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58 Part I: Getting Started

Fun & Games

Fill in the missing words below in the dialogue between a teacher and his student.
Teacher as-salaamu alaykum.
Student wa _________________________.
Teacher kayf _________?
Student al-Hamdu li-llah, shukran. Wa _________________________?
Teacher al-Hamdu li-llah, shukran. Maa _________?
Student _________ Mark. Wa anti, maa _________?
Teacher _________ Layla.
Student tasharrafnaa!
Teacher _________
Student min _________ anta?
Teacher anaa _________ amriikaa. Wa anta?
Student anaa _________ amriikaa.
Teacher ilaa _________.
Student ilaa al-ghad.

The answers are in Appendix C.

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