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Task 3:

Your research should focus on:

Background on the Social issue itself:

The background on my social action video is very extend since it has been done and
performed many times by college, universities, teachers and even more people.
Showing this is a worldwide problem it happens everywhere you go. Mainly occurs
between children but bullying can be found between adults as well. This social issue
is very easy to get to the audience and make them attracted to the social action
video. To show people there is no reason to bully and the fact you are portraying
yourself by bullying. Bullying is in some peoples nature but this video is here to show
what amount of pain the person receiving the bullying gets.

Fact about bullying:

Over 3.2 billion students are victims of bullying each year
160,000 teen students skipped school every day because of bullying
1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of
the time.
By age 14 less than 30% of boys and 40% of girls will talk to their peers about
71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school
1 in 10 students drop out of school because of repeated bullying
90% of 4th through to 8th graders report being victims of bullying

Is there already a social action group to try and prevent the issue? Yes / No
Who is involved with the group?

Many people from all around the world try and prevent this problem from frequently
occurring all over the world. At every school around the whole of the UK they will
have bullying talks and they are shown videos on bullying. SO the social action on
bullying had started a long time ago and there are plenty of social action videos all
across YouTube which can evidently back me up. There isnt just one social action
group there is many little groups which do their fair share towards the social action
against bullying. There are bigger organizations such as Stand Against Violence
which includes a serious company meaning to do some serious change towards
bullying in the future, they have already made a great contribution by going around
to schools around the UK and having a presentation about bullying to the students.

What effects has the group had on the community?

The groups have had an immense impact locally, nationally and globally which is
amazing because there are students that are coming together in small groups and
making similar social action videos to my own which are the ones spreading vital and
crucial information about bullying and what it does to some people in social action
videos which are all over YouTube, this is what has been doing the job locally but on
a national scale people have made organizations such as Bulling UK which is run in
the UK and they do a lot for anti bullying they help people that have been victimized
and talk to school and colleges about bullying and what it does to some people and
why you should not be one.

How has it helped certain individuals?

Some people that have gone to big anti bullying organizations have said they have
felt better as they left, this is the same for every person who gets their help. The
people working at the bullying organizations will know what they are doing they will
be qualified and can help the people being victimized very easily. Anti bulling social
action videos do help people being victimized but not as much as they raise
awareness to the world to what bullying does to people leaves them feeling
neglected and alone.

Does it already have an action video to help its cause? (up load these if there are)

There are multiple different social action videos about anti bullying and they all share
the same meaning. All of the videos help the anti bulling cause. Here is one example
below I would give more examples but there is no need, you can simply look to the
right on YouTube and it will have many recommended social action anti bullying
videos on there.

Are there any famous people involved in trying to prevent the situation?

Many famous people are involved with anti bullying, one that everyone knows well is
Billy Joel who supported STOMP Out of Bullying which is an organization to prevent
bullying and cyber bullying. Anyways Billy Joel and many more celebrities such as
Katy Perry, David Guetta, Elton John and many more.

Is there government backing to prevent the situation? Should there be? What could
they do?

The government are obviously going to try their very best to prevent what is
happening bullying since it is wrong. But there is nothing they can really do towards it,
they cant go around making videos and visiting school which is why big and small
anti bulling organizations are made. Its not the government place to sit but they will
have a say in some matters occurring.

How does the issue effect the community / nation / world?

Anti bulling affects every single community in every single nation in the world, simply
because bullying happens every where it cant be hidden since some people feel
the need to be treacherous to other people. It effects many many different people
and it is simply not fair. The problem is being tackled step by step and one day will
hopefully all be gone.

Some Bullying Statistics:

1. More than one out of every five (20.8%) students report being bullied

The federal government began collecting data on school bullying in

2005, when the prevalence of bullying was around 28 percent
Rates of bullying vary across studies (from 9% to 98%). A meta-analysis
of 80 studies analyzing bullying involvement rates (for both bullying
others and being bullied) for 12-18-year-old students reported a mean
prevalence rate of 35% for traditional bullying involvement and 15%
for cyberbullying involvement
64% of children who were bullied did not report it; only 36% reported
the bullying
More than half of bullying situations (57%) stop when a peer intervenes
on behalf of the student being bullied
School-based bullying prevention programs decrease bullying by up
to 25%
The reasons for being bullied reported most often by students were
looks (55%), body shape (37%), and race (16%)

What can be done to prevent the issue from happening?

