to the market. Formalized pro-
motions and advertising are usually considered ap- support of the models categories and subcategories
propriate practices during the launch stage. Cus- and their associated construct definitions.
tomer training also usually occurs at this stage. The rigorous definition of theoretically sound con-
Gathering of marketing data and customer feedback structs and the specification of their content domain
is vital to ensure that the new service is providing are necessary first steps for high-quality empirical re-
what customers anticipated and to uncover any un- search in general (Pedhazur and Schmelkin 1991;
foreseen lapses in the service process or system. Churchill 1995). Because a key weakness of many
Once the launch stage is complete, comprehensive studies has been the lack of attention to defining sa-
post-launch analysis may be desired in order to lient constructs (MacKenzie 2003) and because the
assess how well the NSD process and marketing RPF is intended to organize and define NSD practice
efforts performed and to provide feedback for im- constructs in a theoretically meaningful and pragmatic
proving the firms NSD efforts. way, the second contribution of this research is pre-
These four stages neatly structure the many dif- liminary external confirmation of the model by man-
ferent broad-based practices that, taken together, agers and executives who are actively involved in
create the top-level new service development pro- NSD across a variety of service industries. The third
cess. While not explicitly discussed here for the sake contribution is to highlight an approach that is espe-
of parsimony, NSD process models also usually in- cially useful for construct development in areas of
volve feedback (and sometimes feed-forward) loops emerging importance to POM, where the concepts are
so that information obtained during the later stages ill-defined and less structured. Figure 2 illustrates the
may be used to modify the resulting service offering steps common to empirical measurement develop-
prior to final launch (Menor, Tatikonda, and Samp- ment and highlights the subset of steps covered by this
son 2002). Taking the entire process into consider- paper.
ation, it is not surprising that studies have found a To populate our framework with relevant NSD
relationship between the NSD process and the suc- practice constructs and assess the content domain,
cess of the resulting service offering. Reidenbach we reviewed the NSD literature, had conversations
and Moak (1986) even found a significant relation- with practitioners, and gathered together a repre-
ship between new service development practices and sentative set of NSD-related practice construct de-
the overall, long-term performance of certain banking scriptors associated with each of the seven subcate-
institutions. More recently, Vermeulen, De Jong, and gories in Figure 1. Thus, we had some assurance
OShaughnessy (2005) empirically showed a relationship that our categories and subcategories adequately
between NSD practices and performance. Thus, it seems resemble the domain of NSD process- and resource-
reasonable to consider that the set of process-oriented oriented practices (Nunnally 1978; Rungtusanatham
practices that develop a formal process to convert ideas 1998). As a result of our search, we identified more
into viable new services may have a significant impact than 200 tasks, activities, and practices as contrib-
on the firms competitiveness. uting to effective new service development. These
While both theoretical and empirical evidence has practices were then examined for significant conno-
been cited to support the RPF, its ability to represent tative similarities. Some were nearly identical across
and codify key constructs remains untested. The multiple studies, which condensed the list to 44
next section offers some empirical evidence sup- unique NSD practice constructs. This first step is
porting the definition and organization of NSD consistent with much of the content and construct
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Figure 2 Generic Measurement Development Steps and Scope of This Paper.

development work in OM (e.g., Ahire, Golhar, and tion, with 10 managers in this first round, 2 managers
Waller 1996; Hensley 1999). While much of the ex- in each of the second and third rounds (fewer judges
tant OM empirical literature then proceeds directly were used in these rounds to accelerate the assess-
to multi-item measurement scale development, few modify iteration), and 4 managers in the final round
studies we have seen have attempted to iterate (one judge did not complete the sorting exercise). Cat-
through multiple rounds of construct definition re- egorization was stopped after four rounds because
finement and content categorization that are precur- acceptable levels of inter-judge agreement were
sors to item writing. We detail our approach next. achieved in categorizing the NSD practice constructs.
One key concern during the study was the employ-
4.1. Expert Judges ment of seasoned service professionals with experi-
Our initial step toward empirical assessment of the ence in the development of new service products.
framework involved using expert judges to categorize Several studies have shown that the use of expert
the NSD practices over four independent sorting witnesses, or, at the least, judges who are highly rep-
rounds. In total, we involved 19 senior managers with resentative of the population to which the study hopes
diverse and extensive experience in new service de- to generalize, adds significant strength to the prelim-
velopment (see Table 1 for a description of the study inary results of the study. For example, Anderson and
participants). A different subset of these executives Gerbing (1991) showed that a pretest assessment by
was employed for each sorting round of categoriza- even a very small sample of moderately experienced

Table 1 Summary Information for Respondents and Participating Organizations (N 19)

