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Nottingham School Board

Public Session
June 16, 2010
Official Minutes as of July 7, 2010

School Board Members Present: School Board Members Absent:

Amy Plante, Chair Jack Caldon
Dawn Fernald, Vice Chair
Bob Davidson
Frank O’Hanlon

Others Present:
Michael Ludwell, Superintendent
Michelle Carvalho, Principal
Terry Leatherman, Assistant Principal
Lorraine Ferland, School Board Secretary
Laura Wheeler, Guidance Counselor
Barbara Scannell
Donna Turco
Bonnie Snell
Kristan Welch
Louann Wilson
Joanna Arendarczyk
Debbie Merrick

Ms. Plante called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.

Non Public Session

A non-public session was held.

Public Comments
There was a question about a school bus going to Coe Brown as more students go there.
Ms. Carvalho said about a 1/3 of the current class go to Coe Brown. Ms. Plante said the
budget is done for this current year so there are no plans for a bus to Coe Brown for the
2010-2011 school year.

School Board Business

A. Approval of School Board Minutes—Public/Non-Public Minutes
Mr. O’Hanlon made a motion to approve the public minutes of May 19, 2010
(Public/Non-Public), June 2, 2010 (Public) and June 8, 2010 (Non-Public).
Ms. Fernald seconded.
Motion unanimously approved.

NOTTINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD June 16, 2010 Public Session

There were changes:

May 19 non-public: change Ms. Fernald’s name. Add Jack Caldon’s name to the yea
May 19 public: Page 3, C, 1st paragraph, remove ‘would be the 6th grade teacher for
math’ and replace with ‘would teach algebra’
Page 3 New Business, 2nd paragraph, add ‘from DOE’ after ‘waiver’
Page 4, 2nd paragraph, add ‘if added this year’ to the end of 2nd sentence.
June 8 non-public: last paragraph, change to ‘made’ and remove A:3.

B. Principal’s Report
Bullying Topic: Laura Wheeler, Guidance Counselor
Ms. Carvalho asked Ms. Wheeler to discuss bullying and the curriculum to deter it at
the school. Ms. Wheeler distributed guidance curriculum. There is a comprehensive
guidance curriculum, and bullying is discussed for 6 weeks as well as other topics
such as friendship, etc. The bullying unit addresses the following concepts: the
difference between bullying and teasing, conflict resolution tools/techniques to handle
teasing, definition of bullying, victim and bystander, the difference between safe
bodies and choices vs. unsafe bodies and choices, safety mapping (mapping out areas
in the school that children feel the safest vs. places that they may feel unsafe),
assertive skills to handle bullies, how to get help and how to stop bullying if you are a

All students in grades K-3 participate in classroom Guidance curriculum. Grade 5

has a Conflict Management program and Grade 7 has ‘Complaint Free Kids’
program. Grades 4 and 6 specific programs will be looked at for next year. There is
nothing currently in place. There are voluntary small lunch groups that take place
through the year that reinforce the concepts that are taught throughout the units.
Students that are identified as needing Tier III behavior support are automatically part
of the lunch group but other students are invited to participate. More than 50% of the
kids aren’t identified Tier II and III for the lunch groups. In the coming year, the
lunch groups may be cycled in and out in 6 weeks periods.

Ms. Carvalho said that Ms. Wheeler has been increased to 3 days a week due to
ARRA IDEA funds. The funding is ending after this coming school year; Ms.
Carvalho said that Ms. Wheeler’s increased position is needed for the future.

Ms. Wheeler discussed the differences between what students thinks is bullying at the
lower grades vs. the higher grades. Ms. Carvalho said that Ms. Tooch is discussing
cyber bullying with the higher grades. Ms. Wheeler said overall, the kids felt that
they weren’t bullied, based on a survey that was filled out.

Ms. Carvalho said that the theme of the school was Knights Unite this year which
promoted student engagement. The staff filled out a survey as well as the 8 th graders.
It is quite positive so far.

NOTTINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD June 16, 2010 Public Session

Mr. O’Hanlon asked what Ms. Wheeler thought about a committee for cyber
bullying. Ms. Wheeler suggested looking at what is in place as well and what goals
would be. Mr. O’Hanlon suggested students on the committee. The Recreation
Department would like to see a committee started and will contribute when possible.

