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DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-3083.2011.04416.



Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections: review of the

epidemiology, microbiology, aetiopathogenesis and
A collaboration between dermatologists and infectivologists
L. Tognetti,,* C. Martinelli, S. Berti, J. Hercogova, T. Lotti,** F. Leoncini, S. Moretti

Division of Clinical, Preventive and Oncologic Dermatology, Department of Critical Care Medicine and Surgery, Florence
University, Florence, Italy

Infectious Diseases Unit, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Florence, Italy

Department of Sciences for Woman and Childs Health, University of Florence, Florence, Italy

Dermatology department, 2nd Medical School, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
**Chair of Dermatology and Venereology, Guglielmo Marconi University, Rome, Italy
*Correspondence: L. Tognetti. E-mail:

Bacterial skin and soft tissues infections (SSTI) often determine acute disease and frequent emergency recovering,
and they are one of the most common causes of infection among groups of different ages. Given the variable
presentation of SSTI, a thorough assessment of their incidence and prevalence is difficult. The presence of patient-
related (local or systemic) or environmental risk factors, along with the emergence of multi-drug resistant pathogens,
can promote SSTI. These infections may present with a wide spectrum of clinical features and different severity, and
can be classified according to various criteria. Many bacterial species can cause SSTI, but Gram-positive bacteria
are the most frequently isolated, with a predominance of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. The
diagnosis of SSTI requires an extended clinical history, a thorough physical examination and a high index of
suspicion. Early diagnosis is particularly important in complicated infections, which often require laboratory studies,
diagnostic imaging and surgical exploration. SSTI management should conform to the epidemiology, the aetiology,
the severity and the depth of the infection. Topical, oral or systemic antimicrobial therapy and drainage or
debridement could be necessary, along with treatment of a significant underlying disease. This review discusses the
epidemiology, the pathogenesis and the classification of bacterial SSTI, describes their associated risk factors and
their clinical presentations. The authors provide a rational diagnostic and therapeutic approach to SSTI in respect of
antibiotic resistance and currently available antimicrobial agents.
Received: 6 April 2011; Accepted: 24 November 2011

Conflict of interest

Funding source

Epidemiology ing for a substantial portion of emergency department visits and

Skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) collectively refer to several hospital admissions.58 Despite that, it is difficult to make an
microbial invasions of the skin layers and of the underlying soft assessment of the exact incidence and prevalence of SSTI, probably
tissues, inducing a host-response. SSTI can often determine acute because of their variable presentation and their short duration.
disease and they are one of the most common causes of infection Indeed, the majority of SSTI tend to resolve within 710 days.2
among groups of different ages.14 In particular, SSTI represent The estimated prevalence of SSTI among hospitalized patients was
the most common infection presentation in patients visiting emer- 710% in 2005, with 14.2 million ambulatory care visits, and the
gency room clinics in both hospitals and based practices, account- incidence rate of SSTIs assessed in 2006 was 24.6 per 1000

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2 Tognetti et al.

person year.911 The increased number of patients with immuno- vascular or lung diseases and diabetes mellitus. Nevertheless, a nec-
suppressed status (due to immunosuppressive drugs, cancer, rotizing infection can develop in immunocompetent people,
transplant surgery and HIV AIDS), of invasive medical techniques elicited by repetitive trauma (i.e. NSTI of the head and the neck)22
and of surgical wound infections, may have contributed to the or infections of urinary tract or perianal retroperitoneal areas
increasing incidence of severe SSTI over the last decades.35 (i.e. Fournier gangrene).1 In particular, about 20% of patients with
Fournier gangrene have no identifiable cause.1 The devitalised
Aetiopathogenesis and risk factors tissue prevents cellular and humoral defence mechanisms from
Infections of the skin and underlying soft tissues can ensue from the reacting, by providing a growth medium for bacteria.1 Because of
imbalance between the pathogenic power of a microorganism and its acidic pH, the necrotized tissue inactivates the antimicrobial
the immunological defenses of the host.12,13 Various physical and agents or prevents their delivering.7 NSTI may involve the fascia,
chemical alterations of the skin can induce disruption of the cutane- resulting in thrombosis of subcutaneous blood vessels and necrosis
ous barrier, then predisposing to bacteria penetration, growth and of the underlying tissue.
multiplication.1215 Once the bacteria has penetrated the skin layers
and their virulence factors have overcame local hosts defenses, tis- Microbiology
sue invasion occurs. Subsequent dissemination of microorganisms The different bacterial pathogens which can colonize the skin and
in viable tissue triggers a series of systemic host responses.3,4,8,9 A determine SSTI can be divided into two categories: resident flora
loss of integrity of the skin layers may be caused by lacerations, bite and transient flora.12,13 Skin resident flora, also called microflora,
or surgical wounds, scratches, burns or ulcers, along with inflamma- includes many bacterial species (Gram-positive and Gram-nega-
tory dermatoses and viral or fungal infections (e.g., tinea pedis can tive) that colonize epidermis and follicular pores. Microflora is
predispose to leg cellulitits).16 Also variations of skin pH and tem- mainly distributed on anatomical sites presenting high moisture
perature, dryness and maceration should be considered.1216 level (i.e. axillae, groin and intertriginous areas) and depends on
Risk factors for SSTI development can be classified as patient- age and gender.1214,23 Gram-positive aerobic bacteria, coagulase-
related, local or systemic, or environmental1221: this classification negative staphylococci, streptococci and micrococci typically
is reported in Table 1. Patient-related risk factors have been shown affects exposed skin areas, whereas Gram-positive anaerobic bacte-
to influence the course of the diseases and response to treatment, ria are generally present on cutaneous pleats. Skin transient flora,
but not to correlate with infection severity.2,3 also called contaminant flora, includes Staphylococcus aureus,
Necrotizing soft tissue infections (NSTI) occurrence are which is mostly localized in the nose and other orificial areas,
favoured by comorbidities, such as immunosuppression, cardio- and some Gram-negative bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae and