Positions of respondents Industry No. of firms

Marketing Manager Financial 5

Vice President, Energy Services Healthcare 5
Director, Healthcare Coordination Services Education 3
Vice President, Executive Staff Media/communications 3
Manager of IT Food services 1
President Pharmaceuticals 1
Director, Administration and Academic Development Utility 1
Employees No. of firms
Executive Director
Product Planning Manager 100 5
Medical Director 1011000 7
Vice President, Product Development 1000 7
Associate Dean, Curriculum Development
Annual revenue No. of firms
CIS Manager
Director of Planning $100MM 4
Manager, Brand Marketing $100MM$1B 5
Vice President/Director of Sales and Marketing $1B 2
Director of Marketing n/a 8
Director of Product Development
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judges was very useful. Research by Maurer et al. and aided in refining the wording of each construct
(1991) demonstrated that studies using expert judges definition. Then, those constructs exhibiting less-than-
require fewer observations to achieve the same (or desired levels of inter-judge agreement (the estimation
higher) levels of reliability as studies that employ of which is detailed below) were examined by the
nonexpert judges. Their findings recommend the use researchers for semantic or content-related incongru-
of between 5 and 18 expert judges to achieve tradi- ities that may lead to disagreement by the judges in
tionally acceptable levels of generalizability. categorizing the practice constructs. While some level
When seeking out these key informants and expert of disagreement is expected due to differences across
judges for participation, the study followed well-es- industries, organizations, and professional experience,
tablished guidelines (Mitchell 1994): participants were our goal was to make the category and practice con-
screened to ensure they were knowledgeable in the struct descriptors as generic and hence generalizable
area of new service development; similarly ranked as possible for service organizations.
executives in all firms were sought, and their time and This two-step approach, advocated by Anderson
expertise were valued and respected. Thus, the quality and Gerbing (1991), is more appropriate than a single
and number of judges employed in this study follows one-stage sort (e.g., Moore and Benbasat 1991; Roth et
precedence and generally recommended practices for al. (forthcoming)) because of two advantages. First, it
this type of exploratory research. better preserves the hierarchical structure of the orga-
nizing mental model (Figure 1). Second, because of the
4.2. Sorting Method and Construct Refinement number of constructs involved, it provides a simpler
Note that the structure of the RPF is hierarchical: two task for the respondent by asking him or her to allo-
top-level NSD practice categories (resource-oriented cate the practice constructs to just one of two, three, or
and process-oriented) are further divided into a total four categories instead of seven. Note that in our
of seven subcategories. Thus, due to the RPFs hierar- initial development of this research approach, we
chical presentation, a two-step sorting technique was found that respondents had cognitive difficulty re-
employed to allocate the 44 representative NSD prac- membering the definitions for, and simultaneously
tice constructs that we found in the NSD domain. considering, seven different categories (versus two,
First, in the top-level categorization portion of the three, or four). Thus, for this research, a single-stage
exercise, each expert judge was provided with opera- approach was much more difficult for judges to ac-
tional descriptions of the two top-level NSD practice commodate, and, as a result, would have been detri-
categories (i.e., resource-oriented and process-ori- mental to the precision and consistency of their deci-
ented) and the seven subcategories shown in Figure 1. sions.
The judge was then asked to allocate cards bearing the
names and descriptions of the 44 NSD practice con- 4.3. Measures of Inter-Judge Agreement
structs into just the two top-level practice categories. Due to our two-stage, hierarchical sorting process and
Once finished with the first step (i.e., the top-level our use of more than two judges in some rounds,
sort), the judge was then asked to complete the second many agreement metrics (such as those proposed in
step. The judge allocated each of the practice con- Cohen (1960), Perreault and Leigh (1989), and Rust
structs that s/he had indicated were resource-oriented and Cooil (1994)) were inappropriate for our applica-
to one of the three resource-oriented NSD practice tion. These inter-judge agreement metrics are based on
subcategories (i.e., intellectual, organizational, and an assumption that there is an equal probability of an
physical). The judge finished the exercise by allocating item being wrongly placed in any category. This
each of the practice constructs s/he had indicated assumption is violated in our application. The hierar-
were process-oriented to one of the four process-ori- chical structure of the RPF creates different probabil-
ented subcategories (i.e., design stage, analysis stage, ities of incorrect placement depending on whether the
development stage, and launch stage). The sorting practice construct is first allocated to the Process side
was without replacement and forced-choice (i.e., no (which results in a 1-in-4 chance of assignment to any
practice may be reallocated or remain unallocated). process subcategory) or to the Resource side (which
At the end of each sorting round, we interviewed creates a 1-in-3 chance of assignment to a resource
the judges involved in that round and asked them to subcategory). As a result, two inter-judge agreement
describe why they had allocated certain practice con- metrics were available for our purposes: (1) percent