Grade Level Configuration

Ms. Carvalho said there was difficulty combining the language arts and reading
programs so a different option became a better solution. The recommended option is
a creation of multi-age classroom in the 7th and 8th grade in the following areas: social
studies, reading and language arts, enabling 5 sessions of these subjects. Math (6
sessions) and science (5 sessions) would be kept at grade level. Class sizes in social
studies, reading, language arts and math average between 23-25 students. To
accommodate the schedule, there are 5 sessions of sciences, three in 7 th and two in 8th.
Currently the 8th grade is the small of the other classes with 57 students, anticipated
class size to be 27 and 28 in these two sessions. Extra support will be provided in
these two sessions to ensure proper instruction is being delivered and to support the
State Science Standard for class size. In addition to PE, health, art, music and
technology, library would be added to the unified arts schedule for 7th and 8th grade.

A viable candidate has expressed an interest in teaching two math classes which
would allow six sciences classes instead of five. There are TitleIIA funds available
that would pay for this person to teach one class. If there are five science classes,
there would be larger classes and additional paraeducators may have to be scheduled
in those classes.

Mr. Leatherman said there will be 21, 22, and 23 students in the math classes and if
another science class is added, the class size would be closer to 21.

Ms. Carvalho said that in a single grade level, there are modifications made to teach
all students; this will continue to teach 7th and 8th grade. Nottingham will need to take
a look so that there is less of a student ability range in classes to minimize a greater
diverse situation. There is no plan to level the students except in algebra. The
reading/language arts program is very similar in 7th and 8th grade. Barrington Middle
School participates in a similar multi-age program and Mr. Leatherman said they are
willing to help Nottingham.

Ms. Carvalho discussed a study about multi-age classrooms at a middle school level.
There are many positive benefits with no negative benefits. One of the positive
components is an ability for teachers to work with students in multi-year timeframe.
The staff was very supportive and identifying days they wanted to work as a team,
smaller pairs and individually. Ms. Fernald said that in this study, older children can
mentor the younger and this might be a positive experience.

The modular became not a viable option because there are concerns that it would
undermine the building committee work, there is a feeling that the school ‘fixed’ the

NOTTINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD June 16, 2010 Public Session

problem: there is a modular, a modular would obligate the district for funding in
future years and there is still a need for additional staff member funding.

This grade level configuration option could be done for several years. The building
committee will have a proposal in the spring. If an addition is approved, it will take
18 months to 2 years to complete.

Mr. Davidson made a motion to accept the administration’s recommendation for a

multi age classroom in the 7th and 8th grades in the following areas: social studies,
reading and language arts, enabling five sessions of these subjects. Math (6 sessions)
and science (5 sessions) would be kept at grade level. The administration will be able
to hire a math teacher for one additional timeslot for two sessions; one will be paid
for by TitleII funds and the other session out of the general fund.
Mr. O’Hanlon seconded.
Motion unanimously approved.

Clint Townson was one of the top 10 Students at DHS. Several other students were
recognized and given awards at the DHS night.
Ellen Lapiejko developed a Science Fair book which will remain in the library.
The school appears to have been hit by lightning which impacted well, phone and
walk-in refrigerator. The well has had to be flushed so the school has bottled water
for the classrooms. Insurance claim was submitted; there is $1000 deductible. The
phone was covered under contract.

C. Superintendent’s Report
The DHS graduation is tonight.
There is no personnel report.

Committees Update
A. There is no Budget Committee Update.
B. The Building Committee received 9 architectural proposals. There is a meeting at the
end of the month to narrow the selection and to interview the firms. Nottingham’s
budget is $18,000 and the proposals range from $14,000 to $46,000.

Policy Update/Review
A. Review: JICK-Bullying Policy and #JICDD-Student Discipline: Out of School
Actions, #KDD-Establishment of School District Facebook Website
#JICK , #JICDD, and #KDD will be tabled.
The IT person will look into the security features of Facebook. Alert Now will be
looked into further. Ms. Plante suggested the Select Board to come to learn about this
and perhaps share the cost of this.

