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SIMULATION 75:5, 276-286

TECHNICAL ARTICLE 2000, Simulation Councils Inc.

ISSN 0037-5497/00
Printed in the United States of America

Simulation-based Optimization in the

Automotive Industry A Case Study on Body
Shop Design
Sven Spieckermann1, Kai Gutenschwager1,2,
Holger Heinzel2 and Stefan Vo2
Edmund-Seng-Strae 3-5
D - 63477 Maintal

2Technical University of Braunschweig

Institut fr Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Abt-Jerusalem-Strae 7, D - 38106 Braunschweig

1. Introduction
In the automotive industry, a new body shop produc-
tion-line needs to be set up for almost every new car Within the car body shop of an automotive plant, the
model. Due to the relatively short product life cycles, body-in-white is assembled from pre-formed pieces of
metal. Here, up to one hundred or even more welding
the planning process of body shops can almost be re-
robots and various other equipment are needed to
garded as continuous. A main problem is to find an
complete the body-in-white before it is conveyed to
efficient layout fulfilling the desired production rate
the next step of the production process. Since the
which is characterized by small buffer sizes and body-in-white of a new model is typically signifi-
optimized cycle times. Often, the optimization of a cantly different from the previous type of car, manu-
new body shop is carried out manually, possibly sup- facturers have to design a new body shop for almost
ported by a simulation model to analyze the impact of each new model. At the same time, product life cycles
different cycle times and buffer sizes. In this paper, we in the automotive industry become continuously
present a mathematical formulation and an automated shorter and the investments for the equipment some-
optimization approach for this planning problem. The times exceed one hundred million dollars. Of course,
optimization modules, which have a direct interface to the amount of money spent on equipment mainly de-
the underlying simulation model, are based on pends on the flexibility of the overall manufacturing
metaheuristics, such as genetic algorithms and simu- system, but both the efficiency of such planning pro-
lated annealing. Here, the main task lies in comparing cesses and the quality of the final design are also es-
the manual body-in-white configuration with metaheu- sential for a companys success.
ristic-based optimization approaches. For an evaluation In the early conceptual design, being among the
of the potentials of our approach, a case study was car- first steps of the planning processes, the shop is di-
vided into 12 to 18 different blocks, each representing
ried out in collaboration with a German car manu-
a welding area covering numerous welding opera-
tions in different stations. To decouple the production
process, buffers are usually introduced between two
Keywords: Body shop design, automotive indus- subsequent blocks forming a structure of blocks and
try, simulation-based optimization, genetic algo- buffers. Here, a converting topology can be observed,
rithms, simulated annealing


F ront Roof

Underbody Underbody Paint MIG- Brazing/ Finish
Framing Bar Welding
Line 1 Line 2 Grinding
Floor Panel
Carrier System
Side Frame