Table 1 Risk factors for most common SSTIs

Patient related-risk factors Environmental risk factors

Local risk factors Systemic risk factors

Anatomical alterations Alcoholism Animal bites wounds caused by rats, dogs, cats,
spiders and reptiles
Chickenpox Chronic renal failure Close contact with an SSTI infected person: family,
school or work exposure
Fungal infections Cardiovascular diseases Exposure to hot tub, seawater or infected freshwater
(i.e. tinea pedis and onychomycosis)
Infected wounds Cirrhosis Human bites wounds
(surgical, traumatic, bite-related)
Inflammatory dermatoses Diabetes mellitus Invasive medical techniques: liposuction,
(i.e. contact dermatitis, atopic endoscopic procedures and cathethers insertion
eczema, psoriasis)
Lymphatic obstruction Elderly age i.v. Or subcutaneous drug abuse
Poor skin hygiene HIV-infection Piercing apposition
Pressure sores Iatrogenic immunosuppression
Pre-existing SSTI (e.g. cellulitis) Malnutrition
Repetitive trauma Neuropathy
Urinary tract infection Nicotine addiction
Perianal or retroperitoneal infection Obesity and sedentary lifestyle
Vascular ulcers Peripheral vascular insufficiency
Solid and haematologic tumours
SSTI, Skin and soft tissue infection.

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Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections 3

