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Observations of palm population in faculty of math and natural

sciences Universitas Negeri Malang for environment

Name of group 7 (Mega Dwi Trisna Wati, Muhammad Nurhasan, Nindis Pristya, Riza Eka Novita
Sari) and name of teach Mr. Sueb
Department of Biology, Faculty of Math and Natural Science
Universitas Negeri Malang

University of Malang is one of the top universities in Malang city which is often used as
indicators of development and progress of education, especially in the city of Malang. Many students
want to study into the University of Malang. This makes the University increased its population.
Population growth in urban areas that the higher the resulting need for land is increasing. The
remaining arable land less and less, the more barren earth, greenish are increasingly needed. When the
city is built into concrete jungles, trees and natural harmony between human beings need each other
and the environment becomes very important (Fandeli, 2004; Gusmailia, 2007).
Development and economic development can not be separated from the construction and development
of the University of the consequences the increasing need for land to accommodate construction and
development. This brings positive impacts and negative impacts. The positive side that can be taken
that is capable of supporting the development of the University and improve the welfare of its
citizens, but on the other hand, this development has resulted in a decrease in air quality and the
health of the University as a result of air pollution. The existence of an area that became one of the
centers of public access, then the region is vulnerable to air pollution comes from motor vehicle
exhaust gases (Irawan, 2009).
According to Black (2010), an increase in the number of vehicles, in addition to causing
congestion can also cause air pollution and noise pollution. Roads in Street Horizon, Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is a dense road traffic in the State University of Malang, and has
activities with various activities such as educational activities, and services.
The existence of such a plant green governance is essential in improving the city's air quality.
Many trees are felled resulting in soil erosion, air pollution, flooding, and reduced biodiversity. With
regard to the layout of the green, be interesting to be studied in depth, because it is related to
environmental quality (Qodarian, 2010). Greening trees play an important role in the absorption of
carbon dioxide and produce oxygen during photosynthesis (Salisbury and Ross, 1992).
Morphological structure of leaves of each different type of tree (Murdiyarso 2011; Efendy,
2003). Characteristics of suitable tree planted by the wayside long-lived, resistant to drought and
wind, the trees do not drop fruit or seeds or require watering or trimming redundant, rooted in, not too
high and disease resistance and pollution (Alamendah 2009; Shono and Snook 2006 ).
Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to conduct a study on the diversity of morphology of
leaves greenery in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, the results of which are expected
to formulate a concept of structuring and development of system of green, so the climate can be
created in order to provide comfort for the residents FMIPA.

The tools used in this study are: stationery, cameras, counters (calculator).
Materials used are palm tree King (R. Regia)
The method used in this research is cruising Cruise Method (Nasir, 1999), with the following
a. Observations on the object in the field
Observations king palm tree (R. regia) carried region Pengetahaun Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences. Many types of palm trees that were there. But on these observations,
only focused on palm tree types ryost regia (or commonly known as Palm Raja).
b. Object counting
Palm tree in the area of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science manually counted.
But keep good accuracy in the calculation. Because many young palm trees covered with
larger trees.

The results of the observation of objects contained in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences. Cruise cruising conducted using Method, which observes the king palm tree species
(R regia), and then record the number. Then take a picture of the king palm trees.
Nana Kariada Tri Martuti / Biosaintifika 5 (1) (2013) The air quality in a region determine the
extent of the amount of pollutants will be absorbed by plants in the region.
The results showed that the air quality in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences Penetahuan is good enough, it is seen from around the cool climate. Calculation
results also showed that the number of palm trees that surround the faculty fairly much is 48

To improve better conditions need to instill the kind of plant that has the function, among
others: the securing of pollution, roadside, improved microclimate and retaining avalanche
path. Sukawi Mayor of Semarang in 2008, the paper said, the plant can serve as climate
control. This climate control, microclimate created by the plant has a function and is
influenced by several factors, among others: thermal / solar radiation, temperature control,
wind control, humidity control, and control precipitation.
Plants are biologically should be grown either on solid ground, the root system into the
ground, do not damage konstruksidan building, tillering is growing fast, but grew slowly at
fasedewasa, adult size fit the available space, the trunk and branching system of strong, erect
stems strong, easily broken and not buttress, stature and crown shape is quite beautiful,
canopy quite shady and compact, but not too dark, the size and shape of the canopy by tall
trees, the leaves should be small-sized (nanofill), do not shed leaves, the leaves do not easily
fall off due strong winds, when flowering / fruiting does not pollute the road, the fruit is small
and can not be eaten by humans directly, should not be prickly or poisonous, it is easy to
recover when injured in a collision and other causes, resistant to pests, resistant to pollution
vehicles and the motor industry, able to absorb and adsorb air pollution, as far as possible to
have economic value and long-lived. Then the palm tree is one of the good plants as air
conditioning plant. Such as functions that besides as an ornamental plant as well as
conditioning plant

Results of the study as mentioned above can be seen that the type and number of plants that
exist in each place or premises positive effect on levels of air pollutants that exist. This is
because the type and number of plants in each arean in accordance with a shade plant which
has a function as penjerap air pollutants. For that we should bear the addition back to the
kinds of plants grown in the shade area faculty Mathematics and natural sciences that
functions as a shade plant and penjerap pollutants can actually expected maximum.

quality and quantity of existing plant at the Science Faculty has a positive effect on levels of air
pollutants that exist. it is proved by the circumstances surrounding cool. other than the air around the
existing situation cool, also make us feel comfortable in the scope of the region.
We would like to thank Mr. Sueb for leading and teaching us to make this journal.

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