structs to certain categories and subcategories in the agreement (PA) and (2) the item placement ratio (IPR)
RPF. We also inquired as to whether we were missing (Moore and Benbasat 1991). Neither of these two met-
any important practices for each category. This pro- rics assumes equal assignment chances (examples of
vided additional qualitative insights into their choices PA and IPR calculations appear in Appendix A).
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Percent agreement is the ratio of all pairwise agree- of these judges. In general, the results seem to indicate
ments achieved among the judges across all practices that the independent sets of judges agreed fairly con-
and subcategories divided by all possible pairwise sistently by the end of the fourth round, with IPR
agreements. It therefore ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, with 1.0 scores of 0.70 to 0.85 across all categories.
indicating perfect agreement among the judges. PA is The resulting NSD practice constructs and their de-
used here only as a baseline agreement measure be- scriptors are listed in Table 4. The references cited for
cause its weaknesses as a stand-alone metric are well each NSD practice construct in Table 4 are not neces-
known (Grayson and Rust 2001). sarily exhaustive, nor are the lists of practice con-
The second metric employed here, Moore and Ben- structs themselvesthey are provided here as a po-
basats (1991) IPR, is subcategory-specific. It reflects tential starting point for future, and possibly more
the ratio of correct assignments to total assignments, comprehensive, examinations of the topic.
summed over all practices belonging to a particular
subcategory. While the IPR does not rely on the dis- 5.2. Nonconverging Practice Construct Definitions
tribution assumptions that rule out the use of some While the overall structure of the RPF is generally
other reliability metrics, an assessment of what may be supported, some NSD practice constructs were still
considered an adequate IPR score has not yet been associated with more than a single practice subcate-
developed. The results of our preliminary empirical gory, posing a threat to construct consistency. Even
assessment are detailed next. though most practice construct definitions achieved
suitable levels of agreement by the judges, a minority
of practice constructs did not. This outcome is indic-
5. Results ative of the great difficulty associated with arriving at
widely agreed upon definitions that can be consis-
5.1. Overall Results
tently applied across a variety of service industries.
The results appear to be a coherently organized set of
Eleven of our NSD practice constructs were not con-
practice constructs that are useful for thinking about
sistently sorted by the end of the final categorization
how firms manage their NSD resources and execute
round. These are listed in Appendix C, and our treat-
their NSD processes. The assignment results are sum-
ment of the more interesting cases is described in the
marized in Table 2, which shows the percentage of
following paragraphs. By using insights gained from
judges assigning each practice construct to its ex-
pected category in that round. our conversations with the practitioners and the re-
Table 3 presents the results of each pretest round of sults of the sorting exercise, we generated revised
categorization using the two measures of inter-judge descriptions for each of the nonconverging NSD prac-
agreement, PA and IPR, discussed earlier. The per- tice constructs and included them in Table 4.
centage agreement across all subcategories and prac- The Employee Design Input practice construct, be-
tice constructs is provided for each round in the first lieved to contribute primarily to the firms intellectual
row of Table 3. The subcategory-specific IPRs are then NSD resources, was felt by one judge to be an impor-
shown along with an average of the IPRs for each tant element of the design stage of the NSD process
round. Again, while there are no strict guidelines or and by another judge to focus on developing organi-
minima for these measures, higher scores are better. zational NSD resources. The literature suggests that
The complete IPR tables for each round are provided this practice should be an ongoing activity with little
in Appendix B. or no direct relationship to a specific project (de Bren-
The results shown in Table 3 provide some assur- tani 1989, 1995). As one manager put it, why
ance that agreement did improve, although not nec- wouldnt you do this all the time?
essarily in a linear fashion, over the course of the four The External Communication practice construct was
rounds. The results from round 2 for a few of the allocated once each to ResourcesOrganizational and
categories do not seem to fit with the general improve- ProcesDevelopment Stage. Due to fundamental differ-
ment trend observed over the entire sequence of all ences between organizational and intellectual re-
four rounds. This may be due to anomalous charac- sources (Barney 1991), we pressed the experts in fol-
teristics of one or both of the judges employed for that low-up discussion and found that a modified practice
round; one judge, who came from an IT background, construct description may reduce the disagreement.
was relatively new to NSD in his firm, and the other Because this practice is expected to belong in the Re-
manager oversaw NSD efforts at her firm (a healthcare sourcesIntellectual category (Voss et al. 1992; Edvards-
provider) as part of a broader set of duties. A larger son and Olsson 1996), it might be better described as,
number of judges may have been useful in averaging Establish and maintain good communication with
out the possibly atypical perspectives of one or both suppliers, partners, and customers outside the firm as
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Table 2 Summary Results from Categorization Exercises