Table 2 Composition of skin resident and transient flora have identified CA-MRSA as the most important cause of SSTI.3136
Skin resident flora (microflora)
Moreover, some MRSA isolates, phenotypically similar to
Staphylococcus spp. CA-MRSA strains, are likely to determine healthcare-associated
S. epidermidis: exposed skin areas, nose, cutaneous pleats, MRSA (HA-MRSA) infections.37 A few cases can be attributed to
mouth, urethral orifice methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA).3,38
S. saccharolyticus: upper trunk, forehead, forearms Regarding streptococci, those mostly associated with SSTIs fall
S. saprophyticus: perineum into groups A and B. Group A streptococci (S. pyogenes) often
S. anginosus: cutaneous pleats cause necrotizing fasciitis or flesh-eating infections, whereas
Streptococcus spp.
group B streptococci (S. agalactiae) are frequently identified in
S. mitis, S. salivarius, S. mutans: mouth
diabetic patients.1,2,4,39 Pseudomonas aeruginosa is often isolated
Propionibacterium spp.
from lower extremity infections, particularly in cases with periph-
P. granulosum: sebaceous areas, follicular pores
eral vascular disease or puncture wounds and in cases involving
P. acnes: sebaceous gland
Corynebacterium spp.: high moisture level areas as cutaneous
pleats, nose, mouth, urethral orifice and genital area
C. minutissimum: axillae, groin and intertriginous areas Classification
C. xerosis: conjunctiva Several classification schemes have been proposed for SSTI, a lot
Skin transient flora (contaminant flora) of them being complex and varied, and there is not an universally
accepted one yet.5,17,39 Every scheme organizes SSTI on the basis
Gram-positive species Gram-negative species of a specific variable, such as aetiological agent, anatomical locali-
Staphylococcus spp: face, Enterobacteriaceae: mouth (E. coli) zation, skin extension (localized or spread infection), rate of pro-
scalp, nose and other Proteus spp: nose, conjunctiva,
orificial areas (S. aureus), gression (acute or chronic disease), clinical presentation (primary
exposed skin areas (P. mirabilis)
exposed areas (S. warneri) and secondary infection) and severity (presence of comorbidi-
Streptococcus pyogenes: ties).1,4,18
exposed skin areas, mouth
According to the depth of the infection (Fig. 1), SSTI can be
Corynebacteria: cutaneous Pseudomonadaceae:
pleats (C. minutissimum) exposed skin areas (P. aeruginosa)
classified into superficial infections, involving epidermis and or
dermis, and deep infections, extending from deep dermis to sub-
cutaneous adipose tissue, muscular fascia and muscle.2,3,9,14
Pseudomonaceae groups.12,14,23 Skin microflora composition is Skin and soft tissue infections can be further classified according
reported in Table 2. to the presence of complicating factors.68,17,18 This classification
As some bacteria can be pathogenic under specific circum- scheme is the most used in clinical practice and generally coincides
stances, it is often difficult to give a thorough assessment of SSTIs with the previous one based on the depth of the infection, as
microbiology.24 Infections of traumatic or surgical wounds are shown in Table 4. Indeed, uncomplicated infections (uSSTI) are
usually caused by a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic micro- typically superficial, whereas complicated infections (cSSTI) usu-
organisms. Moreover, Gram-negative bacteria are frequently pres- ally have a deep involvement. As the description implies, cSSTI are
ent in wound infections caused by animal bites, trauma or surgery usually more severe, progress rapidly, involve deeper tissues such
or exposed to infected water.1,2,1215 Hence, post-traumatic SSTI as subcutaneous fat, deep fascia and muscle and possess a greater
often result in polymicrobial infections. A scheme of the most risk of limb loss than uSSTI.39
common causative bacteria identified in SSTI is provided in Of particular concern is that, in most cases, an SSTI is uncom-
Table 3, where they are listed along with their associated risk fac- plicated at the time of initial presentation.6,7,18 Complicating fac-
tors and the type of infection they induce. tors such as diabetes mellitus and HIV-infection can easily
The predominant pathogens of SSTI are Gram-positive bacteria, transform a mild infection into a life threatening condition, as
firstly S. aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes, followed by Enterococ- immunosuppression enables unusual or normally non-pathogenic
cus faecalis and Corynebacterium species.24 S. aureus is the most bacteria to cause infections or increase the likelihood of developing
common identified causative agent, accounting for more than fulminant infections.4,7,40,41 Moreover, lesions located on the groin
40% of all SSTI cases in 2003, and represents a common cause of area, on fingers, toes and head are more likely to be complicated.
cellulitis, abscesses and wound infections.1,4,1720 During the last Finally, otherwise uncomplicated SSTI occurring in specific ana-
decades, S. aureus has increasingly become resistant to methicillin tomical sites (e.g. rectal abscesses) and involving anaerobic or
(methicillin-resistant S. aureus, MRSA) and has spread worldwide Gram-negative organisms are considered complicated.7,40
both in healthcare and community settings.1,7,2426 An increasing
prevalence of community-acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA) has been Diagnosis
assessed in many intensive care units and emergency departments Although specific bacteria may cause a particular type of infection,
both in the United States and Europe,2730 and numerous studies a considerable overlap in clinical presentations remains.24 SSTI

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4 Tognetti et al.

Table 3 Resident or transient bacteria species with their associated risk factors and SSTI

Causative bacteria Associated risk factors Type of infection

GRAM (+)
Clostridium spp. Cellulitis, gas gangrene, necrotizing fasciitis
Corynebacterium spp.
C. minutissimum Human bites Erythrasma
C. xerosis Conjunctivitis
Enterococcus faecalis Immunosuppression Cellulitis, fasciitis, myositis, abscesses,
wound infections
Propionibacterium spp.
P. granulosum Severe acne
P. acnes Acne vulgaris
Staphylococcus spp.
S. aureus Neutropaenia, drug use, diabetic infections, Bullous impetigo, furuncles, myositis, folliculitis,
wounds, human bites purulent cellulitis
S. epidermidis human bites, diabetic foot infections Wound infections
S. aureus producing Immunosuppression, diabetes, SSSS
exfoliative toxin neutropaenia, i.v. drug use Abscesses, myositis, purulent cellulitis
S. saccharolyticus Cellulitis
S. saprophyticus Perianal abscesses
S. anginosus Hidradenitis suppurativa
Streptococcus spp.
Group A (S. pyogenes) Human bite, wounds, poor hygiene, Impetigo, ecthyma, necrotizing fasciitis
diabetes mellitus
Groups B (S. agalactiae) Diabetes mellitus Erysipelas
Group C, D and G Stasis dermatitis, lymphoedema Wound infections, impetigo
Acinetobacter (dry areas) Burn wounds
Aeromonas hydrophila Wounds occurred in infected water Severe cellulitis
Capnocytophaga canimorsus Dog bite wounds Cellulitis
Enterobacteriaceae spp. Hidradenitis suppurativa, cellulitis necrotizing fasciitis
Haemophilus influentiae Orbital cellulites
Nocardia spp. Immunosuppression Abscesses
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Neutropenia, i.v. drug abuse, hydrotherapy Cellulites, sepsis, hidradenitis suppurativa,
exposure (hot tub) surgical wounds hot water folliculitis
Pasteurella multocida Cat bite wounds Cellulitis
Proteus spp. Folliculitis, proteus syndrome
Mycobacteria spp.
M. marinum Exposure to infected water Cellulitis, granulomas
(exposed skin areas)
M. mucogenicum Exposure to peritoneal dialysis Post-traumatic SSTI
(wounds, urethral orifice)
Mycobacterium ulcerans Wounds Chronic cutaneous ulcers
SSTI, Skin and soft tissue infection; SSSS, Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome.

