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Morris asks the public to support the striking Bus Eireann workers

The current dispute is more about the state trying to Break the Public Unions and
therefore Public services in Ireland than just a company telling us they are facing
financial liquidation. The idealistic quest for privatisation of all services so loved
by the E U Neoliberals has been swallowed hook line and sinker by Fine Gael
Labour and Fianna Fil who have seen Public Service after Public Service
slaughtered for the profits of the owners of private companies who had their
preferred routes handed to them by the National Transport Authority .
If anyone wants to see how this has happened in the past just look at the
experience of the E S B who between 2002 and 2009 were prevented in
competing on prices and building new plants while companies like Airtricity,
Endesa and others were invited into the Irish electricity Market. Irish electricity
prices went from the lowest in Europe to some of the highest in Europe while
money was being moved from consumers pockets into the pockets of the Private
energy giants. So starting the drive to Move Irish citizens from being part of
society to being consumers where the market dictated everything. The market
doesnt like Rural Ireland which is why Rural services are a nuisance to them due
to the lack of profit for the fat cats . That is where you the ordinary person in
Tipperary comes into this dispute. The workers of Bus Eireann are fighting for
not just their rights but also they are fighting for all unions and public services .
Bus Eireann has been starved of state funding by successive Governments ( FF ,
Lab and F G) for many years now so much so that they are indeed in financial
difficulty while private companies have been allowed to cherry pick the best and
indeed quickest routes . The staff of Bus Eireann have been forced to make this
last stand for all Public Service Unions as if this Union or Strike is broken then all
Public Services are in line for breaking ,next on the list will be the Postal Service .
I am delighted that other Unions have realised that this is a battle that needs to
be won at all costs if Rural Ireland is to survive it must have fully funded Public
Services provided for by the State who collect taxes for these services.
Remember this the next time you pass a picket line that you have a chance to
stand up for society and rural Ireland or you can allow Public Service Union after
Public Service union be smashed on the altar of super profits for people who get
richer and richer off the back of society.
Yours sincerely Cllr. Samie Morris M C C 29/03/19

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