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CL351: Chemical Engineering Lab-II

Semester 1, 2014-2015
IIT Gandhinagar

Pradeep Diwakar (Group G)

Roll no. 12110063

The objective of this experiment is to find the efficiency of a given

longitudinal fin and to compare it with the theoretical value.

In a heat exchanger, the hot and cold fluids are separated by a metal wall.
The rate of transfer of heat thus depends on overall resistance to the heat
transfer which is given by equation:

1 1 x 1
= + +
U i A i hi A i K A l h o A o


Ui = Overall heat transfer coefficient (kCal/hr-m2-0C)

hi, ho = Inside and outside film heat transfer coefficients (kCal/hr-m2-0C)

Ai, Ao = Inside and outside area (m2)

When viscous fluid is heated in double pipe heat exchanger by means of

steam or hot fluid of low viscosity, the film heat transfer coefficient of the
former will be much smaller than that of the hot fluid and thus it becomes
controlling resistance for heat transfer.

The expression for fin efficiencies can be derived by writing an energy


d2T hP
= (T T )
dx K Ac

h = heat transfer coefficient
P = perimeter
K = Thermal conductivity
Ac = cross section area
T = Atmospheric temperature
The solution derived from this differential equation:
( x ) =C1 e mx C2 emx

2 hP
kA c

And, ( x ) =T x T
Most of the fins are assumed to have insulated tips and the longitudinal fin
efficiency for this case is given by the expression:
tanh ( mL)
= mL


We were provided with a tube with longitudinal fins, a bare tube without fins
and a steam generator to generate steam at constant pressure. The steam
generator was also provided with a dead weight safety valve and
temperature indicator cum controller.

Observations and Calculations:

A. Finned Tube:
1. Height of the fin (L) = 7.5 cm
2. Width of fin (W) = 50.0 cm
3. Thickness of fin (b) = 0.30 cm
4. Number of fins (N) = 4
5. O.D of finned tube (D) = 2.5 cm
6. Length of finned tube(Lf) = 58 cm
7. Thermal conductivity of fin material (K) = 15 kCal/hr-m0-C
B. Bare tube:
1. Length of tube (Lb) = 58 cm
2. O.D of tube (d) = 2.5 cm
3. Tambient = 26 0C

Table 1. Observations:
No. Finned Tube Bare Tube
Amount of Amount of Time for
condensate Time for collection condensate collection (tl)
collected (m1) g (tf) min collected (m2) g min
1 68 15 46 30
2 58 15 43 30
3 65 15
4 57 15

Table 2. Calculations:

No. Heat lost by steam Amount of heat lost Fin efficiency

Bare Tube Actual Fin Ideal Fin

Finned Tube (Q2) (Qfin) (Qideal) Theoretic
(Q1) kCal/hr kCal/hr kCal/hr kCal/hr Actual al
1 146.88 49.68 105.10 318.82 0.33 0.51
2 125.28 46.44 83.50 318.82 0.26 0.51
3 140.40 98.62 318.82 0.31 0.51
4 123.12 81.34 318.82 0.26 0.51

Sample Calculations for reading 1:

Circumference of fin (C): C = 2*(W+b) = 2*(0.5+0.030) = 1.006 m

Cross section (A) = W*b = 0.0015 m2

Fin area available: Af = C*L*N = 1.006*0.075*4 =0.3018 m2

1. Tube are available for heat transfer in finned tube:

At = DLf NbW = (3.14*0.025*0.58- 4*0.003*0.5) = 0.03955 m2
2. Total area of finned tube:
AT = Af + At = 0.3018+0.03955 = 0.3414 m2
3. Heat transfer through fins: Q1 = m1*60* / (15*1000) =

= 146.88 kCal/hr

4. Heat through bare tube: Q2 = m2*60* / (30*1000) =


= 49.68 kCal/hr

Ab = 0.0455 m2

dT = 102-26 = 76 0C

5. Film heat transfer coefficient for bare tube, h = Q2/ Ab * dT = 49.68/


=14.37 kCal/hr-m2

Average of two, h = 13.9 kCal/hr-m2

6. m = (hC/KA)1/2 = (14.37*1.006/(15*0.0015))1/2 = 25.34 m-1

Efficiency = tanh (mL)/mL = 0.503

Average of two, efficiency = 0.510

7. Qfin = Q1 (Abh dT) = 146.88 (0.03955*13.9*76) = 105.1 kCal/hr

8. Qideal = Afh dT = 0.3018*13.9*76 = 318.82 kCal/hr
9. Efficiency = Qfin / Qideal = 0.33

Discussion and Conclusion:

The theoretical efficiency was greater than the actual efficiency. The
theoretical efficiency calculated was 51% whereas actual was 29%.

The reason for this difference in the efficiency can be due to human and
instrument errors, as we know while noting the time interval or weighing the
mass errors can be occurred. There was some amount of water left in the
tubes and the ambient temperature could also be fluctuating and these also
attributed in errors. To reduce instrument errors we must calibrate the
instruments before using them.

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