Floor Panel Side Frame


Figure 1. Conceptual design of a car body shop

as the assemblies and subassemblies coming from cer- may provide better results, even though it is difficult
tain blocks meet in succeeding areas. For instance, the to find applications of simulation-based optimization
car underbody, the roof and the side frames are as- in the automotive industry in the related literature [5].
sembled in a so-called framing line. The structure of But the successful application of simulation-based
the body shop considered in the case study is shown optimization to other real world problems, along with
in Figure 1. the availability of commercial packages, has led to the
Over the last couple of years it has become state-of- idea of adapting these methods for the automotive
the-art to support the early stages of the conceptual body shop design problem. The aim of this paper is to
design with simulation models using commercial test and evaluate the combination of body shop simu-
tools like Automod, SIMPLE++, or Witness [1-4]. The lation models and modern optimization methods, es-
optimization of buffer sizes and cycle times, while pecially metaheuristics as genetic algorithms and
maintaining a demanded production rate of the body simulated annealing.
shop, are well-known applications of discrete event To exemplify the potentials of our approach, a com-
simulation studies [3]. However, simulation does not prehensive case study has been undertaken at the
improve a given solution by itself. Instead, it can only BMW AG, Munich. Here, existing simulation models
be regarded as an efficient tool to analyze a given of an already manually planned body shop were com-
solution. bined with two available optimization packages of-
Concerning the optimization of a body shop con- fered by vendors of simulation tools, the Witness-
cept, two parameters describing each block are of in- Optimizer (a simulated annealing-tool) by Lanner
terest: the cycle time, i.e., the time for completing one Group and SIMPLE/GA (a genetic algorithm-compo-
cycle of operations within the block, and the availabil- nent) by Tecnomatix.
ity of the block. Note that achieving long cycle times In the following section, we discuss the body shop
and maintaining a desired production rate is impor- design problem in greater detail. Then, we present
tant for the next step within the planning process, our approach of combining metaheuristics and simu-
where the blocks are designed in detail and relatively lation models, as it has been developed and tested for
long cycle times may allow a reduction of necessary the presented case study at BMW. Here, we also give
resources, e.g., the number of robots used for the a short review of similar models and metaheuristic-
same activities. based solution procedures proposed in the literature.
The search for a good solution (good in terms of In Section 4, we discuss the experiments performed
small buffers and long cycle times) is usually con- and some computational results. Section 5 provides
ducted manually starting with solutions based on some conclusions and directions for further research.
analytical calculations and experiences of the plan-
ning engineers. Subsequently, these solutions are it- 2. Problem Description
eratively improved by changing buffer sizes and cycle The production of a body-in-white follows a scheme
times systematically and conducting a simulation ex- that is almost the same throughout the automotive
periment for each set of parameters. However, the industry. The main steps of the production process
growing number of concept studies puts a constant differ only slightly between different manufacturers
pressure on all car manufacturers to increase the qual- and car models. Generally, a given number m of
ity and the efficiency of the planning processes. In this blocks are part of the body shop concept, where
context, the automation of this optimization process manual labor and robot processes are organized. Af-