To prevent this from happening more and more social action videos need to be put
in place and shown to schools and high schools even pre schools to get the message
across to them that bullying is bad and it brings nothing but pain and harm. Action
has already taken place such as school based bullying programmes have decreased
bullying from up to 25%.

Task 4
Contact details and angle

Informative, educational or change of attitude?

Discuss why and how you will achieve this.

My social action video on anti bullying will be informative towards the audience
speaking them directly in parts and educating them on the cruelty of bullying and
what pain and harm it causes people. I will be changing the audiences attitude
towards bullying so they are completely against and so that even the bullies
watching will even stop themselves from causing harm to others. To achieve this, I am
going to need some strong interviewees who will hopefully cause sad emotion
towards the audience, showing a child that had been bullied before will also move
the audience.

List of found footage you can use and reference where it has come from

I have found countless and endless amounts of bullying footage and anti bullying
footage which I can use as secondary clips in my social action video which will be
relatively lengthy depending on how long the interviewees are going to be talking

What ethical issues will you have to overcome or be careful documenting?

When I am documenting I am going to be very careful of what I am putting in my

social action video, such as I need to make sure that all the footage that I am
collecting and that it is not copy righted unless I have received permission meaning I
am not breaking any laws. Other ethical issues such making sure no one is in the
social action video without their permission because otherwise if they wish to sew
against us they will because they have the right to.

Research on the subject: Research around the subject? Information that you need
to know BEFORE you interview people. The two types of people I am interviewing
will be two school children who have it quite bad within their time at school, and
the adults are there to talk about how it is wrong but through answering the
interviewee questions.

1st interview - children

Interviewing Questions:

1. How was your time at school?

2. How do you feel right now?
3. Whats it like walking through the school halls
4. Do you ever physical get victimized
5. Do you have anything to say to the bullies out there?
6. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
7. Has being bullied affected you?
8. Would you say bullying is a short term thing than a long term thing?
9. If you had the chance to change school would you?
10. Did your parents know you were being bullied?
11. What were their reactions?
12. How do you think your going to find college college?

Thankyou very much interviewee!

2nd Interview adults

1. What are your thoughts on bullying?

2. Do you think occurs within any age group?
3. Have you ever experienced being victimized by bullying?
4. Do you think bullying will ever stop?
5. If you saw bullying occurring would you break it up?
6. What would you say to all the bullies out there?
7. Would you ever consider becoming part of a bullying campaign?
8. If so, why?
9. In school were you a bully or a victim of bullying?
10. Could you say a last kind work to all the people that are victims of bullies

What shots / cut a ways / footage will you need to film in order for the social action
video to have impact?

At every single interview there will be exactly two tri pods, two fully functioning
cameras for the interviewer and the interviewee and spare batteries incase the
batteries run out. Yes, I will be filming this project in order so nothing can go wrong
and everything is in place. The shots will include establishing shots, mid shots and
close ups.
Contact details

Name: Helen Clouds

Position: One of the experienced speakers

Involvement in action: anti bullying speaker

What can they discuss in the video? They will be answering all my questions I have set
out for them.

Where can they be interviewed? They will be interviewed at my home where I know it
is a stable location because I can use the brilliant luxurious plant colors in the
background creating a good scene for the interview.

Phone number: 07265627485

Email address:

Name: Rose Bells

Position: Victim of bullying

Involvement in action: interviewee victim of bullying

What can they discuss in the video? They will be answering all my questions I have set
out for them.

Where can they be interviewed? They will be interviewed at my home where I know it
is a stable location because I can use the brilliant luxurious plant colors in the
background creating a good scene for the interview.

Phone number: 07612638846

Email address:

Name: Peter Lang

Position: one of the experienced speakers

Involvement in action: experienced anti bullying speaker

What can they discuss in the video? They will be answering all my questions I have set
out for them.

Where can they be interviewed? They will be interviewed at my home where I know it
is a stable location because I can use the brilliant luxurious plant colors in the
background creating a good scene for the interview.

Phone number: 07264895626

Email address:

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