Percentage of judges assigning construct to subcategory

Subcategory Practice construct Round 1, 10 judges Round 2, 2 judges Round 3, 2 judges Round 4, 4 judges

ProcessDesign Stage Customer design input 50 50 100 100

Alliance design input 50 50 0 75
Customer concept feedback 50 50 100 75
Customer focus 40 0 100 75
Strategic definition 80 50 100 75
Development motivation1 40 0 100 50
ProcessAnalysis Stage Financial analysis 90 50 50 100
Project authorization 70 50 50 100
Competitor analysis 30 50 100 75
Market research 30 50 100 75
Product line analysis 60 50 50 75
Evaluation of alternatives1 30 2 2 2

ProcessDevelopment Stage Pre-launch testing 100 100 50 100

Prototyping tools 70 50 100 100
Staff training 50 50 100 100
Market confirmation 40 0 100 75
Service fail-safing 90 100 100 75
Staff recruiting 20 50 50 75
Technology development 20 0 50 75
Process flowcharting1 30 50 100 50
Multilevel development1 50 0 0 2

Customer interaction1 20 2 2 2

ProcessLaunch Stage Formalized launch 100 50 100 100

Formalized promotion 80 100 50 100
Post-launch evaluation 90 100 100 100
Expectation setting 20 100 100 75
Customer training1 40 50 100 50
Internal promotion1 20 50 50 50
ResourcesIntellectual Diverse creativity 80 100 100 100
Idea generation 70 50 100 75
Idea evaluation 60 0 100 75
Employee design input1 60 50 100 50
External communication1 70 50 50 50
ResourcesOrganizational Development champion 70 50 50 100
Employee motivation 50 50 50 75
Internal communication 50 0 100 75
Lines of responsibility 80 50 100 75
Managerial support 90 50 100 75
Reward structure 90 50 50 75
Development team diversity1 70 50 50 25
ResourcesPhysical External connectivity 100 50 100
Physical facilities 80 100 100 100
Communication enablement 80 100 100 75
Systems compatibility 70 50 50 75
Back-office development1 40 50 50 50
Low convergence construct (see Section 5.2).
Practice construct not included in categorization round.

potential sources of new ideas and enhanced market assignments are made. It was also allocated by half of
insight. Development Team Diversity presents the most the judges into the ResourcesIntellectual scale. This
disappointing, and yet most interesting, categoriza- suggests a belief that having members from many
tion pattern of all the practice constructs. It was allo- areas within the organization involved in the NSD
cated to the ProcessDevelopment Stage scale by one effort contributes more toward developing intellectual
judge who expressed the fact that, in his organization, resources than toward developing organizational re-
it was at this point in the NSD process when team sources. While the ability to work and function effec-
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Table 3 Inter-Judge Agreements: Percent Agreement and Item Placement Ratio

Agreement metrics Round 1 (10 judges) Round 2 (2 judges) Round 3 (2 judges) Round 4 (4 judges)

Percent agreement (PA) over all practices 44% 23% 58% 60%
Item placement ratio (IPR) for each subcategory
ProcessDesign Stage 0.52 0.33 0.83 0.75
ProcessAnalysis Stage 0.56 0.50 0.70 0.85
ProcessDevelopment Stage 0.53 0.50 0.81 0.81
ProcessLaunch Stage 0.58 0.75 0.83 0.79
ResourcesIntellectual 0.68 0.50 0.90 0.70
ResourcesOrganizational 0.71 0.43 0.71 0.71
ResourcesPhysical 0.68 0.80 0.70 0.80