ter the elements of the underbody (four subassemblies dom for the detailed design of block s, possibly reduc-
in our example, cf. Fig. 1) have been produced in the ing the amount of equipment and, along with it, the
respective blocks, they are combined and welded in necessary investments needed for finishing all ac-
the following two blocks. Then, the side frames and tivities within the cycle time. If, for example, the body
the roof are attached to the underbody forming the shop is designed to produce 400 units per day within
body frame. In our example, a paint bar is fixed to the a production time of 1000 minutes and assuming an
body frame in the next block. The paint bar supports availability of 90% for the framing area, we obtain
the body transportation inside the paint shop, but it is max
not part of the completed car and is removed again Framing = 135 seconds.
later in the assembly process. Afterwards, brazing Another cycle time-related target is to obtain (al-
and grinding activities are carried out. In the finish most) identical cycle times in all blocks. Such bal-
area, the doors, the trunklid, and the hatch-back are anced cycle times are supposed to have a positive ef-
attached. The finished body-in-white then leaves the fect on buffer sizes, i.e., the smaller the variance of the
body shop and is conveyed to the paint shop. cycle times, the less buffer space is expected to be
Major problems in the production process are needed.
breakdowns that occur randomly in the blocks, e.g., Based on these considerations, the body shop de-
due to robot failures. The time of such breakdowns sign problem (BSDP) can be formulated as a multi-
disperses strongly in the real-world. The mean time to objective optimization problem:
repair (MTTR) and the mean time between failures Minimize the overall number of buffer spaces
(MTBF) define the availability of each block s with s Maximize the cycle times for the various
{1, ..., m}: welding blocks
MTBFs Minimize the deviation of the cycle times, i.e.,
Availability s = smooth the cycle times of the welding blocks
MTBFs + MTTRs Subject to fulfilling a daily rate of N car bodies to
To avoid a breakdown in one area that would lead be produced (at an average).
to a stop of production in other areas, buffers are in- Note that there are situations where the above objec-
troduced to de-couple the blocks. However, large tives are of conflicting nature. For instance, in case of
buffers do have several disadvantages [6]. Consider- different availabilities for the blocks, the third objec-
able investments are necessary to install buffer space tive is in conflict with the aim of having the longest
in an automotive plant. These investments are even possible cycle time for each block.
outnumbered by the costs for day-by-day operation Any solution procedure for the BSDP has to cope
and maintenance of the buffers. Furthermore, buffers with the different objectives. The idea of associating
require space and they enlarge the overall cycle time of costs with buffer space and cycle times is usually re-
the production. Thus, one objective of the body shop jected by body shop experts. It is almost impossible to
design is to minimize buffer sizes. determine cycle time-dependent cost functions that
In a highly automated system, like a car body shop, are valid for the great variety of welding sections
cycle times might be expected to be constant, but they within one body shop not to mention the welding
vary from block to block. Note that the cycle time in sections in different body shops. However, as the
this context is defined as the processing time to finish metaheuristics under consideration are designed to
a series of operations within one block and not as the determine the quality of a solution based on a single
time of the overall production process (overall cycle value, an objective function that combines cycle times
time). For the latter, no optimization is possible as the and buffers sizes is introduced in this paper. For this
activities cannot be organized in a different block purpose, the maximization of cycle times is trans-
structure due to technical restrictions. formed into minimizing the difference between the
cycle time of each welding block s and its upper
A theoretical upper bound Tsmax for the cycle time
of block s is given by the availability and by the re- bound Tsmax .
quired production rate of the shop: Given a vector pg with n components (buffer sizes),
max ProductionTime Availabilitys
Ts = a vector tz with m components (cycle times), an objec-
ProductionRate tive function F comprising the three objectives given
A second goal of the conceptual design is to deter- above and a function d to calculate the daily produc-
mine a cycle time close to this upper bound for each tion rate of the body shop, we can formulate the BSDP
block, as it leads to the largest possible time to orga- as:
nize the work within the block in the subsequent step
Minimize z = F(pg, tz)
of the planning process. Here, a value close to Tsmax
subject to d( pg, tz) = N
allows the engineers a relatively high degree of free-


n m overall solution has not necessarily been found (cf.
with pg Z+ , tz R+ , N Z+
Fig. 3). To overcome local optima (and to find the glo-
bal one) metaheuristics can be applied. These are de-
Besides the difficulties in defining an appropriate signed to guide local search heuristics in the search
objective function F, problems also occur in determin- process. In this context, simulation-based optimiza-
ing the daily output d( pg, tz) , as d strongly depends tion approaches that include metaheuristics have also
on stochastic variables due to random down times been proposed [9-12].
within the welding sections. Thus, a solution proce- In the field of metaheuristics, genetic algorithms
dure for the BSDP needs an appropriate component to have empirically proven to be a very efficient ap-
calculate d and an appropriate procedure to minimize proach to control a simulation-based optimization
F. The following section will discuss different ap- [13]. Genetic algorithms, initially presented by Hol-
proaches for both tasks. land [14], can be understood as an intelligent exploita-
tion of random search [12] and belong to the group of
3. Solution Procedure and Related Research evolutionary algorithms. The name genetic algorithm
(GA) is derived from biology, where genetic struc-
Queuing theory [7], as well as simulation modeling,
tures of chromosomes go through an assumed optimi-
may be applied to calculate the daily output d. Since
zation process of selective breeding. A chromosome
simulation as a tool is widespread in the automotive
consists of genes (variables), e.g., the buffers under
industry, it is obviously very convenient to use a
consideration. An individual or solution is defined by
simulation model to compute d even though simula-
a couple of chromosomes. It is assumed that for each
tion is rather costly in terms of performance as each
individual, there exists a fitness value which deter-
evaluation of the objective function requires (at least)
mines the chance for this particular individual to sur-
one simulation run [8]. Nonetheless, we choose a
vive and create offspring within a population of indi-
simulation approach for our solution procedure,
viduals. As the size of a population is limited in some
mainly because the simulation models to calculate d
way, individuals having a higher fitness are more
were already given prior to the study. One of the two
likely to survive and create offspring. Through a
simulation models of our example was built using the
(simulated) evolutionary process of selective breed-
simulation tool SIMPLE++. The animation layout,
ing, which is based on the principle of survival of the
which corresponds to the block and buffer structure
fittest, the average fitness of a population is supposed
described above (cf. Figure 1), is shown in Figure 2.
to increase from generation to generation leading to
A common approach to solve the BSDP is (manu-
an optimum (that is still likely to be a local one). Off-
ally conducted) local search. It can be described as
spring are created by combining individuals, which is
changing a given solution (a parameter setting)
simulated by crossover operators. Another operator
stepwise (usually varying only one parameter at a
adopted from biology is the mutation operator which
time), and to evaluate the new solution, in our case by
simulates random changes of variable values, main-
executing an entire simulation experiment. This can
taining a certain diversity of chromosomes within a
be repeatedly done until no further improvement can
given population.
be achieved. However, using such a search technique
Another metaheuristic under consideration in this
will often end in a local optimum, that is, the best
paper is simulated annealing (SA). Instead of creating