can present different features and severity according to their aetiol- status of the patient.1,18 As many SSTI can be easily confused with
ogy, severity and depth of the infection. An overview of most other clinical syndromes, a careful history is essential to develop
common clinical presentation of SSTI is provided in Table 5. an exact differential diagnosis.2

Clinical history Physical examination

To get an exact and early diagnosis, it is important to obtain an Diagnosis of most bacterial SSTI is based on clinical impression,
extended clinical history including information about patients hence, a thorough physical examination is of basic importance in
travel, hobbies, trauma, animal bites and exposure to fresh or making a correct clinical assessment and estimating the severity of
saltwater. Medical history should always investigate the occurrence the infection.1 The minimum diagnostic criteria are a skin lesion
of previous SSTI (i.e. recurrent cellulitis)11,16 and the immune with the typical tetrad, that is erythema, oedema, warmth and pain

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Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections 5

Figure 1 Distribution of most common SSTIs by the depth of

the infection. (Modified from: Maleville J, Traibe A, Massicot P.
Infections bacteriennes communes. In: Dermatologie et Vn-
reologie. Saurat JH, Grooshans E, Laugier P, Lachapelle JM,
eds; 2nd edn. Fribourg: Masson, 1990: 117120.)
Figure 3 Non-bullous impetigo in a five-month-old baby with
atopic dermatits. (Courtesy of dra. S Berti)

Figure 2 Bullous impetigo in a six-month-old baby. (Courtesy of

dra. S Berti) Figure 4 Erysipelas of the upper trunk spreading to the right
arm in a 62-year-old man. (Courtesy of dra. S Berti)

or tenderness.2 Local signs that would suggest a severe SSTI

include erythema, oedema, bullae, haemorrhagic lesions, crepitus; (they typically progress within 2448 h) and often life-threatening,
then, when a NSTI has developed, we will observe dysfunction of and they can have devastating consequences such as the destruc-
the affected area and skin discoloration (due to tissue ischaemia tion, with a widespread loss of tissue, of the underlying fat, the
from locally thrombosed vessels).14 Systemic symptoms such as fascia and the muscle.6,9,17,18 Clinical appearance of impetigo and
hypotension, tachycardia, hypothermia or fever and altered mental erysipelas infection is showed in Figs 2, 3 and 4.
status are suggestive of a more serious infection and the presence
of two or more of these signs is usually associated with worse Laboratory studies
prognosis.1,8,40 A necrotizing infection should be suspected on Laboratory investigations including blood cultures, needle aspira-
clinical grounds only and an early diagnosis is essential to protect tion and tissue swab with culture, can help confirm diagnostic
limbs and to save lives.7,12,18 Indeed, NSTI are generally fulminant suspicion.14,12 Although the yield is very low in cSSTI, patients

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6 Tognetti et al.