tively in teams has widely acclaimed virtues, the fact the reasons for, and implications of, these findings.
that the members represent various functional areas While tentative, our rigorous approach to construct
adds the notion of different knowledge contributions. development suggests that going beyond conven-
To reflect this dichotomy, this practice might best be tional wisdom by coupling resource-oriented NSD
divided into two more appropriately specific prac- practices with those that are process-based presents
tices. One practice, associated with the ResourceOr- significant opportunities for further research. It also
ganizational category, should be, Develop your em- demonstrates the importance of using a systematic
ployees ability to work effectively in cross-functional approach for construct definition and refinement prior
NSD teams. The other practice, indicative of the Re- to developing operational measures. Our general con-
sourcesIntellectual category, should read, Promote clusions about this research, as well as its limitations
the sharing of ideas and knowledge related to NSD and possible extensions, are discussed in the next
across functional boundaries within the organization. section.
The two new practice constructs are included in Table
4 and replace the original development team diver- 6. Discussion
sity practice construct. Overall, the Resource-Process Framework of NSD pro-
After the first and third categorization rounds, re- posed here appears to accomplish our objectives of
spectively, the Customer Interaction and Multilevel De- defining and organizing NSD practice constructs in a
velopment practice constructs were no longer included. meaningful way and of reinforcing the importance of
This was done because we found no strong association resource-oriented activities. The RPF appears to offer a
between these constructs and any one of the four pro- valuable, theory-based structure in which NSD prac-
cess-oriented or three resource-oriented practice cate- tices can be organized and studied by researchers. It
gories. Because it is possible that a clearer practice also provides a practical structure against which or-
description may help align these constructs with their ganizations can benchmark, evaluate, and manage
theory-based categories more consistently in the their NSD-related activities. In addition, by providing
minds of managers, revised wording for each of these tentative support for these NSD practice construct
two practice constructs is included in Table 4. definitions, we contribute to theory-building in NSD.
After the first round, the Evaluation of Alternatives Frameworks, nomological networks, and construct
practice construct was dropped based on a lack of definitions also serve as precursors to the develop-
conceptual coherence, relatively low relationship with ment of multi-item measurement scales, which are
any specific category, and structured feedback from necessary for subsequent theory building and empir-
our managerial participants. While it conceivably be- ical theory testing (Pedhazur and Schmelkin 1991;
longs in the ProcessAnalysis category, the firm should Churchill 1995). We have provided evidence support-
be considering alternative means for providing the ing a rigorous, structured foundation for future re-
service continuously before, during, and after any search on NSD practices that expands current thinking
NSD effort. Thus, this practice is not clearly and on NSD in OM by considering both resources and
strongly related to any one stage of the development processes.
process, nor does it seem related to developing any
NSD-related resources. While a potentially valuable 6.1. Conclusions
organizational activity in general, it did not appear to The topic of NSD is quickly rising to the top of many
be associated with any distinct NSD practice subcate- organizations strategic and operational improvement
gory in our framework. agendas, and the traditional focus on the NSD process
Obviously, there is great potential for researching has provided some important insights. However, ad-
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ditional capability and efficacy should be achievable NSD practitioners. As a result, we arrived at 45 prac-
by paying close attention to resource-building practices tice constructs related to NSD. Given the effort in-
as well. NSD practices that focus on creating and volved in determining precise and relevant NSD prac-
maintaining the critical resources utilized during the tice constructs, it was beyond the scope of this paper
firms NSD initiatives are posited to help service firms to also develop detailed sets of measurement items
compete based on their capability to innovate and tapping into each construct. Consequently, we have
develop new services. not made an attempt here to explicitly develop the
The framework we have presented here, and for multi-item measurement scales that will be necessary
which we have offered a representative set of theoret- for future modeling of relationships involving these
ically important NSD practice constructs, should NSD practice constructs and performance. We do
prove useful to researchers in that it organizes NSD hope, however, that the rigor of our framework and
practices in a straightforward manner highly aligned definitions will aid in this valuable research extension
with managerial thinking. This should facilitate future in the near future.
research on new service development. While we spe- Second, our sample of expert judges was one of
cifically developed our constructs for service indus- convenience and was relatively small. These issues
tries, future research can determine their applicability restrict the studys generalizability somewhat. It is our
for manufacturers that desire to introduce new ser- hope that the use of senior managers with significant
vices as part of their product portfolio. Thus, we have experience in service development covering multiple
taken the initial step of construct definition and con- sectors would help mitigate this limitation to general-
tent domain with the hope of stimulating much- izability. Further development of NSD practice cate-
needed research on NSD. gory membership should be performed in the future,
Our conceptual framework should also be useful to preferably using a combination of large-sample and
practitioners because it highlights the importance of case/field-study methods covering the spectrum of
resource-building practices associated with NSD. In services.
our discussions with managers directly involved in A third and less obvious limitation of the study
NSD, several were much more familiar with the more deals with the nature of the category assignment tasks
traditional process-oriented practices, while the re- given to the participants. By restricting their assign-
source-oriented practices discussed here had never ment of each practice construct to a distinct category,
been organized for them before in any coherent man- the degree of membership in one category versus an-
ner. Perhaps consequently, it was rare for their orga- other was not considered. Thus, a managers view that
nizations to exhibit any concerted or organized effort a given practice represents one category slightly
at establishing and maintaining most of these re- more than it represents another is not distinguished
source-oriented practices. Often, these activities were from a different managers view that the practice is
relegated to other departments, such as in HRs role in overwhelmingly a member of a category. This lack of
hiring or in ITs role in making communication tech- degree of category membership potentially reduces
nologies available to the workforce. Yet, many man- our ability to discriminate strong category member-
agers in the study suggested that the impact of these ship from marginal category membership.
resource-oriented practices on the firms ability to de- Finally, this paper does attempt to accommodate or
velop new services, a strategically vital function for consider industry-specific practices. Our goal was a
many organizations, should not be overlooked. They generic, generalizable framework of NSD, and we
understood and appreciated the potential benefits of hope that researchers interested in specific service in-
taking a broader perspective of NSD. We believe this dustries will adapt and extend the RPF to their par-
framework will help service managers think differ- ticular research frames by adding industry-specific
ently, and perhaps more pointedly, about their NSD NSD practices.
resources, and that can only improve their long-term
capabilities. 6.3. Opportunities for Further Research
The most obvious extension of this research is to move
6.2. Limitations of This Study forward in the empirical research process toward the
Although this paper provides some new insight into development of multi-item measurement scales that
NSD practices, certain limitations should be noted and tap into each construct we have identified and de-
addressed through future research. First, the goal of fined. This operationalization of the RPF constructs
this study was to develop an organizing framework of could then be used to assess, on an organizational
well-defined NSD practice constructs and to offer pre- level, each of the NSD practices identified and defined
liminary empirical evidence of its concurrence from here. While this work has taken only the very first step
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Table 4 Final Suggested NSD Practice Construct Descriptors

Subcategory Practice construct Construct description/definition Sample references