Figure 2. Simple simulation model of a car body shop concept





250 daily
200 rate




1 0
3 10
4 9
5 7
6 6
size of buffer 1 7 5 size of buffer 2
8 4
9 3
10 1

Figure 3. Example for local and global optima

a population of individuals that are combined to cre- of a microwave oven production system, or to opti-
ate new, hopefully better solutions, only one solution mize a flexible assembly cell with an accumulating
is considered at each iteration. This solution is transfer system [20-21,9]. Similar approaches concen-
changed locally. After each computation of a new so- trate on evolutionary algorithms and an extension of a
lution, it is decided whether the new solution should polyeder approach (so-called complex strategy) to im-
be accepted, even if the solution quality is worse than prove a large scale assembly line [22], or even a com-
the one of the original solution. The probability for bination of these two metaheuristics in a simulation
accepting worse solutions is based on the time the al- model of a chemical plant [23]. Additionally, some
gorithm has been processing (using a cooling table), work has been conducted to optimize production sys-
thereby expecting a convergence to a global optimum. tems with similar characteristics to a body shop (ma-
Combined with a simulation model, GAs have been chinery with random breakdowns and buffers to de-
applied to optimize, e.g., the production rate of a couple the machines) using simulation and
board manufacturing process at a Hewlett Packard (approximative) analytical methods [24-25], or to ex-
plant [13]. The system consists of 21 coupled blocks ploit other metaheuristics for simulation-based opti-
with some of them working in parallel. A mix of 6 to mization [27-29].
14 different types of boards is produced and some The interaction between any optimization module
types do not have to be operated in all blocks. The and a simulation model can be described as an itera-
cycle times of three within the 21 blocks have been tive process: Each solution computed by the op-
optimized with each cycle time having a range of 32 timization module is passed to a control module
different values. GAs find the global optimum that within the simulation model, e.g., a simple text file
was previously calculated using complete enumera- using a file interface of the simulation package used.
tion within 15 generations of 30 individuals. This control module sets the model parameters ac-
Similar experiences in the field of simulation-based cording to the data represented in the solution and
optimization have been obtained, e.g., for generic pro- starts the simulation run. After the simulation run is
duction systems [15], a bicycle plant [16], industrial finished, a second control is invoked that calculates
robots [17], as well as automated guided vehicles [18]. the fitness of the individual or the solution quality,
Other studies consider a combination of discrete respectively, by examining the experimental results.
event simulation and altered GAs, e.g., a hybrid GA Based on these results, the next iteration is carried out
to tackle production planning problems [19] and di- by the optimization module under consideration.
verse evolutionary algorithms to optimize a simple In order to evaluate the solution quality, a function
sample inventory system, to minimize the inventory is needed that represents the objectives of the BSDP as


