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Max Cliff, our 2037 politician of some the ever-growing
Presidential Candiate. sort. middle. However, it is
Hes the media darling. also statements like
And Senator Cliff did
The peoples favorite. thsese that sometimes
become a politician,
He is lauded, The get the Senator in hot
one with a polished
Citizens Voice. Who water. In 2030, then
and decorated record.
is he? well-known grassroots
For two yeaers, he
capign manager,
He came from a worked in grassroots
Senator Cliff made
Christian backround, before becoming
pointed comments
born and raised, he mayor of Riverside.
towards then President
syas. Even high school Five years ago, he
Clearwaters stidegent
was a Christian went on to become
and completely
education. After high California Senator,
isolationist policies
school, he went to a radically reforming
regarding legal
public university education in the state.
before going on to get His first order of
his law degree business had been to More than these,
fire all those people however, Max is a true
Sitting across from me,
in the bureacracy with Ctizen. He understand
Senator Cliff stares off
a masters in the people From
to the side. His eyes
education. Those are serving in the military,
are focused out to
usefless positions. having many small
some point beyond me,
jobs during college,
like hes seeing his In recent years,
and even starting his
own realiity or just Senator Cliff has has
own business ventures.
planning a future, been pushing bills to
Max understands the
having a vision of reform taxes in the
citizens better than
greatness. state.
anyone. It is why He is
I was young, Senator According to the the Citizens Voice.
Cliff says. I was very Senator, flat rates
This November, he
young then, but even can be a good thing.
says, Get out and vote
then, I had the makings
It is comments like America! Get out and
to be a politician. He
these that have made vote, if you were ever
laughs suddenly. In
Senator Cliff a favorite forgotten, if you knew
my government class,
in the state. He has that you were not
it was a running joke,
always strived to help being given good
even. That I would be a
candidates to choose focus on education and education)
from to be your job training to reduce -tax reform-
spokesman, you voice! the unemployment and taxes should be
Get out and vote better outlooks toward simpler, broader, even
America! business to produce to the point where we
more revenue for the allow a flat rate
people and create more -education reform-
Senator Cliff: An jobs. Abroad, he getting rid of so many
Overview: believes that threats standardized testing,
HIS STANCES: like the Kim family in not giving a free
He agrees with the North Korea must be college education but
party in all things eliminated, and thus he making it more
except, he is more supports the United accessible, rid of the
radical in his State's current stance educational
healthcare plan. he on the issue. bureaucracy in
plans to extend Additionally, he plans congress
healthcare to all people on being a loose -remembering the
from the government. constructionist and forgotten-
He agrees in giving cares most about civil no governmental
states back power in liberties, rather than subsidies but getting
some instances, having both civil liberties and those in need an
a deregulated free civil rights. He says education or job
market economy, that he will continue training to get them
making legal the government's back on their own two
immigration more current stance on the feet
accessible, giving an environment, etc. -healthcare reform-
easier tax. However, he everyone has
goes so far as to extend HIS PROMISES TO healthcare, that is
this and say we should YOU, TO US: subsidized by the
have a flat tax. He -broad government government
wants education reform-
reform, but recognizes maintain a strong YOU are the citizen.
how the citizens are so federal government Choose to exert your
capable on their own. while giving more voice. Choose a
Thus, he plans to authority to the states Greater America.
reduce government in certain issues and Choose Max.
subsidies and instead areas (like welfare and

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