ProcessDesign Customer design input Gather input from customers during initial conceptualization Edvardsson and Olsson (1996); Cooper et al. (1994);
Stage of the new service Bitran and Pedrosa (1998); Goldstein et al. (2002)
Alliance design input Present the initial new service concept to suppliers and Edvardsson and Olsson (1996); Loch, Stein, and
partners for early feedback and input prior to beginning Terwiesch (1996)
formal design
Customer concept Obtain customer feedback on the initial new service Cooper and de Brentani (1991); de Brentani (1995);
feedback concept prior to beginning formal design Goldstein et al. (2002)
Customer focus Focus on meeting the needs of a specific customer or Hedvall and Paltschik (1991); Cooper et al. (1994)
market segment during initial conceptualization of the
new service
Strategic definition Define and communicate strategic goals for the new Meyers (1984); Bitran and Pedrosa (1998)
service concept
Development motivation Ensure that the new service concept meets real customer or Edvardsson and Olsson (1996)
business need (versus just using the latest technology)
Process Financial analysis Analyze the financial/economic viability of the new service Cooper and de Brentani (1991); de Brentani (1995, 1989);
Analysis concept prior to beginning formal development Edvardsson and Olsson (1996); Reidenbach and Moak
Stage (1986)
Project authorization Formally approve and authorize the new service Meyers (1984)
development project
Competitor analysis Analyze and consider competitors strategies and services Meyers (1984); Roth and Jackson (1995); Cooper et al.
when evaluating the viability of the new service concept (1994); Roth (1993); Thwaites (1992); de Brentani
(1989); Edvardsson and Olsson (1996)
Market research Perform an in-depth market analysis to help define the Edvardsson and Olsson (1996); de Brentani (1989,
initial new service concept prior to beginning formal 1995); Cooper et al. (1994); Cooper and de Brentani
design (1991)
Product line analysis Analyze existing product line to identify synergies and Bitran and Pedrosa (1998); Evangelist et al. (2002)
conflicts with the new service concept
Process Pre-launch testing Fully test and debug new service prior to launch Cooper and de Brentani (1991); de Brentani (1989,
Development 1995); Voss et al. (1992)
Prototyping tools Use prototyping tools to test new service process/system Bitran and Pedrosa (1998); Cooper et al. (1994);
Edvardsson and Olsson (1996); Loch, Stein, and
Terwiesch (1996); Reidenbach and Moak (1986)
Staff training Extensively train front-line staff on how to support the new Loch, Stein, and Terwiesch (1996); Cooper et al.
service being developed (1994); de Brentani (1989, 1995); Edvardsson and
Olsson (1996); Cooper and de Brentani (1991)
Market confirmation Conduct market tests in order to confirm the new service Cooper et al. (1994); Bitran and Pedrosa (1998);
product is marketable, appropriately developed, and Reidenbach and Moak (1986)
ready for launch
Service fail-safing Reduce potential sources of error/variance in new service Stewart and Chase (1999); Stewart and Grout (2001);
de Brentani (1989)
Staff recruiting Recruit and hire new front-line staff that will be needed to Bitran and Pedrosa (1998); Edvardsson and Olsson
offer the new service offering (1996)
Technology Identify and analyze conflicts between the new service Identified by practitioners
development concept and currently existing IT systems
Process flowcharting Create a service blueprint in order to solidify the de Brentani (1989, 1995); Shostack (1984); Cooper
processes, people, and information flows involved in and de Brentani (1991)
providing the new service
Multilevel development Ensure that both core and supporting services are co- Bitran and Pedrosa (1998); Edvardsson and Olsson
developed prior to launch of the new offering (1996)
Customer interaction Development the new service so that the customer will Edvardsson and Olsson (1996); Bitran and Pedrosa
have positive interactions with other elements of the (1998); Cook et al. (2002); Hill et al. (2002)
service environment
Process Formalized launch Develop and implement a detailed program to launch new de Brentani (1989, 1995); Cooper and de Brentani
Launch Stage service (1991); Bitran and Pedrosa (1998)
Formalized promotion Implement a detailed promotional program for the newly de Brentani (1989, 1995); Cooper and de Brentani
introduced service (1991); Reidenbach and Moak (1986)
Post-launch evaluation Formally evaluate the development and introduction of new Voss et al. (1992); de Brentani (1989, 1995)
service after launch
Expectation setting Establish realistic expectations in your customers for the Edvardsson and Olsson (1996)
newly introduced service through appropriate marketing
Customer training Train new customers how to use newly introduced service Edvardsson and Olsson (1996); Bitran and Pedrosa
Process Internal promotion Market and promote the new service to front-line Cooper and de Brentani (1991); Voss et al. (1992);
Launch Stage employees and others involved in supporting it Edvardsson and Olsson (1996); Cooper et al. (1994);
(contd) de Brentani (1989, 1995)
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Table 4 (contd )

Subcategory Practice construct Construct description/definition Sample references

Resources Diverse creativity Cultivate and utilize a variety of sources for new ideas Loch et al. (1996); de Brentani (1989)
Idea generation Develop both formal and informal methods of generating Reidenbach and Moak (1986); de Brentani (1989);
new service ideas Thwaites (1992)
Idea evaluation Develop both formal and informal methods of evaluating de Brentani (1995); Cooper and de Brentani (1991)
new service ideas
Employee design input Actively consider ideas and suggestions from employees de Brentani (1989, 1995)
for new service ideas and improvements
External communication Establish and maintain good communication with suppliers, Voss et al. (1992); Edvardsson and Olsson (1996)
partners, and customers outside the firm as potential
sources of new ideas and enhanced market insight
Diversity appreciation1 Promote the sharing of ideas and knowledge related to Froehle et al. (2000); Edvardsson and Olsson (1996);
NSD across functional boundaries within the Terrill (1992); de Brentani (1989); Loch et al. (1996)
Resources Development champion Establish and empower a new service development Voss et al. (1992); de Brentani (1989)
Organizational champion to oversee and manage the firms new
service initiatives
Employee motivation Motivate staff to help support the firms new service
development efforts
Internal communication Ensure that functional areas or departments involved in Meyers (1984); de Brentani (1989); Voss et al. (1992);
developing new services communicate effectively with de Brentani (1995); Lievens and Moenaert (2000)
each other
Lines of responsibility Make sure the firms organizational structure defines lines Edvardsson and Olsson (1996)
of responsibility and authority for developing new
Managerial support Require support from and involvement of senior de Brentani (1989); Chiesa, Coughlan, and Voss (1996)
Reward structure Base rewards on performance of NSD team (versus
individual reward)
Team development1 Develop your employees ability to work effectively in Froehle et al. (2000); Edvardsson and Olsson (1996);
cross-functional NSD teams Terrill (1992); de Brentani (1989); Loch et al. (1996)
Resources External connectivity Create information/telecom systems capable of enhancing Froehle et al. (2000)
Physical communication with suppliers, partners, and customers
Physical facilities Provide appropriate physical facilities for new service Bitran and Pedrosa (1998)
development efforts
Communication Create information/telecom systems capable of enhancing Froehle et al. (2000); Ray et al. (2004)
enablement communication among staff
Systems compatibility Ensure that the IT systems used by those developing new Van Reil, Lemmink, and Ouwersloot (2004)
services are compatible
Back-office Maintain back-office and administrative IT systems that Edvardsson and Olsson (1996)
development can support the firms new service development efforts
These resulted from splitting the original Development Team Diversity practice construct into two separate practice constructs.