discussed in Section 2. Since the GA- and SA-imple- with a manually guided local search, as it is usually
mentations under consideration in this paper do not performed at BMW. The implementations of both
offer possibilities to check the feasibility of individu- commercial optimization tools need to be considered
als, the corresponding constraint needs to become as black boxes, since the vendors offer compiled mod-
part of the fitness function. This function can be mod- ules that can only be configured to some degree by
eled as a sum of weighted terms [22], each term repre- user dialogs (see Figure 4). We additionally compare
senting an objective or a constraint. The following fit- the results with a Pascal implementation of a simple
ness function f to be minimized was used for the genetic algorithm with some slight modifications [30-
BSDP: 31], to be able to rank and evaluate the commercial
n m max packages on a broader basis. This GA is based on a 1-
f( pg, tz, d( pg, tz)) = W1 pgi + W2 (Ts tz s ) + point-crossover, a roulette selection strategy and a
i =1 s=1
generational replacement of individuals. The fitness
1 m 2 corresponds directly to the objective function value
W (tz tz) + g(d(pg, tz), N)
3 j (instead of using a ranking-scheme).
m 1 j =1
The real-world problem instance of the BSDP out-
The first term punishes growing buffer sizes, the sec- lined above was provided by BMW. This problem in-
ond a deviation of the cycle times from the respective stance was particularly interesting for our research as
upper bound, whereas the third term increases ac- it has been subject to a prior manual optimization and
cording to the variance of the cycle times. The last the results obtained by BMW could be directly com-
term corresponds to the constraint concerning the pared with the results of our solution approach. The
production rate. Here, the function g has been intro- problem instance comprises n = 13 different buffers
duced to distinguish two cases: and m = 14 different welding blocks.
In order to apply simulated annealing, an appropri-
M (N d(pg, tz)) if d(pg, tz) < N ate way has to be defined to change a solution locally.
g(d(pg, tz), N) = Here, we decrease or increase the cycle time of one
0 otherwise
block by one second or the size of one buffer by one
If the production rate is not met we obtain a very poor unit, respectively, to compute a new solution. The val-
fitness for very large M. The weights W1 , W2, and W3 ues for all 27 variables have further been limited to 16
of the other terms were determined in discussions possible cycle times and 16 possible buffer sizes to re-
with body shop planning experts and set to 1, 2 and 2, duce the solution space under consideration. The
respectively, whereas M was set to 1200 throughout same variable values and domains were used for the
all experiments described in the following section. GAs.
Basically, four different approaches to tackle this
instance of the BSDP are compared: the manual
4. Computational Results
search procedure (MAN), the SIMPLE/GA module
The main interest of the case study presented in this combined with a SIMPLE++ simulation model of the
section is a comparison of the commercial packages body shop denoted as SGA, the (extended) standard

Figure 4. Example of parameter settings for SIMPLE/GA


Pascal implementation combined with a SIMPLE++ ber of generations, the number of individuals per gen-
simulation model (PGA), and the Witness-Optimizer eration, the probability of mutation and crossover or
module using simulated annealing combined with a the applied selection strategy, are under further con-
Witness simulation model of the body shop (WSA). sideration.
The presented case study comprises the analysis of 45
simulation experiments consisting of more than 4.1 Experiments Part I
20,000 simulation runs. The experiments were con- To gain information about the length of a simulation
ducted on an IBM-compatible PC with an Intel run necessary to achieve a steady state, plots of the
Pentium II microprocessor running at 400 MegaHertz. moving averages of the output per hour are examined
The tests are divided into three parts. A first series of [32]. Here, the average output is computed of w
experiments is performed to provide insights into the hours, i.e., w is the length of the (time) window under
steady state and precision of the stochastic simulation consideration and is positive integer. As Figure 5
model. Based on these theoretically important results, shows, it takes the body shop model at least 16 hours
i.e., how to obtain sustainable estimates of the perfor- to reach a state that can be considered as steady.
mance measure d, a set of experiments is conducted to The calculation of confidence intervals based on the
compare the three metaheuristic approaches with the results of the first series of experiments reveals the
manual optimization. In a third series of experiments, classical dilemma of stochastic simulation between
the impact of the algorithms' calibration is analyzed in accuracy of the estimates and computation times. Fig-
more detail, i.e., the parameters that influence the ure 6 shows the development of the ratio between
search behavior of the SIMPLE/GA as, e.g., the num- confidence interval half-length and average daily out-