Table 4 Classification schemes based on the depth of the exploration of deeper soft-tissues, hence, they are particularly
infections and on the presence of complicating factors beneficial in patients with rapidly progressive infections. CT is
Uncomplicated Complicated infections helpful in identifying gas and fluid collections or foreign objects.
infections MRI can exactly reveal even little changes associated with NSTI and
Superficial Impetigo Erysipelas it is superior to CT in detecting the muscular fascia involvement.
infections Ecthyma Lymphangitis Hence, MRI is helpful when myositis or necrotizing fasciitis is
Folliculitis Diabetic foot infections suspected.44
Furunculosis Venous stasis ulcers Concerning cellulitis diagnosis: X-ray and CT are useful tools
Carbuncles Infected pressure sores in complicated cases (e.g., when underlying osteomyelitis is
Abscess Staphylococcal scalded
suspected), while they are usually not necessary in uncomplicated
skin syndrome (SSSS)
cellulitis.11,20 Moreover, US can help detecting a subcutaneous
supppurativa abscess consequent to cellulitis, and guiding tissue aspiration.
Deep Cellulitis Otherwise, when cellulitis complicates a chronic lymphoedema
infections Myositis and the affected extremity rapidly increases in volume, gallium-
Necrotizing soft-tissue infections 67-scintigraphy should be performed. Because CT and US are not
Necrotising cellulitis sufficient to differentiate between cellulitis and necrotizing fasciitis,
Necrotizing fasciitis MRI is the investigation of choice for this specific differential diag-
Myonecrosis nosis.12 When using contrast enhanced MRI, the main diagnostic
Pyomiositis criterion for necrotizing fasciitis (NF) is the involvement of deep
Phlegmon muscular fascia: as a fluid collection occurred, the fascia results
Post-operative wounds infections
thickened after contrast agent absorption.
SSSS, staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Surgical exploration
who present with severe infection or sepsis syndrome should have Surgical exploration has a diagnostic and therapeutic role therefore
blood cultures obtained.18 Other blood tests may be helpful for it should be not delayed once the disease is suspected.17,18 Surgical
diagnosis, including abnormal findings, such as elevated white exploration can provide the definitive identification of necrotizing
blood cell count, anaemia and thrombocytopenia.39 Tissue speci- soft tissue infection, by revealing loss of fascial integrity, lack of
mens obtained by biopsy or curettage are preferred to swabs of bleeding and dishwater fluid in the surgical incision wound.12 No
superficial skin lesions or drainage, which may be contaminated investigations or preparations should delay operative intervention,
with normal skin flora. If there is no open wound, needle aspira- and early specialist surgical consultation for radical, repeated
tion of fluid at the leading edge of infection may be helpful. debridement takes precedence. The finger test represents a very
Cultures of the skin rarely yield a definitive pathogen in most specific surgical exploration technique for NF diagnosis, and it is
uSSTI. Otherwise, gram staining and culture specimens obtained performed as follows: the apparently healthy skin surrounding the
from complicated wounds usually help guide therapy, especially lesion is incised vertically up to the muscular fascia level, then the
when MRSA is a suspected pathogen.1,40 index finger is introduced until it reaches the subcutis-muscular
In patients with erysipelas, laboratory investigations reveal fascia junction. If this junction is altered, with subcutis and fascia
elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and reactive detached instead of normally tight fitting, the test is positive.
C protein (RCP) and leukocytosis with neutrophilia. Because of Other diagnostic signs that can be observed are moderate bleeding
the superficial nature of the infection, bacteriemia is often not and pus ooze from the surgical incision (generally 2 cm deep),
found, making blood culture unnecessary, whereas more useful that is consequently used for necrotic debridement and or
are the cultures from bullae fluid, which give positive responses in drainage.45
540% cases.41,42
Diagnostic imaging The management of SSTI should conform to the aetiology, the epi-
To obtain more information, SSTI sometimes require diagnostic demiology and the distribution by the depth of the infection.1,12,17
imaging. X-ray radiography (x-ray) and ultrasonography (US) are The choice between oral and parenteral therapy is generally sug-
used to explore subdermal involvement: x-ray can reveal air fluid gested by the severity of the infection. Parenteral therapy is pre-
levels or air presence in the soft tissues, suggesting the need for ferred when the infection is rapidly spreading and comorbidities
urgent debridment, whereas US detects abscess or fascial inflamma- (i.e. diabetes mellitus, neutropenia, heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis
tion. X-ray is indicated in patients with diabetic foot infection to and renal failure) are present. Moreover, parenteral therapy is cho-
adscertain the presence of osteomyelitis.43 Computered tomography sen, at least initially, to ensure rapid serum and tissue antimicrobial
(CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) give a more detailed levels.1,17,18

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Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections 7