B. First Reading: #EBB-Safely Procedures/Safe Schools Committee, #GBEA-Staff Code

of Ethics & #GBEBA-Staff Dress Code
#EBB will be tabled.

NOTTINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD June 16, 2010 Public Session

Mr. O’Hanlon made a motion to post #GBEA.

Ms. Fernald seconded.
Motion unanimously approved.

Mr. O’Hanlon made a motion to post #GBEA.

Mr. Davidson seconded.
Motion unanimously approved.

C. Final Review-#KF-Use of School Facilities & #BAA-Evaluation of the Board

Ms. Fernald made a motion to adopt #KF as policy.
Mr. O’Hanlon seconded.
Motion unanimously approved.

Mr. Davidson made a motion to adopt #BAA as policy.

Ms. Fernald seconded.
Motion unanimously approved.

Old Business
A. Dover Tuition Negotiations Update
There should be an update very shortly and Dr. Ludwell will send the update to the

B. CBNA Update
The 2010-2011 estimated tuition difference between DHS and Coe Brown is $856.53.
Nottingham could register with FACTS. Parents would set up an account with
FACTS and pay FACTS. There is appropriately $28K not paid to Nottingham

Ms. Fernald made a motion to employ the use of FACTS for a one year trial period.
Mr. O’Hanlon seconded.
Motion unanimously approved.

New Business
A. Board Goals
Mr. Davidson volunteered to be an observer at the DHS School Board to report back
to Nottingham. Ms. Plante said that in the past Nottingham received the minutes and
agenda for Dover School Board.
Ms. Plante said in the summer, the goals are reviewed and updated.

B. Other
Fund Balance

NOTTINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD June 16, 2010 Public Session

There is a fund balance of approximately $230,000. If there is a surplus at the end of

the year, there is an opportunity to use the surplus for items that the school needs that
weren’t budgeted.
 The gym floor’s finish is very poor. A new finish needs to be put on the gym
floor. Instead of the current water based finish, an oil-based finish should be
used. The three quotes range from $15-19K. There is a once a year cost of
$3K to upkeep the floor each year. There have been preliminary discussions
between AAU/NYA to help offset the costs. Further discussion is warranted.
It would take a week to complete the floor.
 Balance center core and office area: $4200. The funds that were budgeted for
this were used for a repair.
 Computers: Need $3625 for classroom computers to supplement 2009-2010
budget savings of approximately $8200. In addition to the 2010-2011 budget
these funds would upgrade all the classroom and teacher computers to

The total for the purchases is $27,234.80.

Ms. Fernald made a motion to approve the administration’s request to use $27,234.80
of the fund balance for gym floor resurfacing, building repair and computers.
Mr. O’Hanlon seconded.
Motion unanimously approved.

Meeting Dates
July 7 will remain as a meeting.

Dail Transportation
Ms. Fernald asked for procedures for Dail Transportation.

Financial Business
A. Bills and Manifests were reviewed and signed.
B. Monthly Enrollment Reports for Nottingham, DHS and Coe Brown
There are 511 students at Nottingham.

Set Next Agenda

Items to include: bullying policies, Board goals.

Future Meeting Dates

July 7, 2010 7pm School Board Meeting
July 21, 2010 7pm School Board Meeting

July 26, 2010 7pm Joint Board Meeting

SAU Office
August 4, 2010 7pm School Board Meeting
August 18, 2010 7pm School Board Meeting

NOTTINGHAM SCHOOL BOARD June 16, 2010 Public Session

Ms. Fernald made a motion to enter into non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 IIc at
Mr. O’Hanlon seconded.
Roll Call was taken. Ms. Plante-yea, Ms. Fernald-yea, Mr. O’Hanlon-yea, and Mr.
Motion to move into non-public unanimously approved.

The meeting returned to public meeting at 10:28pm.

There were no votes taken in non-public.

Mr. Davidson made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:29pm.
Mr. O’Hanlon seconded.
Motion to adjourn unanimously approved.

Respectfully Submitted by Lorraine Ferland, School Board Secretary

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