moving averages (w = 10)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

Figure 5. Estimation of the run-in period using moving averages

2.00% 1.78% 900

1.80% 767 800
half-length/mean (%)

CPU time (sec)

confidence interval

0.82% 400
0.40% 200
0.20% 85 0.40% 100

0.00% 0
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46
simulation period (days)
confidence interval half-length/means
CPU time

Figure 6. Confidence intervals and CPU time


put on the left y-axis, and of the required CPU time for the best solution found by the different ap-
on the right y-axis. While the CPU time increases al- proaches are shown in Figure 7.
most linearly with the simulation period, the develop- In this figure, it can be seen that all three
ment of the accuracy stresses the quadratic relation metaheuristics clearly improve the best manual solu-
between the confidence interval length and the tion, which defines the reference values (100%) for all
sample size. three solution parameters under consideration. Fur-
For 60 generations with 20 individuals per genera- thermore, not only the best but also the average solu-
tion, a relative half-length of 0.5% as originally in- tions found by the different heuristic approaches
tended leads to computation times of several days proved to surpass the manual procedure.
(cf. Figure 6). Due to product-related changes, long A significant reduction of the buffer sizes is
computation times are not acceptable in the planning achieved by all three approaches with SGA providing
process of such industrial applications, and planning the best overall results. The cycle times can, as ex-
engineers need the results almost "overnight." In this pected beforehand, be improved only to a small de-
context, it may be necessary to obtain solutions in the gree. Note that for the cycle times, an extension means
optimization process based on shorter simulation pe- an improvement. PGA finds a solution with the long-
riods. Of course, these solutions have to be handled est average cycle times, but obviously at the cost of a
with greater care since their validity is questionable. higher variance.
This approach is still reasonable, as "good" solutions For all three solution procedures, the required CPU
of a simulation-based optimization might be tested in time depends almost entirely on the time to conduct
subsequent experiments using longer simulation peri- the simulation experiments. In this respect, there are
ods. only marginal differences between the two simulation
Furthermore, a solution suggested by a simulation packages under consideration. As discussed above, a
expert or computed by a metaheuristic controlled op- solution does only have one value for practitioners if
timization may not be directly applicable to the un- it is found within a certain time limit. Therefore, the
derlying real-world BSDP. Here, further constraints number of evaluated solutions per optimization pro-
such as budget restrictions, architectural and layout cess was restricted to 5000.
limits may bias the results. It should be kept in mind
that the main purpose of the approach is to improve 4.3 Experiments Part III
and simplify the manual search process of the plan- The genetic algorithm-module SIMPLE/GA provides
ning engineers and not to necessarily find an indi- a variety of parameters to control the optimization
vidual that represents the optimal solution for the process [33]. In the third series of experiments, the im-
overall real-world problem. pact of some of these parameters is further analyzed.
The significance of the influence of these parameters
4.2 Experiments Part II can be demonstrated by means of two experiments. In
The aim of the experiments of the second part of the one series of runs, the parameter Fitness Reference was
study is to compare the three metaheuristic-based ap- set to "absolut" and the option Clone Best Solution was
proaches with the manual optimization. The results selected to always choose the best solutions as a basis

101.2% 101.4% 101.6%
80.0% 73.6% 75.0% 71.5%
60.0% 52.8%




relative buffer size (%)

relative average cycle times (%)
relative deviation of cycle times (%)