Table 5 Most common clinical presentation of SSTI

SSTI Aetiopathogenesis Clinical features

Impetigo Patients: children aged 25 years (peak of Non-bullous impetigo (contagious impetigo): papules surrounded
incidence), newborns, adults in economically by an area of erythema that become superficial vesicles and then
disadvantaged areas. Atopic dermatitis is an pustules which gradually enlarge and break down over a period
important risk factor of 46 days to form characteristic thick, honey-coloured crusts.
Transmission: person-to-person or via fomites. The Multiple spread lesions (auto-inoculation). Caused by
infection takes 10 days after skin colonization to S. pyogenes or S. aureus or both
become clinically apparent Bullous impetigo: caused by toxin-producing S. aureus, is a
Localization: exposed body areas, orificial areas, localized form of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome. Vesicles
face, scalp and the back of the hands that rapidly evolve into flaccid bullae filled with clear yellow fluid.
(non-boullous impetigo); skin folds Then the fluid becomes darker, more turbid and, sometimes,
(bullous impetigo) purulent. The bullae can easily break leaving a thin
yellow-brownish crust with oozing result
Pathognomonic finding: collarette of scale surrounding the blister
roof at the periphery of ruptured lesions
Ecthyma Patients: healthy people living in tropical areas A vesicle or pustule overlying an inflamed area of skin that
(or in tourists came back from these) and deepens into a dermal ulceration with overlying grey-yellow crust.
immunosuppressed people A shallow, punched-out ulceration appears when adherent crust
Pathogenesis: b-haemolytic Streptococci penetrates is removed (which rapidly form a hard brown-blackish crust
the skin barrier through even minimal trauma covering the underlying ulceration). Then, lesion become multiple,
leading to an inflammation of the epidermic and mostly localized on the legs
dermal layers Ecthyma gangrenosum: necrotic skin ulcer which can pass as a
primary or secondary infection; secondary infection set in
typically in course of sepsis caused by P. aeruginosa, among
transplanted, neutropenic or diabetic patients.
Erysipelas Patients: childhood and adults aged 5667 Elevate fever with heat and shiver can precede skin
(two peaks of incidence) manifestations, consisting in intense, warm and aching erythema
Localization: lower extremities (adults); face (adults and oedema that rapidly extend to the surrounding skin areas
and children), especially the butterfly area, with with a well-demarcated erythematous border (step sign). Flaccid
oedematous and closed eyelids vesicles and bullae filled with purulent fluid may appear on
Course of infection: short, infrequent relapses 2 3 days after infection. Lymphangitis and regional lymph nodes
inflammation are often associated
Cellulitis Localization: extremities, face Erythema, oedema, warmth and tenderness of the affected area,
Course of infection: long, frequent relapses, local tender lymphadenopathy and fever. The involved area is poorly
complications; recurrent cellulitits is usually caused demarcated
by Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. S. aureus and Bacterioides spp.: cellulitis in diabetic patients
Pseudomonas spp. and Enterobacteriaceae: in hospitalized
Clostridium spp: in exposed fractures and penetrating trauma
Streptococcus spp. plus Haemophilus influentiae: orbital cellulitis,
occurring as a primary infection in healthy children aged under
5 years, or as secondary infection after sinusitis
Necrotizing Patients: adults aged 5060 Disproportion between ache and skin manifestation
fasciitis (NF) Localization: extremities, abdomen, perineum NF type 1: polymicrobial infection, destroys the subcutaneous fat
Pathogenesis: streptococcal haemolytic toxins and the muscular fascia, sometimes sparing the skin of the lower
(streptolysin O and S) damage extremities, perineum and abdominal wall
Risk factors: immunosuppression, chickenpox NF type 2 (streptococcal gangrene): caused by S. pyogenes
alone or associated with S. aureus, presents with severe local
pain and rapidly spreading erythema followed by necrosis.
Fascial necrosis and myonecrosis may occur, with no gas
Myonecrosis Patients: traumatologic or oncologic Gas gangrene: slowly expanding ulceration confined to the
(MN) MN is an acute life-threatening infection that can superficial fascia, determines necrosis of muscle, gas in the
complicates with many conditions, most common tissues and systemic toxicity; is caused by Clostridium spp.
being gangrene Traumatic gangrene: becomes clinically apparent after an
incubation period that can range from 6 h to 4 days, presents
with acute severe pain on the wound area, where the skin is
initially pale-pink, then becomes bronze and finally purple-reddish
with bullae, oedema and crepitus. The patient rapidly develops
signs of sepsis as tachycardia, rapid breathing, mental confusion
and fever
SSTI, skin and soft tissue infection; NF, necrotizing fasciitis; MN, myonecrosis.

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8 Tognetti et al.