in this processidentification and rigorous definition there may be instances where precedence or priority
of key constructsthe next valuable step would be to may be evident in practice. For example, within the
operationalize these constructs and develop reliable Development process stage, some have suggested that
and valid multi-item measurement scales. The work blueprinting should precede the training of new
performed in this paper facilitates this follow-up effort staff, since the blueprint itself can be a valuable train-
by helping ensure that the constructs are appropri- ing tool (de Brentani 1989). But, are there instances
ately defined and that the construct space is theo- where the new staff themselves could, or should, help
retically mapped prior to initiating the development blueprint the service process, thereby necessitating
of actual scale items. that those practices be reversed or concurrent? Similar
Second, there is certainly some interesting potential questions can be raised about NSD practices in each
to examining the NSD practices within each of the RPF subcategory, possibly resulting in a series of test-
subcategories included in the RPF. We have not at- able propositions of the form practice X occurring
tempted to order the practice constructs within each before/after/concurrent with practice Y results in bet-
subcategory in terms of temporality or importance, yet ter performance for the service/business unit/firm.
Froehle and Roth: Resource-Process Framework of New Service Development
184 Production and Operations Management 16(2), pp. 169 188, 2007 Production and Operations Management Society

A third, and perhaps the most daunting, extension product development. Measurement frameworks for
would be to perform an empirical test of the impact of new product development processes have been pro-
these resource-oriented practices on performance. posed (e.g., Mallick and Schroeder 2005), and ex-
While some research has already shown that NSD tending these to incorporate resource-based metrics
process activities can influence organizational perfor- as well appears to be a potentially valuable contri-
mance, to our knowledge there has been no explicit bution. A related aspect that should be pursued
empirical test of the resource-building practices we involves the interorganizational NSD resource im-
have identified in this paper. Process performance can plications. There has been some discussion regard-
be a valuable outcome variable to understand the ing the effects that changes in interdependent rela-
impact of resources (Ray, Barney, and Muhanna 2004) tionships have on resource allocation and how this
and, by extension, resource-oriented practices. One may affect the ability or motivation of firms to de-
possible proposition resulting from this observation velop new services (Banaszak-Holl et al. 1996; Goes
could be that firms that actively and effectively man- and Park 1997). Using the resource-process frame-
age both types of NSD practicesresource-oriented work developed above as a starting point, further
and process-oriented (per the RPF) exhibit better investigation into these interdependencies seems
performance for the firm or resulting service offerings relevant and warranted.
than firms that focus exclusively on the process (or the
resources). The causal direction of the effect should be Appendix A
both carefully constructed theoretically and rigorously
Sample Calculations for Percent Agreement and Item
tested through empirical study. Although it may be
Placement Ratio
difficult to show that any one of these NSD practices
contributes significantly to firm performance, we do Percent Agreement. PA is defined as the ratio of all
pairwise agreements achieved among the judges across all
expect them to have an effect within the larger orga-
practices and subcategories divided by all possible pairwise
nizational NSD effort. As Bromily (2005) points out,
many things a firm does lack intrinsic value, but
Example. We have the following assignment data for
rather interact with other organizational activities to two categories (X or O), three judges (A, B, and C), and three
contribute to the value the firm creates (p. 95). Thus, items (13):
the most viable approach to studying this issue may
perhaps be to examine the systems (combinations of
practices, processes, and resources) that firms use to
carry out their NSD initiatives, which is inherently Judge 1 2 3
more inclusive, and, therefore, more challenging, than
studying the firms NSD process alone. B X X O
Finally, we could consider extending the RPFs C X X O
scope of application. There has been some evidence
that the manufacturing and service industries lie A scenario with these dimensions contains nine potential
along a continuum and that some differences be- pairwise agreements (three for each of the three items).
tween them are slowly disappearing (Wyckoff 1996; We observe a total of five actual pairwise agreements in
Anderson, Fornell, and Rust 1997; Edvardsson and the data (three for item 1 and one each for items 2 and 3).
Gustavsson 2003; Roth and Menor 2003; Hull 2004; Therefore, our PA for these assignment data can be cal-
culated as 5/9 55%.
Sampson and Froehle 2006). If this is indeed a more
accurate representation, then we should ultimately Item Placement Ratio. The IPR is the ratio of correct
pursue an integrated development framework that assignments to total assignments, summed over all practices
is equally applicable to both services and goods. belonging to a particular subcategory.
Example. Using the same example assignment data as
There has already been some effort to derive models
above and hypothesizing that items 1 and 2 actually do
generalizable to either sector, such as those of Bitran
belong in category X and item 3 belongs in category O, we
and Pedrosa (1998) and Gallouj and Weinstein can calculate the IPR for each category. Items in category X
(1997), but thus far the resource perspective advo- were placed in category X five times of the six possible,
cated here has not been addressed by such an inte- yielding an IPR of 5/6 or 0.83. The item in category O was
grative approach. At the least, research should es- assigned to category O twice of three possible times, yield-
tablish whether this RPF can be extended to new ing an IPR of 2/3 or 0.67.
Froehle and Roth: Resource-Process Framework of New Service Development
Production and Operations Management 16(2), pp. 169 188, 2007 Production and Operations Management Society 185