Figure 7. Relative buffer sizes, relative cycle time and relative deviation of cycle
times compared to the best manual solution


for the next generation and to always copy the genes The development of the fitness values also depends
of the best solution without subjecting the latter one on other influences, e.g., the initial population, as
to crossover and mutation. some experiments indicate.
In another series, the Fitness Reference is set to "rela-
tive" and the option of cloning the best solution is not 5. Conclusions and Further Research
selected, following the more "classical" parameter set- In this paper, we have presented a simulation-based
tings for genetic algorithms. Figures 8 and 9 show the optimization approach for the body shop design
development of the fitness function for 60 generations problem. The approach is based on a combination of
of the best, worst and average individual, respec- metaheuristics, such as genetic algorithms and simu-
tively. lated annealing, and simulation models of car body
The first parameter setting leads to an intensified shops. The approach has been evaluated using a stan-
search and a fast convergence of the best, the worst dard implementation of a simple genetic algorithm as
and the average fitness values within the population well as commercial packages of both metaheuristics.
(cf. Figure 8), i.e., after about 15 generations only indi- To test and evaluate our approach, a comprehensive
viduals with similar genes are combined with each case study was undertaken at a German car manufac-
other. The second parameter setting leads to a com- turer.
pletely different behavior of the algorithm. Since the The presented results, along with the judgment of
genes of the best solution(s) are not necessarily passed the planning engineers of the car manufacturer, allow
on to the next generation, there is not such a clear the conclusion that simulation-based optimization is
convergence of the algorithm. Based on the same ini- an excellent tool to support the optimization process
tial population, the intensifying search leads to a within the conceptual design phase, which is usually
lower (average) fitness value of the best solution of conducted manually. Almost all results indicate that
about 10%. However, it is not valid to conclude that metaheuristics are able to detect solutions that the
this parameter setting generally leads to better results. manually guided local search procedure has not dis-

Figure 8. Fitness values over 60 generations with intensifying search



Figure 9. Fitness values over 60 generations with diversifying search


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SIMPLE++/GA Reference Manual, 1999.

Sven Spieckermann holds a Di- Holger Heinzel holds a Di-

ploma degree in Computer Sci- ploma degree in Computer Sci-
ence and Business Administra- ence and Business Administra-
tion from the Technical tion from the Technical
University Darmstadt, Germany. University Braunschweig, Ger-
He is Chief Executive Officer at many. His experience in simu-
SimPlan AG, Maintal, Germany, lation is based on the participa-
mainly working as a consultant tion in simulation studies in the
and project manager in the field automotive industry in coop-
of discrete event simulation in eration with SimPlan AG and
the automotive industry. He has BMW, Munich. His research in-
been giving lectures in simula- terests include genetic algo-
tion at the Technical University rithms and discrete event simu-
Braunschweig since 1995. His re- lation focussing on the
search focuses on simulation- evaluation of commercially
based optimization of real world applications, a field in available software packages.
which he is currently working on his Ph.D. thesis.

Kai Gutenschwager holds a Stefan Vo is the Director and

Diploma degree in Computer Professor of the Department of
Science and Business Adminis- Business Administration, Infor-
tration from the Technical Uni- mation Systems and Informa-
versity Braunschweig, Ger- tion Management at the Tech-
many. He is currently working nical University Braunschweig
towards his Ph.D. at the since 1995. Furthermore, he
Department of Business Ad- holds a guest professorship on
ministration, Information Sys- Production and Operations
tems and Information Manage- Management at the Karl-
ment at the Technical Franzens-University Graz,
University. His main research Austria, since 1997. His main
interests lie in information research interests are within
management and the applica- the fields of information man-
tion of metaheuristics in agement, production and logis-
online-optimization. He has four years of experience in tics as well as intelligent search. He participates in several
simulation including the participation in several simulation advisory boards and editorships for academic journals in-
studies of complex logistic systems for SimPlan AG, cluding INFORMS Journal on Computing and Journal of Heu-
Maintal. ristics.


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