Uncomplicated SSTI Once the causative agent and its susceptibility has been identified,
Superficial uSSTI typically respond to topical treatment, as they clinicians must switch to narrow-spectrum antibiotics.
generally can be managed with a topical antibiotic agent, heat
packs or incision and drainage, and, when necessary, with one Antibiotic resistance
cycle of oral antibiotics. They seldom require oral antimicrobial Antibiotic resistance is a concern, given that many SSTIs are
treatment and patients hospitalization.2,5,6,39 caused by MRSA and multidrug resistance is common with both
CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA infections.5 HA-MRSA is generally sus-
Complicated SSTI ceptible to vancomycin, linezolid and trimethoprim-sulphameth-
Otherwise, deep cSSTI including infected ulcers, burns, major oxazole (that will also cover Streptococcus spp. and Gram-negative
abscesses, infections in diabetics and deep-space wound infections, organisms), whereas CA-MRSA is usually sensitive to these anti-
often require debridement and systemic antibiotic therapy along microbial agents as well as to clyndamicin, quinolones and tetracy-
with hospitalization.1,79 Moreover, hyperbaric oxygen is also clines.13,7,48 Pending culture data, an empirical therapy in
believed to enhance wound healing.46 Surgical incision followed hospitalized patients with cSSTI should be based on vancomycin
by drainage is a mainstay in the treatment of abscesses, as it or linezolid or daptomycin or telavancin or clindamycin. For
removes a large portion of the microbes causing the infection empirical coverage of CA-MRSA in outpatients with SSTI (i.e.
along with the purulent material.39,40,47 Antibiotic therapy for purulent cellulitis) or in patients that do not respond to b-lactams,
abscesses and wound infections is then recommended when there the current IDSA guidelines recommend one of the following:
is no response to incision and drainage (e.g. when abscesses are trimetoprim-sulphamethoxazole, doxycicline or minocycline and
localized in areas difficult to drain) and in the following condi- linezolid.48 Tigecycline (a semi-synthetic glycylcycline), also has
tions: >5 cm erythema around the wound, rapid progression, broad spectrum activity against MRSA.7
associated cellulitis or phlebitis, signs of systemic infection (tem- Macrolide resistance among group A and group B streptococci
perature >38 !C, tachycardia, leukocytosis), comorbidities, immu- has also risen, but organisms have remained susceptible to penicil-
nosuppression.7,3840,48 Systemic treatment for major abscesses lins and cephalosporins.1,2,6 Management of non-purulent cellulitis
and complicated wound infections may require one therapy cycle should include empirical coverage for S. pyogenes.48 Once S. pyoge-
with b-lactam antibiotics, associated or not with clindamycin.49 nes is isolated in necrotizing fasciitis or myonecrosis, patients
The management of NSTI include an immediate surgical inter- should be treated high dose G penicillin and clyndamicin.49
vention along with parenteral antibiotic therapy.17,18,39
Several antibiotic classes have been shown to be effective, alone Treatment duration
or in combination, in treating cSSTI: a treatment scheme is There are no guideline indications for duration of SSTI therapy. In
provided in Table 6. general, short-course therapy for uSSTI is the standard of care.
Treatment duration for cSSTI is variable, and depends on patient
Empirical treatment response (influenced by immunological status, comorbidities, age,
In many cases, an aetiologic diagnosis is difficult at presentation etc.), severity of infection and causative agent. On average, treat-
time, thus most patients are initially treated empirically, pending ment for most lesions requires 714 days of antibiotics therapy.13,7
culture results. The empiric choice of antibiotic therapy must
cover the most likely organisms, thus it is important to consider Immunoglobulin therapy
where and how the infection was acquired. An empirical antibiotic The use of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is based on the
treatment is also recommended when mixed flora polymicrobical theoretical mechanism that IG can promote clearance of S. pyoge-
infection is suspected: for example, infections of the surgical site nes by the immune system, neutralize streptococcal superantigens
after intra-abdominal procedures need extended spectrum penicil- and act as an immunomodulatory agent, through the binding with
lins or carbapenems.13,7 Agents that provide coverage for both streptococcal derived exotoxin.5052 Some positive results have
S. aureus and S. pyogenes (e.g. penicillins, cephalexin, oxacillin) been reported in myonecrosis and necrotizing fasciitis caused by
are commonly used as empiric therapy for both uSSTI and S. pyogenes.50,51,53 However, all of these patients would require
cSSTI.13,7,48 Clindamycin or metronidazole can be added to a additional surgical debridement. Suggested IVIG dosage varies,
regimen to cover for anaerobes, depending on the clinical situation but most authors recommend 2 g kg with an option of a second
and spectrum of other agents being used.2,7 Beta-lactams (i.e. dose, if necessary after 24 h.52 Side effects are seldom reported, but
amoxicillin clavulanic, cefazolin) are indicated when Gram- the major contraindications include selective IgA deficiency or a
negative are likely to be involved (e.g. animal or human bites, history of anaphylaxis with immunoglobulins.50,51
surgical infections and intravenous drug users).13,7 However,
broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g. fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins) Treatment recommendations
should be reserved for severe or polymicrobial infections, or if Some medication-related factors, including route of delivery,
organisms are resistant to the more narrow spectrum agents.1,7 patient allergies, side effect profile, drug interaction potential,