Appendix B
Item Placement Ratio Results from Categorization Rounds

Round 1 Category actually assigned 10 Judges

Target category ProcDes ProcAna ProcDev ProcLau ResInt ResOrg ResPhy TOT TGT %

ProcessDesign Stage 31 5 6 0 11 7 0 60 52
ProcessAnalysis Stage 14 31 2 0 8 5 0 60 52
ProcessDevelopment Stage 12 12 49 3 12 4 8 100 49
ProcessLaunch Stage 1 1 10 35 8 5 0 60 58
ResourcesIntellectual 6 3 2 1 34 3 1 50 68
ResourcesOrganizational 3 2 5 2 8 50 0 70 71
ResourcesPhysical 0 4 8 0 0 1 27 40 68
Total item placements: 440 Hits: 257 Overall hit ratio: 58%

Round 2 Category actually assigned 2 Judges

Target category ProcDes ProcAna ProcDev ProcLau ResInt ResOrg ResPhy TOT TGT %

ProcessDesign Stage 4 3 1 0 3 1 0 12 33
ProcessAnalysis Stage 0 5 0 0 3 2 0 10 50
ProcessDevelopment Stage 0 3 8 0 3 2 2 18 44
ProcessLaunch Stage 0 0 2 9 1 0 0 12 75
ResourcesIntellectual 3 2 0 0 5 0 0 10 50
ResourcesOrganizational 5 1 1 0 1 6 0 14 43
ResourcesPhysical 0 1 1 0 0 0 8 10 80
Total item placements: 86 Hits: 45 Overall hit ratio: 52%

Round 3 Category actually assigned 2 Judges

Target category ProcDes ProcAna ProcDev ProcLau ResInt ResOrg ResPhy TOT TGT %

ProcessDesign Stage 10 1 0 0 1 0 0 12 83
ProcessAnalysis Stage 1 7 1 0 1 0 0 10 70
ProcessDevelopment Stage 1 1 13 0 2 1 0 18 72
ProcessLaunch Stage 0 0 2 10 0 0 0 12 83
ResourcesIntellectual 0 0 0 0 9 0 1 10 90
ResourcesOrganizational 0 0 0 1 3 10 0 14 71
ResourcesPhysical 1 0 1 0 0 1 7 10 70
Total item placements: 86 Hits: 66 Overall hit ratio: 77%

Round 4 Category actually assigned 4 Judges

Target category ProcDes ProcAna ProcDev ProcLau ResInt ResOrg ResPhy TOT TGT %

ProcessDesign Stage 18 4 1 0 1 0 0 24 75
ProcessAnalysis Stage 2 17 0 0 1 0 0 20 85
ProcessDevelopment Stage 1 2 26 0 3 0 0 32 81
ProcessLaunch Stage 0 0 4 19 1 0 0 24 79
ResourcesIntellectual 2 0 1 0 14 3 0 20 70
ResourcesOrganizational 0 0 4 1 3 20 0 28 71
ResourcesPhysical 0 0 3 0 1 0 16 20 80
Total item placements: 168 Hits: 130 Overall hit ratio: 77%

Note. TGT % is the target %, or the percentage of actual assignments in the target category.
Froehle and Roth: Resource-Process Framework of New Service Development
186 Production and Operations Management 16(2), pp. 169 188, 2007 Production and Operations Management Society

Appendix C
NSD Practice Constructs Exhibiting Low Convergence during Categorization

4th Round assignments1

Process subcategories Resource subcategories

Practice construct Expected subcategory Des Ana Dev Lau Int Org Phy

Development motivation ProcessDesign Stage 2 1 1

Evaluation of alternatives ProcessAnalysis Stage Not included in 4th round
Process flowcharting ProcessDevelopment Stage 1 2 1
Customer interaction ProcessDevelopment Stage Not included in 4th round
Multilevel development ProcessDevelopment Stage Not included in 4th round
Customer training ProcessLaunch Stage 2 2
Internal promotion ProcessLaunch Stage 1 2 1
Employee design input ResourcesIntellectual 1 2 1
External communication ResourcesIntellectual 1 2 1
Development team diversity ResourcesOrganizational 1 2 1
Back-office development ResourcesPhysical 2 2
Number of judges assigning the practice construct to the subcategory.
Bold indicates correct assignments.

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