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Bacterial skin and soft tissue infections 9

Table 6 Antimicrobial agents commonly used in patients with SSTIs

Antibiotics Usual dose Notes

Amoxicillinclavulanic acid 500 mg p.o. q812 h qid for 10 days The therapy prevents post-streptococcal
Erythromycin 250500 mg p.o. q6 h Efficacy reduced in erythromycin-resistant
S. aureus strains
Cefalexin 500 mg p.o. q12 h
Mupirocin (ointment) 1 application q12 h
Fusidic acid (ointment) 1 application q8 h
Amoxicillinclavulanic acid 1 g p.o. q8 h
Ampicillinsulbactam 3 g i.v. q6 h
Cefalexin 500 mg p.o. q8 h
Cefazolin 11.5 g i.v. q8 h
Ceftriaxone 12 g i.v. 24 h
Erythromycin 250500 mg p.o. qid for 10 days
Penicillin G procaine 0.61.2 millionU i.m. qid for 10 days
Ampicillinsulbactam 3 g i.v. q6 h
Ceftriaxone 12 g i.v. q24 h
Daptomycin 46 mg kg i.v. q24 h
Ertapenem 1 g i.v. q24 h
Levofloxacin 750 mg i.v. or p.o. q24 h
Linezolid 600 mg p.o. or i.v. q12 h
Moxifloxacin 400 mg i.v. or p.o. q24 h
Oxacillin 2 g i.v. q4 h
Piperacillintazobactam 3.375 g i.v. q6 h First choice awaiting culture test results in
hospital-acquired SSTIs
Tygeciclin 100 mg i.v. 1dose, then 50 mg i.v. q12 h
Vancomycin 1520 mg kg q12 h or 400 mg q24 h First choice awaiting culture test results in
hospital-acquired SSTIs
Necrotizing fasciitis and myonecrosis
Penicillin G 4 or 810 million U day divided q4 h For community-acquired SSTIs
+ Clindamicyn 600 mg i.v. q6 h or 900 mg i.v. q8 h For community-acquired SSTIs
Oxacillin 2 g i.v. q4 h
+ Gentamycin 3 mg kg day i.v. divided q8 h If penicillin is controindicated
Metronidazole 15 mg kg i.v. 1dose, then 500 mg i.v. q68 h First choice awaiting culture test results
+ Imipenem meropenem 500 mg i.v. q6 h or 1 g i.v. q12 h First choice awaiting culture test results
+ Vancomycin 1 g i.v. q12 h First choice awaiting culture test results
SSTIs, skin and soft tissue infections.

pharmacodynamics and cost, have to be considered when select- b-Lactam antibiotics Several b-lactam antibiotics, such as semi-
ing an antimicrobial agent.2,6,47,54 To prevent recurrent SSTI, it synthetic penicillins (e.g., nafcillin, dicloxacillin) or first-generation
is recommended to maintain good personal hygiene and keep cephalosporins (e.g., cephalexin, cefazolin) are still effective against
draining wounds covered with clean, dry bandages.48 Finally, it MSSA and streptococci13,55 Although staphylococci are now
is essential to manage a significant underlying disease (e.g. diabe- almost universally resistant, streptococci remain sensitive to peni-
tes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, ischaemic ulceration and cillin. Regarding MRSA, therapy with a b-lactam drug is generally
chronic lymphoedema) that may complicate the therapy no longer sufficient.7,18,19,48
Clindamycin Clindamycin can suppress bacterial toxin produc-
Antibiotic drugs tion, including streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin A, PVL, and
The following provides an overview of the antimicrobial agents staphylococcal enterotoxin B.1,3 Thus, it represents an important
used to treat SSTIs. adjunct to therapy. After exposure to clindamycin, however,

2012 The Authors

JEADV 2012 Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 2012 European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
10 Tognetti et al.

MRSA can become resistant via an inducible erm gene. Hence, it several recent antibiotics classes with narrow activity spectrum are
is useful to perform a disc diffusion test, known as a D-test, to available at present time, but their side effect has to be considered.
determine if inducible resistance is present.56 Hence, a collaboration between dermatologists and infectivologists
can promote a rational approach to the aetiology and epidemiol-
Daptomycin Daptomycin is approved for the treatment of cSSTI ogy of SSTI and a more functional therapeutic approach, which
caused by susceptible strains of S. aureus (including MRSA), are necessary in clinical practice.
S. pyogenes, S. agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae and vancomycin-
susceptible strains of E. faecalis, as 46 mg kg intravenous References
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